# tomlc99 TOML in c99; v1.0 compliant. If you are looking for a C++ library, you might try this wrapper: [https://github.com/cktan/tomlcpp](https://github.com/cktan/tomlcpp). * Compatible with [TOML v1.0.0](https://toml.io/en/v1.0.0). * Tested with multiple test suites, including [BurntSushi/toml-test](https://github.com/BurntSushi/toml-test) and [iarna/toml-spec-tests](https://github.com/iarna/toml-spec-tests). * Provides very simple and intuitive interface. ## Usage Please see the `toml.h` file for details. What follows is a simple example that parses this config file: ```toml [server] host = "www.example.com" port = [ 8080, 8181, 8282 ] ``` The steps for getting values from our file is usually : 1. Parse the TOML file. 2. Traverse and locate a table in TOML. 3. Extract values from the table. 4. Free up allocated memory. Below is an example of parsing the values from the example table. ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "toml.h" static void error(const char* msg, const char* msg1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s%s\n", msg, msg1?msg1:""); exit(1); } int main() { FILE* fp; char errbuf[200]; // 1. Read and parse toml file fp = fopen("sample.toml", "r"); if (!fp) { error("cannot open sample.toml - ", strerror(errno)); } toml_table_t* conf = toml_parse_file(fp, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); fclose(fp); if (!conf) { error("cannot parse - ", errbuf); } // 2. Traverse to a table. toml_table_t* server = toml_table_in(conf, "server"); if (!server) { error("missing [server]", ""); } // 3. Extract values toml_datum_t host = toml_string_in(server, "host"); if (!host.ok) { error("cannot read server.host", ""); } toml_array_t* portarray = toml_array_in(server, "port"); if (!portarray) { error("cannot read server.port", ""); } printf("host: %s\n", host.u.s); printf("port: "); for (int i = 0; ; i++) { toml_datum_t port = toml_int_at(portarray, i); if (!port.ok) break; printf("%d ", (int)port.u.i); } printf("\n"); // 4. Free memory free(host.u.s); toml_free(conf); return 0; } ``` #### Accessing Table Content TOML tables are dictionaries where lookups are done using string keys. In general, all access functions on tables are named `toml_*_in(...)`. In the normal case, you know the key and its content type, and retrievals can be done using one of these functions: ```c toml_string_in(tab, key); toml_bool_in(tab, key); toml_int_in(tab, key); toml_double_in(tab, key); toml_timestamp_in(tab, key); toml_table_in(tab, key); toml_array_in(tab, key); ``` You can also interrogate the keys in a table using an integer index: ```c toml_table_t* tab = toml_parse_file(...); for (int i = 0; ; i++) { const char* key = toml_key_in(tab, i); if (!key) break; printf("key %d: %s\n", i, key); } ``` #### Accessing Array Content TOML arrays can be deref-ed using integer indices. In general, all access methods on arrays are named `toml_*_at()`. To obtain the size of an array: ```c int size = toml_array_nelem(arr); ``` To obtain the content of an array, use a valid index and call one of these functions: ```c toml_string_at(arr, idx); toml_bool_at(arr, idx); toml_int_at(arr, idx); toml_double_at(arr, idx); toml_timestamp_at(arr, idx); toml_table_at(arr, idx); toml_array_at(arr, idx); ``` #### toml_datum_t Some `toml_*_at` and `toml_*_in` functions return a toml_datum_t structure. The `ok` flag in the structure indicates if the function call was successful. If so, you may proceed to read the value corresponding to the type of the content. For example: ``` toml_datum_t host = toml_string_in(tab, "host"); if (host.ok) { printf("host: %s\n", host.u.s); free(host.u.s); /* FREE applies to string and timestamp types only */ } ``` ** IMPORTANT: if the accessed value is a string or a timestamp, you must call `free(datum.u.s)` or `free(datum.u.ts)` respectively after usage. ** ## Building and installing A normal *make* suffices. You can also simply include the `toml.c` and `toml.h` files in your project. Invoking `make install` will install the header and library files into /usr/local/{include,lib}. Alternatively, specify `make install prefix=/a/file/path` to install into /a/file/path/{include,lib}. ## Testing To test against the standard test set provided by BurntSushi/toml-test: ```sh % make % cd test1 % bash build.sh # do this once % bash run.sh # this will run the test suite ``` To test against the standard test set provided by iarna/toml: ```sh % make % cd test2 % bash build.sh # do this once % bash run.sh # this will run the test suite ```