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-figs =
-docname = extending-gramps
-lang = C
-omffile = extending-gramps-C.omf
-sgml_ents =
-include ${top_srcdir}/doc/sgmldocs.make
-dist-hook: app-dist-hook
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- Writing GRAMPS Extensions
- GNOME|Applications
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- Writing Extentions for gramps
- 2001
- Donald N. Allingham
- Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
- document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
- License, Version 1.1 or any later version
- published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant
- Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy
- of the license can be found here.
- Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products
- and services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear
- in any GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to
- the members of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have
- been printed in caps or initial caps.
- This is version 1.0 of the Writing Extentions for gramps manual.
- Introduction
- gramps was intended from the start to
- allow the user to extend it through a plugin system. Five types of
- plugins are supported - filters, reports, tools, import filters,
- and export filters. In a way, an export filter can be viewed as a
- special type of report, and an import filter can be viewed as a
- special type of tool.
- All plugins are written in the python
- language.
- Filters
- A filter is a plugin that be used to temporarily display or hide
- individuals in the People View. The
- filter is the simplest form of plugin, which only needs to
- determine if a person meets or fails to meet its criteria. It
- operates on a single person at a time.
- Filters should never alter a database.
- Reports
- A report is a plugin that generates output. The output may be in
- either a interactive, graphical form, or as an output
- file. Report plugins are passed a reference to the internal
- database and a reference to the active person, which allows the
- plugn to operate on a single person, the entire database, or
- anything in between.
- Plugins that conform to the reportplugin interface appear in the
- Reports
- menu and in the Report Selection dialog
- box.
- A report should never alter the database.
- Tools
- A tool is a plugin that alters the database. It may perform
- something as small changing the case of some text to something
- as complex as merging redundant individuals. Tools plugins are
- passed a reference to the internal database, the active person,
- and a callback function. The callback function is used to notify
- the main program if it needs to update the display with any
- modified information.
- Plugins that conform to the tool plugin interface appear in the
- Tools
- menu and in the Tool Selection dialog
- box.
- A tool is allowed (and usually expected) to alter the database.
- Import Filters
- An import filter is a plugin that adds information from another
- source to the database. It is similar to a tool, but is called
- differently to allow gramps to distinguish it from a tool.
- Plugins that conform to the import filter calling syntax appear
- in the
- File
- Import
- menu.
- An import filter is allowed to modify the database.
- Export Filters
- An export filter is a plugin that translates the gramps database
- into the format expected by another program. Since it generates
- an output file, it is similar to a report generator. However,
- its calling syntax is different, so that gramps knows how to
- distiguish it from a report generator.
- Plugins that conform to the export filter calling syntax appear
- in the
- File
- Export
- menu.
- An export filter should not alter the database.
- Writing Filters
- Users can create their own filters and add them to
- gramps. By adding the filter to the
- user's private filter directory (~/.gramps/filters), the filter will
- be automatically recognized the next time that the program is
- started.
- Creating a filter
- Each filter is a class derived from the
- Filter.Filter class. The
- __init__ task may be overridden, but if so,
- should call the __init__ function on the
- Filter.Filter class. The parent class
- provides the variable self.text, which
- contains the text string passed as the qualifier. This string
- provides additional information provided by the user. For
- example, if the filter is used to match names, the qualifier
- would be used to provide the name that is being compared
- against.
- All filter classes must define a match
- function. The function takes one argument (other than
- self), which is an object of type
- Person to compare against. The function
- should return a 1 if the person matches the filter, or a zero if
- the person does not.
- Each filter must be registered, so that
- gramps knows about it. This is
- accomplished by calling the
- Filter.register_filter function. This
- function takes three arguments - the filter class, a
- description, and flag that indicates if the qualifier string is
- needed. The description string appears in the pull down
- interface within gramps, and helps
- the user choose the appropriate filter. The qualifier flag tells
- gramps whether or not the filter
- needs a qualifier string. If this flag is 0,
- gramps will disable the entry of a
- qualifier string.
- Writing Reports
- Users can create their own report generators and add them to
- gramps. By adding the report generator
- to the user's private plugin directory (~/.gramps/plugins), the report
- generator will be automatically recognized the next time that the
- program is started.
- Creating a report generator
- Fewer restrictions are made on report generators than on
- filters. The report generator is passed the current
- gramps database and the active
- person. The generator needs to take special care to make sure
- that it does not alter the database in anyway.
- A report generator is a function that takes two arguments
- — a database (of type RelDataBase)
- and the currently selected person (of type
- Person). When called, this task should
- generate the desired report.
- This function's implementation can be as simple as generating
- output without the user's intervention, or it could display a
- graphical interface to allow the user to select options and
- customize a report.
- As with filters, the report generator must be registered before
- gramps will understand it. The report
- generator is registered using the
- Plugins.register_report. This function
- takes five arguments.
- The report generation task This task
- that generates the report.
- The report category The category in
- which the report is grouped in the
- Reports menu and
- in the Report Selection dialog.
- The report name
- The name of the report.
- A text description of the report The
- description appears in the report selection tool to provide
- the user with a description of what the tools does.
- A graphic logo in XPM format This may
- be either a path to a filename, or a list of strings
- containting the XPM data. If a filename is specified, care
- must be taken to make sure the file location is relocatable
- and can be determined at runtime.
- While only the task and report name are required, it is
- recommended to provide all five parameters.
- A little help - Format Interfaces
- gramps provides some help with
- writing reports. Several generic python classes exist that aid
- in the writing of report generators. These classes provide an
- abstract interface for a type of document, such as a drawing,
- word processor document, or a spreadsheet. From these core
- classes, gramps derives interfaces to
- various document formats. This means that by coding to the
- generic word processing class (TextDoc), a
- report generator can instant access to multiple file formats
- (such as HTML, OpenOffice, and AbiWord).
- This scheme of deriving a output format from a generic base
- class also makes it easier to add new formats. Creating a new
- derivied class targeting a different format (such as
- KWord or
- LaTeX) makes it easy for existing
- report generators to use the new formats.
- Writing Tools
- Users can create their own tools and add them to
- gramps. By adding the tool to the
- user's private plugin directory (~/.gramps/plugins), the tool will be
- automatically recognized the next time that
- gramps is started.
- Unlike a report generator, a tool is allowed to modify the
- database. The tool is passed the current
- gramps database, the active person,
- and a callback function. The callback function should be called
- with a non-zero argument upon completion of the tool if the
- database has been altered.
- As with filters and report generators, tools must be registered
- before gramps will understand it. The
- tool is registered using the
- Plugins.register_tool. This function takes
- four arguments.
- The tool task This task
- that executes the tool.
- The tool category The category in which
- the tool is grouped in the
- Tools menu and in
- the Tool Selection dialog.
- The tool name
- The name of the tool.
- A text description of the tool The
- description appears in the Tool Selection dialog to provide
- the user with a description of what the tool does.
- While only the task and report name are required, it is
- recommended to provide all five parameters.
- Writing Import Filters
- Import filters are similar to tools, since they are allowed to
- modify the databases. An import filter is a task that accepts
- three arguments — a database, the filename of the file that
- is to be imported, and a callback function.
- The database may or may not have data already in it. The import
- filter cannot assume that data neither already exists nor that the
- database is empty.
- The callback function is different from the callback function used
- for tools. The import filter's callback function is used to
- indicate progress and update the status bar during the import
- process. The function takes a value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0
- represents the start of the import and 1.0 represents the
- completion of the import.
- As with the other plugin types, an import filter must be
- registered with gramps. This is
- accomplished by calling the
- Plugins.register_import task. The
- Plugins.register_import accepts two arguments
- — the function the performs the import and a string
- providing a brief description. This description is used as the
- menu entry under the
- File
- Import
- menu.
- Writing Export Filters
- Export filters are similar to report generators. They are not
- allowed to modify the database. An export filter accepts three
- arguments — a database, the filename of the file that is to
- be written, and a callback function.
- The callback function is indentical from the callback function
- used for import filters. The export filter's callback function is
- used to indicate progress and update the status bar during the
- export process. The function takes a value between 0.0 and 1.0,
- where 0.0 represents the start of the export and 1.0 represents
- the completion of the export.
- As with the other plugin types, an export filter must be
- registered with gramps. This is
- accomplished by calling the
- Plugins.register_export task. The
- Plugins.register_export accepts two arguments
- — the function the performs the import and a string
- providing a brief description. This description is used as the
- menu entry under the
- File
- Export
- menu.
- Common tasks
- While this manual does not document the
- gramps database interface, this section
- shows a few common tasks.
- Printing names of people
- This example shows how to display the name of people in the
- database. It assumes that the database is called
- db. To get a list of people, it calls the
- getPersonMap method, which returns a map of
- gramps ID to
- Person objects. Calling the
- valus method of the returned map returns a
- list of people. For each person, the primary name is extracted,
- and then the Name object's
- getName method is called to build a
- presentable name from the individual name components.
- Displaying the events of person
- This example shows how to display the public events associated
- with a person. It assumes that the person is called
- person.
- Print the members of each family
- This example shows how to display the parents and children of
- each family in the database. It assumes that the database is called
- db.
- Display the marriages/relationships of a person
- This example shows how to display the families and relationships
- in which the person is considered a spouse or parent. It assumes
- that the person is called person.
- Relationships between people can be complex. Because someone is
- male, does not necessarily mean that the person will be
- considered the "Father" of a relationship. In relationships of
- type "Partners", the "father" and "mother" of the relationship
- should be of the same gender. So to determine the spouse of a
- person, it is usually best to compare the person against what is
- returned by getFather and
- getMother to find the one that is not
- equal. It should also be noted that the
- getFather and
- getMother methods will return None if noone
- has been associated with that role in the family.
- Authors
- gramps was written by Don Allingham
- (dallingham@users.sourceforge.net). To find more
- information about gramps, please visit
- the gramps
- web page.
- This manual was written by Don Allingham
- (dallingham@users.sourceforge.net).
- License
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
- License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- A copy of the GNU General Public License is
- included as an appendix to the GNOME Users
- Guide. You may also obtain a copy of the
- GNU General Public License from the Free
- Software Foundation by visiting their Web site or by writing to
- Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place -
- Suite 330 Boston, MA
- 02111-1307USA
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gramps was intended from the start to
- allow the user to extend it through a plugin system. Five types of
- plugins are supported - filters, reports, tools, import filters,
- and export filters. In a way, an export filter can be viewed as a
- special type of report, and an import filter can be viewed as a
- special type of tool.
All plugins are written in the python
- language.
A filter is a plugin that be used to temporarily display or hide
- individuals in the People View. The
- filter is the simplest form of plugin, which only needs to
- determine if a person meets or fails to meet its criteria. It
- operates on a single person at a time.
A report is a plugin that generates output. The output may be in
- either a interactive, graphical form, or as an output
- file. Report plugins are passed a reference to the internal
- database and a reference to the active person, which allows the
- plugn to operate on a single person, the entire database, or
- anything in between.
Plugins that conform to the reportplugin interface appear in the
- + + + + + + + + + +Reports+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu and in the Report Selection dialog
- box.
A tool is a plugin that alters the database. It may perform
- something as small changing the case of some text to something
- as complex as merging redundant individuals. Tools plugins are
- passed a reference to the internal database, the active person,
- and a callback function. The callback function is used to notify
- the main program if it needs to update the display with any
- modified information.
Plugins that conform to the tool plugin interface appear in the
- + + + + + + + + + +Tools+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu and in the Tool Selection dialog
- box.
A tool is allowed (and usually expected) to alter the database.
An import filter is a plugin that adds information from another
- source to the database. It is similar to a tool, but is called
- differently to allow gramps to distinguish it from a tool.
Plugins that conform to the import filter calling syntax appear
- in the
- + + + + + + + + + +File+
-+ + + + + + + + + + ->Import+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu.
An import filter is allowed to modify the database.
An export filter is a plugin that translates the gramps database
- into the format expected by another program. Since it generates
- an output file, it is similar to a report generator. However,
- its calling syntax is different, so that gramps knows how to
- distiguish it from a report generator.
Plugins that conform to the export filter calling syntax appear
- in the
- + + + + + + + + + +File+
-+ + + + + + + + + + ->Export+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu.
Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products
- and services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear
- in any GNOME documentation, and those trademarks are made aware to
- the members of the GNOME Documentation Project, the names have
- been printed in caps or initial caps.
gramps was intended from the start to
- allow the user to extend it through a plugin system. Five types of
- plugins are supported - filters, reports, tools, import filters,
- and export filters. In a way, an export filter can be viewed as a
- special type of report, and an import filter can be viewed as a
- special type of tool.
All plugins are written in the python
- language.
A filter is a plugin that be used to temporarily display or hide
- individuals in the People View. The
- filter is the simplest form of plugin, which only needs to
- determine if a person meets or fails to meet its criteria. It
- operates on a single person at a time.
A report is a plugin that generates output. The output may be in
- either a interactive, graphical form, or as an output
- file. Report plugins are passed a reference to the internal
- database and a reference to the active person, which allows the
- plugn to operate on a single person, the entire database, or
- anything in between.
Plugins that conform to the reportplugin interface appear in the
- + + + + + + + + + +Reports+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu and in the Report Selection dialog
- box.
A tool is a plugin that alters the database. It may perform
- something as small changing the case of some text to something
- as complex as merging redundant individuals. Tools plugins are
- passed a reference to the internal database, the active person,
- and a callback function. The callback function is used to notify
- the main program if it needs to update the display with any
- modified information.
Plugins that conform to the tool plugin interface appear in the
- + + + + + + + + + +Tools+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu and in the Tool Selection dialog
- box.
A tool is allowed (and usually expected) to alter the database.
An import filter is a plugin that adds information from another
- source to the database. It is similar to a tool, but is called
- differently to allow gramps to distinguish it from a tool.
Plugins that conform to the import filter calling syntax appear
- in the
- + + + + + + + + + +File+
-+ + + + + + + + + + ->Import+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu.
An import filter is allowed to modify the database.
An export filter is a plugin that translates the gramps database
- into the format expected by another program. Since it generates
- an output file, it is similar to a report generator. However,
- its calling syntax is different, so that gramps knows how to
- distiguish it from a report generator.
Plugins that conform to the export filter calling syntax appear
- in the
- + + + + + + + + + +File+
-+ + + + + + + + + + ->Export+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu.
Users can create their own tools and add them to
- gramps. By adding the tool to the
- user's private plugin directory (~/.gramps/plugins), the tool will be
- automatically recognized the next time that
- gramps is started.
Unlike a report generator, a tool is allowed to modify the
- database. The tool is passed the current
- gramps database, the active person,
- and a callback function. The callback function should be called
- with a non-zero argument upon completion of the tool if the
- database has been altered.
As with filters and report generators, tools must be registered
- before gramps will understand it. The
- tool is registered using the
- Plugins.register_tool. This function takes
- four arguments.
The tool task This task
- that executes the tool.
The tool category The category in which
- the tool is grouped in the
- Tools menu and in
- the Tool Selection dialog.
The tool name
- The name of the tool.
A text description of the tool The
- description appears in the Tool Selection dialog to provide
- the user with a description of what the tool does.
While only the task and report name are required, it is
- recommended to provide all five parameters.
Import filters are similar to tools, since they are allowed to
- modify the databases. An import filter is a task that accepts
- three arguments a database, the filename of the file that
- is to be imported, and a callback function.
The database may or may not have data already in it. The import
- filter cannot assume that data neither already exists nor that the
- database is empty.
The callback function is different from the callback function used
- for tools. The import filter's callback function is used to
- indicate progress and update the status bar during the import
- process. The function takes a value between 0.0 and 1.0, where 0.0
- represents the start of the import and 1.0 represents the
- completion of the import.
As with the other plugin types, an import filter must be
- registered with gramps. This is
- accomplished by calling the
- Plugins.register_import task. The
- Plugins.register_import accepts two arguments
- the function the performs the import and a string
- providing a brief description. This description is used as the
- menu entry under the
- + + + + + +File+
-+ + + + + + ->Import+
-+ + + +
- menu.
Export filters are similar to report generators. They are not
- allowed to modify the database. An export filter accepts three
- arguments a database, the filename of the file that is to
- be written, and a callback function.
The callback function is indentical from the callback function
- used for import filters. The export filter's callback function is
- used to indicate progress and update the status bar during the
- export process. The function takes a value between 0.0 and 1.0,
- where 0.0 represents the start of the export and 1.0 represents
- the completion of the export.
As with the other plugin types, an export filter must be
- registered with gramps. This is
- accomplished by calling the
- Plugins.register_export task. The
- Plugins.register_export accepts two arguments
- the function the performs the import and a string
- providing a brief description. This description is used as the
- menu entry under the
- + + + + + +File+
-+ + + + + + ->Export+
-+ + + +
- menu.
Users can create their own filters and add them to
- gramps. By adding the filter to the
- user's private filter directory (~/.gramps/filters), the filter will
- be automatically recognized the next time that the program is
- started.
Each filter is a class derived from the
- Filter.Filter class. The
- __init__ task may be overridden, but if so,
- should call the __init__ function on the
- Filter.Filter class. The parent class
- provides the variable self.text, which
- contains the text string passed as the qualifier. This string
- provides additional information provided by the user. For
- example, if the filter is used to match names, the qualifier
- would be used to provide the name that is being compared
- against.
All filter classes must define a match
- function. The function takes one argument (other than
- self), which is an object of type
- Person to compare against. The function
- should return a 1 if the person matches the filter, or a zero if
- the person does not.
Each filter must be registered, so that
- gramps knows about it. This is
- accomplished by calling the
- Filter.register_filter function. This
- function takes three arguments - the filter class, a
- description, and flag that indicates if the qualifier string is
- needed. The description string appears in the pull down
- interface within gramps, and helps
- the user choose the appropriate filter. The qualifier flag tells
- gramps whether or not the filter
- needs a qualifier string. If this flag is 0,
- gramps will disable the entry of a
- qualifier string.
Users can create their own report generators and add them to
- gramps. By adding the report generator
- to the user's private plugin directory (~/.gramps/plugins), the report
- generator will be automatically recognized the next time that the
- program is started.
Fewer restrictions are made on report generators than on
- filters. The report generator is passed the current
- gramps database and the active
- person. The generator needs to take special care to make sure
- that it does not alter the database in anyway.
A report generator is a function that takes two arguments
- a database (of type RelDataBase)
- and the currently selected person (of type
- Person). When called, this task should
- generate the desired report.
This function's implementation can be as simple as generating
- output without the user's intervention, or it could display a
- graphical interface to allow the user to select options and
- customize a report.
As with filters, the report generator must be registered before
- gramps will understand it. The report
- generator is registered using the
- Plugins.register_report. This function
- takes five arguments.
The report generation task This task
- that generates the report.
The report category The category in
- which the report is grouped in the
- Reports menu and
- in the Report Selection dialog.
The report name
- The name of the report.
A text description of the report The
- description appears in the report selection tool to provide
- the user with a description of what the tools does.
A graphic logo in XPM format This may
- be either a path to a filename, or a list of strings
- containting the XPM data. If a filename is specified, care
- must be taken to make sure the file location is relocatable
- and can be determined at runtime.
While only the task and report name are required, it is
- recommended to provide all five parameters.
gramps provides some help with
- writing reports. Several generic python classes exist that aid
- in the writing of report generators. These classes provide an
- abstract interface for a type of document, such as a drawing,
- word processor document, or a spreadsheet. From these core
- classes, gramps derives interfaces to
- various document formats. This means that by coding to the
- generic word processing class (TextDoc), a
- report generator can instant access to multiple file formats
- (such as HTML, OpenOffice, and AbiWord).
This scheme of deriving a output format from a generic base
- class also makes it easier to add new formats. Creating a new
- derivied class targeting a different format (such as
- KWord or
- LaTeX) makes it easy for existing
- report generators to use the new formats.
\ No newline at end of file
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-Writing Extentions for gramps
gramps was intended from the start to
- allow the user to extend it through a plugin system. Five types of
- plugins are supported - filters, reports, tools, import filters,
- and export filters. In a way, an export filter can be viewed as a
- special type of report, and an import filter can be viewed as a
- special type of tool.
All plugins are written in the python
- language.
A filter is a plugin that be used to temporarily display or hide
- individuals in the People View. The
- filter is the simplest form of plugin, which only needs to
- determine if a person meets or fails to meet its criteria. It
- operates on a single person at a time.
A report is a plugin that generates output. The output may be in
- either a interactive, graphical form, or as an output
- file. Report plugins are passed a reference to the internal
- database and a reference to the active person, which allows the
- plugn to operate on a single person, the entire database, or
- anything in between.
Plugins that conform to the reportplugin interface appear in the
- + + + + + + + + + +Reports+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu and in the Report Selection dialog
- box.
A tool is a plugin that alters the database. It may perform
- something as small changing the case of some text to something
- as complex as merging redundant individuals. Tools plugins are
- passed a reference to the internal database, the active person,
- and a callback function. The callback function is used to notify
- the main program if it needs to update the display with any
- modified information.
Plugins that conform to the tool plugin interface appear in the
- + + + + + + + + + +Tools+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu and in the Tool Selection dialog
- box.
A tool is allowed (and usually expected) to alter the database.
An import filter is a plugin that adds information from another
- source to the database. It is similar to a tool, but is called
- differently to allow gramps to distinguish it from a tool.
Plugins that conform to the import filter calling syntax appear
- in the
- + + + + + + + + + +File+
-+ + + + + + + + + + ->Import+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu.
An import filter is allowed to modify the database.
An export filter is a plugin that translates the gramps database
- into the format expected by another program. Since it generates
- an output file, it is similar to a report generator. However,
- its calling syntax is different, so that gramps knows how to
- distiguish it from a report generator.
Plugins that conform to the export filter calling syntax appear
- in the
- + + + + + + + + + +File+
-+ + + + + + + + + + ->Export+
-+ + + + + + + +
- menu.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/extending-gramps/C/omf_timestamp b/doc/extending-gramps/C/omf_timestamp
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb..000000000
diff --git a/doc/extending-gramps/Makefile.am b/doc/extending-gramps/Makefile.am
deleted file mode 100644
index dbed85073..000000000
--- a/doc/extending-gramps/Makefile.am
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in