Removes magical parameter madness. All require* can throw All ensure* need a default value and never throw
324 lines
7.3 KiB
324 lines
7.3 KiB
#include "Json.h"
using namespace Json;
#include "RawLibrary.h"
#include <pathutils.h>
RawLibraryPtr RawLibrary::fromJson(const QJsonObject &libObj, const QString &filename)
RawLibraryPtr out(new RawLibrary());
if (!libObj.contains("name"))
throw JSONValidationError(filename +
"contains a library that doesn't have a 'name' field");
out->m_name = libObj.value("name").toString();
auto readString = [libObj, filename](const QString & key, QString & variable) -> bool
if (!libObj.contains(key))
return false;
QJsonValue val = libObj.value(key);
if (!val.isString())
qWarning() << key << "is not a string in" << filename << "(skipping)";
return false;
variable = val.toString();
return true;
QString urlStr;
readString("url", urlStr);
out->m_base_url = urlStr;
readString("MMC-hint", out->m_hint);
readString("MMC-absulute_url", out->m_absolute_url);
readString("MMC-absoluteUrl", out->m_absolute_url);
if (libObj.contains("extract"))
out->applyExcludes = true;
auto extractObj = requireObject(libObj.value("extract"));
for (auto excludeVal : requireArray(extractObj.value("exclude")))
if (libObj.contains("natives"))
QJsonObject nativesObj = requireObject(libObj.value("natives"));
for (auto it = nativesObj.begin(); it != nativesObj.end(); ++it)
if (!it.value().isString())
qWarning() << filename << "contains an invalid native (skipping)";
OpSys opSys = OpSys_fromString(it.key());
if (opSys != Os_Other)
out->m_native_classifiers[opSys] = it.value().toString();
if (libObj.contains("rules"))
out->applyRules = true;
out->m_rules = rulesFromJsonV4(libObj);
return out;
RawLibraryPtr RawLibrary::fromJsonPlus(const QJsonObject &libObj, const QString &filename)
auto lib = RawLibrary::fromJson(libObj, filename);
if (libObj.contains("insert"))
QJsonValue insertVal = ensureJsonValue(libObj.value("insert"), "library insert rule");
if (insertVal.isString())
// it's just a simple string rule. OK.
QString insertString = insertVal.toString();
if (insertString == "apply")
lib->insertType = RawLibrary::Apply;
else if (insertString == "prepend")
lib->insertType = RawLibrary::Prepend;
else if (insertString == "append")
lib->insertType = RawLibrary::Append;
else if (insertString == "replace")
lib->insertType = RawLibrary::Replace;
throw JSONValidationError("A '+' library in " + filename +
" contains an invalid insert type");
else if (insertVal.isObject())
// it's a more complex rule, specifying what should be:
// * replaced (for now only this)
// this was never used, AFAIK. tread carefully.
QJsonObject insertObj = insertVal.toObject();
if (insertObj.isEmpty())
throw JSONValidationError("Empty compound insert rule in " + filename);
QString insertString = insertObj.keys().first();
// really, only replace makes sense in combination with
if(insertString != "replace")
throw JSONValidationError("Compound insert rule is not 'replace' in " + filename);
lib->insertData = insertObj.value(insertString).toString();
throw JSONValidationError("A '+' library in " + filename +
" contains an unknown/invalid insert rule");
if (libObj.contains("MMC-depend"))
const QString dependString = requireString(libObj.value("MMC-depend"));
if (dependString == "hard")
lib->dependType = RawLibrary::Hard;
else if (dependString == "soft")
lib->dependType = RawLibrary::Soft;
throw JSONValidationError("A '+' library in " + filename +
" contains an invalid depend type");
return lib;
QJsonObject RawLibrary::toJson() const
QJsonObject libRoot;
libRoot.insert("name", (QString)m_name);
if (m_absolute_url.size())
libRoot.insert("MMC-absoluteUrl", m_absolute_url);
if (m_hint.size())
libRoot.insert("MMC-hint", m_hint);
if (m_base_url != "http://" + URLConstants::AWS_DOWNLOAD_LIBRARIES &&
m_base_url != "https://" + URLConstants::AWS_DOWNLOAD_LIBRARIES &&
m_base_url != "https://" + URLConstants::LIBRARY_BASE && !m_base_url.isEmpty())
libRoot.insert("url", m_base_url);
if (isNative())
QJsonObject nativeList;
auto iter = m_native_classifiers.begin();
while (iter != m_native_classifiers.end())
nativeList.insert(OpSys_toString(iter.key()), iter.value());
libRoot.insert("natives", nativeList);
if (extract_excludes.size())
QJsonArray excludes;
QJsonObject extract;
for (auto exclude : extract_excludes)
extract.insert("exclude", excludes);
libRoot.insert("extract", extract);
if (m_rules.size())
QJsonArray allRules;
for (auto &rule : m_rules)
QJsonObject ruleObj = rule->toJson();
libRoot.insert("rules", allRules);
return libRoot;
QStringList RawLibrary::files() const
QStringList retval;
QString storage = storageSuffix();
if (storage.contains("${arch}"))
QString cooked_storage = storage;
cooked_storage.replace("${arch}", "32");
cooked_storage = storage;
cooked_storage.replace("${arch}", "64");
return retval;
bool RawLibrary::filesExist(const QDir &base) const
auto libFiles = files();
for(auto file: libFiles)
QFileInfo info(base, file);
qWarning() << info.absoluteFilePath() << "doesn't exist";
if (!info.exists())
return false;
return true;
QString RawLibrary::url() const
if (!m_absolute_url.isEmpty())
return m_absolute_url;
if (m_base_url.isEmpty())
return QString("https://" + URLConstants::LIBRARY_BASE) + storageSuffix();
return m_base_url + storageSuffix();
return m_base_url + QChar('/') + storageSuffix();
bool RawLibrary::isActive() const
bool result = true;
if (m_rules.empty())
result = true;
RuleAction ruleResult = Disallow;
for (auto rule : m_rules)
RuleAction temp = rule->apply(this);
if (temp != Defer)
ruleResult = temp;
result = result && (ruleResult == Allow);
if (isNative())
result = result && m_native_classifiers.contains(currentSystem);
return result;
void RawLibrary::setStoragePrefix(QString prefix)
m_storagePrefix = prefix;
QString RawLibrary::defaultStoragePrefix()
return "libraries/";
QString RawLibrary::storagePrefix() const
return defaultStoragePrefix();
return m_storagePrefix;
QString RawLibrary::storageSuffix() const
// non-native? use only the gradle specifier
if (!isNative())
return m_name.toPath();
// otherwise native, override classifiers. Mojang HACK!
GradleSpecifier nativeSpec = m_name;
if (m_native_classifiers.contains(currentSystem))
return nativeSpec.toPath();
QString RawLibrary::storagePath() const
return PathCombine(storagePrefix(), storageSuffix());
bool RawLibrary::storagePathIsDefault() const
return m_storagePrefix.isEmpty();