The checks used are roughly the same as the ones proposed in the clang-tidy PR (except perhaps that I used modernize-* instead of listing them individually,though I don't think this caused any readability detriments). In ModrinthModel.cpp and FlameModModel.cpp I ignored the modernize-avoid-c-arrays one, mostly because making the sorts array an std::array would most likely increase the code complexity because of the virtual function. Aside from that, the static_cast warning from Application.h was not dealt with, since it's not in this PR's scope.
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61 lines
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#include "NetworkModAPI.h"
#include "ui/pages/modplatform/ModModel.h"
#include "Application.h"
#include "net/NetJob.h"
void NetworkModAPI::searchMods(CallerType* caller, SearchArgs&& args) const
auto netJob = new NetJob(QString("%1::Search").arg(caller->debugName()), APPLICATION->network());
auto searchUrl = getModSearchURL(args);
auto response = new QByteArray();
netJob->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray(QUrl(searchUrl), response));
QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::started, caller, [caller, netJob] { caller->setActiveJob(netJob); });
QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::failed, caller, &CallerType::searchRequestFailed);
QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::succeeded, caller, [caller, response] {
QJsonParseError parse_error{};
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*response, &parse_error);
if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response from " << caller->debugName() << " at " << parse_error.offset
<< " reason: " << parse_error.errorString();
qWarning() << *response;
void NetworkModAPI::getVersions(CallerType* caller, const QString& addonId) const
auto netJob = new NetJob(QString("%1::ModVersions(%2)").arg(caller->debugName()).arg(addonId), APPLICATION->network());
auto response = new QByteArray();
netJob->addNetAction(Net::Download::makeByteArray(getVersionsURL(addonId), response));
QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::succeeded, caller, [response, caller, addonId] {
QJsonParseError parse_error{};
QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(*response, &parse_error);
if (parse_error.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
qWarning() << "Error while parsing JSON response from " << caller->debugName() << " at " << parse_error.offset
<< " reason: " << parse_error.errorString();
qWarning() << *response;
caller->versionRequestSucceeded(doc, addonId);
QObject::connect(netJob, &NetJob::finished, caller, [response, netJob] {
delete response;