diff --git a/src/plugins/gramplet/HeadlineNewsGramplet.py b/src/plugins/gramplet/HeadlineNewsGramplet.py
index f21096214..9e0e84c64 100644
--- a/src/plugins/gramplet/HeadlineNewsGramplet.py
+++ b/src/plugins/gramplet/HeadlineNewsGramplet.py
@@ -26,7 +26,19 @@
import re
import gobject
import urllib
+from xml.dom import minidom, Node
+# FIXME For Python 3:
+# Change:
+# import urllib
+# To:
+# import urllib.request
+# Change:
+# url_info = urllib.urlopen(URL)
+# To:
+# url_info = urllib.request.urlopen(URL)
import sys
+from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint as n2cp
+import re
@@ -37,6 +49,26 @@ from DataViews import register, Gramplet
from const import URL_WIKISTRING
from TransUtils import sgettext as _
+# Local functions
+def substitute(match):
+ ent = match.group(2)
+ if match.group(1) == "#":
+ return unichr(int(ent))
+ else:
+ cp = n2cp.get(ent)
+ if cp:
+ return unichr(cp)
+ else:
+ return match.group()
+def decode_html(string):
+ entity_re = re.compile("&(#?)(\d{1,5}|\w{1,8});")
+ return entity_re.subn(substitute, string)[0]
# Gramplet class
@@ -53,8 +85,21 @@ class HeadlineNewsGramplet(Gramplet):
Initialize gramplet. Start up update timer.
- self.set_tooltip(_("Read headline news from the GRAMPS wiki"))
+ self.limit = 5
+ # Description, Type, URL, Pretty URL for User
+ self.feeds = [
+ ("GRAMPS Wiki Headline News", "wiki", (self.RAW % "HeadlineNews"), (self.URL % "HeadlineNews")),
+ ("GRAMPS Blog Comments", "rss", "http://blog.gramps-project.org/?feed=comments-rss", None),
+ ("GRAMPS Blog Posts", "rss", "http://blog.gramps-project.org/?feed=rss", None),
+ ("GRAMPS Wiki Changes", "rss", "http://www.gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Special:RecentChanges&feed=rss", None),
+ ("GRAMPS Bugtracker Issues", "rss", "http://www.gramps-project.org/bugs/issues_rss.php?key=ece7d21451d76337acf776c9a4384773", None),
+ ("GRAMPS SVN Commits", "rss", "http://cia.vc/stats/project/Gramps/.rss", None),
+ ]
+ self.set_tooltip(_("Read GRAMPS headline news"))
self.update_interval = 3600 * 1000 # in miliseconds (1 hour)
+ self.set_use_markup(True)
+ self.set_wrap(False)
+ self.set_text(_("No Family Tree loaded."))
self.timer = gobject.timeout_add(self.update_interval,
@@ -66,22 +111,118 @@ class HeadlineNewsGramplet(Gramplet):
return True # keep updating!
def main(self):
- continuation = self.process('HeadlineNews')
- retval = True
- while retval:
- retval, text = continuation.next()
- self.set_text(text)
- yield True
- self.cleanup(text)
- yield False
+ self.set_text("Loading GRAMPS Headline News...\n")
+ fresh = True
+ yield True
+ for (feed_description, feed_type, feed_url, pretty_url) in self.feeds:
+ fp = urllib.urlopen(feed_url)
+ if feed_type == "wiki":
+ text = fp.read()
+ if fresh:
+ self.clear_text()
+ fresh = False
+ self.render_text("""%s [wiki]\n""" % (feed_description, pretty_url))
+ self.render_text(self.decode_wiki(text).strip())
+ self.append_text("\n")
+ yield True
+ elif feed_type == "rss":
+ try:
+ xmldoc = minidom.parse(fp)
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "Headline News Gramplet Error: RSS parse failed on '%s': %s" % (feed_description, e)
+ continue
+ if fresh:
+ self.clear_text()
+ fresh = False
+ self.render_text("""%s [RSS]\n""" % (feed_description, feed_url))
+ yield True
+ rootNode = xmldoc.documentElement
+ for node in rootNode.childNodes:
+ #print "> ", node.nodeName
+ if (node.nodeName == "channel"):
+ count = 1
+ for node2 in node.childNodes:
+ if count > 5: break
+ if (node2.nodeName == "item"):
+ title = ""
+ link = ""
+ desc = ""
+ # Gather up the data:
+ for item_node in node2.childNodes:
+ #print "---> ", item_node.nodeName
+ if (item_node.nodeName == "title"):
+ for text_node in item_node.childNodes:
+ if (text_node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE):
+ title += text_node.nodeValue
+ elif (item_node.nodeName == "link"):
+ for text_node in item_node.childNodes:
+ if (text_node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE):
+ link += text_node.nodeValue
+ elif (item_node.nodeName == "description"):
+ for text_node in item_node.childNodes:
+ if (text_node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE):
+ desc += text_node.nodeValue
+ if title:
+ if link:
+ self.render_text(" %d. " % count)
+ self.link(title, "URL", link, tooltip=link)
+ else:
+ self.render_text(" %d. %s" % (count, title))
+ self.append_text(" - ")
+ self.append_text(self.first_line(desc))
+ self.append_text("\n")
+ count += 1
+ yield True
+ self.append_text("\n")
+ self.append_text("", scroll_to="begin")
- def cleanup(self, text):
+ def first_line(self, text):
+ text = self.strip_html(text)
+ text = decode_html(text)
+ text = text.split("\n")[0]
+ if len(text) > 30:
+ text = text[:30]
+ return text + "..."
+ def strip_html(self, text):
+ text = text.replace("nbsp;", " ")
+ retval = ""
+ last_c = None
+ state = "plain"
+ for c in text:
+ if c == "<":
+ state = "skip"
+ if state == "plain":
+ if c in ["\t", " ", "\n"]:
+ if (c == last_c):
+ continue
+ retval += c
+ last_c = c
+ if c == ">":
+ state = "plain"
+ return retval
+ def decode_wiki(self, text):
# final text
text = text.replace("
", "\n")
while "\n\n\n" in text:
text = text.replace("\n\n\n", "\n\n")
text = text.strip()
## Wiki text:
+ ## Templates:
+ pattern = '{{.*?}}'
+ matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
+ for match in matches:
+ page = match[2:-2]
+ oldtext = match
+ if "|" in page:
+ template, heading, body = page.split("|", 2)
+ if template.lower() == "release":
+ newtext = "GRAMPS " + heading + " released.\n\n"
+ else:
+ #newtext = "%s\n\n" % heading
+ newtext = ""
+ text = text.replace(oldtext, newtext)
### Internal wiki URL with title:
pattern = re.compile('\[\[(.*?)\|(.*?)\]\]')
matches = pattern.findall(text)
@@ -117,16 +258,7 @@ class HeadlineNewsGramplet(Gramplet):
matches = pattern.findall(text)
for match in matches:
text = text.replace("'''%s'''" % match, "%s" % match)
- text = """Live update from www.gramps-project.org:\n\n""" + text
- self.clear_text()
- self.set_use_markup(True)
- try:
- self.render_text(text)
- except:
- cla, exc, trbk = sys.exc_info()
- self.append_text(_("Error") + (" : %s %s\n\n" %(cla, exc)))
- self.append_text(text)
- self.append_text("", scroll_to="begin")
+ return text
def wiki(self, title):
return (self.URL % title)
@@ -134,55 +266,6 @@ class HeadlineNewsGramplet(Gramplet):
def nice_title(self, title):
return title.replace("_", " ")
- def process(self, title):
- #print "processing '%s'..." % title
- title = self.nice_title(title)
- yield True, (_("Reading") + " '%s'..." % title)
- fp = urllib.urlopen(self.RAW % title)
- text = fp.read()
- #text = text.replace("\n", " ")
- html = re.findall('<.*?>', text)
- for exp in html:
- text = text.replace(exp, "")
- text = text.replace("\n", "
- fp.close()
- pattern = '{{.*?}}'
- matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
- #print " before:", text
- for match in matches:
- page = match[2:-2]
- oldtext = match
- if "|" in page:
- template, heading, body = page.split("|", 2)
- if template.lower() == "release":
- newtext = "GRAMPS " + heading + " released.
- else:
- newtext = "%s
" % heading
- newtext += body + "
- text = text.replace(oldtext, newtext)
- else: # a macro/redirect
- continuation = self.process("Template:" + page)
- retval = True
- while retval:
- retval, newtext = continuation.next()
- yield True, newtext
- text = text.replace(oldtext, newtext)
- #print " after:", text
- pattern = '#REDIRECT \[\[.*?\]\]'
- matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
- #print " before:", text
- for match in matches:
- page = match[12:-2]
- oldtext = match
- continuation = self.process(page)
- retval = True
- while retval:
- retval, newtext = continuation.next()
- yield True, newtext
- text = text.replace(oldtext, newtext)
- #print " after:", text
- yield False, text
# Register Gramplet