#!/bin/sh # # 86Box A hypervisor and IBM PC system emulator that specializes in # running old operating systems and software designed for IBM # PC systems and compatibles from 1981 through fairly recent # system designs based on the PCI bus. # # This file is part of the 86Box distribution. # # Jenkins build script. # # # Authors: RichardG, <richardg867@gmail.com> # # Copyright 2021 RichardG. # # # While this script was made for our Jenkins infrastructure, you can run it # to produce Jenkins-like builds on your local machine by following these notes: # # - Run build.sh without parameters to see its usage # - For Windows (MSYS MinGW) builds: # - Packaging requires 7-Zip on Program Files # - Packaging the Ghostscript DLL requires 32-bit and/or 64-bit Ghostscript on Program Files # - Packaging the FluidSynth DLL requires it to be at /home/86Box/dll32/libfluidsynth.dll # and/or /home/86Box/dll64/libfluidsynth64.dll (for 32-bit and 64-bit builds respectively) # - Packaging the Discord DLL requires wget (MSYS should come with it) # - For Linux builds: # - Only Debian and derivatives are supported # - dpkg and apt-get are called through sudo to manage dependencies # - For macOS builds: # - TBD # # Define common functions. alias is_windows='[ ! -z "$MSYSTEM" ]' alias is_mac='uname -s | grep -q Darwin' make_tar() { # Install dependencies. if ! which tar xz > /dev/null 2>&1 then which apt-get > /dev/null 2>&1 && DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt-get install -y tar xz-utils fi # Determine the best supported compression type. local compression_flag= local compression_ext= if which xz > /dev/null 2>&1 then local compression_flag=-J local compression_ext=.xz elif which bzip2 > /dev/null 2>&1 then local compression_flag=-j local compression_ext=.bz2 elif which gzip > /dev/null 2>&1 then local compression_flag=-z local compression_ext=.gz fi # Make tar verbose if requested. [ ! -z "$VERBOSE" ] && local compression_flag="$compression_flag -v" # tar is notorious for having many diverging implementations. For instance, # the flags we use to strip UID/GID metadata can be --owner/group (GNU), # --uid/gid (bsdtar) or even none at all (MSYS2 bsdtar). Account for such # flag differences by checking if they're mentioned on the help text. local ownership_flags= local tar_help=$(tar --help 2>&1) if echo $tar_help | grep -q -- --owner then local ownership_flags="--owner=0 --group=0" elif echo $tar_help | grep -q -- --uid then local ownership_flags="--uid 0 --gid 0" fi # Run tar. tar -c $compression_flag -f "$1$compression_ext" $ownership_flags * return $? } # Set common variables. project=86Box cwd=$(pwd) # Parse arguments. package_name= arch= tarball_name= strip=0 cmake_flags= while [ $# -gt 0 ] do case $1 in -b) shift package_name="$1" shift arch="$1" shift ;; -s) shift tarball_name="$1" shift ;; -t) shift strip=1 ;; *) if echo $1 | grep -q " " then cmake_flag="\"$1\"" else cmake_flag="$1" fi if [ -z "$cmake_flags" ] then cmake_flags="$cmake_flag" else cmake_flags="$cmake_flags $cmake_flag" fi shift ;; esac done cmake_flags_extra= # Check if mandatory arguments were specified. if [ -z "$package_name" -a -z "$tarball_name" ] || [ ! -z "$package_name" -a -z "$arch" ] then echo '[!] Usage: build.sh -b {package_name} {architecture} [-t] [cmake_flags...]' echo ' build.sh -s {source_tarball_name}' exit 100 fi # Switch to the repository root directory. cd "$(dirname "$0")/.." # Make source tarball if requested. if [ ! -z "$tarball_name" ] then echo [-] Making source tarball [$tarball_name] # Clean local tree of gitignored files. git clean -dfX # Recreate working directory if it was removed by git clean. [ ! -d "$cwd" ] && mkdir -p "$cwd" # Save current HEAD commit to VERSION. git log --stat -1 > VERSION || rm -f VERSION # Archive source. make_tar "$cwd/$tarball_name.tar" status=$? # Check if the archival succeeded. if [ $status -ne 0 ] then echo [!] Tarball creation failed with status [$status] exit 1 else echo [-] Source tarball [$tarball_name] created successfully [ -z "$package_name" ] && exit 0 fi fi echo [-] Building [$package_name] for [$arch] with flags [$cmake_flags] # Perform platform-specific setup. strip_binary=strip if is_windows then # Switch into the correct MSYSTEM if required. msys=MINGW$arch [ ! -d "/$msys" ] && msys=CLANG$arch if [ -d "/$msys" ] then if [ "$MSYSTEM" != "$msys" ] then # Call build with the correct MSYSTEM. echo [-] Switching to MSYSTEM [$msys] cd "$cwd" strip_arg= [ $strip -ne 0 ] && strip_arg="-t " CHERE_INVOKING=yes MSYSTEM="$msys" bash -lc 'exec "'"$0"'" -b "'"$package_name"'" "'"$arch"'" '"$strip_arg""$cmake_flags" exit $? fi else echo [!] No MSYSTEM for architecture [$arch] exit 2 fi echo [-] Using MSYSTEM [$MSYSTEM] elif is_mac then # macOS lacks nproc, but sysctl can do the same job. alias nproc='sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu' else # Determine Debian architecture. case $arch in x86) arch_deb="i386";; x86_64) arch_deb="amd64";; arm32) arch_deb="armhf";; *) arch_deb="$arch";; esac # Establish general and architecture-specific dependencies. pkgs="cmake git tar xz-utils dpkg-dev rpm" if [ "$(dpkg --print-architecture)" = "$arch_deb" ] then pkgs="$pkgs build-essential" else sudo dpkg --add-architecture $arch_deb pkgs="$pkgs crossbuild-essential-$arch_deb" fi libpkgs="" longest_libpkg=0 for pkg in libc6-dev linux-libc-dev libopenal-dev libfreetype6-dev libsdl2-dev libpng-dev librtmidi-dev do libpkgs="$libpkgs $pkg:$arch_deb" length=$(echo -n $pkg | sed 's/-dev$//' | wc -c) [ $length -gt $longest_libpkg ] && longest_libpkg=$length done # Determine GNU toolchain architecture. case $arch in x86) arch_gnu="i686-linux-gnu";; arm32) arch_gnu="arm-linux-gnueabihf";; arm64) arch_gnu="aarch64-linux-gnu";; *) arch_gnu="$arch-linux-gnu";; esac # Determine library directory name for this architecture. case $arch in x86) libdir="i386-linux-gnu";; *) libdir="$arch_gnu";; esac # Create CMake toolchain file. cat << EOF > toolchain.cmake set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR $arch) set(CMAKE_AR $arch_gnu-ar) set(CMAKE_ASM_COMPILER $arch_gnu-gcc) set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER $arch_gnu-gcc) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER $arch_gnu-g++) set(CMAKE_LINKER $arch_gnu-ld) set(CMAKE_OBJCOPY $arch_gnu-objcopy) set(CMAKE_RANLIB $arch_gnu-ranlib) set(CMAKE_SIZE $arch_gnu-size) set(CMAKE_STRIP $arch_gnu-strip) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_PROGRAM NEVER) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_LIBRARY ONLY) set(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH_MODE_INCLUDE ONLY) set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "") set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR} "/usr/lib/$libdir/pkgconfig:/usr/share/$libdir/pkgconfig") EOF cmake_flags_extra="$cmake_flags_extra -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=toolchain.cmake" strip_binary="$arch_gnu-strip" # Install or update dependencies. echo [-] Installing dependencies through apt sudo apt-get update DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt-get -y install $pkgs $libpkgs sudo apt-get clean fi # Clean workspace. echo [-] Cleaning workspace if [ -d "build" ] then MAKEFLAGS=-j$(nproc) cmake --build build --target clean 2> /dev/null rm -rf build fi find . \( -name Makefile -o -name CMakeCache.txt -o -name CMakeFiles \) -exec rm -rf "{}" \; 2> /dev/null # Add ARCH to skip the arch_detect process. case $arch in 32 | x86) cmake_flags_extra="$cmake_flags_extra -D ARCH=i386";; 64 | x86_64) cmake_flags_extra="$cmake_flags_extra -D ARCH=x86_64";; ARM32 | arm32) cmake_flags_extra="$cmake_flags_extra -D ARCH=arm";; ARM64 | arm64) cmake_flags_extra="$cmake_flags_extra -D ARCH=arm64";; *) cmake_flags_extra="$cmake_flags_extra -D \"ARCH=$arch\"";; esac # Add git hash. git_hash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD 2> /dev/null) if [ "$CI" = "true" ] then # Backup strategy when running under Jenkins. [ -z "$git_hash" ] && git_hash=$(echo $GIT_COMMIT | cut -c 1-8) elif [ ! -z "$git_hash" ] then # Append + to denote a dirty tree. git diff --quiet 2> /dev/null || git_hash="$git_hash+" fi [ ! -z "$git_hash" ] && cmake_flags_extra="$cmake_flags_extra -D \"EMU_GIT_HASH=$git_hash\"" # Add copyright year. year=$(date +%Y) [ ! -z "$year" ] && cmake_flags_extra="$cmake_flags_extra -D \"EMU_COPYRIGHT_YEAR=$year\"" # Run CMake. echo [-] Running CMake with flags [$cmake_flags $cmake_flags_extra] eval cmake -G \"Unix Makefiles\" -B build $cmake_flags $cmake_flags_extra . status=$? if [ $status -ne 0 ] then echo [!] CMake failed with status [$status] exit 3 fi # Run actual build. make_flags=-j$(nproc) echo [-] Running build with make flags [$make_flags] MAKEFLAGS=$make_flags cmake --build build status=$? if [ $status -ne 0 ] then echo [!] Make failed with status [$status] exit 4 fi # Create temporary directory for archival. echo [-] Gathering archive files rm -rf archive_tmp mkdir archive_tmp if [ ! -d "archive_tmp" ] then echo [!] Archive directory creation failed exit 5 fi # Archive the executable and its dependencies. # The executable should always be archived last for the check after this block. status=0 if is_windows then # Determine Program Files directory for Ghostscript and 7-Zip. # Manual checks because MSYS is bad at passing the ProgramFiles variables. pf="/c/Program Files" sevenzip="$pf/7-Zip/7z.exe" [ "$arch" = "32" -a -d "/c/Program Files (x86)" ] && pf="/c/Program Files (x86)" # Archive freetype from local MSYS installation. .ci/static2dll.sh -p freetype2 /$MSYSTEM/lib/libfreetype.a archive_tmp/freetype.dll # Archive Ghostscript DLL from local official distribution installation. for gs in "$pf"/gs/gs*.*.* do cp -p "$gs"/bin/gsdll*.dll archive_tmp/ done # Archive Discord Game SDK DLL from their CDN. discordarch= [ "$arch" = "32" ] && discordarch=x86 [ "$arch" = "64" ] && discordarch=x86_64 if [ ! -z "$discordarch" ] then [ ! -e "discord_game_sdk.zip" ] && wget -qOdiscord_game_sdk.zip https://dl-game-sdk.discordapp.net/2.5.6/discord_game_sdk.zip "$sevenzip" e -y -oarchive_tmp discord_game_sdk.zip lib/$discordarch/discord_game_sdk.dll fi # Archive other DLLs from local directory. cp -p "/home/$project/dll$arch/"* archive_tmp/ # Archive executable, while also stripping it if requested. if [ $strip -ne 0 ] then "$strip_binary" -o "archive_tmp/$project.exe" "build/src/$project.exe" status=$? else mv "build/src/$project.exe" "archive_tmp/$project.exe" status=$? fi elif is_mac then # TBD : else # Archive readme with library package versions. echo Libraries used to compile this $arch build of $project: > archive_tmp/README dpkg-query -f '${Package} ${Version}\n' -W $libpkgs | sed "s/-dev / /" | while IFS=" " read pkg version do for i in $(seq $(expr $longest_libpkg - $(echo -n $pkg | wc -c))) do echo -n " " >> archive_tmp/README done echo $pkg $version >> archive_tmp/README done # Archive executable, while also stripping it if requested. if [ $strip -ne 0 ] then "$strip_binary" -o "archive_tmp/$project" "build/src/$project" status=$? else mv "build/src/$project" "archive_tmp/$project" status=$? fi fi # Check if the executable strip/move succeeded. if [ $status -ne 0 ] then echo [!] Executable strip/move failed with status [$status] exit 6 fi # Produce artifact archive. echo [-] Creating artifact archive cd archive_tmp if is_windows then # Create zip. "$sevenzip" a -y -mx9 "$(cygpath -w "$cwd")\\$package_name.zip" * status=$? elif is_mac then # TBD : else # Create binary tarball. VERBOSE=1 make_tar "$cwd/$package_name.tar" status=$? fi cd .. # Check if the archival succeeded. if [ $status -ne 0 ] then echo [!] Artifact archive creation failed with status [$status] exit 7 fi # All good. echo [-] Build of [$package_name] for [$arch] with flags [$cmake_flags] successful exit 0