0005859: Stepsiblings are NOT correct
0006068: Narrative Web reports two people as step family when one of the parents is unknown for both 0001400: NarrativeWeb lists half-siblings in order Various fixes for 'Parents' section of 'Individual' pages. svn: r20579
This commit is contained in:
@ -552,8 +552,8 @@ class RelationshipCalculator(object):
Only call this method if known that orig and other are siblings
fatherorig, motherorig = self._get_birth_parents(db, orig)
fatherother, motherother = self._get_birth_parents(db, other)
fatherorig, motherorig = self.get_birth_parents(db, orig)
fatherother, motherother = self.get_birth_parents(db, other)
if fatherorig and motherorig and fatherother and motherother:
if fatherother == fatherorig and motherother == motherorig:
return self.NORM_SIB
@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ class RelationshipCalculator(object):
# birth parent of the other person
return self.UNKNOWN_SIB
def _get_birth_parents(self, db, person):
def get_birth_parents(self, db, person):
""" method that returns the birthparents of a person as tuple
(mother handle, father handle), if no known birthparent, the
handle is replaced by None
@ -653,7 +653,8 @@ class BasePage(object):
children = sorted(children)
self.display_child_link(chandle, ppl_handle_list)
(Html("li") +
self.display_child_link(chandle, ppl_handle_list))
for birth_date, chandle in children
@ -2414,13 +2415,12 @@ class BasePage(object):
child = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(chandle)
list = Html("li")
use_link = check_person_database(chandle, ppl_handle_list)
if use_link:
url = self.report.build_url_fname_html(chandle, "ppl", True)
list += self.person_link(url, child, _NAME_STYLE_DEFAULT, gid =child.get_gramps_id())
list = self.person_link(url, child, _NAME_STYLE_DEFAULT, gid =child.get_gramps_id())
list += self.get_name(child)
list = self.get_name(child)
return list
def person_link(self, url, person, name_style, first = True, gid = None, thumbnailUrl = None):
@ -6213,6 +6213,104 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
# return table columns to its caller
return tcell1, tcell2
def get_reln_in_family(self, ind, family):
child_handle = ind.get_handle()
child_ref_list = family.get_child_ref_list()
for child_ref in child_ref_list:
if child_ref.ref == child_handle:
return (child_ref.get_father_relation(),
return (None, None)
def display_ind_parent_family(self, birthmother, birthfather,
family, table, first = False):
if not first:
trow = Html("tr") + (Html("td", " ", colspan =3,
inline = True))
table += trow
# get the father
father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
if father_handle:
if father_handle == birthfather:
# The parent may not be birth father in ths family, because it
# may be a step family. However, it will be odd to display the
# parent as anything other than "Father"
reln = "Father"
# Stepfather may not always be quite right (for example, it may
# actually be StepFather-in-law), but it is too expensive to
# calculate out the correct relationship using the Relationship
# Calculator
reln = "Stepfather"
trow = Html("tr") + (self.display_parent(father_handle, reln, None))
table += trow
# get the mother
mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
if mother_handle:
if mother_handle == birthmother:
reln = "Mother"
reln = "Stepmother"
trow = Html("tr") + (self.display_parent(mother_handle, reln, None))
table += trow
for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list():
child_handle = child_ref.ref
child = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(child_handle)
if child:
if child == self.person:
reln = ""
# We have a try except block here, because the two
# people MUST be siblings for the called Relationship
# routines to work. Depending on your definition of
# sibling, we cannot necessarily guarantee that.
sibling_type = self.rel_class.get_sibling_type(
self.dbase_, self.person, child)
reln = self.rel_class.get_sibling_relationship_string(
sibling_type, self.person.gender,
reln = reln[0].upper() + reln[1:]
reln = "Not siblings"
reln = " " + reln
# Now output reln, child_link, (frel, mrel)
frel = child_ref.get_father_relation()
mrel = child_ref.get_mother_relation()
if frel != gen.lib.ChildRefType.BIRTH or \
mrel != gen.lib.ChildRefType.BIRTH:
frelmrel = "(%s, %s)" % (str(frel), str(mrel))
frelmrel = ""
trow = Html("tr") + (
Html("td", reln, class_ = "ColumnAttribute", inline = True))
tcell = Html("td", class_ = "ColumnValue", inline = True)
tcell += " "
tcell += self.display_child_link(child_handle, self.ind_list)
trow += tcell
tcell = Html("td", frelmrel, class_ = "ColumnValue",
inline = True)
trow += tcell
table += trow
def display_step_families(self, parent_handle, family, all_family_handles,
birthmother, birthfather, table):
if parent_handle:
parent = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(parent_handle)
for parent_family_handle in parent.get_family_handle_list():
if parent_family_handle not in all_family_handles:
parent_family = self.dbase_.get_family_from_handle(
self.display_ind_parent_family(birthmother, birthfather,
parent_family, table)
def display_ind_parents(self):
Display a person's parents
@ -6230,252 +6328,51 @@ class IndividualPage(BasePage):
with Html("table", class_ = "infolist") as table:
section += table
thead = Html("thead")
table += thead
trow = Html("tr")
thead += trow
Html("th", label, class_ = colclass, inline = True)
for (label, colclass) in [
(_("Relation to main person"), "ColumnAttribute"),
(_("Name"), "ColumnValue"),
(_("Relation within this family (if not by birth)"),
tbody = Html("tbody")
table += tbody
all_family_handles = list(parent_list)
(birthmother, birthfather) = self.rel_class.get_birth_parents(
self.dbase_, self.person)
first = True
if parent_list:
for family_handle in parent_list:
family = self.dbase_.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
# Get the mother and father relationships
frel = None
mrel = None
all_children = []
child_handle = self.person.get_handle()
child_ref_list = family.get_child_ref_list()
for child_ref in child_ref_list:
if child_ref.ref == child_handle:
frel = child_ref.get_father_relation()
mrel = child_ref.get_mother_relation()
if not first:
trow = Html("tr") + (
Html("td", " ", colspan =2, inline = True)
table += trow
first = False
# get the father
father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
if father_handle:
father = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(father_handle)
if father:
trow = Html("tr") + \
(self.display_parent(father_handle, _("Father"), frel)
table += trow
# get the mother
mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
if mother_handle:
mother = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle)
if mother:
trow = Html("tr") + \
(self.display_parent(mother_handle, _("Mother"), mrel)
table += trow
for family_handle in parent_list:
family = self.dbase_.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
if family:
# Display this family
birthmother, birthfather,
family, table, first)
first = False
if len(child_ref_list) > 1:
# remove sibling if it is yourself?
child_list = [child_ref.ref for child_ref in child_ref_list
if child_ref.ref != self.person.get_handle()]
## TO FIX: the code only works if the user has his
## half/step siblings in a specific way in the database,
## however this way is not the official way
## The official way is:
## 1. step or half siblings _must_ be present
## somewhere in the same family. So the search
## here over other families is wrong
## 2. to determine the relationship, only the child
## relationship must be looked at, nothing else!
showallsiblings = self.report.options['showhalfsiblings']
# if we have a known father...
if father_handle and showallsiblings:
# 1) get all of the families in which this father is involved
# 2) get all of the children from those families
# 3) if the children are not already listed as siblings...
# 4) then remember those children since we're going to list them
father = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(father_handle)
for family_handle in father.get_family_handle_list():
family = self.dbase_.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list():
child_handle = child_ref.ref
if child_handle not in all_children:
if child_handle != self.person.get_handle():
# do the same thing with the mother (see "father" just above):
if mother_handle and showallsiblings:
mother = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle)
for family_handle in mother.get_family_handle_list():
family = self.dbase_.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list():
child_handle = child_ref.ref
if child_handle not in all_children:
if child_handle != self.person.get_handle():
if showallsiblings:
# to find the step-siblings, we need to identify
# all of the families that can be linked back to
# the current person, and then extract the children
# from those families
all_family_handles = set()
all_parent_handles = set()
tmp_parent_handles = set()
# first we queue up the parents we know about
if mother_handle:
if father_handle:
while len(tmp_parent_handles):
# pop the next parent from the set
parent_handle = tmp_parent_handles.pop()
# add this parent to our official list
# get all families with this parent
parent = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(parent_handle)
for family_handle in parent.get_family_handle_list():
# we already have 1 parent from this family
# (see "parent" above) so now see if we need
# to queue up the other parent
family = self.dbase_.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
tmp_mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
if tmp_mother_handle and \
tmp_mother_handle != parent and \
tmp_mother_handle not in tmp_parent_handles and \
tmp_mother_handle not in all_parent_handles:
tmp_father_handle = family.get_father_handle()
if tmp_father_handle and \
tmp_father_handle != parent and \
tmp_father_handle not in tmp_parent_handles and \
tmp_father_handle not in all_parent_handles:
# once we get here, we have all of the families
# that could result in step-siblings; note that
# we can only have step-siblings if the number
# of families involved is > 1
if len(all_family_handles) > 1:
while len(all_family_handles):
# pop the next family from the set
family_handle = all_family_handles.pop()
# look in this family for children we haven't yet seen
family = self.dbase_.get_family_from_handle(family_handle)
for child_ref in family.get_child_ref_list():
child_handle = child_ref.ref
if child_handle not in all_children and \
child_handle != self.person.get_handle():
child_list = [child_handle for child_handle in all_children]
# separate all children into biological, half, and step- siblings...
siblings, half_siblings, step_siblings = [], [], []
if len(child_list):
for sibling_handle in child_list:
sibling = self.dbase_.get_person_from_handle(sibling_handle)
if sibling:
sibling_type = self.rel_class.get_sibling_type(
self.dbase_, self.person, sibling)
# biological/ natural sibling
if sibling_type == 0:
# half siblings
elif (sibling_type == 1 or sibling_type == 2):
# step siblings
elif (sibling_type == 3 or sibling_type == 4):
# now that we have all siblings, display them...
if len(siblings):
trow = Html("tr") + (
Html("td", _("Siblings"), class_ = "ColumnAttribute", inline = True)
table += trow
tcell = Html("td", class_ = "ColumnValue")
trow += tcell
ordered = Html("ol")
tcell += ordered
siblings = add_birthdate(self.dbase_, siblings)
if self.birthorder:
siblings = sorted(siblings)
self.display_child_link(child_handle, self.ind_list)
for birth_date, child_handle in siblings
# now that we have all half- siblings, display them...
if len(half_siblings):
trow = Html("tr") + (
Html("td", _("Half Siblings"), class_ = "ColumnAttribute", inline = True)
table += trow
tcell = Html("td", class_ = "ColumnValue")
trow += tcell
ordered = Html("ol")
tcell += ordered
half_siblings = add_birthdate(self.dbase_, half_siblings)
if self.birthorder:
half_siblings = sorted(half_siblings)
self.display_child_link(child_handle, self.ind_list)
for birth_date, child_handle in half_siblings
# now that we have all step- siblings, display them...
if len(step_siblings):
trow = Html("tr") + (
Html("td", _("Step Siblings"), class_ = "ColumnAttribute", inline = True)
table += trow
tcell = Html("td", class_ = "ColumnValue")
trow += tcell
ordered = Html("ol")
tcell += ordered
step_siblings = add_birthdate(self.dbase_, step_siblings)
if self.birthorder:
step_siblings = sorted(step_siblings)
self.display_child_link(child_handle, self.ind_list)
for birth_date, child_handle in step_siblings
# return parents division to its caller
if self.report.options['showhalfsiblings']:
# Display all families in which the parents are
# involved. This displays half siblings and step
# siblings
family.get_father_handle(), family,
birthmother, birthfather, table)
family.get_mother_handle(), family,
birthmother, birthfather, table)
return section
def pedigree_person(self, person):
Reference in New Issue
Block a user