diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_citations.html b/src/data/templates/view_citations.html
index 1fc820ff1..68a9a0267 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_citations.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_citations.html
@@ -33,5 +33,8 @@
+{% if user.is_superuser %}
+ {% make_button "Add Citation" "/citation/add" %}
+{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_events.html b/src/data/templates/view_events.html
index 3da9a9936..514ee0145 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_events.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_events.html
@@ -40,5 +40,8 @@
+{% if user.is_superuser %}
+ {% make_button "Add Event" "/event/add" %}
+{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_families.html b/src/data/templates/view_families.html
index 8c7a9c37c..9aa371c86 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_families.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_families.html
@@ -30,5 +30,8 @@
+{% if user.is_superuser %}
+ {% make_button "Add Family" "/family/add" %}
+{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_media.html b/src/data/templates/view_media.html
index a4bf3a2ca..da85476a6 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_media.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_media.html
@@ -33,5 +33,8 @@
+{% if user.is_superuser %}
+ {% make_button "Add Media" "/media/add" %}
+{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_notes.html b/src/data/templates/view_notes.html
index b4acde9cd..f1e6d77f0 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_notes.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_notes.html
@@ -30,5 +30,8 @@
+{% if user.is_superuser %}
+ {% make_button "Add Note" "/note/add" %}
+{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_places.html b/src/data/templates/view_places.html
index 61b2cdc3d..78c034633 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_places.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_places.html
@@ -27,5 +27,8 @@
+{% if user.is_superuser %}
+ {% make_button "Add Places" "/place/add" %}
+{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_repositories.html b/src/data/templates/view_repositories.html
index a730c6d2c..ef2c1f6e3 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_repositories.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_repositories.html
@@ -31,5 +31,8 @@
+{% if user.is_superuser %}
+ {% make_button "Add Repository" "/repository/add" %}
+{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_sources.html b/src/data/templates/view_sources.html
index 1fc820ff1..cc9037a13 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_sources.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_sources.html
@@ -33,5 +33,8 @@
+{% if user.is_superuser %}
+ {% make_button "Add Source" "/source/add" %}
+{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_surname_detail.html b/src/data/templates/view_surname_detail.html
index fe91a9712..0674e79e9 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_surname_detail.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_surname_detail.html
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
{% if action == "add" %}
+ onclick="document.location.href='/person/{{person.handle}}/name/{{order}}'"/>
{% else %}
diff --git a/src/data/templates/view_tags.html b/src/data/templates/view_tags.html
index 7b0ae11fe..d480fbfd0 100644
--- a/src/data/templates/view_tags.html
+++ b/src/data/templates/view_tags.html
@@ -31,5 +31,8 @@
+{% if user.is_superuser %}
+ {% make_button "Add Tag" "/tag/add" %}
+{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/models.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/models.py
index 2a9f28b68..6406c7a90 100644
--- a/src/webapp/grampsdb/models.py
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/models.py
@@ -384,6 +384,7 @@ class Config(models.Model):
class Tag(models.Model):
handle = models.CharField(max_length=19, unique=True)
+ gramps_id = models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)
last_saved = models.DateTimeField('last changed', auto_now=True)
last_changed = models.DateTimeField('last changed', null=True,
blank=True) # user edits
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/__init__.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d82fbabf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from person import *
+from family import *
+from event import *
+from note import *
+from media import *
+from citation import *
+from source import *
+from place import *
+from repository import *
+from tag import *
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/citation.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/citation.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dcb3e35e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/citation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Citation
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+def process_citation(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Citation")
+ context["tviews"] = _("Citations")
+ context["action"] = "view"
+ context["object"] = Citation()
+ view_template = "view_citation_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/event.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/event.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e744b0e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/event.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Event
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+def process_event(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Event")
+ context["tviews"] = _("Events")
+ context["action"] = "view"
+ context["event"] = Event()
+ context["object"] = Event()
+ view_template = "view_event_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/family.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/family.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca959cf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/family.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Family
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+def process_family(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Family")
+ context["tviews"] = _("Familes")
+ context["action"] = "view"
+ context["family"] = Family()
+ context["object"] = Family()
+ view_template = "view_family_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/media.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/media.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86cd21674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/media.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Media
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+def process_media(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Media")
+ context["tviews"] = _("Media")
+ context["action"] = "view"
+ context["object"] = Media()
+ view_template = "view_media_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/note.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/note.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bdeb768c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/note.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Note
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+def process_note(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Note")
+ context["tviews"] = _("Notes")
+ context["action"] = "view"
+ context["object"] = Note()
+ view_template = "view_note_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/person.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/person.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d781bdc3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/person.py
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Person, Name, Surname
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+## Functions
+def check_order(person):
+ """
+ Check for proper ordering 1..., and for a preferred name.
+ """
+ order = 1
+ preferred = False
+ for name in person.name_set.all().order_by("order"):
+ if name.preferred:
+ preferred = True
+ if name.order != order:
+ name.order = order
+ name.save()
+ order += 1
+ if not preferred:
+ name = person.name_set.get(order=1)
+ name.preferred = True
+ name.save()
+def check_primary(surname, surnames):
+ """
+ Check for a proper primary surname.
+ """
+ if surname.primary:
+ # then all rest should not be:
+ for s in surnames:
+ if s.primary:
+ s.primary = False
+ s.save()
+ else:
+ # then one of them should be
+ ok = False
+ for s in surnames:
+ if s.id != surname.id:
+ if s.primary:
+ ok = True
+ break
+ else:
+ s.primary = False
+ s.save()
+ ok = True
+ break
+ if not ok:
+ surname.primary = True
+def check_preferred(name, person):
+ """
+ Check for a proper preferred name.
+ """
+ names = []
+ if person:
+ names = person.name_set.all()
+ if name.preferred:
+ # then all reast should not be:
+ for s in names:
+ if s.preferred and s.id != name.id:
+ s.preferred = False
+ s.save()
+ else:
+ # then one of them should be
+ ok = False
+ for s in names:
+ if s.id != name.id:
+ if s.preferred:
+ ok = True
+ break
+ else:
+ s.preferred = False
+ s.save()
+ ok = True
+ break
+ if not ok:
+ name.preferred = True
+def process_surname(request, handle, order, sorder, action="view"):
+ #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ # /sdjhgsdjhdhgsd/name/1/surname/1 (view)
+ # /sdjhgsdjhdhgsd/name/1/surname/add
+ # /sdjhgsdjhdhgsd/name/1/surname/2/[edit|view|add|delete]
+ if sorder == "add":
+ action = "add"
+ if request.POST.has_key("action"):
+ action = request.POST.get("action")
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(order=order)
+ if action in ["view", "edit"]:
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(order=sorder)
+ if action == "edit":
+ surname.prefix = make_empty(True, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
+ elif action in ["delete"]:
+ surnames = name.surname_set.all().order_by("order")
+ if len(surnames) > 1:
+ neworder = 1
+ for surname in surnames:
+ if surname.order != neworder:
+ surname.order = neworder
+ surname.save()
+ neworder += 1
+ elif surname.order == int(sorder):
+ surname.delete()
+ else:
+ neworder += 1
+ else:
+ request.user.message_set.create(message="You can't delete the only surname")
+ return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s" % (person.handle, name.order))
+ elif action in ["add"]:
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=False,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ surname.prefix = make_empty(True, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
+ elif action == "create":
+ import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+ surnames = name.surname_set.all().order_by("order")
+ sorder = 1
+ for surname in surnames:
+ sorder += 1
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]),
+ order=sorder)
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ sf.model = surname
+ if sf.is_valid():
+ surname.prefix = ssf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ check_primary(surname, surnames)
+ surname.save()
+ return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s/surname/%s" %
+ (person.handle, name.order, sorder))
+ action = "add"
+ surname.prefix = make_empty(True, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
+ elif action == "save":
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(order=sorder)
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ sf.model = surname
+ if sf.is_valid():
+ surname.prefix = ssf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ check_primary(surname, name.surname_set.all().exclude(order=surname.order))
+ surname.save()
+ return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s/surname/%s" %
+ (person.handle, name.order, sorder))
+ action = "edit"
+ surname.prefix = make_empty(True, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
+ # else, edit again
+ else:
+ raise
+ sf = SurnameForm(instance=surname)
+ sf.model = surname
+ context = RequestContext(request)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["tview"] = _("Surname")
+ context["handle"] = handle
+ context["id"] = id
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["order"] = name.order
+ context["sorder"] = sorder
+ view_template = 'view_surname_detail.html'
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+def process_name(request, handle, order, action="view"):
+ if order == "add":
+ action = "add"
+ if request.POST.has_key("action"):
+ action = request.POST.get("action")
+ ### Process action:
+ if action == "view":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, order=order)
+ name = nf.model
+ elif action == "edit":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, order=order)
+ name = nf.model
+ elif action == "delete":
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.filter(order=order)
+ names = person.name_set.all()
+ if len(names) > 1:
+ name.delete()
+ check_order(person)
+ else:
+ request.user.message_set.create(message = "Can't delete only name.")
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ elif action == "add": # add name
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = Name(person=person,
+ preferred=False,
+ display_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]),
+ sort_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]),
+ name_type=NameType.objects.get(val=NameType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ nf = NameForm(instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ elif action == "create":
+ # make new data
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = Name(preferred=False)
+ next_order = max([name.order for name in person.name_set.all()]) + 1
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=next_order,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ nf = NameForm(request.POST, instance=name)
+ name.id = None # FIXME: why did this get set to an existing name? Should be new.
+ name.preferred = False
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ sf.model = surname
+ if nf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ # person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ name.person = person
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = False # FIXME: why is this False?
+ name.order = next_order
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ surname.name = name
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s" % (person.handle, name.order))
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ elif action == "save":
+ # look up old data:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ oldname = person.name_set.get(order=order)
+ oldsurname = oldname.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameForm(request.POST, instance=oldname)
+ nf.model = oldname
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=oldsurname)
+ if nf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ # person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ oldname.person = person
+ name = nf.save()
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ oldsurname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s" % (person.handle, name.order))
+ else:
+ action = "edit"
+ context = RequestContext(request)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["tview"] = _('Name')
+ context["tviews"] = _('Names')
+ context["view"] = 'name'
+ context["handle"] = handle
+ context["id"] = id
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["order"] = order
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s/name/%d" % (person.handle, name.order)
+ view_template = "view_name_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+def process_person(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
+def get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=False, order=None):
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ else:
+ person = Person()
+ #person.gramps_id = "I0000" # FIXME: get next ID
+ ## get a name
+ name = None
+ if order is not None:
+ try:
+ name = person.name_set.get(order=order)
+ except:
+ pass
+ if name is None:
+ try:
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ except:
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True,
+ display_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]),
+ sort_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]),
+ name_type=NameType.objects.get(val=NameType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ ## get a surname
+ try:
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ except:
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]),
+ order=1)
+ if protect and person.probably_alive:
+ name.sanitize()
+ pf = PersonForm(instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ name.suffix = make_empty(empty, name.suffix, " suffix ")
+ nf = NameForm(instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ surname.prefix = make_empty(empty, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
+ sf = SurnameForm(instance=surname)
+ sf.model = surname
+ return pf, nf, sf, person
+def make_empty(empty, value, empty_value):
+ if value:
+ return value
+ elif empty:
+ return empty_value
+ else:
+ return value
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/place.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/place.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cec2f3a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/place.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Place
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+def process_place(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Place")
+ context["tviews"] = _("Places")
+ context["action"] = "view"
+ context["object"] = Place()
+ view_template = "view_place_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/repository.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/repository.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f783c4c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/repository.py
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Repository
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+def process_repository(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Repository")
+ context["tviews"] = _("Repositories")
+ context["action"] = "view"
+ context["object"] = Repository()
+ view_template = "view_repository_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/source.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/source.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91d96774a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/source.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Source
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+def process_source(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Source")
+ context["tviews"] = _("Sources")
+ context["action"] = "view"
+ context["object"] = Source()
+ view_template = "view_source_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/tag.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/tag.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13e3f3515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/view/tag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# $Id: utils.py 19637 2012-05-24 17:22:14Z dsblank $
+""" Views for Person, Name, and Surname """
+## Gramps Modules
+from webapp.utils import _, boolean
+from webapp.grampsdb.models import Tag
+from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
+## Django Modules
+from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, render_to_response, redirect
+from django.template import Context, RequestContext
+## Globals
+dji = DjangoInterface()
+def process_tag(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
+ """
+ Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
+ """
+ context["tview"] = _("Tag")
+ context["tviews"] = _("Tags")
+ context["action"] = "view"
+ context["object"] = Tag()
+ view_template = "view_tag_detail.html"
+ return render_to_response(view_template, context)
+ if request.user.is_authenticated():
+ if action in ["edit", "view"]:
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
+ elif action == "add":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
+ elif action == "delete":
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
+ person.delete()
+ return redirect("/person/")
+ elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
+ # look up old data, if any:
+ if handle:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
+ surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
+ else: # create new item
+ person = Person(handle=create_id())
+ name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
+ surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
+ surname = Surname(name=name,
+ primary=True,
+ order=1,
+ name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
+ # combine with user data:
+ pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
+ pf.model = person
+ nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
+ nf.model = name
+ sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
+ # check if valid:
+ if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
+ # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
+ person = pf.save()
+ # Process data:
+ name.person = person
+ name = nf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
+ name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ check_preferred(name, person)
+ name.save()
+ # Process data:
+ surname.name = name
+ surname = sf.save(commit=False)
+ # Manually set any data:
+ surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
+ surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
+ surname.save()
+ # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
+ dji.rebuild_cache(person)
+ # FIXME: update probably_alive
+ return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
+ else:
+ # need to edit again
+ if handle:
+ action = "edit"
+ else:
+ action = "add"
+ else: # error?
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ else: # not authenticated
+ try:
+ person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ if person.private:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
+ pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
+ context["action"] = action
+ context["view"] = "person"
+ context["tview"] = _("Person")
+ context["tviews"] = _("People")
+ context["personform"] = pf
+ context["nameform"] = nf
+ context["surnameform"] = sf
+ context["person"] = person
+ context["object"] = person
+ context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
diff --git a/src/webapp/grampsdb/views.py b/src/webapp/grampsdb/views.py
index 78e17f049..21eb81c99 100644
--- a/src/webapp/grampsdb/views.py
+++ b/src/webapp/grampsdb/views.py
@@ -53,20 +53,15 @@ from django.db.models import Q
import webapp
+from webapp.utils import _
from webapp.grampsdb.models import *
-from webapp.grampsdb.forms import *
+from webapp.grampsdb.view import *
from webapp.dbdjango import DbDjango
-from webapp.libdjango import DjangoInterface
import cli.user
-dji = DjangoInterface()
import gen.proxy
from Utils import create_id
import const
-_ = lambda text: text
# Menu: (, //, | None, Need authentication )
MENU = [
(_('Browse'), 'browse', None, False),
@@ -156,310 +151,6 @@ def user_page(request, username=None):
raise Http404(_("Requested page is not accessible."))
-def set_date(obj):
- """
- Initial a date object to default.
- """
- obj.calendar = 0
- obj.modifier = 0
- obj.quality = 0
- obj.text = ""
- obj.sortval = 0
- obj.newyear = 0
- obj.day1, obj.month1, obj.year1, obj.slash1 = 0, 0, 0, 0
- obj.day2, obj.month2, obj.year2, obj.slash2 = 0, 0, 0, 0
-def check_order(person):
- """
- Check for proper ordering 1..., and for a preferred name.
- """
- order = 1
- preferred = False
- for name in person.name_set.all().order_by("order"):
- if name.preferred:
- preferred = True
- if name.order != order:
- name.order = order
- name.save()
- order += 1
- if not preferred:
- name = person.name_set.get(order=1)
- name.preferred = True
- name.save()
-def check_primary(surname, surnames):
- """
- Check for a proper primary surname.
- """
- if surname.primary:
- # then all rest should not be:
- for s in surnames:
- if s.primary:
- s.primary = False
- s.save()
- else:
- # then one of them should be
- ok = False
- for s in surnames:
- if s.id != surname.id:
- if s.primary:
- ok = True
- break
- else:
- s.primary = False
- s.save()
- ok = True
- break
- if not ok:
- name.primary = True
-def check_preferred(name, person):
- """
- Check for a proper preferred name.
- """
- names = []
- if person:
- names = person.name_set.all()
- if name.preferred:
- # then all reast should not be:
- for s in names:
- if s.preferred and s.id != name.id:
- s.preferred = False
- s.save()
- else:
- # then one of them should be
- ok = False
- for s in names:
- if s.id != name.id:
- if s.preferred:
- ok = True
- break
- else:
- s.preferred = False
- s.save()
- ok = True
- break
- if not ok:
- name.preferred = True
-def process_surname(request, handle, order, sorder, action="view"):
- # /sdjhgsdjhdhgsd/name/1/surname/1 (view)
- # /sdjhgsdjhdhgsd/name/1/surname/add
- # /sdjhgsdjhdhgsd/name/1/surname/2/[edit|view|add|delete]
- if sorder == "add":
- action = "add"
- if request.POST.has_key("action"):
- action = request.POST.get("action")
- person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
- name = person.name_set.get(order=order)
- if action in ["view", "edit"]:
- surname = name.surname_set.get(order=sorder)
- if action == "edit":
- surname.prefix = make_empty(True, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
- elif action in ["delete"]:
- surnames = name.surname_set.all().order_by("order")
- if len(surnames) > 1:
- neworder = 1
- for surname in surnames:
- if surname.order != neworder:
- surname.order = neworder
- surname.save()
- neworder += 1
- elif surname.order == int(sorder):
- surname.delete()
- else:
- neworder += 1
- else:
- request.user.message_set.create(message="You can't delete the only surname")
- return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s" % (person.handle, name.order))
- elif action in ["add"]:
- surname = Surname(name=name, primary=False,
- name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
- surname.prefix = make_empty(True, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
- elif action == "create":
- surnames = name.surname_set.all().order_by("order")
- sorder = 1
- for surname in surnames:
- if surname.order != sorder:
- surname.order = sorder
- surname.save()
- sorder += 1
- surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True,
- name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]),
- order=sorder)
- sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
- sf.model = surname
- if sf.is_valid():
- surname.prefix = ssf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
- surname = sf.save(commit=False)
- check_primary(surname, surnames)
- return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s/surname/%s" %
- (person.handle, name.order, sorder))
- action = "edit"
- surname.prefix = make_empty(True, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
- elif action == "save":
- surname = name.surname_set.get(order=sorder)
- sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
- sf.model = surname
- if sf.is_valid():
- surname.prefix = ssf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
- surname = sf.save(commit=False)
- check_primary(surname, name.surname_set.all().exclude(order=surname.order))
- surname.save()
- return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s/surname/%s" %
- (person.handle, name.order, sorder))
- action = "edit"
- surname.prefix = make_empty(True, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
- # else, edit again
- else:
- raise
- sf = SurnameForm(instance=surname)
- sf.model = surname
- context = RequestContext(request)
- context["action"] = action
- context["tview"] = _("Surname")
- context["handle"] = handle
- context["id"] = id
- context["person"] = person
- context["object"] = person
- context["surnameform"] = sf
- context["order"] = name.order
- context["sorder"] = sorder
- view_template = 'view_surname_detail.html'
- return render_to_response(view_template, context)
-def process_name(request, handle, order, action="view"):
- if order == "add":
- action = "add"
- if request.POST.has_key("action"):
- action = request.POST.get("action")
- ### Process action:
- if action == "view":
- pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, order=order)
- name = nf.model
- elif action == "edit":
- pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, order=order)
- name = nf.model
- elif action == "delete":
- person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
- name = person.name_set.filter(order=order)
- names = person.name_set.all()
- if len(names) > 1:
- name.delete()
- check_order(person)
- else:
- request.user.message_set.create(message = "Can't delete only name.")
- return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
- elif action == "add": # add name
- person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
- name = Name(person=person,
- preferred=False,
- display_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]),
- sort_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]),
- name_type=NameType.objects.get(val=NameType._DEFAULT[0]))
- nf = NameForm(instance=name)
- nf.model = name
- surname = Surname(name=name,
- primary=True,
- order=1,
- name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
- sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
- elif action == "create":
- # make new data
- person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
- name = Name(preferred=False)
- next_order = max([name.order for name in person.name_set.all()]) + 1
- surname = Surname(name=name,
- primary=True,
- order=next_order,
- name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
- # combine with user data:
- nf = NameForm(request.POST, instance=name)
- name.id = None # FIXME: why did this get set to an existing name? Should be new.
- name.preferred = False
- nf.model = name
- sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
- sf.model = surname
- if nf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
- # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
- # person = pf.save()
- # Process data:
- name = nf.save(commit=False)
- name.person = person
- # Manually set any data:
- name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
- name.preferred = False # FIXME: why is this False?
- name.order = next_order
- name.save()
- # Process data:
- surname = sf.save(commit=False)
- surname.name = name
- # Manually set any data:
- surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
- surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
- surname.save()
- # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
- dji.rebuild_cache(person)
- # FIXME: update probably_alive
- return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s" % (person.handle, name.order))
- else:
- action = "add"
- elif action == "save":
- # look up old data:
- person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
- oldname = person.name_set.get(order=order)
- oldsurname = oldname.surname_set.get(primary=True)
- # combine with user data:
- pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
- pf.model = person
- nf = NameForm(request.POST, instance=oldname)
- nf.model = oldname
- sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=oldsurname)
- if nf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
- # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
- # person = pf.save()
- # Process data:
- oldname.person = person
- name = nf.save()
- # Manually set any data:
- name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
- name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
- check_preferred(name, person)
- name.save()
- # Process data:
- oldsurname.name = name
- surname = sf.save(commit=False)
- # Manually set any data:
- surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
- surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
- surname.save()
- # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
- dji.rebuild_cache(person)
- # FIXME: update probably_alive
- return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s" % (person.handle, name.order))
- else:
- action = "edit"
- context = RequestContext(request)
- context["action"] = action
- context["tview"] = _('Name')
- context["tviews"] = _('Names')
- context["view"] = 'name'
- context["handle"] = handle
- context["id"] = id
- context["person"] = person
- context["object"] = person
- context["nameform"] = nf
- context["surnameform"] = sf
- context["order"] = order
- context["next"] = "/person/%s/name/%d" % (person.handle, name.order)
- view_template = "view_name_detail.html"
- return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def send_file(request, filename, mimetype):
Send a file through Django without loading the whole file into
@@ -861,33 +552,37 @@ def action(request, view, handle, action):
context["view"] = view
context["tview"] = _('Browse')
if view == "event":
- try:
- obj = Event.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Event.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
if not check_access(request, context, obj, action):
raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_event_detail.html'
rd = process_event(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "family":
- try:
- obj = Family.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Family.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_family_detail.html'
rd = process_family(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "media":
- try:
- obj = Media.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Media.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_media_detail.html'
rd = process_media(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "note":
- try:
- obj = Note.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Note.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_note_detail.html'
rd = process_note(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "person":
@@ -899,45 +594,51 @@ def action(request, view, handle, action):
view_template = 'view_person_detail.html'
rd = process_person(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "place":
- try:
- obj = Place.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Place.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_place_detail.html'
rd = process_place(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "repository":
- try:
- obj = Repository.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Repository.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_repository_detail.html'
rd = process_repository(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "citation":
- try:
- obj = Citation.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Citation.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_citation_detail.html'
rd = process_citation(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "source":
- try:
- obj = Source.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Source.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_source_detail.html'
rd = process_source(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "tag":
- try:
- obj = Tag.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Tag.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_tag_detail.html'
rd = process_tag(request, context, handle, action)
elif view == "report":
- try:
- obj = Report.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
+ if action not in ["add", "create"]:
+ try:
+ obj = Report.objects.get(handle=handle)
+ except:
+ raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % view)
view_template = 'view_report_detail.html'
rd = process_report(request, context, handle, action)
@@ -950,69 +651,6 @@ def action(request, view, handle, action):
context["next"] = "/%s/%s" % (view, obj.handle)
return render_to_response(view_template, context)
-def process_event(request, context, handle, action):
- """
- Process action on event. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Event")
- context["tviews"] = _("Events")
-def process_family(request, context, handle, action):
- """
- Process action on family. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Family")
- context["tviews"] = _("Families")
-def process_media(request, context, handle, action):
- """
- Process action on media. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Media")
- context["tviews"] = _("Media")
-def process_note(request, context, handle, action):
- """
- Process action on note. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Note")
- context["tviews"] = _("Notes")
-def process_place(request, context, handle, action):
- """
- Process action on place. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Place")
- context["tviews"] = _("Places")
-def process_repository(request, context, handle, action):
- """
- Process action on repository. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Repository")
- context["tviews"] = _("Repositories")
-def process_citation(request, context, handle, action):
- """
- Process action on citation. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Citation")
- context["tviews"] = _("Citations")
-def process_source(request, context, handle, action):
- """
- Process action on source. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Source")
- context["tviews"] = _("Sources")
-def process_tag(request, context, handle, action):
- """
- Process action on tag. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Tag")
- context["tviews"] = _("Tags")
def process_report(request, context, handle, action):
Process action on report. Can return a redirect.
@@ -1022,161 +660,28 @@ def process_report(request, context, handle, action):
context["tview"] = _("Report")
context["tviews"] = _("Reports")
-def process_person(request, context, handle, action): # view, edit, save
- """
- Process action on person. Can return a redirect.
- """
- context["tview"] = _("Person")
- context["tviews"] = _("People")
- if request.user.is_authenticated():
- if action in ["edit", "view"]:
- pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False)
- elif action == "add":
- pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True)
- elif action == "delete":
- pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True)
- person.delete()
- return redirect("/person/")
- elif action in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person
- # look up old data, if any:
- if handle:
- person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
- name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
- surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
- else: # create new item
- person = Person(handle=create_id())
- name = Name(person=person, preferred=True)
- surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1)
- surname = Surname(name=name,
- primary=True,
- order=1,
- name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]))
- # combine with user data:
- pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person)
- pf.model = person
- nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name)
- nf.model = name
- sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname)
- # check if valid:
- if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid():
- # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid()
- person = pf.save()
- # Process data:
- name.person = person
- name = nf.save(commit=False)
- # Manually set any data:
- name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else ""
- name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False?
- check_preferred(name, person)
- name.save()
- # Process data:
- surname.name = name
- surname = sf.save(commit=False)
- # Manually set any data:
- surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else ""
- surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False?
- surname.save()
- # FIXME: last_saved, last_changed, last_changed_by
- dji.rebuild_cache(person)
- # FIXME: update probably_alive
- return redirect("/person/%s" % person.handle)
- else:
- # need to edit again
- if handle:
- action = "edit"
- else:
- action = "add"
- else: # error?
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
- else: # not authenticated
- try:
- person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
- except:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
- if person.private:
- raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person")
- pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True)
- context["action"] = action
- context["view"] = "person"
- context["tview"] = _("Person")
- context["tviews"] = _("People")
- context["personform"] = pf
- context["nameform"] = nf
- context["surnameform"] = sf
- context["person"] = person
- context["object"] = person
- context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
-def get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=False, order=None):
- if handle:
- person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle)
- else:
- person = Person()
- #person.gramps_id = "I0000" # FIXME: get next ID
- ## get a name
- name = None
- if order is not None:
- try:
- name = person.name_set.get(order=order)
- except:
- pass
- if name is None:
- try:
- name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True)
- except:
- name = Name(person=person, preferred=True,
- display_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]),
- sort_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]),
- name_type=NameType.objects.get(val=NameType._DEFAULT[0]))
- ## get a surname
- try:
- surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True)
- except:
- surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True,
- name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0]),
- order=1)
- if protect and person.probably_alive:
- name.sanitize()
- pf = PersonForm(instance=person)
- pf.model = person
- name.suffix = make_empty(empty, name.suffix, " suffix ")
- nf = NameForm(instance=name)
- nf.model = name
- surname.prefix = make_empty(empty, surname.prefix, " prefix ")
- sf = SurnameForm(instance=surname)
- sf.model = surname
- return pf, nf, sf, person
-def make_empty(empty, value, empty_value):
- if value:
- return value
- elif empty:
- return empty_value
- else:
- return value
-def boolean(s):
- return s.lower() in ["true", "1", "yes", "y", "t"]
def build_person_query(search, protect):
if "," in search or "=" in search:
query = Q()
terms = ["surname", "given"]
for term in [term.strip() for term in search.split(",")]:
if "=" in term:
- field, value = term.split("=")
+ field, value = [s.strip() for s in term.split("=")]
field = terms.pop(0)
value = term
- if field == "surname":
+ if "." in field:
+ query &= Q(**{field.replace(".", "__"): value})
+ elif field == "surname":
query &= Q(surname__surname__istartswith=value)
elif field == "given":
query &= Q(first_name__istartswith=value)
elif field == "private":
query &= Q(person__private=boolean(value))
+ elif field == "birth":
+ query &= Q(person__birth__year1=value)
+ elif field == "death":
+ query &= Q(person__death__year1=value)
query = (Q(surname__surname__icontains=search) |
Q(first_name__icontains=search) |
diff --git a/src/webapp/utils.py b/src/webapp/utils.py
index e4a23c14c..4b356d701 100644
--- a/src/webapp/utils.py
+++ b/src/webapp/utils.py
@@ -298,13 +298,11 @@ def surname_table(obj, user, action, url=None, *args):
name = None
if name:
links = []
- count = 1
- for surname in name.surname_set.all():
- table.row(str(count), surname.surname)
+ for surname in name.surname_set.all().order_by("order"):
+ table.row(str(surname.order), surname.surname)
# url is "/person/%s/name/%s/surname"
- (url % args) + ("/%s" % count)))
- count += 1
+ (url % args) + ("/%s" % surname.order)))
retval += table.get_html()
@@ -715,6 +713,9 @@ def person_get_event(person, event_type=None):
for event_handle in event_ref_list]
return [j for i in retval for j in i]
+def boolean(s):
+ return s.lower() in ["true", "1", "yes", "y", "t"]
# works after registering plugins: