680 lines
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680 lines
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# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Donald N. Allingham
# Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Gary Burton
# Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Blank <doug.blank@gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# $Id$
This package implements access to GRAMPS configuration.
# System imports
import os
import time
import ConfigParser
import errno
from gettext import gettext as _
# Gramps imports
import const
# Constants
INIFILE = os.path.join(const.HOME_DIR, "gramps32.ini")
# Classes
class ConfigManager(object):
Class to construct the singleton CONFIGMAN where all
settings are stored.
def __init__(self, filename = None):
Configure manager constructor takes an optional filename.
The data dictionary stores the settings:
self.data[section][setting] = value
The value has a type that matches the default. It is an error
to attempt to set the setting to a different type. To change
the type, you must re-register the setting, and re-set the
The default values are given in Python code and stored here
on start-up:
self.default[section][setting] = default_value
Callbacks are stored as callables here:
self.callbacks[section][setting] = (id, func)
The default filename (usually the one you are reading from)
is stored as self.filename. However, you can save to another
filename using self.save(otherfilename).
self._cb_id = 0 # callback id counter
self.filename = filename
self.callbacks = {}
self.default = {}
self.data = {}
def reset(self, section=None):
Resets all settings values to their defaults.
if section is None:
self.data = {}
self.data[section] = {}
# Callbacks are still connected
def get_sections(self):
Return all section names.
return self.data.keys()
def get_section_settings(self, section):
Return all section setting names.
return self.data[section].keys()
def load(self, filename=None, oldstyle=False):
Loads an .ini into self.data.
if filename is None:
filename = self.filename
if filename and os.path.exists(filename):
parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
for sec in parser.sections():
name = sec.lower()
if name not in self.data:
# Add the setting from file
# These might be old settings, or third-party settings
self.data[name] = {}
for opt in parser.options(sec):
setting = parser.get(sec, opt).strip()
####################### Upgrade from oldstyle < 3.2
if oldstyle:
# if we know this setting, convert type
key = "%s.%s" % (name, opt)
if self.has_default(key):
vtype = type(self.get_default(key))
if vtype == bool:
value = setting in ["1", "True"]
value = vtype(setting)
# else, ignore it
print "WARNING: ignoring old key '%s'" % key
continue # with next setting
####################### End upgrade code
elif setting.startswith("'") and setting.endswith("'"):
value = setting[1:-1]
elif setting == "True":
value = True
elif setting == "False":
value = False
elif "." in setting:
value = float(setting)
value = int(setting)
self.data[name][opt.lower()] = value
def save(self, filename = None):
Saves the current section/settings to an .ini file. Optional filename
will override the default filename to save to, if given.
if filename is None:
filename = self.filename
if filename:
head = os.path.split( filename )[0]
os.makedirs( head )
except OSError, exp:
if exp.errno != errno.EEXIST:
key_file = open(filename, "w")
key_file.write(";; Gramps key file\n")
key_file.write((";; Automatically created at %s" %
time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) + "\n\n")
sections = sorted(self.data)
for section in sections:
key_file.write(("[%s]\n") % section)
keys = sorted(self.data[section])
for key in keys:
value = self.data[section][key]
if isinstance(value, long):
value = int(value)
key_file.write(("%s=%s\n")% (key, repr(value)))
# else, no filename given; nothing to save so do nothing quietly
def get(self, key):
Get the setting's value. raise an error if an invalid section.setting.
Key is a sting in the "section.setting" format.
if "." in key:
section, setting = key.split(".", 1)
raise AttributeError("Invalid config section.setting name: '%s'" %
if section not in self.data:
raise AttributeError("No such config section name: '%s'" % section)
if setting not in self.data[section]:
raise AttributeError("No such config setting name: '%s.%s'" %
(section, setting))
return self.data[section][setting]
def is_set(self, key):
Does the setting exist? Returns True if does, False otherwise.
Key is a sting in the "section.setting" format.
if "." in key:
section, setting = key.split(".", 1)
return False
if section not in self.data:
return False
if setting not in self.data[section]:
return False
return True
def has_default(self, key):
Does the setting have a default value? Returns True if it does,
False otherwise. Key is a sting in the "section.setting" format.
if "." in key:
section, setting = key.split(".", 1)
return False
if section not in self.default:
return False
if setting not in self.default[section]:
return False
return True
def get_default(self, key):
Get the setting's default value. Raises an error if invalid key is
give. Key is a sting in the "section.setting" format.
if "." in key:
section, setting = key.split(".", 1)
raise AttributeError("Invalid config section.setting name: '%s'" %
if section not in self.default:
raise AttributeError("No such config section name: '%s'" % section)
if setting not in self.default[section]:
raise AttributeError("No such config setting name: '%s.%s'" %
(section, setting))
return self.default[section][setting]
def register(self, key, default):
Register a section.setting, and set the default.
Will overwrite any previously set default, and set setting if not one.
The default value deterimines the type of the setting.
if "." in key:
section, setting = key.split(".", 1)
raise AttributeError("Invalid config section.setting name: '%s'" %
if section not in self.data:
self.data[section] = {}
if section not in self.default:
self.default[section] = {}
if section not in self.callbacks:
self.callbacks[section] = {}
if setting not in self.callbacks[section]:
self.callbacks[section][setting] = []
# Add the default value to settings, if not exist:
if setting not in self.data[section]:
self.data[section][setting] = default
# Set the default, regardless:
self.default[section][setting] = default
def connect(self, key, func):
Connect a callback func that gets called when key is changed.
if "." in key:
section, setting = key.split(".", 1)
raise AttributeError("Invalid config section.setting name: '%s'" %
if section not in self.data:
raise AttributeError("No such config section name: '%s'" % section)
if setting not in self.data[section]:
raise AttributeError("No such config setting name: '%s.%s'" %
(section, setting))
self._cb_id += 1
self.callbacks[section][setting].append((self._cb_id, func))
return self._cb_id
def disconnect(self, callback_id):
for section in self.callbacks:
for setting in self.callbacks[section]:
for (cbid, func) in self.callbacks[section][setting]:
if callback_id == cbid:
self.callbacks[section][setting].remove((cbid, func))
def set(self, key, value):
Set the setting's value. There are only two ways to get into
the data dictionary: via the load() method that reads a file,
or from this method.
if "." in key:
section, setting = key.split(".", 1)
raise AttributeError("Invalid config section.setting name: '%s'" %
if section not in self.data:
raise AttributeError("No such config section name: '%s'" % section)
if setting not in self.data[section]:
raise AttributeError("No such config setting name: '%s.%s'" %
(section, setting))
# Check value to see if right type:
if type(value) == long:
value = int(value)
if type(value) == unicode:
value = str(value)
if self.has_default(key):
if type(self.get_default(key)) != type(value):
raise AttributeError("attempting to set '%s' to wrong type "
"'%s'; should be '%s'" %
(key, type(value),
if (setting in self.data[section] and
self.data[section][setting] == value):
# Do nothing if existed and is the same
# Set the value:
self.data[section][setting] = value
# Only call callback if the value changed!
if (section in self.callbacks and
setting in self.callbacks[section]):
for (cbid, func) in self.callbacks[section][setting]:
# Call all callbacks for this key:
func(self, 0, str(self.data[section][setting]), None)
# Convience functions to call ConfigManager instance methods
def register(key, value):
""" Module shortcut to register key, value """
CONFIGMAN.register(key, value)
def get(key):
""" Module shortcut to get value from key """
return CONFIGMAN.get(key)
def get_default(key):
""" Module shortcut to get default from key """
return CONFIGMAN.get_default(key)
def set(key, value):
""" Module shortcut to set value from key """
CONFIGMAN.set(key, value)
def save(filename=None):
""" Module shortcut to save config file """
def connect(key, func):
""" Module shortcut to callbacks """
return CONFIGMAN.connect(key, func)
# Register the system-wide settings in a singleton config manager
register('behavior.addmedia-image-dir', '')
register('behavior.addmedia-relative-path', False)
register('behavior.autoload', False)
register('behavior.avg-generation-gap', 20)
register('behavior.betawarn', False)
register('behavior.database-path', os.path.join( const.HOME_DIR, 'grampsdb'))
register('behavior.date-about-range', 10)
register('behavior.date-after-range', 10)
register('behavior.date-before-range', 10)
register('behavior.generation-depth', 15)
register('behavior.max-age-prob-alive', 110)
register('behavior.max-sib-age-diff', 20)
register('behavior.min-generation-years', 13)
register('behavior.owner-warn', False)
register('behavior.pop-plugin-status', False)
register('behavior.recent-export-type', 1)
register('behavior.spellcheck', False)
register('behavior.startup', 0)
register('behavior.surname-guessing', 0)
register('behavior.use-tips', False)
register('behavior.welcome', 100)
register('export.no-private', True)
register('export.no-unlinked', True)
register('export.restrict-living', True)
register('geoview.latitude', "0.0")
register('geoview.lock', False)
register('geoview.longitude', "0.0")
register('geoview.map', "person")
register('geoview.stylesheet', "")
register('geoview.zoom', 0)
register('interface.address-height', 450)
register('interface.address-width', 650)
register('interface.attribute-height', 350)
register('interface.attribute-width', 600)
register('interface.child-ref-height', 450)
register('interface.child-ref-width', 600)
register('interface.clipboard-height', 300)
register('interface.clipboard-width', 300)
register('interface.dont-ask', False)
register('interface.event-height', 450)
register('interface.event-ref-height', 450)
register('interface.event-ref-width', 600)
register('interface.event-sel-height', 450)
register('interface.event-sel-width', 600)
register('interface.event-width', 600)
register('interface.family-height', 500)
register('interface.family-sel-height', 450)
register('interface.family-sel-width', 600)
register('interface.family-width', 700)
register('interface.filter', False)
register('interface.fullscreen', False)
register('interface.height', 500)
register('interface.lds-height', 450)
register('interface.lds-width', 600)
register('interface.location-height', 250)
register('interface.location-width', 600)
register('interface.mapservice', 'OpenStreetMap')
register('interface.media-height', 450)
register('interface.media-ref-height', 450)
register('interface.media-ref-width', 600)
register('interface.media-sel-height', 450)
register('interface.media-sel-width', 600)
register('interface.media-width', 650)
register('interface.name-height', 350)
register('interface.name-width', 600)
register('interface.note-height', 500)
register('interface.note-sel-height', 450)
register('interface.note-sel-width', 600)
register('interface.note-width', 700)
register('interface.patro-title', 0)
register('interface.pedview-layout', 0)
register('interface.pedview-show-images', True)
register('interface.pedview-show-marriage', False)
register('interface.pedview-tree-size', 0)
register('interface.person-height', 550)
register('interface.person-ref-height', 350)
register('interface.person-ref-width', 600)
register('interface.person-sel-height', 450)
register('interface.person-sel-width', 600)
register('interface.person-width', 750)
register('interface.place-height', 450)
register('interface.place-sel-height', 450)
register('interface.place-sel-width', 600)
register('interface.place-width', 650)
register('interface.prefix-suffix', 0)
register('interface.releditbtn', False)
register('interface.repo-height', 450)
register('interface.repo-ref-height', 450)
register('interface.repo-ref-width', 600)
register('interface.repo-sel-height', 450)
register('interface.repo-sel-width', 600)
register('interface.repo-width', 650)
register('interface.sidebar-text', True)
register('interface.size-checked', False)
register('interface.source-height', 450)
register('interface.source-ref-height', 450)
register('interface.source-ref-width', 600)
register('interface.source-sel-height', 450)
register('interface.source-sel-width', 600)
register('interface.source-width', 600)
register('interface.statusbar', 1)
register('interface.toolbar-on', True)
register('interface.url-height', 150)
register('interface.url-width', 600)
register('interface.view', True)
register('interface.width', 775)
register('paths.recent-export-dir', '')
register('paths.recent-file', '')
register('paths.recent-import-dir', '')
register('paths.report-directory', const.USER_HOME)
register('paths.website-directory', const.USER_HOME)
register('preferences.complete-color', '#008b00')
register('preferences.custom-marker-color', '#8b008b')
register('preferences.date-format', 0)
register('preferences.default-source', False)
register('preferences.eprefix', 'E%04d')
register('preferences.family-details', True)
register('preferences.family-siblings', True)
register('preferences.family-warn', True)
register('preferences.fprefix', 'F%04d')
register('preferences.geoview', False)
register('preferences.googlemap', True)
register('preferences.hide-ep-msg', False)
register('preferences.invalid-date-format', "<b>%s</b>")
register('preferences.iprefix', 'I%04d')
register('preferences.last-view', 0)
register('preferences.microsoft', False)
register('preferences.name-format', 1)
register('preferences.no-given-text', "[%s]" % _("Missing Given Name"))
register('preferences.no-record-text', "[%s]" % _("Missing Record"))
register('preferences.no-surname-text', "[%s]" % _("Missing Surname"))
register('preferences.nprefix', 'N%04d')
register('preferences.online-maps', False)
register('preferences.openlayers', False)
register('preferences.oprefix', 'O%04d')
register('preferences.paper-metric', 0)
register('preferences.paper-preference', 'Letter')
register('preferences.pprefix', 'P%04d')
register('preferences.private-given-text', "[%s]" % _("Living"))
register('preferences.private-record-text', "[%s]" % _("Private Record"))
register('preferences.private-surname-text', "[%s]" % _("Living"))
register('preferences.relation-display-theme', "CLASSIC")
register('preferences.relation-shade', True)
register('preferences.rprefix', 'R%04d')
register('preferences.sprefix', 'S%04d')
register('preferences.todo-color', '#ff0000')
register('preferences.use-last-view', True)
register('preferences.yahoo', False)
register('preferences.microsoft', False)
register('researcher.researcher-addr', '')
register('researcher.researcher-city', '')
register('researcher.researcher-country', '')
register('researcher.researcher-email', '')
register('researcher.researcher-name', '')
register('researcher.researcher-phone', '')
register('researcher.researcher-postal', '')
register('researcher.researcher-state', '')
# Now, load the settings from the config file
# Upgrade Conversions go here.
# If we have not already upgraded to this version,
# we can tell by seeing if there is a key file for this version:
if not os.path.exists(CONFIGMAN.filename):
# If not, let's read old if there:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(const.HOME_DIR, "keys.ini")):
# read it in old style:
print "Importing old key file 'keys.ini'..."
CONFIGMAN.load(os.path.join(const.HOME_DIR, "keys.ini"),
print "Done importing old key file 'keys.ini'"
# other version upgrades here...
# Now, load the settings from the config file, if one
if __name__ == "__main__":
CM = ConfigManager("./temp.ini")
CM.register("section.setting1", 1) # int
CM.register("section.setting2", 3.1415) # float
CM.register("section.setting3", "String") # string
CM.register("section.setting4", False) # boolean
assert CM.get("section.setting1") == 1
assert CM.get("section.setting2") == 3.1415
assert CM.get("section.setting3") == "String"
assert CM.get("section.setting4") == False
CM.set("section.setting1", 2)
CM.set("section.setting2", 8.6)
CM.set("section.setting3", "Another String")
CM.set("section.setting4", True)
assert CM.get("section.setting1") == 2
assert CM.get("section.setting2") == 8.6
assert CM.get("section.setting3") == "Another String"
assert CM.get("section.setting4") == True
CM.set("section.setting1", 2.8)
except AttributeError:
raise AssertionError
CM.set("section.setting2", 2)
except AttributeError:
raise AssertionError
CM.set("section.setting3", 6)
except AttributeError:
raise AssertionError
CM.set("section.setting4", 1)
except AttributeError:
raise AssertionError
assert CM.get("section.setting1") == 2
assert CM.get("section.setting2") == 8.6
assert CM.get("section.setting3") == "Another String"
assert CM.get("section.setting4") == True
# Try to set one that doesn't exist:
CM.set("section.setting5", 1)
except AttributeError:
raise AssertionError
assert CM.get("section.setting1") == 1
assert CM.get("section.setting2") == 3.1415
assert CM.get("section.setting3") == "String"
assert CM.get("section.setting4") == False
x = None
def callback(*args):
# args: self, 0, str(setting), None
global x
x = args[2]
cbid = CM.connect("section.setting1", callback)
assert x == None
CM.set("section.setting1", 1024)
assert x == "1024"
CM.set("section.setting1", -1)
assert x == "1024"