diff --git a/gramps2/src/PluginUtils/Report/_Report.py b/gramps2/src/PluginUtils/Report/_Report.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ae4dac1e5..000000000
--- a/gramps2/src/PluginUtils/Report/_Report.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1942 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2001 David R. Hampton
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Donald N. Allingham
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id$
-"Report Generation Framework"
-__author__ = "David R. Hampton, Donald N. Allingham"
-__version__ = "$Revision$"
-# standard python modules
-import os
-from gettext import gettext as _
-from types import ClassType, InstanceType
-import logging
-log = logging.getLogger(".")
-# GNOME/GTK modules
-import gtk
-# GRAMPS modules
-import const
-import Utils
-import Plugins
-import PluginMgr
-import BaseDoc
-import StyleEditor
-import Config
-import PaperMenu
-import Errors
-import GenericFilter
-import NameDisplay
-from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog, OptionDialog
-# Import XML libraries
- from xml.sax import make_parser,handler,SAXParseException
- from _xmlplus.sax import make_parser,handler,SAXParseException
-class FileEntry(gtk.HBox):
- def __init__(self,defname,title):
- gtk.HBox.__init__(self)
- self.title = title
- self.dir = False
- self.entry = gtk.Entry()
- self.entry.set_text(defname)
- self.set_filename(defname)
- self.set_spacing(6)
- self.set_homogeneous(False)
- self.button = gtk.Button()
- im = gtk.Image()
- im.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_OPEN,gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)
- self.button.add(im)
- self.button.connect('clicked',self.select_file)
- self.pack_start(self.entry,True,True)
- self.pack_end(self.button,False,False)
- def select_file(self,obj):
- if self.dir:
- else:
- my_action = gtk.FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE
- f = gtk.FileChooserDialog(self.title,
- action=my_action,
- buttons=(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,
- name = os.path.basename(self.entry.get_text())
- if self.dir:
- if os.path.isdir(name):
- f.set_current_name(name)
- elif os.path.isdir(os.path.basename(name)):
- f.set_current_name(os.path.basename(name))
- else:
- f.set_current_name(name)
- f.set_current_folder(self.spath)
- status = f.run()
- if status == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- self.set_filename(f.get_filename())
- f.destroy()
- def set_filename(self,path):
- if not path:
- return
- if os.path.dirname(path):
- self.spath = os.path.dirname(path)
- self.defname = os.path.basename(path)
- else:
- self.spath = os.getcwd()
- self.defname = path
- self.entry.set_text(os.path.join(self.spath,self.defname))
- def gtk_entry(self):
- return self.entry
- def get_full_path(self,val):
- return self.entry.get_text()
- def set_directory_entry(self,opt):
- self.dir = opt
-# Constants
-_default_template = _("Default Template")
-_user_template = _("User Defined Template")
-_template_map = {
- _user_template : ""
- }
-# Modes for generating reports
-MODE_GUI = 1 # Standalone report using GUI
-MODE_BKI = 2 # Book Item interface using GUI
-MODE_CLI = 4 # Command line interface (CLI)
-# Report categories
-standalone_categories = {
- CATEGORY_TEXT : _("Text Reports"),
- CATEGORY_DRAW : _("Graphical Reports"),
- CATEGORY_CODE : _("Code Generators"),
- CATEGORY_WEB : _("Web Page"),
- CATEGORY_VIEW : _("View"),
- CATEGORY_BOOK : _("Books"),
-book_categories = {
- CATEGORY_TEXT : _("Text"),
- CATEGORY_DRAW : _("Graphics"),
-# Support for printing generated files
-def get_print_dialog_app ():
- """Return the name of a program which sends stdin (or the program's
- arguments) to the printer."""
- for printdialog in ["/usr/bin/kprinter --stdin",
- "/usr/share/printconf/util/print.py"]:
- if os.access (printdialog.split (' ')[0], os.X_OK):
- return printdialog
- return "lpr"
-def run_print_dialog (filename):
- """Send file to the printer, possibly throwing up a dialog to
- ask which one etc."""
- os.environ["FILE"] = filename
- return os.system ('cat "$FILE" | %s &' % get_print_dialog_app ())
-# GrampsStyleComboBox
-class GrampsStyleComboBox(gtk.ComboBox):
- """
- Derived from the ComboBox, this widget provides handling of Report
- Styles.
- """
- def __init__(self,model=None):
- """
- Initializes the combobox, building the display column.
- """
- gtk.ComboBox.__init__(self,model)
- cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
- self.pack_start(cell,True)
- self.add_attribute(cell,'text',0)
- def set(self,style_map,default):
- """
- Sets the options for the ComboBox, using the passed style
- map as the data.
- @param style_map: dictionary of style names and the corresponding
- style sheet
- @type style_map: dictionary
- @param default: Default selection in the ComboBox
- @type default: str
- """
- self.store = gtk.ListStore(str)
- self.set_model(self.store)
- self.style_map = style_map
- keys = style_map.keys()
- keys.sort()
- index = 0
- start_index = 0
- for key in keys:
- if key == "default":
- self.store.append(row=[_('default')])
- else:
- self.store.append(row=[key])
- if key == default:
- start_index = index
- index += 1
- self.set_active(start_index)
- def get_value(self):
- """
- Returns the selected key (style sheet name).
- @returns: Returns the name of the selected style sheet
- @rtype: str
- """
- active = self.get_active()
- if active < 0:
- return None
- key = self.store[active][0]
- if key == _('default'):
- key = "default"
- return (key,self.style_map[key])
-# Report
-class Report:
- """
- The Report base class. This is a base class for generating
- customized reports. It cannot be used as is, but it can be easily
- sub-classed to create a functional report generator.
- """
- def __init__(self, database, person, options_class):
- self.database = database
- self.start_person = person
- self.options_class = options_class
- self.doc = options_class.get_document()
- creator = database.get_researcher().get_name()
- self.doc.creator(creator)
- output = options_class.get_output()
- if output:
- self.standalone = True
- self.doc.open(options_class.get_output())
- else:
- self.standalone = False
- self.define_table_styles()
- self.define_graphics_styles()
- def begin_report(self):
- if self.options_class.get_newpage():
- self.doc.page_break()
- def write_report(self):
- pass
- def end_report(self):
- if self.standalone:
- self.doc.close()
- def define_table_styles(self):
- """
- This method MUST be used for adding table and cell styles.
- """
- pass
- def define_graphics_styles(self):
- """
- This method MUST be used for adding drawing styles.
- """
- pass
- def get_progressbar_data(self):
- """The window title for this dialog, and the header line to
- put at the top of the contents of the dialog box."""
- return ("%s - GRAMPS" % _("Progress Report"), _("Working"))
- def progress_bar_title(self,name,length):
- markup = '%s'
- self.lbl.set_text(markup % name)
- self.lbl.set_use_markup(True)
- self.pbar.set_fraction(0.0)
- progress_steps = length
- if length > 1:
- progress_steps = progress_steps+1
- progress_steps = progress_steps+1
- self.pbar_max = length
- def progress_bar_setup(self,total):
- """Create a progress dialog. This routine calls a
- customization function to find out how to fill out the dialog.
- The argument to this function is the maximum number of items
- that the report will progress; i.e. what's considered 100%,
- i.e. the maximum number of times this routine will be
- called."""
- # Customize the dialog for this report
- (title, header) = self.get_progressbar_data()
- self.ptop = gtk.Dialog()
- self.ptop.set_has_separator(False)
- self.ptop.set_title(title)
- self.ptop.set_border_width(12)
- self.lbl = gtk.Label(header)
- self.lbl.set_use_markup(True)
- self.ptop.vbox.add(self.lbl)
- self.ptop.vbox.set_spacing(10)
- self.ptop.vbox.set_border_width(24)
- self.pbar = gtk.ProgressBar()
- self.pbar_max = total
- self.pbar_index = 0.0
- self.ptop.set_size_request(350,100)
- self.ptop.vbox.add(self.pbar)
- self.ptop.show_all()
- def progress_bar_step(self):
- """Click the progress bar over to the next value. Be paranoid
- and insure that it doesn't go over 100%."""
- self.pbar_index = self.pbar_index + 1.0
- if (self.pbar_index > self.pbar_max):
- self.pbar_index = self.pbar_max
- val = self.pbar_index/self.pbar_max
- self.pbar.set_text("%d of %d (%.1f%%)" % (self.pbar_index,self.pbar_max,(val*100)))
- self.pbar.set_fraction(val)
- while gtk.events_pending():
- gtk.main_iteration()
- def progress_bar_done(self):
- """Done with the progress bar. It can be destroyed now."""
- Utils.destroy_passed_object(self.ptop)
-class BareReportDialog:
- """
- The BareReportDialog base class. This is a base class for generating
- customized dialogs to solicit some options for a report. This class
- cannot be meaningfully used on its own since normally more options will
- have to be solicited. The ReportDialog class adds this functionality.
- The intended use of this class is either for ReportDialog or for being
- subclassed by Bare Reports that are part of the Book.
- """
- frame_pad = 5
- border_pad = 6
- def __init__(self,database,person,option_class,name,translated_name):
- """Initialize a dialog to request that the user select options
- for a basic *bare* report."""
- self.db = database
- self.person = person
- if type(option_class) == ClassType:
- self.options = option_class(name)
- elif type(option_class) == InstanceType:
- self.options = option_class
- self.report_name = translated_name
- self.init_interface()
- def init_interface(self):
- #self.output_notebook = None
- #self.notebook_page = 1
- self.pagecount_menu = None
- self.filter_combo = None
- self.extra_menu = None
- self.extra_textbox = None
- self.pagebreak_checkbox = None
- self.generations_spinbox = None
- self.widgets = []
- self.frame_names = []
- self.frames = {}
- self.format_menu = None
- self.style_button = None
- self.style_name = self.options.handler.get_default_stylesheet_name()
- (self.max_gen,self.page_breaks) = self.options.handler.get_report_generations()
- try:
- self.local_filters = self.options.get_report_filters(self.person)
- except AttributeError:
- self.local_filters = []
- self.window = gtk.Dialog('GRAMPS')
- self.window.set_has_separator(False)
- self.cancel = self.window.add_button(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL,gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL)
- self.ok = self.window.add_button(gtk.STOCK_OK,gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
- self.ok.connect('clicked',self.on_ok_clicked)
- self.cancel.connect('clicked',self.on_cancel)
- self.window.set_default_size(600,-1)
- # Set up and run the dialog. These calls are not in top down
- # order when looking at the dialog box as there is some
- # interaction between the various frames.
- self.setup_title()
- self.setup_header()
- self.tbl = gtk.Table(4,4,False)
- self.tbl.set_col_spacings(12)
- self.tbl.set_row_spacings(6)
- self.tbl.set_border_width(6)
- self.col = 0
- self.window.vbox.add(self.tbl)
- # Build the list of widgets that are used to extend the Options
- # frame and to create other frames
- self.add_user_options()
- self.setup_center_person()
- self.setup_target_frame()
- self.setup_format_frame()
- self.setup_style_frame()
- #self.setup_output_notebook()
- self.notebook = gtk.Notebook()
- self.notebook.set_border_width(6)
- self.window.vbox.add(self.notebook)
- self.setup_paper_frame()
- self.setup_html_frame()
- self.setup_report_options_frame()
- self.setup_other_frames()
- self.notebook.set_current_page(0)
- self.window.show_all()
- def get_title(self):
- """The window title for this dialog"""
- return "%s - GRAMPS Book" % self.report_name
- def get_header(self, name):
- """The header line to put at the top of the contents of the
- dialog box. By default this will just be the name of the
- selected person. Most subclasses will customize this to give
- some indication of what the report will be, i.e. 'Descendant
- Report for %s'."""
- return _("%(report_name)s for GRAMPS Book") % {
- 'report_name' : self.report_name}
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Customization hooks for subclasses
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_stylesheet_savefile(self):
- """Where should new styles for this report be saved? This is
- the name of an XML file that will be located in the ~/.gramps
- directory. This file does not have to exist; it will be
- created when needed. All subclasses should probably override
- this function."""
- return "basic_report.xml"
- def get_report_filters(self):
- """Return the data used to fill out the 'filter' combo box in
- the report options box. The return value is the list of
- strings to be inserted into the pulldown."""
- return []
- def get_report_generations(self):
- """Return the default number of generations to start the
- spinbox (zero to disable) and whether or not to include the
- 'page break between generations' check box"""
- return (10, 1)
- def get_report_extra_menu_info(self):
- """Return the data used to fill out the 'extra' option menu in
- the report options box. The first value is the string to be
- used as the label to the left of the menu. The second value
- is a mapping of string:value pairs. The strings will be used
- to label individual menu items, and the values are what will
- be returned if a given menu item is selected. The third value
- is the name of menu item to pre-select, and the final value is
- a string to use as the tooltip for the textbox."""
- return (None, None, None, None)
- def get_report_extra_textbox_info(self):
- """Return the data used to fill out the 'extra' textbox in the
- report options dialog. The first value is the string to be
- used as the label to the left of the textbox. The second
- value is the string to use as the default contents of the
- textbox. If None, then the text box will be hidden. The
- final value is a string to use as the tooltip for the
- textbox."""
- return (None, None, None)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related to extending the options
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_user_options(self):
- """Called to allow subclasses add widgets to the dialog form.
- It is called immediately before the window is displayed. All
- calls to add_option or add_frame_option should be called in
- this task."""
- self.options.add_user_options(self)
- def parse_user_options(self):
- """Called to allow parsing of added widgets.
- It is called when OK is pressed in a dialog.
- All custom widgets should provide a parsing code here."""
- try:
- self.options.parse_user_options(self)
- except:
- log.error("Failed to parse user options.", exc_info=True)
- def add_option(self,label_text,widget,tooltip=None):
- """Takes a text string and a Gtk Widget, and stores them to be
- appended to the Options section of the dialog. The text string
- is used to create a label for the passed widget. This allows the
- subclass to extend the Options section with its own widgets. The
- subclass is reponsible for all managing of the widgets, including
- extracting the final value before the report executes. This task
- should only be called in the add_user_options task."""
- self.widgets.append((label_text,widget))
- if tooltip:
- self.add_tooltip(widget,tooltip)
- def add_frame_option(self,frame_name,label_text,widget,tooltip=None):
- """Similar to add_option this method takes a frame_name, a
- text string and a Gtk Widget. When the interface is built,
- all widgets with the same frame_name are grouped into a
- GtkFrame. This allows the subclass to create its own sections,
- filling them with its own widgets. The subclass is reponsible for
- all managing of the widgets, including extracting the final value
- before the report executes. This task should only be called in
- the add_user_options task."""
- if self.frames.has_key(frame_name):
- self.frames[frame_name].append((label_text,widget))
- else:
- self.frames[frame_name] = [(label_text,widget)]
- self.frame_names.append(frame_name)
- if tooltip:
- self.add_tooltip(widget,tooltip)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions to create a default output style.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def build_style_menu(self,default=None):
- """Build a menu of style sets that are available for use in
- this report. This menu will always have a default style
- available, and will have any other style set name that the
- user has previously created for this report. This menu is
- created here instead of inline with the rest of the style
- frame, because it must be recreated to reflect any changes
- whenever the user closes the style editor dialog."""
- if default is None:
- default = self.style_name
- style_sheet_map = self.style_sheet_list.get_style_sheet_map()
- self.style_menu.set(style_sheet_map,default)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related to setting up the dialog window.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setup_title(self):
- """Set up the title bar of the dialog. This function relies
- on the get_title() customization function for what the title
- should be."""
- self.name = NameDisplay.displayer.display(self.person)
- self.window.set_title(self.get_title())
- def setup_header(self):
- """Set up the header line bar of the dialog. This function
- relies on the get_header() customization function for what the
- header line should read. If no customization function is
- supplied by the subclass, the default is to use the full name
- of the currently selected person."""
- title = self.get_header(self.name)
- label = gtk.Label('%s' % title)
- label.set_use_markup(True)
- self.window.vbox.pack_start(label, True, True,
- ReportDialog.border_pad)
- def setup_target_frame(self):
- """Bare report dialog only uses Doc Options header."""
- label = gtk.Label("%s" % _('Document Options'))
- label.set_use_markup(1)
- label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.tbl.set_border_width(12)
- self.tbl.attach(label, 0, 4, self.col, self.col+1, gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND)
- self.col += 1
- def setup_center_person(self):
- """Set up center person labels and change button.
- Should be overwritten by standalone report dialogs. """
- center_label = gtk.Label("%s" % _("Center Person"))
- center_label.set_use_markup(True)
- center_label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.tbl.set_border_width(12)
- self.tbl.attach(center_label,0,4,self.col,self.col+1)
- self.col += 1
- name = NameDisplay.displayer.display(self.person)
- self.person_label = gtk.Label( "%s" % name )
- self.person_label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.tbl.attach(self.person_label,2,3,self.col,self.col+1)
- change_button = gtk.Button("%s..." % _('C_hange') )
- change_button.connect('clicked',self.on_center_person_change_clicked)
- self.tbl.attach(change_button,3,4,self.col,self.col+1,gtk.SHRINK)
- self.col += 1
- def setup_style_frame(self):
- """Set up the style frame of the dialog. This function relies
- on other routines create the default style for this report,
- and to read in any user defined styles for this report. It
- the builds a menu of all the available styles for the user to
- choose from."""
- # Styles Frame
- label = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Style"))
- label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.style_menu = GrampsStyleComboBox()
- self.style_button = gtk.Button("%s..." % _("Style Editor"))
- self.style_button.connect('clicked',self.on_style_edit_clicked)
- self.tbl.attach(label,1,2,self.col,self.col+1,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.tbl.attach(self.style_menu,2,3,self.col,self.col+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- self.tbl.attach(self.style_button,3,4,self.col,self.col+1,
- xoptions=gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL,yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- self.col += 1
- # Build the default style set for this report.
- self.default_style = BaseDoc.StyleSheet()
- self.options.make_default_style(self.default_style)
- # Build the initial list of available styles sets. This
- # includes the default style set and any style sets saved from
- # previous invocations of gramps.
- self.style_sheet_list = BaseDoc.StyleSheetList(
- self.options.handler.get_stylesheet_savefile(),
- self.default_style)
- # Now build the actual menu.
- style = self.options.handler.get_default_stylesheet_name()
- self.build_style_menu(style)
- def setup_report_options_frame(self):
- """Set up the report options frame of the dialog. This
- function relies on several report_xxx() customization
- functions to determine which of the items should be present in
- this box. *All* of these items are optional, although the
- generations fields and the filter combo box are used in most
- (but not all) dialog boxes."""
- (em_label, extra_map, preset, em_tip) = self.get_report_extra_menu_info()
- (et_label, string, et_tip) = self.get_report_extra_textbox_info()
- row = 0
- max_rows = 0
- if self.max_gen:
- max_rows = max_rows + 2
- #if self.page_breaks:
- # max_rows = max_rows + 1
- if len(self.local_filters):
- max_rows = max_rows + 1
- if extra_map:
- max_rows = max_rows + 1
- if string:
- max_rows = max_rows + 1
- max_rows = max_rows + len(self.widgets)
- if max_rows == 0:
- return
- table = gtk.Table(3,max_rows+1)
- table.set_col_spacings(12)
- table.set_row_spacings(6)
- label = gtk.Label("%s" % _("Report Options"))
- label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- label.set_use_markup(True)
- table.set_border_width(6)
- self.notebook.append_page(table,label)
- row += 1
- if len(self.local_filters):
- self.filter_combo = GenericFilter.GrampsFilterComboBox()
- label = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Filter"))
- label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- table.attach(label, 1, 2, row, row+1, gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL,
- gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- table.attach(self.filter_combo, 2, 3, row, row+1,
- gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.filter_combo.set(self.local_filters)
- self.filter_combo.set_active(self.options.handler.get_filter_number())
- row += 1
- # Set up the generations spin and page break checkbox
- if self.max_gen:
- self.generations_spinbox = gtk.SpinButton(digits=0)
- self.generations_spinbox.set_numeric(1)
- adjustment = gtk.Adjustment(self.max_gen,1,999,1,0)
- self.generations_spinbox.set_adjustment(adjustment)
- adjustment.value_changed()
- label = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Generations"))
- label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- table.attach(label, 1, 2, row, row+1,
- gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- table.attach(self.generations_spinbox, 2, 3, row, row+1,
- gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- row += 1
- #if self.page_breaks:
- msg = _("Page break between generations")
- self.pagebreak_checkbox = gtk.CheckButton(msg)
- self.pagebreak_checkbox.set_active(self.page_breaks)
- table.attach(self.pagebreak_checkbox,2,3,row,row+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- row += 1
- # Now the "extra" option menu
- if extra_map:
- self.extra_menu_label = gtk.Label("%s:" % em_label)
- self.extra_menu_label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.extra_menu = gtk.OptionMenu()
- myMenu = Utils.build_string_optmenu(extra_map, preset)
- self.extra_menu.set_menu(myMenu)
- self.extra_menu.set_sensitive(len(extra_map) > 1)
- self.add_tooltip(self.extra_menu,em_tip)
- table.attach(self.extra_menu_label, 1, 2, row, row+1,
- gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK)
- table.attach(self.extra_menu, 2, 3, row, row+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- row += 1
- # Now the "extra" text box
- if string:
- self.extra_textbox_label = gtk.Label("%s:" % et_label)
- self.extra_textbox_label.set_alignment(0.0,0)
- swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
- swin.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN)
- swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
- self.extra_textbox = gtk.TextView()
- swin.add(self.extra_textbox)
- self.extra_textbox.get_buffer().set_text('\n'.join(string))
- self.extra_textbox.set_editable(1)
- self.add_tooltip(self.extra_textbox,et_tip)
- table.attach(self.extra_textbox_label, 1, 2, row, row+1,
- gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL,gtk.SHRINK)
- table.attach(swin, 2, 3, row, row+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- row += 1
- # Setup requested widgets
- for (text,widget) in self.widgets:
- if text:
- text_widget = gtk.Label("%s:" % text)
- text_widget.set_alignment(0.0,0.0)
- table.attach(text_widget, 1, 2, row, row+1,
- gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK)
- table.attach(widget, 2, 3, row, row+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- else:
- table.attach(widget, 2, 3, row, row+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- row += 1
- def setup_other_frames(self):
- for key in self.frame_names:
- flist = self.frames[key]
- table = gtk.Table(3,len(flist))
- table.set_col_spacings(12)
- table.set_row_spacings(6)
- table.set_border_width(6)
- l = gtk.Label("%s" % _(key))
- l.set_use_markup(True)
- self.notebook.append_page(table,l)
- row = 0
- for (text,widget) in flist:
- if text:
- text_widget = gtk.Label('%s:' % text)
- text_widget.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- table.attach(text_widget, 1, 2, row, row+1,
- gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK)
- table.attach(widget, 2, 3, row, row+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- else:
- table.attach(widget, 2, 3, row, row+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- row = row + 1
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Customization hooks for stand-alone reports (subclass ReportDialog)
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setup_format_frame(self):
- """Not used in bare report dialogs. Override in the subclass."""
- pass
- def setup_paper_frame(self):
- """Not used in bare report dialogs. Override in the subclass."""
- pass
- def setup_html_frame(self):
- """Not used in bare report dialogs. Override in the subclass."""
- pass
- def setup_output_notebook(self):
- """Not used in bare report dialogs. Override in the subclass."""
- pass
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related to retrieving data from the dialog window
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def parse_style_frame(self):
- """Parse the style frame of the dialog. Save the user
- selected output style for later use. Note that this routine
- retrieves a value whether or not the menu is displayed on the
- screen. The subclass will know whether this menu was enabled.
- This is for simplicity of programming."""
- (style_name,self.selected_style) = self.style_menu.get_value()
- self.options.handler.set_default_stylesheet_name(style_name)
- def parse_report_options_frame(self):
- """Parse the report options frame of the dialog. Save the
- user selected choices for later use. Note that this routine
- retrieves a value from all fields in the frame, regardless of
- whether or not they are displayed on the screen. The subclass
- will know which ones it has enabled. This is for simplicity
- of programming."""
- if self.generations_spinbox:
- self.max_gen = self.generations_spinbox.get_value_as_int()
- else:
- self.max_gen = 0
- if self.pagebreak_checkbox and self.pagebreak_checkbox.get_active():
- self.pg_brk = 1
- else:
- self.pg_brk = 0
- if self.max_gen or self.pg_brk:
- self.options.handler.set_report_generations(self.max_gen,self.pg_brk)
- if self.filter_combo:
- try:
- self.filter = self.filter_combo.get_value()
- active = max(0,self.filter_combo.get_active())
- self.options.handler.set_filter_number(active)
- except:
- print "Error setting filter. Proceeding with 'Everyone'"
- self.filter = GenericFilter.Everyone([])
- else:
- self.filter = None
- if self.extra_menu:
- self.report_menu = self.extra_menu.get_menu().get_active().get_data("d")
- else:
- self.report_menu = None
- if self.extra_textbox:
- b = self.extra_textbox.get_buffer()
- text_val = unicode(b.get_text(b.get_start_iter(),b.get_end_iter(),False))
- self.report_text = text_val.split('\n')
- self.options.handler.set_display_format(self.report_text)
- else:
- self.report_text = []
- def parse_other_frames(self):
- """Do nothing. This sole purpose of this function is to give
- subclass a place to hang a routine to parser any other frames
- that are unique to that specific report."""
- pass
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Callback functions from the dialog
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def on_cancel(self,*obj):
- pass
- def on_ok_clicked(self, obj):
- """The user is satisfied with the dialog choices. Parse all options
- and close the window."""
- # Preparation
- self.parse_style_frame()
- self.parse_report_options_frame()
- self.parse_other_frames()
- self.parse_user_options()
- # Save options
- self.options.handler.save_options()
- def on_style_edit_clicked(self, *obj):
- """The user has clicked on the 'Edit Styles' button. Create a
- style sheet editor object and let them play. When they are
- done, the previous routine will be called to update the dialog
- menu for selecting a style."""
- StyleEditor.StyleListDisplay(self.style_sheet_list,self.build_style_menu,
- self.window)
- def on_center_person_change_clicked(self,*obj):
- import SelectPerson
- sel_person = SelectPerson.SelectPerson(self.db,_('Select Person'))
- new_person = sel_person.run()
- if new_person:
- self.new_person = new_person
- new_name = NameDisplay.displayer.display(new_person)
- if new_name:
- self.person_label.set_text( "%s" % new_name )
- self.person_label.set_use_markup(True)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related to creating the actual report document.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_report(self):
- """Create the contents of the report. This is the meat and
- potatoes of reports. The whole purpose of the dialog is to
- get to this routine so that data is written to a file. This
- routine should either write the data directly to the file, or
- better yet, should create a subclass of a Report that will
- write the data to a file."""
- pass
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Miscellaneous functions.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def add_tooltip(self,widget,string):
- """Adds a tooltip to the specified widget"""
- if not widget or not string:
- return
- tip = gtk.Tooltips()
- tip.set_tip(widget,string)
-class ReportDialog(BareReportDialog):
- """
- The ReportDialog base class. This is a base class for generating
- customized dialogs to solicit options for a report. It cannot be
- used as is, but it can be easily sub-classed to create a functional
- dialog for a stand-alone report.
- """
- def __init__(self,database,person,option_class,name,translated_name):
- """Initialize a dialog to request that the user select options
- for a basic *stand-alone* report."""
- self.style_name = "default"
- self.page_html_added = False
- BareReportDialog.__init__(self,database,person,option_class,
- name,translated_name)
- # Allow for post processing of the format frame, since the
- # show_all task calls events that may reset values
- def init_interface(self):
- BareReportDialog.init_interface(self)
- if self.format_menu:
- self.doc_type_changed(self.format_menu)
- self.setup_post_process()
- def setup_post_process(self):
- pass
- def setup_center_person(self):
- pass
- def get_title(self):
- """The window title for this dialog"""
- name = self.report_name
- category = standalone_categories[self.category]
- return "%s - %s - GRAMPS" % (name,category)
- def get_header(self, name):
- """The header line to put at the top of the contents of the
- dialog box. By default this will just be the name of the
- report for the selected person. """
- return _("%(report_name)s for %(person_name)s") % {
- 'report_name' : self.report_name,
- 'person_name' : name}
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Customization hooks for subclasses
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_target_is_directory(self):
- """Is the user being asked to input the name of a file or a
- directory in the 'Save As' File Entry widget. This item
- currently only selects the Filename/Directory prompt, and
- whether or not the browser accepts filenames. In the future it
- may also control checking of the selected filename."""
- return None
- def get_default_basename(self):
- """What should the default name be?
- """
- spath = self.options.handler.get_stylesheet_savefile()
- return spath.split('.')[0]
- def get_print_pagecount_map(self):
- """Return the data used to fill out the 'pagecount' option
- menu in the print options box. The first value is a mapping
- of string:value pairs. The strings will be used to label
- individual menu items, and the values are what will be
- returned if a given menu item is selected. The second value
- is the name of menu item to pre-select."""
- return (None, None)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related getting/setting the default directory for a dialog.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_default_directory(self):
- """Get the name of the directory to which the target dialog
- box should default. This value can be set in the preferences
- panel."""
- return Config.get_report_dir()
- def set_default_directory(self, value):
- """Save the name of the current directory, so that any future
- reports will default to the most recently used directory.
- This also changes the directory name that will appear in the
- preferences panel, but does not change the preference in disk.
- This means that the last directory used will only be
- remembered for this session of gramps unless the user saves
- his/her preferences."""
- Config.save_report_dir(value)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related to selecting/changing the current file format.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_doc_menu(self,active=None):
- """Build a menu of document types that are appropriate for
- this report. This menu will be generated based upon the type
- of document (text, draw, graph, etc. - a subclass), whether or
- not the document requires table support, etc."""
- return None
- def make_document(self):
- """Create a document of the type requested by the user."""
- self.doc = self.format(self.selected_style,self.paper,
- self.template_name,self.orien)
- self.options.set_document(self.doc)
- if self.print_report.get_active ():
- self.doc.print_requested ()
- def doc_type_changed(self, obj):
- """This routine is called when the user selects a new file
- formats for the report. It adjust the various dialog sections
- to reflect the appropriate values for the currently selected
- file format. For example, a HTML document doesn't need any
- paper size/orientation options, but it does need a template
- file. Those chances are made here."""
- label = obj.get_printable()
- if label:
- self.print_report.set_label (label)
- self.print_report.set_sensitive (True)
- else:
- self.print_report.set_label (_("Print a copy"))
- self.print_report.set_sensitive (False)
- # Is this to be a printed report or an electronic report
- # (i.e. a set of web pages)
- if self.page_html_added:
- self.notebook.remove_page(0)
- if obj.get_paper() == 1:
- self.paper_label = gtk.Label('%s'%_("Paper Options"))
- self.paper_label.set_use_markup(True)
- self.notebook.insert_page(self.paper_table,self.paper_label,0)
- self.paper_table.show_all()
- else:
- self.html_label = gtk.Label('%s' % _("HTML Options"))
- self.html_label.set_use_markup(True)
- self.notebook.insert_page(self.html_table,self.html_label,0)
- self.html_table.show_all()
- if not self.get_target_is_directory():
- fname = self.target_fileentry.get_full_path(0)
- (spath,ext) = os.path.splitext(fname)
- ext_val = obj.get_ext()
- if ext_val:
- fname = spath + ext_val
- else:
- fname = spath
- self.target_fileentry.set_filename(fname)
- # Does this report format use styles?
- if self.style_button:
- self.style_button.set_sensitive(obj.get_styles())
- self.style_menu.set_sensitive(obj.get_styles())
- self.page_html_added = True
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related to setting up the dialog window.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setup_target_frame(self):
- """Set up the target frame of the dialog. This function
- relies on several target_xxx() customization functions to
- determine whether the target is a directory or file, what the
- title of any browser window should be, and what default
- directory should be used."""
- # Save Frame
- label = gtk.Label("%s" % _('Document Options'))
- label.set_use_markup(1)
- label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.tbl.set_border_width(12)
- self.tbl.attach(label, 0, 4, self.col, self.col+1, gtk.FILL)
- self.col += 1
- hid = self.get_stylesheet_savefile()
- if hid[-4:]==".xml":
- hid = hid[0:-4]
- self.target_fileentry = FileEntry(hid,_("Save As"))
- if self.get_target_is_directory():
- self.target_fileentry.set_directory_entry(1)
- self.doc_label = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Directory"))
- else:
- self.doc_label = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Filename"))
- self.doc_label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.tbl.attach(self.doc_label, 1, 2, self.col, self.col+1,
- xoptions=gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL,yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- self.tbl.attach(self.target_fileentry, 2, 4, self.col, self.col+1,
- xoptions=gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL,yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- self.col += 1
- spath = self.get_default_directory()
- self.target_fileentry.set_filename(spath)
- self.target_fileentry.gtk_entry().set_position(len(spath))
- def setup_format_frame(self):
- """Set up the format frame of the dialog. This function
- relies on the make_doc_menu() function to do all the hard
- work."""
- self.print_report = gtk.CheckButton (_("Print a copy"))
- self.tbl.attach(self.print_report,2,4,self.col,self.col+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- self.col += 1
- self.make_doc_menu(self.options.handler.get_format_name())
- self.format_menu.connect('changed',self.doc_type_changed)
- label = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Output Format"))
- label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.tbl.attach(label,1,2,self.col,self.col+1,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.tbl.attach(self.format_menu,2,4,self.col,self.col+1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- self.col += 1
- ext = self.format_menu.get_ext()
- if ext == None:
- ext = ""
- else:
- spath = self.get_default_directory()
- if self.get_target_is_directory():
- self.target_fileentry.set_filename(spath)
- else:
- base = self.get_default_basename()
- spath = os.path.normpath("%s/%s%s" % (spath,base,ext))
- self.target_fileentry.set_filename(spath)
- def setup_output_notebook(self):
- """Set up the output notebook of the dialog. This sole
- purpose of this function is to grab a pointer for later use in
- the callback from when the file format is changed."""
- pass
- def size_changed(self,obj):
- (paper,name) = self.papersize_menu.get_value()
- if paper.get_width() <= 0:
- self.pwidth.set_sensitive(1)
- self.pheight.set_sensitive(1)
- else:
- self.pwidth.set_sensitive(0)
- self.pheight.set_sensitive(0)
- self.pwidth.set_text("%.2f" % paper.get_width())
- self.pheight.set_text("%.2f" % paper.get_height())
- def setup_paper_frame(self):
- """Set up the paper selection frame of the dialog. This
- function relies on a paper_xxx() customization functions to
- determine whether the pagecount menu should appear and what
- its strings should be."""
- (pagecount_map, start_text) = self.get_print_pagecount_map()
- if pagecount_map:
- self.paper_table = gtk.Table(2,6)
- else:
- self.paper_table = gtk.Table(3,6)
- self.paper_table.set_col_spacings(12)
- self.paper_table.set_row_spacings(6)
- self.paper_table.set_border_width(6)
- self.papersize_menu = PaperMenu.GrampsPaperComboBox()
- self.papersize_menu.connect('changed',self.size_changed)
- self.orientation_menu = PaperMenu.GrampsOrientationComboBox()
- l = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Size"))
- l.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.paper_table.attach(l,1,2,0,1,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.paper_table.attach(self.papersize_menu,2,3,0,1,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- l = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Height"))
- l.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.paper_table.attach(l,3,4,0,1,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.pheight = gtk.Entry()
- self.pheight.set_sensitive(0)
- self.paper_table.attach(self.pheight,4,5,0,1)
- l = gtk.Label(_("cm"))
- l.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.paper_table.attach(l,5,6,0,1,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- l = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Orientation"))
- l.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.paper_table.attach(l,1,2,1,2,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.paper_table.attach(self.orientation_menu,2,3,1,2,
- yoptions=gtk.SHRINK)
- l = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Width"))
- l.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.paper_table.attach(l,3,4,1,2,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.pwidth = gtk.Entry()
- self.pwidth.set_sensitive(0)
- self.paper_table.attach(self.pwidth,4,5,1,2)
- l = gtk.Label(_("cm"))
- l.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.paper_table.attach(l,5,6,1,2,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.papersize_menu.set(PaperMenu.paper_sizes,
- self.options.handler.get_paper_name())
- self.orientation_menu.set(self.options.handler.get_orientation())
- # The optional pagecount stuff.
- if pagecount_map:
- self.pagecount_menu = gtk.OptionMenu()
- myMenu = Utils.build_string_optmenu(pagecount_map, start_text)
- self.pagecount_menu.set_menu(myMenu)
- l = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Page Count"))
- l.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.paper_table.attach(l,1,2,2,3,gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.paper_table.attach(self.pagecount_menu,2,3,2,3)
- def html_file_enable(self,obj):
- active = obj.get_active()
- text = unicode(obj.get_model()[active][0])
- if _template_map.has_key(text):
- if _template_map[text]:
- self.html_fileentry.set_sensitive(0)
- else:
- self.html_fileentry.set_sensitive(1)
- else:
- self.html_fileentry.set_sensitive(0)
- def setup_html_frame(self):
- """Set up the html frame of the dialog. This sole purpose of
- this function is to grab a pointer for later use in the parse
- html frame function."""
- self.html_table = gtk.Table(3,3)
- self.html_table.set_col_spacings(12)
- self.html_table.set_row_spacings(6)
- self.html_table.set_border_width(0)
- label = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("Template"))
- label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.html_table.attach(label, 1, 2, 1, 2, gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.template_combo = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
- tlist = _template_map.keys()
- tlist.sort()
- template_name = self.options.handler.get_template_name()
- self.template_combo.append_text(_default_template)
- template_index = 1
- active_index = 0
- for template in tlist:
- if template != _user_template:
- self.template_combo.append_text(template)
- if _template_map[template] == template_name:
- active_index = template_index
- template_index = template_index + 1
- self.template_combo.append_text(_user_template)
- self.template_combo.connect('changed',self.html_file_enable)
- self.html_table.attach(self.template_combo,2,3,1,2)
- label = gtk.Label("%s:" % _("User Template"))
- label.set_alignment(0.0,0.5)
- self.html_table.attach(label, 1, 2, 2, 3, gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- self.html_fileentry = FileEntry("HTML_Template",
- _("Choose File"))
- if template_name and not active_index:
- active_index = template_index
- user_template = template_name
- self.html_fileentry.set_sensitive(True)
- else:
- user_template = ''
- self.html_fileentry.set_sensitive(False)
- if os.path.isfile(user_template):
- self.html_fileentry.set_filename(user_template)
- self.html_table.attach(self.html_fileentry,2,3,2,3)
- self.template_combo.set_active(active_index)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related to retrieving data from the dialog window
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def parse_target_frame(self):
- """Parse the target frame of the dialog. If the target
- filename is empty this routine returns a special value of None
- to tell the calling routine to give up. This function also
- saves the current directory so that any future reports will
- default to the most recently used directory."""
- self.target_path = self.target_fileentry.get_full_path(0)
- if not self.target_path:
- return None
- # First we check whether the selected path exists
- if os.path.exists(self.target_path):
- # selected path is an existing dir and we need a dir
- if os.path.isdir(self.target_path) \
- and self.get_target_is_directory():
- # check whether the dir has rwx permissions
- if not os.access(self.target_path,os.R_OK|os.W_OK|os.X_OK):
- ErrorDialog(_('Permission problem'),
- _("You do not have permission to write "
- "under the directory %s\n\n"
- "Please select another directory or correct "
- "the permissions." % self.target_path)
- )
- return None
- # selected path is an exsting file and we need a file
- if os.path.isfile(self.target_path) \
- and not self.get_target_is_directory():
- a = OptionDialog(_('File already exists'),
- _('You can choose to either overwrite the '
- 'file, or change the selected filename.'),
- _('_Overwrite'),None,
- _('_Change filename'),None)
- if a.get_response() == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
- return None
- # selected path does not exist yet
- else:
- # we will need to create the file/dir
- # need to make sure we can create in the parent dir
- parent_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(self.target_path))
- if not os.access(parent_dir,os.W_OK):
- ErrorDialog(_('Permission problem'),
- _("You do not have permission to create "
- "%s\n\n"
- "Please select another path or correct "
- "the permissions." % self.target_path)
- )
- return None
- self.set_default_directory(os.path.dirname(self.target_path) + os.sep)
- self.options.handler.output = self.target_path
- return 1
- def parse_format_frame(self):
- """Parse the format frame of the dialog. Save the user
- selected output format for later use."""
- self.format = self.format_menu.get_reference()
- format_name = self.format_menu.get_clname()
- self.options.handler.set_format_name(format_name)
- def parse_paper_frame(self):
- """Parse the paper frame of the dialog. Save the user
- selected choices for later use. Note that this routine
- retrieves a value from the pagecount menu, whether or not it
- is displayed on the screen. The subclass will know which ones
- it has enabled. This is for simplicity of programming."""
- (self.paper,paper_name) = self.papersize_menu.get_value()
- self.options.handler.set_paper_name(paper_name)
- self.options.handler.set_paper(self.paper)
- if self.paper.get_height() <= 0 or self.paper.get_width() <= 0:
- try:
- h = float(unicode(self.pheight.get_text()))
- w = float(unicode(self.pwidth.get_text()))
- if h <= 1.0 or w <= 1.0:
- self.paper.set_height(29.7)
- self.paper.set_width(21.0)
- else:
- self.paper.set_height(h)
- self.paper.set_width(w)
- except:
- self.paper.set_height(29.7)
- self.paper.set_width(21.0)
- self.orien = self.orientation_menu.get_value()
- self.options.handler.set_orientation(self.orien)
- if self.pagecount_menu == None:
- self.pagecount = 0
- else:
- self.pagecount = self.pagecount_menu.get_menu().get_active().get_data("d")
- def parse_html_frame(self):
- """Parse the html frame of the dialog. Save the user selected
- html template name for later use. Note that this routine
- retrieves a value whether or not the file entry box is
- displayed on the screen. The subclass will know whether this
- entry was enabled. This is for simplicity of programming."""
- model = self.template_combo.get_model()
- text = unicode(model[self.template_combo.get_active()][0])
- if _template_map.has_key(text):
- if text == _user_template:
- self.template_name = self.html_fileentry.get_full_path(0)
- else:
- self.template_name = "%s/%s" % (const.template_dir,_template_map[text])
- else:
- self.template_name = ""
- self.options.handler.set_template_name(self.template_name)
- def on_ok_clicked(self, obj):
- """The user is satisfied with the dialog choices. Validate
- the output file name before doing anything else. If there is
- a file name, gather the options and create the report."""
- # Is there a filename? This should also test file permissions, etc.
- if not self.parse_target_frame():
- self.window.run()
- # Preparation
- self.parse_format_frame()
- self.parse_style_frame()
- self.parse_paper_frame()
- self.parse_html_frame()
- self.parse_report_options_frame()
- self.parse_other_frames()
- self.parse_user_options()
- # Create the output document.
- self.make_document()
- # Save options
- self.options.handler.save_options()
-# Textual reports
-class TextReportDialog(ReportDialog):
- """A class of ReportDialog customized for text based reports."""
- def __init__(self,database,person,options,name,translated_name):
- """Initialize a dialog to request that the user select options
- for a basic text report. See the ReportDialog class for more
- information."""
- self.category = CATEGORY_TEXT
- ReportDialog.__init__(self,database,person,options,name,translated_name)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Customization hooks for subclasses
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def doc_uses_tables(self):
- """Does this report require the ability to generate tables in
- the file format. Override this for documents that do need
- table support."""
- return 0
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related to selecting/changing the current file format.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_doc_menu(self,active=None):
- """Build a menu of document types that are appropriate for
- this text report. This menu will be generated based upon
- whether the document requires table support, etc."""
- self.format_menu = Plugins.GrampsTextFormatComboBox()
- self.format_menu.set(self.doc_uses_tables(),
- self.doc_type_changed, None, active)
-# Drawing reports
-class DrawReportDialog(ReportDialog):
- """A class of ReportDialog customized for drawing based reports."""
- def __init__(self,database,person,opt,name,translated_name):
- """Initialize a dialog to request that the user select options
- for a basic drawing report. See the ReportDialog class for
- more information."""
- self.category = CATEGORY_DRAW
- ReportDialog.__init__(self,database,person,opt,name,translated_name)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Functions related to selecting/changing the current file format.
- #
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def make_doc_menu(self,active=None):
- """Build a menu of document types that are appropriate for
- this drawing report."""
- self.format_menu = Plugins.GrampsDrawFormatComboBox()
- self.format_menu.set(False,self.doc_type_changed, None, active)
-# Parser for templates file
-class TemplateParser(handler.ContentHandler):
- """
- Interface to the document template file
- """
- def __init__(self,data,fpath):
- """
- Creates a template parser. The parser loads map of tempate names
- to the file containing the tempate.
- data - dictionary that holds the name to path mappings
- fpath - filename of the XML file
- """
- handler.ContentHandler.__init__(self)
- self.data = data
- self.path = fpath
- def setDocumentLocator(self,locator):
- """Sets the XML document locator"""
- self.locator = locator
- def startElement(self,tag,attrs):
- """
- Loads the dictionary when an XML tag of 'template' is found. The format
- XML tag is
- """
- if tag == "template":
- self.data[attrs['title']] = attrs['file']
-# Initialization
- parser = make_parser()
- gspath = const.template_dir
- parser.setContentHandler(TemplateParser(_template_map,gspath))
- parser.parse("file://%s/templates.xml" % gspath)
- parser = make_parser()
- gspath = os.path.expanduser("~/.gramps/templates")
- parser.setContentHandler(TemplateParser(_template_map,gspath))
- parser.parse("file://%s/templates.xml" % gspath)
-except (IOError,OSError,SAXParseException):
- pass
-# Command-line report
-class CommandLineReport:
- """
- Provides a way to generate report from the command line.
- """
- def __init__(self,database,name,category,option_class,options_str_dict,
- noopt=False):
- self.database = database
- self.category = category
- self.option_class = option_class(name)
- self.show = options_str_dict.pop('show',None)
- self.options_str_dict = options_str_dict
- self.init_options(noopt)
- self.parse_option_str()
- self.show_options()
- def init_options(self,noopt):
- self.options_dict = {
- 'of' : self.option_class.handler.module_name,
- 'off' : self.option_class.handler.get_format_name(),
- 'style' : self.option_class.handler.get_default_stylesheet_name(),
- 'papers' : self.option_class.handler.get_paper_name(),
- 'papero' : self.option_class.handler.get_orientation(),
- 'template' : self.option_class.handler.get_template_name(),
- 'id' : ''
- }
- self.options_help = {
- 'of' : ["=filename","Output file name. MANDATORY"],
- 'off' : ["=format","Output file format."],
- 'style' : ["=name","Style name."],
- 'papers' : ["=name","Paper size name."],
- 'papero' : ["=num","Paper orientation number."],
- 'template' : ["=name","Template name (HTML only)."],
- 'id' : ["=ID","Gramps ID of a central person. MANDATORY"],
- 'filter' : ["=num","Filter number."],
- 'gen' : ["=num","Number of generations to follow."],
- 'pagebbg' : ["=0/1","Page break between generations."],
- 'dispf' : ["=str","Display format for the outputbox."],
- }
- if noopt:
- return
- # Add report-specific options
- for key in self.option_class.handler.options_dict.keys():
- if key not in self.options_dict.keys():
- self.options_dict[key] = self.option_class.handler.options_dict[key]
- # Add help for report-specific options
- for key in self.option_class.options_help.keys():
- if key not in self.options_help.keys():
- self.options_help[key] = self.option_class.options_help[key]
- def parse_option_str(self):
- for opt in self.options_str_dict.keys():
- if opt in self.options_dict.keys():
- converter = Utils.get_type_converter(self.options_dict[opt])
- self.options_dict[opt] = converter(self.options_str_dict[opt])
- self.option_class.handler.options_dict[opt] = self.options_dict[opt]
- else:
- print "Ignoring unknown option: %s" % opt
- person_id = self.options_dict['id']
- self.person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(person_id)
- id_list = []
- for person_handle in self.database.get_person_handles():
- person = self.database.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
- id_list.append("%s\t%s" % (
- person.get_gramps_id(),
- NameDisplay.displayer.display(person)))
- self.options_help['id'].append(id_list)
- self.options_help['id'].append(False)
- if self.options_dict.has_key('filter'):
- filter_num = self.options_dict['filter']
- self.filters = self.option_class.get_report_filters(self.person)
- self.option_class.handler.set_filter_number(filter_num)
- filt_list = [ filt.get_name() for filt in self.filters ]
- cust_filt_list = [ filt2.get_name() for filt2 in
- GenericFilter.CustomFilters.get_filters() ]
- filt_list.extend(cust_filt_list)
- self.options_help['filter'].append(filt_list)
- self.options_help['filter'].append(True)
- if self.options_dict.has_key('gen'):
- max_gen = self.options_dict['gen']
- page_breaks = self.options_dict['pagebbg']
- self.option_class.handler.set_report_generations(max_gen,page_breaks)
- self.options_help['gen'].append("Whatever Number You Wish")
- self.options_help['pagebbg'].append([
- "No page break","Page break"])
- self.options_help['pagebbg'].append(True)
- if self.options_dict.has_key('dispf'):
- dispf = ''.join(self.options_dict['dispf']).replace('\\n','\n')
- self.option_class.handler.set_display_format(dispf)
- self.options_help['dispf'].append(
- "Any string -- may use keyword substitutions")
- self.option_class.handler.output = self.options_dict['of']
- self.options_help['of'].append(os.path.expanduser("~/whatever_name"))
- if self.category == CATEGORY_TEXT:
- for item in PluginMgr.textdoc_list:
- if item[7] == self.options_dict['off']:
- self.format = item[1]
- self.options_help['off'].append(
- [ item[7] for item in PluginMgr.textdoc_list ]
- )
- self.options_help['off'].append(False)
- elif self.category == CATEGORY_DRAW:
- for item in PluginMgr.drawdoc_list:
- if item[6] == self.options_dict['off']:
- self.format = item[1]
- self.options_help['off'].append(
- [ item[6] for item in PluginMgr.drawdoc_list ]
- )
- self.options_help['off'].append(False)
- elif self.category == CATEGORY_BOOK:
- for item in PluginMgr.bookdoc_list:
- if item[6] == self.options_dict['off']:
- self.format = item[1]
- self.options_help['off'].append(
- [ item[6] for item in PluginMgr.bookdoc_list ]
- )
- self.options_help['off'].append(False)
- else:
- self.format = None
- for paper in PaperMenu.paper_sizes:
- if paper.get_name() == self.options_dict['papers']:
- self.paper = paper
- self.option_class.handler.set_paper(self.paper)
- self.options_help['papers'].append(
- [ paper.get_name() for paper in PaperMenu.paper_sizes
- if paper.get_name() != 'Custom Size' ] )
- self.options_help['papers'].append(False)
- self.orien = self.options_dict['papero']
- self.options_help['papero'].append([
- "%d\tPortrait" % BaseDoc.PAPER_PORTRAIT,
- "%d\tLandscape" % BaseDoc.PAPER_LANDSCAPE ] )
- self.options_help['papero'].append(False)
- self.template_name = self.options_dict['template']
- self.options_help['template'].append(os.path.expanduser("~/whatever_name"))
- if self.category in (CATEGORY_TEXT,CATEGORY_DRAW):
- default_style = BaseDoc.StyleSheet()
- self.option_class.make_default_style(default_style)
- # Read all style sheets available for this item
- style_file = self.option_class.handler.get_stylesheet_savefile()
- self.style_list = BaseDoc.StyleSheetList(style_file,default_style)
- # Get the selected stylesheet
- style_name = self.option_class.handler.get_default_stylesheet_name()
- self.selected_style = self.style_list.get_style_sheet(style_name)
- self.options_help['style'].append(
- self.style_list.get_style_names() )
- self.options_help['style'].append(False)
- def show_options(self):
- if not self.show:
- return
- elif self.show == 'all':
- print " Available options:"
- for key in self.options_dict.keys():
- print " %s" % key
- print " Use 'show=option' to see description and acceptable values"
- elif self.show in self.options_dict.keys():
- print ' %s%s\t%s' % (self.show,
- self.options_help[self.show][0],
- self.options_help[self.show][1])
- print " Available values are:"
- vals = self.options_help[self.show][2]
- if type(vals) in [list,tuple]:
- if self.options_help[self.show][3]:
- for num in range(len(vals)):
- print " %d\t%s" % (num,vals[num])
- else:
- for val in vals:
- print " %s" % val
- else:
- print " %s" % self.options_help[self.show][2]
- else:
- self.show = None
-# Generic task functions for reports
-# Standalone GUI report generic task
-def report(database,person,report_class,options_class,translated_name,name,category):
- """
- report - task starts the report. The plugin system requires that the
- task be in the format of task that takes a database and a person as
- its arguments.
- """
- if category == CATEGORY_TEXT:
- dialog_class = TextReportDialog
- elif category == CATEGORY_DRAW:
- dialog_class = DrawReportDialog
- elif category in (CATEGORY_BOOK,CATEGORY_VIEW,
- report_class(database,person)
- return
- else:
- dialog_class = ReportDialog
- dialog = dialog_class(database,person,options_class,name,translated_name)
- response = dialog.window.run()
- if response == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- try:
- MyReport = report_class(dialog.db,dialog.person,dialog.options)
- MyReport.doc.init()
- MyReport.begin_report()
- MyReport.write_report()
- MyReport.end_report()
- except Errors.FilterError, msg:
- (m1,m2) = msg.messages()
- ErrorDialog(m1,m2)
- except Errors.ReportError, msg:
- (m1,m2) = msg.messages()
- ErrorDialog(m1,m2)
- except Errors.DatabaseError,msg:
- ErrorDialog(_("Report could not be created"),str(msg))
- except:
- log.error("Failed to run report.", exc_info=True)
- dialog.window.destroy()
-# Book item generic task
-def write_book_item(database,person,report_class,options_class):
- """Write the Timeline Graph using options set.
- All user dialog has already been handled and the output file opened."""
- try:
- if options_class.handler.get_person_id():
- person = database.get_person_from_gramps_id(options_class.handler.get_person_id())
- return report_class(database,person,options_class)
- except Errors.ReportError, msg:
- (m1,m2) = msg.messages()
- ErrorDialog(m1,m2)
- except Errors.FilterError, msg:
- (m1,m2) = msg.messages()
- ErrorDialog(m1,m2)
- except:
- log.error("Failed to write book item.", exc_info=True)
- return None
-# Command-line generic task
-def cl_report(database,name,category,report_class,options_class,options_str_dict):
- clr = CommandLineReport(database,name,category,options_class,options_str_dict)
- # Exit here if show option was given
- if clr.show:
- return
- # write report
- try:
- clr.option_class.handler.doc = clr.format(
- clr.selected_style,clr.paper,clr.template_name,clr.orien)
- MyReport = report_class(database, clr.person, clr.option_class)
- MyReport.doc.init()
- MyReport.begin_report()
- MyReport.write_report()
- MyReport.end_report()
- except:
- log.error("Failed to write report.", exc_info=True)
diff --git a/gramps2/src/PluginUtils/Report/_ReportOptions.py b/gramps2/src/PluginUtils/Report/_ReportOptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b3f84fa72..000000000
--- a/gramps2/src/PluginUtils/Report/_ReportOptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Donald N. Allingham
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id$
-# Written by Alex Roitman
-Report option handling, including saving and parsing.
-# Standard Python modules
-from gettext import gettext as _
-# SAX interface
- from xml.sax import make_parser,handler,SAXParseException
- from _xmlplus.sax import make_parser,handler,SAXParseException
-# gramps modules
-import const
-import Config
-import Utils
-import BaseDoc
-from _Options import *
-# List of options for a single report
-class OptionList(OptionList):
- """
- Implements a set of options to parse and store for a given report.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- OptionList.__init__(self)
- self.style_name = None
- self.paper_name = None
- self.orientation = None
- self.template_name = None
- self.format_name = None
- def set_style_name(self,style_name):
- """
- Sets the style name for the OptionList.
- @param style_name: name of the style to set.
- @type style_name: str
- """
- self.style_name = style_name
- def get_style_name(self):
- """
- Returns the style name of the OptionList.
- @returns: string representing the style name
- @rtype: str
- """
- return self.style_name
- def set_paper_name(self,paper_name):
- """
- Sets the paper name for the OptionList.
- @param paper_name: name of the paper to set.
- @type paper_name: str
- """
- self.paper_name = paper_name
- def get_paper_name(self):
- """
- Returns the paper name of the OptionList.
- @returns: returns the paper name
- @rtype: str
- """
- return self.paper_name
- def set_orientation(self,orientation):
- """
- Sets the orientation for the OptionList.
- @param orientation: orientation to set. Possible values are
- @type orientation: int
- """
- self.orientation = orientation
- def get_orientation(self):
- """
- Returns the orientation for the OptionList.
- @returns: returns the selected orientation. Valid values are
- @rtype: int
- """
- return self.orientation
- def set_template_name(self,template_name):
- """
- Sets the template name for the OptionList.
- @param template_name: name of the template to set.
- @type template_name: str
- """
- self.template_name = template_name
- def get_template_name(self):
- """
- Returns the template name of the OptionList.
- @returns: template name
- @rtype: str
- """
- return self.template_name
- def set_format_name(self,format_name):
- """
- Sets the format name for the OptionList.
- @param format_name: name of the format to set.
- @type format_name: str
- """
- self.format_name = format_name
- def get_format_name(self):
- """
- Returns the format name of the OptionList.
- @returns: returns the format name
- @rtype: str
- """
- return self.format_name
-# Collection of option lists
-class OptionListCollection(OptionListCollection):
- """
- Implements a collection of option lists.
- """
- def __init__(self,filename):
- OptionListCollection.__init__(self,filename)
- def init_common(self):
- # Default values for common options
- self.default_style_name = "default"
- self.default_paper_name = Config.get_paper_preference()
- self.default_template_name = ""
- self.default_orientation = BaseDoc.PAPER_PORTRAIT
- self.default_format_name = 'print'
- self.last_paper_name = self.default_paper_name
- self.last_orientation = self.default_orientation
- self.last_template_name = self.default_template_name
- self.last_format_name = self.default_format_name
- self.option_list_map = {}
- def set_last_paper_name(self,paper_name):
- """
- Sets the last paper name used for the any report in this collection.
- @param paper_name: name of the paper to set.
- @type paper_name: str
- """
- self.last_paper_name = paper_name
- def get_last_paper_name(self):
- """
- Returns the last paper name used for the any report in this collection.
- @returns: returns the name of the paper
- @rtype: str
- """
- return self.last_paper_name
- def set_last_orientation(self,orientation):
- """
- Sets the last orientation used for the any report in this collection.
- @param orientation: orientation to set.
- @type orientation: int
- """
- self.last_orientation = orientation
- def get_last_orientation(self):
- """
- Returns the last orientation used for the any report in this
- collection.
- @returns: last orientation used
- @rtype: int
- """
- return self.last_orientation
- def set_last_template_name(self,template_name):
- """
- Sets the last template used for the any report in this collection.
- template_name: name of the style to set.
- """
- self.last_template_name = template_name
- def get_last_template_name(self):
- """
- Returns the last template used for the any report in this collection.
- """
- return self.last_template_name
- def set_last_format_name(self,format_name):
- """
- Sets the last format used for the any report in this collection.
- format_name: name of the format to set.
- """
- self.last_format_name = format_name
- def get_last_format_name(self):
- """
- Returns the last format used for the any report in this collection.
- """
- return self.last_format_name
- def write_common(self,f):
- f.write('\n')
- if self.get_last_paper_name() != self.default_paper_name:
- f.write(' \n' % self.get_last_paper_name() )
- if self.get_last_template_name() != self.default_template_name:
- f.write(' \n' % self.get_last_template_name() )
- if self.get_last_format_name() != self.default_format_name:
- f.write(' \n' % self.get_last_format_name() )
- if self.get_last_orientation() != self.default_orientation:
- f.write(' \n' % self.get_last_orientation() )
- f.write('\n')
- def write_module_common(self,f,option_list):
- if option_list.get_style_name() \
- and option_list.get_style_name() != self.default_style_name:
- f.write(' \n' % option_list.get_style_name() )
- if option_list.get_paper_name() \
- and option_list.get_paper_name() != self.default_paper_name:
- f.write(' \n' % option_list.get_paper_name() )
- if option_list.get_template_name() \
- and option_list.get_template_name() != self.default_template_name:
- f.write(' \n' % option_list.get_template_name() )
- if option_list.get_format_name() \
- and option_list.get_format_name() != self.default_format_name:
- f.write(' \n' % option_list.get_format_name() )
- if option_list.get_orientation() \
- and option_list.get_orientation() != self.default_orientation:
- f.write(' \n' % option_list.get_orientation() )
- def parse(self):
- """
- Loads the OptionList from the associated file, if it exists.
- """
- try:
- p = make_parser()
- p.setContentHandler(OptionParser(self))
- p.parse('file://' + self.filename)
- except (IOError,OSError,SAXParseException):
- pass
-# OptionParser
-class OptionParser(OptionParser):
- """
- SAX parsing class for the OptionListCollection XML file.
- """
- def __init__(self,collection):
- """
- Creates a OptionParser class that populates the passed collection.
- collection: BookList to be loaded from the file.
- """
- OptionParser.__init__(self,collection)
- self.common = False
- self.list_class = OptionList
- def startElement(self,tag,attrs):
- """
- Overridden class that handles the start of a XML element
- """
- # First we try report-specific tags
- if tag == "last-common":
- self.common = True
- elif tag == "style":
- self.option_list.set_style_name(attrs['name'])
- elif tag == "paper":
- if self.common:
- self.collection.set_last_paper_name(attrs['name'])
- else:
- self.option_list.set_paper_name(attrs['name'])
- elif tag == "template":
- if self.common:
- self.collection.set_last_template_name(attrs['name'])
- else:
- self.option_list.set_template_name(attrs['name'])
- elif tag == "format":
- if self.common:
- self.collection.set_last_format_name(attrs['name'])
- else:
- self.option_list.set_format_name(attrs['name'])
- elif tag == "orientation":
- if self.common:
- self.collection.set_last_orientation(int(attrs['value']))
- else:
- self.option_list.set_orientation(int(attrs['value']))
- else:
- # Tag is not report-specific, so we let the base class handle it.
- OptionParser.startElement(self,tag,attrs)
- def endElement(self,tag):
- "Overridden class that handles the end of a XML element"
- # First we try report-specific tags
- if tag == "last-common":
- self.common = False
- else:
- # Tag is not report-specific, so we let the base class handle it.
- OptionParser.endElement(self,tag)
-# Class handling options for plugins
-class OptionHandler(OptionHandler):
- """
- Implements handling of the options for the plugins.
- """
- def __init__(self,module_name,options_dict,person_id=None):
- OptionHandler.__init__(self,module_name,options_dict,person_id)
- def init_subclass(self):
- self.collection_class = OptionListCollection
- self.list_class = OptionList
- self.filename = const.report_options
- def init_common(self):
- """
- Specific initialization for reports.
- """
- # These are needed for running reports.
- # We will not need to save/retreive them, just keep around.
- self.doc = None
- self.output = None
- self.newpage = False
- # Retrieve our options from whole collection
- self.style_name = self.option_list_collection.default_style_name
- self.paper_name = self.option_list_collection.get_last_paper_name()
- self.orientation = self.option_list_collection.get_last_orientation()
- self.template_name = self.option_list_collection.get_last_template_name()
- self.format_name = self.option_list_collection.get_last_format_name()
- def set_common_options(self):
- if self.saved_option_list.get_style_name():
- self.style_name = self.saved_option_list.get_style_name()
- if self.saved_option_list.get_orientation():
- self.orientation = self.saved_option_list.get_orientation()
- if self.saved_option_list.get_template_name():
- self.template_name = self.saved_option_list.get_template_name()
- if self.saved_option_list.get_paper_name():
- self.paper_name = self.saved_option_list.get_paper_name()
- if self.saved_option_list.get_format_name():
- self.format_name = self.saved_option_list.get_format_name()
- def save_common_options(self):
- # First we save common options
- self.saved_option_list.set_style_name(self.style_name)
- self.saved_option_list.set_orientation(self.orientation)
- self.saved_option_list.set_template_name(self.template_name)
- self.saved_option_list.set_paper_name(self.paper_name)
- self.saved_option_list.set_format_name(self.format_name)
- self.option_list_collection.set_option_list(self.module_name,
- self.saved_option_list)
- # Then save last-common options from the current selection
- self.option_list_collection.set_last_orientation(self.orientation)
- self.option_list_collection.set_last_template_name(self.template_name)
- self.option_list_collection.set_last_paper_name(self.paper_name)
- self.option_list_collection.set_last_format_name(self.format_name)
- def get_report_generations(self):
- if self.default_options_dict.has_key('gen'):
- max_gen = self.options_dict.get('gen',
- self.default_options_dict['gen'])
- page_breaks = self.options_dict.get('pagebbg',
- self.default_options_dict['pagebbg'])
- return (max_gen,page_breaks)
- else:
- return (0,0)
- def set_report_generations(self,max_gen,page_breaks):
- self.options_dict['gen'] = max_gen
- self.options_dict['pagebbg'] = page_breaks
- def get_stylesheet_savefile(self):
- """Where to save user defined styles for this report."""
- return "%s.xml" % self.module_name
- def get_default_stylesheet_name(self):
- return self.style_name
- def set_default_stylesheet_name(self,style_name):
- self.style_name = style_name
- def get_display_format(self):
- if self.default_options_dict.has_key('dispf'):
- return self.options_dict.get('dispf',
- self.default_options_dict['dispf'])
- else:
- return []
- def set_display_format(self,val):
- if type(val) != list:
- val = val.split('\n')
- self.options_dict['dispf'] = val
- def get_format_name(self):
- return self.format_name
- def set_format_name(self,format_name):
- self.format_name = format_name
- def get_paper_name(self):
- return self.paper_name
- def set_paper_name(self,paper_name):
- self.paper_name = paper_name
- def get_paper(self):
- """
- This method is for temporary storage, not for saving/restoring.
- """
- return self.paper
- def set_paper(self,paper):
- """
- This method is for temporary storage, not for saving/restoring.
- """
- self.paper = paper
- def get_template_name(self):
- return self.template_name
- def set_template_name(self,template_name):
- self.template_name = template_name
- def get_orientation(self):
- return self.orientation
- def set_orientation(self,orientation):
- self.orientation = orientation
-# Base Options class
-class ReportOptions(Options):
- """
- Defines options and provides handling interface.
- This is a base Options class for the reports. All reports' options
- classes should derive from it.
- """
- def __init__(self,name,person_id=None):
- """
- Initializes the class, performing usual house-keeping tasks.
- Subclasses MUST call this in their __init__() method.
- """
- self.set_new_options()
- self.enable_options()
- if self.enable_dict:
- self.options_dict.update(self.enable_dict)
- self.handler = OptionHandler(name,self.options_dict,person_id)
- def make_default_style(self,default_style):
- """
- Defines default style for this report.
- This method MUST be overridden by reports that use the
- user-adjustable paragraph styles.
- NOTE: Unique names MUST be used for all style names, otherwise the
- styles will collide when making a book with duplicate style
- names. A rule of safety is to prepend style name with the
- acronym based on report name. The following acronyms are
- already taken:
- AC- Ancestor Chart
- AC2- Ancestor Chart 2 (Wall Chart)
- AHN- Ahnentafel Report
- AR- Comprehensive Ancestors report
- CBT- Custom Book Text
- DG- Descendant Graph
- DR- Descendant Report
- DAR- Detailed Ancestral Report
- DDR- Detailed Descendant Report
- FGR- Family Group Report
- FC- Fan Chart
- FTA- FTM Style Ancestral report
- FTD- FTM Style Descendant report
- IDS- Individual Complete Report
- IVS- Individual Summary Report
- SBT- Simple Boot Title
- TLG- Timeline Graph
- """
- pass
- def get_document(self):
- """
- Return document instance.
- This method MUST NOT be overridden by subclasses.
- """
- return self.handler.doc
- def set_document(self,val):
- """
- Set document to a given instance.
- This method MUST NOT be overridden by subclasses.
- """
- self.handler.doc = val
- def get_output(self):
- """
- Return document output destination.
- This method MUST NOT be overridden by subclasses.
- """
- return self.handler.output
- def set_output(self,val):
- """
- Set output destination to a given string.
- This method MUST NOT be overridden by subclasses.
- """
- self.handler.output = val
- def get_newpage(self):
- """
- Return value of whether or not insert new page before the report.
- This method MUST NOT be overridden by subclasses.
- """
- return self.handler.newpage
- def set_newpage(self,val):
- """
- Set newpage to a given value.
- This method MUST NOT be overridden by subclasses.
- """
- self.handler.newpage = val
- def get_report_generations(self):
- """
- Return (max_generations,page_breaks) tuple.
- This method MUST NOT be overridden by subclasses.
- """
- return self.handler.get_report_generations()
- def get_display_format(self):
- """
- Return display format for the option box of graphical report.
- This method MUST NOT be overridden by subclasses.
- """
- return self.handler.get_display_format()
diff --git a/gramps2/src/PluginUtils/Report/_ReportUtils.py b/gramps2/src/PluginUtils/Report/_ReportUtils.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba68da45..000000000
--- a/gramps2/src/PluginUtils/Report/_ReportUtils.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2199 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id$
-A collection of utilities to aid in the generation of reports.
-# GRAMPS modules
-import DateHandler
-import RelLib
-from NameDisplay import displayer as _nd
-import DateHandler
-from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog
-import time
-import os
-from gettext import gettext as _
-# Born strings
-born_full_date_with_place = [
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("This person was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("He was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("She was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- },
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("%(male_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("%(female_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- },
-born_modified_date_with_place = [
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("This person was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("He was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("She was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- },
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("%(male_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("%(female_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- },
-born_full_date_no_place = [
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("This person was born on %(birth_date)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("He was born on %(birth_date)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("She was born on %(birth_date)s."),
- },
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("%(male_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("%(female_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s."),
- },
-born_modified_date_no_place = [
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("This person was born %(modified_date)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("He was born %(modified_date)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("She was born %(modified_date)s."),
- },
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was born on %(modified_date)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("%(male_name)s was born on %(modified_date)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("%(female_name)s was born on %(modified_date)s."),
- },
-born_partial_date_with_place = [
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("This person was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("He was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("She was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- },
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("%(male_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("%(female_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s."),
- },
-born_partial_date_no_place = [
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("This person was born in %(month_year)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("He was born in %(month_year)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("She was born in %(month_year)s."),
- },
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(month_year)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("%(male_name)s was born in %(month_year)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("%(female_name)s was born in %(month_year)s."),
- }
-born_no_date_with_place = [
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("This person was born in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("He was born in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("She was born in %(birth_place)s."),
- },
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _("%(male_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s."),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _("%(female_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s."),
- }
-# Died strings
-died_full_date_with_place = [
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
-died_modified_date_with_place = [
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
-died_full_date_no_place = [
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("This person died on %(death_date)s."),
- _("This person died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("This person died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("This person died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("He died on %(death_date)s."),
- _("He died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("He died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("He died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("She died on %(death_date)s."),
- _("She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
-died_modified_date_no_place = [
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("This person died %(death_date)s."),
- _("This person died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("This person died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("This person died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("He died %(death_date)s."),
- _("He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("She died %(death_date)s."),
- _("She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
-died_partial_date_with_place = [
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ]
- },
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
-died_partial_date_no_place = [
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("This person died in %(month_year)s."),
- _("This person died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("This person died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("This person died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("He died in %(month_year)s."),
- _("He died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("He died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("He died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("She died in %(month_year)s."),
- _("She died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("She died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("She died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- }
-died_no_date_with_place = [
- {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("This person died in %(death_place)s."),
- _("This person died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("This person died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("This person died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("He died in %(death_place)s."),
- _("He died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("He died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("He died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("She died in %(death_place)s."),
- _("She died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("She died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("She died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- }
-died_no_date_no_place = [
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- "",
- _("This person died at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("This person died at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("This person died at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- "",
- _("He died at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("He died at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("He died at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- "",
- _("She died at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("She died at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("She died at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
- { RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- "",
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- "",
- _("%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- "",
- _("%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)d years."),
- _("%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)d months."),
- _("%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)d days."),
- ],
- },
-# Buried strings
-buried_full_date_place = {
- RelLib.Person.MALE: [
- _("%(male_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("He was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE: [
- _("%(female_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("She was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN: [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("This person was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- }
-buried_full_date_no_place = {
- RelLib.Person.MALE: [
- _("%(male_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s."),
- _("He was buried on %(burial_date)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE: [
- _("%(female_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s."),
- _("She was buried on %(burial_date)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN: [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s."),
- _("This person was buried on %(burial_date)s."),
- ],
- }
-buried_partial_date_place = {
- RelLib.Person.MALE: [
- _("%(male_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("He was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE: [
- _("%(female_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("She was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN: [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("This person was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- }
-buried_partial_date_no_place = {
- RelLib.Person.MALE: [
- _("%(male_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s."),
- _("He was buried in %(month_year)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE: [
- _("%(female_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s."),
- _("She was buried in %(month_year)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN: [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s."),
- _("This person was buried in %(month_year)s."),
- ],
- }
-buried_modified_date_place = {
- RelLib.Person.MALE: [
- _("%(male_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("He was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE: [
- _("%(female_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("She was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN: [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("This person was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- }
-buried_modified_date_no_place = {
- RelLib.Person.MALE: [
- _("%(male_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s."),
- _("He was buried %(modified_date)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE: [
- _("%(female_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s."),
- _("She was buried %(modified_date)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN: [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s."),
- _("This person was buried %(modified_date)s."),
- ],
- }
-buried_no_date_place = {
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("%(male_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("He was buried in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("%(female_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("She was buried in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s."),
- _("This person was buried in %(burial_place)s."),
- ],
- }
-buried_no_date_no_place = {
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _("%(male_name)s was buried."),
- _("He was buried."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _("%(female_name)s was buried."),
- _("She was buried."),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _("%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried."),
- _("This person was buried."),
- ]
- }
-# Marriage strings
-marriage_first_date_place = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _('This person married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('This person married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('This person married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _('He married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('He married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('He married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _('She married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('She married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('She married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- }
-marriage_also_date_place = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _('This person also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('This person also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('This person also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _('He also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('He also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('He also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _('She also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('She also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('She also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- }
-marriage_first_date = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _('This person married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('This person married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('This person married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _('He married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('He married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('He married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _('She married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('She married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('She married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- }
-marriage_also_date = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- _('This person also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('This person also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('This person also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- _('He also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('He also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('He also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- _('She also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('She also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- _('She also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- ],
- }
-marriage_first_place = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _('This person married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _('He married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _('She married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- }
-marriage_also_place = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _('This person also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _('He also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _('She also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- }
-marriage_first_only = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _('This person married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _('He married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _('She married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- }
-marriage_also_only = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : _('This person also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- RelLib.Person.MALE : _('He also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : _('She also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.'),
- }
-# child to parent relationships
-child_father_mother = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN: [
- [
- _("This person is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- _("This person was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- ],
- [
- _("%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- ],
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- [
- _("He is the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- _("He was the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- ],
- [
- _("%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- ]
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- [
- _("She is the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- _("She was the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- ],
- [
- _("%(female_name)s is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s."),
- ],
- ]
-child_father = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- [
- _("This person is the child of %(father)s."),
- _("This person was the child of %(father)s."),
- ],
- [
- _("%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s."),
- ],
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- [
- _("He is the son of %(father)s."),
- _("He was the son of %(father)s."),
- ],
- [
- _("%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s."),
- ],
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- [
- _("She is the daughter of %(father)s."),
- _("She was the daughter of %(father)s."),
- ],
- [
- _("%(female_name)s is the child of %(father)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s was the child of %(father)s."),
- ],
- ],
-child_mother = {
- RelLib.Person.UNKNOWN : [
- [
- _("This person is the child of %(mother)s."),
- _("This person was the child of %(mother)s."),
- ],
- [
- _("%(male_name)s is the child of %(mother)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s was the child of %(mother)s."),
- ],
- ],
- RelLib.Person.MALE : [
- [
- _("He is the son of %(mother)s."),
- _("He was the son of %(mother)s."),
- ],
- [
- _("%(male_name)s is the child of %(mother)s."),
- _("%(male_name)s was the child of %(mother)s."),
- ],
- ],
- RelLib.Person.FEMALE : [
- [
- _("She is the daughter of %(mother)s."),
- _("She was the daughter of %(mother)s."),
- ],
- [
- _("%(female_name)s is the child of %(mother)s."),
- _("%(female_name)s was the child of %(mother)s."),
- ],
- ],
-# relationship types
-_rtype = {
- RelLib.Family.UNMARRIED : _("unmarried"),
- RelLib.Family.CIVIL_UNION : _("civil union"),
- RelLib.Family.UNKNOWN : _("Unknown"),
- RelLib.Family.CUSTOM : _("Other"),
- }
-# Convert points to cm and back
-def pt2cm(pt):
- """
- Converts points to centimeters. Fonts are typically specified in points,
- but the BaseDoc classes use centimeters.
- @param pt: points
- @type pt: float or int
- @returns: equivalent units in centimeters
- @rtype: float
- """
- return pt/28.3465
-def cm2pt(cm):
- """
- Converts centimeters to points. Fonts are typically specified in points,
- but the BaseDoc classes use centimeters.
- @param cm: centimeters
- @type cm: float or int
- @returns: equivalent units in points
- @rtype: float
- """
- return cm*182.88
-def rgb_color(color):
- """
- Converts color value from 0-255 integer range into 0-1 float range.
- @param color: list or tuple of integer values for red, green, and blue
- @type color: int
- @returns: (r,g,b) tuple of floating point color values
- @rtype: 3-tuple
- """
- r = float(color[0])/255.0
- g = float(color[1])/255.0
- b = float(color[2])/255.0
- return (r,g,b)
-def draw_pie_chart(doc, center_x, center_y, radius, data, start=0):
- """
- Draws a pie chart in the specified document. The data passed is plotted as
- a pie chart. The data should consist of the actual data. Percentages of
- each slice are determined by the routine.
- @param doc: Document to which the pie chart should be added
- @type doc: BaseDoc derived class
- @param center_x: x coordinate in centimeters where the center of the pie
- chart should be. 0 is the left hand edge of the document.
- @type center_x: float
- @param center_y: y coordinate in centimeters where the center of the pie
- chart should be. 0 is the top edge of the document
- @type center_y: float
- @param radius: radius of the pie chart. The pie charts width and height
- will be twice this value.
- @type radius: float
- @param data: List of tuples containing the data to be plotted. The values
- are (graphics_format, value), where graphics_format is a BaseDoc
- GraphicsStyle, and value is a floating point number. Any other items in
- the tuple are ignored. This allows you to share the same data list with
- the L{draw_legend} function.
- @type data: list
- @param start: starting point in degrees, where the default of 0 indicates
- a start point extending from the center to right in a horizontal line.
- @type start: float
- """
- total = 0.0
- for item in data:
- total += item[1]
- for item in data:
- incr = 360.0*(item[1]/total)
- doc.draw_wedge(item[0], center_x, center_y, radius, start, start + incr)
- start += incr
-def draw_legend(doc, start_x, start_y, data, title=None):
- """
- Draws a legend for a graph in the specified document. The data passed is
- used to define the legend. First item style is used for the optional
- Legend title.
- @param doc: Document to which the legend chart should be added
- @type doc: BaseDoc derived class
- @param start_x: x coordinate in centimeters where the left hand corner
- of the legend is placed. 0 is the left hand edge of the document.
- @type start_x: float
- @param start_y: y coordinate in centimeters where the top of the legend
- should be. 0 is the top edge of the document
- @type start_y: float
- @param data: List of tuples containing the data to be used to create the
- legend. In order to be compatible with the graph plots, the first and
- third values of the tuple used. The format is (graphics_format, value,
- legend_description).
- @type data: list
- """
- for (format, size, legend) in data:
- gstyle = doc.get_draw_style(format)
- pstyle = gstyle.get_paragraph_style()
- size = pt2cm(doc.get_style(pstyle).get_font().get_size())
- if title:
- doc.write_at(pstyle, title, start_x + (3*size), start_y - (size*0.25))
- start_y += size * 1.3
- title = None
- doc.draw_bar(format, start_x, start_y, start_x + (2*size), start_y + size)
- doc.write_at(pstyle, legend, start_x + (3*size), start_y - (size*0.25))
- start_y += size * 1.3
-def draw_vertical_bar_graph(doc, format, start_x, start_y, height, width, data):
- """
- Draws a vertical bar chart in the specified document. The data passed
- should consist of the actual data. The bars are scaled appropriately by
- the routine.
- @param doc: Document to which the bar chart should be added
- @type doc: BaseDoc derived class
- @param start_x: x coordinate in centimeters where the left hand side of the
- chart should be. 0 is the left hand edge of the document.
- @type start_x: float
- @param start_y: y coordinate in centimeters where the top of the chart
- should be. 0 is the top edge of the document
- @type start_y: float
- @param height: height of the graph in centimeters
- @type height: float
- @param width: width of the graph in centimeters
- @type width: float
- @param data: List of tuples containing the data to be plotted. The values
- are (graphics_format, value), where graphics_format is a BaseDoc
- GraphicsStyle, and value is a floating point number. Any other items in
- the tuple are ignored. This allows you to share the same data list with
- the L{draw_legend} function.
- @type data: list
- """
- doc.draw_line(format,start_x,start_y+height,start_x,start_y)
- doc.draw_line(format,start_x,start_y+height,start_x+width,start_y+height)
- largest = 0.0
- for item in data:
- largest = max(item[1],largest)
- scale = float(height)/float(largest)
- units = len(data)
- box_width = (float(width) / (units*3.0+1.0))*2
- bottom = float(start_y)+float(height)
- start = 0.5*box_width + start_x
- for index in range(units):
- size = float(data[index][1]) * scale
- doc.draw_bar(data[index][0],start,bottom-size,start+box_width,bottom)
- start += box_width * 1.5
-_t = time.localtime(time.time())
-_TODAY = DateHandler.parser.parse("%04d-%02d-%02d" % (_t[0],_t[1],_t[2]))
-def estimate_age(db, person, end_handle=None, start_handle=None):
- """
- Estimates the age of a person based off the birth and death
- dates of the person. A tuple containing the estimated upper
- and lower bounds of the person's age is returned. If either
- the birth or death date is missing, a (-1,-1) is returned.
- @param db: GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs
- @type db: GrampsDbBase
- @param person: Person object to calculate the age of
- @type person: Person
- @param end_handle: Determines the event handle that determines
- the upper limit of the age. If None, the death event is used
- @type end_handle: str
- @param start_handle: Determines the event handle that determines
- the lower limit of the event. If None, the birth event is
- used
- @type start_handle: str
- @returns: tuple containing the lower and upper bounds of the
- person's age, or (-1,-1) if it could not be determined.
- @rtype: tuple
- """
- if start_handle:
- bhandle = start_handle
- else:
- bhandle = person.get_birth_handle()
- if end_handle:
- dhandle = end_handle
- else:
- dhandle = person.get_death_handle()
- # if either of the events is not defined, return an error message
- if not bhandle:
- return (-1,-1)
- bdata = db.get_event_from_handle(bhandle).get_date_object()
- if dhandle:
- ddata = db.get_event_from_handle(dhandle).get_date_object()
- else:
- ddata = _TODAY
- # if the date is not valid, return an error message
- if not bdata.get_valid() or not ddata.get_valid():
- return (-1,-1)
- # if a year is not valid, return an error message
- if not bdata.get_year_valid() or not ddata.get_year_valid():
- return (-1,-1)
- bstart = bdata.get_start_date()
- bstop = bdata.get_stop_date()
- dstart = ddata.get_start_date()
- dstop = ddata.get_stop_date()
- def _calc_diff(low,high):
- if (low[1],low[0]) > (high[1],high[0]):
- return high[2] - low[2] - 1
- else:
- return high[2] - low[2]
- if bstop == RelLib.Date.EMPTY and dstop == RelLib.Date.EMPTY:
- lower = _calc_diff(bstart,dstart)
- age = (lower, lower)
- elif bstop == RelLib.Date.EMPTY:
- lower = _calc_diff(bstart,dstart)
- upper = _calc_diff(bstart,dstop)
- age = (lower,upper)
- elif dstop == RelLib.Date.EMPTY:
- lower = _calc_diff(bstop,dstart)
- upper = _calc_diff(bstart,dstart)
- age = (lower,upper)
- else:
- lower = _calc_diff(bstop,dstart)
- upper = _calc_diff(bstart,dstop)
- age = (lower,upper)
- return age
-def sanitize_list(obj_list,exclude_private):
- """
- Removes private objects from the list.
- @param obj_list: objects that have a privacy flag
- @type obj_list: list
- @param exclude_private: indicates if objects marked private
- are eliminated from the list
- @type obj_list: bool
- @returns: objects that match the privacy request
- @rtype: list
- """
- if exclude_private:
- return [obj for obj in obj_list if not obj.private]
- else:
- return obj_list
-def sanitize_person(db,person):
- """
- Creates a new Person instance based off the passed Person
- instance. The returned instance has all private records
- removed from it.
- @param db: GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs
- @type db: GrampsDbBase
- @param person: source Person object that will be copied with
- privacy records removed
- @type person: Person
- @returns: 'cleansed' Person object
- @rtype: Person
- """
- new_person = RelLib.Person()
- # copy gender
- new_person.set_gender(person.get_gender())
- new_person.set_gramps_id(person.get_gramps_id())
- new_person.set_handle(person.get_handle())
- # copy names if not private
- name = person.get_primary_name()
- if name.get_privacy() or person.get_privacy():
- name = RelLib.Name()
- name.set_surname(_('Private'))
- else:
- new_person.set_nick_name(person.get_nick_name())
- new_person.set_primary_name(name)
- # copy Family reference list
- for handle in person.get_family_handle_list():
- new_person.add_family_handle(handle)
- # copy Family reference list
- for item in person.get_parent_family_handle_list():
- new_person.add_parent_family_handle(item[0],item[1],item[2])
- if person.get_privacy():
- return new_person
- for name in person.get_alternate_names():
- if not name.get_privacy():
- new_person.add_alternate_name(name)
- # set complete flag
- new_person.set_complete_flag(person.get_complete_flag())
- # copy birth event
- event_handle = person.get_birth_handle()
- event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle)
- if event and not event.get_privacy():
- new_person.set_birth_handle(event_handle)
- # copy death event
- event_handle = person.get_death_handle()
- event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle)
- if event and not event.get_privacy():
- new_person.set_death_handle(event_handle)
- # copy event list
- for event_handle in person.get_event_list():
- event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle)
- if event and not event.get_privacy():
- new_person.add_event_handle(event_handle)
- # copy address list
- for address in person.get_address_list():
- if not address.get_privacy():
- new_person.add_address(RelLib.Address(address))
- # copy attribute list
- for attribute in person.get_attribute_list():
- if not attribute.get_privacy():
- new_person.add_attribute(RelLib.Attribute(attribute))
- # copy source references
- for ref in person.get_source_references():
- if not ref.get_privacy():
- new_person.add_source_reference(RelLib.SourceRef(ref))
- # copy URL list
- for url in person.get_url_list():
- if not url.get_privacy():
- new_person.add_url(url)
- # copy Media reference list
- for obj in person.get_media_list():
- if not obj.get_privacy():
- new_person.add_media_reference(RelLib.MediaRef(obj))
- # LDS ordinances
- ordinance = person.get_lds_baptism()
- if ordinance:
- new_person.set_lds_baptism(ordinance)
- ordinance = person.get_lds_endowment()
- if ordinance:
- new_person.set_lds_endowment(ordinance)
- ordinance = person.get_lds_sealing()
- if ordinance:
- new_person.set_lds_sealing(ordinance)
- new_person.set_note(person.get_note())
- return new_person
-def dont_restrict(db,person):
- return person
-def restrict_with_names(db,person):
- return restrict_person(db,person,False)
-def restrict_no_names(db,person):
- return restrict_person(db,person,True)
-def restrict_person(db,person,no_names=False):
- """
- Creates a new Person instance based off the passed Person
- instance. The returned instance has all private records
- removed from it.
- @param db: GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs
- @type db: GrampsDbBase
- @param person: source Person object that will be copied with
- privacy records removed
- @type person: Person
- @returns: 'cleansed' Person object
- @rtype: Person
- """
- new_person = RelLib.Person()
- # copy gender
- new_person.set_gender(person.get_gender())
- new_person.set_gramps_id(person.get_gramps_id())
- new_person.set_handle(person.get_handle())
- # copy names if not private
- if no_names:
- name = RelLib.Name()
- name.set_surname(_('Private'))
- else:
- name = person.get_primary_name()
- name.set_source_reference_list([])
- new_person.set_primary_name(name)
- # copy Family reference list
- for handle in person.get_family_handle_list():
- new_person.add_family_handle(handle)
- # copy Family reference list
- for item in person.get_parent_family_handle_list():
- new_person.add_parent_family_handle(item[0],item[1],item[2])
- return new_person
-# Roman numbers
-def roman(num):
- """ Integer to Roman numeral converter for 0 < num < 4000 """
- if type(num) != int:
- return "?"
- if not 0 < num < 4000:
- return "?"
- vals = (1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1)
- nums = ( 'M','CM', 'D','CD', 'C','XC', 'L','XL', 'X','IX', 'V','IV', 'I')
- retval = ""
- for i in range(len(vals)):
- amount = int(num / vals[i])
- retval += nums[i] * amount
- num -= vals[i] * amount
- return retval
-def place_name(db,place_handle):
- if place_handle:
- place = db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle).get_title()
- else:
- place = ""
- return place
-# Functions commonly used in reports
-def insert_image(database, doc, photo, w_cm=4.0, h_cm=4.0):
- """
- Insert pictures of a person into the document.
- """
- object_handle = photo.get_reference_handle()
- media_object = database.get_object_from_handle(object_handle)
- mime_type = media_object.get_mime_type()
- if mime_type and mime_type.startswith("image"):
- filename = media_object.get_path()
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- doc.add_media_object(filename,"right",w_cm,h_cm)
- else:
- WarningDialog(_("Could not add photo to page"),
- "%s: %s" % (filename, _('File does not exist')))
-# Strings commonly used in reports
-def empty_notes(whatever):
- # Empty stab function for when endnotes are not needed
- return ""
-def get_birth_death_strings(database,person,empty_date="",empty_place=""):
- """
- Returns strings for dates and places of birth and death.
- """
- bplace = dplace = empty_place
- bdate = ddate = empty_date
- bdate_full = ddate_full = False
- bdate_mod = False
- ddate_mod = False
- birth_ref = person.get_birth_ref()
- if birth_ref and birth_ref.ref:
- birth_handle = birth_ref.ref
- birth = database.get_event_from_handle(birth_handle)
- if birth:
- bdate = DateHandler.get_date(birth)
- bplace_handle = birth.get_place_handle()
- if bplace_handle:
- bplace = database.get_place_from_handle(bplace_handle).get_title()
- bdate_obj = birth.get_date_object()
- bdate_full = bdate_obj and bdate_obj.get_day_valid()
- bdate_mod = bdate_obj and bdate_obj.get_modifier() != RelLib.Date.MOD_NONE
- death_ref = person.get_death_ref()
- if death_ref and death_ref.ref:
- death_handle = death_ref.ref
- death = database.get_event_from_handle(death_handle)
- if death:
- ddate = DateHandler.get_date(death)
- dplace_handle = death.get_place_handle()
- if dplace_handle:
- dplace = database.get_place_from_handle(dplace_handle).get_title()
- ddate_obj = death.get_date_object()
- ddate_full = ddate_obj and ddate_obj.get_day_valid()
- ddate_mod = ddate_obj and ddate_obj.get_modifier() != RelLib.Date.MOD_NONE
- return (bdate,bplace,bdate_full,bdate_mod,ddate,dplace,ddate_full,ddate_mod)
-def born_died_str(database,person,endnotes=None,name_object=None,person_name=None):
- """
- Composes a string describing birth and death of a person.
- Missing information will be omitted without loss of readability.
- Optional references may be added to birth and death events.
- Optional Name object may be used to override a person's Name instance.
- Optional string may be used to override the string representation of a name.
- @param database: GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs
- @type database: GrampsDbBase
- @param person: Person instance for which the string has to be composed
- @type person: Person
- @param endnotes: Function to use for reference composition. If None
- then references will not be added
- @type endnotes: function
- @param name_object: Name instance for which the phrase is composed. If None
- then the regular primary name of the person will be used
- @type name_object: Name
- @param person_name: String to override the person's name. If None then the
- regular primary name string will be used
- @type person_name: unicode
- @returns: A composed string
- @rtype: unicode
- """
- if not endnotes:
- endnotes = empty_notes
- if not name_object:
- name_object = person.get_primary_name()
- if person_name == None:
- person_name = _nd.display_name(name_object)
- elif person_name == 0:
- if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE:
- person_name = _('He')
- else:
- person_name = _('She')
- bdate,bplace,bdate_full,bdate_mod,ddate,dplace,ddate_full,ddate_mod = \
- get_birth_death_strings(database,person)
- birth = database.get_event_from_handle(person.get_birth_handle())
- death = database.get_event_from_handle(person.get_death_handle())
- values = {
- 'unknown_gender_name' : person_name,
- 'name' : person_name,
- 'male_name' : person_name,
- 'female_name' : person_name,
- 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object),
- 'birth_date' : bdate,
- 'birth_place' : bplace,
- 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth),
- 'death_date' : ddate,
- 'death_place' : dplace,
- 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death),
- }
- if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE:
- if bdate:
- if bplace:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if bplace:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if bdate:
- if bplace:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if bplace:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, "
- "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s "
- "died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s.") % values
- if text:
- text = text + " "
- return text
-# married_str
-def married_str(database,person,spouse,event,endnotes=None,
- empty_date="",empty_place="",is_first=True):
- """
- Composes a string describing marriage of a person. Missing information will
- be omitted without loss of readability. Optional references may be added to
- birth and death events.
- @param database: GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs
- @type db: GrampsDbBase
- @param person: Person instance whose marriage is discussed
- @type person: Person
- @param spouse: Person instance to use as a spouse
- @type spouse: Person
- @param event: Event instance of marriage
- @type event: Event
- @param endnotes: Function to use for reference composition. If None
- then references will not be added
- @type endnotes: function
- @returns: A composed string
- @rtype: unicode
- """
- # not all families have a spouse.
- if not spouse:
- return u""
- if not endnotes:
- endnotes = empty_notes
- date = empty_date
- place = empty_place
- spouse_name = _nd.display(spouse)
- mdate = DateHandler.get_date(event)
- if mdate:
- date = mdate
- place_handle = event.get_place_handle()
- if place_handle:
- place = database.get_place_from_handle(place_handle).get_title()
- values = {
- 'spouse' : spouse_name,
- 'endnotes' : endnotes(event),
- 'full_date' : date,
- 'modified_date' : date,
- 'partial_date' : date,
- 'place' : place,
- }
- dobj = event.get_date_object()
- if dobj.get_modifier() != RelLib.Date.MOD_NONE:
- date_full = 2
- elif dobj and dobj.get_day_valid():
- date_full = 1
- else:
- date_full = 0
- gender = person.get_gender()
- if is_first:
- if date and place:
- text = marriage_first_date_place[gender][date_full] % values
- elif date:
- text = marriage_first_date[gender][date_full] % values
- elif place:
- text = marriage_first_place[gender] % values
- else:
- text = marriage_first_only[gender] % values
- else:
- if date and place:
- text = marriage_also_date_place[gender][date_full] % values
- elif date:
- text = marriage_also_date[gender][date_full] % values
- elif place:
- text = marriage_also_place[gender] % values
- else:
- text = marriage_also_only[gender] % values
- if text:
- text = text + " "
- return text
-# relationship types
-def married_rel_str(database,person,family,is_first=True):
- """
- Composes a string describing marriage of a person. Missing information will
- be omitted without loss of readability. Optional references may be added to
- birth and death events.
- @param database: GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs
- @type db: GrampsDbBase
- @param person: Person instance whose marriage is discussed
- @type person: Person
- @param family: Family instance whose marriage is discussed
- @type family: Family
- @param is_first: Indicates if this is a first marriage
- @type is_first: bool
- @returns: A composed string
- @rtype: unicode
- """
- spouse_handle = find_spouse(person,family)
- spouse = database.get_person_from_handle(spouse_handle)
- # not all families have a spouse.
- if not spouse_handle or not spouse:
- return u""
- values = {
- 'spouse' :_nd.display(spouse)
- }
- if is_first:
- if family.get_relationship() == RelLib.Family.MARRIED:
- if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE:
- text = _('He married %(spouse)s.') % values
- elif person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.FEMALE:
- text = _('She married %(spouse)s.') % values
- else:
- text = _('This person married %(spouse)s.') % values
- elif family.get_relationship() == RelLib.Family.UNMARRIED:
- if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE:
- text = _('He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- elif person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.FEMALE:
- text = _('This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- else:
- text = _('She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- else:
- if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE:
- text = _('He had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- elif person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.FEMALE:
- text = _('She had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- else:
- text = _('This person had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- else:
- if family.get_relationship() == RelLib.Family.MARRIED:
- if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE:
- text = _('He also married %(spouse)s.') % values
- elif person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.FEMALE:
- text = _('She also married %(spouse)s.') % values
- else:
- text = _('This person also married %(spouse)s.') % values
- elif family.get_relationship() == RelLib.Family.UNMARRIED:
- if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE:
- text = _('He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- elif person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.FEMALE:
- text = _('She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- else:
- text = _('This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- else:
- if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE:
- text = _('He also had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- elif person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.FEMALE:
- text = _('She also had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- else:
- text = _('This person also had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % values
- if text:
- text = text + " "
- return text
-# child_str
-def child_str(person, father_name="", mother_name="", dead=0, person_name=0):
- """
- Composes a string describing person being a child.
- The string is composed in the following form:
- 'He/She is/was the son/daughter of father_name and mother_name'
- Missing information will be omitted without loss of readability.
- @param person_gender: Person.MALE, Person.FEMALE, or Person.UNKNOWN
- @type person: Person.MALE, Person.FEMALE, or Person.UNKNOWN~
- @param father_name: String to use for father's name
- @type father_name: unicode
- @param mother_name: String to use for mother's name
- @type mother_name: unicode
- @param dead: Whether the person discussed is dead or not
- @type dead: bool
- @returns: A composed string
- @rtype: unicode
- """
- values = {
- 'father' : father_name,
- 'mother' : mother_name,
- 'male_name' : person_name,
- 'name' : person_name,
- 'female_name' : person_name,
- 'unknown_gender_name' : person_name,
- }
- if person_name == 0:
- index = 0
- else:
- index = 1
- gender = person.get_gender()
- text = ""
- if mother_name and father_name:
- text = child_father_mother[gender][index][dead] % values
- elif mother_name:
- text = child_mother[gender][index][dead] % values
- elif father_name:
- text = child_father[gender][index][dead] % values
- if text:
- text = text + " "
- return text
-# find_spouse
-def find_spouse(person,family):
- if person.get_handle() == family.get_father_handle():
- spouse_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
- else:
- spouse_handle = family.get_father_handle()
- return spouse_handle
-# find_marriage
-def find_marriage(database,family):
- for event_handle in family.get_event_list():
- event = database.get_event_from_handle(event_handle)
- if event and event.get_name() == "Marriage":
- return event
- return None
-# born_str
-def born_str(database,person,person_name=None,empty_date="",empty_place=""):
- """
- Check birth record.
- Statement formats name precedes this
- was born on Date.
- was born on Date in Place.
- was born in Month_Year.
- was born in Month_Year in Place.
- was born in Place.
- ''
- """
- name_index = 1
- if person_name == None:
- person_name = _nd.display(person)
- elif person_name == 0:
- name_index = 0
- text = ""
- bdate,bplace,bdate_full,bdate_mod,ddate,dplace,ddate_full,ddate_mod = \
- get_birth_death_strings(database,person,empty_date,empty_place)
- value_map = {
- 'name' : person_name,
- 'male_name' : person_name,
- 'unknown_gender_name' : person_name,
- 'female_name' : person_name,
- 'birth_date' : bdate,
- 'birth_place' : bplace,
- 'month_year' : bdate,
- 'modified_date' : bdate,
- }
- gender = person.get_gender()
- if bdate:
- if bdate_mod:
- if dplace:
- text = born_modified_date_with_place[name_index][gender] % value_map
- else:
- text = born_modified_date_no_place[name_index][gender] % value_map
- elif bdate_full:
- if bplace:
- text = born_full_date_with_place[name_index][gender] % value_map
- else:
- text = born_full_date_no_place[name_index][gender] % value_map
- else:
- if bplace:
- text = born_partial_date_with_place[name_index][gender] % value_map
- else:
- text = born_partial_date_no_place[name_index][gender] % value_map
- else:
- if bplace:
- text = born_no_date_with_place[name_index][gender] % value_map
- else:
- text = ""
- if text:
- text = text + " "
- return text
-# died_str
-def died_str(database,person,person_name=None,empty_date="",empty_place="",
- age=None,age_units=0):
- """
- Write obit sentence.
- FIRSTNAME died on Date
- FIRSTNAME died on Date at the age of N Years
- FIRSTNAME died on Date at the age of N Months
- FIRSTNAME died on Date at the age of N Days
- FIRSTNAME died on Date in Place
- FIRSTNAME died on Date in Place at the age of N Years
- FIRSTNAME died on Date in Place at the age of N Months
- FIRSTNAME died on Date in Place at the age of N Days
- FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year
- FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year at the age of N Years
- FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year at the age of N Months
- FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year at the age of N Days
- FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year in Place
- FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year in Place at the age of N Years
- FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year in Place at the age of N Months
- FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year in Place at the age of N Days
- FIRSTNAME died in Place
- FIRSTNAME died in Place at the age of N Years
- FIRSTNAME died in Place at the age of N Months
- FIRSTNAME died in Place at the age of N Days
- FIRSTNAME died at the age of N Years
- FIRSTNAME died at the age of N Months
- FIRSTNAME died at the age of N Days
- """
- name_index = 1
- if person_name == None:
- person_name = _nd.display(person)
- elif person_name == 0:
- name_index = 0
- text = ""
- bdate,bplace,bdate_full,bdate_mod,ddate,dplace,ddate_full,ddate_mod = \
- get_birth_death_strings(database,person,empty_date,empty_place)
- value_map = {
- 'name' : person_name,
- 'unknown_gender_name' : person_name,
- 'male_name' : person_name,
- 'female_name' : person_name,
- 'death_date' : ddate,
- 'modified_date' : ddate,
- 'death_place' : dplace,
- 'age' : age ,
- 'month_year' : ddate,
- }
- gender = person.get_gender()
- if ddate:
- if ddate_mod:
- if dplace:
- text = died_modified_date_with_place[name_index][gender][age_units] % value_map
- else:
- text = died_modified_date_no_place[name_index][gender][age_units] % value_map
- elif ddate_full:
- if dplace:
- text = died_full_date_with_place[name_index][gender][age_units] % value_map
- else:
- text = died_full_date_no_place[name_index][gender][age_units] % value_map
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = died_partial_date_with_place[name_index][gender][age_units] % value_map
- else:
- text = died_partial_date_no_place[name_index][gender][age_units] % value_map
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = died_no_date_with_place[name_index][gender][age_units] % value_map
- else:
- text = died_no_date_no_place[name_index][gender][age_units] % value_map
- if text:
- text = text + " "
- return text
-# buried_str
-def buried_str(database,person,person_name=None,empty_date="",empty_place=""):
- """
- Check burial record.
- Statement formats name precedes this
- was buried on Date.
- was buried on Date in Place.
- was buried in Month_Year.
- was buried in Month_Year in Place.
- was buried in Place.
- ''
- """
- name_index = 0
- if person_name == None:
- person_name = _nd.display(person)
- elif person_name == 0:
- name_index = 1
- gender = person.get_gender()
- text = ""
- bplace = dplace = empty_place
- bdate = ddate = empty_date
- bdate_full = False
- bdate_mod = False
- burial = None
- for event_handle in person.get_event_list():
- event = database.get_event_from_handle(event_handle)
- if event and event.get_name() == "Burial":
- burial = event
- break
- if burial:
- bdate = DateHandler.get_date(burial)
- bplace_handle = burial.get_place_handle()
- if bplace_handle:
- bplace = database.get_place_from_handle(bplace_handle).get_title()
- bdate_obj = burial.get_date_object()
- bdate_full = bdate_obj and bdate_obj.get_day_valid()
- bdate_mod = bdate_obj and bdate_obj.get_modifier() != RelLib.Date.MOD_NONE
- else:
- return text
- values = {
- 'unknown_gender_name' : person_name,
- 'male_name' : person_name,
- 'name' : person_name,
- 'female_name' : person_name,
- 'burial_date' : bdate,
- 'burial_place' : bplace,
- 'month_year' : bdate,
- 'modified_date' : bdate,
- }
- if bdate and bdate_mod:
- if bplace: #male, date, place
- text = buried_modified_date_place[gender][name_index] % values
- else: #male, date, no place
- text = buried_modified_date_no_place[gender][name_index] % values
- elif bdate and bdate_full:
- if bplace: #male, date, place
- text = buried_full_date_place[gender][name_index] % values
- else: #male, date, no place
- text = buried_full_date_no_place[gender][name_index] % values
- elif bdate:
- if bplace: #male, month_year, place
- text = buried_partial_date_place[gender][name_index] % values
- else: #male, month_year, no place
- text = buried_partial_date_no_place[gender][name_index] % values
- elif bplace: #male, no date, place
- text = buried_no_date_place[gender][name_index] % values
- else: #male, no date, no place
- text = buried_no_date_no_place[gender][name_index] % values
- if text:
- text = text + " "
- return text
-# list_person_str
-def list_person_str(database,person,empty_date="",empty_place=""):
- """
- Briefly list person and birth/death events.
- """
- bdate,bplace,bdate_full,bdate_mod,ddate,dplace,ddate_full,ddate_mod = \
- get_birth_death_strings(database,person)
- text = ""
- values = {
- 'birth_date' : bdate,
- 'birth_place' : bplace,
- 'death_date' : ddate,
- 'death_place' : dplace,
- }
- if bdate:
- if bplace:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s, "
- "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s, "
- "Died: %(death_date)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s, "
- "Died: %(death_place)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s.") % values
- else:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_date)s, "
- "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_date)s, Died: %(death_date)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_date)s, Died: %(death_place)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_date)s.") % values
- else:
- if bplace:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_place)s, "
- "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_place)s, "
- "Died: %(death_date)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_place)s, "
- "Died: %(death_place)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("Born: %(birth_place)s.") % values
- else:
- if ddate:
- if dplace:
- text = _("Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % values
- else:
- text = _("Died: %(death_date)s.") % values
- else:
- if dplace:
- text = _("Died: %(death_place)s.") % values
- else:
- text = ""
- return text
-# relationship_name
-_rtype = {
- RelLib.Family.MARRIED : _("Married"),
- RelLib.Family.UNMARRIED : _("Unmarried"),
- RelLib.Family.CIVIL_UNION : _("Civil Union"),
- RelLib.Family.UNKNOWN : _("Unknown"),
- RelLib.Family.CUSTOM : _("Other"),
- }
-def relationship_name(rtype):
- return _rtype.get(rtype)
-def old_calc_age(database,person):
- """
- Calulate age.
- Returns a tuple (age,units) where units is an integer representing
- time units:
- no age info: 0
- years: 1
- months: 2
- days: 3
- """
- YEARS = 1
- MONTHS = 2
- DAYS = 3
- # FIXME: This is an old and ugly implementation.
- # It must be changed to use the new age calculator.
- age = 0
- units = 0
- birth_handle = person.get_birth_handle()
- if birth_handle:
- birth = database.get_event_from_handle(birth_handle).get_date_object()
- birth_year_valid = birth.get_year_valid()
- else:
- birth_year_valid = None
- death_handle = person.get_death_handle()
- if death_handle:
- death = database.get_event_from_handle(death_handle).get_date_object()
- death_year_valid = death.get_year_valid()
- else:
- death_year_valid = None
- # wihtout at least a year for each event we're clueless
- if not (birth_year_valid and death_year_valid):
- return (age,units)
- # FIXME: The code below uses hard-coded 31 days in a month
- # and 12 month in a year. This is incorrect for half the Gregorian
- # months and for other calendars.
- # FIXME: We need to move to estimate_age !!!
- # If born and died in the same year, go to the months
- if death.get_year() == birth.get_year():
- if birth.get_month_valid() and death.get_month_valid():
- # if born and died in the same month, do the days
- if birth.get_month() == death.get_month() \
- and birth.get_day_valid() and death.get_day_valid():
- age = death.get_day() - birth.get_day()
- units = DAYS
- # if not the same month, just diff the months
- else:
- age = death.get_month() - birth.get_month()
- units = MONTHS
- # Born and died in different years
- else:
- age = death.get_year() - birth.get_year()
- units = YEARS
- if birth.get_month_valid() and death.get_month_valid():
- # Subtract one year if less than a last full year
- if birth.get_month() > death.get_month():
- age = age - 1
- # If less than a year (but still in different years)
- # then calculate month diff modulo 12
- if age == 0:
- age = 12 + death.get_month() - birth.get_month()
- units = MONTHS
- # This is the case of birth on Dec 30 and death on Jan 2
- # or birth on May 30 and death on June 2
- if age == 1 and units == MONTHS \
- and birth.get_day_valid() and death.get_day_valid() \
- and birth.get_day() > death.get_day():
- age = death.get_day() + 31 - birth.get_day()
- unit = DAYS
- return (age,units)
-def common_name(person,use_nick=False):
- if use_nick and person.get_nick_name():
- return person.get_nick_name()
- else:
- return person.get_primary_name().get_first_name()