4964: Gramps crashed during web report generation with person place maps

svn: r17685
This commit is contained in:
Doug Blank 2011-06-04 13:55:55 +00:00
parent 1c0a62d501
commit 17e7d64524

@ -4027,8 +4027,8 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
if not place_lat_long:
MinX, MaxX = "0.00000001", "0.00000001"
MinY, MaxY = "0.00000001", "0.00000001"
minX, maxX = "0.00000001", "0.00000001"
minY, maxY = "0.00000001", "0.00000001"
XCoordinates, YCoordinates = [], []
number_markers = len(place_lat_long)
@ -4039,15 +4039,21 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
MinX = XCoordinates[0]
MaxX = XCoordinates[-1]
minX = XCoordinates[0] if XCoordinates[0] is not None
maxX = XCoordinates[-1] if XCoordinates[-1] is not None
MinY = YCoordinates[0]
MaxY = YCoordinates[-1]
minY = YCoordinates[0] if YCoordinates[0] is not None
maxY = YCoordinates[-1] if YCoordinates[-1] is not None
spanY = int( Decimal( MaxY ) - Decimal( MinY ) )
spanX = int( Decimal( MaxX ) - Decimal( MinX ) )
spanY = int( Decimal( maxY ) - Decimal( minY ) )
spanY = 0
spanX = int( Decimal( maxX ) - Decimal( minX ) )
spanX = 0
# define smallset of Y and X span for span variables
smallset = set(xrange(-17,18))
@ -4155,10 +4161,10 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
# set southWest and northEast boundaries as spanY is greater than 20
jsc += """
// boundary southWest equals bottom left GPS Coordinates
var southWest = new mxn.LatLonPoint(%s, %s);""" % (MinX, MinY)
var southWest = new mxn.LatLonPoint(%s, %s);""" % (minX, minY)
jsc += """
// boundary northEast equals top right GPS Coordinates
var northEast = new mxn.LatLonPoint(%s, %s);""" % (MaxX, MaxY)
var northEast = new mxn.LatLonPoint(%s, %s);""" % (maxX, maxY)
jsc += """
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(southWest, northEast);