Finished up with Family Map Pages' map. Fixed the Place Maps' tab options.
svn: r17938
This commit is contained in:
@ -647,7 +647,7 @@ class BasePage(object):
global place_lat_long
placetitle = place.get_title()
latitude = longitude = ""
latitude, longitude = "", ""
found = any(p[2] == placetitle for p in place_lat_long)
if not found:
@ -658,8 +658,7 @@ class BasePage(object):
# 0 = latitude, 1 = longitude, 2 = place title, 3 = handle,
# 4 = event date
# 0 = latitude, 1 = longitude, 2 = place title, 3 = handle, 4 = event date
place_lat_long.append([ latitude, longitude,
placetitle, place.handle,
event.get_date_object() ])
@ -2533,7 +2532,6 @@ class PlacePage(BasePage):
self.placemappages =['placemappages']
self.googlemap =['placemappages']
self.openstreetmap =['openstreetmap']
self.wikimapia =['wikimapia']
# begin PlaceDetail Division
with Html("div", class_ = "content", id = "PlaceDetail") as placedetail:
@ -2580,7 +2578,7 @@ class PlacePage(BasePage):
# call_generate_page(report, title, place_handle, src_list, head, body, place, placedetail)
# add place map here
if ((self.placemappages or self.openstreetmap or self.wikimapia) and
if ((self.placemappages or self.openstreetmap) and
(place and ( and place.long) ) ):
# get reallatitude and reallongitude from place
@ -2588,13 +2586,13 @@ class PlacePage(BasePage):
# add Mapstraction CSS
fname = "/".join(["styles", "mapstraction.css"])
# add narrative-maps CSS...
fname = "/".join(["styles", "narrative-maps.css"])
url =, None, self.up)
head += Html("link", href = url, type = "text/css", media = "screen", rel = "stylesheet")
# add googlev3 specific javascript code
if (self.googlemap and (not self.openstreetmap and not self.wikimapia) ):
if self.googlemap:
head += Html("script", type ="text/javascript",
src ="", inline =True)
@ -2609,15 +2607,11 @@ class PlacePage(BasePage):
with Html("div", id = "middle") as middle:
mapstraction += middle
if (self.openstreetmap or self.wikimapia):
if self.openstreetmap:
url = '' % (
latitude, longitude)
middle += Html("object", data = url, inline = True)
url = '' % (
latitude, longitude)
middle += Html("object", data = url, inline = True)
elif self.googlemap:
# begin inline javascript code
# because jsc is a string, it does NOT have to be properly indented
@ -4056,6 +4050,10 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
if not place_lat_long:
self.placemappages =['placemappages']
self.googlemap =['placemappages']
self.openstreetmap =['openstreetmap']
minX, maxX = "0.00000001", "0.00000001"
minY, maxY = "0.00000001", "0.00000001"
XCoordinates, YCoordinates = [], []
@ -4095,8 +4093,8 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
# define largeset of Y and X span for span variables
largeset = set(xrange(-81, 82)) - middleset - smallset
# sort place_lat_long based on chronological date order
place_lat_long = sorted(place_lat_long, key = operator.itemgetter(4, 2, 0))
# sort place_lat_long based on date, latitude, longitude order...
place_lat_long = sorted(place_lat_long, key = operator.itemgetter(4, 0, 1))
of =, "maps")
self.up = True
@ -4107,61 +4105,67 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
# if active
# call_(report, up, head)
# add Mapstraction CSS
fname = "/".join(["styles", "mapstraction.css"])
# add narrative-maps stylesheet...
fname = "/".join(["styles", "narrative-maps.css"])
url =, None, self.up)
head += Html("link", href =url, type ="text/css", media ="screen", rel ="stylesheet")
# add googlev3 specific javascript code
if self.placemappages:
head += Html("script", type ="text/javascript",
src = "", inline = True)
src ="", inline =True)
# set zoomlevel for size of map
# the smaller the span is, the larger the zoomlevel must be...
if spanY in smallset:
zoomlevel = 12
zoomlevel = 13
elif spanY in middleset:
zoomlevel = 7
zoomlevel = 5
elif spanY in largeset:
zoomlevel = 4
zoomlevel = 3
zoomlevel = 4
zoomlevel = 3
# begin inline javascript code
# because jsc is a string, it does NOT have to properly indented
with Html("script", type ="text/javascript") as jsc:
head += jsc
jsc += """
var mapCenter = new google.maps.LatLng(%s, %s);
var map;
function initialize() {
var mapOptions = {
var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(%s, %s);
var myOptions = {
zoom: %d,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
center: mapCenter
center: myLatLng,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions);""" % (
centerX, centerY, zoomlevel)
for (latitude, longitude, p, h, d) in place_lat_long:
jsc += """
addMarker(%s, %s);""" % (latitude, longitude)
jsc += """
function addMarker(latitude, longitude) {
var latlong = new google.maps.LatLng(latitude, longitude);
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
var markers = new google.maps.Marker({
position: latlong,
map: map,
draggable: true,
animation: google.maps.Animation.BOUNCE
var lifeHistory = [""" % (centerX, centerY, zoomlevel)
for index in xrange(0, (number_markers - 1)):
data = place_lat_long[index]
latitude, longitude = conv_lat_lon(data[0], data[1], "D.D8")
jsc += """ new google.maps.LatLng(%s, %s),""" % (latitude, longitude)
data = place_lat_long[-1]
latitude, longitude = conv_lat_lon(data[0], data[1], "D.D8")
jsc += """ new google.maps.LatLng(%s, %s)
var flightPath = new google.maps.Polyline({
path: lifeHistory,
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2
}""" % (latitude, longitude)
# there is no need to add an ending "</script>",
# as it will be added automatically!
# add body onload to initialize map
body.attr = 'onload ="initialize()" id ="FamilyMap" '
with Html("div", class_ ="content", id ="FamilyMapDetail") as mapbackground:
body += mapbackground
@ -4175,37 +4179,30 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
mapbackground += Html("p", msg, id = "description")
# set map dimensions based on span of Y Coordinates
ymap = ""
if spanY in smallset:
ymap = "small"
if spanY in largeset:
Ywidth = 1600
elif spanY in middleset:
ymap = "middle"
elif spanY in largeset:
ymap = "large"
ymap += "YMap"
Ywidth = 1200
elif spanY in smallset:
Ywidth = 800
Ywidth = 800
# begin Ymap division
with Html("div", id =ymap) as ymap:
mapbackground += ymap
xmap = ""
if spanX in smallset:
xmap = "small"
if spanX in largeset:
Xheight = 1600
elif spanX in middleset:
xmap = "middle"
elif spanX in largeset:
xmap = "large"
xmap += "XMap"
# begin Xmap division
with Html("div", id =xmap) as xmap:
ymap += xmap
Xheight = 1200
elif spanX in smallset:
Xheight = 800
Xheight = 800
# here is where the map is held in the CSS/ Page
with Html("div", id ="map_canvas") as canvas:
xmap += canvas
canvas = Html("div", id ="map_canvas")
mapbackground += canvas
canvas += Html("button", _("Drop Markers"), id ="drop", onclick ="drop()", inline =True)
# add dynamic style to the place holder...
canvas.attr += ' style ="width:%dpx; height:%dpx; border: double 4px #000;" ' % (Ywidth, Xheight)
# add fullclear for proper styling
canvas += fullclear
@ -4230,9 +4227,6 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
list1 = Html("li", _dd.display(date), inline = True)
ordered1 += list1
# add body onload to initialize map
body.attr = 'onload = "initialize()" id = "FamilyMap"'
# add clearline for proper styling
# add footer section
footer = self.write_footer()
@ -4785,9 +4779,6 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
db =
self.familymappages =['familymappages']
self.fgooglemap =['familymappages']
#self.fopenstreetmap =['fopenstreetmap']
#self.fwikimapia =['fwikimapia']
# begin parents division
with Html("div", class_ = "subsection", id = "parents") as section:
@ -5658,11 +5649,7 @@ class NavWebReport(Report):
self.placemappages = self.options['placemappages']
self.googlemap = self.options['placemappages']
self.openstreetmap = self.options['openstreetmap']
self.wikimapia = self.options['wikimapia']
self.familymappages = self.options['familymappages']
self.fgooglemap = self.options['familymappages']
#self.fopenstreetmap = self.options['fopenstreetmap']
#self.fwikimapia = self.options['fwikimapia']
if self.use_home:
self.index_fname = "index"
@ -5831,19 +5818,23 @@ class NavWebReport(Report):
Copy all of the CSS, image, and javascript files for Narrated Web
# copy behaviour style sheet
fname = CSS["behaviour"]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, "behaviour.css", "styles")
# copy screen style sheet
if CSS[self.css]["filename"]:
fname = CSS[self.css]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, _NARRATIVESCREEN, "styles")
# copy printer style sheet
fname = CSS["Print-Default"]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, _NARRATIVEPRINT, "styles")
# copy ancestor tree style sheet if tree is being created?
if self.ancestortree:
fname = CSS["ancestortree"]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, "ancestortree.css", "styles")
# copy screen style sheet
if CSS[self.css]["filename"]:
fname = CSS[self.css]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, _NARRATIVESCREEN, "styles")
# copy behaviour style sheet
fname = CSS["behaviour"]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, "behaviour.css", "styles")
# copy Navigation Menu Layout style sheet if Blue or Visually is being used
if CSS[self.css]["navigation"]:
@ -5853,18 +5844,10 @@ class NavWebReport(Report):
fname = CSS["Navigation-Vertical"]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, "narrative-menus.css", "styles")
# copy Mapstraction style sheet if using Place Maps
# copy narrative-maps if Place or Family Map pages?
if self.placemappages or self.familymappages:
fname = CSS["mapstraction"]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, "mapstraction.css", "styles")
for from_path in CSS["mapstraction"]["javascript"]:
fdir, fname = os.path.split(from_path)
self.copy_file( from_path, fname, "mapstraction" )
# copy printer style sheet
fname = CSS["Print-Default"]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, _NARRATIVEPRINT, "styles")
fname = CSS["NarrativeMaps"]["filename"]
self.copy_file(fname, "narrative-maps.css", "styles")
imgs = []
@ -6705,20 +6688,20 @@ class NavWebOptions(MenuReportOptions):
category_name = _("Place Maps")
addopt = partial(menu.add_option, category_name)
placemappages = BooleanOption(_("Include Place map on Place Pages (Google maps)"), False)
placemappages.set_help(_("Whether to include a Google map on the Place Pages, "
self.__placemappages = BooleanOption(_("Include Place map on Place Pages (Google maps)"), False)
self.__placemappages.set_help(_("Whether to include a Google map on the Place Pages, "
"where Latitude/ Longitude are available."))
addopt( "placemappages", placemappages )
self.__placemappages.connect("value-changed", self.__placemaps_changed)
addopt( "placemappages", self.__placemappages)
openstreetmap = BooleanOption(_("Include Place map on Place Pages (OpenStreetMap)"), False)
openstreetmap.set_help(_("Whether to include a OpenStreet map on the Place Pages, "
self.__openstreetmap = BooleanOption(_("Include Place map on Place Pages (OpenStreetMap)"), False)
self.__openstreetmap.set_help(_("Whether to include a OpenStreet map on the Place Pages, "
"where Latitude/ Longitude are available."))
addopt( "openstreetmap", openstreetmap )
self.__openstreetmap.connect("value-changed", self.__openstreetmap_changed)
addopt("openstreetmap", self.__openstreetmap)
wikimapia = BooleanOption(_("Include Place map on Place Pages (Wikimapia)"), False)
wikimapia.set_help(_("Whether to include a Wikimapia map on the Place Pages, "
"where Latitude/ Longitude are available."))
addopt( "wikimapia", wikimapia )
familymappages = BooleanOption(_("Include Individual Page Map with "
"all places shown on map (Google Maps)"), False)
@ -6728,22 +6711,6 @@ class NavWebOptions(MenuReportOptions):
"traveled around the country."))
addopt( "familymappages", familymappages )
#fopenstreetmap = BooleanOption(_("Include Individual Page Map with "
#"all places shown on map (OpenStreetMap)"), False)
#fopenstreetmap.set_help(_("Whether or not to add an individual OpenStreet map "
#"showing all the places on this page. "
#"This will allow you to see how your family "
#"traveled around the country."))
#addopt( "fopenstreetmap", fopenstreetmap )
#fwikimapia = BooleanOption(_("Include Individual Page Map with "
#"all places shown on map (Wikimapia)"), False)
#fwikimapia.set_help(_("Whether or not to add an individual Wikimapia map "
#"showing all the places on this page. "
#"This will allow you to see how your family "
#"traveled around the country."))
#addopt( "fwikimapia", fwikimapia )
def __archive_changed(self):
@ -6831,6 +6798,20 @@ class NavWebOptions(MenuReportOptions):
def __placemaps_changed(self):
""" Handles changing nature of google Maps"""
if self.__placemappages.get_value():
def __openstreetmap_changed(self):
"""Handles changing nature of openstreetmaps"""
if self.__openstreetmap.get_value():
# FIXME. Why do we need our own sorting? Why not use Sort.Sort?
def sort_people(db, handle_list):
sname_sub = defaultdict(list)
@ -69,45 +69,3 @@ div#middlesection {
float: center;
overflow-y: hidden;
/* Y Map Sizes
------------------------------------------------- */
div#largeYMap {
width: 1400px;
margin: 1%;
div#middleYMap {
width: 1000px;
margin: 2%;
div#smallYMap {
width: 800px;
margin: 0px 8% 10px 9%;
div#YMap {
width: 800px;
margin: 0% 8% 10px 9%;
/* X Map Sizes
------------------------------------------------- */
div#largeXMap {
height: 1400px;
div#middleXMap {
height: 1200px;
div#smallXMap {
height: 800px;
div#XMap {
height: 800px;
/* map_canvas
------------------------------------------------- */
div#map_canvas {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
border: double 4px #000;
@ -106,13 +106,9 @@ def load_on_reg(dbstate, uistate, plugin):
["behaviour", 0, "Behaviour",
path_css('behaviour.css'), None, [], []],
# mapstraction style sheet for NarrativeWeb place maps
["mapstraction", 0, "",
path_css("narrative-maps.css"), None, [],
[path_js("mapstraction", "mxn.core.js"),
path_js("mapstraction", "mxn.googlev3.core.js"),
path_js("mapstraction", "mxn.js"),
path_js("mapstraction", "mxn.openlayers.core.js")] ],
# NarrativeMpasstyle sheet for NarrativeWeb place maps
["NarrativeMaps", 0, "",
path_css("narrative-maps.css"), None, [], []],
# default style sheet in the options
["default", 0, _("Basic-Ash"),
Reference in New Issue
Block a user