2009-11-13 11:02:33 +05:30
{% extends "view_page_detail.html" %}
{% load my_tags %}
{% block content %}
<script type="text/javascript">
2012-05-31 03:09:01 +05:30
'select': function(event, ui){
2012-05-31 05:03:44 +05:30
document.location.hash = ui.panel.id;
2012-05-31 03:09:01 +05:30
2009-11-13 11:02:33 +05:30
2009-12-07 05:05:46 +05:30
<div class="content" id="IndividualDetail">
2011-10-16 22:30:32 +05:30
2011-12-13 04:51:13 +05:30
{% include "detail_breadcrumb.html" %}
2011-10-16 22:30:32 +05:30
2009-12-07 05:05:46 +05:30
<div id="summaryarea">
2012-05-17 17:26:59 +05:30
<table class="infolist" style="width:90%;">
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
{% if repositoryform.errors %}
<p id="error">The following fields have errors. Please correct and try again.</p>
<div id="error">{{repositoryform.errors}}</div>
{% endif %}
<form method="post">{% csrf_token %}
2009-11-13 11:02:33 +05:30
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
<td class="ColumnAttribute">{{repositoryform.name.label}}:</td>
<td class="ColumnValue" id="data" colspan="5">{% render repositoryform.name user action %} </td>
2009-11-13 11:02:33 +05:30
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
2012-07-26 11:41:01 +05:30
<td class="ColumnAttribute">{{repositoryform.repository_type.label}}:</td>
<td class="ColumnValue" id="data">{% render repositoryform.repository_type user action %}</td>
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
<td class="ColumnAttribute">{{repositoryform.gramps_id.label}}:</td>
<td class="ColumnValue" id="data">{% render repositoryform.gramps_id user action %}</td>
<td class="ColumnAttribute" >{{repositoryform.private.label}}:</td>
<td class="ColumnValue" id="data">{% render repositoryform.private user action %}</td>
2009-11-13 11:02:33 +05:30
<!-- Tabs -->
2012-07-25 06:17:09 +05:30
<div class="ui-tab ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" id="tabs" style="border: none;">
2012-05-31 02:35:38 +05:30
<ul class="ui-tab-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all">
2012-07-25 06:17:09 +05:30
<li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tab-selected ui-state-active"><a href="#tab-addresses">Address</a></li>
2012-05-31 02:35:38 +05:30
<li class="ui-corner-top ui-state-default"><a href="#tab-internet">Internet</a></li>
2012-07-25 06:17:09 +05:30
<li class="ui-corner-top ui-state-default"><a href="#tab-notes">Note</a></li>
<li class="ui-corner-top ui-state-default"><a href="#tab-references">Reference</a></li>
2012-06-20 08:04:15 +05:30
<li class="ui-corner-top ui-state-default"><a href="#tab-history">History</a></li>
2009-11-13 11:02:33 +05:30
2012-07-25 06:17:09 +05:30
<div class="ui-tab-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" id="tab-addresses" style="background-color: #f4f0ec;">
2012-05-31 02:35:38 +05:30
{% address_table repository user action "/address/add/repository/%s" repository.handle %}
2009-12-07 05:05:46 +05:30
2012-07-25 06:17:09 +05:30
<div class="ui-tab-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-tab-hide" id="tab-internet" style="background-color: #f4f0ec;">
2012-05-31 02:35:38 +05:30
{% internet_table repository user action "/internet/add/repository/%s" repository.handle %}
2009-12-07 05:05:46 +05:30
2012-07-25 06:17:09 +05:30
<div class="ui-tab-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-tab-hide" id="tab-notes" style="background-color: #f4f0ec;">
2012-05-31 02:35:38 +05:30
{% note_table repository user action "/note/$act/repository/%s" repository.handle %}
2009-12-07 05:05:46 +05:30
2012-07-25 06:17:09 +05:30
<div class="ui-tab-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-tab-hide" id="tab-references" style="background-color: #f4f0ec;">
2012-05-30 21:24:51 +05:30
{% repository_reference_table repository user action %}
2012-06-20 08:04:15 +05:30
2012-07-25 06:17:09 +05:30
<div class="ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom ui-tabs-hide" id="tab-history" style="background-color: #f4f0ec;">
2012-06-20 08:04:15 +05:30
{% history_table repository user action %}
2009-12-07 05:05:46 +05:30
2009-11-13 11:02:33 +05:30
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
{% if user.is_superuser %}
{% if action == "edit" %}
2012-06-05 07:18:39 +05:30
{% make_button "Cancel" "/repository/%s" repository.handle args %}
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save"/>
2012-06-05 07:18:39 +05:30
<input type="hidden" name="search" value="{{search}}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="{{page}}"/>
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
<input type="submit" value="Save"/>
{% else %}
{% ifequal action "add" %}
2012-06-05 07:18:39 +05:30
{% make_button "Cancel" "/repository/" args %}
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="create"/>
2012-06-05 07:18:39 +05:30
<input type="hidden" name="search" value="{{search}}"/>
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="{{page}}"/>
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
<input type="submit" value="Create"/>
{% else %}
2012-06-05 07:18:39 +05:30
{% make_button "Add Repository" "/repository/add" args %}
{% make_button "Edit Repository" "/repository/%s/edit" repository.handle args %}
{% make_button "Delete Repository" "/repository/%s/delete" repository.handle args %}
2012-05-27 00:18:20 +05:30
{% endifequal %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
2009-11-13 11:02:33 +05:30
{% endblock %}