/* Rainbow Text (rbtext) $ gcc -o rbtext rbtext.c Created by Seelenlos NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. NO LIABILITY TO CREATOR FOR ANY TYPE OF DAMAGE. I DON'T CARE HOW YOU USE OR CONFIGURE THIS PROGRAM. */ #include #include #include #include // How many milliseconds the program will wait until the next print ( DEFAULT = 100 ) #define CONF_SLEEP_TIMEMS 100 // How many times a color should be shown before switching to the next ( DEFAULT = 2 ) #define CONF_COLOR_LAG 2 // BEWARE RICERS // If you add extra colors make sure to // a) Add it to the color enum // b) Add the case to the switch statement in the genColors function // c) Update the COLORS definition with the new amount of colors // FORMAT // #define COLOR "R;G;B" #define RED "193;71;87" #define ORANGE "193;116;71" #define YELLOW "193;177;71" #define GREEN "149;193;71" #define CYAN "71;193;161" #define BLUE "71;165;193" #define PURPLE "155;71;193" #define PINK "193;71;153" #define COLORS 8 enum color { red,orange,yellow,green,cyan,blue,purple,pink }; #define addcase(enum, defin)\ case enum:\ cstr = "\e[38;2;"defin"m";\ break; unsigned long long t = 0; void genColors(char *s) { char *cstr = malloc(20 * sizeof(char)); for (int i = 0; i < strlen(s); i++) { enum color c = (((t + i) / CONF_COLOR_LAG) % COLORS); switch (c) { //addcase(enum value, #define name) addcase(red, RED); addcase(orange, ORANGE); addcase(yellow, YELLOW); addcase(green, GREEN); addcase(cyan, CYAN); addcase(blue, BLUE); addcase(purple, PURPLE); addcase(pink, PINK); } printf("%s%c",cstr,s[i]); } } int main(int carg, char **varg) { if (carg < 2) { printf("\e[1;31m[ERROR]\e[0m No arguments given.\n\tUSAGE: \e[34m%s \e[33m\e[0m\n",varg[0]); return 1; } char *text = malloc(1024 * sizeof(char)); // Similar to pythons str.join(' ') method // Adds all the arguments together with spaces seperating them // EG: ./rbtext hello world > "hello world" for (int i = 1, j = 0; i < carg; i++) { for (int k = 0; k < strlen(varg[i]); k++, j++) { text[j] = varg[i][k]; } text[j] = ' '; j++; } while (1) { printf("\r\e[2K"); genColors(text); printf("\e[0m"); fflush(stdout); usleep(CONF_SLEEP_TIMEMS*1000); t += 1; } return 0; }