Updated version.

svn: r11845
This commit is contained in:
Peter Landgren 2009-02-04 13:04:54 +00:00
parent 9eac556fca
commit 5ddf3b46b2

View File

@ -39,8 +39,58 @@ from gen.plug import PluginManager
from libmapservice import MapService
from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog, QuestionDialog2
# Make upper case of translaed country so string search works later
MAP_NAMES_SWEDEN = _("Sweden").upper() + " SVERIGE SWEDEN" + \
MAP_NAMES_DENMARK = _("Denmark").upper() + " DANMARK DENMARK" + \
def _strip_leading_comma(descr):
""" Strips leading comma
and leading and trailing spaces
if len(descr) > 0 and descr.strip()[0] == ",":
descr = descr.strip()[1:]
return descr.strip()
def _build_title(self):
""" Builds descrition string for title parameter in url """
descr = self.get_title()
parish = self.get_main_location().get_parish()
city = self.get_main_location().get_city()
state = self.get_main_location().get_state()
title_descr = ""
if descr:
title_descr += descr.strip()
if parish:
title_descr += u', ' + parish.strip() + _(" parish")
if city:
title_descr += u', ' + city.strip()
if state:
title_descr += u', ' + state.strip() + _(" state")
return _strip_leading_comma(title_descr)
def _build_city(self):
""" Builds description string for city parameter in url """
county = self.get_main_location().get_county()
# Build a title description string that will work for Eniro
city_descr = _build_area(self)
if county:
city_descr += u', ' + county
return _strip_leading_comma(city_descr)
def _build_area(self):
""" Builds string for area parameter in url """
street = self.get_main_location().get_street()
city = self.get_main_location().get_city()
# Build a title description string that will work for Eniro
area_descr = ""
if street:
area_descr += street.strip()
if city:
area_descr += u', ' + city
return _strip_leading_comma(area_descr)
class EniroSVMapService(MapService):
@ -57,10 +107,12 @@ class EniroSVMapService(MapService):
otherwise use description of the place
place = self._get_first_place()[0]
path= ""
path = ""
# First see if we are in or near Sweden or Denmark
country = place.get_main_location().get_country()
country_given = country.upper() in MAP_NAMES_SWEDEN or country.upper() in MAP_NAMES_DENMARK
# Change country to upper case
country = place.get_main_location().get_country().upper()
country_given = country in MAP_NAMES_SWEDEN or \
# if no country given, check if we might be in the vicinity defined by
# 54 33' 0" < lat < 66 9' 0", 54.55 and 69.05
# 8 3' 0" < long < 24 9' 0", 8.05 and 24.15
@ -68,68 +120,53 @@ class EniroSVMapService(MapService):
if latitude == None or longitude == None:
coord_ok = False
LAT = float(latitude)
LON = float(longitude)
latitude = float(latitude)
longitude = float(longitude)
# Check if coordinates are inside Sweden and Denmark
if (54.55 < LAT < 69.05) and (8.05 < LON < 24.15):
if (54.55 < latitude < 69.05) and (8.05 < longitude < 24.15):
coord_ok = True
q = QuestionDialog2(_("Coordinates outside Sweden/Denmark"),
dlgan = QuestionDialog2(_("Coordinates outside Sweden/Denmark"),
_("Try another map service?"),
if q.run():
if dlgan.run():
coord_ok = True
# Now check if country is defined
if country_given or coord_ok:
descr = place.get_title()
city = place.get_main_location().get_city()
street = place.get_main_location().get_street()
parish = place.get_main_location().get_parish()
county = place.get_main_location().get_county()
state = place.get_main_location().get_state()
if not (country_given or coord_ok):
WarningDialog(_("Eniro map not available"),
_("Latitude and longitud,\n" \
"or street and city needed") )
if coord_ok:
place_title = _build_title(place)
place_city = _build_city(place)
x_coord, y_coord = self._lat_lon(place, format="RT90")
path = "http://www.eniro.se/partner.fcgi?pis=1&x=%s&y=%s" \
# Note x and y are swapped!
path = path % (y_coord , x_coord, place_title, place_city)
self.url = path.replace(" ","%20")
# Build a description string that will work for Eniro
if street:
place_descr = street
if country_given:
if country in MAP_NAMES_SWEDEN:
place_area = _build_area(place)
path = "http://kartor.eniro.se/query?&what=map_adr&mop=aq" \
path = path % (place_area)
self.url = path.replace(" ","%20")
place_descr = u' ' + descr
if parish:
place_descr += u', ' + parish + _(" parish")
if city:
place_descr += u', ' + city
if coord_ok:
x, y = self._lat_lon(place, format="RT90")
if county:
place_descr += u' ' + county
if state:
place_descr += u' ' + state + u' län'
path = "http://www.eniro.se/partner.fcgi?pis=1&x=%s&y=%s&zoom_level=5" \
# Note x and y are swapped!
path = path % (y , x, place_descr.strip(), parish.strip())
path = path.replace(" ","%20")
elif city and country:
if country.upper() in MAP_NAMES_SWEDEN:
path = "http://kartor.eniro.se/query?&what=map_adr&mop=aq&geo_area=%s" \
path = path % ( place_descr.strip())
path = path.replace(" ","%20")
WarningDialog(_("Map not availabel in Denmark without coordinates") )
self.url = ""
WarningDialog(_("You need latitude and longitud,\nor city and country") )
WarningDialog(_("Eniro map not available"),
_("Coordinates needed in Denmark") )
self.url = ""
WarningDialog(_("Map not availabel for %s,\nonly for Sweden and Denmark") % country)
self.url = path
WarningDialog(_("Eniro map not available for %s") % country,
_("Only for Sweden and Denmark") )