Gary Burton
Bug #6371 . Fix memory leak caused by hanging reference to progress meter callback method.
svn: r21226
2013-01-26 09:29:45 +00:00
Paul Franklin
6229: bug when creating a book reports
svn: r21092
2013-01-13 01:08:10 +00:00
Doug Blank
URL for Welcome Gramplet was still pointing to 3.3 manual
svn: r20941
2013-01-02 20:25:19 +00:00
Gary Burton
Set the correct number of update callbacks. Bug #6219 .
svn: r20887
2012-12-30 16:56:38 +00:00
Doug Blank
Someone optimized some code incorrectly; lines at bottom of calendar where placed off the page
svn: r20817
2012-12-21 18:57:46 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0006009: Media objects attached to Marriage events and Sources are not included in Narrative Web Site
* restructure the families index so families are indexed under both spouses, and the family name is normalised
* separate out Families section in individual and families pages so individual page links to the family page and family page links to both people
* normalise links to families so the link is only displayed if the family page is present, and the gid is included when appropriate
* remove highlighting of media subregions except in the media pages (it was confusing and not very well implemented)
* include people whose surname is absent in the individual, surname and families indexes
* html_escape names and surnames
* always display media thumbnails for first image in Gallery list (in some cases they were suppressed if they had been displayed at the top of the page)
* change partner and parent columns in families index to improve the layout of the HTML and put the comma between multiple partners in the right place
* use event description (where present) instead of just event type in back references
* fix bug in the way obj_dict and bkref_dict were initialised
* fix missing document.png for missing media
svn: r20794
2012-12-18 22:53:22 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
* Removed a lot of redundant code and parameters (mainly connected with the old way of determining the objects to be included in the report).
* Moved routines for calculating objects to be output so they can be part of default list building classes.
* Replaced person link routine with one that takes into account whether there is a page for the person.
* Included repository reference media type and call number in the 'Repositories' section of the relevant source instead of the Repository page.
* Implemented a generalised back reference function to display the 'References' section of all pages. This recursively displays references till one is found for which a page exists.
* Removed list of people and families from heading of the event pages as these are now in the 'References' section.
* Fixed bug "0005968: Narrated Web Site not copying Source Citations files such as jpg or pdf docs to web site" and "0005946 GRAMPS failed to insert jpeg image into proper place for an event" by displaying a thumbnail for citation media in the 'Source References' section (with a link to the media page)
svn: r20768
2012-12-05 19:33:45 +00:00
Peter Landgren
Fix for correct unique surname statistics.
svn: r20687
2012-11-21 12:34:14 +00:00
Peter Landgren
Issue 6188. Number of unique surnames are now correct in both StatsGramplet and SurnameCloudgramplet.
svn: r20683
2012-11-20 18:17:22 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Align gramps34 and trunk (where there is no functional difference) - minor layout changes etc.
svn: r20680
2012-11-18 20:32:44 +00:00
Paul Franklin
6177: Wrong line created by the LaTeX module
svn: r20676
2012-11-18 03:31:41 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Tidy up media pages - remove unused parameters, use list of media items generated in first pass. Should fix bugs 2365, 5905 and 6009.
svn: r20655
2012-11-13 15:51:25 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Tidy up sources pages - fix numbering of repositories, remove unused parameters, fix title of individual source pages
svn: r20653
2012-11-12 18:39:31 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Bug: reset NarrWeb navigation menu layout when style sheet doesn't support it
svn: r20651
2012-11-12 12:15:59 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Change Source Pages to use the list of sources generated by the first pass that finds objects to be output, and simplify references section on the Source page to use the references passed to it.
svn: r20649
2012-11-12 10:44:14 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Movement of some large chunks of code within the source file and some initial work towards GEPS 022: Narrative Website Refactor. Functionality should be unchanged.
svn: r20640
2012-11-08 23:55:57 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
6156: url and Google Map API
svn: r20632
2012-11-05 09:05:30 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
6158: typo, do not display a random place title on warning dialog
svn: r20630
2012-11-05 08:20:53 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
6133: private home note and privacy filter (patch by Serge Noiraud)
svn: r20623
2012-10-28 13:49:18 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
6148: OSM layer for OpenStreetMap
svn: r20605
2012-10-26 09:31:20 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
6002: do not find a clear licence, revert Web Map Service used with previous revision
svn: r20604
2012-10-25 19:46:22 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
6002: better rendering by using an other layer than the basic one for openstreetmap
svn: r20602
2012-10-25 18:56:07 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
6002: failed to make it more consistent.. use a better zoom for openstreetmap on place pages
svn: r20600
2012-10-25 18:30:33 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
6002: try to make the javascript code more consistent with this custom OSM layer handling
svn: r20599
2012-10-25 17:39:24 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
6002: typo on OSM map handler; thank you Midori element inspector
svn: r20595
2012-10-25 13:26:27 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Some untranslated strings
svn: r20592
2012-10-24 18:05:01 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0006078: Narrweb has thumbnail link to missing thumbnails.html
svn: r20590
2012-10-24 17:28:08 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005864: Web Report: Error in showing repositories
svn: r20588
2012-10-24 16:52:40 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005691: [NarrWeb] family notes have disappeared from individual pages. Family notes output if the Family pages are not being output.
svn: r20585
2012-10-24 14:27:55 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Fix for part of 0006009: Media objects attached to Marriage events and Sources are not included in Narrative Web Site. Some references show as "Unknown", and family event media are missing if event pages are not generated. (Media objects for sources NOT fixed)
svn: r20583
2012-10-24 12:29:36 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005859: Stepsiblings are NOT correct
0006068: Narrative Web reports two people as step family when one of the parents is unknown for both
0001400: NarrativeWeb lists half-siblings in order
Various fixes for 'Parents' section of 'Individual' pages.
svn: r20578
2012-10-23 11:59:00 +00:00
Nick Hall
6128: Fix bug to allow multiple styles for same report in a book
svn: r20572
2012-10-17 12:22:36 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
Add Greek translation (contribution by Zissis Papadopoulos)
svn: r20544
2012-10-08 20:04:59 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005860: The descriptions for events are missing in the webreport.
svn: r20538
2012-10-08 10:03:32 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005088: Narrated Web Site Report sort order different Windows vs Linux. Fixed to use same Utils routine as person model.
svn: r20536
2012-10-08 09:30:59 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005678: Fix Nick Name and Call Name in narrated website. Nickname, callname and associated citations fixed for current name structure.
svn: r20520
2012-10-04 17:22:17 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0006069: GEDCOM import does not generally support MULTIMEDIA_LINKs in the embedded form
svn: r20450
2012-09-25 18:15:13 +00:00
Serge Noiraud
Geography : better place selection if we have a place history. #05742 note 25518
svn: r20447
2012-09-25 16:59:16 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0006061: GEDCOM import: link from FAM to child but missing link from child to FAM causes inconsistent displays. Fixed in GEDCOM import, importxml and Check and repair. (Also minor fixes for improved diagnostics when importxml just completely fails and for exportxml illegal characters in mime_type).
svn: r20438
2012-09-23 22:28:34 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
#6044 : typo; should use active place as mark not the first place handle on places list
svn: r20404
2012-09-17 12:55:03 +00:00
Serge Noiraud
Geography : bugs #06044 and #05975 : detection of multiple places with same title
svn: r20391
2012-09-15 07:54:07 +00:00
Julio Sánchez
Fix error in plural cousins (same generation) relationship string generation
svn: r20342
2012-09-06 12:54:54 +00:00
Julio Sánchez
Reworked as evolution of some uncompleted code for 3.2 that never made it to svn
svn: r20339
2012-09-06 09:57:57 +00:00
Benny Malengier
Fix crash in fanchart on 8 (max) generations)
svn: r20290
2012-08-30 13:16:06 +00:00
Benny Malengier
5756: First names are sometimes displayed incorrectly in Ancestry View
svn: r20248
2012-08-22 11:31:00 +00:00
Doug Blank
5990: order of families not preserved across XML export-import
svn: r20244
2012-08-21 18:33:37 +00:00
Doug Blank
5990: order of families not preserved across XML export-import
svn: r20238
2012-08-21 12:37:49 +00:00
Peter Landgren
Issue 5964, UTF16reader returned str, shoul be unicode.
svn: r20200
2012-08-11 08:40:44 +00:00
Craig J. Anderson
fix for:
errors when a person is unknown in the database.
svn: r20170
2012-08-01 18:46:40 +00:00
Andre Marcelo Varenga
update pt_BR translation
svn: r20134
2012-07-30 02:59:45 +00:00