diff --git a/gramps2/src/PedView.py b/gramps2/src/PedView.py
index ac365691a..ba2081d33 100644
--- a/gramps2/src/PedView.py
+++ b/gramps2/src/PedView.py
@@ -371,15 +371,7 @@ class PedigreeView:
# button. The menu consists of the children of the current root
# person of the tree. Attach a child to each menu item.
- def find_children(p):
- childlist = []
- for family_id in p.get_family_id_list():
- family = self.parent.db.find_family_from_id(family_id)
- for child_id in family.get_child_id_list():
- childlist.append(child_id)
- return childlist
- childlist = find_children(self.active_person)
+ childlist = find_children(self.parent.db,self.active_person)
if len(childlist) == 1:
child = self.parent.db.try_to_find_person_from_id(childlist[0])
if child:
@@ -390,7 +382,7 @@ class PedigreeView:
child = self.parent.db.try_to_find_person_from_id(child_id)
cname = GrampsCfg.nameof(child)
menuitem = gtk.MenuItem(None)
- if find_children(child):
+ if find_children(self.parent.db,child):
label = gtk.Label('%s' % cname)
label = gtk.Label(cname)
@@ -525,13 +517,14 @@ class PedigreeView:
def on_canvas_press(self,obj,event):
if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 3:
+ return gtk.TRUE
- def build_nav_menu(self,event):
- """Builds the menu with only history-based navigation."""
- menu = gtk.Menu()
- menu.set_title(_('People Menu'))
+ def add_nav_portion_to_menu(self,menu):
+ """
+ This function adds a common history-navigation portion
+ to the context menu. Used by both build_nav_menu() and
+ build_full_nav_menu() methods.
+ """
back_sensitivity = self.parent.hindex > 0
fwd_sensitivity = self.parent.hindex + 1 < len(self.parent.history)
entries = [
@@ -557,12 +550,19 @@ class PedigreeView:
+ def build_nav_menu(self,event):
+ """Builds the menu with only history-based navigation."""
+ menu = gtk.Menu()
+ menu.set_title(_('People Menu'))
+ self.add_nav_portion_to_menu(menu)
def build_full_nav_menu(self,event,person):
- Builds the full menu (including Siblings, Spouses, etc)
- with navigation.
+ Builds the full menu (including Siblings, Spouses, Children,
+ and Parents) with navigation.
menu = gtk.Menu()
@@ -628,33 +628,82 @@ class PedigreeView:
+ # Go over children and build their menu
+ item = gtk.MenuItem(_("Children"))
+ no_children = 1
+ childlist = find_children(self.parent.db,person)
+ for child_id in childlist:
+ child = self.parent.db.try_to_find_person_from_id(child_id)
+ if not child:
+ continue
+ if no_children:
+ no_children = 0
+ item.set_submenu(gtk.Menu())
+ child_menu = item.get_submenu()
- back_sensitivity = self.parent.hindex > 0
- fwd_sensitivity = self.parent.hindex + 1 < len(self.parent.history)
- entries = [
- (None,None,0),
- (gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK,self.parent.back_clicked,back_sensitivity),
- (gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD,self.parent.fwd_clicked,fwd_sensitivity),
- #FIXME: revert to stock item when German gtk translation is fixed
- #(gtk.STOCK_HOME,self.parent.on_home_clicked,1),
- (_("Home"),self.parent.on_home_clicked,1),
- (None,None,0),
- (_("Set anchor"),self.on_anchor_set,1),
- (_("Remove anchor"),self.on_anchor_removed,1),
- ]
+ if find_children(self.parent.db,child):
+ label = gtk.Label('%s' % GrampsCfg.nameof(child))
+ else:
+ label = gtk.Label(GrampsCfg.nameof(child))
- for stock_id,callback,sensitivity in entries:
- item = gtk.ImageMenuItem(stock_id)
- #FIXME: remove when German gtk translation is fixed
- if stock_id == _("Home"):
- im = gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_HOME,gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU)
- im.show()
- item.set_image(im)
- if callback:
- item.connect("activate",callback)
- item.set_sensitive(sensitivity)
- item.show()
- menu.append(item)
+ child_item = gtk.MenuItem(None)
+ label.set_use_markup(gtk.TRUE)
+ label.show()
+ label.set_alignment(0,0)
+ child_item.add(label)
+ child_item.set_data(_PERSON,child_id)
+ child_item.connect("activate",self.on_childmenu_changed)
+ child_item.show()
+ child_menu.append(child_item)
+ if no_children:
+ item.set_sensitive(0)
+ item.show()
+ menu.append(item)
+ # Go over parents and build their menu
+ item = gtk.MenuItem(_("Parents"))
+ no_parents = 1
+ par_list = find_parents(self.parent.db,person)
+ for par_id in par_list:
+ par = self.parent.db.try_to_find_person_from_id(par_id)
+ if not par:
+ continue
+ if no_parents:
+ no_parents = 0
+ item.set_submenu(gtk.Menu())
+ par_menu = item.get_submenu()
+ if find_parents(self.parent.db,par):
+ label = gtk.Label('%s' % GrampsCfg.nameof(par))
+ else:
+ label = gtk.Label(GrampsCfg.nameof(par))
+ par_item = gtk.MenuItem(None)
+ label.set_use_markup(gtk.TRUE)
+ label.show()
+ label.set_alignment(0,0)
+ par_item.add(label)
+ par_item.set_data(_PERSON,par_id)
+ par_item.connect("activate",self.on_childmenu_changed)
+ par_item.show()
+ par_menu.append(par_item)
+ if no_parents:
+ item.set_sensitive(0)
+ item.show()
+ menu.append(item)
+ # Add separator
+ item = gtk.MenuItem(None)
+ item.show()
+ menu.append(item)
+ # Add history-based navigation
+ self.add_nav_portion_to_menu(menu)
@@ -707,11 +756,45 @@ def get_distance(db,orig_person,other_person):
firstRel = None
secondRel = None
- length = len(common)
person_id = common[0]
secondRel = secondMap[person_id]
firstRel = firstMap[person_id]
if firstRel == None or secondRel == None:
return None
return firstRel-secondRel
+# Function to return children's list of a person
+def find_children(db,p):
+ """
+ Returns the list of all children's IDs for a person.
+ """
+ childlist = []
+ for family_id in p.get_family_id_list():
+ family = db.find_family_from_id(family_id)
+ for child_id in family.get_child_id_list():
+ childlist.append(child_id)
+ return childlist
+# Function to return parent's list of a person
+def find_parents(db,p):
+ """
+ Returns the unique list of all parents' IDs for a person.
+ """
+ parentlist = []
+ for (f,mrel,frel) in p.get_parent_family_id_list():
+ family = db.find_family_from_id(f)
+ father_id = family.get_father_id()
+ mother_id = family.get_mother_id()
+ if father_id not in parentlist:
+ parentlist.append(father_id)
+ if mother_id not in parentlist:
+ parentlist.append(mother_id)
+ return parentlist