diff --git a/po/POTFILES.in b/po/POTFILES.in
index 22f5a4e5c..48f62e5d0 100644
--- a/po/POTFILES.in
+++ b/po/POTFILES.in
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ src/ImgManip.py
@@ -439,6 +438,7 @@ src/plugins/import/ImportXml.py
# plugins/lib directory
diff --git a/src/PageView.py b/src/PageView.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b3bcddae6..000000000
--- a/src/PageView.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1215 +0,0 @@
-# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Donald N. Allingham
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-# $Id:PageView.py 9912 2008-01-22 09:17:46Z acraphae $
-Provide the base classes for GRAMPS' DataView classes
-# python modules
-import cPickle as pickle
-import time
-import logging
-_LOG = logging.getLogger('.pageview')
-# gtk
-import gtk
-import pango
-import config
-import TreeTips
-import Bookmarks
-import Errors
-from Filters import SearchBar
-import Utils
-from gui.utils import add_menuitem
-from gui.dbguielement import DbGUIElement
-import const
-from widgets.menutoolbuttonaction import MenuToolButtonAction
-from TransUtils import sgettext as _
-from QuestionDialog import QuestionDialog, QuestionDialog2
-# PageView
-class PageView(DbGUIElement):
- """
- The PageView class is the base class for all Data Views in GRAMPS. All
- Views should derive from this class. The ViewManager understands the public
- interface of this class
- """
- def __init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate):
- self.title = title
- self.dbstate = dbstate
- self.uistate = uistate
- self.action_list = []
- self.action_toggle_list = []
- self.action_toolmenu_list = []
- self.action_toolmenu = {} #easy access to toolmenuaction and proxies
- self.action_group = None
- self.additional_action_groups = []
- self.additional_uis = []
- self.widget = None
- self.model = None
- self.ui_def = ''
- self.dbstate.connect('no-database', self.disable_action_group)
- self.dbstate.connect('database-changed', self.enable_action_group)
- self.dirty = True
- self.active = False
- self.handle_col = 0
- self.selection = None
- self.func_list = {}
- DbGUIElement.__init__(self, dbstate.db)
- def call_function(self, key):
- """
- Calls the function associated with the key value
- """
- self.func_list.get(key)()
- def post(self):
- pass
- def set_active(self):
- """
- Called with the PageView is set as active. If the page is "dirty",
- then we rebuild the data.
- """
- self.active = True
- if self.dirty:
- self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(True)
- self.build_tree()
- self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(False)
- def set_inactive(self):
- """
- Marks page as being active (currently displayed)
- """
- self.active = False
- def build_tree(self):
- """
- Rebuilds the current display. This must be overridden by the derived
- class.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def navigation_type(self):
- """
- Indictates the navigation type. Currently, we only support navigation
- for views that are Person centric.
- """
- def ui_definition(self):
- """
- returns the XML UI definition for the UIManager
- """
- return self.ui_def
- def additional_ui_definitions(self):
- """
- Return any additional interfaces for the UIManager that the view
- needs to define.
- """
- return self.additional_uis
- def disable_action_group(self):
- """
- Turns off the visibility of the View's action group, if defined
- """
- if self.action_group:
- self.action_group.set_visible(False)
- def enable_action_group(self, obj):
- """
- Turns on the visibility of the View's action group, if defined
- """
- if self.action_group:
- self.action_group.set_visible(True)
- def get_stock(self):
- """
- Return image associated with the view, which is used for the
- icon for the button.
- """
- def get_title(self):
- """
- Return the title of the view. This is used to define the text for the
- button, and for the tab label.
- """
- return self.title
- def get_display(self):
- """
- Builds the graphical display, returning the top level widget.
- """
- if not self.widget:
- self.widget = self.build_widget()
- return self.widget
- def build_widget(self):
- """
- Builds the container widget for the interface. Must be overridden by the
- the base class. Returns a gtk container widget.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def define_actions(self):
- """
- Defines the UIManager actions. Called by the ViewManager to set up the
- View. The user typically defines self.action_list and
- self.action_toggle_list in this function.
- Derived classes must override this function.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def __build_action_group(self):
- """
- Create an UIManager ActionGroup from the values in self.action_list
- and self.action_toggle_list. The user should define these in
- self.define_actions
- """
- self.action_group = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title)
- if len(self.action_list) > 0:
- self.action_group.add_actions(self.action_list)
- if len(self.action_toggle_list) > 0:
- self.action_group.add_toggle_actions(self.action_toggle_list)
- for action_toolmenu in self.action_toolmenu_list:
- self.action_toolmenu[action_toolmenu[0]] = \
- MenuToolButtonAction(action_toolmenu[0], #unique name
- action_toolmenu[1], #label
- action_toolmenu[2], #tooltip
- action_toolmenu[3], #callback
- action_toolmenu[4] #arrow tooltip
- )
- self.action_group.add_action(
- self.action_toolmenu[action_toolmenu[0]])
- def _add_action(self, name, stock_icon, label, accel=None, tip=None,
- callback=None):
- """
- Add an action to the action list for the current view.
- """
- self.action_list.append((name, stock_icon, label, accel, tip,
- callback))
- def _add_toggle_action(self, name, stock_icon, label, accel=None,
- tip=None, callback=None, value=False):
- """
- Add a toggle action to the action list for the current view.
- """
- self.action_toggle_list.append((name, stock_icon, label, accel,
- tip, callback, value))
- def _add_toolmenu_action(self, name, label, tooltip, callback,
- arrowtooltip):
- self.action_toolmenu_list.append((name, label, tooltip, callback,
- arrowtooltip))
- def get_actions(self):
- """
- Return the actions that should be used for the view. This includes the
- standard action group (which handles the main toolbar), along with
- additional action groups.
- If the action group is not defined, we build it the first time. This
- allows us to delay the intialization until it is really needed.
- The ViewManager uses this function to extract the actions to install
- into the UIManager.
- """
- if not self.action_group:
- self.__build_action_group()
- return [self.action_group] + self.additional_action_groups
- def _add_action_group(self, group):
- """
- Allows additional action groups to be added to the view.
- """
- self.additional_action_groups.append(group)
- def change_page(self):
- """
- Called when the page changes.
- """
- self.uistate.clear_filter_results()
- def edit(self, obj):
- """
- Template function to allow the editing of the selected object
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def remove(self, handle):
- """
- Template function to allow the removal of an object by its handle
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def remove_selected_objects(self):
- """
- Function to remove selected objects
- """
- prompt = True
- if len(self.selected_handles()) > 1:
- q = QuestionDialog2(
- _("Remove selected items?"),
- _("More than one item has been selected for deletion. "
- "Ask before deleting each one?"),
- _("Yes"),
- _("No"))
- prompt = q.run()
- if not prompt:
- self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1)
- for handle in self.selected_handles():
- (query, is_used, object) = self.remove_object_from_handle(handle)
- if prompt:
- if is_used:
- msg = _('This item is currently being used. '
- 'Deleting it will remove it from the database and '
- 'from all other items that reference it.')
- else:
- msg = _('Deleting item will remove it from the database.')
- msg = "%s %s" % (msg, Utils.data_recover_msg)
- #descr = object.get_description()
- #if descr == "":
- descr = object.get_gramps_id()
- self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(1)
- QuestionDialog(_('Delete %s?') % descr, msg,
- _('_Delete Item'), query.query_response)
- self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0)
- else:
- query.query_response()
- if not prompt:
- self.uistate.set_busy_cursor(0)
- def remove_object_from_handle(self, handle):
- """
- Template function to allow the removal of an object by its handle
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def add(self, obj):
- """
- Template function to allow the adding of a new object
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def _key_press(self, obj, event):
- #act if no modifier, and allow Num Lock as MOD2_MASK
- if not event.state or event.state in (gtk.gdk.MOD2_MASK, ):
- if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Return, gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter):
- self.edit(obj)
- return True
- return False
- def blist(self, store, path, node, sel_list):
- handle = store.get_value(node, self.handle_col)
- sel_list.append(handle)
- def selected_handles(self):
- mlist = []
- self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist)
- return mlist
- def first_selected(self):
- mlist = []
- self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist)
- if mlist:
- return mlist[0]
- else:
- return None
- def on_delete(self):
- """
- Method called on shutdown. Data views should put code here
- that should be called when quiting the main application.
- """
- pass
-class BookMarkView(PageView):
- def __init__(self, title, state, uistate, bookmarks, bm_type):
- PageView.__init__(self, title, state, uistate)
- self.bm_type = bm_type
- self.setup_bookmarks(bookmarks)
- def goto_handle(self, obj):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def setup_bookmarks(self, bookmarks):
- self.bookmarks = self.bm_type(
- self.dbstate, self.uistate, bookmarks, self.goto_handle)
- def add_bookmark(self, obj):
- from BasicUtils import name_displayer
- if self.dbstate.active:
- self.bookmarks.add(self.dbstate.active.get_handle())
- name = name_displayer.display(self.dbstate.active)
- self.uistate.push_message(self.dbstate,
- _("%s has been bookmarked") % name)
- else:
- from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog
- WarningDialog(
- _("Could Not Set a Bookmark"),
- _("A bookmark could not be set because "
- "no one was selected."))
- def set_active(self):
- PageView.set_active(self)
- self.bookmarks.display()
- def set_inactive(self):
- PageView.set_inactive(self)
- self.bookmarks.undisplay()
- def edit_bookmarks(self, obj):
- self.bookmarks.edit()
- def enable_action_group(self, obj):
- PageView.enable_action_group(self, obj)
- def disable_action_group(self):
- PageView.disable_action_group(self)
- def define_actions(self):
- self.book_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Bookmark')
- self.book_action.add_actions([
- ('AddBook', 'gramps-bookmark-new', _('_Add Bookmark'),
- 'd', None, self.add_bookmark),
- ('EditBook', 'gramps-bookmark-edit',
- _("%(title)s...") % {'title': _("Organize Bookmarks")},
- 'b', None,
- self.edit_bookmarks),
- ])
- self._add_action_group(self.book_action)
-# PersonNavView
-class PersonNavView(BookMarkView):
- def __init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate, callback=None):
- BookMarkView.__init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate,
- dbstate.db.get_bookmarks(),
- Bookmarks.Bookmarks)
- def navigation_type(self):
- def define_actions(self):
- # add the Forward action group to handle the Forward button
- BookMarkView.define_actions(self)
- self.fwd_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Forward')
- self.fwd_action.add_actions([
- ('Forward', gtk.STOCK_GO_FORWARD, _("_Forward"),
- "Right", _("Go to the next person in the history"),
- self.fwd_clicked)
- ])
- # add the Backward action group to handle the Forward button
- self.back_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/Backward')
- self.back_action.add_actions([
- ('Back', gtk.STOCK_GO_BACK, _("_Back"),
- "Left", _("Go to the previous person in the history"),
- self.back_clicked)
- ])
- self._add_action('HomePerson', gtk.STOCK_HOME, _("_Home"),
- accel="Home",
- tip=_("Go to the default person"), callback=self.home)
- self._add_action('FilterEdit', None, _('Person Filter Editor'),
- callback=self.filter_editor)
- self.other_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/PersonOther')
- self.other_action.add_actions([
- ('SetActive', gtk.STOCK_HOME, _("Set _Home Person"), None,
- None, self.set_default_person),
- ])
- self._add_action_group(self.back_action)
- self._add_action_group(self.fwd_action)
- self._add_action_group(self.other_action)
- def disable_action_group(self):
- """
- Normally, this would not be overridden from the base class. However,
- in this case, we have additional action groups that need to be
- handled correctly.
- """
- BookMarkView.disable_action_group(self)
- self.fwd_action.set_visible(False)
- self.back_action.set_visible(False)
- def enable_action_group(self, obj):
- """
- Normally, this would not be overridden from the base class. However,
- in this case, we have additional action groups that need to be
- handled correctly.
- """
- BookMarkView.enable_action_group(self, obj)
- self.fwd_action.set_visible(True)
- self.back_action.set_visible(True)
- hobj = self.uistate.phistory
- self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end())
- self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front())
- def set_default_person(self, obj):
- active = self.dbstate.active
- if active:
- self.dbstate.db.set_default_person_handle(active.get_handle())
- def home(self, obj):
- defperson = self.dbstate.db.get_default_person()
- if defperson:
- self.dbstate.change_active_person(defperson)
- def jump(self):
- dialog = gtk.Dialog(_('Jump to by GRAMPS ID'), None,
- dialog.set_border_width(12)
- label = gtk.Label('%s' %
- _('Jump to by GRAMPS ID'))
- label.set_use_markup(True)
- dialog.vbox.add(label)
- dialog.vbox.set_spacing(10)
- dialog.vbox.set_border_width(12)
- hbox = gtk.HBox()
- hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label("%s: " % _('ID')), False)
- text = gtk.Entry()
- text.set_activates_default(True)
- hbox.pack_start(text, False)
- dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, False)
- dialog.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,
- dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
- dialog.vbox.show_all()
- if dialog.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- gid = text.get_text()
- person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid)
- if person:
- self.dbstate.change_active_person(person)
- else:
- self.uistate.push_message(
- self.dbstate,
- _("Error: %s is not a valid GRAMPS ID") % gid)
- dialog.destroy()
- def filter_editor(self, obj):
- from FilterEditor import FilterEditor
- try:
- FilterEditor('Person', const.CUSTOM_FILTERS,
- self.dbstate, self.uistate)
- except Errors.WindowActiveError:
- return
- def fwd_clicked(self, obj, step=1):
- hobj = self.uistate.phistory
- hobj.lock = True
- if not hobj.at_end():
- try:
- handle = hobj.forward()
- self.dbstate.change_active_handle(handle)
- self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate)
- hobj.mhistory.append(hobj.history[hobj.index])
- self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end())
- self.back_action.set_sensitive(True)
- except:
- hobj.clear()
- self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(False)
- self.back_action.set_sensitive(False)
- else:
- self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(False)
- self.back_action.set_sensitive(True)
- hobj.lock = False
- def back_clicked(self, obj, step=1):
- hobj = self.uistate.phistory
- hobj.lock = True
- if not hobj.at_front():
- try:
- handle = hobj.back()
- self.active = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(handle)
- self.uistate.modify_statusbar(self.dbstate)
- self.dbstate.change_active_handle(handle)
- hobj.mhistory.append(hobj.history[hobj.index])
- self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front())
- self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(True)
- except:
- hobj.clear()
- self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(False)
- self.back_action.set_sensitive(False)
- else:
- self.back_action.set_sensitive(False)
- self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(True)
- hobj.lock = False
- def handle_history(self, handle):
- """
- Updates the person history information
- It will push the person at the end of the history if that person is
- not present person
- """
- hobj = self.uistate.phistory
- if handle and not hobj.lock and not (handle == hobj.present()):
- hobj.push(handle)
- self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end())
- self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front())
- def change_page(self):
- hobj = self.uistate.phistory
- self.fwd_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_end())
- self.back_action.set_sensitive(not hobj.at_front())
- self.other_action.set_sensitive(not self.dbstate.db.readonly)
-# ListView
-class ListView(BookMarkView):
- ADD_MSG = ""
- EDIT_MSG = ""
- DEL_MSG = ""
- def __init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate, columns, handle_col,
- make_model, signal_map, get_bookmarks, bm_type,
- multiple=False, filter_class=None):
- BookMarkView.__init__(self, title, dbstate, uistate,
- get_bookmarks, bm_type)
- self.filter_class = filter_class
- self.renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
- self.renderer.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
- self.sort_col = 0
- self.sort_order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING
- self.columns = []
- self.colinfo = columns
- self.handle_col = handle_col
- self.make_model = make_model
- self.model = None
- self.signal_map = signal_map
- self.multiple_selection = multiple
- self.generic_filter = None
- dbstate.connect('database-changed', self.change_db)
- def build_filter_container(self, box, filter_class):
- self.filter_sidebar = filter_class(self.dbstate, self.uistate,
- self.filter_clicked)
- self.filter_pane = self.filter_sidebar.get_widget()
- hpaned = gtk.HBox()
- hpaned.pack_start(self.vbox, True, True)
- hpaned.pack_end(self.filter_pane, False, False)
- self.filter_toggle(None, None, None, None)
- return hpaned
- def filter_toggle(self, client, cnxn_id, entry, data):
- if config.get('interface.filter'):
- self.search_bar.hide()
- self.filter_pane.show()
- else:
- self.search_bar.show()
- self.filter_pane.hide()
- def post(self):
- if self.filter_class:
- if config.get('interface.filter'):
- self.search_bar.hide()
- self.filter_pane.show()
- else:
- self.search_bar.show()
- self.filter_pane.hide()
- def filter_clicked(self):
- self.generic_filter = self.filter_sidebar.get_filter()
- self.build_tree()
- def add_bookmark(self, obj):
- mlist = []
- self.selection.selected_foreach(self.blist, mlist)
- if mlist:
- self.bookmarks.add(mlist[0])
- else:
- from QuestionDialog import WarningDialog
- WarningDialog(
- _("Could Not Set a Bookmark"),
- _("A bookmark could not be set because "
- "nothing was selected."))
- def jump(self):
- dialog = gtk.Dialog(_('Jump to by GRAMPS ID'), None,
- dialog.set_border_width(12)
- label = gtk.Label('%s' %
- _('Jump to by GRAMPS ID'))
- label.set_use_markup(True)
- dialog.vbox.add(label)
- dialog.vbox.set_spacing(10)
- dialog.vbox.set_border_width(12)
- hbox = gtk.HBox()
- hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label("%s: " % _('ID')), False)
- text = gtk.Entry()
- text.set_activates_default(True)
- hbox.pack_start(text, False)
- dialog.vbox.pack_start(hbox, False)
- dialog.add_buttons(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL,
- dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK)
- dialog.vbox.show_all()
- if dialog.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- gid = text.get_text()
- handle = self.get_handle_from_gramps_id(gid)
- if handle:
- self.goto_handle(handle)
- else:
- self.uistate.push_message(
- self.dbstate,
- _("Error: %s is not a valid GRAMPS ID") % gid)
- dialog.destroy()
- def drag_info(self):
- return None
- def drag_begin(self, widget, context):
- widget.drag_source_set_icon_stock(self.get_stock())
- return True
- def column_order(self):
- """
- Must be set by children. The method that obtains the column order
- to be used. Format: see ColumnOrder.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def column_ord_setfunc(self, clist):
- """
- Must be set by children. The method that stores the column order
- given by clist (result of ColumnOrder class).
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def set_column_order(self, clist):
- """
- change the order of the columns to that given in clist
- """
- self.column_ord_setfunc(clist)
- #now we need to rebuild the model so it contains correct column info
- self.dirty = True
- #make sure we sort on first column. We have no idea where the
- # column that was sorted on before is situated now.
- self.sort_col = 0
- self.sort_order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING
- self.setup_filter()
- self.build_tree()
- def build_widget(self):
- """
- Builds the interface and returns a gtk.Container type that
- contains the interface. This containter will be inserted into
- a gtk.Notebook page.
- """
- self.vbox = gtk.VBox()
- self.vbox.set_border_width(4)
- self.vbox.set_spacing(4)
- self.search_bar = SearchBar(self.dbstate, self.uistate,
- self.search_build_tree)
- filter_box = self.search_bar.build()
- self.list = gtk.TreeView()
- self.list.set_rules_hint(True)
- self.list.set_headers_visible(True)
- self.list.set_headers_clickable(True)
- self.list.set_fixed_height_mode(True)
- self.list.connect('button-press-event', self._button_press)
- self.list.connect('key-press-event', self._key_press)
- if self.drag_info():
- self.list.connect('drag_data_get', self.drag_data_get)
- self.list.connect('drag_begin', self.drag_begin)
- scrollwindow = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
- scrollwindow.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
- scrollwindow.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_ETCHED_IN)
- scrollwindow.add(self.list)
- self.vbox.pack_start(filter_box, False)
- self.vbox.pack_start(scrollwindow, True)
- self.renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
- self.renderer.set_property('ellipsize', pango.ELLIPSIZE_END)
- self.inactive = False
- self.columns = []
- self.build_columns()
- self.selection = self.list.get_selection()
- if self.multiple_selection:
- self.selection.set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE)
- self.selection.connect('changed', self.row_changed)
- self.setup_filter()
- if self.filter_class:
- return self.build_filter_container(self.vbox, self.filter_class)
- else:
- return self.vbox
- def search_build_tree(self):
- self.build_tree()
- def row_changed(self, obj):
- """Called with a row is changed. Check the selected objects from
- the person_tree to get the IDs of the selected objects. Set the
- active person to the first person in the list. If no one is
- selected, set the active person to None"""
- if self.drag_info():
- selected_ids = self.selected_handles()
- if len(selected_ids) == 1:
- self.list.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK,
- [self.drag_info().target()],
- gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY)
- def drag_data_get(self, widget, context, sel_data, info, time):
- selected_ids = self.selected_handles()
- if selected_ids:
- data = (self.drag_info().drag_type, id(self), selected_ids[0], 0)
- sel_data.set(sel_data.target, 8 , pickle.dumps(data))
- return True
- def setup_filter(self):
- """Build the default filters and add them to the filter menu."""
- cols = []
- for pair in [pair for pair in self.column_order() if pair[0]]:
- cols.append((self.colinfo[pair[1]], pair[1]))
- self.search_bar.setup_filter(cols)
- def goto_handle(self, handle):
- if not handle or self.inactive:
- return
- # mark inactive to prevent recursion
- self.inactive = True
- # select the handle in the view
- try:
- path = self.model.on_get_path(handle)
- self.selection.unselect_all()
- self.selection.select_path(path)
- self.list.scroll_to_cell(path, None, 1, 0.5, 0)
- except KeyError:
- self.selection.unselect_all()
- # disable the inactive flag
- self.inactive = False
- def __display_column_sort(self):
- for i in xrange(len(self.columns)):
- enable_sort_flag = (i==self.sort_col)
- self.columns[i].set_sort_indicator(enable_sort_flag)
- self.columns[self.sort_col].set_sort_order(self.sort_order)
- def column_clicked(self, obj, data):
- cput = time.clock()
- same_col = False
- if self.sort_col != data:
- order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING
- else:
- same_col = True
- if (self.columns[data].get_sort_order() == gtk.SORT_DESCENDING
- or not self.columns[data].get_sort_indicator()):
- order = gtk.SORT_ASCENDING
- else:
- order = gtk.SORT_DESCENDING
- self.sort_col = data
- self.sort_order = order
- handle = self.first_selected()
- if config.get('interface.filter'):
- search = (True, self.generic_filter)
- else:
- search = (False, self.search_bar.get_value())
- if same_col:
- self.model.reverse_order()
- else:
- self.model = self.make_model(self.dbstate.db, self.sort_col,
- self.sort_order,
- search=search,
- sort_map=self.column_order())
- self.list.set_model(self.model)
- self.__display_column_sort()
- if handle:
- self.goto_handle(handle)
- # set the search column to be the sorted column
- search_col = self.column_order()[data][1]
- self.list.set_search_column(search_col)
- _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' column_clicked ' +
- str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec')
- def build_columns(self):
- for column in self.columns:
- self.list.remove_column(column)
- self.columns = []
- index = 0
- for pair in [pair for pair in self.column_order() if pair[0]]:
- name = self.colinfo[pair[1]]
- if self.model and 'marker_color_column' in self.model.__dict__:
- mcol = self.model.marker_color_column
- column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, self.renderer, text=pair[1],
- foreground=mcol)
- else:
- column = gtk.TreeViewColumn(name, self.renderer, text=pair[1])
- column.connect('clicked', self.column_clicked, index)
- column.set_resizable(True)
- column.set_sizing(gtk.TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED)
- column.set_fixed_width(pair[2])
- column.set_clickable(True)
- self.columns.append(column)
- self.list.append_column(column)
- index += 1
- def build_tree(self):
- if self.active:
- cput = time.clock()
- if config.get('interface.filter'):
- filter_info = (True, self.generic_filter)
- else:
- filter_info = (False, self.search_bar.get_value())
- if self.dirty or self.model is None \
- or not self.model.node_map.full_srtkey_hndl_map():
- self.model = self.make_model(self.dbstate.db, self.sort_col,
- search=filter_info,
- sort_map=self.column_order())
- else:
- #the entire data to show is already in memory.
- #run only the part that determines what to show
- self.list.set_model(None)
- self.model.set_search(filter_info)
- self.model.rebuild_data()
- self.build_columns()
- self.list.set_model(self.model)
- self.__display_column_sort()
- if const.USE_TIPS and self.model.tooltip_column is not None:
- self.tooltips = TreeTips.TreeTips(
- self.list, self.model.tooltip_column, True)
- self.dirty = False
- self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate,
- self.model.displayed(),
- self.model.total())
- _LOG.debug(self.__class__.__name__ + ' build_tree ' +
- str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec')
- else:
- self.dirty = True
- def object_build(self):
- """callback, for if tree must be rebuilt and bookmarks redrawn
- """
- self.dirty = True
- if self.active:
- self.bookmarks.redraw()
- self.build_tree()
- def filter_toggle_action(self, obj):
- if obj.get_active():
- self.search_bar.hide()
- self.filter_pane.show()
- active = True
- else:
- self.search_bar.show()
- self.filter_pane.hide()
- active = False
- config.set('interface.filter', active)
- self.build_tree()
- def filter_editor(self, obj):
- from FilterEditor import FilterEditor
- try:
- FilterEditor(self.FILTER_TYPE , const.CUSTOM_FILTERS,
- self.dbstate, self.uistate)
- except Errors.WindowActiveError:
- return
- def change_db(self, db):
- self._change_db(db)
- for sig in self.signal_map:
- self.callman.add_db_signal(sig, self.signal_map[sig])
- self.bookmarks.update_bookmarks(self.get_bookmarks())
- if self.active:
- #force rebuild of the model on build of tree
- self.dirty = True
- self.build_tree()
- self.bookmarks.redraw()
- else:
- self.dirty = True
- def row_add(self, handle_list):
- if self.active:
- cput = time.clock()
- for handle in handle_list:
- self.model.add_row_by_handle(handle)
- _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' row_add ' +
- str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec')
- self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate,
- self.model.displayed(),
- self.model.total())
- else:
- self.dirty = True
- def row_update(self, handle_list):
- if self.model:
- self.model.prev_handle = None
- if self.active:
- cput = time.clock()
- for handle in handle_list:
- self.model.update_row_by_handle(handle)
- _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' row_update ' +
- str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec')
- else:
- self.dirty = True
- def row_delete(self, handle_list):
- if self.active:
- cput = time.clock()
- for handle in handle_list:
- self.model.delete_row_by_handle(handle)
- _LOG.debug(' ' + self.__class__.__name__ + ' row_delete ' +
- str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec')
- self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate,
- self.model.displayed(),
- self.model.total())
- else:
- self.dirty = True
- def define_actions(self):
- """
- Required define_actions function for PageView. Builds the action
- group information required. We extend beyond the normal here,
- since we want to have more than one action group for the PersonView.
- Most PageViews really won't care about this.
- """
- BookMarkView.define_actions(self)
- self.edit_action = gtk.ActionGroup(self.title + '/ChangeOrder')
- self.edit_action.add_actions([
- ('Add', gtk.STOCK_ADD, _("_Add..."), "Insert",
- self.ADD_MSG, self.add),
- ('Remove', gtk.STOCK_REMOVE, _("_Remove"), "Delete",
- self.DEL_MSG, self.remove),
- ('ExportTab', None, _('Export View...'), None, None, self.export),
- ])
- self._add_action_group(self.edit_action)
- self._add_action('Edit', gtk.STOCK_EDIT, _("action|_Edit..."),
- accel="Return",
- tip=self.EDIT_MSG,
- callback=self.edit)
- self._add_toggle_action('Filter', None, _('_Filter'),
- callback=self.filter_toggle_action)
- def _column_editor(self, obj):
- """
- Causes the View to display a column editor. This should be overridden
- by any class that provides columns (such as a list based view)
- """
- raise NotImplemented
- def _button_press(self, obj, event):
- if not self.dbstate.open:
- return False
- from QuickReports import create_quickreport_menu
- if event.type == gtk.gdk._2BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1:
- self.edit(obj)
- return True
- elif event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 3:
- menu = self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup')
- #construct quick reports if needed
- if menu and self.QR_CATEGORY > -1 :
- qr_menu = self.uistate.uimanager.\
- get_widget('/Popup/QuickReport').get_submenu()
- if qr_menu :
- self.uistate.uimanager.\
- get_widget('/Popup/QuickReport').remove_submenu()
- reportactions = []
- if menu and self.dbstate.active:
- (ui, reportactions) = create_quickreport_menu(
- self.dbstate,
- self.uistate,
- self.first_selected())
- if len(reportactions) > 1 :
- qr_menu = gtk.Menu()
- for action in reportactions[1:] :
- add_menuitem(qr_menu, action[2], None, action[5])
- self.uistate.uimanager.get_widget('/Popup/QuickReport').\
- set_submenu(qr_menu)
- if menu:
- menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
- return True
- return False
- def _key_press(self, obj, event):
- if not self.dbstate.open:
- return False
- if not event.state or event.state in (gtk.gdk.MOD2_MASK, ):
- if event.keyval in (gtk.keysyms.Return, gtk.keysyms.KP_Enter):
- self.edit(obj)
- return True
- return False
- def change_page(self):
- if self.model:
- self.uistate.show_filter_results(self.dbstate,
- self.model.displayed(),
- self.model.total())
- self.edit_action.set_sensitive(not self.dbstate.db.readonly)
- def key_delete(self):
- self.remove(None)
- def export(self, obj):
- chooser = gtk.FileChooserDialog(
- _("Export View as Spreadsheet"),
- self.uistate.window,
- chooser.set_do_overwrite_confirmation(True)
- combobox = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
- label = gtk.Label(_("Format:"))
- label.set_alignment(1.0, 0.5)
- box = gtk.HBox()
- box.pack_start(label, True, True, padding=12)
- box.pack_start(combobox, False, False)
- combobox.append_text(_('CSV'))
- combobox.append_text(_('Open Document Spreadsheet'))
- combobox.set_active(0)
- box.show_all()
- chooser.set_extra_widget(box)
- while True:
- value = chooser.run()
- fn = chooser.get_filename()
- fl = combobox.get_active()
- if value == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
- if fn:
- chooser.destroy()
- break
- else:
- chooser.destroy()
- return
- self.write_tabbed_file(fn, fl)
- def write_tabbed_file(self, name, type):
- """
- Write a tabbed file to the specified name.
- The output file type is determined by the type variable.
- """
- from docgen import CSVTab, ODSTab
- ofile = None
- data_cols = [pair[1] for pair in self.column_order() if pair[0]]
- column_names = [self.colinfo[i] for i in data_cols]
- if type == 0:
- ofile = CSVTab(len(column_names))
- else:
- ofile = ODSTab(len(column_names))
- ofile.open(name)
- ofile.start_page()
- ofile.start_row()
- for name in column_names:
- ofile.write_cell(name)
- ofile.end_row()
- for row in self.model:
- ofile.start_row()
- for index in data_cols:
- ofile.write_cell(row[index])
- ofile.end_row()
- ofile.end_page()
- ofile.close()
diff --git a/src/gui/grampsgui.py b/src/gui/grampsgui.py
index 8d3f6e5b4..3c067192f 100644
--- a/src/gui/grampsgui.py
+++ b/src/gui/grampsgui.py
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog
import config
import Utils
from gui.pluginmanager import GuiPluginManager
# Functions
@@ -112,11 +112,12 @@ def register_stock_icons ():
#('gramps-bookmark', _('Bookmarks'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
#('gramps-bookmark-delete', _('Delete bookmark'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-bookmark-edit', _('Organize Bookmarks'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
- ('gramps-bookmark-new', _('Add Bookmark'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
+ ('gramps-config', _('Configure'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-date', _('Date'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-date-edit', _('Edit Date'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-event', _('Events'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-family', _('Family'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
+ ('gramps-fanchart', _('Fan Chart'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-font', _('Font'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-font-color', _('Font Color'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-font-bgcolor', _('Font Background Color'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
@@ -137,8 +138,11 @@ def register_stock_icons ():
('gramps-reports', _('Reports'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-repository', _('Repositories'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-source', _('Sources'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
- ('gramps-spouse', _('Add Spouse'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
- ('gramps-tools', _('Tools'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
+ ('gramps-spouse', _('Add Spouse'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
+ ('gramps-tools', _('Tools'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
+ ('gramps-tree-group', _('Grouped List'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
+ ('gramps-tree-list', _('List'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
+ ('gramps-tree-select', _('Select'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-unlock', _('Private'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-viewmedia', _('View'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
('gramps-zoom-in', _('Zoom In'), gtk.gdk.CONTROL_MASK, 0, ''),
diff --git a/src/gui/viewmanager.py b/src/gui/viewmanager.py
index ad7fc10de..63e1cc04f 100644
--- a/src/gui/viewmanager.py
+++ b/src/gui/viewmanager.py
@@ -116,10 +116,13 @@ UIDEFAULT = '''