forked from ProjectSegfault/website
refactor naming scheme and add a global file
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"NAME": "Project Segfault",
"PROJECT": "Project",
"SEGFAULT": "Segfault",
"GITHUB": "",
"STATUS": "",
"MINECRAFT": "Minecraft",
"FAQ_URL": "",
"BLOG_URL": "",
"EMAIL": "",
"MIDOU": "Midou",
"MRLERIEN": "MrLeRien",
"ODYSSEY": "Odyssey",
"DEVNOL": "Devnol",
"MONERO": "Monero",
@ -1,52 +1,51 @@
"navbarInstances": "Instances & Gameservers",
"NAVBAR_INSTANCES": "Instances & Gameservers",
"navbarMinecraft": "Minecraft",
"NAVBAR_DONATE": "Donate",
"navbarDonate": "Donate",
"FAQ": "FAQ",
"NAVBAR_CONTACT": "Contact",
"navbarContact": "Contact",
"NAVBAR_BLOG": "Blog",
"Blog": "Blog",
"FOOTER_COPYRIGHT": "© 2021 - present, Project Segfault",
"INDEXTITLE": "Project Segfault",
"INDEX_DESCRIPTION": "4 idiots, a Sun server and a Hitachi Compute Rack.",
"indexDescription": "4 idiots, a Sun server and a Hitachi Compute Rack.",
"INDEX_WHAT": "what",
"INDEXWHAT": "what",
"INDEX_WHO_ARE_WE": "We are 4 teenagers who have a decently powerful server. What do we do with this server? Host game servers and random assortment of privacy respecting tools like Invidious, Nextcloud, Matrix etc.... and maybe some original works. You'll see eventually!",
"INDEXWHOAREWE": "We are 4 teenagers who have a decently powerful server. What do we do with this server? Host game servers and random assortment of privacy respecting tools like Invidious, Nextcloud, Matrix etc.... and maybe some original works. You'll see eventually!",
"INDEX_TELL_ME_MORE": "Tell me more! What do you guys host? Where can I contact you? Can you fix my daughter's iPad?",
"INDEXTELLMEMORE": "Tell me more! What do you guys host? Where can I contact you? Can you fix my daughter's iPad?",
"INDEX_MORE_INFO": "We can't fix your daughter's iPad, but there is a navigation bar at the top of the page with links to websites that explain things about us, or contain useful information about us.",
"INDEXMOREINFO": "We can't fix your daughter's iPad, but there is a navigation bar at the top of the page with links to websites that explain things about us, or contain useful information about us.",
"DONATE_TITLE": "Donate to Project Segfault",
"DONATETITLE": "Donate to Project Segfault",
"DONATE_DESCRIPTION": "The ways you can donate to us and more",
"DONATEDESCRIPTION": "The ways you can donate to us and more",
"DONATE_PLEASE_DO": "please do",
"DONATEPLEASEDO": "please do",
"DONATE_EXPLANATION": "If you donate, we will be more motivated to work on the server and host more stuff and maybe even get more hardware. I really recommend you donate any spare money you have if you enjoy or use our services on a daily basis. Thanks!",
"DONATEEXPLANATION": "If you donate, we will be more motivated to work on the server and host more stuff and maybe even get more hardware. I really recommend you donate any spare money you have if you enjoy or use our services on a daily basis. Thanks!",
"DONATE_OK_SURE": "sure I'll donate. Links?",
"DONATEOKSURE": "sure I'll donate. Links?",
"CONTACT_TITLE": "Contact Us",
"CONTACTTITLE": "Contact Us",
"CONTACT_DESCRIPTION": "Do you want to contact us?",
"CONTACTDESCRIPTION": "Do you want to contact us?",
"CONTACT_OUR_EMAIL": "Our email",
"CONTACT_EMAIL_SPAM": "Please be aware that Microsoft often blocks non-popular emails, if you do contact us through there, make sure to check your spam and mark it as not-spam!",
"CONTACTEMAILEX": "Please be aware that Microsoft often blocks non-popular emails, if you do contact us through there, make sure to check your spam and mark it as not-spam!",
"CONTACT_CLICK": "Click to show who is active on what platform",
"CONTACTCLICK": "Click to show who is active on what platform",
"MINECRAFT_TITLE": "Project Segfault MC",
"MINECRAFTTITLE": "Project Segfault MC",
"MINECRAFT_DESCRIPTION": "Yeah, we have a Minecraft server.",
"MINECRAFTDESCRIPTION": "Yeah, we have a Minecraft server.",
"MINECRAFT_SMP": "We have an invite-only SMP server running on our network on version 1.18* (1.18, 1.18.1, 1.18.2) which is also bridged to Bedrock using GeyserMC.",
"MINECRAFTWEHAVE": "We have an invite-only SMP server running on our network on version 1.18* (1.18, 1.18.1, 1.18.2) which is also bridged to Bedrock using GeyserMC.",
"MINECRAFT_JOIN": "If you would like to join, please join our Discord and ask us there to be whitelisted.",
"MINECRAFTJOIN": "If you would like to join, please join our Discord and ask us there to be whitelisted.",
"MINECRAFT_DISCORD": "Invite link to our Discord",
"MINECRAFTDISCORDINVITE": "Invite link to our Discord",
"MINECRAFT_RULE_1": "1. Do not modify buildings without permission.",
"MINECRAFTRULE1": "1. Do not modify buildings without permission.",
"MINECRAFT_RULE_2": "2. Do not bypass protections. (mining around a protected door, bypassing chest locks etc)",
"MINECRAFTRULE2": "2. Do not bypass protections. (mining around a protected door, bypassing chest locks etc)",
"MINECRAFT_RULE_3": "3. Do not cheat",
"MINECRAFTRULE3": "3. Do not cheat",
"MINECRAFT_RULE_4": "4. Do not lag the shit out of the server.",
"MINECRAFTRULE4": "4. Do not lag the shit out of the server.",
"MINECRAFT_NOTE_1": "psst, you can join bedrock on your switch using the app we’ve linked below!",
"MINECRAFTPSST1": "psst, you can join bedrock on your switch using the app we’ve linked below!",
"MINECRAFT_NOTE_2": "another psst, if you play on both Java and Bedrock, link your accounts together on GeyserMC’s website! Your accounts will be linked together meaning you will have the exact same experience.",
"MINECRAFTPSST2": "another psst, if you play on both Java and Bedrock, link your accounts together on GeyserMC’s website! Your accounts will be linked together meaning you will have the exact same experience.",
"MINECRAFT_MC_IOS": "MC Server Connector for iOS",
"MINECRAFTMCIOS": "MC Server Connector for iOS",
"MINECRAFT_MC_ANDROID": "MC Server Connector for Android",
"MINECRAFTMCANDROID": "MC Server Connector for Android",
"MINECRAFT_CLIENT_SIDE_MODS": "Recommended Client-Side Mods",
"MINECRAFT_CLIENT_SIDE_MODS_URL": "Click me for a list of recommended client-side mods",
"MINECRAFTCLIENTSIDEMODSHREF": "Click me for a list of recommended client-side mods",
"MINECRAFT_PLUGIN_LIST_NOTE": "This is a manually made list of our plugins, so it might not be up to date.",
"MINECRAFTMANUALLYMADE": "This is a manually made list of our plugins, so it might not be up to date.",
"MINECRAFT_MCMMO": "Click here to download our build of mcMMO.",
"MINECRAFTMCMMO": "Click here to download our build of mcMMO.",
"MINECRAFT_VIAVERSION_NOTE": "You may only connect from a base version and its subversions (1.18, 1.18.1, 1.18.2). You cannot connect from a major version older or newer than the major version the server is running.",
"MINECRAFTVIAVERSION": "You may only connect from a base version and its subversions (1.18, 1.18.1, 1.18.2). You cannot connect from a major version older or newer than the major version the server is running.",
"CSM_GOBACK": "Click me to go back to the Minecraft site",
"RCS_CLICKBACK": "Click me to go back to the Minecraft site",
"CSM_TITLE": "Recommended mods list",
"RCSLIST": "Recommended mods list",
"CSM_HOW_THEY_ARE_PICKED": "These are picked by our community or are for server features like voice chatting.",
"RCSTHESEARE": "These are picked by our community or are for server features like voice chatting.",
"CSM_NOTE_BEDROCK": "If you play on Bedrock, try to find an alternative to these. Mods like Simple Voice Chat have no alternative on Bedrock, sorry.",
"RCSNOTEBED": "If you play on Bedrock, try to find an alternative to these. Mods like Simple Voice Chat have no alternative on Bedrock, sorry.",
"CSM_OPTIMIZATION_MODS_NOTE": "Any optimization mod (We recommend at least Sodium)"
"RCSANYMOD": "Any optimization mod (We recommend at least Sodium)"
@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
"navbarInstances": "Våre tjenester og spillservere",
"NAVBAR_INSTANCES": "Våre tjenester og spillservere",
"navbarMinecraft": "Minecraft",
"navbarDonate": "Doner",
"FAQ": "OSS",
"NAVBAR_CONTACT": "Kontakt",
"navbarContact": "Kontakt",
"NAVBAR_BLOG": "Blogg",
"Blog": "Blogg",
"INDEX_DESCRIPTION": "4 idioter, en Sun server og en Hitachi Compute Rack.",
"INDEXTITLE": "Project Segfault",
"INDEX_WHAT": "hva",
"indexDescription": "4 idioter, en Sun server og en Hitachi Compute Rack.",
"INDEX_WHO_ARE_WE": "Vi er 4 tenåringer med en grei server. Hva gjør vi med denne serveren? Vi ofrer tjenester som respekterer personvernet ditt som for eksempel Invidious, Matrix, Pleroma. Vi kjører også noen spillservere på serveren våres, for eksempel Minecraft. Kanskje vi lager noe originalt... det får du se etterhvert!",
"INDEXWHAT": "hva",
"INDEX_TELL_ME_MORE": "Fortell meg mer! Hva kjører dere på serverene deres? Hvor kan jeg komme i kontakt med dere? Kan dere fikse min datters iPad?",
"INDEXWHOAREWE": "Vi er 4 tenåringer med en grei server. Hva gjør vi med denne serveren? Vi ofrer tjenester som respekterer personvernet ditt som for eksempel Invidious, Matrix, Pleroma. Vi kjører også noen spillservere på serveren våres, for eksempel Minecraft. Kanskje vi lager noe originalt... det får du se etterhvert!",
"INDEX_MORE_INFO": "Vi kan ikke fikse din datters iPad, men det er navigasjonslinje på toppen av siden som har lenker til sider som forklarer ting om oss, eller har nyttig informasjon om oss.",
"INDEXTELLMEMORE": "Fortell meg mer! Hva kjører dere på serverene deres? Hvor kan jeg komme i kontakt med dere? Kan dere fikse min datters iPad?",
"DONATE_TITLE": "Doner til Project Segfault",
"INDEXMOREINFO": "Vi kan ikke fikse din datters iPad, men det er navigasjonslinje på toppen av siden som har lenker til sider som forklarer ting om oss, eller har nyttig informasjon om oss.",
"DONATE_DESCRIPTION": "Veiene du kan donere til oss og mer",
"DONATETITLE": "Doner til Project Segfault",
"DONATE_PLEASE_DO": "vær så snill",
"DONATEDESCRIPTION": "Veiene du kan donere til oss og mer",
"DONATE_EXPLANATION": "Hvis du donerer, blir vi mer motivert til å jobbe på serverene våres og ofre flere tjenester, og kanskje skaffe oss mer maskinvare. Jeg anbefaler at du donerer reservepenger hvis du liker å bruke tjenestene våres, eller hvis du bruker våres tjenester på en daglig basis. Takk!",
"DONATEPLEASEDO": "vær så snill",
"DONATE_OK_SURE": "greit, jeg skal donere. Hvor kan jeg donere?",
"DONATEEXPLANATION": "Hvis du donerer, blir vi mer motivert til å jobbe på serverene våres og ofre flere tjenester, og kanskje skaffe oss mer maskinvare. Jeg anbefaler at du donerer reservepenger hvis du liker å bruke tjenestene våres, eller hvis du bruker våres tjenester på en daglig basis. Takk!",
"CONTACT_TITLE": "Få kontakt med oss",
"DONATEOKSURE": "greit, jeg skal donere. Hvor kan jeg donere?",
"CONTACT_DESCRIPTION": "Veier du kan komme i kontakt med oss.",
"CONTACTTITLE": "Få kontakt med oss",
"CONTACT_OUR_EMAIL": "Våres e-post",
"CONTACTDESCRIPTION": "Veier du kan komme i kontakt med oss.",
"CONTACT_EMAIL_SPAM": "Microsoft (Outlook, Hotmail) pleier å markere e-poster som ikke er populære som søppelpost. Hvis du sender oss en e-post via Microsoft, husk å markere oss som ikke søppelpost!",
"CONTACTOUREMAIL": "Våres e-post",
"CONTACT_PEOPLE": "Medlemmer i Project Segfault",
"CONTACTEMAILEX": "Microsoft (Outlook, Hotmail) pleier å markere e-poster som ikke er populære som søppelpost. Hvis du sender oss en e-post via Microsoft, husk å markere oss som ikke søppelpost!",
"CONTACT_CLICK": "Klikk for å komme i kontakt med en av medlemmene våres."
"CONTACTPEOPLE": "Medlemmer i Project Segfault",
"CONTACTCLICK": "Klikk for å komme i kontakt med en av medlemmene våres."
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
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@ -3,25 +3,26 @@
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import IconSignal from "~icons/fa6-solid/signal";
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import * as global from "../i18n/_global.json";
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
<hr />
<hr />
<div class="content">
<div class="content">
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<div class="links">
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<a href={global.MATRIX_INVITE}>
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<a href={global.DISCORD_INVITE}>
<IconDiscord />
<IconDiscord />
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<a href={global.GITHUB}>
<IconGitHub />
<IconGitHub />
<a href={strings.STATUS}>
<a href={global.STATUS}>
<IconSignal />
<IconSignal />
@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
import * as strings from "$lib/strings";
import * as global from "../i18n/_global.json";
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
<a class="brand" href="/">
<a class="brand" href="/">
<img src="/logo.png" alt="{strings.NAME} logo" />
<img src="/logo.png" alt="{global.NAME} logo" />
style="color: var(--accent-secondary); margin-left: 4px; margin-right: 4px;"
style="color: var(--accent-secondary); margin-left: 4px; margin-right: 4px;"
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<span style="color: var(--accent-primary); margin-right: 8px;"
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<div class="links">
<a href="">{$t('common.navbarInstances')}</a>
<a href={global.INSTANCES}>{$t('common.NAVBAR_INSTANCES')}</a>
<a href="/minecraft">{$t('common.navbarMinecraft')}</a>
<a href="/minecraft">{global.MINECRAFT}</a>
<a href="/donate">{$t('common.navbarDonate')}</a>
<a href="/donate">{$t('common.NAVBAR_DONATE')}</a>
<a href="">{$t('common.FAQ')}</a>
<a href={global.FAQ_URL}>{$t('common.NAVBAR_FAQ')}</a>
<a href="/contact">{$t('common.navbarContact')}</a>
<a href="/contact">{$t('common.NAVBAR_CONTACT')}</a>
<a href="">{$t('common.Blog')}</a>
<a href={global.BLOG_URL}>{$t('common.NAVBAR_BLOG')}</a>
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
"NAME": "Project Segfault",
"PROJECT": "Project",
"SEGFAULT": "Segfault",
"COPYRIGHT": "© 2021 - present, Project Segfault",
"GITHUB": "",
"STATUS": ""
@ -1,33 +1,34 @@
<script lang="ts">
<script lang="ts">
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import * as global from "../i18n/_global.json";
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p><a href="mailto:{global.EMAIL}">{global.EMAIL}</a></p>
<div id="Active" style="display:none">
<div id="Active" style="display:none">
<div class="parent">
<div class="parent">
<div class="div1">Midou:</div>
<div class="div1">{global.MIDOU}:</div>
<a class="div2 matrixcolored" href="">[Matrix]</a>
<a class="div2 matrixcolored" href={global.MIDOU_MATRIX_URL}>[Matrix]</a>
<div class="div3"></div>
<div class="div3"></div>
<div class="div4">MrLeRien:</div>
<div class="div4">{global.MRLERIEN}:</div>
<a class="div5 discordcolored" href="">Discord</a>
<a class="div5 discordcolored" href={global.MRLERIEN_DISCORD_URL}>Discord</a>
<div class="div6"></div>
<div class="div6"></div>
<div class="div7">Odyssey:</div>
<div class="div7">{global.ODYSSEY}:</div>
<a class="div8 matrixcolored" href="">[Matrix]</a>
<a class="div8 matrixcolored" href={global.ODYSSEY_MATRIX_URL}>[Matrix]</a>
<a class="div9 discordcolored" href="">Discord</a>
<a class="div9 discordcolored" href={global.ODYSSEY_DISCORD_URL}>Discord</a>
<div class="div10">Devnol:</div>
<div class="div10">{global.DEVNOL}:</div>
<a class="div11 matrixcolored" href="">[Matrix]</a>
<a class="div11 matrixcolored" href={global.DEVNOL_MATRIX_URL}>[Matrix]</a>
<a class="div12 discordcolored" href="">Discord</a>
<a class="div12 discordcolored" href={global.DEVNOL_DISCORD_URL}>Discord</a>
@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ type="button"
onclick='document.getElementById("Active").style.display ="block"; document.getElementById("hide").style.display = "none" ;'
onclick='document.getElementById("Active").style.display ="block"; document.getElementById("hide").style.display = "none" ;'
@ -2,20 +2,21 @@
import MoneroQR from "$lib/images/Monero.png";
import MoneroQR from "$lib/images/Monero.png";
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import * as global from "../i18n/_global.json";
<div class="monero">
<div class="monero">
<span>Monero: <code>47L7Qsto7XcifY3CdG18ySe5Tt83kpFLDLve9jQwbc9taPBLNGv6ZrJNUKpMG9Nj9zHgCZ4FQMSyt75e8Jvx12JFLtJyFdA</code></span>
<span>{global.MONERO}: <code>47L7Qsto7XcifY3CdG18ySe5Tt83kpFLDLve9jQwbc9taPBLNGv6ZrJNUKpMG9Nj9zHgCZ4FQMSyt75e8Jvx12JFLtJyFdA</code></span>
<img src={MoneroQR} alt="Monero Qr Code">
<img src={MoneroQR} alt="Monero Qr Code">
@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import * as global from "../i18n/_global.json";
<h1> {$t('common.INDEXTITLE')} </h1>
<h2> {$t('common.indexDescription')} </h2>
<h2> {$t('common.INDEX_DESCRIPTION')} </h2>
<h1> {$t('common.INDEXWHAT')} </h1> <!-- Cause I feel the need to scream -->
<h1> {$t('common.INDEX_WHAT')} </h1> <!-- Cause I feel the need to scream -->
<p> {$t('common.INDEXWHOAREWE')} </p>
<p> {$t('common.INDEX_WHO_ARE_WE')} </p>
<h1> {$t('common.INDEXTELLMEMORE')} </h1>
<h1> {$t('common.INDEX_TELL_ME_MORE')} </h1>
<a href="" title="AbuseIPDB is an IP address blacklist for webmasters and sysadmins to report IP addresses engaging in abusive behavior on their networks">
<a href="" title="AbuseIPDB is an IP address blacklist for webmasters and sysadmins to report IP addresses engaging in abusive behavior on their networks">
<img src="" alt="AbuseIPDB Contributor Badge" style="width: 270px;background: #00d4aa; padding: 0.5rem;
<img src="" alt="AbuseIPDB Contributor Badge" style="width: 270px;background: var(--accent-primary); padding: 0.5rem;
position: absolute;
bottom: 8%;
border-radius: 16px;">
border-radius: 16px;">
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
<h1><a href="/minecraft">{$t('common.RCS_CLICKBACK')}</a></h1>
<h1><a href="/minecraft">{$t('common.CSM_GOBACK')}</a></h1>
<li><a href="">Xaero's World Map</a> & <a href="">Xaero's Minimap</a></li>
<li><a href="">Xaero's World Map</a> & <a href="">Xaero's Minimap</a></li>
<li><a href="">Simple Voice Chat</a></li>
<li><a href="">Simple Voice Chat</a></li>
@ -1,49 +1,50 @@
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
import * as global from "../../i18n/_global.json";
<p>{$t('common.MINECRAFTJOIN')}</p> <a href="">{$t('common.MINECRAFTDISCORDINVITE')}</a>
<p>{$t('common.MINECRAFT_JOIN')}</p> <a href={global.DISCORD_INVITE}>{$t('common.MINECRAFT_DISCORD')}</a>
<p><b>Java</b>: {global.MINECRAFT_JAVA_IP}</p>
<p><b>Bedrock</b>: {global.MINECRAFT_BEDROCK_IP}</p>
<a href="">Dynmap</a>
<a href="">Dynmap</a>
<a href="">{$t('common.MINECRAFTMCIOS')}</a>
<a href="">{$t('common.MINECRAFT_MC_IOS')}</a>
<a href="">{$t('common.MINECRAFTMCANDROID')}</a>
<a href="">{$t('common.MINECRAFT_MC_ANDROID')}</a>
<a href="/minecraft/client-side-mods">{$t('common.MINECRAFTCLIENTSIDEMODSHREF')}</a>
<a href="/minecraft/client-side-mods">{$t('common.MINECRAFT_CLIENT_SIDE_MODS_URL')}</a>
@ -52,10 +53,10 @@
<li>EssentialsX (EssentialsXDiscord, EssentialsXGeoIP)</li>
<li>EssentialsX (EssentialsXDiscord, EssentialsXGeoIP)</li>
<li>Geyser & Floodgate</li>
<li>Geyser & Floodgate</li>
<li>mcMMO <a href="">{$t('common.MINECRAFTOURBUILDOFMCMMO')}</a></li>
<li>mcMMO <a href="">{$t('common.MINECRAFT_MCMMO')}</a></li>
<li>ViaVersion ({$t('common.MINECRAFTVIAVERSION')})</li>
<li>ViaVersion ({$t('common.MINECRAFT_VIAVERSION_NOTE')})</li>
<li>Simple Voice Chat</li>
<li>Simple Voice Chat</li>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user