Rob G. Healey
Moved stylesheets from styles directory to css directory.
svn: r18853
2012-02-10 23:40:41 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Removed additional class identifiers so that they would be no possible conflicts. Moved them to the role field instead.
svn: r18852
2012-02-10 23:25:59 +00:00
Josip Pisoj
bug #5554 : Automake problem
svn: r18851
2012-02-10 20:25:15 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0003874: ImportGedcom: does not recognise changes to 'preferences.default-source' after startup
svn: r18850
2012-02-10 20:14:14 +00:00
Nick Hall
5326: Revert r18842
svn: r18848
2012-02-10 19:57:57 +00:00
Paul Franklin
1) add SVN svn:keywords "Id" property if it didn't have it
2) add SVN svn:mime-type "text/plain" property if it didn't have it
svn: r18847
2012-02-10 19:39:56 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
pylint improvements
svn: r18846
2012-02-10 19:16:15 +00:00
Paul Franklin
5394: Gramps support for backup/restore of multiple trees needs to be better thought out
partial fix (nothing done about media directories);
original patch by Doug Blank, then modified by me
svn: r18845
2012-02-10 18:38:27 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
5555: Some translation strings should be the same as keys in english (GrampsType classes), detailed reports
svn: r18844
2012-02-10 15:13:04 +00:00
Nick Hall
5326: Add Alphabetical Index and Table of Contents generation for pdf reports
svn: r18842
2012-02-10 14:53:58 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0002172: Warnings on GEDCOM import. Improve compatibility with standard GEDCOM. Issue warning if both ADDR and ADR1 are supplied, as only one is stored. Store attributes more consistently: store person RIN and REFN:TYPE. Store family REFN:TYPE and RIN. Store source RIN. Fix parsing of HEAD, so that detection and storing of software product and version is not dependant on the sequence in which the tags are encountered. Fix processing of 'Submitter' so that if more than one, the correct one is stored as the researcher. Issue warning when various elements are ignored. Fix level of parsing of top level notes. Also process more of the HEAD header so that if the option for adding a default source on import is set, most of the header is stored as attributes etc. of the default source (the submitter(s) are stored as repositories).
svn: r18841
2012-02-10 00:13:17 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Some re-workings on the SourcePage Citations section: Look at the Drop Down menu options using Basic-Blue and Visually style sheets.
svn: r18839
2012-02-09 08:57:53 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Replaced Drop Down Citations with Drop Down Animated Citations.
svn: r18837
2012-02-08 05:04:53 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed and remove database objects that are not in the report database for class SourcePage's Citation Referents.
svn: r18836
2012-02-08 03:31:13 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Added to webstuff/js directory to allow this directory to become part of the Gramps autotools build.
svn: r18835
2012-02-07 18:36:10 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Updated the jquery javascript library up to version 1.7.1.
svn: r18834
2012-02-07 02:09:04 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Modified all style sheets to match changes made in SourcePage Citation Referents section.
svn: r18833
2012-02-07 01:31:51 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0001571: Option on import to preserve Non-standard data from GEDCOM files (currently discarded without notice). Change the generated NoteType to GEDCOM import.
svn: r18832
2012-02-06 22:46:37 +00:00
Gary Burton
Remove redundant variable from by_event_id_key
svn: r18830
2012-02-06 20:43:32 +00:00
Gary Burton
Fix by_event_place_key to use correct locale method
svn: r18829
2012-02-06 20:38:42 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
GEDCOM import remove debug outputs (also a few extra comments)
svn: r18827
2012-02-05 23:35:59 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005553: GEDCOM import does not import references to repositories. rid_map was not being used. Also removed redundant code in __find_or_create_repository()
svn: r18826
2012-02-05 17:51:09 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
GEDCOM import. Minor fix for reporting of top level errors.
svn: r18825
2012-02-05 15:55:17 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
GEDCOM import. Fix handling of notes. Notes could get duplicate Gramps IDs. If a note was going to be assigned the next Gramps ID, then there was no check whether the Gramps ID had already been allocated to a note that had been encountered as a linked note, but not yet committed. Also handle change date and time for notes. Also media objects attached to a source citation were parsed with the wrong level, so they swallowed the following tags (this had been a problem with the previous source references processing).
svn: r18824
2012-02-05 15:38:32 +00:00
Gary Burton
Ensure dates are sorted by key. Bug #5493
svn: r18822
2012-02-05 12:58:05 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Complete re- write of SourcePage Citation Referents section. It now works correctly and the web page source layout is also correct, which afects the page layout.
svn: r18821
2012-02-05 07:00:17 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
GEPS 023: Citations: GEDCOM import was not working if Preferences->General->'Add default source on import' was set.
svn: r18818
2012-02-03 11:15:42 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed issue on SourcePage Citation Referents not displaying the person's name.
svn: r18817
2012-02-03 07:19:59 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed hyperlinks for person and media links in the SourcePage Citation Referents section.
svn: r18816
2012-02-03 06:55:21 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Added a report for GEDCOM import showing lines that were not imported, and build notes containing the unimported data. The notes are attached, where possible, to appropriate objects.
This resolves the following two issues:
0001371: source record ignores useful DATA block
0001571: Option on import to preserve Non-standard data from GEDCOM files (currently discarded without notice)
svn: r18815
2012-02-02 23:02:18 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Changed so that the Merge Citation dialogue box closes on its own when the OkDialog box which reports the number of merges is closed.
svn: r18813
2012-02-02 13:01:38 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Change to use monospaced font in InfoDialog in upgrade 16 report. (The report was designed for a monospaced font)
svn: r18812
2012-02-02 12:53:24 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Add option for monospaced font in InfoDialog
svn: r18811
2012-02-02 12:50:56 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Added comments for the level 0 parsing to clarify signposts in the code.
svn: r18808
2012-02-01 22:14:47 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
fix a broken url by using sourceforge archives
svn: r18807
2012-02-01 19:14:14 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed all errors that were causing crashes. Thank you for taking the time to point them out to me.
svn: r18805
2012-02-01 07:11:46 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
More update on SourcePage Drop Down Citations Menu.
svn: r18804
2012-01-31 20:58:29 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005501: Gedcom with embedded and linked notes creates duplicate IDs. The translate parameter is removed from IdMapper, so that IDs are always translated. This still means that import attempts to preserve the IDs in the GEDCOM file (unless there are collisions).
svn: r18803
2012-01-31 18:25:17 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed and simplified the Drop Down Navigaton menu, which will also work for the Drop Down SourcePage Citations.
svn: r18800
2012-01-30 23:00:46 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixedclasses FamilyListPage and FamilyPage.
svn: r18799
2012-01-30 21:21:52 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
visual consistency (icons on Sources category)
svn: r18798
2012-01-30 10:49:41 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Removed class CitationPage as it will not be created after all.
svn: r18797
2012-01-30 06:38:52 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Beginning of work to allow Drop Down menu to work with class SourcePage's Citation Referents section.
svn: r18796
2012-01-30 06:35:05 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Clean up work:
* Added docstrings where missing...
* removed empty lines where needed...
* removed whitespace...
* changed several variable names
svn: r18795
2012-01-30 01:45:37 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
5543: Error on merging media objects
svn: r18794
2012-01-29 16:25:26 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
Updated gen/lib/test/
svn: r18793
2012-01-29 16:19:08 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
5536: Abbreviation field in source sidebar filter
svn: r18786
2012-01-28 22:10:56 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Remove Web_Source_Citations.css from src/plugins/webstuff/css/ to allow autotools to compile Gramps.
svn: r18785
2012-01-28 11:22:33 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Removed from the src/gen/proxy directory to allow autotools to compile Gramps.
svn: r18784
2012-01-28 11:19:55 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Edit the outline symbols for SourcePage Citation Referents section.
svn: r18783
2012-01-27 21:56:31 +00:00