diff --git a/src/docgen/AbiWord2Doc.py b/src/docgen/AbiWord2Doc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bd47c12b..000000000
--- a/src/docgen/AbiWord2Doc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Brian G. Matherly
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id$
-Provides a BaseDoc based interface to the AbiWord document format.
-# Python Modules
-import base64
-from gettext import gettext as _
-# Gramps Modules
-import BaseDoc
-import Errors
-from PluginUtils import register_text_doc
-import ImgManip
-import Mime
-import Utils
-mime_type = ""
-# Class Definitions
-class AbiWordDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
- """AbiWord document generator. Inherits from the BaseDoc generic
- document interface class."""
- def __init__(self,styles,type,template):
- """Initializes the AbiWordDoc class, calling the __init__ routine
- of the parent BaseDoc class"""
- BaseDoc.BaseDoc.__init__(self,styles,type,template)
- self.media_list = []
- self.f = None
- self.level = 0
- self.new_page = 0
- self.in_table = 0
- self.in_paragraph = 0
- def open(self,filename):
- """Opens the document, writing the necessary header information.
- AbiWord uses an XML format, so the document format is pretty easy
- to understand"""
- if filename[-4:] != ".abw":
- self.filename = "%s.abw" % filename
- else:
- self.filename = filename
- try:
- self.f = open(self.filename,"w")
- except IOError,msg:
- errmsg = "%s\n%s" % (_("Could not create %s") % self.filename, msg)
- raise Errors.ReportError(errmsg)
- except:
- raise Errors.ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % self.filename)
- # doctype
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n' % Utils.xml_lang())
- # metadata section
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('application/x-abiword\n')
- self.f.write('AbiWord\n')
- self.f.write('Mon May 19 14:16:24 2003\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.write_styles()
- # page size section
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- def write_styles(self):
- self.f.write('\n')
- styles = self.get_style_sheet()
- for style_name in styles.get_paragraph_style_names():
- style = styles.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
- self.current_style = style
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- def close(self):
- """Write the trailing information and closes the file"""
- self.f.write('\n')
- if self.media_list:
- self.f.write('\n')
- for tag_number in range(len(self.media_list)):
- name = self.media_list[tag_number]
- img = ImgManip.ImgManip(name)
- buf = img.png_data()
- self.f.write(
- '\n'
- % tag_number)
- self.f.write(base64.encodestring(buf))
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.close()
- if self.print_req:
- try:
- app = Mime.get_application(mime_type)[0]
- Utils.launch(app,self.filename)
- except:
- pass
- def add_media_object(self,name,pos,x_cm,y_cm):
- try:
- image = ImgManip.ImgManip(name)
- (x,y) = image.size()
- except:
- return
- if y:
- aspect_ratio = float(x)/float(y)
- else:
- aspect_ratio = 1
- if aspect_ratio > x_cm/y_cm:
- act_width = x_cm
- act_height = y_cm/aspect_ratio
- else:
- act_height = y_cm
- act_width = x_cm*aspect_ratio
- if name in self.media_list:
- tag_number = self.media_list.index(name)
- else:
- tag_number = len(self.media_list)
- self.media_list.append(name)
- if self.in_paragraph: # We cannot insert photo
- start_p = end_p = '' # outside text paragraph.
- else: # So if not in paragraph, insert one.
- start_p = '
- end_p = '
- self.f.write('%s%s '
- % (start_p,tag_number,act_height,act_width,end_p))
- def start_superscript(self):
- self.f.write('')
- def end_superscript(self):
- self.f.write('')
- def start_paragraph(self,style_name,leader=None):
- self.in_paragraph = 1
- styles = self.get_style_sheet()
- style = styles.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
- self.current_style = style
- self.f.write('' % style_name)
- if self.new_page == 1:
- self.new_page = 0
- self.f.write('')
- if leader != None:
- self.f.write(leader)
- self.f.write('\t')
- def page_break(self):
- self.new_page = 1
- def end_paragraph(self):
- self.in_paragraph = 0
- self.f.write('
- def write_note(self,text,format,style_name):
- if format == 1:
- self.start_paragraph(style_name)
- self.f.write('')
- self.write_text(text)
- self.f.write('')
- self.end_paragraph()
- elif format == 0:
- for line in text.split('\n\n'):
- self.start_paragraph(style_name)
- line = line.replace('\n',' ')
- line = ' '.join(line.split())
- self.write_text(line)
- self.end_paragraph()
- def write_text(self,text,mark=None):
- text = text.replace('&','&'); # Must be first
- text = text.replace('<','<');
- text = text.replace('>','>');
- text = text.replace('<super>','')
- text = text.replace('</super>','')
- self.f.write(text)
- def start_bold(self):
- self.f.write('')
- def end_bold(self):
- self.f.write('')
- def start_table(self,name,style_name):
- self.in_table = 1
- styles = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.tblstyle = styles.get_table_style(style_name)
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.current_row = -1
- def end_table(self):
- self.in_table = 0
- self.f.write('
- def start_row(self):
- self.ledge = 0.0
- self.col = 0
- self.current_row += 1
- def end_row(self):
- pass
- def start_cell(self,style_name,span=1):
- styles = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.cstyle = styles.get_cell_style(style_name)
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.col += span
- def end_cell(self):
- self.f.write(' | \n')
-# Register plugins
- if Mime.mime_type_is_defined("application/x-abiword"):
- mime_type = "application/x-abiword"
- elif Mime.mime_type_is_defined("application/abiword"):
- mime_type = "application/abiword"
- prog = Mime.get_application(mime_type)
- mtype = Mime.get_description(mime_type)
- if Utils.search_for(prog[0]):
- print_label=_("Open in %s") % prog[1]
- else:
- print_label=None
- register_text_doc(mtype,AbiWordDoc,1,1,1,".abw", print_label)
- register_text_doc(_('AbiWord document'),AbiWordDoc,1,1,1,".abw", None)
diff --git a/src/docgen/KwordDoc.py b/src/docgen/KwordDoc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cae1e8da6..000000000
--- a/src/docgen/KwordDoc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Brian G. Matherly
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id$
-# Python modules
-import time
-import cStringIO
-import os
-import tarfile
-from gettext import gettext as _
-# Gramps modules
-import BaseDoc
-import Errors
-from PluginUtils import register_text_doc
-import ImgManip
-import Mime
-def points(val):
- inch = float(val)/2.54
- return (int(inch*72))
-class KwordDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc):
- def open(self,filename):
- self.media_list = []
- if filename[-4:] != ".kwd":
- self.filename = filename + ".kwd"
- else:
- self.filename = filename
- self.f = cStringIO.StringIO()
- self.m = cStringIO.StringIO()
- self.m.write('')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.m.write('\n')
- self.f.write('')
- self.f.write('')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.mtime = time.time()
- paper_name = self.paper.get_size().get_name()
- if paper_name == "A3":
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('' % points(self.paper.get_left_margin()))
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.frameset_flg= 0
- for p in self.media_list:
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- for name in style_sheet.get_paragraph_style_names():
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- for filedata in self.media_list:
- self.f.write('\n' % a[0])
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.f.write('\n')
- try:
- archive = tarfile.open(self.filename,'w:gz')
- except IOError, msg:
- text = _("Could not open %s") % self.filename
- Errors.ReportError(text + "\n" + str(msg))
- return
- except:
- Errors.ReportError(_("Could not open %s") % self.filename)
- return
- tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('documentinfo.xml')
- tarinfo.size = len(self.m.getvalue())
- tarinfo.mtime = self.mtime
- if os.sys.platform != "win32":
- tarinfo.uid = os.getuid()
- tarinfo.gid = os.getgid()
- self.m.seek(0)
- archive.addfile(tarinfo,self.m)
- tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo('maindoc.xml')
- tarinfo.size = len(self.f.getvalue())
- tarinfo.mtime = self.mtime
- if os.sys.platform != "win32":
- tarinfo.uid = os.getuid()
- tarinfo.gid = os.getgid()
- self.f.seek(0)
- archive.addfile(tarinfo,self.f)
- for filedata in self.media_list:
- archive.add(filedata[0])
- archive.close()
- self.f.close()
- self.m.close()
- if self.print_req:
- apptype = 'application/x-kword'
- app = Mime.get_application(apptype)
- os.environ["FILE"] = self.filename
- os.system ('%s "$FILE" &' % app[0])
- def start_paragraph(self,style_name,leader=None):
- self.format_list = []
- self.bold_start = 0
- self.text = ""
- self.style_name = style_name
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.p = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(self.style_name)
- self.font = self.p.get_font()
- if self.font.get_type_face() == BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF:
- self.font_face = "Bitstream Vera Serif"
- else:
- self.font_face = "Bitstream Vera Sans"
- if leader != None:
- self.text = leader + '\t'
- txt = '\n' % (len(leader)+1)
- txt = txt + '\n\n' % self.font_face
- self.format_list.append(txt)
- self.bold_stop = len(self.text)
- def end_paragraph(self):
- if self.frameset_flg == 0:
- self.f.write(' \n')
- self.cell_row= 0
- self.cell_col= 0
- self.frameset_flg= 0
- def end_table(self):
- self.table_no= self.table_no + 1
- def start_row(self):
- pass
- def end_row(self):
- self.cell_row= self.cell_row + 1
- self.cell_col= 0
- self.cell_left= (self.paper.get_left_margin() * 72)/ 2.54
- def start_cell(self,style_name,span=1):
- self.cell_span= span
- self.cell_style= style_name
- self.cell_right = self.cell_left
- for i in range(0,span):
- col_width = self.tbl.get_column_width(self.cell_col+i)
- spc = (self.tbl_width * col_width) / 100
- self.cell_right = self.cell_right + spc
- self.f.write('\n')
- self.cell_col= self.cell_col + 1
- self.frameset_flg= 0
- self.cell_left= self.cell_right
- def add_media_object(self,name,pos,x_cm,y_cm):
- try:
- im = ImgManip.ImgManip(name)
- except:
- return
- (x,y)= im.size()
- ratio = float(x_cm)*float(y)/(float(y_cm)*float(x))
- if ratio < 1:
- act_width = x_cm
- act_height = y_cm*ratio
- else:
- act_height = y_cm
- act_width = x_cm/ratio
- index = len(self.media_list)+1
- tag = 'pictures/picture%d.jpeg' % index
- self.media_list.append((name,tag,act_width,act_height))
- txt = '\n' % len(self.text)
- txt = txt + '\n' % tag
- txt = txt + '\n'
- self.bold_stop = len(self.text)
- self.format_list.append(txt)
- self.text = self.text + '#'
- def write_note(self,text,format,style_name):
- if format == 1:
- self.start_paragraph(style_name)
- self.write_text(text)
- self.end_paragraph()
- elif format == 0:
- for line in text.split('\n\n'):
- self.start_paragraph(style_name)
- line = line.replace('\n',' ')
- line = ' '.join(line.split())
- self.write_text(line)
- self.end_paragraph()
- def write_text(self,text,mark=None):
- text = text.replace('&','&'); # Must be first
- text = text.replace('<','<');
- text = text.replace('>','>');
- pos = text.find('<super>')
- if pos >= 0:
- self.start_pos = len(self.text)+pos
- text = text.replace('<super>','')
- pos = text.find('</super>')
- if pos >= 0:
- end = len(self.text)+pos - self.start_pos
- text = text.replace('<super>','')
- txt = '\n' % (self.start_pos, end)
- txt = txt + '\n'
- text = text.replace('</super>','')
- self.format_list.append(txt)
- self.text = self.text + text
-# Register the document generator with the GRAMPS plugin system
- import Utils
- prog = Mime.get_application("application/x-kword")
- mtype = Mime.get_description("application/x-kword")
- if prog and Utils.search_for(prog[0]):
- print_label=_("Open in %s") % prog[1]
- else:
- print_label=None
- if mtype == _("unknown"):
- mtype = _('KWord')
- register_text_doc(mtype, KwordDoc, 1, 1, 1, ".kwd", print_label)
- register_text_doc(_('KWord'), KwordDoc, 1, 1, 1, ".kwd", print_label)
diff --git a/src/docgen/LPRDoc.py b/src/docgen/LPRDoc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a3e4f9bd5..000000000
--- a/src/docgen/LPRDoc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1245 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Brian G. Matherly
-# Modifications and feature additions:
-# 2002 Donald A. Peterson
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# Written by Billy C. Earney, 2003-2004
-# Modified by Alex Roitman, 2004-2005
-# $Id$
-"""LPR document generator"""
-# python modules
-from string import punctuation
-from gettext import gettext as _
-# GNOME/GTK Modules
-import gtk.gdk
-import Errors
- import gnomeprint, gnomeprint.ui
-except ImportError:
- raise Errors.UnavailableError(
- _("Cannot be loaded because python bindings "
- "for GNOME print are not installed"))
-### FIXME ###
-if gnomeprint.Context.__dict__.has_key('grestore'):
- support_photos = 1
- support_photos = 0
- print "LPRDoc: Photos and rotated text (used in FanChart)"
- print " are not supported for direct printing."
- print " Get gnome-python from CVS"
- print " or wait for the next gnome-python release."
-### end FIXME ###
-# gramps modules
-import BaseDoc
-from PluginUtils import register_text_doc, register_draw_doc, register_book_doc
-from ReportBase import ReportUtils
-rgb_color = ReportUtils.rgb_color
-# Constants
-# Spacing in points (distance between the bottoms of two adjacent lines)
-# Elevation of superscripts: a fraction of it's size
-# Number of points to subtract to get the superscrip size
-# Factor which multiplies the font size to get line spacing for the font
-# Grey color to use for box shadows
-_SHADOW_COLOR = (192,192,192)
-# Font constants -- specific for gnome-print
-('FreeSerif Medium','FreeSerif Bold','FreeSerif Italic','FreeSerif BoldItalic' ),
-('FreeSans Medium','FreeSans Bold','FreeSans Oblique','FreeSans BoldOblique'),
-('FreeMono Medium','FreeMono Bold','FreeMono Oblique','FreeMono BoldOblique')
- )
-('Times New Roman Regular','Times New Roman Bold','Times New Roman Italic','Times New Roman Bold Italic' ),
-('Arial Regular','Arial Bold','Arial Italic','Arial Bold Italic'),
-('Courier New Regular','Courier New Bold','Courier New Italic','Courier New Bold Italic')
- )
-('Serif Regular','Serif Bold','Serif Italic','Serif Bold Italic' ),
-('Sans Regular','Sans Bold','Sans Italic','Sans Bold Italic'),
-('Monospace Regular','Monospace New Bold','Monospace New Italic','Monospace New Bold Italic')
- )
-# Search for ttf-freefont first
-ttf_not_found = 0
-for family in _TTF_FREEFONT:
- for font in family:
- if font not in gnomeprint.font_list():
- ttf_not_found = 1
- break
-if ttf_not_found:
- print "LPRDoc: Free true type fonts not found."
- # Search for MS ttfs
- ms_not_found = 0
- for family in _MS_TTFONT:
- for font in family:
- if font not in gnomeprint.font_list():
- ms_not_found = 1
- break
- if ms_not_found:
- print " Microsoft true type fonts not found."
- print " Using Gnome standard fonts."
- print " Non-ascii characters will appear garbled in the output."
- print " INSTALL Free true type fonts"
- print " from http://www.nongnu.org/freefont/"
- else:
- print " Found Microsoft true type fonts. Will use them for now."
- print " These fonts are not free. "
- print " You are advised to switch to Free true type fonts"
- print " INSTALL Free true type fonts"
- print " from http://www.nongnu.org/freefont/"
-# Formatting directive constants
-_LINE_BREAK = "Break"
-_BOLD = "Bold"
-_SUPER = "Super"
-_MONO = "Mono"
-_POSTLEADER = "Postleader"
-# Units conversion
-def cm2u(cm):
- """
- Convert cm to gnome-print units.
- """
- return cm * 72.0 / 2.54
-# font lookup function
-def find_font_from_fontstyle(fontstyle):
- """
- This function returns the gnomeprint.Font() object instance
- corresponding to the parameters of BaseDoc.FontStyle() object.
- fontstyle - a BaseDoc.FontStyle() instance
- """
- if fontstyle.get_type_face() == BaseDoc.FONT_SERIF:
- family = _FONT_SET[0]
- elif fontstyle.get_type_face() == BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF:
- family = _FONT_SET[1]
- elif fontstyle.get_type_face() == BaseDoc.FONT_MONOSPACE:
- family = _FONT_SET[2]
- if fontstyle.get_bold():
- if fontstyle.get_italic():
- font = family[3]
- else:
- font = family[1]
- elif fontstyle.get_italic():
- font = family[2]
- else:
- font = family[0]
- size = fontstyle.get_size()
- return gnomeprint.font_find_closest(font,size)
-# basic font-specific text formatting functions
-def get_text_width(text,fontstyle):
- """
- This function returns the width of text using given fontstyle
- when not formatted.
- text - a text whose width to find
- fontstyle - a BaseDoc.FontStyle() instance
- """
- font = find_font_from_fontstyle(fontstyle)
- return font.get_width_utf8(text)
-# add to paragraph taking care of the newline characters
-def append_to_paragraph(paragraph,directive,text):
- """
- Add a piece to the paragraph while
- taking care of the newline characters.
- paragraph - a GnomePrintParagraph() instance
- directive - what to do with this piece
- text - the text of the corresponding piece
- """
- if not directive and not text:
- return
- text_list = text.split('\n')
- for the_text in text_list[:-1]:
- paragraph.add_piece(directive,the_text)
- paragraph.add_piece(_LINE_BREAK,"")
- paragraph.add_piece(directive,text_list[-1:][0])
-# Paragraph class
-class GnomePrintParagraph:
- """
- A paragraph abstraction which provides the means for in-paragraph
- formatting.
- """
- def __init__(self,paragraph_style):
- """
- Creates a GnomePrintParapgrah instance.
- paragraph_style - an instance of BaseDoc paragraph style object
- """
- self.style = paragraph_style
- self.fontstyle = self.style.get_font()
- self.piece_list = []
- self.lines = []
- self.height = None
- def add_piece(self,directive,text):
- """
- Add a piece to the paragraph.
- directive - what to do with this piece
- text - the text of the corresponding piece
- """
- self.piece_list.append((directive,text))
- def get_piece_list(self):
- """
- Return a list of pieces for the paragraph.
- """
- return self.piece_list
- def get_fontstyle(self):
- """
- Return fontstyle for the paragraph.
- """
- return self.fontstyle
- def get_alignment(self):
- """
- Return requested alignment of the paragraph.
- """
- return self.style.get_alignment()
- def get_min_width(self):
- """
- Determine the minimal width of the paragraph (longest word).
- """
- max_word_size = 0
- for (directive,text) in self.piece_list:
- fontstyle = BaseDoc.FontStyle(self.fontstyle)
- if directive == _BOLD:
- fontstyle.set_bold(1)
- elif directive == _SUPER:
- size = fontstyle.get_size()
- fontstyle.set_size(size-_SUPER_SIZE_REDUCTION)
- elif directive == _MONO:
- fontstyle.set_type_face(BaseDoc.FONT_MONOSPACE)
- for word in text.split():
- length = get_text_width(word,fontstyle)
- if length > max_word_size:
- max_word_size = length
- return max_word_size
- def get_height(self,width):
- """
- Determine the height the paragraph would have
- if formatted for a given width.
- width - required formatting width
- """
- if not self.lines:
- self.format(width)
- return self.height
- def format(self,width):
- """
- Format the paragraph for a given width.
- This is a complex procedure. It assembles lines from the paragraph's
- pieces. It also sets the height of the whole paragraph and
- the widths available after the lines are assembled.
- width - required formatting width
- """
- if self.lines:
- return
- width = width - cm2u(self.style.get_right_margin()) \
- - cm2u(self.style.get_left_margin())
- nlines = 1
- avail_width = width
- start_piece = end_piece = start_word = end_word = 0
- first = 1
- for piece_num in range(len(self.piece_list)):
- end_piece = piece_num
- (directive,text) = self.piece_list[piece_num]
- fontstyle = BaseDoc.FontStyle(self.fontstyle)
- if directive == _BOLD:
- fontstyle.set_bold(1)
- elif directive == _SUPER:
- size = fontstyle.get_size()
- fontstyle.set_size(size-_SUPER_SIZE_REDUCTION)
- elif directive == _MONO:
- fontstyle.set_type_face(BaseDoc.FONT_MONOSPACE)
- if first:
- first = 0
- avail_width = avail_width - cm2u(self.style.get_first_indent())
- if text and avail_width > get_text_width(text,fontstyle):
- avail_width -= get_text_width(text,fontstyle)
- end_word = len(text.split())
- elif directive == _LINE_BREAK:
- nlines += 1
- end_word = 0
- self.lines.append((start_piece,start_word,end_piece,end_word,avail_width))
- avail_width = width
- start_piece = end_piece
- start_word = 0
- elif text and avail_width <= get_text_width(text,fontstyle):
- # divide up text
- textlist = text.split()
- the_text = ""
- for word_num in range(len(textlist)):
- word = textlist[word_num]
- if get_text_width(the_text + word + " ",fontstyle) <= avail_width:
- the_text = the_text + word + " "
- else:
- # the_text contains as much as avail_width allows
- nlines += 1
- end_word = word_num
- avail_width -= get_text_width(the_text,fontstyle)
- self.lines.append((start_piece,start_word,end_piece,end_word,avail_width))
- avail_width = width
- the_text = word + " "
- start_piece = end_piece
- start_word = word_num
- # if the_text still contains data, we will want to print it out
- if the_text:
- avail_width = width - get_text_width(the_text,fontstyle)
- end_word = len(textlist)
- self.lines.append((start_piece,start_word,end_piece,end_word,avail_width))
- self.height = nlines * self.fontstyle.get_size() \
- + cm2u(self.style.get_top_margin()
- +self.style.get_bottom_margin())
- def get_lines(self):
- """
- Return a list of assemlbed lines for the paragraph.
- Each element is a tuple corresponding to the line's contents:
- (start_piece,start_word,end_piece,end_word,avail_width)
- """
- return self.lines
-# Photo class
-class GnomePrintPhoto:
- """
- A photo abstraction which provides the means for correct photo placement.
- Way less complex that paragraph, but still useful.
- """
- def __init__(self,name,pos,x_size,y_size):
- """
- Creates a GnomePrintPhoto instance.
- """
- self.name = name
- self.alignment = pos
- self.pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(name)
- self.height = self.pixbuf.get_height()
- self.width = self.pixbuf.get_width()
- max_size = cm2u(max(x_size,y_size))
- self.scale_x = int(max_size * float(self.width)/max(self.height,
- self.width))
- self.scale_y = int(max_size * float(self.height)/max(self.height,
- self.width))
- def get_image(self):
- """
- Return the raw image of the photo.
- """
- return self.pixbuf.get_pixels()
- def get_has_alpha(self):
- """
- Return has_alpha of the photo.
- """
- return self.pixbuf.get_has_alpha()
- def get_rowstride(self):
- """
- Return the rowstride of the photo.
- """
- return self.pixbuf.get_rowstride()
- def get_height(self,width=None):
- """
- Return the real height of the photo as it should appear on the page.
- """
- return self.scale_y
- def get_width(self):
- """
- Return the real width of the photo as it should appear on the page.
- """
- return self.scale_x
- def get_min_width(self):
- """
- Return the minimum width of the photo as it should appear on the page.
- """
- return self.scale_x
- def get_image_height(self):
- """
- Return the height of the photo in terms of image's pixels.
- """
- return self.height
- def get_image_width(self):
- """
- Return the width of the photo in terms of image's pixels.
- """
- return self.width
- def get_alignment(self):
- """
- Return the alignment of the photo.
- """
- return self.alignment
-# LPRDoc class
-class LPRDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc,BaseDoc.DrawDoc):
- """Gnome-print document interface class. Derived from BaseDoc."""
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # General methods
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def open(self,filename):
- """Sets up initialization."""
- #set up variables needed to keep track of which state we are in
- self.in_table = 0
- self.in_cell = 0
- self.page_count = 0
- self.page_open = 0
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- self.paragraph = None
- self.cell_data = []
- self.table_data = []
- #create main variables for this print job
- self.job = gnomeprint.Job(gnomeprint.config_default())
- self.gpc = self.job.get_context()
- #find out what the width and height of the page is
- width, height = gnomeprint.job_get_page_size_from_config(
- self.job.get_config())
- self.left_margin = cm2u(self.paper.get_left_margin())
- self.right_margin = width - cm2u(self.paper.get_right_margin())
- self.top_margin = height - cm2u(self.paper.get_top_margin())
- self.bottom_margin = cm2u(self.paper.get_bottom_margin())
- self.start_page(self)
- self.filename = ""
- def close(self):
- """Clean up and close the document."""
- #gracefully end page before we close the doc if a page is open
- if self.page_open:
- self.end_page()
- self.job.close()
- self.show_print_dialog()
- def start_page(self,orientation=None):
- """Create a new page."""
- # Don't start new page if it is just started
- if self.brand_new_page:
- return
- #reset variables dealing with opening a page
- if (self.page_open):
- self.end_page()
- self.page_open = 1
- self.page_count += 1
- self.x = self.left_margin
- self.y = self.top_margin
- self.gpc.beginpage(str(self.page_count))
- self.gpc.moveto(self.x, self.y)
- self.brand_new_page = 1
- def end_page(self):
- """Close the current page."""
- if (self.page_open):
- self.page_open = 0
- self.gpc.showpage()
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def page_break(self):
- "Forces a page break, creating a new page."
- # If we're already at the very top, relax and do nothing
- if not self.brand_new_page:
- self.end_page()
- self.start_page()
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Text methods
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def string_width(self,fontstyle,text):
- "Override generic Fontscale-based width."
- return get_text_width(text,fontstyle)
- def start_paragraph(self,style_name,leader=None):
- """Paragraphs handling - A Gramps paragraph is any
- single body of text, from a single word, to several sentences.
- We assume a linebreak at the end of each paragraph."""
- # Instantiate paragraph object and initialize buffers
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
- self.paragraph = GnomePrintParagraph(style)
- if leader:
- append_to_paragraph(self.paragraph,"",leader)
- self.paragraph_directive = _POSTLEADER
- else:
- self.paragraph_directive = ""
- self.paragraph_text = ""
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def end_paragraph(self):
- """End the current paragraph."""
- # Add current text/directive to paragraoh,
- # then either add paragrah to the list of cell's paragraphs
- # or print it right away if not in cell
- append_to_paragraph(self.paragraph,self.paragraph_directive,
- self.paragraph_text)
- if self.in_cell:
- # We're inside cell. Add paragrah to celldata
- self.cell_data.append(self.paragraph)
- else:
- # paragraph not in table: write it right away
- self.x, self.y = self.write_paragraph(self.paragraph,
- self.x, self.y,
- self.right_margin - self.left_margin)
- self.paragraph = None
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def start_bold(self):
- """Bold face."""
- append_to_paragraph(self.paragraph,self.paragraph_directive,
- self.paragraph_text)
- self.paragraph_directive = _BOLD
- self.paragraph_text = ""
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def end_bold(self):
- """End bold face."""
- append_to_paragraph(self.paragraph,self.paragraph_directive,
- self.paragraph_text)
- self.paragraph_directive = ""
- self.paragraph_text = ""
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def start_superscript(self):
- append_to_paragraph(self.paragraph,self.paragraph_directive,
- self.paragraph_text)
- self.paragraph_directive = _SUPER
- self.paragraph_text = ""
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def end_superscript(self):
- append_to_paragraph(self.paragraph,self.paragraph_directive,
- self.paragraph_text)
- self.paragraph_directive = ""
- self.paragraph_text = ""
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def start_table(self,name,style_name):
- """Begin new table."""
- # initialize table, compute its width, find number of columns
- self.table_data = []
- self.in_table = 1
- styles = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.tbl_style = styles.get_table_style(style_name)
- self.ncols = self.tbl_style.get_columns()
- self.rownum = -1
- self.table_width = (self.right_margin - self.left_margin) * \
- self.tbl_style.get_width() / 100.0
- self.cell_widths = []
- self.gp_cell_styles = []
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def end_table(self):
- """Close the table environment."""
- # output table contents
- self.output_table()
- self.in_table = 0
- self.y = self.advance_line(self.y)
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def start_row(self):
- """Begin a new row."""
- # Initialize row, compute cell widths
- self.row_data = []
- self.rownum = self.rownum + 1
- self.cellnum = -1
- self.span = 1
- self.cell_widths.append([0] * self.ncols)
- self.gp_cell_styles.append([None] * self.ncols)
- for cell in range(self.ncols):
- self.cell_widths[self.rownum][cell] = self.table_width * \
- self.tbl_style.get_column_width(cell) / 100.0
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def end_row(self):
- """End the row (new line)."""
- # add row data to the data we have for the current table
- self.table_data.append(self.row_data)
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def start_cell(self,style_name,span=1):
- """Add an entry to the table."""
- # Initialize a cell, take care of span>1 cases
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- self.in_cell = 1
- self.cell_data = []
- self.cellnum = self.cellnum + self.span
- self.span = span
- styles = self.get_style_sheet()
- cstyle = styles.get_cell_style(style_name)
- self.gp_cell_styles[self.rownum][self.cellnum] = cstyle
- for extra_cell in range(1,span):
- self.cell_widths[self.rownum][self.cellnum] += \
- self.cell_widths[self.rownum][self.cellnum + extra_cell]
- self.cell_widths[self.rownum][self.cellnum + extra_cell] = 0
- def end_cell(self):
- """Prepares for next cell."""
- # append the cell text to the row data
- self.in_cell = 0
- self.row_data.append(self.cell_data)
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def add_media_object(self,name,pos,x,y):
- """Add photo to report."""
- photo = GnomePrintPhoto(name,pos,x,y)
- if self.in_cell:
- # We're inside cell. Add photo to celldata
- self.cell_data.append(photo)
- else:
- # photo not in table: write it right away
- self.x, self.y = self.write_photo(photo,
- self.x, self.y,
- self.right_margin - self.left_margin)
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- def write_photo(self,photo,x,y,alloc_width):
- """
- Write the photo.
- photo - GnomePrintPhoto instance
- x,y - coordinates to start at
- alloc_width - allocated width
- """
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- # FIXME -- remove when gnome-python is released and hits every distro
- if not support_photos:
- return (x,y)
- # end FIXME
- width = photo.get_width()
- height = photo.get_height()
- if y - height < self.bottom_margin:
- self.end_page()
- self.start_page()
- y = self.y
- if photo.get_alignment() == 'center':
- add_x = 0.5* (alloc_width - width)
- elif photo.get_alignment() == 'right':
- add_x = alloc_width - width
- else:
- add_x = 0
- self.gpc.gsave()
- self.gpc.translate(x+add_x,y-height)
- self.gpc.scale(width,height)
- if photo.get_has_alpha():
- self.gpc.rgbaimage(photo.get_image(),
- photo.get_image_width(),
- photo.get_image_height(),
- photo.get_rowstride())
- else:
- self.gpc.rgbimage(photo.get_image(),
- photo.get_image_width(),
- photo.get_image_height(),
- photo.get_rowstride())
- self.gpc.grestore()
- y = y - height
- return (x,y)
- def write_text(self,text,mark=None):
- """Add the text to the paragraph"""
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- # Take care of superscript tags
- super_count = text.count('')
- for num in range(super_count):
- start = text.find('')
- self.paragraph_text = self.paragraph_text + text[:start]
- append_to_paragraph(self.paragraph,self.paragraph_directive,self.paragraph_text)
- self.paragraph_text = ""
- text = text[start+7:]
- start = text.find('')
- self.paragraph_text = self.paragraph_text + text[:start]
- append_to_paragraph(self.paragraph,_SUPER,self.paragraph_text)
- self.paragraph_text = ""
- text = text[start+8:]
- self.paragraph_text = self.paragraph_text + text
- def write_note(self,text,format,style_name):
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- if format == 1:
- for line in text.split('\n'):
- self.start_paragraph(style_name)
- self.paragraph_directive = _MONO
- self.write_text(line)
- self.end_paragraph()
- elif format == 0:
- for line in text.split('\n\n'):
- self.start_paragraph(style_name)
- line = line.replace('\n',' ')
- line = ' '.join(line.split())
- self.write_text(line)
- self.end_paragraph()
- #function to help us advance a line
- def advance_line(self,y,paragraph=None):
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- if paragraph:
- spacing = paragraph.fontstyle.get_size() * _EXTRA_SPACING_FACTOR
- else:
- spacing = _LINE_SPACING
- new_y = y - spacing
- if y < self.bottom_margin:
- x = self.x
- self.end_page()
- self.start_page()
- new_y = self.y
- self.x = x
- return new_y
- def write_paragraph(self,paragraph,x,y,width):
- """
- Write the contents of the paragraph, observing per-piece info.
- paragraph - GnomePrintParagraph instance
- x,y - coordinates to start at
- width - allocated width
- """
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- if not paragraph.get_piece_list():
- return (x,y)
- paragraph.format(width)
- x = x + cm2u(paragraph.style.get_left_margin())
- width = width - cm2u(paragraph.style.get_right_margin()) \
- - cm2u(paragraph.style.get_left_margin())
- left_margin = x
- no_space = 0
- next_no_space = 0
- first = 1
- if y - paragraph.fontstyle.get_size() * _EXTRA_SPACING_FACTOR \
- < self.bottom_margin:
- self.end_page()
- self.start_page()
- x = left_margin
- y = self.y
- if y != self.top_margin:
- y = y - cm2u(paragraph.style.get_top_margin())
- line_number = 0
- total_lines = len(paragraph.get_lines())
- # Loop over lines which were assembled by paragraph.format()
- for (start_piece,start_word,end_piece,end_word,avail_width) \
- in paragraph.get_lines():
- line_number += 1
- if paragraph.get_alignment() == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER:
- x = x + 0.5 * avail_width
- elif paragraph.get_alignment() == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_RIGHT:
- x = x + avail_width
- elif paragraph.get_alignment() == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_LEFT:
- pass
- elif paragraph.get_alignment() == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY:
- print "LPRDoc: Paragraph justification not supported."
- print " Falling back to left-justified mode."
- if first:
- first = 0
- x = x + cm2u(paragraph.style.get_first_indent())
- y = y - paragraph.fontstyle.get_size() * _EXTRA_SPACING_FACTOR
- # Loop over pieces that constitute the line
- for piece_num in range(start_piece,end_piece+1):
- (directive,text) = paragraph.get_piece_list()[piece_num]
- fontstyle = BaseDoc.FontStyle(paragraph.get_fontstyle())
- if directive == _BOLD:
- fontstyle.set_bold(1)
- elif directive == _SUPER:
- size = fontstyle.get_size()
- fontstyle.set_size(size-_SUPER_SIZE_REDUCTION)
- y = y + _SUPER_ELEVATION_FRACTION * fontstyle.get_size()
- elif directive == _MONO:
- fontstyle.set_type_face(BaseDoc.FONT_MONOSPACE)
- elif directive == _POSTLEADER:
- x = left_margin
- if text == '':
- next_no_space = 1
- textlist = text.split()
- if start_piece == end_piece:
- the_textlist = textlist[start_word:end_word]
- elif piece_num > start_piece and piece_num < end_piece:
- the_textlist = textlist[:]
- elif piece_num == start_piece:
- the_textlist = textlist[start_word:]
- elif piece_num == end_piece:
- the_textlist = textlist[:end_word]
- the_text = ' '.join(the_textlist)
- if piece_num == start_piece \
- or directive == _SUPER \
- or directive == _POSTLEADER \
- or next_no_space \
- or no_space \
- or (the_text and the_text[0] in punctuation):
- spacer = ""
- else:
- spacer = " "
- the_text = spacer + the_text
- self.gpc.setfont(find_font_from_fontstyle(fontstyle))
- self.gpc.moveto(x, y)
- self.gpc.show(the_text)
- x = x + get_text_width(the_text,fontstyle)
- if directive == _SUPER:
- y = y - _SUPER_ELEVATION_FRACTION * fontstyle.get_size()
- if directive != _POSTLEADER and next_no_space:
- next_no_space = 0
- # If this was the linebreak, no space on the next line's start
- if end_word:
- no_space = 0
- else:
- no_space = 1
- if line_number < total_lines:
- y = self.advance_line(y,paragraph)
- x = left_margin
- x = x - cm2u(paragraph.style.get_left_margin())
- y = y - cm2u(paragraph.style.get_bottom_margin())
- return (x,y)
- def output_table(self):
- """Do calcs on data in table and output data in a formatted way."""
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- min_col_size = [0] * self.ncols
- max_vspace = [0] * len(self.table_data)
- for row_num in range(len(self.table_data)):
- row = self.table_data[row_num][:]
- #do calcs on each row and keep track on max length of each column
- for col in range(self.ncols):
- if not self.cell_widths[row_num][col]:
- continue
- padding = cm2u(self.gp_cell_styles[row_num][col].get_padding())
- the_max = 0
- for paragraph in row[col]:
- the_min = paragraph.get_min_width()
- if the_min > min_col_size[col]:
- min_col_size[col] = the_min
- the_max += paragraph.get_height(
- self.cell_widths[row_num][col])
- the_max += 2 * padding
- if the_max > max_vspace[row_num]:
- max_vspace[row_num] = the_max
- #is table width larger than the width of the paper?
- min_table_width = 0
- for size in min_col_size:
- min_table_width = min_table_width + size
- if min_table_width > (self.right_margin - self.left_margin):
- print "LPRDoc: Table does not fit onto the page."
- #for now we will assume left justification of tables
- #output data in table
- for row_num in range(len(self.table_data)):
- row = self.table_data[row_num]
- # If this row puts us below the bottom, start new page here
- if self.y - max_vspace[row_num] < self.bottom_margin:
- self.end_page()
- self.start_page()
- x = self.left_margin #reset so that x is at margin
- col_y = self.y # all columns start at the same height
- for col in range(self.ncols):
- if not self.cell_widths[row_num][col]:
- continue
- self.y = col_y
- padding = cm2u(self.gp_cell_styles [row_num][col].get_padding())
- for paragraph in row[col]:
- if paragraph.__class__.__name__ == 'GnomePrintPhoto':
- write_item = self.write_photo
- else:
- write_item = self.write_paragraph
- junk, self.y = write_item(paragraph,
- x + padding, self.y - padding,
- self.cell_widths[row_num][col] \
- - 2 * padding)
- x = x + self.cell_widths[row_num][col] # set up margin for this row
- self.y = col_y - max_vspace[row_num]
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Graphic methods
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def draw_path(self,style,path):
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- stype = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- self.gpc.setlinewidth(stype.get_line_width())
- fill_color = rgb_color(stype.get_fill_color())
- color = rgb_color(stype.get_color())
- point = path[0]
- x = cm2u(point[0]) + self.left_margin
- y = self.top_margin - cm2u(point[1])
- self.gpc.moveto(x,y)
- for point in path[1:]:
- x = cm2u(point[0]) + self.left_margin
- y = self.top_margin - cm2u(point[1])
- self.gpc.lineto(x,y)
- self.gpc.closepath()
- self.gpc.setrgbcolor(fill_color[0],fill_color[1],fill_color[2])
- self.gpc.fill()
- point = path[0]
- x = cm2u(point[0]) + self.left_margin
- y = self.top_margin - cm2u(point[1])
- self.gpc.moveto(x,y)
- for point in path[1:]:
- x = cm2u(point[0]) + self.left_margin
- y = self.top_margin - cm2u(point[1])
- self.gpc.lineto(x,y)
- self.gpc.closepath()
- self.gpc.setrgbcolor(color[0],color[1],color[2])
- self.gpc.stroke()
- self.gpc.setrgbcolor(0,0,0)
- def draw_box(self,style,text,x,y, w, h):
- #assuming that we start drawing box from current position
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- x = self.left_margin + cm2u(x)
- y = self.top_margin - cm2u(y)
- box_style = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- bh = cm2u(h)
- bw = cm2u(w)
- if box_style.get_shadow():
- ss = cm2u(box_style.get_shadow_space())
- color = rgb_color(_SHADOW_COLOR)
- path = (
- (x+ss,y-bh), (x+ss,y-bh-ss), (x+bw+ss,y-bh-ss),
- (x+bw+ss,y-ss), (x+bw,y-ss), (x+bw,y-bh), (x+ss,y-bh),
- )
- x_i,y_i = path[0]
- self.gpc.moveto(x_i,y_i)
- for (x_i,y_i) in path[1:]:
- self.gpc.lineto(x_i,y_i)
- self.gpc.closepath()
- self.gpc.setrgbcolor(color[0],color[1],color[2])
- self.gpc.fill()
- self.gpc.setrgbcolor(0,0,0)
- self.gpc.rect_stroked(x,y,bw,-bh)
- if text:
- para_name = box_style.get_paragraph_style()
- para_style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(para_name)
- fontstyle = para_style.get_font()
- lines = text.split('\n')
- start_x = x + 0.5 * fontstyle.get_size()
- start_y = y - fontstyle.get_size() * _EXTRA_SPACING_FACTOR
- for line in lines:
- if not line.split():
- continue
- self.gpc.setfont(find_font_from_fontstyle(fontstyle))
- self.gpc.moveto(start_x,start_y)
- self.gpc.show(line)
- start_y -= fontstyle.get_size() * _EXTRA_SPACING_FACTOR
- def draw_text(self,style,text,x,y):
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- box_style = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- para_name = box_style.get_paragraph_style()
- para_style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(para_name)
- fontstyle = para_style.get_font()
- start_x = self.left_margin + cm2u(x)
- start_y = self.top_margin - cm2u(y) - fontstyle.get_size() * _EXTRA_SPACING_FACTOR
- self.gpc.setfont(find_font_from_fontstyle(fontstyle))
- self.gpc.moveto(start_x,start_y)
- self.gpc.show(text)
- def center_text(self,style,text,x,y):
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- box_style = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- para_name = box_style.get_paragraph_style()
- para_style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(para_name)
- fontstyle = para_style.get_font()
- width = get_text_width(text,fontstyle)
- start_x = self.left_margin + cm2u(x) - 0.5 * width
- start_y = self.top_margin - cm2u(y) \
- - fontstyle.get_size() * _EXTRA_SPACING_FACTOR
- self.gpc.setfont(find_font_from_fontstyle(fontstyle))
- self.gpc.moveto(start_x, start_y)
- self.gpc.show(text)
- def rotate_text(self,style,text,x,y,angle):
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- # FIXME - remove when new gnome-python is in all distros
- if not support_photos:
- return
- # end FIXME
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- box_style = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- para_name = box_style.get_paragraph_style()
- para_style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(para_name)
- fontstyle = para_style.get_font()
- y_start = self.top_margin - cm2u(y)
- x_start = self.left_margin + cm2u(x)
- size = fontstyle.get_size()
- self.gpc.gsave()
- self.gpc.translate(x_start,y_start)
- self.gpc.rotate(-angle)
- this_y = 0
- for line in text:
- if not line.split():
- continue
- width = get_text_width(line,fontstyle)
- this_x = -0.5 * width
- self.gpc.setfont(find_font_from_fontstyle(fontstyle))
- self.gpc.moveto(this_x,this_y)
- self.gpc.show(line)
- this_y -= size * _EXTRA_SPACING_FACTOR
- self.gpc.grestore()
- def draw_line(self,style,x1,y1,x2,y2):
- self.brand_new_page = 0
- x1 = cm2u(x1) + self.left_margin
- x2 = cm2u(x2) + self.left_margin
- y1 = self.top_margin - cm2u(y1)
- y2 = self.top_margin - cm2u(y2)
- self.gpc.line_stroked(x1,y1,x2,y2)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Print job methods
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #function to print text to a printer
- def do_print(self,dialog,job):
- self.gpc = gnomeprint.Context(dialog.get_config())
- job.render(self.gpc)
- self.gpc.close()
- #I believe this is a print preview
- def show_preview(self,dialog):
- w = gnomeprint.ui.JobPreview(self.job, _("Print Preview"))
- w.set_property('allow-grow', 1)
- w.set_property('allow-shrink', 1)
- w.set_transient_for(dialog)
- w.show_all()
- #function used to get users response and do a certain
- #action depending on that response
- def print_dialog_response(self, dialog, resp, job):
- if resp == gnomeprint.ui.DIALOG_RESPONSE_PREVIEW:
- self.show_preview(dialog)
- elif resp == gnomeprint.ui.DIALOG_RESPONSE_CANCEL:
- dialog.destroy()
- elif resp == gnomeprint.ui.DIALOG_RESPONSE_PRINT:
- self.do_print(dialog, self.job)
- dialog.destroy()
- #function displays a window that allows user to choose
- #to print, show, etc
- def show_print_dialog(self):
- dialog = gnomeprint.ui.Dialog(self.job, _("Print..."),
- gnomeprint.ui.DIALOG_RANGE|gnomeprint.ui.DIALOG_COPIES)
- dialog.construct_range_page(
- gnomeprint.ui.RANGE_ALL|gnomeprint.ui.RANGE_RANGE,
- 1, self.page_count, "A", "Pages: ")
- dialog.connect('response', self.print_dialog_response, self.job)
- dialog.show()
-# Register the document generator with the system
- name=_("Print..."),
- classref=LPRDoc,
- table=1,
- paper=1,
- style=1,
- ext="",
- print_report_label=None,
- clname='print')
- _("Print..."),
- LPRDoc,
- 1,
- 1,
- 1,
- "",
- 'print')
- _("Print..."),
- LPRDoc,
- 1,
- 1,
- "",
- None,
- 'print')
diff --git a/src/docgen/OpenOfficeDoc.py b/src/docgen/OpenOfficeDoc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fb1f3f80..000000000
--- a/src/docgen/OpenOfficeDoc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1014 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Brian G. Matherly
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id$
-# Standard Python Modules
-import os
-import zipfile
-import time
-from cStringIO import StringIO
-from math import pi, cos, sin
-from gettext import gettext as _
-from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
-# Gramps modules
-import BaseDoc
-import const
-from PluginUtils import register_text_doc, register_draw_doc, register_book_doc
-from ReportBase import ReportUtils
-import ImgManip
-import FontScale
-import Mime
-import Utils
-import Errors
-# constants
-_apptype = 'application/vnd.sun.xml.writer'
-_esc_map = {
- '\x1a' : '',
- '\x0c' : '',
- '\n' : '',
- '<super>' : '',
- '</super>' : '',
- }
-# OpenOfficeDoc
-class OpenOfficeDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc,BaseDoc.DrawDoc):
- def __init__(self,styles,type,template):
- BaseDoc.BaseDoc.__init__(self,styles,type,template)
- self.media_list = []
- self.cntnt = None
- self.filename = None
- self.level = 0
- self.time = "0000-00-00T00:00:00"
- self.new_page = 0
- self.new_cell = 0
- self.page = 0
- self.first_page = 1
- def open(self,filename):
- t = time.localtime(time.time())
- self.time = "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d" % \
- (t[0],t[1],t[2],t[3],t[4],t[5])
- if filename[-4:] != ".sxw":
- self.filename = filename + ".sxw"
- else:
- self.filename = filename
- self.filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(self.filename))
- self.cntnt = StringIO()
- def init(self):
- assert (not self.init_called)
- self.init_called = True
- self.lang = Utils.xml_lang()
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- for style_name in style_sheet.get_draw_style_names():
- style = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style_name)
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\t\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- for style_name in style_sheet.get_paragraph_style_names():
- style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
- self.cntnt.write('\n' % style_name)
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write(' 0:
- self.cntnt.write('fo:keep-with-next="true" ')
- align = style.get_alignment()
- if align == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_LEFT:
- self.cntnt.write('fo:text-align="start" ')
- elif align == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_RIGHT:
- self.cntnt.write('fo:text-align="end" ')
- elif align == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER:
- self.cntnt.write('fo:text-align="center" ')
- self.cntnt.write('style:justify-single-word="false" ')
- else:
- self.cntnt.write('fo:text-align="justify" ')
- self.cntnt.write('style:justify-single-word="false" ')
- font = style.get_font()
- if font.get_type_face() == BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF:
- self.cntnt.write('style:font-name="Arial" ')
- else:
- self.cntnt.write('style:font-name="Times New Roman" ')
- self.cntnt.write('fo:font-size="%.3fpt" ' % font.get_size())
- self.cntnt.write('style:font-size-asian="%.3fpt" '
- % font.get_size())
- color = font.get_color()
- self.cntnt.write('fo:color="#%02x%02x%02x" ' % color)
- if font.get_bold():
- self.cntnt.write('fo:font-weight="bold" ')
- if font.get_italic():
- self.cntnt.write('fo:font-style="italic" ')
- if font.get_underline():
- self.cntnt.write('style:text-underline="single" ')
- self.cntnt.write('style:text-underline-color="font-color" ')
- self.cntnt.write('fo:text-indent="%.2fcm" '
- % style.get_first_indent())
- self.cntnt.write('fo:margin-right="%.2fcm" '
- % style.get_right_margin())
- self.cntnt.write('fo:margin-left="%.2fcm" '
- % style.get_left_margin())
- self.cntnt.write('fo:margin-top="%.2fcm" '
- % style.get_top_margin())
- self.cntnt.write('fo:margin-bottom="%.2fcm"'
- % style.get_bottom_margin())
- self.cntnt.write('/>\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write(' ' % font.get_size())
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- for style_name in style_sheet.get_table_style_names():
- style = style_sheet.get_table_style(style_name)
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- table_width = float(self.get_usable_width())
- table_width_str = "%.4f" % table_width
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- for col in range(0,style.get_columns()):
- self.cntnt.write('')
- width = table_width * float(style.get_column_width(col)/100.0)
- width_str = "%.4f" % width
- self.cntnt.write('' % width_str)
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- for cell in style_sheet.get_cell_style_names():
- cell_style = style_sheet.get_cell_style(cell)
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- #Begin photo style
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- #end of Photo style edits
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def close(self):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self._write_styles_file()
- self._write_manifest()
- self._write_meta_file()
- self._write_zip()
- if self.print_req:
- app = Mime.get_application(_apptype)
- Utils.launch(app[0],self.filename)
- def add_media_object(self,name,pos,x_cm,y_cm):
- # try to open the image. If the open fails, it probably wasn't
- # a valid image (could be a PDF, or a non-image)
- try:
- image = ImgManip.ImgManip(name)
- (x,y) = image.size()
- ratio = float(x_cm)*float(y)/(float(y_cm)*float(x))
- except:
- return
- if ratio < 1:
- act_width = x_cm
- act_height = y_cm*ratio
- else:
- act_height = y_cm
- act_width = x_cm/ratio
- media_list_item = (name,act_width,act_height)
- if not media_list_item in self.media_list:
- self.media_list.append(media_list_item)
- base = os.path.basename(name)
- tag = base.replace('.','_')
- if self.new_cell:
- self.cntnt.write('')
- if pos == "left":
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- if self.new_cell:
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def start_table(self,name,style_name):
- self.cntnt.write('\n' % style_name)
- styles = self.get_style_sheet()
- table = styles.get_table_style(style_name)
- for col in range(0,table.get_columns()):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def end_table(self):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def start_row(self):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def end_row(self):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def start_cell(self,style_name,span=1):
- self.span = span
- self.cntnt.write(' 1:
- self.cntnt.write(' table:number-columns-spanned="%s">\n' % span)
- else:
- self.cntnt.write('>\n')
- self.new_cell = 1
- def end_cell(self):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- for col in range(1,self.span):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.new_cell = 0
- def start_bold(self):
- self.cntnt.write('')
- def end_bold(self):
- self.cntnt.write('')
- def start_superscript(self):
- self.cntnt.write('')
- def end_superscript(self):
- self.cntnt.write('')
- def _add_zip(self,zfile,name,data,t):
- zipinfo = zipfile.ZipInfo(name.encode('latin-1'))
- zipinfo.date_time = t
- zipinfo.compress_type = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
- zfile.writestr(zipinfo,data)
- def _write_zip(self):
- try:
- zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(self.filename,"w",zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
- except IOError,msg:
- errmsg = "%s\n%s" % (_("Could not create %s") % self.filename, msg)
- raise Errors.ReportError(errmsg)
- except:
- raise Errors.ReportError(_("Could not create %s") % self.filename)
- t = time.localtime(time.time())[:6]
- self._add_zip(zfile,"META-INF/manifest.xml",self.mfile.getvalue(),t)
- self._add_zip(zfile,"content.xml",self.cntnt.getvalue(),t)
- self._add_zip(zfile,"meta.xml",self.meta.getvalue(),t)
- self._add_zip(zfile,"styles.xml",self.sfile.getvalue(),t)
- self.mfile.close()
- self.cntnt.close()
- self.meta.close()
- self.sfile.close()
- for image in self.media_list:
- try:
- ifile = open(image[0],mode='rb')
- base = os.path.basename(image[0])
- self._add_zip(zfile,"Pictures/%s" % base, ifile.read(),t)
- ifile.close()
- except:
- print "Could not open %s" % image[0]
- zfile.close()
- def _write_styles_file(self):
- self.sfile = StringIO()
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- for name in style_sheet.get_paragraph_style_names():
- style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(name)
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write(' 0:
- self.sfile.write('fo:keep-with-next="true" ')
- align = style.get_alignment()
- if align == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_LEFT:
- self.sfile.write('fo:text-align="start" ')
- elif align == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_RIGHT:
- self.sfile.write('fo:text-align="end" ')
- elif align == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER:
- self.sfile.write('fo:text-align="center" ')
- self.sfile.write('style:justify-single-word="false" ')
- else:
- self.sfile.write('fo:text-align="justify" ')
- self.sfile.write('style:justify-single-word="false" ')
- font = style.get_font()
- if font.get_type_face() == BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF:
- self.sfile.write('style:font-name="Arial" ')
- else:
- self.sfile.write('style:font-name="Times New Roman" ')
- self.sfile.write('fo:font-size="%.3fpt" ' % font.get_size())
- color = font.get_color()
- self.sfile.write('fo:color="#%02x%02x%02x" ' % color)
- if font.get_bold():
- self.sfile.write('fo:font-weight="bold" ')
- if font.get_italic():
- self.sfile.write('fo:font-style="italic" ')
- if font.get_underline():
- self.sfile.write('style:text-underline="single" ')
- self.sfile.write('style:text-underline-color="font-color" ')
- self.sfile.write('fo:text-indent="%.2fcm" '
- % style.get_first_indent())
- self.sfile.write('fo:margin-right="%.2fcm" '
- % style.get_right_margin())
- self.sfile.write('fo:margin-left="%.2fcm" '
- % style.get_left_margin())
- self.sfile.write('fo:margin-top="%.2fcm" '
- % style.get_top_margin())
- self.sfile.write('fo:margin-bottom="%.2fcm"'
- % style.get_bottom_margin())
- self.sfile.write('/>\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- # Current no leading number format for headers
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- self.sfile.write('\n')
- def page_break(self):
- self.new_page = 1
- def start_page(self):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def end_page(self):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def start_paragraph(self,style_name,leader=None):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
- self.level = style.get_header_level()
- if self.new_page == 1:
- self.new_page = 0
- name = "NL%s" % style_name
- else:
- name = style_name
- if self.level == 0:
- self.cntnt.write('' % name)
- else:
- self.cntnt.write('' % self.level)
- if leader != None:
- self.cntnt.write(leader)
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.new_cell = 0
- def end_paragraph(self):
- if self.level == 0:
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- else:
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.new_cell = 1
- def write_note(self,text,format,style_name):
- if format == 1:
- text = text.replace('&','&') # Must be first
- text = text.replace('<','<')
- text = text.replace('>','>')
- # Replace multiple spaces: have to go from the largest number down
- for n in range(text.count(' '),1,-1):
- text = text.replace(' '*n, ' ' % (n-1) )
- text = text.replace('\n','')
- text = text.replace('\t','')
- text = text.replace('<super>',
- '')
- text = text.replace('</super>','')
- self.start_paragraph(style_name)
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write(text)
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.end_paragraph()
- elif format == 0:
- for line in text.split('\n\n'):
- self.start_paragraph(style_name)
- line = line.replace('\n',' ')
- line = ' '.join(line.split())
- self.write_text(line)
- self.end_paragraph()
- def write_text(self,text,mark=None):
- """
- Uses the xml.sax.saxutils.escape function to convert XML
- entities. The _esc_map dictionary allows us to add our own
- mappings.
- """
- if mark:
- key = escape(mark.key,_esc_map)
- key = key.replace('"','"')
- if mark.type == BaseDoc.INDEX_TYPE_ALP:
- self.cntnt.write('' % key)
- elif mark.type == BaseDoc.INDEX_TYPE_TOC:
- self.cntnt.write('' % mark.level)
- self.cntnt.write(escape(text,_esc_map))
- def _write_manifest(self):
- self.mfile = StringIO()
- self.mfile.write('\n')
- self.mfile.write('')
- self.mfile.write('')
- for image in self.media_list:
- i = image[0]
- base = os.path.basename(i)
- self.mfile.write('')
- self.mfile.write('')
- self.mfile.write('')
- self.mfile.write('')
- self.mfile.write('')
- self.mfile.write('\n')
- def _write_meta_file(self):
- self.meta = StringIO()
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('\n');
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('')
- self.meta.write(const.PROGRAM_NAME + ' ' + const.VERSION)
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('')
- self.meta.write(self.get_creator())
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('')
- self.meta.write(self.time)
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('')
- self.meta.write(self.get_creator())
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('')
- self.meta.write(self.time)
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('0-00-00T00:00:00\n')
- self.meta.write('%s\n' % self.lang)
- self.meta.write('1\n')
- self.meta.write('PT0S\n')
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('\n')
- self.meta.write('\n')
- def rotate_text(self,style,text,x,y,angle):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- stype = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- pname = stype.get_paragraph_style()
- p = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(pname)
- font = p.get_font()
- size = font.get_size()
- height = size*(len(text))
- oneline = (size/72.0)*2.54
- width = 0
- for line in text:
- width = max(width,FontScale.string_width(font,line))
- wcm = (width/72.0)*2.54
- hcm = (height/72.0)*2.54
- rangle = (pi/180.0) * angle
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('' % pname)
- self.cntnt.write('\n' % pname)
- self.write_text('\n'.join(text))
- self.cntnt.write('\n\n\n')
- def draw_path(self,style,path):
- minx = 9e12
- miny = 9e12
- maxx = 0
- maxy = 0
- for point in path:
- minx = min(point[0],minx)
- miny = min(point[1],miny)
- maxx = max(point[0],maxx)
- maxy = max(point[1],maxy)
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def draw_line(self,style,x1,y1,x2,y2):
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def draw_text(self,style,text,x,y):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- box_style = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- para_name = box_style.get_paragraph_style()
- pstyle = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(para_name)
- font = pstyle.get_font()
- sw = ReportUtils.pt2cm(FontScale.string_width(font,text))*1.3
- self.cntnt.write('' % float(y))
- self.cntnt.write('' % para_name)
- self.cntnt.write('' % para_name)
- self.cntnt.write(text)
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def draw_box(self,style,text,x,y, w, h):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- box_style = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- para_name = box_style.get_paragraph_style()
- shadow_width = box_style.get_shadow_space()
- if box_style.get_shadow():
- self.cntnt.write('\n' % (float(y)+shadow_width))
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n' % float(y))
- if text != "":
- self.cntnt.write('' % para_name)
- self.cntnt.write('' % para_name)
- text = text.replace('\t','')
- text = text.replace('\n','')
- self.cntnt.write(text)
- self.cntnt.write('')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- def center_text(self,style,text,x,y):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- box_style = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- para_name = box_style.get_paragraph_style()
- pstyle = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(para_name)
- font = pstyle.get_font()
- size = (FontScale.string_width(font,text)/72.0) * 2.54
- self.cntnt.write('\n' % float(y))
- if text != "":
- self.cntnt.write('' % para_name)
- self.cntnt.write(text)
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
- self.cntnt.write('\n')
-# Register plugins
-print_label = None
- mprog = Mime.get_application(_apptype)
- mtype = Mime.get_description(_apptype)
- if Utils.search_for(mprog[0]):
- print_label = _("Open in OpenOffice.org")
- else:
- print_label = None
- register_text_doc(mtype,OpenOfficeDoc,1,1,1,".sxw",print_label)
- register_book_doc(mtype,OpenOfficeDoc,1,1,1,".sxw", print_label)
- register_draw_doc(mtype,OpenOfficeDoc,1,1, ".sxw",print_label);
- register_text_doc(_('OpenOffice.org Writer'),
- OpenOfficeDoc,1,1,1,".sxw", None)
- register_book_doc(_("OpenOffice.org Writer"), OpenOfficeDoc,1,1,1,".sxw")
- register_draw_doc(_("OpenOffice.org Writer"),
- OpenOfficeDoc,1,1,".sxw",None);
diff --git a/src/docgen/PdfDoc.py b/src/docgen/PdfDoc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f2c9848e..000000000
--- a/src/docgen/PdfDoc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,682 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Brian G. Matherly
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id$
-# Python modules
-from gettext import gettext as _
-# gramps modules
-import BaseDoc
-from PluginUtils import register_text_doc, register_draw_doc, register_book_doc
-import Errors
-from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog
-import ImgManip
-import Mime
-_H = 'Helvetica'
-_HB = 'Helvetica-Bold'
-_HO = 'Helvetica-Oblique'
-_HBO = 'Helvetica-BoldOblique'
-_T = 'Times-Roman'
-_TB = 'Times-Bold'
-_TI = 'Times-Italic'
-_TBI = 'Times-BoldItalic'
-# Set up logging
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger(".PdfDoc")
-# ReportLab python/PDF modules
- import reportlab.platypus.tables
- from reportlab.platypus import *
- from reportlab.lib.units import cm
- from reportlab.lib.colors import Color
- from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_LEFT, TA_RIGHT, TA_CENTER, TA_JUSTIFY
- import reportlab.graphics.shapes
- import reportlab.lib.styles
- from reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics import *
- from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import LayoutError
- for faceName in reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics.standardFonts:
- reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics.registerTypeFace(
- reportlab.pdfbase.pdfmetrics.TypeFace(faceName))
-except ImportError:
- raise Errors.UnavailableError(_("Cannot be loaded because ReportLab is not installed"))
-# Old reportlab versions < 2.0 did not work with utf8 or unicode
-# so for those we need to encode text into latin1
-# For the utf8-capable reportlab we should not.
-def enc_latin1(s):
- try:
- new_s = s
- return new_s.encode('iso-8859-1')
- except:
- return str(s)
-def pass_through(s):
- return s
-from reportlab import Version as reportlab_version
-version_tuple = tuple( [int(item) for item in reportlab_version.split('.')] )
-if version_tuple < (2,0):
- enc = enc_latin1
- enc = pass_through
-# Only announce PIL warning once per use of Gramps
-_pil_warn = True
-# GrampsDocTemplate
-class GrampsDocTemplate(BaseDocTemplate):
- """A document template for the ReportLab routines."""
- def build(self,flowables):
- """Override the default build routine, to recalculate
- for any changes in the document (margins, etc.)"""
- self._calc()
- BaseDocTemplate.build(self,flowables)
-class PdfDoc(BaseDoc.BaseDoc,BaseDoc.TextDoc,BaseDoc.DrawDoc):
- def open(self,filename):
- if filename[-4:] != ".pdf":
- self.filename = "%s.pdf" % filename
- else:
- self.filename = filename
- page_w = self.paper.get_size().get_width() * cm
- page_h = self.paper.get_size().get_height() * cm
- self.pagesize = (page_w,page_h)
- self.doc = GrampsDocTemplate(self.filename,
- pagesize=self.pagesize,
- allowSplitting=1,
- _pageBreakQuick=0,
- leftMargin=self.paper.get_left_margin()*cm,
- rightMargin=self.paper.get_right_margin()*cm,
- topMargin=self.paper.get_top_margin()*cm,
- bottomMargin=self.paper.get_bottom_margin()*cm)
- frameT = Frame(0,0,page_w,page_h,
- self.paper.get_left_margin()*cm, self.paper.get_bottom_margin()*cm,
- self.paper.get_right_margin()*cm,self.paper.get_top_margin()*cm,
- id='normal')
- ptemp = PageTemplate(frames=frameT,pagesize=self.pagesize)
- self.doc.addPageTemplates([ptemp])
- self.pdfstyles = {}
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- for style_name in style_sheet.get_paragraph_style_names():
- style = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
- font = style.get_font()
- pdf_style = reportlab.lib.styles.ParagraphStyle(name=style_name)
- pdf_style.fontSize = font.get_size()
- pdf_style.bulletFontSize = font.get_size()
- pdf_style.leading = font.get_size()*1.2
- pdf_style.fontName = self.pdf_set_font(font)
- pdf_style.bulletFontName = pdf_style.fontName
- pdf_style.rightIndent = style.get_right_margin()*cm
- pdf_style.leftIndent = style.get_left_margin()*cm
- pdf_style.firstLineIndent = style.get_first_indent()*cm
- pdf_style.bulletIndent = pdf_style.firstLineIndent + \
- pdf_style.leftIndent
- align = style.get_alignment()
- if align == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_RIGHT:
- pdf_style.alignment = TA_RIGHT
- elif align == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_LEFT:
- pdf_style.alignment = TA_LEFT
- elif align == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER:
- pdf_style.alignment = TA_CENTER
- else:
- pdf_style.alignment = TA_JUSTIFY
- pdf_style.spaceBefore = style.get_top_margin()*cm
- pdf_style.spaceAfter = style.get_bottom_margin()*cm
- pdf_style.textColor = make_color(font.get_color())
- self.pdfstyles[style_name] = pdf_style
- self.story = []
- self.in_table = 0
- def close(self):
- try:
- self.doc.build(self.story)
- except IOError,msg:
- errmsg = "%s\n%s" % (_("Could not create %s") % self.filename, msg)
- raise Errors.ReportError(errmsg)
- except LayoutError,msg:
- if str(msg).rfind("too large on page") > -1:
- errmsg = "Reportlab is unable to layout your report. " + \
- "This is probably because you have some text that " + \
- "is too large to fit on one page or in one cell. " + \
- "Try changing some report options or use a " + \
- "different output format."
- else:
- errmsg = "Reportlab is unable to layout your report. " + \
- "Try changing some report options or use a " + \
- "different output format."
- raise Errors.ReportError(errmsg)
- if self.print_req:
- apptype = 'application/pdf'
- app = Mime.get_application(apptype)
- os.environ["FILE"] = self.filename
- os.system ('%s "$FILE" &' % app[0])
- def page_break(self):
- self.story.append(PageBreak())
- def start_paragraph(self,style_name,leader=None):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.current_para = self.pdfstyles[style_name]
- self.my_para = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
- self.super = "" \
- % (self.my_para.get_font().get_size()-2)
- if leader==None:
- self.text = ''
- else:
- self.current_para.firstLineIndent = 0
- self.text = '%s' % leader
- def end_paragraph(self):
- if self.in_table:
- self.cur_cell.append(Paragraph(enc(self.text),self.current_para))
- else:
- self.story.append(Paragraph(enc(self.text),self.current_para))
- def start_bold(self):
- self.text = self.text + ''
- def end_bold(self):
- self.text = self.text + ''
- def start_superscript(self):
- fsize = self.my_para.get_font().get_size()
- self.text = self.text + '' % (fsize-2)
- def end_superscript(self):
- self.text = self.text + ''
- def start_table(self,name,style_name):
- self.in_table = 1
- styles = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.cur_table = styles.get_table_style(style_name)
- self.row = -1
- self.col = 0
- self.cur_row = []
- self.table_data = []
- self.tblstyle = []
- self.text = ""
- def end_table(self):
- # Calculate optimal widths
- self.cur_table_cols = []
- width = float(self.cur_table.get_width()/100.0) * self.get_usable_width()
- for val in range(self.cur_table.get_columns()):
- percent = float(self.cur_table.get_column_width(val))/100.0
- self.cur_table_cols.append(int(width * percent * cm))
- ts = reportlab.platypus.tables.TableStyle(self.tblstyle)
- tbl = reportlab.platypus.tables.Table(data=self.table_data,
- colWidths=self.cur_table_cols,
- style=ts)
- self.story.append(tbl)
- self.in_table = 0
- def start_row(self):
- self.row = self.row + 1
- self.col = 0
- self.cur_row = []
- self.cur_table_cols = []
- def end_row(self):
- self.table_data.append(self.cur_row)
- def start_cell(self,style_name,span=1):
- self.span = span
- styles = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.my_table_style = styles.get_cell_style(style_name)
- self.cur_cell = []
- def end_cell(self):
- if self.cur_cell:
- self.cur_row.append(self.cur_cell)
- else:
- self.cur_row.append("")
- # Fill in cells that this cell spans over
- for val in range(1,self.span):
- self.cur_row.append("")
- p = self.my_para
- f = p.get_font()
- fn = self.pdf_set_font(f)
- black = Color(0,0,0)
- for inc in range(self.col,self.col+self.span):
- loc = (inc,self.row)
- self.tblstyle.append(('FONT', loc, loc, fn, f.get_size()))
- if self.span == 1 or inc == self.col + self.span - 1:
- if self.my_table_style.get_right_border():
- self.tblstyle.append(('LINEAFTER', loc, loc, 1, black))
- if self.span == 1 or inc == self.col:
- if self.my_table_style.get_left_border():
- self.tblstyle.append(('LINEBEFORE', loc, loc, 1, black))
- if self.my_table_style.get_top_border():
- self.tblstyle.append(('LINEABOVE', loc, loc, 1, black))
- if self.my_table_style.get_bottom_border():
- self.tblstyle.append(('LINEBELOW', loc, loc, 1, black))
- # Set the alignment
- if p.get_alignment() == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_LEFT:
- self.tblstyle.append(('ALIGN', loc, loc, 'LEFT'))
- elif p.get_alignment() == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_RIGHT:
- self.tblstyle.append(('ALIGN', loc, loc, 'RIGHT'))
- else:
- self.tblstyle.append(('ALIGN', loc, loc, 'CENTER'))
- self.tblstyle.append(('VALIGN', loc, loc, 'TOP'))
- # The following lines will enable the span feature.
- # This is nice, except when spanning, lines that would have overfilled
- # their cells still increase the height of the cell to make room for the
- # wrapped text (even though the text does not actually wrap because it
- # is spanned)
- #if self.span != 1:
- # self.tblstyle.append(('SPAN', (self.col, self.row), (self.col + self.span - 1, self.row ) ))
- # The following lines will enable the span feature.
- # This is nice, except when spanning, lines that would have overfilled
- # their cells still increase the height of the cell to make room for the
- # wrapped text (even though the text does not actually wrap because it is spanned)
- #if self.span != 1:
- # self.tblstyle.append(('SPAN', (self.col, self.row), (self.col + self.span - 1, self.row ) ))
- self.col = self.col + self.span
- self.text = ""
- def add_media_object(self,name,pos,x_cm,y_cm):
- try:
- img = ImgManip.ImgManip(name)
- except:
- return
- x,y = img.size()
- if (x,y) == (0,0):
- return
- ratio = float(x_cm)*float(y)/(float(y_cm)*float(x))
- if ratio < 1:
- act_width = x_cm
- act_height = y_cm*ratio
- else:
- act_height = y_cm
- act_width = x_cm/ratio
- try:
- # Reportlab uses PIL to layout images. Make sure it is installed.
- import PIL
- except:
- global _pil_warn
- if _pil_warn:
- ErrorDialog(
- _("You do not have the Python Imaging Library installed "
- "Images will not be added to this report"))
- _pil_warn = False
- return
- try:
- im = Image(str(name),act_width*cm,act_height*cm)
- except:
- ErrorDialog( _("Reportlab is unable to add this image: %s") % name )
- return
- if pos in ['left','right','center']:
- im.hAlign = pos.upper()
- else:
- im.hAlign = 'LEFT'
- if self.in_table:
- self.cur_cell.append(Spacer(1,0.5*cm))
- self.cur_cell.append(im)
- self.cur_cell.append(Spacer(1,0.5*cm))
- else:
- self.story.append(Spacer(1,0.5*cm))
- self.story.append(im)
- self.story.append(Spacer(1,0.5*cm))
- def write_note(self,text,format,style_name):
- text = enc(text)
- current_para = self.pdfstyles[style_name]
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- self.my_para = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(style_name)
- self.super = "" \
- % (self.my_para.get_font().get_size()-2)
- text = text.replace('&','&') # Must be first
- text = text.replace('<','<')
- text = text.replace('>','>')
- text = text.replace('<super>',self.super)
- text = text.replace('</super>','')
- if format == 1:
- text = '%s' \
- % text.replace('\t',' '*8)
- if self.in_table:
- self.cur_cell.append(XPreformatted(text,current_para))
- else:
- self.story.append(XPreformatted(text,current_para))
- elif format == 0:
- for line in text.split('\n\n'):
- if self.in_table:
- self.cur_cell.append(Paragraph(line,current_para))
- else:
- self.story.append(Paragraph(line,current_para))
- def write_text(self,text,mark=None):
- text = text.replace('&','&') # Must be first
- text = text.replace('<','<')
- text = text.replace('>','>')
- text = text.replace('<super>',self.super)
- text = text.replace('</super>','')
- self.text = self.text + text.replace('\n','
- def start_page(self):
- x = self.get_usable_width()*cm
- y = self.get_usable_height()*cm
- self.drawing = reportlab.graphics.shapes.Drawing(x,y)
- def end_page(self):
- self.story.append(self.drawing)
- def draw_line(self,style,x1,y1,x2,y2):
- y1 = self.get_usable_height() - y1
- y2 = self.get_usable_height() - y2
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- stype = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- if stype.get_line_style() == BaseDoc.SOLID:
- line_array = None
- else:
- line_array = [2,4]
- l = reportlab.graphics.shapes.Line(x1*cm,y1*cm,
- x2*cm,y2*cm,
- strokeWidth=stype.get_line_width(),
- strokeDashArray=line_array)
- self.drawing.add(l)
- def draw_path(self,style,path):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- stype = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- color = make_color(stype.get_fill_color())
- y = self.get_usable_height()*cm
- if stype.get_line_style() == BaseDoc.SOLID:
- line_array = None
- else:
- line_array = [2,4]
- scol = make_color(stype.get_color())
- p = reportlab.graphics.shapes.Path(strokeWidth=stype.get_line_width(),
- strokeDashArray=line_array,
- fillColor=color,
- strokeColor=scol)
- point = path[0]
- p.moveTo(point[0]*cm,y-point[1]*cm)
- for point in path[1:]:
- p.lineTo(point[0]*cm,y-point[1]*cm)
- p.closePath()
- self.drawing.add(p)
- def draw_box(self,style,text,x,y, w, h):
- y = self.get_usable_height() - y
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- box_style = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- sspace = box_style.get_shadow_space()
- if box_style.get_shadow():
- col = make_color((0xc0,0xc0,0xc0))
- r = reportlab.graphics.shapes.Rect((x+sspace)*cm,
- (y-sspace)*cm-(h*cm),
- w*cm,h*cm,
- fillColor=col,
- strokeColor=col)
- self.drawing.add(r)
- sw = box_style.get_line_width()
- fc = box_style.get_fill_color()
- sc = box_style.get_color()
- r = reportlab.graphics.shapes.Rect((x)*cm,(y*cm)-(h*cm),w*cm,h*cm,
- strokeWidth=sw,
- fillColor=fc,
- strokeColor=sc)
- self.drawing.add(r)
- if text != "":
- para_name = box_style.get_paragraph_style()
- p = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(para_name)
- size = p.get_font().get_size()
- x = x + sspace
- lines = text.split('\n')
- self.left_print(lines,p.get_font(),x*cm,y*cm - size)
- def draw_text(self,style,text,x,y):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- stype = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- pname = stype.get_paragraph_style()
- p = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(pname)
- font = p.get_font()
- size = font.get_size()
- y = (self.get_usable_height()*cm)-(y*cm)
- sc = make_color(font.get_color())
- fc = make_color(font.get_color())
- fnt = self.pdf_set_font(font)
- if p.get_alignment() == BaseDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER:
- twidth = ((self.string_width(font,enc(text)))/2.0)*cm
- xcm = (stype.get_width() - x) - twidth
- else:
- xcm = x * cm
- s = reportlab.graphics.shapes.String(xcm,
- y - size,
- enc(text),
- strokeColor=sc,
- fillColor=fc,
- fontName=fnt,
- fontSize=size)
- self.drawing.add(s)
- def pdf_set_font(self, font):
- if font.get_type_face() == BaseDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF:
- if font.get_bold() and font.get_italic():
- fn = _HBO
- elif font.get_bold():
- fn = _HB
- elif font.get_italic():
- fn = _HO
- else:
- fn = _H
- else:
- if font.get_bold() and font.get_italic():
- fn = _TBI
- elif font.get_bold():
- fn = _TB
- elif font.get_italic():
- fn = _TI
- else:
- fn = _T
- return fn
- def rotate_text(self,style,text,x,y,angle):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- stype = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- pname = stype.get_paragraph_style()
- p = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(pname)
- font = p.get_font()
- size = font.get_size()
- yt = (self.get_usable_height()*cm) - (y*cm)
- yval = 0
- g = reportlab.graphics.shapes.Group()
- fnt = self.pdf_set_font(font)
- sc = make_color(font.get_color())
- fc = make_color(font.get_color())
- for line in text:
- s = reportlab.graphics.shapes.String(0,yval,enc(line),
- fontName=fnt,
- fontSize=size,
- strokeColor=sc,
- fillColor=fc,
- textAnchor='middle')
- yval -= size
- g.add(s)
- g.translate(x*cm,yt)
- g.rotate(-angle)
- self.drawing.add(g)
- def center_text(self,style,text,x,y):
- style_sheet = self.get_style_sheet()
- stype = style_sheet.get_draw_style(style)
- pname = stype.get_paragraph_style()
- p = style_sheet.get_paragraph_style(pname)
- font = p.get_font()
- yt = (self.get_usable_height()*cm) - (y*cm)
- size = font.get_size()
- fnt = self.pdf_set_font(font)
- sc = make_color(font.get_color())
- fc = make_color(font.get_color())
- s = reportlab.graphics.shapes.String(x*cm,
- yt - size,
- enc(text),
- fontName=fnt,
- fontSize=font.get_size(),
- strokeColor=sc,
- fillColor=fc,
- textAnchor='middle')
- self.drawing.add(s)
- def center_print(self,lines,font,x,y,w,h):
- l = len(lines)
- size = font.get_size()
- start_y = (y + h/2.0 + l/2.0 + l) - ((l*size) + ((l-1)*0.2))/2.0
- start_x = (x + w/2.0)
- fnt = self.pdf_set_font(font)
- size = font.get_size()
- sc = make_color(font.get_color())
- fc = make_color(font.get_color())
- for text in lines:
- s = reportlab.graphics.shapes.String(start_x*cm,
- start_y*cm,
- enc(text),
- fontName=fnt,
- fontSize=size,
- strokeColor=sc,
- fillColor=fc)
- self.drawing.add(s)
- start_y = start_y - size*1.2
- def left_print(self,lines,font,x,y):
- size = font.get_size()
- start_y = y
- start_x = x
- fnt = self.pdf_set_font(font)
- sc = make_color(font.get_color())
- fc = make_color(font.get_color())
- for text in lines:
- s = reportlab.graphics.shapes.String(start_x,
- start_y,
- enc(text),
- fontSize=size,
- strokeColor=sc,
- fillColor=fc,
- fontName=fnt)
- self.drawing.add(s)
- start_y = start_y - size*1.2
-# Convert an RGB color tulple to a Color instance
-def make_color(c):
- return Color(float(c[0])/255.0, float(c[1])/255.0, float(c[2])/255.0)
-# Register the document generator with the GRAMPS plugin system
-print_label = None
- import Utils
- mprog = Mime.get_application("application/pdf")
- mtype = Mime.get_description("application/pdf")
- if Utils.search_for(mprog[0]):
- print_label=_("Open in %s") % mprog[1]
- else:
- print_label=None
- register_text_doc(mtype, PdfDoc, 1, 1, 1, ".pdf", print_label)
- register_draw_doc(mtype, PdfDoc, 1, 1, ".pdf", print_label)
- register_book_doc(mtype,classref=PdfDoc,
- table=1,paper=1,style=1,ext=".pdf")
- register_text_doc(_('PDF document'), PdfDoc,1, 1, 1,".pdf", None)
- register_draw_doc(_('PDF document'), PdfDoc,1, 1, ".pdf", None)
- register_book_doc(name=_("PDF document"),classref=PdfDoc,
- table=1,paper=1,style=1,ext=".pdf")