Fixed side flags when loading of double density TD0's created using a high density 5.25" drive;
GAP3 length for TD0 teacks is now calculated rather then fixed when it can not be reliably determined from data rate, sector size, and sectors per track.
FDC SEEK command now no longer incorrectly times out when seeking to the track the FDC thinks it's already at, fixes floppies in NT 3.1;
Emulator now correctly saves configuration changes to the configuration files it was loaded with rather than always the default;
Default path for NVR's can now be overridden by adding the nvr_path option to the cfg file.
Japanese HDI hard disk images are now supproted;
FDC FORMAT command now CRC's the correct data, fixes formatting inserted IMG's;
FDC SEEK command now no longer incorrectly reports invalid status when HDSEL (head select) is 1, fixes booting from inserted floppies of any format on boards other than ASUS P/I-P55TVP4.
Properly fixed serial port IRQ assignment with the National Semiconductors PC87306 Super I/O chip - DOS mouse drivers now work if mouse is set to serial.
Replaced IMG handler with one that now proxies to the 86F handler;
Applies the remaining Mainline PCem speedup commit;
Fixed the National Semiconductors PC87306 Super I/O Chip's serial port IRQ assignment;
DMF images are now loaded with the correct sector interleave, improving read/write speed;
XDF images are now loaded in a way that emulates the real order of the sectors on the track, improving read/write speed;
Added 16-bit physical memory read/write routines (mem_phys_readw, mem_phys_writew) and modified the 16-bit DMA code to use them instead of two 8-bit reads/writes.
Fixed 3.5" 2ED XDF structure;
Applied mainline PCem big recompiler speedup (up to 20% seen) commit;
Added support for floppy drive swapping with the Winbond W3877F Super I/O chip.
Fixed behavior of the FDC RECALIBRATE command for FDC's on certain Super I/O chips;
Several 86F-related fixes;
Added the Intel Advanced/ML (430HX, Socket 7, currently with non-working Flash) and Intel Advanced/ATX (430FX, Socket 7, works perfectly) motherboards;
Fixed handling of DENSEL when the FDC is in National Semiconductors PC87306 mode;
Brought 440FX initialization PCI parameters in line with Bochs;
Brought PIIX3 initialization PCI parameters in line with QEMU.