Rob G. Healey
Fixed all errors that were causing crashes. Thank you for taking the time to point them out to me.
svn: r18805
2012-02-01 07:11:46 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
More update on SourcePage Drop Down Citations Menu.
svn: r18804
2012-01-31 20:58:29 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005501: Gedcom with embedded and linked notes creates duplicate IDs. The translate parameter is removed from IdMapper, so that IDs are always translated. This still means that import attempts to preserve the IDs in the GEDCOM file (unless there are collisions).
svn: r18803
2012-01-31 18:25:17 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed and simplified the Drop Down Navigaton menu, which will also work for the Drop Down SourcePage Citations.
svn: r18800
2012-01-30 23:00:46 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixedclasses FamilyListPage and FamilyPage.
svn: r18799
2012-01-30 21:21:52 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
visual consistency (icons on Sources category)
svn: r18798
2012-01-30 10:49:41 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Removed class CitationPage as it will not be created after all.
svn: r18797
2012-01-30 06:38:52 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Beginning of work to allow Drop Down menu to work with class SourcePage's Citation Referents section.
svn: r18796
2012-01-30 06:35:05 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Clean up work:
* Added docstrings where missing...
* removed empty lines where needed...
* removed whitespace...
* changed several variable names
svn: r18795
2012-01-30 01:45:37 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
5543: Error on merging media objects
svn: r18794
2012-01-29 16:25:26 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
Updated gen/lib/test/
svn: r18793
2012-01-29 16:19:08 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
5536: Abbreviation field in source sidebar filter
svn: r18786
2012-01-28 22:10:56 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Remove Web_Source_Citations.css from src/plugins/webstuff/css/ to allow autotools to compile Gramps.
svn: r18785
2012-01-28 11:22:33 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Removed from the src/gen/proxy directory to allow autotools to compile Gramps.
svn: r18784
2012-01-28 11:19:55 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Edit the outline symbols for SourcePage Citation Referents section.
svn: r18783
2012-01-27 21:56:31 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Remove unnecessary Style Sheet.
svn: r18782
2012-01-27 21:36:37 +00:00
Gary Burton
Removed referenced proxy in favour of referencedBySelection
svn: r18781
2012-01-27 21:03:57 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0002918: Add Gedcom EVENT_TYPE_CITED_FROM and ROLE_IN_EVENT in relation with Source Citation Fields. These are added as data elements with keys EVEN and EVEN:ROLE respectively.
svn: r18780
2012-01-27 20:59:35 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
Add missing citation file reference for desktop using svg (installation)
svn: r18779
2012-01-27 17:54:35 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Moved Home link to the Main line of Drop-Down navigation menu.
svn: r18774
2012-01-26 17:35:55 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Style Sheet that will create the brand new Citations Referents Drop Down menu for class SourcePage for NarrativeWeb.
svn: r18773
2012-01-26 16:50:45 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Moved Contact out to the main line Drop down menu. Clean up of the web page output.
svn: r18772
2012-01-26 09:09:36 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Drop Down Main Navigation Menu is now working...
* you will need to choose either Basic-Blue or Visually Style Sheet for this to work.
* I could extend this to all Style sheets if it is wanted.
svn: r18771
2012-01-26 08:15:11 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005533: RTFDoc produces invalid RTF when bold and normal are mixed in a paragraph. start_bold and end_bold changed to store data in the self.text buffer
svn: r18770
2012-01-25 23:28:42 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Added NarrativeWeb menu option for Drop Drop Menus.
svn: r18769
2012-01-25 05:14:54 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Adding Cascading Style Sheet for the beginning of HTML5/ CSS3 Drop Down menus option in NarrativeWeb.
svn: r18768
2012-01-25 04:52:29 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Needed to remove gramps-citation.png from this file to get autotools to work.
svn: r18767
2012-01-25 04:12:34 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005529: Implement clickable links in reports, at least for odf. Implemented for odf output only, using mark.type LOCAL_HYPERLINK and LOCAL_TARGET.
svn: r18766
2012-01-24 18:13:23 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005528: ODF output fails validation. Added generation of settings.xml, and fixed illegal characters in style-name
svn: r18765
2012-01-24 16:00:11 +00:00
Paul Franklin
5434: Complete Individual report does not display photos with PDF or LaTeX file formats
svn: r18764
2012-01-24 06:14:33 +00:00
Paul Franklin
5526: Complete Individual report sometimes has trailing blank page
svn: r18763
2012-01-23 17:09:03 +00:00
Paul Franklin
svn: r18762
2012-01-22 17:18:30 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
GEPS 023: Updates to source and citation icons to make them more tango-like, following suggestion in
svn: r18761
2012-01-22 14:57:41 +00:00
Paul Franklin
5317: Multi-line photo captions are not rendered correctly in output reports
patch from Adam Stein <>
svn: r18760
2012-01-22 04:03:29 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
5513: notes on places are not exported
svn: r18755
2012-01-19 09:04:12 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Added code to handle when the event has multiple participants such as a census record.
svn: r18753
2012-01-19 08:48:41 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Created line for Marriage of for Marriage event on new SourcePage.
svn: r18752
2012-01-19 03:10:26 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Added section roles to web output. Modified menu navigation so that it will continue to work with all style sheets. Added ability to have Fade menu if there is only one year being created and only if Blue or Visually is being used.
svn: r18751
2012-01-17 10:22:26 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed the menu navigation for WebCal since changing it for NarrativeWeb.
svn: r18750
2012-01-17 06:22:52 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Work has been done to make this style sheet more compliant with the W3C CSS validation service.
svn: r18749
2012-01-16 07:50:10 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed a typo in class MediaPage(). Thank you Tim Lyons for pointing it out to me.
svn: r18748
2012-01-15 23:56:28 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
Fix named constant
svn: r18747
2012-01-15 21:03:51 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
Fix keyboard shortcut
svn: r18745
2012-01-15 21:01:07 +00:00
Gerald Britton
Reverting inadvertent changes to WebCal
svn: r18744
2012-01-14 20:34:59 +00:00
Gerald Britton
Change HTML5 support so that pages pass the w3c validator tests
svn: r18743
2012-01-14 20:27:24 +00:00
Nick Hall
Tidy up code for secondary object nodes (see r18706)
svn: r18740
2012-01-13 22:21:22 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Reverted Main Navigation Menu back to a two row display if there are more than ten (10) menu items.
svn: r18739
2012-01-12 17:06:58 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Added a Horizontal Fade-In/ Fade-Out Navigation Menus Style Sheet for use with WebKit Browsers.
svn: r18738
2012-01-12 16:36:54 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed a type in and a little bit of separation of lines.
* Fixed the Vertical menu placement on the page.
* Removed margin-top element from Basic-Blue style sheet.
svn: r18737
2012-01-12 08:29:13 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Minor clean up of comments...
svn: r18736
2012-01-12 07:50:36 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed Events for SourcePage and sorted them by event.get_date_object().get_sort_value().
svn: r18735
2012-01-12 07:06:48 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Updated Vertical to handle the new navigation/ alphabet division names. Re- worked the Vertical menu.
svn: r18733
2012-01-10 09:13:56 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Increased font size of Navigation menus as it was too tiny to see.
svn: r18732
2012-01-10 07:36:39 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed issue in the navigation bar of not showing it horizontally. All style sheets tested and working with menus.
svn: r18731
2012-01-10 07:10:29 +00:00
Paul Franklin
warn user if nobody selected
svn: r18730
2012-01-09 18:20:21 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
5397: In "Check & Repair Database" the default path to missing media is always to \gramps\bin
svn: r18729
2012-01-09 18:13:34 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
3435: Deleting Locked Database from Dialog causes database change
svn: r18727
2012-01-09 18:05:25 +00:00
Paul Franklin
5489: some rows have no right border
svn: r18726
2012-01-09 15:04:54 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Removed coding for splitting the navigation menu: based on user screen resolution; instead it will break up the menu based of a screen resolution of 1024 as suggested by Nick Hall in the past.
svn: r18725
2012-01-09 03:38:17 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Beginning of CitationPage has begun. Waiting for comments from Tim Lyons to continue work on it.
svn: r18724
2012-01-08 09:10:49 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Add ability to split the navigation menu if too many items for one line based on screen width.
svn: r18722
2012-01-08 06:58:08 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Have done alot of cleanup work on some parts of NarrativeWeb. Complete re-write of class SourcePage.
* Style sheets: Noticed that on larger screen widths of more than 1024, that a hard- coded screen width, that the web page is only half the screen or less. Changed screen width to 100% rather than 965px. Might look into removing the hard- coded screen size.
* Need to look into changing how many list items are in the navigation menu based on screen width.
svn: r18721
2012-01-08 03:00:11 +00:00
Paul Franklin
svn: r18720
2012-01-07 23:41:58 +00:00
Paul Franklin
better PEP08, shorten some lines
svn: r18719
2012-01-07 22:55:04 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
now in 2012
svn: r18718
2012-01-07 07:48:25 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
0005351: Focus on event window should be set to "Event type" by default. Discussion also suggests focus for EditSourceRef. This patch applies that focus algorithm to EditCitation, since this, in effect, takes the place of EditSourceRef.
svn: r18715
2012-01-07 00:10:03 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
Add ID code for citation object to the preferences dialogue (see posting from Jerome on Gramps Dev mailing list 13 Nov 2011)
svn: r18714
2012-01-06 23:36:51 +00:00
Tim G L Lyons
GEPS 023: Updates to Check and Repair, Test Case Generator and repo and Utils
Check and Repair tool
- new check source and citation reference function, with extensive changes from previous (temporary) check citation references function,
- low level in-table duplicate handle check removed as this is superfluous because the main database tables do not use the DB_DUP flag,
- Progress meter added for cross table duplicate checking and fixed for all checks,
- diagnostic prints added for all checks to indicate success, and for many to indicate details of failures detected. These prints could be simply changed to Log messages if necessary. Comments added to show how checks relate to Test Case Generator test data,
- order of checks revised so empty objects are removed first,
- fix_encoding of media paths and descriptions modified to remove invalid characters (see change to Utils),
- check and remove empty citations added. remove_citation_references added to fix removal of citations on addresses in Repository records. fix_encoding modified to add an option to ignore characters that can't be unicode encoded.
- generate families extended to generate family events,
- options dialogue updated to reflect available features and to make it clearer,
- block transactions options removed as they were by-passed in the code.
- progress meter updated to use current function, and to properly update for all options,
- signal testing code (that wasn't functional anyway) removed,
- tag generating code called when it needed to be,
- data error generating code broken up into functions to reflect the functions in the Check and Repair tool that they are designed to test,
- various test data functions added for testing cross table duplicates, media encoding errors, missing photos, control characters in notes, empty objects, source and citation references and a few missing broken family links tests,
- some fixes for some test cases (check events, person events were marked as birth events)
- fix random text so tags don't contain invalid characters and add a styled text option,
- ensure that some citations are shared,
- remove old redundant commit_transaction function,
- media linked to pictures that exist in the Gramps code so that they don't appear as missing images.
svn: r18713
2012-01-06 22:56:08 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Removed surname list on Citation Referents in Source Pages as per request from Tim Lyons.
svn: r18712
2012-01-06 21:40:25 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
5478: Multiline text field in reports dialogs not rendered correctly
svn: r18710
2012-01-06 18:16:17 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fix errors on class SourcePage and write_data_map(). Thank you Tim Lyons for pointing them out to me.
svn: r18709
2012-01-06 05:46:26 +00:00
Paul Franklin
cope if no image file exists
svn: r18708
2012-01-06 04:10:20 +00:00
Paul Franklin
better PEP08 formatting, for 18695
svn: r18707
2012-01-05 19:52:34 +00:00
Nick Hall
Improve treebasemodel to allow filtering of secondary object nodes. Fix sorting of secondary object nodes.
svn: r18706
2012-01-05 19:16:34 +00:00
Nick Hall
Remove redundant variable
svn: r18705
2012-01-05 18:54:43 +00:00
Paul Franklin
bug #5485 (introduced at rev 18118, for f.r. #5149 )
svn: r18704
2012-01-05 17:50:47 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Cleanup and consistence cleanup of code.
svn: r18703
2012-01-05 08:33:29 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Added a conditional to make sure that there was a citation before creating hyper links.
svn: r18702
2012-01-04 21:17:56 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
5366: When doing a backup to a non existing directory, the error msg box is unreadable Only the first characters are shown
svn: r18700
2012-01-04 18:41:43 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Making code changes that will make things more consistent in style.
svn: r18697
2012-01-04 00:16:44 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
5196: When reordering items in a list, make sure selected item is always visible
svn: r18696
2012-01-03 21:00:13 +00:00
Paul Franklin
clarify error typeout
svn: r18695
2012-01-03 18:27:36 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Modified the alphabet menu as it almost had faded into obilivion. Made it more prominent on the pages where it is available.
svn: r18694
2012-01-03 17:06:37 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Bug#5477; Applies to this one also as the same translation issuesw were in here.
svn: r18693
2012-01-03 17:04:22 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Fixed the huge time delay in Creating Event pages.
svn: r18691
2012-01-03 07:43:54 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Adjusted the navigation and alphabet menus so as they do not appear so cramped and crowded.
svn: r18690
2012-01-03 06:40:39 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Clean up of a lot of code, complete re-do of the navigation and alphabet menus.
svn: r18689
2012-01-03 05:21:42 +00:00
Doug Blank
5268: Filters do not work on exporting XML gramps or generating NAVWEB
svn: r18688
2012-01-03 04:58:20 +00:00
Doug Blank
5476: Allow user to set a default relationship type
svn: r18687
2012-01-02 15:12:18 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
1995: DB remains locked if it is incompatible
svn: r18680
2012-01-01 22:13:46 +00:00
Nick Hall
5472: Update gramplets when database changed so that they correctly show if they have data. Also remove superfluous updates.
svn: r18679
2012-01-01 17:58:33 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Adjusted the placement of the progress bar in event_pages() in an attemp to speed up the display of the progress bar.
svn: r18677
2012-01-01 05:41:13 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Added text-indent to p#description; ListPage description paragraph.
svn: r18676
2012-01-01 05:39:13 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Added style elements into all style sheets.
svn: r18675
2012-01-01 01:03:45 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
Added list style types to the list in SourcePage.
svn: r18674
2012-01-01 00:41:27 +00:00
Rob G. Healey
class SourcePage is now ready.
svn: r18673
2011-12-31 23:46:54 +00:00
Nick Hall
5232: Connect database signals using the callback manager
svn: r18672
2011-12-31 22:04:06 +00:00
Michiel Nauta
5467: Selected object after merger is not always merged object
svn: r18669
2011-12-31 18:47:05 +00:00
Nick Hall
5442: Clear pedigree view when creating new database and the active person is not set
svn: r18668
2011-12-31 18:05:07 +00:00
Jérôme Rapinat
5463: missing reference
svn: r18666
2011-12-31 10:31:17 +00:00