New attemot to improve complete translation in Windows.

svn: r14414
This commit is contained in:
Peter Landgren 2010-02-20 13:21:26 +00:00
parent 5e8efc14f7
commit 0828461144
2 changed files with 103 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import locale
import const
from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog
@ -78,30 +79,113 @@ def setup_gettext():
#following installs _ as a python function, we avoid this as TransUtils is
#used sometimes:
#gettext.install(LOCALEDOMAIN, LOCALEDIR, unicode=1)
def find_intl(fname):
Routine for finding if fname is in path
Returns path to fname or None
os_path = os.environ['PATH']
for subpath in os_path.split(';'):
path2file = subpath + '\\' + fname
if os.path.isfile(path2file):
return path2file
return None
def setup_windows_gtk():
""" function to decide if needed on windows
This function should be called on windows instead of locale.bindtextdomain
def test_trans(str2trans,libintl):
Routine to see if translation works
Returns translated string
transstr = libintl.gettext(str2trans, LOCALEDOMAIN)
return transstr
def init_windows_gettext(intl_path):
Help routine for loading and setting up libintl attributes
Returns libintl
import ctypes
import webkit
# Webkit installed, try to find path to libintl-8.dll
os_path = os.environ['PATH']
for subpath in os_path.split(';'):
path2file = subpath + '\\libintl-8.dll'
if os.path.isfile(path2file):
libintl = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(path2file)
# If WebKit not installed, use this
libintl = ctypes.cdll.intl #LoadLibrary('c:\\WINDOWS\\system\\intl.dll')
# The intl.dll in c:\\Program\\GTK2-Runtime\\bin\\ does not give any Glade translations.
#libintl = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('c:\\Program\\GTK2-Runtime\\bin\\intl.dll')
libintl = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(intl_path)
libintl.bind_textdomain_codeset(LOCALEDOMAIN, "UTF-8")
libintl.gettext.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
return libintl
def setup_windows_gettext():
Windows specific function for migrating from LibGlade to GtkBuilder
Glade had a function to define the directory
where to look for translations (.mo-files). It is now replaced with call
to locale.bindtextdomain() which exposes the C librarys gettext
interface on systems that provide this interface.
As MS Standard Runtime C library have not such interface call to
Python's locale.bindtextdomain() is not supported on Windows systems.
To get translation to work we must use gettext runtime library directly
using ctypes.
NOTE: officially GTK is builded in a way that allows deployment without
gettext runtime library in addition to that for historic reason and
compability libraries is build with MS name style convention like
"intl.dll" but private builds my use posix/ld-linker traditon like
"libintlX-X.dll" which in recent gettext version would be libintl-8.dll
str2translate = "Family Trees - Gramps"
translated = ""
# 1. See if there is a intl.dll in Windows/system
os_path = os.environ['PATH']
intl_path = 'c:\\WINDOWS\\system\\intx.dll'
if os.path.isfile(intl_path):
libintl = init_windows_gettext(intl_path)
# Now check for translation.
translated = test_trans(str2translate,libintl)
if str2translate != translated:
#Translation complete
#2. See if there is a libintl-8.dll in the current path
intl_path = find_intl('\\libintl-8.dll')
if intl_path:
libintl = init_windows_gettext(intl_path)
# Now check for translation.
translated = test_trans(str2translate,libintl)
if str2translate != translated:
#Translation complete
#3. See if there is another intl.dll in current path
intl_path = find_intl('\\intl.dll')
if intl_path:
libintl = init_windows_gettext(intl_path)
# Now check for translation.
translated = test_trans(str2translate,libintl)
if str2translate != translated:
#Translation complete
# 4. If strings are equal, see if we have English as language
lang = ' '
lang = os.environ["LANG"]
# if LANG is not set
lang = locale.getlocale()[0]
if not lang:
# if lang is empty/None
lang = locale.getdefaultlocale()[0]
# See if lang begins with en_, English_ or english_
enlang = lang.split('_')[0].lower()
if enlang in ('en', 'english', 'c'):
# No complete/working translation found
WarningDialog(_("Translation might not be complete/not working for"),
locale.getlocale()[0] )
def get_localedomain():

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ if not
except locale.Error:
print 'No translation in some gtk.Builder strings, '
LOG.debug('Using locale:', locale.getlocale())