diff --git a/src/Assistant.py b/src/Assistant.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 78580d571..000000000
--- a/src/Assistant.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id$
-# Standard python modules
-from gen.ggettext import gettext as _
-import os
-# GTK modules
-import gtk
-import gobject
-# Gramps modules
-import const
-import ManagedWindow
-# Constants
-_gramps_png = os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, "gramps.png")
-_splash_jpg = os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, "splash.jpg")
-_format = '%s'
-# Assistant class
-class Assistant(gtk.Object, ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow):
- """ A tabbed dialog box used to implement Assistant interfaces.
- Deprecated. Please use gtk.Assistant class from now on.
- See eg. example use in ExportAssistant
- """
- __gproperties__ = {}
- __gsignals__ = {
- 'page-changed' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- gobject.TYPE_NONE,
- (gobject.TYPE_INT, )),
- 'before-page-next' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- gobject.TYPE_NONE,
- (gobject.TYPE_INT, )),
- 'after-page-next' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- gobject.TYPE_NONE,
- (gobject.TYPE_INT, )),
- 'before-page-back' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- gobject.TYPE_NONE,
- (gobject.TYPE_INT, )),
- 'after-page-back' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- gobject.TYPE_NONE,
- (gobject.TYPE_INT, )),
- 'complete' : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST,
- gobject.TYPE_NONE,
- ())
- }
- def __init__(self, uistate, parent_class, complete, top_title=''):
- gobject.GObject.__init__(self)
- self.top_title = top_title
- if uistate:
- ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.__init__(self, uistate, [],
- parent_class)
- else:
- self.uistate = None
- self.complete = complete
- self.fg_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('#7d684a')
- self.bg_color = gtk.gdk.color_parse('#e1dbc5')
- self.logo = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(_gramps_png)
- self.splash = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(_splash_jpg)
- self.current_page = -1
- if uistate:
- self.set_window(gtk.Window(), None, self.top_title)
- else:
- self.window = gtk.Window()
- self.close = self.destroy
- titlebox = gtk.HBox()
- self.title_text = []
- self.title = gtk.Label('')
- self.title.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
- self.title.set_use_markup(True)
- titlebox.pack_start(self.title, True)
- image = gtk.Image()
- image.set_from_file(_gramps_png)
- titlebox.pack_end(image, False)
- self.notebook = gtk.Notebook()
- self.notebook.set_show_border(False)
- self.notebook.set_show_tabs(False)
- vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=6)
- vbox.set_border_width(6)
- hbox = gtk.HButtonBox()
- hbox.set_spacing(6)
- hbox.set_layout(gtk.BUTTONBOX_END)
- self.cancel = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_CANCEL)
- self.cancel.connect('clicked', self.close)
- self.back = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK)
- self.back.set_sensitive(False)
- self.back.connect('clicked', self.back_clicked)
- self.next = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD)
- self.next.connect('clicked', self.next_clicked)
- self.ok = gtk.Button(stock=gtk.STOCK_OK)
- self.ok.connect('clicked', self.next_clicked)
- self.ok.set_sensitive(False)
- hbox.add(self.cancel)
- hbox.add(self.back)
- hbox.add(self.next)
- hbox.add(self.ok)
- vbox.pack_start(titlebox, False)
- vbox.pack_start(self.notebook, True)
- vbox.pack_start(hbox, False)
- self.window.add(vbox)
- def build_menu_names(self, obj):
- return (self.top_title, None)
- def set_busy_cursor(self, value):
- if value:
- self.window.window.set_cursor(gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.WATCH))
- self.window.set_sensitive(0)
- else:
- self.window.window.set_cursor(None)
- self.window.set_sensitive(1)
- while gtk.events_pending():
- gtk.main_iteration()
- def destroy(self, *obj):
- self.window.emit('delete-event', None)
- self.window.destroy()
- def do_get_property(self, prop):
- """Return the gproperty's value."""
- raise AttributeError, 'unknown property %s' % prop.name
- def do_set_property(self, prop, value):
- """Set the property of writable properties."""
- raise AttributeError, 'unknown or read only property %s' % prop.name
- def get_number_of_pages(self):
- return self.notebook.get_n_pages()
- def update_title(self):
- self.title.set_label(self.title_text[self.current_page])
- self.title.set_use_markup(True)
- def set_buttons(self):
- max_page = self.notebook.get_n_pages()
- if self.current_page == max_page-2:
- self.next.show()
- self.back.show()
- self.cancel.show()
- self.ok.set_sensitive(True)
- self.next.set_sensitive(False)
- self.back.set_sensitive(True)
- elif self.current_page == max_page-1:
- self.next.hide()
- self.back.hide()
- self.cancel.hide()
- elif self.current_page == 0:
- self.next.show()
- self.back.show()
- self.cancel.show()
- self.back.set_sensitive(False)
- self.next.set_sensitive(True)
- self.ok.set_sensitive(False)
- else:
- self.next.show()
- self.back.show()
- self.back.set_sensitive(True)
- self.next.set_sensitive(True)
- self.ok.set_sensitive(False)
- self.cancel.show()
- def back_clicked(self, obj):
- self.emit('before-page-back', self.notebook.get_current_page())
- self.current_page -= 1
- self.notebook.set_current_page(self.current_page)
- self.update_title()
- self.set_buttons()
- self.emit('after-page-back', self.notebook.get_current_page())
- self.emit('page-changed', self.notebook.get_current_page())
- def next_clicked(self, obj):
- self.emit('before-page-next', self.notebook.get_current_page())
- if self.current_page == self.notebook.get_n_pages()-1:
- self.emit('complete')
- self.complete()
- self.close()
- else:
- self.current_page += 1
- self.notebook.set_current_page(self.current_page)
- self.update_title()
- self.set_buttons()
- self.emit('after-page-next', self.notebook.get_current_page())
- self.emit('page-changed', self.notebook.get_current_page())
- def add_text_page(self, title, text):
- """
- Add page with Gramps logo and given text and title.
- Usually, first page (introduction) and last page (conclusion)
- use this method.
- """
- hbox = self.prepare_text_page(text)
- return self.add_page(title, hbox)
- def insert_text_page(self, title, text, position):
- """
- Add page with Gramps logo and given text and title.
- Usually, first page (introduction) and last page (conclusion)
- use this method.
- """
- hbox = self.prepare_text_page(text)
- return self.insert_page(title, hbox, position)
- def prepare_text_page(self, text):
- hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=12)
- image = gtk.Image()
- image.set_from_file(_splash_jpg)
- hbox.pack_start(image, False)
- label = gtk.Label(text)
- label.set_line_wrap(True)
- label.set_use_markup(True)
- hbox.add(label)
- hbox.show_all()
- return hbox
- def add_page(self, title, child):
- """
- Add page with the title and child widget.
- Return index number of the new page.
- """
- self.title_text.append(_format % title)
- return self.notebook.append_page(child)
- def insert_page(self, title, child, position):
- """
- Insert page at a given position.
- Returns index number of the new page.
- """
- self.title_text.insert(position, _format % title)
- return self.notebook.insert_page(child, None, position)
- def remove_page(self, position):
- """
- Remove page from a given position.
- """
- self.title_text.pop(position)
- self.notebook.remove_page(position)
- def show(self):
- self.window.show_all()
- self.current_page = 0
- self.notebook.set_current_page(self.current_page)
- self.update_title()
- self.set_buttons()
- self.emit('page-changed', self.notebook.get_current_page())
- if self.uistate:
- ManagedWindow.ManagedWindow.show(self)
-if gtk.pygtk_version < (2, 8, 0):
- gobject.type_register(Assistant)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- def complete():
- gtk.main_quit()
- def make_label(table, val, y, x1, x2, x3, x4):
- label = gtk.Label(val)
- label.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
- text = gtk.Entry()
- table.attach(label, x1, x2, y, y+1, gtk.SHRINK|gtk.FILL)
- table.attach(text, x3, x4, y, y+1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL)
- return text
- a = Assistant(complete)
- a.add_text_page('Getting started',
- 'Welcome to Gramps, the Genealogical Research '
- 'and Analysis Management Programming System.\n'
- 'Several options and information need to be gathered '
- 'before Gramps is ready to be used. Any of this '
- 'information can be changed in the future in the '
- 'Preferences dialog under the Settings menu.')
- box = gtk.VBox()
- box.set_spacing(12)
- table = gtk.Table(8, 4)
- table.set_row_spacings(6)
- table.set_col_spacings(6)
- make_label(table, _('Name:'), 0, 0, 1, 1, 4)
- make_label(table, _('Address:'), 1, 0, 1, 1, 4)
- make_label(table, _('City:'), 2, 0, 1, 1, 2)
- make_label(table, _('State/Province:'), 2, 2, 3, 3, 4)
- make_label(table, _('Country:'), 3, 0, 1, 1, 2)
- make_label(table, _('ZIP/Postal code:'), 3, 2, 3, 3, 4)
- make_label(table, _('Phone:'), 4, 0, 1, 1, 4)
- make_label(table, _('Email:'), 5, 0, 1, 1, 4)
- box.add(table)
- a.add_page('Researcher information', box)
- a.add_text_page('Conclusion title', 'Very long conclusion text here')
- a.show()
- gtk.main()
diff --git a/src/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py b/src/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py
index 1fbb3d0b9..3b5272489 100644
--- a/src/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py
+++ b/src/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
# Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Nick Hall
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -20,11 +21,13 @@
# $Id$
+# Python modules
from gen.ggettext import gettext as _
-import Assistant
-import const
import gtk
-import pygtk
import gobject
import cairo
import sys, os
@@ -34,10 +37,36 @@ if config.get('preferences.use-bsddb3'):
import bsddb3 as bsddb
import bsddb
+# Gramps modules
+import const
+import GrampsDisplay
-class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
+# Constants
+GRAMPS_PNG = os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, "gramps.png")
+SPLASH_JPG = os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, "splash.jpg")
+# ErrorReportAssistant
+class ErrorReportAssistant(gtk.Assistant):
+ """
+ Give the user an opportunity to report an error on the Gramps bug
+ reporting system.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, error_detail, rotate_handler, ownthread=False):
+ gtk.Assistant.__init__(self)
- def __init__(self,error_detail,rotate_handler, ownthread=False):
self._error_detail = error_detail
self._rotate_handler = rotate_handler
@@ -45,64 +74,48 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
self._user_information_text_buffer = None
self._error_details_text_buffer = None
self._final_report_text_buffer = None
- self.w = Assistant.Assistant(None,None,self.complete)
- #connect our extra close to close by x, and close by cancel click
- self.w.window.connect('delete-event', self.close)
- self.w.cancel.connect('clicked', self.close)
- self.w.add_text_page(
- _('Report a bug'),
- _("This is the Bug Reporting Assistant. It will "\
- "help you to make a bug report to the Gramps "\
- "developers that will be as detailed as possible.\n\n"\
- "The assistant will ask you a few questions and will "\
- "gather some information about the error that has "\
- "occured and the operating environment. "\
- "At the end of the assistant you will be asked to "\
- "file a bug report on the Gramps bug tracking system. "\
- "The assistant will place the bug report on the clip board so "\
- "that you can paste it into the form on the bug tracking "\
- "website and review exactly what information you want to include."))
+ self.logo = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(GRAMPS_PNG)
+ self.splash = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(SPLASH_JPG)
+ self.set_title(_("Error Report Assistant"))
+ self.connect('close', self.close)
+ self.connect('cancel', self.close)
+ self.connect('prepare', self.prepare)
- self.w.add_page(_("Report a bug: Step 1 of 5"), self.build_page1())
- self.w.add_page(_("Report a bug: Step 2 of 5"), self.build_page2())
- self.w.add_page(_("Report a bug: Step 3 of 5"), self.build_page3())
- page4 = self.build_page4()
- self.w.add_page(_("Report a bug: Step 4 of 5"), page4)
- self.cb = {4:self.page4_update}
- self.w.add_page(_("Report a bug: Step 5 of 5"), self.build_page5())
+ #create the assistant pages
+ self.create_page_intro()
+ self.build_page1()
+ self.build_page2()
+ self.build_page3()
+ self.build_page4()
+ self.build_page5()
+ self.create_page_summary()
+ self.show_all()
- self.w.add_text_page(
- _('Complete'),
- _('Gramps is an Open Source project. Its success '
- 'depends on its users. User feedback is important. '
- 'Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report.'))
- self.w.connect('page-changed',self.on_page_changed)
- self.w.show()
self.ownthread = ownthread
if self.ownthread:
def close(self, *obj):
+ """
+ Close the assistant.
+ """
+ self.hide()
if self.ownthread:
- def on_page_changed(self, obj,page,data=None):
- if page in self.cb:
- self.cb[page]()
- def complete(self):
- if self.ownthread:
- #stop the thread we started
- gtk.main_quit()
+ def prepare(self, assistant, page):
+ """
+ Prepare pages prior to display.
+ """
+ self.page4_update()
+ self.set_page_complete(page, True)
def _copy_to_clipboard(self, obj=None):
+ """
+ Copy the bug report to the clipboard.
+ """
clipboard = gtk.Clipboard()
@@ -116,7 +129,9 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
def _start_email_client(self, obj=None):
- import GrampsDisplay
+ """
+ Start an email client to send the report.
+ """
'"bug report"&body="%s"' \
% self._final_report_text_buffer.get_text(
@@ -124,10 +139,15 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
def _start_gramps_bts_in_browser(self, obj=None):
- import GrampsDisplay
+ """
+ Start a web browser to report the bug.
+ """
def _get_sys_information(self):
+ """
+ Get relevant system information.
+ """
if hasattr(os, "uname"):
operatingsystem = os.uname()[0]
distribution = os.uname()[2]
@@ -156,74 +176,132 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
- def _reset_error_details_text_buffer(self, obj=None):
+ def _reset_error_details(self, obj=None):
+ """
+ Reset the error details buffer to its original contents.
+ """
+ self._error_detail.get_formatted_log())
- def _clear_error_details_text_buffer(self, obj=None):
+ def _clear_error_details(self, obj=None):
+ """
+ Clear the error details buffer.
+ """
- def _reset_sys_information_text_buffer(self, obj=None):
+ def _reset_sys_information(self, obj=None):
+ """
+ Reset the system information buffer to its original contents.
+ """
- def _clear_sys_information_text_buffer(self, obj=None):
+ def _clear_sys_information(self, obj=None):
+ """
+ Clear the system information buffer.
+ """
- def _clear_user_information_text_buffer(self, obj=None):
+ def _clear_user_information(self, obj=None):
+ """
+ Clear the user information buffer.
+ """
+ def create_page_intro(self):
+ """
+ Create the introduction page.
+ """
+ label = gtk.Label(self.get_intro_text())
+ label.set_line_wrap(True)
+ # Using set_page_side_image causes window sizing problems, so put the
+ # image in the main page instead.
+ image = gtk.Image()
+ image.set_from_file(SPLASH_JPG)
+ hbox = gtk.HBox()
+ hbox.pack_start(image, False, False, 0)
+ hbox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)
+ page = hbox
+ page.show_all()
+ self.append_page(page)
+ self.set_page_header_image(page, self.logo)
+ #self.set_page_side_image(page, self.splash)
+ self.set_page_title(page, _('Report a bug'))
+ self.set_page_type(page, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_INTRO)
+ def get_intro_text(self):
+ """
+ Return the text of the introduction page.
+ """
+ return _("This is the Bug Reporting Assistant. It will "
+ "help you to make a bug report to the Gramps "
+ "developers that will be as detailed as possible.\n\n"
+ "The assistant will ask you a few questions and will "
+ "gather some information about the error that has "
+ "occured and the operating environment. "
+ "At the end of the assistant you will be asked to "
+ "file a bug report on the Gramps bug tracking system. "
+ "The assistant will place the bug report on the clip board so "
+ "that you can paste it into the form on the bug tracking "
+ "website and review exactly what information you want to "
+ "include.")
def build_page1(self):
- label = gtk.Label(_("If you can see that there is any personal "\
- "information included in the error please remove it."))
- label.set_alignment(0.01,0.5)
+ """
+ Build the error details page.
+ """
+ label = gtk.Label(_("If you can see that there is any personal "
+ "information included in the error please remove "
+ "it."))
+ label.set_alignment(0.01, 0.5)
label.set_padding(0, 4)
- sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
textview = gtk.TextView()
self._error_details_text_buffer = textview.get_buffer()
- self._reset_error_details_text_buffer()
+ self._reset_error_details()
- sw.add(textview)
- sw.show()
- textview.show()
+ swin.add(textview)
sw_frame = gtk.Frame()
- sw_frame.add(sw)
+ sw_frame.add(swin)
reset = gtk.Button("Reset")
- reset.connect('clicked', self._reset_error_details_text_buffer)
+ reset.connect('clicked', self._reset_error_details)
clear = gtk.Button("Clear")
- clear.connect('clicked', self._clear_error_details_text_buffer)
+ clear.connect('clicked', self._clear_error_details)
button_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
- button_box.pack_end(reset,False,False)
- button_box.pack_end(clear,False,False)
+ button_box.pack_end(reset, False, False)
+ button_box.pack_end(clear, False, False)
error_details_box = gtk.VBox()
- error_details_box.pack_start(label,False,False)
- error_details_box.pack_start(sw_frame,True,True)
- error_details_box.pack_start(button_box,False,False)
+ error_details_box.pack_start(label, False, False)
+ error_details_box.pack_start(sw_frame, True, True)
+ error_details_box.pack_start(button_box, False, False)
- error_details_align = gtk.Alignment(0,0,1,1)
- error_details_align.set_padding(0,0,11,0)
+ error_details_align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ error_details_align.set_padding(0, 0, 11, 0)
error_details_frame = gtk.Frame()
@@ -233,50 +311,56 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
- side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the detailed Gramps error information, don't worry if you "\
- "do not understand it. You "\
- "will have the opportunity to add further detail about the error "\
+ side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the detailed Gramps error "
+ "information, don't worry if you do not "
+ "understand it. You will have the opportunity "
+ "to add further detail about the error "
"in the following pages of the assistant."))
side_label.set_size_request(124, -1)
box = gtk.HBox()
- box.pack_start(side_label,False,False,5)
+ box.pack_start(side_label, False, False, 5)
- box.show_all()
- return box
+ page = box
+ page.show_all()
+ self.append_page(page)
+ self.set_page_header_image(page, self.logo)
+ self.set_page_title(page, _("Report a bug: Step 1 of 5"))
+ self.set_page_type(page, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT)
def build_page2(self):
- label = gtk.Label(_("Please check the information below and correct anything that "\
- "you know to be wrong or remove anything that you would rather not "\
- "have included in the bug report."))
- label.set_alignment(0.01,0.5)
+ """
+ Build the system information page.
+ """
+ label = gtk.Label(_("Please check the information below and correct "
+ "anything that you know to be wrong or remove "
+ "anything that you would rather not have included "
+ "in the bug report."))
+ label.set_alignment(0.01, 0.5)
label.set_padding(0, 4)
- sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
textview = gtk.TextView()
self._sys_information_text_buffer = textview.get_buffer()
- self._reset_sys_information_text_buffer()
+ self._reset_sys_information()
- sw.add(textview)
- sw.show()
- textview.show()
+ swin.add(textview)
sw_frame = gtk.Frame()
- sw_frame.add(sw)
+ sw_frame.add(swin)
reset = gtk.Button("Reset")
- reset.connect('clicked', self._reset_sys_information_text_buffer)
+ reset.connect('clicked', self._reset_sys_information)
clear = gtk.Button("Clear")
- clear.connect('clicked', self._clear_sys_information_text_buffer)
+ clear.connect('clicked', self._clear_sys_information)
button_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
@@ -284,16 +368,16 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
- button_box.pack_end(reset,False,False)
- button_box.pack_end(clear,False,False)
+ button_box.pack_end(reset, False, False)
+ button_box.pack_end(clear, False, False)
sys_information_box = gtk.VBox()
- sys_information_box.pack_start(label,False,False)
- sys_information_box.pack_start(sw_frame,True,True)
- sys_information_box.pack_start(button_box,False,False)
+ sys_information_box.pack_start(label, False, False)
+ sys_information_box.pack_start(sw_frame, True, True)
+ sys_information_box.pack_start(button_box, False, False)
- sys_information_align = gtk.Alignment(0,0,1,1)
- sys_information_align.set_padding(0,0,11,0)
+ sys_information_align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ sys_information_align.set_padding(0, 0, 11, 0)
sys_information_frame = gtk.Frame()
@@ -303,59 +387,65 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
- side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the information about your system that "\
- "will help the developers to fix the bug."))
+ side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the information about your system "
+ "that will help the developers to fix the "
+ "bug."))
side_label.set_size_request(124, -1)
box = gtk.HBox()
- box.pack_start(side_label,False,False,5)
+ box.pack_start(side_label, False, False, 5)
- box.show_all()
- return box
+ page = box
+ page.show_all()
+ self.append_page(page)
+ self.set_page_header_image(page, self.logo)
+ self.set_page_title(page, _("Report a bug: Step 2 of 5"))
+ self.set_page_type(page, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT)
def build_page3(self):
- label = gtk.Label(_("Please provide as much information as you can "\
- "about what you were doing when the error occured. "))
- label.set_alignment(0.01,0.5)
+ """
+ Build the further information page.
+ """
+ label = gtk.Label(_("Please provide as much information as you can "
+ "about what you were doing when the error "
+ "occured."))
+ label.set_alignment(0.01, 0.5)
label.set_padding(0, 4)
- sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
textview = gtk.TextView()
self._user_information_text_buffer = textview.get_buffer()
- sw.add(textview)
- sw.show()
- textview.show()
+ swin.add(textview)
sw_frame = gtk.Frame()
- sw_frame.add(sw)
+ sw_frame.add(swin)
clear = gtk.Button("Clear")
- clear.connect('clicked',self._clear_user_information_text_buffer)
+ clear.connect('clicked', self._clear_user_information)
button_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
- button_box.pack_end(clear,False,False)
+ button_box.pack_end(clear, False, False)
user_information_box = gtk.VBox()
- user_information_box.pack_start(label,False,False)
- user_information_box.pack_start(sw_frame,True,True)
- user_information_box.pack_start(button_box,False,False)
+ user_information_box.pack_start(label, False, False)
+ user_information_box.pack_start(sw_frame, True, True)
+ user_information_box.pack_start(button_box, False, False)
- user_information_align = gtk.Alignment(0,0,1,1)
- user_information_align.set_padding(0,0,11,0)
+ user_information_align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ user_information_align.set_padding(0, 0, 11, 0)
user_information_frame = gtk.Frame()
@@ -365,33 +455,39 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
- side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is your opportunity to describe what you were "\
- "doing when the error occured."))
+ side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is your opportunity to describe what "
+ "you were doing when the error occured."))
side_label.set_size_request(124, -1)
box = gtk.HBox()
- box.pack_start(side_label,False,False,5)
+ box.pack_start(side_label, False, False, 5)
- box.show_all()
- return box
+ page = box
+ page.show_all()
+ self.append_page(page)
+ self.set_page_header_image(page, self.logo)
+ self.set_page_title(page, _("Report a bug: Step 3 of 5"))
+ self.set_page_type(page, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT)
def build_page4(self):
- label = gtk.Label(_("Please check that the information is correct, do not worry if you "\
- "don't understand the detail of the error information. Just make sure "\
- "that it does not contain anything that you do not want to be sent "\
- "to the developers."))
- label.set_alignment(0.01,0.5)
+ """
+ Build the bug report summary page.
+ """
+ label = gtk.Label(_("Please check that the information is correct, "
+ "do not worry if you don't understand the detail "
+ "of the error information. Just make sure that it "
+ "does not contain anything that you do not want "
+ "to be sent to the developers."))
+ label.set_alignment(0.01, 0.5)
label.set_padding(0, 4)
- sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ swin = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
+ swin.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
textview = gtk.TextView()
@@ -399,19 +495,17 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
self._final_report_text_buffer = textview.get_buffer()
- sw.add(textview)
- sw.show()
- textview.show()
+ swin.add(textview)
sw_frame = gtk.Frame()
- sw_frame.add(sw)
+ sw_frame.add(swin)
summary_box = gtk.VBox()
- summary_box.pack_start(label,False,False)
- summary_box.pack_start(sw_frame,True,True)
+ summary_box.pack_start(label, False, False)
+ summary_box.pack_start(sw_frame, True, True)
- summary_align = gtk.Alignment(0,0,1,1)
- summary_align.set_padding(0,0,11,0)
+ summary_align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ summary_align.set_padding(0, 0, 11, 0)
summary_frame = gtk.Frame()
@@ -421,98 +515,86 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
-# side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the completed bug report. The next page "\
-# "of the assistant will help you to send the report "\
-# "to the bug report mailing list."))
- side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the completed bug report. The next page "\
- "of the assistant will help you to file a bug "\
- " on the Gramps bug tracking system website."))
+ side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the completed bug report. The next "
+ "page of the assistant will help you to file "
+ "a bug on the Gramps bug tracking system "
+ "website."))
side_label.set_size_request(124, -1)
box = gtk.HBox()
- box.pack_start(side_label,False,False,5)
+ box.pack_start(side_label, False, False, 5)
- box.show_all()
- return box
+ page = box
+ page.show_all()
+ self.append_page(page)
+ self.set_page_header_image(page, self.logo)
+ self.set_page_title(page, _("Report a bug: Step 4 of 5"))
+ self.set_page_type(page, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT)
def build_page5(self):
-# label = gtk.Label(
-# "%s %s" %
-# (_("Use one of the two methods below to send the "\
-# "bug report to the GRAMPS bug reporting mailing "\
-# "list at "),
-# "gramps-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net."))
+ """
+ Build the send bug report page.
+ """
label = gtk.Label(
"%s %s" %
(_("Use the two buttons below to first copy the bug report to the "
"clipboard and then open a webbrowser to file a bug report at "),
- label.set_alignment(0.01,0.5)
+ label.set_alignment(0.01, 0.5)
label.set_padding(0, 4)
-# url_label = gtk.Label(_("If your email client is configured correctly you may be able "\
-# "to use this button to start it with the bug report ready to send. "\
-# "(This will probably only work if you are running Gnome)"))
url_label = gtk.Label(_("Use this button to start a web browser and "
"file a bug report on the Gramps bug tracking "
- url_label.set_alignment(0.01,0.5)
+ url_label.set_alignment(0.01, 0.5)
url_label.set_padding(0, 4)
url_button = gtk.Button("File bug report")
-# url_button = gtk.Button("Start email client")
-# url_button.connect('clicked', self._start_email_client)
url_button.connect('clicked', self._start_gramps_bts_in_browser)
url_button_vbox = gtk.VBox()
- url_button_vbox.pack_start(url_button,True,False)
+ url_button_vbox.pack_start(url_button, True, False)
url_box = gtk.HBox()
- url_box.pack_start(url_label,True,True)
- url_box.pack_start(url_button_vbox,False,False)
+ url_box.pack_start(url_label, True, True)
+ url_box.pack_start(url_button_vbox, False, False)
- url_align = gtk.Alignment(0,0,1,1)
- url_align.set_padding(0,0,11,0)
+ url_align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ url_align.set_padding(0, 0, 11, 0)
url_frame = gtk.Frame()
-# clip_label = gtk.Label(_("If your email program fails to start you can use this button "
-# "to copy the bug report onto the clipboard. Then start your "
-# "email client, paste the report and send it to the address "
-# "above."))
clip_label = gtk.Label(_("Use this button "
"to copy the bug report onto the clipboard. "
"Then go to the bug tracking website by using "
"the button below, paste the report and click "
"submit report"))
- clip_label.set_alignment(0.01,0.5)
+ clip_label.set_alignment(0.01, 0.5)
clip_label.set_padding(0, 4)
clip_button = gtk.Button("Copy to clipboard")
clip_button.connect('clicked', self._copy_to_clipboard)
clip_button_vbox = gtk.VBox()
- clip_button_vbox.pack_start(clip_button,True,False)
+ clip_button_vbox.pack_start(clip_button, True, False)
clip_box = gtk.HBox()
- clip_box.pack_start(clip_label,True,True)
- clip_box.pack_start(clip_button_vbox,False,False)
+ clip_box.pack_start(clip_label, True, True)
+ clip_box.pack_start(clip_button_vbox, False, False)
- clip_align = gtk.Alignment(0,0,1,1)
- clip_align.set_padding(0,0,11,0)
+ clip_align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ clip_align.set_padding(0, 0, 11, 0)
clip_frame = gtk.Frame()
@@ -520,14 +602,12 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
inner_box = gtk.VBox()
- inner_box.pack_start(label,False,False)
-# inner_box.pack_start(url_frame,False,False)
-# inner_box.pack_start(clip_frame,False,False)
- inner_box.pack_start(clip_frame,False,False)
- inner_box.pack_start(url_frame,False,False)
+ inner_box.pack_start(label, False, False)
+ inner_box.pack_start(clip_frame, False, False)
+ inner_box.pack_start(url_frame, False, False)
- inner_align = gtk.Alignment(0,0,1,1)
- inner_align.set_padding(0,0,11,0)
+ inner_align = gtk.Alignment(0, 0, 1, 1)
+ inner_align.set_padding(0, 0, 11, 0)
outer_frame = gtk.Frame()
@@ -537,28 +617,58 @@ class ErrorReportAssistant(object):
-# side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the final step. Use the buttons on this "
-# "page to transfer the bug report to your email client."))
- side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the final step. Use the buttons on this "
- "page to start a web browser and file a bug "
- "report on the Gramps bug tracking system."))
+ side_label = gtk.Label(_("This is the final step. Use the buttons on "
+ "this page to start a web browser and file a "
+ "bug report on the Gramps bug tracking "
+ "system."))
side_label.set_size_request(124, -1)
box = gtk.HBox()
- box.pack_start(side_label,False,False,5)
+ box.pack_start(side_label, False, False, 5)
- box.show_all()
- return box
+ page = box
+ page.show_all()
+ self.append_page(page)
+ self.set_page_header_image(page, self.logo)
+ self.set_page_title(page, _("Report a bug: Step 5 of 5"))
+ self.set_page_type(page, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT)
+ def create_page_summary(self):
+ """
+ Create the summary page.
+ """
+ text = _('Gramps is an Open Source project. Its success '
+ 'depends on its users. User feedback is important. '
+ 'Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report.')
+ label = gtk.Label(text)
+ label.set_line_wrap(True)
+ # Using set_page_side_image causes window sizing problems, so put the
+ # image in the main page instead.
+ image = gtk.Image()
+ image.set_from_file(SPLASH_JPG)
+ hbox = gtk.HBox()
+ hbox.pack_start(image, False, False, 0)
+ hbox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)
+ page = hbox
+ page.show_all()
+ self.append_page(page)
+ self.set_page_header_image(page, self.logo)
+ #self.set_page_side_image(page, self.splash)
+ self.set_page_title(page, _('Complete'))
+ self.set_page_type(page, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_SUMMARY)
def page4_update(self):
+ """
+ Update the contents of page 4 with any changes made.
+ """
"User Information: \n" +
"===================\n\n" +
diff --git a/src/plugins/tool/MediaManager.py b/src/plugins/tool/MediaManager.py
index 95fc1d6b5..1162cbf01 100644
--- a/src/plugins/tool/MediaManager.py
+++ b/src/plugins/tool/MediaManager.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
# Copyright (C) 2008 B. Malengier
# Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly
# Copyright (C) 2010 Jakim Friant
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Nick Hall
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -50,8 +51,6 @@ import gobject
import const
import GrampsDisplay
-import Assistant
-import Errors
from gen.lib import MediaObject
from gen.db import DbTxn
from gen.updatecallback import UpdateCallback
@@ -67,6 +66,8 @@ import gen.mime
WIKI_HELP_PAGE = '%s_-_Tools' % const.URL_MANUAL_PAGE
WIKI_HELP_SEC = _('manual|Media_Manager...')
+GRAMPS_PNG = os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, "gramps.png")
+SPLASH_JPG = os.path.join(const.IMAGE_DIR, "splash.jpg")
@@ -81,40 +82,145 @@ class MediaMan(tool.Tool):
self.uistate = uistate
self.callback = uistate.pulse_progressbar
+ self.batch_ops = []
- self.batch_settings = None
- self.settings_page = None
- try:
- self.w = Assistant.Assistant(uistate,self.__class__,self.complete,
- _("Media Manager"))
- except Errors.WindowActiveError:
- return
+ self.assistant = gtk.Assistant()
+ self.logo = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(GRAMPS_PNG)
+ self.splash = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(SPLASH_JPG)
- self.welcome_page = self.w.add_text_page(_('Gramps Media Manager'),
- self.get_info_text())
- self.selection_page = self.w.add_page(_('Selecting operation'),
- self.build_selection_page())
- self.confirm_page = self.w.add_text_page('','')
- self.conclusion_page = self.w.add_text_page('','')
+ self.assistant.set_title(_('Gramps Media Manager'))
+ self.assistant.connect('close', self.close)
+ self.assistant.connect('cancel', self.close)
+ self.assistant.connect('apply', self.run)
+ self.assistant.connect('prepare', self.prepare)
+ self.assistant.set_forward_page_func(self.forward_page)
- self.w.connect('before-page-next',self.on_before_page_next)
+ intro = IntroductionPage()
+ self.add_page(intro, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_INTRO, _('Introduction'))
+ self.selection = SelectionPage(self.batch_ops)
+ self.add_page(self.selection, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT,
+ _('Selection'))
+ self.settings = SettingsPage(self.batch_ops, self.assistant)
+ self.add_page(self.settings, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT)
+ self.confirmation = ConfirmationPage(self.batch_ops)
+ self.add_page(self.confirmation, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONFIRM,
+ _('Final confirmation'))
+ self.conclusion = ConclusionPage(self.assistant)
+ self.add_page(self.conclusion, gtk.ASSISTANT_PAGE_SUMMARY)
+ self.assistant.show()
- self.w.show()
+ def close(self, assistant):
+ """
+ Close the assistant.
+ """
+ self.assistant.hide()
- def complete(self):
- pass
+ def forward_page(self, page):
+ """
+ Specify the next page to be displayed.
+ """
+ if page == 1: # selection page
+ index = self.selection.get_index()
+ if self.settings.prepare(index):
+ return page + 1
+ else:
+ return page + 2
+ else:
+ return page + 1
- def on_before_page_next(self, obj,page,data=None):
- if page == self.selection_page:
- self.build_settings_page()
- elif page == self.settings_page:
- self.build_confirmation()
- elif page == self.confirm_page:
- success = self.run()
- self.build_conclusion(success)
+ def prepare(self, assistant, page):
+ """
+ Run page preparation code.
+ """
+ if self.assistant.get_current_page() == 3:
+ index = self.selection.get_index()
+ self.confirmation.prepare(index)
+ self.assistant.set_page_complete(page, True)
- def get_info_text(self):
+ def add_page(self, page, page_type, title=''):
+ """
+ Add a page to the assistant.
+ """
+ page.show_all()
+ self.assistant.append_page(page)
+ self.assistant.set_page_header_image(page, self.logo)
+ self.assistant.set_page_title(page, title)
+ self.assistant.set_page_type(page, page_type)
+ def on_help_clicked(self, obj):
+ """
+ Display the relevant portion of Gramps manual.
+ """
+ GrampsDisplay.help(webpage=WIKI_HELP_PAGE, section=WIKI_HELP_SEC)
+ def build_batch_ops(self):
+ """
+ Define the batch operations available.
+ """
+ batches_to_use = [
+ PathChange,
+ Convert2Abs,
+ Convert2Rel,
+ ImagesNotIncluded,
+ ]
+ for batch_class in batches_to_use:
+ self.batch_ops.append(batch_class(self.db, self.callback))
+ def run(self, assistant):
+ """
+ Run selected batch op with selected settings.
+ """
+ index = self.selection.get_index()
+ self.pre_run()
+ success = self.batch_ops[index].run_tool()
+ self.conclusion.set_result(success)
+ self.post_run()
+ def pre_run(self):
+ """
+ Code to run prior to the batch op.
+ """
+ self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1)
+ self.uistate.progress.show()
+ def post_run(self):
+ """
+ Code to run after to the batch op.
+ """
+ self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0)
+ self.uistate.progress.hide()
+# Assistant pages
+class IntroductionPage(gtk.HBox):
+ """
+ A page containing introductory text.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ gtk.HBox.__init__(self)
+ # Using set_page_side_image causes window sizing problems, so put the
+ # image in the main page instead.
+ image = gtk.Image()
+ image.set_from_file(SPLASH_JPG)
+ label = gtk.Label(self.__get_intro_text())
+ label.set_line_wrap(True)
+ label.set_use_markup(True)
+ self.pack_start(image, False, False, 0)
+ self.pack_start(label, True, True, 0)
+ def __get_intro_text(self):
+ """
+ Return the introductory text.
+ """
return _("This tool allows batch operations on media objects "
"stored in Gramps. "
"An important distinction must be made between a Gramps "
@@ -134,181 +240,154 @@ class MediaMan(tool.Tool):
"Gramps. Then you can adjust the paths using this tool so "
"that the media objects store the correct file locations.")
- def build_selection_page(self):
- """
- Build a page with the radio buttons for every available batch op.
- """
+class SelectionPage(gtk.VBox):
+ """
+ A page with the radio buttons for every available batch op.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, batch_ops):
+ gtk.VBox.__init__(self)
self.batch_op_buttons = []
- box = gtk.VBox()
- box.set_spacing(12)
+ self.set_spacing(12)
- table = gtk.Table(2*len(self.batch_ops),2)
+ table = gtk.Table(2 * len(batch_ops), 2)
group = None
- for ix in range(len(self.batch_ops)):
- title = self.batch_ops[ix].title
- description= self.batch_ops[ix].description
+ for index in range(len(batch_ops)):
+ title = batch_ops[index].title
+ description = batch_ops[index].description
- button = gtk.RadioButton(group,title)
+ button = gtk.RadioButton(group, title)
if not group:
group = button
- table.attach(button,0,2,2*ix,2*ix+1,yoptions=0)
+ table.attach(button, 0, 2, 2 * index, 2 * index + 1, yoptions=0)
- box.add(table)
- return box
+ self.add(table)
- def on_help_clicked(self, obj):
- """Display the relevant portion of GRAMPS manual"""
- GrampsDisplay.help(webpage=WIKI_HELP_PAGE, section=WIKI_HELP_SEC)
- def build_batch_ops(self):
- self.batch_ops = []
- batches_to_use = [
- PathChange,
- Convert2Abs,
- Convert2Rel,
- ImagesNotIncluded,
- ]
- for batch_class in batches_to_use:
- self.batch_ops.append(batch_class(self.db,self.callback))
- def get_selected_op_index(self):
+ def get_index(self):
Query the selection radiobuttons and return the index number
of the selected batch op.
- for ix in range(len(self.batch_op_buttons)):
- button = self.batch_op_buttons[ix]
+ for index in range(len(self.batch_op_buttons)):
+ button = self.batch_op_buttons[index]
if button.get_active():
- return ix
+ return index
return 0
- def build_settings_page(self):
- """
- Build an extra page with the settings specific for the chosen batch-op.
- If there's already an entry for this batch-op then do nothing,
- otherwise add a page.
- If the chosen batch-op does not have settings then remove the
- settings page that is already there (from previous user passes
- through the assistant).
+class SettingsPage(gtk.VBox):
+ """
+ An extra page with the settings specific for the chosen batch-op.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, batch_ops, assistant):
+ gtk.VBox.__init__(self)
+ self.assistant = assistant
+ self.batch_ops = batch_ops
+ def prepare(self, index):
- ix = self.get_selected_op_index()
- config = self.batch_ops[ix].build_config()
+ Build the settings for the batch op.
+ """
+ config = self.batch_ops[index].build_config()
if config:
- if ix == self.batch_settings:
- return
- elif self.batch_settings:
- self.w.remove_page(self.settings_page)
- self.settings_page = None
- self.confirm_page -= 1
- self.conclusion_page -= 1
- self.batch_settings = None
- self.build_confirmation()
- title,box = config
- self.settings_page = self.w.insert_page(title,box,
- self.selection_page+1)
- self.confirm_page += 1
- self.conclusion_page += 1
- self.batch_settings = ix
- box.show_all()
+ title, contents = config
+ self.assistant.set_page_title(self, title)
+ map(self.remove, self.get_children())
+ self.pack_start(contents)
+ self.show_all()
+ return True
- if self.batch_settings is not None:
- self.w.remove_page(self.settings_page)
- self.settings_page = None
- self.confirm_page -= 1
- self.conclusion_page -= 1
- self.batch_settings = None
- self.build_confirmation()
+ return False
- def build_confirmation(self):
- """
- Build the confirmation page.
+class ConfirmationPage(gtk.VBox):
+ """
+ A page to display the summary of the proposed action, as well as the
+ list of affected paths.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, batch_ops):
+ gtk.VBox.__init__(self)
- This should query the selected settings and present the summary
- of the proposed action, as well as the list of affected paths.
- """
+ self.batch_ops = batch_ops
- ix = self.get_selected_op_index()
- confirm_text = self.batch_ops[ix].build_confirm_text()
- path_list = self.batch_ops[ix].build_path_list()
+ self.set_spacing(12)
+ self.set_border_width(12)
- box = gtk.VBox()
- box.set_spacing(12)
- box.set_border_width(12)
- label1 = gtk.Label(confirm_text)
- label1.set_line_wrap(True)
- label1.set_use_markup(True)
- label1.set_alignment(0,0.5)
- box.pack_start(label1,expand=False)
+ self.confirm = gtk.Label()
+ self.confirm.set_line_wrap(True)
+ self.confirm.set_use_markup(True)
+ self.confirm.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
+ self.pack_start(self.confirm, expand=False)
scrolled_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
- scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC,gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
+ scrolled_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
tree = gtk.TreeView()
- model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING)
- tree.set_model(model)
+ self.path_model = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING)
+ tree.set_model(self.path_model)
tree_view_column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Affected path'),
- gtk.CellRendererText(),text=0)
+ gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0)
- for path in path_list:
- model.append(row=[path])
- box.pack_start(scrolled_window,expand=True,fill=True)
+ self.pack_start(scrolled_window, expand=True, fill=True)
- label3 = gtk.Label(_('Press OK to proceed, Cancel to abort, '
+ label3 = gtk.Label(_('Press Apply to proceed, Cancel to abort, '
'or Back to revisit your options.'))
- box.pack_start(label3,expand=False)
- box.show_all()
+ self.pack_start(label3, expand=False)
- self.w.remove_page(self.confirm_page)
- self.confirm_page = self.w.insert_page(_('Final confirmation'),
- box,self.confirm_page)
+ def prepare(self, index):
+ """
+ Display a list of changes to be made.
+ """
+ confirm_text = self.batch_ops[index].build_confirm_text()
+ path_list = self.batch_ops[index].build_path_list()
- def run(self):
- """
- Run selected batch op with selected settings.
- """
- ix = self.get_selected_op_index()
- self.pre_run()
- success = self.batch_ops[ix].run_tool()
- self.post_run()
- return success
+ self.confirm.set_text(confirm_text)
+ self.path_model.clear()
+ for path in path_list:
+ self.path_model.append(row=[path])
+class ConclusionPage(gtk.HBox):
+ """
+ A page to display the summary of the proposed action, as well as the
+ list of affected paths.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, assistant):
+ gtk.HBox.__init__(self)
+ self.assistant = assistant
+ # Using set_page_side_image causes window sizing problems, so put the
+ # image in the main page instead.
+ image = gtk.Image()
+ image.set_from_file(SPLASH_JPG)
+ self.label = gtk.Label()
+ self.label.set_line_wrap(True)
+ self.pack_start(image, False, False, 0)
+ self.pack_start(self.label, True, True, 0)
- def pre_run(self):
- self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1)
- self.w.set_busy_cursor(1)
- self.uistate.progress.show()
- def post_run(self):
- self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0)
- self.w.set_busy_cursor(0)
- self.uistate.progress.hide()
- def build_conclusion(self,success):
+ def set_result(self, success):
if success:
- conclusion_title = _('Operation successfully finished.')
+ conclusion_title = _('Operation successfully finished')
conclusion_text = _(
'The operation you requested has finished successfully. '
- 'You may press OK button now to continue.')
+ 'You may press Close now to continue.')
- conclusion_title = _('Operation failed'),
+ conclusion_title = _('Operation failed')
conclusion_text = _(
'There was an error while performing the requested '
'operation. You may try starting the tool again.')
- self.w.remove_page(self.conclusion_page)
- self.conclusion_page = self.w.insert_text_page(conclusion_title,
- conclusion_text,
- self.conclusion_page)
+ self.label.set_text(conclusion_text)
+ self.assistant.set_page_title(self, conclusion_title)
@@ -322,8 +401,8 @@ class BatchOp(UpdateCallback):
title = 'Untitled operation'
description = 'This operation needs to be described'
- def __init__(self,db,callback):
- UpdateCallback.__init__(self,callback)
+ def __init__(self, db, callback):
+ UpdateCallback.__init__(self, callback)
self.db = db
self.prepared = False
@@ -392,7 +471,6 @@ class BatchOp(UpdateCallback):
def _prepare(self):
print "This method needs to be written."
print "Preparing BatchOp tool... done."
- pass
# Simple op to replace substrings in the paths
@@ -410,39 +488,43 @@ class PathChange(BatchOp):
box = gtk.VBox()
- table = gtk.Table(2,2)
+ table = gtk.Table(2, 2)
self.from_entry = gtk.Entry()
- table.attach(self.from_entry,1,2,0,1,yoptions=0)
+ table.attach(self.from_entry, 1, 2, 0, 1, yoptions=0)
from_label = gtk.Label(_('_Replace:'))
- from_label.set_alignment(0,0.5)
+ from_label.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
- table.attach(from_label,0,1,0,1,xoptions=0,yoptions=0)
+ table.attach(from_label, 0, 1, 0, 1, xoptions=0, yoptions=0)
self.to_entry = gtk.Entry()
- table.attach(self.to_entry,1,2,1,2,yoptions=0)
+ table.attach(self.to_entry, 1, 2, 1, 2, yoptions=0)
to_label = gtk.Label(_('_With:'))
- to_label.set_alignment(0,0.5)
+ to_label.set_alignment(0, 0.5)
- table.attach(to_label,0,1,1,2,xoptions=0,yoptions=0)
+ table.attach(to_label, 0, 1, 1, 2, xoptions=0, yoptions=0)
- return (title,box)
+ return (title, box)
def build_confirm_text(self):
from_text = unicode(self.from_entry.get_text())
to_text = unicode(self.to_entry.get_text())
text = _(
'The following action is to be performed:\n\n'
- 'Operation:\t%(title)s\nReplace:\t\t%(src_fname)s\nWith:\t\t%(dest_fname)s') % {
- 'title' : self.title.replace('_',''), 'src_fname' : from_text, 'dest_fname' : to_text }
+ 'Operation:\t%(title)s\n'
+ 'Replace:\t\t%(src_fname)s\n'
+ 'With:\t\t%(dest_fname)s') % {
+ 'title' : self.title.replace('_',''),
+ 'src_fname' : from_text,
+ 'dest_fname' : to_text }
return text
def _prepare(self):
@@ -467,9 +549,9 @@ class PathChange(BatchOp):
to_text = unicode(self.to_entry.get_text())
for handle in self.handle_list:
obj = self.db.get_object_from_handle(handle)
- new_path = obj.get_path().replace(from_text,to_text)
+ new_path = obj.get_path().replace(from_text, to_text)
- self.db.commit_media_object(obj,self.trans)
+ self.db.commit_media_object(obj, self.trans)
return True
@@ -503,7 +585,7 @@ class Convert2Abs(BatchOp):
obj = self.db.get_object_from_handle(handle)
new_path = media_path_full(self.db, obj.path)
- self.db.commit_media_object(obj,self.trans)
+ self.db.commit_media_object(obj, self.trans)
return True
@@ -540,7 +622,7 @@ class Convert2Rel(BatchOp):
obj = self.db.get_object_from_handle(handle)
new_path = relative_path(obj.path, base_dir)
- self.db.commit_media_object(obj,self.trans)
+ self.db.commit_media_object(obj, self.trans)
return True
@@ -620,5 +702,5 @@ class MediaManOptions(tool.ToolOptions):
Defines options and provides handling interface.
- def __init__(self, name,person_id=None):
- tool.ToolOptions.__init__(self, name,person_id)
+ def __init__(self, name, person_id=None):
+ tool.ToolOptions.__init__(self, name, person_id)