PolyMC is a custom launcher for Minecraft that focuses on predictability, long term stability and simplicity.
This is a **fork** of the MultiMC Launcher and not endorsed by MultiMC. The PolyMC community felt that the maintainer was not acting in the spirit of Free Software so this fork was made. Read "[Why was this fork made?](https://github.com/PolyMC/PolyMC/wiki/FAQ)" on the wiki for more details.
<ahref='https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.polymc.PolyMC'><imgwidth='240'alt='Download on Flathub'src='https://flathub.org/assets/badges/flathub-badge-en.png'/></a>
<ahref="https://packages.polymc.org/latest/appimage/PolyMC-latest-x86_64.AppImage"><imgsrc="https://docs.appimage.org/_images/download-appimage-banner.svg"width="240"alt="Download as AppImage"/></a>
An RPM package is available on [COPR](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/sentry/polymc/)
sudo dnf copr enable sentry/polymc
sudo dnf install polymc
## <img src="https://www.vectorlogo.zone/logos/microsoft/microsoft-icon.svg" height="20" /> Windows
[Windows (32-bit)](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/win32/win32.zip) ([SHA256](https://packages.polymc.org/latest/win32/win32.zip.sha256)) - this is a portable package, you can extract it anywhere and run it. This package needs testing.
MacOS currently does not have any packages. We are still working on setting up MacOS packaging. Meanwhile, you can [build](https://github.com/PolyMC/PolyMC/blob/develop/BUILD.md#macos) it for yourself.
If you want to contribute to PolyMC you might find it useful to join our Discord Server or Matrix Space.
## Building
If you want to build PolyMC yourself, check [BUILD.md](BUILD.md) for build instructions.
## Code formatting
Just follow the existing formatting.
In general, in order of importance:
- Make sure your IDE is not messing up line endings or whitespace and avoid using linters.
- Prefer readability over dogma.
- Keep to the existing formatting.
- Indent with 4 space unless it's in a submodule.
- Keep lists (of arguments, parameters, initializers...) as lists, not paragraphs. It should either read from top to bottom, or left to right. Not both.
## Translations
## Forking/Redistributing/Custom builds policy
Do whatever you want, we don't care. Just follow the license. If you have any questions about this feel free to ask in an issue.