From c214904bd440cc5b6386ef483c854ee9ad40570f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Sveinn=20=C3=AD=20Felli?= Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2016 16:24:21 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Update Icelandic translation --- po/is.po | 11587 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 6280 insertions(+), 5307 deletions(-) diff --git a/po/is.po b/po/is.po index ca2327f60..c27548779 100644 --- a/po/is.po +++ b/po/is.po @@ -3,20 +3,20 @@ # Copyright (C) Icelandic translators of Gramps # This file is distributed under the same license as the GRAMPS package. # -# Sveinn í Felli , 2015. +# Sveinn í Felli , 2015, 2016. msgid "" msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: gramps-is\n" +"Project-Id-Version: \n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-06-01 16:03+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-11 21:04+0000\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-12-31 10:39+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-02-16 17:24+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Sveinn í Felli \n" "Language-Team: Icelandic \n" "Language: is\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n%10!=1 ||n%100==11);\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" #: ../data/ @@ -140,6 +140,10 @@ msgid "" "family can be set by using drag and drop. This order is preserved even when " "they do not have birth dates." msgstr "" +"Röðun barna innan fjölskyldu
Hægt er að breyta fæðingarröð barna " +"innan fjölskyldu með því að draga færslurnar til og sleppa þeim á réttan " +"stað. Þessari röðun er haldið jafnvel ef börnin hafa ekki verið skráð með " +"fæðingardag." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -167,6 +171,16 @@ msgid "" "select it at the bottom of the Filter Sidebar, then click Apply. If the " "Filter Sidebar is not visible, select View > Filter." msgstr "" +"Síun á fólki
Í sýninni "Einstaklingar", geturðu 'síað' " +"einstaklinga á marga vegu. Til að skilgreina nýja síu ferðu í "Breyta " +"> Ritill fyrir síun einstaklinga". Þarna geturðu nefnt síuna, bætt " +"við reglum og sameinað reglur með því að styðjast við fjölda forsniðinna " +"reglna. Til dæmis geturðu skilgreint síu til að finna alla ættleidda " +"einstaklinga í ættartölunni. Einnig má sía alla sem ekki eru með uppgefinn " +"fæðingardag. Til að fá fram niðurstöðurnar þarftu að vista síuna og velja " +"hana neðst á síuhliðarspjaldinu, síðan að velja "Beita". Ef " +"síuhliðarspjaldið er ekki sýnilegt, veldu þá "Skoða > " +"Hliðarspjald"." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -174,6 +188,9 @@ msgid "" "'invert' option. For instance, by inverting the 'People with children' " "filter you can select all people without children." msgstr "" +"Umhverfing á síun
Einfalt er að snúa síun í andhverfu sína með " +"því að virkja 'umhverfa' möguleikann. Til dæmis er hægt að snúa við síun á " +"'Fólk með börn' til að velja alla sem ekki eiga börn." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -184,12 +201,20 @@ msgid "" "typing. The view will jump to the first Family Name matching the letters you " "enter." msgstr "" +"Leit að fólki
Sjálfgefið er hvert kenninafn í einstaklingasýninni " +"aðeins talið upp einu sinni. Með því að smella á örina vinstra megin við " +"nafn, útliðast listinn og birtir alla einstaklinga með þetta kenninafn. Til " +"að staðsetjaættarnafn/föðurnafn á löngum lista, veldu ættarnafn (ekki " +"einstakling) og byrjaðu að skrifa. Sýnin mun hoppa á fyrsta ættarnafnið sem " +"samsvarar stöfunum sem þú setur inn." #: ../data/ msgid "" "The Family View
The Family View is used to display a typical " "family unit as two parents and their children." msgstr "" +"Fjölskyldusýnin
Fjölskyldusýnin er notuð til að birta venjulega " +"grunnfjölskyldu sem tvo foreldra ásamt börnum þeirra." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -198,6 +223,10 @@ msgid "" "doubleclick on the person or right click to select any of their spouses, " "siblings, children or parents." msgstr "" +"Skipta um virkan einstakling
Að skipta um virkan einstakling í " +"sýn er einfalt. Í venslasýninni má einfaldlega smella á einhvern annan. Í " +"forfeðrasýn má tvísmella á einstakling eða hægrismella til að velja einhvern " +"af mökum þeirra, foreldrum, börnum eða systkinum." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -207,6 +236,11 @@ msgid "" "the birth dates of everyone in your database. You can use a custom filter to " "narrow the results." msgstr "" +"Hver fæddist hvenær?
Undir "Verkfæri > Greining og skoðun " +"gagna > Bera saman einstaka atburði..." geturðu borið saman gögn " +"mismunandi einstaklinga í gagnagrunninum. Þetta er nytsamlegt ef þú til " +"dæmis ætlar að bera saman fæðingardaga allra í gagnagrunninum. Síðan geturðu " +"notað sérsniðnar síur til að þrengja niðurstöðurnar enn frekar." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -216,6 +250,12 @@ msgid "" "finding duplicate people, interactive descendant browser, and many others. " "All tools can be accessed through the "Tools" menu." msgstr "" +"Gramps verkfærin
Gramps kemur með margvísleg verkfæri foruppsett. " +"Þau gera þér kleift að framkvæma aðgerðir á borð við að yfirfara og " +"villuleita gagnagrunninn. Einnig eru tól til rannsókna og greiningar; til " +"dæmis til að bera saman atburði, finna tvítekna einstaklinga, gagnvirkur " +"afkomendavafri, ásamt ýmsu fleiru. Öll verkfærin má nálgast með því að fara " +"í valmyndina "Verkfæri"." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -224,18 +264,30 @@ msgid "" "Utilities > Relationship Calculator...". The exact relationship as " "well as all common ancestors are reported." msgstr "" +"Útreikningur vensla
Til að athuga hvort tveir einstaklingar í " +"gagnagrunninum séu skyldir (með blóðböndum, ekki í gegnum hjúskap) prófaðu " +"tólið undir "Verkfæri > Nytjatól > Venslaútreikningur...". " +"Útkoman er skýrsla með nákvæmum venslum auk útlistingar á öllum " +"sameiginlegum forfeðrum." #: ../data/ msgid "" "SoundEx can help with family research
SoundEx solves a long " "standing problem in genealogy, how to handle spelling variations. The " -"SoundEx utility takes a surname and generates a simplified form that is " +"SoundEx Gramplet takes a surname and generates a simplified form that is " "equivalent for similar sounding names. Knowing the SoundEx Code for a " "surname is very helpful for researching Census Data files (microfiche) at a " -"library or other research facility. To get the SoundEx codes for surnames in " -"your database, go to "Tools > Utilities > Generate SoundEx " -"Codes..."." +"library or other research facility. To view the SoundEx codes for surnames " +"in your database, add the SoundEx Gramplet." msgstr "" +"SoundEx getur hjálpað við ættfræðirannsóknir
SoundEx leysir " +"vandamál sem lengi hefur verið til staðar í ættfræði; hvernig á að " +"meðhöndla mismunandi stafsetningu. SoundEx tæknin byggist á því að taka nöfn " +"og útbúa einfaldað form sem er hið sama fyrir öll þau nöfn sem hljóma líkt í " +"eyrum. Ef SoundEx-kóði fyrir nafn er þekktur, getur það hjálpað til við að " +"leita í gömlum manntölum og öðrum slíkum gögnum. Til að fá fram SoundEx-kóða " +"fyrir nöfnin í gagnagrunninum þínum, skaltu bæta við gramplingnum fyrir " +"SoundEx-kóða." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -245,6 +297,11 @@ msgid "" "needs. Each separate view can also be configured under "View > " "Configure View..."" msgstr "" +"Kjörstillingarnar þínar
Ef þú ferð í "Breyta > " +"Kjörstillingar..." geturðu breytt fjölmörgum stillingum, til dæmis " +"slóðum á margmiðlunarskrár, auk ýmissa þátta í framsetningu Gramps og " +"virkni. Einnig er hægt að stilla hverja sýn fyrir sig með því að fara í " +""Skoða > Stillingar..."" #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -254,6 +311,11 @@ msgid "" "your family tree to members of the family via email. If you're ready to make " "a website for your family tree then there's a report for that as well." msgstr "" +"Gramps skýrslur
Gramps býður upp á margvíslegar skýrslur. " +"Myndrænar skýrslur og gröf má nota til framsetningar á flóknum venslum, svo " +"eru textaskýrslur hentugar til að setja inn í texta eða til að senda " +"ættingjum í tölvupósti. Ef þig langar til að setja ættartöluna upp á " +"vefsíðu, þá er til skýrsla sem gerir það fyrir þig." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -263,12 +325,20 @@ msgid "" "button from the People View). Then go to the Relationship View and create " "relationships between people." msgstr "" +"Að hefja nýja ættartölu
Góð aðferð við að hefja nýja ættartölu er " +"að setja inn alla meðlimi fjölskyldunnar í gagnagrunninn með hjálp " +"einstaklingasýnarinnar (nota "Breyta > Bæta við..." eða smella " +"á hnappinn 'Bæta við nýjum einstaklingi'). Síðan er haldið í venslasýnina og " +"búin til vensl á milli einstaklinganna." #: ../data/ msgid "" "What's That For?
Unsure what a button does? Simply hold the mouse " "over a button and a tooltip will appear." msgstr "" +"Til hvers er þetta?
Ertu ekki viss um hvað hnappur gerir? Haltu " +"músarbendlinum yfir hnappi eða innsláttarreit og vísbending um hvað þetta " +"gerir mun birtast." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -278,6 +348,12 @@ msgid "" "for a birth date in Gramps. Click the Date button next to the date field and " "see the Gramps Manual to learn more." msgstr "" +"Ekki viss um dagsetningu?
Ef þú ert ekki viss um dagsetningu " +"þegar einhver atburður átti sér stað, þá leyfir Gramps þér að setja inn " +"dagsetningar á margskonar sniðum sem byggja á ágiskunum eða mati. Til dæmis " +"er "um 1908" gild færsla fyrir fæðingardag í Gramps. Smelltu á " +"dagsetningahnappinn næst dagsetningareitnum og/eða skoðaðu Gramps handbókina " +"til að vita meira um þetta." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -285,6 +361,10 @@ msgid "" "Possible Duplicate People..." allows you to locate (and merge) entries " "of the same person entered more than once in the database." msgstr "" +"Tvíteknar færslur
"Verkfæri> Vinnsla með ættartölur > " +"Finna mögulega tvítekna einstaklinga..." gerir þér kleift að staðsetja " +"(og sameina) færslur um sama einstakling sem lent hafa á fleiri en einum " +"stað í gagnagrunninum." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -295,6 +375,13 @@ msgid "" "erroneously entered differing names for one individual. This also works for " "the Places, Sources and Repositories views." msgstr "" +"Sameining færslna
Aðgerðin "Breyta > Bera saman og " +"sameina..." gerir þér kleift að sameina aðskilda einstaklinga í einn. " +"Veldu annan einstakling með því að halda niðri Control-lyklinum um leið og " +"þú smellir á hann. Þetta er mjög nytsamlegt þegar verið er að sameina tvær " +"ættartölur/gagnagrunna þar sem einstaklingar skarast, nú eða til að sameina " +"tvær færslur með mismunandi stafsetningu eða innsláttarvillum í nafni. Þessi " +"sameiningar aðferð virkar einnig fyrir staði, heimildir og gagnasöfn." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -303,14 +390,22 @@ msgid "" "configured to the way you like it. Have a look to the right of the top " "toolbar or under the "View" menu." msgstr "" +"Skipulagning í sýnum
Margar sýnirnar geta birt gögnin þín annað " +"hvort sem stigvaxandi greinar eða sem einfaldan lista. Hægt er að aðlaga " +"hverja sýn eftir því sem þér best hentar. Skoðaðu hægra megin við efstu " +"verkfærastikuna eða farðu í "Skoða" valmyndina." #: ../data/ msgid "" "Navigating Back and Forward
Gramps maintains a list of previous " -"active objects such as People, Events and . You can move forward and " -"backward through the list using "Go > Forward" and "Go " -"> Back" or the arrow buttons." +"active objects such as People and Events. You can move forward and backward " +"through the list using "Go > Forward" and "Go > " +"Back" or the arrow buttons." msgstr "" +"Flakka aftur og fram
Gramps heldur utan um lista yfir fyrri virka " +"hluti svo sem fólk, atburði og staði. Þú getur flakkað afturábak og áfram í " +"listanum með því að nota "Fara > Til baka" og "Fara > " +"Áfram" eða nota örvahnappana." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -318,6 +413,10 @@ msgid "" "keyboard to use the mouse? Many functions in Gramps have keyboard shortcuts. " "If one exists for a function it is displayed on the right side of the menu." msgstr "" +"Flýtilyklar
Þreytistu við að taka hendurnar af lyklaborðinu til " +"að teygja þig í músina? Margar aðgerðir í Gramps eiga sér flýtilykla eða " +"lyklasamsetningar sem ræsa þær. Ef aðgerð á sér flýtilykla birtast þeir " +"hægra megin í viðkomandi valmynd." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -339,6 +438,11 @@ msgid "" "Then choose to create a new person or add an existing person. You can also " "add children (or siblings) from inside the Family Editor." msgstr "" +"Bæta við börnum
Tvær leiðir eru til að bæta við börnum í Gramps. " +"Þú getur fundið annað foreldra þeirra í fjölskyldusýninni og opnað " +"fjölskylduna. Síðan velurðu að bæta við nýjum einstaklingi eða að bæta við " +"einstaklingi sem þegar er til staðar. Þú getur einnig bætt við börnum (eða " +"systkinum) inni í fjölskylduritlinum." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -347,6 +451,10 @@ msgid "" "Family Editor. Relationships can be any of Adopted, Birth, Foster, None, " "Sponsored, Stepchild and Unknown." msgstr "" +"Breyta venslum foreldris og barns
Þú getur breytt venslum barns " +"við foreldra sína með því að tvísmella á barnið í fjölskylduritlinum. " +"Venslin geta verið eitt af eftirtöldu; Ættleiðing, Fæðing, Fóstur, Ekkert, " +"Stuðningur, Stjúpbarn og Óþekkt." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -356,6 +464,11 @@ msgid "" "is wrong in making this choice, you can override the filter by checking the " "Show All checkbutton." msgstr "" +"Haka við að birta allt
Þegar verið er að bæta fyrirliggjandi " +"einstaklingi við sem maka, birtist síaður listi yfir þá einstaklinga sem " +"raunsætt er að komi til greina (byggt á dagsetningum í gagnagrunninum). Ef " +"hugsanlegt er að Gramps sé að ekki að sía listann rétt, þá geturðu þvingað " +"fram ósíaðan lista með því að haka við 'Birta allt' reitinn." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -365,6 +478,12 @@ msgid "" " and creating a Feature Request. Filing a Feature Request is " "preferred but it can be good to discuss your ideas on the email lists." msgstr "" +"Að bæta Gramps
Notendur eru hvattir til að senda inn hugmyndir um " +"atriði sem þeir halda að geti bætt Gramps. Beiðnir um slíkar endurbætur má " +"senda inn á annan hvorn póstlistann gramps-users eða gramps-devel, nú eða " +"með því að fara á og búa til endurbótabeiðni " +"(Feature Request). Best er að senda inn slíka endurbótabeiðni en oft getur " +"verið gott að ræða hugmyndirnar fyrst á póstlistunum." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -374,6 +493,12 @@ msgid "" "the development of Gramps, try the gramps-devel list. You can see the lists " "by selecting "Help > Gramps Mailing Lists"." msgstr "" +"Póstlistar Gramps
Viltu fá svör við spurningum þínum varðandi " +"Gramps? Skoðaðu þá gramps-users póstlistann. Margt hjálpsamt fólk er á " +"þessum póstlista, þannig að líkur eru á að þú fáir svar fyrr en síðar. Ef þú " +"ert með spurningu varðandi hönnun eða forritun Gramps, reyndu þá við gramps-" +"devel póstlistann. Þú getur séð meira um póstlistana með því að velja "" +"Hjálp > Póstlistar Gramps"." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -385,6 +510,14 @@ msgid "" "and introducing yourself. Subscription information can be found at "" "Help > Gramps Mailing Lists"" msgstr "" +"Vinna við Gramps
Langar þig að hjálpa til við að bæta Gramps en " +"kannt ekki að forrita? Ekki vandamál! Jafn viðamikið verkefni eins og Gramps " +"þarfnast fólks með hæfileika á ótrúlega fjölbreyttum sviðum. Framlög geta " +"verið allt frá því að skrifa leiðbeiningar og hjálparskjöl yfir í það að " +"prófa nýjar útgáfur eða hjálpa til með vefsvæðið. Byrjaðu á að gerast " +"áskrifandi að póstlista Gramps hönnuðanna, gramps-devel, og kynntu þig. " +"Upplýsingar um hvernig maður gerist áskrifandi má finna í "Hjálp > " +"Póstlistar Gramps"" #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -395,6 +528,12 @@ msgid "" "genealogical data. The Gramps database back end is so robust that some users " "are managing genealogies containing hundreds of thousands of people." msgstr "" +"Bíddu, af hverju þetta nafn?
Nafnið Gramps kom sem uppástunga frá " +"föður upphafsmanns forritsins, Don Allingham. Það stendur fyrir " +"Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Program System. Þetta " +"er orðið að fullbúnu ættfræðiupplýsingakerfi sem gerir kleift að geyma, " +"sýsla með og rannsaka ættfræðigögn. Gagnagrunnsbakendi Gramps er það öflugur " +"að ýmsir eru að sýsla með attartölur með hundruðum þúsunda einstaklinga." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -404,15 +543,28 @@ msgid "" "Person then go to "Bookmarks > Add Bookmark" or press Ctrl+D. " "You can also bookmark most of the other objects." msgstr "" +"Bókamerking einstaklinga
Bókamerkjavalmyndin er hentugur staður " +"til að geyma nöfn einstaklinga sem oft þarf að nota. Ef þú velur bókamerki " +"verður sá einstaklingur virkur. Til að bókamerkja einhvern þarf að gera hann " +"virkan (velja viðkomandi) og fara síðan í "Bókamerki > Bæta við " +"bókamerki" eða ýta á Ctrl+D. Þú getur einnig bókamerkt flest önnur " +"atriði í Gramps." #: ../data/ msgid "" "Incorrect Dates
Everyone occasionally enters dates with an " -"invalid format. Incorrect date formats will show up in Gramps with a reddish " -"background. You can fix the date using the Date Selection dialog which can " -"be opened by clicking on the date button. The format of the date is set " -"under "Edit > Preferences > Display"." +"invalid format. Incorrect date formats will show up in Gramps with a either " +"a reddish background or a red dot on the right edge of the field. You can " +"fix the date using the Date Selection dialog which can be opened by clicking " +"on the date button. The format of the date is set under "Edit > " +"Preferences > Display"." msgstr "" +"Rangar dagsetningar
Allir geta einhverntíma lent í því að setja " +"inn dagsetningar á röngu sniði. Röng dagsetningasnið birtast í Gramps með " +"rauðleitum bakgrunni. Þú getur lagað dagsetningu með dagsetningaritlinum sem " +"opnast þegar ýtt er á hnappinn við hliðina á dagsetningunni. Snið " +"dagsetninga er stillt með því að fara í "Breyta > Kjörstillingar " +"> Birting"." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -421,14 +573,24 @@ msgid "" "preset event types. You can add your own event types by typing in the text " "field, they will be added to the available events, but not translated." msgstr "" +"Upptalning atburða
Atburðum er bætt við með ritlinum sem opnast " +"þegar farið er í "Einstaklingur > Breyta einstaklingi > " +"Atburður". Það er langur listi yfir forstilltar tegundir atburða. Þú " +"getur bætt við þínum eigin tegundum með því að skrifa í textareitinn, þeim " +"verður þá bætt í tiltækar tegundir atburða, en verður hinsvegar ekki " +"þýðanlegt á önnur tungumál." #: ../data/ msgid "" "Managing Names
It is easy to manage people with several names in " "Gramps. In the Person Editor select the Names tab. You can add names of " -"different types and set the prefered name by dragging it to the Prefered " +"different types and set the preferred name by dragging it to the Preferred " "Name section." msgstr "" +"Sýsl með nöfn
Það er einfalt að sýsla með einstaklinga sem heita " +"mörgum nöfnum í Gramps. Í einstaklingsritlinum skaltu velja nafnaflipann. Þú " +"getur bætt við ýmsum gerðum nafna og sett það nafn sem best á við með því að " +"draga það yfir á reitinn 'Umbeðið nafn'." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -437,6 +599,11 @@ msgid "" "or right click on an individual to access other family members and settings. " "Play with the settings to see the different options." msgstr "" +"Forfeðrasýn (flæðirit)
Forfeðrasýnin birtir hefðbundna " +"ættartöflu. Haltu músinni yfir einstaklingi til að sjá nánari upplýsingar um " +"viðkomandieða hægrismelltu á einstakling til að nálgast aðra " +"fjölskyldumeðlimi og stillingar þeirra. Leiktu þér með stillingarnar til að " +"sjá betur hina mismunandi valmöguleika." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -445,6 +612,10 @@ msgid "" "see which individuals reference each source. You can use filters to group " "your sources." msgstr "" +"Sýsla með heimildir
Heimildasýnin birtir lista yfir allar " +"heimildir í einum glugga. Hér geturðu breytt heimildum, sameinað tvítök og " +"séð hvaða einstaklingar vísa í hverja heimild. Þú getur notað síur til að " +"hópa heimildirnar." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -452,6 +623,9 @@ msgid "" "database. The list can be sorted by a number of different criteria, such as " "City, County or State." msgstr "" +"Sýsl með staði
Staðasýnin birtir lista yfir alla staði í " +"gagnagrunninum. Listanum má raða eftir ýmsum skilyrðum, svo sem borg, " +"sveitarfélagi eða sýslu." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -459,6 +633,9 @@ msgid "" "the database. These can be graphic images, videos, sound clips, " "spreadsheets, documents, and more." msgstr "" +"Gagnasýn
Gagnasýnin birtir lista yfir allar þær gagnaskrár sem " +"settar hafa verið í gagnagrunninn. Það geta verið myndskrár, myndskeið, " +"hljóðbútar, töflureiknisskjöl, textaskjöl og margt fleira." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -467,6 +644,11 @@ msgid "" "limited only by your imagination. Custom filters are created from "Edit " "> Person Filter Editor"." msgstr "" +"Síur
Síur gera kleift að takmarka og sía hvaða einstaklingar " +"birtast í einstaklingasýninni. Auk margvíslegra forstilltra sía er hægt að " +"útbúa sérsniðnar síur, og eru eiginleikar þeirra einungis takmarkaðir af " +"ímyndarafli þínu. Sérsniðnar síur má búa til með því að fara í "Breyta " +"> Ritill fyrir síun einstaklinga"." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -476,6 +658,11 @@ msgid "" "from users of most other genealogy programs. Filters exist that make " "importing and exporting GEDCOM files trivial." msgstr "" +"GEDCOM skráasniðið
Gramps gerið þér kleift að flytja inn úr eða " +"út úr GEDCOM skráasniðinu. Mikill og margvíslegur stuðningur er við þetta " +"útbreidda skráasnið, sérstaklega GEDCOM útgáfu 5.5, þannig að þú getir " +"skipst á upplýsingum úr Gramps við notendur flestra annara ættfræðiforrita. " +"Ýmsar síur eru til sem gera inn- og útflutning GEDCOM-skráa mjög einfaldan." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -486,6 +673,13 @@ msgid "" "other Gramps users. This format has the key advantage over GEDCOM that no " "information is ever lost when exporting and importing." msgstr "" +"Gramps XML-pakki
Þú getur flutt út ættartölu sem Gramps XML-" +"pakka. Það er þjöppuð skrá sem inniheldur gögn úr ættartölu auk allra " +"gagnaskráa sem tengjast henni í gagnagrunni (til dæmis myndir og " +"hljóðskrár). Slík skrá er algerlega óháð mismunandi eiginleikum stýrikerfa " +"þannig að hún nýtist vel við öryggisafritun eða til að skiptast á gögnum við " +"aðra Gramps-notendur. Þetta snið hefur þá kosti umfram GEDCOM að engar " +"upplýsingar tapast við inn- og útflutning." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -493,6 +687,9 @@ msgid "" "Tree (WFT) format. This format allows a family tree to be displayed online " "using a single file, instead of many html files." msgstr "" +"Web Family Tree sniðið
Gramps getur flutt gögn ú á Web Family " +"Tree (WFT) skráasniði. Þetta skráasnið gerir kleift að birta ættartölur á " +"netinu með einni skrá, í stað margra HTML-skráa." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -501,12 +698,19 @@ msgid "" "individuals to a collection of web pages ready for upload to the World Wide " "Web." msgstr "" +"Gerð ættfræðivefs
Auðvelt er að flytja ættartöluna þína yfir í " +"vefsíður. Veldu allan gagnagrunninn, fjölskyldulínur eða valda einstaklinga " +"og vistaðu upplýsingarnar á einni eða fleiri vefsíðum sem tilbúnar eru til " +"birtingar á veraldarvefnum." #: ../data/ msgid "" "Reporting Bugs in Gramps
The best way to report a bug in Gramps " "is to use the Gramps bug tracking system at" msgstr "" +"Tilkynna um villur í Gramps
Besta leiðin til að tilkynna um " +"villur í Gramps er að nota villuskýrslukerfi Gramps á vefsvæðinu http://bugs." +"" #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -523,6 +727,10 @@ msgid "" "private can be excluded from reports and data exports. Look for the padlock " "which toggles records between private and public." msgstr "" +"Gagnaleynd í Gramps
Gramps hjálpar þér við að halda " +"einkaupplýsingum öruggum með því að þú getur merkt upplýsingar sem einkamál. " +"Gögn merkt sem einkamál má sleppa við skýrslugerð og gagnaútflutning. " +"Leitaðu að hengilásmerkinu sem víxlar á milli einka og opinna gagna." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -533,6 +741,12 @@ msgid "" "confirm the accurate transcription of what appears to be an error in a " "source." msgstr "" +"Halda góðar skrár
Verum nákvæm við skráningu ættfræðiupplýsinga . " +"Ekki draga neinar ályktanir við skráningu frumheimilda; skrifaðu þær " +"nákvæmlega eins og þær koma fyrir. Notaðu athugasemdir innan sviga til að " +"gefa til kynna viðbætur, úrfellingar og athugasemdir frá þinni hálfu. Mælt " +"er með notkun hins latneska 'sic' til merkingar á nákvæmri ritun einhvers " +"sem líklega er villa í frumheimild." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -541,6 +755,11 @@ msgid "" "Extra Reports/Tools". This is the best way for advanced users to " "experiment and create new functionality." msgstr "" +"Fleiri skýrslur og verkfæri
Hægt er að bæta fleiri skýrslum og " +"verkfærum við Gramps með "viðbóta" -kerfinu. Þú getur skoðað þetta " +"undir "Hjálp > Auka skýrslur/verkfæri". Þetta er góð leið fyrir " +"lengra komna notendur til að gera tilraunir og til að bæta við nýjum " +"eiginleikum." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -549,6 +768,11 @@ msgid "" "single document. This single report is easier to distribute than multiple " "reports, especially when printed." msgstr "" +"Bókaskýrslur
Bókaskýrslan undir "Skýrslur > Bækur > " +"Bókaskýrsla...", er hugsuð til þess að hægt sé að safna ýmsum " +"mismunandi skýrslum í eitt skjal. Það er til að auðvelda dreifingu " +"upplýsinganna, eitt skjal sé einfaldara í prentun eða sendingu með " +"tölvupósti." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -556,6 +780,9 @@ msgid "" "version of Gramps is released? Join the Gramps-announce mailing list at " ""Help > Gramps Mailing Lists"" msgstr "" +"Tilkynningar frá Gramps
Hefurðu áhuga á að fá tilkynningu frá " +"Gramps þegar ný útgáfa er tilbúin? Gerstu þá áskrifandi að Gramps-announce " +"póstlistanum með þvíað fara í "Hjálp > Gramps póstlistar"" #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -564,6 +791,10 @@ msgid "" "all the details of where the information came from. Whenever possible get a " "copy of original documents." msgstr "" +"Skráðu heimildirnar þínar
Upplýsingar sem safnað eru um fólkið " +"þitt eru einungis jafngóðar og heimildirnar sem þær styðjast við. Taktu þér " +"tíma til að skrá nákvæmlega allar upplýsingar um þær heimildir sem um er að " +"ræða. Ef hægt er skaltu reyna að útvega þér afrit af frumheimildum." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -573,6 +804,13 @@ msgid "" "time looking through thousands of records hoping for a trail when you have " "other unexplored leads." msgstr "" +"Stýrðu rannsóknum þínum
Gakktu út frá því sem þú veist til að " +"nálgast það sem þú veist ekki. Byrjaðu alltaf á því að skrá það sem er vitað " +"áður en farið er að gera tengingar. Oft eru það fyrirliggjandi staðreyndir " +"sem gefa vísbendingar um hvert eigi að beina athyglinni og áframhaldandi " +"rannsóknum. Ekki eyða tíma í að fletta í gegnum þúsundir færslna í von um að " +"finna kannski einhverjar slóðir á meðan þú hefur aðrar leiðir með opnum " +"vísbendingum." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -581,16 +819,21 @@ msgid "" "happened, and how descendants might have been shaped by the events they went " "through. Narratives go a long way in making your family history come alive." msgstr "" +"'Hvernig og hvers vegna' í ættfræði
Ættfræði er ekki eingöngu um " +"einstaklinga og dagsetningar. Hún er um fólk. Vertu upplýsandi. Hafðu með " +"hversvegna hlutir gerast og hafðu með allt það sem getur hafa haft áhrif á " +"afdrif afkomenda. Litlar sögur og smáatriði fara langt með að gera " +"fjölskyldusöguna þína lifandi." #: ../data/ msgid "" "Don't speak English?
Volunteers have translated Gramps into more " -"than 20 languages. If Gramps supports your language and it is not being " +"than 40 languages. If Gramps supports your language and it is not being " "displayed, set the default language in your operating system and restart " "Gramps." msgstr "" "Skilurðu ensku ekki vel?
Sjálfboðaliðar eru búnir að þýða Gramps " -"á fleiri en 20 tungumál. Ef Gramps styður tungumálið þitt án þess að það " +"á fleiri en 40 tungumál. Ef Gramps styður tungumálið þitt án þess að það " "sjáist á skjánum, stilltu þá sjálfgefið tungumál í kjörstillingum Gramps og " "endurræstu svo Gramps." @@ -600,6 +843,9 @@ msgid "" "translations can easily be added with little development effort. If you are " "interested in participating please email" msgstr "" +"Þýðingar á Gramps
Gramps er hannað þannig að hægt er að bæta við " +"nýjum þýðingum án mikillar fyrirhafnar. Ef þá hefur áhuga á að taka þátt í " +"þýðingavinnu, sendu þá tölvupóst á póstlistann." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -619,9 +865,9 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Upphafseinstaklingur
Hægt er að setja hvern sem er sem " "upphafseinstakling í Gramps. Notaðu "Breyta > Setja " -"upphafseinstakling" í \"Einstaklingar\"-sýninni. Upphafseinstaklingur " -"er sá sem er fyrirfram valinn þegar gagnagrunnur/ættartala er opnuð, eða " -"þegar ýtt er á hnapp merktan \"Upphaf\"." +"upphafseinstakling" í "Einstaklingar"-sýninni. " +"Upphafseinstaklingur er sá sem er fyrirfram valinn þegar gagnagrunnur/" +"ættartala er opnuð, eða þegar ýtt er á hnapp merktan "Upphaf"." #: ../data/ msgid "" @@ -631,7 +877,7 @@ msgid "" "Gramps is known to be run on Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X." msgstr "" "Forritunarkóði Gramps
Gramps er skrifað á forritunarmáli sem " -"nefnist Python, og styðst við aðgerðasöfn GTK og GNOME fyrir mundræna " +"nefnist Python, og styðst við aðgerðasöfn GTK og GNOME fyrir myndræna " "framsetningu. Gramps er stutt á öllum þeim stýrikerfum þar sem búið er að " "skrifa inn stuðning við þessi forrit/kerfi. Vitað er til þess að Gramps " "keyri á Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows og Mac OS X." @@ -765,7 +1011,7 @@ msgstr "Gramps ættartölur:" #: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/cli/ #: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/cli/ #: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Family Tree" msgstr "Ættartala" @@ -776,9 +1022,9 @@ msgstr "Ættartala \"%s\":" #. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/cli/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#, python-format msgid " %(item)s: %(summary)s" -msgstr "%(type)s: %(list)s" +msgstr " %(item)s: %(summary)s" #. translators: ignore unless your quotation marks differ #: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/cli/ @@ -997,6 +1243,9 @@ msgid "" "Error parsing the arguments: %s \n" "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or read the manual pages." msgstr "" +"Villa við að þátta viðföng: %s \n" +"Skrifaðu gramps --help til að sjá yfirlit um skipanir, eða lestu þér til í " +"handbókinni." #: ../gramps/cli/ #, python-format @@ -1074,12 +1323,12 @@ msgstr "Útgáfa á skema" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Path" msgstr "Slóð" -#: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Last accessed" msgstr "Síðast notað" @@ -1093,7 +1342,7 @@ msgid "Import finished..." msgstr "Innflutningi lokið..." #. Create a new database -#: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Importing data..." msgstr "Innflutningur gagna..." @@ -1120,7 +1369,7 @@ msgstr "" " %s\n" "\n" -#: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Never" msgstr "Aldrei" @@ -1130,7 +1379,8 @@ msgstr "Aldrei" msgid "Locked by %s" msgstr "Læst af %s" -#: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#. allow deferred translation of attribute UI strings +#: ../gramps/cli/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ @@ -1144,8 +1394,8 @@ msgstr "Læst af %s" #: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -1153,47 +1403,48 @@ msgstr "Læst af %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Óþekkt" @@ -1371,7 +1622,7 @@ msgstr " Gildir valkostir eru:" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/ #, python-format msgid " Use '%(donottranslate)s' to see description and acceptable values" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Notaðu '%(donottranslate)s' til að sjá lýsingu og ásættanleg gildi" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/ #, python-format @@ -1379,16 +1630,18 @@ msgid "" "Ignoring '%(notranslate1)s=%(notranslate2)s' and using '%(notranslate1)s=" "%(notranslate3)s'." msgstr "" +"Hunsa '%(notranslate1)s=%(notranslate2)s' og nota '%(notranslate1)s=" +"%(notranslate3)s'." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Use '%(notranslate)s' to see valid values." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Notaðu '%(notranslate)s' til að sjá leyfileg gildi." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Ignoring unknown option: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hunsa óþekktan valkost: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/ msgid " Available options:" @@ -1409,36 +1662,38 @@ msgid "" "option '%(optionname)s' not valid. Use '%(donottranslate)s' to see all valid " "options." msgstr "" +"valkostur '%(optionname)s' ekki gildur. Notaðu '%(donottranslate)s' til að " +"sjá alla leyfilega valkosti." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/ msgid "Failed to write report. " msgstr "Mistókst að skrifa skýrslu. " -#: ../gramps/gen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "Imported %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" msgstr "Flutt inn %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" -#: ../gramps/gen/ -msgid "Missing Given Name" -msgstr "Vantar fornafn" - #: ../gramps/gen/ +msgid "Missing Given Name" +msgstr "Vantar eiginnafn" + +#: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "Missing Record" msgstr "Vantar færslu" -#: ../gramps/gen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "Missing Surname" -msgstr "Vantar eftirnafn" +msgstr "Vantar kenninafn" -#: ../gramps/gen/ ../gramps/gen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/ ../gramps/gen/ msgid "Living" msgstr "Lifandi" -#: ../gramps/gen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "Private Record" msgstr "Einkafærsla" -#: ../gramps/gen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "" "Gramps\n" " (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System)\n" @@ -1448,17 +1703,17 @@ msgstr "" " (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System)\n" "er þægilegt ættfræðiforrit." -#: ../gramps/gen/ ../gramps/gen/ -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/ ../gramps/gen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "none" msgstr "ekkert" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ #, python-format msgid "Date parser for '%s' not available, using default" msgstr "Dagsetningaþáttari fyrir '%s' er ekki tiltækur, nota sjálfgefinn" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ #, python-format msgid "Date displayer for '%s' not available, using default" msgstr "Dagsetningabirtir fyrir '%s' er ekki tiltækur, nota sjálfgefinn" @@ -1502,6 +1757,7 @@ msgstr "DAG MÁN ÁR" #. to learn how to select proper inflection for your language. #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month} {year}" @@ -1511,8 +1767,9 @@ msgstr "{long_month} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "from|{long_month} {year}" -msgstr "{long_month} {year}" +msgstr "" #. second date in a span #. If "to " needs a special inflection in your @@ -1520,8 +1777,9 @@ msgstr "{long_month} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "to|{long_month} {year}" -msgstr "{long_month} {year}" +msgstr "" #. first date in a range #. If "between " needs a special inflection in your @@ -1529,8 +1787,9 @@ msgstr "{long_month} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "between|{long_month} {year}" -msgstr "{long_month} {year}" +msgstr "" #. second date in a range #. If "and " needs a special inflection in your @@ -1538,52 +1797,57 @@ msgstr "{long_month} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "and|{long_month} {year}" -msgstr "{long_month} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If "before " needs a special inflection in your #. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "before|{long_month} {year}" -msgstr "{long_month} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If "after " needs a special inflection in your #. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "after|{long_month} {year}" -msgstr "{long_month} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If "about " needs a special inflection in your #. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "about|{long_month} {year}" -msgstr "{long_month} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If "estimated " needs a special inflection in your #. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ -#, fuzzy +#, python-brace-format msgid "estimated|{long_month} {year}" -msgstr "{long_month} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If "calculated " needs a special inflection in your #. language, translate this to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ -#, fuzzy +#, python-brace-format msgid "calculated|{long_month} {year}" -msgstr "{long_month} {year}" +msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" @@ -1593,6 +1857,7 @@ msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "from|{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" @@ -1602,6 +1867,7 @@ msgstr "" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "to|{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" @@ -1611,6 +1877,7 @@ msgstr "" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "between|{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" @@ -1620,6 +1887,7 @@ msgstr "" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "and|{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" @@ -1628,58 +1896,62 @@ msgstr "" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "before|{short_month} {year}" -msgstr "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If "after " needs a special inflection in your #. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "after|{short_month} {year}" -msgstr "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If "about " needs a special inflection in your #. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "about|{short_month} {year}" -msgstr "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If "estimated " needs a special inflection in your #. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ -#, fuzzy +#, python-brace-format msgid "estimated|{short_month} {year}" -msgstr "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If "calculated " needs a special inflection in your #. language, translate this to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ -#, fuzzy +#, python-brace-format msgid "calculated|{short_month} {year}" -msgstr "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" +msgstr "" #. If there is no special inflection for "from " #. in your language, DON'T translate this string. Otherwise, #. "translate" this to "from" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "from-date|" -msgstr "from-date" +msgstr "from" #. If there is no special inflection for "to " #. in your language, DON'T translate this string. Otherwise, #. "translate" this to "to" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "to-date|" -msgstr "to-date" +msgstr "to" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{date_quality}from {date_start} to {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" msgstr "{date_quality}frá {date_start} til {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" @@ -1688,16 +1960,17 @@ msgstr "{date_quality}frá {date_start} til {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" #. "translate" this to "between" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "between-date|" -msgstr "between-date" +msgstr "between" #. If there is no special inflection for "and " #. in your language, DON'T translate this string. Otherwise, #. "translate" this to "and" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "and-date|" -msgstr "and-date" +msgstr "and" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "" "{date_quality}between {date_start} and {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" msgstr "" @@ -1708,63 +1981,66 @@ msgstr "" #. "translate" this to "before" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "before-date|" -msgstr "before-date" +msgstr "before" #. If there is no special inflection for "after " #. in your language, DON'T translate this string. Otherwise, #. "translate" this to "after" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "after-date|" -msgstr "after-date" +msgstr "after" #. If there is no special inflection for "about " #. in your language, DON'T translate this string. Otherwise, #. "translate" this to "about" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "about-date|" -msgstr "about-date" +msgstr "about" #. If there is no special inflection for "estimated " #. in your language, DON'T translate this string. Otherwise, #. "translate" this to "estimated" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ -#, fuzzy msgid "estimated-date|" -msgstr "áætlað" +msgstr "estimated" #. If there is no special inflection for "calculated " #. in your language, DON'T translate this string. Otherwise, #. "translate" this to "calculated" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ -#, fuzzy msgid "calculated-date|" -msgstr "reiknað" +msgstr "calculated" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{date_quality}{noncompound_modifier}{date}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" msgstr "{date_quality}{noncompound_modifier}{date}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" #. TRANSLATORS: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{long_month} {day:d}, {year}" msgstr "{long_month} {day:d}, {year}" #. TRANSLATORS: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{short_month} {day:d}, {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {day:d}, {year}" #. TRANSLATORS: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{day:d} {long_month} {year}" msgstr "{day:d}. {long_month} {year}" #. TRANSLATORS: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{day:d} {short_month} {year}" msgstr "{day:d}. {short_month} {year}" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "today" msgstr "í dag" @@ -1772,51 +2048,51 @@ msgstr "í dag" #. #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||January" msgstr "janúar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||February" msgstr "febrúar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||March" msgstr "mars" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||April" msgstr "apríl" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||May" msgstr "maí" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||June" msgstr "júní" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||July" msgstr "júlí" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||August" msgstr "ágúst" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||September" msgstr "september" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||October" msgstr "október" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||November" msgstr "nóvember" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections||December" msgstr "desember" @@ -1824,51 +2100,51 @@ msgstr "desember" #. #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Jan" msgstr "jan" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Feb" msgstr "feb" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Mar" msgstr "mar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Apr" msgstr "apr" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||May" msgstr "maí" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Jun" msgstr "jún" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Jul" msgstr "júl" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Aug" msgstr "ágú" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Sep" msgstr "sep" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Oct" msgstr "okt" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Nov" msgstr "nóv" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "localized lexeme inflections - short month form||Dec" msgstr "des" @@ -1876,80 +2152,80 @@ msgstr "des" #. #. to learn how to add proper alternatives to be recognized in your localized #. DateParser code! -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for January||" msgstr "janúar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for February||" msgstr "febrúar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for March||" msgstr "mars" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for April||" msgstr "apríl" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for May||" msgstr "maí" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for June||" msgstr "júní" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for July||" msgstr "júlí" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for August||" msgstr "ágúst" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for September||" msgstr "september" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for October||" msgstr "október" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for November||" msgstr "nóvember" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "alternative month names for December||" msgstr "desember" #. Must appear in the order indexed by Date.CAL_... numeric constants -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "calendar|Gregorian" msgstr "Gregoríanskt" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "calendar|Julian" msgstr "Júlíanskt" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "calendar|Hebrew" msgstr "Hebreskt" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "calendar|French Republican" msgstr "Frönsku byltingar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "calendar|Persian" msgstr "Persneskt" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "calendar|Islamic" msgstr "Íslamskt" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "calendar|Swedish" msgstr "Sænskt" @@ -1957,55 +2233,55 @@ msgstr "Sænskt" #. #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Tishri" msgstr "Tishri" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Heshvan" msgstr "Heshvan" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Kislev" msgstr "Kislev" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Tevet" msgstr "Tevet" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Shevat" msgstr "Shevat" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|AdarI" msgstr "AdarI" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|AdarII" msgstr "AdarII" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Nisan" msgstr "Nisan" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Iyyar" msgstr "Iyyar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Sivan" msgstr "Sivan" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Tammuz" msgstr "Tammuz" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Av" msgstr "Av" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Hebrew month lexeme|Elul" msgstr "Elul" @@ -2013,55 +2289,55 @@ msgstr "Elul" #. #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Vendémiaire" msgstr "Vendémiaire" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Brumaire" msgstr "Brumaire" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Frimaire" msgstr "Frimaire" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Nivôse" msgstr "Nivôse" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Pluviôse" msgstr "Pluviôse" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Ventôse" msgstr "Ventôse" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Germinal" msgstr "Germinal" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Floréal" msgstr "Floréal" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Prairial" msgstr "Prairial" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Messidor" msgstr "Messidor" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Thermidor" msgstr "Thermidor" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Fructidor" msgstr "Fructidor" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "French month lexeme|Extra" msgstr "Extra" @@ -2069,51 +2345,51 @@ msgstr "Extra" #. #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Muharram" msgstr "Muharram" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Safar" msgstr "Safar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Rabi`al-Awwal" msgstr "Rabi`al-Awwal" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Rabi`ath-Thani" msgstr "Rabi`ath-Thani" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Jumada l-Ula" msgstr "Jumada l-Ula" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Jumada t-Tania" msgstr "Jumada t-Tania" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Rajab" msgstr "Rajab" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Sha`ban" msgstr "Sha`ban" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Ramadan" msgstr "Ramadan" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Shawwal" msgstr "Shawwal" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Dhu l-Qa`da" msgstr "Dhu l-Qa`da" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Islamic month lexeme|Dhu l-Hijja" msgstr "Dhu l-Hijja" @@ -2121,105 +2397,105 @@ msgstr "Dhu l-Hijja" #. #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Farvardin" msgstr "Farvardin" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Ordibehesht" msgstr "Ordibehesht" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Khordad" msgstr "Khordad" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Tir" msgstr "Tir" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Mordad" msgstr "Mordad" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Shahrivar" msgstr "Shahrivar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Mehr" msgstr "Mehr" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Aban" msgstr "Aban" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Azar" msgstr "Azar" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Dey" msgstr "Dey" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Bahman" msgstr "Bahman" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Persian month lexeme|Esfand" msgstr "Esfand" #. TRANSLATORS: if the modifier is after the date #. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "date modifier|before " msgstr "fyrir" #. TRANSLATORS: if the modifier is after the date #. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "date modifier|after " msgstr "eftir" #. TRANSLATORS: if the modifier is after the date #. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "date modifier|about " msgstr "um" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "date quality|estimated " msgstr "áætlað " -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "date quality|calculated " msgstr "reiknað " -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Sunnudagur" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Monday" msgstr "Mánudagur" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Þriðjudagur" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Miðvikudagur" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Fimmtudagur" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Friday" msgstr "Föstudagur" -#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ +#: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/ msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Laugardagur" @@ -2243,7 +2519,7 @@ msgstr "Fjarlægja föður úr fjölskyldu" msgid "Remove mother from family" msgstr "Fjarlægja móður úr fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ ../gramps/gen/db/ +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ ../gramps/gen/db/ #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt is made to save a reference key which is partly bytecode, this is " @@ -2377,7 +2653,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/ ../gramps/gen/db/ -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ #, python-format msgid "_Undo %s" msgstr "_Afturkalla %s" @@ -2387,53 +2663,63 @@ msgstr "_Afturkalla %s" msgid "_Redo %s" msgstr "_Endurtaka %s" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d People upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" -msgstr "%6d einstaklingar uppfærðir með %6d tilvitnunum á %6d sek\n" +msgstr "" +"%(n1)6d einstaklingar uppfærðir með %(n2)6d tilvitnunum á %(n3)6d " +"sek\n" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Families upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" -msgstr "%6d fjölskyldur uppfærðar með %6d tilvitnunum á %6d sek\n" +msgstr "" +"%(n1)6d fjölskyldur uppfærðar með %(n2)6d tilvitnunum á %(n3)6d " +"sek\n" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Events upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" -msgstr "%6d atburðir uppfærðir með %6d tilvitnunum á %6d sek\n" +msgstr "" +"%(n1)6d atburðir uppfærðir með %(n2)6d tilvitnunum á %(n3)6d sek\n" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Media Objects upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" -msgstr "%6d gagnahlutir uppfærðir með %6d tilvitnunum á %6d sek\n" +msgstr "" +"%(n1)6d gagnahlutir uppfærðir með %(n2)6d tilvitnunum á %(n3)6d " +"sek\n" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Places upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" -msgstr "%6d staðir uppfærðir með %6d tilvitnunum á %6d sek\n" +msgstr "" +"%(n1)6d staðir uppfærðir með %(n2)6d tilvitnunum á %(n3)6d sek\n" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Repositories upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" -msgstr "%6d gagnasöfn uppfærð með %6d tilvitnunum á %6d sek\n" +msgstr "" +"%(n1)6d gagnasöfn uppfærð með %(n2)6d tilvitnunum á %(n3)6d sek\n" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Sources upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" -msgstr "%6d heimildir uppfærðar með %6d tilvitnunum á %6d sek\n" +msgstr "" +"%(n1)6d heimildir uppfærðar með %(n2)6d tilvitnunum á %(n3)6d sek\n" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ msgid "Number of new objects upgraded:\n" msgstr "Fjöldi nýrra hluta sem voru uppfærðir:\n" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ msgid "" "\n" "\n" @@ -2449,17 +2735,17 @@ msgstr "" "til að sameina tilvitnanir sem innihalda svipaðar\n" "upplýsingar" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ msgid "Upgrade Statistics" msgstr "Uppfærslutölfræði" #. Make a tuple of the functions and classes that we need for #. each of the primary object tables. -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ msgid "Rebuild reference map" msgstr "Endurbyggja tilvísanavörpun" -#: ../gramps/gen/db/ +#: ../gramps/gen/db/ #, python-format msgid "" "A second transaction is started while there is still a transaction, \"%s\", " @@ -2479,54 +2765,53 @@ msgstr "Sjálfgefið snið (skilgreint í kjörstillingum Gramps)" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "Surname, Given Suffix" -msgstr "Eftirnafn, fornafn viðskeyti" +msgstr "Kenninafn, eiginnafn viðskeyti" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Given" -msgstr "Fornafn" +msgstr "Eiginnafn" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "Given Surname Suffix" -msgstr "Fornafn eftirnafn viðskeyti" +msgstr "Eiginnafn kenninafn viðskeyti" #. primary name primconnector other, given pa/matronynic suffix, primprefix #. translators: long string, have a look at Preferences dialog #: ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix Prefix" -msgstr "Aðal-eftirnöfn, fornafn föðurnafnakerfi viðskeyti forskeyti" +msgstr "Aðal-kenninöfn, eiginnafn föðurnafnakerfi viðskeyti forskeyti" #. DEPRECATED FORMATS #: ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "Patronymic, Given" -msgstr "Föðurnafnakerfi, fornafn" +msgstr "Föðurnafnakerfi, eiginnafn" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Person|title" msgstr "titill" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "given" -msgstr "fornafn" +msgstr "eiginnafn" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "surname" -msgstr "eftirnafn" +msgstr "kenninafn" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "suffix" msgstr "viðskeyti" @@ -2548,11 +2833,11 @@ msgstr "aðal" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "primary[pre]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "aðal[for]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "primary[sur]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "aðal[eft]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "primary[con]" @@ -2564,11 +2849,11 @@ msgstr "föðurnafn" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "patronymic[pre]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "föðurnafn[for]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "patronymic[sur]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "föðurnafn[eft]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "patronymic[con]" @@ -2584,7 +2869,7 @@ msgstr "afgangs" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "prefix" msgstr "forskeyti" @@ -2598,7 +2883,7 @@ msgstr "gælunafn" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ ../gramps/gen/display/ msgid "familynick" -msgstr "" +msgstr "fjölskylduviðurnefni" #: ../gramps/gen/display/ #, python-format @@ -2749,7 +3034,7 @@ msgstr "Bindi/síða:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -2914,12 +3199,12 @@ msgstr "Heiti heimildasíu:" msgid "Miscellaneous filters" msgstr "Ýmsar síur" -#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "No description" msgstr "Engin lýsing" @@ -2957,13 +3242,16 @@ msgstr "en fyrir:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations changed after " -msgstr "Tilvitnanir breyttar eftir " +msgstr "Tilvitnanir breyttar eftir " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "" "Matches citation records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:" "mm:ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum sem breytt hefur verið eftir tiltekna dagsetningu-tíma " +"(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) eða á tímabili, ef önnur dagsetning-tími er einnig " +"gefin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations marked private" @@ -2984,13 +3272,13 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar tilvitnunum sem merktar eru sem einka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Confidence level:" msgstr "Stig áreiðanleika:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations with media" -msgstr "Tilvitnanir með gögn" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með gögn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Matches citations with a certain number of items in the gallery" @@ -2998,7 +3286,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar tilvitnunum með ákveðinn fjölda atriða í myndasafni" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citation with " -msgstr "Tilvitnun með " +msgstr "Tilvitnun með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Matches a citation with a specified Gramps ID" @@ -3006,7 +3294,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar tilvitnun með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations having notes" -msgstr "Tilvitnanir með minnispunkta" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Matches citations having a certain number of notes" @@ -3014,24 +3302,28 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar tilvitnunum með ákveðinn fjölda minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations having notes containing " -msgstr "Tilvitnanir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Matches citations whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations having notes containing " -msgstr "Tilvitnanir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "" "Matches citations whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations with a reference count of " -msgstr "Tilvitnanir með tilvísanir" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með tilvísanir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Matches citations with a certain reference count" @@ -3096,7 +3388,7 @@ msgstr "Heimildasíur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citation with Source " -msgstr "Tilvitnun með heimild " +msgstr "Tilvitnun með heimild " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Matches a citation with a source with a specified Gramps ID" @@ -3105,13 +3397,15 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations having source notes containing " -msgstr "Tilvitnanir með heimildir sem hafa minnispunkta sem innihalda " +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með heimildir sem hafa minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "" "Matches citations whose source notes contain a substring or match a regular " "expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum með heimildir sem aftur eru með minnispunkta sem " +"innihalda texta sem samsvarar undirfærslu eða reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ @@ -3122,7 +3416,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Tag:" msgstr "Merki:" @@ -3136,64 +3430,73 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar tilvitnunum með ákveðið merki" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir samsvarandi " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Matches citations matched by the specified filter name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar tilvitnunum sem samsvara tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations with Volume/Page containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með bindi/síðu sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Matches citations whose Volume/Page contains a certain substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum með bindi/síðu sem innihalda tiltekna undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Repository filter name:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heiti gagnasafnasíu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "" "Citations with a source with a repository reference matching the " msgstr "" +"Tilvitnanir með heimild sem hefur tilvísun í gagnasafn sem samsvarar " +"" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "" "Matches citations with sources with a repository reference that match a " "certain repository filter" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum með heimildir sem hafa tilvísun í gagnasafn sem " +"samsvarar ákveðinni gagnasafnasíu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations with source matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með heimild sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "" "Matches citations with sources that match the specified source filter name" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum með heimildir sem samsvara nafni ákveðinnar heimildasíu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Matches citations whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum sem hafa Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "Citations with Source Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir með heimildarauðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/ msgid "" "Matches citations whose source has a Gramps ID that matches the regular " "expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum með heimildir sem hafa Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Every event" @@ -3205,13 +3508,16 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum atburðum í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events changed after " -msgstr "Atburðir breyttir eftir " +msgstr "Atburðir breyttir eftir " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "" "Matches event records changed after a specified date/time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date/time is given." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar færslum atburða sem breytt hefur verið eftir tiltekna dagsetningu-" +"tíma (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) eða á tímabili, ef önnur dagsetning-tími er " +"einnig gefin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events marked private" @@ -3222,10 +3528,10 @@ msgid "Matches events that are indicated as private" msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum sem merktir eru sem einka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Event attribute:" -msgstr "Eigindi atburðar" +msgstr "Eigindi atburðar:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ @@ -3237,7 +3543,7 @@ msgstr "Gildi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with the attribute " -msgstr "Atburðir með eigindið " +msgstr "Atburðir með eigindið " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events with the event attribute of a particular value" @@ -3245,7 +3551,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum með atburðaeigindum sem hafa ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with the " -msgstr "Atburðir með " +msgstr "Atburðir með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events with a citation of a particular value" @@ -3254,7 +3560,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum með tilvitnun sem hefur ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Event type:" msgstr "Tegund atburðar:" @@ -3284,36 +3590,36 @@ msgstr "Lýsing:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with " -msgstr "Atburðir með " +msgstr "Atburðir með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events with data of a particular value" msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum með gögnum sem hafa ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Day of Week:" msgstr "Vikudagur:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events occurring on a particular day of the week" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir sem gerast á tilteknum vikudegi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events occurring on a particular day of the week" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum sem gerast á tilteknum degi vikunnar" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with media" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir með gagnahluti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events with a certain number of items in the gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum með ákveðinn fjölda atriða í myndasafni" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Event with " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburður með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches an event with a specified Gramps ID" @@ -3321,43 +3627,47 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar atburði með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events having notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir með minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events having a certain number of notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum með ákveðinn fjölda minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar atburðum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar atburðum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with a reference count of " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir með tilvísanir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events with a certain reference count" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum með ákveðinn fjölda tilvísana" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with sources" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir með heimildir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events with a certain number of sources connected to it" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum með ákveðinn fjölda heimilda sem tengjast þeim" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with the " @@ -3369,22 +3679,22 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum með ákveðið merki" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with the particular type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir af ákveðinni tegund" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events with the particular type " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum af ákveðinni tegund " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðir sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events matched by the specified filter name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar atburðum sem samsvara tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Include Family events:" msgstr "Taka með atburði fjölskyldu:" @@ -3392,54 +3702,60 @@ msgstr "Taka með atburði fjölskyldu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Person filter name:" -msgstr "Heiti einstaklingasíu" +msgstr "Heiti einstaklingasíu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events of persons matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir einstaklinga sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events of persons matched by the specified person filter name" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar atburðum einstaklinga sem samsvara tilteknu einstaklingasíuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Place filter name:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heiti staðasíu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events of places matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir staða sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "" "Matches events that occurred at places that match the specified place filter " "name" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar atburðum gerðust á stöðum sem samsvara tilteknu staðasíuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with at least one direct source >= " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir með a.m.k. eina beina heimild >= <áreiðanleikastig>" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar atburðum með a.m.k. eina beina heimild sem hefur tiltekið " +"áreiðanleikastig" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with source matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir með heimild sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events with sources that match the specified source filter name" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar atburðum með heimildir sem samsvara nafni ákveðinnar heimildasíu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Events with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðir með auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/ msgid "Matches events whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar atburðum sem hafa Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Every family" @@ -3451,13 +3767,16 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum fjölskyldum í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families changed after " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur breyttar eftir " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "" "Matches family records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar færslum fjölskyldna sem breytt hefur verið eftir tiltekna " +"dagsetningu-tíma (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) eða á tímabili, ef önnur dagsetning-" +"tími er einnig gefin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ @@ -3467,11 +3786,12 @@ msgstr "Auðkenni einstaklings:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families having child with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með barn sem á auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families where child has a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem barn er með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ @@ -3479,81 +3799,82 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Child filters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Barnasíur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with child with the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með barn með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families where child has a specified (partial) name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem barn er með tiltekið (hluta af) nafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families marked private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur merktar 'Einka'" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families that are indicated as private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum sem merktar eru sem einka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families having father with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með föður sem á auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families whose father has a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem faðirinn er með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Father filters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Feðrasíur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with father with the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með föður með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families whose father has a specified (partial) name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem faðirinn er með tiltekið (hluta af) nafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Family attribute:" msgstr "Eigindi fjölskyldu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with the family " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með eigindið " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families with the family attribute of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum með fjölskyldueigindi sem hafa ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with the " -msgstr "Fjölskyldur með " +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families with a citation of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum með tilvitnun sem hefur ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Family event:" msgstr "Atburður í fjölskyldu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Main Participants" @@ -3561,23 +3882,23 @@ msgstr "Helstu þátttakendur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with the " -msgstr "Fjölskyldur með " +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families with an event of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum með atburð sem hefur ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with media" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með gagnahluti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families with a certain number of items in the gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum með ákveðinn fjölda atriða í myndasafni" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Family with " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskylda með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches a family with a specified Gramps ID" @@ -3585,74 +3906,78 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldu með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with LDS events" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með SDH atburði" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families with a certain number of LDS events" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með ákveðinn fjölda SDH atburða" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families having notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families having a certain number notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum með ákveðinn fjölda minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with a reference count of " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með tilvísanir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches family objects with a certain reference count" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskylduhlutum með ákveðinn fjölda tilvísana" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Relationship type:" msgstr "Tegund vensla:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with the relationship type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með tegund vensla" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families with the relationship type of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum með tegund vensla sem hafa ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with sources" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með heimildir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families with a certain number of sources connected to it" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum með ákveðinn fjölda heimilda sem tengjast þeim" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with the " -msgstr "Fjölskyldur með " +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families who have a particular source" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum með ákveðna heimild" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with the " @@ -3668,7 +3993,7 @@ msgstr "Fjölskyldur með tvíbura" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families with twins" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum með tvíbura" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Bookmarked families" @@ -3676,102 +4001,114 @@ msgstr "Bókamerktar fjölskyldur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches the families on the bookmark list" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum á bókamerkjalista" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families matched by the specified filter name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum sem samsvara tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with at least one direct source >= " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með a.m.k. eina beina heimild >= <áreiðanleikastig>" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "" "Matches families with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum með a.m.k. eina beina heimild sem hefur tiltekið " +"áreiðanleikastig" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families having mother with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með móður sem á auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families whose mother has a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem móðirin er með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Mother filters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mæðrasíur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with mother with the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með móður með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families whose mother has a specified (partial) name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem móðirin er með tiltekið (hluta af) nafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with child matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með barn sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "" "Matches families where some child has a name that matches a specified " "regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem barn er með nafn sem samsvarar tiltekinni " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with father matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með föður sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "" "Matches families whose father has a name matching a specified regular " "expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem faðirinn er með nafn sem samsvarar tiltekinni " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum sem hafa Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with mother matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með móður sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "" "Matches families whose mother has a name matching a specified regular " "expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem móðirin er með nafn sem samsvarar tiltekinni " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with any child matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með eitthvað barn sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Matches families where any child has a specified (partial) name" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fjölskyldum þar sem eitthvert barnanna er með tiltekið (hluta af) " +"nafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with father matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með föður sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/ msgid "Families with mother matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með móður sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Every media object" @@ -3783,39 +4120,42 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum gagnahlutum í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects changed after " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutar breyttir eftir " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "" "Matches media objects changed after a specified date:time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date:time is given." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar gagnahlutum sem breytt hefur verið eftir tiltekna dagsetningu-tíma " +"(yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) eða á tímabili, ef önnur dagsetning-tími er einnig " +"gefin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Media attribute:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eigindi gagna:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects with the attribute " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutar með eigindið " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media objects with the attribute of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnahlutum með eigindi sem hafa ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media with the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutir með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media with a citation of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gögnum með tilvitnun sem hefur ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media object with " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutur með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches a media object with a specified Gramps ID" @@ -3823,7 +4163,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar gagnahluta með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -3839,58 +4179,62 @@ msgstr "Tegund:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Path:" msgstr "Slóð:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects matching parameters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutar samsvarandi viðföngum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media objects with particular parameters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnahlutum með ákveðin viðföng" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutar með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media objects whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar gagnahlutum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutar með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "" "Matches media objects whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar gagnahlutum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects with a reference count of " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutar með tilvísanir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media objects with a certain reference count" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnahlutum með ákveðinn fjölda tilvísana" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media with sources" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gögn með heimildir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media with a certain number of sources connected to it" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gögnum með ákveðinn fjölda heimilda sem tengjast þeim" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media with the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutir með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media who have a particular source" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnahlutum með ákveðna heimild" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects with the " @@ -3902,35 +4246,38 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar gagnahlutum með ákveðið merki" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutar sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media objects matched by the specified filter name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnahlutum sem samsvara tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media with a direct source >= " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gögn með beina heimild >= <áreiðanleikastig>" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar gögnum með a.m.k. eina beina heimild sem hefur tiltekið " +"áreiðanleikastig" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects marked private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutar merktir 'Einka'" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches Media objects that are indicated as private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnahlutum sem merktir eru sem einka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Media objects with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutar með auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/ msgid "Matches media objects whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar gagnahlutum sem hafa Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Every note" @@ -3942,17 +4289,20 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum minnispunktum í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes changed after " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar breyttir eftir " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "" "Matches note records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar færslum minnispunkta sem breytt hefur verið eftir tiltekna " +"dagsetningu-tíma (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) eða á tímabili, ef önnur dagsetning-" +"tími er einnig gefin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Note with " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Matches a note with a specified Gramps ID" @@ -3960,26 +4310,26 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar minnispunkti með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Note type:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tegund minnispunkts:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes matching parameters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar samsvarandi viðföngum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Matches Notes with particular parameters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar minnispunktum með ákveðin viðföng" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes with a reference count of " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar með tilvísanir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Matches notes with a certain reference count" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar minnispunktum með ákveðinn fjölda tilvísana" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes with the " @@ -3991,80 +4341,87 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar minnispunktum með ákveðið merki" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes with the particular type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar af ákveðinni tegund" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Matches notes with the particular type " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar minnispunktum af ákveðinni tegund " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Matches notes matched by the specified filter name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar minnispunktum sem samsvara tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Matches notes that contain a substring or match a regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar tilvitnunum með minnispunkta sem innihalda undirfærslu eða " +"samsvara reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Matches notes that contain text which matches a substring" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar minnispunktum sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes marked private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar merktir 'Einka'" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Matches notes that are indicated as private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar minnispunktum sem merktir eru sem einka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Notes with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar með auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/ msgid "Matches notes whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar minnispunktum sem hafa Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar reglulegri " +"segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Persons changed after " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einstaklingar breyttir eftir " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" "Matches person records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar færslum einstaklinga sem breytt hefur verið eftir tiltekna " +"dagsetningu-tíma (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) eða á tímabili, ef önnur dagsetning-" +"tími er einnig gefin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Preparing sub-filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Undirbý undirsíu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Retrieving all sub-filter matches" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sæki allar samsvaranir við undirsíu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Relationship path between and people matching " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slóð vensla milli og fólks sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Relationship filters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Venslasíur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" @@ -4074,10 +4431,14 @@ msgid "" "between the specified person and the target people. Each path is not " "necessarily the shortest path." msgstr "" +"Leitar í gagnagrunninum út frá tilgreindum einstaklingi og finnur alla á " +"milli hans og þess hóps fólks sem tiltekið er í síunni. Þetta gefur sett af " +"venslum (þ.m.t. vegna hjúskapar) milli tiltekins einstaklings og fyrrnefnds " +"hóps. Hver venslaslóð er ekki endilega sú stysta mögulega." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Finding relationship paths" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Finn slóðir vensla" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Evaluating people" @@ -4092,6 +4453,8 @@ msgid "" "Matches people that have no family relationships to any other person in the " "database" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fólki sem ekki eru með nein fjölskyldutengsl við nokkurn annan " +"einstakling í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Everyone" @@ -4103,69 +4466,69 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Families with incomplete events" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur með ófullgerða atburði" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with missing date or place in an event of the family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem vantar dagsetningu eða stað í fjölskylduatburð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with addresses" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með heimilisföng" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a certain number of personal addresses" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með ákveðinn fjölda persónulegra heimilisfanga" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with an alternate name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með annað nafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with an alternate name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með aukanafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with associations" -msgstr "Fólk með tengsl" +msgstr "Fólk með tengsl" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a certain number of associations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með ákveðinn fjölda tengsla" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Personal attribute:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Persónuleg eigindi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the personal " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með eigin " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with the personal attribute of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með persónuleg eigindi sem hafa ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the " -msgstr "Fólk með " +msgstr "Fólk með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with birth data of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með fæðingargögnum sem hafa ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the " -msgstr "Fólk með " +msgstr "Fólk með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a citation of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með tilvitnun sem hefur ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with a common ancestor with " -msgstr "Fólk sem á sameiginlegan forföður með " +msgstr "Fólk sem á sameiginlegan forföður með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ @@ -4186,7 +4549,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with a common ancestor with match" -msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem á sameiginlegan forföður með " +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem á sameiginlegan forföður með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" @@ -4197,14 +4560,14 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the " -msgstr "Fólk með " +msgstr "Fólk með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with death data of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með dánargögnum sem hafa ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Personal event:" msgstr "Persónulegur atburður:" @@ -4214,46 +4577,46 @@ msgid "Main Participants:" msgstr "Helstu þátttakendur:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Primary Role:" msgstr "Helsta hlutverk:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the personal " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með eigin " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a personal event of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með persónulegan atburð sem hefur ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the family " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with the family attribute of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með fjölskyldueigindi sem hafa ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the family " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a family event of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með fjölskylduatburð sem hefur ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with media" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með gagnahluti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a certain number of items in the gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með ákveðinn fjölda atriða í myndasafni" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Person with " -msgstr "Einstaklingur með " +msgstr "Einstaklingur með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ @@ -4262,15 +4625,15 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingi með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with LDS events" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með SDH atburði" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a certain number of LDS events" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með ákveðinn fjölda SDH atburða" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Given name:" -msgstr "Fornafn:" +msgstr "Eiginnafn:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Full Family name:" @@ -4298,7 +4661,7 @@ msgstr "Forskeyti:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Single Surname:" -msgstr "Stakt eftirnafn:" +msgstr "Stakt kenninafn:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ @@ -4315,72 +4678,76 @@ msgstr "Viðurnefni fjölskyldu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the " -msgstr "Fólk með " +msgstr "Fólk með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a specified (partial) name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með tiltekið (hluta af) nafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Surname origin type:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tegund uppruna kenninafns:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the " -msgstr "Fólk með " +msgstr "Fólk með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a surname origin" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með uppruna nafns" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Name type:" msgstr "Tegund nafns:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the " -msgstr "Fólk með " +msgstr "Fólk með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a type of name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með tegund af nafni" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with a nickname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með gælunafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a nickname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með gælunafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People having notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people having a certain number of notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með ákveðinn fjölda minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fólki með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fólki með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Number of relationships:" @@ -4392,11 +4759,11 @@ msgstr "Fjöldi barna:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the " -msgstr "Fólk með " +msgstr "Fólk með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a particular relationship" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með ákveðin vensl" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ @@ -4413,40 +4780,41 @@ msgstr "Fjölskyldusíur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with sources" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með heimildir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with a certain number of sources connected to it" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með ákveðinn fjölda heimilda sem tengjast þeim" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the " -msgstr "Fólk með " +msgstr "Fólk með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people who have a particular source" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með ákveðna heimild" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with the " -msgstr "Fólk með " +msgstr "Fólk með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with the particular tag" msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með ákveðið merki" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Case sensitive:" msgstr "Næmt fyrir há- og lágstöfum:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with records containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með færslur sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people whose records contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fólki með færslur sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with unknown gender" @@ -4478,18 +4846,18 @@ msgstr "Fólk með ófullgerð nöfn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with firstname or lastname missing" -msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingum sem vantar fornafn eða eftirnafn" +msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingum sem vantar eiginnafn eða kenninafn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Inclusive:" msgstr "Innifalið:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Ancestors of " -msgstr "Forfeður " +msgstr "Forfeður " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person" @@ -4497,7 +4865,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem er forfeður tiltekins einstaklings" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Ancestors of match" -msgstr "Samsvörun við forfeður " +msgstr "Samsvörun við forfeður " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people that are ancestors of anybody matched by a filter" @@ -4513,7 +4881,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingum á bókamerkjalista" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Children of match" -msgstr "Samsvörun við börn " +msgstr "Samsvörun við börn " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches children of anybody matched by a filter" @@ -4525,11 +4893,11 @@ msgstr "Sjálfgefinn einstaklingur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches the default person" -msgstr "Samsvarar sjálfgefnum einstaklingi" +msgstr "Samsvarar sjálfgefnum upphafseinstaklingi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Descendant family members of " -msgstr "Afkomandi fjölskyldumeðlimir frá " +msgstr "Afkomandi fjölskyldumeðlimir frá " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ @@ -4549,7 +4917,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Descendant family members of match" -msgstr "Afkomandi fjölskyldumeðlimir frá samsvörun" +msgstr "Afkomandi fjölskyldumeðlimir frá samsvörun" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" @@ -4560,7 +4928,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Descendants of " -msgstr "Afkomendur " +msgstr "Afkomendur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches all descendants for the specified person" @@ -4568,7 +4936,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem er afkomendur tiltekins einstaklings" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Descendants of match" -msgstr "Samsvörun við afkomendur " +msgstr "Samsvörun við afkomendur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people that are descendants of anybody matched by a filter" @@ -4576,7 +4944,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem er afkomendur hvers þess sem samsvarar síu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Duplicated ancestors of " -msgstr "Margskráðir forfeður " +msgstr "Margskráðir forfeður " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people that are ancestors twice or more of a specified person" @@ -4586,7 +4954,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Females" msgstr "Konur" @@ -4606,7 +4974,7 @@ msgstr "Fjöldi kynslóða:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Ancestors of not more than generations away" -msgstr "Forfeður ekki meira en kynslóðir frá" +msgstr "Forfeður ekki meira en kynslóðir frá" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" @@ -4640,7 +5008,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Descendants of not more than generations away" -msgstr "Afkomendur ekki meira en kynslóðir frá" +msgstr "Afkomendur ekki meira en kynslóðir frá" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" @@ -4654,7 +5022,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Males" msgstr "Karlar" @@ -4664,7 +5032,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum körlum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Ancestors of at least generations away" -msgstr "Forfeður að minnsta kosti kynslóðir frá" +msgstr "Forfeður að minnsta kosti kynslóðir frá" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" @@ -4676,7 +5044,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Descendants of at least generations away" -msgstr "Afkomendur að minnsta kosti kynslóðir frá" +msgstr "Afkomendur að minnsta kosti kynslóðir frá" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" @@ -4688,7 +5056,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Parents of match" -msgstr "Samsvörun við foreldra " +msgstr "Samsvörun við foreldra " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches parents of anybody matched by a filter" @@ -4696,7 +5064,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar foreldrum hvers þess sem samsvarar síu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People related to " -msgstr "Fólk sem er tengt " +msgstr "Fólk sem er tengt " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people related to a specified person" @@ -4704,7 +5072,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem er tengt tilteknum einstaklingi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Siblings of match" -msgstr "Samsvörun við systkini " +msgstr "Samsvörun við systkini " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches siblings of anybody matched by a filter" @@ -4712,7 +5080,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar systkinum hvers þess sem samsvarar síu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Spouses of match" -msgstr "Samsvörun við maka " +msgstr "Samsvörun við maka " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people married to anybody matching a filter" @@ -4730,32 +5098,35 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum einstaklingum sem hafa verið vitni að atburði" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Event filter name:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heiti atburðasíu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Persons with events matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches persons who have events that match a certain event filter" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar einstaklingum sem hafa atburði sem samsvara ákveðinni atburðasíu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People matching the " -msgstr "Fólk sem samsvarar " +msgstr "Fólk sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people matched by the specified filter name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem samsvarar tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Persons with at least one direct source >= " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með a.m.k. eina beina heimild >= <áreiðanleikastig>" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" "Matches persons with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fólki með a.m.k. eina beina heimild sem hefur tiltekið " +"áreiðanleikastig" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People missing parents" @@ -4766,6 +5137,8 @@ msgid "" "Matches people that are children in a family with less than two parents or " "are not children in any family." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fólki sem eru börn í fjölskyldu með færri en tvo foreldra eða eru " +"börn án fjölskyldu." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with multiple marriage records" @@ -4773,7 +5146,7 @@ msgstr "Fólk með margar hjúskaparupplýsingar" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people who have more than one spouse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingum sem eiga fleiri en einn maka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with no marriage records" @@ -4781,7 +5154,7 @@ msgstr "Fólk með engar hjúskaparupplýsingar" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people who have no spouse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingum sem eiga ekki maka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People without a known birth date" @@ -4789,7 +5162,7 @@ msgstr "Fólk án þekkts fæðingardags" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people without a known birthdate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki án þekkts fæðingardags" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People without a known death date" @@ -4797,7 +5170,7 @@ msgstr "Fólk án þekkts dánardags" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people without a known deathdate" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki án þekkts dánardags" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People marked private" @@ -4805,7 +5178,7 @@ msgstr "Fólk merkt 'Einka'" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people that are indicated as private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem merkt er sem einkamál" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People not marked private" @@ -4813,7 +5186,7 @@ msgstr "Fólk ekki merkt 'Einka'" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people that are not indicated as private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki sem ekki er merkt sem einkamál" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with incomplete events" @@ -4821,7 +5194,7 @@ msgstr "Fólk með ófullgerða atburði" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people with missing date or place in an event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingum sem vantar dagsetningu eða stað í atburð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "On date:" @@ -4833,45 +5206,51 @@ msgstr "Einstaklingar líklega á lífi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people without indications of death that are not too old" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki án upplýsinga um dánardægur sem ekki er of gamalt" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Matches people whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar fólki sem hefur Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People with a name matching " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með nafn sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" "Matches people's names containing a substring or matching a regular " "expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar nöfnum fólks sem innihalda undirfærslu eða samsvara reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Relationship path between " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slóð vensla milli " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" "Matches the ancestors of two persons back to a common ancestor, producing " "the relationship path between two persons." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar forfeðrum tveggja einstaklinga baka til sameiginlegra forfeðra, " +"útbýr þannig slóðir vensla milli tveggja einstaklinga." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "Relationship path between bookmarked persons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Slóð vensla milli bókamerktra einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "" "Matches the ancestors of bookmarked individuals back to common ancestors, " "producing the relationship path(s) between bookmarked persons." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar forfeðrum bókamerktra einstaklinga baka til sameiginlegra " +"forfeðra, útbýr þannig slóðir vensla milli bókamerktra einstaklinga." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/ msgid "People matching the " @@ -4887,26 +5266,29 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum stöðum í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places changed after " -msgstr "Staðir breyttir eftir " +msgstr "Staðir breyttir eftir " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "" "Matches place records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar færslum staða sem breytt hefur verið eftir tiltekna dagsetningu-" +"tíma (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) eða á tímabili, ef önnur dagsetning-tími er " +"einnig gefin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Place with the " -msgstr "Staðir með " +msgstr "Staðir með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places with a citation of a particular value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar stöðum með tilvitnun sem hefur ákveðið gildi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -4917,7 +5299,7 @@ msgid "Name:" msgstr "Nafn:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Place type:" msgstr "Tegund staðar:" @@ -4942,15 +5324,15 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar stöðum með ákveðin viðföng" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places with media" -msgstr "Staðir með gögn" +msgstr "Staðir með gögn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places with a certain number of items in the gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar stöðum með ákveðinn fjölda atriða í myndasafni" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Place with " -msgstr "Staðir með " +msgstr "Staðir með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches a place with a specified Gramps ID" @@ -4971,7 +5353,7 @@ msgstr "Staðsetningasíur" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places having notes" -msgstr "Staðir með minnispunkta" +msgstr "Staðir með minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places having a certain number of notes" @@ -4979,19 +5361,23 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar stöðum með ákveðinn fjölda minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar stöðum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar stöðum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Street:" @@ -5027,7 +5413,7 @@ msgstr "Kirkjusókn:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places with a reference count of " -msgstr "Staðir með tilvísanir" +msgstr "Staðir með tilvísanir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places with a certain reference count" @@ -5035,7 +5421,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar stöðum með ákveðinn fjölda tilvísana" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Place with sources" -msgstr "Staður með heimildir" +msgstr "Staður með heimildir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places with a certain number of sources connected to it" @@ -5043,7 +5429,7 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar stöðum með ákveðinn fjölda heimilda sem tengjast þeim" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places with the " -msgstr "Staðir með " +msgstr "Staðir með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places who have a particular source" @@ -5097,41 +5483,46 @@ msgid "" "height and width (in degrees), and with middlepoint the given latitude and " "longitude." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar stöðum með breiddar- eða lengdargráðu innan ferhyrnings af " +"ákveðinni hæð og breidd (í gráðum), þar sem miðpunkturinn er uppgefin " +"breiddar- eða lengdargráða." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places enclosed by another place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðir umluktir af öðrum stað" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Matches a place enclosed by a particular place" -msgstr "Samsvarar stöðum með ákveðinn titil" +msgstr "Samsvarar stað sem umlukinn er ákveðnum stað" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places of events matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðir atburða sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "" "Matches places where events happened that match the specified event filter " "name" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar stöðum þar sem atburðir gerðust sem samsvara tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðir sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places matched by the specified filter name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar stöðum sem samsvara tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Place with a direct source >= " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðir með beina heimild >= <áreiðanleikastig>" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar stöðum með a.m.k. eina beina heimild sem hefur tiltekið " +"áreiðanleikastig" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places marked private" @@ -5139,15 +5530,16 @@ msgstr "Staðir merktir 'Einka'" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places that are indicated as private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar stöðum sem merktir eru sem einka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Places with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðir með auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/ msgid "Matches places whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar stöðum sem hefur Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Every repository" @@ -5159,17 +5551,20 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum gagnasöfnum í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories changed after " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn breytt eftir " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "" "Matches repository records changed after a specified date/time (yyyy-mm-dd " "hh:mm:ss) or in the range, if a second date/time is given." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar færslum gagnasafna sem breytt hefur verið eftir tiltekna " +"dagsetningu-tíma (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) eða á tímabili, ef önnur dagsetning-" +"tími er einnig gefin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repository with " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasafn með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Matches a repository with a specified Gramps ID" @@ -5177,35 +5572,39 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar gagnasafni með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Matches repositories whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar gagnasöfnum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "" "Matches repositories whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar gagnasöfnum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories with a reference count of " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn með tilvísanir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Matches repositories with a certain reference count" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnasöfnum með ákveðinn fjölda tilvísana" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "repo|Name:" -msgstr "Heiti" +msgstr "Heiti:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Address:" @@ -5217,11 +5616,11 @@ msgstr "Vefslóð:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories matching parameters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn samsvarandi viðföngum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Matches Repositories with particular parameters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnasöfnum með ákveðin viðföng" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories with the " @@ -5233,35 +5632,36 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar gagnasöfnum með ákveðið merki" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Matches repositories matched by the specified filter name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnasöfnum sem samsvara tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories with name containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn með nöfn sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Matches repositories whose name contains a certain substring" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnasöfnum með nafn sem inniheldur tiltekna undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn með auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Matches repositories whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar gagnasöfnum sem hafa Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Repositories marked private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn merkt 'Einka'" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/ msgid "Matches repositories that are indicated as private" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar gagnasöfnum sem merkt eru sem einkamál" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Every source" @@ -5273,25 +5673,28 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar öllum heimildum í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources changed after " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir breyttar eftir " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "" "Matches source records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" +"Samsvarar færslum heimilda sem breytt hefur verið eftir tiltekna dagsetningu-" +"tíma (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) eða á tímabili, ef önnur dagsetning-tími er " +"einnig gefin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources with media" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir með gagna" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches sources with a certain number of items in the gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar heimildum með ákveðinn fjölda atriða í myndasafni" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Source with " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimild með " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches a source with a specified Gramps ID" @@ -5299,53 +5702,60 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar heimild með tiltekið Gramps auðkenni (ID)" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources having notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir með minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches sources having a certain number of notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar heimildum með ákveðinn fjölda minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches sources whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar heimildum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources having notes containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir með minnispunkta sem innihalda " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches sources whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar heimildum með minnispunkta sem innihalda texta sem samsvarar " +"reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources with a reference count of " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir með tilvísanir" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches sources with a certain reference count" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar heimildum með ákveðinn fjölda tilvísana" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources with Repository references" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir með tilvísanir í gagnasöfn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches sources with a certain number of repository references" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar heimildum með ákveðinn fjölda tilvísana í gagnasöfn" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources with repository reference containing in \"Call Number\"" msgstr "" +"Heimildir með tilvísun í gagnasafn sem innheldur í uppflettinúmeri" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "" "Matches sources with a repository reference\n" "containing a substring in \"Call Number\"" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar heimildum með tilvísun í gagnasafn\n" +"sem innheldur undirfærslu í uppflettinúmeri" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources with the " @@ -5357,37 +5767,40 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar heimildum með ákveðið merki" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir sem samsvara " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches sources matched by the specified filter name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar heimildum sem samsvara tilteknu síuheiti" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources with repository reference matching the " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir með tilvísun í gagnasafn sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "" "Matches sources with a repository reference that match a certain\n" "repository filter" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar heimildum með tilvísun í gagnasafn sem samsvarar ákveðinni " +"gagnasafnasíu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources with title containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir með titil sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches sources whose title contains a certain substring" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar heimildum með titil sem inniheldur tiltekna undirfærslu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources with Id containing " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildir með auðkenni sem inniheldur " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Matches sources whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" +"Samsvarar heimildum sem hafa Gramps-auðkenni sem samsvarar reglulegri segð" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/ msgid "Sources marked private" @@ -5397,7 +5810,7 @@ msgstr "Heimildir merktar 'Einka'" msgid "Matches sources that are indicated as private" msgstr "Samsvarar heimildum sem merktar eru sem einkamál" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ @@ -5409,86 +5822,86 @@ msgstr "Samsvarar heimildum sem merktar eru sem einkamál" msgid "Custom" msgstr "Sérsniðið" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Caste" msgstr "Stétt/Ættbálkur" #. 2 name (version) -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Description" msgstr "Lýsing" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Identification Number" msgstr "Auðkennistala" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "National Origin" msgstr "Upprunaþjóðerni" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Number of Children" msgstr "Fjöldi barna" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Social Security Number" msgstr "Sjúkrasamlagsnúmer" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Nickname" msgstr "Gælunafn" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Cause" msgstr "Ástæða" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Agency" msgstr "Stjórnsýslustofnun" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Age" msgstr "Aldur" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Father's Age" msgstr "Aldur föður" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Mother's Age" msgstr "Aldur móður" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Witness" msgstr "Vottur" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Time" msgstr "Tími" @@ -5497,35 +5910,35 @@ msgstr "Tími" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "None" msgstr "Ekkert" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Birth" msgstr "Fæðing" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Adopted" -msgstr "Ættleidd" +msgstr "Ættleiðing" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Stepchild" @@ -5547,15 +5960,15 @@ msgstr "Fóstur" #. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gen/mime/ ../gramps/gen/mime/ -#: ../gramps/gen/mime/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ +#: ../gramps/gen/mime/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "unknown" msgstr "óþekkt" @@ -5572,7 +5985,7 @@ msgstr "meira en" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "less than" msgstr "minna en" @@ -5588,10 +6001,10 @@ msgid "between" msgstr "á milli" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/merge/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "and" msgstr "og" @@ -5605,6 +6018,7 @@ msgstr "meira en u.þ.b." #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} year" msgid_plural "{number_of} years" msgstr[0] "{number_of} ár" @@ -5630,6 +6044,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} month" msgid_plural "{number_of} months" msgstr[0] "{number_of} mánuður" @@ -5637,6 +6052,7 @@ msgstr[1] "{number_of} mánuðir" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} day" msgid_plural "{number_of} days" msgstr[0] "{number_of} dagur" @@ -5646,35 +6062,35 @@ msgstr[1] "{number_of} dagar" msgid "0 days" msgstr "0 dagar" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "calculated" msgstr "reiknað" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "estimated" msgstr "áætlað" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "about" msgstr "um" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "after" msgstr "eftir" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "before" msgstr "fyrir" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "range" msgstr "svið" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "span" msgstr "spannar" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "textonly" msgstr "einungistexti" @@ -5720,25 +6136,25 @@ msgstr "Lífshlaup" #. show "> Family: ..." and nothing else #. show "V Family: ..." and the rest #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Family" msgstr "Fjölskylda" @@ -5748,7 +6164,7 @@ msgstr "Trúarlegt" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Vocational" -msgstr "Sérnám" +msgstr "Starfstengt" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Academic" @@ -5756,7 +6172,7 @@ msgstr "Námstengt" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Travel" -msgstr "Ferðalög" +msgstr "Flutningar" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Legal" @@ -5764,8 +6180,8 @@ msgstr "Lagalegt" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Residence" msgstr "Aðsetur" @@ -5774,15 +6190,15 @@ msgstr "Aðsetur" msgid "Other" msgstr "Annað" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Death" msgstr "Andlát" @@ -5792,7 +6208,7 @@ msgstr "Fullorðinsskírn" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Baptism" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skírn" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Bar Mitzvah" @@ -5909,12 +6325,13 @@ msgstr "Starfslok" msgid "Will" msgstr "Erfðaskrá" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Marriage" msgstr "Brúðkaup" @@ -5939,7 +6356,7 @@ msgid "Engagement" msgstr "Trúlofun" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Divorce" msgstr "Skilnaður" @@ -5993,19 +6410,19 @@ msgstr "ættl." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Adult Christening abbreviation|a.chr." -msgstr "" +msgstr "full.ferm." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Baptism abbreviation|bap." -msgstr "" +msgstr "bap." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Bar Mitzvah abbreviation|bar." -msgstr "" +msgstr "bar." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Bat Mitzvah abbreviation|bat." -msgstr "" +msgstr "bat." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Blessing abbreviation|bles." @@ -6049,19 +6466,19 @@ msgstr "kjör." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Emigration abbreviation|em." -msgstr "" +msgstr "brottfl." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "First Communion abbreviation|f.comm." -msgstr "" +msgstr "f.altarisg." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Immigration abbreviation|im." -msgstr "" +msgstr "innflyt." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Graduation abbreviation|grad." -msgstr "" +msgstr "útskr." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Medical Information abbreviation|medinf." @@ -6085,15 +6502,15 @@ msgstr "fj.hjúsk." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Occupation abbreviation|occ." -msgstr "" +msgstr "atv." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Ordination abbreviation|ord." -msgstr "" +msgstr "reglust." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Probate abbreviation|prob." -msgstr "" +msgstr "búskipt." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Property abbreviation|prop." @@ -6117,11 +6534,11 @@ msgstr "erfðaskr." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Marriage Settlement abbreviation|m.set." -msgstr "" +msgstr "uppgjör hjúsk." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Marriage License abbreviation|m.lic." -msgstr "" +msgstr "hjúsk.leyfi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Marriage Contract abbreviation|m.con." @@ -6129,11 +6546,11 @@ msgstr "kaupm." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Marriage Banns abbreviation|m.ban." -msgstr "" +msgstr "hjúsk.bann" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Alternate Marriage abbreviation|alt.mar." -msgstr "" +msgstr "annar hjúsk." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Engagement abbreviation|engd." @@ -6145,11 +6562,11 @@ msgstr "skiln." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Divorce Filing abbreviation|div.f." -msgstr "" +msgstr "sótt um skiln." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Annulment abbreviation|annul." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ógilt." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Civil Union" @@ -6191,11 +6608,11 @@ msgstr "Hætt við" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Child" msgstr "Barn" @@ -6240,7 +6657,7 @@ msgid "Uncleared" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Complete" msgstr "Lokið" @@ -6262,7 +6679,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(str1)s, %(str2)s" msgstr "" @@ -6279,14 +6696,14 @@ msgstr "Erft" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Surname|Given" -msgstr "Fornafn" +msgstr "Gefið" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Surname|Taken" msgstr "Tekið" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Patronymic" msgstr "Föðurnafn" @@ -6327,17 +6744,17 @@ msgstr "Fæðingarnafn" msgid "Married Name" msgstr "Hjúskaparnafn" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -6359,9 +6776,9 @@ msgid "Source text" msgstr "Frumtexti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ @@ -6370,7 +6787,7 @@ msgid "Citation" msgstr "Tilvitnun" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gen/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Report" msgstr "Skýrsla" @@ -6404,7 +6821,7 @@ msgstr "Minnispunktur tengsla" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "LDS Note" -msgstr "LDS minnispunktur" +msgstr "SDH minnispunktur" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ @@ -6417,7 +6834,7 @@ msgstr "Minnispunktur atburðar" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Event Reference Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur tilvísunar atburðar" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Source Note" @@ -6425,7 +6842,7 @@ msgstr "Minnispunktur heimildar" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Source Reference Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur tilvísunar staðar" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Place Note" @@ -6437,7 +6854,7 @@ msgstr "Minnispunktur gagnasafns" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Repository Reference Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur tilvísunar gagnasafns" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Media Note" @@ -6445,51 +6862,51 @@ msgstr "Minnispunktur gagna" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Media Reference Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur tilvísunar gagna" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Child Reference Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur tilvísunar barns" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ msgid "Merged Gramps ID" msgstr "Sameinuð Gramps auðkenni" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Country" msgstr "Land" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "State" msgstr "Fylki/Svæði" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "County" -msgstr "Sýsla" +msgstr "Sveitarfélag" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "City" msgstr "Borg" @@ -6497,12 +6914,12 @@ msgstr "Borg" msgid "Parish" msgstr "Kirkjusókn" -#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Locality" msgstr "Hverfi" @@ -6510,7 +6927,7 @@ msgstr "Hverfi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Street" msgstr "Gata" @@ -6563,8 +6980,8 @@ msgid "Building" msgstr "Bygging" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Number" msgstr "Fjöldi" @@ -6609,9 +7026,9 @@ msgid "Audio" msgstr "Hljóðrit" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Book" msgstr "Bók" @@ -6725,14 +7142,12 @@ msgid "FTP" msgstr "FTP" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Family Tree Differences" -msgstr "Heiti ættartölu" +msgstr "Frávik ættartölu" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Searching..." -msgstr "Vel..." +msgstr "Leita..." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ msgid "Merge Citation" @@ -6740,11 +7155,11 @@ msgstr "Sameina tilvitnun" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ msgid "Merge Event Objects" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sameina atburðahluta" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ msgid "A parent should be a father or mother." -msgstr "Foreldri ætti að vera faðir eða móðir" +msgstr "Foreldri ætti að vera faðir eða móðir." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ @@ -6764,12 +7179,12 @@ msgid "Merge Family" msgstr "Sameina fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "Merge Media Objects" msgstr "Sameina gagnahluta" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "Merge Notes" msgstr "Sameina minnispunkta" @@ -6789,6 +7204,8 @@ msgid "" "A person with multiple relations with the same spouse is about to be merged. " "This is beyond the capabilities of the merge routine. The merge is aborted." msgstr "" +"Sameina á einstakling með mörg tengsl við sama maka. Þetta er mera en " +"sameiningarútreikningar ráða við. Hætt er við sameiningu." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ msgid "Multiple families get merged. This is unusual, the merge is aborted." @@ -6797,12 +7214,12 @@ msgstr "" "sameiningu." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "Merge Places" msgstr "Sameina staði" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "Merge Repositories" msgstr "Sameina gagnasöfn" @@ -6810,7 +7227,7 @@ msgstr "Sameina gagnasöfn" msgid "Merge Source" msgstr "Sameina heimild" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Gramplet %s caused an error" msgstr "Villa kom upp í %s gramplingnum" @@ -6830,6 +7247,8 @@ msgid "" "Option '%(opt_name)s' is present in %(file)s\n" " but is not known to the module. Ignoring..." msgstr "" +"Valkosturinn '%(opt_name)s' er til staðar í skránni %(file)s\n" +" en er ekki kunnugt kerfiseiningunni. Hunsa þetta..." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/ msgid "Stable" @@ -6892,7 +7311,7 @@ msgstr "Hliðarspjald" #. add miscellaneous column #: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Ýmislegt" @@ -6900,7 +7319,7 @@ msgstr "Ýmislegt" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "ERROR: Failed reading plugin registration %(filename)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VILLA: Mistókst að lesa skráningu viðbótar %(filename)s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format @@ -6908,6 +7327,8 @@ msgid "" "WARNING: Plugin %(plugin_name)s has no translation for any of your " "configured languages, using US English instead" msgstr "" +"AÐVÖRUN: Viðbótin %(plugin_name)s er ekki með neina þýðingu á neinu af " +"uppsettum tungumálum, nota US_English í staðinn" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format @@ -6915,17 +7336,21 @@ msgid "" "ERROR: Plugin file %(filename)s has a version of \"%(gramps_target_version)s" "\" which is invalid for Gramps \"%(gramps_version)s\"." msgstr "" +"VILLA: Viðbótarskráin %(filename)s er fyrir útgáfuna " +"\"%(gramps_target_version)s\" sem gildir ekki fyrir Gramps " +"\"%(gramps_version)s\"." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "ERROR: Wrong python file %(filename)s in register file %(regfile)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "VILLA: Röng python-skrá %(filename)s í kerfisskránni %(regfile)s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "" "ERROR: Python file %(filename)s in register file %(regfile)s does not exist" msgstr "" +"VILLA: Python-skráin %(filename)s ií kerfisskránni %(regfile)s er ekki til" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/ msgid "Close file first" @@ -6963,8 +7388,8 @@ msgstr "Skráin %s er þegar opin, lokaðu henni fyrst." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ @@ -6976,7 +7401,7 @@ msgstr "Skráin %s er þegar opin, lokaðu henni fyrst." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Could not create %s" msgstr "Tókst ekki að búa til %s" @@ -6986,106 +7411,106 @@ msgstr "Tókst ekki að búa til %s" #. Private Constants #. #. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ msgid "Default" msgstr "Sjálfgefið" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "PostScript / Helvetica" msgstr "PostScript / Helvetica" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "TrueType / FreeSans" msgstr "TrueType / FreeSans" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Vertical (↓)" msgstr "Lóðrétt (↓)" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Vertical (↑)" msgstr "Lóðrétt (↑)" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Horizontal (→)" msgstr "Lárétt (→)" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Horizontal (←)" msgstr "Lárétt (←)" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Bottom, left" msgstr "Neðst, vinstri" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Bottom, right" msgstr "Neðst, hægri" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Top, left" msgstr "Efst, vinstri" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Top, Right" msgstr "Efst, hægri" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Right, bottom" msgstr "Hægri, neðst" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Right, top" msgstr "Hægri, efst" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Left, bottom" msgstr "Vinstri, neðst" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Left, top" msgstr "Vinstri, efst" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Compress to minimal size" msgstr "Þjappa í minnstu stærð" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Fill the given area" msgstr "Fylla viðkomandi svæði" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Expand uniformly" msgstr "Víkka jafnt" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Top" msgstr "Efst" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Neðst" #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ -msgid "GraphViz Layout" +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +msgid "Graphviz Layout" msgstr "GraphViz framsetning" #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Font family" msgstr "Leturtegund" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "" "Choose the font family. If international characters don't show, use FreeSans " "font. FreeSans is available from:" @@ -7094,66 +7519,74 @@ msgstr "" "letur eins og FreeSans. FreeSans má nálgast hér:" "freefont/" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Font size" msgstr "Stærð leturs" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "The font size, in points." msgstr "Stærð leturs, í punktum." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Graph Direction" msgstr "Stefna grafs" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Whether graph goes from top to bottom or left to right." msgstr "Hvort grafið sé teikna að ofan og niður eða frá vinstri til hægri." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Number of Horizontal Pages" msgstr "Fjöldi láréttra síðna" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "" -"GraphViz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a " +"Graphviz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a " "rectangular array of pages. This controls the number pages in the array " "horizontally. Only valid for dot and pdf via Ghostscript." msgstr "" +"Graphviz getur útbúið mjög stór gröf með því að dreifa grafi yfir ferhyrndan " +"flöt með mörgum síðum. Þetta stýrir hversu margar síður eru lárétt í " +"fletinum. Gildir bara um .dot og .pdf með Ghostscript." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Number of Vertical Pages" msgstr "Fjöldi láóðréttra síðna" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "" -"GraphViz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a " +"Graphviz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a " "rectangular array of pages. This controls the number pages in the array " "vertically. Only valid for dot and pdf via Ghostscript." msgstr "" +"Graphviz getur útbúið mjög stór gröf með því að dreifa grafi yfir ferhyrndan " +"flöt með mörgum síðum. Þetta stýrir hversu margar síður eru lóðrétt í " +"fletinum. Gildir bara um .dot og .pdf með Ghostscript." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Paging Direction" msgstr "Stefna síðuröðunar" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "" "The order in which the graph pages are output. This option only applies if " "the horizontal pages or vertical pages are greater than 1." msgstr "" +"Röð á síðunum í úttakinu. Þetta gildir einungis ef fjöldi láréttra/lóðréttra " +"síðna er meiri en 1." #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ -msgid "GraphViz Options" +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +msgid "Graphviz Options" msgstr "GraphViz valkostir" #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Aspect ratio" msgstr "Stærðarhlutföll" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "" "Affects node spacing and scaling of the graph.\n" "If the graph is smaller than the print area:\n" @@ -7170,11 +7603,11 @@ msgid "" " Expand will shrink the graph uniformly to fit the print area." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "DPI" msgstr "PÁT" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "" "Dots per inch. When creating images such as .gif or .png files for the web, " "try numbers such as 100 or 300 DPI. PostScript and PDF files always use 72 " @@ -7182,141 +7615,141 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Punktar á hverja tommu (DPI). Þegar útbúa skal .gif eða .png skrár fyrir " "vefnotkun, prófaðu að nota gildi á borð við 100 eða 300 PÁT. PostScript og " -"PDF nota alltaf 72 PÁT" +"PDF nota alltaf 72 PÁT." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Node spacing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Millibil tengipunkta" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "" "The minimum amount of free space, in inches, between individual nodes. For " "vertical graphs, this corresponds to spacing between columns. For " "horizontal graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Rank spacing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Millibil stiga" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "" "The minimum amount of free space, in inches, between ranks. For vertical " "graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows. For horizontal graphs, " "this corresponds to spacing between columns." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Use subgraphs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota undirgröf" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "" -"Subgraphs can help GraphViz position spouses together, but with non-trivial " +"Subgraphs can help Graphviz position spouses together, but with non-trivial " "graphs will result in longer lines and larger graphs." msgstr "" #. ############################### #. 3 -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Note" msgstr "Minnispunktur" #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Note to add to the graph" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur sem á að bæta við grafið" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "This text will be added to the graph." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þessum texta mun verða bætt við grafið." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Note location" -msgstr "Staðsetning minnispunkta" - -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ -msgid "Whether note will appear on top or bottom of the page." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðsetning minnispunkts" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +msgid "Whether note will appear on top or bottom of the page." +msgstr "Hvort minnispunktur birtist efst eða neðst á síðunni." + +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Note size" msgstr "Stærð minnispunkts" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "The size of note text, in points." msgstr "Stærð minnistexta, í punktum." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "PDF (Ghostscript)" msgstr "PDF (Ghostscript)" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "PDF (Graphviz)" msgstr "PDF (Graphviz)" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ msgid "PostScript" msgstr "PostScript" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Structured Vector Graphics (SVG)" msgstr "Structured Vector Graphics (SVG)" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Compressed Structured Vector Graphs (SVGZ)" msgstr "Þjappað Structured Vector Graphs (SVGZ)" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "JPEG image" msgstr "JPEG mynd" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "GIF image" msgstr "GIF mynd" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "PNG image" msgstr "PNG mynd" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Graphviz File" msgstr "Graphviz skrá" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "paper size|Letter" -msgstr "US letter" +msgstr "BNA bréfsefni" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "paper size|Legal" -msgstr "US legal" +msgstr "BNA löggilt" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/ msgid "Custom Size" @@ -7363,8 +7796,8 @@ msgid "Graphs" msgstr "Skýringamyndir" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Text" @@ -7376,26 +7809,29 @@ msgstr "Myndefni" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the generation header." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir fyrirsagnir kynslóða." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes source display." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á heimildum eftirmála." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes notes display." msgstr "" +"Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á minnispunktum eftirmála." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes reference display." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á tilvísunum eftirmála." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes reference notes display." msgstr "" +"Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á tilvísunum í minnispunkta " +"eftirmála." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ msgid "Endnotes" @@ -7403,11 +7839,12 @@ msgstr "Eftirmálar" #. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" @@ -7421,15 +7858,15 @@ msgid "The translation to be used for the report." msgstr "Þýðingin sem notuð verður í þessari skýrslu." #. label for the combo -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Name format" msgstr "Nafnasnið" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Select the format to display names" msgstr "Veldu snið sem verður notað við að birta nöfn" @@ -7442,17 +7879,17 @@ msgid "Whether to include private data" msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi einkagögn með" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Could not add photo to page" msgstr "Gat ekki bætt mynd við síðu" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "File does not exist" msgstr "Skráin er ekki til" @@ -7462,7 +7899,7 @@ msgid "PERSON" msgstr "EINSTAKLINGUR" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Entire Database" msgstr "Allur gagnagrunnurinn" @@ -7495,70 +7932,70 @@ msgstr "Forfeður %s" msgid "People with common ancestor with %s" msgstr "Fólk sem á sameiginlegan forföður með %s" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ msgid "Updated" msgstr "Uppfært" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ msgid "updates|New" msgstr "Nýtt" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Unable to open '%s'" msgstr "Gat ekki opnað '%s'" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Error in reading '%s'" msgstr "Villa við lestur '%s'" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Error: cannot open '%s'" msgstr "Villa: get ekki opnað '%s'" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Error: unknown file type: '%s'" msgstr "Villa: óþekkt skráartegund: '%s'" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Examining '%s'..." msgstr "Skoða '%s'..." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Error in '%s' file: cannot load." msgstr "Villa í skránni '%s': get ekki hlaðið skrá." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "'%s' is for this version of Gramps." msgstr "'%s' er fyrir þessa útgáfu af Gramps." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "'%s' is NOT for this version of Gramps." msgstr "'%s' er EKKI fyrir þessa útgáfu af Gramps." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "It is for version %(v1)d.%(v2)d" msgstr "Það er fyrir útgáfu %(v1)d.%(v2)d" -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Error: missing gramps_target_version in '%s'..." msgstr "Villa: vantar gramps_target_version í '%s'..." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Installing '%s'..." msgstr "Set '%s' upp á tölvunni..." -#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gen/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Registered '%s'" msgstr "Skráði '%s'" @@ -7576,7 +8013,7 @@ msgstr "Skráði '%s'" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -7587,10 +8024,10 @@ msgstr "Skráði '%s'" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -7612,16 +8049,24 @@ msgid "Private" msgstr "Einkamál" #: ../gramps/gen/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Unable to open list of recent DBs file {fname}: {error}" msgstr "" +"Tókst ekki að opna lista yfir nýlegar gagnagrunnsskrár {fname}: {error}" #: ../gramps/gen/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "" "Error parsing list of recent DBs from file {fname}: {error}.\n" "This might indicate a damage to your files.\n" "If you're sure there is no problem with other files, delete it, and restart " "Gramps." msgstr "" +"Villa við að þátta lista yfir nýlega gagnagrunna úr skránni {fname}: " +"{error}.\n" +"Þetta gæti bent til skemmda á skránum þínum.\n" +"Ef þú ert viss um að hinar skrárnar séu óskemmdar, eyddu þessari og " +"endurræstu Gramps." #: ../gramps/gen/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -7634,6 +8079,8 @@ msgid "" "Family Tree reaches back more than the maximum %d generations searched.\n" "It is possible that relationships have been missed" msgstr "" +"Ættartalan nær lengra aftur en þær %d kynslóðir sem voru skoðaðar.\n" +"Það er hugsanlegt að ekki hafi náðst að finna öll vensl" #: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "Relationship loop detected:" @@ -7649,12 +8096,12 @@ msgid "undefined" msgstr "óskilgreint" #: ../gramps/gen/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "husband" msgstr "eiginmaður" #: ../gramps/gen/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "wife" msgstr "eiginkona" @@ -7712,15 +8159,15 @@ msgstr "sambýlingur" #: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "male,civil union|former partner" -msgstr "sambýlingur" +msgstr "fyrrverandi sambýlingur" #: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "female,civil union|former partner" -msgstr "sambýlingur" +msgstr "fyrrverandi sambýlingur" #: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "gender unknown,civil union|former partner" -msgstr "sambýlingur" +msgstr "fyrrverandi sambýlingur" #: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "male,unknown relation|partner" @@ -7736,15 +8183,15 @@ msgstr "sambýlingur" #: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "male,unknown relation|former partner" -msgstr "sambýlingur" +msgstr "fyrrverandi sambýlingur" #: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "female,unknown relation|former partner" -msgstr "sambýlingur" +msgstr "fyrrverandi sambýlingur" #: ../gramps/gen/ msgid "gender unknown,unknown relation|former partner" -msgstr "sambýlingur" +msgstr "fyrrverandi sambýlingur" #: ../gramps/gen/ #, python-format @@ -7752,65 +8199,67 @@ msgid "" "Family relationship translator not available for language '%s'. Using " "'english' instead." msgstr "" +"Þýðandi fyrir fjölskyldutengsl er ekki til á tungumálinu '%s'. Nota " +"US_English í staðinn." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "death date" msgstr "dánardægur" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "birth date" msgstr "fæðingardagur" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "sibling birth date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "fæðingardagur systkinis" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "sibling death date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dánardægur systkinis" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "sibling birth-related date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagur tengdur fæðingu systkinis" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "sibling death-related date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagur tengdur andláti systkinis" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "a spouse's birth-related date, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagur tengdur fæðingu maka, " #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "a spouse's death-related date, " -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagur tengdur andláti maka, " #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "event with spouse" -msgstr "" +msgstr "atburður tengdur maka" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "descendant birth date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "fæðingardagur afkomanda" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "descendant death date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dánardægur afkomanda" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "descendant birth-related date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagur tengdur fæðingu afkomanda" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "descendant death-related date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagur tengdur andláti afkomanda" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ #, python-format msgid "Database error: loop in %s's descendants" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnagrunnsvilla: hringtenging hjá afkomendum %s" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "ancestor birth date" @@ -7822,11 +8271,11 @@ msgstr "dánardægur forföður" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "ancestor birth-related date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagur tengdur fæðingu forföður" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "ancestor death-related date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagur tengdur andláti forföður" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ #, python-format @@ -7846,12 +8295,12 @@ msgstr "Satt" msgid "true" msgstr "satt" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gen/utils/ #, python-format msgid "%s, ..." msgstr "%s, ..." -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s" msgstr "%(father)s og %(mother)s" @@ -8021,9 +8470,8 @@ msgid "Chinese (Simplified)" msgstr "Einfölduð kínverska" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Chinese (Hong Kong)" -msgstr "Hefðbundin kínverska" +msgstr "Kínverska (Hong Kong)" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "Chinese (Traditional)" @@ -8066,6 +8514,10 @@ msgid "the filter" msgstr "sían" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ +msgid "the citation" +msgstr "tilvitnunin" + +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "See details" msgstr "Sjá nánar" @@ -8074,45 +8526,46 @@ msgid "" "WARNING: PIL module not loaded. Image cropping in report files will be " "impaired." msgstr "" +"AÐVÖRUN: PIL einingin er ekki hlaðin inn. Utanskurður af myndum í skýrslum " +"getur ekki virkað." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "Person|TITLE" msgstr "TITILL" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Person|Title" msgstr "Titill" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "GIVEN" -msgstr "FORNAFN" +msgstr "EIGINNAFN" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "SURNAME" -msgstr "EFTIRNAFN" +msgstr "KENNINAFN" #. show surname and first name #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Surname" -msgstr "Eftirnafn" +msgstr "Kenninafn" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "Name|CALL" @@ -8126,9 +8579,9 @@ msgstr "birtingarnafn" msgid "Name|COMMON" msgstr "ALMENNT" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Name|Common" msgstr "almennt" @@ -8144,14 +8597,14 @@ msgstr "Upphafsstafir" msgid "SUFFIX" msgstr "VIÐSKEYTI" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Suffix" msgstr "Viðskeyti" @@ -8167,19 +8620,19 @@ msgstr "AÐAL" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "PRIMARY[PRE]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AÐAL[FOR]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "Primary[pre]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aðal[for]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "PRIMARY[SUR]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "AÐAL[EFT]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "Primary[sur]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aðal[eft]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "PRIMARY[CON]" @@ -8195,19 +8648,19 @@ msgstr "FÖÐURNAFN" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "PATRONYMIC[PRE]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FÖÐURNAFN[FOR]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "Patronymic[pre]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Föðurnafn[for]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "PATRONYMIC[SUR]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FÖÐURNAFN[EFT]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "Patronymic[sur]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Föðurnafn[eft]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "PATRONYMIC[CON]" @@ -8221,7 +8674,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "RAWSURNAMES" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Rawsurnames" msgstr "" @@ -8239,9 +8692,9 @@ msgstr "FORSKEYTI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Prefix" msgstr "Forskeyti" @@ -8251,11 +8704,11 @@ msgstr "GÆLUNAFN" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "FAMILYNICK" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FJÖLSKYLDUVIÐURNEFNI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "Familynick" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskylduviðurnefni" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ #, python-format @@ -8279,19 +8732,19 @@ msgstr "%(west_longitude)s V" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "male" msgstr "karl" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "female" msgstr "kona" @@ -8303,47 +8756,47 @@ msgstr "óþekkt" msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Ógilt" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Very High" -msgstr "Mjög mikill" +msgstr "Mjög há" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "High" -msgstr "Mikill" +msgstr "Há" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Normal" -msgstr "Venjulegur" +msgstr "Venjulegt" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Low" -msgstr "Lítill" +msgstr "Lág" -#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gen/utils/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Very Low" -msgstr "Mjög lítill" +msgstr "Mjög lág" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "A legal or common-law relationship between a husband and wife" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lagfest eða borgaraleg gerð sambands á milli karls og konu" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "No legal or common-law relationship between man and woman" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekki lagfest eða borgaraleg gerð sambands á milli karls og konu" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "An established relationship between members of the same sex" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Formlegt samband á milli einstaklinga af sama kyni" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "Unknown relationship between a man and woman" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Óþekkt gerð sambands á milli karls og konu" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "An unspecified relationship between a man and woman" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Óskilgreint samband á milli karls og konu" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/ msgid "" @@ -8374,6 +8827,10 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" +"Útgáfa þín af Python uppfyllir ekki gerðar kröfur. Að minnsta kosti python " +"%(v1)d.%(v2)d.%(v3)d þarf til að ræsa Gramps.\n" +"\n" +"Gramps hættir núna." #: ../gramps/ msgid "" @@ -8383,6 +8840,11 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" +"\n" +"Útgáfa þín af Python uppfyllir ekki gerðar kröfur. Að minnsta kosti python " +"%(v1)d.%(v2)d.%(v3)d þarf til að ræsa Gramps.\n" +"\n" +"Gramps hættir núna." #: ../gramps/ ../gramps/ #: ../gramps/ @@ -8410,20 +8872,24 @@ msgid "" "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5\n" "license." msgstr "" +"Mest af myndefni í Gramps kemur beint frá\n" +"Tango-verkefninu eða er dregið af Tango-\n" +"verkefninu. Þetta myndefni er gefið út með\n" +"Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5\n" +"notkunarleyfinu." #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gramps Homepage" msgstr "Heimasíða Gramps" #: ../gramps/gui/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Contributions by" -msgstr "Stillingar" +msgstr "Framlög frá" #. TRANSLATORS: Translate this to your name in your native language #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sveinn í Felli," #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "manual|Using_the_Clipboard" @@ -8434,63 +8900,64 @@ msgstr "Notkun_klippispjaldsins" msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "Ekki tiltækt" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Address" msgstr "Heimilisfang" #. 0 this order range above -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Event" msgstr "Atburður" #. 5 -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Place" msgstr "Staður" @@ -8503,7 +8970,7 @@ msgstr "Atburðir fjölskyldu" msgid "Url" msgstr "Slóð" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Attribute" msgstr "Eigindi" @@ -8522,91 +8989,93 @@ msgstr "Bindi/Síða: %(pag)s -- %(sourcetext)s" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Repository ref" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasafn tilv." #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Event ref" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburður tilv." #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Place ref" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staður tilv." #. 1 new gramplet #. Priority #. Handle #. Add column with object name -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Name" msgstr "Nafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Place Name" msgstr "Staðarheiti" #. 2 #. add media column -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Media" msgstr "Gögn" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Media ref" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gögn tilv." #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Person ref" @@ -8614,7 +9083,7 @@ msgstr "Einstaklingur tilv." #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Child ref" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Barn tilv." #: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format @@ -8628,25 +9097,25 @@ msgstr "%(frel)s %(mrel)s" #. #. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #. functions for the actual quickreports -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ @@ -8655,24 +9124,24 @@ msgstr "%(frel)s %(mrel)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Person" msgstr "Einstaklingur" #. 7 -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ @@ -8682,14 +9151,14 @@ msgid "Source" msgstr "Heimild" #. 6 -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Repository" msgstr "Gagnasafn" @@ -8709,31 +9178,33 @@ msgstr "Gagnasafn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -8744,13 +9215,13 @@ msgstr "Gagnasafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Type" msgstr "Gerð" @@ -8759,13 +9230,13 @@ msgstr "Gerð" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -8773,7 +9244,7 @@ msgstr "Gerð" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Title" msgstr "Titill" @@ -8783,9 +9254,9 @@ msgstr "Titill" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Value" msgstr "Gildi" @@ -8795,21 +9266,21 @@ msgstr "Gildi" msgid "Clipboard" msgstr "Klippispjald" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ #, python-format msgid "the object|See %s details" msgstr "Sjá nánar um %s" #. --------------------------- -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ #, python-format msgid "the object|Make %s active" msgstr "Gera %s virkt" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "the object|Create Filter from %s selected..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til síu úr %s völdu..." #: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format @@ -8820,16 +9291,16 @@ msgstr "Kvíslasýn: fyrsta dálknum \"%s\" er ekki hægt að breyta" msgid "Drag and drop the columns to change the order" msgstr "Dragðu og slepptu dálkum til þess að breyta uppröðuninni" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "_Apply" msgstr "Virkj_a" #. ################# -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Display" @@ -8841,11 +9312,11 @@ msgstr "Heiti dálks" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Father's surname" -msgstr "Eftirnafn föður" +msgstr "Kenninafn föður" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Combination of mother's and father's surname" -msgstr "Samsett úr eftirnöfnum móður og föður" +msgstr "Samsett úr kenninöfnum móður og föður" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Icelandic style" @@ -8862,18 +9333,17 @@ msgstr "Birtingarnafnaritill" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#, fuzzy msgid "_Close" -msgstr "Loka" +msgstr "_Loka" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" @@ -8914,17 +9384,17 @@ msgstr "" msgid " Name Editor" msgstr " Nafnaritill" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Kjörstillingar" #: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Invalid or incomplete format definition." msgstr "Ógild eða ófullkomin skilgreining á sniði." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "Enter your information so people can contact you when you distribute your " "Family Tree" @@ -8932,74 +9402,74 @@ msgstr "" "Settu inn upplýsingar um þig svo fólk geti haft samband við þig þegar þú " "dreifir ættartölunum þínum" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "State/County" msgstr "Sveitarfélag/Sýsla" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "ZIP/Postal Code" -msgstr "Póstnúmer:" +msgstr "Póstnúmer" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Phone" msgstr "Símanúmer" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Email" msgstr "Tölvupóstur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Researcher" msgstr "Ættfræðingur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Media Object" msgstr "Gagnahlutur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "ID Formats" msgstr "Snið auðkenna" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Set the colors used for boxes in the graphical views" msgstr "Stilltu litina sem á að nota á reiti í myndrænum framsetningum" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gender Male Alive" msgstr "Flötur lifandi karlmanns" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Border Male Alive" msgstr "Rammi lifandi karlmanns" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gender Male Death" msgstr "Flötur látins karlmanns" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Border Male Death" msgstr "Rammi látins karlmanns" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gender Female Alive" msgstr "Flötur lifandi kvenmanns" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Border Female Alive" msgstr "Rammi lifandi kvenmanns" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gender Female Death" msgstr "Flötur látins kvenmanns" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Border Female Death" msgstr "Rammi látins kvenmanns" @@ -9011,309 +9481,305 @@ msgstr "Rammi látins kvenmanns" #. # 'preferences.color-gender-other-death') #. # self.add_color(grid, _('Border Other Death'), 8, #. # 'preferences.bordercolor-gender-other-death') -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gender Unknown Alive" msgstr "Flötur lifandi óþekkt kyn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Border Unknown Alive" msgstr "Rammi lifandi óþekkt kyn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gender Unknown Death" msgstr "Flötur látið óþekkt kyn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Border Unknown Death" msgstr "Rammi látið óþekkt kyn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Colors" msgstr "Litir" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Suppress warning when adding parents to a child." msgstr "Ekki birta aðvörun þegar foreldrum er bætt við barn." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Suppress warning when canceling with changed data." msgstr "Ekki birta aðvörun þegar hætt er við en með óvistuðum gögnum." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Suppress warning about missing researcher when exporting to GEDCOM." msgstr "" "Ekki birta aðvörun þegar upplýsingar um ættfræðing vantar þegar flutt er út " "í GEDCOM." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Show plugin status dialog on plugin load error." msgstr "Birta stöðu viðbóta við hleðsluvillu viðbóta." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Aðvaranir" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Common" msgstr "Almennt" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Call" msgstr "Birtingarnafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "NotPatronymic" msgstr "EkkiFöðurnafnakerfi" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Enter to save, Esc to cancel editing" msgstr "Enter til að vista, Esc til að hætta við breytingar" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "This format exists already." msgstr "Þetta snið er þegar til." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Format" msgstr "Snið" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Example" msgstr "Dæmi" #. show an add button -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/widgets/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "_Add" -msgstr "Bæt_a við..." +msgstr "Bæt_a við" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/widgets/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "_Edit" msgstr "Br_eyta" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "Fja_rlægja:" +msgstr "Fja_rlægja" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Edit" msgstr "Breyta" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Consider single pa/matronymic as surname" -msgstr "Líta á stakt föður/móðurnafn sem eftirnafn" +msgstr "Líta á stakt föður/móðurnafn sem kenninafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Date format" msgstr "Snið dagsetninga" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Years" msgstr "Ár" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Years, Months" msgstr "Ár, mánuðir" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Years, Months, Days" msgstr "Ár, mánuðir, dagar" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Age display precision (requires restart)" msgstr "Nákvæmni birtingar á aldri (krefst endurræsingar)" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Calendar on reports" msgstr "Dagatal á skýrslum" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Surname guessing" -msgstr "Giska á eftirnöfn" +msgstr "Giska á kenninöfn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Default family relationship" msgstr "Sjálfgefin vensl í fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Height multiple surname box (pixels)" -msgstr "Hæð ramma með mörgum eftirnöfnum (mynddílar)" +msgstr "Hæð ramma með mörgum kenninöfnum (mynddílar)" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Active person's name and ID" msgstr "Nafn og auðkenni einstaklings" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Relationship to home person" msgstr "Vensl við upphafseinstakling" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Status bar" msgstr "Stöðustika" -#: ../gramps/gui/ -msgid "Show text in sidebar buttons (requires restart)" -msgstr "Birta texta á hnöppum hliðarspjalds (krefst endurræsingar)" +#: ../gramps/gui/ +msgid "Show text label beside Navigator buttons (requires restart)" +msgstr "Birta texta við hlið örvahnappa (krefst endurræsingar)" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Show close button in gramplet bar tabs" msgstr "Birta lokunarhnappa á gramplinga-flipum" -#: ../gramps/gui/ -msgid "Enable automatic place title generation" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/gui/ -msgid "Suppress comma after house number" -msgstr "" +msgid "Enable automatic place title generation" +msgstr "Virkja sjálfvirka gerð titla fyrir staði" #: ../gramps/gui/ -#, fuzzy +msgid "Suppress comma after house number" +msgstr "Sleppa kommu á eftir húsnúmeri" + +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Reverse display order" -msgstr "Muna síðustu birta sýn" +msgstr "Birta í öfugri röð" -#: ../gramps/gui/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Full place name" -msgstr "Fullt ættarnafn/föðurnafn:" +msgstr "Fullt staðarheiti" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "-> Hamlet/VillageTown/City" -msgstr "" +msgstr "-> Byggðakjarni/Þorp/Borg" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Hamlet/VillageTown/City ->" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byggðakjarni/Þorp/Borg ->" -#: ../gramps/gui/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Restrict" -msgstr "Umdæmi" - -#: ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -msgid "Language" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Takmarka" #: ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ +msgid "Language" +msgstr "Tungumál" + +#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Places" msgstr "Staðir" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Missing surname" -msgstr "Vantar eftirnafn" +msgstr "Vantar kenninafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Missing given name" -msgstr "Vantar fornafn" +msgstr "Vantar eiginnafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Missing record" msgstr "Færslu vantar" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Private surname" -msgstr "Einka eftirnafn" +msgstr "Einka kenninafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Private given name" -msgstr "Einka fornafn" +msgstr "Einka eiginnafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Private record" msgstr "Einkafærsla" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Change is not immediate" msgstr "Breytingin verður ekki strax" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "Changing the date format will not take effect until the next time Gramps is " "started." msgstr "Breyting á dagsetningasniði mun taka gildi næst þegar þú ræsir Gramps." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Date about range" msgstr "Leitarsvið dagsetninga 'um það bil'" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Date after range" msgstr "Leitarsvið dagsetninga 'á eftir'" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Date before range" msgstr "Leitarsvið dagsetninga 'á undan'" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Maximum age probably alive" msgstr "Hámarks ævilíkur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Maximum sibling age difference" msgstr "Hámarks aldurmunur systkina" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Minimum years between generations" msgstr "Lágmarks árafjöldi á milli kynslóða" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Average years between generations" msgstr "Meðaltal ára á milli kynslóða" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Markup for invalid date format" msgstr "Merking fyrir ógilt dagsetningarsnið" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "Convenience markups are:\n" @@ -9344,23 +9810,23 @@ msgstr "" "Sem dæmi: <u><b>%s</b></u>\n" "mun birta undirstrikaða og feitletraða dagsetningu.\n" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Dates" msgstr "Dagsetningar" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Add default source on GEDCOM import" msgstr "Bæta við tilvísun í upprunaskrá þegar flutt er inn GEDCOM" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Add tag on import" msgstr "Bæta við merki við innflutning" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Enable spelling checker" msgstr "Virkja stafsetningaryfirferð" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "GtkSpell not loaded. Spell checking will not be available.\n" @@ -9369,116 +9835,116 @@ msgstr "" "GtkSpell ekki hlaðið inn. Stafsetningaryfirferð verður ekki tiltæk.\n" "Til að byggja hana inn í Gramps skoðaðu %(gramps_wiki_build_spell_url)s" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Display Tip of the Day" msgstr "Birta vísbendingar dagsins" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Remember last view displayed" msgstr "Muna síðustu birta sýn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Max generations for relationships" msgstr "Hámark kynslóða fyrir vensl" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Base path for relative media paths" msgstr "Grunnslóð fyrir afstæðar slóðir á tengd gögn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Once a month" msgstr "Einu sinni í mánuði" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Once a week" msgstr "Einu sinni í viku" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Once a day" msgstr "Einu sinni á dag" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Always" msgstr "Ávallt" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Check for updates" msgstr "Leita að uppfærslum" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Updated addons only" msgstr "Einungis uppfærðar viðbætur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "New addons only" msgstr "Einungis nýjar viðbætur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "New and updated addons" msgstr "Nýjar og uppfærðar viðbætur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "What to check" msgstr "Hvað á að athuga" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Where to check" msgstr "Hvar á að athuga" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Do not ask about previously notified addons" msgstr "Ekki spyrja um viðbætur sem áður hafa verið tilkynntar" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Check now" msgstr "Athuga núna" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Checking Addons Failed" msgstr "Mistókst að athuga með viðbætur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "The addon repository appears to be unavailable. Please try again later." msgstr "" "Viðbótasafnið virðist ekki vera tiltækt í augnablikinu. Reyndu aftur síðar." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "There are no available addons of this type" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Það eru engar tiltækar viðbætur af þessari gerð" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "Checked for '%s'" msgstr "Athugaði '%s'" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "' and '" msgstr "' og '" #. List of translated strings used here #. Dead code for l10n -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "new" msgstr "nýtt" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "update" msgstr "uppfæra" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Family Tree Database path" msgstr "Slóð á gagnagrunnsskrá ættartölu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Automatically load last Family Tree" msgstr "Hlaða sjálfkrafa inn síðustu ættartölu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Select media directory" msgstr "Veldu gagnamöppu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -9521,30 +9987,29 @@ msgstr "Veldu gagnamöppu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Cancel" -msgstr "Hætta við" +msgstr "_Hætta við" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Select database directory" msgstr "Veldu gagnagrunnsmöppu" #: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Undo history warning" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aðvörun vegna ferils afturkallana" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" @@ -9555,6 +10020,12 @@ msgid "" "If you think you may want to revert the import, please stop here and backup " "your database." msgstr "" +"Ef þú heldur áfram með innflutning mun ferill afturkallana þurrkast út fyrir " +"þessa setu. Nánar tiltekið muntu ekki geta afturkallað innflutninginn eða " +"breytingar sem áður hafa verið gerðar.\n" +"\n" +"Ef þú heldur að þú þurfir að geta afturkallað innflutninginn, ættirðu að " +"láta staðar numið og taka öryggisafrit af gagnagrunninum þínum." #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Proceed with import" @@ -9617,7 +10088,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Are you sure you want to upgrade this Family Tree?" msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir uppfæra þessa ættartölu?" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "I have made a backup,\n" "please upgrade my Family Tree" @@ -9627,20 +10099,12 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Hætta við" -#: ../gramps/gui/ -msgid "" -"I have made a backup,\n" -"please upgrade my tree" -msgstr "" -"Ég hef tekið öryggisafrit,\n" -"uppfæra ættartöluna mína" - #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Are you sure you want to downgrade this Family Tree?" msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir niðurfæra þessa ættartölu?" @@ -9665,40 +10129,40 @@ msgstr "Fannst sjálfkrafa" msgid "Select file _type:" msgstr "Veldu skráa_tegund:" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Archive" msgstr "S_afnskrá" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Extract" msgstr "_Afþjappa" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Family Tree name" msgstr "Heiti ættartölu" #. icon_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Status'), render, #. icon_name=ICON_COL) -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Status" msgstr "Staða" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "Break the lock on the '%s' database?" msgstr "Rjúfa læsinguna á '%s' gagnagrunninum?" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "Gramps believes that someone else is actively editing this database. You " "cannot edit this database while it is locked. If no one is editing the " @@ -9706,91 +10170,92 @@ msgid "" "the database and you break the lock, you may corrupt the database." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Break lock" msgstr "Rjúfa læsingu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Rename failed" msgstr "Endurnefning mistókst" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to rename a version failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" +"Tilraun til að endurnefna útgáfu mistókst, með eftirfarandi villuboðum:\n" +"\n" +"%s" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Could not rename the Family Tree." msgstr "Ekki tókst að endurnefna ættartöluna." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Family Tree already exists, choose a unique name." msgstr "Ættartala með þessu heiti er þegar til, veldu eitthvað annað nafn." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Extracting archive..." msgstr "Afþjappa úr safnskrá..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Importing archive..." -msgstr "Flyt inn safnskrá....." +msgstr "Flyt inn safnskrá..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "Remove the '%s' Family Tree?" msgstr "Fjarlægja '%s' ættartöluna?" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Removing this Family Tree will permanently destroy the data." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlæging á þessari ættartölu eyðileggur gögnin endanlega." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Remove Family Tree" msgstr "Fjarlægja ættartölu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "Remove the '%(revision)s' version of '%(database)s'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja '%(revision)s' útgáfu af '%(database)s'" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "Removing this version will prevent you from extracting it in the future." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Remove version" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja útgáfu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Could not delete Family Tree" msgstr "Ekki tókst að fjarlægt ættartölu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Deletion failed" msgstr "Mistókst að eyða" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to delete a version failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" +"Tilraun til að eyða útgáfu mistókst, með eftirfarandi villuboðum:\n" +"\n" +"%s" -#: ../gramps/gui/ -#, fuzzy, python-format -msgid "%(new_DB_name)s (copied %(date_string)s)" -msgstr "%(male_name)s lést %(death_date)s." - -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Repair Family Tree?" msgstr "Gera við ættartölu?" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "If you click %(bold_start)sProceed%(bold_end)s, Gramps will attempt to " @@ -9817,43 +10282,46 @@ msgid "" "%(recover_file)s in the Family Tree directory." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Proceed, I have taken a backup" msgstr "Halda áfram, ég hef tekið öryggisafrit" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Stop" msgstr "Stöðva" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Rebuilding database from backup files" msgstr "Endurbyggi gagnagrunn frá öryggisafritaskrám" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Error restoring backup data" msgstr "Villa við endurheimtingu frá öryggisafriti" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Could not create Family Tree" msgstr "Ekki tókst að búa til ættartölu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Retrieve failed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Endurheimting mistókst" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to retrieve the data failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" +"Tilraun til að ná í gögnin mistókst, með eftirfarandi villuboðum:\n" +"\n" +"%s" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Archiving failed" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to create the archive failed with the following message:\n" @@ -9861,15 +10329,15 @@ msgid "" "%s" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Creating data to be archived..." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Saving archive..." msgstr "Vista safnskrá..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to archive the data failed with the following message:\n" @@ -9879,7 +10347,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Error detected in database" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Villa fannst í gagnagrunni" #: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format @@ -9891,17 +10359,25 @@ msgid "" "bug report at %(gramps_bugtracker_url)s\n" "\n" msgstr "" +"Gramps hefur fundið villu í gagnagrunninum. Venjulega er hægt að leysa þetta " +"með því að keyra \"Athuga og gera við gagnagrunn\" verkfærið.\n" +"\n" +"Ef þetta vandamál heldur áfram að gera vart við sig eftir að það hefur verið " +"reynt, skaltu endilega senda inn villuskýrslu á %(gramps_bugtracker_url)s\n" +"\n" #: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Attempt to force closing the dialog" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilraun til að þvinga lokun á glugganum" #: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "Please do not force closing this important dialog.\n" "Instead select one of the available options" msgstr "" +"Ekki þvinga lokun á þessum mikilvæga glugga.\n" +"Veldu frekar einn af tiltækum möguleikum" #: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -9940,44 +10416,51 @@ msgstr "Enginn virkur gagnamiðill" msgid "No active note" msgstr "Enginn virkur minnispunktur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Select_a_media_object_selector" +msgstr "Velja_gagnahluta" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Select a media object" msgstr "Veldu gagnahlut" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Select media object" msgstr "Veldu gagnahluta" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Import failed" msgstr "Innflutningur mistókst" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "The filename supplied could not be found." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uppgefið skráarheiti fannst ekki." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Cannot import %s" msgstr "Get ekki flutt inn %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "" "Directory specified in preferences: Base path for relative media paths: %s " "does not exist. Change preferences or do not use relative path when importing" msgstr "" +"Mappa sem tilgreind er í kjörstillingum: Grunnslóð á afstæð gögn: %s, er " +"ekki til. Breyttu þessu í kjörstillingum eða slepptu því að nota afstæðar " +"slóðir við innflutning" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Cannot display %s" msgstr "Get ekki birt %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "Gramps is not able to display the image file. This may be caused by a " "corrupt file." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramps getur ekki birt myndskrána. Þetta gæti verið skemmd skrá." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Create and add a new address" @@ -9985,7 +10468,7 @@ msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýju heimilisfangi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the existing address" -msgstr "Fjarlægja núverandi heimilisfang" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi heimilisfang" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Edit the selected address" @@ -10021,24 +10504,25 @@ msgstr "Færa valið heimilisfang niður" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -10049,14 +10533,14 @@ msgstr "Færa valið heimilisfang niður" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Date" msgstr "Dagsetning" @@ -10072,7 +10556,7 @@ msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýjum eigindum" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the existing attribute" -msgstr "Fjarlægja núverandi eigindi" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi eigindi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ @@ -10102,40 +10586,40 @@ msgstr "_Eigindi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -10167,10 +10651,10 @@ msgstr "%(part1)s - %(part2)s" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Add" @@ -10184,8 +10668,8 @@ msgstr "Bæta við" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Remove" msgstr "Fjarlægja" @@ -10214,7 +10698,7 @@ msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýrri tilvitnun og nýrri heimild" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the existing citation" -msgstr "Fjarlægja núverandi tilvitnun" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi tilvitnun" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -10236,16 +10720,17 @@ msgstr "Færa valda tilvitnun niður" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Author" msgstr "Höfundur" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Page" msgstr "Síða" @@ -10260,12 +10745,12 @@ msgstr "_Tilvitnanir heimilda" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Cannot share this reference" msgstr "Get ekki deilt þessari tilvísun" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "This citation cannot be created at this time. Either the associated Source " "object is already being edited, or another citation associated with the same " @@ -10280,21 +10765,21 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Father" msgstr "Faðir" @@ -10302,21 +10787,21 @@ msgstr "Faðir" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Mother" msgstr "Móðir" @@ -10335,7 +10820,7 @@ msgstr "Breyta völdum fjölskylduatburði eða breyta einstaklingi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Share an existing event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Deila fyrirliggjandi atburði" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected event upwards" @@ -10373,11 +10858,11 @@ msgstr "Get ekki breytt þessari tilvísun" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Cannot change Person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Get skipt um einstakling" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "You cannot change Person events in the Family Editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þú getur ekki breytt einstaklingsatburðum í fjölskylduritlinum" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ @@ -10387,10 +10872,10 @@ msgstr "%(groupname)s - %(groupnumber)d" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Temple" msgstr "Hof" @@ -10399,7 +10884,7 @@ msgid "_Gallery" msgstr "_Myndasafn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "View" msgstr "Skoða" @@ -10412,13 +10897,13 @@ msgstr "Birta umlykjandi _möppu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Make Active Media" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Enginn virkur gagnamiðill" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Non existing media found in the Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engin fyrirliggjandi gögn fundust í myndasafni" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "" @@ -10432,31 +10917,31 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Drag Media Object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Draga gagnahlut" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Create and add a new LDS ordinance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýrri færslu í SDH kirkjuskipan" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the existing LDS ordinance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi færslu í SDH kirkjuskipan" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Edit the selected LDS ordinance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breyta valinni færslu í SDH kirkjuskipan" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected LDS ordinance upwards" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færa valda færslu í SDH kirkjuskipan upp" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected LDS ordinance downwards" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færa valda færslu í SDH kirkjuskipan niður" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "_LDS" -msgstr "" +msgstr "S_DH" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Alternate _Locations" @@ -10464,11 +10949,11 @@ msgstr "_Aðrar staðsetningar" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Create and add a new name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýju nafni" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the existing name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi nafn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Edit the selected name" @@ -10483,7 +10968,7 @@ msgid "Move the selected name downwards" msgstr "Færa valið nafn niður" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ msgid "Group As" msgstr "Hópa sem" @@ -10505,13 +10990,13 @@ msgstr "Setja sem sjálfgefið nafn" #. #. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/views/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Yes" msgstr "Já" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/views/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "No" msgstr "Nei" @@ -10526,11 +11011,11 @@ msgstr "Varanöfn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Create and add a new note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýjum minnispunkti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the existing note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi minnispunkt" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -10539,23 +11024,22 @@ msgstr "Breyta völdum minnispunkti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Add an existing note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við fyrirliggjandi minnispunkti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected note upwards" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færa valinn minnispunkt upp" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected note downwards" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færa valinn minnispunkt niður" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Preview" msgstr "Forskoðun" @@ -10566,7 +11050,7 @@ msgstr "_Minnispunktar" #. add personal column #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Personal" msgstr "Einka" @@ -10576,15 +11060,15 @@ msgstr "<óþekkt>" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Add a new personal event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við nýjum persónulegum atburði" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the selected personal event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja valinn persónulegan atburð" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Edit the selected personal event or edit family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja valinn persónulegan atburð eða breyta fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected event upwards or change family order" @@ -10596,19 +11080,19 @@ msgstr "Færa valinn atburð niður eða breyta fjölskylduröð" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Cannot change Family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki breytt fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "You cannot change Family events in the Person Editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þú getur ekki breytt fjölskylduatburðum í einstaklingsritlinum" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Create and add a new association" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýjum tengslum" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the existing association" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi tengsl" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Edit the selected association" @@ -10635,29 +11119,24 @@ msgid "Godfather" msgstr "Guðfaðir" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new place name" -msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýju heimilisfangi" +msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýju staðarheiti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing place name" -msgstr "Fjarlægja núverandi heimilisfang" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi staðarheiti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected place name" -msgstr "Breyta völdum stað" +msgstr "Breyta völdu staðarheiti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected place name upwards" -msgstr "Færa valið nafn upp" +msgstr "Færa valið staðarheiti upp" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected place name downwards" -msgstr "Færa valið nafn niður" +msgstr "Færa valið staðarheiti niður" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -10665,24 +11144,25 @@ msgid "Alternative Names" msgstr "Varanöfn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ msgid "Enclosed By" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Umlukt af" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Place cycle detected" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fann hringtengingu staða" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "The place you are adding is already enclosed by this place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðurinn sem þú ert að bæta við er þegar umlukinn þessum stað" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Create and add a new repository" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýju gagnasafni" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the existing repository" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi gagnasafn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -10691,19 +11171,19 @@ msgstr "Breyta völdu gagnasafni" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Add an existing repository" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við fyrirliggjandi gagnasafni" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected repository upwards" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færa valið gagnasafn upp" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected repository downwards" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færa valið gagnasafn niður" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Call Number" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uppflettinúmer" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "_Repositories" @@ -10720,23 +11200,23 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Create and add a new surname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýju kenninafni" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the selected surname" -msgstr "Fjarlægja valið eftirnafn" +msgstr "Fjarlægja valið kenninafn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Edit the selected surname" -msgstr "Breyta völdu eftirnafni" +msgstr "Breyta völdu kenninafni" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected surname upwards" -msgstr "Færa valið eftirnafn upp" +msgstr "Færa valið kenninafn upp" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Move the selected surname downwards" -msgstr "Færa valið eftirnafn niður" +msgstr "Færa valið kenninafn niður" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Origin" @@ -10744,19 +11224,19 @@ msgstr "Uppruni" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Multiple Surnames" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mörg kenninöfn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Family Surnames" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldutengd kenninöfn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Create and add a new web address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til og bæta við nýju veffangi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Remove the existing web address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja fyrirliggjandi veffang" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ msgid "Edit the selected web address" @@ -10780,57 +11260,72 @@ msgstr "_Internet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "_Jump to" -msgstr "Hoppa í" +msgstr "_Hoppa í" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Address_Editor_dialog" +msgstr "Heimilisfangaritill" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Address Editor" msgstr "Heimilisfangaritill" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Attribute_Editor_dialog" +msgstr "Eigindaritill" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Attribute Editor" msgstr "Eigindaritill" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Attribute" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nýtt eigindi" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save attribute" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Get ekki vistað eigindi" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "The attribute type cannot be empty" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tegund eiginda getur ekki verið auð" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Child_Reference_Editor" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_tilvísanir_barna" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Child Reference Editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ritill fyrir tilvísanir barna" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Child Reference" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvísun barns" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|New_Citation_dialog" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_nýjar_tilvitnanir" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Citation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ný tilvitnun" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit Citation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breyta tilvitnun" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "No source selected" msgstr "Engin heimild valin" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "A source is anything (personal testimony, video recording, photograph, " "newspaper column, gravestone...) from which information can be derived. To " @@ -10839,18 +11334,18 @@ msgid "" "Page' field." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save citation. ID already exists." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki vistað tilvitnun. Auðkennið er þegar til staðar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "" "You have attempted to use the existing Gramps ID with value %(id)s. This " @@ -10858,20 +11353,20 @@ msgid "" "leave blank to get the next available ID value." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Add Citation (%s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við tilvitnun (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Edit Citation (%s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breyta tilvitnun (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Delete Citation (%s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eyða tilvitnun (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Regular" @@ -10910,7 +11405,7 @@ msgid "Calculated" msgstr "Reiknað" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "manual|Editing_Dates" +msgid "manual|Editing_dates" msgstr "Breyta_dagsetningum" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ @@ -10918,154 +11413,165 @@ msgid "Date selection" msgstr "Val dagsetningar" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Correct the date or switch from `{cur_mode}' to `{text_mode}'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leiðréttu dagsetninguna eða skiptu úr `{cur_mode}' í `{text_mode}'" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "manual|Editing_Information_About_Events" -msgstr "Breyta_upplýsingum_um_atburði" +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|New_Event_dialog" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_nýja_atburði" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Event: %s" msgstr "Atburður: %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Event" msgstr "Nýr atburður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Edit Event" msgstr "Breyta atburði" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save event" msgstr "Gat ekki vistað atburð" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "No data exists for this event. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" +"Engin gögn eru til fyrir þennan atburð. Settu inn gögn eða hættu við " +"breytingarnar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save event. ID already exists." msgstr "Gat ekki vistað atburð. Auðkennið er þegar til." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "The event type cannot be empty" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tegund atburðarins getur ekki verið auð" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Add Event (%s)" msgstr "Bæta við atburði (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Edit Event (%s)" msgstr "Breyta atburði (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Delete Event (%s)" msgstr "Eyða atburði (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "Event Reference Editor" -msgstr "" +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Event_Reference_Editor_dialog" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_tilvísanir_atburða" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "Event Reference Editor" +msgstr "Ritill fyrir tilvísanir atburða" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "_General" msgstr "_Almennt" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Modify Event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breyta atburði" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Add Event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við atburði" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Family_Editor_dialog" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_fjölskyldur" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Create a new person and add the child to the family" msgstr "Búa til nýjan einstakling og bæta honum sem barni við fjölskylduna" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Remove the child from the family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja barnið úr fjölskyldunni" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit the child reference" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breyta tilvísun barnsins" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Add an existing person as a child of the family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta skráðum einstaklingi við sem barni í fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Move the child up in the children list" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færa barnið upp í barnalistanum" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Move the child down in the children list" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færa barnið niður í barnalistanum" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "#" msgstr "#" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Gender" msgstr "Kyn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Paternal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Föður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Maternal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Móður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ @@ -11073,8 +11579,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Birth Date" msgstr "Fæðingardagur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ @@ -11083,46 +11589,46 @@ msgstr "Fæðingardagur" msgid "Death Date" msgstr "Dánardægur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Birth Place" msgstr "Fæðingarstaður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Death Place" msgstr "Dánarstaður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "Chil_dren" msgstr "_Börn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit child" msgstr "Breyta barni" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Add an existing child" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við þegar skráðu barni" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit relationship" msgstr "Breyta venslum" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Select Child" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu barn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Adding parents to a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta foreldrum við einstakling" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "It is possible to accidentally create multiple families with the same " "parents. To help avoid this problem, only the buttons to select parents are " @@ -11130,11 +11636,11 @@ msgid "" "available after you attempt to select a parent." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Family has changed" msgstr "Fjölskylda hefur breyst" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "" "The %(object)s you are editing has changed outside this editor. This can be " @@ -11144,67 +11650,67 @@ msgid "" "updated. Some edits you have made may have been lost." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "family" msgstr "fjölskylda" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Family" msgstr "Ný fjölskylda" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Edit Family" msgstr "Breyta fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Select a person as the mother" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu einstakling sem móður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Add a new person as the mother" msgstr "Bæta nýjum einstaklingi við sem móður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Remove the person as the mother" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja einstakling sem móður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Select a person as the father" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu einstakling sem föður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Add a new person as the father" msgstr "Bæta nýjum einstaklingi við sem föður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Remove the person as the father" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja einstakling sem föður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Select Mother" msgstr "Veldu móður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Select Father" msgstr "Veldu föður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Duplicate Family" msgstr "Tvítekin fjölskylda" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "A family with these parents already exists in the database. If you save, you " "will create a duplicate family. It is recommended that you cancel the " "editing of this window, and select the existing family" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -11213,38 +11719,40 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Edit %s" msgstr "Breyta %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "A father cannot be his own child" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Faðir getur ekki verið sitt eigið barn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "%s is listed as both the father and child of the family." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s er skráður bæði sem faðir og sem barn í fjölskyldunni." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "A mother cannot be her own child" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Móðir getur ekki verið sitt eigið barn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "%s is listed as both the mother and child of the family." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s er skráður bæði sem móðir og sem barn í fjölskyldunni." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save family" msgstr "Gat ekki vistað fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "No data exists for this family. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" +"Engin gögn eru til fyrir þessa fjölskyldu. Settu inn gögn eða hættu við " +"breytingarnar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save family. ID already exists." msgstr "Gat ekki vistað fjölskyldu. Auðkennið er þegar til." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "" @@ -11253,45 +11761,53 @@ msgid "" "next available ID value." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Add Family" msgstr "Bæta við fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|LDS_Ordinance_Editor" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_SDH_kirkjuskipun" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "LDS Ordinance Editor" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#, python-format -msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#, python-format -msgid "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ritill fyrir SDH kirkjuskipun" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format +msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" +msgstr "%(father)s og %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#, python-format +msgid "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]" +msgstr "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#, python-format msgid "%(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "LDS Ordinance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SDH kirkjuskipun" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Link_Editor" +msgstr "Tenglaritill" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Link Editor" msgstr "Tenglaritill" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Internet Address" msgstr "Internetslóð" @@ -11299,198 +11815,195 @@ msgstr "Internetslóð" msgid "Location Editor" msgstr "Staðsetningaritill" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|New_Media_dialog" +msgstr "Gluggi_fyrir_ný_gögn" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Media: %s" msgstr "Gögn: %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Media" msgstr "Ný gögn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit Media Object" msgstr "Breyta gagnahlut" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save media object" msgstr "Get ekki vistað gagnahlut" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "No data exists for this media object. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" +"Engin gögn eru til fyrir þennan gagnahlut. Settu inn gögn eða hættu við " +"breytingarnar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save media object. ID already exists." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki vistað gagnahlut. Auðkennið er þegar til staðar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "There is no media matching the current path value!" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "" "You have attempted to use the path with value '%(path)s'. This path does not " "exist! Please enter a different path" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Add Media Object (%s)" msgstr "Bæta við gagnahlut (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Edit Media Object (%s)" msgstr "Breyta gagnahlut (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Remove Media Object" msgstr "Fjarlægja gagnahlut" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "Media Reference Editor" -msgstr "" +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Media_Reference_Editor_dialog" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_tilvísanir_gagna" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "Media Reference Editor" +msgstr "Ritill fyrir tilvísanir gagna" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Y coordinate|Y" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Y" -#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#. -#. Classes -#. -#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#, python-format -msgid "%s_-_Entering_and_editing_data:_detailed_-_part_3" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Name Editor" msgstr "Nafnaritill" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "manpage section id|Name_Editor" -msgstr "" +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Name_Editor" +msgstr "Nafnaritill" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Call name must be the given name that is normally used." msgstr "" -"Birtingarnafn verður að vera það fornafn/skírnarnafn sem venjulega er notað." +"Birtingarnafn verður að vera það eiginnafn/skírnarnafn/kjörnafn sem " +"venjulega er notað." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Name" msgstr "Nýtt nafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "Break global name grouping?" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "Break global name grouping?" +msgstr "Rjúfa víðværa hópun nafna?" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "" "All people with the name of %(surname)s will no longer be grouped with the " "name of %(group_name)s." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Continue" msgstr "Halda áfram" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Return to Name Editor" msgstr "Fara til baka í nafnaritil" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Group all people with the same name?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hópa fólk með sama nafni?" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "" "You have the choice of grouping all people with the name of %(surname)s with " "the name of %(group_name)s, or just mapping this particular name." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Group all" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hópa allt" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Group this name only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einungis hópa þetta nafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Editing_information_about_notes" +msgstr "Breyta_upplýsingum_um_minnispunkta" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Note: %(id)s - %(context)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athugið: %(id)s - %(context)s" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Note: %s" msgstr "Minnispunktur: %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "New Note - %(context)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nýr minnispunktur - %(context)s" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Note" -msgstr "_Nýr minnispunktur" +msgstr "Nýr minnispunktur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "_Note" msgstr "_Minnispunktur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit Note" msgstr "Breyta minnispunktum" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki vistað minnispunkt" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "No data exists for this note. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" +"Engin gögn eru til fyrir þennan minnispunkt. Settu inn gögn eða hættu við " +"breytingarnar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save note. ID already exists." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki vistað minnispunkt. Auðkennið er þegar til staðar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Add Note" msgstr "Bæta við minnispunkti" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Delete Note (%s)" -msgstr "" - -#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#. -#. Constants -#. -#. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#, python-format -msgid "%s_-_Entering_and_editing_data:_detailed_-_part_1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eyða minnispunkti (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format @@ -11507,194 +12020,215 @@ msgid "New Person" msgstr "Nýr einstaklingur" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "manpage section id|Editing_information_about_people" -msgstr "" +msgid "manual|Editing_information_about_people" +msgstr "Breyta_upplýsingum_um_fólk" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Edit Person" msgstr "Breyta einstaklingi" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit Object Properties" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breyta eiginleikum hlutar" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Make Active Person" msgstr "Gera að virkum einstaklingi" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Make Home Person" msgstr "Gera að upphafseinstaklingi" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "Problem changing the gender" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "Problem changing the gender" +msgstr "Vandamál við að breyta kyni" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "Changing the gender caused problems with marriage information.\n" "Please check the person's marriages." msgstr "" +"Breyting á kyni orsakaði vandamál með upplýsingar um hjúskap.\n" +"Athugaðu hjúskap einstaklingsins." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save person" msgstr "Get ekki vistað einstakling" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "No data exists for this person. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" +"Engin gögn eru til fyrir þennan einstakling. Settu inn gögn eða hættu við " +"breytingarnar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save person. ID already exists." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki vistað einstakling. Auðkennið er þegar til staðar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Add Person (%s)" msgstr "Bæta við einstaklingi (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Edit Person (%s)" msgstr "Breyta einstaklingi (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "Unknown gender specified" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "Unknown gender specified" +msgstr "Óþekkt kyn tiltekið" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "The gender of the person is currently unknown. Usually, this is a mistake. " "Please specify the gender." msgstr "" +"Kyn þessa einstaklings er óþekkt. Venjulega er um mistök að ræða þegar slíkt " +"kemur upp. Endilega lagaðu þetta og tiltaktu kyn." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "_Male" msgstr "_Karl" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "_Female" msgstr "K_ona" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "_Unknown" msgstr "Óþe_kkt" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Person_Reference_Editor" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_tilvísanir_einstaklinga" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Person Reference Editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ritill fyrir tilvísanir einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Person Reference" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvísun í einstakling" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "No person selected" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Enginn einstaklingur valinn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "You must either select a person or Cancel the edit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þú verður að velja einstakling eða hætta við breytingarnar" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Place_Editor_dialog" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_staði" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "place|Name:" msgstr "Staðarheiti:" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Place: %s" msgstr "Staður: %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Place" msgstr "Nýr staður" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Invalid latitude (syntax: 18\\u00b09'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ógild breiddargráða (form: 18\\u00b09'" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "48.21\"S, -18.2412 or -18:9:48.21)" msgstr "48.21\"S, -18.2412 eða -18:9:48.21)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Invalid longitude (syntax: 18\\u00b09'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ógild lengdargráða (form: 18\\u00b09'" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "48.21\"E, -18.2412 or -18:9:48.21)" msgstr "48.21\"E, -18.2412 eða -18:9:48.21)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Edit Place" msgstr "Breyta stað" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save place. Name not entered." -msgstr "Get ekki vistað staðarheiti" +msgstr "Get ekki vistað stað. Ekkert heiti var sett inn." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "You must enter a name before saving." msgstr "Þú verður að setja inn nafn áður en vistað er." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save place. ID already exists." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki vistað stað. Auðkennið er þegar til staðar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Add Place (%s)" msgstr "Bæta við stað (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Edit Place (%s)" msgstr "Breyta stað (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Delete Place (%s)" msgstr "Fjarlægja stað (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Place_Name_Editor_dialog" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_staðarheiti" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Place Name Editor" msgstr "Ritill fyrir staðarheiti" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "Invalid ISO code" +msgstr "Ógildur ISO-kóði" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save place name" msgstr "Get ekki vistað staðarheiti" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "The place name cannot be empty" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nafn staðarins getur ekki verið autt" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Place Reference Editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ritill fyrir tilvísanir staða" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Modify Place" msgstr "Breyta stað" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Add Place" msgstr "Bæta við stað" @@ -11707,18 +12241,17 @@ msgid "If you close without saving, the changes you have made will be lost" msgstr "Ef þú lokar án þess að vista, munu breytingar sem þú gerðir tapast" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save repository. ID already exists." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki vistað gagnasafn. Auðkennið er þegar til staðar." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save item. ID already exists." -msgstr "Gat ekki vistað atburð. Auðkennið er þegar til." +msgstr "Gat ekki vistað atriði. Auðkennið er þegar til staðar." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Repository Reference Editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ritill fyrir tilvísanir gagnasafna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format @@ -11726,13 +12259,13 @@ msgid "Repository: %s" msgstr "Gagnasafn: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Repository" msgstr "Nýtt gagnasafn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Repo Reference Editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ritill fyrir tilvísanir gagnasafna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Modify Repository" @@ -11742,107 +12275,119 @@ msgstr "Breyta gagnasafni" msgid "Add Repository" msgstr "Bæta við gagnasafni" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|New_Repositories_dialog" +msgstr "Gluggi_fyrir_ný_gagnasöfn" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit Repository" msgstr "Breyta gagnasafni" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save repository" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Get ekki vistað gagnasafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "No data exists for this repository. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" +"Engin gögn eru til fyrir þetta gagnasafn. Settu inn gögn eða hættu við " +"breytingarnar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Add Repository (%s)" msgstr "Bæta við gagnasafni (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Edit Repository (%s)" msgstr "Breyta gagnasafni (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Delete Repository (%s)" msgstr "Eyða gagnasafni (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|New_Source_dialog" +msgstr "Gluggi_fyrir_nýja_heimild" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "New Source" msgstr "Ný heimild" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit Source" msgstr "Breyta heimild" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save source" msgstr "Get ekki vistað heimild" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "No data exists for this source. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" +"Engin gögn eru til fyrir þessa heimild. Settu inn gögn eða hættu við " +"breytingarnar." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Cannot save source. ID already exists." msgstr "Gat ekki vistað heimild. Auðkennið er þegar til." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Add Source (%s)" msgstr "Bæta við heimild (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Edit Source (%s)" msgstr "Breyta heimild (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Delete Source (%s)" msgstr "Eyða heimild (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -msgid "manual|Tags" -msgstr "Merki" +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Tag_selection_dialog" +msgstr "Gluggi_fyrir_val_á_merkingum" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Tag selection" msgstr "Valin merki" #. pylint: disable-msg=E1101 -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "%(title)s - Gramps" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(title)s - Gramps" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit Tags" msgstr "Breyta merkjum" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Tag" msgstr "Merki" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -11882,16 +12427,17 @@ msgstr "Merki" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Help" msgstr "_Hjálp" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -11934,125 +12480,136 @@ msgstr "_Hjálp" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/views/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_OK" -msgstr "Í lagi" +msgstr "Í _lagi" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Internet_Address_Editor" +msgstr "Ritill_fyrir_internetslóðir" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Internet Address Editor" msgstr "Ritill fyrir internetslóðir" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Add_Rule_dialog" +msgstr "Gluggi_til_að_bæta_við_reglu" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Define_Filter_dialog" +msgstr "Gluggi_til_að_skilgreina_síur" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "manual|Custom_Filters" +msgstr "Sérsniðnar_síur" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Person Filters" msgstr "Síur einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Family Filters" msgstr "Fjölskyldusíur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Event Filters" msgstr "Atburðasíur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Place Filters" msgstr "Staðasíur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Source Filters" msgstr "Heimildasíur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Media Filters" msgstr "Gagnasíur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Repository Filters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasafnasíur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Note Filters" msgstr "Minnispunktasíur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Citation Filters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanasíur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "equal to" msgstr "jafnt og" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "greater than" msgstr "stærra en" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "lesser than" -msgstr "minna en" - -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Not a valid ID" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekki gilt auðkenni" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Select..." msgstr "Velja..." -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #, python-format msgid "Select %s from a list" msgstr "Veldu %s af lista" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Give or select a source ID, leave empty to find objects with no source." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Include original person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Taka með upphaflegan einstakling" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Use exact case of letters" msgstr "Nota nákvæma stafstöðu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -msgid "Regular-Expression matching:" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +msgid "Regular-Expression matching:" +msgstr "Samsvörun við reglulegar segðir:" + +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Use regular expression" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota reglulegar segðir" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Also family events where person is wife/husband" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einnig atburðir fjölskyldu þar sem viðkomandi er eiginmaður/eiginkona" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Only include primary participants" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aðeins taka með aðalþáttakendur" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ msgid "Use regular expressions" msgstr "Nota reglulegar segðir" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "Interpret the contents of string fields as regular expressions.\n" "A decimal point will match any character. A question mark will match zero or " @@ -12063,46 +12620,46 @@ msgid "" "a line." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Rule Name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heiti reglu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "No rule selected" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engin regla valin" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Define filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skilgreina síu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Values" msgstr "Gildi" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Add Rule" msgstr "Bæta við reglu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit Rule" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breyta reglu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Filter Test" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prófa síu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Comment" msgstr "Athugasemd" #. ######################### #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -12113,43 +12670,43 @@ msgstr "Athugasemd" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Filter" -msgstr "Sía" +msgstr "Síun" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Custom Filter Editor" msgstr "Ritill fyrir sérsniðna síu" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Delete Filter?" msgstr "Eyða síu?" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "" "This filter is currently being used as the base for other filters. " "Deletingthis filter will result in removing all other filters that depend on " "it." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Delete Filter" msgstr "Eyða síu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "To select a place, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Til að velja stað, notaðu draga-og-sleppa eða notaðu hnappana" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "No place given, click button to select one" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Enginn staður tiltekinn, smelltu á hnappinn til að velja hann" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit place" @@ -12157,7 +12714,7 @@ msgstr "Breyta stað" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Select an existing place" -msgstr "Velja fyrirliggjandi stað" +msgstr "Veldu fyrirliggjandi stað" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ @@ -12170,11 +12727,11 @@ msgstr "Fjarlægja stað" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "To select a source, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Til að velja heimild, notaðu draga-og-sleppa eða notaðu hnappana" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "First add a source using the button" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fyrst skaltu bæta við heimild með því að nota hnappinn" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit source" @@ -12197,19 +12754,19 @@ msgstr "Fjarlægja heimild" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "To select a media object, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Til að velja gagnahlut, notaðu draga-og-sleppa eða notaðu hnappana" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "No image given, click button to select one" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Enginn gagnahlutur tiltekinn, smelltu á hnappinn til að velja hann" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Edit media object" msgstr "Breyta gagnahlut" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Select an existing media object" msgstr "Veldu fyrirliggjandi gagnahlut" @@ -12224,17 +12781,17 @@ msgstr "Fjarlægja gagnahlut" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "To select a note, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Til að velja minnispunkt, notaðu draga-og-sleppa eða notaðu hnappana" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "No note given, click button to select one" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Enginn minnispunktur tiltekinn, smelltu á hnappinn til að velja hann" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Select an existing note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu fyrirliggjandi minnispunkt" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -12243,45 +12800,44 @@ msgstr "Bæta við nýjum minnispunkti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/ msgid "Remove note" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -msgid "_Find" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja minnispunkt" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Clear" -msgstr "Hreinsa" +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +msgid "_Find" +msgstr "_Finna" -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ +msgid "_Clear" +msgstr "_Hreinsa" + +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ #, python-format msgid "%s is" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s er" -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ #, python-format msgid "%s contains" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s inniheldur" -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ #, python-format msgid "%s is not" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s er ekki" -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ #, python-format msgid "%s does not contain" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s inniheldur ekki" -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Updating display..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uppfæri skjá..." #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -12291,7 +12847,7 @@ msgstr "Heimild:" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Abbreviation" msgstr "Stytting" @@ -12312,16 +12868,16 @@ msgstr "Bindi/síða" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ msgid "Citation: Minimum Confidence|Min. Conf." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lágm.áreiðanl." #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ msgid "Custom filter" msgstr "Sérsniðin sía" @@ -12335,7 +12891,7 @@ msgstr "Þátttakendur" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Relationship" msgstr "Vensl" @@ -12344,8 +12900,8 @@ msgid "any" msgstr "hvað sem er" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Birth date" msgstr "Fæðingardagur" @@ -12356,27 +12912,29 @@ msgid "example: \"%(msg1)s\" or \"%(msg2)s\"" msgstr "dæmi: \"%(msg1)s\" eða \"%(msg2)s\"" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Death date" msgstr "Dánardægur" -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Code" msgstr "Kóði" -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ msgid "URL" msgstr "Slóð" -#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ +#: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/ msgid "Reset" msgstr "Endurstilla" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Image" @@ -12384,7 +12942,7 @@ msgstr "Mynd" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Title:" @@ -12392,7 +12950,7 @@ msgstr "_Titill:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Convert to a relative path" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Umbreyta í afstæða slóð" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Show all" @@ -12438,10 +12996,9 @@ msgstr "Færa það sem nú er valið niður um eitt þrep í bókinni" msgid "Configure currently selected item" msgstr "Sýsla með atriðið sem nú er valið" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Delete" -msgstr "Eyða" +msgstr "_Eyða" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Clear _All" @@ -12449,11 +13006,11 @@ msgstr "Hreinsa _allt" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Format _name:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Heiti sniðs:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Format _definition:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "S_kilgreining sniðs:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -12466,10 +13023,18 @@ msgid "" " %c - Call name %C - CALL NAME\n" " %y - Patronymic %Y - PATRONYMIC" msgstr "" +"Eftirfarandi háttur er notaður:\n" +" %f - Eiginnafn %F - EIGINNAFN\n" +" %l - Kenninafn %L - KENNINAFN\n" +" %t - Titill %T - TITILL\n" +" %p - Forskeyti %P - FORSKEYTI\n" +" %s - Viðskeyti %S - VIÐSKEYTI\n" +" %c - Birtingarnafn %C - BIRTINGARNAFN\n" +" %y - Föðurnafn %Y - FÖÐURNAFN" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Format definition details" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nánar um skilgreiningu á sniði" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Example:" @@ -12477,7 +13042,7 @@ msgstr "Dæmi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Revision comment - Gramps" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athugasemd útgáfu - Gramps" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Version description" @@ -12497,19 +13062,13 @@ msgstr "H_laða inn ættartölu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_New" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Nýtt" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/widgets/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -msgid "_Copy" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Rename" msgstr "Endu_rnefna" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Re_pair" msgstr "_Gera við" @@ -12523,15 +13082,15 @@ msgstr "Fja_rlægja hlut" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Remove object and all references to it from the database" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægja hlut og allar tilvísanir í hann úr gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Keep Reference" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Halda tilvísunum" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Keep reference to the missing file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Halda tilvísunum í fjarlægða skrá" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Select File" @@ -12539,11 +13098,11 @@ msgstr "Veldu _skrá" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Select replacement for the missing file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að staðgengli skrár sem vantar" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Use this selection for all missing media files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "N_ota þetta fyrir allar gagnaskrár sem vantar" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -12554,28 +13113,27 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Cancel the rest of the operations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hætta við þær aðgerðir sem eftir eru" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#, fuzzy msgid "_No" -msgstr "Nei" +msgstr "_Nei" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Do not apply the operation to this item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekki framkvæma aðgerðina á þetta atriði" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Yes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Já" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Apply the operation to this item" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Framkvæma aðgerðina á þetta atriði" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Use this answer for the rest of the items" -msgstr "" +msgstr "N_ota þetta svar fyrir afganginn af atriðunum" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -12594,13 +13152,12 @@ msgstr "Loka án þess að _vista" #. widget #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Save" -msgstr "Vista sem" +msgstr "Vi_sta" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Do not ask again" @@ -12628,7 +13185,7 @@ msgstr "Samþykkja breytingar og loka glugga" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Date:" @@ -12673,16 +13230,18 @@ msgstr "Símanúm_er:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Phone number linked to the address." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Símanúmer sem tengt er þessu heimilisfangi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "The state or county of the address in case a mail address must contain this." msgstr "" +"Sýsla eða sveitarfélag heimilisfangsins verður að innihalda þetta ef um " +"póstfang er að ræða." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Country of the address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Land heimilisfangs" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -12690,6 +13249,10 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Note: Use Residence Event for genealogical address data." msgstr "" +"Póstfang. \n" +"\n" +"Athugið: Notaðu atburð fyrir Aðsetur ef um ættfræðigögn (fyrri/núverandi " +"heimilisföng) er að ræða." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -12702,10 +13265,10 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -12714,7 +13277,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Gagnaleynd" @@ -12724,15 +13287,15 @@ msgstr "Gagnaleynd" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Invoke date editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ræsa dagsetningaritil" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Date at which the address is valid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tímabil/dagsetningar þegar heimilisið er gilt." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -12742,7 +13305,7 @@ msgstr "_Hverfi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "The locality of the address" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hverfið sem heimilisfangið á við" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Attribute:" @@ -12754,7 +13317,7 @@ msgstr "_Gildi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "The value of the attribute. Eg. 1.8, Sunny, or Blue eyes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gildi eiginda. T.d. 1.8, bjartviðri, eða bláeygð." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -12767,6 +13330,14 @@ msgid "" "Note: several predefined attributes refer to values present in the GEDCOM " "standard." msgstr "" +"Heiti eigindanna sem þú ætlar að nota. Til dæmis: Hæð (fyrir einstakling), " +"Veður (fyrir atburð), ... \n" +"Notaðu þetta til að geyma ýmsar smáĺegar upplýsingar sem þú safnar og vilt " +"geta tengt rétt við heimildir. Eigindi geta verið notuð um fólk, " +"fjölskyldur, atburði og gögn.\n" +" \n" +"Athugið: nokkur forsniðin eigindi vísa til atriða sem fylgja með í GEDCOM " +"staðlinum." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Relationship to _Mother:" @@ -12778,16 +13349,16 @@ msgstr "Vensl við _föður:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Name Child:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nefna barn:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Open person editor of this child" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Opna einstaklingsritil fyrir þetta barn" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Edition" msgstr "Útgáfa" @@ -12834,9 +13405,9 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -12846,7 +13417,7 @@ msgstr "Auðkenni (_ID):" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A unique ID to identify the citation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir tilvitnunina" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -12863,19 +13434,19 @@ msgstr "_Dagatal:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Dua_l dated" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Tvær dagsetningar" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Old Style/New Style" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eldri stíll/Nýr stíll" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Ne_w year begins: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nýtt ár b_yrjar: " #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Month-Day of first day of new year (e.g., \"1-1\", \"3-1\", \"3-25\")" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mánuður-dagur fyrsta dags ársins (t.d., \"1-1\", \"3-1\", \"3-25\")" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Q_uality" @@ -12940,6 +13511,8 @@ msgid "" "Description of the event. Leave empty if you want to autogenerate this with " "the tool 'Extract Event Description'." msgstr "" +"Lýsing á atburðinum. Skildu þetta eftir autt ef þú vilt útbúa þetta " +"sjálfvirkt með verkfærinu 'Sækja atburðalýsingar'." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -12958,13 +13531,15 @@ msgstr "Veljari" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "What type of event this is. Eg 'Burial', 'Graduation', ... ." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvaða tegund atburðar þetta er. T.d. 'Jarðarför', 'Útskrift', ... ." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Date of the event. This can be an exact date, a range (from ... to, " "between, ...), or an inexact date (about, ...)." msgstr "" +"Dagsetning atburðarins. Þetta getur verið nákvæm dagsetning, tímabil " +"(frá ... til, milli, ...), eða ónákvæm dagsetning (um, ...)." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -12986,6 +13561,8 @@ msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the shared event information will be reflected " "in the event itself, for all participants in the event." msgstr "" +"Athugið: Allar breytingar á upplýsingum samnýtts atburðar munu hafa " +"áhrif á sjálfan atburðinn, fyrir alla þátttakendur í honum." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -13035,12 +13612,12 @@ msgstr "Upplýsingar um vensl" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A unique ID for the family" -msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir fjölskyldu" +msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir fjölskylduna" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -13052,30 +13629,32 @@ msgid "" "The relationship type, eg 'Married' or 'Unmarried'. Use Events for more " "details." msgstr "" +"Tegund vensla, t.d. 'Hjónaband' or 'Ógift'. Notaðu Atburð fyrir nánari " +"upplýsingar." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Tags:" msgstr "Mer_ki:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Edit the tag list" msgstr "Sýsla með merkjalistann" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -13088,11 +13667,11 @@ msgstr "Merki" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Ordinance:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kirkjuskipun:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "LDS _Temple:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "S_DH hof:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Family:" @@ -13104,7 +13683,7 @@ msgstr "_Staða:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Gramps item:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramps atriði:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Internet Address:" @@ -13131,6 +13710,8 @@ msgid "" "Lowest clergical division of this place. Typically used for church sources " "that only mention the parish." msgstr "" +"Minnsta kirkjulega eining staðarins. Venjulega notað fyrir kirkjuheimildir " +"sem einungis minnast á kirkjusóknina." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Co_unty:" @@ -13139,6 +13720,8 @@ msgstr "Sveitar_félag:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Third level of place division. Eg., in the USA a county." msgstr "" +"Þriðja stig staðargreiningar. Í BNA væri talað um sýslu (county), en líklega " +"ætti þetta best við sveitarfélög á Íslandi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_State:" @@ -13149,21 +13732,24 @@ msgid "" "Second level of place division, eg., in the USA a state, in Germany a " "Bundesland." msgstr "" +"Annað. stig staðargreiningar Í BNA væri talað um fylki (state), í Þýskalandi " +"er það Bundesland, en hugsanlega ætti best við að nota fjórðunga/kjördæmi " +"(Norðurland eystra, Vestfirðir, Vesturland, o.s.frv.) á Íslandi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "The country where the place is." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Landið sem staðurinn á við." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Lowest level of a place division: eg the street name." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lægsta stig staðargreiningar: þ.e.a.s. götunafn." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A district within, or a settlement near to, a town or city." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Svæði eða nágrenni við þéttbýliskjarna." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Path:" msgstr "S_lóð:" @@ -13181,22 +13767,22 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Descriptive title for this media object." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lýsandi titill fyrir þennan gagnahlut." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Open File Browser to select a media file on your computer." msgstr "Opna skráavafra til að velja margmiðlunarskrá á tölvunni þinni." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Folder" msgstr "Mappa" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A unique ID to identify the Media object." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir gagnahlutinn." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -13205,7 +13791,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Corner 2: X" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Horn 2: X" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -13229,7 +13815,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Corner 1: X" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Horn 1: X" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -13241,41 +13827,45 @@ msgid "" "bottom right corner.\n" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the shared media object information will be " "reflected in the media object itself." msgstr "" +"Athugið: Allar breytingar á upplýsingum samnýtts gagnahlutar munu " +"hafa áhrif á sjálfan gagnahlutinn." -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Double click image to view in an external viewer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tvísmella á mynd til að skoða hana í utanaðkomandi skoðara" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Type of media object as indicated by the computer, eg Image, Video, ..." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Veldu skrá" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Shared Information" msgstr "Deildar upplýsingar" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "An identification of what type of Name this is, eg. Birth Name, Married Name." msgstr "" +"Vísbending um hvers konar nafn þetta er, t.d. Fæðingarnafn (skírnarnafn), " +"Hjúskaparnafn." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Given:" -msgstr "_Fornafn:" +msgstr "_Eiginnafn:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "T_itle:" msgstr "T_itill:" @@ -13288,42 +13878,47 @@ msgid "C_all Name:" msgstr "Birting_arnafn:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "The person's given names" -msgstr "Öll eiginnöfn (fornöfn+millinöfn) einstaklings" +msgstr "Eiginnöfn (eiginnöfn+millinöfn) einstaklings" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Nick Name:" msgstr "Gælu_nafn:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Part of the Given name that is the normally used name. If background is red, " "call name is not part of Given name and will not be printed underlined in " "some reports." msgstr "" +"Hluti eiginnafns eða kjörnafn sem er venjulega notað sem nafn. Ef bakgrunnur " +"er rauður, er birtingarnafnið ekki hluti eiginnafns og verður ekki prentað " +"undirstrikað í sumum skýrslum." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A title used to refer to the person, such as 'Dr.' or 'Rev.'" msgstr "" +"Titil sem notaður er til að vísa í stöðu einstaklings, svo sem 'Dr.' eða " +"'Séra'." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "An optional suffix to the name, such as \"Jr.\" or \"III\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valfrjálst viðskeyti nafnsins, eins og 'Jr.', 'yngri' eða 'III'" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "A descriptive name given in place of or in addition to the official given " "name." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lýsandi nafn sem gefið er í stað eða til viðbótar opinberu eiginnafni." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Given Name(s) " -msgstr "Fornafn (nöfn) " +msgstr "Eiginnafn (nöfn) " #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Family Nick Name:" @@ -13334,10 +13929,12 @@ msgid "" "A non official name given to a family to distinguish them of people with the " "same family name. Often referred to as eg. Farm name." msgstr "" +"Óopinbert nafn sem gefið er fjölskyldu til að aðgreina þetta fólk frá öðrum " +"með sömu ættarnöfn. Oft kennt við stað eða býli." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Family Names " -msgstr "Fjölskyldunöfn " +msgstr "Ættarnöfn/föðurnöfn " #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "G_roup as:" @@ -13391,7 +13988,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Styled Text Editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Textaritill með stílum" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A type to classify the note." @@ -13399,7 +13996,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A unique ID to identify the note." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir minnispunktinn." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Preformatted" @@ -13414,19 +14011,19 @@ msgid "" "Use monospace font to keep preformatting." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "C_all:" msgstr "Birting_arnafn:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Nick:" msgstr "Gælu_nafn:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Click on a table cell to edit." msgstr "Smelltu á reit í töflu til að breyta." -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Use Multiple Surnames\n" "Indicate that the surname consists of different parts. Every surname has its " @@ -13435,48 +14032,52 @@ msgid "" "the connector y, and Cajal, which is inherited from the mother." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Set person as private data" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Setja einstakling sem einkagögn" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Surname:" -msgstr "_Eftirnafn:" +msgstr "_Kenninafn:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "An optional prefix for the family that is not used in sorting, such as \"de" "\" or \"van\"." msgstr "" +"Valfrjálst viðskeyti fjölskyldunafnsins sem ekki er notað við röðun, eins og " +"\"de\" eða \"van\"." -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Part of a person's name indicating the family to which the person belongs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hluti nafns einstaklings sem vísar til hvaða fjölskyldu hann tilheyrir" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Go to Name Editor to add more information about this name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fara í nafnaritilinn til að bæta við fleiri upplýsingum um þetta nafn" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "O_rigin:" msgstr "Upp_runi:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "The origin of this family name for this family, eg 'Inherited' or " "'Patronymic'." msgstr "" +"Uppruni þessa ættarnafns fjölskyldunnar, eins og 'Erft' eða " +"'Föðurnafnakerfi'." -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "G_ender:" msgstr "K_yn:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A unique ID for the person." -msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir einstakling." +msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir einstaklinginn." -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Preferred Name" msgstr "Umbeðið nafn" @@ -13496,16 +14097,26 @@ msgid "" "occasions. Events can be shared between people, each indicating their role " "in the event." msgstr "" +"Lýsing á tengslunum, t.d. Guðfaðir, Vinur, ...\n" +"\n" +"Athugið: Nota frekar Atburð fyrir tengsl sem varða tiltekna specific " +"tímaramma eða uppákomur. Atburðir geta verið sameiginlegir mörgum " +"einstaklingum, með nánari skilgreiningum á hlutverki hvers og eins í " +"atburðinum." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Use the select button to choose a person that has an association to the " "edited person." msgstr "" +"Notaðu valhnappinn til að velja einstakling sem hefur tengsl við þann " +"einstakling sem verið er að breyta." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Select a person that has an association to the edited person." msgstr "" +"Veldu einstakling sem hefur tengsl við þann einstakling sem verið er að " +"breyta." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "L_atitude:" @@ -13518,7 +14129,7 @@ msgstr "_Lengdargráða:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Full title of this place." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fullur titill á þessum stað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -13529,6 +14140,12 @@ msgid "" "You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or " "via a map service in the place view." msgstr "" +"Breiddargráða (staðsetning ofan við miðbaug) staðarins í tugabrotum eða " +"gráðum. \n" +"Til dæmis gildir jafnt að setja inn 12.0154, 50°52′21.92″N, N50°52′21.92″ " +"eða 50:52:21.92\n" +"Þú getur sett þessi gildi inn með Landafræði-sýninni mep því að leita að " +"staðnum, eða með kortaþjónustu í Staðir-sýninni." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -13540,55 +14157,65 @@ msgid "" "You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or " "via a map service in the place view." msgstr "" +"Lengdargráða (staðsetning núllbaug, eða Greenwich, Meridian) staðarins í " +"tugabrotum eða gráðum. \n" +"Til dæmis gildir jafnt að setja inn -124.3647, 124°52′21.92″E, " +"E124°52′21.92″ eða 124:52:21.92\n" +"Þú getur sett þessi gildi inn með Landafræði-sýninni mep því að leita að " +"staðnum, eða með kortaþjónustu í Staðir-sýninni." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A unique ID to identify the place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir staðinn" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Code associated with this place. Eg Country Code or Postal Code." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kóði sem tengist þessum stað. T.d. póstnúmer eða landskóði." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "What type of place this is. Eg 'Country', 'City', ... ." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvaða tegund staðar þetta er. T.d. 'Land', 'Borg', ... ." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "The name of this place." -msgstr "Nafnið á þessum stað" +msgstr "Nafnið á þessum stað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Invoke place name editor." -msgstr "Ritill fyrir staðarheiti" +msgstr "Ræsa staðarheitaritil" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Language:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tungumál:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -msgid "Language in which the name is written." -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Date range in which the name is valid." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tímabil/dagsetningar þegar nafnið er gilt." -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "The name of the place." -msgstr "Nafnið á þessum stað" +msgstr "Nafnið á þessum stað." + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +msgid "" +"Language in which the name is written. Valid values are two character ISO " +"codes. For example: en, fr, de, nl ..." +msgstr "" +"Tungumálið sem nafnið er skrifað á. Gildir eru tveggja stafa ISO-kóðar. Til " +"dæmis: en, fr, de, is..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the enclosing place information will be " "reflected in the place itself, for places that it encloses." msgstr "" +"Athugið: Allar breytingar á upplýsingum umlykjandi staðar munu hafa " +"áhrif á sjálfan staðinn, og þá staði sem hann umlykur." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Media Type:" @@ -13596,27 +14223,27 @@ msgstr "Tegund _gagna:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Call n_umber:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Uppflettinúmer:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "On what type of media this source is available in the repository." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Á hvaða formi þessi heimild er tiltæk í gagnasafninu." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Id number of the source in the repository." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Auðkennisnúmer heimildarinnar í gagnasafninu." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Name:" -msgstr "_Nafn:" +msgstr "_Heiti:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Name of the repository (where sources are stored)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heiti gagnasafnsins (þar sem heimildir eru geymdar)." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -13624,16 +14251,18 @@ msgid "" "reflected in the repository itself, for all items that reference the " "repository." msgstr "" +"Athugið: Allar breytingar á upplýsingum samnýtts gagnasafns munu hafa " +"áhrif á sjálft gagnasafnið, fyrir öll atriði sem vísa í þetta gagnasafn." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A unique ID to identify the repository." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir gagnasafnið." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Type of repository, eg., 'Library', 'Album', ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tegund gagnageymslu, t.d. 'Bókasafn', 'Skjalamappa', ..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Author:" @@ -13655,7 +14284,7 @@ msgstr "Útg.u_ppl.:" msgid "" "Publication Information, such as city and year of publication, name of " "publisher, ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Upplýsingar um útgáfu, svo sem borg og útgáfuár, nafn útgefanda, ..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -13669,7 +14298,7 @@ msgstr "St_ytting:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A unique ID to identify the source" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einstakt auðkenni (ID) fyrir heimildina" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Web address:" @@ -13681,13 +14310,15 @@ msgstr "_Lýsing:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Type of internet address, eg. E-mail, Web Page, ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tegund internetslóðar, t.d. Tölvupóstur, Vefsvæði, ..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "The internet address as needed to navigate to it, eg. http://gramps-project." "org" msgstr "" +"Internetslóðin sem nauðsynleg er til að geta opnað hana, t.d. http://gramps-" +"" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Open the web address in the default browser." @@ -13695,7 +14326,7 @@ msgstr "Opna vefslóðina með sjálfgefnum vafra." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "A descriptive caption of the Internet location you are storing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lýsing á netstaðsetningunni sem þú ert að geyma." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Drag to move; click to detach" @@ -13730,6 +14361,8 @@ msgid "" "Select the citation that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged citation." msgstr "" +"Veldu tilvitnunina sem inniheldur\n" +"aðalgögnin fyrir sameinaða tilvitnun." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -13769,6 +14402,7 @@ msgstr "Gramps auðkenni:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Notes, media objects and data-items of both citations will be combined." msgstr "" +"Minnispunktar, gagnahlutir og gagnafærslur beggja tilvitnana verður sameinað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -13803,10 +14437,12 @@ msgstr "Velja" msgid "" "Select the person that will provide the primary data for the merged person." msgstr "" +"Veldu einstaklingsfærsluna sem inniheldur aðalgögnin fyrir sameinaðan " +"einstakling." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Title selection" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Val titils" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -13823,6 +14459,8 @@ msgid "" "Select the event that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged event." msgstr "" +"Veldu atburðinn sem inniheldur\n" +"aðalgögnin fyrir sameinaðan atburð." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Event 1" @@ -13836,12 +14474,16 @@ msgstr "Atburður 2" msgid "" "Attributes, notes, sources and media objects of both events will be combined." msgstr "" +"Minnispunktar, eigindi, heimildir og gagnahlutir beggja atburðanna verður " +"sameinað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Select the family that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged family." msgstr "" +"Veldu fjölskylduna sem inniheldur\n" +"aðalgögnin fyrir sameinaða fjölskyldu." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -13871,12 +14513,16 @@ msgid "" "Events, lds_ord, media objects, attributes, notes, sources and tags of both " "families will be combined." msgstr "" +"Atburðir, röðun LSD-auðkenna, gagnahlutir, minnispunktar, eigindi, heimildir " +"og merki beggja fjölskyldnanna verður sameinað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Select the object that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged object." msgstr "" +"Veldu hlutinn sem inniheldur\n" +"aðalgögnin fyrir sameinaðan hlut." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Object 1" @@ -13889,12 +14535,15 @@ msgstr "Hlutur 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Attributes, sources, notes and tags of both objects will be combined." msgstr "" +"Minnispunktar, eigindi, heimildir og merki beggja hlutanna verður sameinað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Select the note that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged note." msgstr "" +"Veldu minnispunktinn sem inniheldur\n" +"aðalgögnin fyrir sameinaðan minnispunkt." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Note 1" @@ -13906,7 +14555,7 @@ msgstr "Minnispunktur 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Format:" msgstr "Snið:" @@ -13915,6 +14564,8 @@ msgid "" "Select the person that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged person." msgstr "" +"Veldu einstaklingsfærsluna sem inniheldur\n" +"aðalgögnin fyrir sameinaðan einstakling." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Person 1" @@ -13934,28 +14585,36 @@ msgid "" "Events, media objects, addresses, attributes, urls, notes, sources and tags " "of both persons will be combined." msgstr "" +"Atburðir, gagnahlutir, heimilisföng, minnispunktar, eigindi, slóðir, " +"heimildir og merki beggja einstaklinganna verður sameinað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Context Information" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samhengisupplýsingar" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Select the place that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged place." msgstr "" +"Veldu staðinn sem inniheldur\n" +"aðalgögnin fyrir sameinaðan stað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Alternative names, sources, urls, media objects and notes of both places " "will be combined." msgstr "" +"Önnur nöfn, minnispunktar, slóðir, heimildir og gagnahlutir beggja staðanna " +"verður sameinað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Select the repository that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged repository." msgstr "" +"Veldu gagnasafnið sem inniheldur\n" +"aðalgögnin fyrir sameinað gagnasafn." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Repository 1" @@ -13968,18 +14627,23 @@ msgstr "Gagnasafn 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Addresses, urls and notes of both repositories will be combined." msgstr "" +"Heimilisföng, minnispunktar og slóðir beggja gagnasafnanna verður sameinað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Select the source that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged source." msgstr "" +"Veldu heimildina sem inniheldur\n" +"aðalgögnin fyrir sameinaða heimild." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" "Notes, media objects, data-items and repository references of both sources " "will be combined." msgstr "" +"Minnispunktar, gagnahlutir, gagnafærslur og tilvísanir í gagnasöfn beggja " +"heimildanna verður sameinað." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Paper Settings" @@ -14011,14 +14675,14 @@ msgstr "Stefna:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "cm" msgstr "sm" @@ -14033,7 +14697,7 @@ msgstr "_Vinstri:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Right:" -msgstr "_Hægri" +msgstr "_Hægri:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Top:" @@ -14058,7 +14722,7 @@ msgstr "Keyra" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Select a report from those available on the left." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu skýrslu úr þessum sem tiltækar eru hér til vinstri." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Status:" @@ -14074,7 +14738,7 @@ msgstr "Vensl foreldra" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Arrow top" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ör efst" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Move parent up" @@ -14082,7 +14746,7 @@ msgstr "Færa foreldri upp" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Arrow bottom" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ör neðst" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Move parent down" @@ -14123,10 +14787,24 @@ msgstr "Eyða valinni síu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Note: changes take effect only after this window is closed" msgstr "" +"Athugið: Breytingar taka aðeins gildi eftir að þessum glugga hefur verið " +"lokað" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ gtklist.h:6 +msgid "All rules must apply" +msgstr "Virða skal allar reglur" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ gtklist.h:7 +msgid "At least one rule must apply" +msgstr "Virða skal a.m.k. eina reglu" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ gtklist.h:8 +msgid "Exactly one rule must apply" +msgstr "Virða þarf nákvæmlega eina reglu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Add another rule to the filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta annarri reglu við síuna" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Edit the selected rule" @@ -14151,7 +14829,7 @@ msgstr "Valkostir" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Rule list" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Listi yfir reglur" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Definition" @@ -14163,15 +14841,15 @@ msgstr "A_thugasemd:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Return values that do no_t match the filter rules" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skila gildum sem e_kki samsvara reglum síunnar" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Selected Rule" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valin regla" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Style sheet n_ame:" -msgstr "Heiti stílblaðs" +msgstr "Heiti stílblaðs:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Style name" @@ -14183,11 +14861,11 @@ msgstr "Leturgerð" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Roman (Times, serif)" -msgstr "_Roman (Times, serif)" +msgstr "_Rómönsk (Times, serif)" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Swiss (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)" -msgstr "_Sviss (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)" +msgstr "_Svissnesk (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)" #. ################# #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ @@ -14197,13 +14875,13 @@ msgid "Size" msgstr "Stærð" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "point size|pt" msgstr "pt" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Color" msgstr "Litur" @@ -14223,172 +14901,170 @@ msgstr "_Undirstrikað" msgid "Font options" msgstr "Valkostir leturs" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -msgid "_Left" -msgstr "_Vinstri" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -msgid "_Right" -msgstr "_Hægri" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -msgid "J_ustify" -msgstr "Hlið_jafnað" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -msgid "Cen_ter" -msgstr "_Miðjað" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Jöfnun" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Background color" msgstr "Bakgrunnslitur" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "First li_ne:" msgstr "Fyrsta lí_na:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "R_ight:" msgstr "Hæg_ri:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "L_eft:" msgstr "V_instri:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Spacing" msgstr "Millibil" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Abo_ve:" msgstr "_Ofan:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Belo_w:" msgstr "_Neðan:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Borders" msgstr "Jaðrar" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -msgid "Le_ft" -msgstr "_Vinstri" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -msgid "Righ_t" -msgstr "Hæ_gri" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -msgid "_Top" -msgstr "_Efst" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "_Padding:" msgstr "Svi_grúm:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -msgid "_Bottom" -msgstr "Neðs_t" - -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Indentation" msgstr "Inndráttur" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +msgid "_Left" +msgstr "_Vinstri" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +msgid "_Right" +msgstr "_Hægri" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +msgid "J_ustify" +msgstr "Hlið_jafnað" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +msgid "Cen_ter" +msgstr "_Miðjað" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +msgid "Le_ft" +msgstr "_Vinstri" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +msgid "Righ_t" +msgstr "Hæ_gri" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +msgid "_Top" +msgstr "_Efst" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +msgid "_Bottom" +msgstr "Neðs_t" + +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Paragraph options" msgstr "Valkostir málsgreina" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Width" msgstr "Breidd" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Column widths" msgstr "Dálkabreiddir" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Table options" msgstr "Valkostir töflu" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Padding:" msgstr "Svigrúm:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Left" msgstr "Vinstri" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Right" msgstr "Hægri" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Cell options" -msgstr "Valkostir reita" +msgstr "Valkostir reita" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Line" msgstr "Lína" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Style:" msgstr "Stíll:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Width:" msgstr "Breidd:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Line:" msgstr "Lína:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Fill:" -msgstr "Fylling" +msgstr "Fylling:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Shadow" msgstr "Skuggi" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "pt" msgstr "pt" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Spacing:" msgstr "Millibil:" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Draw shadow" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Teikna skugga" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Draw options" -msgstr "Valkostir töflu" +msgstr "Valkostir teikningar" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Add a new style" msgstr "Bæta við nýjum stíl" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Edit the selected style" msgstr "Breyta völdum stíl" -#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ +#: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Delete the selected style" msgstr "Eyða völdum stíl" @@ -14397,18 +15073,18 @@ msgid "_Display on startup" msgstr "_Birta í ræsingu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "_Forward" msgstr "Á_fram" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "Install Selected _Addons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Setja upp valdar viðbætur" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Available Gramps Updates for Addons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tiltækar uppfærslur á Gramps-viðbótum" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/ msgid "" @@ -14429,13 +15105,13 @@ msgstr "Velja _allt" msgid "Select _None" msgstr "Velja _ekkert" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "Your version of gi (gnome-introspection) seems to be too old. You need a " "version which has the function 'require_version' to start Gramps" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "Your pygobject version does not meet the requirements.\n" @@ -14445,16 +15121,25 @@ msgid "" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "Gdk, Gtk, Pango or PangoCairo typelib not installed.\n" -"Install Gnome Introspection, and pygobject version 3.3.2 or later.\n" +"Install Gnome Introspection, and pygobject version 3.12 or later.\n" "Then install introspection data for Gdk, Gtk, Pango and PangoCairo\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ +#, python-format +msgid "" +"Your Gtk version does not meet the requirements.\n" +"At least %(major)d.%(minor)d is needed to start Gramps with a GUI.\n" +"\n" +"Gramps will terminate now." +msgstr "" + +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "\n" "cairo python support not installed. Install cairo for your version of " @@ -14463,11 +15148,11 @@ msgid "" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Danger: This is unstable code!" msgstr "Aðvörun: Þetta er óstöðugur kóði!" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "This Gramps ('master') is a development release. This version is not meant " @@ -14485,11 +15170,11 @@ msgid "" "then." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gramps detected an incomplete GTK installation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramps skynjaði ófullkomna GTK uppsetningu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "GTK translations for the current language (%(language)s) are missing.\n" @@ -14500,11 +15185,11 @@ msgid "" "typically located in /usr/share/doc/gramps.\n" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/guiQML/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/guiQML/ msgid "Error parsing arguments" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Villa við að þátta viðföng" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "\n" "Gramps failed to start. Please report a bug about this.\n" @@ -14517,7 +15202,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Error Report Assistant" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hjálparforrit fyrir villuskýrslugerð" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Report a bug" @@ -14542,120 +15227,122 @@ msgid "" "please remove it." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Error Details" msgstr "Nánar um villu" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "This is the detailed Gramps error information, don't worry if you do not " "understand it. You will have the opportunity to add further detail about the " "error in the following pages of the assistant." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "Please check the information below and correct anything that you know to be " "wrong or remove anything that you would rather not have included in the bug " "report." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "System Information" msgstr "Kerfisupplýsingar" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "This is the information about your system that will help the developers to " "fix the bug." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "Please provide as much information as you can about what you were doing when " "the error occured." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Further Information" msgstr "Meiri upplýsingar" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "This is your opportunity to describe what you were doing when the error " "occured." msgstr "" +"Þetta er tækifærið til að lýsa því hvað þú varst að gera þegar villan kom " +"upp (á ensku)." -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "Please check that the information is correct, do not worry if you don't " "understand the detail of the error information. Just make sure that it does " "not contain anything that you do not want to be sent to the developers." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Bug Report Summary" msgstr "Samantekt úr villuskýrslu" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "This is the completed bug report. The next page of the assistant will help " "you to file a bug on the Gramps bug tracking system website." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "Use the two buttons below to first copy the bug report to the clipboard and " "then open a webbrowser to file a bug report at " msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "Use this button to start a web browser and file a bug report on the Gramps " "bug tracking system." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "Use this button to copy the bug report onto the clipboard. Then go to the " "bug tracking website by using the button below, paste the report and click " "submit report" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Send Bug Report" msgstr "Senda villuskýrslu" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "This is the final step. Use the buttons on this page to start a web browser " "and file a bug report on the Gramps bug tracking system." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "Gramps is an Open Source project. Its success depends on its users. User " "feedback is important. Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/ -msgid "manual|General" -msgstr "Almennt" +msgid "manual|Error_Report" +msgstr "Villuskýrsla" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Error Report" msgstr "Villuskýrsla" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Gramps has experienced an unexpected error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramps varð fyrir óvæntri villu" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "" "Your data will be safe but it would be advisable to restart Gramps " "immediately. If you would like to report the problem to the Gramps team " @@ -14663,10 +15350,10 @@ msgid "" "bug report." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ -#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ +#: ../gramps/gui/logger/ msgid "Error Detail" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nánar um villu" #: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format @@ -14676,156 +15363,156 @@ msgstr "Sía %s af klippispjaldi" #: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "Created on %(year)4d/%(month)02d/%(day)02d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbúið %(year)4d/%(month)02d/%(day)02d" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "manual|Merge_Citations" msgstr "Sameina_tilvitnanir" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Merge Citations" msgstr "Sameina tilvitnanir" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "manual|Merge_Events" msgstr "Sameina_atburði" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "Merge Events" msgstr "Sameina atburði" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "manual|Merge_Families" msgstr "Sameina_fjölskyldur" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "Merge Families" msgstr "Sameina fjölskyldur" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Cannot merge people" msgstr "Get ekki sameinað einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "manual|Merge_Media_Objects" msgstr "Sameina_gagnahluta" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "manual|Merge_Notes" msgstr "Sameina_minnispunkta" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "flowed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "flæðitexti" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "preformatted" msgstr "forsniðið" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "manual|Merge_People" msgstr "Sameina_einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "Merge People" msgstr "Sameina einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Alternate Names" msgstr "Önnur nöfn" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Events" msgstr "Atburðir" #. Go over parents and build their menu #. don't show rest -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Parents" msgstr "Foreldrar" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "Family ID" msgstr "Auðkenni fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "No parents found" msgstr "Engir foreldrar fundust" #. Go over spouses and build their menu -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Spouses" msgstr "Makar" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Spouse" msgstr "Maki" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "No spouses or children found" msgstr "Engir makar eða börn fundust" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Addresses" msgstr "Heimilisföng" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "manual|Merge_Places" msgstr "Sameina_staði" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "manual|Merge_Repositories" msgstr "Sameina_gagnasöfn" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "manual|Merge_Sources" msgstr "Sameina_heimildir" -#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ +#: ../gramps/gui/merge/ msgid "Merge Sources" msgstr "Sameina heimildir" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Report Selection" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Val á skýrslu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Generate selected report" @@ -14837,11 +15524,11 @@ msgstr "Út_búa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Tool Selection" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Val á verkfæri" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Select a tool from those available on the left." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu verkfæri úr þessum sem tiltækar eru hér til vinstri." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Run" @@ -14849,14 +15536,14 @@ msgstr "_Keyra" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Run selected tool" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Keyra valið verkfæri" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Select surname" -msgstr "Veldu eftirnafn" +msgstr "Veldu kenninafn" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Count" msgstr "Fjöldi" @@ -14871,67 +15558,66 @@ msgstr "Fjöldi" #. dictionary we can be certain we only do this once) #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Finding Surnames" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Finna kenninöfn" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Finding surnames" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Finna kenninöfn" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Select a different person" msgstr "Veldu annan einstakling" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Select a person for the report" msgstr "Veldu einstakling sem gengið er út frá í þessari skýrslu" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Select a different family" msgstr "Veldu aðra fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "unknown father" msgstr "óþekktur faðir" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "unknown mother" msgstr "óþekkt móðir" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ #, python-format msgid "%(father_name)s and %(mother_name)s (%(family_id)s)" msgstr "%(father_name)s og %(mother_name)s (%(family_id)s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Also include %s?" msgstr "Einnig taka með %s?" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ msgid "Select Person" msgstr "Veldu einstakling" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ #, python-format msgid "Select color for %s" msgstr "Veldu lit fyrir %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Save As" msgstr "Vista sem" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#, fuzzy msgid "_Open" -msgstr "_Opna tengil" +msgstr "_Opna" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Style Editor" msgstr "Stílritill" @@ -14993,15 +15679,15 @@ msgstr "Slóð að viðbót:" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Install Addon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Setja upp viðbót" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Install All Addons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Setja upp allar viðbætur" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Refresh Addon List" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Endurnýja viðbótalista" #. Only show the "Reload" button when in debug mode #. (without -O on the command line) @@ -15011,7 +15697,7 @@ msgstr "Endurhlaða" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Refreshing Addon List" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Er að endurnýja viðbótalista" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ @@ -15020,19 +15706,19 @@ msgstr "Les" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Checking addon..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athuga viðbót..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Unknown Help URL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Óþekkt slóð á hjálparskjöl" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Unknown URL" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Óþekkt slóð" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Install all Addons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Setja upp allar viðbætur" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Installing..." @@ -15040,11 +15726,11 @@ msgstr "Uppsetning..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Installing Addon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Set upp viðbót" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Load Addon" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hleð inn viðbót" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -15083,7 +15769,7 @@ msgstr "Villa í viðbót" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "_Execute" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Keyra" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -15093,11 +15779,11 @@ msgstr "Aðalgluggi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ #, python-format msgid "%(adjective)s: %(addon)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(adjective)s: %(addon)s" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Downloading and installing selected addons..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sæki og set upp valdar viðbætur..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Installation Errors" @@ -15105,62 +15791,63 @@ msgstr "Uppsetningarvillur" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "The following addons had errors: " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eftirfarandi viðbætur voru gallaðar: " #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Done downloading and installing addons" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búið að sækja og setja upp viðbætur" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} addon was installed." msgid_plural "{number_of} addons were installed." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "{number_of} viðbót var sett upp." +msgstr[1] "{number_of} viðbætur voru settar upp." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "You need to restart Gramps to see new views." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þú þarft að endurræsa Gramps til að sjá nýju sýnirnar." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "No addons were installed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engar viðbætur voru settar upp." #. set up ManagedWindow #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Export Assistant" msgstr "Útflutningsaðstoð" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Saving your data" msgstr "Vista gögnin þín" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Choose the output format" msgstr "Veldu úttakssnið" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Export options" msgstr "Útflutningsvalkostir" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Select save file" msgstr "Veldu skrá til vistunar" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Final confirmation" msgstr "Lokastaðfesting" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Please wait while your data is selected and exported" msgstr "Bíddu á meðan valið er úr gögnunum og þau flutt út" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Summary" msgstr "Samantekt" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ #, python-format msgid "" "The data will be exported as follows:\n" @@ -15169,8 +15856,14 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Press Apply to proceed, Back to revisit your options, or Cancel to abort" msgstr "" +"Gögnin verða flutt út á eftirfarandi máta:\n" +"\n" +"Skráasnið:\t%s\n" +"\n" +"Ýttu á Virkja til að halda áfram, Til baka til að endurskoða valkosti, eða " +"Hætta við" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ #, python-format msgid "" "The data will be saved as follows:\n" @@ -15190,18 +15883,18 @@ msgstr "" "Ýttu á Virkja til að halda áfram, Til baka til að endurskoða valkosti, eða " "Hætta við" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "" "The selected file and folder to save to cannot be created or found.\n" "\n" "Press Back to return and select a valid filename." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Your data has been saved" msgstr "Gögnin þín hafa verið vistuð" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "" "The copy of your data has been successfully saved. You may press Close " "button now to continue.\n" @@ -15212,16 +15905,16 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. add test, what is dir -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ #, python-format msgid "Filename: %s" msgstr "Skráarheiti: %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Saving failed" msgstr "Vistun mistókst" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "" "There was an error while saving your data. You may try starting the export " "again.\n" @@ -15230,7 +15923,7 @@ msgid "" "data that failed to save." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "" "Under normal circumstances, Gramps does not require you to directly save " "your changes. All changes you make are immediately saved to the database.\n" @@ -15244,13 +15937,13 @@ msgid "" "button at any time and your present database will still be intact." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Error exporting your Family Tree" msgstr "Villa við að flytja út ættartölu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Selecting Preview Data" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Val gagna fyrir forskoðun" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ @@ -15265,6 +15958,7 @@ msgstr "Ósíuð ættartala:" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} Person" msgid_plural "{number_of} People" msgstr[0] "{number_of} einstaklingur" @@ -15272,7 +15966,7 @@ msgstr[1] "{number_of} einstaklingar" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Click to see preview of unfiltered data" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Smelltu til að sjá útkomu ósíaðra gagna" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "_Do not include records marked private" @@ -15310,7 +16004,7 @@ msgstr "Gagnaleynd" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Click to see preview after privacy filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Smelltu til að sjá útkomu eftir gagnaleyndarsíun" #. Frame 4: #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ @@ -15319,7 +16013,7 @@ msgstr "Sía lifendur" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Click to see preview after living filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Smelltu til að sjá útkomu eftir síun lifandi einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Reference Filter" @@ -15327,15 +16021,15 @@ msgstr "Tilvísanasía" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Click to see preview after reference filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Smelltu til að sjá útkomu eftir tilvísanasíun" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Hide order" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fela röðun" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Filtering private data" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Síun einkagagna" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Filtering living persons" @@ -15351,15 +16045,15 @@ msgstr "Beita valinni minnispunktasíu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Filtering referenced records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Síun tilvísaðra færslna" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Cannot edit a system filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Get ekki breytt síu sem tilheyrir kerfinu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Please select a different filter to edit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu aðra síu til að breyta" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ @@ -15372,7 +16066,7 @@ msgstr "Hafa með alla valda minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Replace given names of living people" -msgstr "Skipta út fornöfnum lifandi einstaklinga" +msgstr "Skipta út eiginnöfnum lifandi einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/ msgid "Do not include living people" @@ -15388,7 +16082,7 @@ msgstr "Ekki hafa með færslur sem ekki eru tengdar völdum einstaklingi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ msgid "Web Connect" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tengjast vefpakka (Web Connect)" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ @@ -15396,7 +16090,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -15411,70 +16105,69 @@ msgstr "Flýtiskoðun" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Copy all" -msgstr "Birta allt" +msgstr "Afrita allt" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/ msgid "See data not in Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sjá gögn sem ekki eru í síu" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #, python-format msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s (%(id)s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(father)s og %(mother)s (%(id)s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Available Books" msgstr "Tiltækar bækur" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -msgid "Discard Unsaved Changes" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -msgid "You have made changes which have not been saved." -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +msgid "Discard Unsaved Changes" +msgstr "Henda óvistuðum breytingum" + +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +msgid "You have made changes which have not been saved." +msgstr "Þú hefur gert breytingar sem ekki hafa verið vistaðar." + +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Proceed" msgstr "Halda áfram" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Name of the book. MANDATORY" msgstr "Heiti bókarinnar. KRAFIST" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "New Book" msgstr "Ný bók" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "_Available items" msgstr "Tiltæk atriði" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Current _book" msgstr "Núverandi _bók" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Item name" -msgstr "Heiti atriðis" +msgstr "Heiti atriða" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Subject" msgstr "Efni" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Book selection list" msgstr "Vallisti bóka" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Different database" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Annar gagnagrunnur" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #, python-format msgid "" "This book was created with the references to database %s.\n" @@ -15485,70 +16178,72 @@ msgid "" "person of the currently opened database." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "No selected book item" msgstr "Ekkert atriði í bókaskrá valið" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Please select a book item to configure." msgstr "Veldu atriði í bókaskrá til að stilla." -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -msgid "_Up" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Down" -msgstr "Sækja" - #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +msgid "_Up" +msgstr "_Upp" + +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +msgid "_Down" +msgstr "_Niður" + +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Setup" msgstr "Uppsetning" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Book Menu" msgstr "Bókavalmynd" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Available Items Menu" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valmynd yfir tiltæk atriði" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "No items" msgstr "Engin atriði" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "This book has no items." msgstr "Þessi bók inniheldur engin atriði." -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "No book name" msgstr "Ekkert bókarheiti" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "" "You are about to save away a book with no name.\n" "\n" "Please give it a name before saving it away." msgstr "" +"Þú ert við það að vista bók með engu heiti.\n" +"\n" +"Gefðu henni nafn áður en þú vistar hana." -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Book name already exists" msgstr "Bókarheitið er þegar til" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "You are about to save away a book with a name which already exists." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þú ert við það að vista bók með heiti sem þegar er til." -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Gramps Book" msgstr "Gramps bók" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Paper Options" msgstr "Valkostir pappírs" @@ -15566,9 +16261,9 @@ msgstr "Úttakssnið" msgid "Open with default viewer" msgstr "Opna með sjálfgefnum skoðara" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "CSS file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CSS skrá" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Portrait" @@ -15580,7 +16275,7 @@ msgstr "Lárétt" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "inch|in." -msgstr "" +msgstr "in." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Configuration" @@ -15589,7 +16284,7 @@ msgstr "Stillingar" #. Styles Frame #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Style" msgstr "Stíll" @@ -15614,20 +16309,20 @@ msgstr "Stíll" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -15636,8 +16331,8 @@ msgstr "Stíll" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Report Options" msgstr "Valkostir skýrslu" @@ -15649,7 +16344,7 @@ msgstr "Valkostir skjala" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Permission problem" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vandamál með heimildir" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #, python-format @@ -15658,6 +16353,9 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Please select another directory or correct the permissions." msgstr "" +"Þú hefur ekki heimildir til að skrifa í möppuna %s\n" +"\n" +"Veldu aðra möppu eða leiðréttu aðgangsheimildirnar." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "File already exists" @@ -15666,7 +16364,7 @@ msgstr "Skráin er þegar til" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "" "You can choose to either overwrite the file, or change the selected filename." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þú getur valið um að skrifa yfir skrána eða að breyta skráarheitinu." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "_Overwrite" @@ -15674,7 +16372,7 @@ msgstr "_Skrifa yfir" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "_Change filename" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Breyta skráarheiti" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #, python-format @@ -15683,12 +16381,14 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Please select another path or correct the permissions." msgstr "" +"Þú hefur ekki heimildir til að búa til %s\n" +"\n" +"Veldu aðra slóð eða leiðréttu aðgangsheimildirnar." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#, fuzzy msgid "No directory" -msgstr "Ekkert virkt gagnasafn" +msgstr "Engin mappa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ @@ -15698,6 +16398,9 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Please select another directory or create it." msgstr "" +"Það er engin mappa %s\n" +"\n" +"Veldu aðra möppu eða búðu hana til." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -15706,24 +16409,25 @@ msgstr "Enginn hefur verið settur sem virkur einstaklingur" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "You must select an active person for this report to work properly." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þú verður að velja virkan einstakling svo að þessi skýrsla verði rétt." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Report could not be created" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekki hægt að búa til skýrslu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ gtklist.h:1 +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ gtklist.h:1 msgid "default" msgstr "sjálfgefið" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Document Styles" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stílar í skjali" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "New Style" @@ -15731,23 +16435,23 @@ msgstr "Nýr stíll" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Error saving stylesheet" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Villa við að vista stílblað" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "Style editor" msgstr "Stílritill" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ msgid "No description available" msgstr "Engin lýsing tiltæk" -#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ +#: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/ #, python-format msgid "Column %d:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dálkur %d:" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "Debug" @@ -15782,61 +16486,110 @@ msgid "" "If you think you may want to revert running this tool, please stop here and " "backup your database." msgstr "" +"Ef þú heldur áfram með þessu verkfæri mun ferill afturkallana þurrkast út " +"fyrir þessa setu. Nánar tiltekið muntu ekki geta afturkallað breytingar sem " +"gerðar hafa verið með þessu verkfæri eða breytingar sem áður hafa verið " +"gerðar.\n" +"\n" +"Ef þú heldur að þú þurfir að geta afturkallað eitthvað sem þú ætlar að gera " +"með þessu verkfæri, ættirðu að láta staðar numið og taka öryggisafrit af " +"gagnagrunninum þínum." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ msgid "_Proceed with the tool" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Halda áfram með þetta verkfæri" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "You must select an active person for this tool to work properly." msgstr "" +"Þú verður að velja virkan einstakling svo að þetta verkfæri vinni rétt." -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Select_Source_or_Citation_selector" +msgstr "Velja_heimild_eða_tilvitnun" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ msgid "Select Source or Citation" msgstr "Veldu heimild eða tilvitnun" -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Source: Title or Citation: Volume/Page" msgstr "Heimild: Titill eða tilvitnun: Bindi/síða" -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ msgid "Last Change" msgstr "Síðasta breyting" -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Select_Event_selector" +msgstr "Velja_atburð" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ msgid "Select Event" msgstr "Veldu atburð" -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Select_Family_selector" +msgstr "Velja_fjölskyldu" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ msgid "Select Family" msgstr "Veldu fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Select_Note_selector" +msgstr "Velja_minnispunkt" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ msgid "Select Note" msgstr "Veldu minnispunkt" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Select_Media_Object_selector" +msgstr "Velja_gagnahluta" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ msgid "Select Media Object" msgstr "Veldu gagnahluta" -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Select_Child_selector" +msgstr "Velja_afkvæmi" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Select_Father_selector" +msgstr "Velja_föður" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Select_Mother_selector" +msgstr "Velja_móður" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Select_Place_selector" +msgstr "Velja_stað" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ msgid "Select Place" msgstr "Veldu stað" -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ -msgid "Select Repository" -msgstr "" +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "manual|Repositories" +msgstr "Gagnasöfn" -#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ +msgid "Select Repository" +msgstr "Veldu gagnasafn" + +#: ../gramps/gui/selectors/ msgid "Select Source" msgstr "Veldu heimild" @@ -15853,6 +16606,8 @@ msgid "" "You have no installed dictionaries. Either install one or disable spell " "checking" msgstr "" +"Þú ert ekki með nein orðasöfn uppsett. Settu upp orðasafn eða gerðu " +"stafsetningaryfirferð óvirka" #: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format @@ -15860,7 +16615,7 @@ msgid "Spelling checker initialization failed: %s" msgstr "Frumstilling stafsetningaryfirferðar mistókst: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Tip of the Day" msgstr "Vísbending dagsins" @@ -15875,18 +16630,25 @@ msgid "" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" +"Tekst ekki að lesa ábendingar úr ytri skrá.\n" +"\n" +"%s" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ +msgid "11" +msgstr "" + +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Undo History" msgstr "Ferill afturkallana" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Undo" msgstr "_Afturkalla" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Redo" msgstr "_Endurtaka" @@ -15896,33 +16658,33 @@ msgstr "_Endurtaka" #. self.tree.append_column( #. Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Action'), self.renderer, #. text=1, foreground=2, background=3)) -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Original time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Upphaflegur tími" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Action" msgstr "Aðgerð" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Delete confirmation" msgstr "Staðfesta eyðingu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Are you sure you want to clear the Undo history?" msgstr "Ertu viss um að þú viljir eyða skipanaferlinum?" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Clear" msgstr "Hreinsa" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Database opened" msgstr "Gagnagrunnur opnaður" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "History cleared" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ferill hreinsaður" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Canceling..." @@ -15930,15 +16692,15 @@ msgstr "Hætti við..." #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Please do not force closing this important dialog." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekki þvinga lokun á þessum mikilvæga glugga." #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "The external program failed to launch or experienced an error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Utanaðkomandi forritið ræstist ekki eða lenti í villu" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Error from external program" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Villa frá utanaðkomandi forriti" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" @@ -15953,237 +16715,237 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Cannot open new citation editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Get ekki opnað nýjan tilvitnanaritil" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Connect to a recent database" msgstr "Tengjast nýlegum gagnagrunni" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Family Trees" msgstr "Æ_ttartölur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Manage Family Trees..." msgstr "Sýsla _með ættartölur..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Manage databases" msgstr "Sýsla með gagnagrunna" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Open _Recent" msgstr "O_pna nýlegt" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Open an existing database" msgstr "Opna tilbúna gagnagrunnsskrá" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Hætta" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_View" msgstr "S_koða" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Preferences..." msgstr "_Kjörstillingar..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gramps _Home Page" msgstr "_Heimasíða Gramps" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gramps _Mailing Lists" msgstr "_Póstlistar Gramps" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Report a Bug" msgstr "_Tilkynna um villu" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Extra Reports/Tools" msgstr "_Auka skýrslur/verkfæri" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_About" msgstr "_Um hugbúnaðinn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Plugin Manager" msgstr "Umsjón viðbóta" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_FAQ" msgstr "Algengar spurningar - _FAQ" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Key Bindings" msgstr "_Lyklabindingar" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_User Manual" msgstr "_Handbók notanda" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Export..." msgstr "_Flytja út..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Make Backup..." msgstr "Gera öryggisafrit..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Make a Gramps XML backup of the database" msgstr "Gerðu Gramps XML öryggisafrit" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Abandon Changes and Quit" msgstr "_Henda öllum breytingum og hætta" -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Reports" msgstr "Ský_rslur" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Open the reports dialog" msgstr "Opna skýrsluvalmyndina" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Go" msgstr "_Fara" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Books..." msgstr "Bækur..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Windows" msgstr "_Gluggar" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Clip_board" msgstr "_Klippispjald" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Open the Clipboard dialog" msgstr "Opna klippispjaldsglugga" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Import..." msgstr "Flytja _inn..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Tools" msgstr "_Verkfæri" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Open the tools dialog" msgstr "Opna verkfæravalmyndina" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Bookmarks" msgstr "_Bókamerki" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Configure..." msgstr "S_tillingar..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Configure the active view" msgstr "Stilla virka sýn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Navigator" msgstr "Upp_bygging" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "_Toolbar" msgstr "_Verkfærastika" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "F_ull Screen" msgstr "Skjáf_ylli" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Undo History..." msgstr "Ferill afturkallana..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "Key %s is not bound" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lykillinn %s er ekki bundinn" #. load plugins -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Loading plugins..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hleð inn viðbótum..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Ready" msgstr "Tilbúið" #. registering plugins -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Registering plugins..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skrái viðbætur..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Autobackup..." msgstr "Sjálfvirk öryggisafritun..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Error saving backup data" msgstr "Villa kom upp við öryggisafritun" -#: ../gramps/gui/ -msgid "Abort changes?" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/gui/ +msgid "Abort changes?" +msgstr "Hætta við breytingar?" + +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "Aborting changes will return the database to the state it was before you " "started this editing session." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Abort changes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hætta við breytingar" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Cannot abandon session's changes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Get ekki hætt við breytingar í setunni" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "" "Changes cannot be completely abandoned because the number of changes made in " "the session exceeded the limit." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "View failed to load. Check error output." msgstr "Sýn hlóðst ekki inn. Skoðaðu villuúttak." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Import Statistics" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Innflutningstölfræði" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Read Only" msgstr "Skrifvarið" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Gramps XML Backup" msgstr "Gramps XML öryggisafrit" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "File:" msgstr "Skrá:" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Media:" msgstr "Gögn:" @@ -16193,69 +16955,69 @@ msgstr "Gögn:" #. What to include #. ######################### #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include" msgstr "Hafa með" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Megabyte|MB" -msgstr "" +msgstr "MB" -#: ../gramps/gui/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Exclude" msgstr "Útiloka" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Backup file already exists! Overwrite?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Öryggisafrit er þegar til, yfirskrifa það?" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "The file '%s' exists." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skráin '%s' er þegar til." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Proceed and overwrite" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Halda áfram og skrifa yfir" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Cancel the backup" msgstr "Hætta við öryggisafritun" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Making backup..." msgstr "Bý til öryggisafrit..." -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "Backup saved to '%s'" msgstr "Öryggisafrit vistað í '%s'" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Backup aborted" msgstr "Hætt við öryggisafritun" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Select backup directory" msgstr "Veldu möppu fyrir öryggisafrit" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Failed Loading Plugin" msgstr "Mistókst að hlaða inn viðbót" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "The plugin %(name)s did not load and reported an error.\n" @@ -16270,11 +17032,11 @@ msgid "" "by using the Plugin Manager on the Help menu." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ msgid "Failed Loading View" msgstr "Mistókst að hlaða inn sýn" -#: ../gramps/gui/ +#: ../gramps/gui/ #, python-format msgid "" "The view %(name)s did not load and reported an error.\n" @@ -16294,37 +17056,37 @@ msgid "manual|Bookmarks" msgstr "Bókamerki" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Organize Bookmarks" msgstr "Skipuleggja bókamerki" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Cannot bookmark this reference" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Get ekki bókamerkt þessa tilvísun" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "_Add..." msgstr "Bæt_a við..." #: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "_Merge..." msgstr "Sa_meina..." #: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Export View..." msgstr "Flytja út sýn..." #: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "action|_Edit..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Br_eyta..." #: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Active object not visible" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Virkur hlutur ekki sjáanlegur" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ #: ../gramps/gui/views/ @@ -16336,68 +17098,69 @@ msgstr "Gat ekki sett bókamerki" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "A bookmark could not be set because nothing was selected." -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Multiple Selection Delete" -msgstr "Ítarlegt val" +msgstr "Ekki var hægt að setja bókamerki því ekkert var valið." #: ../gramps/gui/views/ +msgid "Multiple Selection Delete" +msgstr "Eyðing á fjölvali" + +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "" "More than one item has been selected for deletion. Select the option " "indicating how to delete the items:" msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Delete All" -msgstr "Velja _allt" +"Meira en eitt atriði hefur verið valið til eyðingar. Veldu einhvern valkost " +"um hvernig þeim er eytt:" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Confirm Each Delete" -msgstr "Staðfesta allar eyðingar?" +msgid "Delete All" +msgstr "Eyða öllu" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +msgid "Confirm Each Delete" +msgstr "Staðfesta hverja eyðingu" + +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "" "This item is currently being used. Deleting it will remove it from the " "database and from all other items that reference it." msgstr "" +"Þetta atriði er í notkun. Ef atriði er eytt verður það fjarlægt úr " +"gagnagrunninum og rýfur því tengsl við atriði sem tengjast því." -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Deleting item will remove it from the database." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ef atriði er eytt verður það fjarlægt úr gagnagrunninum." -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "Delete %s?" msgstr "Eyða '%s'?" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "_Delete Item" msgstr "_Eyða atriði" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Column clicked, sorting..." msgstr "Smellt á dálk, raða..." -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Export View as Spreadsheet" msgstr "Flytja sýn út sem töflureiknisskjal" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "CSV" msgstr "CSV" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "OpenDocument Spreadsheet" msgstr "OpenDocument töflureikniskjal" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Columns" msgstr "Dálkar" @@ -16411,62 +17174,66 @@ msgstr "%s hefur verið bókamerktur" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "A bookmark could not be set because no one was selected." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekki var hægt að setja bókamerki því ekkert var valið." -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "_Add Bookmark" msgstr "Bæt_a við bókamerki" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "%(title)s..." msgstr "%(title)s..." -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Go to the next object in the history" msgstr "Fara á næsta atriði í ferli" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "_Back" msgstr "Til_baka" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Go to the previous object in the history" msgstr "Fara á fyrra atriði í ferli" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "_Home" -msgstr "_Heim" +msgstr "_Upphaf" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Go to the default person" msgstr "Fara á sjálfgefinn einstakling" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Set _Home Person" msgstr "Stilla upphafseinstakling" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "No Home Person" msgstr "Enginn upphafseinstaklingur" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "" "You need to set a 'default person' to go to. Select the People View, select " "the person you want as 'Home Person', then confirm your choice via the menu " "Edit ->Set Home Person." msgstr "" +"Þú verður að setja einhvern einstakling sem 'sjálfgefinn' til að ganga út " +"frá. Veldu einstaklingasýnina, veldu þann sem þú vilt að sé þessi " +"'upphafseinstaklingur', síðan þarftu að staðfesta þetta val með því að fara " +"í valmyndina Breyta ->Setilla upphafseinstakling." -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Jump to by Gramps ID" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Flakka eftir Gramps auðkenni" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "Error: %s is not a valid Gramps ID" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Villa: %s er ekki gilt Gramps-auðkenni" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "_Sidebar" @@ -16474,7 +17241,7 @@ msgstr "Hliðar_spjald" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "_Bottombar" -msgstr "_Botnstika" +msgstr "_Stöðustika" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format @@ -16495,115 +17262,115 @@ msgstr "Stilla %s sýnina" #: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "View %(name)s: %(msg)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skoða %(name)s: %(msg)s" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +msgid "manual|Organize_Tags_Window" +msgstr "Gluggi_til_að_skipuleggja_merki" + +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +msgid "manual|New_Tag_dialog" +msgstr "Gluggi_fyrir_nýjar_merkingar" + +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "New Tag..." msgstr "Nýtt merki..." -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Organize Tags..." msgstr "Skipuleggja merki..." -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Tag selected rows" msgstr "Merkja valdar raðir" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Adding Tags" msgstr "Bæta við merkjum" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "Tag Selection (%s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valin merki (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Change Tag Priority" msgstr "Breyta forgangi merkja" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Organize Tags" msgstr "Skipuleggja merki" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "Remove tag '%s'?" msgstr "Fjarlægja merkið '%s'?" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "" "The tag definition will be removed. The tag will be also removed from all " "objects in the database." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Removing Tags" msgstr "Fjarlægi merki" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "Delete Tag (%s)" msgstr "Eyða merki (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Cannot save tag" msgstr "Gat ekki vistað merki" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "The tag name cannot be empty" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heiti merkis má ekki vera tómt" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "Add Tag (%s)" msgstr "Bæta við merki (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "Edit Tag (%s)" msgstr "Breyta merki (%s)" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ #, python-format msgid "Tag: %s" msgstr "Merki: %s" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "New Tag" msgstr "Nýtt merki" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Tag Name:" msgstr "Heiti merkis:" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/ msgid "Pick a Color" msgstr "Veldu lit" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ msgid "Error in format" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Villa í sniði" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ msgid "Building View" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byggi sýn" -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -msgid "Obtaining all rows" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -msgid "Applying filter" -msgstr "Beiti síu" - -#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ -msgid "Constructing column data" -msgstr "" +#: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/ +msgid "Loading items..." +msgstr "Hleð inn atriðum..." #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Record is private" @@ -16613,17 +17380,17 @@ msgstr "Færsla er einkamál" msgid "Record is public" msgstr "Færsla er opinber" -#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Expand this section" msgstr "Útliða þennan hluta" -#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Collapse this section" msgstr "Fella saman þennan hluta" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "People Menu" msgstr "Einstaklingavalmynd" @@ -16637,10 +17404,16 @@ msgstr "Breyta fjölskyldu" msgid "Reorder families" msgstr "Endurraða fjölskyldum" +#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +msgid "_Copy" +msgstr "_Afrita" + #. Go over siblings and build their menu #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Siblings" msgstr "Systkini" @@ -16649,17 +17422,17 @@ msgstr "Systkini" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Children" msgstr "Börn" #. Go over parents and build their menu #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Related" msgstr "Tengt" @@ -16672,7 +17445,7 @@ msgid "Add a person" msgstr "Bæta við einstaklingi" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Add Child to Family" msgstr "Bæta barni við fjölskyldu" @@ -16715,6 +17488,8 @@ msgid "" "The gramplet bar will be restored to contain its default gramplets. This " "action cannot be undone." msgstr "" +"Gramplingastikan verður endurheimt með sjálfgefnum gramplingum. Það er ekki " +"hægt að afturkalla við þessa aðgerð." #. default tooltip #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ @@ -16754,20 +17529,23 @@ msgstr "Breidd ótengds glugga" msgid "Detached height" msgstr "Hæð ótengds glugga" -#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "" "Click to make this person active\n" "Right click to display the edit menu\n" "Click Edit icon (enable in configuration dialog) to edit" msgstr "" +"Smelltu til að gera þennan einstakling virkan\n" +"Hægri-smelltu til að birta breytingavalmynd\n" +"Smelltu á breytingatáknið (virkja í stillingum) til að breyta" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Bad Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gölluð dagsetning" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Date more than one year in the future" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dagsetning er meira en eitt ár í framtíðinni" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "" @@ -16795,7 +17573,7 @@ msgstr "Stafsetningarleiðrétting" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Search selection on web" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vali á vefnum" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "_Send Mail To..." @@ -16827,7 +17605,7 @@ msgstr "Bakgrunnslitur" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "Clear Markup" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hreins sniðmerkingu" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ @@ -16847,29 +17625,28 @@ msgstr "Veldu lit á letur" msgid "Select background color" msgstr "Veldu bakgrunnslit" -#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #, python-format msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for this field" -msgstr "" +msgstr "'%s' er ekki mögulegt gildi fyrir þetta gagnasvið" -#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ msgid "This field is mandatory" msgstr "Þetta svæði er nauðsynlegt að fylla út" #. used on AgeOnDateGramplet -#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ +#: ../gramps/gui/widgets/ #, python-format msgid "'%s' is not a valid date value" -msgstr "" +msgstr "'%s' er ekki gild dagsetning" #: ../gramps/guiQML/views/ msgid "Family Trees" msgstr "Ættartölur" #: ../gramps/guiQML/views/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Add a Family Tree" -msgstr "Ættartala" +msgstr "Bæta við ættartölu" #. internal name: don't translate #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ @@ -16974,23 +17751,23 @@ msgstr "Birtir næstu síðu" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ msgid "Shows the last page" -msgstr "Birtir síðstu síðuna" +msgstr "Birtir síðustu síðuna" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ msgid "Zooms to fit the page width" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rennir að breidd síðu" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ msgid "Zooms to fit the whole page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rennir að allri síðunni" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ msgid "Zooms the page in" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rennir inn að síðu" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ msgid "Zooms the page out" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rennir út frá síðu" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ #, python-format @@ -16998,13 +17775,13 @@ msgid "of %d" msgstr "af %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Possible destination error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hugsanleg villa í úttaksstað" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "You appear to have set your target directory to a directory used for data " @@ -17016,13 +17793,13 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ #, python-format msgid "Could not create jpeg version of image %(name)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki búið til jpeg-útgáfu af myndinni %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ msgid "" "PIL (Python Imaging Library) not loaded. Production of jpg images from non-" "jpg images in LaTeX documents will not be available. Use your package " -"manager to install python-imaging or python-pillow or python3-pillow" +"manager to install python3-imaging or python3-pillow" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ @@ -17074,7 +17851,7 @@ msgstr "gult" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/ msgid "The color, if any, of the SVG background" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Litur SVG-bakgrunns, ef einhver" #. we want no text, but need a text for the TOC in a book! #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17095,11 +17872,11 @@ msgstr "Forfeðrakvíslar" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Making the Tree..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbý kvíslarnar..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Printing the Tree..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prenta kvíslarnar..." #. ################# #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17110,13 +17887,13 @@ msgstr "Valkostir ættartrés" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -17128,50 +17905,52 @@ msgid "The center person for the tree" msgstr "Einstaklingur sem gengið er út frá í þessu ættartré" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Include siblings of the center person" -msgstr "Hafa með vensl við einstakling í sigti" +msgstr "Hafa með systkini einstaklings í sigti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "Whether to only display the center person or all of his/her siblings too" msgstr "" +"Hvort einungis eigi að birta einstakling í sigti eða einnig öll hans systkini" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Generations" msgstr "Kynslóðir" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "The number of generations to include in the tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjöldi kynslóða sem taka á með í kvíslunum" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "Display unknown\n" "generations" msgstr "" +"Birta óþekktar\n" +"kynslóðir" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "The number of generations of empty boxes that will be displayed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hámarksfjöldi kynslóða af tómum reitum sem verður birtur" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Compress tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þjappa kvíslum" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "Whether to remove any extra blank spaces set aside for people that are " "unknown" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort fjarlægja eigi aukabil fyrir fólk sem er óþekkt" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17191,7 +17970,7 @@ msgstr "Hafa með titill skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Choose a title for the report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu titil fyrir skýrsluna" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17201,7 +17980,7 @@ msgstr "Hafa með ramma" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Whether to make a border around the report." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort gera eigi ramma utan um skýrsluna." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17210,17 +17989,19 @@ msgstr "Hafa með síðunúmer" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Whether to print page numbers on each page." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með síðunúmer á hverri síðu." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "Father\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" +"Snið birtingar\n" +"feðra" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Display format for the fathers box." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birtingarsnið fyrir feðrareiti" #. Will add when libsubstkeyword supports it. #. missing = EnumeratedListOption(_("Replace missing\nplaces\\dates #. with"), 0) @@ -17234,33 +18015,37 @@ msgid "" "Mother\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" +"Snið birtingar\n" +"mæðra" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Display format for the mothers box." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birtingarsnið fyrir mæðrareiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "Center person uses\n" "which format" msgstr "" +"Einstaklingur í sigti\n" +"notar hvaða snið" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Use Fathers Display format" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota birtingarsnið feðra" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Use Mothers display format" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota birtingarsnið mæðra" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Which Display format to use the center person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvaða birtingasnið eigi að nota fyrir einstakling í sigti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Include Marriage box" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Taka með reit fyrir hjónaband" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17273,6 +18058,8 @@ msgid "" "Marriage\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" +"Snið birtingar\n" +"hjúskapar" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17287,7 +18074,7 @@ msgstr "Kvarða kvíslar svo passi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Do not scale tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekki kvarða kvíslar" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17311,6 +18098,9 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Note: Overrides options in the 'Paper Option' tab" msgstr "" +"Aðlaga stærð síðu að ættartölu\n" +"\n" +"Athugið: Vegur meira en valkostir í flipanum 'Valkostir pappírs'" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17333,22 +18123,22 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "inter-box scale factor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kvörðun millibilsreita" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Make the inter-box spacing bigger or smaller" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stækka eða minnka bil milli reita" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "box shadow scale factor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kvörðun skugga undir reit" #. down to 0 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Make the box shadow bigger or smaller" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stækka eða minnka skugga undir reitum" #. ################# #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17362,6 +18152,8 @@ msgid "" "Replace Display Format:\n" "'Replace this'/' with this'" msgstr "" +"Útskipting á birtingarsniði:\n" +"'Skipta þessu út'/'fyrir þetta'" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17382,67 +18174,65 @@ msgstr "Taka með auðar síður" msgid "Whether to include pages that are blank." msgstr "Hvort innifela eigi auðar síður." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -msgid "Include thumbnail images of people" -msgstr "Hafa með smámyndir af einstaklingum" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -msgid "Whether to include thumbnails of people." -msgstr "" - +#. TODO this code is never used and so I conclude it is for future use +#. self.__include_images = BooleanOption( +#. _('Include thumbnail images of people'), False) +#. self.__include_images.set_help( +#. _("Whether to include thumbnails of people.")) +#. menu.add_option(category_name, "includeImages", self.__include_images) #. category_name = _("Notes") -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Include a note" msgstr "Hafa með minnispunkt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Whether to include a note on the report." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með minnispunkt í skýrslunni." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "Add a note\n" "\n" "$T inserts today's date" msgstr "" +"Bæta við minnispunkti\n" +"\n" +"$T setur inn dagsetningu dagsins í dag" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Note Location" -msgstr "Staðsetning minnispunkta" +msgstr "Staðsetning minnispunkts" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Where to place the note." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvar eigi að staðsetja minnispunktinn." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "No generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engar kynslóðir auðra kassa fyrir óþekkta forfeður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "One Generation of empty boxes for unknown ancestors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ein kynslóð auðra kassa fyrir óþekkta forfeður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid " Generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors" -msgstr "" +msgstr " kynslóðir auðra kassa fyrir óþekkta forfeður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -17450,19 +18240,19 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The basic style used for the text display." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á texta." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The basic style used for the note display." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á minnispunktum." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "The basic style used for the title display." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á titlum." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "My Calendar" @@ -17476,7 +18266,7 @@ msgstr "Gert með Gramps" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -17505,13 +18295,13 @@ msgstr "Forsníð mánuði ..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Applying Filter..." msgstr "Beiti síu..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Reading database..." msgstr "Les gagnagrunn..." @@ -17522,6 +18312,7 @@ msgstr "%(person)s, fæðing" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{person}, {age}" msgid_plural "{person}, {age}" msgstr[0] "{person}, {age}" @@ -17540,6 +18331,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "" "{spouse} and\n" " {person}, {nyears}" @@ -17554,18 +18346,18 @@ msgstr[1] "" " {person}, {nyears}" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu síu til að takmarka fjölda fólks sem birtist á dagatali" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -17574,20 +18366,20 @@ msgstr "Einstaklingur sem gengið er út frá í þessari skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include only living people" msgstr "Einungis hafa með lifandi einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include only living people in the calendar" msgstr "Einungis hafa með lifandi einstaklinga í dagatalinu" #. ######################### #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Content Options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Valkostir innihalds" #. ######################### #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -17597,76 +18389,77 @@ msgstr "Dagatalsár" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Country for holidays" msgstr "Land sem frídagar miðast við" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Select the country to see associated holidays" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu landið til að sjá samsvarandi frídaga" #. Default selection ???? #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "First day of week" msgstr "Fyrsti dagur viku" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Select the first day of the week for the calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu fyrsta dag vikunnar fyrir dagatalið" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Birthday surname" -msgstr "Eftirnafn fyrir afmælisdaga" +msgstr "Kenninafn fyrir afmælisdaga" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eiginkonur nota kenninafn eiginmanns (frá fyrst upptalinni fjölskyldu)" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)" msgstr "" +"Eiginkonur nota kenninafn eiginmanns (frá síðast upptalinni fjölskyldu)" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Wives use their own surname" -msgstr "Eiginkonur nota eigið eftirnafn" +msgstr "Eiginkonur nota eigið kenninafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Select married women's displayed surname" -msgstr "Veldu birt eftirnafn giftra kvenna" +msgstr "Veldu birt kenninafn giftra kvenna" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include birthdays" msgstr "Hafa með fæðingardaga" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include birthdays in the calendar" msgstr "Hafa fæðingardaga með í dagatali" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include anniversaries" msgstr "Hafa með afmælisdaga" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include anniversaries in the calendar" msgstr "Hafa afmælisdaga með í dagatali" @@ -17685,7 +18478,7 @@ msgstr "Textasvæði 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "First line of text at bottom of calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fyrsta lína texta neðst á dagatali" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -17694,7 +18487,7 @@ msgstr "Textasvæði 2" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Second line of text at bottom of calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Önnur lína texta neðst á dagatali" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -17703,42 +18496,42 @@ msgstr "Textasvæði 3" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Third line of text at bottom of calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þriðja lína texta neðst á dagatali" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Title text and background color" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Titiltexti og bakgrunnslitur" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Calendar day numbers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Daganúmer dagatals" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Daily text display" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birting texta dags" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Holiday text display" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birting texta frídaga" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Days of the week text" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birting texta vikudaga" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Text at bottom, line 1" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Texti neðst, lína 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Text at bottom, line 2" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Texti neðst, lína 2" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Text at bottom, line 3" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Texti neðst, lína 3" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #, python-format @@ -17811,7 +18604,7 @@ msgstr "Aðalfjölskylda sem gengið er út frá í þessari skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Start with the parent(s) of the selected first" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Byrja á foreldrum fyrsta valins einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Will show the parents, brother and sisters of the selected person." @@ -17819,34 +18612,37 @@ msgstr "Mun birta foreldra og systkini valins einstaklings." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Level of Spouses" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stig maka" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "0=no Spouses, 1=include Spouses, 2=include Spouses of the spouse, etc" -msgstr "" +msgstr "0=engir makar, 1=hafa maka með, 2=hafa með maka maka, o.s.frv." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Whether to move people up, where possible, resulting in a smaller tree" msgstr "" +"Hvort færa eigi fólk upp, sé það mögulegt, til að minna fari fyrir greinum" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "Descendant\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" +"Snið birtingar\n" +"afkomenda" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Display format for a descendant." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birtingasnið fyrir afkomendur." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Bold direct descendants" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Feitletra beina afkomendur" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "Whether to bold those people that are direct (not step or half) descendants." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort feitletra eigi beina afkomendur (ekki stjúp- eða hálf-)." #. bug 4767 #. diffspouse = BooleanOption( @@ -17860,40 +18656,42 @@ msgstr "Draga maka inn" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Whether to indent the spouses in the tree." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort draga eigi maka inn í greinum." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "Spousal\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" +"Snið birtingar\n" +"maka" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Display format for a spouse." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birtingasnið fyrir maka." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "inter-box Y scale factor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kvörðun Y-millibils reita" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Make the inter-box Y bigger or smaller" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stækka eða minnka lóðrétt bil milli reita" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Descendant Chart for [selected person(s)]" -msgstr "Afkomendagraf fyrir [selected person(s)]" +msgstr "Afkomendagraf fyrir [valda einstaklinga]" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Family Chart for [names of chosen family]" -msgstr "Fjölskyldugraf fyrir [names of chosen family]" +msgstr "Fjölskyldugraf fyrir [nöfn valinnar fjölskyldu]" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Cousin Chart for [names of children]" -msgstr "Frændsemisgraf fyrir [names of children]" +msgstr "Frændsemisgraf fyrir [nöfn barna]" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Whether to include page numbers on each page." @@ -17901,7 +18699,7 @@ msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með síðunúmer á hverri síðu." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "The bold style used for the text display." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Feitletrunarstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á texta." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Ancestor Chart" @@ -17909,11 +18707,11 @@ msgstr "Forfeðramynd" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Produces a graphical ancestral chart" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbýr myndrænt forfeðragraf" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Produces a graphical ancestral tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbýr myndrænt forfeðratal" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -17923,7 +18721,7 @@ msgstr "Dagatal" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Produces a graphical calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbýr myndrænt dagatal" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Descendant Chart" @@ -17931,7 +18729,7 @@ msgstr "Afkomendagraf" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Produces a graphical descendant chart" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbýr myndrænt afkomendagraf" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Descendant Tree" @@ -17955,7 +18753,7 @@ msgstr "Afkomendatal fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Produces a graphical descendant tree around a family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbýr myndrænt afkomendatal fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -17971,16 +18769,16 @@ msgstr "Útbýr blævængsmyndir" #. extract requested items from the database and count them #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Statistics Charts" msgstr "Tölfræðigröf" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Produces statistical bar and pie charts of the people in the database" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbýr tölfræðileg köku- og stöplarit yfir fólkið í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -18009,10 +18807,10 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The number of generations to include in the report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjöldi kynslóða sem taka á með í skýrslunni" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Type of graph" @@ -18032,7 +18830,7 @@ msgstr "fjórðungur" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "The form of the graph: full circle, half circle, or quarter circle." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lögun grafsins: heilhringur, hálfhringur eða fjórðungur." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "generation dependent" @@ -18040,11 +18838,11 @@ msgstr "kynslóðaháð" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Background color is either white or generation dependent" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bakgrunnslitur er annaðhvort hvítur eða háður kynslóð" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Orientation of radial texts" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stefna texta í hringjum" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "upright" @@ -18056,43 +18854,43 @@ msgstr "boglaga" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Print radial texts upright or roundabout" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Prentar texta í hringformum annað hvort upprétta eða boglaga" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Draw empty boxes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Teikna auða reiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Draw the background although there is no information" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Teikna bakgrun þrátt fyrir að upplýsingar vanti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Use one font style for all generations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota einn leturstíl fyrir allar kynslóðir" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "You can customize font and color for each generation in the style editor" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þú getur sérsniðið letur og lit fyrir hverja kynslóð í stílritlinum" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the title." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir titilinn." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "The basic style used for the default text display." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á sjálfgefnum texta." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #, python-format msgid "The style used for the text display of generation \"%d\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar texta fyrir kynslóð \"%d\"" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Item count" -msgstr "Fjöldi atriða" +msgstr "Fjölda atriða" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Both" @@ -18137,20 +18935,20 @@ msgid "Death month" msgstr "Andlátsmánuður" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Birth place" msgstr "Fæðingarstaður" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Death place" msgstr "Dánarstaður" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Marriage place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Brúðkaupstaður" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Number of relationships" @@ -18186,11 +18984,11 @@ msgstr "(umbeðinn) titil vantar" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "(Preferred) forename missing" -msgstr "(umbeðið) fornafn vantar" +msgstr "(umbeðið) eiginnafn vantar" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "(Preferred) surname missing" -msgstr "(umbeðið) eftirnafn vantar" +msgstr "(umbeðið) kenninafn vantar" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Gender unknown" @@ -18235,16 +19033,16 @@ msgid "Personal information missing" msgstr "Vantar persónulegar upplýsingar" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#, python-format msgid "%(genders)s born %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d" -msgstr "%(genders)s fæddist %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d: %(chart_title)s" +msgstr "%(genders)s fæddist %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#, python-format msgid "Persons born %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d" -msgstr "Einstaklingar fæddir %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d: %(chart_title)s" +msgstr "Einstaklingar fæddir %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Collecting data..." msgstr "Safna gögnum..." @@ -18252,118 +19050,119 @@ msgstr "Safna gögnum..." msgid "Sorting data..." msgstr "Raða gögnum..." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Saving charts..." msgstr "Vista flæðirit..." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #, python-format msgid "%s (persons):" msgstr "%s (einstaklingar):" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Determines what people are included in the report." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skilgreinir hvaða fólk er haft með í skýrslunni." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Filter Person" msgstr "Sía einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The center person for the filter." msgstr "Einstaklingur sem gengið er út frá í síunni." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Sort chart items by" msgstr "Raða atriðum grafs eftir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Select how the statistical data is sorted." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu hvernig tölfræðigögnum er raðað." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Sort in reverse order" msgstr "Í öfugri röð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Check to reverse the sorting order." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hakaðu við þetta til að snúa við röðunarátt." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "People Born After" msgstr "Einstaklingar fæddir eftir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Birth year from which to include people." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með einstaklinga frá og með þessu fæðingarári." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "People Born Before" msgstr "Einstaklingar fæddir fyrir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Birth year until which to include people" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með einstaklinga til þessa fæðingarárs" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Include people without known birth years" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með fólk án þekkts fæðingarárs" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Whether to include people without known birth years." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með fólk án þekkts fæðingarárs." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Genders included" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kyn höfð með" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Select which genders are included into statistics." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu hvaða kyn eru höfð með í tölfræði." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Max. items for a pie" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hámarksfj. atriða í sneið" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "" "With fewer items pie chart and legend will be used instead of a bar chart." msgstr "" +"Með færri atriðum verður notuð blævængsmynd með skýringum í stað stöplarits" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Charts 1" -msgstr "Flæðirit 1" +msgstr "Gröf 1" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Charts 2" -msgstr "Flæðirit 2" +msgstr "Gröf 2" -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Include charts with indicated data." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Innifela gröf með umræddum gögnum." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "The style used for the items and values." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir atriði og gildi." -#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -18371,7 +19170,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the title of the page." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir titil síðunnar." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "sorted by|Birth Date" @@ -18400,7 +19199,7 @@ msgstr "Röðun dagsetninga..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Calculating timeline..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reikna tímalínu..." #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ @@ -18418,13 +19217,13 @@ msgstr "Finn tímabil..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "Determines what people are included in the report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skilgreinir hvaða fólk er haft með í skýrslunni" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The center person for the filter" msgstr "Einstaklingur sem gengið er út frá í síunni" @@ -18440,11 +19239,11 @@ msgstr "Röðunaraðferð sem á að nota" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "The style used for the person's name." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir nafn einstaklingsins." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ msgid "The style used for the year labels." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir ártöl." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ @@ -18489,6 +19288,8 @@ msgid "" "GEDCOM is used to transfer data between genealogy programs. Most genealogy " "software will accept a GEDCOM file as input." msgstr "" +"GEDCOM er notað til að flytja gögn á milli ættfræðiforrita. Flest " +"ættfræðiforrit taka við GEDCOM-skrám á einhvern máta." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "GEDCOM export options" @@ -18500,7 +19301,7 @@ msgstr "_GeneWeb" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "GeneWeb is a web based genealogy program." -msgstr "" +msgstr "GeneWeb er ættfræðikerfi á vefnum." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "GeneWeb export options" @@ -18522,7 +19323,7 @@ msgstr "Gramps pakki er XML-ættartala ásamt gagnaskrám í þjappaðri safnskr #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "Gramps package export options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útflutningsvalkostir Gramps-pakka" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "Gramps XML (family tree)" @@ -18554,7 +19355,7 @@ msgstr "vC_alendar" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "vCalendar is used in many calendaring and PIM applications." -msgstr "" +msgstr "vCalendar er notað í mörgum dagatals- og PIM-forritum." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "vCalendar export options" @@ -18571,7 +19372,7 @@ msgstr "_vCard" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "vCard is used in many addressbook and pim applications." -msgstr "" +msgstr "vCard er notað í mörgum dagatals- og PIM-forritum." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "vCard export options" @@ -18582,109 +19383,133 @@ msgstr "vCard útflutningsvalkostir" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Filt_er:" msgstr "_Sía:" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#, fuzzy msgid "_Marriages" -msgstr "Brúðkaup" +msgstr "_Hjónabönd" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#, fuzzy msgid "I_ndividuals" -msgstr "Einstaklingar" +msgstr "Ei_nstaklingar" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Translate _Headers" -msgstr "Þýða skráahausa" +msgstr "Þýða s_kráahausa" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Export:" -msgstr "Flytja út" +msgstr "Flytja út:" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "Include people" msgstr "Hafa með einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "Include marriages" msgstr "Taka með hjónabönd" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "Include children" msgstr "Taka með börn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +msgid "Include places" +msgstr "Taka með staði" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "Translate headers" msgstr "Þýða skráahausa" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "CSV export doesn't support non-primary surnames, {count} dropped" msgstr "" +"Útflutningur í CSV styður ekki að kenninöfn séu ekki aðalsvið (non-primary " +"surnames), {count} sleppt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Birth source" msgstr "Heimild um fæðingu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Baptism date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dagsetning skírnar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Baptism place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staður skírnar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Baptism source" msgstr "Heimild um skírn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Death source" msgstr "Heimild um andlát" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Burial date" msgstr "Útfarardagur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Burial place" msgstr "Greftrunarstaður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Burial source" msgstr "Heimild um jarðsetningu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Husband" msgstr "Eiginmaður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Wife" msgstr "Eiginkona" +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Latitude" +msgstr "Breiddargráða" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Longitude" +msgstr "Lengdargráða" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/export/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "Enclosed_by" +msgstr "Umlukt_af" + #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#, fuzzy msgid "_Restrict data on living people" -msgstr "Einungis hafa með lifandi einstaklinga" +msgstr "Takma_rka gögn við lifandi einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "Writing individuals" @@ -18711,21 +19536,19 @@ msgid "GEDCOM Export failed" msgstr "GEDCOM útflutningur mistókst" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Exclude _notes" -msgstr "Innihalda minnispunkta" +msgstr "Sle_ppa minnispunktum" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "Use _Living as first name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nota '_Lifandi' sem eiginnafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Reference i_mages from path: " -msgstr "Upplýsingar tilvísunar" +msgstr "Vísa í _myndir út frá slóð: " #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "media" msgstr "gögn" @@ -18772,12 +19595,18 @@ msgid "" "the directory. Please make sure you have write access to the directory and " "try again." msgstr "" +"Ekki var hægt að vista gagnagrunninn því þú hefur ekki heimildir til að " +"skrifa í möppuna. Gakktu úr skugga um að þú sért með skrifréttindi í " +"viðkomandi möppu og reyndu svo aftur." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/ msgid "" "The database cannot be saved because you do not have permission to write to " "the file. Please make sure you have write access to the file and try again." msgstr "" +"Ekki var hægt að vista gagnagrunninn því þú hefur ekki heimildir til að " +"skrifa í skrána. Gakktu úr skugga um að þú sért með skrifréttindi í " +"viðkomandi skrá og reyndu svo aftur." #. GUI setup: #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -18790,75 +19619,79 @@ msgid "" "will compute the ages for everyone in your Family Tree on that date. You can " "then sort by the age column, and double-click the row to view or edit." msgstr "" +"Settu inn gilda dagsetningu (eins og YYYY-MM-DD) í reitinn hér fyrir neðan " +"og smelltu á Keyra. Það mun reikna aldur allra í ættartölunni þinni á þeim " +"degi. Þá geturðu raðað í dálknum eftir aldri, og tvísmellt á röð til að " +"skoða eða breyta." -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Max age" msgstr "Hámarksaldur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Max age of Mother at birth" msgstr "Hámarksaldur móður við fæðingu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Max age of Father at birth" msgstr "Hámarksaldur föður við fæðingu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Chart width" msgstr "Breidd grafs" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Lifespan Age Distribution" msgstr "Aldursdreifing eftir áratugum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Diff" msgstr "Diff" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Father - Child Age Diff Distribution" msgstr "Feður - Aldursdreifing barna" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Mother - Child Age Diff Distribution" msgstr "Mæður - Aldursdreifing barna" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Tölfræði" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Total" msgstr "Samtals" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Minimum" msgstr "Lágmark" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Average" msgstr "Meðaltal" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Median" msgstr "Miðgildi" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Maximum" msgstr "Hámark" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format msgid "Double-click to see %d people" msgstr "Tvísmelltu til að sjá %d einstaklinga" @@ -18881,10 +19714,12 @@ msgid "" "Double-click on a row to view a quick report showing all people with the " "selected attribute." msgstr "" +"Tvísmelltu á röð til að sjá í skyndi allt það fólk sem hefur tiltekin " +"eigindi." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Key" msgstr "Lykill" @@ -18914,13 +19749,12 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Descendent Menu" -msgstr "Blævængur afkomenda" +msgstr "Valmynd afkomenda" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Evaluation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Output" @@ -18946,6 +19780,9 @@ msgid "" "Right-click for options\n" "Click and drag in open area to rotate" msgstr "" +"Smella til að útliða/draga saman einstakling\n" +"Hægrismella fyrir valkosti\n" +"Smella og draga á opnu svæði til að snúa" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format @@ -19114,7 +19951,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Double-click given name for details" -msgstr "Tvísmella á fornafn fyrir nánari upplýsingar" +msgstr "Tvísmella á eiginnafn fyrir nánari upplýsingar" #. will be overwritten in load #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -19123,30 +19960,30 @@ msgstr "Tvísmella á fornafn fyrir nánari upplýsingar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "No Family Tree loaded." -msgstr "Engin ættartala hlaðin inn" +msgstr "Engin ættartala hlaðin inn." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Processing..." msgstr "Í vinnslu..." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Total unique given names" -msgstr "Heildarfjöldi einstakra fornafna" +msgstr "Heildarfjöldi einstakra eiginnafna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Total given names showing" -msgstr "Heildarfjöldi birtra fornafna" +msgstr "Heildarfjöldi birtra eiginnafna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Total people" msgstr "Heildarfjöldi fólks" @@ -19159,6 +19996,7 @@ msgstr "Aldur á dagsetningu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing ages of living people on a specific date" msgstr "" +"Gramplingur sem birtir aldur lifandi einstaklinga á tiltekinni dagsetningu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -19167,41 +20005,38 @@ msgstr "Aldursdreifing" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing graphs of various ages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir göf fyrir mismunandi aldur" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing calendar and events on specific dates in history" msgstr "" +"Gramplingur sem birtir dagatal og atburði á tilteknum dagsetningum í sögunni" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Descendant" -msgstr "Afkomandi" +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +msgid "Descendants" +msgstr "Afkomendur" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing active person's descendants" msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir alla afkomendur valins einstaklings" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Descendants" -msgstr "Afkomendur" - #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Ancestor" -msgstr "Forfaðir" +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Ancestors" +msgstr "Forfeður" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing active person's ancestors" msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir alla forfeður valins einstaklings" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Ancestors" -msgstr "Forfeður" - #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing active person's direct ancestors as a fanchart" msgstr "" +"Gramplingur sem birtir alla beina forfeður valins einstaklings sem " +"blævængsmynd" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -19226,28 +20061,28 @@ msgstr "FAQ / Algengar spurningar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing frequently asked questions" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir algengar spurningar - FAQ" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Given Name Cloud" -msgstr "Fornafnaský" +msgstr "Eiginnafnaský" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing all given names as a text cloud" -msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir öll fornöfn sem textaský" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir öll eiginnöfn sem textaský" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Pedigree" msgstr "Ættartafla" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing an active item Quick View" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir flýtisýn fyrir virkt atriði" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -19261,24 +20096,24 @@ msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir öll skyldmenni valins einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Session Log" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Annáll setu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing all activity for this session" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem sýnir virkni í þessari setu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing summary data of the Family Tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir yfirlit gagna fyrir fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Surname Cloud" -msgstr "Eftirnafnaský" +msgstr "Kenninafnaský" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing all surnames as a text cloud" -msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir öll eftirnöfn sem textaský" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir öll kenninöfn sem textaský" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -19295,16 +20130,16 @@ msgstr "Verkefnalisti" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet for displaying a To Do list" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur til að birta verkefnalista" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Top Surnames" -msgstr "Vinsælustu eftirnöfn" +msgstr "Vinsælustu kenninöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing most frequent surnames in this tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir algengustu kenninöfnin í þessari ættartölu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Welcome" @@ -19312,7 +20147,7 @@ msgstr "Velkomin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing a welcome message" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir upphafsávarp" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Welcome to Gramps!" @@ -19324,7 +20159,7 @@ msgstr "Hvað er á döfinni" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet suggesting items to research" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem stingur upp á atriðum til að rannsaka" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "What's Next?" @@ -19336,7 +20171,7 @@ msgstr "Nánar um einstakling" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing details of a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir nánari upplýsingar um einstakling" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -19346,11 +20181,11 @@ msgstr "Nánar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Repository Details" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nánar um gagnasafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing details of a repository" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir nánari upplýsingar um gagnasafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Place Details" @@ -19358,27 +20193,25 @@ msgstr "Nánar um stað" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing details of a place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir nánari upplýsingar um stað" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Media Preview" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Forskoðun gagnahluta" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing a preview of a media object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir forskoðun á gagnahlut" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Metadata Viewer" -msgstr "Lýsigagnaskoðun" +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +msgid "Image Metadata" +msgstr "Lýsigögn mynda" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing metadata for a media object" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Image Metadata" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir lýsigögn fyrir gagnahlut" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "GExiv2 module not loaded." @@ -19399,7 +20232,7 @@ msgstr "Aðsetur einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing residence events for a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir aðsetursatburði fyrir einstakling" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Person Events" @@ -19407,7 +20240,7 @@ msgstr "Lífshlaup einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the events for a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir atburði fyrir einstakling" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Family Events" @@ -19415,7 +20248,7 @@ msgstr "Atburðir fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the events for a family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir atburði fyrir fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Person Gallery" @@ -19423,7 +20256,7 @@ msgstr "Myndasafn einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir gagnahluti fyrir einstakling" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -19440,39 +20273,39 @@ msgstr "Myndasafn fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir gagnahluti fyrir fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Event Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðasafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for an event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir gagnahluti fyrir atburð" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Place Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðasafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir gagnahluti fyrir stað" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Source Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildasafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a source" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir gagnahluti fyrir heimild" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Citation Gallery" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanasafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a citation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir gagnahluti fyrir tilvitnun" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Person Attributes" @@ -19480,7 +20313,7 @@ msgstr "Eigindi einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir eigindi fyrir einstakling" #. there is no need to add an ending "", #. as it will be added automatically by libhtml() @@ -19492,54 +20325,54 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Eigindi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Event Attributes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eigindi atburðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of an event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir eigindi fyrir atburð" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Family Attributes" -msgstr "Eigindi fjölskyldu" +msgstr "Eigindi fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir eigindi fyrir fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Media Attributes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eigindi gagna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a media object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir eigindi fyrir gagnahlut" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Source Attributes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eigindi heimildar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a source object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir eigindi fyrir heimild" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Citation Attributes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eigindi tilvitnunar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a citation object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir eigindi fyrir tilvitnun" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Person Notes" @@ -19547,7 +20380,7 @@ msgstr "Minnispunktar einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir minnispunkta einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -19557,25 +20390,25 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Notes" msgstr "Minnispunktar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Event Notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar atburðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for an event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir minnispunkta atburðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Family Notes" @@ -19583,47 +20416,47 @@ msgstr "Minnispunktar fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir minnispunkta fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Place Notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir minnispunkta staðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Source Notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar heimilda" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a source" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir minnispunkta heimildar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Citation Notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar tilvitnana" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a citation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir minnispunkta tilvitnunar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Repository Notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar gagnasafns" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a repository" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir minnispunkta gagnasafns" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Media Notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktar gagnahluta" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a media object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir minnispunkta gagnahlutar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Person Citations" @@ -19631,7 +20464,7 @@ msgstr "Tilvitnanir einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir tilvitnanir vegna einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -19646,11 +20479,11 @@ msgstr "Tilvitnanir" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Event Citations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir v. atburða" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for an event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir tilvitnanir vegna atburðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Family Citations" @@ -19658,23 +20491,23 @@ msgstr "Tilvitnanir v. fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir tilvitnanir vegna fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Place Citations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir v. staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir tilvitnanir vegna staðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Media Citations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanir v. gagnahluta" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a media object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir tilvitnanir vegna gagnahlutar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Person Children" @@ -19682,7 +20515,7 @@ msgstr "Börn einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the children of a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir börn einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Family Children" @@ -19690,15 +20523,15 @@ msgstr "Börn í fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the children of a family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir börn í fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Person Backlinks" -msgstr "" +msgid "Person References" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í einstakling" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a person" -msgstr "" +msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a person" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir bakvísanir fyrir einstakling" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -19709,84 +20542,86 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "References" msgstr "Tilvísanir" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Event Backlinks" -msgstr "" +msgid "Event References" +msgstr "Tilvísanir atburðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for an event" -msgstr "" +msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for an event" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir bakvísanir í atburð" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Family Backlinks" -msgstr "" +msgid "Family References" +msgstr "Tilvísanir ættartölu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a family" -msgstr "" +msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a family" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir bakvísanir í fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Place Backlinks" -msgstr "" +msgid "Place References" +msgstr "Tilvísanir staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a place" -msgstr "" +msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a place" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir bakvísanir í stað" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Source Backlinks" -msgstr "" +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Source References" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í heimildir" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a source" -msgstr "" +msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a source" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir bakvísanir í heimild" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Citation Backlinks" -msgstr "" +msgid "Citation References" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í tilvitnanir" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a citation" -msgstr "" +msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a citation" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir bakvísanir í tilvitnun" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Repository Backlinks" -msgstr "" +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +msgid "Repository References" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í gagnasöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a repository" -msgstr "" +msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a repository" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir bakvísanir í gagnasafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Media Backlinks" -msgstr "" +msgid "Media References" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í gagnahluti" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a media object" -msgstr "" +msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a media object" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir bakvísanir í gagnahlut" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Note Backlinks" -msgstr "" +msgid "Note References" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Gramplet showing the backlinks for a note" -msgstr "" +msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a note" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir bakvísanir í minnispunkt" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Person Filter" -msgstr "Sía einstaklinga" +msgstr "Einstaklingasía" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet providing a person filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur fyrir síun einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Family Filter" @@ -19794,85 +20629,82 @@ msgstr "Fjölskyldusía" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet providing a family filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur fyrir síun fjölskyldna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Event Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Atburðasía" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet providing an event filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur fyrir síun atburða" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Source Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heimildasía" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet providing a source filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur fyrir síun heimilda" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Citation Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvitnanasía" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet providing a citation filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur fyrir síun tilvitnana" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Place Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðasía" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet providing a place filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur fyrir síun staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Media Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnahlutasía" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet providing a media filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur fyrir síun gagnahluta" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Repository Filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasafnasía" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet providing a repository filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur fyrir síun gagnasafna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Note Filter" -msgstr "Sía minnispunkta" +msgstr "Minnispunktasía" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet providing a note filter" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur fyrir síun minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "Records Gramplet" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -msgid "Shows some interesting records about people and families" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Records" msgstr "Færslur" +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +msgid "Shows some interesting records about people and families" +msgstr "Birtir áhugaverðar færslur um einstaklinga og fjölskyldur" + #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Person To Do" msgstr "Verkefnalisti v. eintaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir verkefnalista valins einstaklings" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Event To Do" @@ -19880,7 +20712,7 @@ msgstr "Verkefnalisti v. atburðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for an event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir verkefnalista fyrir atburð" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Family To Do" @@ -19888,7 +20720,7 @@ msgstr "Verkefnalisti v. fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir verkefnalista fyrir fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Place To Do" @@ -19896,7 +20728,7 @@ msgstr "Verkefnalisti v. staðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir verkefnalista fyrir stað" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Source To Do" @@ -19904,7 +20736,7 @@ msgstr "Verkefnalisti v. heimildar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a source" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir verkefnalista fyrir heimild" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Citation To Do" @@ -19912,7 +20744,7 @@ msgstr "Verkefnalisti v. tilvitnunar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a citation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir verkefnalista fyrir tilvitnun" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Repository To Do" @@ -19920,7 +20752,7 @@ msgstr "Verkefnalisti v. gagnasafns" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a repository" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir verkefnalista fyrir gagnasafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Media To Do" @@ -19928,19 +20760,16 @@ msgstr "Verkefnalisti v. gagna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a media object" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir verkefnalista fyrir gagnahluti" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "SoundEx Generator" -msgstr "" +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +msgid "SoundEx" +msgstr "SoundEx" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet to generate SoundEx codes" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -msgid "SoundEx" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem útbýr soundex-kóða" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Place Locations" @@ -19948,9 +20777,10 @@ msgstr "Staðsetningar staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Gramplet showing the locations of a place over time" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramplingur sem birtir staðsetningu staðarheitis í gegnum tímann" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Locations" msgstr "Staðsetningar" @@ -19965,7 +20795,7 @@ msgstr "Uppfæra" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format msgid "Referrers of %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tílvísendur %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format @@ -19990,7 +20820,7 @@ msgstr "%(current)d af %(total)d" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Move mouse over links for options" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færðu músarbendil yfir tengla til að sjá valkosti" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -20014,11 +20844,11 @@ msgstr "Línutegund" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Click to make active\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Smelltu til að virkja\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Right-click to edit" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hægri-smelltu til að breyta" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format @@ -20040,10 +20870,12 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Breakdown by generation:\n" msgstr "" +"\n" +"Sundurliðað eftir kynslóðum:\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "percent sign or text string|%" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Generation 1" @@ -20051,12 +20883,12 @@ msgstr "Kynslóð 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Double-click to see people in generation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tvísmelltu til að sjá einstaklinga í kynslóð" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format msgid " has 1 of 1 individual (%(percent)s complete)\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " er með 1 af 1 einstaklingi (%(percent)s lokið)\n" #. Create the Generation title, set an index marker #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -20071,16 +20903,20 @@ msgstr "Kynslóð %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format msgid "Double-click to see people in generation %d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tvísmelltu til að sjá einstaklinga í kynslóð %d" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "" " has {count_person} of {max_count_person} individuals ({percent} complete)\n" msgid_plural "" " has {count_person} of {max_count_person} individuals ({percent} complete)\n" msgstr[0] "" +" er með {count_person} af {max_count_person} einstaklingi ({percent} lokið)\n" msgstr[1] "" +" er með {count_person} af {max_count_person} einstaklingum ({percent} " +"lokið)\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "All generations" @@ -20088,14 +20924,15 @@ msgstr "Allar kynslóðir" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Double-click to see all generations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tvísmelltu til að sjá allar kynslóðir" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#, python-brace-format msgid " have {number_of} individual\n" msgid_plural " have {number_of} individuals\n" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] " er með {number_of} einstakling\n" +msgstr[1] " er með {number_of} einstaklinga\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format @@ -20107,20 +20944,6 @@ msgstr "%(date)s - %(place)s." msgid "%(date)s." msgstr "%(date)s." -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Latitude" -msgstr "Breiddargráða" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Longitude" -msgstr "Lengdargráða" - #. Add types: #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -20139,11 +20962,11 @@ msgstr "Flýtiskoðun" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Double-click name for details" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tvísmella á nafn fyrir nánari upplýsingar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Click name to make person active\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Smelltu til að gera einstakling virkann\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Right-click name to edit person" @@ -20152,7 +20975,7 @@ msgstr "Hægri-smella til að breyta einstaklingi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format msgid "Active person: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Virkur einstaklingur: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format @@ -20172,52 +20995,54 @@ msgstr "Foreldrar:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format msgid " %d.a Mother: " -msgstr "" +msgstr " %d.a móðir: " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #, python-format msgid " %d.b Father: " -msgstr "" +msgstr " %d.b faðir: " -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "" "Click name to change active\n" "Double-click name to edit" msgstr "" +"Smelltu á nafn til að skipta um virkt\n" +"Tvísmelltu á nafn til að breyta" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Log for this Session" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Annáll í þessari setu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Opened data base -----------\n" msgstr "Opnaði gagnagrunn -----------\n" #. List of translated strings used here (translated in self.log ). -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Added" msgstr "Bætt við" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Eytt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Edited" msgstr "Breytt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Selected" msgstr "Valið" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "SoundEx code:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SoundEx-kóði:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Double-click item to see matches" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tvísmelltu á atriði til að sjá samsvaranir" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -20228,10 +21053,10 @@ msgstr "minna en 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Individuals" msgstr "Einstaklingar" @@ -20266,7 +21091,7 @@ msgstr "Fjöldi fjölskyldna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Unique surnames" -msgstr "Einstök eiginnöfn" +msgstr "Einstök kenninöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -20295,15 +21120,15 @@ msgid "Missing Media Objects" msgstr "Gagnahlutar sem vantar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Double-click surname for details" -msgstr "Tvísmelltu á eftirnafn fyrir nánari upplýsingar" +msgstr "Tvísmelltu á kenninafn fyrir nánari upplýsingar" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Number of surnames" -msgstr "Fjöldi eftirnafna" +msgstr "Fjöldi kenninafna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -20318,33 +21143,33 @@ msgid "Max font size" msgstr "Hámarksstærð leturs" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Total unique surnames" -msgstr "Heildarfjöldi einstakra eftirnafna" +msgstr "Heildarfjöldi einstakra kenninafna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Total surnames showing" -msgstr "Heildarfjöldi birtra eftirnafna" +msgstr "Heildarfjöldi birtra kenninafna" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Previous To Do note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fyrri verkefnalisti" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Next To Do note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Næsti verkefnalisti" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Edit the selected To Do note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breyta völdum verkefnalista" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Add a new To Do note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við nýjum verkefnalista" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Unattached" @@ -20471,45 +21296,45 @@ msgstr "Lágmarksfjöldi af atriða sem á að birta" #. next level of ancestors. #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Descendant generations per ancestor generation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kynslóðir afkomenda á hverja kynslóð forfeðra" #. After an ancestor was processed, how many extra rounds to delay until #. the descendants of this ancestor are processed. #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Delay before descendants of an ancestor is processed" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Töf þar til afkomendur forfeðra verða reiknaðir" #. Tag to use to indicate that this person has no further marriages, if #. the person is not tagged, warn about this at the time the marriages #. for the person are processed. #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Tag to indicate that a person is complete" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Merki til að sýna að einstaklingur er kláraður" #. Tag to use to indicate that there are no further children in this #. family, if this family is not tagged, warn about this at the time the #. children of this family are processed. #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Tag to indicate that a family is complete" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Merki til að sýna að fjölskylda er kláruð" #. Tag to use to specify people and families to ignore. In his way, #. hopeless cases can be marked separately and don't clutter up the list. #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "Tag to indicate that a person or family should be ignored" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Merki til að sýna að hunsa ætti einstakling eða fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "No Home Person set." -msgstr "Enginn upphafseinstaklingur stilltur" +msgstr "Enginn upphafseinstaklingur stilltur." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "first name unknown" -msgstr "Fornafn óþekkt" +msgstr "Eiginnafn óþekkt" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "surname unknown" -msgstr "Eftirnafn óþekkt" +msgstr "Kenninafn óþekkt" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -20522,7 +21347,7 @@ msgstr "(einstaklingur með óþekkt nafn)" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "birth event missing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "vantar fæðingaratburð" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ @@ -20551,7 +21376,7 @@ msgstr "%(name1)s og %(name2)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "marriage event missing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "vantar hjónabandsatburð" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ msgid "relation type unknown" @@ -20601,11 +21426,11 @@ msgstr ": %s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Family Lines Graph" -msgstr "Fjölskyldulínur" +msgstr "Graf yfir fjölskylduleggi" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -msgid "Produces family line graphs using GraphViz." -msgstr "Útbýr myndrænt línutengt forfeðra/afkomendagraf fjölskyldu." +msgid "Produces family line graphs using Graphviz." +msgstr "Útbýr myndrænt línutengt fjölskyldugraf með Graphviz." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Hourglass Graph" @@ -20629,26 +21454,26 @@ msgstr "Útbýr myndrænt venslagraf fjölskyldu." #. #. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "B&W outline" -msgstr "svarthvítar útlínur" +msgstr "Svarthvítar útlínur" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Colored outline" msgstr "litaðar útlínur" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Color fill" msgstr "Litfylling" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Follow parents to determine \"family lines\"" -msgstr "Fylgja foreldrum til að ákvarða \"fjölskyldulínur\"." +msgstr "Fylgja foreldrum til að ákvarða \"fjölskyldulegg\"" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "" @@ -20656,15 +21481,15 @@ msgid "" "lines\"." msgstr "" "Foreldrar og forfeður þeirra verða hafðir með þegar verið er að ákvarða " -"\"fjölskyldulínur\"." +"\"fjölskylduleggi\"." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Follow children to determine \"family lines\"" -msgstr "Fylgja börnum til að ákvarða \"fjölskyldulínur\"." +msgstr "Fylgja börnum til að ákvarða \"fjölskyldulegg\"" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Children will be considered when determining \"family lines\"." -msgstr "Börn verða höfð með þegar verið er að ákvarða \"fjölskyldulínur\"." +msgstr "Börn verða höfð með þegar verið er að ákvarða \"fjölskylduleggi\"." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Try to remove extra people and families" @@ -20676,25 +21501,25 @@ msgid "" "removed when determining \"family lines\"." msgstr "" "Einstaklingar og fjölskyldur sem ekki er beint skylt fólkinu sem er í skoðun " -"er fjarlægt þegar verið er að ákvarða \"fjölskyldulínur\"." +"er fjarlægt þegar verið er að ákvarða \"fjölskylduleggi\"." #. see bug report #2180 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Use rounded corners" msgstr "Nota rúnnuð horn" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Use rounded corners to differentiate between women and men." msgstr "Nota rúnnuð horn til að aðgreina karla og konur." #. ############################### #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Graph coloring" msgstr "Litun grafs" @@ -20751,33 +21576,33 @@ msgstr "Hámarksfjöldi afkomenda sem tekinn er með." #. -------------------- #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include Gramps ID" msgstr "Hafa með Gramps auðkenni" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Do not include" msgstr "Ekki hafa með" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Share an existing line" msgstr "Deila línu sem fyrir er" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "On a line of its own" msgstr "Á eigin línu" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs" msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með Gramps auðkenni" @@ -20801,10 +21626,6 @@ msgstr "" "Birtir dagsetningar sem ártöl, hvorki mánuðir né dagar koma fram né heldur " "áætlanir eða tímabil." -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -msgid "Include places" -msgstr "Taka með staði" - #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Whether to include placenames for people and families." msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi staðarheiti með einstaklingum og fjölskyldum." @@ -20820,6 +21641,11 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Hvort hafa eigi fjölda barna með fjölskyldum sem eiga fleiri en 1 barn." +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +msgid "Include thumbnail images of people" +msgstr "Hafa með smámyndir af einstaklingum" + #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Whether to include thumbnail images of people." msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með smámyndir af einstaklingum." @@ -20829,17 +21655,17 @@ msgid "Thumbnail location" msgstr "Staðsetning smámyndar" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Above the name" msgstr "Yfir nafni" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Beside the name" msgstr "Undir nafni" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name" msgstr "Hvar smámynd eigi að birtast miðað við nafnið" @@ -20855,41 +21681,41 @@ msgstr "Litir fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Colors to use for various family lines." -msgstr "Litir sem á að nota fyrir mismunandi fjölskyldulínur." +msgstr "Litir sem á að nota fyrir mismunandi fjölskylduleggi." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "The color to use to display men." msgstr "Litur sem notaður er til að sýna karla." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "The color to use to display women." msgstr "Litur sem notaður er til að sýna konur." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "The color to use when the gender is unknown." msgstr "Litur sem notaður er þegar kyn er óþekkt." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Families" msgstr "Fjölskyldur" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "The color to use to display families." msgstr "Litur sem notaður er til að sýna fjölskyldur." @@ -20903,41 +21729,42 @@ msgstr "Þú tilgreindir ekki neinn" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} child" msgid_plural "{number_of} children" msgstr[0] "{number_of} barn" msgstr[1] "{number_of} börn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "The Center person for the graph" msgstr "Einstaklingur sem gengið er út frá í þessu grafi" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Max Descendant Generations" msgstr "Hámark kynslóða afkomenda" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "The number of generations of descendants to include in the graph" msgstr "Fjöldi kynslóða afkomenda sem tekinn er með í grafinu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Max Ancestor Generations" msgstr "Hámark kynslóða forfeðra" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "The number of generations of ancestors to include in the graph" msgstr "Fjöldi kynslóða forfeðra sem tekinn er með í grafinu" #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Graph Style" msgstr "Stíll grafs" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "" "Males will be shown with blue, females with red. If the sex of an " "individual is unknown it will be shown with gray." @@ -20961,111 +21788,109 @@ msgstr "Afkomendur <-> Forfeður" msgid "Descendants - Ancestors" msgstr "Afkomendur - Forfeður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Determines what people are included in the graph" msgstr "Skilgreinir hvaða fólk er haft með í grafinu" #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Dates and/or Places" -msgstr "Dagsetningar skyldmenna" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Do not include any dates or places" -msgstr "Ekki hafa með titil" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, but no places" -msgstr "Taka með dagsetningar fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát" - #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places" -msgstr "Taka með dagsetningar fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát" +msgid "Dates and/or Places" +msgstr "Dagsetningar og/eða staðir" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +msgid "Do not include any dates or places" +msgstr "Ekki hafa með neinar dagsetningar og/eða staði" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places if no dates" -msgstr "Taka með dagsetningar fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát" +msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, but no places" +msgstr "Taka með dagsetningar fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát, en ekki staði" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, but no places" -msgstr "Taka með dagsetningar fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát" +msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places" +msgstr "" +"Taka með dagsetningar fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát, og einnig staði" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, and places" -msgstr "Taka með dagsetningar fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát" +msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places if no dates" +msgstr "" +"Taka með dagsetningar fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát, og einnig staði ef " +"engar eru dagsetningar" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) places, but no dates" -msgstr "Taka með dagsetningar fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát" +msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, but no places" +msgstr "Taka með ártöl fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát, en ekki staði" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Whether to include dates and/or places" -msgstr "Hvort innifela eigi heimilisföng foreldra." +msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, and places" +msgstr "Taka með ártöl fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát, og einnig staði" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) places, but no dates" +msgstr "Taka með staði fyrir fæðingu, hjúskap og andlát, en ekki dagsetningar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +msgid "Whether to include dates and/or places" +msgstr "Hvort innifela eigi dagsetningar og/eða staði" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Include URLs" msgstr "Hafa með slóðir (URL)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "" "Include a URL in each graph node so that PDF and imagemap files can be " "generated that contain active links to the files generated by the 'Narrated " "Web Site' report." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Include relationship to center person" msgstr "Hafa með vensl við einstakling í sigti" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Whether to show every person's relationship to the center person" msgstr "Hvort birta eigi vensl allra við einstakling í sigti" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +msgid "Whether to include thumbnails of people." +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með smámyndir af einstaklingum." + +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Thumbnail Location" msgstr "Staðsetning smámyndar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Include relationship debugging numbers also" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "" "Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' also, to debug the relationship calculator" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Arrowhead direction" msgstr "Stefna örvarodds" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Choose the direction that the arrows point." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu áttina sem örin á að benda í." -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ -msgid "Non-birth relationships will show up as dotted lines in the graph." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta vensl önnur en blóðbönd sem punktalínur" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +msgid "Non-birth relationships will show up as dotted lines in the graph." +msgstr "Vensl önnur en blóðbönd birtast sem punktalínur í grafinu." + +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Show family nodes" msgstr "Birta tengipunkta fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/graph/ msgid "Families will show up as ellipses, linked to parents and children." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjölskyldur munu birtast sem sporbaugar, tengdir við foreldra og börn." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Import data from CSV files" @@ -21096,6 +21921,8 @@ msgid "" "The Gramps XML format is a text version of a Family Tree. It is read-write " "compatible with the present Gramps database format." msgstr "" +"Gramps XML-sniðið er textaútgáfa af ættartölu. Það er les-skrifanlega " +"samhæft við núverandi snið Gramps gagnagrunnsins." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Gramps 2.x database" @@ -21117,7 +21944,7 @@ msgstr "Flytja inn gögn úr Pro-Gen-skrám" msgid "Import data from vCard files" msgstr "Flytja inn gögn úr vCard-skrám" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ @@ -21128,203 +21955,294 @@ msgstr "Flytja inn gögn úr vCard-skrám" msgid "%s could not be opened\n" msgstr "Ekki var hægt að opna %s\n" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Results" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niðurstöður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "done" -msgstr "" +msgstr "lokið" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Given name" -msgstr "Fornafn" +msgstr "Eiginnafn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "given name" -msgstr "fornafn" +msgstr "eiginnafn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Call name" msgstr "Birtingarnafn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "call" msgstr "birtingarnafn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "Person or Place|Title" +msgstr "Titill" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "Person or Place|title" +msgstr "titill" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "gender" msgstr "kyn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "source" msgstr "heimild" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "note" msgstr "minnispunktur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "birth place" msgstr "fæðingarstaður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "Birth place id" +msgstr "Auðkenni fæðingarstaðar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "birth place id" +msgstr "auðkenni fæðingarstaðar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "birth source" msgstr "heimild um fæðingu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "baptism place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "staður skírnar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "Baptism place id" +msgstr "Auðkenni skírnarstaðar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "baptism place id" +msgstr "auðkenni skírnarstaðar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "baptism date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagsetning skírnar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "baptism source" msgstr "heimild um skírn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "burial place" msgstr "greftrunarstaður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "Burial place id" +msgstr "Auðkenni greftrunarstaðar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "burial place id" +msgstr "auðkenni greftrunarstaðar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "burial date" msgstr "útfarardagur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "burial source" msgstr "heimild um jarðsetningu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "death place" msgstr "dánarstaður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "Death place id" +msgstr "Auðkenni dánarstaðar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "death place id" +msgstr "auðkenni dánarstaðar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "death source" msgstr "heimild um andlát" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Death cause" msgstr "Dánarorsök" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "death cause" msgstr "dánarorsök" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#. ######################### +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Gramps ID" -msgstr "Gramps auðkenni:" +msgstr "Gramps auðkenni" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Gramps id" -msgstr "Gramps auðkenni:" +msgstr "Gramps auðkenni" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "person" msgstr "einstaklingur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "child" msgstr "barn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Parent2" msgstr "Foreldri2" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "mother" msgstr "móðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "parent2" msgstr "foreldri2" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Parent1" msgstr "Foreldri1" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "father" msgstr "faðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "parent1" msgstr "foreldri1" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "marriage" msgstr "hjónaband" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "date" msgstr "dagsetning" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "place" msgstr "staður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "name" +msgstr "nafn" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "type" +msgstr "tegund" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "latitude" +msgstr "breiddargráða" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "longitude" +msgstr "lengdargráða" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "code" +msgstr "kóði" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "Enclosed by" +msgstr "Umlukt af" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "enclosed by" +msgstr "umlukt af" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "enclosed_by" +msgstr "umlukt af" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "format error: line %(line)d: %(zero)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "sniðvilla: lína %(line)d: %(zero)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "CSV Import" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CSV innflutningur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Reading data..." msgstr "Les gögn..." -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "CSV import" -msgstr "" +msgstr "CSV innflutningur" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Import Complete: {number_of} second" msgid_plural "Import Complete: {number_of} seconds" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Innflutningi lokið: {number_of} sekúnda" +msgstr[1] "Innflutningi lokið: {number_of} sekúndur" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ gtklist.h:2 +msgid "ANSEL" +msgstr "ANSEL" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ gtklist.h:3 +msgid "ANSI (iso-8859-1)" +msgstr "ANSI (iso-8859-1)" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ gtklist.h:4 +msgid "ASCII" +msgstr "ASCII" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ gtklist.h:5 +msgid "UTF8" +msgstr "UTF8" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Gramps - GEDCOM Encoding" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramps - GEDCOM kóðun" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "GEDCOM Encoding" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GEDCOM kóðun" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "" @@ -21369,130 +22287,115 @@ msgstr "Ógild GEDCOM skrá" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "%s could not be imported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "gat ekki flutt %s inn" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Error reading GEDCOM file" msgstr "Villa við lestur GEDCOM skrár" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Accomplishment" -msgstr "Jöfnun" +msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Acquisition" -msgstr "Aðgerð" +msgstr "Kaup" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Adhesion" -msgstr "Útgáfunúmer" +msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Award" -msgstr "Á_fram" +msgstr "Verðlaun" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Change Name" -msgstr "Breytt eftir:" +msgstr "Breyta nafni" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Circumcision" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Umskurður" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Military Demobilisation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lok herþjónustu" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Dotation" -msgstr "Tilvitnun" +msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Excommunication" -msgstr "Menntun" +msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "LDS Family Link" -msgstr "Tenglar fjölskyldu" +msgstr "LSD tenglar fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Funeral" -msgstr "Almennt" +msgstr "Útför" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Hospitalisation" -msgstr "Ríkisborgararéttur" +msgstr "Sjúkrahúslega" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Illness" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veikindi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "List Passenger" -msgstr "Passa á síðu" +msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Military Distinction" -msgstr "Herþjónusta" +msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Militaty Mobilisation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Herkvaðning" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Military Promotion" -msgstr "Herþjónusta" +msgstr "Frami í herþjónustu" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "LDS Seal to child" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Sold property" -msgstr "Eign" +msgstr "Eign seld" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "No mention" msgstr "Engin lýsing" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Separated" -msgstr "Sýsla" +msgstr "Skilnaður" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "GeneWeb import" msgstr "GeneWeb innflutningur" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Invalid date {date} in {gw_snippet}, preserving date as text." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ógild dagsetning {date} í {gw_snippet}, geymi dagsetningu sem texta." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "Could not create media directory %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekki tókst að búa til gagnamöppu %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "Media directory %s is not writable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mappan %s er ekki skrifanleg" #. mediadir exists and writable -- User could have valuable stuff in #. it, have him remove it! @@ -21505,7 +22408,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "Error extracting into %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Villa við að afþjappa í %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Base path for relative media set" @@ -21558,35 +22461,35 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Pro-Gen data error" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pro-Gen gagnavilla" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Not a Pro-Gen file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ekki Pro-Gen skrá" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "Field '%(fldname)s' not found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnasviðið '%(fldname)s' fannst ekki" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "Cannot find DEF file: %(deffname)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Finn ekki DEF-skrána: %(deffname)s" #. print self.def_.diag() #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Import from Pro-Gen" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Flytja inn úr Pro-Gen" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Pro-Gen import" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Pro-Gen innflutningur" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "date did not match: '%(text)s' (%(msg)s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "dagsetning samsvarar ekki: '%(text)s' (%(msg)s)" #. The records are numbered 1..N #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ @@ -21601,7 +22504,7 @@ msgstr "Innflutningur á fjölskyldum" #. The records are numbered 1..N #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Adding children" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við börnum" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format @@ -21615,22 +22518,27 @@ msgstr "finn ekki móður fyrir I%(person)s (mother=%(mother)d)" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "vCard import" -msgstr "" +msgstr "vCard innflutningur" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "Import of VCards version %s is not supported by Gramps." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Innflutningur VCard útgáfu %s er ekki stutt af Gramps." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Invalid date {date} in BDAY {vcard_snippet}, preserving date as text." msgstr "" +"Ógild dagsetning {date} í BDAY {vcard_snippet}, geymi dagsetningu sem texta." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "" "Date {vcard_snippet} not in appropriate format yyyy-mm-dd, preserving date " "as text." msgstr "" +"Dagsetningin {vcard_snippet} et ekki á hentuga sniðinu áááá-mm-dd, geymi " +"dagsetningu sem texta." #. feature requests 2356, 1658: avoid genitive form #. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @@ -21660,17 +22568,17 @@ msgstr "Villa við lestur %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "The file is probably either corrupt or not a valid Gramps database." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skráin er hugsanlega skemmd eða er ekki gildur Gramps gagnagrunnur." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid " %(id)s - %(text)s with %(id2)s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " %(id)s - %(text)s með %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid " Family %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" -msgstr " Fjölskylda %(id)s með %(id2)s\n" +msgstr " Fjölskyldan %(id)s með %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format @@ -21680,12 +22588,12 @@ msgstr " Heimild %(id)s með %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid " Event %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Atburður %(id)s með %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid " Media Object %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Gagnahlutur %(id)s með %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format @@ -21695,17 +22603,17 @@ msgstr " Staður %(id)s með %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid " Repository %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Gagnasafn %(id)s með %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid " Note %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Minnispunktur %(id)s með %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid " Citation %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Tilvitnun %(id)s með %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format @@ -21725,12 +22633,12 @@ msgstr " Heimildir: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid " Events: %d\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Atburðir: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid " Media Objects: %d\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr " Gagnahlutar: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format @@ -21759,7 +22667,7 @@ msgstr " Tilvitnanir: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Number of new objects imported:\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjöldi nýrra hluta sem voru fluttir inn:\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format @@ -21788,28 +22696,31 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Objects that are candidates to be merged:\n" msgstr "" +"\n" +"\n" +"Hlutir sem áætlað er að sameina:\n" #. there is no old style XML -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "The Gramps Xml you are trying to import is malformed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramps-XML-ið sem þú ert að reyna að flytja inn er ekki rétt sniðið." -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Attributes that link the data together are missing." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Það vantar eigindi sem tengja gögnin saman." -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Gramps XML import" msgstr "Gramps XML innflutningur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Could not change media path" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "" "The opened file has media path %s, which conflicts with the media path of " @@ -21818,7 +22729,7 @@ msgid "" "Preferences." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing does not contain information about the " "version of Gramps with, which it was produced.\n" @@ -21826,11 +22737,11 @@ msgid "" "The file will not be imported." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -msgid "Import file misses Gramps version" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "Import file misses Gramps version" +msgstr "Innflutta skrá vantar Gramps-útgáfunúmer" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(newer)s of Gramps, " @@ -21838,7 +22749,7 @@ msgid "" "imported. Please upgrade to the latest version of Gramps and try again." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(oldgramps)s of " @@ -21851,11 +22762,11 @@ msgid "" " for more info." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -msgid "The file will not be imported" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +msgid "The file will not be imported" +msgstr "Skráin verður ekki flutt inn" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(oldgramps)s of " @@ -21869,69 +22780,70 @@ msgid "" "for more info." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Old xml file" msgstr "Gömul XML skrá" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "Witness name: %s" msgstr "Nafn vitnis: %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Any event reference must have a 'hlink' attribute." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Any person reference must have a 'hlink' attribute." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "" "Your Family Tree groups name \"%(key)s\" together with \"%(parent)s\", did " "not change this grouping to \"%(value)s\"." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Gramps ignored a name grouping" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramps hunsaði hópun nafna" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Unknown when imported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Óþekkt við innflutning" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ msgid "Any note reference must have a 'hlink' attribute." msgstr "" #. TRANSLATORS: leave the {date} and {xml} untranslated in the format string, #. but you may re-order them if needed. -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Invalid date {date} in XML {xml}, preserving XML as text" msgstr "Ógild dagsetning {date} í XML {xml}, geymi XML sem texta" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "Witness comment: %s" msgstr "Athugasemd vitnis: %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' father '%(father)s' does not refer back to the " "family. Reference added." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' mother '%(mother)s' does not refer back to the " "family. Reference added." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/importer/ #, python-format msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' child '%(child)s' does not refer back to the " @@ -22141,68 +23053,70 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Line ignored " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lína hunsuð" #. e.g. Illegal character (oxAB) (0xCB)... 1 NOTE xyz?pqr?lmn #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Illegal character%s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ólöglegt tákn %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. It appears to have been truncated." msgstr "" +"GEDCOM-skráin þín er skemmd. Það lítur út fyrir að það hafi verið klippt af " +"henni." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Import from GEDCOM (%s)" msgstr "Flytja inn úr GEDCOM (%s)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "GEDCOM import" msgstr "GEDCOM innflutningur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "GEDCOM import report: No errors detected" msgstr "GEDCOM innflutningsskýrsla: Engar villur fundust" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "GEDCOM import report: %s errors detected" msgstr "GEDCOM innflutningsskýrsla: %s villur fundust" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Tag recognized but not supported" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Merki þekkt en ekki stutt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Line ignored as not understood" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lína hunsuð því hún skilst ekki" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Skipped subordinate line" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sleppti undirlínu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Records not imported into " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Færslur ekki fluttar inn í " -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "Error: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) not in input GEDCOM. " "Record synthesised" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "Error: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) not in input GEDCOM. " "Record with typifying attribute 'Unknown' created" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' (input as @%(orig_family)s@) person %(person)s " @@ -22210,7 +23124,7 @@ msgid "" "reference removed from person" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -22224,282 +23138,287 @@ msgstr "" #. message means that the element %s was ignored, but #. expressed the wrong way round because the message is #. truncated for output -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "ADDR element ignored '%s'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ADDR eining hunsuð '%s'" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "TRLR (trailer)" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "(Submitter):" -msgstr "Sent inn" +msgstr "(Sendandi): " -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "GEDCOM data" msgstr "GEDCOM gögn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Unknown tag" msgstr "Óþekkt merki" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Top Level" msgstr "Efsta stig" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "INDI (individual) Gramps ID %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "INDI (eintaklingur) Gramps ID %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Empty Alias ignored" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Filename omitted" msgstr "Skráarheiti sleppt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Form omitted" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "FAM (family) Gramps ID %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "FAM (fjölskylda) Gramps ID %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Empty note ignored" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Auður minnispunktur hunsaður" #. We have previously found a PLAC -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "A second PLAC ignored" msgstr "" +#. For RootsMagic etc. Place Details e.g. address, hospital, cemetary +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +msgid "Detail" +msgstr "Nánar" + #. We have perviously found an ADDR, or have populated location #. from PLAC title -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Location already populated; ADDR ignored" msgstr "" #. empty: discard, with warning and skip subs #. Note: level+2 -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Empty event note ignored" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Auður minnispunktur atburðar hunsaður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Warn: ADDR overwritten" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aðvörun: ADDR yfirskrifað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "REFN ignored" -msgstr "" +msgstr "REFN hunsað" #. SOURce with the given gramps_id had no title -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "No title - ID %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Enginn titill - ID %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "SOUR (source) Gramps ID %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "SOUR (heimild) Gramps ID %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "OBJE (margmiðlunar-gagnahluti) Gramps ID %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Could not import %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gat ekki flutt inn %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "BLOB ignored" -msgstr "" +msgstr "BLOB hunsað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Multimedia REFN:TYPE ignored" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Margmiðlunar REFN:TYPE hunsað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Mutimedia RIN ignored" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Margmiðlunar RIN hunsað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "REPO (repository) Gramps ID %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "REPO (gagnasafn) Gramps ID %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "HEAD (header)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HEAD (haus)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Approved system identification" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Generated By" msgstr "Gert með" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Name of software product" msgstr "Nafn á hugbúnaði" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Version number of software product" msgstr "Útgáfunúmer á hugbúnaði" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Business that produced the product: %s" msgstr "Framleiðslufyrirtæki: %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Name of source data" msgstr "Heiti upprunagagna" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Copyright of source data" msgstr "Höfundarréttur upprunagagna" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Publication date of source data" msgstr "Útgáfudagur upprunagagna" #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Import from %s" msgstr "Flytja inn úr %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Submission record identifier" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Language of GEDCOM text" msgstr "Tungumál GEDCOM texta" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "Import of GEDCOM file %(filename)s with DEST=%(by)s, could cause errors in " "the resulting database!" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Look for nameless events." msgstr "Leita að nafnlausum atburðum." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Character set" msgstr "Stafatafla" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Character set and version" msgstr "Stafatafla og útgáfa" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "GEDCOM version not supported" msgstr "Útgáfa GEDCOM ekki studd" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "GEDCOM version" msgstr "GEDCOM útgáfa" #. Allow Lineage-Linked etc. though it should be in uppercase -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -msgid "GEDCOM FORM should be in uppercase" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "GEDCOM FORM not supported" -msgstr "Útgáfa GEDCOM ekki studd" +msgid "GEDCOM FORM should be in uppercase" +msgstr "GEDCOM FORM ætti að vera í hástöfum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +msgid "GEDCOM FORM not supported" +msgstr "GEDCOM FORM ekki stutt" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "GEDCOM form" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Creation date of GEDCOM" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Upprunadagsetning GEDCOM" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Creation date and time of GEDCOM" msgstr "Upprunaleg dags- og tímasetning GEDCOM-skrár" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "NOTE Gramps ID %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "NOTE Gramps ID %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Submission: Submitter" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Submission: Family file" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Submission: Temple code" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Submission: Generations of ancestors" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Submission: Generations of descendants" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Submission: Ordinance process flag" msgstr "" #. # Okay we have no clue which temple this is. #. # We should tell the user and store it anyway. -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Invalid temple code" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "" "Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. The file appears to be encoded using the " "UTF16 character set, but is missing the BOM marker." msgstr "" +"GEDCOM-skráin þín er skemmd. Það lítur út fyrir að hún hafi verið kóðuð með " +"UTF16 stafatöflu, en vanti BOM merkið." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Your GEDCOM file is empty." msgstr "GEDCOM-skráin er tóm." @@ -22830,6 +23749,7 @@ msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age " "of %(age)s." msgstr "" +"%(unknown_gender_name)s lést %(death_date)s, %(death_place)s, %(age)s gamall." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -22841,7 +23761,7 @@ msgstr "%(male_name)s lést %(death_date)s, %(death_place)s." msgid "" "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(male_name)s lést %(death_date)s í/á %(death_place)s, %(age)s gamall." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -22854,43 +23774,45 @@ msgid "" "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "" +"%(female_name)s lést %(death_date)s í/á %(death_place)s, %(age)s gömul." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." -msgstr "Þessi einstaklingur lést %(death_date)s í %(death_place)s." +msgstr "Þessi einstaklingur lést %(death_date)s í/á %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur lést %(death_date)s í %(death_place)s, %(age)s gamall." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." -msgstr "Hann lést %(death_date)s í %(death_place)s." +msgstr "Hann lést %(death_date)s, %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." -msgstr "Hann lést %(death_date)s í %(death_place)s, %(age)s gamall." +msgstr "Hann lést %(death_date)s, %(death_place)s, %(age)s gamall." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." -msgstr "Hún lést %(death_date)s í %(death_place)s." +msgstr "Hún lést %(death_date)s, %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." -msgstr "Hún lést %(death_date)s í %(death_place)s, %(age)s gamall." +msgstr "Hún lést %(death_date)s, %(death_place)s, %(age)s gömul." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lést %(death_date)s í/á %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ @@ -23021,7 +23943,7 @@ msgstr "Hún lést %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." -msgstr "Hún lést %(death_date)s, %(age)s gamall." +msgstr "Hún lést %(death_date)s, %(age)s gömul." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ @@ -23235,12 +24157,12 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lést %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s (%(age)s)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lést %(month_year)s (%(age)s)." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -23285,7 +24207,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He died in %(death_place)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hann lést í/á %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -23295,7 +24217,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She died in %(death_place)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hún lést í/á %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -23305,47 +24227,47 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Died in %(death_place)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lést í/á %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Died in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lést í/á %(death_place)s (%(age)s)." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s lést %(age)s gamall." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(male_name)s lést %(age)s gamall." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(female_name)s lést %(age)s gömul." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "This person died at the age of %(age)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þessi einstaklingur lést %(age)s gamall." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He died at the age of %(age)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hann lést %(age)s gamall." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She died at the age of %(age)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hún lést %(age)s gömul." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Died (%(age)s)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lést (%(age)s)." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -23571,7 +24493,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jarðsetning %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -23611,37 +24533,37 @@ msgstr "Jarðsetning í %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(male_name)s var jarðsettur%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He was buried%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hann var jarðsettur%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(female_name)s var jarðsett%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She was buried%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hún var jarðsett%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s var jarðsettur%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "This person was buried%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þessi einstaklingur var jarðsettur%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Buried%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Jarðsetning%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25143,18 +26065,20 @@ msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s " +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hann var í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hún var í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ @@ -25168,6 +26092,8 @@ msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s " +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25175,6 +26101,7 @@ msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hann var einnig í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25182,16 +26109,17 @@ msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hún var einnig í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þessi einstaklingur var í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hann var í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25209,16 +26137,17 @@ msgstr "Óvígt samband við %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hann var einnig í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hún var einnig í óvígðu sambandi við %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25286,18 +26215,18 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25305,6 +26234,8 @@ msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s á tímabilinu " +"%(partial_date)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25312,6 +26243,8 @@ msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s, " +"%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25319,6 +26252,8 @@ msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s, " +"%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25326,6 +26261,8 @@ msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hann var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s á tímabilinu %(partial_date)s, " +"%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25333,6 +26270,8 @@ msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hann var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s, %(place)s" +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25340,6 +26279,8 @@ msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hann var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s, %(place)s" +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25347,6 +26288,8 @@ msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hún var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s á tímabilinu %(partial_date)s, " +"%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25354,6 +26297,8 @@ msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hún var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s, %(place)s" +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25361,24 +26306,28 @@ msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hún var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s, %(place)s" +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25386,63 +26335,70 @@ msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var í sambandi við %(spouse)s á tímabilinu " +"%(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hann var í sambandi við %(spouse)s á tímabilinu %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hann var í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hann var í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hún var í sambandi við %(spouse)s á tímabilinu %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hún var í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hún var í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25450,6 +26406,8 @@ msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s á tímabilinu " +"%(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25457,6 +26415,8 @@ msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s" +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25464,63 +26424,72 @@ msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hann var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s á tímabilinu %(partial_date)s" +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hann var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hann var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hún var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s á tímabilinu %(partial_date)s" +"%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hún var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Hún var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" +"Þessi einstaklingur var í sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25535,14 +26504,14 @@ msgstr "Hún var í sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samband við %(spouse)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" -"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s in %(place)s" +"Þessi einstaklingur var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ @@ -25558,7 +26527,7 @@ msgstr "Hún var einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einnig í sambandi við %(spouse)s, %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format @@ -25606,7 +26575,7 @@ msgstr "Fjöldi foreldra" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Number of To Do Notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjöldi verkefnalista" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ @@ -25640,27 +26609,27 @@ msgstr "Sameina valda einstaklinga" msgid "_Delete Person" msgstr "_Eyða einstaklingi" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Deleting the person will remove the person from the database." msgstr "" "Ef eintaklingi er eytt verður einstaklinginn fjarlægður úr gagnagrunninum." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #, python-format msgid "Delete Person (%s)" msgstr "Eyða einstaklingi (%s)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Person Filter Editor" msgstr "Ritill fyrir síun einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Web Connection" msgstr "Veftenging" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "" "Exactly two people must be selected to perform a merge. A second person can " "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " @@ -25792,7 +26761,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Manages an HTML DOM tree." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stýrir HTML DOM greinum." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Provides base functionality for map services." @@ -25800,7 +26769,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Provides Textual Narration." -msgstr "Útbýr textafrásögn" +msgstr "Útbýr textafrásögn." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/ msgid "Manages an ODF file implementing DocBackend." @@ -25946,9 +26915,8 @@ msgid "Link place" msgstr "Tengja stað" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Add place from kml" -msgstr "Bæta við stað" +msgstr "Bæta við stað úr KML" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "Center here" @@ -25964,31 +26932,30 @@ msgstr "Skipta út '%(map)s' með =>" msgid "Clear the '%(map)s' tiles cache." msgstr "Hreinsa skyndiminni '%(map)s' kortaflísa." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Center on this place" msgstr "Miðja á þennan stað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "Select a kml file used to add places" -msgstr "Velja fyrirliggjandi stað" +msgstr "Veldu KML-skrá sem nota á til að bæta við stöðum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "You have at least two places with the same title." msgstr "Þú ert með a.m.k. tvo staði með sama titli." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ #, python-format msgid "" "The title of the places is:\n" @@ -25999,19 +26966,19 @@ msgid "" "%(bold_start)sI can't proceed with your request%(bold_end)s.\n" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "Nothing for this view." msgstr "Ekkert fyrir þessa sýn." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "Specific parameters" msgstr "Sérstök viðföng" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "Where to save the tiles for offline mode." msgstr "Hvar á að vista kortaflísar fyrir ónettengdan ham." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "" "If you have no more space in your file system. You can remove all tiles " "placed in the above path.\n" @@ -26022,15 +26989,15 @@ msgstr "" "Farðu varlega!; ef þú ert ekki með internettengingu, muntu ekki sjá nein " "landakort." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "Zoom used when centering" msgstr "Aðdráttur við miðjun" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "The maximum number of places to show" msgstr "Hámarksfjöldi staða sem birtast" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "" "Use keypad for shortcuts :\n" "Either we choose the + and - from the keypad if we select this,\n" @@ -26040,11 +27007,11 @@ msgstr "" "Annað hvort er þetta virkt og við notum + og - frá talnaborði,\n" "eða að við notum stafina á lyklaborði." -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "The map" msgstr "Landakortið" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "Select tile cache directory for offline mode" msgstr "Veldu möppu undir skyndiminni kortaflísa fyrir ónettengda notkun" @@ -26061,21 +27028,23 @@ msgstr "Get ekki búið til skyndiminnismöppu fyrir '%s'." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "Place Selection in a region" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Val staðar á svæði" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "" "Choose the radius of the selection.\n" "On the map you should see a circle or an oval depending on the latitude." msgstr "" +"Veldu radíus valsins.\n" +"Á kortinu ættirðu að sjá hring eða sporöskju, það fer eftir breiddargráðu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "The green values in the row correspond to the current place values." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grænu gildin í röðinni samsvara núverandi stöðum." #. here, we could add value from geography names services ... #. if we found no place, we must create a default place. -#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/ msgid "New place with empty fields" msgstr "Nýr staður með auðum færslum" @@ -26107,13 +27076,15 @@ msgstr "Eniro kort ekki tiltækt" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/ msgid "Coordinates needed in Denmark" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þarfnast hnita í Danmörku" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/ msgid "" "Latitude and longitude,\n" "or street and city needed" msgstr "" +"Þarfnast breiddar- og lengdargráðu,\n" +"eða götu og borg" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/ msgid "EniroMaps" @@ -26132,7 +27103,7 @@ msgid "Open on" msgstr "Opna með" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "OpenStreetMap" msgstr "OpenStreetMap" @@ -26143,12 +27114,12 @@ msgstr "Opna með" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "People and their ages the %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk og aldur þess þann %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "People and their ages on %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk og aldur þess %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ @@ -26168,30 +27139,33 @@ msgid "" "\n" "Living matches: %(alive)d, Deceased matches: %(dead)d\n" msgstr "" +"\n" +"Samsvörun lifandi einstaklinga: %(alive)d, samsvörun látinna einstaklinga: " +"%(dead)d\n" #. display the results #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "Sorted events of %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Raðaðir atburðir %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Event Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dagsetning atburðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Event Place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðsetning atburðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Event Type" msgstr "Tegund atburðar" @@ -26202,6 +27176,8 @@ msgid "" "Sorted events of family\n" " %(father)s - %(mother)s" msgstr "" +"Raðaðir atburðir fjölskyldu\n" +" %(father)s - %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ @@ -26214,7 +27190,7 @@ msgstr "Persónulegir atburðir barna" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Home person not set." -msgstr "Upphafseinstaklingur ekki stilltur" +msgstr "Upphafseinstaklingur ekki stilltur." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -26258,11 +27234,11 @@ msgstr "Foreldri" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Partner" msgstr "Sambýlingur" @@ -26272,7 +27248,7 @@ msgstr "Hálfgert" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Remarks with inlaw family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athugasemdir vegna fjölskylduskyldleika" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Remarks" @@ -26280,22 +27256,22 @@ msgstr "Athugasemdir" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "The following problems were encountered:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eftirfarandi vandamál komu upp:" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "People who have the '%s' Attribute" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einstaklingar sem hafa '%s' eigindið" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "There are %d people with a matching attribute name.\n" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Það eru %d einstaklingar með samsvarandi heiti eigindis.\n" #. else "nearby" comments are ignored #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|all" -msgstr "" +msgstr "allt" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Person" @@ -26303,44 +27279,43 @@ msgstr "Víxla einstaklingum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Family" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Víxla fjölskyldum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Víxla atburðum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Place" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Víxla stöðum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Source" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Víxla heimildum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Repository" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Víxla gagnasöfnum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Media" -msgstr "" +msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse MediaObject" +msgstr "Víxla gagnahlutum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|Inverse Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Víxla minnispunktum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|all people" msgstr "allt fólk" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|all families" -msgstr "" +msgstr "allar fjölskyldur" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|all events" -msgstr "" +msgstr "allir atburðir" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|all places" @@ -26348,89 +27323,89 @@ msgstr "allir staðir" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|all sources" -msgstr "" +msgstr "allar heimildir" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|all repositories" -msgstr "" +msgstr "öll gagnasöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|all media" -msgstr "" +msgstr "öll gögn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|all notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "allir minnispunktar" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|males" -msgstr "" +msgstr "karlar" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|females" -msgstr "" +msgstr "konur" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|people with unknown gender" -msgstr "" +msgstr "einstaklingar með óþekkt kyn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|incomplete names" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ófullgerð nöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|people with missing birth dates" -msgstr "" +msgstr "fólk sem vantar fæðingardag" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|disconnected people" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ótengt fólk" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +msgid "Filtering_on|unique surnames" +msgstr "einstök kenninöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -msgid "Filtering_on|unique surnames" -msgstr "" +msgid "Filtering_on|people with media" +msgstr "fólk með gögnin" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -msgid "Filtering_on|people with media" -msgstr "" +msgid "Filtering_on|media references" +msgstr "tilvísanir í gögn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -msgid "Filtering_on|media references" -msgstr "" +msgid "Filtering_on|unique media" +msgstr "einstök gögn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -msgid "Filtering_on|unique media" -msgstr "" +msgid "Filtering_on|missing media" +msgstr "gögn sem vantar" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -msgid "Filtering_on|missing media" -msgstr "" +msgid "Filtering_on|media by size" +msgstr "gögn eftir stærð" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -msgid "Filtering_on|media by size" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Filtering_on|list of people" msgstr "listi yfir fólk" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Summary counts of current selection" msgstr "Fjöldi samantekta í núverandi vali" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Right-click row (or press ENTER) to see selected items." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hægri-smelltu á röð (eða ýttu á Enter) til að sjá valin atriði." -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Count/Total" msgstr "Fjöldi/Alls" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Object" msgstr "Hlutur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -26438,66 +27413,66 @@ msgstr "Hlutur" msgid "People" msgstr "Einstaklingar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Sources" msgstr "Heimildir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Repositories" msgstr "Gagnasöfn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "Filtering on %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Síun eftir %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Name type" msgstr "Tegund nafns" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "birth event but no date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "fæðingaratburður en engin dagsetning" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "missing birth event" -msgstr "" +msgstr "vantar fæðingaratburð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Media count" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjöldi gagna" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ @@ -26506,96 +27481,102 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reference" msgstr "Tilvísun" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Unique Media" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einstök gögn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Missing Media" msgstr "Gögn sem vantar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Size in bytes" msgstr "Stærð í bætum" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Filter matched {number_of} record." msgid_plural "Filter matched {number_of} records." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Sían samsvaraði {number_of} færslu." +msgstr[1] "Sían samsvaraði {number_of} færslum." #. display the results #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "Father lineage for %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Föðurleggur fyrir %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "" "This report shows the father lineage, also called patronymic lineage or Y-" "line. People in this lineage all share the same Y-chromosome." msgstr "" +"Þessi skýrsla sýnir karllegg frá föður, einnig kallað föðurerfð Y-" +"litningaarfgerð. Fólk í þessum legg bera í sér sama Y-litning." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Name Father" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nafn föður" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Remark" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athugasemd" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Direct line male descendants" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Afkomendur í beinan karllegg" #. display the results #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "Mother lineage for %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Móðurleggur fyrir %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "" "This report shows the mother lineage, also called matronymic lineage mtDNA " "lineage. People in this lineage all share the same Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)." msgstr "" +"Þessi skýrsla sýnir kvenlegg frá móður, einnig kallað móðurerfð mtDNA " +"hvatberaarfgerð. Fólk í þessum legg bera í sér sama hvatbera-DNA " +"(mitochondrial DNA - mtDNA)." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Name Mother" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Nafn móður" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Direct line female descendants" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Afkomendur í beinan kvenlegg" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "ERROR : Too many levels in the tree (perhaps a loop?)." -msgstr "" +msgstr "VILLA : Of mörg stig í kvíslum (hugsanleg hringtenging?)." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "No birth relation with child" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engin fæðingatengsl við barn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Unknown gender" msgstr "Óþekkt kyn" #. display the title #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Link References for this note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í slóðir fyrir þennan minnispunkt" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Link check" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athuga tengil" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -26613,7 +27594,7 @@ msgstr "Internet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "No link references for this note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engar tilvísanir í slóðir fyrir þennan minnispunkt" #. display the title #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ @@ -26631,11 +27612,11 @@ msgstr "Engir atburðir þessa dagsetningu" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Other events on this month/day in history" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aðrir atburðir á þessum degi í ferlinum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "No other events on this month/day in history" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engir aðrir atburðir á þessum degi í ferlinum" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format @@ -26649,15 +27630,15 @@ msgstr "Engir aðrir atburðir árið %(year)d" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Display people and ages on a particular date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta fókl og aldur á tilteknum degi" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Attribute Match" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvörun við eigindi" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Display people with same attribute." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta einstaklinga með sömu eigindi." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "All Events" @@ -26689,19 +27670,19 @@ msgstr "Birta síuð gögn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Father lineage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Karlleggur" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Display father lineage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta karllegg föður" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Mother lineage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kvenleggur" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Display mother lineage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta kvenlegg móður" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "On This Day" @@ -26719,24 +27700,20 @@ msgstr "Heimild eða tilvitnun" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "%s References" -msgstr "%s tilvísanir" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "Display references for a %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta tilvísanir fyrir %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Link References" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í slóðir" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Display link references for a note" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -msgid "Repository References" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta tilvísanir í slóðir fyrir minnispunkt" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "" @@ -26745,24 +27722,24 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Same Surnames" -msgstr "Sömu eftirnöfn" +msgstr "Sömu kenninöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Display people with the same surname as a person." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta fólk með sama kenninafn og einstaklingur." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Same Given Names" -msgstr "Sömu fornöfn" +msgstr "Sömu eiginnöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Display people with the same given name as a person." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta fólk með sama eiginnafn og einstaklingur." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Same Given Names - stand-alone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sömu eiginnöfn - sjálfstætt" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Display a person's siblings." @@ -26772,17 +27749,17 @@ msgstr "Birta systkini einstaklings." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "References for this %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvísanir í %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "No references for this %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engar tilvísanir í þennan %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Call number" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Uppflettinúmer" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Type of media" @@ -26790,11 +27767,11 @@ msgstr "Tegund gagna" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "People with incomplete surnames" -msgstr "Fólk með ófullgerð eftirnöfn" +msgstr "Fólk með ófullgerð kenninöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Matches people with lastname missing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingum sem vantar kenninafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "People matching the " @@ -26802,7 +27779,7 @@ msgstr "Fólk sem samsvarar" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Matches people with same lastname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingum með sama kenninafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "People matching the " @@ -26810,36 +27787,39 @@ msgstr "Fólk sem samsvarar " #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Matches people with same given name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar fólki með sama eiginnafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "People with incomplete given names" -msgstr "Fólk með ófullgerð fornöfn" +msgstr "Fólk með ófullgerð eiginnöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ msgid "Matches people with firstname missing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsvarar einstaklingum sem vantar eiginnafn" #. display the title #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "People sharing the surname '%s'" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fólk með sama kenninafnið '%s'" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "There is {number_of} person with a matching name, or alternate name.\n" msgid_plural "" "There are {number_of} people with a matching name, or alternate name.\n" msgstr[0] "" +"Það er {number_of} einstaklingur með samsvarandi nafn, eða aukanafn.\n" msgstr[1] "" +"Það eru {number_of} einstaklingar með samsvarandi nafn, eða aukanafn.\n" #. display the title #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ #, python-format msgid "People with the given name '%s'" -msgstr "Fólk með fornafnið '%s'" +msgstr "Fólk með eiginnafnið '%s'" #. display the title #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form @@ -26960,11 +27940,11 @@ msgstr "Smelltu til að velja sýn" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/ msgid "Category Sidebar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Flokkar á hliðarspjaldi" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/ msgid "A sidebar to allow the selection of view categories" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hliðarspjald sem gerir kleift að velja mismunandi flokka ásýndar" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/ msgid "Category" @@ -26972,11 +27952,11 @@ msgstr "Flokkar" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/ msgid "Drop-down Sidebar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fellilistar á hliðarspjaldi" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/ msgid "Selection of categories and views from drop-down lists" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Val flokka og ásýnda úr fellilistum" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/ msgid "Drop-Down" @@ -26984,11 +27964,11 @@ msgstr "Fellilistar" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/ msgid "Expander Sidebar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útliðun á hliðarspjaldi" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/ msgid "Selection of views from lists with expanders" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Val ásýnda úr listum með útfellimöguleikum" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/ msgid "Expander" @@ -27005,7 +27985,7 @@ msgstr "Atriðaskrá" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for index entries." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem er notaður fyrir færslur í atriðaskrá." #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -27014,16 +27994,16 @@ msgid "Ahnentafel Report for %s" msgstr "Ahnentafel-skýrsla fyrir %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Page break between generations" msgstr "Síðuskil á milli kynslóða" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to start a new page after each generation." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort byrja eigi nýja síðu á eftir hverri kynslóð." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Add linebreak after each name" @@ -27031,7 +28011,7 @@ msgstr "Setja inn nýja línu á eftir hverju nafni" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Indicates if a line break should follow the name." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gefur til kynna hvort línuskil eigi að fylgja á eftir nafninu." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -27054,10 +28034,11 @@ msgstr "Birt vensl eru við %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(person)s, birth%(relation)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(person)s, birth%(relation)s" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{person}, {age}{relation}" msgid_plural "{person}, {age}{relation}" msgstr[0] "{person}, {age}{relation}" @@ -27070,7 +28051,7 @@ msgstr "Ártal skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu síu til að takmarka fjölda fólks sem birtist í skýrslunni" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include only living people in the report" @@ -27078,7 +28059,7 @@ msgstr "Einungis hafa með lifandi einstaklinga í skýrslunni" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Select the first day of the week for the report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu fyrsta dag vikunnar fyrir þessa skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include birthdays in the report" @@ -27106,31 +28087,31 @@ msgstr "Titill skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "First line of text at bottom of report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fyrsta lína texta neðst á skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Second line of text at bottom of report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Önnur lína texta neðst á skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Third line of text at bottom of report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Þriðja lína texta neðst á skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Title text style" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíll titiltexta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Data text display" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birting gagnatexta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Day text style" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíll dagsetninga" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Month text style" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíll mánaða" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -27146,7 +28127,7 @@ msgstr "Upphafstexti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Text to display at the top." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Texti sem á að birta efst." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Middle Text" @@ -27154,7 +28135,7 @@ msgstr "Miðjutexti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Text to display in the middle" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Texti sem á að birta í miðju" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Final Text" @@ -27162,19 +28143,19 @@ msgstr "Lokaútgáfa texta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Text to display last." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Texti sem á að birta síðast." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the first portion of the custom text." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir fyrsta hluta sérsniðins texta." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the middle portion of the custom text." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir miðhluta sérsniðins texta." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the last portion of the custom text." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir síðasta hluta sérsniðins texta." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -27190,10 +28171,10 @@ msgstr "maki sjá %(reference)s : %(spouse)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%s sp." -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s mak." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Numbering system" msgstr "Tölusetningarkerfi" @@ -27210,7 +28191,7 @@ msgid "Meurgey de Tupigny numbering" msgstr "Meurgey de Tupigny tölusetning" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The numbering system to be used" msgstr "Tölusetningarkerfið sem á að nota" @@ -27220,7 +28201,7 @@ msgstr "Birta hjúskaparstöðu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to show marriage information in the report." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með upplýsingar um hjúskaparstöðu í skýrslunni." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Show divorce info" @@ -27228,7 +28209,7 @@ msgstr "Birta upplýsingar um skilnaði" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to show divorce information in the report." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með upplýsingar um skilnaði í skýrslunni." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Show duplicate trees" @@ -27262,7 +28243,7 @@ msgstr "%(name)s er sami einstaklingur og [%(id_str)s]." #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Notes for %s" msgstr "Minnispunktar vegna %s" @@ -27271,278 +28252,279 @@ msgstr "Minnispunktar vegna %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "More about %(person_name)s:" msgstr "Meira um %(person_name)s:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(name_kind)s: %(name)s%(endnotes)s" msgstr "%(name_kind)s: %(name)s%(endnotes)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Address: " msgstr "Heimilisfang: " #. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%s, " msgstr "%s, " -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(type)s: %(value)s%(endnotes)s" msgstr "%(type)s: %(value)s%(endnotes)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(date)s, %(place)s" msgstr "%(date)s, %(place)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(date)s" msgstr "%(date)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(place)s" msgstr "%(place)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(event_name)s: %(event_text)s" msgstr "%(event_name)s: %(event_text)s" #. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "; " msgstr "; " -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Children of %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s" msgstr "Börn %(mother_name)s og %(father_name)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "More about %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s:" msgstr "Meira um %(mother_name)s og %(father_name)s:" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Spouse: %s" msgstr "Maki: %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Relationship with: %s" msgstr "Vensl við: %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Sosa-Stradonitz number" msgstr "Sosa-Stradonitz númer" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The Sosa-Stradonitz number of the central person." msgstr "Sosa-Stradonitz númer einstaklings í sigti." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Page break before end notes" msgstr "Síðuskil á undan eftirmálum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to start a new page before the end notes." msgstr "Hvort byrja eigi nýja síðu á undan eftirmálum." #. Content options #. Content -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Content" msgstr "Innihald" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Use callname for common name" msgstr "Nota birtingarnafn (kjörnafn) sem almennt nafn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to use the call name as the first name." -msgstr "Hvort nota eigi birtingarnafn (kjörnafn) sem skírnarnafn/fornafn" +msgstr "Hvort nota eigi birtingarnafn (kjörnafn) sem skírnarnafn/eiginnafn." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Use full dates instead of only the year" msgstr "Nota fullar dagsetningar í stað ártals" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to use full dates instead of just year." msgstr "Hvort nota eigi heilar dagsetningar í stað ártals." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "List children" msgstr "Telja upp börn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to list children." msgstr "Hvort telja eigi upp börn." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Compute death age" msgstr "Reikna aldur við andlát" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to compute a person's age at death." msgstr "Hvort reikna eigi aldur einstaklings við andlát." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Omit duplicate ancestors" msgstr "Sleppa margskráðum forfeðrum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to omit duplicate ancestors." msgstr "" "Hvort sleppa eigi forfeðrum sem skráðir hafa verið oftar en einu sinni." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Use Complete Sentences" msgstr "Nota heilar tilbúnar setningar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to use complete sentences or succinct language." msgstr "Hvort nota eigi heilar setningar eða stutt atriðisorð." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Add descendant reference in child list" msgstr "Bæta tilvísunum í afkomendur í lista yfir börn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to add descendant references in child list." msgstr "Hvort bæta eigi tilvísunum í afkomendur á lista yfir börn." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include notes" msgstr "Innihalda minnispunkta" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include notes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með minnispunkta." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include attributes" msgstr "Innihalda eigindi" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include attributes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með eigindi." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include Photo/Images from Gallery" msgstr "Hafa með myndir úr myndasafni" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include images." msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með myndir." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include alternative names" msgstr "Innihalda önnur nöfn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include other names." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með önnur nöfn." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include events" msgstr "Innihalda atburði" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include events." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með atburði." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include addresses" msgstr "Innihalda heimilisföng" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include addresses." msgstr "Hvort innifela eigi heimilisföng." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include sources" msgstr "Innihalda heimildir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include source references." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með tilvísanir í heimildir." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include sources notes" msgstr "Innihalda minnispunkta heimilda" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "" "Whether to include source notes in the Endnotes section. Only works if " "Include sources is selected." @@ -27550,54 +28532,54 @@ msgstr "" #. How to handle missing information #. Missing information -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Missing information" msgstr "Upplýsingar vantar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Replace missing places with ______" msgstr "Ef staði vantar, setja þá ______" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to replace missing Places with blanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort skipta eigi út stöðum sem vantar fyrir bil." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Replace missing dates with ______" msgstr "Ef dagsetningar vantar, setja þá ______" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to replace missing Dates with blanks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort skipta eigi út dagsetningum sem vantar fyrir bil." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the children list title." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir titil á lista yfir börn." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the children list." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir lista yfir börn." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the first personal entry." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir fyrstu færslu einstaklings." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the More About header." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir fyrirsögn \"Meira um\" hlutans." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for additional detail data." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir aukaleg ítargögn." #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -27605,70 +28587,70 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Descendant Report for %(person_name)s" msgstr "Afkomendatal fyrir %(person_name)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Ref: %(number)s. %(name)s" msgstr "Tilv: %(number)s. %(name)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Notes for %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s:" msgstr "Minnispunktar vegna %(mother_name)s og %(father_name)s:" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Henry numbering" msgstr "Henry tölusetning" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "d'Aboville numbering" msgstr "d'Aboville tölusetning" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Record (Modified Register) numbering" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Use complete sentences" msgstr "Nota heilar tilbúnar setningar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include spouses" msgstr "Taka með maka" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include detailed spouse information." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include spouse reference" msgstr "Innihalda tilvísanir maka" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include reference to spouse." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include sign of succession ('+') in child-list" msgstr "Hafa með tákn fyrir afkomendur ('+') í lista yfir börn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "" "Whether to include a sign ('+') before the descendant number in the child-" "list to indicate a child has succession." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include path to start-person" msgstr "Hafa með slóð að einstaklingi í sigti" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "" "Whether to include the path of descendancy from the start-person to each " "descendant." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the More About header and for headers of mates." msgstr "" @@ -27691,7 +28673,7 @@ msgid " (%(birth_date)s - %(death_date)s)" msgstr " (%(birth_date)s - %(death_date)s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the section headers." @@ -27699,153 +28681,154 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The basic style used for generation headings." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á fyrirsögnum kynslóða." #. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #. translators: for French, else ignore #. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(str1)s: %(str2)s" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -msgid "Marriage:" -msgstr "Hjónaband:" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "acronym for male|M" msgstr "KK" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "acronym for female|F" msgstr "KO" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "acronym for unknown|%dU" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%dÓþ" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Family Group Report - Generation %d" msgstr "Fjölskyldutal - Kynslóð %d" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Family Group Report" msgstr "Fjölskyldutal" #. ######################### -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Center Family" msgstr "Fjölskylda í sigti" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The center family for the report" msgstr "Fjölskylda sem gengið er út frá í þessari skýrslu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Recursive" msgstr "Endurkvæmt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Create reports for all descendants of this family." msgstr "Búa til skýrslu um alla afkomendur í þessari fjölskyldu." -#. ######################### -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +msgid "Whether to include Gramps ID next to names." +msgstr "" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Generation numbers (recursive only)" msgstr "Númer kynslóða (aðeins endurkvæmt)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include the generation on each report (recursive only)." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Parent Events" msgstr "Atburði foreldra" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include events for parents." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort innifela eigi atburði foreldra." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Parent Addresses" msgstr "Heimilisföng foreldra" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include addresses for parents." msgstr "Hvort innifela eigi heimilisföng foreldra." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Parent Notes" msgstr "Minnispunkta foreldra" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include notes for parents." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort innifela eigi minnispunkta foreldra." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Parent Attributes" msgstr "Eigindi foreldra" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Alternate Parent Names" msgstr "Önnur nöfn foreldra" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include alternate names for parents." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Parent Marriage" msgstr "Hjónaband foreldra" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include marriage information for parents." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Dates of Relatives" msgstr "Dagsetningar skyldmenna" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include dates for relatives (father, mother, spouse)." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Children Marriages" msgstr "Hjónabönd barna" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include marriage information for children." msgstr "" #. ######################### -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Missing Information" msgstr "Upplýsingar vantar" #. ######################### -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Print fields for missing information" msgstr "Prenta textareiti fyrir upplýsingar sem vantar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include fields for missing information." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með reiti fyrir upplýsingar sem vantar." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the text related to the children." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir texta sem tengist börnum." -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the parent's name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stíllinn sem notaður verður fyrir nafn foreldris" #. make sure it's translated, so it can be used below, in "combine" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -27853,111 +28836,104 @@ msgstr "" msgid "%(str1)s in %(str2)s. " msgstr "%(str1)s í %(str2)s. " -#. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#, python-format -msgid "%(type)s: %(value)s" -msgstr "" - #. for example (a stepfather): John Smith, relationship: Step -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(parent-name)s, relationship: %(rel-type)s" msgstr "%(parent-name)s, vensl: %(rel-type)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Alternate Parents" msgstr "Aðrir foreldrar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Associations" msgstr "Tengsl" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Images" -msgstr "Mynd" +msgstr "Myndir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Marriages/Children" msgstr "Hjónabönd/Afkvæmi" #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Summary of %s" msgstr "Samantekt fyrir %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Male" msgstr "Karl" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Female" msgstr "Kona" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "(image)" msgstr "(mynd)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -msgid "Select the filter to be applied to the report." +#. translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#, python-format +msgid "%(type)s: %(value)s" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +msgid "Select the filter to be applied to the report." +msgstr "Veldu síuna sem þú vilt beita í skýrslunni." + +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "List events chronologically" msgstr "Telja atburði upp í tímaröð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to sort events into chronological order." msgstr "Hvort raða eigi atburðum í tímaröð." #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include Source Information" msgstr "Hafa með upplýsingar um heimildir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to cite sources." -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -msgid "Whether to include Gramps ID next to names." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort vísa eigi í heimildir." #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Sections" msgstr "Hlutar" #. ############################### -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Event groups" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hópar atburða" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Check if a separate section is required." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for category labels." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The style used for the spouse's name." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "A style used for image facts." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "A style used for image captions." msgstr "" @@ -27985,7 +28961,7 @@ msgstr "Hafa með systkinabörn foreldra" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Whether to include cousins" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með systkinabörn foreldra" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces" @@ -27998,37 +28974,32 @@ msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með frændur/frænkur/systkinabörn" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The basic style used for sub-headings." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á undirfyrirsögnum." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Note Link Check Report" -msgstr "Skýrsla um ættliðamörk" +msgstr "Skýrsla um athugun á tengslum minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Note ID" -msgstr "Minnispunktur 1" +msgstr "Auðkenni (ID) minnispunkts" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Link Type" -msgstr "Tegund tengi_ls:" +msgstr "Tegund tengils" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Links To" -msgstr "Tenglar" +msgstr "Tengist" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Failed" msgstr "Mistókst" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "The basic style used for table headings." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Grunnstíllinn sem verður notaður til birtingar á fyrirsögnum í töflum." #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ @@ -28037,6 +29008,7 @@ msgid "Number of Ancestors for %s" msgstr "Fjöldi forfeðra fyrir %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Generation {number} has {count} individual. {percent}" msgid_plural "Generation {number} has {count} individuals. {percent}" msgstr[0] "Kynslóð {number} er með {count} einstakling. {percent}" @@ -28064,7 +29036,7 @@ msgstr "Skýrsla um staði" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Please select at least one place before running this." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu a.m.k. einn stað áður en þú keyrir þetta." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Generating report" @@ -28073,42 +29045,42 @@ msgstr "Útbý skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Gramps ID: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gramps auðkenni: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Street: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gata: %s " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Parish: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sókn: %s " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Locality: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Staðsetning: %s " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "City: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Borg: %s " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "County: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sveitarfélag: %s " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "State: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fylki/Svæði: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Country: %s " -msgstr "" +msgstr "Land: %s " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Events that happened at this place" @@ -28143,7 +29115,7 @@ msgstr "Veldu staði með síu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Select places individually" -msgstr "Velja staði hvern fyrir sig" +msgstr "Veldu staði hvern fyrir sig" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "List of places to report on" @@ -28201,12 +29173,13 @@ msgstr "Ekki nota birtingarnafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Replace first names with call name" -msgstr "Setja birtingarnöfn í staðinn fyrir fornöfn" +msgstr "Setja birtingarnöfn í staðinn fyrir eiginnöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Underline call name in first names / add call name to first name" msgstr "" -"Undirstrika birtingarnafn í röð fornafna / bæta birtingarnafni við fornöfn" +"Undirstrika birtingarnafn í röð eiginnafna / bæta birtingarnafni við " +"eiginnöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Footer text" @@ -28340,7 +29313,7 @@ msgstr "Ótengdir einstaklingar: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format msgid "Unique surnames: %d" -msgstr "Einstök eiginnöfn: %d" +msgstr "Einstök kenninöfn: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ #, python-format @@ -28531,7 +29504,7 @@ msgstr "Útbýr samantekt yfir gagnagrunnsskrána sem er í notkun" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Produces a table of contents for book reports." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbýr efnisyfirlit fyrir bókaskýrslur." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Produces an alphabetical index for book reports." @@ -28542,13 +29515,12 @@ msgid "Records Report" msgstr "Skýrsla um færslur" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Note Link Report" -msgstr "Skýrsla um ættliðamörk" +msgstr "Skýrsla um tengsl minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ msgid "Shows status of links in notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýnir stöðu tengsla minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" @@ -28556,14 +29528,17 @@ msgid "" "Gramps can convert to correct capitalization. \n" "Select the names you wish Gramps to convert. " msgstr "" +"Hér fyrir neðan er listi yfir ættarnöfn/föðurnöfn \n" +"sem Gramps getur umbreytt í rétta stafstöðu. \n" +"Veldu þau nöfn sem þú vilt að Gramps leiðrétti. " #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Accept changes and close" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "manual|Fix_Capitalization_of_Family_Names..." -msgstr "Laga_hástafaritun_í_fjölskyldunöfnum..." +msgid "manual|Fix_Capitalization_of_Family_Names" +msgstr "Laga_hástafaritun_í_fjölskyldunöfnum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -28572,18 +29547,18 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Checking Family Names" -msgstr "Athuga fjölskyldunöfn" +msgstr "Athuga ættarnöfn/föðurnöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Searching family names" -msgstr "Leita að fjölskyldunöfnum" +msgstr "Leita að ættarnöfn/föðurnöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "No modifications made" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engar breytingar gerðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "No capitalization changes were detected." @@ -28595,7 +29570,7 @@ msgstr "Upprunalegt nafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Capitalization Change" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breyting á stafstöðu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -28611,11 +29586,11 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "_Original event type:" +msgid "Original event type:" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "_New event type:" +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +msgid "New event type:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -28637,6 +29612,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} event record was modified." msgid_plural "{number_of} event records were modified." msgstr[0] "" @@ -28644,11 +29620,11 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Checking Database" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athuga gagnagrunn" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for cross table duplicates" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athuga með tvítök töfluvensla" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" @@ -28661,7 +29637,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Check Integrity" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athuga áreiðanleika" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #, python-format @@ -28672,19 +29648,19 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for invalid name format references" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að ógildum sniðum nafnatilvísana" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for duplicate spouses" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að tvíteknum mökum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for character encoding errors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að stafatöfluvillum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for ctrl characters in notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að Ctrl stöfum í minnispunktum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for broken family links" @@ -28692,7 +29668,7 @@ msgstr "Athuga með rofnar fjölskyldutengingar" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for unused objects" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að ónotuðum hlutum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Select file" @@ -28715,43 +29691,43 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty people records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum færslum einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty family records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum færslum fjölskyldna" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty event records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum færslum atburða" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty source records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum færslum heimilda" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty citation records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum færslum tilvitnana" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty place records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum færslum staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty media records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum færslum gagna" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty repository records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum færslum gagnasafna" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty note records" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum færslum minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for empty families" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að auðum fjölskyldum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for broken parent relationships" @@ -28759,39 +29735,39 @@ msgstr "Athuga með rofnar foreldratengingar" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for event problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með atburði" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for person reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for family reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir fjölskyldna" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for repository reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir gagnasafna" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for place reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for citation reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir tilvitnana" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for source reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir heimilda" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for media object reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir gagnahluta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for note reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Updating checksums on media" @@ -28799,11 +29775,11 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for tag reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir merkja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for media source reference problems" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að vandamálum með tilvísanir gagnauppruna" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "No errors were found" @@ -28811,14 +29787,15 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "The database has passed internal checks" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gagnagrunnurinn stóðst innri prófanir" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "No errors were found: the database has passed internal checks." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engar villur fundust: gagnagrunnurinn stóðst innri prófanir." #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} broken child/family link was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} broken child/family links were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28826,7 +29803,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Non existing child" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Barn sem er ekki til" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #, python-format @@ -28835,6 +29812,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} broken spouse/family link was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} broken spouse/family links were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28851,6 +29829,7 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} duplicate spouse/family link was found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} duplicate spouse/family links were found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28867,12 +29846,14 @@ msgstr "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} corrupted family relationship fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} corrupted family relationships fixed\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} person was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} persons were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28880,6 +29861,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} family was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} families were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28887,12 +29869,14 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} date was corrected\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} dates were corrected\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} repository was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} repositories were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28900,12 +29884,14 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} media object was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} media objects were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Reference to {quantity} missing media object was kept\n" msgid_plural "References to {quantity} media objects were kept\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28913,6 +29899,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} missing media object was replaced\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} missing media objects were replaced\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28920,6 +29907,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} missing media object was removed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} missing media objects were removed\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28927,6 +29915,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} event was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} events were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28934,6 +29923,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid birth event name was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid birth event names were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28941,6 +29931,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid death event name was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid death event names were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28948,6 +29939,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} place was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} places were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28955,6 +29947,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} citation was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} citations were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28962,6 +29955,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} source was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} sources were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28969,6 +29963,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} note object was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} note objects were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28976,6 +29971,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} tag object was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} tag objects were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28983,6 +29979,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid name format reference was removed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid name format references were removed\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -28990,6 +29987,7 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid source citation was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid source citations were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "" @@ -29011,7 +30009,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Integrity Check Results" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niðurstöður við athugun á áreiðanleika" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Check and Repair" @@ -29019,7 +30017,7 @@ msgstr "Athuga og gera við" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Start date test?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hefja prófun á dagsetningum?" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" @@ -29029,17 +30027,16 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Run test" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Keyra próf" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Running Date Test" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Keyri dagsetningaprófun" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Generating dates" -msgstr "Kynslóð %d" +msgstr "Útbý dagsetningar" #. test invalid dates #. dateval = (4,7,1789,False,5,8,1876,False) @@ -29088,19 +30085,17 @@ msgstr "Kynslóð %d" #. (4,7,1789,False,5,88,1876,False),"Text comment") #. dates.append( d) #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Date Test Plugin" -msgstr "Hlaðnar viðbætur" +msgstr "Prófunarviðbót fyrir dagsetningar" #. create pass and fail tags #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Pass" -msgstr "Pesach" +msgstr "Stenst" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Gender Statistics tool" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verkfæri fyrir kynjatölfræði" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Guess" @@ -29115,18 +30110,20 @@ msgid "" "The event comparison utility uses the filters defined in the Custom Filter " "Editor." msgstr "" +"Tólið sem notað er við samanburð atburða notar síurnar sem skilgreindar eru " +"í ritlinum fyrir sérsniðnar síur." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Custom filter _editor" msgstr "Ritill fyrir _sérsniðna síu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "manual|Compare_Individual_Events..." -msgstr "Bera_saman_einstaka_atburði..." +msgid "manual|Compare_Individual_Events" +msgstr "Bera_saman_einstaka_atburði" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Event comparison filter selection" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Val til samanburðar atburða" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Event Comparison tool" @@ -29146,7 +30143,7 @@ msgstr "Val á einstaklingum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "No matches were found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engar samsvaranir fundust" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -29187,6 +30184,7 @@ msgstr "Sækja atburðalýsingar" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} event description has been added" msgid_plural "{quantity} event descriptions have been added" msgstr[0] "" @@ -29194,11 +30192,11 @@ msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Modifications made" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Breytingar gerðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "No event description has been added." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engin atburðalýsing hefur verið sett." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Place title" @@ -29215,7 +30213,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for place fields" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að sviðum staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "No place information could be extracted." @@ -29230,7 +30228,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Match Threshold" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mörk samsvörunar" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Use soundex codes" @@ -29243,15 +30241,14 @@ msgstr "Bera sa_man" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Please be patient. This may take a while." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýndu þolinmæði. Þetta gæti tekið nokkra stund." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy msgid "Medium" msgstr "Miðlungs" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "manual|Find_Possible_Duplicate_People..." +msgid "manual|Find_Possible_Duplicate_People" msgstr "Finna_mögulega_tvítekna_einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -29261,11 +30258,11 @@ msgstr "Finna mögulega tvítekna einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Find Duplicates tool" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Finna tvítekningar verkfærið" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Tool settings" msgstr "Stillingar verkfæris" @@ -29275,27 +30272,27 @@ msgstr "Engar samsvaranir fundust" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "No potential duplicate people were found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fann enga mögulega tvítekna einstaklinga" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Find Duplicates" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Finna tvítekningar" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for duplicate people" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að tvíteknum einstaklingum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Pass 1: Building preliminary lists" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Umferð 1: Byggi bráðabirgðalista" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Pass 2: Calculating potential matches" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Umferð 2: Reikna mögulegar samsvaranir" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Potential Merges" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hugsanlegar sameiningar" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Rating" @@ -29315,16 +30312,16 @@ msgstr "Sameina fólkið" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "manual|Media_Manager..." -msgstr "Gagnastjórnun" +msgstr "Gagnastjórnun..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Gramps Media Manager" msgstr "Gramps gagnamiðlastjórnun" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Introduction" msgstr "Inngangur" @@ -29332,7 +30329,7 @@ msgstr "Inngangur" msgid "Selection" msgstr "Valið" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #, python-format msgid "" "This tool allows batch operations on media objects stored in Gramps. An " @@ -29353,67 +30350,70 @@ msgid "" "media objects store the correct file locations." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Affected path" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "Press Apply to proceed, Cancel to abort, or Back to revisit your options." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Operation successfully finished" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "The operation you requested has finished successfully. You may press Close " "now to continue." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Operation failed" msgstr "Aðgerð tókst ekki" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "There was an error while performing the requested operation. You may try " "starting the tool again." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #, python-format msgid "" "The following action is to be performed:\n" "\n" "Operation:\t%s" msgstr "" +"Eftirfarandi aðgerð á að framkvæma:\n" +"\n" +"Aðgerð:\t%s" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +msgid "Replace _substrings in the path" +msgstr "_Skipta út undirfærslum á slóðinni" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "Replace _substrings in the path" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "This tool allows replacing specified substring in the path of media objects " "with another substring. This can be useful when you move your media files " "from one directory to another" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Replace substring settings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skipta út stillingum undirfærslu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Replace:" msgstr "S_kipta út:" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_With:" msgstr "_Með:" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #, python-format msgid "" "The following action is to be performed:\n" @@ -29422,23 +30422,28 @@ msgid "" "Replace:\t\t%(src_fname)s\n" "With:\t\t%(dest_fname)s" msgstr "" +"Eftirfarandi aðgerð á að framkvæma:\n" +"\n" +"Aðgerð:\t%(title)s\n" +"Skipta út:\t\t%(src_fname)s\n" +"Með:\t\t%(dest_fname)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Convert paths from relative to _absolute" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "This tool allows converting relative media paths to the absolute ones. It " "does this by prepending the base path as given in the Preferences, or if " "that is not set, it prepends user's directory." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Convert paths from absolute to r_elative" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "This tool allows converting absolute media paths to a relative path. The " "relative path is relative viz-a-viz the base path as given in the " @@ -29446,15 +30451,15 @@ msgid "" "to tie the file location to a base path that can change to your needs." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Add images not included in database" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Check directories for images not included in database" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Athuga hvort möppur innihaldi myndir sem ekki eru inni í gagnagrunni" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "This tool adds images in directories that are referenced by existing images " "in the database." @@ -29470,7 +30475,7 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Ignore Date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hunsa dagsetningu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Ignore Confidence" @@ -29481,13 +30486,15 @@ msgid "Ignore Date and Confidence" msgstr "Hunsa dagsetningu og áreiðanleika" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "manual|Merge_citations..." -msgstr "Sameina_tilvitnanir..." +msgid "manual|Merge_citations" +msgstr "Sameina_tilvitnanir" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "Notes, media objects and data-items of matching citations will be combined." msgstr "" +"Minnispunktar, gagnahlutir og gagnafærslur samsvarandi tilvitnana verður " +"sameinað." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Merge citations tool" @@ -29499,25 +30506,26 @@ msgstr "Athuga heimildir" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Looking for citation fields" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Leita að sviðum tilvitnana" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Number of merges done" msgstr "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} citation merged" msgid_plural "{number_of} citations merged" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "{number_of} tilvitnun sameinuð" +msgstr[1] "{number_of} tilvitnanir sameinaðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Tag" msgstr "Mer_ki" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "manual|Not_Related..." +msgid "manual|Not_Related" msgstr "Ekki_venslað" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -29531,19 +30539,20 @@ msgstr "EkkiVenslað" #. start the progress indicator #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Starting" msgstr "Ræsing" #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #, python-format msgid "Everyone in the database is related to %s" msgstr "Allir í gagnagrunninum eru venslaðir við %s" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #. TRANS: no singular form needed, as rows is always > 1 -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Setting tag for {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Setting tag for {number_of} people" msgstr[0] "" @@ -29551,25 +30560,28 @@ msgstr[1] "" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #. TRANS: No singular form is needed. -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Finding relationships between {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Finding relationships between {number_of} people" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Finn vensl milli {number_of} einstaklings" +msgstr[1] "Finn vensl milli {number_of} einstaklinga" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Looking for {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Looking for {number_of} people" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Leita að {number_of} einstaklingi" +msgstr[1] "Leita að {number_of} einstaklingum" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "Looking up the name of {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Looking up the names of {number_of} people" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Leita að nafni á {number_of} einstaklingi" +msgstr[1] "Leita að nöfnum á {number_of} einstaklingum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Street:" @@ -29596,7 +30608,7 @@ msgid "_Email:" msgstr "_Tölvupóstur:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "manual|Edit_Database_Owner_Information..." +msgid "manual|Edit_Database_Owner_Information" msgstr "Breyta_upplýsingum_um_eiganda_gagnagrunns" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -29609,7 +30621,7 @@ msgstr "Breyta upplýsingum um eiganda gagnagrunns" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Accept and close" -msgstr "" +msgstr "S_amþykkja og loka" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" @@ -29661,7 +30673,7 @@ msgstr "Greini nöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "No titles, nicknames or prefixes were found" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Engir titlar, gælunöfn eða forskeyti fundust" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Current Name" @@ -29669,11 +30681,11 @@ msgstr "Núverandi nafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Prefix in given name" -msgstr "Forskeyti í fornafni" +msgstr "Forskeyti í eiginnafni" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Compound surname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Samsett kenninafn" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Extract information from names" @@ -29693,15 +30705,15 @@ msgstr "Allar atriðaskrár aukalykla hafa verið endurbyggðar." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Rebuilding gender statistics for name gender guessing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Endurbyggi kynjatölfræði vegna ágiskunar á kyn nafna..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Gender statistics rebuilt" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kynjatölfræði endurbyggð" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Gender statistics for name gender guessing have been rebuilt." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kynjatölfræði vegna ágiskunar á kyn nafna hefur verið endurbyggð." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ @@ -29710,14 +30722,14 @@ msgstr "Endurbyggi tilvísanavörpun..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Reference maps rebuilt" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tilvísanavörpun endurbyggð" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "All reference maps have been rebuilt." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Allar tilvísanavarpanir hafa verið endurbyggðar." -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Select a person to determine the relationship" msgstr "Veldu einstakling til að ákvarða venslin" @@ -29752,29 +30764,29 @@ msgstr "Sameiginlegir forfeður þeirra eru %(ancestor1)s og %(ancestor2)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Their common ancestors are: " -msgstr "Sameiginlegir forfeður þeirra eru:" +msgstr "Sameiginlegir forfeður þeirra eru: " -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Search for events" msgstr "Leita að atburðum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Search for sources" msgstr "Leita að heimildum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Search for places" msgstr "Leita að stöðum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Search for media" msgstr "Leita að gögnum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Search for repositories" msgstr "Leita að gagnasöfnum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Search for notes" msgstr "Leita að minnispunktum" @@ -29805,7 +30817,7 @@ msgstr "Ónotaðir hlutir" #. Add mark column #. Add ignore column #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Mark" msgstr "Merkja" @@ -29868,7 +30880,7 @@ msgstr "Lokið." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Finding and assigning unused IDs" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Finn og úthluta ónotuðum auðkennum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Sort Events" @@ -29910,70 +30922,68 @@ msgstr "Taka með atburði fjölskyldu" msgid "Sort family events of the person" msgstr "Raða fjölskylduatburðum einstaklings" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Generate testcases" -msgstr "Almennar síur" +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +msgid "Generate_Testcases_for_Persons_and_Families" +msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +msgid "Generate testcases" +msgstr "Almenn prófdæmi" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "Generate low level database errors\n" "Correction needs database reload" msgstr "" +"Útbúa lægstastigs gagnagrunnsvillur\n" +"Leiðréttingar krefjast endurhleðslu á gagnagrunni" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Generate database errors" -msgstr "Veldu gagnagrunnsmöppu" +msgstr "Útbúa gagnagrunnsvillur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Generate dummy data" -msgstr "Gert með" +msgstr "Útbúa uppfyllingargögn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Generate long names" -msgstr "Kynslóðir" +msgstr "Útbúa löng nöfn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Add special characters" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við sértáknum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Add serial number" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bæta við raðnúmeri" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Add line break" -msgstr "Setja inn nýja línu á eftir hverju nafni" +msgstr "Setja inn línuskil" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "Number of people to generate\n" "(Number is approximate because families are generated)" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Generating testcases" -msgstr "Útbý skýrslu" +msgstr "Útbý prófdæmi" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Generating low level database errors" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbý lægstastigs gagnagrunnsvillur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Generating families" -msgstr "Skrifa fjölskyldur" +msgstr "Útbý fjölskyldur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Generating database errors" -msgstr "Útbý skýrslu" +msgstr "Útbý gagnagrunnsvillur" #. Creates a media object with character encoding errors. This tests #. Check.fix_encoding() and also cleanup_missing_photos @@ -30014,46 +31024,48 @@ msgstr "Útbý skýrslu" #. Creates a person with a birth event pointing to nonexisting place #. Creates a person with an event pointing to nonexisting place #. Generate objects that refer to non-existant citations -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #, python-format msgid "Testcase generator step %d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Fix Capitalization of Family Names" -msgstr "Laga hástafaritun í fjölskyldunöfnum" +msgstr "Laga hástafaritun í ættarnöfnum/föðurnöfnum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "Searches the entire database and attempts to fix capitalization of the names." msgstr "" +"Leitar í öllum gagnagrunninum og gerir tilraun til að laga hástafaritun í " +"nöfnum." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Rename Event Types" @@ -30061,7 +31073,7 @@ msgstr "Endurnefna tegund atburðar" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Allows all the events of a certain name to be renamed to a new name." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gerir kleift að endurnefna alla atburði með ákveðið heiti." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Check and Repair Database" @@ -30071,6 +31083,8 @@ msgstr "Athuga og gera við gagnagrunn" msgid "" "Checks the database for integrity problems, fixing the problems that it can" msgstr "" +"Athugar hvort vandamál séu við samsvaranir í gagnagrunninum, lagar þau ef " +"hægt er" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Compare Individual Events" @@ -30081,6 +31095,8 @@ msgid "" "Aids in the analysis of data by allowing the development of custom filters " "that can be applied to the database to find similar events" msgstr "" +"Hjálpar til við greiningu gagna þannig að útbúnar séu sérsniðnar síur til að " +"finna svipaða atburði í gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Extracts event descriptions from the event data" @@ -30093,6 +31109,8 @@ msgstr "Veiða staðagögn úr titli staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Attempts to extract city and state/province from a place title" msgstr "" +"Gerir tilraun til að lesa nákvæm heiti borgar/sveitarfélags/héraðs úr titli " +"staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" @@ -30108,7 +31126,7 @@ msgstr "Gagnamiðlastjórnun" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Manages batch operations on media files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stýrir magnaðgerðum með gagnaskrár" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Not Related" @@ -30124,7 +31142,7 @@ msgstr "Breyta upplýsingum um eiganda gagnagrunns" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Allow editing database owner information." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gerir kleift að breyta upplýsingum um eiganda gagnagrunns." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Extract Information from Names" @@ -30135,6 +31153,8 @@ msgid "" "Extract titles, prefixes and compound surnames from given name or family " "name." msgstr "" +"Lesa titla, forskeyti og samsett kenninöfn út úr eiginnafni eða " +"fjölskyldunafni." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Rebuild Secondary Indexes" @@ -30158,7 +31178,7 @@ msgstr "Endurbyggja kynjatölfræði" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Rebuilds gender statistics for name gender guessing..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Endurbyggir kynjatölfræði vegna ágiskunar á kyn nafna..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Relationship Calculator" @@ -30174,7 +31194,7 @@ msgstr "Fjarlægja ónotaða hluti" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Removes unused objects from the database" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fjarlægir ónotaða hluti úr gagnagrunninum" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Reorders the Gramps IDs according to Gramps' default rules." @@ -30191,17 +31211,19 @@ msgstr "Yfirfara gögnin" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Verifies the data against user-defined tests" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Yfirfer gögnin með prófunum sem skilgreindar eru af notanda" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "" "Searches the entire database, looking for citations that have the same " "Volume/Page, Date and Confidence." msgstr "" +"Leitar í öllum gagnagrunninum, skoðar tilvitnanir sem gætu haft sama bindi/" +"síðu, dagsetningu og áreiðanleika." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Maximum _age" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Hámarksaldur" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Mi_nimum age to marry" @@ -30254,192 +31276,192 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Maximum husband-wife age _difference" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hámarks _aldursmunur eiginkonu og eiginmanns" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Maximum number of years _between children" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hámarks árafjöldi á milli _barna" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Maximum _span of years for all children" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Hide marked" -msgstr "" +msgstr "_Fela merkt" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -msgid "manual|Verify_the_Data..." -msgstr "Yfirfara gögnin..." +msgid "manual|Verify_the_Data" +msgstr "Yfirfara_gögnin" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Data Verify tool" msgstr "Verkfæri til að yfirfara gögn" #. translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ #, python-format msgid "%(severity)s: %(msg)s, %(type)s: %(gid)s, %(name)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(severity)s: %(msg)s, %(type)s: %(gid)s, %(name)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Data Verification Results" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Niðurstöður yfirferðar á gögnum" #. Add column with the warning text -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Warning" msgstr "Aðvörun" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "_Show all" msgstr "_Birta allt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Baptism before birth" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Death before baptism" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Burial before birth" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Burial before death" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Death before birth" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Burial before baptism" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Old age at death" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Multiple parents" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Margir foreldrar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Married often" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Oft í hjónaband" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Old and unmarried" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Too many children" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Of mörg börn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Same sex marriage" msgstr "Hjónaband sama kyns" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Female husband" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kvenkyns eiginmaður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Male wife" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Karlkyns eiginkona" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Husband and wife with the same surname" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Eiginmaður og eiginkona með sama kenninafn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Large age difference between spouses" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mikill aldursmunur á mökum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Marriage before birth" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Marriage after death" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Early marriage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gengu snemma í hjónaband" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Late marriage" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gengu seint í hjónaband" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Old father" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aldraður faðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Old mother" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Öldruð móðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Young father" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ungur faðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Young mother" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ung móðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Unborn father" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Unborn mother" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Dead father" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Látinn faðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Dead mother" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Látin móðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Large year span for all children" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Large age differences between children" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mikill aldursmunur á börnum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Disconnected individual" msgstr "Ótengdur einstaklingur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Invalid birth date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ógild fæðingardagsetning" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Invalid death date" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ógild dánardagsetning" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Marriage date but not married" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ msgid "Old age but no death" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hár aldur en ekki andlát" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Confidence" msgstr "Áreiðanleiki" @@ -30512,13 +31534,13 @@ msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Cannot merge citations." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "Exactly two citations must be selected to perform a merge. A second citation " "can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the " @@ -30526,7 +31548,7 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "The two selected citations must have the same source to perform a merge. If " "you want to merge these two citations, then you must merge the sources first." @@ -30563,24 +31585,24 @@ msgstr "Bæta við tilvitnun..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Expand all Nodes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útliða valda tengipunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Collapse all Nodes" -msgstr "Fella saman alla minnispunkta" +msgstr "Fella saman alla tengipunkta" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Cannot add citation." msgstr "Get ekki bætt við tilvitnun." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "In order to add a citation to an existing source, you must select a source." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Til að bæta við tilvitnun í skráða heimild verðurðu að velja heimild." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "This source cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated Source " "object is already being edited, or another citation associated with the same " @@ -30589,11 +31611,11 @@ msgid "" "To edit this source, you need to close the object." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Cannot perform merge." msgstr "Get ekki framkvæmt sameiningu." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "Both objects must be of the same type, either both must be sources, or both " "must be citations." @@ -30630,7 +31652,7 @@ msgstr "Ritill fyrir síun atburða" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Cannot merge event objects." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tókst ekki að sameina atburðahluta." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" @@ -30638,6 +31660,9 @@ msgid "" "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "event." msgstr "" +"Nákvæmlega tvo atburðahluta þarf til að framkvæma sameiningu. Annan " +"atburðahlut má velja með því að halda niðri Ctrl-lyklinum og smella á seinni " +"atburðahlutann." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Marriage Date" @@ -30671,26 +31696,28 @@ msgstr "Gera föður að virkum einstaklingi" msgid "Make Mother Active Person" msgstr "Gera móður að virkum einstaklingi" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "_Delete Family" -msgstr "Veldu fjölskyldu" +msgstr "_Eyða fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#, fuzzy, python-format +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#, python-format msgid "Family [%s]" -msgstr "Fjölskylda %s" +msgstr "Fjölskylda [%s]" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Cannot merge families." msgstr "Get ekki sameinað fjölskyldur." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "Exactly two families must be selected to perform a merge. A second family " "can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the " "desired family." msgstr "" +"Nákvæmlega tvær fjölskyldur þarf til að framkvæma sameiningu. Aðra " +"fjölskyldu má velja með því að halda niðri Ctrl-lyklinum og smella á seinni " +"fjölskylduna." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -30710,22 +31737,22 @@ msgstr "Litir kynja" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Generation based gradient" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kynslóðatengdur litstigull" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Age (0-100) based gradient" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Aldurstengdur litstigull (0-100)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Single main (filter) color" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einn aðallitur (síu)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Time period based gradient" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tímatengdur litstigull" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -30735,12 +31762,12 @@ msgstr "Hvítt" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Color scheme classic report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Litastef hefðbundinnar skýrslu" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Color scheme classic view" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Litastef hefðbundinnar ásýndar" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -30751,16 +31778,16 @@ msgstr "Bakgrunnur" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Start gradient/Main color" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Upphafslitur litstiguls/Aðallitur" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "End gradient/2nd color" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Endalitur litstiguls/Aukalitur" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Color for duplicates" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Litur á tvítök" #. form of the fan #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ @@ -30790,11 +31817,11 @@ msgstr "Dreifing blævængs" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Homogeneous children distribution" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einsleit dreifing afkvæma" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Size proportional to number of descendants" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stærð í hlutfalli við fjölda afkomenda" #. options we don't show on the dialog #. #configdialog.add_checkbox(table, @@ -30802,8 +31829,8 @@ msgstr "" #. # ??, 'interface.fanview-radialtext') #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Layout" msgstr "Framsetning" @@ -30825,50 +31852,50 @@ msgstr "Hafa þau náð að hittast?" msgid "GeoClose" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "Reference : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "The other : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The other person is unknown" msgstr "Hinn einstaklingurinn er óþekktur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "You must choose one reference person." msgstr "Þú verður að velja einn einstakling til viðmiðunar." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "Go to the person view and select the people you want to compare. Return to " "this view and use the history." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "reference _Person" -msgstr "Til_vísunareinstaklingur" +msgstr "_Einstaklingur sem vísað er til" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Select the person which is the reference for life ways" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Select the person which will be our reference." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "%(eventtype)s : %(name)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(eventtype)s : %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Choose and bookmark the new reference person" @@ -30893,11 +31920,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Events places map" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "GeoEvents" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GeoEvents" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "incomplete or unreferenced event ?" msgstr "" @@ -30906,14 +31933,14 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Bookmark this event" msgstr "Bókamerkja þennan atburð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Show all events" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birta alla atburði" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Centering on Place" msgstr "Miðjað á stað" @@ -30927,60 +31954,60 @@ msgid "GeoFamClose" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "%(gramps_id)s : %(father)s and %(mother)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(gramps_id)s : %(father)s og %(mother)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "Family reference : %s" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "The other family : %s" msgstr "Hin fjölskyldan : %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "You must choose one reference family." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "Go to the family view and select the families you want to compare. Return to " "this view and use the history." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "reference _Family" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Select the family which is the reference for life ways" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "Father : %(id)s : %(name)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Faðir : %(id)s : %(name)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "Mother : %(id)s : %(name)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Móðir : %(id)s : %(name)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "Child : %(id)s - %(index)d : %(name)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Barn : %(id)s - %(index)d : %(name)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "Person : %(id)s %(name)s has no family." msgstr "Einstaklingur : %(id)s %(name)s á ekki fjölskyldu." @@ -31005,9 +32032,9 @@ msgstr "Kort yfir staði í fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "GeoFamily" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GeoFamily" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "Family places for %s" msgstr "Staðir í fjölskyldu %s" @@ -31095,7 +32122,7 @@ msgstr "Allir staðir sem tengjast atburðum" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "A view showing all the event places of the database." -msgstr "Sýn sem birtir alla staði atburða í gagnagrunninum" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir alla staði atburða í gagnagrunninum." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Descendance of the active person." @@ -31105,26 +32132,26 @@ msgstr "Afkomendur virks einstaklings." msgid "GeoMoves" msgstr "GeoMoves" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "All descendance for %s" msgstr "Allir afkomendur fyrir %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Bookmark this person" msgstr "Bókamerkja þennan einstakling" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The maximum number of generations.\n" msgstr "Hámarksfjöldi kynslóða.\n" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Time in milliseconds between drawing two generations.\n" msgstr "" "Sá tími í millísekúndum sem líður á milli þess að tvær kynslóðir eru " "teiknaðar.\n" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The parameters for moves" msgstr "Viðföng fyrir flutninga" @@ -31134,9 +32161,9 @@ msgstr "Kort yfir staði viðkomandi einstaklingi" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "GeoPerson" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GeoPerson" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "Person places for %s" msgstr "Kort yfir staði viðkomandi %s" @@ -31170,41 +32197,41 @@ msgstr "Hreyfingaviðföng" msgid "Places map" msgstr "Kort yfir staði" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "GeoPlaces" -msgstr "" +msgstr "GeoPlaces" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The place name in the status bar is disabled." msgstr "Birting staðarheitis í stöðuslá er óvirk." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #, python-format msgid "The maximum number of places is reached (%d)." msgstr "Hámarksfjölda staða hefur verið náð (%d)." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Some information are missing." msgstr "Það vantar einhverjar upplýsingar." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Please, use filtering to reduce this number." msgstr "Notaðu síun til að minnka þennan fjölda." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "You can modify this value in the geography option." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "In this case, it may take time to show all markers." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Í þessu tilfelli gæti tekið nokkra stund að birta allar merkingarnar." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Bookmark this place" msgstr "Bókmerkja þennan stað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Show all places" msgstr "Birta alla staði" @@ -31234,7 +32261,7 @@ msgstr "Opna möppuna sem inniheldur gagnaskrána" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Cannot merge media objects." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tókst ekki að sameina gagnahluta." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" @@ -31242,6 +32269,9 @@ msgid "" "object can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the " "desired object." msgstr "" +"Nákvæmlega tvo gagnahluta þarf til að framkvæma sameiningu. Annan gagnahlut " +"má velja með því að halda niðri Ctrl-lyklinum og smella á seinni " +"gagnahlutann." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Delete the selected note" @@ -31257,13 +32287,16 @@ msgstr "Ritill fyrir síun minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Cannot merge notes." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tókst ekki að sameina minnispunkta." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "" "Exactly two notes must be selected to perform a merge. A second note can be " "selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired note." msgstr "" +"Nákvæmlega tvo minnispunkta þarf til að framkvæma sameiningu. Annan " +"minnispunkt má velja með því að halda niðri Ctrl-lyklinum og smella á seinni " +"minnispunktinn." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "short for born|b." @@ -31275,23 +32308,23 @@ msgstr "d." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "short for baptized|bap." -msgstr "" +msgstr "skír." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "short for christened|chr." -msgstr "" +msgstr "kristn." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "short for buried|bur." -msgstr "" +msgstr "jarðs." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "short for cremated|crem." -msgstr "" +msgstr "bálf." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Jump to child..." -msgstr "Hoppa í barn" +msgstr "Hoppa í barn..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Jump to father" @@ -31305,71 +32338,69 @@ msgstr "Hoppa í móður" msgid "A person was found to be his/her own ancestor." msgstr "Einstaklingur reyndist vera forfaðir hans sjálfs." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#, fuzzy -msgid "Pre_vious" -msgstr "Fyrra" - #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#, fuzzy +msgid "Pre_vious" +msgstr "_Fyrra" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "_Next" -msgstr "Næsta" +msgstr "_Næsta" #. Mouse scroll direction setting. -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Mouse scroll direction" msgstr "Stefna skruns með músarhjóli" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Top <-> Bottom" msgstr "Efst <-> Neðst" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Left <-> Right" msgstr "Vinstri <-> Hægri" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Add New Parents..." msgstr "Bæta við nýjum foreldrum..." -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Family Menu" msgstr "Fjölskylduvalmynd" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Show images" msgstr "Birta myndir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Show marriage data" msgstr "Birta hjúskaparstöðu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Show unknown people" msgstr "Birta óþekkta einstakliga" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Tree style" msgstr "Útlit kvísla" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Standard" msgstr "Staðlað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Compact" msgstr "Þjappað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Expanded" msgstr "Útliðað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Tree direction" msgstr "Stefna kvísla" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Tree size" msgstr "Stærð kvísla" @@ -31463,6 +32494,7 @@ msgstr "Fjarlægja einstakling sem foreldri úr þessari fjölskyldu" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#, python-brace-format msgid " ({number_of} sibling)" msgid_plural " ({number_of} siblings)" msgstr[0] " ({number_of} systkin)" @@ -31485,12 +32517,12 @@ msgid " (only child)" msgstr " (einkabarn)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Add new child to family" msgstr "Bæta nýju barni við fjölskyldu" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Add existing child to family" msgstr "Bæta skráðu barni við fjölskyldu" @@ -31534,35 +32566,36 @@ msgid "Please run the Check and Repair Database tool" msgstr "Endilega keyrðu \"Athuga og gera við gagnagrunn\"" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#, python-brace-format msgid " ({number_of} child)" msgid_plural " ({number_of} children)" msgstr[0] " ({number_of} barn)" msgstr[1] " ({number_of} börn)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid " (no children)" msgstr " (engin börn)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Use shading" msgstr "Nota skyggingu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Display edit buttons" msgstr "Birta breytingahnappa" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "View links as website links" msgstr "Birta tengla eins og veftengla" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Show Details" msgstr "Sýna ítarlegri upplýsingar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Show Siblings" msgstr "Birta systkini" @@ -31600,6 +32633,8 @@ msgid "" "repository can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on " "the desired repository." msgstr "" +"Nákvæmlega tvö gagnasöfn þarf til að framkvæma sameiningu. Annað gagnasafn " +"má velja með því að halda niðri Ctrl-lyklinum og smella á gagnasafnið." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Edit the selected source" @@ -31627,26 +32662,28 @@ msgid "" "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "source." msgstr "" +"Nákvæmlega tvær heimildir þarf til að framkvæma sameiningu. Aðra heimild má " +"velja með því að halda niðri Ctrl-lyklinum og smella á heimildina." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all the events" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir alla atburði" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all families" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir allar fjölskyldur" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing Gramplets" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir alla gramplinga" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all the media objects" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir alla gagnahluti" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all the notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir alla minnispunkta" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all relationships of the selected person" @@ -31664,11 +32701,11 @@ msgstr "Flæðirit" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "A view showing parents through a fanchart" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir foreldra með blævængsmynd" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Showing descendants through a fanchart" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Birtir afkomendur með blævængsmynd" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Grouped People" @@ -31677,14 +32714,15 @@ msgstr "Hópaðir einstaklingar" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all people in the Family Tree grouped per family name" msgstr "" +"Sýn sem birtir alla einstaklinga í ættartölunni hópaða eftir fjölskyldunafni" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all people in the Family Tree in a flat list" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir alla einstaklinga í ættartölunni í flötum lista" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all the places of the Family Tree" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir alla staði í ættartölunni" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Place Tree" @@ -31692,19 +32730,19 @@ msgstr "Kvíslun staða" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "A view displaying places in a tree format." -msgstr "Skoðun staða með greinasýn" +msgstr "Skoðun staða með greinasýn." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all the repositories" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir öll gagnasöfn" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all the sources" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir allar heimildir" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "The view showing all the citations" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sýn sem birtir allar tilvitnanir" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "Citation Tree" @@ -31712,33 +32750,39 @@ msgstr "Kvíslar tilvitnana" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/ msgid "A view displaying citations and sources in a tree format." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skoðun tilvitnana og heimilda með greinasýn." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Gramps ID" -msgstr "Gramps auðkenni:" +msgstr "Gramps auðkenni" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Church Parish" msgstr "Kirkjusókn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Postal Code" msgstr "Póstnúmer" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "State/ Province" msgstr "Fylki/Svæði" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Alternate Locations" msgstr "Aðrar staðsetningar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#. add section title +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Narrative" +msgstr "Frásögn" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "" "Generated by %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s %(version)s on " @@ -31747,100 +32791,96 @@ msgstr "" "Gert með %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s %(version)s þann " "%(date)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#, python-format +msgid "Last change was the %(date)s" +msgstr "Síðasta breyting þann %(date)s" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(http_break)sCreated for %(subject_url)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(http_break)sÚtbúið fyrir %(subject_url)s" #. Begin Navigation Menu-- #. is the style sheet either Basic-Blue or Visually Impaired, #. and menu layout is Drop Down? #. Basic Blue style sheet with navigation menus -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/ msgid "Basic-Blue" msgstr "Einfalt-blátt" #. Visually Impaired style sheet with its navigation menus -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/ msgid "Visually Impaired" msgstr "Sjónskertir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Html|Home" -msgstr "Heim" +msgstr "Upphaf" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Surnames" -msgstr "Eftirnöfn" +msgstr "Kenninöfn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Thumbnails" msgstr "Smámyndir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Download" msgstr "Sækja" #. Add xml, doctype, meta and stylesheets -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Address Book" msgstr "Nafnaskrá" #. add contact column -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Contact" msgstr "Tengiliður" -#. add section title -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Narrative" -msgstr "Frásögn" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Web Links" msgstr "Veftenglar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid " [Click to Go]" msgstr " [Smelltu til að fara]" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Latter-Day Saints/ LDS Ordinance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Síðari-daga-heilögu/ SDH kirkjuskipun (LDS Ordinance)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Source References" -msgstr "Tilvísanir í heimildir" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Family Map" msgstr "Fjölskyldukort" #. feature request 2356: avoid genitive form -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the " @@ -31849,143 +32889,143 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" #. Name Column -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Given Name" -msgstr "Fornafn" +msgstr "Eiginnafn" #. set progress bar pass for Repositories -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Narrated Web Site Report" msgstr "Vefsvæði með skýringum - skýrsla" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating family pages..." -msgstr "Útbý fjölskyldusíður..." +msgstr "Útbý fjölskyldusíður..." #. Families list page message -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the families/ relationships in the " "database, sorted by their family name/ surname. Clicking on a person’s " "name will take you to their family/ relationship’s page." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Letter" msgstr "Bréf" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Families beginning with letter " msgstr "Fjölskyldur sem byrja á stafnum " -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating place pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbý staðasíður" #. place list page message -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the places in the database, sorted by " "their title. Clicking on a place’s title will take you to that " "place’s page." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Place Name | Name" msgstr "Staðarheiti" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Places beginning with letter %s" msgstr "Staðir sem byrja á stafnum %s" #. section title -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Place Map" msgstr "Staðakort" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating event pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbý atburðasíður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the events in the database, sorted by " "their type and date (if one is present). Clicking on an event’s Gramps " "ID will open a page for that event." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Event types beginning with letter %s" msgstr "Atburðir sem byrja á stafnum %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Surnames by person count" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kenninöfn eftir fjölda einstaklinga" #. page message -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a " "link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same " "surname." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Number of People" msgstr "Fjöldi einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Surnames beginning with letter %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kenninöfn sem byrja á stafnum %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Home" msgstr "Upphaf" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating source pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbý heimildasíður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the sources in the database, sorted by " "their title. Clicking on a source’s title will take you to that " "source’s page." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Source Name|Name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heiti" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Publication information" msgstr "Upplýsingar um útgáfu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating media pages" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the media objects in the database, sorted " "by their title. Clicking on the title will take you to that media " @@ -31993,19 +33033,19 @@ msgid "" "on the image to see the full sized version. " msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Media | Name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heiti" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Mime Type" msgstr "MIME-tegund" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Previous" msgstr "Fyrra" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "" "%(strong1_start)s%(page_number)d%(strong_end)s of %(strong2_start)s" @@ -32014,24 +33054,24 @@ msgstr "" "%(strong1_start)s%(page_number)d%(strong_end)s af %(strong2_start)s" "%(total_pages)d%(strong_end)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Next" msgstr "Næsta" #. missing media error message -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The file has been moved or deleted." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skráin hefur verið færð eða henni eytt." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "File Type" msgstr "Skráategund" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Missing media object:" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page displays a indexed list of all the media objects in this " "database. It is sorted by media title. There is an index of all the media " @@ -32039,11 +33079,11 @@ msgid "" "image’s page." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Thumbnail Preview" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Forskoðun smámyndar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page is for the user/ creator of this Family Tree/ Narrative website to " "share a couple of files with you regarding their family. If there are any " @@ -32052,39 +33092,39 @@ msgid "" "web pages." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "File Name" msgstr "Skráarheiti" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Last Modified" msgstr "Síðast breytt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating individual pages" msgstr "Útbý stakar síður" #. Individual List page message -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database, sorted " "by their last names. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that " "person’s individual page." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Surnames %(surname)s beginning with letter %(letter)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kenninöfn %(surname)s sem byrja á stafnum %(letter)s" #. add page title -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Tracking %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Rek %s" #. page description -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This map page represents that person and any descendants with all of their " "event/ places. If you place your mouse over the marker it will display the " @@ -32093,23 +33133,23 @@ msgid "" "you to that place’s page." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Drop Markers" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Place Title" msgstr "Titill staðar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Call Name" msgstr "Birtingarnafn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Nick Name" msgstr "Gælunafn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Age at Death" msgstr "Aldur við andlát" @@ -32117,43 +33157,43 @@ msgstr "Aldur við andlát" #. actually be StepFather-in-law), but it is too expensive to #. calculate out the correct relationship using the Relationship #. Calculator -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Stepfather" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stjúpfaðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Stepmother" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stjúpmóðir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Not siblings" msgstr "Ekki systkin" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Relation to main person" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Vensl við uaðaleinstakling" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Relation within this family (if not by birth)" msgstr "Tengsl við þessa fjölskyldu (ef ekki vegna fæðingar)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating repository pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbý síður fyrir gagnasöfn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the repositories in the database, sorted " "by their title. Clicking on a repositories’s title will take you to " "that repositories’s page." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Repository |Name" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heiti" #. Address Book Page message -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database, sorted " "by their surname, with one of the following: Address, Residence, or Web " @@ -32161,553 +33201,554 @@ msgid "" "Address Book page." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Full Name" msgstr "Fullt nafn" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Neither %(current)s nor %(parent)s are directories" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvorki %(current)s né %(parent)s eru möppur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Could not create the directory: %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tókst ekki að búa til möppuna: %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Invalid file name" msgstr "Ógilt skráarheiti" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The archive file must be a file, not a directory" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Safnskráin verður að vera skrá, en ekki mappa" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "ID=%(grampsid)s, path=%(dir)s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ID=%(grampsid)s, path=%(dir)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Missing media objects:" msgstr "Gagnahlutar sem vantar:" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Applying Person Filter..." msgstr "Beiti einstaklingasíu..." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Constructing list of other objects..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbú lista með öðrum atriðum..." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Family of %(husband)s and %(spouse)s" -msgstr "Fjölskylda %(husband)s og %(spouse)s" +msgstr "Fjölskyldan %(husband)s og %(spouse)s" #. Only the name of the husband is known #. Only the name of the wife is known -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Family of %s" msgstr "Fjölskylda %s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating GENDEX file" msgstr "Bý til GENDEX-skrá" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating surname pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útbý kenninafnasíður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating thumbnail preview page..." msgstr "Bý til smámyndasíðu..." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating address book pages ..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bý til síður úr heimilisfangaskrá ..." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Store web pages in .tar.gz archive" msgstr "Geyma vefsíður í tar.gz safnskrám" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to store the web pages in an archive file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort geyma eigi vefsíður í safnskrá" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Destination" msgstr "Áfangastaður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The destination directory for the web files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Móttökumappan fyrir vefskrárnar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "My Family Tree" msgstr "Ættartalan mín" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Web site title" msgstr "Titill vefsvæðis" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The title of the web site" msgstr "Titill vefsvæðisins" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on web site" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu síu til að takmarka fjölda fólks sem birtist vefsvæðinu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "File extension" msgstr "Skráarending" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The extension to be used for the web files" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skráarending sem nota fyrir vefskrárnar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Copyright" msgstr "Höfundarréttur" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "The copyright to be used for the web files" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "The copyright to be used for the web files" +msgstr "Höfundarréttur sem nota skal á vefskrárnar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "StyleSheet" msgstr "Stílblað" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The stylesheet to be used for the web pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stílblaðið sem á að nota fyrir vefsíðurnar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Horizontal -- Default" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lárétt -- sjálfgefið" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Vertical -- Left Side" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lóðrétt -- vinstri hlið" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Fade -- WebKit Browsers Only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Dofna út -- aðeins WebKit vafrar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Drop-Down -- WebKit Browsers Only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Fellilisti -- aðeins WebKit vafrar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Navigation Menu Layout" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Framsetning flakkvalmyndar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Choose which layout for the Navigation Menus." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Veldu framsetningu valmyndarinnar sem stýrir flakkmöguleikum." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Normal Outline Style" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Venjulegur stíll efnisskipunar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Citation Referents Layout" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Framsetning tilvísana í tilvitnanir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "Determine the default layout for the Source Page's Citation Referents section" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include ancestor's tree" msgstr "Taka með forfeðrakvíslar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to include an ancestor graph on each individual page" msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með forfeðragraf á hverri síðu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Graph generations" msgstr "Kynslóðir í grafi" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The number of generations to include in the ancestor graph" msgstr "Fjöldi kynslóða forfeðra sem tekinn er með í forfeðragrafinu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Page Generation" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Gerð síðu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Home page note" msgstr "Minnispunktur á heimasíðu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "A note to be used on the home page" msgstr "Minnispunktur sem skal að nota á heimasíðu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Home page image" msgstr "Heimasíðumynd" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "An image to be used on the home page" msgstr "Mynd sem skal að nota á heimasíðu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Introduction note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir inngang" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "A note to be used as the introduction" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Introduction image" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Inngangsmynd" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "An image to be used as the introduction" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Publisher contact note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur um útgefanda" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "A note to be used as the publisher contact.\n" "If no publisher information is given,\n" "no contact page will be created" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Publisher contact image" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mynd um útgefanda" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "An image to be used as the publisher contact.\n" "If no publisher information is given,\n" "no contact page will be created" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "HTML user header" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HTML síðuhaus notanda" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "A note to be used as the page header" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "HTML user footer" -msgstr "" +msgstr "HTML síðufótur notanda" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "A note to be used as the page footer" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include images and media objects" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með myndir og gagnahluta" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to include a gallery of media objects" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Create and only use thumbnail- sized images" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til smámyndir og nota eingöngu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This option allows you to create only thumbnail images instead of the full-" "sized images on the Media Page. This will allow you to have a much smaller " "total upload size to your web hosting site." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Max width of initial image" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hámarksbreidd myndar í upphafi" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This allows you to set the maximum width of the image shown on the media " "page. Set to 0 for no limit." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Max height of initial image" -msgstr "Hámarkshæð á myndar í upphafi" +msgstr "Hámarkshæð myndar í upphafi" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This allows you to set the maximum height of the image shown on the media " "page. Set to 0 for no limit." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Suppress Gramps ID" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Útrýma Gramps auðkenni" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to include the Gramps ID of objects" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með Gramps auðkenni hluta" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Living People" msgstr "Lifandi einstaklingar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include Last Name Only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Láta aðeins kenninafn fylgja" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include Full Name Only" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Láta fullt nafn fylgja" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "How to handle living people" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvernig á að meðhöndla lifandi einstaklinga" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Years from death to consider living" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ár sem líða frá andláti til birtingar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This allows you to restrict information on people who have not been dead for " "very long" msgstr "" +"Þetta gerir þér kleift að takmarka upplýsingar um fólk í ákveðinn tíma frá " +"andláti þess" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include download page" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með niðurhalssíðu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to include a database download option" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með möguleika á að hala niður gagnagrunni" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Download Filename" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skráarheiti niðurhals" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "File to be used for downloading of database" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Description for download" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Lýsing fyrir niðurhal" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Smith Family Tree" msgstr "Ættartala Schiöth fjölskyldunnar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Give a description for this file." msgstr "Gefðu upp góða lýsingu á þessari skrá." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Johnson Family Tree" msgstr "Ættartala fjölskyldu Jóns" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Advanced Options" msgstr "Ítarlegir valkostir" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Character set encoding" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kóðun stafatöflu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The encoding to be used for the web files" msgstr "Stafakóðun sem nota á vefskrárnar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include link to active person on every page" msgstr "Hafa með tengil á virkan einstakling á hverri síðu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include a link to the active person (if they have a webpage)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með tengil á virkan einstakling (ef þeir eru með vefsíðu)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include a column for birth dates on the index pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með dálk fyrir fæðingardaga á yfirlitssíðum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to include a birth column" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með dálk fyrir fæðingar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include a column for death dates on the index pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með dálk fyrir dánardægur á yfirlitssíðum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to include a death column" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með dálk fyrir andlát" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include a column for partners on the index pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með dálk fyrir sambýlinga á yfirlitssíðum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to include a partners column" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include a column for parents on the index pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með dálk fyrir foreldra á yfirlitssíðum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to include a parents column" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með dálk fyrir foreldra" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include half and/ or step-siblings on the individual pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með hálf- og stjúpsystkin á stökum síðum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "Whether to include half and/ or step-siblings with the parents and siblings" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi hálf- og stjúpsystkin með foreldrum og systkinum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Sort all children in birth order" msgstr "Raða börnum eftir fæðingarröð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to display children in birth order or in entry order?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort birta eigi börn eftir fæðingarröð eða færsluröð?" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include family pages" msgstr "Taka með fjölskyldusíður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether or not to include family pages." msgstr "Hvort innifela eigi fjölskyldusíður." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include event pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Taka með atburðasíður" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Add a complete events list and relevant pages or not" msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include repository pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Taka með síður gagnasafna" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether or not to include the Repository Pages." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort innifela eigi gagnasafnasíður." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include GENDEX file (/gendex.txt)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með GENDEX skrá (/gendex.txt)" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Whether to include a GENDEX file or not" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hvort hafa eigi með GENDEX-skrá" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include address book pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa með síður úr heimilisfangaskrá" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "Whether or not to add Address Book pages,which can include e-mail and " "website addresses and personal address/ residence events." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Place Map Options" msgstr "Valkostir staðakorts" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Google" msgstr "Google" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Map Service" msgstr "Kortagrunnsþjónusta" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Choose your choice of map service for creating the Place Map Pages." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include Place map on Place Pages" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Hafa staðakort með á staðasíðum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "Whether to include a place map on the Place Pages, where Latitude/ Longitude " "are available." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Include Family Map Pages with all places shown on the map" msgstr "Hafa með kortasíður fjölskyldu með öllum stöðum sýndum á korti" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "Whether or not to add an individual page map showing all the places on this " "page. This will allow you to see how your family traveled around the country." msgstr "" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Family Links" msgstr "Tenglar fjölskyldu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#, fuzzy +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Drop" msgstr "Sleppa" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Markers" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Merkingar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Google/ FamilyMap Option" msgstr "Google / Valkostir fjölskyldukorts" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "Select which option that you would like to have for the Google Maps Family " "Map pages..." msgstr "" #. adding title to hyperlink menu for screen readers and braille writers -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Alphabet Menu: %s" msgstr "Stafrófsvalmynd: %s" @@ -32717,17 +33758,17 @@ msgstr "Stafrófsvalmynd: %s" #. Number of directory levels up to get to root #. generate progress pass for "Year At A Glance" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Web Calendar Report" msgstr "Vefdagatalsskýrsla" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Calculating Holidays for year %04d" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Reikna frídaga fyrir árið %04d" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format @@ -32744,7 +33785,7 @@ msgstr "Útbúið fyrir %(author)s" #. Add a link for year_glance() if requested #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Year Glance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ár í einu" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "NarrativeWeb Home" @@ -32752,248 +33793,253 @@ msgstr "Heimasíða skýringavefs" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Full year at a Glance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Heilt ár í einu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Formatting months ..." msgstr "Forsníð mánuði ..." -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Creating Year At A Glance calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Bý til \"Ár í einu\" dagatal" #. page title -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(year)d, At A Glance" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%(year)d, ár í einu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "This calendar is meant to give you access to all your data at a glance " "compressed into one page. Clicking on a date will take you to a page that " "shows all the events for that date, if there are any.\n" msgstr "" +"Þetta dagatal er hannað til að gefa aðgang að öllum gögnunum þjöppuðum á " +"eina síðu. Með því að smella á dagsetningu er þér beint á síðu sem birtir " +"alla atburði þann dag, ef einhverjir eru.\n" #. page title -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "One Day Within A Year" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Einn dagur á árinu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(spouse)s and %(person)s" msgstr "%(spouse)s og %(person)s" #. Display date as user set in preferences -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "Generated by %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s on %(date)s" msgstr "Gert með %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s þann %(date)s" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Calendar Title" msgstr "Titill dagatals" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "My Family Calendar" msgstr "Fjölskyldudagatalið mitt" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The title of the calendar" msgstr "Titill á dagatalinu" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Create multiple year calendars" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Whether to create Multiple year calendars or not." -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Start Year for the Calendar(s)" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til dagatöl fyrir mörg ár" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Enter the starting year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000" -msgstr "" +msgid "Whether to create Multiple year calendars or not." +msgstr "Hvort búa eigi til dagatöl fyrir mörg ár." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "End Year for the Calendar(s)" -msgstr "" +msgid "Start Year for the Calendar(s)" +msgstr "Upphafsár dagatals" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Enter the ending year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000." -msgstr "" +msgid "Enter the starting year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000" +msgstr "Settu inn upphafsár fyrir dagatal á milli 1900 - 3000" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "End Year for the Calendar(s)" +msgstr "Lokaár dagatals" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Enter the ending year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000." +msgstr "Settu inn lokaár fyrir dagatal á milli 1900 - 3000." + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Holidays will be included for the selected country" msgstr "Frídagar valins lands verða teknir með" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Home link" -msgstr "Tengill heim" +msgstr "Tengill á upphaf" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "" "The link to be included to direct the user to the main page of the web site" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Jan - Jun Notes" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "January Note" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "The note for the month of January" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tengill sem hafður er til að beina notandanum á aðalsíðu vefsvæðisins" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Jan - Jun Notes" +msgstr "Minnispunktar jan - jún" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "January Note" +msgstr "Minnispunktur janúar" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "The note for the month of January" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir janúarmánuð" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "February Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur febrúar" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The note for the month of February" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir febrúarmánuð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "March Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur mars" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The note for the month of March" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir marsmánuð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "April Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur apríl" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The note for the month of April" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir aprílmánuð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "May Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur maí" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The note for the month of May" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "June Note" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "The note for the month of June" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Jul - Dec Notes" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir maímánuð" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "July Note" -msgstr "" +msgid "June Note" +msgstr "Minnispunktur júní" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "The note for the month of July" -msgstr "" +msgid "The note for the month of June" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir júnímánuð" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Jul - Dec Notes" +msgstr "Minnispunktar júl - des" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "July Note" +msgstr "Minnispunktur júlí" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "The note for the month of July" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir júlímánuð" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "August Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur ágúst" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The note for the month of August" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir ágústmánuð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "September Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur september" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The note for the month of September" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir septembermánuð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "October Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur október" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The note for the month of October" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir októbermánuð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "November Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur nóvember" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The note for the month of November" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir nóvembermánuð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "December Note" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur desember" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "The note for the month of December" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Minnispunktur fyrir desembermánuð" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Create \"Year At A Glance\" Calendar" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Whether to create A one-page mini calendar with dates highlighted" -msgstr "" - -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Create one day event pages for Year At A Glance calendar" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Búa til \"Ár í einu\" dagatal" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Whether to create one day pages or not" +msgid "Whether to create A one-page mini calendar with dates highlighted" msgstr "" +"Hvort búa eigi til einnar-síðu smádagatal með áherslulituðum dagsetningum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Create one day event pages for Year At A Glance calendar" +msgstr "Búa til síðu fyrir hvern atburð á \"Ár í einu\" dagatali" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Whether to create one day pages or not" +msgstr "Hvort búa eigi til síður fyrir staka daga" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Link to Narrated Web Report" msgstr "Tengill á vefskýrslu með skýringum" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ -msgid "Whether to link data to web report or not" -msgstr "" - #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +msgid "Whether to link data to web report or not" +msgstr "Hvort tengja eigi gögn við vefskýrslu" + +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Link prefix" msgstr "Forskeyti tengils" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "A Prefix on the links to take you to Narrated Web Report" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Forskeyti á tengla sem flytja þig á vefskýrslu með skýringum" #. TRANSLATORS: expands to smth like "12 years old", #. where "12 years" is already localized to your language -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "%s old" msgstr "%s gamall" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "birth" msgstr "fæðing" -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ #, python-format msgid "%(couple)s, wedding" msgstr "%(couple)s, wedding" #. translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated -#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ +#, python-brace-format msgid "{couple}, {years} year anniversary" msgid_plural "{couple}, {years} year anniversary" msgstr[0] "{couple}, {years} árs afmæli" @@ -33013,7 +34059,7 @@ msgstr "Vefdagatal" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/ msgid "Produces web (HTML) calendars." -msgstr "Útbýr vefdagatöl (HTML)" +msgstr "Útbýr vefdagatöl (HTML)." #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/ msgid "Webstuff" @@ -33021,7 +34067,7 @@ msgstr "Vefdót" #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/ msgid "Provides a collection of resources for the web" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Skaffar safn tilfanga fyrir vefinn" #. id, user selectable?, translated_name, option name, fullpath, #. navigation target name, images, javascript @@ -33067,168 +34113,95 @@ msgstr "Nebraska" msgid "No style sheet" msgstr "Ekkert stílblað" -#: gtklist.h:2 -msgid "ANSEL" -msgstr "ANSEL" +#~ msgid "Database backend" +#~ msgstr "Gagnagrunnsbakendi" -#: gtklist.h:3 -msgid "ANSI (iso-8859-1)" -msgstr "ANSI (iso-8859-1)" +#~ msgid "Database" +#~ msgstr "Gagnagrunnur" -#: gtklist.h:4 -msgid "ASCII" -msgstr "ASCII" +#~ msgid "%(new_DB_name)s (copied %(date_string)s)" +#~ msgstr "%(new_DB_name)s (afritaði %(date_string)s)" -#: gtklist.h:5 -msgid "UTF8" -msgstr "UTF8" +#~ msgid "%s_-_Entering_and_editing_data:_detailed_-_part_3" +#~ msgstr "%s_-_Setja_inn_og_breyta_gögnum:_nánar_-_3_hluti" -#: gtklist.h:6 -msgid "All rules must apply" -msgstr "Virða skal allar reglur" +#~ msgid "manpage section id|Name_Editor" +#~ msgstr "Nafnaritill" -#: gtklist.h:7 -msgid "At least one rule must apply" -msgstr "Virða skal a.m.k. eina reglu" +#~ msgid "%s_-_Entering_and_editing_data:_detailed_-_part_1" +#~ msgstr "%s_-_Setja_inn_og_breyta_gögnum:_nánar_-_1_hluti" -#: gtklist.h:8 -msgid "Exactly one rule must apply" -msgstr "Virða þarf nákvæmlega eina reglu" +#~ msgid "manual|Tags" +#~ msgstr "Merki" -#~ msgid "Automatic" -#~ msgstr "Sjálfvirkt" +#~ msgid "Obtaining all rows" +#~ msgstr "Næ í allar raðir" -#~ msgid "Place format" -#~ msgstr "Staðasnið" +#~ msgid "Applying filter" +#~ msgstr "Beiti síu" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Changing the place format will not take effect until the next time Gramps " -#~ "is started." -#~ msgstr "Breyting á sniði staða mun taka gildi næst þegar þú ræsir Gramps." +#~ msgid "Constructing column data" +#~ msgstr "Byggi gögn í dálkum" -#~ msgid "Cannot save place" -#~ msgstr "Get ekki vistað stað" +#~ msgid "BSDDB Database Backend" +#~ msgstr "BSDDB gagnagrunnsbakendi" -#~ msgid "Place Name:" -#~ msgstr "Staðarheiti:" +#~ msgid "_BSDDB Database Backend" +#~ msgstr "_BSDDB gagnagrunnsbakendi" -#~ msgid "New" -#~ msgstr "Nýtt" +#~ msgid "Berkeley Software Distribution Database Backend" +#~ msgstr "Berkeley Software Distribution Database Backend" -#~ msgid "_Add bookmark" -#~ msgstr "Bæt_a við bókamerki" +#~ msgid "Dictionary Database Backend" +#~ msgstr "Gagnagrunnsbakendi orðasafns" -#~ msgid "Configure" -#~ msgstr "Stilla" +#~ msgid "Di_ctionary Database Backend" +#~ msgstr "_Gagnagrunnsbakendi orðasafns" -#~ msgid "Edit Date" -#~ msgstr "Breyta dagsetningu" +#~ msgid "Dictionary (in-memory) Database Backend" +#~ msgstr "Gagnagrunnsbakendi orðasafns (í minni)" -#~ msgid "Font" -#~ msgstr "Letur" +#~ msgid "Descendant" +#~ msgstr "Afkomandi" -#~ msgid "Font Background Color" -#~ msgstr "Bakgrunnslitur leturs" +#~ msgid "Ancestor" +#~ msgstr "Forfaðir" -#~ msgid "Gramplets" -#~ msgstr "Gramplingar" +#~ msgid "Metadata Viewer" +#~ msgstr "Lýsigagnaskoðun" -#~ msgid "Public" -#~ msgstr "Opinbert" +#~ msgid "Records Gramplet" +#~ msgstr "Færslugramplingur" -#~ msgid "Merge" -#~ msgstr "Sameina" +#~ msgid "SoundEx Generator" +#~ msgstr "Gerð SoundEx-kóða" -#~ msgid "Add Parents" -#~ msgstr "Bæta við foreldrum" +#~ msgid "manual|Merge_citations..." +#~ msgstr "Sameina_tilvitnanir..." -#~ msgid "Select Parents" -#~ msgstr "Veldu foreldra" +#~ msgid "Familes" +#~ msgstr "Fjölskyldur" + +#~ msgid "Names" +#~ msgstr "Nöfn" + +#~ msgid "Requested %s does not exist." +#~ msgstr "%s sem beðið var um er ekki til." + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Flakka" #~ msgid "Reports" #~ msgstr "Skýrslur" -#~ msgid "Add Spouse" -#~ msgstr "Bæta við maka" +#~ msgid "User" +#~ msgstr "Notandi" -#~ msgid "Tools" -#~ msgstr "Verkfæri" +#~ msgid "Requested user not found." +#~ msgstr "Umbeðinn notandi fannst ekki." -#~ msgid "Grouped List" -#~ msgstr "Hópaður listi" +#~ msgid "Requested page is not accessible." +#~ msgstr "Umbeðin síða er ekki aðgengileg." -#~ msgid "List" -#~ msgstr "Listi" - -#~ msgid "Zoom In" -#~ msgstr "Renna að" - -#~ msgid "Zoom Out" -#~ msgstr "Renna frá" - -#~ msgid "Fit Width" -#~ msgstr "Passa á breidd" - -#~ msgid "Use place when no date" -#~ msgstr "Nota stað þegar engin er dagsetning" - -#~ msgid " %s: %s" -#~ msgstr " %s: %s" - -#~ msgid "TRANSLATORS: Translate this to your name in your native language" -#~ msgstr "Sveinn í Felli" - -#~ msgid "==== Authors ====\n" -#~ msgstr "==== Höfundar ====\n" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "\n" -#~ "==== Contributors ====\n" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "\n" -#~ "==== Framlag frá ====\n" - -#~ msgid "%s (copy, %s)" -#~ msgstr "%s (afrit, %s)" - -#~ msgid "Invalid line %d in GEDCOM file." -#~ msgstr "Ógild lína %d í GEDCOM-skrá." - -#~ msgid "Webkit module not loaded." -#~ msgstr "Webkit einingin ekki hlaðin inn." - -#~ msgid "Html View" -#~ msgstr "HTML-skoðun" - -#~ msgid "A view showing html pages embedded in Gramps" -#~ msgstr "Sýn sem birtir HTML-síður í Gramps" - -#~ msgid "Web" -#~ msgstr "Vefur" - -#~ msgid "HtmlView" -#~ msgstr "HtmlView" - -#~ msgid "Go to the previous page in the history" -#~ msgstr "Fara á fyrri síðu í ferli" - -#~ msgid "Go to the next page in the history" -#~ msgstr "Fara á næstu síðu í ferli" - -#~ msgid "_Refresh" -#~ msgstr "Endu_rlesa" - -#~ msgid "Stop and reload the page." -#~ msgstr "Stöðva og endurhlaða síðu." - -#~ msgid "Start page for the Html View" -#~ msgstr "Upphafssíða vefsýnar" - -#~ msgid "You must enter a title before saving." -#~ msgstr "Þú verður að setja inn titil áður en vistað er." - -#~ msgid "ZIP/Postal code" -#~ msgstr "Póstnúmer" - -#~ msgid "Church parish" -#~ msgstr "Kirkjusókn" +#~ msgid "Requested page type not known" +#~ msgstr "Umbeðin tegund síðu er ekki þekkt"