Removed Exif tags completely from NarrativeWeb.

svn: r13836
This commit is contained in:
Rob G. Healey 2009-12-17 14:59:00 +00:00
parent 1191bb227d
commit 9971a4f1a2

View File

@ -65,13 +65,6 @@ from cStringIO import StringIO
from textwrap import TextWrapper
from unicodedata import normalize
# attempt to import the python exif library?
import pyexiv2
pyexiftaglib = True
except ImportError:
pyexiftaglib = False
# Set up logging
@ -115,6 +108,10 @@ from libhtml import Html
# import styled notes from
# src/plugins/lib/
from libhtmlbackend import HtmlBackend
# if the pyexiv2 library is installed, look for libexiftags
# from src/plugins/lib/
from libexiftags import ExifKeyTags
# constants
@ -310,10 +307,6 @@ class BasePage(object):
self.create_media = report.options['gallery']
self.inc_events = report.options['inc_events']
# only show option if the pyexiv2 library is available on local system
if pyexiftaglib:
self.exiftagsopt = report.options['exiftagsopt']
def dump_attribute(self, attr, showsrc):
dump attribute for object presented in display_attr_list()
@ -826,7 +819,7 @@ class BasePage(object):
# begin attributes division and section title
with Html("div", class_ = "ubsection", id = "attributes") as section:
section += Html("h4", _("Attributes"), inline = True)
section += Html("h4", AHEAD, inline = True)
# begin attributes table
with Html("table", class_ = "infolist attrlist") as table:
@ -2307,7 +2300,7 @@ class EventListPage(BasePage):
body += eventlist
msg = _("This page contains an index of all the events in the database, sorted by their "
"type, Gramps id, and date (if one is present), Clicking on an "
"type, date (if one is present), and gramps id, Clicking on an "
"event’s Gramps ID will load a page for that event.")
eventlist += Html("p", msg, id = "description")
@ -2626,19 +2619,19 @@ class MediaPage(BasePage):
if next:
medianav += self.media_nav_link(next, _("Next"), True)
# missing media error msg
# missing media error message
errormsg = _("The file has been moved or deleted.")
missingimage = Html("span", errormsg, class_ = "MissingImage")
# begin summaryarea division
with Html("div", id = "summaryarea") as summaryarea:
mediadetail += summaryarea
if mime_type:
if mime_type.startswith("image/"):
if mime_type.startswith("image"):
if not target_exists:
with Html("div", id = "MediaDisplay") as mediadisplay:
summaryarea += mediadisplay
mediadisplay += missingimage
mediadisplay += Html("span", errormsg, class_ = "MissingImage")
# Check how big the image is relative to the requested 'initial'
# image size. If it's significantly bigger, scale it down to
@ -2686,7 +2679,7 @@ class MediaPage(BasePage):
# Feature #2634; display the mouse-selectable regions.
# See the large block at the top of this function where
# the various regions are stored in _region_items
if len(_region_items):
if _region_items:
ordered = Html("ol", class_ = "RegionBox")
mediadisplay += ordered
while len(_region_items) > 0:
@ -2733,7 +2726,7 @@ class MediaPage(BasePage):
mediadisplay += hyper
mediadisplay += missingimage
mediadisplay += Html("span", errormsg, class_ = "MissingImage")
with Html("div", id = "GalleryDisplay") as mediadisplay:
summaryarea += mediadisplay
@ -2774,39 +2767,6 @@ class MediaPage(BasePage):
table += trow
# display image Exif tags/ keys if any?
if pyexiftaglib:
if self.exiftagsopt and mime_type.startswith("image/"):
# if the pyexiv2 library is installed, then show if the option has been set,
# yes, then use it and determine if the image has anything written inside of it?
image = pyexiv2.Image("%s" % Utils.media_path_full(db, media.get_path()) )
# exif data does exists
if len(image.exifKeys() ):
# initialize the dictionary for holding the image exif tags
imagetags = []
# add exif title header
mediadetail += Html("h4", _("Image Exif Tags/ Keys"), inline = True)
# begin exif table
with Html("table", class_ = "exifdata") as table:
mediadetail += table
for keytag in image.exifKeys():
if keytag not in imagetags:
trow = Html("tr") + (
Html("td", keytag, class_ = "ColumnAttribute"),
Html("td", image[keytag], class_ = "ColumnValue")
table += trow
##################### End of Exif Tags #####################################################
# get media notes
notelist = self.display_note_list(media.get_note_list() )
if notelist is not None:
@ -4980,10 +4940,6 @@ class NavWebReport(Report):
self.inc_contact = self.options['contactnote'] or \
# only show option if the pyexiv2 library is available on local system
if pyexiftaglib:
self.exiftagsopt = self.options["exiftagsopt"]
# name format option
self.name_format = self.options['name_format']
@ -5327,6 +5283,27 @@ class NavWebReport(Report):
PlacePage(self, self.title, place, source_list, place_list)
def get_event_handles(self, db, ind_list):
creates a list of event handles for this database
event_handle_list = []
for person_handle in ind_list:
person = db.get_person_from_handle(person_handle)
for evt_ref in person.get_event_ref_list():
for fhandle in person.get_family_handle_list():
family = db.get_family_from_handle(fhandle)
for evt_ref in family.get_event_ref_list():
# return event_handle_list to its caller
return event_handle_list
def event_pages(self, ind_list):
a dump of all the events sorted by event type, date, and surname
@ -5341,6 +5318,9 @@ class NavWebReport(Report):
# gather the information that we will need for these two classes
event_types = []
# get the event handle list for this database
event_handle_list = self.get_event_handles(db, ind_list)
for event_handle in event_handle_list:
event = self.database.get_event_from_handle(event_handle)
event_types.append( str(event.type) )
@ -5785,12 +5765,6 @@ class NavWebOptions(MenuReportOptions):
menu.add_option(category_name, 'gallery', self.__gallery)
self.__gallery.connect('value-changed', self.__gallery_changed)
self.__exiftags = BooleanOption(_("Include exif tags on media pages?"), False)
self.__exiftags.set_help(_("Do you want to add the exif data tags to the page? You will"
" need to have the pyexiv2 library installed on your system."
"It can be downloaded and installed from most linux repositories."))
menu.add_option(category_name, "exiftagsopt", self.__exiftags)
self.__maxinitialimagewidth = NumberOption(_("Max width of initial image"),
self.__maxinitialimagewidth.set_help(_("This allows you to set the maximum width "
@ -5990,21 +5964,10 @@ class NavWebOptions(MenuReportOptions):
Handles the changing nature of gallery
if not pyexiftaglib:
if self.__gallery.get_value() == False:
# disable option if pyexiv2 library is not installed on system ...
if pyexiftaglib:
# disable option if pyexiv2 library is not installed on system ...
if pyexiftaglib: