Fixed errors in _format_datetime() to match corrections from Nick Hall. Removed 'Clear' button from the initial display, thanks Nick and Helge.

svn: r17711
This commit is contained in:
Rob G. Healey 2011-06-08 00:29:14 +00:00
parent deebab7a01
commit ba55888eff

View File

@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ _vtypes = [".jpeg", ".jpg", ".jfif", ".exv", ".tiff", ".dng", ".nef", ".pef", ".
"Xmp.xmp.Label" : "ExifLabel",
"Exif.Image.ImageDescription" : "Description",
"Exif.Image.DateTime" : "Modified",
"Exif.Image.Artist" : "Artist",
"Exif.Image.Copyright" : "Copyright",
"Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal" : "Original",
"Exif.Image.DateTime" : "Modified",
"Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized" : "Digitized",
"Xmp.xmp.ModifyDate" : "ModifyDate",
"Exif.GPSInfo.GPSTimeStamp" : "gpsTimeStamp",
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ _DATAMAP = dict((key, val) for key, val in _DATAMAP.items())
_DATAMAP.update( (val, key) for key, val in _DATAMAP.items())
# define tooltips for all data entry fields...
# Exif Label/ Title...
"ExifLabel" : _("This is equivalent to the Title field in the media object editor."),
@ -176,6 +176,10 @@ _TOOLTIPS = {
# Description...
"Description" : _("Provide a short descripion for this image."),
# Last Change/ Modify Date/ Time...
"Modified" : _("This is the date/ time that the image was last changed/ modified.\n"
"Example: 2011-05-24 14:30:00"),
# Artist...
"Artist" : _("Enter the Artist/ Author of this image. The person's name or "
"the company who is responsible for the creation of this image."),
@ -183,14 +187,10 @@ _TOOLTIPS = {
# Copyright...
"Copyright" : _("Enter the copyright information for this image. \n"),
# Original Date/ Time of the image...
# Original Date/ Time...
"Original" : _("The original date/ time when the image was first created/ taken as in a photograph.\n"
"Example: 1830-01-1 09:30:59"),
# Last Change/ Modify Date/ Time...
"Modified" : _("This is the date/ time that the image was last changed/ modified.\n"
"Example: 2011-05-24 14:30:00"),
# GPS Latitude Coordinates...
"Latitude" : _("Enter the Latitude GPS Coordinates for this image,\n"
"Example: 43.722965, 43 43 22 N, 38° 38 03″ N, 38 38 3"),
@ -199,20 +199,17 @@ _TOOLTIPS = {
"Longitude" : _("Enter the Longitude GPS Coordinates for this image,\n"
"Example: 10.396378, 10 23 46 E, 105° 6 6″ W, -105 6 6"),
# GPS Altitude measured in meters...
# GPS Altitude (in meters)...
"Altitude" : _("This is the measurement of Above or Below Sea Level. It is measured in meters."
"Example: 200.558, -200.558"),
# Date/ Time received from the GPS Satellites...
# Date/ Time (received from the GPS Satellites)...
"gpsTimeStamp" : _("The time that the GPS Latitude/ Longitude was received from the GPS Satellites.") }
_TOOLTIPS = dict( (key, tip) for key, tip in _TOOLTIPS.items() )
_DATATIPS = dict( (key, tooltip) for key, tooltip in _DATATIPS.items() )
# define tooltips for all buttons...
# common buttons for all images...
# Clear Edit Area button...
"Clear" : _("Clears the Exif metadata from the Edit area."),
# Wiki Help button...
"Help" : _("Displays the Gramps Wiki Help page for 'Edit Image Exif Metadata' in your web browser."),
@ -290,24 +287,20 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# Separator line before the buttons...
main_vbox.pack_start(gtk.HSeparator(), expand =False, fill =False, padding =2)
# Clear, Thumbnail View, Convert horizontal box
ctc_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
main_vbox.pack_start(ctc_box, expand =False, fill =False, padding =5)
# Clear button...
ctc_box.add( self.__create_button(
"Clear", False, [self.clear_display], gtk.STOCK_CLEAR) )
# Thumbnail View, and Convert horizontal box
thc_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
main_vbox.pack_start(thc_box, expand =False, fill =False, padding =5)
# Thumbnail View button...
ctc_box.add( self.__create_button(
"Thumbnail", _("Thumbnail"), [self.thumbnail_view] ) )
thc_box.add( self.__create_button(
"Thumbnail", _("Thumbnail"), [self.thumbnail_view]) )
# is ImageMagick installed?
# Convert button...
ctc_box.add( self.__create_button(
thc_box.add( self.__create_button(
"Convert", False, [self.__convert_dialog], gtk.STOCK_CONVERT) )
# Help, Edit, and Delete horizontal box
@ -355,7 +348,9 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
db = self.dbstate.db
# clears all labels and display area...
for widgetName in ["MediaLabel", "MimeType", "ImageSize", "MessageArea"]:
# set Message Ares to Select...
self.exif_widgets["MessageArea"].set_text(_("Select an image to view it's Exif metadata..."))
@ -382,7 +377,7 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# Activate the Clear and Edit buttons...
self.activate_buttons(["Clear", "Edit"])
# check image write privileges...
_writable = os.access(self.image_path, os.W_OK)
@ -449,7 +444,7 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# if True, setup tooltips for all Data Entry Fields...
if fields:
for widget, tooltip in _TOOLTIPS.items():
for widget, tooltip in _DATATIPS.items():
# if True, setup tooltips for all Buttons...
@ -639,26 +634,6 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
return top
def clear_display(self, object):
clears all data fields to nothing
for widgetsName in ["MediaLabel", "MimeType", "MessageArea", "ImageSize"]:
# Clears the display area...
# De-activate the buttons except for Help...
def thumbnail_view(self, object):
will allow a display area for a thumbnail pop-up window.
@ -817,8 +792,8 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
for widgetsName in ButtonList:
for widgetName in ButtonList:
def active_buttons(self, obj):
@ -837,9 +812,6 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# set Message Area to Entering Data...
self.exif_widgets["MessageArea"].set_text(_("Entering data..."))
if not self.exif_widgets["Clear"].get_sensitive():
if not self.exif_widgets["Delete"].get_sensitive():
@ -889,6 +861,12 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
"WARNING: This action will NOT Save any changes/ modification made to this "
"image's Exif metadata."),
# Clear button...
"Clear" : _("This button will clear all of the data fields shown here."),
# Re- display the data fields button...
"Display" : _("Re -display the data fields that were cleared from the Edit Area."),
# Convert 2 Decimal button...
"Decimal" : _("Convert GPS Latitude/ Longitude Coordinates to Decimal representation."),
@ -1079,38 +1057,34 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
# Help, Save, Clear, and Close horizontal box
hscc_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
main_vbox.pack_start(hscc_box, expand =False, fill =False, padding =10)
hscdc_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
main_vbox.pack_start(hscdc_box, expand =False, fill =False, padding =10)
# Help button...
button = self.__create_button(
"Help", False, [self.__help_page], gtk.STOCK_HELP, True)
"Help", False, [self.__help_page], gtk.STOCK_HELP, True) )
# Save button...
button = self.__create_button("Save", False, [self.save_metadata, self.update,
self.display_metadata], gtk.STOCK_SAVE, True)
hscdc_box.add(self.__create_button("Save", False, [self.save_metadata, self.update,
self.display_metadata], gtk.STOCK_SAVE, True) )
# Clear button...
button = self.__create_button(
"Clear", False, [self.clear_edit_area], gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, True)
"Clear", False, [self.clear_metadata], gtk.STOCK_CLEAR, True) )
# Re -display the edit area button...
"Display", _("Display"), [self.EditArea], False, True) )
# Close button...
button = self.__create_button(
"Close", False, [lambda w: self.edtarea.destroy()], gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, True)
"Close", False, [lambda w: self.edtarea.destroy()], gtk.STOCK_CLOSE, True) )
# disable all data fields if not one of the available exiv2 image types?
if not any(exiv2type == self.extension for exiv2type in _vtypes):
for widget in _TOOLTIPS.keys():
for widget in _DATATIPS.keys():
@ -1147,30 +1121,13 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
return KeyValue
def clear_edit_area(self, object):
will clear the Edit Area display...
for widget in ["ExifLabel", "Description", "Artist", "Copyright", "Modified", "Original",
"Latitude", "Longitude", "Edit:Message"]:
def clear_display(self, object):
def clear_metadata(self, object):
clears all data fields to nothing
# De-activate the buttons except for Help...
for widget in _DATATIPS.keys():
def EditArea(self, object):
@ -1181,101 +1138,97 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
if MediaDataTags:
MediaDataTags = [KeyTag for KeyTag in MediaDataTags if KeyTag in _DATAMAP]
for KeyTag in MediaDataTags:
for KeyTag in MediaDataTags:
widgetName = _DATAMAP[KeyTag]
# name for matching to exif_widgets
widgetsName = _DATAMAP[KeyTag]
tagValue = self._get_value(KeyTag)
if tagValue:
tagValue = self._get_value(KeyTag)
if tagValue:
if widgetName in ["ExifLabel", "Description", "Artist", "Copyright"]:
if widgetsName in ["ExifLabel", "Description", "Artist", "Copyright"]:
# Last Changed/ Modified...
elif widgetName == "Modified":
use_date = _process_datetime(tagValue)
if use_date:
# Original Creation Date/ Time...
elif widgetsName == "Original":
date1 = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["Original"])
date2 = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["Digitized"])
date3 = self.orig_image.get_date_object()
use_date = date1 or date2 or date3
if use_date:
if isinstance(use_date, str):
use_date = _get_date_format(use_date)
if use_date:
pyear, pmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds = use_date[0:6]
# Original Date/ Time...
elif widgetName == "Original":
date1 = tagValue
date2 = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["Digitized"])
date3 = self.orig_image.get_date_object()
use_date = date1 or date2 or date3 or False
if use_date:
if isinstance(use_date, (str, unicode)):
use_date = _get_date_format(use_date)
if use_date:
pyear, pmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds = use_date[0:6]
elif isinstance(use_date, datetime):
pyear, pmonth, day = use_date.year, use_date.month,
hour, minutes, seconds = use_date.hour, use_date.minute, use_date.second
pyear = False
if pyear:
use_date = _create_datetime(pyear, pmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds)
if use_date:
elif isinstance(use_date, datetime):
pyear, pmonth, day = use_date.year, use_date.month,
hour, minutes, seconds = use_date.hour, use_date.minute, use_date.second
# LatitudeRef, Latitude, LongitudeRef, Longitude...
elif widgetName == "Latitude":
pyear = False
if pyear:
latitude, longitude = tagValue, self._get_value(_DATAMAP["Longitude"])
use_date = _create_datetime(pyear, pmonth, day, hour, minutes, seconds)
self.exif_widgets["Original"].set_text( _format_datetime(use_date) )
# if latitude and longitude exist, display them?
if (latitude and longitude):
# Last Changed/ Modified...
elif widgetsName == "Modified":
use_date = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["Modified"])
use_date = _process_datetime(use_date) if use_date else False
if use_date:
# split latitude metadata into (degrees, minutes, and seconds)
latdeg, latmin, latsec = rational_to_dms(latitude)
# LatitudeRef, Latitude, LongitudeRef, Longitude...
elif widgetsName == "Latitude":
# split longitude metadata into degrees, minutes, and seconds
longdeg, longmin, longsec = rational_to_dms(longitude)
latitude = tagValue
longitude = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["Longitude"])
# check to see if we have valid GPS Coordinates?
latfail = any(coords == False for coords in [latdeg, latmin, latsec])
longfail = any(coords == False for coords in [longdeg, longmin, longsec])
if (not latfail and not longfail):
# if latitude and longitude exist, display them?
if (latitude and longitude):
# Latitude Direction Reference
LatRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LatitudeRef"] )
# split latitude metadata into (degrees, minutes, and seconds)
latdeg, latmin, latsec = rational_to_dms(latitude)
# Longitude Direction Reference
LongRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LongitudeRef"] )
# split longitude metadata into degrees, minutes, and seconds
longdeg, longmin, longsec = rational_to_dms(longitude)
# set display for Latitude GPS Coordinates
"""%s° %s %s%s""" % (latdeg, latmin, latsec, LatRef) )
# check to see if we have valid GPS Coordinates?
latfail = any(coords == False for coords in [latdeg, latmin, latsec])
longfail = any(coords == False for coords in [longdeg, longmin, longsec])
if (not latfail and not longfail):
# set display for Longitude GPS Coordinates
"""%s° %s %s%s""" % (longdeg, longmin, longsec, LongRef) )
# Latitude Direction Reference
LatRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LatitudeRef"] )
elif widgetName == "Altitude":
altitude = tagValue
AltitudeRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["AltitudeRef"])
# Longitude Direction Reference
LongRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["LongitudeRef"] )
if (altitude and AltitudeRef):
altitude = convert_value(altitude)
if altitude:
if AltitudeRef == "1":
altitude = "-" + altitude
# set display for Latitude GPS Coordinates
"""%s° %s %s%s""" % (latdeg, latmin, latsec, LatRef) )
# set display for Longitude GPS Coordinates
"""%s° %s %s%s""" % (longdeg, longmin, longsec, LongRef) )
elif widgetsName == "Altitude":
altitude = tagValue
AltitudeRef = self._get_value(_DATAMAP["AltitudeRef"])
if (altitude and AltitudeRef):
if AltitudeRef == "1":
altitude = "-" + altitude
elif widgetsName == "gpsTimeStamp":
hour, minutes, seconds = rational_to_dms(tagValue)
hour, minutes, seconds = int(hour), int(minutes), int(seconds)
self.exif_widgets[widgetsName].set_text("%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hour, minutes, seconds))
elif widgetName == "gpsTimeStamp":
hour, minutes, seconds = rational_to_dms(tagValue)
hour, minutes, seconds = int(hour), int(minutes), int(seconds)
self.exif_widgets[widgetName].set_text("%02d:%02d:%02d" % (
hour, minutes, seconds) )
# set Message Area to None...
self.exif_widgets["Edit:Message"].set_text(_("There is NO Exif "
"metadata for this image yet..."))
# set Edit Message Area to None...
self.exif_widgets["Edit:Message"].set_text(_("There is NO Exif metadata for this image."))
for widget in _TOOLTIPS.keys():
for widget in _DATATIPS.keys():
# once the user types in that field,
# the Edit, Clear, and Delete buttons will become active...
@ -1286,40 +1239,35 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
sets the value for the metadata KeyTags
tagClass = KeyTag[0:5]
if LesserVersion:
self.plugin_image[KeyTag] = KeyValue
if "Exif" in KeyTag:
if tagClass == "Exif":
try: # tag is being modified...
self.plugin_image.__setitem__(KeyTag, KeyValue)
except KeyError: # tag is being created...
self.plugin_image[KeyTag] = pyexiv2.ExifTag(KeyTag, KeyValue)
except (ValueError, AttributeError): # there is an error
# with either KeyTag or KeyValue
pass # with either KeyTag or KeyValue is bad...
elif "Xmp" in KeyTag:
elif tagClass == "Xmp.":
try: # tag is being modified...
self.plugin_image.__setitem__(KeyTag, KeyValue)
except KeyError:
except KeyError: # tag is being created...
self.plugin_image[KeyTag] = pyexiv2.XmpTag(KeyTag, KeyValue)
except (ValueError, AttributeError): # there is an error
pass # with either KeyTag or KeyValue is bad...
except (ValueError, AttributeError):
elif tagClass == "Uptc":
try: # tag is being modified...
self.plugin_image.__setitem__(KeyTag, KeyValue)
except KeyError:
except KeyError: # tag is being created...
self.plugin_image[KeyTag] = pyexiv2.IptcTag(KeyTag, KeyValue)
except (ValueError, AttributeError):
except (ValueError, AttributeError): # there is an error
pass # with either KeyTag or KeyValue is bad...
def write_metadata(self, plugininstance):
@ -1474,115 +1422,107 @@ class EditExifMetadata(Gramplet):
and sets the KeyTag = keyvalue image metadata
# determine if there has been something entered in the data fields?
datatags = [ (self.exif_widgets[widget].get_text() ) for widget in _TOOLTIPS.keys() ]
for widgetName in _DATATIPS.keys():
# Exif Label/ Title
exiflabel = self.exif_widgets["ExifLabel"].get_text()
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["ExifLabel"], exiflabel)
widgetValue = self.exif_widgets[widgetName].get_text()
# Description data field...
description = self.exif_widgets["Description"].get_text()
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Description"], description)
# Exif Label, Description, Artist, Copyright...
if widgetName in ["ExifLabel", "Description", "Artist", "Copyright"]:
self._set_value(_DATAMAP[widgetName], widgetValue)
# Modify Date/ Time... not a data field, but saved anyway...
modified =
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Modified"], modified)
self.exif_widgets["Modified"].set_text(_format_datetime(modified) )
# Modify Date/ Time...
elif widgetName == "Modified":
modified =
self._set_value(_DATAMAP[widgetName], modified)
self.exif_widgets[widgetName].set_text(_format_datetime(modified) )
# Artist/ Author data field...
artist = self.exif_widgets["Artist"].get_text()
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Artist"], artist)
# Original Date/ Time...
elif widgetName == "Original":
original = _process_datetime(widgetValue)
if original:
self._set_value(_DATAMAP[widgetName], original)
# Copyright data field...
copyright = self.exif_widgets["Copyright"].get_text()
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Copyright"], copyright)
# Latitude/ Longitude...
elif widgetName == "Latitude":
latitude = widgetValue
longitude = self.exif_widgets["Longitude"].get_text()
# Original Date/ Time...
original = self.exif_widgets["Original"].get_text()
original = _process_datetime(original) if original else False
if original is not False:
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Original"], original)
# check to see if Latitude/ Longitude exists?
if (latitude and longitude):
# Latitude/ Longitude data fields
latitude = self.exif_widgets["Latitude"].get_text()
longitude = self.exif_widgets["Longitude"].get_text()
# complete some error checking to prevent crashes...
# if "?" character exist, remove it?
if "?" in latitude:
latitude = latitude.replace("?", "")
if "?" in longitude:
longitude = longitude.replace("?", "")
# check to see if Latitude/ Longitude exists?
if (latitude and longitude):
# if "," character exists, remove it?
if "," in latitude:
latitude = latitude.replace(",", "")
if "," in longitude:
longitude = longitude.replace(",", "")
# complete some error checking to prevent crashes...
# if "?" character exist, remove it?
if "?" in latitude:
latitude = latitude.replace("?", "")
if "?" in longitude:
longitude = longitude.replace("?", "")
# if it is in decimal format, convert it to DMS?
# if not, then do nothing?
# if "," character exists, remove it?
if "," in latitude:
latitude = latitude.replace(",", "")
if "," in longitude:
longitude = longitude.replace(",", "")
# get Latitude/ Longitude after converting it...
latitude = self.exif_widgets["Latitude"].get_text()
longitude = self.exif_widgets["Longitude"].get_text()
# if it is in decimal format, convert it to DMS?
# if not, then do nothing?
# will add (degrees, minutes, seconds) symbols if needed?
# if not, do nothing...
latitude, longitude = self.addsymbols2gps(latitude, longitude)
# get Latitude/ Longitude after converting it...
latitude = self.exif_widgets["Latitude"].get_text()
longitude = self.exif_widgets["Longitude"].get_text()
# set up for display...
# will add (degrees, minutes, seconds) symbols if needed?
# if not, do nothing...
latitude, longitude = self.addsymbols2gps(latitude, longitude)
LatitudeRef = " N"
if "S" in latitude:
LatitudeRef = " S"
latitude = latitude.replace(LatitudeRef, "")
LatitudeRef = LatitudeRef.replace(" ", "")
# set up display
LongitudeRef = " E"
if "W" in longitude:
LongitudeRef = " W"
longitude = longitude.replace(LongitudeRef, "")
LongitudeRef = LongitudeRef.replace(" ", "")
LatitudeRef = " N"
if "S" in latitude:
LatitudeRef = " S"
latitude = latitude.replace(LatitudeRef, "")
LatitudeRef = LatitudeRef.replace(" ", "")
# remove symbols for saving Latitude/ Longitude GPS Coordinates
latitude, longitude = _removesymbols4saving(latitude, longitude)
LongitudeRef = " E"
if "W" in longitude:
LongitudeRef = " W"
longitude = longitude.replace(LongitudeRef, "")
LongitudeRef = LongitudeRef.replace(" ", "")
# convert (degrees, minutes, seconds) to Rational for saving
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["LatitudeRef"], LatitudeRef)
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Latitude"], coords_to_rational(latitude))
# remove symbols for saving Latitude/ Longitude GPS Coordinates
latitude, longitude = _removesymbols4saving(latitude, longitude)
# convert (degrees, minutes, seconds) to Rational for saving
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["LongitudeRef"], LongitudeRef)
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Longitude"], coords_to_rational(longitude))
# convert (degrees, minutes, seconds) to Rational for saving
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["LatitudeRef"], LatitudeRef)
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Latitude"], coords_to_rational(latitude))
# Altitude, and Altitude Reference...
elif widgetName == "Altitude":
altitude = widgetValue
# convert (degrees, minutes, seconds) to Rational for saving
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["LongitudeRef"], LongitudeRef)
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Longitude"], coords_to_rational(longitude))
AltitudeRef = "0"
if altitude:
if altitude[0] == "-":
altitude = altitude.replace("-", "")
AltitudeRef = "1"
# AltitudeRef and Altitude data fields...
altitude = self.exif_widgets["Altitude"].get_text()
if altitude:
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["AltitudeRef"], AltitudeRef)
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Altitude"], coords_to_rational(altitude) )
AltitudeRef = "0"
if altitude[0] == "-":
AltitudeRef = "1"
# gpsTimeStamp...
elif widgetName == "gpsTimeStamp":
if widgetValue:
widgetValue = coords_to_rational(widgetValue)
self._set_value(_DATAMAP[widgetName], widgetValue)
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["AltitudeRef"], AltitudeRef)
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["Altitude"], coords_to_rational(altitude) )
# gpsTimeStamp data field...
gpsTimeStamp = self.exif_widgets["gpsTimeStamp"].get_text()
if gpsTimeStamp:
gpsTimeStamp = coords_to_rational(gpsTimeStamp)
self._set_value(_DATAMAP["gpsTimeStamp"], gpsTimeStamp)
if (len(datatags) > 0):
# set Message Area to Saved...
self.exif_widgets["Edit:Message"].set_text(_("Saving Exif metadata to this image..."))
self.exif_widgets["Edit:Message"].set_text(_("Saving Exif metadata to image..."))
# writes all Exif Metadata to image even if the fields are all empty...
@ -1685,13 +1625,20 @@ def string_to_rational(coordinate):
def coords_to_rational(Coordinates):
returns the GPS coordinates to Latitude/ Longitude
returns the rational equivalent for Latitude/ Longitude, gpsTimeStamp, and Altitude...
# Latitude/ Longitude...
if " " in Coordinates:
return [string_to_rational(coordinate) for coordinate in Coordinates.split(" ")]
Coordinates = [string_to_rational(coordinate) for coordinate in Coordinates.split(" ")]
# gpsTimeStamp...
elif ":" in Coordinates:
return [string_to_rational(coordinate) for coordinate in Coordinates.split(":")]
Coordinates = [string_to_rational(coordinate) for coordinate in Coordinates.split(":")]
# Altitude...
Coordinates = [string_to_rational(Coordinates)]
return Coordinates
@ -1757,23 +1704,22 @@ def _format_datetime(exif_dt):
date_part = gen.lib.Date()
if type(exif_dt) == datetime:
if isinstance(exif_dt, datetime):
date_part.set_yr_mon_day(exif_dt.year, exif_dt.month,
time_str = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (exif_dt.hour, exif_dt.minute, exif_dt.second)
date_str = _dd.display(date_part)
elif type(exif_dt) == str:
time_str = _('%(hr)02d:%(min)02d:%(sec)02d') % {'hr': exif_dt.hour,
'min': exif_dt.minute,
'sec': exif_dt.second}
elif isinstance(exif_dt, str):
exif_dt = _get_date_format(exif_dt)
if exif_dt == False:
return False
date_part.set_yr_mon_day(exif_dt[0], exif_dt[1], exif_dt[2])
time_str = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % exif_dt[3:6]
date_str = _dd.display(date_part)
time_str = _('%(hr)02d:%(min)02d:%(sec)02d') % {'hr' : exif_dt[3],
'min': exif_dt[4],
'sec': exif_dt[5]}
return _('%(date)s %(time)s') % {'date': date_str, 'time': time_str}
def _get_date_format(datestr):