update some documentation
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- **Block breaking** Baritone considers breaking blocks as part of its path. It also takes into account your current tool set and hot bar. For example, if you have a Eff V diamond pick, it may choose to mine through a stone barrier, while if you only had a wood pick it might be faster to climb over it.
- **Block breaking** Baritone considers breaking blocks as part of its path. It also takes into account your current tool set and hot bar. For example, if you have a Eff V diamond pick, it may choose to mine through a stone barrier, while if you only had a wood pick it might be faster to climb over it.
- **Block placing** Baritone considers placing blocks as part of its path. This includes sneak-back-placing, pillaring, etc. It has a configurable penalty of placing a block (set to 1 second by default), to conserve its resources. The list of acceptable throwaway blocks is also configurable, and is cobble, dirt, or netherrack by default. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6FbI1L9UmU">Example</a>
- **Block placing** Baritone considers placing blocks as part of its path. This includes sneak-back-placing, pillaring, etc. It has a configurable penalty of placing a block (set to 1 second by default), to conserve its resources. The list of acceptable throwaway blocks is also configurable, and is cobble, dirt, or netherrack by default. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6FbI1L9UmU">Example</a>
- **Falling** Baritone will fall up to 3 blocks onto solid ground (configurable, if you have Feather Falling and/or don't mind taking a little damage). If you have a water bucket on your hotbar, it will fall up to 23 blocks and place the bucket beneath it. It will fall an unlimited distance into existing still water.
- **Falling** Baritone will fall up to 3 blocks onto solid ground (configurable, if you have Feather Falling and/or don't mind taking a little damage). If you have a water bucket on your hotbar, it will fall up to 23 blocks and place the bucket beneath it. It will fall an unlimited distance into existing still water.
- **Vines and ladders** Baritone understands how to climb and descend vines and ladders. There is experimental support for more advanced maneuvers, like strafing to a different ladder / vine column in midair (off by default, setting named `allowVines`).
- **Vines and ladders** Baritone understands how to climb and descend vines and ladders. There is experimental support for more advanced maneuvers, like strafing to a different ladder / vine column in midair (off by default, setting named `allowVines`). Baritone can break its fall by grabbing ladders / vines midair, and understands when that is and isn't possible.
- **Opening fence gates and doors**
- **Opening fence gates and doors**
- **Slabs and stairs**
- **Slabs and stairs**
- **Falling blocks** Baritone understands the costs of breaking blocks with falling blocks on top, and includes all of their break costs. Additionally, since it avoids breaking any blocks touching a liquid, it won't break the bottom of a gravel stack below a lava lake (anymore).
- **Falling blocks** Baritone understands the costs of breaking blocks with falling blocks on top, and includes all of their break costs. Additionally, since it avoids breaking any blocks touching a liquid, it won't break the bottom of a gravel stack below a lava lake (anymore).
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
# Integration between Baritone and Impact
Impact 4.4 has Baritone included.
These instructions apply to Impact 4.3.
For Forge follow the instructions in [Setup](SETUP.md).
To run Baritone on Vanilla, just follow the instructions in the README (it's `./gradlew runClient`).
## An Introduction
There are some basic steps to getting Baritone setup with Impact.
- Acquiring a build of Baritone
- Placing Baritone in the libraries directory
- Modifying the Impact Profile JSON to run baritone
- How to use Baritone
## Acquiring a build of Baritone
There are two methods of acquiring a build of Baritone
### Official Release (Not always up to date)
For Impact 4.3, there is no Baritone integration yet, so you will want `baritone-standalone-X.Y.Z.jar`. **For the rest of this guide, replace `X.Y.Z` with the actual numeric version you are using.**
Any official release will be GPG signed by leijurv (44A3EA646EADAC6A) and ZeroMemes (73A788379A197567). Please verify that the hash of the file you download is in `checksums.txt` and that `checksums_signed.asc` is a valid signature by those two public keys of `checksums.txt`.
The build is fully deterministic and reproducible, and you can verify Travis did it properly by running `docker build --no-cache -t cabaletta/baritone .` yourself and comparing the shasum. This works identically on Travis, Mac, and Linux (if you have docker on Windows, I'd be grateful if you could let me know if it works there too).
### Building Baritone yourself
You can either build Baritone through a command line or through IntelliJ's UI, information on that can be found [here](SETUP.md#building).
## Placing Baritone in the libraries directory
``/libraries`` is a neat directory in your <a href="https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/.minecraft">Minecraft Installation Directory</a>
that contains all of the dependencies that are required from the game and some mods. This is where we will be
putting baritone.
- Locate the ``libraries`` folder, it should be in the Minecraft Installation Directory
- Create 3 new subdirectories starting from ``libraries``
- ``cabaletta``
- ``baritone``
- ``X.Y.Z``
- Copy the build of Baritone that was acquired earlier, and place it into the ``X.Y.Z`` folder, renamed like so:
- The full path should look like ``<Minecraft>/libraries/cabaletta/baritone/X.Y.Z/baritone-X.Y.Z.jar``
## Modifying the Impact Profile JSON to run baritone
The final step is "registering" the Baritone library with Impact, so that it loads on launch.
- Ensure your Minecraft launcher is closed
- Navigate back to the Minecraft Installation Directory
- Find the ``versions`` directory, and open in
- In here there should be a ``1.12.2-Impact_4.3`` folder.
- If you don't have any Impact folder or have a version older than 4.3, you can download Impact <a href="https://impactdevelopment.github.io">here</a>.
- Open the folder and inside there should be a file called ``1.12.2-Impact_4.3.json``
- Open the JSON file with a text editor that supports your system's line endings
- For example, Notepad on Windows likely will NOT work for this. You should instead use a Text Editor like
<a href="https://notepad-plus-plus.org/">Notepad++</a> if you're on Windows. (For other systems, I'm not sure
what would work the best so you may have to do some research.)
- Find the ``libraries`` array in the JSON. It should look something like this.
"libraries": [
"name": "net.minecraft:launchwrapper:1.12"
"name": "com.github.ImpactDevelopment:Impact:4.3-1.12.2",
"url": "https://impactdevelopment.github.io/maven/"
"name": "com.github.ImpactDeveloment:ClientAPI:3.0.2",
"url": "https://impactdevelopment.github.io/maven/"
- Create two new objects in the array, between the ``Impact`` and ``ClientAPI`` dependencies preferably.
"name": "cabaletta:baritone:X.Y.Z"
"name": "com.github.ImpactDevelopment:SimpleTweaker:1.2",
"url": "https://impactdevelopment.github.io/maven/"
- Now find the ``"minecraftArguments": "..."`` text near the top.
- At the very end of the quotes where it says ``--tweakClass clientapi.load.ClientTweaker"``, add on the following so it looks like:
- ``--tweakClass clientapi.load.ClientTweaker --tweakClass baritone.launch.BaritoneTweaker"``
- If you didn't close your launcher for this step, restart it now.
- You can now launch Impact 4.3 as normal, and Baritone should start up
## How to use Baritone
- [Baritone chat control usage](USAGE.md)
@ -40,11 +40,9 @@ Here are some links to help to get started:
- [Features](FEATURES.md)
- [Features](FEATURES.md)
- [Setup](SETUP.md)
- [Installation & setup](SETUP.md)
- [Installation](INSTALL.md)
- [API Javadocs](https://baritone.leijurv.com/)
- [Javadocs](https://baritone.leijurv.com/)
- [Settings](https://baritone.leijurv.com/baritone/api/Settings.html#field.detail)
- [Settings](https://baritone.leijurv.com/baritone/api/Settings.html#field.detail)
@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
# Setup
# Installation
## Prebuilt
## Prebuilt official releases
(not always completely up to date with latest features)
These releases are not always completely up to date with latest features, and are only released from `master`. (so if you want `builder` branch for example, you'll have to build it yourself)
Download from the [Releases](https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/releases)
Link to the releases page: [Releases](https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/releases)
The Forge releases can simply be added as a Forge mod.
Any official release will be GPG signed by leijurv (44A3EA646EADAC6A) and ZeroMemes (73A788379A197567). Please verify that the hash of the file you download is in `checksums.txt` and that `checksums_signed.asc` is a valid signature by those two public keys of `checksums.txt`.
If another one of your Forge mods has a Baritone integration, you want `baritone-api-forge-VERSION.jar`. Otherwise, you want `baritone-standalone-forge-VERSION.jar`
The build is fully deterministic and reproducible, and you can verify Travis did it properly by running `docker build --no-cache -t cabaletta/baritone .` yourself and comparing the shasum. This works identically on Travis, Mac, and Linux (if you have docker on Windows, I'd be grateful if you could let me know if it works there too).
Previously (Baritone v1.1.2 and below), it was not fully compatible with the latest version of Forge. `freeLook` was broken in Forge Forge or **older** worked with Baritone v1.1.2 and lower. Newer versions of Forge "worked", sort of, but Baritone's movement became unreliable and `freeLook` must be off.
## Artifacts
## Artifacts
Building Baritone will result in 5 artifacts created in the ``dist`` directory. These are the same as the artifacts created in the [releases](https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/releases).
Building Baritone will result in 5 artifacts created in the ``dist`` directory. These are the same as the artifacts created in the [releases](https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/releases).
**The Forge release can simply be added as a Forge mod.**
If another one of your Forge mods has a Baritone integration, you want `baritone-api-forge-VERSION.jar`. Otherwise, you want `baritone-standalone-forge-VERSION.jar`
- **API**: Only the non-api packages are obfuscated. This should be used in environments where other mods would like to use Baritone's features.
- **API**: Only the non-api packages are obfuscated. This should be used in environments where other mods would like to use Baritone's features.
- **Forge API**: Same as API, but packaged for Forge. This should be used where another mod has a Baritone integration.
- **Forge API**: Same as API, but packaged for Forge. This should be used where another mod has a Baritone integration.
- **Standalone**: Everything is obfuscated. This should be used in environments where there are no other mods present that would like to use Baritone's features.
- **Standalone**: Everything is obfuscated. This should be used in environments where there are no other mods present that would like to use Baritone's features.
@ -22,9 +25,9 @@ Building Baritone will result in 5 artifacts created in the ``dist`` directory.
- **Unoptimized**: Nothing is obfuscated. This shouldn't be used ever in production.
- **Unoptimized**: Nothing is obfuscated. This shouldn't be used ever in production.
## More Info
## More Info
To replace out Impact 4.4's Baritone build with a customized one, switch to the `impact4.4-compat` branch, build Baritone as above then copy `dist/baritone-api-$VERSION$.jar` into `minecraft/libraries/cabaletta/baritone-api/1.0.0/baritone-api-1.0.0.jar`, replacing the jar that was previously there. You also need to edit `minecraft/versions/1.12.2-Impact_4.4/1.12.2-Impact_4.4.json`, find the line `"name": "cabaletta:baritone-api:1.0.0"`, remove the comma from the end, and entirely remove the line that's immediately after (starts with `"url"`).
To replace out Impact 4.5's Baritone build with a customized one, build Baritone as above then copy `dist/baritone-api-$VERSION$.jar` into `minecraft/libraries/cabaletta/baritone-api/1.2/baritone-api-1.2.jar`, replacing the jar that was previously there. You also need to edit `minecraft/versions/1.12.2-Impact_4.5/1.12.2-Impact_4.5.json`, find the line `"name": "cabaletta:baritone-api:1.2"`, remove the comma from the end, and **entirely remove the next line** (starts with `"url"`).
Impact 4.4 **only** works with builds from the quite outdated `impact4.4-compat` branch. If you must have the latest Baritone features with Impact, and can't wait for 4.5, consider creating a standalone (non forge) build then adding it to Impact 4.**3** via the instructions in [Install](INSTALL.md).
You can verify whether or not it worked by running `.b version` in chat (only valid in Impact). If it says `v1.2.0` then you didn't do it properly, and it's still running the version that came with 4.5.
## Build it yourself
## Build it yourself
- Clone or download Baritone
- Clone or download Baritone
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Therefore you can use a prefix before your messages.
On Baritone v1.1.0 and newer: The prefix is `#` by default. Anything beginning with `#` isn't sent, and is only interpreted by Baritone.
On Baritone v1.1.0 and newer: The prefix is `#` by default. Anything beginning with `#` isn't sent, and is only interpreted by Baritone.
For older than v1.1.0, `#` must be enabled by toggling on the `prefix` setting.
For older than v1.1.0, `#` must be enabled by toggling on the `prefix` setting.
**Only** in Impact 4.4 is `.b` also a valid prefix. In 4.4, `#` does **not** work, neither does saying the commands directly in chat.
**Only** in Impact is `.b` also a valid prefix. In 4.4, `#` does **not** work, neither does saying the commands directly in chat. `#` works by default in 4.5 (not 4.4).
Other clients like Kami and Asuna have their own custom things (like `-path`), and can disable direct chat control entirely.
Other clients like Kami and Asuna have their own custom things (like `-path`), and can disable direct chat control entirely.
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ Some common examples:
- `axis` to go to an axis or diagonal axis at y=120 (`axisHeight` is a configurable setting, defaults to 120).
- `axis` to go to an axis or diagonal axis at y=120 (`axisHeight` is a configurable setting, defaults to 120).
- `invert` to invert the current goal and path. This gets as far away from it as possible, instead of as close as possible. For example, do `goal` then `invert` to run as far as possible from where you're standing at the start.
- `invert` to invert the current goal and path. This gets as far away from it as possible, instead of as close as possible. For example, do `goal` then `invert` to run as far as possible from where you're standing at the start.
- `render` to rerender the world in case `renderCachedChunks` is being glitchy
- `render` to rerender the world in case `renderCachedChunks` is being glitchy
- `version` to get the version of Baritone you're running
- `damn` daniel
- `damn` daniel
For the rest of the commands, you can take a look at the code [here](https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/blob/master/src/main/java/baritone/utils/ExampleBaritoneControl.java).
For the rest of the commands, you can take a look at the code [here](https://github.com/cabaletta/baritone/blob/master/src/main/java/baritone/utils/ExampleBaritoneControl.java).
Reference in New Issue
Block a user