# Copyright (C) YEAR ORGANIZATION. # Eero Tamminen , 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. # Janne Kovesjärvi , 2008, 200, 2013. # Pekka Valta , 2014. # Niemelä , 2017, 2018. # Matti Niemelä , 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2022. # Nick Hall , 2021. # PeterJPower , 2021. # Jiri Grönroos , 2022. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Gramps_5_fi\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-05 23:23+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-02-27 21:30+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Matti Niemelä \n" "Language-Team: Finnish \n" "Language: fi\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.11.1-dev\n" "Generated-By: pygettext.py 1.4\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../Gramps/gramps\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" # Kalenteri valikko älä käännä kielivalintoja #: ../data/holidays.xml:3 msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Bulgaria" #: ../data/holidays.xml:52 msgid "Canada" msgstr "Kanada" #: ../data/holidays.xml:84 msgid "Catalonia" msgstr "Katalonia" #: ../data/holidays.xml:101 msgid "Chile" msgstr "Chile" #: ../data/holidays.xml:124 msgid "China" msgstr "Kiina" #: ../data/holidays.xml:127 msgid "Croatia" msgstr "Kroatia" #: ../data/holidays.xml:143 msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "Tšekin tasavalta" #: ../data/holidays.xml:158 msgid "England" msgstr "Iso-Britania" #: ../data/holidays.xml:188 msgid "Finland" msgstr "Suomi" #: ../data/holidays.xml:282 msgid "France" msgstr "Ranska" #: ../data/holidays.xml:318 msgid "Germany" msgstr "Saksa" #: ../data/holidays.xml:335 msgid "Japan" msgstr "Japani" #: ../data/holidays.xml:358 msgid "Jewish Holidays" msgstr "Juutalaiset juhlapyhät" #: ../data/holidays.xml:359 msgid "Purim" msgstr "Purim-juhla" #: ../data/holidays.xml:360 msgid "Passover" msgstr "Pääsiäinen" #: ../data/holidays.xml:361 msgid "2 of Passover" msgstr "2. Pääsiäisestä" #: ../data/holidays.xml:362 msgid "3 of Passover" msgstr "3. Pääsiäisestä" #: ../data/holidays.xml:363 msgid "4 of Passover" msgstr "4. Pääsiäisestä" #: ../data/holidays.xml:364 msgid "5 of Passover" msgstr "5. Pääsiäisestä" #: ../data/holidays.xml:365 msgid "6 of Passover" msgstr "6. Pääsiäisestä" #: ../data/holidays.xml:366 msgid "7 of Passover" msgstr "7. Pääsiäisestä" #: ../data/holidays.xml:367 msgid "Shavuot" msgstr "Shavuot-juhla" #: ../data/holidays.xml:368 msgid "Rosh Ha'Shana" msgstr "Rosh Ha'Shana" #: ../data/holidays.xml:369 msgid "Rosh Ha'Shana 2" msgstr "Rosh Ha'Shana 2" #: ../data/holidays.xml:370 msgid "Yom Kippur" msgstr "Yom Kippur" #: ../data/holidays.xml:371 msgid "Sukot" msgstr "Sukkot" #: ../data/holidays.xml:372 msgid "2 of Sukot" msgstr "2. Sukkot" #: ../data/holidays.xml:373 msgid "3 of Sukot" msgstr "3. Sukkot" #: ../data/holidays.xml:374 msgid "4 of Sukot" msgstr "4. Sukkot" #: ../data/holidays.xml:375 msgid "5 of Sukot" msgstr "5. Sukkot" #: ../data/holidays.xml:376 msgid "6 of Sukot" msgstr "6. Sukkot" #: ../data/holidays.xml:377 msgid "7 of Sukot" msgstr "7. Sukkot" #: ../data/holidays.xml:378 msgid "Simhat Tora" msgstr "Simhat Tora" #: ../data/holidays.xml:379 msgid "Hanuka" msgstr "Hanukka" #: ../data/holidays.xml:380 msgid "2 of Hanuka" msgstr "2. Hanukka" #: ../data/holidays.xml:381 msgid "3 of Hanuka" msgstr "3. Hanukka" #: ../data/holidays.xml:382 msgid "4 of Hanuka" msgstr "4. Hanukka" #: ../data/holidays.xml:383 msgid "5 of Hanuka" msgstr "5. Hanukka" #: ../data/holidays.xml:384 msgid "6 of Hanuka" msgstr "6. Hanukka" #: ../data/holidays.xml:385 msgid "7 of Hanuka" msgstr "7. Hanukka" #: ../data/holidays.xml:386 msgid "8 of Hanuka" msgstr "8. Hanukka" #: ../data/holidays.xml:388 msgid "Italy" msgstr "Italia" #: ../data/holidays.xml:402 msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "Uusi-Seelanti" # 20200823 #: ../data/holidays.xml:418 msgid "Russia" msgstr "Venäjä" #: ../data/holidays.xml:434 msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Serbia" # Älä käännä tänne asti #: ../data/holidays.xml:449 msgid "Serbia (Latin)" msgstr "Serbia (Latin)" #: ../data/holidays.xml:464 msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "Slovakia" #: ../data/holidays.xml:481 ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:47 msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Ruotsi" #: ../data/holidays.xml:508 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Turkish" msgid "Turkey" msgstr "turkki" #: ../data/holidays.xml:536 msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Ukraina" #: ../data/holidays.xml:563 msgid "United States of America" msgstr "Yhdysvallat" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:4 #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.desktop.in:3 msgid "Gramps" msgstr "Gramps" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:5 #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.desktop.in:6 msgid "" "Manage genealogical information, perform genealogical research and analysis" msgstr "Hallinnoi sukutietoja, tee sukututkimusta ja analysoi sukutietoja" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:7 msgid "" "Gramps is a genealogy program that is both intuitive for hobbyists and " "feature-complete for professional genealogists." msgstr "" "Gramps on sukututkimusohjelma, joka on harrastelijalle helppo käyttää ja " "jossa on ammattitutkijan tarvitsemat ominaisuudet." #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:8 msgid "" "It gives you the ability to record the many details of the life of an " "individual as well as the complex relationships between various people, " "places and events." msgstr "" "Sen avulla voit tallentaa henkilön elämänkaaren monia tapahtumia kuten myös " "monimutkaisia suhteita henkilöiden, paikkojen ja tapahtumien välillä." #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:9 msgid "" "All of your research is kept organized, searchable and as precise as you " "need it to be." msgstr "" "Kaikki tutkimuksesi pidetään juuri niin hallittuna, haettavissa ja tarkkana " "kuin sinulle on tarpeen." #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:12 msgid "Gramps Development Team" msgstr "Gramps-kehitystiimi" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.desktop.in:4 msgid "Genealogy System" msgstr "Sukututkimusjärjestelmä" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.desktop.in:12 msgid "Genealogy;Family History;Research;Family Tree;GEDCOM;" msgstr "Sukututkimus;Suvun tarina;Tutkimus;Sukupuu;GEDCOM;" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:6 msgid "Gramps database" msgstr "Gramps-tietokanta" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:10 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:76 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:54 msgid "GEDCOM" msgstr "GEDCOM" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:20 msgid "Gramps package" msgstr "Gramps-paketti" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:24 msgid "Gramps XML database" msgstr "Grampsin XML-tietokanta" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:32 msgid "GeneWeb source file" msgstr "GeneWeb-lähdetiedosto" #: ../data/tips.xml:4 msgid "" "Working with Dates
A range of dates can be given by using the " "format \"between January 4, 2000 and March 20, 2003\". You can also indicate " "the level of confidence in a date and even choose between seven different " "calendars. Try the button next to the date field in the Events Editor." msgstr "" "Päivämäärien käyttäminen
Aikaväli voidaan antaa muodossa \"4 " "tammikuuta 2000 ja 20 maaliskuuta 2003 välillä\". Voit myös antaa " "päivämäärän luotettavuudesta arvion ja valita päivämäärän useista " "kalentereista. Kokeile painiketta, joka on päivämääräkentän vieressä " "tapahtumaviite muokkaimessa." #: ../data/tips.xml:6 msgid "" "Editing Objects
In most cases double clicking on a name, source, " "place or media entry will bring up a window to allow you to edit the object. " "Note that the result can be dependent on context. For example, in the Family " "View clicking on a parent or child will bring up the Relationship Editor." msgstr "" "Kohteiden muokkaus
Useimmissa tapauksissa nimeen, lähteeseen, " "paikkaan tai mediatiedostoon napsauttaminen aukaisee ikkunan, josta voit " "muokata sen ominaisuuksia. Se mitä tapahtuu, saattaa riippua kontekstista. " "Esimerkiksi Perhenäkymässä vanhempaan tai lapseen napsauttaminen aukaisee " "suhde muokkaimen." #: ../data/tips.xml:8 msgid "" "Adding Images
An image can be added to any gallery or the Media " "View by dragging and dropping it from a file manager or a web browser. " "Actually you can add any type of file like this, useful for scans of " "documents and other digital sources." msgstr "" "Kuvien lisääminen
Kuva voidaan lisätä medianäkymään tai mihin " "tahansa galleriaan vetämällä ja pudottamalle se tiedostonhallinnasta tai " "nettiselaimesta. Itse asiassa voit näin lisätä minkä tahansa tiedoston, " "toiminto on hyödyllinen Skannatessa asiakirjoja ja muita digitaalisista " "lähteistä." #: ../data/tips.xml:10 msgid "" "Ordering Children in a Family
The birth order of children in a " "family can be set by using drag and drop. This order is preserved even when " "they do not have birth dates." msgstr "" "Perheen lasten järjestäminen
Perheen lasten järjestäminen " "syntymäjärjestykseen tapahtuu vetämällä ja pudottamalla. Menettely toimii " "myös niiden lasten kohdalla, joilla ei ole syntymäaikaa." #: ../data/tips.xml:12 msgid "" "Talk to Relatives Before It Is Too Late
Your oldest relatives can " "be your most important source of information. They usually know things about " "the family that haven't been written down. They might tell you nuggets about " "people that may one day lead to a new avenue of research. At the very least, " "you will get to hear some great stories. Don't forget to record the " "conversations!" msgstr "" "Haastattele sukulaisiasi ajoissa
Vanhimmat sukulaisesi ovat " "tärkeimpiä tietolähteitäsi. Yleensä he tietävät suvustasi asioita, joita ei " "ole kirjattu minnekään. Voit saada heiltä ihmisistä tietoja, jotka jonain " "päivänä voivat hyvinkin johtaa tutkimuksesi uusille urille. Vähintäänkin " "kuulet muutamia hyviä tarinoita. Älä unohda nauhoittaa keskustelujasi!" #: ../data/tips.xml:14 msgid "" "Filtering People
In the People View, you can 'filter' individuals " "based on many criteria. To define a new filter go to \"Edit > Person " "Filter Editor\". There you can name your filter and add and combine rules " "using the many preset rules. For example, you can define a filter to find " "all adopted people in the family tree. People without a birth date mentioned " "can also be filtered. To get the results save your filter and select it at " "the bottom of the Filter Sidebar, then click Apply. If the Filter Sidebar is " "not visible, select View > Filter." msgstr "" "Henkilöiden suodattaminen
Henkilöt näkymässä voit 'suodattaa' " "henkilöitä monin eri perustein. Määritä uusi suodin valitsemalla \"Muokkaa " "> Henkilösuodinmuokkain\" ja valita jokin monista valmiista suotimista. " "Esimerkiksi voit valita kaikki henkilöt, jotka on adoptoitu. Tai henkilöt, " "joilla ei ole syntymäaikaa. Saadaksesi tuloksia sulje suodin ja valitse " "suodin sivupalkin alaosan Käyttäjän suodin painikkeesta, ja napsauta Etsi. " "Jos suodinsivupalkki ei ole näkyvissä, lisää sivupalkkiin Gramplet > " "Suodin." #: ../data/tips.xml:16 msgid "" "Inverted Filtering
Filters can easily be reversed by using the " "'invert' option. For instance, by inverting the 'People with children' " "filter you can select all people without children." msgstr "" "Käänteinen suodatus
Suodin on helppo kääntää 'Vaihda " "päinvastaiseksi' valinnalla. Esimerkiksi kääntämällä suotimen 'Henkilöt, " "joilla on lapsia' saat näkyviin henkilöt, joilla ei ole lapsia." #: ../data/tips.xml:18 msgid "" "Locating People
By default, each surname in the People View is " "listed only once. By clicking on the arrow to the left of a name, the list " "will expand to show all individuals with that last name. To locate any " "Family Name from a long list, select a Family Name (not a person) and start " "typing. The view will jump to the first Family Name matching the letters you " "enter." msgstr "" "Henkilöiden paikallistaminen
Oletusarvoisesti jokainen sukunimi " "henkilönäkymässä on listattu vain kerran. Napsauttamalla sukunimen vieressä " "olevaa nuolta, lista laajenee näyttämään kaikki henkilöt, joilla on vastaava " "sukunimi. Pitkästä perhenimien listasta löytyy haettava valitsemalla ensin " "Perheen nimi (ei henkilön) ja sitten kirjoittamalla haettavaa nimeä, jolloin " "näkymä siirtyy ensimmäiseen Perheen nimeen, joka vastaa kirjoitettua." #: ../data/tips.xml:20 msgid "" "The Family View
The Family View is used to display a typical " "family unit as two parents and their children." msgstr "" "Perhenäkymä
Perhenäkymä näyttää tyypillisen perheen jäsenet; " "henkilön vanhemmat, puolisot ja lapset." #: ../data/tips.xml:22 msgid "" "Changing the Active Person
Changing the Active Person in views is " "easy. In the Relationship view just click on anyone. In the Ancestry View " "doubleclick on the person or right click to select any of their spouses, " "siblings, children or parents." msgstr "" "Aktiivisen henkilön vaihtaminen
Aktiivisen henkilön vaihtaminen " "näkymässä on helppoa. Suhteet-näkymässä napsautetaan vain ketä tahansa " "henkilöä. Kaaviot näkymässä kaksoisnapsautetaan henkilöä tai napsautetaan " "hiiren kakkospainikkeella henkilöä ja valitaan kuka tahansa puolisoista, " "sisaruksista, lapsista tai vanhemmista." #: ../data/tips.xml:24 msgid "" "Who Was Born When?
Under \"Tools > Analysis and exploration " "> Compare Individual Events...\" you can compare the data of individuals " "in your database. This is useful, say, if you wish to list the birth dates " "of everyone in your database. You can use a custom filter to narrow the " "results." msgstr "" "Kuka syntyi ja milloin?
\"Työkalut > Analyysi ja tutkimus > " "Vertaa henkilöiden tapahtumia ...\" työkalu sallii sinun verrata tietokannan " "henkilöiden tietoja. Tästä on hyötyä, jos haluat esimerkiksi listata " "kaikkien tietokannassasi olevien henkilöiden syntymäajat. Mukautetun " "suotimen avulla voit rajata hakua." #: ../data/tips.xml:26 msgid "" "Gramps Tools
Gramps comes with a rich set of tools. These allow " "you to undertake operations such as checking the database for errors and " "consistency. There are research and analysis tools such as event comparison, " "finding duplicate people, interactive descendant browser, and many others. " "All tools can be accessed through the \"Tools\" menu." msgstr "" "Gramps-työkalut
Grampsin mukana tulee runsas joukko työkaluja. " "Niillä voit tarkistaa tietokantasi virheiden ja epäyhtenäisyyksien varalta, " "verrata tapahtumia, löytää kahdennettuja tietoja, käyttää interaktiivista " "jälkeläisselainta jne. Kaikki työkalut löytyvät \"Työkalut\"-valikosta." #: ../data/tips.xml:28 msgid "" "Calculating Relationships
To check if two people in the database " "are related (by blood, not marriage) try the tool under \"Tools > " "Utilities > Relationship Calculator...\". The exact relationship as well " "as all common ancestors are reported." msgstr "" "Sukulaisuussuhteiden laskenta
Voit tarkistaa onko joku sukua " "sinulle (verisukulainen, ei avioliiton kautta) käyttämällä \"Työkalut > " "Apuvälineet > Suhdelaskin...\" työkalua. Se raportoi tarkan " "sukulaisuussuhteen sekä yhteiset esivanhemmat." #: ../data/tips.xml:30 msgid "" "SoundEx can help with family research
SoundEx solves a long " "standing problem in genealogy, how to handle spelling variations. The " "SoundEx Gramplet takes a surname and generates a simplified form that is " "equivalent for similar sounding names. Knowing the SoundEx Code for a " "surname is very helpful for researching Census Data files (microfiche) at a " "library or other research facility. To view the SoundEx codes for surnames " "in your database, add the SoundEx Gramplet." msgstr "" "SoundEx koodeista hyötyä sukututkimuksessa
SoundEx ratkaisee " "sukututkimusta pitkään vaivanneen ongelman, miten käsitellään nimien " "ääntämiseen liittyviä eroja. SoundEx apuväline ottaa sukunimen ja tuottaa " "siitä yksinkertaistetun muodon, joka on yhteinen samalta kuulostaville " "nimille. Sukunimen SoundEx koodin tietäminen auttaa tutkittaessa (Amerikan?) " "väestönlaskentarekisterin tietoja (mikrofilmillä) kirjastossa tai muussa " "tutkimuslaitoksessa. Saadaksesi SoundEx koodin tietokantasi nimille, lisää " "ohjelmaan Soundex gramplet." #: ../data/tips.xml:32 msgid "" "Setting Your Preferences
\"Edit > Preferences...\" lets you " "modify a number of settings, such as the path to your media files, and " "allows you to adjust many aspects of the Gramps presentation to your needs. " "Each separate view can also be configured under \"View > Configure View..." "\"" msgstr "" "Asetuksiesi antaminen
\"Muuta > Asetukset...\" antaa muuttaa " "joukon asetuksia, kuten mediatiedostojen polun ja muita Grampsin " "näyttötapoja, aina tarpeittesi mukaan. Jokainen näkymä on erikseen " "muokattavissa: \"Näytä > Asetukset...\"" #: ../data/tips.xml:34 msgid "" "Gramps Reports
Gramps offers a wide variety of reports. The " "Graphical Reports and Graphs can present complex relationships easily and " "the Text Reports are particularly useful if you want to send the results of " "your family tree to members of the family via email. If you're ready to make " "a website for your family tree then there's a report for that as well." msgstr "" "Gramps-raportit
Gramps tarjoaa laajan kirjon erilaisia " "raportteja. Tekstiraportit ovat erityisen käyttökelpoisia, jos haluat " "lähettää sukupuusi tuloksia sukulaisillesi sähköpostin välityksellä. Jos " "olet valmis näyttämään sukupuun nettisivuilla, siihen löytyy myös raportti." #: ../data/tips.xml:36 msgid "" "Starting a New Family Tree
A good way to start a new family tree " "is to enter all the members of the family into the database using the Person " "View (use \"Edit > Add...\" or click on the Add a new person button from " "the People View). Then go to the Relationship View and create relationships " "between people." msgstr "" "Uuden sukupuun aloittaminen
Hyvä tapa aloittaa uusi sukupuu on " "ensin syöttää kaikki haluamasi sukulaiset tietokantaan (käytä \"Muokkaa > " "Lisää...\" tai napsauta Lisää painiketta henkilövalikossa). Sitten siirry " "suhdenäkymään ja lisää henkilöiden väliset suhteet." #: ../data/tips.xml:38 msgid "" "What's That For?
Unsure what a button does? Simply hold the mouse " "over a button and a tooltip will appear." msgstr "" "Mihin käytetään?
Epävarma siitä, mitä jostain painikkeesta " "tapahtuu? Siirrä hiiri hetkeksi ao. painikkeen päälle ja sitä koskeva vinkki " "tulee näkyviin." #: ../data/tips.xml:40 msgid "" "Unsure of a Date?
If you're unsure about the date an event " "occurred, Gramps allows you to enter a wide range of date formats based on a " "guess or an estimate. For instance, \"about 1908\" is a valid entry for a " "birth date in Gramps. Click the Date button next to the date field and see " "the Gramps Manual to learn more." msgstr "" "Epävarma päivämäärästä?
Jos et ole varma milloin jokin tapahtuma " "tapahtui (esim. syntymä tai kuolema), Gramps sallii päivämäärän antamisen " "monissa eri muodoissa, arvaukseen tai arvioon perustuen. Gramps hyväksyy " "esimerkiksi muodon \"noin 1908\". Napsauta Päivämäärän muokkain painiketta " "päivämäärän vieressä ja katso Grampsin käyttöohjeesta lisää." #: ../data/tips.xml:42 msgid "" "Duplicate Entries
\"Tools > Database Processing > Find " "Possible Duplicate People...\" allows you to locate (and merge) entries of " "the same person entered more than once in the database." msgstr "" "Kahdentuneet tiedot
\"Työkalut > Sukupuun käsittely > Etsi " "mahdolliset henkilöiden kahdennukset...\" sallii sinun paikantaa (ja " "sulauttaa) henkilöt, joiden tiedot on syötetty tietokantaan useamman kerran." #: ../data/tips.xml:44 msgid "" "Merging Entries
The function \"Edit > Compare and Merge...\" " "allows you to combine separately listed people into one. Select the second " "entry by holding the Control key as you click. This is very useful for " "combining two databases with overlapping people, or combining erroneously " "entered differing names for one individual. This also works for the Places, " "Sources and Repositories views." msgstr "" "Tietojen sulauttaminen
Toiminto \"Muokkaa > Sulauta...\" " "sallii sinun liittää erikseen listattuja henkilöitä yhteen. Valitse toinen " "merkintä pitämällä CTRL-näppäintä alhaalla ja napsauta. Tästä on hyötyä " "yhdistettäessä samoja ihmisiä sisältäviä tietokantoja tai yhdistettäessä " "vahingossa useampaan kertaan syötettyjä henkilöitä. Pätee myös paikka-, " "lähde- ja arkistonäkymiin." #: ../data/tips.xml:46 msgid "" "Organising the Views
Many of the views can present your data as " "either a hierarchical tree or as a simple list. Each view can also be " "configured to the way you like it. Have a look to the right of the top " "toolbar or under the \"View\" menu." msgstr "" "Näkymien hallinnointi
Monet näkymät voivat näyttää tietosi " "rakennepuuna tai yksinkertaisena listana. Näkymien asetuksia voi myös " "muuttaa tarpeesi mukaan. Tutustu työkalupainikkeisiin yläpalkissa oikealla " "tai \"Näytä\" valikossa." #: ../data/tips.xml:48 msgid "" "Navigating Back and Forward
Gramps maintains a list of previous " "active objects such as People and Events. You can move forward and backward " "through the list using \"Go > Forward\" and \"Go > Back\" or the arrow " "buttons." msgstr "" "Siirtyminen edelliseen ja seuraavaan
Gramps pitää listaa " "aikaisemmista aktiivisista henkilöistä ja tapahtumista. Voit siirtyä " "seuraavaan ja edelliseen listassa \"Siirry > Seuraava\" ja \"Siirry > " "Edellinen\" toimintoja käyttämällä, tai nuolipainikkeilla." #: ../data/tips.xml:50 msgid "" "Keyboard Shortcuts
Tired of having to take your hand off the " "keyboard to use the mouse? Many functions in Gramps have keyboard shortcuts. " "If one exists for a function it is displayed on the right side of the menu." msgstr "" "Pikavalinnat näppäimistöllä
Väsynyt käsien irrottamiseen " "näppäimistöltä hiirtä käyttääksesi? Monille Grampsin toiminnoille on " "olemassa näppäinyhdistelmät. Jos toiminnolle on sellainen, se näytetään " "valikon oikeassa reunassa." #: ../data/tips.xml:52 msgid "" "Read the Manual
Don't forget to read the Gramps manual, \"Help " "> User Manual\". The developers have worked hard to make most operations " "intuitive but the manual is full of information that will make your time " "spent on genealogy more productive." msgstr "" "Lue käyttöohjetta
Älä unohda lukea Grampsin käyttöohjetta " "\"Ohjeet > Käyttöohje\". Kehittäjät ovat työskennelleet ahkerasti " "tehdäkseen useimmat toiminnot helppotajuisiksi, mutta käyttöohje on täynnä " "tietoa, jolla saat sukututkimukseen varaamasi ajan tuottavammaksi." #: ../data/tips.xml:54 msgid "" "Adding Children
To add children in Gramps there are two options. " "You can find one of their parents in the Families View and open the family. " "Then choose to create a new person or add an existing person. You can also " "add children (or siblings) from inside the Family Editor." msgstr "" "Lasten lisääminen
Grampsissa on kaksi tapaa lasten lisäämiseen. " "Hae ensin toinen vanhemmista perheet näkymässä ja avaa perhe. Luo uusi " "henkilö lapset välilehdellä ja lisää henkilö lapseksi. Voit lisätä lapsia " "(tai sisaruksia) myös suhteet näkymässä." #: ../data/tips.xml:56 msgid "" "Editing the Parent-Child Relationship
You can edit the " "relationship of a child to its parents by double clicking the child in the " "Family Editor. Relationships can be any of Adopted, Birth, Foster, None, " "Sponsored, Stepchild and Unknown." msgstr "" "Muokkaa vanhempien ja lapsen suhdetta
Voit päivittää lapsen " "suhdetta vanhempiinsa kaksoisnapsauttamalla lasta perhemuokkaimessa. Suhde " "voi olla Adoptoitu, Kasvattilapsi ,Kummilapsi, Lapsipuoli Syntymä, " "Tuntematon, Tyhjä." #: ../data/tips.xml:58 msgid "" "Show All Checkbutton
When adding an existing person as a spouse, " "the list of people shown is filtered to display only people who could " "realistically fit the role (based on dates in the database). In case Gramps " "is wrong in making this choice, you can override the filter by checking the " "Show All checkbutton." msgstr "" "Näytä kaikki kyseeseen tulevat
Puolisoa tai lasta lisätessäsi " "henkilöiden listaan on suodatettu vain henkilöt, jotka voisivat " "realistisesti sopia ao. rooliin (tietokannassa olevien päivämäärien " "perusteella). Jos Gramps on valinnut heidät väärin, voit poistaa suotimen " "käytöstä valitsemalla Näytä kaikki." #: ../data/tips.xml:60 msgid "" "Improving Gramps
Users are encouraged to request enhancements to " "Gramps. Requesting an enhancement can be done either through the gramps-" "users or gramps-devel mailing lists, or by going to https://gramps-project." "org/bugs/ and creating a Feature Request. Filing a Feature Request is " "preferred but it can be good to discuss your ideas on the email lists." msgstr "" "Grampsin kehittäminen
Käyttäjiä rohkaistaan esittämään " "parannusehdotuksia Grampsiin. Ehdotuksia voi lähettää Gramps-users tai " "Gramps-devel sähköpostilistoille tai gramps-devel-postituslistoille tai " "siirtymällä osoitteeseen https://gramps-project.org/bugs/ ja luo " "ominaisuuspyyntö. Ominaisuuspyynnön jättäminen on suositeltavaa, mutta voi " "olla hyvä keskustella ideoistasi sähköpostilistoilla." #: ../data/tips.xml:62 msgid "" "Gramps Mailing Lists
Want answers to your questions about Gramps? " "Check out the gramps-users email list. Many helpful people are on the list, " "so you're likely to get an answer quickly. If you have questions related to " "the development of Gramps, try the gramps-devel list. You can see the lists " "by selecting \"Help > Gramps Mailing Lists\"." msgstr "" "Gramps-postituslistat
Haluatko vastauksia Grampsia koskeviin " "kysymyksiisi? Tarkista Gramps-users-sähköpostilista. Listalla on useita " "käyttäjiä, joten todennäköisesti saat vastauksen nopeasti. Jos sinulla on " "Grampsin kehitystä koskevia kysymyksiä, yritä Gramps-devel-listaa. Tietoja " "molemmista listoista saat valitsemalla \"Ohjeet > Gramps-postituslistat\"." #: ../data/tips.xml:64 msgid "" "Contributing to Gramps
Want to help with Gramps but can't write " "programs? Not a problem! A project as large as Gramps requires people with a " "wide variety of skills. Contributions can be anything from writing " "documentation to testing development versions and helping with the web site. " "Start by subscribing to the Gramps developers mailing list, gramps-devel, " "and introducing yourself. Subscription information can be found at \"Help " "> Gramps Mailing Lists\"" msgstr "" "Gramps kehityksen avustaminen
Haluatko auttaa Grampsin " "kehityksessä, mutta et osaa ohjelmoida? Ei hätää. Grampsin kokoinen projekti " "vaatii erilaisia kykyjä omaavia ihmisiä. Apu voi vaihdella dokumentaation " "kirjoittamisesta ja kehitysversioiden testaamisesta Gramps nettisivuston " "kehittämiseen. Aloita liittymällä Gramps-devel sähköpostilistalle ja " "esittelemällä itsesi. Liittymistiedot löytyvät \"Ohjeet > Gramps " "postituslistat\"" #: ../data/tips.xml:66 msgid "" "So What's in a Name?
The name Gramps was suggested to the " "original developer, Don Allingham, by his father. It stands for " "Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Program System. It is a " "full-featured genealogy program letting you store, edit, and research " "genealogical data. The Gramps database back end is so robust that some users " "are managing genealogies containing hundreds of thousands of people." msgstr "" "Mikä nimen taustalla?
Gramps-nimen ehdotti ohjelman alkuperäisen " "kehittäjän Don Allinghamin isä. Nimi on koottu Grampsin perustehtävän " "sanoista (englanniksi) (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management " "Program System (sukutiedon tutkimisen ja analyysin hallintajärjestelmä). " "Se on täynnä ominaisuuksia, jotka sallivat sinun tallentaa, muokata ja " "tutkia sukututkimukseen liittyvää tietoa. Muutamilla käyttäjillä on jopa " "satojen tuhansien henkilöiden Gramps tietokantoja." #: ../data/tips.xml:68 msgid "" "Bookmarking Individuals
The Bookmarks menu is a convenient place " "to store the names of frequently used individuals. Selecting a bookmark will " "make that person the Active Person. To bookmark someone make them the Active " "Person then go to \"Bookmarks > Add Bookmark\" or press Ctrl+D. You can " "also bookmark most of the other objects." msgstr "" "Henkilöiden kirjanmerkitseminen
Kirjanmerkit-valikkoon voit " "kätevästi lisätä usein käytettyjen henkilöiden nimet. Kirjanmerkityn " "henkilön napsauttaminen tekee hänestä aktiivisen henkilön. Saat luotua " "kirjanmerkin henkilöön tekemällä hänestä aktiivisen henkilön, napsauttamalla " "hiiren oikealla painikkeella ja valitsemalla \"Kirjanmerkit > Lisää " "kirjanmerkki\" tai painamalla Ctrl+D. Voit luoda kirjanmerkin myös muihin " "kohteisiin." #: ../data/tips.xml:70 msgid "" "Incorrect Dates
Everyone occasionally enters dates with an " "invalid format. Incorrect date formats will show up in Gramps with a either " "a reddish background or a red dot on the right edge of the field. You can " "fix the date using the Date Selection dialog which can be opened by clicking " "on the date button. The format of the date is set under \"Edit > " "Preferences > Display\"." msgstr "" "Virheelliset päivämäärät
Jokainen antaa joskus päivämäärän, jonka " "muoto on virheellinen. Sopimattomat päivämäärämuodot osoitetaan tekstin " "punertavalla taustalla tai punaisella pisteellä kentän lopussa. Voit korjata " "päivämäärän käyttämällä valintamuokkainta, joka avataan napsauttamalla " "päivämäärä painiketta. Päiväyksen muoto asetetaan kohdassa \"Muokkaa > " "Asetukset > Näyttö\"." #: ../data/tips.xml:72 msgid "" "Listing Events
Events are added using the editor opened with " "\"Person > Edit Person > Events\". There is a long list of preset " "event types. You can add your own event types by typing in the text field, " "they will be added to the available events, but not translated." msgstr "" "Tapahtumaluettelo
Tapahtumia voi lisätä valinnasta with \"Henkilö " "> Muokkaa... > Tapahtumat\". Tapahtumatyyppejä on valmiina tarjolla " "pitkä luettelo. Voit lisätä omiakin tyyppejä näppäilemällä niitä " "tekstikenttään. Ne lisätään esillä oleviin tapahtumiin, ilman automaatista " "kääntämistä." #: ../data/tips.xml:74 msgid "" "Managing Names
It is easy to manage people with several names in " "Gramps. In the Person Editor select the Names tab. You can add names of " "different types and set the preferred name by dragging it to the Preferred " "Name section." msgstr "" "Nimien hallinta
Grampsillä on helppo hallinnoida henkilön monia " "nimiä. Valitse henkilömuokkaimessa Nimet-kieleke. Voit lisätä eri tyyppisiä " "nimiä ja asettaa niistä jonkun ensisijaiseksi vetämällä se Ensisijainen nimi " "osioon." #: ../data/tips.xml:76 msgid "" "Ancestor View
The Ancestry View displays a traditional pedigree " "chart. Hold the mouse over an individual to see more information about them " "or right click on an individual to access other family members and settings. " "Play with the settings to see the different options." msgstr "" "Kaaviot näkymä
Kaaviot näkymä näyttää sukupuukaavioita. Pidä " "hiirtä henkilön nimen yllä nähdäksesi hänestä enemmän tietoja. " "Napsauttamalla henkilöä hiiren kakkospainikkeella saat valikon, jossa voit " "nopeasti siirtyä henkilön puolisoon, sisarukseen, lapseen tai vanhempaan. " "Kokeile eri valintoja." #: ../data/tips.xml:78 msgid "" "Managing Sources
The Sources View shows a list of all sources in " "a single window. From here you can edit your sources, merge duplicates and " "see which individuals reference each source. You can use filters to group " "your sources." msgstr "" "Lähteiden hallinta
Lähdenäkymä näyttää listan kaikista " "tietokannassa olevista lähteistä. Kaksoisnapsauttamalla lähdettä voit " "muokata sitä, yhdistää lähteitä ja nähdä ketkä henkilöistä viittaavat " "lähteeseen. Suotimella voit ryhmittää lähteitä." #: ../data/tips.xml:80 msgid "" "Managing Places
The Places View shows a list of all places in the " "database. The list can be sorted by a number of different criteria, such as " "City, County or State." msgstr "" "Paikkojen hallinta
Paikkanäkymä näyttää luettelon kaikista " "tietokannan paikoista. Lista voidaan lajitella useilla eri perusteilla, " "kuten paikkakunta, maakunta tai osavaltio." #: ../data/tips.xml:82 msgid "" "Media View
The Media View shows a list of all media entered in " "the database. These can be graphic images, videos, sound clips, " "spreadsheets, documents, and more." msgstr "" "Medianäkymä
Medianäkymä näyttää luettelon kaikista sukupuuhun " "liitetyistä mediatiedostoista. Tiedostot voivat olla kuvia, videoita, ääniä, " "taulukoita, dokumentteja jne." #: ../data/tips.xml:84 msgid "" "Filters
Filters allow you to limit the people seen in the People " "View. In addition to the many preset filters, Custom Filters can be created " "limited only by your imagination. Custom filters are created from \"Edit " "> Person Filter Editor\"." msgstr "" "Suotimet
Suotimilla voit rajoittaa henkilönäkymässä näkyviä " "henkilöitä. Monien oletussuotimien lisäksi voit luoda myös käyttäjän omia " "suotimia, joiden mahdollisuuksia rajoittaa vain mielikuvituksesi. Käyttäjän " "suotimia voit luoda \"Muokkaa > Henkilösuodinmuokkain\" kautta." #: ../data/tips.xml:86 msgid "" "The GEDCOM File Format
Gramps allows you to import from, and " "export to, the GEDCOM format. There is extensive support for the industry " "standard GEDCOM version 5.5, so you can exchange Gramps information to and " "from users of most other genealogy programs. Filters exist that make " "importing and exporting GEDCOM files trivial." msgstr "" "GEDCOM-tiedostomuoto
Grampsilla voit tuoda ja viedä tietoja " "GEDCOM-tiedostomuodossa. GEDCOM-standardin versiolla 5.5.1 on laaja tuki, " "joten voit vaihtaa Grampsin sisältämiä tietoja useimpien " "sukututkimusohjelmien kanssa. Olemassa olevat suotimet tekevät GEDCOM-" "tiedostojen tuonnista ja viennistä yksinkertaisen." #: ../data/tips.xml:88 msgid "" "The Gramps XML Package
You can export your Family Tree as a " "Gramps XML Package. This is a compressed file containing your family tree " "data and all the media files connected to the database (images for example). " "This file is completely portable so is useful for backups or sharing with " "other Gramps users. This format has the key advantage over GEDCOM that no " "information is ever lost when exporting and importing." msgstr "" "Gramps-XML-paketti
Voit muuttaa tietosi Gramps-pakettimuotoon. Se " "on pakattu tiedosto, joka sisältää sukutietosi, sekä kaikki muut tiedostot " "(kuten kuvat), joihin tietokannastasi viitataan. Tiedosto on täysin " "siirrettävissä, joten se käy hyvin varmuuskopioiden tekoon tai tietojen " "vaihtoon muiden Grampsin käyttäjien kanssa. GEDCOM-muotoon verrattuna tällä " "on se etu, että sitä käytettäessä tietoja ei koskaan häviä niitä ohjelmasta " "viedessä tai tuodessa." #: ../data/tips.xml:90 msgid "" "Web Family Tree Format
Gramps can export data to the Web Family " "Tree (WFT) format. This format allows a family tree to be displayed online " "using a single file, instead of many html files." msgstr "" "Web Family Tree muoto
Gramps osaa viedä tietosi WWW-Sukupuu (WTF, " "Web Family Tree) muotoon. Tässä muodossa sukupuusi voidaan näyttää verkossa " "yhtenä tiedostona useiden html-tiedostojen sijaan." #: ../data/tips.xml:92 msgid "" "Making a Genealogy Website
You can easily export your family tree " "to a web page. Select the entire database, family lines or selected " "individuals to a collection of web pages ready for upload to the World Wide " "Web." msgstr "" "Sukupuusta nettisivusto
Voit helposti tuottaa nettisivuston " "sukupuustasi. Valitse koko sukupuu, sukulinjoja tai valittuja henkilöitä " "yhdistelmäksi nettisivuja, jotka ovat valmiita internetissä näytettäviksi." #: ../data/tips.xml:94 msgid "" "Reporting Bugs in Gramps
The best way to report a bug in Gramps " "is to use the Gramps bug tracking system at https://gramps-project.org/bugs/" msgstr "" "Gramps virheiden raportointi
Paras tapa raportoida Gramps virhe " "on käyttää Grampsin virheidenseurantajärjestelmää osoitteessa https://gramps-" "project.org/bugs/" #: ../data/tips.xml:96 msgid "" "The Gramps Homepage
The Gramps homepage is at http://gramps-" "project.org/" msgstr "" "Gramps-kotisivu
Gramps-projektin kotisivu on osoitteessa http://" "gramps-project.org/" #: ../data/tips.xml:98 msgid "" "Privacy in Gramps
Gramps helps you to keep personal information " "secure by allowing you to mark information as private. Data marked as " "private can be excluded from reports and data exports. Look for the padlock " "which toggles records between private and public." msgstr "" "Tietosuoja Grampsissa
Gramps auttaa pitämään henkilökohtaiset " "tiedot salassa, jos merkitset ne yksityisiksi. Tiedot, jotka on merkitty " "yksityisiksi, voidaan jättää pois raporteista ja tietojen ulosviennistä " "Grampsista." #: ../data/tips.xml:100 msgid "" "Keeping Good Records
Be accurate when recording genealogical " "information. Don't make assumptions while recording primary information; " "write it exactly as you see it. Use bracketed comments to indicate your " "additions, deletions or comments. Use of the Latin 'sic' is recommended to " "confirm the accurate transcription of what appears to be an error in a " "source." msgstr "" "Luotettavat sukutiedot
Ole tarkkana kun talletat sukutietoja. Älä " "tee oletuksia kun talletat alkuperäistietoja, vaan kirjaa ne näkemässäsi " "muodossa. Käytä kulmasulkeita merkitessäsi omat lisäyksesi, poistosi tai " "kommenttisi. Jos lähde vaikuttaa virheelliseltä, on suositeltavaa, että " "merkitset tallentaneesi sen tarkassa alkuperäismuodossa." #: ../data/tips.xml:102 msgid "" "Extra Reports and Tools
Extra tools and reports can be added to " "Gramps with the \"Addon\" system. See them under \"Help > Extra Reports/" "Tools\". This is the best way for advanced users to experiment and create " "new functionality." msgstr "" "Muut raportit ja työkalut
Muita työkaluja ja raportteja voidaan " "asentaa Grampsiin: "Laajennus" menettelyllä. Katso tarkemmin " "\"Ohjeet > Muita raportteja ja työkaluja\". Kokeneelle käyttäjälle tämä " "on paras tapa kokeilla ja saada uusia toiminnallisuuksia." #: ../data/tips.xml:104 msgid "" "Book Reports
The Book report under \"Reports > Books > Book " "Report...\", allows you to collect a variety of reports into a single " "document. This single report is easier to distribute than multiple reports, " "especially when printed." msgstr "" "Koostekirja raporteista
Kirjaraportin \"Raportit > Kirjat > " "Kirjaraporttien...\" avulla käyttäjä voi kerätä erilaisia raportteja yhteen " "dokumenttiin. Tällaisen yksittäisen raportin valintoja on helpompi muuttaa. " "Se on myös helpompi tulostaa ja lähettää asianomaisille henkilöille." #: ../data/tips.xml:106 msgid "" "Gramps Announcements
Interested in getting notified when a new " "version of Gramps is released? Join the Gramps-announce mailing list at " "\"Help > Gramps Mailing Lists\"" msgstr "" "Gramps julkistukset
Haluatko tietää milloin uusi Gramps versio " "julkaistaan? Liity Gramps-announce sähköpostilistalle \"Ohjeet > Gramps " "postituslista\"" #: ../data/tips.xml:108 msgid "" "Record Your Sources
Information collected about your family is " "only as good as the source it came from. Take the time and trouble to record " "all the details of where the information came from. Whenever possible get a " "copy of original documents." msgstr "" "Kirjaa lähteesi
Sukuasi koskevat tiedot ovat korkeintaan yhtä " "luotettavia kuin lähde, josta ne sait. Näe vaivaa, jotta tallennat kaikki " "yksityiskohdat siitä, mistä lähteestä tietosi tulivat. Aina kuin " "mahdollista, hanki kopio alkuperäisistä dokumenteista." #: ../data/tips.xml:110 msgid "" "Directing Your Research
Go from what you know to what you do not. " "Always record everything that is known before making conjectures. Often the " "facts at hand suggest plenty of direction for more research. Don't waste " "time looking through thousands of records hoping for a trail when you have " "other unexplored leads." msgstr "" "Toimi tehokkaasti
Siirry siitä, mitä tiedät, siihen mitä et " "tiedä. Tallenna aina kaikki mitä asiasta tiedetään, ennen kuin teet " "johtopäätöksiä. Yleensä tiedossa olevista asioista löytyy hyvin suuntia " "jatkotutkimukselle. Älä hukkaa aikaasi tuhansien uusien tietojen tutkimiseen " "vihjeen toivossa kun sinulla on vielä hallussasi käyttämätöntä tietoa." #: ../data/tips.xml:112 msgid "" "The 'How and Why' of Your Genealogy
Genealogy isn't only about " "dates and names. It is about people. Be descriptive. Include why things " "happened, and how descendants might have been shaped by the events they went " "through. Narratives go a long way in making your family history come alive." msgstr "" "Lihaa luiden ympärille
Sukututkimus ei ole vain päivämääriä ja " "nimiä, vaan ihmisiä. Kuvaile asioita. Sisällytä tietoihisi miksi jotakin " "tapahtui tietyllä tavalla ja miten jälkeläisiin ovat saattaneet vaikuttaa " "heille tapahtuneet asiat. Tarinat tekevät perheesi historiasta elävämmän." #: ../data/tips.xml:114 msgid "" "Don't speak English?
Volunteers have translated Gramps into more " "than 40 languages. If Gramps supports your language and it is not being " "displayed, set the default language in your operating system and restart " "Gramps." msgstr "" "Enhän osaa englantia?
Gramps on käännetty yli 40 eri kielelle. " "Jos Gramps tukee kieltäsi, mutta teksti ei näy oikein, aseta koneesi " "oletuskieli ja käynnistä Gramps uudelleen." #: ../data/tips.xml:116 msgid "" "Gramps Translators
Gramps has been designed so that new " "translations can easily be added with little development effort. If you are " "interested in participating please email gramps-devel@lists.sf.net" msgstr "" "Gramps-kääntäjät
Gramps on suunniteltu siten, että uusia " "kielikäännöksiä voidaan lisätä helposti. Jos haluat auttaa, lähetä " "sähköpostia osoitteeseen Gramps-devel@lists.sf.net" #: ../data/tips.xml:118 msgid "" "Hello, привет or 喂
Whatever script you use Gramps offers full " "Unicode support. Characters for all languages are properly displayed." msgstr "" "Hello, привет or 喂
Grampsissä on täysi tuki Unicode-merkistölle. " "Jos koneellesi on asennettu vaaditut kirjasimet, kaikkien kielten merkit " "näkyvät oikein." #: ../data/tips.xml:120 msgid "" "The Home Person
Anyone can be chosen as the Home Person in " "Gramps. Use \"Edit > Set Home Person\" in the Person View. The home " "person is the person who is selected when the database is opened or when the " "home button is pressed." msgstr "" "Kotihenkilö
Voit asettaa kenet tahansa Grampsin 'kotihenkilöksi' " "valitsemalla \"Muokkaa > Aseta kotihenkilö\". Kotihenkilö on henkilö, " "joka valitaan kun tietokanta avataan tai painat Kotipainiketta." #: ../data/tips.xml:122 msgid "" "The Gramps Code
Gramps is written in a computer language called " "Python using the GTK and GNOME libraries for the graphical interface. Gramps " "is supported on any computer system where these programs have been ported. " "Gramps is known to be run on Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X." msgstr "" "Grampsin ohjelmointikieli
Gramps on kirjoitettu Python-" "ohjelmointikielellä, ja käyttää graafisen käyttöliittymän GTK- ja GNOME-" "kirjastoja. Grampsia tuetaan millä tahansa käyttöjärjestelmällä, johon nämä " "ohjelmat on asennettu. Grampsin tiedetään toimivan ainakin Linux, BSD, " "Solaris, Windows ja Mac OSX käyttöjärjestelmissä." #: ../data/tips.xml:124 msgid "" "Open Source Software
The Free/Libre and Open Source Software " "(FLOSS) development model means Gramps can be extended by any programmer " "since all of the source code is freely available under its license. So it's " "not just about free beer, it's also about freedom to study and change the " "tool. For more about Open Source software lookup the Free Software " "Foundation and the Open Source Initiative." msgstr "" "Open Source Software
Ilmaisen/Vapaan ja Avoimen lähdekoodin " "(FLOSS) kehitysmalli tarkoittaa, että Gramps-ohjelmaa voi kuka tahansa " "kehittää eteenpäin, koska kaikki lähdekoodi on vapaasti saatavilla " "lisenssinsä mukaisesti." #: ../data/tips.xml:126 msgid "" "The Gramps Software License
You are free to use and share Gramps " "with others. Gramps is freely distributable under the GNU General Public " "License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html#GPL to read about the " "rights and restrictions of this license." msgstr "" "Gramps-käyttölisenssi
Gramps on vapaasti levitettävissä GNU " "General Public Licence -lisenssin ehtojen mukaisesti, kts. http://www.gnu." "org/licenses/licenses.html#GPL." #: ../data/tips.xml:128 msgid "" "Gramps for Gnome or KDE?
For Linux users Gramps works with " "whichever desktop environment you prefer. As long as the required GTK " "libraries are installed it will run fine." msgstr "" "Gramps Gnomen tai KDEn kanssa?
Gramps ei ole riippuvainen " "valitsemastasi Linuksin käyttöliittymästä. Ainoa edellytys toimivuudelle on, " "että GTK kirjastot on asennettuna." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:229 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: Family Tree '%s' already exists.\n" "The '-C' option cannot be used." msgstr "" "Virhe: Sukupuu '%s' löytyy jo.\n" "'-C' valintaa ei voi käyttää." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:241 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: Input Family Tree \"%s\" does not exist.\n" "If GEDCOM, Gramps-xml or grdb, use the -i option to import into a Family " "Tree instead." msgstr "" "Virhe: Syötettävää \"%s\" sukupuuta ei ole vielä olemassa.\n" "Jos tuot GEDCOM, Gramps-xml tai grdb tiedostoa, käytä tuonnissa sen sijaan -" "i valintaa." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:255 #, python-format msgid "Error: Import file %s not found." msgstr "Virhe: Tuotavaa tiedostoa %s ei löytynyt." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:273 #, python-format msgid "Error: Unrecognized type: \"%(format)s\" for import file: %(filename)s" msgstr "" "Virhe: Tunnistamaton tyyppi: \"%(format)s\" tuotaessa tiedostoa: %(filename)s" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:293 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: Output file already exists!\n" "WARNING: It will be overwritten:\n" " %s" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: Tulostustiedosto löytyy jo!\n" "VAROITUS: Se korvataan uudella:\n" " %s" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:296 msgid "OK to overwrite?" msgstr "Onko korvaaminen OK?" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:297 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:429 msgid "no" msgstr "ei" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:297 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:298 #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:429 msgid "yes" msgstr "kyllä" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:300 #, python-format msgid "Will overwrite the existing file: %s" msgstr "Korvaa aiemman tiedoston: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:320 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: Unrecognized format for export file %s" msgstr "VIRHE: Tuotavan tiedoston %s tyyppi tuntematon" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:386 ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:316 #, python-format msgid "Error: cannot open '%s'" msgstr "Virhe: ei voi avata ”%s”" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:405 msgid "List of known Family Trees in your database path\n" msgstr "Tietokantapolussasi olevien sukupuiden luettelo\n" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:413 #, python-format msgid "%(full_DB_path)s with name \"%(f_t_name)s\"" msgstr "%(full_DB_path)s nimeltään \"%(f_t_name)s\"" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:431 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:188 msgid "Gramps Family Trees:" msgstr "Gramps-sukupuut:" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:437 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:439 #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:444 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:445 #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:447 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:69 #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:169 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:197 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:925 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1883 msgid "Family Tree" msgstr "Sukupuu" #. Translators: used in French+Russian, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:445 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:449 #, python-format msgid "\"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\"" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:457 #, python-format msgid "Performing action: %s." msgstr "Suorittaa toimintoa: %s." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:461 ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:302 #, python-format msgid "Using options string: %s" msgstr "Käyttää valittua merkkijonoa: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:467 #, python-format msgid "Exporting: file %(filename)s, format %(format)s." msgstr "Viedään: tiedosto %(filename)s, muodossa %(format)s." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:478 msgid "Cleaning up." msgstr "Siivotaan." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:514 msgid "Created empty Family Tree successfully" msgstr "Tyhjä sukupuu luotu onnistuneesti" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:517 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:543 msgid "Error opening the file." msgstr "Virhe tiedoston avauksessa." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:518 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:544 msgid "Exiting..." msgstr "Lopettamassa..." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:522 #, python-format msgid "Importing: file %(filename)s, format %(format)s." msgstr "Tuodaan: tiedosto %(filename)s, muotoa %(format)s." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:541 msgid "Opened successfully!" msgstr "Avattu onnistuneesti!" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:555 msgid "Database is locked, cannot open it!" msgstr "Sukupuu on lukittu, avaus ei onnistu!" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:556 #, python-format msgid " Info: %s" msgstr " Tiedot: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:559 msgid "Database needs recovery, cannot open it!" msgstr "Tietokanta pitää palauttaa (recovery), sitä ei voi avata!" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:562 msgid "Database backend unavailable, cannot open it!" msgstr "Tietokantaohjelmisto ei ole käytettävissä, sukupuuta ei voi avata!" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:613 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:662 #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:709 msgid "Ignoring invalid options string." msgstr "Virheellinen merkkijono valinta ohitetaan." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:637 msgid "Unknown report name." msgstr "Raportin nimi tuntematon." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:639 #, python-format msgid "Report name not given. Please use one of %(donottranslate)s=reportname" msgstr "" "Raportin nimeä ei annettu. Käytä jotain näistä %(donottranslate)s=reportname" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:643 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:691 #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:725 #, python-format msgid "" "%s\n" " Available names are:" msgstr "" "%s\n" " Saatavilla olevat nimet ovat:" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:685 msgid "Unknown tool name." msgstr "Työkalun nimi tuntematon." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:687 #, python-format msgid "Tool name not given. Please use one of %(donottranslate)s=toolname." msgstr "" "Työkalun nimi puuttuu. Käytä jotain näistä %(donottranslate)s=toolname." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:719 msgid "Unknown book name." msgstr "Tuntematon kirjan nimi." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:721 #, python-format msgid "Book name not given. Please use one of %(donottranslate)s=bookname." msgstr "Kirjan nimi puuttuu. Käytä jotain näistä %(donottranslate)s=bookname." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:730 #, python-format msgid "Unknown action: %s." msgstr "Toimenpide tuntematon: %s." #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:56 msgid "" "\n" "Usage: gramps [OPTION...]\n" " --load-modules=MODULE1,MODULE2,... Dynamic modules to load\n" "\n" "Help options\n" " -?, --help Show this help message\n" " --usage Display brief usage message\n" "\n" "Application options\n" " -O, --open=FAMILY_TREE Open Family Tree\n" " -U, --username=USERNAME Database username\n" " -P, --password=PASSWORD Database password\n" " -C, --create=FAMILY_TREE Create on open if new Family Tree\n" " -i, --import=FILENAME Import file\n" " -e, --export=FILENAME Export file\n" " -r, --remove=FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN Remove matching Family Tree(s) (use " "regular expressions)\n" " -f, --format=FORMAT Specify Family Tree format\n" " -a, --action=ACTION Specify action\n" " -p, --options=OPTIONS_STRING Specify options\n" " -d, --debug=LOGGER_NAME Enable debug logs\n" " -l [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] List Family Trees\n" " -L [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] List Family Trees in Detail\n" " -t [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] List Family Trees, tab delimited\n" " -u, --force-unlock Force unlock of Family Tree\n" " -s, --show Show config settings\n" " -c, --config=[config.setting[:value]] Set config setting(s) and start " "Gramps\n" " -y, --yes Don't ask to confirm dangerous " "actions (non-GUI mode only)\n" " -q, --quiet Suppress progress indication output " "(non-GUI mode only)\n" " -v, --version Show versions\n" " -S, --safe Start Gramps in 'Safe mode'\n" " (temporarily use default " "settings)\n" " -D, --default=[APXFE] Reset settings to default;\n" " A - addons are cleared\n" " P - Preferences to default\n" " X - Books are cleared, reports and tool settings to " "default\n" " F - filters are cleared\n" " E - Everything is set to default or cleared\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Käyttö: gramps [OPTION...]\n" " --load-modules=MODULE1,MODULE2,... Dynaamiset moduulit ladattavaksi\n" "\n" "Ohjeiden optiot\n" " -?, --help Näytä tämä ohjeilmoitus\n" " --usage Näytä lyhyt käyttöviesti\n" "\n" "Sovelluksen optiot\n" " -O, --open=FAMILY_TREE Avaa sukupuu\n" " -U, --username=USERNAME Tietokannan käyttäjätunnus\n" " -P, --password=PASSWORD Tietokannan salasana\n" " -C, --create=FAMILY_TREE Luo avatessa jos uusi sukupuu\n" " -i, --import=FILENAME Tuo tiedosto\n" " -e, --export=FILENAME Vie tiedosto\n" " -r, --remove=FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN Poista vastaava Sukupuu(t)(käytä " "säännöllisiä lausekkeita)\n" " -f, --format=FORMAT Määritä sukupuun muoto\n" " -a, --action=ACTION Määritä toiminto\n" " -p, --option=OPTIONS_STRING Määritä optiot\n" " -d, --debug=LOGGER_NAME Virheenkorjaus lokit käyttöön\n" " -l [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] Listaa sukupuut\n" " -L [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] Listaa sukupuut tarkemmilla " "tiedoilla\n" " -t [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] Listaa sukupuut, sarkainerotettuna\n" " -u, --force-unlock Pakota sukupuu avautumaan\n" " -s, --show Näytä asetukset\n" " -c, --config=[config.setting[:value]] Anna asetukset ja käynnistä Gramps\n" " -y, --yes Älä kysy vahvistusta, vaarallisia " "toimia (non-GUI tilassa)\n" " -q, --quiet Jätä pois edistys merkinnän lähtö " "(non-GUI tila)\n" " -v, --version Näytä versiot\n" " -S, --safe Käynnistä Gramps " "'vikasietotilassa'\n" " (käytetään oletusasetuksia " "tilapäisesti)\n" " -D, --default=[APXFE] Palauta oletusasetukset;\n" " A - laajennukset poistetaan\n" " P - Oletusasetukset\n" " X - Kirjat poistetaan, raportit ja työkaluasetukset " "oletusarvoiksi\n" " F - suodattimet poistetaan\n" " E - Kaikki on asetettu oletusarvoon tai tyhjennetty\n" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:95 msgid "" "\n" "Example of usage of Gramps command line interface\n" "\n" "1. To import four databases (whose formats can be determined from their " "names)\n" "and then check the resulting database for errors, one may type:\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -i ~/db3.gramps -i file4.wft -a tool -p " "name=check.\n" "\n" "2. To explicitly specify the formats in the above example, append filenames " "with appropriate -f options:\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -f gedcom -i file2.gpkg -f gramps-pkg -i ~/db3.gramps -f " "gramps-xml -i file4.wft -f wft -a tool -p name=check.\n" "\n" "3. To record the database resulting from all imports, supply -e flag\n" "(use -f if the filename does not allow Gramps to guess the format):\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -e ~/new-package -f gramps-pkg\n" "\n" "4. To save any error messages of the above example into files outfile and " "errfile, run:\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.dpkg -e ~/new-package -f gramps-pkg >outfile " "2>errfile\n" "\n" "5. To import three databases and start interactive Gramps session with the " "result:\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -i ~/db3.gramps\n" "\n" "6. To open a database and, based on that data, generate timeline report in " "PDF format\n" "putting the output into the my_timeline.pdf file:\n" "gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p name=timeline,off=pdf,of=my_timeline." "pdf\n" "\n" "7. To generate a summary of a database:\n" "gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p name=summary\n" "\n" "8. Listing report options\n" "Use the name=timeline,show=all to find out about all available options for " "the timeline report.\n" "To find out details of a particular option, use show=option_name , e.g. " "name=timeline,show=off string.\n" "To learn about available report names, use name=show string.\n" "\n" "9. To convert a Family Tree on the fly to a .gramps xml file:\n" "gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -e output.gramps -f gramps-xml\n" "\n" "10. To generate a web site into an other locale (in german):\n" "LANGUAGE=de_DE; LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p " "name=navwebpage,target=/../de\n" "\n" "11. Finally, to start normal interactive session type:\n" "gramps\n" "\n" "Note: These examples are for bash shell.\n" "Syntax may be different for other shells and for Windows.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Esimerkki komentorivin käyttämisestä Grampsissa\n" "\n" "1. Neljän tiedoston (joiden muoto ilmenee niiden nimistä) tuomiseksi\n" "ja syntyneen tietokannan virheiden tarkastamiseksi voidaan kirjoittaa:\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -i ~/db3.Gramps -i file4.wft -a tool -p " "name=check.\n" "\n" "2. Tiedostomuodot lisätään yo. esimerkissä suoraan tiedostonimiin -f " "optioilla:\n" "Gramps -i file1.ged -f GEDCOM -i file2.gpkg -f Gramps-pkg -i ~/db3.Gramps -f " "Gramps-xml -i file4.wft -f wft -a tool -p name=check. \n" "\n" "3. Käytä -e flag määritettä antamaan kaikista tuonneista syntyvä tietokanta\n" "(käytä -f optiota, jos Gramps ei kykene päättelemään tiedoston nimestä " "tiedoston muotoa):\n" "Gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -e ~/new-package -f Gramps-pkg\n" "\n" "4. Virheilmoitusten tallentamiseksi yo. esimerkissä tulostiedostoon(outfile) " "ja virhelokiin (errfile), aja:\n" "Gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.dpkg -e ~/new-package -f Gramps-pkg >outfile " "2>errfile\n" "\n" "5. Tuodaksesi kolme tietokantaa ja käynnistääksesi interaktiivinen Gramps " "istunnon tuloksella:\n" "Gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -i ~/db3.Gramps\n" "\n" "6. Avataksesi sukupuun, ja tuottaaksesi sen datasta \"timeline\" raportin " "PDF muodossa\n" ", jonka viet tulostiedostoon my_timeline.pdf file:\n" "gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p name=timeline,off=pdf,of=my_timeline." "pdf\n" "\n" "7. Tuottaaksesi yhteenvedon (summary) sukupuusta:\n" "gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p name=summary\n" "\n" "8. Listataksesi raporttien optiot\n" "Käytä nimeä=timeline, näytä=all (kaikki) löytääksesi kaikki käytettävissä " "olevat timelime raportin optiot.\n" "Löytääksesi tietyn option yksityiskohdat käytä näytä=option_nimi, esim. " "nimi=timeline,näytä=off string.\n" "Käytettävissä olevien raporttien nimet saa selville, käytä name=show " "string.\n" "\n" "9. Sukupuun muunto lennosta Gramps xml muotoiseksi tiedostoksi:\n" "gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -e output.gramps -f gramps-xml\n" "\n" "10. Tuottaaksesi nettisivuston paikallisasetuksilla (local) (esim. " "saksaksi):\n" "LANGUAGE=de_DE; LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 Gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p " "name=navwebpage,target=/../de\n" "\n" "11. Lopulta, avataksesi Grampsin normaaliin interaktiiviseen tilaan " "kirjoita:\n" "gramps\n" "\n" "Huomaa: Nämä esimerkit pätevät Linuxin oletuskomentotulkkiin.\n" "Muiden tulkkien ja Windowsin syntaksi voi olla erilainen.\n" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:267 #, python-format msgid "Trying to open: %s ..." msgstr "Yritän avata: %s ..." #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:309 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: %(strerr)s (errno=%(errno)s):\n" "WARNING: %(name)s\n" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: %(strerr)s (errno=%(errno)s):\n" "VAROITUS: %(name)s\n" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:321 #, python-format msgid "Unknown action: %s. Ignoring." msgstr "Tuntematon toimenpide: %s. Jätetään huomiotta." #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:331 msgid "setup debugging" msgstr "virheenhaun asetukset" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:343 #, python-format msgid "Gramps config settings from %s:" msgstr "Grampsin asetukset (config settings from) %s:" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:360 #, python-format msgid "Current Gramps config setting: %(name)s:%(value)s" msgstr "Grampsin nykyinen asetus (config setting): %(name)s:%(value)s" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:367 msgid "DEFAULT" msgstr "OLETUS" #. Translators: indent "New" to match "Current" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:374 #, python-format msgid " New Gramps config setting: %(name)s:%(value)s" msgstr " Uusi Gramps-asetusmääritys: %(name)s:%(value)s" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:382 #, python-format msgid "Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'" msgstr "Gramps: tällaista asetusta (config setting) ei ole: '%s'" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:473 msgid "Error parsing the arguments" msgstr "Virhe argumenttien jäsentämisessä" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:72 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:166 #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:168 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:188 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:189 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:494 msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "Ei saatavilla" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:83 #, python-format msgid "" "ERROR: %(title)s \n" " %(message)s" msgstr "" "VIRHE: %(title)s \n" " %(message)s" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:170 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/url.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:289 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:670 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:96 msgid "Path" msgstr "Polku" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:171 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:91 msgid "Database" msgstr "Tietokanta" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:172 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:410 msgid "Last accessed" msgstr "Käytetty viimeksi" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:173 msgid "Locked?" msgstr "Lukittu?" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:197 #, python-format msgid "Family Tree \"%s\":" msgstr "Sukupuu \"%s\":" #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #. Translators: for French, else ignore #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:201 ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:159 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:135 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:310 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:685 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1121 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:494 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:187 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:191 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:475 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:505 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:140 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:923 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:963 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1034 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:850 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2591 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2636 #, python-format msgid "%(str1)s: %(str2)s" msgstr "%(str1)s: %(str2)s" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:274 #, python-format msgid "Starting Import, %s" msgstr "Aloitetaan tuonti, %s" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:280 msgid "Import finished..." msgstr "Tuonti valmis..." #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:366 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:362 msgid "Importing data..." msgstr "Tuodaan tietoja..." #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:425 msgid "Remove family tree warning" msgstr "Poista sukupuu varoitus" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:426 #, python-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to remove the family tree named\n" "\"%s\"?" msgstr "" "Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa sukupuun nimeltä\n" "\"%s\"?" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:436 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:738 msgid "Could not delete Family Tree" msgstr "Sukupuun poisto epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:450 msgid "Could not rename Family Tree" msgstr "Sukupuun nimeäminen epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:483 #, python-format msgid "" "\n" "ERROR: Wrong database path in Edit Menu->Preferences.\n" "Open preferences and set correct database path.\n" "\n" "Details: Could not make database directory:\n" " %s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "\n" "VIRHE: Väärä tietokantapolku valinnassa Muokkaa->Asetukset.\n" "Avaa asetukset ja aseta oikea polku.\n" "\n" "Yksityiskohta: Tietokannan hakemiston luonti ei onnistunut:\n" " %s\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:535 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1690 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1849 msgid "Never" msgstr "Ei koskaan" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:551 #, python-format msgid "Locked by %s" msgstr "Lukittu %s toimesta" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:553 ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:63 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:73 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:162 ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/grampstype.py:34 ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:73 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:46 ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:73 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:63 ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattrtype.py:43 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:56 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:47 ../gramps/gen/utils/lds.py:80 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/lds.py:86 ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:114 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:115 ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:117 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:121 ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:127 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:132 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:185 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:192 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:178 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:214 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:220 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:222 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:137 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:295 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:429 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:952 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:389 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:905 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1058 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:846 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:856 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:857 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:277 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:294 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:322 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:213 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:297 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:589 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:591 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:598 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:600 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:615 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:672 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:674 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:681 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:683 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:741 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:337 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:435 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:611 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:651 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:653 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:660 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:662 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:690 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:837 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:946 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2472 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2498 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:609 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:358 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:793 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:519 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:680 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:542 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:588 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:595 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1173 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1228 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2124 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2154 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2159 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2166 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2580 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2753 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Tuntematon" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:81 #, python-format msgid "WARNING: %s" msgstr "VAROITUS: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:88 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:224 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: %s" msgstr "VIRHE: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:102 ../gramps/cli/user.py:200 #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:295 msgid "Low level database corruption detected" msgstr "Tietokanta havaittu rikkoutuneeksi" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:104 ../gramps/cli/user.py:201 #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:296 msgid "" "Gramps has detected a problem in the underlying database. This can sometimes " "be repaired from the Family Tree Manager. Select the database and click on " "the Repair button" msgstr "" "Gramps on havainnut ongelman taustalla olevassa tietokannassa. Tämä voidaan " "joskus korjata sukupuun hallinnasta. Valitse tietokanta ja napsauta Korjaa-" "painiketta" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:149 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:161 msgid "Read only database" msgstr "Tietokanta on kirjoitussuojattu" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:150 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:162 #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:478 msgid "You do not have write access to the selected file." msgstr "Sinulla ei ole kirjoitusoikeutta valittuun tiedostoon." #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:177 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:222 #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:225 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:228 msgid "Cannot open database" msgstr "Tietokannan aukaisu ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:181 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:232 #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:435 #, python-format msgid "Could not open file: %s" msgstr "Tiedoston %s avaus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:237 msgid "Could not load a recent Family Tree." msgstr "Sukupuun lataus ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:238 msgid "Family Tree does not exist, as it has been deleted." msgstr "Sukupuuta ei ole olemassa, koska se on poistettu." #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:243 msgid "The database is locked." msgstr "Tietokanta on lukittu." #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:244 msgid "" "Use the --force-unlock option if you are sure that the database is not in " "use." msgstr "" "Käytä --force-unlock -valintaa jos olet varma, että tietokanta ei ole " "käytössä." #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:322 #, python-format msgid "Error encountered: %s" msgstr "Virhe kohdattu: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:324 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:332 #, python-format msgid " Details: %s" msgstr " Lisätiedot: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:329 #, python-format msgid "Error encountered in argument parsing: %s" msgstr "Argumenttien jäsentämisessä kohdattu virhe: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:171 msgid "ERROR: Please specify a person" msgstr "VIRHE: Määritä henkilö" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:196 msgid "ERROR: Please specify a family" msgstr "VIRHE: Määritä perhe" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:293 msgid "=filename" msgstr "=tiedostonimi" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:294 msgid "Output file name. MANDATORY" msgstr "Tulostiedoston nimi. PAKOLLINEN" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:295 msgid "=format" msgstr "=muoto" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:295 msgid "Output file format." msgstr "Tulostiedoston muoto." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:296 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:297 msgid "=name" msgstr "=nimi" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:296 msgid "Style name." msgstr "Tyylin nimi." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:297 msgid "Paper size name." msgstr "Paperinkoon nimi." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:298 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:299 #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:301 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:303 #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:305 msgid "=number" msgstr "=numero" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:298 msgid "Paper orientation number." msgstr "Paperin suunnan numero." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:300 msgid "Left paper margin" msgstr "Paperin vasen reunus" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:300 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:302 #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:304 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:306 msgid "Size in cm" msgstr "Koko senteissä" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:302 msgid "Right paper margin" msgstr "Paperin oikea reunus" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:304 msgid "Top paper margin" msgstr "Paperin yläreunus" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:306 msgid "Bottom paper margin" msgstr "Paperin alareunus" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:307 msgid "=css filename" msgstr "=tyylitiedoston (css) nimi" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:308 msgid "CSS filename to use, html format only" msgstr "Käytettävä CSS-tiedostonimi, vain html-muoto" #. Translators: needed for French, Hebrew and Arabic #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:416 #, python-format msgid "%(id)s:\t%(father)s, %(mother)s" msgstr "%(id)s:\t%(father)s, %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:461 #, python-format msgid "Unknown option: %s" msgstr "Tuntematon valinta: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:462 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:552 msgid " Valid options are:" msgstr " Käytettävissä olevat valinnat:" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:463 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:553 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:358 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:387 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:403 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:238 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:371 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:393 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:441 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:496 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:708 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:280 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:195 msgid ", " msgstr ", " #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:465 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:555 #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:635 #, python-format msgid " Use '%(donottranslate)s' to see description and acceptable values" msgstr " Käytä '%(donottranslate)s' nähdäksesi kuvaus ja sallitut arvot" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:527 #, python-format msgid "" "Ignoring '%(notranslate1)s=%(notranslate2)s' and using '%(notranslate1)s=" "%(notranslate3)s'." msgstr "" "Hylätään '%(notranslate1)s=%(notranslate2)s' ja käytetään '%(notranslate1)s=" "%(notranslate3)s'." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:533 #, python-format msgid "Use '%(notranslate)s' to see valid values." msgstr "Käytä '%(notranslate)s' nähdäksesi sallitut arvot." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:551 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:299 #, python-format msgid "Ignoring unknown option: %s" msgstr "Ohitetaan tuntematon valinta: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:624 msgid " Available options:" msgstr " Käytettävissä olevat valinnat:" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:633 msgid "(no help available)" msgstr "(ohjetta ei saatavilla)" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:641 msgid " Available values are:" msgstr " Käytettävissä on arvot:" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:652 #, python-format msgid "" "option '%(optionname)s' not valid. Use '%(donottranslate)s' to see all valid " "options." msgstr "" "valinta '%(optionname)s' ei ole oikea. Käytä '%(donottranslate)s' nähdäksesi " "kaikki käytettävissä olevat valinnat." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:669 msgid "Failed to write report. " msgstr "Raportin kirjoitus epäonnistui. " #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:818 #, python-format msgid "Failed to make '%s' report." msgstr "Raportti '%s' epäonnistui." #: ../gramps/cli/user.py:217 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:281 msgid "Error detected in database" msgstr "Tietokannassa on havaittu virhe" #: ../gramps/cli/user.py:218 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:282 #, python-format msgid "" "Gramps has detected an error in the database. This can usually be resolved " "by running the \"Check and Repair Database\" tool.\n" "\n" "If this problem continues to exist after running this tool, please file a " "bug report at %(gramps_bugtracker_url)s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Gramps on havainnut tietokannassa virheen. Yleensä sen saa korjattua " "ajamalla \"Tarkista ja korjaa tietokanta\"-työkalun.\n" "\n" "Jos ongelma ei korjaannu tällä työkalulla, kirjaa virheraportti osoitteessa " "%(gramps_bugtracker_url)s\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:247 msgid "Imported %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" msgstr "Tuotu %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:258 msgid "Missing Given Name" msgstr "Etunimi puuttuu" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:259 msgid "Missing Record" msgstr "Tietue puuttuu" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:260 msgid "Missing Surname" msgstr "Sukunimi puuttuu" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:267 ../gramps/gen/config.py:269 msgid "[Living]" msgstr "[Elossa]" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:268 msgid "Private Record" msgstr "Yksityinen tietue" # älä muuta #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:329 ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:79 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|January" msgstr "" "N=tammikuu|G=tammikuun|IN=tammikuussa|P=tammikuuta|IL=tammikuuhun|" "E=tammikuusta" #: ../gramps/gen/const.py:230 msgid "" "Gramps\n" " (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System)\n" "is a personal genealogy program." msgstr "" "Gramps\n" " (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System)\n" "on henkilökohtainen sukututkimusohjelma." #: ../gramps/gen/const.py:260 msgctxt "surname" msgid "none" msgstr "ei valintaa" #: ../gramps/gen/const.py:261 msgctxt "given-name" msgid "none" msgstr "ei valintaa" #: ../gramps/gen/const.py:265 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:202 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:368 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:713 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:715 msgid ":" msgstr ":" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/__init__.py:88 #, python-format msgid "Date parser for '%s' not available, using default" msgstr "Päivämäärän parseroijaa '%s' ei käytettävissä, käytetään oletusta" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/__init__.py:105 #, python-format msgid "Date displayer for '%s' not available, using default" msgstr "Päivämäärän näyttäjää '%s' ei käytettävissä, käytetään oletusta" #. Translators: Numeric year, month, day #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:71 msgid "YYYY-MM-DD (ISO)" msgstr "VVVV-KK-PP (ISO)" #. Translators: You may translate this as "Numerical", #. "System preferred", or similar. #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:79 msgctxt "date format" msgid "Numerical" msgstr "Numeerinen" #. Translators: Full month name, day, year #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:82 msgid "Month Day, Year" msgstr "Kuukausi Päivä, Vuosi" #. Translators: Abbreviated month name, day, year #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:85 msgid "MON DAY, YEAR" msgstr "KUUKAUSI PÄIVÄ, VUOSI" #. Translators: Day, full month name, year #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:88 msgid "Day Month Year" msgstr "Päivä Kuukausi Vuosi" #. Translators: Day, abbreviated month name, year #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:91 msgid "DAY MON YEAR" msgstr "PÄIVÄ KUUKAUSI VUOSI" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:183 #, python-brace-format msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month} {year}" # älä muuta # N(ominatiivi)=tammikuu|G(enetiivi)=tammikuun|IN(essiivi)=tammikuussa|P(artitiivi)=tammikuuta|IL(latiivi)=tammikuuhun|E(latiivi)=tammikuusta # {long_month.f[E]} {year} #. Translators: If "from " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:191 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "from" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month.f[E]} {year}" # älä muuta # IL(atiivi)=tammikuuhun #. Translators: If "to " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:199 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "to" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month.f[IL]} {year}" # älä muuta # G(enetiivi)=tammikuun #. Translators: If "between " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:207 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "between" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month.f[G]} {year}" # älä muuta # G(enetiivi)=tammikuun #. Translators: If "and " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:215 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "and" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month.f[G]} {year}" # älä muuta # P(artitiivi)=tammikuuta #. Translators: If "before " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:222 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "before" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month.f[P]} {year}" # älä muuta # G(enetiivi)=tammikuun #. Translators: If "after " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:229 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "after" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month.f[G]} {year}" # älä muuta # IN(essiivi)=tammikuussa #. Translators: If "about " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:236 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "about" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month.f[IN]} {year}" # älä muuta # IN(essiivi)=tammikuussa #. Translators: If "estimated " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:243 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "estimated" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month.f[IN]} {year}" # älä muuta # IN(essiivi)=tammikuussa #. Translators: If "calculated " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:250 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "calculated" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "{long_month.f[IN]} {year}" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:255 #, python-brace-format msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If "from " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:263 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "from" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If "to " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:271 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "to" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If "between " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:279 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "between" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If "and " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:287 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "and" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If "before " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:294 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "before" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If "after " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:301 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "after" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If "about " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:308 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "about" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If "estimated " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:315 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "estimated" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If "calculated " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:322 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "calculated" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {year}" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "from " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "from" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:429 msgctxt "from-date" msgid "" msgstr "from" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "to " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "to" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:434 msgctxt "to-date" msgid "" msgstr "to" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:435 #, python-brace-format msgid "{date_quality}from {date_start} to {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" msgstr "{date_quality}{date_start} - {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "between " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "between" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:454 msgctxt "between-date" msgid "" msgstr "between" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "and " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "and" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:459 msgctxt "and-date" msgid "" msgstr "and" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:460 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "{date_quality}between {date_start} and {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" msgstr "" "{date_quality}{date_start} ja {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny} välillä" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "before " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "before" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:493 msgctxt "before-date" msgid "" msgstr "before" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "after " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "after" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:498 msgctxt "after-date" msgid "" msgstr "after" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "about " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "about" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:503 msgctxt "about-date" msgid "" msgstr "about" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "estimated " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "estimated" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:508 msgctxt "estimated-date" msgid "" msgstr "estimated" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "calculated " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "calculated" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:513 msgctxt "calculated-date" msgid "" msgstr "calculated" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:532 #, python-brace-format msgid "{date_quality}{noncompound_modifier}{date}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" msgstr "{date_quality}{noncompound_modifier}{date}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" #. Translators: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:651 #, python-brace-format msgid "{long_month} {day:d}, {year}" msgstr "{long_month} {day:d}, {year}" #. Translators: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:677 #, python-brace-format msgid "{short_month} {day:d}, {year}" msgstr "{short_month} {day:d}, {year}" #. Translators: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:703 #, python-brace-format msgid "{day:d} {long_month} {year}" msgstr "{day:d} {long_month} {year}" #. Translators: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:729 #, python-brace-format msgid "{day:d} {short_month} {year}" msgstr "{day:d} {short_month} {year}" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_dateparser.py:422 msgid "today" msgstr "tänään" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:80 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|February" msgstr "" "N=helmikuu|G=helmikuun|IN=helmikuussa|P=helmikuuta|IL=helmikuuhun|" "E=helmikuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:81 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|March" msgstr "" "N=maaliskuu|G=maaliskuun|IN=maaliskuussa|P=maaliskuuta|IL=maaliskuuhun|" "E=maaliskuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:82 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|April" msgstr "" "N=huhtikuu|G=huhtikuun|IN=huhtikuussa|P=huhtikuuta|IL=huhtikuuhun|" "E=huhtikuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:83 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|May" msgstr "" "N=toukokuu|G=toukokuun|IN=toukokuussa|P=toukokuuta|IL=toukokuuhun|" "E=toukokuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:84 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|June" msgstr "" "N=kesäkuu|G=kesäkuun|IN=kesäkuussa|P=kesäkuuta|IL=kesäkuuhun|E=kesäkuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:85 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|July" msgstr "" "N=heinäkuu|G=heinäkuun|IN=heinäkuussa|P=heinäkuuta|IL=heinäkuuhun|" "E=heinäkuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:86 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|August" msgstr "N=elokuu|G=elokuun|IN=elokuussa|P=elokuuta|IL=elokuuhun|E=elokuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:87 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|September" msgstr "" "N=syyskuu|G=syyskuun|IN=syyskuussa|P=syyskuuta|IL=syyskuuhun|E=syyskuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:88 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|October" msgstr "" "N=lokakuu|G=lokakuun|IN=lokakuussa|P=lokakuuta|IL=lokakuuhun|E=lokakuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:89 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|November" msgstr "" "N=marraskuu|G=marraskuun|IN=marraskuussa|P=marraskuuta|IL=marraskuuhun|" "E=marraskuusta" # älä muuta #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:90 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "|December" msgstr "" "N=joulukuu|G=joulukuun|IN=joulukuussa|P=joulukuuta|IL=joulukuuhun|" "E=joulukuusta" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:97 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Jan" msgstr "Tammi" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:98 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Feb" msgstr "Helmi" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:99 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Mar" msgstr "Maali" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:100 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Apr" msgstr "Huhti" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:101 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|May" msgstr "Touko" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:102 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Jun" msgstr "Kesäk" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:103 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Jul" msgstr "Heinä" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:104 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Aug" msgstr "Eloku" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:105 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Sep" msgstr "Syysk" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:106 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Oct" msgstr "Lokak" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:107 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Nov" msgstr "Marra" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:108 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "|Dec" msgstr "Joulu" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to add proper alternatives to be recognized in your localized #. DateParser code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:116 msgctxt "alternative month names for January" msgid "|" msgstr "Tammikuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:117 msgctxt "alternative month names for February" msgid "|" msgstr "Helmikuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:118 msgctxt "alternative month names for March" msgid "|" msgstr "Maaliskuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:119 msgctxt "alternative month names for April" msgid "|" msgstr "Huhtikuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:120 msgctxt "alternative month names for May" msgid "|" msgstr "Toukokuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:121 msgctxt "alternative month names for June" msgid "|" msgstr "Kesäkuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:122 msgctxt "alternative month names for July" msgid "|" msgstr "Heinäkuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:123 msgctxt "alternative month names for August" msgid "|" msgstr "Elokuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:124 msgctxt "alternative month names for September" msgid "|" msgstr "Syyskuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:125 msgctxt "alternative month names for October" msgid "|" msgstr "Lokakuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:126 msgctxt "alternative month names for November" msgid "|" msgstr "Marraskuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:127 msgctxt "alternative month names for December" msgid "|" msgstr "Joulukuu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:131 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:609 msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Gregorian" msgstr "gregoriaaninen" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:132 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:610 msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Julian" msgstr "juliaaninen" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:133 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:611 msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "juutalainen" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:134 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:612 msgctxt "calendar" msgid "French Republican" msgstr "Ranskan vallankumous" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:135 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:613 msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Persian" msgstr "persialainen" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:136 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:614 msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Islamic" msgstr "islamilainen" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:137 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:615 msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "ruotsalainen" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:146 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Tishri" msgstr "Tishri" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:147 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Heshvan" msgstr "Heshvan" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:148 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Kislev" msgstr "Kislev" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:149 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Tevet" msgstr "Tevet" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:150 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Shevat" msgstr "Shevat" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:151 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "AdarI" msgstr "AdarI" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:152 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "AdarII" msgstr "AdarII" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:153 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Nisan" msgstr "Nisan" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:154 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Iyyar" msgstr "Iyyar" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:155 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Sivan" msgstr "Sivan" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:156 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Tammuz" msgstr "Tammuz" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:157 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Av" msgstr "Av" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:158 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Elul" msgstr "Elul" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:167 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Vendémiaire" msgstr "Vendémiaire" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:168 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Brumaire" msgstr "Brumaire" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:169 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Frimaire" msgstr "Frimaire" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:170 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Nivôse" msgstr "Nivôse" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:171 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Pluviôse" msgstr "Pluviôse" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:172 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Ventôse" msgstr "Ventôse" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:173 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Germinal" msgstr "Germinal" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:174 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Floréal" msgstr "Floréal" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:175 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Prairial" msgstr "Prairial" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:176 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Messidor" msgstr "Messidor" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:177 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Thermidor" msgstr "Thermidor" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:178 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Fructidor" msgstr "Fructidor" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:179 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Extra" msgstr "Extra" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:188 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Muharram" msgstr "Muharram" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:189 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Safar" msgstr "Safar" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:190 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Rabi`al-Awwal" msgstr "Rabi`al-Awwal" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:191 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Rabi`ath-Thani" msgstr "Rabi`ath-Thani" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:192 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Jumada l-Ula" msgstr "Jumada l-Ula" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:193 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Jumada t-Tania" msgstr "Jumada t-Tania" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:194 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Rajab" msgstr "Rajab" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:195 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Sha`ban" msgstr "Sha`ban" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:196 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Ramadan" msgstr "Ramadan" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:197 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Shawwal" msgstr "Shawwal" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:198 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Dhu l-Qa`da" msgstr "Dhu l-Qa`da" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:199 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Dhu l-Hijja" msgstr "Dhu l-Hijja" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:208 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Farvardin" msgstr "Farvardin" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:209 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Ordibehesht" msgstr "Ordibehesht" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:210 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Khordad" msgstr "Khordad" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:211 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Tir" msgstr "Tir" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:212 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Mordad" msgstr "Mordad" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:213 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Shahrivar" msgstr "Shahrivar" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:214 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Mehr" msgstr "Mehr" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:215 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Aban" msgstr "Aban" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:216 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Azar" msgstr "Azar" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:217 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Dey" msgstr "Dey" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:218 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Bahman" msgstr "Bahman" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:219 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Esfand" msgstr "Esfand" #. Translators: if the modifier is after the date #. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:225 msgctxt "date modifier" msgid "before " msgstr "ennen " #. Translators: if the modifier is after the date #. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:228 msgctxt "date modifier" msgid "after " msgstr " jälkeen" #. Translators: if the modifier is after the date #. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:231 msgctxt "date modifier" msgid "about " msgstr "noin " #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:235 msgctxt "date quality" msgid "estimated " msgstr "arviolta " #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:236 msgctxt "date quality" msgid "calculated " msgstr "laskettuna " #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:242 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "Sunnuntai" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:243 msgid "Monday" msgstr "Maanantai" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:244 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "Tiistai" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:245 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "Keskiviikko" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:246 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "Torstai" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:247 msgid "Friday" msgstr "Perjantai" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:248 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "Lauantai" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:252 msgid "Sun" msgstr "Sun" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:253 msgid "Mon" msgstr "Mon" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:254 msgid "Tue" msgstr "Tue" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:255 msgid "Wed" msgstr "Wed" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:256 msgid "Thu" msgstr "Thu" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:257 msgid "Fri" msgstr "Fri" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:258 msgid "Sat" msgstr "Sat" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1816 ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2071 msgid "Add child to family" msgstr "Lisää perheeseen lapsi" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1830 ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1836 msgid "Remove child from family" msgstr "Poista lapsi perheestä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1908 ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1912 msgid "Remove Family" msgstr "Poista perhe" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1952 msgid "Remove father from family" msgstr "Poista isä perheestä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1954 msgid "Remove mother from family" msgstr "Poista äiti perheestä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:91 #, python-format msgid "" "The schema version is not supported by this version of Gramps.\n" "\n" "This Family Tree is schema version %(tree_vers)s, and this version of Gramps " "supports versions %(min_vers)s to %(max_vers)s\n" "\n" "Please upgrade to the corresponding version or use XML for porting data " "between different schema versions." msgstr "" "Tämä Gramps-versio ei tue valittua skeemaversiota.\n" "\n" "Tämä sukupuu on skeemaversiota %(tree_vers)s, ja Grampsin tämä versio tukee " "versiota %(min_vers)s ja aina versioon %(max_vers)s \n" "\n" "Päivitä Gramps vastaavaan versioon tai käytä XML-muotoa vaihtaaksesi tietoa " "eri skeemaversioiden välillä." #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:114 #, python-format msgid "" "The Python version is not supported by this version of Gramps.\n" "\n" "This Family Tree is Python version %(tree_vers)s, and this version of Gramps " "supports versions %(min_vers)s to %(max_vers)s\n" "\n" "Please upgrade to the corresponding version or use XML for porting data " "between different Python versions." msgstr "" "Python-versio ei tue tätä Gramps-versiota.\n" "\n" "Tämä Sukupuu on Python-versio %(tree_vers)s, ja tämä Gramps-versio tukee " "versioita %(min_vers)s - %(max_vers)s\n" "\n" "Päivitä vastaavaan versioon tai käytä XML-muotoa tietojen siirtämiseen eri " "Python-versioiden välillä." #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:137 #, python-format msgid "" "The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the schema version " "%(oldschema)s format. This version of Gramps uses schema version " "%(newschema)s. Therefore you cannot load this Family Tree without upgrading " "the schema version of the Family Tree.\n" "\n" "If you upgrade then you won't be able to use the previous version of Gramps, " "even if you subsequently %(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)sbackup%(html_end)s " "or %(wiki_manual_export_html_start)sexport%(html_end)s your upgraded Family " "Tree.\n" "\n" "Upgrading is a difficult task which could irretrievably corrupt your Family " "Tree if it is interrupted or fails.\n" "\n" "If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you should " "start your %(bold_start)sold%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and " "%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree." msgstr "" "Sukupuusi, jota yrität ladata, on skeemaversion %(oldschema)s muodossa. Tämä " "Gramps käyttää skeemaa %(newschema)s. Et voi ladata tätä sukupuuta " "päivittämättä sukupuun skeemaversiota.\n" "\n" "Jos päivität skeeman, et voi enää käyttää Grampsin aikaisempaa versiota, " "vaikka myöhemmin varmuuskopioisit ja veisit (export) päivitetyn sukupuusi. " "Katso tarkemmin (englanniksi) %(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)svarmuuskopio" "%(html_end)s tai %(wiki_manual_export_html_start)svienti%(html_end)s your " "upgraded Family Tree.\n" "\n" "Päivittäminen on haastava tehtävä ja jos se jää kesken tai epäonnistuu, " "sukupuusi voi rikkoutua peruuttamattomasti.\n" "\n" "Jollet ole vielä varmuuskopioinut sukupuutasi, sinun pitäisi käynnistää " "%(bold_start)svanha%(bold_end)s Gramps versio ja " "%(wiki_backup_html_start)stehdä varmuuskopio%(html_end)s sukupuustasi." #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:174 #, python-format msgid "" "Database connection failed.\n" "\n" "%(message)s\n" "Please check your connection settings file:\n" "%(settings_file)s" msgstr "" "Tietokantayhteys epäonnistui.\n" "\n" "%(message)s\n" "Tarkista yhteysasetustiedosto:\n" "%(settings_file)s" #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:191 #, python-format msgid "" "The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the %(dbtype)s database, which " "is no longer supported.\n" "Therefore you cannot load this Family Tree without upgrading.\n" "\n" "If you upgrade then you won't be able to use the previous version of Gramps, " "even if you subsequently %(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)sbackup%(html_end)s " "or %(wiki_manual_export_html_start)sexport%(html_end)s your upgraded Family " "Tree.\n" "\n" "You are strongly advised to backup your Family Tree.\n" "\n" "If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you should " "start your previous version of Gramps and %(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a " "backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree." msgstr "" "Sukupuu, jota yrität ladata, on %(dbtype)s tietokanta, jota ei enää tueta.\n" "Siksi et voi ladata tätä sukupuuta päivittämättä.\n" "\n" "Jos päivität, et voi käyttää %(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)svarmuuskopiota" "%(html_end)s tai %(wiki_manual_export_html_start)svientiä%(html_end)s " "aiemman Gramps version sukupuun päivittämiseen.\n" "\n" "Sinua suositellaan varmuuskopioimaan sukupuusi.\n" "\n" "Jos et ole jo tehnyt varmuuskopiota sukupuustasi, sinun tulisi käynnistää " "aiempi Gramps versio ja %(wiki_backup_html_start)stehdä varmuuskopio" "%(html_end)s sukupuustasi." #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:152 ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:202 #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2024 #, python-format msgid "_Undo %s" msgstr "_Peru %s" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:157 ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:208 #, python-format msgid "_Redo %s" msgstr "_Tee uudelleen %s" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2416 msgid "Number of people" msgstr "Henkilöiden määrä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2417 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:133 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:198 msgid "Number of families" msgstr "Perheitä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2418 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:161 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:210 msgid "Number of sources" msgstr "Lähteiden määrä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2419 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:213 msgid "Number of citations" msgstr "Lainausten määrä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2420 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:204 msgid "Number of events" msgstr "Tapahtumien määrä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2421 msgid "Number of media" msgstr "Median määrä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2422 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:157 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:207 msgid "Number of places" msgstr "Paikkojen määrä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2423 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:169 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:216 msgid "Number of repositories" msgstr "Arkistojen määrä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2424 msgid "Number of notes" msgstr "Lisätietojen määrä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2425 msgid "Number of tags" msgstr "Tagien määrä" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2426 msgid "Schema version" msgstr "Skeeman versio" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:372 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d People upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" "%(n1)6d henkilöä ja %(n2)6d lainausta päivitetty %(n3)6d sekunnissa\n" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:374 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Families upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" "%(n1)6d perhettä ja %(n2)6d lainausta päivitetty %(n3)6d sekunnissa\n" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:376 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Events upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" "%(n1)6d tapahtumaa ja %(n2)6d lainausta päivitetty %(n3)6d sekunnissa\n" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:378 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Media Objects upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" "%(n1)6d mediatiedostoa ja %(n2)6d lainausta päivitetty %(n3)6d sekunnissa\n" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:380 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Places upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" "%(n1)6d paikkaa ja %(n2)6d lainausta päivitetty %(n3)6d sekunnissa\n" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:382 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Repositories upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" "%(n1)6d arkistoa ja %(n2)6d lainausta päivitystä %(n3)6d sekunnissa\n" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:384 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Sources upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" "%(n1)6d Lähdettä ja %(n2)6d lainausta päivitetty %(n3)6d sekunnissa\n" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:724 msgid "Number of new objects upgraded:\n" msgstr "Tuotujen uusien kohteiden päivitetty määrä:\n" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:733 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "You may want to run\n" "Tools -> Family Tree Processing -> Merge\n" "in order to merge citations that contain similar\n" "information" msgstr "" "\n" "\n" "Haluat ehkä suorittaa\n" "Työkalut -> Sukupuun käsittely-> Sulauta\n" "sulauttaaksesi samankaltaista tietoa sisältävät\n" "lainaukset" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:737 msgid "Upgrade Statistics" msgstr "Päivitystilastot" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:350 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:707 msgid "," msgstr "," #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:353 msgid "Default format (defined by Gramps preferences)" msgstr "Oletusmuotoilu (määritetty Grampsin asetuksissa)" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:355 msgid "Surname, Given Suffix" msgstr "Sukunimi, Etunimi Loppuliite" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:357 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:55 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:864 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:866 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:871 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:873 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:875 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:876 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:877 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:878 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:880 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:881 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:882 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:883 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:884 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:885 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:166 msgid "Given" msgstr "Etunimi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:359 msgid "Given Surname Suffix" msgstr "Etunimi Sukunimi Loppuliite" #. Translators: long string, have a look at Preferences dialog #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:363 msgid "Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix Prefix" msgstr "Pääsukunimet, Etunimi Patronyymi Loppuliite Etuliite" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:366 msgid "Patronymic, Given" msgstr "Patronyymi, Etunimi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:578 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:678 msgctxt "Person" msgid "title" msgstr "titteli" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:580 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:680 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:165 msgid "given" msgstr "etunimi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:582 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:682 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:162 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:144 msgid "surname" msgstr "sukunimi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:584 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:684 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:379 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:171 msgid "suffix" msgstr "loppuliite" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:586 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:686 msgctxt "Name" msgid "call" msgstr "kutsumanimi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:589 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:688 msgctxt "Name" msgid "common" msgstr "yleisnimi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:593 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:691 msgid "initials" msgstr "nimikirjaimet" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:596 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:693 msgctxt "Name" msgid "primary" msgstr "päänimi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:599 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:695 msgid "primary[pre]" msgstr "päänimi[etu]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:602 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:697 msgid "primary[sur]" msgstr "päänimi[suk]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:605 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:699 msgid "primary[con]" msgstr "päänimi[yle]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:607 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:701 msgid "patronymic" msgstr "patronyymi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:609 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:703 msgid "patronymic[pre]" msgstr "patronyymi[etu]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:611 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:705 msgid "patronymic[sur]" msgstr "patronyymi[suk]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:613 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:707 msgid "patronymic[con]" msgstr "patronyymi[yle]" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:615 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:709 msgid "notpatronymic" msgstr "eipatronyymi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:618 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:711 msgctxt "Remaining names" msgid "rest" msgstr "loputnimet" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:621 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:713 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:400 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:170 msgid "prefix" msgstr "etuliite" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:624 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:715 msgid "rawsurnames" msgstr "rawsukunimet" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:626 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:717 msgid "nickname" msgstr "lempinimi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:628 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:719 msgid "familynick" msgstr "perhelempinimi" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:1117 #, python-format msgid "Wrong name format string %s" msgstr "Virheellinen nimen muotoilu %s" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:1121 msgid "ERROR, Edit Name format in Preferences" msgstr "VIRHE, Muokkaa nimen muotoa asetuksissa" #: ../gramps/gen/display/place.py:73 ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:339 #, python-format msgid "Error in '%s' file: cannot load." msgstr "Virhe '%s' tiedostossa: lataus ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/gen/display/place.py:74 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:63 msgid "Full" msgstr "Täysi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_filterparser.py:119 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: Too many arguments in filter '%s'!\n" "Trying to load with subset of arguments." msgstr "" "VAROITUS: Liian monta muuttujaa suotimella '%s'!\n" "Yritetään ladata osajoukkoa muuttujista." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_filterparser.py:127 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: Too few arguments in filter '%s'!\n" " Trying to load anyway in the hope this will be upgraded." msgstr "" "VAROITUS: Liian vähän muuttujia suotimella '%s'!\n" " Yritetään ladata kuitenkin toivoen, että päivittyy." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_filterparser.py:135 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: filter %s could not be correctly loaded. Edit the filter!" msgstr "VIRHE: suodinta %s ei voi ladata virheettömästi. Muokkaa suodinta!" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_genericfilter.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_genericfilter.py:174 msgid "Applying ..." msgstr "Käytetään ..." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_genericfilter.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_genericfilter.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1121 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:467 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1012 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:416 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1024 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1038 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1052 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1066 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1080 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1094 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1108 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1122 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1136 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:805 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:130 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1068 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1969 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1754 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Suodin" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_changedsincebase.py:56 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_everything.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasattributebase.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgallerybase.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgrampsid.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasldsbase.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotebase.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnoteregexbase.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotesubstrbase.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasreferencecountbase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hastagbase.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_isprivate.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_ispublic.py:39 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matcheseventfilterbase.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:57 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_regexpidbase.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:41 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isbookmarked.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_disconnected.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_everyone.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddresstext.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasalternatename.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:59 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnickname.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassoundexname.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasunknowngender.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_incompletenames.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isbookmarked.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdefaultperson.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isfemale.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismale.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nobirthdate.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nodeathdate.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peopleprivate.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peoplepublic.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:60 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:41 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:53 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:66 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:90 msgid "General filters" msgstr "Yleiset suotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_changedsincebase.py:82 msgid "Wrong format of date-time" msgstr "Väärä päivämäärän ja ajan muoto" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_changedsincebase.py:83 #, python-format msgid "" "Only date-times in the iso format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, where the time " "part is optional, are accepted. %s does not satisfy." msgstr "" "Päivämäärä ja aika kelpaa vain ISO formaatissa yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, jossa " "aikaosa on valinnainen. %s ei ole kelvollinen." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:228 msgid "Volume/Page:" msgstr "Osa/sivu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:585 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:261 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:261 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:294 msgid "Date:" msgstr "Päivämäärä:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:294 msgid "Confidence:" msgstr "Luotettavuus:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:51 msgid "Citations matching parameters" msgstr "Lainauksille, asetetaan poimintaehdot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:53 msgid "Matches citations with particular parameters" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, joille on asetettu tietyt poimintaehdot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcebase.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcecountbase.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourceofbase.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchessourceconfidencebase.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchessourcefilterbase.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:47 msgid "Citation/source filters" msgstr "Lainaus/lähde suotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_haseventbase.py:56 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_familywithincompleteevent.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:55 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_personwithincompleteevent.py:44 msgid "Event filters" msgstr "Tapahtumasuotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgallerybase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasldsbase.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotebase.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcecountbase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:518 msgid "Number must be:" msgstr "Lukumäärän pitää olla:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgallerybase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasldsbase.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotebase.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcecountbase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:513 msgid "Number of instances:" msgstr "Tapausten lukumäärä:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgrampsid.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:132 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:522 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:245 msgid "ID:" msgstr "ID:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnoteregexbase.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_regexpidbase.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddresstext.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:42 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:228 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Teksti:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotesubstrbase.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:63 msgid "Substring:" msgstr "Osamerkkijono:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasreferencecountbase.py:42 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:516 msgid "Reference count must be:" msgstr "Viitemäärän pitää olla:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasreferencecountbase.py:42 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:512 msgid "Reference count:" msgstr "Viitemäärä:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourceofbase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:525 msgid "Source ID:" msgstr "Lähteen ID:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:132 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:527 msgid "Filter name:" msgstr "Suotimen nimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:67 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:70 #, python-format msgid "Can't find filter %s in the defined custom filters" msgstr "Suodinta %s ei löydy käyttäjän suotimista" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchessourcefilterbase.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:537 msgid "Source filter name:" msgstr "Lähdesuotimen nimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:55 msgid "Miscellaneous filters" msgstr "Muut suotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:56 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:950 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:621 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:805 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:532 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:693 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:553 msgid "No description" msgstr "Ei kuvausta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:94 msgid "The filter definition contains a loop." msgstr "Suodatinmääritys sisältää silmukan." # 201128 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:95 msgid "One rule references another which eventually references the first." msgstr "Yksi sääntö viittaa toiseen, joka lopulta viittaa ensimmäiseen." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_allcitations.py:45 msgid "Every citation" msgstr "Kaikki lainaukset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_allcitations.py:46 msgid "Matches every citation in the database" msgstr "Poimii kaikki lainaukset tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:46 msgid "Changed after:" msgstr "Muutettu jälkeen:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:46 msgid "but before:" msgstr "mutta ennen:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:46 msgid "Citations changed after " msgstr "Lainaukset muutettu jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "" "Matches citation records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:" "mm:ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" "Poimii lainaukset, joita on muutettu annetun päivämäärän ja ajan (vvvv-kk-pp " "hh:mm:ss) jälkeen tai aikavälillä, jos toinen päivämäärä ja aika on annettu." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_citationprivate.py:43 msgid "Citations marked private" msgstr "Yksityisiksi merkityt lainaukset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_citationprivate.py:44 msgid "Matches citations that are indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Citation attribute:" msgstr "Lainausominaisuus:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasattribute.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:57 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasattribute.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Value:" msgstr "Arvo:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasattribute.py:47 msgid "Citations with the attribute " msgstr "Lainaukset, joiden ominaisuus on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasattribute.py:48 msgid "Matches citations with the attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, joiden ominaisuudet vastaavat annettuja arvoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:582 msgid "Confidence level:" msgstr "Luotettavuustaso:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasgallery.py:45 msgid "Citations with media" msgstr "Lainaukset, joissa mediatiedostoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasgallery.py:46 msgid "Matches citations with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, joilla on tietty määrä mediatiedostoja galleriassa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasidof.py:45 msgid "Citation with " msgstr "Lainaukselle on annettu " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasidof.py:46 msgid "Matches a citation with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, joille on annettu Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnote.py:46 msgid "Citations having notes" msgstr "Lainaukset, joilla lisätietoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnote.py:47 msgid "Matches citations having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, joilla on tietty määrä lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Citations having notes containing " msgstr "Lainaukset, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:44 msgid "Matches citations whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Citations having notes containing " msgstr "Lainaukset, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnoteregexp.py:43 msgid "" "Matches citations whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii lainaukset, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät tekstin, joka vastaa " "säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 msgid "Citations with a reference count of " msgstr "Lainaukset joilla on määrätty " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasreferencecountof.py:44 msgid "Matches citations with a certain reference count" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, joilla on tietty määrätty viitemäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:201 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:759 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:775 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:228 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:205 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:220 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:228 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Nimike:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:395 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:792 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:808 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:261 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:190 msgid "Author:" msgstr "Tekijä:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:825 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:841 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:294 msgid "Abbreviation:" msgstr "Lyhennys:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:858 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:874 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:327 msgid "Publication:" msgstr "Julkaisu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:52 msgid "Sources matching parameters" msgstr "Lainaukset, joiden lähteet vastaavat annettuja arvoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:53 msgid "Matches citations with a source of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, joiden lähteet vastaavat annettuja arvoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:55 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourceidof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourcenoteregexp.py:55 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpsourceidof.py:51 msgid "Source filters" msgstr "Lähdesuotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourceidof.py:46 msgid "Citation with Source " msgstr "Lainaus, jonka lähteellä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourceidof.py:47 msgid "Matches a citation with a source with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii lainauksen, jonka lähteellä on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourcenoteregexp.py:52 msgid "Citations having source notes containing " msgstr "Lainaukset, joiden lähteen lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourcenoteregexp.py:53 msgid "" "Matches citations whose source notes contain a substring or match a regular " "expression" msgstr "" "Poimii lainaukset, joiden lähteen lisätiedot sisältävät annetun " "osamerkkijonon tai säännöllisen lausekkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:578 msgid "Tag:" msgstr "Tagi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hastag.py:49 msgid "Citations with the " msgstr "Lainaukset, joilla on tietty " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches citations with the particular tag" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joihin on liitetty tietty tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Citations matching the " msgstr "Lainaukset, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesfilter.py:46 msgid "Matches citations matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä suotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:43 msgid "Citations with Volume/Page containing " msgstr "Lainaukset, joiden Osa/sivu sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:44 msgid "Matches citations whose Volume/Page contains a certain substring" msgstr "Poimii lainaukset, joiden Osa/sivu sisältää annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:43 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:539 msgid "Repository filter name:" msgstr "Arkistosuotimen nimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:46 msgid "" "Citations with a source with a repository reference matching the " msgstr "Lainaukset, joiden lähteen hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:48 msgid "" "Matches citations with sources with a repository reference that match a " "certain repository filter" msgstr "" "Poimii lainaukset, joilla on lähteitä, jotka valittu arkistosuodin hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:49 msgid "Citations with source matching the " msgstr "Lainaukset, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:50 msgid "" "Matches citations with sources that match the specified source filter name" msgstr "" "Poimii lainaukset, joissa on lähteitä, jotka annetun niminen lähdesuodin " "hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpidof.py:48 msgid "Citations with Id containing " msgstr "Lainaukset, joiden Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpidof.py:49 msgid "Matches citations whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii lainaukset, joiden Gramps ID sisältää annetun säännöllisen lausekkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpsourceidof.py:48 msgid "Citations with Source Id containing " msgstr "Lainaukset, joiden lähteen Id sisätää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpsourceidof.py:49 msgid "" "Matches citations whose source has a Gramps ID that matches the regular " "expression" msgstr "" "Poimii lainaukset, joiden lähteen Gramps ID sisältää annetun säännöllisen " "lausekkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_allevents.py:44 msgid "Every event" msgstr "Kaikki tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_allevents.py:45 msgid "Matches every event in the database" msgstr "Poimii kaikki tapahtumat tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "Events changed after " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joita on muutettu jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches event records changed after a specified date/time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date/time is given." msgstr "" "Poimii tapahtumat, joita on muutettu annetun päivämäärän ja ajan (vvvv-kk-pp " "hh:mm:ss) jälkeen tai aikavälillä, jos toinen päivämäärä ja aika on annettu." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_eventprivate.py:42 msgid "Events marked private" msgstr "Yksityisiksi merkityt tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_eventprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches events that are indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:552 msgid "Event attribute:" msgstr "Tapahtuman ominaisuus:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:45 msgid "Events with the attribute " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Matches events with the event attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joiden annetulla ominaisuudella on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:51 msgid "Events with the " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joihin on liitetty " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:52 msgid "Matches events with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joihin liitetyllä lainauksella on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:545 msgid "Event type:" msgstr "Tapahtumatyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:510 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:294 msgid "Place:" msgstr "Paikka:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:327 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Kuvaus:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:49 msgid "Events with " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joihin liittyy " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:50 msgid "Matches events with data of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joihin liitetyllä tiedolla on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:38 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:587 msgid "Day of Week:" msgstr "Viikonpäivä:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:39 msgid "Events occurring on a particular day of the week" msgstr "Tietyn viikonpäivän tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:40 msgid "Matches events occurring on a particular day of the week" msgstr "Poimii tietyn viikonpäivän tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasgallery.py:45 msgid "Events with media" msgstr "Tapahtumat, joilla mediatiedostoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasgallery.py:46 msgid "Matches events with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joilla on tietty määrä mediaa galleriassa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Event with " msgstr "Tapahtuma, jolla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasidof.py:45 msgid "Matches an event with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii tapahtuman, jossa on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnote.py:45 msgid "Events having notes" msgstr "Tapahtumat, joilla lisätietoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnote.py:46 msgid "Matches events having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joilla on tietty määrä lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Events having notes containing " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches events whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 msgid "Events having notes containing " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches events whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii tapahtumat, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun säännöllisen " "lausekkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Events with a reference count of " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joiden viitemäärä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 msgid "Matches events with a certain reference count" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joilla on tietty määrä viitteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hassourcecount.py:44 msgid "Events with sources" msgstr "Tapahtumat, joilla lähteitä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hassourcecount.py:45 msgid "Matches events with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joihin on liitetty tietty määrä lähteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastag.py:49 msgid "Events with the " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joihin on liitetty " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches events with the particular tag" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joihin on liitetty tietty tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:46 msgid "Events with the particular type" msgstr "Tietyn tyyppiset tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:47 msgid "Matches events with the particular type " msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joilla on tietty tyyppi " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Events matching the " msgstr "Tapahtumat, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches events matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä suotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:574 msgid "Include Family events:" msgstr "Lisää perhetapahtumat:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:531 msgid "Person filter name:" msgstr "Henkilösuotimen nimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:51 msgid "Events of persons matching the " msgstr "Henkilöiden tapahtumat, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:52 msgid "Matches events of persons matched by the specified person filter name" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöiden tapahtumat, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä " "henkilösuotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:541 msgid "Place filter name:" msgstr "Paikkasuotimen nimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:50 msgid "Events of places matching the " msgstr "Paikkojen tapahtumat, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:51 msgid "" "Matches events that occurred at places that match the specified place filter " "name" msgstr "" "Poimii tapahtumat, jotka tapahtuivat tietyn nimisen paikkasuotimen " "hyväksymissä paikoissa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 msgid "Events with at least one direct source >= " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joissa ainakin yksi suora lähde >= " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourceconfidence.py:46 msgid "Matches events with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" "Poimii tapahtumat, joissa on vähintään yksi luotettavuustason mukainen lähde" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:49 msgid "Events with source matching the " msgstr "Tapahtumat, joiden lähteen hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:50 msgid "Matches events with sources that match the specified source filter name" msgstr "" "Poimii tapahtumat, joissa annetun nimisen lähdesuotimen mukaisia lähteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_regexpidof.py:47 msgid "Events with Id containing " msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joiden Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_regexpidof.py:48 msgid "Matches events whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii tapahtumat, joiden Gramps ID sisältää annetun säännöllisen lausekkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_allfamilies.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:377 msgid "Every family" msgstr "Kaikki perheet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_allfamilies.py:45 msgid "Matches every family in the database" msgstr "Poimii kaikki perheet tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "Families changed after " msgstr "Perheet, joita on muutettu jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches family records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" "Poimii perheet, joita on muutettu annetun päivämäärän ja ajan (vvvv-kk-pp hh:" "mm:ss) jälkeen tai aikavälillä, jos toinen päivämäärä ja aika on annettu." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:45 msgid "Person ID:" msgstr "Henkilön ID:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:46 msgid "Families having child with Id containing " msgstr "Perheet, joilla lapsen Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:47 msgid "Matches families where child has a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden lapsella on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasnameof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastwins.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpchildname.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchchildname.py:48 msgid "Child filters" msgstr "Lapsisuotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasnameof.py:45 msgid "Families with child with the " msgstr "Perheet, joiden jollakin lapsella on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasnameof.py:46 msgid "Matches families where child has a specified (partial) name" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden lapsella on määrätty nimi tai nimen osa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_familyprivate.py:42 msgid "Families marked private" msgstr "Yksityisiksi merkityt perheet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_familyprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches families that are indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii perheet, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:46 msgid "Families having father with Id containing " msgstr "Perheet, joiden isän Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:47 msgid "Matches families whose father has a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden isällä on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasnameof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpfathername.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchfathername.py:48 msgid "Father filters" msgstr "Isäsuotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasnameof.py:45 msgid "Families with father with the " msgstr "Perheet, joiden isällä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasnameof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchfathername.py:46 msgid "Matches families whose father has a specified (partial) name" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden isällä on annettu nimi tai nimen osa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:106 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:550 msgid "Family attribute:" msgstr "Perheen ominaisuus:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:45 msgid "Families with the family " msgstr "Perheet, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Matches families with the family attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden perheominaisuudella on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:51 msgid "Families with the " msgstr "Perheet, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:52 msgid "Matches families with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden lainauksella on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:546 msgid "Family event:" msgstr "Perhetapahtuma:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:83 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:85 msgid "Main Participants" msgstr "Pääosalliset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:52 msgid "Families with the " msgstr "Perheet, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:53 msgid "Matches families with an event of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden tapahtumalla on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasgallery.py:45 msgid "Families with media" msgstr "Perheet, joilla mediatiedostoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasgallery.py:46 msgid "Matches families with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joilla on tietty määrä mediatiedostoja galleriassa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Family with " msgstr "Perhe, jolla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasidof.py:45 msgid "Matches a family with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii perheen, jolla on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_haslds.py:48 msgid "Families with LDS events" msgstr "Perheet, joilla on MAP tapahtumia " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_haslds.py:49 msgid "Matches families with a certain number of LDS events" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joilla on tietty määrä MAP tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnote.py:45 msgid "Families having notes" msgstr "Perheet, joilla on lisätietoja " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnote.py:46 msgid "Matches families having a certain number notes" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joilla on tietty määrä lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Families having notes containing " msgstr "Perheet, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches families whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 msgid "Families having notes containing " msgstr "Perheet, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches families whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii perheet, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun säännöllisen lausekkeen " "mukaisen tekstin" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Families with a reference count of " msgstr "Perheet, joilla viitteitä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 msgid "Matches family objects with a certain reference count" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joilla on tietty määrä viitteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:556 msgid "Relationship type:" msgstr "Suhteen tyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:46 msgid "Families with the relationship type" msgstr "Perheet, joilla on suhdetyyppi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:47 msgid "Matches families with the relationship type of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joissa on tietyn arvon mukainen suhdetyyppi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourcecount.py:45 msgid "Families with sources" msgstr "Perheet, joilla on lähteitä " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourcecount.py:46 msgid "Matches families with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joihin on liitetty tietty määrä lähteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:46 msgid "Families with the " msgstr "Perheet, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:48 msgid "Matches families who have a particular source" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joilla on tietty lähde" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastag.py:49 msgid "Families with the " msgstr "Perheet, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches families with the particular tag" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joilla on tietty tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastwins.py:45 msgid "Families with twins" msgstr "Perheet, joilla on kaksoset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastwins.py:46 msgid "Matches families with twins" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joilla on kaksoset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:568 msgid "Inclusive:" msgstr "Sisältäen:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:45 msgid "Ancestor families of " msgstr "Esivanhempien perheet " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:47 msgid "Matches ancestor families of the specified family" msgstr "Poimii esivanhempien perheet määritellylle perheelle" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isbookmarked.py:44 msgid "Bookmarked families" msgstr "Kirjanmerkityt perheet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isbookmarked.py:46 msgid "Matches the families on the bookmark list" msgstr "Poimii perheet kirjanmerkkilistalta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:45 msgid "Descendant families of " msgstr "Jälkeläisperheet " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:47 msgid "Matches descendant families of the specified family" msgstr "Poimii jälkeläisperheet määritellylle perheelle" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Families matching the " msgstr "Perheet, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches families matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Poimii perheet, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä suotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 msgid "Families with at least one direct source >= " msgstr "Perheet, joilla on vähintään yksi suora lähde >= " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 msgid "" "Matches families with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" "Poimii perheet, joilla on vähintään yksi lähde valitulla luotettavuustasolla" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:46 msgid "Families having mother with Id containing " msgstr "Perheet, joiden äidin Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:47 msgid "Matches families whose mother has a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden äidillä on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasnameof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpmothername.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchmothername.py:48 msgid "Mother filters" msgstr "Äitisuotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasnameof.py:45 msgid "Families with mother with the " msgstr "Perheet, joiden äidillä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasnameof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchmothername.py:46 msgid "Matches families whose mother has a specified (partial) name" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden äidillä on annettu nimi tai nimen osa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpchildname.py:45 msgid "Families with child matching the " msgstr "Perheet, joiden lapsen nimi on mukainen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpchildname.py:46 msgid "" "Matches families where some child has a name that matches a specified " "regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii perheitä, joiden jonkun lapsen nimi vastaa annettua säännöllistä " "lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpfathername.py:45 msgid "Families with father matching the " msgstr "Perheet, joiden isän nimi on mukainen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpfathername.py:46 msgid "" "Matches families whose father has a name matching a specified regular " "expression" msgstr "" "Poimii perheitä, joiden isän nimi vastaa annettua säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpidof.py:47 msgid "Families with Id containing " msgstr "Perheet, joiden Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpidof.py:48 msgid "Matches families whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Poimii perheet, joiden Gramps ID vastaa säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpmothername.py:45 msgid "Families with mother matching the " msgstr "Perheet, joiden äiti on mukainen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpmothername.py:46 msgid "" "Matches families whose mother has a name matching a specified regular " "expression" msgstr "" "Poimii perheitä, joiden äidin nimi vastaa annettua säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchchildname.py:45 msgid "Families with any child matching the " msgstr "Perheet, joiden jollain lapsella on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchchildname.py:46 msgid "Matches families where any child has a specified (partial) name" msgstr "" "Poimii perheet, joiden jokin lapsi on annetun nimen tai sen osan mukainen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchfathername.py:45 msgid "Families with father matching the " msgstr "Perheet, joiden isällä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchmothername.py:45 msgid "Families with mother matching the " msgstr "Perheet, joiden äidillä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_allmedia.py:44 msgid "Every media object" msgstr "Kaikki mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_allmedia.py:45 msgid "Matches every media object in the database" msgstr "Poimii kaikki mediatiedostot tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:45 msgid "Media objects changed after " msgstr "Mediatiedostot, joita on muutettu jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:46 msgid "" "Matches media objects changed after a specified date:time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date:time is given." msgstr "" "Poimii mediatiedostot, joita on muutettu annetun päivämäärän ja ajan (vvvv-" "kk-pp hh:mm:ss) jälkeen tai aikavälillä, jos toinen päivämäärä ja aika on " "annettu." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:554 msgid "Media attribute:" msgstr "Mediatiedoston ominaisuus:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:45 msgid "Media objects with the attribute " msgstr "Mediatiedostot, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Matches media objects with the attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedostot, joiden ominaisuudella on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:50 msgid "Media with the " msgstr "Mediatiedostot, joissa on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:51 msgid "Matches media with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedostot, joissa jossakin lainauksessa on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Media object with " msgstr "Mediatiedosto, jolla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasidof.py:45 msgid "Matches a media object with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedoston, jolla on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:47 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:521 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:369 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:318 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:228 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:261 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:485 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:502 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:261 msgid "Type:" msgstr "Tyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:261 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1657 msgid "Path:" msgstr "Polku:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:51 msgid "Media objects matching parameters" msgstr "Mediatiedostot, jotka vastaavat annettuja parametreja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:52 msgid "Matches media objects with particular parameters" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedostot, joilla on tietyt parametrit" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Media objects having notes containing " msgstr "Mediatiedostot, joiden lisätiedot sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches media objects whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" "Poimii mediatiedostot, joiden lisätietojen teksti sisältää annetun " "osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 msgid "Media objects having notes containing " msgstr "Mediatiedostot, joiden lisätiedot sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "" "Matches media objects whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii mediatiedostot, joiden lisätiedot sisältää säännöllisen lausekkeen " "mukaisen tekstin" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Media objects with a reference count of " msgstr "Mediatiedostot, joiden viitemäärä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 msgid "Matches media objects with a certain reference count" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedostot, joilla on tietty määrä viitteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourcecount.py:45 msgid "Media with sources" msgstr "Mediatiedosto, jolla on lähteitä " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourcecount.py:46 msgid "Matches media with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedoston, johon on liitetty tietty määrä lähteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:46 msgid "Media with the " msgstr "Mediatiedosto, johon on liitetty " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:48 msgid "Matches media who have a particular source" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedoston, jolla on tietty lähde" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hastag.py:49 msgid "Media objects with the " msgstr "Mediatiedosto, jolla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches media objects with the particular tag" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedostot, joilla on tietty tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Media objects matching the " msgstr "Mediatiedostot, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches media objects matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedostot, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä suotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 msgid "Media with a direct source >= " msgstr "Mediatiedosto, jossa suora lähde >= " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 msgid "Matches media with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" "Poimii mediatiedoston, jossa ainakin yksi suora lähde on valitulla " "luotettavuustasolla" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_mediaprivate.py:42 msgid "Media objects marked private" msgstr "Yksityisiksi merkityt mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_mediaprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches Media objects that are indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii mediatiedostot, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_regexpidof.py:47 msgid "Media objects with Id containing " msgstr "Mediatiedostot, joiden Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_regexpidof.py:48 msgid "Matches media objects whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii mediatiedostot, joiden Gramps ID on annetun säännöllisen lausekkeen " "mukainen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_allnotes.py:44 msgid "Every note" msgstr "Jokainen lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_allnotes.py:45 msgid "Matches every note in the database" msgstr "Poimii jokaisen lisätiedon tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "Notes changed after " msgstr "Lisätiedot, joita on muutettu jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches note records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" "Poimii lisätiedot, joita on muutettu annetun päivämäärän ja ajan (vvvv-kk-pp " "hh:mm:ss) jälkeen tai aikavälillä, jos toinen päivämäärä ja aika on annettu." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Note with " msgstr "Lisätieto, jolla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasidof.py:45 msgid "Matches a note with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii lisätiedon, jolla on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:45 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:110 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:558 msgid "Note type:" msgstr "Lisätietotyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:49 msgid "Notes matching parameters" msgstr "Lisätiedot jotka vastaavat annettuja parametreja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:50 msgid "Matches Notes with particular parameters" msgstr "Poimii lisätiedot, joilla on tietyt parametrit" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Notes with a reference count of " msgstr "Lisätiedot, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 msgid "Matches notes with a certain reference count" msgstr "Poimii lisätiedot, joilla on tietty määrä viitteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastag.py:49 msgid "Notes with the " msgstr "Lisätiedot, joilla on merkitty " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches notes with the particular tag" msgstr "Poimii tapahtumat, joilla on tietty tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:46 msgid "Notes with the particular type" msgstr "Lisätiedot, jotka on tiettyä tyyppiä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:47 msgid "Matches notes with the particular type " msgstr "Poimii lisätiedot, joilla on tietty tyyppi " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Notes matching the " msgstr "Lisätiedot, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches notes matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Poimii lisätiedot, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä suotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:44 msgid "Notes containing " msgstr "Lisätiedot, jotka sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:45 msgid "Matches notes that contain a substring or match a regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii lisätiedot, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon tai " "vastaavat annettua säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:44 msgid "Notes containing " msgstr "Lisätiedot, jotka sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:45 msgid "Matches notes that contain text which matches a substring" msgstr "Poimii lisätiedot, jotka sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_noteprivate.py:42 msgid "Notes marked private" msgstr "Yksityisiksi merkityt lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_noteprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches notes that are indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii lisätiedot, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_regexpidof.py:47 msgid "Notes with Id containing " msgstr "Lisätiedot, joiden Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_regexpidof.py:48 msgid "Matches notes whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii lisätiedot, joiden Gramps ID vastaa annettua säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "Persons changed after " msgstr "Henkilöt, joita on muutettu jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches person records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joita on muutettu annetun päivämäärän ja ajan (vvvv-kk-pp " "hh:mm:ss) jälkeen tai aikavälillä, jos toinen päivämäärä ja aika on annettu." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:133 msgid "Relationship path between and people matching " msgstr "Suhdepolku ja mukaisten henkilöiden välillä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:134 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetweenbookmarks.py:52 msgid "Relationship filters" msgstr "Suhdesuotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:135 msgid "" "Searches over the database starting from a specified person and returns " "everyone between that person and a set of target people specified with a " "filter. This produces a set of relationship paths (including by marriage) " "between the specified person and the target people. Each path is not " "necessarily the shortest path." msgstr "" "Käy läpi tietokantaa alkaen määritetystä henkilöstä ja palauttaa jokaisen " "henkilön em. lähtöhenkilön ja henkilösuotimen mukaiset kohdehenkilöt. " "Tuloksena on lähtöhenkilön ja kohdehenkilöiden väliset suhdepolut (ml. " "avioliitot). Kukin polku ei ole välttämättä lyhyin." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:152 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:164 msgid "Finding relationship paths" msgstr "Löydetään suhdepolut" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:153 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:69 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:67 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:58 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:60 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:67 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:58 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:57 msgid "Retrieving all sub-filter matches" msgstr "Noutaa hyväksymät kohteet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:165 msgid "Evaluating people" msgstr "Valitaan henkilöitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_disconnected.py:44 msgid "Disconnected people" msgstr "Henkilöt ilman suhteita" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_disconnected.py:46 msgid "" "Matches people that have no family relationships to any other person in the " "database" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joilla ei ole perhesuhteita muihin tietokannan henkilöihin" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_everyone.py:44 msgid "Everyone" msgstr "Kaikki henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_everyone.py:46 msgid "Matches everyone in the database" msgstr "Poimii kaikki henkilöt tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_familywithincompleteevent.py:42 msgid "Families with incomplete events" msgstr "Perheet, joilla on epätäydellisiä tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_familywithincompleteevent.py:43 msgid "Matches people with missing date or place in an event of the family" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden perhetapahtumista puuttuu joko aika tai paikka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:49 msgid "People with addresses" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla osoitteita on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:50 msgid "Matches people with a certain number of personal addresses" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on valittu määrä omia osoitteita" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddresstext.py:43 msgid "People with an address containing " msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden osoite sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddresstext.py:44 msgid "Matches people with a personal address containing the given text" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilön henkilökohtaisen osoitteen, joka sisältää annetun tekstin" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasalternatename.py:45 msgid "People with an alternate name" msgstr "Henkilöt vaihtoehtoisella nimellä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasalternatename.py:46 msgid "Matches people with an alternate name" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt vaihtoehtoisella nimellä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:49 msgid "People with associations" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla liitoksia on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:50 msgid "Matches people with a certain number of associations" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tietty määrä liitoksia" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:548 msgid "Personal attribute:" msgstr "Henkilön ominaisuus:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:45 msgid "People with the personal " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Matches people with the personal attribute of a particular value" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joiden henkilökohtaisella ominaisuudella on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:49 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:50 msgid "Matches people with birth data of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden syntymätiedolla on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:50 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:51 msgid "Matches people with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla tietyn arvoinen lainaus" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:46 msgid "People with a common ancestor with " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on yhteinen esivanhempi kanssa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:47 msgid "Ancestral filters" msgstr "Esivanhempien suotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:48 msgid "Matches people that have a common ancestor with a specified person" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on yhteinen esivanhempi valitun henkilön kanssa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:48 msgid "People with a common ancestor with match" msgstr "" "Henkilöt, joilla on yhteinen esivanhempi hyväksymien henkilöiden " "kanssa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:49 msgid "" "Matches people that have a common ancestor with anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on yhteinen esivanhempi kenen tahansa suotimen " "hyväksymän henkilön kanssa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:49 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:50 msgid "Matches people with death data of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden kuolintiedolla on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:102 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:545 msgid "Personal event:" msgstr "Henkilökohtainen tapahtuma:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:52 msgid "Main Participants:" msgstr "Pääosalliset:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:53 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:576 msgid "Primary Role:" msgstr "Ensisijainen rooli:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:54 msgid "People with the personal " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on henkilökohtainen " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:55 msgid "Matches people with a personal event of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden henkilökohtaisella tapahtumalla on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:45 msgid "People with the family " msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden perheellä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:46 msgid "Matches people with the family attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden perheen ominaisuudella on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:52 msgid "People with the family " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:53 msgid "Matches people with a family event of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden perhetapahtumalla on tietty arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasgallery.py:42 msgid "People with media" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla mediatiedostoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasgallery.py:43 msgid "Matches people with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tietty määrä mediatiedostoja galleriassa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasidof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:45 msgid "Person with " msgstr "Henkilö, jolla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasidof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:46 msgid "Matches person with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_haslds.py:48 msgid "People with LDS events" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla MAP-tapahtumia on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_haslds.py:49 msgid "Matches people with a certain number of LDS events" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tietty määrä MAP-tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:46 msgid "Given name:" msgstr "Etunimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:47 msgid "Full Family name:" msgstr "Koko sukunimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:48 msgctxt "person" msgid "Title:" msgstr "Titteli:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:49 msgid "Suffix:" msgstr "Loppuliite:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:50 msgid "Call Name:" msgstr "Kutsumanimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:51 msgid "Nick Name:" msgstr "Lempinimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:52 msgid "Prefix:" msgstr "Etuliite:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:53 msgid "Single Surname:" msgstr "Yksittäinen sukunimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:79 msgid "Connector" msgstr "Yhdistäjä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:55 msgid "Patronymic:" msgstr "Patronyymi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:56 msgid "Family Nick Name:" msgstr "Perheen lempinimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:57 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:58 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:47 msgid "Matches people with a specified (partial) name" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on annettu nimi tai nimen osa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:112 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:562 msgid "Surname origin type:" msgstr "Sukunimen alkuperä tyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:47 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:48 msgid "Matches people with a surname origin" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden sukunimi on tiettyä alkuperätyyppiä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:111 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:560 msgid "Name type:" msgstr "Nimityyppi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:47 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:48 msgid "Matches people with a type of name" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on sama nimityyppi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnickname.py:45 msgid "People with a nickname" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on lempinimi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnickname.py:46 msgid "Matches people with a nickname" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on lempinimi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnote.py:45 msgid "People having notes" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla lisätietoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnote.py:46 msgid "Matches people having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tietty määrä lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "People having notes containing " msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden lisätiedot sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches people whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 msgid "People having notes containing " msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches people whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun säännöllisen " "lausekkeen mukaisen tekstin" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:45 msgid "Number of relationships:" msgstr "Suhteiden määrä:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:47 msgid "Number of children:" msgstr "Lasten määrä:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:48 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:49 msgid "Matches people with a particular relationship" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tietynlainen suhde" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havealtfamilies.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havechildren.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_missingparent.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_multiplemarriages.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nevermarried.py:44 msgid "Family filters" msgstr "Perhesuotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassoundexname.py:41 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:118 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:372 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:200 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:183 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:215 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:222 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:238 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:425 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:442 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/soundgen.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:238 msgid "Name:" msgstr "Nimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassoundexname.py:42 msgid "Soundex match of People with the " msgstr "Soundex henkilöille, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassoundexname.py:43 msgid "" "Soundex Match of people with a specified name. First name, Surname, Call " "name, and Nickname are searched in primary and alternate names." msgstr "" "Soundex henkilöille, joilla on määritelty nimi. Etsitään ensisijaisista ja " "vaihtoehtoisista etu-, suku-, kutsuma- ja lempinimistä." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourcecount.py:45 msgid "People with sources" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla lähteitä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourcecount.py:46 msgid "Matches people with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tietty määrä liitettyjä lähteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:46 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:48 msgid "Matches people who have a particular source" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tietty lähde" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastag.py:49 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches people with the particular tag" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tietty tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:570 msgid "Case sensitive:" msgstr "Kirjainkoon huomioiva:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:48 msgid "People with records containing " msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden tietueet sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:49 msgid "Matches people whose records contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden tietueet sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasunknowngender.py:45 msgid "People with unknown gender" msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden sukupuoli on tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasunknowngender.py:47 msgid "Matches all people with unknown gender" msgstr "Poimii kaikki henkilöt, joiden sukupuolta ei tiedetä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havealtfamilies.py:43 msgid "Adopted people" msgstr "Adoptoidut henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havealtfamilies.py:44 msgid "Matches people who were adopted" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat adoptoituja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havechildren.py:46 msgid "People with children" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on lapsia" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havechildren.py:47 msgid "Matches people who have children" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on lapsia" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_incompletenames.py:44 msgid "People with incomplete names" msgstr "Henkilöt epätäydellisillä nimillä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_incompletenames.py:45 msgid "Matches people with firstname or lastname missing" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden etunimi tai sukunimi puuttuu" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:45 msgid "Ancestors of " msgstr " esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:47 msgid "Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person" msgstr "Poimii valitun henkilön esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Ancestors of match" msgstr " hyväksymien henkilöiden esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:49 msgid "Matches people that are ancestors of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Poimii suotimen hyväksymien henkilöiden esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isbookmarked.py:45 msgid "Bookmarked people" msgstr "Kirjanmerkityt henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isbookmarked.py:47 msgid "Matches the people on the bookmark list" msgstr "Poimii ihmiset kirjanmerkkilistalta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Children of match" msgstr " hyväksymien henkilöiden lapset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:49 msgid "Matches children of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Poimii suotimen hyväksymien henkilöiden lapset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdefaultperson.py:44 msgid "Home Person" msgstr "Kotihenkilö" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdefaultperson.py:46 msgid "Matches the Home Person" msgstr "Poimii kotihenkilön" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:50 msgid "Descendant family members of " msgstr " jälkeläiset perheineen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:47 msgid "Descendant filters" msgstr "Jälkeläissuotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:52 msgid "" "Matches people that are descendants or the spouse of a descendant of a " "specified person" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat valitun henkilön jälkeläisiä tai heidän " "puolisoitaan" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Descendant family members of match" msgstr " hyväksymät jälkeläiset perheineen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:49 msgid "" "Matches people that are descendants or the spouse of anybody matched by a " "filter" msgstr "Poimii suotimen hyväksymien henkilöiden jälkeläiset ja heidän puolisot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:46 msgid "Descendants of " msgstr " jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:48 msgid "Matches all descendants for the specified person" msgstr "Poimii valitun henkilön jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Descendants of match" msgstr " hyväksymien henkilöiden jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:49 msgid "Matches people that are descendants of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Poimii suotimen hyväksymien henkilöiden jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:47 msgid "Duplicated ancestors of " msgstr " tuplana olevat esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:49 msgid "Matches people that are ancestors twice or more of a specified person" msgstr "Poimii henkilön kahteen tai useampaan kertaan olevat esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isfemale.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:149 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:425 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:948 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:191 msgid "Females" msgstr "Naiset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isfemale.py:47 msgid "Matches all females" msgstr "Poimii kaikki naiset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:520 msgid "Number of generations:" msgstr "Sukupolvien lukumäärä:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:46 msgid "Ancestors of not more than generations away" msgstr "Esivanhemmat enintään sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:48 msgid "" "Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person not more than N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat valitun henkilön esivanhempia enintään " "sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:52 msgid "Ancestors of bookmarked people not more than generations away" msgstr "" "Kirjanmerkittyjen henkilöiden esivanhemmat enintään sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:55 msgid "" "Matches ancestors of the people on the bookmark list not more than N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat kirjanmerkittyjen henkilöiden esivanhempia " "enintään sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:47 msgid "Ancestors of the Home Person not more than generations away" msgstr "Kotihenkilön esivanhemmat enintään sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:50 msgid "Matches ancestors of the Home Person not more than N generations away" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat kotihenkilön esivanhempia enintään " "sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:46 msgid "Descendants of not more than generations away" msgstr "Jälkeläiset enintään sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:49 msgid "" "Matches people that are descendants of a specified person not more than N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat valitun henkilön jälkeläisiä enintään " "sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismale.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:421 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:944 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:124 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:189 msgid "Males" msgstr "Miehet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismale.py:47 msgid "Matches all males" msgstr "Poimii kaikki miespuoliset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:46 msgid "Ancestors of at least generations away" msgstr "Esivanhemmat vähintään sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:48 msgid "" "Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person at least N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat valitun henkilön esivanhempia vähintään " "sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:46 msgid "Descendants of at least generations away" msgstr "Jälkeläiset vähintään sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:48 msgid "" "Matches people that are descendants of a specified person at least N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat valitun henkilön jälkeläisiä vähintään " "sukupolven päässä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Parents of match" msgstr " hyväksymien henkilöiden vanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:49 msgid "Matches parents of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Poimii suotimen hyväksymien henkilöiden esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:45 msgid "People related to " msgstr " suhteessa olevat muut henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:47 msgid "Matches people related to a specified person" msgstr "Poimii valittuun henkilöön suhteessa olevat muut henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:46 msgid "Siblings of match" msgstr " hyväksymien henkilöiden sisarukset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:48 msgid "Matches siblings of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Poimii suotimen hyväksymien henkilöiden sisarukset" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Spouses of match" msgstr " hyväksymien henkilöiden puolisot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:48 msgid "Matches people married to anybody matching a filter" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat aviossa suotimen hyväksymien henkilöiden kanssa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:45 msgid "Witnesses" msgstr "Todistajat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:46 msgid "Matches people who are witnesses in any event" msgstr "Poimii kaikki henkilöt, jotka ovat jonkin tapahtuman todistajia" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:535 msgid "Event filter name:" msgstr "Tapahtumasuotimen nimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:52 msgid "Persons with events matching the " msgstr "Henkilöt joiden tapahtumat hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:53 msgid "Matches persons who have events that match a certain event filter" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tapahtumia, jotka valittu tapahtumasuodin hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "People matching the " msgstr "Henkilöt, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches people matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä suotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 msgid "Persons with at least one direct source >= " msgstr "" "Henkilöt, joilla vähintään yhdessä suorassa lähteessä on >= " "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 msgid "" "Matches persons with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" "Valitsee henkilöt, joilla vähintään yhden suoran lähteen luotettavuustaso on " "annetun tai annettujen mukainen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_missingparent.py:43 msgid "People missing parents" msgstr "Henkilöt ilman vanhempia" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_missingparent.py:44 msgid "" "Matches people that are children in a family with less than two parents or " "are not children in any family." msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, jotka ovat lapsia perheissä, joissa on enintään yksi " "vanhempi tai, jotka eivät ole lapsia missään perheessä." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_multiplemarriages.py:42 msgid "People with multiple marriage records" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on enemmän kuin yksi avioliittotieto" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_multiplemarriages.py:43 msgid "Matches people who have more than one spouse" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on (ollut) enemmän kuin yksi puoliso" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nevermarried.py:42 msgid "People with no marriage records" msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla ei ole merkintää avioliitosta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nevermarried.py:43 msgid "Matches people who have no spouse" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla ei ole puolisoa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nobirthdate.py:42 msgid "People without a known birth date" msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden syntymäaika ei ole tiedossa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nobirthdate.py:43 msgid "Matches people without a known birthdate" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden syntymäaika ei ole tiedossa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nodeathdate.py:42 msgid "People without a known death date" msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden kuolinaika ei ole tiedossa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nodeathdate.py:43 msgid "Matches people without a known deathdate" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden kuolinaika ei ole tiedossa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peopleprivate.py:42 msgid "People marked private" msgstr "Yksityisiksi merkityt henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peopleprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches people that are indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peoplepublic.py:43 msgid "People not marked private" msgstr "Henkilöt, joita ei ole merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peoplepublic.py:44 msgid "Matches people that are not indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joita ei ole merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_personwithincompleteevent.py:42 msgid "People with incomplete events" msgstr "Henkilöt epätäydellisillä tapahtumilla" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_personwithincompleteevent.py:43 msgid "Matches people with missing date or place in an event" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden tapahtumista puuttuu joko aika tai paikka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:44 msgid "On date:" msgstr "Päivämääränä:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:45 msgid "People probably alive" msgstr "Henkilöt todennäköisesti elossa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:46 msgid "Matches people without indications of death that are not too old" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joilla ei ole kuolemaan liittyviä tapahtumia ja jotka eivät " "ole liian vanhoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpidof.py:46 msgid "People with Id containing " msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpidof.py:47 msgid "Matches people whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joiden Gramps ID on annetun säännöllisen lausekkeen mukainen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:46 msgid "People with a name matching " msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden nimi on mukainen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:47 msgid "" "Matches people's names containing a substring or matching a regular " "expression" msgstr "" "Poimii henkilöt, joiden nimet sisältävät osamerkkijonon tai vastaavat " "annettua säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:46 msgid "Relationship path between " msgstr "Suhdepolku välillä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:48 msgid "" "Matches the ancestors of two persons back to a common ancestor, producing " "the relationship path between two persons." msgstr "" "Poimii kahden henkilön yhteisen esivanhemman ja palauttaa suhdepolun heidän " "välillään." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetweenbookmarks.py:51 msgid "Relationship path between bookmarked persons" msgstr "Suhdepolku kirjanmerkittyjen henkilöiden välillä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetweenbookmarks.py:53 msgid "" "Matches the ancestors of bookmarked individuals back to common ancestors, " "producing the relationship path(s) between bookmarked persons." msgstr "" "Etsii kirjamerkittyjen henkilöiden yhteiset esivanhemmat ja tuottaa " "suhdepolut kirjanmerkittyjen henkilöiden välillä." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:46 msgid "People matching the " msgstr "Henkilöt, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_allplaces.py:44 msgid "Every place" msgstr "Jokainen paikka" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_allplaces.py:45 msgid "Matches every place in the database" msgstr "Poimii jokaisen paikan tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "Places changed after " msgstr "Paikat, joita on muutettu jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches place records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" "Poimii paikat, joita on muutettu annetun päivämäärän ja ajan (vvvv-kk-pp hh:" "mm:ss) jälkeen tai aikavälillä, jos toinen päivämäärä ja aika on annettu." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:51 msgid "Place with the " msgstr "Paikka, jossa on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:52 msgid "Matches places with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii paikat, joissa on tietyn arvoinen lainaus" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:113 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:564 msgid "Place type:" msgstr "Paikan tyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:282 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:511 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:545 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:562 msgid "Code:" msgstr "Koodi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:58 msgid "Places matching parameters" msgstr "Parametreja vastaavat paikat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:59 msgid "Matches places with particular parameters" msgstr "Poimii paikat, jotka vastaavat tiettyjä parametreja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasgallery.py:45 msgid "Places with media" msgstr "Paikat, joilla mediatiedostoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasgallery.py:46 msgid "Matches places with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Poimii paikat, joilla on tietty määrä mediatiedostoja galleriassa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Place with " msgstr "Paikka, jolla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasidof.py:45 msgid "Matches a place with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii paikan, jolla on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnolatorlon.py:48 msgid "Places with no latitude or longitude given" msgstr "Paikat, joille ei ole annettu leveys- tai pituuspiiriä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnolatorlon.py:49 msgid "Matches places with empty latitude or longitude" msgstr "Poimii paikat, joille ei ole annettu pituus- tai leveysastetta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnolatorlon.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:56 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:60 msgid "Position filters" msgstr "Sijaintisuotimet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnote.py:45 msgid "Places having notes" msgstr "Paikat, joilla lisätietoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnote.py:46 msgid "Matches places having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Poimii paikat, joilla on tietty määrä lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Places having notes containing " msgstr "Paikat, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches places whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Poimii paikat, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 msgid "Places having notes containing " msgstr "Paikat, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches places whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii paikat, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät säännöllisen lausekkeen mukaisen " "tekstin" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:49 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Katu:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:50 msgid "Locality:" msgstr "Taajama:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:51 msgid "City:" msgstr "Paikkakunta:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:52 msgid "County:" msgstr "Maakunta:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:53 msgid "State:" msgstr "Lääni tai osavaltio:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:54 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Valtio tai liittovaltio:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:55 msgid "ZIP/Postal Code:" msgstr "Postinumero:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:56 msgid "Church Parish:" msgstr "Seurakunta:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Places with a reference count of " msgstr "Paikat, joiden viitemäärä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 msgid "Matches places with a certain reference count" msgstr "Poimii paikat, joilla on tietty määrä viitteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourcecount.py:45 msgid "Place with sources" msgstr "Paikka, joilla lähteitä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourcecount.py:46 msgid "Matches places with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on tietty määrä lähteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:46 msgid "Places with the " msgstr "Paikat, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:48 msgid "Matches places who have a particular source" msgstr "Poimii paikat, joilla on tietty lähde" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastag.py:49 msgid "Places with the " msgstr "Paikat, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches places with the particular tag" msgstr "Poimii paikat, joilla on tietty tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:49 msgid "Places matching a title" msgstr "Nimikettä vastaavat paikat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:50 msgid "Matches places with a particular title" msgstr "Vastaa paikkoja, joissa on annettu nimike" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:259 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:236 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:251 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:245 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Leveysaste:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:332 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:267 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:255 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Pituusaste:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:50 msgid "Rectangle height:" msgstr "Suorakulmion korkeus:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:50 msgid "Rectangle width:" msgstr "Suorakulmion leveys:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:51 msgid "Places in neighborhood of given position" msgstr "Paikat, annetun sijainnin läheisyydessä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:52 msgid "" "Matches places with latitude or longitude positioned in a rectangle of given " "height and width (in degrees), and with middlepoint the given latitude and " "longitude." msgstr "" "Poimii paikat, joiden pituus- tai leveyspiiri sijaitsee (asteissa) annetun " "korkuisen ja levyisen suorakulmion sisällä, jonka keskikohta on annetulla " "pituus- ja leveyspiirillä." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:49 msgid "Places enclosed by another place" msgstr "Paikan sisällä olevat paikat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:50 msgid "Matches a place enclosed by a particular place" msgstr "Poimii tietyn paikan sisällä olevan paikan" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:50 msgid "Places of events matching the " msgstr "Tapahtumapaikat, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:51 msgid "" "Matches places where events happened that match the specified event filter " "name" msgstr "" "Poimii paikat, joissa oli tapahtuma(ia), jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä " "tapahtumasuotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Places matching the " msgstr "Paikat, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches places matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Poimii paikat, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä suotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 msgid "Place with a direct source >= " msgstr "Paikka, jossa suoralla lähteellä >= " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 msgid "Matches places with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" "Poimii paikat, joissa on vähintään yksi suora lähde on valitulla " "luotettavuustasolla" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_placeprivate.py:42 msgid "Places marked private" msgstr "Yksityisiksi merkityt paikat" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_placeprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches places that are indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii paikat, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_regexpidof.py:47 msgid "Places with Id containing " msgstr "Paikat, joiden Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_regexpidof.py:48 msgid "Matches places whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii paikat, joiden Gramps ID vastaa annettua säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:591 msgid "Units:" msgstr "Yksiköt:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:58 msgid "Places within an area" msgstr "Paikat alueella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:59 msgid "Matches places within a given distance of another place" msgstr "Poimii paikat tietyllä etäisyydellä toiseen paikkaan" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:83 msgid "Cannot use the filter 'within area'" msgstr "Suodatinta ei voi käyttää alueella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:84 msgid "" "The place you selected contains bad coordinates. Please, run the tool 'clean " "input data'" msgstr "" "Valitsemasi paikka sisältää virheellisiä koordinaatteja. Suorita työkalu " "\"Puhdista tuontitiedot\"" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_allrepos.py:44 msgid "Every repository" msgstr "Kaikki arkistot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_allrepos.py:45 msgid "Matches every repository in the database" msgstr "Poimii kaikki arkistot tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "Repositories changed after " msgstr "Arkistot, joita on muutettu jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches repository records changed after a specified date/time (yyyy-mm-dd " "hh:mm:ss) or in the range, if a second date/time is given." msgstr "" "Poimii arkistot, joita on muutettu annetun päivämäärän ja ajan (vvvv-kk-pp " "hh:mm:ss) jälkeen tai aikavälillä, jos toinen päivämäärä ja aika on annettu." # 10 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Repository attribute:" msgstr "Arkisto-ominaisuus:" # 10 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasattribute.py:47 msgid "Repositories with the attribute " msgstr "Arkistot, joiden ominaisuus on " # 10 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasattribute.py:48 msgid "Matches repositories with the attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii arkistot, joiden ominaisuudet vastaavat annettuja arvoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Repository with " msgstr "Arkisto, jolla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasidof.py:45 msgid "Matches a repository with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii arkistot, joilla on määritelty Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Repositories having notes containing " msgstr "Arkistot, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches repositories whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Poimii arkistot, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 msgid "Repositories having notes containing " msgstr "Arkistot, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "" "Matches repositories whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii arkistot, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun säännöllisen " "lausekkeen mukaisen tekstin" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Repositories with a reference count of " msgstr "Arkistot, joiden viitemäärä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 msgid "Matches repositories with a certain reference count" msgstr "Poimii arkistot, joilla on tietty määrä viitteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:228 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergerepository.py:46 msgctxt "repo" msgid "Name:" msgstr "Nimi:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:48 msgid "Address:" msgstr "Osoite:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:49 msgid "URL:" msgstr "Nettiosoite (URL):" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:51 msgid "Repositories matching parameters" msgstr "Annettuja parametreja vastaavat arkistot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:52 msgid "Matches Repositories with particular parameters" msgstr "Poimii arkistot, joilla on annetut parametrit" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hastag.py:49 msgid "Repositories with the " msgstr "Arkistot, joissa on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches repositories with the particular tag" msgstr "Poimii arkistot, joilla on tietty tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Repositories matching the " msgstr "Arkistot, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches repositories matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Poimii arkistot, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä suotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:43 msgid "Repositories with name containing " msgstr "Arkistot, joiden nimi sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:44 msgid "Matches repositories whose name contains a certain substring" msgstr "Poimii arkistot, joiden nimi sisältää annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_regexpidof.py:47 msgid "Repositories with Id containing " msgstr "Arkistot, joiden Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_regexpidof.py:48 msgid "Matches repositories whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii arkistot, joiden Gramps ID sisältää annetun säännöllisen lausekkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_repoprivate.py:42 msgid "Repositories marked private" msgstr "Yksityisiksi merkityt arkistot" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_repoprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches repositories that are indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii arkistot, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_allsources.py:44 msgid "Every source" msgstr "Jokainen lähde" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_allsources.py:45 msgid "Matches every source in the database" msgstr "Poimii kaikki lähteet tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "Sources changed after " msgstr "Lähteet, joita on muutettu jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches source records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" "Poimii lähteet, joita on muutettu annetun päivämäärän ja ajan (vvvv-kk-pp hh:" "mm:ss) jälkeen tai aikavälillä, jos toinen päivämäärä ja aika on annettu." # 10 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Source attribute:" msgstr "Lähdeominaisuus:" # 10 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasattribute.py:47 msgid "Sources with the attribute " msgstr "Lähteet, joiden ominaisuus on " # 10 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasattribute.py:48 msgid "Matches sources with the attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, joiden ominaisuudet vastaavat annettuja arvoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasgallery.py:45 msgid "Sources with media" msgstr "Lähteet, joilla mediatiedostoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasgallery.py:46 msgid "Matches sources with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, joilla on tietty määrä mediatiedostoja galleriassa" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Source with " msgstr "Lähde, jolla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasidof.py:45 msgid "Matches a source with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, joille on annettu Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnote.py:45 msgid "Sources having notes" msgstr "Lähteet, joilla lisätietoja on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnote.py:46 msgid "Matches sources having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, joilla on tietty lukumäärä lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Sources having notes containing " msgstr "Lähteet, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches sources whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 msgid "Sources having notes containing " msgstr "Lähteet, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches sources whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii lähteet, joiden lisätiedot sisältävät annetun säännöllisen lausekkeen " "mukaisen tekstin" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Sources with a reference count of " msgstr "Lisätiedot, joiden viitemäärä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 msgid "Matches sources with a certain reference count" msgstr "Poimii lisätiedot, joilla on tietty määrä viitteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:47 msgid "Sources with Repository references" msgstr "Lähteet, joilla arkistoviitteitä on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:48 msgid "Matches sources with a certain number of repository references" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, joilla on tietty määrä arkistoviitteitä" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:44 msgid "Sources with repository reference containing in \"Call Number\"" msgstr "" "Lähteet, joiden arkistoviite sisältää \"Arkiston viitenumero\"" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:45 msgid "" "Matches sources with a repository reference\n" "containing a substring in \"Call Number\"" msgstr "" "Poimii lähteet, joiden arkistoviite\n" "sisältää osamerkkijonon \"Arkiston viitenumero\"" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hastag.py:49 msgid "Sources with the " msgstr "Lähteet, joilla on " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches sources with the particular tag" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, joilla on tietty tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Sources matching the " msgstr "Lähteet, jotka hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches sources matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, jotka saadaan annetun nimisellä suotimella" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:44 msgid "Sources with repository reference matching the " msgstr "Lähteet, joiden arkistoviitteen hyväksyy" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:45 msgid "" "Matches sources with a repository reference that match a certain\n" "repository filter" msgstr "" "Yhdistää lähteet arkistoviitteisiin, jotka vastaavat tiettyä\n" "arkistosuodinta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:43 msgid "Sources with title containing " msgstr "Lähteet, joiden nimikke sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:44 msgid "Matches sources whose title contains a certain substring" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, joiden nimike sisältää annettu osamerkkijonon" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_regexpidof.py:47 msgid "Sources with Id containing " msgstr "Lähteet, joiden Id sisältää " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_regexpidof.py:48 msgid "Matches sources whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "" "Poimii lähteet, joiden Gramps ID vastaa annettua säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_sourceprivate.py:42 msgid "Sources marked private" msgstr "Yksityisiksi merkityt lähteet" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_sourceprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches sources that are indicated as private" msgstr "Poimii lähteet, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:97 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:298 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:607 ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:167 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/repositorydetails.py:138 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5656 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5823 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:348 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:114 msgid "Address" msgstr "Osoite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:101 ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:240 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:109 ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:133 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:173 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:99 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:190 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:194 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:169 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:90 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:147 ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:128 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:234 ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:102 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:182 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:114 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:110 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:133 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattribute.py:74 ../gramps/gen/lib/url.py:92 #: ../gramps/gen/proxy/private.py:831 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:68 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:137 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:297 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:153 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:180 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:345 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:355 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:149 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:420 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:381 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:332 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:301 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:623 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:155 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:233 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:417 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:158 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:331 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:432 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:195 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:404 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:295 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:98 ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:87 msgid "Private" msgstr "Yksityinen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:103 ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:242 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:113 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:155 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:178 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:174 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:156 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:92 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:151 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:222 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:104 ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:800 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:814 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:828 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:842 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:856 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:810 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:283 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:291 msgid "Citations" msgstr "Lainaukset" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:107 ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:248 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:117 ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:119 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:159 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:103 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:182 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:178 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:159 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:96 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:155 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:226 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:108 ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:174 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:100 ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:100 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:114 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:674 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:688 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:702 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:716 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:730 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:744 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:758 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:772 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:778 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:786 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:137 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:272 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:489 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:109 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:105 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1381 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2380 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1394 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:148 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:111 ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:106 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:706 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:146 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:182 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:163 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:157 ../gramps/gen/lib/placename.py:101 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placeref.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:82 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:52 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:62 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:113 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:322 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:332 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:115 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:122 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:324 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:138 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:148 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:378 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:388 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:155 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:165 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:244 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:254 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:582 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:592 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:571 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:581 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:132 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:142 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:66 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/backlinks.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/personresidence.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:239 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:496 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:503 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1145 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:509 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:708 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:588 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:833 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:777 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1024 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1061 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1235 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2585 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:587 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:933 msgid "Date" msgstr "Päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:113 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:91 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:594 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1236 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2899 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2966 msgid "Street" msgstr "Katu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:115 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:93 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:70 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:610 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:73 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:55 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:592 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1237 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2900 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2967 msgid "Locality" msgstr "Taajama" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:117 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:95 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:68 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:613 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:626 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1238 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2901 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2968 msgid "City" msgstr "Paikkakunta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:119 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:97 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:148 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:614 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1240 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2904 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2970 msgid "County" msgstr "Maakunta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:121 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:99 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:58 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:147 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:612 msgid "State" msgstr "Lääni tai osavaltio" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:123 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:101 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:65 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:619 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:76 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:610 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1242 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2909 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2973 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:233 msgid "Country" msgstr "Valtio tai liittovaltio" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:125 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1241 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2907 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2972 msgid "Postal Code" msgstr "Postinumero" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:127 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:625 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:788 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1162 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/repositorydetails.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:4143 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5920 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1243 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Puhelin" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:236 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattribute.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:435 ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:135 msgid "Attribute" msgstr "Ominaisuus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:251 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattribute.py:77 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttag.py:106 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:922 #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:126 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/attributes.py:57 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:173 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:410 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1130 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1380 msgid "Value" msgstr "Arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:64 ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:74 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:54 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:163 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:51 ../gramps/gen/lib/markertype.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:74 ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:74 ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:64 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:53 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattrtype.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:57 ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/autocomp.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:590 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Mukautettu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:65 msgid "Caste" msgstr "Kasti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:66 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:148 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:147 ../gramps/gen/lib/url.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:75 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:931 ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:134 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:243 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:620 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1110 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:57 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:77 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:779 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1027 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2455 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3179 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:127 msgid "Description" msgstr "Kuvaus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:67 msgid "Identification Number" msgstr "Tunnistenumero" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:68 msgid "National Origin" msgstr "Kansallisuuden alkuperä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:69 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:106 msgid "Number of Children" msgstr "Lasten lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:70 msgid "Social Security Number" msgstr "Henkilötunnus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:71 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:867 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:869 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:874 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:881 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:435 msgid "Nickname" msgstr "Lempinimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:72 msgid "Cause" msgstr "Syy" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:73 msgid "Agency" msgstr "Virasto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:377 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:54 msgid "Age" msgstr "Ikä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:75 msgid "Father's Age" msgstr "Isän ikä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:76 msgid "Mother's Age" msgstr "Äidin ikä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:77 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:61 msgid "Witness" msgstr "Todistaja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:78 msgid "Time" msgstr "Aikajana" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:79 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:190 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:85 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:164 msgid "Occupation" msgstr "Ammatti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:105 ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:190 msgid "Child Reference" msgstr "Lapsiviite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:120 ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:102 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:141 ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:150 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:139 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:103 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:114 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:178 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:112 ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:139 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placeref.py:91 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:91 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:104 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:102 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:120 msgid "Handle" msgstr "Painike" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:67 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:75 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:201 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:175 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:236 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:155 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:257 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:191 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:171 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2526 msgid "None" msgstr "Tyhjä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:68 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:165 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:93 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2230 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:151 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:63 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1472 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:316 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:524 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:526 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:231 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:142 msgid "Birth" msgstr "Syntymä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:69 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:164 msgid "Adopted" msgstr "Adoptoitu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:70 msgid "Stepchild" msgstr "Lapsipuoli" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:71 msgid "Sponsored" msgstr "Kummilapsi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:72 msgid "Foster" msgstr "Kasvattilapsi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:97 ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:468 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:664 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:119 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:125 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:100 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:302 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/citationtreemodel.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:209 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:739 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:936 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:209 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:823 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:247 msgid "Citation" msgstr "Lainaus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:104 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:152 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:141 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:116 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:180 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:141 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:93 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:104 ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:215 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:234 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:246 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:252 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:264 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:276 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2874 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:405 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:564 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1626 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:256 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:268 msgid "Gramps ID" msgstr "Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:295 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2587 msgid "Page" msgstr "Sivu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:261 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2588 msgid "Confidence" msgstr "Luotettavuus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:115 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:770 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:661 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:136 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:99 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:86 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:298 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/citationtreemodel.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:173 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:52 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:724 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:883 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:729 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:839 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:811 msgid "Source" msgstr "Lähde" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:122 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:162 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:165 ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:168 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:134 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:206 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:166 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:117 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:645 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:299 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:111 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:215 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:207 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:559 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:848 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:82 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1743 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1812 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1931 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1978 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2285 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:389 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:142 msgid "Media" msgstr "Mediat" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:125 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:124 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:638 msgid "Source Attributes" msgstr "Lähteen ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:127 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:167 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:184 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:161 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:122 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:228 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:176 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:108 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:121 ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:130 msgid "Last changed" msgstr "Viimeisin muutos" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:131 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:171 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:188 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:167 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:126 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:232 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:180 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:112 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:131 ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:332 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:773 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:396 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:726 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:284 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:683 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:527 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:551 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:102 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:99 ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2987 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:432 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:368 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:599 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1713 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:276 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:286 msgid "Tags" msgstr "Tagit" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:290 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:325 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:331 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:333 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:350 msgctxt "age" msgid "about" msgstr "noin" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:427 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:434 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} year" msgid_plural "{number_of} years" msgstr[0] "{number_of} vuosi" msgstr[1] "{number_of} vuotta" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:443 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} month" msgid_plural "{number_of} months" msgstr[0] "{number_of} kuukausi" msgstr[1] "{number_of} kuukautta" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:454 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} day" msgid_plural "{number_of} days" msgstr[0] "{number_of} päivä" msgstr[1] "{number_of} päivää" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:81 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Kalenteri" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:712 msgid "Modifier" msgstr "Määrite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:714 msgid "Quality" msgstr "Laatu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:716 ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:836 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:967 msgid "Values" msgstr "Arvot" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:719 ../gramps/gen/lib/placename.py:99 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtext.py:322 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:54 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:622 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:630 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1430 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:403 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1107 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:512 msgid "Text" msgstr "Teksti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:721 msgid "Sort value" msgstr "Lajittele arvot" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:723 msgid "New year begins" msgstr "Uusi vuosi alkaa" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1856 msgctxt "date-quality" msgid "none" msgstr "ei valintaa" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1857 msgid "calculated" msgstr "laskettuna" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1857 msgid "estimated" msgstr "arvioitu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1871 msgctxt "date-modifier" msgid "none" msgstr "ei valintaa" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1872 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3248 msgid "about" msgstr "noin" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1872 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1841 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3244 msgid "after" msgstr "jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1872 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3246 msgid "before" msgstr "ennen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1873 msgid "range" msgstr "aikavälillä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1873 msgid "span" msgstr "ajanjaksona" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1873 msgid "textonly" msgstr "vain tekstinä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:136 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:335 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:670 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:92 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:296 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:138 #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:696 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:246 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:787 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:776 msgid "Event" msgstr "Tapahtuma" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:151 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:186 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:134 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:355 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:658 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:81 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:55 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:297 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:270 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1355 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/personresidence.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:113 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:252 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:512 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:711 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:182 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:799 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:778 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1026 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1063 msgid "Place" msgstr "Paikka" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:95 msgid "Event reference" msgstr "Tapahtumaviite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:106 ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:171 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:152 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:100 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:590 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:604 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:618 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:632 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:646 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:660 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:694 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:525 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1117 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1358 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1363 msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:55 msgctxt "Role" msgid "Primary" msgstr "Päähenkilö" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:56 msgid "Clergy" msgstr "Pappi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:57 msgid "Celebrant" msgstr "Juhlittava" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:58 msgid "Aide" msgstr "Avustaja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:59 msgid "Bride" msgstr "Morsian" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:60 msgid "Groom" msgstr "Sulhanen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:62 msgctxt "Role" msgid "Family" msgstr "Perhe" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:63 msgid "Informant" msgstr "Tiedottaja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:64 msgid "Godparent" msgstr "Kummi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:137 msgid "Life Events" msgstr "Elinkaaren tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:139 ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:145 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:188 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:748 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:655 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:52 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:562 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:93 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:295 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:267 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:230 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:682 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1256 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1345 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:203 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:271 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:774 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1552 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1575 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:211 msgid "Family" msgstr "Perhe" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:142 msgid "Religious" msgstr "Uskonnollinen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:145 msgid "Vocational" msgstr "Ammatillinen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:147 msgid "Academic" msgstr "Akateeminen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:149 msgid "Travel" msgstr "Matka" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:151 msgid "Legal" msgstr "Oikeudellinen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:153 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:464 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1829 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1832 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3156 msgid "Residence" msgstr "Asuinpaikka" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:155 ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:523 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:610 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:149 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:200 msgid "Other" msgstr "Muu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:166 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2236 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1491 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:324 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:530 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:532 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:176 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:235 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:146 msgid "Death" msgstr "Kuolema" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:167 msgid "Adult Christening" msgstr "Aikuiskaste" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:168 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:95 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2231 msgid "Baptism" msgstr "Kaste" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:169 msgid "Bar Mitzvah" msgstr "Bar Mitzvah" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:170 msgid "Bat Mitzvah" msgstr "Bat Mitzvah" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:171 msgid "Blessing" msgstr "Siunaus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:172 msgid "Burial" msgstr "Hautaus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:173 msgid "Cause Of Death" msgstr "Kuolinsyy" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:174 msgid "Census" msgstr "Väestönlaskenta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:175 msgid "Christening" msgstr "Ristiäiset" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:176 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:97 msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "Konfirmaatio" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:177 msgid "Cremation" msgstr "Tuhkaus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:178 msgid "Degree" msgstr "Oppiarvo" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:179 msgid "Education" msgstr "Koulutus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:180 msgid "Elected" msgstr "Vaali" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:181 msgid "Emigration" msgstr "Maastamuutto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:182 msgid "First Communion" msgstr "Ensimmäinen ehtoollinen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:183 msgid "Immigration" msgstr "Maahanmuutto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:184 msgid "Graduation" msgstr "Valmistuminen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:185 msgid "Medical Information" msgstr "Hoitotiedot" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:186 msgid "Military Service" msgstr "Asepalvelus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:187 msgid "Naturalization" msgstr "Kansalaistaminen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:188 msgid "Nobility Title" msgstr "Aateliarvo" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:105 msgid "Number of Marriages" msgstr "Avioliittojen lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:191 msgid "Ordination" msgstr "Papiksi vihkiminen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:192 msgid "Probate" msgstr "Testamentti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:193 msgid "Property" msgstr "Omaisuus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:166 msgid "Religion" msgstr "Uskonto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:196 msgid "Retirement" msgstr "Eläkkeelle siirtyminen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:197 msgid "Will" msgstr "Jälkisäädös" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:198 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:159 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:97 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2233 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:465 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:138 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:238 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:411 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:602 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:197 msgid "Marriage" msgstr "Avioliitto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:199 msgid "Marriage Settlement" msgstr "Avioehto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:200 msgid "Marriage License" msgstr "Avioliittotodistus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:201 msgid "Marriage Contract" msgstr "Avioliittosopimus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:202 msgid "Marriage Banns" msgstr "Avioliittokuulutus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:203 msgid "Engagement" msgstr "Kihlaus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:204 ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2235 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:198 msgid "Divorce" msgstr "Avioero" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:205 msgid "Divorce Filing" msgstr "Avioerohakemus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:206 msgid "Annulment" msgstr "Avioliiton mitätöinti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:207 msgid "Alternate Marriage" msgstr "Avoliitto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:211 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:57 msgctxt "birth abbreviation" msgid "b." msgstr "s." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:58 msgctxt "death abbreviation" msgid "d." msgstr "k." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:213 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:59 msgctxt "marriage abbreviation" msgid "m." msgstr "∞" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:214 msgctxt "Unknown abbreviation" msgid "unkn." msgstr "tuntem." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:215 msgctxt "Custom abbreviation" msgid "cust." msgstr "käytt." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:216 msgctxt "Adopted abbreviation" msgid "adop." msgstr "adopt." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:217 msgctxt "Adult Christening abbreviation" msgid "a.chr." msgstr "aik.kast." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:218 msgctxt "Baptism abbreviation" msgid "bap." msgstr "kast." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:219 msgctxt "Bar Mitzvah abbreviation" msgid "bar." msgstr "bar." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:220 msgctxt "Bat Mitzvah abbreviation" msgid "bat." msgstr "bat." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:221 msgctxt "Blessing abbreviation" msgid "bles." msgstr "siunat." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:222 msgctxt "Burial abbreviation" msgid "bur." msgstr "haud." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:223 msgctxt "Cause Of Death abbreviation" msgid "d.cau." msgstr "k.syy" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:224 msgctxt "Census abbreviation" msgid "cens." msgstr "v.lask." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:225 msgctxt "Christening abbreviation" msgid "chr." msgstr "nim." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:226 msgctxt "Confirmation abbreviation" msgid "conf." msgstr "rip." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:227 msgctxt "Cremation abbreviation" msgid "crem." msgstr "tuhk." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:228 msgctxt "Degree abbreviation" msgid "deg." msgstr "arvo" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:229 msgctxt "Education abbreviation" msgid "edu." msgstr "koul." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:230 msgctxt "Elected abbreviation" msgid "elec." msgstr "valitt." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:231 msgctxt "Emigration abbreviation" msgid "em." msgstr "emigr." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:232 msgctxt "First Communion abbreviation" msgid "f.comm." msgstr "1. eht." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:233 msgctxt "Immigration abbreviation" msgid "im." msgstr "imigr." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:234 msgctxt "Graduation abbreviation" msgid "grad." msgstr "valm." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:235 msgctxt "Medical Information abbreviation" msgid "medinf." msgstr "hoitohist." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:236 msgctxt "Military Service abbreviation" msgid "milser." msgstr "asepalv." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:237 msgctxt "Naturalization abbreviation" msgid "nat." msgstr "kansall." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:238 msgctxt "Nobility Title abbreviation" msgid "nob." msgstr "aatelisarvo" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:239 msgctxt "Number of Marriages abbreviation" msgid "n.o.mar." msgstr "aviol. lkm." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:240 msgctxt "Occupation abbreviation" msgid "occ." msgstr "amm." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:241 msgctxt "Ordination abbreviation" msgid "ord." msgstr "määr." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:242 msgctxt "Probate abbreviation" msgid "prob." msgstr "pesänhoit." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:243 msgctxt "Property abbreviation" msgid "prop." msgstr "kiint." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:244 msgctxt "Religion abbreviation" msgid "rel." msgstr "usk." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:245 msgctxt "Residence abbreviation" msgid "res." msgstr "asuinp." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:246 msgctxt "Retirement abbreviation" msgid "ret." msgstr "eläk." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:247 msgctxt "Will abbreviation" msgid "will." msgstr "jälkis." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:248 msgctxt "Marriage Settlement abbreviation" msgid "m.set." msgstr "aviojärj." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:249 msgctxt "Marriage License abbreviation" msgid "m.lic." msgstr "aviotod." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:250 msgctxt "Marriage Contract abbreviation" msgid "m.con." msgstr "aviosop." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:251 msgctxt "Marriage Banns abbreviation" msgid "m.ban." msgstr "kuul." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:252 msgctxt "Alternate Marriage abbreviation" msgid "alt.mar." msgstr "avol." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:253 msgctxt "Engagement abbreviation" msgid "engd." msgstr "kihl." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:254 msgctxt "Divorce abbreviation" msgid "div." msgstr "eronn." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:255 msgctxt "Divorce Filing abbreviation" msgid "div.f." msgstr "erohak." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:256 msgctxt "Annulment abbreviation" msgid "annul." msgstr "peruut." #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:155 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:122 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:192 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:231 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:235 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:300 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:232 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:243 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:331 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:935 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:252 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1066 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1845 msgid "Father" msgstr "Isä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:158 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:123 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:470 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:234 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:68 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:232 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:297 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:249 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:260 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:340 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:342 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:936 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1067 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1858 msgid "Mother" msgstr "Äiti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:161 ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1951 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:870 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:884 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:642 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:680 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1852 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1593 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:457 msgid "Children" msgstr "Lapset" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:165 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:478 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:492 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:122 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:324 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:121 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:37 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1739 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1809 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1921 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:148 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:380 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1740 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:112 msgid "Events" msgstr "Tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:174 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:218 msgid "LDS ordinances" msgstr "MAP-lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:47 msgid "Married" msgstr "Avioliitto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:48 msgid "Unmarried" msgstr "Avoliitto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:49 msgid "Civil Union" msgstr "Rekisteröity parisuhde" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/grampstype.py:221 ../gramps/gen/lib/grampstype.py:225 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:184 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:916 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:62 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:62 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:89 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:102 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:253 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:123 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:239 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1108 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:384 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:388 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:73 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/backlinks.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:243 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:326 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:508 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:707 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:341 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:436 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:582 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:666 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:407 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:55 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:95 ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1060 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1379 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2454 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3113 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:183 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:171 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:264 msgid "Type" msgstr "Tyyppi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:96 msgid "Endowment" msgstr "Temppelipyhitys" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:98 msgid "Sealed to Parents" msgstr "Liitetty vanhempiinsa" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:99 msgid "Sealed to Spouse" msgstr "Liitetty puolisoon" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:103 msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:104 msgid "Born in Covenant" msgstr "Syntynyt liitossa" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:105 msgid "Canceled" msgstr "Peruttu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:106 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:124 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:250 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:261 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:192 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:229 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1275 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:118 msgid "Child" msgstr "Lapsi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:107 msgid "Cleared" msgstr "Tyhjätty" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:108 msgid "Completed" msgstr "Valmis" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:109 msgid "Do not seal" msgstr "Älä sulje" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:110 msgid "Infant" msgstr "Vauva" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:111 msgid "Pre-1970" msgstr "Ennen v. 1970" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:112 msgid "Qualified" msgstr "Pätevä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:113 msgid "Do not seal/Cancel" msgstr "Älä sulje/peruuta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:114 msgid "Stillborn" msgstr "Kuolleena syntynyt" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:115 msgid "Submitted" msgstr "Esitetty" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:116 msgid "Uncleared" msgstr "Selvittämätön" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:170 ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:314 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:442 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:501 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:706 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:512 msgid "LDS Ordinance" msgstr "Mormonisakramentti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:190 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:54 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:511 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1062 msgid "Temple" msgstr "Temppeli" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:192 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:394 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:53 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:127 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:510 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:709 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1064 msgid "Status" msgstr "Tila" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:87 ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:86 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:318 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:625 msgid "Location" msgstr "Sijainti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:107 ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:624 msgid "Parish" msgstr "Seurakunta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/markertype.py:53 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:700 msgid "Complete" msgstr "Valmis" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/markertype.py:54 ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:103 msgid "ToDo" msgstr "Kesken" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:145 msgid "MIME" msgstr "MIME" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:149 msgid "Checksum" msgstr "Tarkistussumma" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:86 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:665 msgid "Media ref" msgstr "Median viite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:110 ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:618 msgid "Region" msgstr "Seutukunta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:143 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:96 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:122 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:571 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:604 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:73 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:125 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:310 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:836 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:991 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:131 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1177 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:130 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1109 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:383 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:281 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:473 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:614 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/backlinks.py:59 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:125 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:242 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:933 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:430 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:660 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:582 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2070 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:138 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:159 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:166 msgid "Given name" msgstr "Etunimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:162 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1737 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1789 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1792 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1913 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:304 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:149 msgid "Surnames" msgstr "Sukunimet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:164 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:864 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:866 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:868 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:870 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:871 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:876 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:878 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:883 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:885 ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:229 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:355 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:171 msgid "Suffix" msgstr "Loppuliite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:166 ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:106 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:919 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:88 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1613 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:140 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:136 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:424 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:576 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:746 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3111 msgid "Title" msgstr "Nimike" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:169 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:225 msgid "Group as" msgstr "Ryhmittele" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:171 msgid "Sort as" msgstr "Järjestä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:173 msgid "Display as" msgstr "Näytä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:175 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:167 msgid "Call name" msgstr "Kutsumanimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:177 msgid "Nick name" msgstr "Lempinimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:179 msgid "Family nick name" msgstr "Perheen lempinimi" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:461 ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:476 #, python-format msgid "%(surname)s, %(first)s %(suffix)s" msgstr "%(surname)s, %(first)s %(suffix)s" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #. make sure it's translated, so it can be used below, in "combine" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:465 ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:480 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:256 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:454 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:487 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1024 #, python-format msgid "%(str1)s, %(str2)s" msgstr "%(str1)s, %(str2)s" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:493 #, python-format msgid "%(first)s %(surname)s, %(suffix)s" msgstr "%(first)s %(surname)s, %(suffix)s" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:76 msgctxt "Surname" msgid "Inherited" msgstr "Peritty" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:77 msgctxt "Surname" msgid "Given" msgstr "Annettu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:78 msgctxt "Surname" msgid "Taken" msgstr "Otettu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:79 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:877 msgid "Patronymic" msgstr "Patronyymi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:80 msgid "Matronymic" msgstr "Matronyymi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:81 msgctxt "Surname" msgid "Feudal" msgstr "Maaomistusperusteinen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:82 msgid "Pseudonym" msgstr "Salanimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:83 msgid "Patrilineal" msgstr "Isälinjainen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:84 msgid "Matrilineal" msgstr "Äitilinjainen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:48 msgid "Also Known As" msgstr "Tunnettu myös" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:49 msgid "Birth Name" msgstr "Syntymänimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:50 msgid "Married Name" msgstr "Avionimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:109 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:262 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:208 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:375 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:676 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:95 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:98 ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:181 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:149 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:301 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:92 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:139 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:113 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:326 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/mediamodel.py:117 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:982 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1707 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:361 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:174 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:753 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:276 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:208 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:366 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:428 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:860 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:754 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2407 msgid "Note" msgstr "Lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:119 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1043 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceformat.py:72 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1447 msgid "Format" msgstr "Muotoilu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:75 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1670 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:110 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:183 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:601 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:342 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:756 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:671 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:382 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:161 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:665 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:225 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:445 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:406 msgid "General" msgstr "Yleistä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:76 msgid "Research" msgstr "Tutkimus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:77 msgid "Transcript" msgstr "Kirjoituskopio" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:78 msgid "Source text" msgstr "Lähdeteksti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:80 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:174 msgid "Report" msgstr "Raportti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:81 msgid "Html code" msgstr "HTML-koodi" # muutos #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:82 msgctxt "notetype" msgid "To Do" msgstr "Tehtävät" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:83 msgctxt "notetype" msgid "Link" msgstr "Linkki" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:87 msgid "Person Note" msgstr "Henkilön lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:88 msgid "Name Note" msgstr "Nimen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:89 msgid "Attribute Note" msgstr "Ominaisuuden lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:90 msgid "Address Note" msgstr "Osoitteen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:91 msgid "Association Note" msgstr "Liitoksen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:92 msgid "LDS Note" msgstr "MAP-lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:93 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:127 msgid "Family Note" msgstr "Perheen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:94 msgid "Event Note" msgstr "Tapahtuman lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:95 msgid "Event Reference Note" msgstr "Tapahtumaviitteen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:96 msgid "Source Note" msgstr "Lähteen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:97 msgid "Source Reference Note" msgstr "Lähdeviitteen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:98 msgid "Place Note" msgstr "Paikan lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:99 msgid "Repository Note" msgstr "Arkiston lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:100 msgid "Repository Reference Note" msgstr "Arkistoviitteen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:101 msgid "Media Note" msgstr "Mediatiedoston lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:102 msgid "Media Reference Note" msgstr "Mediaviitteen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:103 msgid "Child Reference Note" msgstr "Lapsiviitteen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:173 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:728 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:652 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:294 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:211 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:667 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1237 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1326 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:34 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:234 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:326 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:339 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:365 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:409 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:202 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:302 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:761 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:187 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1392 msgid "Person" msgstr "Henkilö" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:184 ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:126 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:133 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:184 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:344 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:172 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:934 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1637 msgid "Gender" msgstr "Sukupuoli" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:188 msgid "Alternate names" msgstr "Vaihtoehtoiset nimet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:190 msgid "Death reference index" msgstr "Kuolemien viiteindeksi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:192 msgid "Birth reference index" msgstr "Syntymien viiteindeksi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:195 msgid "Event references" msgstr "Tapahtumaviitteet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:199 ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:300 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:434 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:958 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:119 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:643 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:235 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:753 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:52 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:348 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:396 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1738 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1797 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1914 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:138 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:105 msgid "Families" msgstr "Perheet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:203 msgid "Parent families" msgstr "Vanhempien perheet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:209 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:268 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:422 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1190 msgid "Addresses" msgstr "Osoitteet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:215 msgid "Urls" msgstr "URL:t" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:237 msgid "Person references" msgstr "Henkilöviitteet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:537 msgid "Merged Gramps ID" msgstr "Sulautettu Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:98 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:685 msgid "Person ref" msgstr "Henkilön viite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:68 msgid "Association" msgstr "Liitos" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:145 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:136 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2891 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:223 msgid "Longitude" msgstr "Pituusaste" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:147 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2883 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:222 msgid "Latitude" msgstr "Leveysaste" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:150 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:125 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:407 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:229 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1740 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1806 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1922 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:346 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:119 msgid "Places" msgstr "Paikat" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:154 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:199 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:393 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2936 msgid "Alternate Names" msgstr "Vaihtoehtoiset nimet" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:157 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:246 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:89 msgid "Code" msgstr "Koodi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:160 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2960 msgid "Alternate Locations" msgstr "Vaihtoehtoiset sijainnit" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:163 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:106 msgid "URLs" msgstr "URL:t" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placename.py:95 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:588 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:134 msgid "Place Name" msgstr "Nimi/Nimike" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placename.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1852 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2938 msgid "Language" msgstr "Kieli" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placeref.py:87 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:552 msgid "Place ref" msgstr "Paikkaviite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:72 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:616 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2908 msgid "Province" msgstr "Provinssi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:74 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:620 msgid "Department" msgstr "Virasto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:75 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:596 msgid "Neighborhood" msgstr "Kulmakunta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:76 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:622 msgid "District" msgstr "Piirikunta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:77 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:598 msgid "Borough" msgstr "Kaupunginosa" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:78 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:630 msgid "Municipality" msgstr "Kunta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:79 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:628 msgid "Town" msgstr "Kaupunki" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:80 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:600 msgid "Village" msgstr "Kylä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:81 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:602 msgid "Hamlet" msgstr "Taloryhmä tai osakylä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:82 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:604 msgid "Farm" msgstr "Tila tai talo" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:83 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:606 msgid "Building" msgstr "Rakennus tai torppa" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:84 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:608 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3109 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:169 msgid "Number" msgstr "Sijaintinumero" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:86 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:790 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:673 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:300 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:114 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:264 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:835 msgid "Repository" msgstr "Arkisto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:96 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:514 msgid "Repository ref" msgstr "Arkiston viite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:68 msgid "Call Number" msgstr "Arkiston viitenumero" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:54 msgid "Library" msgstr "Kirjasto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:55 msgid "Cemetery" msgstr "Hautausmaa" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:56 msgid "Church" msgstr "Kirkko" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:57 msgid "Archive" msgstr "Arkisto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:58 msgid "Album" msgstr "Albumi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:59 msgid "Web site" msgstr "Nettisivusto" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:60 msgid "Bookstore" msgstr "Kirjakauppa" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:61 msgid "Collection" msgstr "Kokoelma" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:62 msgid "Safe" msgstr "Kassakaappi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:81 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:106 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:88 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:752 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:269 msgid "Author" msgstr "Tekijä" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:110 msgid "Publication info" msgstr "Julkaisutiedot" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:119 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:89 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:270 msgid "Abbreviation" msgstr "Lyhennys" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:127 ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:643 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:252 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:260 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1742 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1803 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1924 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3100 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:235 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:133 msgid "Repositories" msgstr "Arkistot" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:58 msgid "Audio" msgstr "Äänite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:59 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:7 msgid "Book" msgstr "Kirja" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:60 msgid "Card" msgstr "Kortti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:61 msgid "Electronic" msgstr "Sähköinen" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:62 msgid "Fiche" msgstr "Mikrofilmikortti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:63 msgid "Film" msgstr "Mikrofilmirulla" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:64 msgid "Magazine" msgstr "Aikakauslehti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:65 msgid "Manuscript" msgstr "Käsikirjoitus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:66 msgid "Map" msgstr "Kartta" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:67 msgid "Newspaper" msgstr "Sanomalehti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:68 msgid "Photo" msgstr "Valokuva" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:69 msgid "Tombstone" msgstr "Hautakivi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:70 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtext.py:318 msgid "Styled Text" msgstr "Tekstityyli" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtext.py:325 msgid "Styled Text Tags" msgstr "Tagin tekstityyli" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttag.py:101 ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:116 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:110 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:128 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:93 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:140 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:114 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:92 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:61 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:910 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:914 msgid "Tag" msgstr "Tagi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttag.py:112 msgid "Ranges" msgstr "Alue" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Bold" msgstr "Lihavoitu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:62 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Italic" msgstr "Kursiivi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Underline" msgstr "Alleviivattu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:64 msgid "Fontface" msgstr "Kirjasin" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:65 msgid "Fontsize" msgstr "Kirjasinkoko" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:66 msgid "Fontcolor" msgstr "Kirjasinväri" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:67 msgid "Highlight" msgstr "Korostus" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:68 msgid "Superscript" msgstr "Yläviite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:171 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtextbuffer.py:565 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtextbuffer.py:605 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Link" msgstr "Linkki" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:87 ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:91 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:56 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:605 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:864 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:866 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:868 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:870 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:873 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:874 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:875 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:876 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:89 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1509 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:340 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:163 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:148 msgid "Surname" msgstr "Sukunimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:93 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:470 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:355 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:170 msgid "Prefix" msgstr "Etuliite" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:95 msgid "Primary" msgstr "Päänimi" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surnamebase.py:187 ../gramps/gen/lib/surnamebase.py:193 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surnamebase.py:196 #, python-format msgid "%(first)s %(second)s" msgstr "%(first)s %(second)s" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:125 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:177 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:400 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1449 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1510 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:474 msgid "Color" msgstr "Väri" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:128 msgid "Priority" msgstr "Etusija" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/url.py:88 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:418 msgid "Url" msgstr "URL" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:49 msgid "E-mail" msgstr "Sähköposti" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:50 msgid "Web Home" msgstr "Nettikotisivu" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:51 msgid "Web Search" msgstr "Nettihaku" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:52 msgid "FTP" msgstr "FTP" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/diff.py:106 msgid "Family Tree Differences" msgstr "Sukupuun erot" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/diff.py:107 msgid "Searching..." msgstr "Etsitään..." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergecitationquery.py:61 msgid "Merge Citation" msgstr "Sulauta lainaus" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergeeventquery.py:59 msgid "Merge Event Objects" msgstr "Sulauta tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:90 msgid "A parent should be a father or mother." msgstr "Vanhemman pitää olla isä tai äiti." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:103 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:114 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:55 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:2054 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:2078 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:2102 msgid "" "A parent and child cannot be merged. To merge these people, you must first " "break the relationship between them." msgstr "" "Lasta ja hänen vanhempaansa ei voi sulauttaa. Liittääksesi nämä henkilöt " "poista ensin heidän välinen suhteensa." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:135 msgid "Merge Family" msgstr "Sulauta perhe" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergemediaquery.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergemedia.py:66 msgid "Merge Media Objects" msgstr "Sulauta mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergenotequery.py:58 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:66 msgid "Merge Notes" msgstr "Sulauta lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:51 msgid "" "Spouses cannot be merged. To merge these people, you must first break the " "relationship between them." msgstr "" "Puolisoita ei voi sulauttaa. Sulauttaaksesi heidät poista ensin heidän " "välinen suhteensa." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:121 msgid "Merge Person" msgstr "Sulauta henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergeplacequery.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeplace.py:78 msgid "Merge Places" msgstr "Sulauta paikat" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergerepositoryquery.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergerepository.py:67 msgid "Merge Repositories" msgstr "Sulauta arkistot" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergesourcequery.py:61 msgid "Merge Source" msgstr "Sulauta lähde" #: ../gramps/gen/mime/_pythonmime.py:50 ../gramps/gen/mime/_pythonmime.py:58 #: ../gramps/gen/mime/_winmime.py:57 ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:517 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:342 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5453 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6761 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:665 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:789 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:456 msgid "unknown" msgstr "tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_gramplet.py:347 #, python-format msgid "Gramplet %s caused an error" msgstr "Gramplet %s aiheutti virheen" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_manager.py:62 msgid "No description was provided" msgstr "Kuvaus puuttuu" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_options.py:386 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:162 #, python-format msgid "" "Option '%(opt_name)s' is present in %(file)s\n" " but is not known to the module. Ignoring..." msgstr "" "Valinta '%(opt_name)s' on tiedostossa %(file)s\n" " mutta moduulia ei tunneta. Ohitetaan..." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:59 msgid "Stable" msgstr "Vakaa" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:59 msgid "Unstable" msgstr "Epävakaa" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:80 msgid "Quickreport" msgstr "Pikaraportti" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:81 msgid "Tool" msgstr "Työkalu" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:82 msgid "Importer" msgstr "Tuoja" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:83 msgid "Exporter" msgstr "Viejä" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:84 msgid "Doc creator" msgstr "Dokumentin luoja" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:85 msgid "Plugin lib" msgstr "Laajennuskirjasto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:86 msgid "Map service" msgstr "Karttapalvelu" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:87 msgid "Gramps View" msgstr "Gramps-näkymä" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:88 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:120 msgid "Relationships" msgstr "Suhteet" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:89 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:434 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:156 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:650 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:228 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:987 msgid "Gramplet" msgstr "Gramplet" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:90 msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "Sivupalkki" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:92 msgid "Rule" msgstr "Sääntö" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:528 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1306 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1981 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:203 msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Muut" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1178 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1204 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1209 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: Failed reading plugin registration %(filename)s" msgstr "" "VIRHE: Laajennusten rekisteröinnin tiedostojen %(filename)s luku epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1187 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: Plugin %(plugin_name)s has no translation for any of your " "configured languages, using US English instead" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: %(plugin_name)s laajennusta ei ole käännetty asetuksissasi " "oleville kielille, käytetään US English sen sijaan" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1224 #, python-format msgctxt "gramps_version" msgid "" "ERROR: Plugin file %(filename)s has a version of \"%(gramps_target_version)s" "\" which is invalid for Gramps \"%(gramps_version)s\"." msgstr "" "VIRHE: Laajennustiedosto %(filename)s on versioille " "\"%(gramps_target_version)s\" mikä ei kelpaa Gramps versioille " "\"%(gramps_version)s\"." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1245 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: Wrong python file %(filename)s in register file %(regfile)s" msgstr "" "VIRHE: Väärä Python tiedosto %(filename)s rekisteritiedostossa %(regfile)s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1253 #, python-format msgid "" "ERROR: Python file %(filename)s in register file %(regfile)s does not exist" msgstr "" "VIRHE: Python-tiedostoa %(filename)s ei ole rekisteritiedostossa %(regfile)s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:129 msgid "Close file first" msgstr "Sulje ensin tiedosto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:139 msgid "No filename given" msgstr "Tiedostonimeä ei ole annettu" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:141 #, python-format msgid "File %s already open, close it first." msgstr "Tiedosto %s on jo käytössä, sulje se ensin." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:147 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:150 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:340 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:342 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:402 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:405 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:425 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:428 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:459 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:462 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:474 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:477 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:496 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:499 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/asciidoc.py:177 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/cairodoc.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/cairodoc.py:203 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/odfdoc.py:1154 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/odfdoc.py:1157 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/rtfdoc.py:93 ../gramps/plugins/docgen/rtfdoc.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:261 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:265 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportftree.py:136 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1597 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.py:113 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:123 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:127 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcard.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcard.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:249 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:259 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:263 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:360 #, python-format msgid "Could not create %s" msgstr "Kohdetta %s ei voitu luoda" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:68 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:70 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:76 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:60 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:76 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:90 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:380 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:492 msgid "Default" msgstr "Oletus" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:69 msgid "PostScript / Helvetica" msgstr "PostScript / Helvetica" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:70 msgid "TrueType / FreeSans" msgstr "TrueType / FreeSans" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:72 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2142 msgid "Vertical (↓)" msgstr "Alaspäin (↓)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2143 msgid "Vertical (↑)" msgstr "Ylöspäin (↑)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2144 msgid "Horizontal (→)" msgstr "Oikealle (→)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2145 msgid "Horizontal (←)" msgstr "Vasemmalle (←)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:82 msgid "Bottom, left" msgstr "Vasen alanurkka" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:83 msgid "Bottom, right" msgstr "Oikea alanurkka" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:84 msgid "Top, left" msgstr "Vasen ylänurkka" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:85 msgid "Top, Right" msgstr "Oikea ylänurkka" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:86 msgid "Right, bottom" msgstr "Oikealle, alas" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:87 msgid "Right, top" msgstr "Oikealle, ylös" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:88 msgid "Left, bottom" msgstr "Vasemmalle, alas" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:89 msgid "Left, top" msgstr "Vasemmalle, ylös" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:91 msgid "Compress to minimal size" msgstr "Minimoi koko" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:92 msgid "Fill the given area" msgstr "Täytä annettu alue" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:93 msgid "Expand uniformly" msgstr "Laajenna tasapuolisesti" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:95 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:89 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1359 msgid "Top" msgstr "Ylhäällä" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:96 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1374 msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Alhaalla" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:98 msgid "Straight" msgstr "Suora" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:99 msgid "Curved" msgstr "Kaarevat" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:100 msgid "Orthogonal" msgstr "Suorakulmainen" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:145 msgid "Graphviz Layout" msgstr "Graphviz-pohja" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:147 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Font family" msgstr "Kirjasintyyppi" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:150 msgid "" "Choose the font family. If international characters don't show, use FreeSans " "font. FreeSans is available from: http://www.nongnu.org/freefont/" msgstr "" "Valitse kirjasintyyppi. Jos kansainväliset kirjaimet eivät näy, käytä " "FreeSans-kirjasinta. FreeSans on saatavilla osoitteesta: http://www.nongnu." "org/freefont/" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:156 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Font size" msgstr "Kirjasinkoko" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:157 msgid "The font size, in points." msgstr "Kirjasimen koko pisteinä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:160 msgid "Graph Direction" msgstr "Kaavion suunta" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:163 msgid "Whether graph goes from top to bottom or left to right." msgstr "Onko kaavio ylhäältä alas vai vasemmalta oikealle." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:167 msgid "Number of Horizontal Pages" msgstr "Sivujen määrä vaakasuunnassa" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:168 msgid "" "Graphviz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a " "rectangular array of pages. This controls the number pages in the array " "horizontally. Only valid for dot and pdf via Ghostscript." msgstr "" "Graphviz saattaa luoda hyvinkin laajan kaavion levittämällä sen usealle " "sivulle. Tämä asetus määrittää sivujen määrän vaakasuunnassa. Vain " "Ghostscriptillä luoduille dot- ja pdf-tiedostoille." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:175 msgid "Number of Vertical Pages" msgstr "Sivujen määrä pystysuunnassa" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:176 msgid "" "Graphviz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a " "rectangular array of pages. This controls the number pages in the array " "vertically. Only valid for dot and pdf via Ghostscript." msgstr "" "Graphviz saattaa luoda hyvinkin laajan kaavion levittämällä sen usealle " "sivulle. Tämä asetus määrittää sivujen määrän pystysuunnassa. Vain " "Ghostscriptillä luoduille dot- ja pdf-tiedostoille." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:183 msgid "Paging Direction" msgstr "Sivutussuunta" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:186 msgid "" "The order in which the graph pages are output. This option only applies if " "the horizontal pages or vertical pages are greater than 1." msgstr "" "Sivujen järjestys tulostuksessa. Tällä on vaikutusta vain jos sivuja on " "enemmän kuin yksi." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:191 msgid "Connecting lines" msgstr "Yhdyslinjat" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:194 msgid "How the lines between objects will be drawn." msgstr "Miten piirretään viivat kohteiden välillä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:197 msgid "Alternate line attachment" msgstr "Vaihtoehtoinen viivojen liittäminen" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:198 msgid "Whether lines attach to nodes differently" msgstr "Kiinnitetäänkö linjat solmuihin eri tavalla" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:214 msgid "Graphviz Options" msgstr "Graphviz-valinnat" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:217 msgid "Aspect ratio" msgstr "Sivujen suhde" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:221 msgid "" "Affects node spacing and scaling of the graph.\n" "If the graph is smaller than the print area:\n" " Compress will not change the node spacing. \n" " Fill will increase the node spacing to fit the print area in both width " "and height.\n" " Expand will increase the node spacing uniformly to preserve the aspect " "ratio.\n" "If the graph is larger than the print area:\n" " Compress will shrink the graph to achieve tight packing at the expense of " "symmetry.\n" " Fill will shrink the graph to fit the print area after first increasing " "the node spacing.\n" " Expand will shrink the graph uniformly to fit the print area." msgstr "" "Vaikuttaa kaavion solmujen välistykseen ja skaalaukseen.\n" "Kaavion ollessa tulostusaluetta pienempi:\n" " Tiivistys ei muuta solmujen välistystä. \n" " Täyttö kasvattaa solmuja sekä korkeus- että leveyssuunnassa jotta kaavio " "sopii tulostusalueelle.\n" " Laajennus kasvattaa välistystä tasaisesti jotta sivujen suhde säilyy.\n" "Kaavion ollessa tulostusaluetta suurempi:\n" " Tiivistys tiivistää kaaviota symmetrian kustannuksella, jotta tuloksena " "tiivis pakkaus.\n" " Täyttö kutistaa kuvaajaa tulostusalueelle sopivaksi, kun solmuväliä on " "ensin kasvatettu.\n" " Laajennus supistaa kaaviota tasaisesti, jotta kaavio sopii " "tulostusalueeseen." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:237 msgid "DPI" msgstr "DPI" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:238 msgid "" "Dots per inch. When creating images such as .gif or .png files for the web, " "try numbers such as 100 or 300 DPI. PostScript and PDF files always use 72 " "DPI." msgstr "" "Pisteitä tuumalla. Kun luot kuvia esim. .gif tai .png tiedostomuotoon, " "kokeile arvoja kuten 100 tai 300 DPI. Kun luot PostScript tai PDF tiedostot " "käyttävät aina 72 DPI:tä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:245 msgid "Node spacing" msgstr "Solmuvälit" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:246 msgid "" "The minimum amount of free space, in inches, between individual nodes. For " "vertical graphs, this corresponds to spacing between columns. For " "horizontal graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows." msgstr "" "Pienin hyväksyttävä määrä vapaata tilaa yksittäisten kaavion solmujen " "välillä, tuumissa. Pystysuuntaisissa kaavioissa tämä vastaa " "sarakevälistystä, vaakasuuntaisissa kaavioissa tämä vastaa rivivälistystä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:253 msgid "Rank spacing" msgstr "Tasovälistys" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:254 msgid "" "The minimum amount of free space, in inches, between ranks. For vertical " "graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows. For horizontal graphs, " "this corresponds to spacing between columns." msgstr "" "Pienin hyväksyttävä määrä vapaata tilaa tasojen välillä, tuumissa. " "Pystysuuntaisissa kaavioissa tämä vastaa rivivälistystä, vaakasuuntaisissa " "kaavioissa tämä vastaa sarakevälistystä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:265 msgid "Note to add to the graph" msgstr "Kaavioon lisättävä teksti" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:267 msgid "This text will be added to the graph." msgstr "Annettu teksti lisätään kaavioon." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:270 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:215 msgid "Note location" msgstr "Tekstin sijainti" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:273 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:218 msgid "Whether note will appear on top or bottom of the page." msgstr "Tuleeko teksti sivun ylä- vai alaosaan." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:277 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:222 msgid "Note size" msgstr "Lisätiedon koko" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:278 msgid "The size of note text, in points." msgstr "Tekstin koko pisteinä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1069 msgid "PDF (Ghostscript)" msgstr "PDF (Ghostscript)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1075 msgid "PDF (Graphviz)" msgstr "PDF (Graphviz)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1081 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:161 msgid "PostScript" msgstr "PostScript" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1087 msgid "Structured Vector Graphics (SVG)" msgstr "SVG (Strukturoitu Vektori-Grafiikka)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1093 msgid "Compressed Structured Vector Graphs (SVGZ)" msgstr "Pakattu Strukturoitu Vektori-Grafiikka (SVG)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1099 msgid "JPEG image" msgstr "JPEG-kuva" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1105 msgid "GIF image" msgstr "GIF-kuva" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1111 msgid "PNG image" msgstr "PNG-kuva" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1117 msgid "Graphviz File" msgstr "Graphviz-tiedosto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/paperstyle.py:78 msgctxt "paper size" msgid "Letter" msgstr "Letter" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/paperstyle.py:80 msgctxt "paper size" msgid "Legal" msgstr "Legal" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/paperstyle.py:82 msgid "Custom Size" msgstr "Käyttäjän koko" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:61 msgid "Medium" msgstr "Normaali" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:65 msgid "Short" msgstr "Suppea" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:67 msgid "Given Nickname Surname" msgstr "Etunimi Lempinimi Sukunimi" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:68 msgid "Surname Given Nickname" msgstr "Sukunimi Etunimi Lempinimi" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:71 msgid "Above" msgstr "Yläpuolella" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:72 msgid "Below" msgstr "Alapuolella" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:73 msgid "Not shown" msgstr "Ei näytetä" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:77 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:99 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:166 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2077 #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:599 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Asetukset" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:79 msgid "Down (↓)" msgstr "Alas (↓)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:80 msgid "Up (↑)" msgstr "Ylös (↑)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:81 msgid "Right (→)" msgstr "Oikealle (→)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:82 msgid "Left (←)" msgstr "Vasemmalle (←)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:84 msgid "Perpendicular" msgstr "Pystysuoraan" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:85 msgid "Rounded" msgstr "Pyöristetty" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:86 msgid "Swing" msgstr "Käännetty" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:87 msgid "Mesh" msgstr "Liitos" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:92 msgid "Tiny" msgstr "Hento" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:93 msgid "Script" msgstr "Kirjasin" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:94 msgid "Footnote" msgstr "Alaviite" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:95 msgid "Small" msgstr "Pieni" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:96 ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:214 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:974 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:488 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normaali" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:271 msgid "Large" msgstr "Suuri" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:98 msgid "Very large" msgstr "Suurempi" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:99 msgid "Extra large" msgstr "Suurin" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:100 msgid "Huge" msgstr "Valtava" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:101 msgid "Extra huge" msgstr "Valtavampi" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:144 msgid "Node Options" msgstr "Solmun valinnat" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:147 msgid "Node detail" msgstr "Solmun yksityiskohta" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:150 msgid "Detail of information to be shown in a node." msgstr "Solmussa näytettävät tiedot." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:153 msgid "Name Format" msgstr "Nimen muoto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:156 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1807 msgid "Select the format to display names" msgstr "Valitse nimien näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:162 msgid "Position of marriage information." msgstr "Avioliittotietojen sijainti." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:165 msgid "Node size" msgstr "Solmun koko" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:166 msgid "" "One dimension of a node, in mm. If the timeflow is up or down then this is " "the width, otherwise it is the height." msgstr "" "Solmun koko, mm. Jos aikavirta on ylös tai alas, tämä on leveys, muussa " "tapauksessa korkeus." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:171 msgid "Level size" msgstr "Tason koko" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:172 msgid "" "One dimension of a node, in mm. If the timeflow is up or down then this is " "the height, otherwise it is the width." msgstr "" "Solmun koko, mm. Jos ajanvirtaus on ylös tai alas niin tämä on korkeus, " "muuten se on leveys." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:180 msgid "Node color." msgstr "Solmun väri." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:799 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1533 msgid "Tree Options" msgstr "Sukupuun valinnat" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:187 msgid "Timeflow" msgstr "Ajanvirtaus" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:190 msgid "Direction that the graph will grow over time." msgstr "Suunta, johon kaavio kasvaa ajan myötä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:193 msgid "Edge style" msgstr "Reunan tyyli" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:196 msgid "Style of the edges between nodes." msgstr "Solmujen välisten reunojen tyyli." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:199 msgid "Level distance" msgstr "Tasoetäisyys" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:200 msgid "" "The minimum amount of free space, in mm, between levels. For vertical " "graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows. For horizontal graphs, " "this corresponds to spacing between columns." msgstr "" "Vapaan tilan vähimmäismäärä, mm, tasojen välillä. Pystysuuntaisille " "kaavioille tämä vastaa rivien välistä etäisyyttä. Vaakasuuntaisille " "kaavioille tämä vastaa sarakkeiden välistä etäisyyttä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:211 msgid "Note to add to the tree" msgstr "Lisätieto liitetään sukupuuhun" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:212 msgid "This text will be added to the tree." msgstr "Tämä teksti lisätään sukupuuhun." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:225 msgid "The size of note text." msgstr "Tekstin koko lisätiedolle." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:709 msgid "PDF" msgstr "PDF" # 10 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:715 msgid "Graph File for genealogytree" msgstr "Graafinen tiedosto sukupusta" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:720 msgid "LaTeX File" msgstr "LaTeX-tiedosto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/menu/_enumeratedlist.py:145 #, python-format msgid "Value '%(val)s' not found for option '%(opt)s'" msgstr "Arvoa '%(val)s' ei löydy valinnalle '%(opt)s'" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/menu/_enumeratedlist.py:147 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:300 msgid "Valid values: " msgstr "Sallitut arvot: " #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_book.py:71 ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:86 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:113 msgid "Unsupported" msgstr "Ei tuettu" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:45 msgid "Text Reports" msgstr "Tekstiraportit" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:46 msgid "Graphical Reports" msgstr "Graafiset raportit" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:47 msgid "Code Generators" msgstr "Koodigeneraattorit" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:48 msgid "Web Pages" msgstr "Nettisivut" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:91 msgid "Books" msgstr "Kirjat" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:50 msgid "Graphs" msgstr "Kaaviot" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:51 msgid "Trees" msgstr "Sukupuut" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:55 msgid "Graphics" msgstr "Grafiikka" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:376 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:990 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1193 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:326 msgid "The style used for the generation header." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli sukupolven ylätunnisteelle." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:68 msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes source display." msgstr "Käytettävä perustyyli loppuviitteiden lähteille." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:76 msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes notes display." msgstr "Käytettävä perustyyli loppuviitteille lisätiedoissa." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:84 msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes reference display." msgstr "Käytettävä perustyyli loppuviitteille viitenäytössä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:92 msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes reference notes display." msgstr "Käytettävä perustyyli loppuviitteiden lisätietonäytössä." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:58 msgid "Translation" msgstr "Käännös" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:64 msgid "The translation to be used for the report." msgstr "Raportissa käytettävä käännös." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:80 msgid "The additional translation to be used for the report." msgstr "Raportissa käytettävä lisäkäännös." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:89 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1239 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1803 msgid "Name format" msgstr "Nimen muoto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:122 msgid "Include data marked private" msgstr "Lisää yksityisiksi merkityt tiedot" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:123 msgid "Whether to include private data" msgstr "Lisätäänkö yksityisiksi merkityt tiedot" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:188 msgid "Living People" msgstr "Elävät henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:190 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Included, and all data" msgstr "Mukana, ja kaikki tiedot" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:194 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Full names, but data removed" msgstr "Koko nimet, mutta tiedot poistetaan" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:196 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Given names replaced, and data removed" msgstr "Korvataan etunimet ja tiedot poistetaan" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:198 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Complete names replaced, and data removed" msgstr "Täydelliset nimet korvataan ja tiedot poistetaan" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:201 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Not included" msgstr "Ei sisälly" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:203 msgid "How to handle living people" msgstr "Miten käsitellään elossa olevat henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:206 msgid "Years from death to consider living" msgstr "" "Vuosien määrä kuolemasta, jolloin henkilöä pidetään tietosuojan kannalta " "elävänä" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:209 msgid "Whether to restrict data on recently-dead people" msgstr "Rajoitetaanko hiljattain kuolleiden henkilöiden tietoja" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:274 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Päivämäärän muoto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:277 msgid "The format and language for dates, with examples" msgstr "Päivämäärien muoto ja kieli, esimerkkejä" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:333 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:357 msgid "Do not include" msgstr "Älä ota mukaan" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:334 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:363 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1716 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:863 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:900 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1085 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:748 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1113 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2376 msgid "Include" msgstr "Ota mukaan" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:335 msgid "Whether to include tags" msgstr "Lisätäänkö tagit" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:359 msgid "Share an existing line" msgstr "Nykyiselle riville" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:360 msgid "On a line of its own" msgstr "Omalle riville" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:361 msgid "Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs" msgstr "Lisätäänkö (ja minne) Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:364 msgid "Whether to include Gramps IDs" msgstr "Lisätäänkö Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:372 msgid "Place format" msgstr "Paikan muoto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:376 msgid "Select the format to display places" msgstr "Valitse paikkojen näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:157 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:925 msgid "File does not exist" msgstr "Tiedostoa ei ole olemassa" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:158 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:921 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2085 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2320 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2328 msgid "Could not add photo to page" msgstr "Kuvan lisäys sivulle epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:288 msgid "PERSON" msgstr "HENKILÖ" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:157 msgid "Entire Database" msgstr "Koko tietokanta" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:300 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:460 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:488 #, python-format msgid "Descendants of %s" msgstr "Henkilön %s jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:304 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:381 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:465 #, python-format msgid "Descendant Families of %s" msgstr "Henkilön %s jälkeläisperheet" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:308 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:470 #, python-format msgid "Ancestors of %s" msgstr "Henkilön %s esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:311 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:474 #, python-format msgid "People with common ancestor with %s" msgstr "Henkilön %s kanssa yhteinen esivanhempi" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:353 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:898 msgid "unknown father" msgstr "tuntematon isä" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:359 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:904 msgid "unknown mother" msgstr "tuntematon äiti" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:361 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:906 #, python-format msgid "%(father_name)s and %(mother_name)s (%(family_id)s)" msgstr "%(father_name)s ja %(mother_name)s (%(family_id)s)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:368 msgid "FAMILY" msgstr "FAMILY" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:385 #, python-format msgid "Ancestor Families of %s" msgstr "Esivanhempien perheet, perheelle %s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:249 msgid "Updated" msgstr "Päivitetty" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:261 msgctxt "updates" msgid "New" msgstr "Uusi" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:291 ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:298 #, python-format msgid "Unable to open '%s'" msgstr "Ei voi avata '%s'" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:305 #, python-format msgid "Error in reading '%s'" msgstr "Virhe luettaessa '%s'" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:320 #, python-format msgid "Error: unknown file type: '%s'" msgstr "Virhe: tuntematon tiedostotyyppi: '%s'" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:326 #, python-format msgid "Examining '%s'..." msgstr "Tarkastetaan '%s'..." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:353 #, python-format msgid "'%s' is for this version of Gramps." msgstr "'%s' on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi tässä Grampsin versiossa." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:357 #, python-format msgid "'%s' is NOT for this version of Gramps." msgstr "'%s' EI ole tarkoitettu käytettäväksi tässä Grampsin versiossa." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:358 #, python-format msgid "It is for version %(v1)d.%(v2)d" msgstr "Se on tarkoitettu versioon %(v1)d.%(v2)d" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:368 #, python-format msgid "Error: missing gramps_target_version in '%s'..." msgstr "Virhe: puuttuva Gramps_kohde_versio '%s'..." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:380 #, python-format msgid "Installing '%s'..." msgstr "Asennetaan '%s'..." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:385 #, python-format msgid "Registered '%s'" msgstr "Rekisteröity '%s'" #: ../gramps/gen/recentfiles.py:184 #, python-brace-format msgid "Unable to save list of recent DBs file {fname}: {error}" msgstr "" "Ei voitu tallentaa luetteloa uusimmista DBs tiedostoista {fname}: {error}" #: ../gramps/gen/recentfiles.py:243 #, python-brace-format msgid "Unable to open list of recent DBs file {fname}: {error}" msgstr "" "Ei voi avata luetteloa viimeksi käytetyistä DBs tiedostoista {fname}: {error}" #: ../gramps/gen/recentfiles.py:247 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Error parsing list of recent DBs from file {fname}: {error}.\n" "This might indicate a damage to your files.\n" "If you're sure there is no problem with other files, delete it, and restart " "Gramps." msgstr "" "Virhe koottaessa luetteloa viimeksi käytetyistä DBs tiedostoista {fname}: " "{error}.\n" "Tämä saattaa olla merkki vaurioista tiedostoissa.\n" "Jos olet varma, että muissa tiedostoissa ei ole mitään ongelmaa, poista se, " "ja käynnistä Gramps." #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1273 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1611 msgid "Relationship loop detected" msgstr "Suhteessa havaittu silmukka" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1332 #, python-format msgid "" "Family Tree reaches back more than the maximum %d generations searched.\n" "It is possible that relationships have been missed" msgstr "" "Sukupuu jatkuu pidemmälle kuin haun etsimät %d sukupolvea.\n" "Mahdollisesti jokin suhde puuttuu" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1406 msgid "Relationship loop detected:" msgstr "Suhteessa havaittu silmukka:" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1407 #, python-format msgid "Person %(person)s connects to himself via %(relation)s" msgstr "Henkilö %(person)s yhdistyy itseensä %(relation)s kautta" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1685 msgid "undefined" msgstr "määrittelemätön" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2174 msgctxt "gender unknown" msgid "spouse" msgstr "puoliso" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2181 msgctxt "gender unknown" msgid "ex-spouse" msgstr "ent. puoliso" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2184 msgctxt "male,unmarried" msgid "partner" msgstr "avomies" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2186 msgctxt "female,unmarried" msgid "partner" msgstr "avovaimo" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2188 msgctxt "gender unknown,unmarried" msgid "partner" msgstr "avopuoliso" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2191 msgctxt "male,unmarried" msgid "ex-partner" msgstr "ent. avomies" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2193 msgctxt "female,unmarried" msgid "ex-partner" msgstr "ent. avovaimo" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2195 msgctxt "gender unknown,unmarried" msgid "ex-partner" msgstr "ent. avopuoliso" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2198 msgctxt "male,civil union" msgid "partner" msgstr "virallinen mieskumppani" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2200 msgctxt "female,civil union" msgid "partner" msgstr "virallinen naiskumppani" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2202 msgctxt "gender unknown,civil union" msgid "partner" msgstr "virallinen kumppani" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2205 msgctxt "male,civil union" msgid "former partner" msgstr "virallinen ent. mieskumppani" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2207 msgctxt "female,civil union" msgid "former partner" msgstr "virallinen ent. naiskumppani" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2209 msgctxt "gender unknown,civil union" msgid "former partner" msgstr "virallinen ent. kumppani" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2212 msgctxt "male,unknown relation" msgid "partner" msgstr "mieskumppani, suhde tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2214 msgctxt "female,unknown relation" msgid "partner" msgstr "naiskumppani, suhde tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2216 msgctxt "gender unknown,unknown relation" msgid "partner" msgstr "kumppani, sukupuoli ja suhde tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2221 msgctxt "male,unknown relation" msgid "former partner" msgstr "ent. mieskumppani, suhde tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2223 msgctxt "female,unknown relation" msgid "former partner" msgstr "ent. naiskumppani, suhde tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2225 msgctxt "gender unknown,unknown relation" msgid "former partner" msgstr "ent. kumppani, sukupuoli ja suhde tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2318 #, python-format msgid "" "Family relationship translator not available for language '%s'. Using " "'english' instead." msgstr "Perhesuhteiden kääntäjää ei löydy kielelle '%s' . Käytetään 'english'." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:147 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:205 msgid "death date" msgstr "kuolinaika" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:152 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:181 msgid "birth date" msgstr "syntymäaika" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:185 msgid "sibling birth date" msgstr "sisaruksen syntymäaika" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:197 msgid "sibling death date" msgstr "sisaruksen kuolinaika" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:211 msgid "sibling birth-related date" msgstr "sisaruksen syntymään liittyvä päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:222 msgid "sibling death-related date" msgstr "sisaruksen kuolemaan liittyvä päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:237 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:248 msgid "a spouse's birth-related date, " msgstr "puolison syntymään liittyvä päivämäärä, " #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:241 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:252 msgid "a spouse's death-related date, " msgstr "puolison kuolemaan liittyvä päivämäärä, " #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:270 msgid "event with spouse" msgstr "tapahtuma puolison kanssa" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:297 msgid "descendant birth date" msgstr "jälkeläisen syntymäaika" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:306 msgid "descendant death date" msgstr "jälkeläisen kuolinaika" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:322 msgid "descendant birth-related date" msgstr "jälkeläisen syntymään liittyvä päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:330 msgid "descendant death-related date" msgstr "jälkeläisen kuolemaan liittyvä päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:343 #, python-format msgid "Database error: loop in %s's descendants" msgstr "Tietokantavirhe: silmukka %s's jälkeläisissä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:372 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:418 msgid "ancestor birth date" msgstr "esivanhemman syntymäaika" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:382 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:428 msgid "ancestor death date" msgstr "esivanhemman kuolinaika" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:393 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:439 msgid "ancestor birth-related date" msgstr "esivanhemman syntymään liittyvä päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:401 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:447 msgid "ancestor death-related date" msgstr "esivanhemman kuolemaan liittyvä päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:462 #, python-format msgid "Database error: loop in %s's ancestors" msgstr "Tietokantavirhe: silmukka %s esivanhemmissa" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:509 msgid "no evidence" msgstr "ei näyttöä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/cast.py:46 msgid "True" msgstr "Tosi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/cast.py:46 msgid "true" msgstr "tosi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/configmanager.py:259 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: could not parse file:\n" "%(file)s\n" "because %(error)s -- recreating it\n" msgstr "" "VAROITUS: ei voitu jäsentää tiedostoa:\n" "%(file)s\n" "koska %(error)s -- luo se uudestaan\n" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:288 ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:307 #, python-format msgid "%s, ..." msgstr "%s, ..." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:531 #, python-format msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s" msgstr "%(father)s ja %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:71 msgid "Arabic" msgstr "arabia" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:72 msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "bulgaria" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:73 msgid "Breton" msgstr "bretoni" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:74 msgid "Catalan" msgstr "katalaani" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:75 msgid "Czech" msgstr "tsekki" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:76 msgid "Danish" msgstr "tanska" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:77 msgid "German" msgstr "saksa" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:78 msgid "German (Austria)" msgstr "Saksa (Itävalta)" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:79 msgid "Greek" msgstr "kreikka" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:80 msgid "English (USA)" msgstr "englanti (US)" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:81 msgid "English" msgstr "englanti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:82 msgid "Esperanto" msgstr "esperanto" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:83 msgid "Spanish" msgstr "espanja" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:84 msgid "Finnish" msgstr "suomi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:85 msgid "French" msgstr "ranska" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:86 msgid "Gaelic" msgstr "gaeli" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:87 msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "heprea" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:88 msgid "Croatian" msgstr "kroatia" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:89 msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "unkari" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:90 msgid "Indonesian" msgstr "Indonesia" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:91 msgid "Icelandic" msgstr "islanti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:92 msgid "Italian" msgstr "italia" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:93 msgid "Japanese" msgstr "japani" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:94 msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "liettua" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:95 msgid "Macedonian" msgstr "makedonia" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:96 msgid "Norwegian Bokmal" msgstr "kirjanorja" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:97 msgid "Dutch" msgstr "hollanti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:98 msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk" msgstr "uusnorja" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:99 msgid "Polish" msgstr "puola" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:100 msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)" msgstr "brasilianportugali" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:101 msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)" msgstr "euroopanportugali" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:102 msgid "Romanian" msgstr "romania" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:103 msgid "Russian" msgstr "venäjä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:104 msgid "Slovak" msgstr "slovakian" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:105 msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "sloveeni" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:106 msgid "Albanian" msgstr "albania" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:107 msgid "Serbian" msgstr "serbian" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:108 msgid "Swedish" msgstr "ruotsi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:109 msgid "Tamil" msgstr "tamili" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:110 msgid "Turkish" msgstr "turkki" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:111 msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "ukraina" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:112 msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "vietnam" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:113 msgid "Chinese (Simplified)" msgstr "kiina (Simplified)" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:114 msgid "Chinese (Hong Kong)" msgstr "kiina (Hongkong)" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:115 msgid "Chinese (Traditional)" msgstr "Windows kiinalainen perinteinen (CP 950) tai Big-5" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:900 msgid "the person" msgstr "henkilö" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:902 msgid "the family" msgstr "perhe" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:904 msgid "the place" msgstr "paikka" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:906 msgid "the event" msgstr "tapahtuma" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:908 msgid "the repository" msgstr "arkisto" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:910 msgid "the note" msgstr "lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:912 msgid "the media" msgstr "media" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:914 msgid "the source" msgstr "lähde" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:916 msgid "the filter" msgstr "suodin" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:918 msgid "the citation" msgstr "lainaus" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:920 msgid "See details" msgstr "Katso lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/image.py:123 msgid "" "WARNING: PIL module not loaded. Image cropping in report files will be " "impaired." msgstr "" "VAROITUS: PIL-moduulia ei ladattu. Kuvan rajaaminen raporttitiedostoon ei " "toimi." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:54 msgctxt "Person" msgid "TITLE" msgstr "TITTELI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:54 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:446 msgctxt "Person" msgid "Title" msgstr "Titteli" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:55 msgid "GIVEN" msgstr "ETUNIMI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:56 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:871 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:878 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:880 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:881 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:882 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:883 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:884 msgid "SURNAME" msgstr "SUKUNIMI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:57 msgctxt "Name" msgid "CALL" msgstr "KUTSUMANIMI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:57 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Call" msgstr "Kutsumanimi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:58 msgctxt "Name" msgid "COMMON" msgstr "YLEISNIMI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:58 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:865 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:868 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:870 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:873 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:874 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:879 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:880 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Common" msgstr "Yleisnimi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:59 msgid "INITIALS" msgstr "NIMIKIRJAIMET" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:59 msgid "Initials" msgstr "Nimikirjaimet" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:60 msgid "SUFFIX" msgstr "LOPPULIITE" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:61 msgid "PRIMARY" msgstr "PÄÄNIMI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:82 msgctxt "Name" msgid "Primary" msgstr "Päänimi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:62 msgid "PRIMARY[PRE]" msgstr "PÄÄNIMI[ETU]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:62 msgid "Primary[pre]" msgstr "Päänimi[etu]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:63 msgid "PRIMARY[SUR]" msgstr "PÄÄNIMI[SUK]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:63 msgid "Primary[sur]" msgstr "Päänimi[suk]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:64 msgid "PRIMARY[CON]" msgstr "PÄÄNIMI[YLE]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:64 msgid "Primary[con]" msgstr "Päänimi[yle]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:65 msgid "PATRONYMIC" msgstr "PATRONYYMI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:66 msgid "PATRONYMIC[PRE]" msgstr "PATRONYYMI[ETU]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:66 msgid "Patronymic[pre]" msgstr "Patronyymi[etu]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:67 msgid "PATRONYMIC[SUR]" msgstr "PATRONYYMI[SUK]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:67 msgid "Patronymic[sur]" msgstr "Patronyymi[suk]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:68 msgid "PATRONYMIC[CON]" msgstr "PATRONYYMI[YLE]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:68 msgid "Patronymic[con]" msgstr "Patronyymi[yle]" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:69 msgid "RAWSURNAMES" msgstr "RAWSUKUNIMET" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:69 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:885 msgid "Rawsurnames" msgstr "Rawsukunimet" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:70 msgid "NOTPATRONYMIC" msgstr "EIPATRONYYMI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:70 msgid "Notpatronymic" msgstr "eipatronyymi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:71 msgid "PREFIX" msgstr "ETULIITE" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:72 msgid "NICKNAME" msgstr "LEMPINIMI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:73 msgid "FAMILYNICK" msgstr "PERHELEMPINIMI" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:73 msgid "Familynick" msgstr "Perhelempinimi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:49 #, python-format msgid "%(north_latitude)s N" msgstr "%(north_latitude)s P" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:50 #, python-format msgid "%(south_latitude)s S" msgstr "%(south_latitude)s E" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:51 #, python-format msgid "%(east_longitude)s E" msgstr "%(east_longitude)s I" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:52 #, python-format msgid "%(west_longitude)s W" msgstr "%(west_longitude)s L" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:46 ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:341 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:454 msgid "male" msgstr "mies" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:47 ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:340 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:455 msgid "female" msgstr "nainen" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:48 msgctxt "gender" msgid "unknown" msgstr "tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:52 msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Virheellinen" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:55 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:216 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:490 msgid "Very High" msgstr "Erittäin korkea" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:56 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:215 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:489 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:62 msgid "High" msgstr "Korkea" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:58 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:213 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:487 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:60 msgid "Low" msgstr "Matala" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:59 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:486 msgid "Very Low" msgstr "Erittäin matala" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:65 msgid "A legal or common-law relationship between a husband and wife" msgstr "Laillinen tai tapaoikeudellinen suhde aviomiehen ja vaimon välillä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:67 msgid "No legal or common-law relationship between man and woman" msgstr "Ei laillista tai tapaoikeudellista suhdetta miehen ja naisen välillä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:69 msgid "An established relationship between members of the same sex" msgstr "Vakiintunut suhde samaa sukupuolta olevien henkilöiden välillä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:71 msgid "Unknown relationship between a man and woman" msgstr "Tuntematon suhde miehen ja naisen välillä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:73 msgid "An unspecified relationship between a man and woman" msgstr "Määrittelemätön suhde miehen ja naisen välillä" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:77 msgid "" "The data can only be recovered by Undo operation or by quitting with " "abandoning changes." msgstr "" "Tiedot voidaan palauttaa Peru-toiminnolla tai lopettamalla ohjelma muutokset " "hyläten." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:944 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:99 msgid "Female" msgstr "Nainen" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:942 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:72 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:99 msgid "Male" msgstr "Mies" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:85 msgid "Asexuality, sexless, genderless" msgstr "Aseksuaalisuus, seksitön, sukupuoleton" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:86 msgid "Lesbianism" msgstr "Lespolaisuus" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:87 msgid "Male homosexuality" msgstr "Mies homoseksualisuus" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:88 msgid "Heterosexuality" msgstr "Heteroseksuaalisuus" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:89 msgid "Transgender, hermaphrodite (in entomology)" msgstr "Transsukupuoliset, hermafrodiitti (entomologiassa)" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:90 msgid "Transgender" msgstr "Transsukupuolinen" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:91 msgid "Neuter" msgstr "Neutrisukuinen" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:92 msgid "Illegitimate" msgstr "Avioton" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:94 msgid "Baptism/Christening" msgstr "Kaste/ristiäiset" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:96 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2232 msgid "Engaged" msgstr "Kihloissa" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:99 msgid "Unmarried partnership" msgstr "Naimaton parisuhde (Avoliitto)" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:101 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2238 msgid "Buried" msgstr "Haudattu" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:102 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2239 msgid "Cremated/Funeral urn" msgstr "Tuhkattu/tuhkauurna" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:104 msgid "Killed in action" msgstr "Kaatui taistelussa" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:105 msgid "Extinct" msgstr "Kadonnut" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:109 msgid "Nothing" msgstr "Ei mitään" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:111 msgid "Skull and crossbones" msgstr "Kallo ja sääriluut" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:113 msgid "Ankh" msgstr "Ankh" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:115 msgid "Orthodox cross" msgstr "Ortodoksinen risti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:117 msgid "Chi rho" msgstr "Khii Rhoo" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:119 msgid "Cross of Lorraine" msgstr "Lorrainen risti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:121 msgid "Cross of Jerusalem" msgstr "Jerusalemin risti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:123 msgid "Star and crescent" msgstr "Tähti ja puolikuu" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:125 msgid "West Syriac cross" msgstr "Länsi-Syyrian risti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:127 msgid "East Syriac cross" msgstr "Itä-Syyrian risti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:129 msgid "Heavy Greek cross" msgstr "Vahvennettu Kreikkalainen risti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:131 msgid "Latin cross" msgstr "Latinalainen risti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:133 msgid "Shadowed White Latin cross" msgstr "Varjostettu valkoinen latinalainen risti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:135 msgid "Maltese cross" msgstr "Maltanristi" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:137 msgid "Star of David" msgstr "Daavidin tähti" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:139 msgid "Dead" msgstr "Kuollut" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:135 msgid "Unknown, created to replace a missing note object." msgstr "Tuntematon, luotu korvaamaan puutuva lisätiedon objekti." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:145 #, python-format msgid "Unknown, was missing %(time)s (%(count)d)" msgstr "Tuntematon, puuttui %(time)s (%(count)d)" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:164 #, python-format msgid "Objects referenced by this note were missing in a file imported on %s." msgstr "Tuontitiedostossa %s ei ollut tämän lisätiedon viittaamia objekteja." #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:189 #, python-format msgid "" "Your Python version does not meet the requirements. At least Python %(v1)d." "%(v2)d.%(v3)d is needed to start Gramps.\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" "Python-versiosi ei vastaa vaatimuksia. Gramps tarvitsee vähintään Python " "%(v1)d.%(v2)d.%(v3)d version.\n" "\n" "Gramps suljetaan nyt." #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:445 ../gramps/grampsapp.py:452 #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:505 msgid "Configuration error:" msgstr "Kokoonpanon virhe:" #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:449 msgid "Could not read configuration" msgstr "Määritystä ei voitu lukea" #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:453 #, python-format msgid "" "A definition for the media type %s could not be found \n" "\n" " Possibly the installation of Gramps was incomplete. Make sure something to " "handle the media types of Gramps is installed." msgstr "" "Mediatyypin %s määritelmää ei löydy\n" "\n" " Grampsin asennus on mahdollisesti keskeneräinen. Varmista, että Grampsin " "mediatyyppien käsittely on oikein asennettu." #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:97 msgid "" "Much of Gramps' artwork is either from\n" "the Tango Project or derived from the Tango\n" "Project. This artwork is released under the\n" "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5\n" "license." msgstr "" "Suuri osa Gramps:in grafiikoista on joko\n" "suoraanTango-projektista tai siitä\n" "muokattuja. Nämä grafiikat on julkaistu\n" "Create Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5\n" "lisenssillä." #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:111 msgid "Gramps Homepage" msgstr "Gramps-kotisivu" #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:117 msgid "Contributions by" msgstr "Sisällön tuottanut" #. Translators: Translate this to your name in your native language #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:120 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" "Eero Tamminen\n" "Janne Kovesjärvi\n" "Pekka Valta\n" "Matti Niemelä" #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:131 #, python-format msgid "Distribution: %s" msgstr "Jakelu: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:142 #, python-format msgid "OS: %s" msgstr "Käyttöjärjestelmä: %s" # WIKI_HELP_SEC navigointi #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:70 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Using_the_Clipboard" msgstr "Leikep.C3.B6yd.C3.A4n_k.C3.A4ytt.C3.B6" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:401 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:126 msgid "Family Event" msgstr "Perhetapahtuma" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:451 msgid "Family Attribute" msgstr "Perheen ominaisuus" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:484 msgctxt "not available" msgid "NA" msgstr "NA" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:493 #, python-format msgid "Volume/Page: %(pag)s -- %(sourcetext)s" msgstr "Osa/sivu: %(pag)s -- %(sourcetext)s" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:533 msgid "Event ref" msgstr "Tapahtuman viite" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:705 msgid "Child ref" msgstr "Lapsen viite" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:715 #, python-format msgid "%(frel)s %(mrel)s" msgstr "%(frel)s %(mrel)s" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1374 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1380 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1418 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1463 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:7 msgid "Clipboard" msgstr "Leikepöytä" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1510 ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:141 #, python-format msgctxt "the object" msgid "See %s details" msgstr "Katso %s lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1519 ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:149 #, python-format msgctxt "the object" msgid "Make %s active" msgstr "Aktivoi %s" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1541 #, python-format msgctxt "the object" msgid "Create Filter from %s selected..." msgstr "Luo suodin valitusta %s ..." #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:89 #, python-format msgid "Tree View: first column \"%s\" cannot be changed" msgstr "Puunäkymä: ensimmäistä saraketta \"%s\" ei voi vaihtaa" #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:95 msgid "Drag and drop the columns to change the order" msgstr "Raahaa ja pudota sarakkeita järjestyksen muuttamiseksi" #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:107 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1973 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1997 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2023 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:130 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1787 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1041 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1377 msgid "_Apply" msgstr "_Käytä" #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:916 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1658 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2110 msgid "Display" msgstr "Näyttö" #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:132 msgid "Column Name" msgstr "Sarakkeen nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:86 msgid "Father's surname" msgstr "Isän sukunimi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:88 msgid "Combination of mother's and father's surname" msgstr "Yhdistelmä isän ja äidin sukunimistä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:89 msgid "Icelandic style" msgstr "Islantilaisittain" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:114 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:115 msgid "Display Name Editor" msgstr "Näytä nimimuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:116 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:189 #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:261 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:307 #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:333 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:466 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:556 ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:71 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:20 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:141 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/displaystate.glade:23 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:23 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:22 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:24 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:1024 ../gramps/gui/glade/tipofday.glade:117 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:25 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:105 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:691 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:747 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:60 ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1651 ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:298 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:495 ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:657 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:239 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:117 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:85 msgid "_Close" msgstr "_Sulje" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:119 msgid "" "The following keywords are replaced with the appropriate name parts:\n" " Given - given name (first name) Surname - surnames " "(with prefix and connectors)\n" " Title - title (Dr., Mrs.) Suffix - suffix " "(Jr., Sr.)\n" " Call - call name Nickname - nick name\n" " Initials- first letters of given Common - nick name, " "call, or first of given\n" " Prefix - all prefixes (von, de)\n" "Surnames:\n" " Rest - non primary surnames Notpatronymic- all " "surnames, except pa/matronymic & primary\n" " Familynick- family nick name Rawsurnames - surnames " "(no prefixes and connectors)\n" " Primary, Primary[pre] or [sur] or [con]- full primary surname, " "prefix, surname only, connector\n" " Patronymic, or [pre] or [sur] or [con] - full pa/matronymic " "surname, prefix, surname only, connector\n" "\n" "UPPERCASE keyword forces uppercase. Extra parentheses, commas are removed. " "Other text appears literally.\n" "\n" "Example: Dr. Edwin Jose von der Smith and Weston Wilson Sr (\"Ed\") - " "Underhills\n" " Edwin Jose: Given, von der: Prefix, Smith and " "Weston: Primary, and: [con], Wilson: Patronymic,\n" " Dr.: Title, Sr: Suffix, Ed: Nickname, " "Underhills: Familynick, Jose: Call.\n" msgstr "" "Seuraavat avainsanat on korvattu sopivilla nimen osilla:\n" " Etunimi - etunimi (ensimmäinen) Sukunimi - " "sukunimet (etuliitteen ja liitossanojen kanssa)\n" " Titteli - titteli (Tri., Rva.) Loppuliite - " "loppuliite (pa/matronyymi, Jr., Sr.)\n" " Kutsumanimi - kutsumanimi Lempinimi - " "lempinimi\n" " Nimikirjaimet - etunimen alkukirjaimet Yleisnimi - lempi- " "tai kutsumanimi, tai ensimmäinen etunimi\n" " Etuliite - kaikki etuliitteet (von, de)\n" "Sukunimet:\n" " Loputnimet - ei päänimiä Eipatronyymi - kaikki " "sukunimet, paitsi pa/matronyymi & päänimi\n" " Perhelempinimi - perheen lisänimi Rawsukunimet - " "sukunimet (ei etuliitteitä ja liittäjiä)\n" " Päänimi, Päänimi[etu] tai [suk] tai [yle] - koko päänimi, etuliite, " "vain sukunimi, liittäjä\n" " Patronyymi, tai [etu] tai [suk] tai [yle] - koko pa/matronyymi " "sukunimi, etuliite, vain sukunimi, liittäjä\n" "\n" "SUURAAKKONEN avainsanat kirjoitetaan isoilla kirjaimilla. Poistetaan " "sulkumerkit ja pilkut. Muu teksti sellaisenaan.\n" "\n" "Esimerkki: Dr. Edwin Jose von der Smith and Weston Wilson Sr (\"Ed\") " "- Underhills\n" " Edwin Jose: Etunimi, von der: Etuliite, Smith ja " "Weston: Päänimi, ja: [yle], Wilson: Patronyymi,\n" " Dr.: Titteli, Sr: Loppuliite, Ed: Lempinimi, " "Underhills: Perhelempinimi, Jose: Kutsumanimi.\n" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:148 msgid " Name Editor" msgstr " Nimimuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:242 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:248 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1027 msgid "Invalid or incomplete format definition." msgstr "Viallinen tai puutteellinen muotoilumääritelmä." #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:386 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:413 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:435 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:451 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:482 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:519 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:541 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:708 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1192 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1239 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1274 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1296 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1310 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1323 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1341 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1360 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1373 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1699 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1717 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1799 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1857 ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:344 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:90 #, python-format msgid "%s: " msgstr "%s: " #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:577 ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:118 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:56 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:498 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:21 ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:150 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:54 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:58 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:27 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:53 ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:58 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:60 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:75 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:58 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:54 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:75 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:59 ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:82 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:57 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:54 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:61 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:59 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:58 ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:57 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:77 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:468 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:698 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:54 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:41 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:351 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:781 #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:175 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:159 #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:82 ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:299 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:496 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:710 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:662 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1749 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:329 msgid "_Help" msgstr "_Ohje" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:599 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:638 msgid "Researcher" msgstr "Tutkija" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:616 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:92 msgid "State/County" msgstr "Lääni tai osavaltio" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:622 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:94 msgid "ZIP/Postal Code" msgstr "Postinumero" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:628 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:623 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:95 msgid "Email" msgstr "Sähköposti" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:633 msgid "" "Enter information about yourself so people can contact you when you " "distribute your Family Tree." msgstr "" "Anna tietoja itsestäsi, jotta ihmiset voivat ottaa sinuun yhteyttä, kun jaat " "sukupuutasi." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:647 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:687 msgid "ID Formats" msgstr "ID-muodot" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:667 msgid "Media Object" msgstr "Mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:680 #, python-format msgid "" "Default Gramps ID formats containing a letter prefix followed by a numerical " "string. \"I%04d\" creates IDs from I0000 to I9999. Large databases may need " "larger IDs. \"I%06d\" creates IDs from I000000 to I999999.\n" msgstr "" "Oletusarvoiset Gramps-ID muodot, jotka sisältävät kirjaimen etuliitteen ja " "sen jälkeen numeerisen merkkijonon. \"I%04d\" luo tunnukset välillä I0000 - " "I9999. Suuret tietokannat saattavat tarvita suurempia tunnuksia. \"I%06d\" " "luo tunnukset välillä I000000 - I999999.\n" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:696 msgid "Colors used for boxes in the graphical views" msgstr "Värit, joita käytetään graafisten näkymien laatikoissa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:702 msgid "Light colors" msgstr "Vaaleat värit" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:703 msgid "Dark colors" msgstr "Tummat värit" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:708 msgid "Color scheme" msgstr "Värijärjestelmä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:712 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2248 msgid "Restore to defaults" msgstr "Palauta oletusasetukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:714 msgid "Restore colors for current theme to default." msgstr "Palauta nykyisen teeman värit oletusasetuksiksi." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:720 msgid "Colors for Male persons" msgstr "Mieshenkilöiden värit" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:721 msgid "Colors for Female persons" msgstr "Naishenkilöiden värit" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:722 msgid "Colors for Unknown persons" msgstr "Värit määrittämättömille henkilöille" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:723 msgid "Colors for Family nodes" msgstr "Perhesolmujen värit" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:724 msgid "Other colors" msgstr "Muut värit" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:726 msgid "Background for Alive" msgstr "Taustaväri elossaolevat" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:727 msgid "Background for Dead" msgstr "Taustaväri kuolleet" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:728 msgid "Border for Alive" msgstr "Reunaviiva elossaolevat" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:729 msgid "Border for Dead" msgstr "Reunaviiva kuolleet" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:749 msgid "Default background" msgstr "Oletustausta" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:750 msgid "Background for Married" msgstr "Taustaväri aviossa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:751 msgid "Background for Unmarried" msgstr "Taustaväri naimaton" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:753 msgid "Background for Civil union" msgstr "Taustaväri parisuhteessa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:755 msgid "Background for Unknown" msgstr "Taustaväri parisuhde tuntematon" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:756 msgid "Background for Divorced" msgstr "Taustaväri eronneet" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:757 msgid "Default border" msgstr "Oletus reunaviiva" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:758 msgid "Border for Divorced" msgstr "Eronneiden reunaviiva" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:761 msgid "Background for Home Person" msgstr "Tausta kotihenkilölle" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:781 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2245 #, python-format msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:794 msgid "Colors" msgstr "Värit" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:814 msgid "Warnings and Error dialogs" msgstr "Varoitukset ja virheikkunat" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:820 msgid "Suppress warning when adding parents to a child" msgstr "Älä näytä varoitusta lisättäessä vanhempia lapselle" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:824 msgid "Suppress warning when canceling with changed data" msgstr "Älä näytä varoitusta perumisesta kun tietoja on muutettu" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:828 msgid "Suppress warning about missing researcher when exporting to GEDCOM" msgstr "" "Älä näytä varoitusta puuttuvista tutkijan tiedoista GEDCOMiin vietäessä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:833 msgid "Show plugin status dialog on plugin load error" msgstr "Näytä laajennusten tilaikkuna kun lataaminen epäonnistuu" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:836 msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Varoitukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:872 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:355 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:168 msgid "Call" msgstr "Kutsumanimi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:877 msgid "NotPatronymic" msgstr "Eipatronyymi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:955 msgid "Enter to save, Esc to cancel editing" msgstr "Enter tallettaa ja Esc peruuttaa päivityksen" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1004 msgid "This format exists already." msgstr "Muotoilu on jo olemassa." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1053 msgid "Example" msgstr "Esimerkki" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1074 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:147 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:316 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:129 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:122 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:129 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:196 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:665 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:487 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2022 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2064 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1726 msgid "_Add" msgstr "_Lisää" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1077 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:149 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:155 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:317 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:131 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:123 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:130 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:116 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:222 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:639 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:488 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1811 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1761 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1989 msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Muokkaa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1081 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:150 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:156 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:132 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:124 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:117 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:199 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:634 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:294 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:489 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Poista" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1173 msgid "Display Options" msgstr "Näytön asetukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1189 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1243 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:286 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:594 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:12 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:516 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:463 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1903 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:152 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:207 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:110 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Muokkaa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1192 msgid "Automate Place format" msgstr "Automatisoi paikan muoto" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1195 msgid "Enables automatic place title generation using specified format." msgstr "" "Mahdollistaa automaattisen paikannustiedoston generoinnin määritettyä muotoa " "käyttäen." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1252 msgid "Custom name display options are unique to each family tree." msgstr "" "Mukautetut nimen näyttövaihtoehdot ovat yksilöllisiä jokaiselle sukupuulle." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1260 msgid "Consider single pa/matronymic as surname" msgstr "" "Harkitse sukunimeksi isäpuoleista patronyymiä tai äidinpuolesta matronyymiä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1274 msgid "Date format *" msgstr "Päivämäärämuoto *" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1282 msgid "Years" msgstr "Vuodet" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1283 msgid "Years, Months" msgstr "Vuodet, Kuukaudet" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1284 msgid "Years, Months, Days" msgstr "Vuodet, Kuukaudet, Päivät" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1297 msgid "Age display precision *" msgstr "Iän näyttötarkkuus *" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1310 msgid "Calendar on reports" msgstr "Kalenteriraportti" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1323 msgid "Calendar on input" msgstr "Kalenteri syötettäessä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1330 msgid "Active person's name and ID" msgstr "Aktiivisen henkilön nimi ja ID" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1331 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:372 msgid "Relationship to home person" msgstr "Suhde kotihenkilöön (koettiin)" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1341 msgid "Status bar" msgstr "Tilapalkki" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1347 msgid "" "\n" "Input Options" msgstr "" "\n" "Syöttövaihtoehdot" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1360 msgid "Surname guessing" msgstr "Sukunimen arvaus" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1373 msgid "Default family relationship" msgstr "Oletusarvoinen perhesuhde" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1379 msgid "Hide LDS tab in person and family editors" msgstr "Piilota LDS-välilehti henkilö- ja perhemuokkauksissa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1384 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1666 msgid "* Requires Restart" msgstr "* Vaatii uudelleenkäynnistyksen" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1388 msgid "Data" msgstr "Tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1405 msgid "Conditional Text Replacements" msgstr "Ehdolliset tekstinkorvaukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1410 msgid "Missing surname" msgstr "Puuttuva sukunimi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1413 msgid "Missing given name" msgstr "Puuttuva etunimi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1416 msgid "Missing record" msgstr "Puuttuva tietue" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1419 msgid "Private surname" msgstr "Yksityinen sukunimi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1423 msgid "Private given name" msgstr "Yksityinen etunimi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1427 msgid "Private record" msgstr "Yksityinen tietue" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1496 msgid "Change is not immediate" msgstr "Muutos ei tapahdu välittömästi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1497 msgid "" "Changing the date format will not take effect until the next time Gramps is " "started." msgstr "" "Päivämäärän muodon muutos tulee voimaan vasta kun Gramps on uudelleen " "käynnistetty." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1528 msgid "Calculation limits" msgstr "Laskentarajat" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1534 msgid "Date 'about' year range: (date ± #)" msgstr "Päivämäärä \"noin\" vuosialue: (vuotta ± #)" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1538 msgid "Date 'after' year range: (date + #)" msgstr "Päiväys \"jälkeen\" vuosialue: (vuotta + #)" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1542 msgid "Date 'before' year range: (date - #)" msgstr "Päivämäärä \"ennen\" vuosialue: (vuotta - #)" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1546 msgid "Maximum age probably alive" msgstr "Korkein todennäköinen elinikä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1550 msgid "Maximum sibling age difference" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen sisarusten ikäero" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1554 msgid "Minimum years between generations" msgstr "Pienin mahdollinen vuosimäärä sukupolvien välillä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1558 msgid "Average years between generations" msgstr "Keskimääräinen vuosimäärä sukupolvien välillä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1562 msgid "Max generations for relationships" msgstr "Suurin sukupolvimäärä sukulaisuussuhteelle" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1566 msgid "Limits" msgstr "Rajaukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1575 msgid "Environment Settings" msgstr "Ympäristöasetukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1580 msgid "Display Tip of the Day" msgstr "Näytä päivän vinkki" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1582 msgid "Show useful information about using Gramps on startup." msgstr "Näytä hyödyllisiä tietoja Grampsin käytöstä käynnistyksen yhteydessä." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1585 msgid "Remember last Family Tree" msgstr "Muista viimeinen sukupuu" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1587 msgid "" "Don't open dialog to choose family tree to load on startup, just load last " "used." msgstr "" "Älä avaa valintaikkunaa valitaksesi sukupuun ladattavaksi käynnistyksen " "yhteydessä, lataa vain viimeksi käytetty." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1591 msgid "Remember last view displayed" msgstr "Muista viimeisin näytetty näkymä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1593 msgid "Remember last view displayed and open it next time." msgstr "Muista viimeinen näkymä ja avaa se seuraavan kerran." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1596 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Ota käyttöön oikoluku" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1598 msgid "Enable the spelling checker for notes." msgstr "Ota käyttöön lisätietojen oikoluku." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1607 #, python-format msgid "" "GtkSpell not loaded. Spell checking will not be available.\n" "To build it for Gramps see %(gramps_wiki_build_spell_url)s" msgstr "" "GtkSpell-ohjelma asentamatta. Oikeellisuustarkistukset eivät toimi.\n" "Katso miten saat sen mukaan Grampsiin %(gramps_wiki_build_spell_url)s" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1615 msgid "Show text label beside Navigator buttons *" msgstr "Näytä teksti navikointipalkin painikkeissa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1617 msgid "" "Show or hide text beside Navigator buttons (People, Families, Events...).\n" "Requires Gramps restart to apply." msgstr "" "Näytä tai piilota teksti navikointipainikkeiden vieressä (Henkilöt, Perheet, " "Tapahtumat ...).\n" "Vaatii Grampsin uudelleenkäynnistyksen." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1624 msgid "Show close button in gramplet bar tabs" msgstr "Näytä suljepainike gramplet-palkin kielekkäänä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1627 msgid "Show close button to simplify removing gramplets from bars." msgstr "" "Näytä sulkemispainike, jos haluat helpottaa gramplettien poistamista " "palkista." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1633 msgid "Markup for invalid date format" msgstr "Merkintä virheelliselle päivämäärämuodolle" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1638 #, python-format msgid "" "Convenience markups are:\n" "<b>Bold</b>\n" "<big>Makes font relatively larger</big>\n" "<i>Italic</i>\n" "<s>Strikethrough</s>\n" "<sub>Subscript</sub>\n" "<sup>Superscript</sup>\n" "<small>Makes font relatively smaller</small>\n" "<tt>Monospace font</tt>\n" "<u>Underline</u>\n" "\n" "For example: <u><b>%s</b></u>\n" "will display Underlined bold date.\n" msgstr "" "Soveltuvat merkkaukset ovat:\n" "<b>Bold</b>\n" "<big>Makes font relatively larger</big>\n" "<i>Italic</i>\n" "<s>Strikethrough</s>\n" "<sub>Subscript</sub>\n" "<sup>Superscript</sup>\n" "<small>Makes font relatively smaller</small>\n" "<tt>Monospace font</tt>\n" "<u>Underline</u>\n" "\n" "Esimerkiksi: <u><b>%s</b></u>\n" "näyttää alleviivatun lihavoidun päiväyksen.\n" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1656 msgid "Multiple surname box height" msgstr "Usean sukunimen laatikon korkeus" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1660 msgid "" "Enter height in pixels. When multiple surnames are entered, these names " "display in a box. This setting sets the size of this box." msgstr "" "Syötä korkeus pikseleinä. Kun syötetään useita sukunimiä, nämä nimet näkyvät " "laatikossa. Tämä asetus määrittää laatikon koon." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1680 msgid "" "Configuration settings to have Gramps check for new or updated third party " "Addons and Plugins. The Plugin Manager has the complete list of installed " "Addons and Plugins and their activation status.\n" msgstr "" "Määritysasetukset, joilla Gramps tarkistaa uusien tai päivitettyjen " "kolmannen osapuolen lisäosien ja laajennuksien varalta. Laajennusten " "hallinassa on täydellinen luettelo asennetuista lisäosista ja laajennuksista " "sekä niiden aktivointitila.\n" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1691 msgid "Once a month" msgstr "Kuukausittain" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1692 msgid "Once a week" msgstr "Viikoittain" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1693 msgid "Once a day" msgstr "Päivittäin" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1694 msgid "Always" msgstr "Aina" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1699 msgid "Check for addon updates" msgstr "Laajennusten päivityksien tarkistus" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1705 msgid "Updated addons only" msgstr "Vain päivitetyt laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1706 msgid "New addons only" msgstr "Vain uudet laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1707 msgid "New and updated addons" msgstr "Uudet ja päivitetyt laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1717 msgid "What to check" msgstr "Mitä tarkistetaan" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1722 msgid "Where to check" msgstr "Mistä tarkistetaan" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1727 msgid "Do not ask about previously notified addons" msgstr "Älä kysy aikaisemmin ilmoitetuista laajennuksista" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1732 msgid "Check for updated addons now" msgstr "Tarkista laajennusten päivitykset nyt" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1738 msgid "Addons" msgstr "Laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1744 msgid "Checking Addons Failed" msgstr "Laajennusten tarkistus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1745 msgid "The addon repository appears to be unavailable. Please try again later." msgstr "Laajennukset eivät näytä olevan saatavilla. Yritä myöhemmin." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1758 msgid "There are no available addons of this type" msgstr "Tämäntyyppisiä laajennuksia ei ole saatavilla" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1759 #, python-format msgid "Checked for '%s'" msgstr "Tarkistettu '%s'" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1760 msgid "' and '" msgstr "' ja '" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1765 msgid "new" msgstr "uusi" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1765 msgid "update" msgstr "päivitä" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1794 msgid "Database Setting" msgstr "Tietokannan asetus" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1799 msgid "Database backend" msgstr "Tietokantaohjelmisto" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1806 msgid "" "\n" "Database Location" msgstr "" "\n" "Tietokannan sijainti" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1812 msgid "Host" msgstr "Isäntäkone" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1817 msgid "Port" msgstr "Portti" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1825 msgid "Database path" msgstr "Tietokannan polku" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1831 msgid "" "\n" "Backup Management" msgstr "" "\n" "Varmuuskopion hallinta" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1837 msgid "Backup path" msgstr "Varmuuskopion polku" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1842 msgid "Backup on exit" msgstr "Varmuuskopio poistuttaessa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1844 msgid "Backup Your family tree on exit to Backup path specified above." msgstr "" "Varmuuskopioi Sukupuu, kun olet poistanut yllä mainitun " "varmuuskopiointipolun." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1850 msgid "Every 15 minutes" msgstr "15 min. välein" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1851 msgid "Every 30 minutes" msgstr "30 min. välein" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1852 msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Tunnin välein" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1857 msgid "Autobackup" msgstr "Automaattinen varmuuskopio" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1863 msgid "" "\n" "Family Tree's Media path" msgstr "" "\n" "Sukupuun mediapolku" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1870 msgid "Base media path" msgstr "Median peruspolku" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1876 msgid "" "The base relative media path is specific to the active family tree. It is " "not a global setting. Each family tree is able to have a unique relative " "media path that is stored with the database." msgstr "" "Suhteellinen perusmediapolku koskee vain aktiivista sukupuuta. Se ei ole " "globaali asetus. Jokaisella perhepuulla voi olla yksilöllinen suhteellinen " "mediapolku, joka tallennetaan tietokantaan." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1892 msgid "Tag Records" msgstr "Tagi tietueet" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1912 msgid "Add tag on import" msgstr "Lisää oletustagi tuonnissa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1915 msgid "" "Specified tag will be added to all records on import.\n" "Clear to set default value." msgstr "" "Määritetty tagi lisätään tuonnin yhteydessä.\n" "Tyhjennä asettaaksesi oletusarvon." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1921 msgid "" "\n" "Source GEDCOM import" msgstr "" "\n" "Lähde GEDCOM-tuonti" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1926 msgid "Add default source on GEDCOM import" msgstr "Lisää oletuslähde GEDCOM-tuonnissa" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1929 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:380 msgid "Import" msgstr "Tuonti" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1968 msgid "Select media directory" msgstr "Valitse mediatiedostojen hakemisto" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1971 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1996 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2021 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:345 #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:379 ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:119 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:24 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:23 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:417 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:714 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:856 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:42 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:69 ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:39 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:44 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:21 ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:45 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:23 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:39 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:23 ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:25 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:246 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:434 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:666 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:22 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:316 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:747 ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:86 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1737 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:173 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:81 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1745 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:440 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_fileentry.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:162 ../gramps/gui/utils.py:180 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1786 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1151 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:349 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:711 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/progressdialog.py:437 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1714 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1040 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1376 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:777 ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/populatesources.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:327 msgid "_Cancel" msgstr "_Peru" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1993 msgid "Select database directory" msgstr "Valitse tietokannan hakemisto" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2018 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1783 msgid "Select backup directory" msgstr "Valitse varmuuskopion hakemisto" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2088 msgid "" "If checked, use the standard genealogic symbols (death symbol is user " "selectable).\n" "If not checked, you can use the lower panel to customize the symbols " "yourself." msgstr "" "Jos tämä on valittuna, käytä tavallisia genealogisia symboleja (kuoleman " "symboli on käyttäjän valittavissa).\n" "Jos ei ole valittuna, voit muokata symboleja itse alapaneelin avulla." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2094 msgid "" "This can be useful if you want to add phonetic in a note to show how to " "pronounce a name or if you mix multiple languages like greek and russian." msgstr "" "Tästä voi olla hyötyä, jos haluat lisätä foneettisia muistiinpanoja " "osoittamaan kuinka nimi äännetään tai jos sekoitat useita kieliä, kuten " "kreikkaa ja venäjää." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2098 msgid "Use symbols" msgstr "Käytä symboleja" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2108 msgid "Select default death symbol" msgstr "Aseta oletusarvoinen symboli kuolemalle" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2116 msgid "Genealogical Symbols" msgstr "Sukututkimuksen symbolit" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2148 ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:144 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:398 msgid "Death:" msgstr "Kuolema:" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2234 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2685 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2687 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:239 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:150 msgid "Partner" msgstr "Kumppani" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2237 msgid "Killed" msgstr "Surmattu" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2241 msgid "Default genealogy symbols replacement" msgstr "Sukututkimuksen oletussymbolien korvaaminen" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2253 msgid "" "You can set any text you want for this field.\n" "You can drag and drop a symbol from the symbol list above.\n" "It will be visible only if your font contains this glyph." msgstr "" "Voit määrittää kenttään minkä tahansa haluamasi tekstin.\n" "Voit vetää ja pudottaa symbolin yllä olevasta symboliluettelosta.\n" "Se näkyy vain, jos fontti sisältää tämän merkin." #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:116 ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:109 msgid "Undo history warning" msgstr "Varoitus muokkaushistoriasta" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:117 msgid "" "Proceeding with import will erase the undo history for this session. In " "particular, you will not be able to revert the import or any changes made " "prior to it.\n" "\n" "If you think you may want to revert the import, please stop here and backup " "your database." msgstr "" "Tuonnin jatkaminen poistaa muokkaushistorian tälle istunnolle. Et voi perua " "tuontia tai mitään muutoksia, joita olet tehnyt ennen sitä.\n" "\n" "Jos luulet, että saatat haluta perua tämän tuonnin, keskeytä tuonti ja tee " "tietokannastasi varmuuskopio." #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:122 msgid "_Proceed with import" msgstr "_Jatka tuontia" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:122 ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:116 msgid "_Stop" msgstr "_Keskeytä" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:207 msgid "Are you sure you want to upgrade this Family Tree?" msgstr "Haluatko varmasti päivittää tämän sukupuun version?" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:210 msgid "" "I have made a backup,\n" "please upgrade my Family Tree" msgstr "" "Olen ottanut varmuuskopion, \n" "päivitä nyt sukupuuni" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:212 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:701 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:250 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:751 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:629 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Peru" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:253 msgid "All files" msgstr "Kaikki tiedostot" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:301 msgid "Automatically detected" msgstr "Automaattisesti tunnistetut" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:310 msgid "Select file _type:" msgstr "Valitse _tiedostotyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:324 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:346 msgid "Login" msgstr "Kirjautuminen" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:332 msgid "Username: " msgstr "Käyttäjätunnus: " #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:337 msgid "Password: " msgstr "Salasana: " #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:369 msgid "Import Family Tree" msgstr "Tuo sukupuu" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:436 #, python-format msgid "" "File type \"%s\" is unknown to Gramps.\n" "\n" "Valid types are: Gramps database, Gramps XML, Gramps package, GEDCOM, and " "others." msgstr "" "Tuntematon tiedostotyyppi \"%s\".\n" "\n" "Kelvolliset tiedostotyypit ovat Gramps tietokanta, Gramps XML, Gramps " "paketti, tai GEDCOM." #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:459 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:173 msgid "Cannot open file" msgstr "Tiedoston avaus ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:460 msgid "The selected file is a directory, not a file.\n" msgstr "Valittu on hakemisto, ei tiedosto.\n" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:467 msgid "You do not have read access to the selected file." msgstr "Sinulla ei ole lukuoikeutta valittuun tiedostoon." #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:477 msgid "Cannot create file" msgstr "Tiedoston luonti ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:500 #, python-format msgid "Could not import file: %s" msgstr "Tiedoston tuonti ei onnistu: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:501 msgid "" "This file incorrectly identifies its character set, so it cannot be " "accurately imported. Please fix the encoding, and import again" msgstr "" "Tuonti ei onnistu, koska tiedostossa virheellinen merkistökoodaus. Korjaa " "koodaus ja tuo uudelleen" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:97 #, python-format msgid "%s_-_Manage_Family_Trees" msgstr "%s_-_Sukupuiden_hallinta" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:98 msgid "Family_Trees_manager_window" msgstr "Uuden_sukupuun_aloittaminen" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:112 ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:346 msgid "_Archive" msgstr "_Arkistoi" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:112 msgid "_Extract" msgstr "_Pura" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:119 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:140 msgid "Database Information" msgstr "Tietokannan tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:121 ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:120 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:40 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:482 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:572 ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:39 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:24 ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:36 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:57 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:85 ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:40 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:54 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:40 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:59 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:40 ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:64 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:36 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:41 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:40 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:40 ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:262 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:451 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:682 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:36 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:38 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:333 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:764 ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:103 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1754 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:82 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:166 ../gramps/gui/utils.py:194 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1653 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:712 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:778 ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:118 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/populatesources.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:328 msgid "_OK" msgstr "_OK" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:125 msgid "Setting" msgstr "Asetus" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:200 msgid "Family Trees" msgstr "Sukupuut" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:381 msgid "Family Tree name" msgstr "Sukupuun nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:401 msgid "Database Type" msgstr "Tietokannan tyyppi" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:508 #, python-format msgid "Break the lock on the '%s' database?" msgstr "Rikotaanko sukupuun '%s' lukitus?" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:509 msgid "" "Gramps believes that someone else is actively editing this database. You " "cannot edit this database while it is locked. If no one is editing the " "database you may safely break the lock. However, if someone else is editing " "the database and you break the lock, you may corrupt the database." msgstr "" "Sukupuuta ei voi avata muokkausta varten, koska se on lukittu. Jos kukaan ei " "muokkaa sitä tällä hetkellä, voit rikkoa lukon. Huomaa, että jos samaa " "sukupuuta ollaan muokkaamassa jossain muussa (Gramps) ohjelmassa ja rikot " "lukon, sukupuu vahingoittuu." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:515 msgid "Break lock" msgstr "Riko lukko" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:607 msgid "Rename failed" msgstr "Uudelleennimeäminen epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:608 #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to rename a version failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Version uudelleennimeäminen epäonnistui ja tuotti seuraavan viestin:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:626 msgid "Could not rename the Family Tree." msgstr "Sukupuun uudelleennimeäminen epäonnistui." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:627 msgid "Family Tree already exists, choose a unique name." msgstr "Sukupuu on jo olemassa, valitse toinen nimi." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:674 msgid "Extracting archive..." msgstr "Puretaan arkistoa..." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:679 msgid "Importing archive..." msgstr "Tuodaan arkistoa..." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:695 #, python-format msgid "Remove the '%s' Family Tree?" msgstr "Poista sukupuu '%s'?" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:696 msgid "Removing this Family Tree will permanently destroy the data." msgstr "Tämän sukupuun poisto tuhoaa tiedot pysyvästi." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:698 msgid "Remove Family Tree" msgstr "Poista sukupuu" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:703 #, python-format msgid "Remove the '%(revision)s' version of '%(database)s'" msgstr "Poista '%(revision)s' versio '%(database)s' tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:707 msgid "" "Removing this version will prevent you from extracting it in the future." msgstr "Tämän version poisto estää sen palauttamisen tulevaisuudessa." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:709 msgid "Remove version" msgstr "Poista versio" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:764 msgid "Deletion failed" msgstr "Poisto epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:765 #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to delete a version failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Version poistoyritys epäonnistui ja tuotti seuraavan viestin:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:783 #, python-format msgid "Convert the '%s' database?" msgstr "Muunnetaanko '%s' tietokanta?" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:784 #, python-format msgid "" "Do you wish to convert this family tree into a %(database_type)s database?" msgstr "Haluatko muuttaa tämän sukupuun tietokannaksi %(database_type)s?" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:786 msgid "Convert" msgstr "Muunna" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:796 #, python-format msgid "Opening the '%s' database" msgstr "Avaa '%s' tietokanta" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:797 msgid "An attempt to convert the database failed. Perhaps it needs updating." msgstr "Tietokannan muuntaminen epäonnistui. Ehkä se on päivitettävä." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:808 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:834 #, python-format msgid "Converting the '%s' database" msgstr "Muunnetaa '%s' tietokanta" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:809 msgid "An attempt to export the database failed." msgstr "Tietokannan vieminen epäonnistui." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:813 msgid "Converting data..." msgstr "Muunnetaan tiedot..." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:818 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:821 #, python-format msgid "(Converted #%d)" msgstr "(Muunnettu #%d)" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:835 msgid "An attempt to import into the database failed." msgstr "Tuonti tietokantaan epäonnistui." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:892 msgid "Repair Family Tree?" msgstr "Korjataanko sukupuu?" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:893 #, python-format msgid "" "If you click %(bold_start)sProceed%(bold_end)s, Gramps will attempt to " "recover your Family Tree from the last good backup. There are several ways " "this can cause unwanted effects, so %(bold_start)sbackup%(bold_end)s the " "Family Tree first.\n" "The Family Tree you have selected is stored in %(dirname)s.\n" "\n" "Before doing a repair, verify that the Family Tree can really no longer be " "opened, as the database back-end can recover from some errors " "automatically.\n" "\n" "%(bold_start)sDetails:%(bold_end)s Repairing a Family Tree actually uses the " "last backup of the Family Tree, which Gramps stored on last use. If you have " "worked for several hours/days without closing Gramps, then all this " "information will be lost! If the repair fails, then the original Family Tree " "will be lost forever, hence a backup is needed. If the repair fails, or too " "much information is lost, you can fix the original Family Tree manually. For " "details, see the webpage\n" "%(gramps_wiki_recover_url)s\n" "Before doing a repair, try to open the Family Tree in the normal manner. " "Several errors that trigger the repair button can be fixed automatically. If " "this is the case, you can disable the repair button by removing the file " "%(recover_file)s in the Family Tree directory." msgstr "" "Jos napsautat %(bold_start)sJatka%(bold_end)s, Gramps yrittää palauttaa " "sukupuusi viimeisen onnistuneen varmuuskopion. Tästä voi olla monella tapaa " "haitallisia seuraamuksia, joten %(bold_start)svarmuuskopioi%(bold_end)s " "ensin sukupuu.\n" "Valitsemasi sukupuun talletuspaikka on %(dirname)s.\n" "\n" "Ennen korjausta varmista, että sukupuu ei ole avattavissa, koska tietokannan " "varmistus voi korjata joitain virheitä automaattisesti.\n" "\n" "%(bold_start)sLisätietoja:%(bold_end)s Sukupuun korjaus käyttää sukupuun " "viimeistä varmuuskopiota, jonka Gramps tallensi edellisellä käyttökerralla. " "Jos olet työskennellyt useita tunteja tai päiviä sulkematta Grampsia, kaikki " "tämän ajan tieto on menetetty! Jos korjaus epäonnistuu, alkuperäinen " "sukupuukin on menetetty, siksi tarvitaan varmuuskopio. Jos korjaus " "epäonnistuu tai menetetään liian paljon tietoa, voit korjata manuaalisesti " "alkuperäisen sukupuusi. Tarkemmin, katso nettisivua\n" "%(gramps_wiki_recover_url)s\n" "Yritä avata sukupuu normaalisti ennen korjausta. Monet korjausta ehdottavat " "tilanteet on korjattavissa ohjelmallisesti. Jos näin on, voit kytkeä " "korjauspainikkeen pois päältä poistamalla tiedoston %(recover_file)s " "sukupuun hakemistosta." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:924 msgid "Proceed, I have taken a backup" msgstr "Jatka, olen ottanut varmuuskopion" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:925 msgid "Stop" msgstr "Keskeytä" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:944 msgid "Rebuilding database from backup files" msgstr "Uudelleen rakenna tietokanta varmennustiedostoista" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:949 msgid "Error restoring backup data" msgstr "Virhe varmuuskopion palautuksessa" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:988 msgid "Could not create Family Tree" msgstr "Sukupuun luonti epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1109 msgid "Retrieve failed" msgstr "Palautus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1110 #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to retrieve the data failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Tietojen palautus epäonnistui ja tuotti seuraavan viestin:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1149 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1175 msgid "Archiving failed" msgstr "Arkistointi epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1150 #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to create the archive failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Arkiston luonti epäonnistui ja tuotti seuraavan viestin:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1155 msgid "Creating data to be archived..." msgstr "Luodaan arkistoitavia tietoja..." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1164 msgid "Saving archive..." msgstr "Tallennetaan arkistoa..." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1176 #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to archive the data failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Tietojen arkistointiyritys epäonnistui ja tuotti seuraavan viestin:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:434 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:534 #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:309 msgid "Attempt to force closing the dialog" msgstr "Ikkuna yritettiin sulkea väkisin" #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:435 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:535 msgid "" "Please do not force closing this important dialog.\n" "Instead select one of the available options" msgstr "" "Älä yritä väkisin sulkea tätä tärkeää ikkunaa.\n" "Valitse sen sijaan jokin esitetyistä vaihtoehdoista" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:282 msgid "Cannot load database" msgstr "Tietokantaa ei voi ladata" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:400 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:174 msgid "No active person" msgstr "Ei aktiivista henkilöä" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:401 msgid "No active family" msgstr "Ei aktiivista perhettä" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:402 msgid "No active event" msgstr "Ei aktiivista tapahtumaa" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:403 msgid "No active place" msgstr "Aktiivista paikkaa ei ole asetettu" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:404 msgid "No active source" msgstr "Aktiivista lähdettä ei ole asetettu" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:405 msgid "No active citation" msgstr "Aktiivista lainausta ei ole asetettu" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:406 msgid "No active repository" msgstr "Aktiivista arkistoa ei ole asetettu" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:407 msgid "No active media" msgstr "Aktiivista mediatiedostoa ei ole asetettu" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:408 msgid "No active note" msgstr "Aktiivista lisätietoa ei ole asetettu" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:675 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:200 msgid "No active object" msgstr "Ei aktiivista kohdetta" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:711 msgid "Danger: This is unstable code!" msgstr "Vaara: Tämä on epävakaata koodia!" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:712 #, python-format msgid "This Gramps ('%s') is a development release.\n" msgstr "Tämä Gramps ('%s') on kehitys julkaisu.\n" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:714 #, python-format msgid "" "This version is not meant for normal usage. Use at your own risk.\n" "\n" "This version may:\n" "1) Work differently than you expect.\n" "2) Fail to run at all.\n" "3) Crash often.\n" "4) Corrupt your data.\n" "5) Save data in a format that is incompatible with the official release.\n" "\n" "%(bold_start)sBACKUP%(bold_end)s your existing databases before opening them " "with this version, and make sure to export your data to XML every now and " "then." msgstr "" "Tämä on kehitysversio. Ei normaalikäyttöön. Käytä omalla riskillä.\n" "\n" "Tämä versio voi:\n" "1) toimia toisin kuin odotat.\n" "2) olla kokonaan käynnistymättä.\n" "3) kaatua usein.\n" "4) rikkoa datasi.\n" "5) tallettaa datasi muotoon, joka on yhteensopimaton virallisen version " "kanssa.\n" "\n" "%(bold_start)sVARMUUSKOPIOI%(bold_end)s tietokantasi ennen tämän version " "avaamista ja varmista, että viet tietosi XML-muotoon silloin tällöin." # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:70 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_a_media_selector" msgstr "Valitse_mediatiedosto_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:104 msgid "Select a media object" msgstr "Valitse mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:148 msgid "Select media object" msgstr "Valitse mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:158 msgid "Import failed" msgstr "Tuonti epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:159 msgid "The filename supplied could not be found." msgstr "Annettua tiedostoa ei löytynyt." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:169 #, python-format msgid "Cannot import %s" msgstr "Ei voi tuoda %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:170 #, python-format msgid "" "Directory specified in preferences: Base path for relative media paths: %s " "does not exist. Change preferences or do not use relative path when importing" msgstr "" "Asetuksissa määritetty kansio: Median suhteellista peruspolkua %s ei löydy. " "Muuta asetuksia tai vältä käyttämästä suhteellista polkua tuonnissa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:238 #, python-format msgid "Cannot display %s" msgstr "Ei voida näyttää %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:239 msgid "" "Gramps is not able to display the image file. This may be caused by a " "corrupt file." msgstr "Gramps ei pysty näyttämään kuvaa. Kuvatiedosto voi olla viallinen." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:61 msgid "Create and add a new address" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi osoite" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:62 msgid "Remove the existing address" msgstr "Poista olemassa oleva osoite" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:63 msgid "Edit the selected address" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua osoitetta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:64 msgid "Move the selected address upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu osoite ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:65 msgid "Move the selected address downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu osoite alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:77 msgid "Postal" msgstr "Postinumero" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:85 msgid "_Addresses" msgstr "_Osoitteet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:52 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:53 msgid "Create and add a new attribute" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi ominaisuus" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:53 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:54 msgid "Remove the existing attribute" msgstr "Poista olemassa oleva ominaisuus" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:54 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:55 msgid "Edit the selected attribute" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua ominaisuutta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:55 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:56 msgid "Move the selected attribute upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu ominaisuus ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:57 msgid "Move the selected attribute downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu ominaisuus alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:76 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:76 msgid "_Attributes" msgstr "_Ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:86 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:124 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:994 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:111 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:121 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:100 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:132 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:86 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:182 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1178 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1356 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:73 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:68 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:281 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:344 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:127 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:404 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:199 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:56 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:575 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:94 ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:729 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:83 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:67 msgid "_References" msgstr "_Viitteet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:107 msgid "Edit reference" msgstr "Muokkaa viitettä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backrefmodel.py:50 #, python-format msgid "%(part1)s - %(part2)s" msgstr "%(part1)s - %(part2)s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:217 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:224 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:494 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:501 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:361 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:72 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:422 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:429 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1864 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1871 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 msgid "Add" msgstr "Lisää" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:248 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:255 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:556 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:563 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:85 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:104 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:111 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:490 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:497 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1928 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1935 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Poista" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:148 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:130 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 msgid "Share" msgstr "Jaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:73 msgid "Jump To" msgstr "Siirry" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:74 msgid "Move Up" msgstr "Siirrä ylös" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:75 msgid "Move Down" msgstr "Siirrä alas" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:76 msgid "Move Left" msgstr "Siirrä vasemmalle" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:77 msgid "Move right" msgstr "Siirrä oikealle" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:69 msgid "Create and add a new citation and new source" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi lainaus ja lähde" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:70 msgid "Remove the existing citation" msgstr "Poista olemassa oleva lainaus" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:126 msgid "Edit the selected citation" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua lainausta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:72 msgid "Add an existing citation or source" msgstr "Lisää olemassa oleva lainaus tai lähde" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:73 msgid "Move the selected citation upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu lainaus ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:74 msgid "Move the selected citation downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu lainaus alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:90 msgid "Publisher" msgstr "Julkaisija" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:88 msgid "Confidence Level" msgstr "Luotettavuustaso" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:88 msgid "Sorted date" msgstr "Päivämäärä lajittelu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:95 msgid "_Source Citations" msgstr "_Lähdelainaukset" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:175 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:186 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:260 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:281 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:269 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:589 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:610 msgid "Cannot share this reference" msgstr "Tätä viitettä ei voi jakaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:618 msgid "" "This citation cannot be created at this time. Either the associated Source " "object is already being edited, or another citation associated with the same " "source is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this citation, you need to close the object." msgstr "" "Tätä lainausta ei voi luoda tällä kertaa. Viitattua lähdettä tai sen jotain " "muuta samaan lähteeseen liittyvää lainausta muokataan parhaillaan.\n" "\n" "Muokataksesi lainausta, sinun pitää sulkea lähde." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:64 msgid "Add a new family event" msgstr "Lisää uusi perhetapahtuma" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:65 msgid "Remove the selected family event" msgstr "Poista valittu perhetapahtuma" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:66 msgid "Edit the selected family event or edit person" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua perhetapahtumaa tai henkilöä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:59 msgid "Share an existing event" msgstr "Jaa olemassa oleva tapahtuma" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:68 msgid "Move the selected event upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu tapahtuma ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:69 msgid "Move the selected event downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu tapahtuma alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:96 msgid "Role" msgstr "Rooli" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:99 msgid "_Events" msgstr "_Tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:249 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:350 msgid "" "This event reference cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated " "event is already being edited or another event reference that is associated " "with the same event is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this event reference, you need to close the event." msgstr "" "Tapahtumaviitettä ei voi muokata. Viitattua tapahtumaa tai sen jotain muuta " "viitettä muokataan parhaillaan.\n" "\n" "Muokataksesi tapahtumaviitettä, sinun pitää sulkea tapahtuma." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:283 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:349 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:355 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1103 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1816 msgid "Cannot edit this reference" msgstr "Tätä viitettä ei voi muokata" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:326 msgid "Cannot change Person" msgstr "Henkilön tallentaminen ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:327 msgid "You cannot change Person events in the Family Editor" msgstr "Et voi muuttaa henkilötapahtumia perhemuokkaimessa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventrefmodel.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:66 #, python-format msgid "%(groupname)s - %(groupnumber)d" msgstr "%(groupname)s - %(groupnumber)d" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:84 msgid "_Gallery" msgstr "_Galleria" #. Translators: _View means "to look at this" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:142 msgctxt "verb:look at this" msgid "_View" msgstr "_Näytä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:147 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 msgid "Open Containing _Folder" msgstr "Avaa kansio" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:155 msgid "_Make Active Media" msgstr "Tee aktiiviseksi mediaksi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:259 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:961 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:604 msgid "Non existing media found in the Gallery" msgstr "Löydetty Galleriasta media, jota vastaavaa tiedostoa ei löydy" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:309 msgid "" "This media reference cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated " "media object is already being edited or another media reference that is " "associated with the same media object is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this media reference, you need to close the media object." msgstr "" "Tapahtumaviitettä ei voi muokata. Viitattua tapahtumaa tai sen jotain muuta " "viitettä muokataan parhaillaan.\n" "\n" "Muokataksesi tapahtumaviitettä, sinun pitää sulkea tapahtuma." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:578 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:194 msgid "Drag Media Object" msgstr "Raahaa mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:51 msgid "Create and add a new LDS ordinance" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi Mormonisakramentti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:52 msgid "Remove the existing LDS ordinance" msgstr "Poista olemassa oleva Mormonisakramentti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:53 msgid "Edit the selected LDS ordinance" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua Mormonisakramenttia" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:54 msgid "Move the selected LDS ordinance upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu Mormonisakramentti ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:55 msgid "Move the selected LDS ordinance downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu Mormonisakramentti alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:72 msgid "_LDS" msgstr "_MAP" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:65 msgid "Alternate _Locations" msgstr "_Vaihtoehtoiset sijainnit" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:63 msgid "Create and add a new name" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:64 msgid "Remove the existing name" msgstr "Poista olemassa oleva nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:65 msgid "Edit the selected name" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua nimeä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:66 msgid "Move the selected name upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu nimi ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:67 msgid "Move the selected name downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu nimi alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:614 msgid "Group As" msgstr "Ryhmittele" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:79 msgid "Notes Preview" msgstr "Lisätietojen esikatselu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:90 msgid "_Names" msgstr "_Nimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:125 msgid "Set as default name" msgstr "Aseta oletusnimeksi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1259 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1038 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:561 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:306 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Kyllä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1258 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1038 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:562 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:310 msgid "No" msgstr "Ei" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:62 msgid "Preferred name" msgstr "Ensisijainen nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:64 msgid "Alternative names" msgstr "Vaihtoehtoiset nimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:66 msgid "Create and add a new note" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:67 msgid "Remove the existing note" msgstr "Poista olemassa oleva lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:93 msgid "Edit the selected note" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua lisätietoa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:69 msgid "Add an existing note" msgstr "Lisää olemassa oleva lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:70 msgid "Move the selected note upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu lisätieto ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:71 msgid "Move the selected note downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu lisätieto alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:136 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:188 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:190 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:503 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:78 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Esikatselu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:88 msgid "_Notes" msgstr "_Lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1967 msgid "Personal" msgstr "Henkilökohtainen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:53 msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:56 msgid "Add a new personal event" msgstr "Lisää uusi henkilötapahtuma" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:57 msgid "Remove the selected personal event" msgstr "Poista valittu henkilötapahtuma" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:58 msgid "Edit the selected personal event or edit family" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua henkilötapahtumaa tai perhettä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:60 msgid "Move the selected event upwards or change family order" msgstr "Siirrä valittu tapahtuma ylöspäin tai muuta perheiden järjestystä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:61 msgid "Move the selected event downwards or change family order" msgstr "Siirrä valittu tapahtuma alaspäin tai muuta perheiden järjestystä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:134 msgid "Cannot change Family" msgstr "Perheen tallentaminen ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:135 msgid "You cannot change Family events in the Person Editor" msgstr "Perhetapahtumia ei voi muokata henkilömuokkaimessa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:56 msgid "Create and add a new association" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi liitos" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:57 msgid "Remove the existing association" msgstr "Poista olemassa oleva liitos" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:58 msgid "Edit the selected association" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua liitosta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:59 msgid "Move the selected association upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu liitos ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:60 msgid "Move the selected association downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu liitos alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:77 msgid "_Associations" msgstr "_Liitokset" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1469 msgid "Godfather" msgstr "Kummisetä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:53 msgid "Create and add a new place name" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi paikan nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:54 msgid "Remove the existing place name" msgstr "Poista nykyinen paikan nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:55 msgid "Edit the selected place name" msgstr "Muokkaa valitun paikan nimeä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:56 msgid "Move the selected place name upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittua paikannimeä ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:57 msgid "Move the selected place name downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittua paikannimeä alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:146 msgid "Alternative Names" msgstr "Vaihtoehtoiset nimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:111 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1317 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2997 msgid "Enclosed By" msgstr "Ympärillä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:189 msgid "Place cycle detected" msgstr "Paikkojen suhteissa kehä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:190 msgid "The place you are adding is already enclosed by this place" msgstr "Paikka, jota lisäät sisältyy jo tähän paikkaan" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:55 msgid "Create and add a new repository" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi arkisto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:56 msgid "Remove the existing repository" msgstr "Poista olemassa oleva arkisto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:57 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:113 msgid "Edit the selected repository" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua arkistoa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:58 msgid "Add an existing repository" msgstr "Lisää olemassa oleva arkisto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:59 msgid "Move the selected repository upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu arkisto ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:60 msgid "Move the selected repository downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu arkisto alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:76 msgid "_Repositories" msgstr "_Arkistot" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:169 msgid "" "This repository reference cannot be edited at this time. Either the " "associated repository is already being edited or another repository " "reference that is associated with the same repository is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this repository reference, you need to close the repository." msgstr "" "Arkistoviitettä ei voi muokata. Joko viitattua arkistoa tai sen jotain muuta " "viitettä muokataan parhaillaan.\n" "\n" "Muokataksesi arkistoviitettä, sinun pitää sulkea arkisto." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:67 msgid "Create and add a new surname" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi sukunimi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:68 msgid "Remove the selected surname" msgstr "Poista valittu sukunimi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:69 msgid "Edit the selected surname" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua sukunimeä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:70 msgid "Move the selected surname upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu sukunimi ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:71 msgid "Move the selected surname downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu sukunimi alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:712 msgid "Origin" msgstr "Alkuperä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:85 msgid "Multiple Surnames" msgstr "Useita sukunimiä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:92 msgid "Family Surnames" msgstr "Sukunimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:54 msgid "Create and add a new web address" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi nettiosoite" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:55 msgid "Remove the existing web address" msgstr "Poista olemassa oleva nettiosoite" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:56 msgid "Edit the selected web address" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua nettiosoitetta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:57 msgid "Move the selected web address upwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu nettiosoite ylöspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:58 msgid "Move the selected web address downwards" msgstr "Siirrä valittu nettiosoite alaspäin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:59 msgid "Jump to the selected web address" msgstr "Siirry valittuun nettiosoitteeseen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:73 msgid "_Internet" msgstr "_Internet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:118 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:200 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:350 msgid "_Jump to" msgstr "_Siirry" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:65 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Address_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Osoitemuokkain_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:92 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:167 msgid "Address Editor" msgstr "Osoitemuokkain" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:62 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Attribute_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:137 msgid "Attribute Editor" msgstr "Ominaisuusmuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:130 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:134 msgid "New Attribute" msgstr "Uusi ominaisuus" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:149 msgid "Cannot save attribute" msgstr "Ei voi tallentaa ominaisuutta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:150 msgid "The attribute type cannot be empty" msgstr "Ominaisuustyyppi ei voi olla tyhjä" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:66 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Child_Reference_Editor" msgstr "Lapsiviite_muokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:99 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:190 msgid "Child Reference Editor" msgstr "Lapsiviitemuokkain" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:69 msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Citation_dialog" msgstr "Uusi_lainaus_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:128 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:134 msgid "New Citation" msgstr "Uusi lainaus" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:299 msgid "Edit Citation" msgstr "Muokkaa lainausta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:307 msgid "No source selected" msgstr "Lähdettä ei ole valittuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:308 msgid "" "A source is anything (personal testimony, video recording, photograph, " "newspaper column, gravestone...) from which information can be derived. To " "create a citation, first select the required source, and then record the " "location of the information referenced within the source in the 'Volume/" "Page' field." msgstr "" "Lähde voi olla mikä tahansa sellainen asia (todistajanlausunto, nauhoite, " "valokuva, lehtijuttu, hautakivi...), josta on saatavissa tietoa. Lainauksen " "luomiseksi valitaan ensin ao. lähde ja sen jälkeen tallennetaan viitatun " "tiedon lähteessä oleva paikka \"Osa/Sivu\" kenttään." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:322 msgid "Cannot save citation. ID already exists." msgstr "Lainauksen tallentaminen ei onnistu. ID on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:323 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:251 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:300 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:846 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:357 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:288 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:189 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:210 #, python-format msgid "" "You have attempted to use the existing Gramps ID with value %(id)s. This " "value is already used by '%(prim_object)s'. Please enter a different ID or " "leave blank to get the next available ID value." msgstr "" "Yritit käyttää %(id)s Gramps ID:tä. Tätä ID:tä kuitenkin käyttää jo olemassa " "oleva '%(prim_object)s'. Anna jokin muu ID tai jätä ID tyhjäksi saadaksesi " "seuraavan vapaan ID:n." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:333 #, python-format msgid "Add Citation (%s)" msgstr "Lisää lainaus (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:338 #, python-format msgid "Edit Citation (%s)" msgstr "Muokkaa lainausta (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:77 ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:86 msgid "Regular" msgstr "Tavanomainen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:78 msgid "Before" msgstr "Ennen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:79 msgid "After" msgstr "Jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:80 msgid "About" msgstr "Noin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:81 msgid "Range" msgstr "Aikavälillä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:82 msgid "Span" msgstr "Ajanjaksona" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:83 msgid "Text only" msgstr "Vain tekstinä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:87 msgid "Estimated" msgstr "Arvioitu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:88 msgid "Calculated" msgstr "Laskettu" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:100 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Editing_dates" msgstr "P.C3.A4iv.C3.A4m.C3.A4.C3.A4rien_muokkaus" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:127 ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:283 msgid "Date selection" msgstr "Päivämäärän valinta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:274 #, python-brace-format msgid "Correct the date or switch from `{cur_mode}' to `{text_mode}'" msgstr "Korjaa päivämäärä tai vaihda `{cur_mode}' muotoon`{text_mode}'" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:64 msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Event_dialog" msgstr "Uusi_tapahtuma_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:265 #, python-format msgid "Event: %s" msgstr "Tapahtuma: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:100 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:267 msgid "New Event" msgstr "Uusi tapahtuma" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:230 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:632 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:431 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:815 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:485 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:703 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:503 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:523 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:563 msgid "Edit Event" msgstr "Muokkaa tapahtumaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:239 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:263 msgid "Cannot save event" msgstr "Tapahtumaa ei voi tallentaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:240 msgid "No data exists for this event. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "Tapahtuman tiedot puuttuvat. Anna tiedot tai peru muokkaus." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:250 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:277 msgid "Cannot save event. ID already exists." msgstr "Tapahtumaa ei voi tallentaa. ID on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:264 msgid "The event type cannot be empty" msgstr "Tapahtumatyyppi ei voi olla tyhjä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:270 #, python-format msgid "Add Event (%s)" msgstr "Lisää tapahtuma (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:275 #, python-format msgid "Edit Event (%s)" msgstr "Muokkaa tapahtumaa (%s)" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:57 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Event_Reference_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Tapahtumaviitteiden_muokkaus" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:268 msgid "Event Reference Editor" msgstr "Tapahtumaviite muokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:118 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:134 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:78 msgid "_General" msgstr "_Yleiset" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:275 msgid "Modify Event" msgstr "Muuta tapahtumaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:280 msgid "Add Event" msgstr "Lisää tapahtuma" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:92 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Family_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Perhemuokkain_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:113 msgid "Create a new person and add the child to the family" msgstr "Luo uusi henkilö ja lisää lapsi perheeseen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:114 msgid "Remove the child from the family" msgstr "Poista lapsi perheestä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:115 msgid "Edit the child reference" msgstr "Muokkaa lapsiviitettä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:116 msgid "Add an existing person as a child of the family" msgstr "Lisää olemassa oleva henkilö perheen lapseksi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:117 msgid "Move the child up in the children list" msgstr "Siirrä lasta ylöspäin lapsilistassa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:118 msgid "Move the child down in the children list" msgstr "Siirrä lasta alaspäin lapsilistassa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:123 msgid "#" msgstr "#" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:127 msgid "Paternal" msgstr "Isänpuoleinen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:128 msgid "Maternal" msgstr "Äidinpuoleinen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:129 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:234 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:339 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:409 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:475 msgid "Birth Date" msgstr "Syntymäaika" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:130 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:476 msgid "Death Date" msgstr "Kuolinaika" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:131 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:100 msgid "Birth Place" msgstr "Syntymäpaikka" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:132 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:102 msgid "Death Place" msgstr "Kuolinpaikka" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:146 msgid "Chil_dren" msgstr "La_pset" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:195 msgid "Edit child" msgstr "Muokkaa lasta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:197 msgid "Add an existing child" msgstr "Lisää jo olemassa oleva lapsi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:198 msgid "Edit relationship" msgstr "Muokkaa suhdetta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:268 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:283 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1750 msgid "Select Child" msgstr "Valitse lapsi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:418 msgid "Adding parents to a person" msgstr "Lisää vanhemmat henkilölle" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:419 msgid "" "It is possible to accidentally create multiple families with the same " "parents. To help avoid this problem, only the buttons to select parents are " "available when you create a new family. The remaining fields will become " "available after you attempt to select a parent." msgstr "" "On mahdollista vahingossa luoda useita perheitä samoille vanhemmille. " "Ongelman välttämiseksi vain painikkeet vanhempien valitsemiseksi ovat " "käytössä uutta perhettä luotaessa. Loput kentistä ovat käytettävissä kun " "olet valinnut vanhemmat." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:524 msgid "Family has changed" msgstr "Perhettä on muutettu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:525 #, python-format msgid "" "The %(object)s you are editing has changed outside this editor. This can be " "due to a change in one of the main views, for example a source used here is " "deleted in the source view.\n" "To make sure the information shown is still correct, the data shown has been " "updated. Some edits you have made may have been lost." msgstr "" "Muokkaat %(object)s, mutta sitä/niitä on muutettu muualla kuin tässä " "muokkaimessa. Muutos on voitu tehdä muussa päänäkymässä, esim. tässä " "käytetty lähde on poistettu lähdenäkymässä.\n" "Näytetyn tiedon varmistamiseksi s on päivitetty ja joitakin tekemiäsi " "muutoksia on saattanut kadota." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:530 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:230 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:370 msgid "family" msgstr "perhe" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:561 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:564 msgid "New Family" msgstr "Uusi perhe" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:568 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1186 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:477 msgid "Edit Family" msgstr "Muokkaa perhettä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:599 msgid "Select a person as the mother" msgstr "Valitse henkilö äidiksi/kumppaniksi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:600 msgid "Add a new person as the mother" msgstr "Lisää uusi henkilö äidiksi/kumppaniksi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:601 msgid "Remove the person as the mother" msgstr "Poista henkilö äidin/kumppanin roolista" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:614 msgid "Select a person as the father" msgstr "Valitse henkilö isäksi/kumppaniksi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:615 msgid "Add a new person as the father" msgstr "Lisää uusi henkilö isäksi/kumppaniksi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:616 msgid "Remove the person as the father" msgstr "Poista henkilö isän/kumppanin roolista" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:886 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:65 msgid "Select Mother" msgstr "Valitse äiti/kumppani" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:931 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:63 msgid "Select Father" msgstr "Valitse isä/kumppani" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:955 msgid "Duplicate Family" msgstr "Olemassa oleva perhe" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:956 msgid "" "A family with these parents already exists in the database. If you save, you " "will create a duplicate family. It is recommended that you cancel the " "editing of this window, and select the existing family" msgstr "" "Perhe, jolla nämä henkilöt vanhempina, on jo olemassa. Talletus luo kopioin " "tästä perheestä. Parempi olisi perua tämän ikkunan muokkaus ja valita jo " "olemassa oleva perhe" #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:997 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1004 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:186 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:237 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphreportdialog.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:324 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:377 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:401 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:472 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:623 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:149 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:198 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:931 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:933 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:934 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:935 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:936 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:665 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:729 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:782 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1030 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1065 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1552 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1575 #, python-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1006 #, python-format msgid "Edit %s" msgstr "Muokkaa %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1115 msgid "A father cannot be his own child" msgstr "Isästä ei voi tehdä itsensä lasta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1116 #, python-format msgid "%s is listed as both the father and child of the family." msgstr "%s on merkitty sekä tämän perheen isäksi että lapseksi." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1126 msgid "A mother cannot be her own child" msgstr "Äidistä ei voi tehdä itsensä lasta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1127 #, python-format msgid "%s is listed as both the mother and child of the family." msgstr "%s on merkitty sekä tämän perheen äidiksi että lapseksi." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1135 msgid "Cannot save family" msgstr "Perheen tallentaminen ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1136 msgid "No data exists for this family. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "Perheen tiedot puuttuvat. Anna tiedot tai peru muokkaus." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1144 msgid "Cannot save family. ID already exists." msgstr "Perheen tallentaminen ei onnistu. ID on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1145 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:328 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:295 #, python-format msgid "" "You have attempted to use the existing Gramps ID with value %(id)s. This " "value is already used. Please enter a different ID or leave blank to get the " "next available ID value." msgstr "" "Yritit käyttää %(id)s Gramps ID:tä . Tämä ID on kuitenkin jo käytössä. Anna " "jokin muu ID tai jätä ID tyhjäksi saadaksesi seuraavan vapaan ID:n." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1160 msgid "Add Family" msgstr "Lisää perhe" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:67 msgctxt "manual" msgid "LDS_Ordinance_Editor" msgstr "Mormonisakramentti_muokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:158 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:315 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:352 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:443 msgid "LDS Ordinance Editor" msgstr "Mormonisakramentti muokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:288 #, python-format msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" msgstr "%(father)s ja %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:294 #, python-format msgid "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]" msgstr "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:299 #, python-format msgid "%(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" msgstr "%(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:49 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Link_Editor" msgstr "Linkkimuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:87 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:250 msgid "Link Editor" msgstr "Linkkimuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:91 msgid "Internet Address" msgstr "Internetosoite" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlocation.py:48 msgid "Location Editor" msgstr "Sijaintimuokkain" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:68 msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Media_dialog" msgstr "Uusi_mediatiedosto_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:99 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:412 #, python-format msgid "Media: %s" msgstr "Media: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:101 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:414 msgid "New Media" msgstr "Uusi mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:241 msgid "Edit Media Object" msgstr "Muokkaa mediatiedostoa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:288 msgid "Cannot save media object" msgstr "Mediatiedostoa ei voi tallentaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:289 msgid "" "No data exists for this media object. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "Mediatiedoston tiedot puuttuvat. Anna tiedot tai peru muokkaus." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:299 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:280 msgid "Cannot save media object. ID already exists." msgstr "Mediatiedoston talletus ei onnistu. ID on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:314 msgid "There is no media matching the current path value!" msgstr "Mikään media ei vastaa nykyistä polkua!" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:315 #, python-format msgid "" "You have attempted to use the path with value '%(path)s'. This path does not " "exist! Please enter a different path" msgstr "" "Yritit käyttää '%(path)s' polkua. Tätä polkua ei ole olemassa. Anna jokin " "muu polku" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:326 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:532 #, python-format msgid "Add Media Object (%s)" msgstr "Lisää mediatiedosto (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:332 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:526 #, python-format msgid "Edit Media Object (%s)" msgstr "Muokkaa mediatiedostoa (%s)" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:72 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Media_Reference_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Medianviitteiden_muokkaus_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:415 msgid "Media Reference Editor" msgstr "Mediaviitemuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:100 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:101 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:133 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:257 msgctxt "Y coordinate" msgid "Y" msgstr "Y" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:120 ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:314 msgid "Name Editor" msgstr "Nimimuokkain" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:162 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Name_Editor" msgstr "Nimimuokkain_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:318 msgid "Call name must be the given name that is normally used." msgstr "Yhtä etunimistä tai niiden osaa käytetään normaalisti kutsumanimenä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:313 msgid "New Name" msgstr "Uusi nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:381 msgid "Break global name grouping?" msgstr "Pura nimien ryhmittely?" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:382 #, python-format msgid "" "All people with the name of %(surname)s will no longer be grouped with the " "name of %(group_name)s." msgstr "" "Henkilöitä, joiden nimi on %(surname)s ei enää ryhmitellä nimellä " "%(group_name)s." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:386 msgid "Continue" msgstr "Jatka" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:387 msgid "Return to Name Editor" msgstr "Palaa nimi muokkaimeen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:413 msgid "Group all people with the same name?" msgstr "Ryhmitä kaikki henkilöt, joilla on sama nimi?" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:414 #, python-format msgid "" "You have the choice of grouping all people with the name of %(surname)s with " "the name of %(group_name)s, or just mapping this particular name." msgstr "" "Voit joko ryhmittää kaikki henkilöt, joilla on nimi %(surname)s, nimeen " "%(group_name)s, tai liittää vain tämän yhden nimen." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:419 msgid "Group all" msgstr "Ryhmitä kaikki" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:420 msgid "Group this name only" msgstr "Liitä vain tämä nimi" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:67 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Editing_information_about_notes" msgstr "Lis.C3.A4tietomuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:150 #, python-format msgid "Note: %(id)s - %(context)s" msgstr "Lisätieto: %(id)s - %(context)s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:747 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:750 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2400 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2403 #, python-format msgid "Note: %s" msgstr "Lisätieto: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:158 #, python-format msgid "New Note - %(context)s" msgstr "Uusi lisätieto - %(context)s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:162 msgid "New Note" msgstr "Uusi lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:188 msgid "_Note" msgstr "_Lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:294 ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:343 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:437 msgid "Edit Note" msgstr "Muokkaa lisätietoa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:318 msgid "Cannot save note" msgstr "Lisätietoa ei voi tallentaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:319 msgid "No data exists for this note. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "Lisätietiedot puuttuvat. Anna tiedot tai peru muokkaus." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:327 msgid "Cannot save note. ID already exists." msgstr "Lisätietoja ei voi tallentaa. ID on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:338 msgid "Add Note" msgstr "Lisää lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:157 #, python-format msgid "Person: %(name)s" msgstr "Henkilö: %(name)s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:161 #, python-format msgid "New Person: %(name)s" msgstr "Uusi henkilö: %(name)s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:163 msgid "New Person" msgstr "Uusi henkilö" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:242 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Editing_information_about_people" msgstr "Henkil.C3.B6tietojen_muokkaus" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:602 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:481 msgid "Edit Person" msgstr "Muokkaa henkilöä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:645 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:385 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 msgid "View" msgstr "Näytä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:647 msgid "Edit Object Properties" msgstr "Muokkaa objektin ominaisuuksia" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:688 msgid "Make Active Person" msgstr "Tee aktiiviseksi henkilöksi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:688 msgid "Make Home Person" msgstr "Aseta kotihenkilöksi (koetiksi)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:808 msgid "Problem changing the gender" msgstr "Ongelma sukupuolen vaihdoksessa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:809 msgid "" "Changing the gender caused problems with marriage information.\n" "Please check the person's marriages." msgstr "" "Sukupuolenvaihto aiheuttaa ongelmia avioitumistietojen kanssa.\n" "Tarkista henkilön avioliitot." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:820 msgid "Cannot save person" msgstr "Henkilön tallentaminen ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:821 msgid "No data exists for this person. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "Henkilön tiedot puuttuvat. Anna tiedot tai peru muokkaus." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:845 msgid "Cannot save person. ID already exists." msgstr "Henkilön tallentaminen ei onnistu. ID on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:860 #, python-format msgid "Add Person (%s)" msgstr "Lisää henkilö (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:866 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:709 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1222 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1337 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1456 #, python-format msgid "Edit Person (%s)" msgstr "Muokkaa henkilöä (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1097 msgid "Unknown gender specified" msgstr "Määritetty tuntematon sukupuoli" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1099 msgid "" "The gender of the person is currently unknown. Usually, this is a mistake. " "Please specify the gender." msgstr "" "Henkilön sukupuoli on tuntematon. Yleensä tämä on virhe. Anna sukupuoli." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1102 msgid "_Male" msgstr "_Mies" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1103 msgid "_Female" msgstr "_Nainen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1104 msgid "_Unknown" msgstr "_Tuntematon" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:67 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Person_Reference_Editor" msgstr "Henkil.C3.B6viite_muokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:93 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:213 msgid "Person Reference Editor" msgstr "Henkilöviitemuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:213 msgid "Person Reference" msgstr "Henkilöviite" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:230 msgid "No person selected" msgstr "Ei valittua henkilöä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:231 msgid "You must either select a person or Cancel the edit" msgstr "Valitse henkilö tai peru muokkaus" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:69 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Place_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Paikkamuokkain_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:357 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeplace.py:55 msgctxt "place" msgid "Name:" msgstr "Paikan nimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:97 #, python-format msgid "Place: %s" msgstr "Paikka: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:99 msgid "New Place" msgstr "Uusi paikka" #. Translators: translate the "S" too (and the "or" of course) #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:240 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:208 msgid "" "Invalid latitude\n" "(syntax: 18\\u00b09'48.21\"S, -18.2412 or -18:9:48.21)" msgstr "" "Virheellinen leveysaste\n" "(syntaksi: 18\\u00b09'48.21\"E, -18.2412 tai -18:9:48.21)" #. Translators: translate the "E" too (and the "or" of course) #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:245 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:213 msgid "" "Invalid longitude\n" "(syntax: 18\\u00b09'48.21\"E, -18.2412 or -18:9:48.21)" msgstr "" "Virheellinen pituusaste\n" "(syntaksi: 18\\u00b09'48.21\"I, -18.2412 tai -18:9:48.21)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:256 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:935 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:495 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:520 msgid "Edit Place" msgstr "Muokkaa paikkaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:346 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:316 msgid "Cannot save place. Name not entered." msgstr "Paikkaa ei voi tallentaa. Nimeä ei ole annettu." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:347 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:317 msgid "You must enter a name before saving." msgstr "Anna nimi ennen tallentamista." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:356 msgid "Cannot save place. ID already exists." msgstr "Paikan tallentaminen ei onnistu. ID on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:368 #, python-format msgid "Add Place (%s)" msgstr "Lisää paikka (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:373 #, python-format msgid "Edit Place (%s)" msgstr "Muokkaa paikkaa (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceformat.py:49 msgid "Place Format Editor" msgstr "Paikanmuotomuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceformat.py:137 msgid "New" msgstr "Uusi" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:49 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Place_Name_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Paikannimi_muokkain_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:101 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:134 msgid "Place Name Editor" msgstr "Paikannimen muokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:125 msgid "Invalid ISO code" msgstr "Virheellinen ISO-koodi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:138 msgid "Cannot save place name" msgstr "Paikannimen tallentaminen ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:139 msgid "The place name cannot be empty" msgstr "Paikannimi ei voi olla tyhjä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:100 msgid "Place Reference Editor" msgstr "Paikkaviitemuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:325 msgid "Modify Place" msgstr "Muokkaa paikkaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:330 msgid "Add Place" msgstr "Lisää paikka" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editprimary.py:244 msgid "Save Changes?" msgstr "Tallenna muutokset?" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editprimary.py:245 msgid "If you close without saving, the changes you have made will be lost" msgstr "Tallentamatta sulkeminen hävittää tekemäsi muutokset" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:283 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:188 msgid "Cannot save repository. ID already exists." msgstr "Arkiston tallennus ei onnistu. ID on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:286 msgid "Cannot save item. ID already exists." msgstr "Kohdetta ei voi tallentaa. ID on jo olemassa." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:61 msgid "Repository Reference Editor" msgstr "Arkistoviite muokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:185 #, python-format msgid "Repository: %s" msgstr "Arkisto: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:187 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:81 msgid "New Repository" msgstr "Uusi arkisto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:188 msgid "Repo Reference Editor" msgstr "Arkistoviitemuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:195 msgid "Modify Repository" msgstr "Muuta arkistoa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:200 msgid "Add Repository" msgstr "Lisää arkisto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:60 msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Repository_dialog" msgstr "Uusi_arkisto_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:92 msgid "Edit Repository" msgstr "Muokkaa arkistoa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:177 msgid "Cannot save repository" msgstr "Arkiston tallennus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:178 msgid "" "No data exists for this repository. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "Arkiston tiedot puuttuvat. Anna tiedot tai peru muokkaus." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:199 #, python-format msgid "Add Repository (%s)" msgstr "Lisää arkisto (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:204 #, python-format msgid "Edit Repository (%s)" msgstr "Muokkaa arkistoa (%s)" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:64 msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Source_dialog" msgstr "Uusi_l.C3.A4hde_Ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:88 msgid "New Source" msgstr "Uusi lähde" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:193 msgid "Edit Source" msgstr "Muokkaa lähdettä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:198 msgid "Cannot save source" msgstr "Lähteen tallentaminen ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:199 msgid "No data exists for this source. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "Lähteen tiedot puuttuvat. Anna tiedot tai peru muokkaus." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:209 msgid "Cannot save source. ID already exists." msgstr "Lähteen tallentaminen ei onnistu. ID on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:220 #, python-format msgid "Add Source (%s)" msgstr "Lisää lähde (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:225 #, python-format msgid "Edit Source (%s)" msgstr "Muokkaa lähdettä (%s)" # WIKI_HELP_SEC filters #: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:48 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Tag_selection_dialog" msgstr "Tagin_valintaikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:127 msgid "Tag selection" msgstr "Tagin valinta" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editurl.py:47 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Internet_Address_Editor" msgstr "Internet-osoite_muokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editurl.py:68 ../gramps/gui/editors/editurl.py:103 msgid "Internet Address Editor" msgstr "Internet-osoitteen muokkain" # WIKI_HELP_SEC filter # Lisää sääntö ikkuna # osoitesivu puuttuu #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:84 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Add_Rule_dialog" msgstr "Lis.C3.A4.C3.A4_s.C3.A4.C3.A4nt.C3.B6_ikkuna" # WIKI_HELP_SEC filter # osoitesivu puuttuu #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:85 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Define_Filter_dialog" msgstr "M.C3.A4.C3.A4rittele_suodin" # WIKI_HELP_SEC filter #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:86 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Custom_Filters" msgstr "Mukautetut_suotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:90 msgid "Person Filters" msgstr "Henkilösuotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:91 msgid "Family Filters" msgstr "Perhesuotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:92 msgid "Event Filters" msgstr "Tapahtumasuotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:93 msgid "Place Filters" msgstr "Paikkasuotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:94 msgid "Source Filters" msgstr "Lähdesuotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:95 msgid "Media Filters" msgstr "Mediasuotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:96 msgid "Repository Filters" msgstr "Arkistosuotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:97 msgid "Note Filters" msgstr "Lisätietosuotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:98 msgid "Citation Filters" msgstr "Lainaussuotimet" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:252 msgid "equal to" msgstr "sama kuin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:252 msgid "greater than" msgstr "enemmän kuin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:252 msgid "less than" msgstr "vähemmän kuin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:290 msgid "Not a valid ID" msgstr "ID ei kelpaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:319 msgid "Select..." msgstr "Valitse..." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:324 #, python-format msgid "Select %s from a list" msgstr "Valitse %s listasta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:391 msgid "Give or select a source ID, leave empty to find objects with no source." msgstr "" "Anna tai valitse lähteen ID, jätä tyhjäksi löytääksesi ilman lähdettä olevat " "kohteet." # 20200823 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:533 msgid "Family filter name:" msgstr "Perhesuodattimen nimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:569 msgid "Include selected Gramps ID" msgstr "Lisää valittu Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:571 msgid "Use exact case of letters" msgstr "Käytä samaa kirjainkokoa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:572 msgid "Regular-Expression matching:" msgstr "Säännöllisen lausekkeen poiminta:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:573 msgid "Use regular expression" msgstr "Käytä säännöllistä lauseketta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:575 msgid "Also family events where person is spouse" msgstr "Myös perhetapahtumat, joissa henkilö on puoliso" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:577 msgid "Only include primary participants" msgstr "Ota mukaan vain ensisijaiset osallistujat" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:593 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/placewithin.py:73 msgid "degrees" msgstr "astetta" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:593 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/placewithin.py:73 msgid "kilometers" msgstr "kilometriä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:593 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/placewithin.py:73 msgid "miles" msgstr "mailia" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:607 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:76 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:65 msgid "Use regular expressions" msgstr "Käytä säännöllisiä lausekkeita" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:608 msgid "" "Interpret the contents of string fields as regular expressions.\n" "A decimal point will match any character. A question mark will match zero or " "one occurences of the previous character or group. An asterisk will match " "zero or more occurences. A plus sign will match one or more occurences. Use " "parentheses to group expressions. Specify alternatives using a vertical bar. " "A caret will match the start of a line. A dollar sign will match the end of " "a line." msgstr "" "Tulkitsee tekstikentät säännöllisinä lausekkeina.\n" "Desimaalipilkku (,) vastaa mitä tahansa merkkiä. Kysymysmerkki (?) vastaa ei " "yhtään tai yhtä esiintymän edellistä merkkiä tai ryhmää. Tähti (*) vastaa " "nollaa tai useampaa tapahtumaa. Plusmerkki (+) vastaa yhtä tai useampaa " "tapahtumaa. Käytä sulkuja ryhmään ilmaisuja. Määritä vaihtoehtoja käyttäen " "pystypalkkia. Sirkumfleksin (^) vastaa rivin alkua. Dollarin merkki ($) " "vastaa rivin loppua." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:637 msgid "Rule Name" msgstr "Säännön nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:774 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:778 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:914 msgid "No rule selected" msgstr "Ei valittua sääntöä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:831 msgid "Define filter" msgstr "Määrittele suodin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:935 msgid "Add Rule" msgstr "Lisää sääntö" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:947 msgid "Edit Rule" msgstr "Muokkaa sääntöä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:982 msgid "Filter Test" msgstr "Suodintesti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1121 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Kommentti" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1129 msgid "Custom Filter Editor" msgstr "Käyttäjän suodinmuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1201 msgid "Delete Filter?" msgstr "Poista suodin?" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1202 msgid "" "This filter is currently being used as the base for other filters. Deleting " "this filter will result in removing all other filters that depend on it." msgstr "" "Tätä suodinta käytetään muissa suotimissa. Sen poistaminen tulee poistamaan " "myös kaikki sitä käyttävät suotimet." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1206 msgid "Delete Filter" msgstr "Poista suodin" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:291 msgid "To select a place, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" msgstr "Valitaksesi paikan, vedä-ja-pudota se tai käytä painikkeita" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:293 msgid "No place given, click button to select one" msgstr "Paikka puuttuu, napsauta painiketta valitaksesi sellaisen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:294 msgid "Edit place" msgstr "Muokkaa paikkaa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:295 msgid "Select an existing place" msgstr "Valitse jo olemassa oleva paikka" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:103 msgid "Add a new place" msgstr "Lisää uusi paikka" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:297 msgid "Remove place" msgstr "Poista paikka" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:341 msgid "To select a source, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" msgstr "Valitaksesi lähteen vedä-ja-pudota se tai käytä painikkeita" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:343 msgid "First add a source using the button" msgstr "Lisää ensin painikkeilla lähde" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:344 msgid "Edit source" msgstr "Muokkaa lähdettä" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:345 msgid "Select an existing source" msgstr "Valitse olemassa oleva lähde" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:346 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:124 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:121 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:98 msgid "Add a new source" msgstr "Lisää uusi lähde" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:347 msgid "Remove source" msgstr "Poista lähde" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:387 msgid "To select a media object, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" msgstr "Valitaksesi mediatiedoston, vedä-ja-pudota se tai käytä painikkeita" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:389 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1117 msgid "No image given, click button to select one" msgstr "Kuva puuttuu, napsauta painiketta valitaksesi sellainen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:390 msgid "Edit media object" msgstr "Muokkaa mediatiedostoa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:391 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1095 msgid "Select an existing media object" msgstr "Valitse jo olemassa oleva mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:392 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:111 msgid "Add a new media object" msgstr "Lisää uusi mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:393 msgid "Remove media object" msgstr "Poista mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:434 msgid "To select a note, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" msgstr "Valitaksesi lisätiedon, vedä-ja-pudota se tai käytä painikkeita" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:436 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1015 msgid "No note given, click button to select one" msgstr "Lisätieto puuttuu, napsauta painiketta valitaksesi sellaisen" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:438 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:990 msgid "Select an existing note" msgstr "Valitse jo olemassa oleva lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:439 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:92 msgid "Add a new note" msgstr "Lisää uusi lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:440 msgid "Remove note" msgstr "Poista lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:60 msgid "_Find" msgstr "_Etsi" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:54 ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:88 msgid "_Clear" msgstr "_Tyhjennä valitut" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:107 #, python-format msgid "%s is" msgstr "%s on" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:109 #, python-format msgid "%s contains" msgstr "%s sisältää" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:113 #, python-format msgid "%s is not" msgstr "Näppäin %s ei ole sidottu mihinkään" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:115 #, python-format msgid "%s does not contain" msgstr "%s ei sisällä" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:168 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1279 #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1299 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:200 msgid "Updating display..." msgstr "Päivitetään näyttöä..." #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:263 msgid "Source:" msgstr "Lähde:" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:90 msgid "Publication" msgstr "Julkaisu" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:110 msgid "Citation:" msgstr "Lainaus:" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:827 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:97 msgid "Volume/Page" msgstr "Osa/sivu" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:114 msgctxt "Citation: Minimum Confidence" msgid "Min. Conf." msgstr "Alin luot." #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:117 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:111 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:129 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:141 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:110 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:93 msgid "Custom filter" msgstr "Käyttäjän suodin" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:347 msgid "Participants" msgstr "Pääosalliset" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:125 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:264 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1393 msgid "Relationship" msgstr "Suhde" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:94 msgid "any" msgstr "mikä tahansa" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:357 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1694 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2071 msgid "Birth date" msgstr "Syntymäaika" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:135 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:137 #, python-format msgid "example: \"%(msg1)s\" or \"%(msg2)s\"" msgstr "esimerkki: \"%(msg1)s\" tai \"%(msg2)s\"" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:136 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:359 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1702 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2072 msgid "Death date" msgstr "Kuolinaika" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:112 msgid "Within" msgstr "Sisällä" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:107 msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" # 20200823 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:62 msgid "This updates the view with the current filter parameters." msgstr "Tämä päivittää näkymän nykyisillä suodatinparametreilla." # 20200823 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:65 msgid "" "This resets the filter parameters to empty state. The 'Find' button should " "be used to actually update the view to its defaults." msgstr "" "Tämä nollaa suodatinparametrit tyhjään tilaan. 'Etsi' -painiketta tulisi " "käyttää päivittämään näkymä oletusarvoihinsa." #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:88 msgid "Reset" msgstr "Tyhjennä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:127 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:292 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:300 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:152 msgid "Image" msgstr "Kuva" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:167 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:111 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:409 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:93 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:97 msgid "_Title:" msgstr "_Nimike:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:191 msgid "Convert to a relative path" msgstr "Muunna suhteelliseksi poluksi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:121 msgid "Show all" msgstr "Näytä kaikki" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:141 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/treebasemodel.py:535 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/treebasemodel.py:580 msgid "Loading items..." msgstr "Ladataan kohteita..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:51 msgid "Book _name:" msgstr "Kirjan _nimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:90 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:636 msgid "Clear the book" msgstr "Tyhjennä kirja" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:112 msgid "Save current set of configured selections" msgstr "Tallenna konfiguroidut valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:135 msgid "Open previously created book" msgstr "Avaa aikaisemmin luotu kirja" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:157 msgid "Manage previously created books" msgstr "Hallinnoi aikaisemmin luotuja kirjoja" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:327 msgid "Add an item to the book" msgstr "Lisää kirjaan" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:350 msgid "Remove currently selected item from the book" msgstr "Poista valittu kirjasta" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:372 msgid "Move current selection one step up in the book" msgstr "Siirrä valinta yhden askeleen ylös kirjassa" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:394 msgid "Move current selection one step down in the book" msgstr "Siirrä valinta yhden askeleen alas kirjassa" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:416 msgid "Configure currently selected item" msgstr "Muokkaa valitun asetuksia" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:540 ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:266 #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:561 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:208 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 msgid "_Delete" msgstr "_Poista" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:38 msgid "Clear _All" msgstr "Tyh_jennä kaikki" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:78 msgid "Format _name:" msgstr "Muotoilun _nimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:93 msgid "Format _definition:" msgstr "Muotoilun _määrittely:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:140 msgid "" "The following conventions are used:\n" " %f - Given Name %F - GIVEN NAME\n" " %l - Surname %L - SURNAME\n" " %t - Title %T - TITLE\n" " %p - Prefix %P - PREFIX\n" " %s - Suffix %S - SUFFIX\n" " %c - Call name %C - CALL NAME\n" " %y - Patronymic %Y - PATRONYMIC" msgstr "" "Käytetään seuraavia käytäntöjä:\n" " %f - Etunimi %F - ETUNIMI\n" " %l - Sukunimi %L - SUKUNIMI\n" " %t - Titteli %T - TITTELI\n" " %p - Etuliite %P - ETULIITE\n" " %s - Loppuliite %S - LOPPULIITE\n" " %c - Kutsumanimi %C - KUTSUMANIMI\n" " %y - Patronyymi %Y - PATRONYYMI" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:155 msgid "Format definition details" msgstr "Muotoilun määrittelyn yksityiskohdat" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:169 msgid "Example:" msgstr "Esimerkki:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:7 msgid "Revision comment - Gramps" msgstr "Versiokommentti - Gramps" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:58 msgid "Version description" msgstr "Version kuvaus" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:103 msgid "Family Trees - Gramps" msgstr "Sukupuut - Gramps" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:118 msgid "_Close Window" msgstr "_Sulje ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:134 msgid "_Load Family Tree" msgstr "_Lataa sukupuu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:235 ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:208 msgid "_New" msgstr "_Uusi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:251 msgid "_Info" msgstr "_Tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:282 msgid "_Rename" msgstr "Nimeä _uudelleen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:298 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:137 msgid "Close" msgstr "Sulje" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:314 msgid "Con_vert" msgstr "Muunna" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:330 msgid "Re_pair" msgstr "Kor_jaa" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:78 msgid "Do not show this dialog again" msgstr "Älä näytä ikkunaa uudelleen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:254 msgid "_Remove Object" msgstr "P_oista objekti" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:259 msgid "Remove object and all references to it from the database" msgstr "Poista objekti ja kaikki sen viitteet tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:270 msgid "_Keep Reference" msgstr "P_idä viite" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:275 msgid "Keep reference to the missing file" msgstr "Pidä viite puuttuvaan tiedostoon" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:286 msgid "_Select File" msgstr "_Valitse tiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:293 msgid "Select replacement for the missing file" msgstr "Valitse korvaava tiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:366 msgid "_Use this selection for all missing media files" msgstr "_Käytä tätä valintaa kaikille puuttuville media tiedostoille" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:370 msgid "" "If you check this button, all the missing media files will be automatically " "treated according to the currently selected option. No further dialogs will " "be presented for any missing media files." msgstr "" "Valitsemalla tämän kaikkia puuttuvia media tiedostoja käsitellään voimassa " "olevan valinnan mukaisesti. Minkään puuttuvan mediatiedoston kohdalla ei " "näytetä varoitusta enää." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:422 msgid "Cancel the rest of the operations" msgstr "Peru loput toiminnot" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:433 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:666 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:21 msgid "_No" msgstr "_Ei" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:438 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:26 msgid "Do not apply the operation to this item" msgstr "Älä käytä toimintoa tähän kohteeseen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:449 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:666 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:37 msgid "_Yes" msgstr "_Kyllä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:456 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:44 msgid "Apply the operation to this item" msgstr "Käytä toimintoa tähän kohteeseen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:529 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:117 msgid "_Use this answer for the rest of the items" msgstr "_Käytä vastausta loppuihin kohteisiin" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:533 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:121 msgid "" "If you check this button, your next answer will apply to the rest of the " "selected items" msgstr "" "Jos valitset tämän painikkeen, seuraava vastauksesi sovelletaan muihin " "valittuihin kohteisiin" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:776 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:793 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:906 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.glade:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.glade:172 msgid "label" msgstr "nimike" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:841 msgid "Close _without saving" msgstr "Sulje tallentamatta" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:873 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:637 #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1152 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:590 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:399 msgid "_Save" msgstr "_Tallenna" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:946 msgid "Do not ask again" msgstr "Älä kysy uudelleen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/displaystate.glade:7 msgid "Gramps Warnings" msgstr "Gramps-varoitukset" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:44 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:47 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:47 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:49 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:64 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:47 ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:70 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:46 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:44 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:50 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:46 ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:46 msgid "Accept changes and close window" msgstr "Hyväksy muutokset ja sulje ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:93 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:90 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:111 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:238 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:114 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:125 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:546 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:93 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:118 msgid "_Date:" msgstr "P_äivämäärä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:108 msgid "St_reet:" msgstr "Katu:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:123 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:93 msgid "C_ity:" msgstr "Pa_ikkakunta:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:137 msgid "The town or city of the address" msgstr "Osoitteessa oleva paikkakunta" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:151 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:192 msgid "_State/County:" msgstr "O_savaltio/maakunta:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:166 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:248 msgid "_ZIP/Postal code:" msgstr "Pos_tinumero:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:180 msgid "Postal code" msgstr "Postinumero" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:194 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:220 msgid "Cou_ntry:" msgstr "_Valtio tai liittovaltio:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:209 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:274 msgid "Phon_e:" msgstr "Pu_helin:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:222 msgid "Phone number linked to the address." msgstr "Osoitteeseen liitetty puhelinnumero." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:236 msgid "" "The state or county of the address in case a mail address must contain this." msgstr "" "Sähköpostiosoitteessa on jossain tapauksessa sijaintia tarkentava osio " "(lääni, maakunta tms.)." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:250 msgid "Country of the address" msgstr "Osoitteessa oleva valtio" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:264 msgid "" "Mail address. \n" "\n" "Note: Use Residence Event for genealogical address data." msgstr "" "Sähköpostiosoite. \n" "\n" "Huomaa: Käytä asuinpaikkatapahtumaa (Residence Event) sukututkimuksellisena " "osoitteena." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:290 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:146 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:173 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:338 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:348 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:142 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:413 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:528 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:374 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:325 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:294 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:616 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:148 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:226 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:410 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:151 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:324 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:425 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:188 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:397 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:205 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:288 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:149 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:237 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Yksityisyys" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:313 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:106 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:127 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:369 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:146 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:235 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:573 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:562 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:123 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:486 msgid "Invoke date editor" msgstr "Avaa päivämäärävalitsin" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:346 msgid "Date at which the address is valid." msgstr "Päivämäärä osoittamaan milloin osoite oli voimassa." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:361 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:314 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:358 msgid "_Locality:" msgstr "_Taajama:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:374 msgid "The locality of the address" msgstr "Osoitteessa oleva taajama" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:93 msgid "_Attribute:" msgstr "_Ominaisuus:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:108 msgid "_Value:" msgstr "_Arvo:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:122 msgid "The value of the attribute. Eg. 1.8, Sunny, or Blue eyes." msgstr "Ominaisuuden arvo. Esim. 1,8, Mörökölli tai sinisilmäinen.." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:167 msgid "" "The name of an attribute you want to use. For example: Height (for a " "person), Weather on this Day (for an event), ... \n" "Use this to store snippets of information you collect and want to correctly " "link to sources. Attributes can be used for people, families, events and " "media.\n" " \n" "Note: several predefined attributes refer to values present in the GEDCOM " "standard." msgstr "" "Haluamasi nimi ominaisuudelle. Esim. Pituus (henkilölle), Päivän sää " "(tapahtumalle),... \n" "Käytä tätä tallentaaksesi keräämiäsi tiedonjyväsiä, joita haluat linkittää " "oikein. Ominaisuuksia voidaan käyttää henkilöissä, perheissä, tapahtumissa, " "mediatiedostoissa.\n" " \n" "Huomaa: monet ominaisuudet liittyvät GEDCOM standardissa oleviin arvoihin." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:97 msgid "Relationship to _Mother:" msgstr "Suhde _äitiin:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:130 msgid "Relationship to _Father:" msgstr "Suhde _isään:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:195 msgid "Name Child:" msgstr "Lapsen nimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:230 msgid "Open person editor of this child" msgstr "Avaa lapsen henkilömuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:240 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:279 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:587 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:456 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1896 msgid "Edition" msgstr "Koulutus" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:136 msgid "" "Specific location within the information referenced. For a published work, " "this could include the volume of a multi-volume work and the page number(s). " "For a periodical, it could include volume, issue, and page numbers. For a " "newspaper, it could include a column number and page number. For an " "unpublished source, this could be a sheet number, page number, frame number, " "etc. A census record might have a line number or dwelling and family numbers " "in addition to the page number. " msgstr "" "Viitatussa tiedossa oleva yksilöity sijaintipaikka. Esimerkkejä: " "Julkaisuissa tämä voi olla moniosaisen julkaisun osan numero ja sivunumerot. " "Aikakauskirjoissa vuosikerta, kuukausi ja sivunumero. Sanomalehdessä vuosi, " "päivä, sivu ja palsta. Kasteluetteloissa srk., arkistonumero, sivu, rivi, " "jne. " #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:152 msgid "_Volume/Page:" msgstr "_Osa/sivu:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:167 msgid "Con_fidence:" msgstr "_Luotettavuus:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:181 msgid "" "The date of the entry in the source you are referencing, e.g. the date a " "house was visited during a census, or the date an entry was made in a birth " "log/registry." msgstr "" "Viittaamasi lähteen merkinnän päivämäärä, esim. päivämäärä, jolloin talossa " "käytiin väestönlaskennan aikana, tai päivämäärä, jolloin merkintä tehtiin " "syntymälokiin/rekisteriin." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:201 msgid "" "Conveys the submitter's quantitative evaluation of the credibility of a " "piece of information, based upon its supporting evidence. It is not intended " "to eliminate the receiver's need to evaluate the evidence for themselves.\n" "-Very Low =Unreliable evidence or estimated data.\n" "-Low =Questionable reliability of evidence (interviews, census, oral " "genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).\n" "-High =Secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.\n" "-Very High =Direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the " "evidence." msgstr "" "Välittää määrällisen arvion lähteen tietojen luotettavuudesta sen perustana " "olevien todisteiden perusteella. Sen tarkoituksena ei ole poistaa " "vastaanottajan tarvetta arvioida todisteita itse.\n" "- Erittäin matala = Epäluotettavia todisteita tai arvioituja tietoja.\n" "- Matala = Todennäköisesti luotettavia (haastattelut, väestönlaskenta, " "suulliset tiedot tai puolueelliset, esimerkiksi omaelämäkerta).\n" "- Korkea = Toissijainen todiste, tiedot on virallisesti kirjattu joskus " "tapahtuman jälkeen.\n" "- Erittäin korkea = Ensisijainen näyttö, tapahtumassa kirjattu tieto, " "alkuperäinen asiakirja, tai luotettava yhteislähde." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:226 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:312 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:285 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:670 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:96 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:394 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:166 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:617 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:166 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:352 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:165 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:263 msgid "_ID:" msgstr "_ID:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:240 msgid "A unique ID to identify the citation" msgstr "Lainauksen ainutkertainen ID" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:360 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:390 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:465 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:400 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:545 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:234 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:229 msgid "Tags:" msgstr "Tagit:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:140 msgid "Calenda_r:" msgstr "Kalente_ri:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:195 msgid "Dua_l dated" msgstr "Kaksoispäivätty" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:200 msgid "Old Style/New Style" msgstr "Vanha tyyli/Uusi tyyli" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:216 msgid "Ne_w year begins: " msgstr "Uusi _vuosi alkaa: " #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:231 msgid "Month-Day of first day of new year (e.g., \"1-1\", \"3-1\", \"3-25\")" msgstr "" "Kuukausi ja päivä osoittamaan milloin uusi vuosi alkaa (esim. \"1-1\", " "\"3-1\", \"3-25\")" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:261 msgid "Q_uality" msgstr "Laat_u" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:293 msgid "_Type" msgstr "_Tyyppi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:338 msgid "_Day" msgstr "_Päivä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:351 msgid "_Month" msgstr "_Kuukausi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:364 msgid "_Year" msgstr "_Vuosi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:420 msgid "Second date" msgstr "Toinen päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:434 msgid "D_ay" msgstr "P_äivä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:447 msgid "Mo_nth" msgstr "K_uukausi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:460 msgid "Y_ear" msgstr "_Vuosi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:562 msgid "Te_xt comment:" msgstr "_Tekstikommentti:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:29 msgid "Close window without changes" msgstr "Sulje ikkuna ilman muutoksia" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:96 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:223 msgid "_Event type:" msgstr "_Tapahtumatyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:134 msgid "Show Date Editor" msgstr "Näytä Nimimuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:163 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:253 msgid "De_scription:" msgstr "_Kuvaus:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:177 msgid "" "Description of the event. Leave empty if you want to autogenerate this with " "the tool 'Extract Event Description'." msgstr "" "Tapahtuman kuvaus. Jätä tyhjäksi, jos aiot muodostaa sen \"Eristä tapahtuman " "kuvaus\" työkalulla (\"Extract Event Description\")." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:194 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:270 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:129 msgid "_Place:" msgstr "P_aikka:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:260 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:185 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:463 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:257 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:164 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:201 msgid "Selector" msgstr "Valitsija" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:292 msgid "What type of event this is. Eg 'Burial', 'Graduation', ... ." msgstr "Tapahtuman tyyppi. Esim. Hautaus, Ylennys,..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:326 msgid "" "Date of the event. This can be an exact date, a range (from ... to, " "between, ...), or an inexact date (about, ...)." msgstr "" "Tapahtumapäivä. Tarkka päivä tai aikaväli tai epämääräisempi kuten noin, " "ennen, jälkeen, laskettu, arvioitu..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:375 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:451 msgid "A unique ID to identify the event" msgstr "Tapahtuman ainutkertainen ID" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:85 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:86 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:97 msgid "Reference information" msgstr "Vertailutiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:117 msgid "_Role:" msgstr "_Rooli:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:538 msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the shared event information will be reflected " "in the event itself, for all participants in the event." msgstr "" "Huom: Kaikki muutokset jaetuissa tapahtumatiedoissa näkyvät myös " "muilla siinä mukana olleilla henkilöillä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:624 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:694 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:460 msgid "Shared information" msgstr "Jaetut tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:29 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:29 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:30 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:29 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:28 msgid "Abandon changes and close window" msgstr "Hylkää muutokset ja sulje ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:131 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:385 msgid "Birth:" msgstr "Syntymä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:160 msgid "Father/partner1" msgstr "Isä/kumppani1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:438 msgid "Mother/partner2" msgstr "Äiti/kumppani2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:519 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:179 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:388 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:196 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:279 msgid "Indicates if the record is private" msgstr "Osoittaa onko tietue yksityinen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:653 msgid "Relationship Information" msgstr "Suhdetiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:683 msgid "A unique ID for the family" msgstr "Perheen ainutkertainen ID" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:698 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:102 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:133 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:727 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:279 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:112 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:126 msgid "_Type:" msgstr "_Tyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:712 msgid "" "The relationship type, eg 'Married' or 'Unmarried'. Use Events for more " "details." msgstr "" "Suhteen tyyppi. Esim. Avioliitto, Avoliitto.. Anna tapahtumassa enemmän " "tietoja." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:733 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:360 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:696 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:248 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:650 msgid "_Tags:" msgstr "Tagit:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:764 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/monitoredwidgets.py:819 msgid "Edit the tag list" msgstr "Muokkaa tagilistaa" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:180 msgid "Ordinance:" msgstr "Sakramentti:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:192 msgid "LDS _Temple:" msgstr "_Mormonitemppeli:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:223 msgid "_Family:" msgstr "_Perhe:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:248 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:59 msgid "Select Family" msgstr "Valitse perhe" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:282 msgid "_Status:" msgstr "_Tila:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:97 msgid "Gramps item:" msgstr "Gramps-kohde:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:111 msgid "Internet Address:" msgstr "Nettiosoite:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:126 msgid "_Link Type:" msgstr "_Linkkityyppi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:107 msgid "The town or city where the place is." msgstr "Paikkakunta (esim. kaupunki tai kunta), jossa paikka sijaitsee." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:121 msgid "S_treet:" msgstr "_Katu:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:136 msgid "Ch_urch parish:" msgstr "_Seurakunta:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:150 msgid "" "Lowest clergical division of this place. Typically used for church sources " "that only mention the parish." msgstr "Seurakunta." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:164 msgid "Co_unty:" msgstr "M_aakunta:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:178 msgid "Third level of place division. Eg., in the USA a county." msgstr "Kolmas taso paikkatiedossa. USA:ssa \"county\", Suomessa \"maakunta\"." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:192 msgid "_State:" msgstr "Lääni tai o_savaltio:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:206 msgid "" "Second level of place division, eg., in the USA a state, in Germany a " "Bundesland." msgstr "Toinen taso paikkatiedossa. USA:ssa \"state\", Suomessa \"lääni\"." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:234 msgid "The country where the place is." msgstr "Paikan sijaintivaltio." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:299 msgid "Lowest level of a place division: eg the street name." msgstr "Paikkatiedon alin taso: esim. katuosoite, talo tai torppa." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:327 msgid "A district within, or a settlement near to, a town or city." msgstr "Kaupungeissa mm. kaupunginosa tai taajama. maaseudulla kylä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:139 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:379 msgid "_Path:" msgstr "_Polku:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:177 msgid "Image preview" msgstr "Kuvan esikatselu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:205 msgid "" "Path of the media object on your computer.\n" "Gramps does not store the media internally, it only stores the path! Set the " "'Relative Path' in the Preferences to avoid retyping the common base " "directory where all your media is stored. The 'Media Manager' tool can help " "managing paths of a collection of media objects." msgstr "" "Tietokoneesi mediatiedoston polku.\n" "Gramps ei tallenna mediaa sisäisesti, vaan vain polun! Määritä Asetuksissa " "'Suhteellinen polku', jotta vältät kirjoittamisen yhteiseen " "perushakemistoon, johon kaikki mediasi on tallennettu. Medianhallinta -" "työkalu voi auttaa hallitsemaan mediaobjektien polkuja." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:219 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:423 msgid "Descriptive title for this media object." msgstr "Mediatiedostoa kuvaava nimi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:270 msgid "Open File Browser to select a media file on your computer." msgstr "" "Avaa tiedostoselain avataksesi tietokoneeltasi löytyvän mediatiedoston." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:279 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:660 msgid "Folder" msgstr "Hakemisto" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:302 msgid "A unique ID to identify the Media object." msgstr "Mediatiedoston ainutkertainen ID." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:346 msgid "" "A date associated with the media, eg., for a picture the date it is taken." msgstr "Mediatiedostoon liittyvä päivämäärä, esim valokuvan ottamispäivä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:119 msgid "_Corner 2: X" msgstr "Kulma 2: X" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:146 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:162 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:240 msgid "" "If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to " "reference.\n" "You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these " "spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced " "region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the " "bottom right corner." msgstr "" "Jos mediatiedosto on kuva, valitse siitä se kohta johon viittaat.\n" "Valinta voi tapahtuma vetämällä hiirellä alue tai asettamalla painikkeilla " "kuvan vasen yläpiste ja oikea alapiste. Vasemman yläkulman koordinaatti on " "(0,0) ja oikean alakulman (100,100)." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:178 msgid "" "Referenced region of the image media object.\n" "Select a region with clicking and holding the mouse button on the top left " "corner of the region you want, dragging the mouse to the bottom right corner " "of the region, and then releasing the mouse button." msgstr "" "Kuva-alueen valinta.\n" "Tartu napsauttamalla hiiren vasemmalla painikkeella kuva-alueen kulmassa tai " "reunassa, vedä kohdistin halumaasi kohtaan ja vapauta painike." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:208 msgid "_Corner 1: X" msgstr "Kulma 1: X" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:221 msgid "" "If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to " "reference.\n" "You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these " "spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced " "region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the " "bottom right corner.\n" msgstr "" "Jos mediatiedostosi on kuva, valitse siitä alue johon haluat viitata\n" "Valinta voi tapahtuma vetämällä hiirellä alue tai asettamalla painikkeilla " "kuvan vasen yläpiste ja oikea alapiste. Vasemman yläkulman koordinaatti on " "(0,0) ja oikean alakulman (100,100).\n" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:459 msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the shared media object information will be " "reflected in the media object itself." msgstr "" "Huom: Kaikki muutokset jaetuissa tapahtumatiedoissa näkyvät myös " "muilla siinä mukana olleilla henkilöillä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:488 msgid "Double click image to view in an external viewer" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta kuvaa nähdäksesi sen erillisellä katseluohjelmalla" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:533 msgid "Type of media object as indicated by the computer, eg Image, Video, ..." msgstr "" "Anna mediatiedoston tyyppi tietokoneesi ilmaisemassa muodossa, esim. " "Valokuva, Video,..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:650 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Valitse tiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:771 msgid "Shared Information" msgstr "Jaetut tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:118 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:316 msgid "" "An identification of what type of Name this is, eg. Birth Name, Married Name." msgstr "Nimen tyyppinimi, esim. Syntymänimi, Avionimi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:192 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:134 msgid "_Given:" msgstr "_Etunimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:207 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:197 msgid "T_itle:" msgstr "T_itteli:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:221 msgid "Suffi_x:" msgstr "_Loppuliite:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:235 msgid "C_all Name:" msgstr "Kutsumanimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:250 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:150 msgid "The person's given names" msgstr "Henkilön etunimi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:265 msgid "_Nick Name:" msgstr "_Lempinimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:179 msgid "" "Part of the Given name that is the normally used name. If background is red, " "call name is not part of Given name and will not be printed underlined in " "some reports." msgstr "" "Etunimistä se, jota käytetään normaalisti etunimenä. Taustan ollessa " "punainen kutsumanimi ei mikään näistä ja kutsumanimeä ei tulosteta " "alleviivattuna joihinkin raportteihin." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:291 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:211 msgid "A title used to refer to the person, such as 'Dr.' or 'Rev.'" msgstr "Henkilönimeen yleensä liitetty \"titteli\", kuten \"Tri.\"" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:304 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:225 msgid "An optional suffix to the name, such as \"Jr.\" or \"III\"" msgstr "" "Nimeen liittyvä valinnainen loppuliite kuten \"patronyymi/matronyymi\", \"Jr" "\" tai \"III\"" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:317 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:259 msgid "" "A descriptive name given in place of or in addition to the official given " "name." msgstr "" "Virallisen nimen sijasta tai ohella käytetty kuvaileva nimi, kuten \"Tauno " "Palo\"." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:333 msgid "Given Name(s)" msgstr "Etunimet" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:384 msgid "_Family Nick Name:" msgstr "_Perheen lempinimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:398 msgid "" "A non official name given to a family to distinguish them of people with the " "same family name. Often referred to as eg. Farm name." msgstr "" "Epävirallinen perheelle annettu nimi, jolla perhe erottuu saman sukunimen " "kantajista. Usein mm. johdettu talon nimestä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:424 msgid "Family Names " msgstr "Perhenimi " #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:462 msgid "G_roup as:" msgstr "_Ryhmittele:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:476 msgid "_Sort as:" msgstr "_Järjestä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:490 msgid "_Display as:" msgstr "_Näytä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:503 msgid "" "People are displayed according to the name format given in the Preferences " "(the default).\n" "Here you can make sure this person is displayed according to a custom name " "format (extra formats can be set in the Preferences)." msgstr "" "Henkilöt näytetään oletusarvoisesti sen mukaan, miten nimenmuodot on " "määritetty asetuksissa.\n" "Tässä voit varmistaa, että tämän nimenomaisen henkilön nimi näytetään " "käyttäjän haluamassa muodossa (lisämääräyksiä voi antaa asetuksissa)." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:524 msgid "Dat_e:" msgstr "P_äivämäärä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:538 msgid "" "People are sorted according to the name format given in the Preferences (the " "default).\n" "Here you can make sure this person is sorted according to a custom name " "format (extra formats can be set in the Preferences)." msgstr "" "Henkilöt lajitellaan asetuksissa määritetyn oletusmuodon mukaisessa " "järjestyksessä. \n" "Täällä voit varmistaa henkilön tulevan lajitelluksi käyttäjän haluamalla " "tavalla (lisämuotoiluja voi antaa asetuksissa)." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:601 msgid "" "The Person Tree view groups people under the primary surname. You can " "override this by setting here a group value. \n" "You will be asked if you want to group this person only, or all people with " "this specific primary surname." msgstr "" "Henkilöiden puunäkymä ryhmittelee henkilöt ensisijaisen sukunimensä alle. " "Voit poiketa tästä asettamalla tässä ryhmäarvon. \n" "Sinulta kysytään, koskeeko ryhmittely vain tätä henkilöä vai kaikkia " "henkilöitä, joilla on sama ensisijainen sukunimi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:615 msgid "O_verride" msgstr "_Ylikirjoita" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:641 msgid "" "A Date associated with this name. Eg. for a Married Name, date the name is " "first used or marriage date." msgstr "Tähän nimeen liittyvä päivämäärä. Esim. avionimessä avioitumispäivä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:101 msgid "Styled Text Editor" msgstr "Tyylimuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:146 msgid "A type to classify the note." msgstr "Lisätietojen luokittelutyyppi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:179 msgid "A unique ID to identify the note." msgstr "Lisätietojen ainutkertainen ID." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:190 msgid "_Preformatted" msgstr "_Muotoiltu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:198 msgid "" "When active the whitespace in your note will be respected in reports. Use " "this to add formatting layout with spaces, eg a table. \n" "When not checked, notes are automatically cleaned in the reports, which will " "improve the report layout.\n" "Use monospace font to keep preformatting." msgstr "" "Kun tyhjät välit toiminto on valittuna lisätiedossa, ne säilyvät " "raporteissa. Käytä tätä lisäämään muotoilua esim. Taulukko\n" "Kun toiminto ei ole valittuna lisätiedot siivotaan automaattisesti " "raporteissa, mikä vaikuttaa raportin ulkoasuun.\n" "Käytä muotoilua monospace-fontilla." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:165 msgid "C_all:" msgstr "K_utsumanimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:245 msgid "_Nick:" msgstr "_Lempinimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:335 msgid "Click on a table cell to edit." msgstr "Napsauta taulukon solua muokataksesi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:355 msgid "" "Use Multiple Surnames\n" "Indicate that the surname consists of different parts. Every surname has its " "own prefix and a possible connector to the next surname. Eg., the surname " "Ramón y Cajal can be stored as Ramón, which is inherited from the father, " "the connector y, and Cajal, which is inherited from the mother." msgstr "" "Käytä useita sukunimiä\n" "Osoita sukunimen koostuvan eri osista. Jokaisella sukunimellä on " "etuliitteensä ja mahdollinen yhdistäjä seuraavaan sukunimeen. Esim., " "sukunimi Ramón y Cajal on talletettuna Ramón, joka periytyy isän puolelta, " "yhdistäjä y, ja Cajal, äidinpuolelta periytyvänä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:399 msgid "Set person as private data" msgstr "Aseta henkilö yksityiseksi tiedoksi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:450 msgid "_Surname:" msgstr "_Sukunimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:466 msgid "" "An optional prefix for the family that is not used in sorting, such as \"de" "\" or \"van\"." msgstr "" "Valinnainen etuliite sukunimelle, mitä ei käytetä lajittelussa, kuten \"de\" " "tai \"van\"." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:485 msgid "" "Part of a person's name indicating the family to which the person belongs" msgstr "osa henkilön nimestä joka ilmaisee suvun johon henkilö kuuluu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:511 msgid "Go to Name Editor to add more information about this name" msgstr "Mene nimimuokkaimeen lisäämään tietoja tästä nimestä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:536 msgid "O_rigin:" msgstr "A_lkuperä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:551 msgid "" "The origin of this family name for this family, eg 'Inherited' or " "'Patronymic'." msgstr "" "Tämän perheen sukunimen alkuperä, esim. \"Periytynyt\" tai \"Patronyymi\"." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:585 msgid "G_ender:" msgstr "_Sukupuoli:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:633 msgid "A unique ID for the person." msgstr "Henkilön ainutkertainen ID." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:708 msgid "Preferred Name" msgstr "Ensisijainen nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:96 msgid "_Person:" msgstr "_Henkilö:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:111 msgid "_Association:" msgstr "Liitos:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:125 msgid "" "Description of the association, eg. Godfather, Friend, ...\n" "\n" "Note: Use Events instead for relations connected to specific time frames or " "occasions. Events can be shared between people, each indicating their role " "in the event." msgstr "" "Suhteen kuvaus, eg. Kummi, Ystävä, ...\n" "\n" "Huomaa: Käytä mieluummin tapahtumia, koska niihin voidaan liittää useita " "henkilöitä ja kullekin roolinsa tapahtumassa." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:176 msgid "" "Use the select button to choose a person that has an association to the " "edited person." msgstr "" "Käytä valitse-painiketta valitaksesi henkilön, jolla on suhde muokattavaan " "henkilöön." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:193 msgid "Select a person that has an association to the edited person." msgstr "" "Valitse henkilö, jolta ensisijaiset tiedot tulevat liitetylle henkilölle." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:108 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:229 msgid "" "Either use the two fields below to enter coordinates (latitude and " "longitude)," msgstr "" "Käytä kahta alla olevaa kenttää koordinaattien syöttöön (leveys- ja " "pituusaste)," #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:122 msgid "L_atitude:" msgstr "_Leveysaste:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:137 msgid "_Longitude:" msgstr "_Pituusaste:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:151 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:446 msgid "Full title of this place." msgstr "Paikan koko nimi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:179 msgid "" "Latitude (position above the Equator) of the place in decimal or degree " "notation.\n" "Eg, valid values are 12.0154, 50°52′21.92″N, N50°52′21.92″ or 50:52:21.92\n" "You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or " "via a map service in the place view." msgstr "" "Leveysaste (päiväntasaajan yläpuolella) desimaali- tai astenotaatiolla.\n" "Esim. kelvollisia arvoja ovat 12.0154, 50°52′21.92″N, N50°52′21.92″ tai " "50:52:21.92\n" "Nämä arvot voi asettaa karttanäkymässä hakemalla paikka, tai karttapalvelun " "paikkanäkymässä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:194 msgid "" "Longitude (position relative to the Prime, or Greenwich, Meridian) of the " "place in decimal or degree notation.\n" "Eg, valid values are -124.3647, 124°52′21.92″E, E124°52′21.92″ or " "124:52:21.92\n" "You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or " "via a map service in the place view." msgstr "" "Pituusaste (etäisyys nollameridiaanista=Greenwichistä) desimaali- tai " "astenotaatiolla.\n" "Esim. kelvollisia arvoja ovat 124.3647, 124°52′21.92″E, E124°52′21.92″ tai " "124:52:21.92\n" "Nämä arvot voi asettaa karttanäkymässä hakemalla paikka, tai karttapalvelun " "paikkanäkymässä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:215 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:351 msgid "" "or use copy/paste from your favorite map provider (format : latitude," "longitude) in the following field:" msgstr "" "tai kopioi/liitä arvot suosikki kartastasi (formaatti: leveysaste, " "pituusaste) seuraavaan kenttään:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:240 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:376 msgid "Field used to paste info from a web page like Google, OpenStreetMap..." msgstr "" "Kenttää käytetään liittämään nettisivun tieto kuten Google, OpenStreedMap ..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:267 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:496 msgid "A unique ID to identify the place" msgstr "Paikan ainutkertainen ID" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:295 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:524 msgid "Code associated with this place. Eg Country Code or Postal Code." msgstr "Tähän paikkaan liittyvä koodi. Esim. maakoodi tai postinumero." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:380 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:397 msgid "What type of place this is. Eg 'Country', 'City', ... ." msgstr "Minkälainen paikka tämä on. Esim. \"Valtio\", \"kaupunki\", ...." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:443 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:599 msgid "The name of this place." msgstr "Paikannimi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:458 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:618 msgid "Invoke place name editor." msgstr "Avaa paikannimen muokkain." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:124 msgid "Levels:" msgstr "Tasot:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:136 msgid "Street format:" msgstr "Katuosoite:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:148 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:108 msgid "Language:" msgstr "Kieli:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:168 msgid "Reverse display order" msgstr "Käännä näyttöjärjestys" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:186 msgid "Number Street" msgstr "Numero katu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:187 msgid "Street Number" msgstr "Katunumero" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2934 msgid "Date range in which the name is valid." msgstr "Ajanjakso, jonka nimi on voimassa." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:169 msgid "The name of the place." msgstr "Paikan nimi." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:196 msgid "" "Language in which the name is written. Valid values are two character ISO " "codes. For example: en, fr, de, nl ..." msgstr "" "Kieli, jolla nimi on kirjoitettu. Kelvolliset arvot ovat kahden merkin ISO-" "koodit. Esimerkiksi: fi, fr, de, nl..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:295 msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the enclosing place information will be " "reflected in the place itself, for places that it encloses." msgstr "" "Huom: Muutokset jaetun paikan tiedoissa näkyvät paikassa itsessään ja " "kaikissa siihen liittyvissä paikoissa." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:460 msgid "" "Latitude (position above the Equator) of the place in decimal or degree " "notation. \n" "Eg, valid values are 12.0154, 50°52′21.92″N, N50°52′21.92″ or 50:52:21.92\n" "You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or " "via a map service in the place view." msgstr "" "Leveysaste (etäisyys päiväntasaajasta) desimaali- tai astenotaatiolla. \n" "Esim. kelvollisia arvoja ovat 12.0154, 50°52′21.92″P, N50°52′21.92″ tai " "50:52:21.92\n" "Nämä arvot voi asettaa karttanäkymässä hakemalla paikka, tai karttapalvelun " "paikkanäkymässä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:475 msgid "" "Longitude (position relative to the Prime, or Greenwich, Meridian) of the " "place in decimal or degree notation. \n" "Eg, valid values are -124.3647, 124°52′21.92″E, E124°52′21.92″ or " "124:52:21.92\n" "You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or " "via a map service in the place view." msgstr "" "Pituusaste (etäisyys nollameridiaanista=Greenwichistä) desimaali- tai " "astenotaatiolla.\n" "Esim. kelvollisia arvoja ovat 124.3647, 124°52′21.92″I, E124°52′21.92″ tai " "124:52:21.92\n" "Nämä arvot voi asettaa karttanäkymässä hakemalla paikka, tai karttapalvelun " "paikkanäkymässä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:127 msgid "_Media Type:" msgstr "_Mediatyyppi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:142 msgid "Call n_umber:" msgstr "Hakuavain:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:156 msgid "On what type of media this source is available in the repository." msgstr "Muoto, jossa lähde on saatavissa arkistosta." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:209 msgid "Id number of the source in the repository." msgstr "Raporttiin sisällytettävien sukupolvien lukumäärä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:264 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:97 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:656 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:150 msgid "_Name:" msgstr "_Nimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:293 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:126 msgid "Name of the repository (where sources are stored)." msgstr "Nimi arkistolle, jossa lähteet ovat." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:329 msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the shared repository information will be " "reflected in the repository itself, for all items that reference the " "repository." msgstr "" "Huom: Kaikki muutokset jaetuissa arkistotiedoissa näkyvät myös muilla " "asioilla, jotka viittaavat arkistoon." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:370 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:179 msgid "A unique ID to identify the repository." msgstr "Arkiston ainutkertainen ID." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:424 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:144 msgid "Type of repository, eg., 'Library', 'Album', ..." msgstr "Arkiston tyyppi, esim. Kirjasto, Albumi,.." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:112 msgid "_Author:" msgstr "_Tekijä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:127 msgid "Title of the source." msgstr "Lähteen nimike." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:140 msgid "Authors of the source." msgstr "Lainataanko lähteitä." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:154 msgid "_Pub. info.:" msgstr "Julk.info:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:168 msgid "" "Publication Information, such as city and year of publication, name of " "publisher, ..." msgstr "Julkaisutiedot, kuten paikkakunta, vuosi, kustantaja,..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:181 msgid "" "Provide a short title used for sorting, filing, and retrieving source " "records." msgstr "" "Anna lyhyt nimike käytettäväksi lajitteluissa, arkistoinnissa ja " "hakuavaimena." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:194 msgid "A_bbreviation:" msgstr "_Lyhennys:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:214 msgid "A unique ID to identify the source" msgstr "Lähteen ainutkertainen ID" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:96 msgid "_Web address:" msgstr "_WWW-osoite:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:111 msgid "_Description:" msgstr "_Kuvaus:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:170 msgid "Type of internet address, eg. E-mail, Web Page, ..." msgstr "Nettiosoitteen tyyppi, esim. Sähköposti, Nettisivu,.." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:189 msgid "" "The internet address as needed to navigate to it, eg. http://gramps-project." "org" msgstr "" "Internet-selailuun tarvittava osoite on esim. http://gramps-project.org" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:205 msgid "Open the web address in the default browser." msgstr "Näytä nettiosoite oletussovelluksella." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:217 msgid "A descriptive caption of the Internet location you are storing." msgstr "Tallentamasi nettipaikan kuvaava otsikko." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:63 msgid "Drag to move; click to detach" msgstr "Vedä siirtääksesi, napsauta irrottaaksesi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:71 msgid "Config" msgstr "Asetus" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:78 msgid "Detach" msgstr "Näytä lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:96 msgid "Click to expand/collapse" msgstr "Napsauta laajentaaksesi/supistaaksesi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:129 msgid "Click to delete gramplet from view" msgstr "Napsauta poistaaksesi gramplet näkymästä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:144 #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:591 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Poista" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:97 msgid "" "Select the citation that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged citation." msgstr "" "Valitse se lainaus, josta tulevat\n" "ensisijaiset tiedot sulautettuun lainaukseen." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:186 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:732 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:186 msgid "Source 1" msgstr "Lähde 1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:200 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:747 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:200 msgid "Source 2" msgstr "Lähde 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:327 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:891 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:907 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:344 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:360 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:286 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:302 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:327 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:327 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:288 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:304 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:298 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:313 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:294 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:344 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:360 msgid "Gramps ID:" msgstr "Gramps ID:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:455 msgid "Notes, media objects and data-items of both citations will be combined." msgstr "" "Molempien lainausten lisätiedot, mediatiedostot ja muut tiedot sulautetaan." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:471 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:528 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:474 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:471 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:486 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:425 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:635 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:414 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:528 msgid "Detailed Selection" msgstr "Laajennettu valinta" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:42 msgid "Merge and _edit" msgstr "Sulauta ja _muokkaa" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:60 msgid "_Merge and close" msgstr "_Sulauta ja sulje" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:173 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:189 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1103 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:401 msgid "Select" msgstr "Valitse" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:322 msgid "" "Select the person that will provide the primary data for the merged person." msgstr "" "Valitse henkilö, jolta tulevat ensisijaiset tiedot sulautetulle henkilölle." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:564 msgid "Title selection" msgstr "Nimikkeen valinta" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:576 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:179 msgid "Place 1" msgstr "Paikka 1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:593 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:193 msgid "Place 2" msgstr "Paikka 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:97 msgid "" "Select the event that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged event." msgstr "" "Valitse tapahtuma, josta tulevat\n" "ensisijaiset tiedot sulautettuun tapahtumaan." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:186 msgid "Event 1" msgstr "Tapahtuma 1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:200 msgid "Event 2" msgstr "Tapahtuma 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:512 msgid "" "Attributes, notes, sources and media objects of both events will be combined." msgstr "" "Molempien tapahtumien ominaisuudet, lisätiedot ja mediatiedostot sulautetaan." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:98 msgid "" "Select the family that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged family." msgstr "" "Valitse perhe, jolta tulevat\n" "ensisijaiset tiedot sulautetulle perheelle." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:187 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:203 msgid "Father:" msgstr "Isä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:220 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:236 msgid "Mother:" msgstr "Äiti:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:253 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:269 msgid "Relationship:" msgstr "Suhde:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:417 msgid "Family 1" msgstr "Perhe 1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:431 msgid "Family 2" msgstr "Perhe 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:458 msgid "" "Events, lds_ord, media objects, attributes, notes, sources and tags of both " "families will be combined." msgstr "" "Molempien perheiden tapahtumat, MAP-toimitukset, ominaisuudet, lisätiedot, " "mediatiedostot, lähteet ja tagit sulautetaan." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:97 msgid "" "Select the object that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged object." msgstr "" "Valitse kohde, jolta tulevat\n" "ensisijaiset tiedot sulautetulle kohteelle." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:186 msgid "Object 1" msgstr "Kohde 1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:200 msgid "Object 2" msgstr "Kohde 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:455 msgid "Attributes, sources, notes and tags of both objects will be combined." msgstr "Molempien kohteiden ominaisuudet, lähteet ja tagit sulautetaan." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:97 msgid "" "Select the note that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged note." msgstr "" "Valitse lisätiedot, joilta tulevat\n" "ensisijaiset tiedot sulautetuille lisätiedoille." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:186 msgid "Note 1" msgstr "Lisätieto 1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:200 msgid "Note 2" msgstr "Lisätieto 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:294 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1156 msgid "Format:" msgstr "Muotoiltu:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:102 msgid "" "Select the person that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged person." msgstr "" "Valitse henkilö, jolta tulevat\n" "ensisijaiset tiedot tulevat sulautetulle henkilölle." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:268 msgid "Person 1" msgstr "Henkilö 1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:266 msgid "Person 2" msgstr "Henkilö 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:255 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:271 msgid "Gender:" msgstr "_Sukupuoli:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:409 msgid "" "Events, media objects, addresses, attributes, urls, notes, sources and tags " "of both persons will be combined." msgstr "" "Molempien henkilöiden tapahtumat, mediatiedostot, osoitteet, ominaisuudet, " "URL:t, lisätiedot, lähteet ja tagit sulautetaan." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:500 msgid "Context Information" msgstr "Tapahtumat ja perhe" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:94 msgid "" "Select the place that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged place." msgstr "" "Valitse paikka, jolta tulevat\n" "ensisijaiset tiedot sulautetulle paikalle." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:619 msgid "" "Alternative names, sources, urls, media objects and notes of both places " "will be combined." msgstr "" "Vaihtoehtoiset nimet, lähteet, URL, mediaobjektit ja lisätiedot molemmissa " "paikoissa sulautetaan." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:97 msgid "" "Select the repository that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged repository." msgstr "" "Valitse arkisto, jolta tulevat\n" "ensisijaiset tiedot sulautetulle arkistolle." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:186 msgid "Repository 1" msgstr "Arkisto 1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:200 msgid "Repository 2" msgstr "Arkisto 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:398 msgid "Addresses, urls and notes of both repositories will be combined." msgstr "Molempien arkistojen osoitteet, URL:t ja lisätiedot sulautetaan." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:97 msgid "" "Select the source that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged source." msgstr "" "Valitse lähde, jolta tulevat\n" "ensisijaiset tiedot sulautetulle lähteelle." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:512 msgid "" "Notes, media objects, data-items and repository references of both sources " "will be combined." msgstr "" "Molempien lähteiden lisätiedot, arkistoviitteet ja muut tiedot sulautetaan." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:8 msgid "Paper Settings" msgstr "Paperiasetukset" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:25 msgid "Paper format" msgstr "Paperimuoto" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:46 msgid "Size:" msgstr "Koko:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:58 msgid "_Width:" msgstr "Leveys:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:72 msgid "_Height:" msgstr "Korkeus:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:86 msgid "Orientation:" msgstr "Suunta:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:111 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:124 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:258 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:271 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:284 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:345 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:618 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:631 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:644 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:740 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:753 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:885 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1314 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1660 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:212 msgid "cm" msgstr "cm" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:181 msgid "Margins" msgstr "Marginaalit" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:202 msgid "_Left:" msgstr "_Vasen:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:216 msgid "_Right:" msgstr "_Oikea:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:230 msgid "_Top:" msgstr "_Ylä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:244 msgid "_Bottom:" msgstr "A_lla:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:377 msgid "Metric" msgstr "Metrinen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:44 msgid "Perform selected action" msgstr "Tee valittu toiminto" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:49 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:68 msgid "Run" msgstr "Suorita" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:139 ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:292 msgid "Select a report from those available on the left." msgstr "Valitse raportti vasemmalta." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:160 msgid "Status:" msgstr "Tila:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:206 msgid "Author's email:" msgstr "Tekijän sähköposti:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:87 msgid "Parent relationships" msgstr "Vanhempien suhteet" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:117 ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:260 msgid "Arrow top" msgstr "Nuoli ylös" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:124 msgid "Move parent up" msgstr "Siirrä vanhempia ylös" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:147 ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:290 msgid "Arrow bottom" msgstr "Nuoli alas" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:154 msgid "Move parent down" msgstr "Siirrä vanhempia alas" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:205 msgid "Family relationships" msgstr "Perhesuhteet" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:267 msgid "Move family up" msgstr "Kaikki perheet" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:297 msgid "Move family down" msgstr "Poista sukupuu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:122 msgid "Add a new filter" msgstr "Lisää uusi suodin" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:146 msgid "Edit the selected filter" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua suodinta" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:170 msgid "Clone the selected filter" msgstr "Kopioi valittu suodin" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:192 msgid "Test the selected filter" msgstr "Testaa valittua suodinta" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:216 msgid "Delete the selected filter" msgstr "Poista valittu suodin" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:256 msgid "Note: changes take effect only after this window is closed" msgstr "Huom: Muutokset tulevat voimaan vasta tämän ikkunan sulkemisen jälkeen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:288 msgid "All rules must apply" msgstr "Kaikkia sääntöjä noudatettava" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:291 msgid "At least one rule must apply" msgstr "Ainakin yhden säännön toteuduttava" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:294 msgid "Exactly one rule must apply" msgstr "Vain yhden säännön toteuduttava" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:413 msgid "Add another rule to the filter" msgstr "Lisää sääntö suotimeen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:447 msgid "Edit the selected rule" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua sääntöä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:481 msgid "Delete the selected rule" msgstr "Poista valittu sääntö" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:521 ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:419 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:83 msgid "Options" msgstr "Valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:536 msgid "Rule list" msgstr "Sääntölista" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:551 msgid "Definition" msgstr "Määrittely" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:568 msgid "Co_mment:" msgstr "_Kommentti:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:603 msgid "Return values that do no_t match the filter rules" msgstr "Listaa vain arvot, jotka _eivät täsmää suodinsääntöihin" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:895 msgid "Selected Rule" msgstr "Valittu sääntö" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:174 msgid "Style sheet n_ame:" msgstr "Tyylitiedoston n_imi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:193 msgid "Style name" msgstr "Tyylin _nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:302 msgid "Type face" msgstr "Kirjasintyyli" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:315 msgid "_Roman (Times, serif)" msgstr "_Roman (Times, serif)" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:332 msgid "_Swiss (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)" msgstr "_Swiss (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:355 msgid "Size" msgstr "Koko" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:385 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:268 msgctxt "point size" msgid "pt" msgstr "pt" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:432 msgid "_Bold" msgstr "_Lihavoitu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:449 msgid "_Italic" msgstr "_Kursiivi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:466 msgid "_Underline" msgstr "_Alleviivattu" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:542 msgid "Font options" msgstr "Kirjasinvalinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:567 msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Kohdistus" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:586 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:730 msgid "Background color" msgstr "Taustaväri" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:603 msgid "First li_ne:" msgstr "Ensimmäinen _rivi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:658 msgid "R_ight:" msgstr "O_ikea:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:674 msgid "L_eft:" msgstr "V_asen:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:692 msgid "Spacing" msgstr "Riviväli" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:709 msgid "Abo_ve:" msgstr "_Yllä:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:725 msgid "Belo_w:" msgstr "_Alla:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:769 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1272 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:650 msgid "Borders" msgstr "Reunukset" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:856 msgid "_Padding:" msgstr "T_äyte:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:910 msgid "Indentation" msgstr "Sisennys" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:940 msgid "_Left" msgstr "_Vasen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:958 msgid "_Right" msgstr "_Oikea" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:976 msgid "J_ustify" msgstr "_Tasaa" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:994 msgid "Cen_ter" msgstr "_Keskitä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1024 msgid "Le_ft" msgstr "Va_sen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1042 msgid "Righ_t" msgstr "Oi_kea" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1059 msgid "_Top" msgstr "_Ylä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1076 msgid "_Bottom" msgstr "A_lla" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1140 msgid "Paragraph options" msgstr "Kappaleen valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1162 msgid "Width" msgstr "Leveys" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1177 msgid "Column widths" msgstr "Sarakeleveydet" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1221 msgid "%" msgstr "%" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1247 msgid "Table options" msgstr "Taulukon valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1303 msgid "Padding:" msgstr "Täyte:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1328 msgid "Left" msgstr "Vasen" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1344 msgid "Right" msgstr "Oikea" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1403 msgid "Cell options" msgstr "Solun valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1428 msgid "Line" msgstr "Rivi" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1468 msgid "Style:" msgstr "Tyyli:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1481 msgid "Width:" msgstr "Leveys:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1494 msgid "Line:" msgstr "Rivi:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1507 msgid "Fill:" msgstr "Täyttö:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1522 msgid "Shadow" msgstr "Varjostus" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1598 msgid "pt" msgstr "pt" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1621 msgid "Spacing:" msgstr "Riviväli:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1643 msgid "Draw shadow" msgstr "Piirtää varjon" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1685 msgid "Draw options" msgstr "Piirron valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1855 msgid "Add a new style" msgstr "Lisää uusi lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1887 msgid "Edit the selected style" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua lisätietoa" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1919 msgid "Delete the selected style" msgstr "Poista valittu lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/tipofday.glade:25 msgid "_Display on startup" msgstr "_Näytä käynnistettäessä" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/tipofday.glade:102 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:180 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:322 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:237 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:260 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:658 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:196 msgid "_Forward" msgstr "_Eteenpäin" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:41 msgid "Install Selected _Addons" msgstr "Asenna laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:72 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1083 msgid "Available Gramps Updates for Addons" msgstr "Saatavilla olevat laajennuksien päivitykset Grampsiin" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:89 msgid "" "Gramps comes with a core set of plugins which provide all of the necessary " "features. However, you can extend this functionality with additional Addons. " "These addons provide reports, listings, views, gramplets, and more. Here you " "can select among the available extra addons, they will be retrieved from the " "internet off of the Gramps website, and installed locally on your computer. " "If you close this dialog now, you can install addons later from the menu " "under Edit -> Preferences." msgstr "" "Grampsin perusohjelmisto tarjoaa kaikki tarpeelliset toiminnallisuudet. Voit " "kuitenkin lisätä toiminnallisuuksia laajennuksilla. Ne tarjoavat raportteja, " "listauksia, näkymiä, grampleteja ja muuta. Tässä voit valita näitä " "laajennuksia. Ne ladataan Grampsin nettisivustosta ja asentuvat " "tietokoneellesi. Jos suljet tämän ikkunan nyt, laajennukset on ladattavissa " "myös Muokkaa->Asetukset -valinnan kautta." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:105 msgid "_Select All" msgstr "Valitse kaikki" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:120 msgid "Select _None" msgstr "Älä valitse mitään" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Books..." msgstr "Kirjat..." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Clip_board" msgstr "Leike_pöytä" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Configure the active view" msgstr "Muokkaa valitun näkymän asetuksia" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Connect to a recent database" msgstr "Avaa äskettäin käytetty tietokanta" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "F_ull Screen" msgstr "K_oko näyttö" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Gramps _Home Page" msgstr "_Gramps-kotisivu" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Gramps _Mailing Lists" msgstr "Gramps-_postituslistat" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Make Backup..." msgstr "Ota varmuuskopio..." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Manage databases" msgstr "Hallinnoi tietokantoja" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Open _Recent" msgstr "V_iimeksi avattu" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Open the Clipboard dialog" msgstr "Avaa Leikepöytä-ikkunan" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Open the reports dialog" msgstr "Avaa Raportti-ikkunan" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Open the tools dialog" msgstr "Avaa Työkalut-ikkunan" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:68 ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:121 msgid "Tip of the Day" msgstr "Päivän vinkki" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:73 msgid "Undo History" msgstr "Muokkaushistoria" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Abandon Changes and Quit" msgstr "_Hylkää muutokset ja lopeta" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_About" msgstr "_Tietoja" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Bookmarks" msgstr "Kirjanmerkit" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Configure..." msgstr "Asetukset..." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Export..." msgstr "_Vienti..." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Extra Reports/Tools" msgstr "_Muita raportteja/työkaluja" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_FAQ" msgstr "_UKK (FAQ)" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Family Trees" msgstr "_Sukupuut" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Go" msgstr "_Siirry" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Import..." msgstr "Tuonti..." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Key Bindings" msgstr "_Pikanäppäimet" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Manage Family Trees..." msgstr "_Hallinnoi sukupuita..." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Navigator" msgstr "_Näkymätila" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Plugin Manager" msgstr "_Laajennusten hallinta" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Preferences..." msgstr "_Asetukset..." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Lopeta" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Report a Bug" msgstr "_Virheen raportointi" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Reports" msgstr "_Raportit" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Toolbar" msgstr "T_yökalupalkki" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Tools" msgstr "Työkalut" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_User Manual" msgstr "_Käyttöohje" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_View" msgstr "_Näytä" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Windows" msgstr "_Ikkunat" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:423 msgid "" "Your version of gi (gnome-introspection) seems to be too old. You need a " "version which has the function 'require_version' to start Gramps" msgstr "" "Käyttämäsi versio gi (gnome introspection) ohjelmasta lienee liian vanha. " "Tarvitset version, jossa on funktio \"require_version\" käynnistääksesi " "Grampsin" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:437 #, python-format msgid "" "Your pygobject version does not meet the requirements.\n" "At least pygobject %(major)d.%(feature)d.%(minor)d is needed to start Gramps " "with a GUI.\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" "Pygobject-versiosi ei täytä vaatimuksia\n" "Tarvitaan vähintään pygobject-versio %(major)d.%(feature)d.%(minor)d " "Grampsin käynnistykseen käyttöliittymässä.\n" "\n" "Gramps suljetaan nyt." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:455 msgid "" "Gdk, Gtk, Pango or PangoCairo typelib not installed.\n" "Install Gnome Introspection, and pygobject version 3.12 or later.\n" "Then install introspection data for Gdk, Gtk, Pango and PangoCairo\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" "Gdk, Gtk tai Pango tai PangoCairo typelib on asentamatta.\n" "Asenna Gnome Introspection, ja pygobject versio 3.12 tai uudempi.\n" "Asenna sitten instrospection data ohjelmille Gdk, Gtk, Pango ja PangoCairo\n" "\n" "Gramps suljetaan nyt." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:466 #, python-format msgid "" "Your Gtk version does not meet the requirements.\n" "At least %(major)d.%(minor)d is needed to start Gramps with a GUI.\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" "Gtk-versiosi ei täytä vaatimuksia.\n" "Tarvitaan vähintään %(major)d.%(minor)d versio käynnistettäessä Gramps " "käyttöliittymässä.\n" "\n" "Gramps suljetaan nyt." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:477 msgid "" "\n" "cairo python support not installed. Install cairo for your version of " "python\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" "\n" "cairo python support asentamatta. Asenna Pythonisia vastaava cairo\n" "\n" "Gramps suljetaan nyt." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:497 msgid "Gramps detected an incomplete GTK installation" msgstr "Gramps havaitsi epätäydellisen GTK asennuksen" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:499 #, python-format msgid "" "GTK translations for the current language (%(language)s) are missing.\n" "%(bold_start)sGramps%(bold_end)s will proceed nevertheless.\n" "The GUI will likely be broken as a result, especially for RTL languages!\n" "\n" "See the Gramps README documentation for installation prerequisites,\n" "typically located in /usr/share/doc/gramps.\n" msgstr "" "Nykyisen kielen (%(language)s) GTK käännökset puuttuvat.\n" "%(bold_start)sGramps%(bold_end)s jatkaa kuitenkin.\n" "GUI on todennäköisesti rikkoutunut, etenkin RTL kielissä!\n" "\n" "Katso Gramps README dokumentaatiosta asennuksen edellytyksistä,\n" "tyypillisesti löytyy kansiosta in /usr/share/doc/Gramps.\n" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:613 msgid "Error parsing arguments" msgstr "Virhe argumenttien jäsentämisessä" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:632 msgid "Gramps terminated because of no DISPLAY" msgstr "Gramps suljettu, koska DISPLAY ei ole" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:655 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:729 msgid "" "\n" "Gramps failed to start. Please report a bug about this.\n" "This could be because of an error in a (third party) View on startup.\n" "To use another view, don't load a Family Tree, change view, and then load " "your Family Tree.\n" "You can also change manually the startup view in the gramps.ini file \n" "by changing the last-view parameter.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Gramps ei käynnistynyt. Raporti virhetilanne.\n" "Syy voi olla 3. osapuolessa. Tarkkaile käynnistystä.\n" "Käyttääksesi toista näkymää jätä sukupuu lataamatta, vaihda näkymä ja sitten " "lataa sukupuu.\n" "Gramps.ini tiedostossa voi myös muuttaa käynnistysnäkymää \n" "vaihtamalla viimeksi katsotun näkymän parametria.\n" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:97 msgid "Error Report Assistant" msgstr "Virheenraportointiavustaja" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:259 msgid "Report a bug" msgstr "Raportoi virhe" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:266 msgid "" "This is the Bug Reporting Assistant. It will help you to make a bug report " "to the Gramps developers that will be as detailed as possible.\n" "\n" "The assistant will ask you a few questions and will gather some information " "about the error that has occurred and the operating environment. At the end " "of the assistant you will be asked to file a bug report on the Gramps bug " "tracking system. The assistant will place the bug report on the clip board " "so that you can paste it into the form on the bug tracking website and " "review exactly what information you want to include." msgstr "" "Tämä on virheenraportointiavustaja. Se auttaa sinua tekemään mahdollisimman " "yksityiskohtaisen virheraportin Gramps-kehittäjille.\n" "\n" "Avustaja tekee muutaman kysymyksen ja kerää tietoja tapahtuneesta virheestä " "ja käyttöjärjestelmästäsi. Avustajan lopussa sinua pyydetään lisäämään " "virheraportti Grampsin virheiden seurantajärjestelmään. Avustaja asettaa " "raportin leikepöydällesi, jotta voit liittää sen virheiden " "seurantajärjestelmän nettisivuston lomakkeeseen ja tarkistaa mitä tietoja " "haluat raporttiin sisällyttää." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:283 msgid "" "If you can see that there is any personal information included in the error " "please remove it." msgstr "" "Jos huomaat, että virheviestissä on jotain henkilökohtaisia tietoja, poista " "ne." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:328 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:356 msgid "Error Details" msgstr "Ongelman lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:333 msgid "" "This is the detailed Gramps error information, don't worry if you do not " "understand it. You will have the opportunity to add further detail about the " "error in the following pages of the assistant." msgstr "" "Tässä ovat yksityiskohtaiset tiedot Grampsin virheestä, älä huolestu vaikket " "ymmärtäisi sitä. Voit antaa lisätietoja virheestä seuraavilla avustajan " "sivuilla." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:363 msgid "" "Please check the information below and correct anything that you know to be " "wrong or remove anything that you would rather not have included in the bug " "report." msgstr "" "Tarkista alla olevat tiedot. Jos huomaat siinä jotakin virheellistä, korjaa " "se. Jos et halua jotain tietoa virheraporttiin, poista se." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:409 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:435 msgid "System Information" msgstr "Käyttöjärjestelmän tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:414 msgid "" "This is the information about your system that will help the developers to " "fix the bug." msgstr "" "Tässä ovat tiedot käyttöjärjestelmästäsi, jotka auttavat kehittäjiä virheen " "korjaamisessa." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:442 msgid "" "Please provide as much information as you can about what you were doing when " "the error occurred." msgstr "" "Anna mahdollisimman tarkat tiedot siitä, mitä olit tekemässä kun virhe tai " "ongelma ilmeni." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:482 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:507 msgid "Further Information" msgstr "Lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:487 msgid "" "This is your opportunity to describe what you were doing when the error " "occurred." msgstr "Tässä voit kuvata, mitä olit tekemässä kun virhe tapahtui." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:514 msgid "" "Please check that the information is correct, do not worry if you don't " "understand the detail of the error information. Just make sure that it does " "not contain anything that you do not want to be sent to the developers." msgstr "" "Tarkista, että tiedot ovat oikein. Älä murehdi, vaikket ymmärtäisikään " "kaikkia yksityiskohtia. Varmista vain, että tiedot eivät sisällä mitään, " "mitä et haluaisi lähettää kehittäjille." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:547 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:574 msgid "Bug Report Summary" msgstr "Virheraportin yhteenveto" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:552 msgid "" "This is the completed bug report. The next page of the assistant will help " "you to file a bug on the Gramps bug tracking system website." msgstr "" "Tämä on valmis virheraportti. Seuraava avustajan sivu auttaa sinua lisäämään " "raportin Grampsin virheiden seurantajärjestelmän nettisivustolle." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:583 msgid "" "Use the two buttons below to first copy the bug report to the clipboard and " "then open a webbrowser to file a bug report at " msgstr "" "Käytä alla olevia kahta painiketta ensin kopioidaksesi virheraportin " "leikepöydälle ja sitten aukaisemaan nettiselaimen sen raportointia varten " "sivustolle " #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:593 msgid "" "Use this button to start a web browser and file a bug report on the Gramps " "bug tracking system." msgstr "" "Käytä tätä painiketta aukaisemaan nettiselaimen ja lisäämään virheraportin " "Grampsin virheiden seurantajärjestelmään." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:616 msgid "" "Use this button to copy the bug report onto the clipboard. Then go to the " "bug tracking website by using the button below, paste the report and click " "submit report" msgstr "" "Käytä tätä painiketta kopioidaksesi virheraportin leikepöydälle. Mene sitten " "nettiin virheiden seurantasivustolle alla olevaa painiketta käyttäen, liitä " "raportti lomakkeeseen ja napsauta sitten \"Submit report\" painiketta" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:649 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:676 msgid "Send Bug Report" msgstr "Lähetä virheraportti" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:654 msgid "" "This is the final step. Use the buttons on this page to start a web browser " "and file a bug report on the Gramps bug tracking system." msgstr "" "Tämä on viimeinen vaihe. Käytä sivulla olevia painikkeita aukaistaksesi " "nettiselaimen ja lisätäksesi virheraportin Gramps virheiden " "seurantajärjestelmään." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:683 msgid "" "Gramps is an Open Source project. Its success depends on its users. User " "feedback is important. Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report." msgstr "" "Gramps on avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistoprojekti. Sen menestys riippuu " "käyttäjistä, joten käyttäjäpalaute on tärkeää. Kiitämme virheraportin " "tekemiseen käyttämästäsi ajasta." # WIKI_HELP_SEC # Virheraportti #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:46 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Error_Report" msgstr "Virheraportti" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:107 msgid "Error Report" msgstr "Virheraportti" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:134 msgid "Gramps has experienced an unexpected error" msgstr "Gramps on kohdannut odottamattoman virheen" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:143 msgid "" "Your data will be safe but it would be advisable to restart Gramps " "immediately. If you would like to report the problem to the Gramps team " "please click Report and the Error Reporting Wizard will help you to make a " "bug report." msgstr "" "Tietosi ovat turvassa, mutta sinun kannattaa uudelleen käynnistää Gramps " "välittömästi. Jos haluat raportoida ongelman Gramps-tiimille, napsauta " "Raportti ja Virheraportointiavustaja auttaa sinua tekemään virheraportin." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:152 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:167 msgid "Error Detail" msgstr "Ongelman lisätieto" #: ../gramps/gui/makefilter.py:41 #, python-format msgid "Filter %s from Clipboard" msgstr "Suodata %s leikepöydältä" #: ../gramps/gui/makefilter.py:46 #, python-format msgid "Created on %(year)4d/%(month)02d/%(day)02d" msgstr "Luontipäivä %(year)4d/%(month)02d/%(day)02d" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergecitation.py:46 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Citations" msgstr "Sulauta_lainaukset" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergecitation.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:442 msgid "Merge Citations" msgstr "Sulauta lainaukset" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeevent.py:45 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Events" msgstr "Sulauta_tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeevent.py:67 msgid "Merge Events" msgstr "Sulauta tapahtumat" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:46 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Families" msgstr "Sulauta_perheet" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:68 msgid "Merge Families" msgstr "Sulauta perheet" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1156 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3240 msgid "and" msgstr "ja" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:227 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:351 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:492 msgid "Cannot merge people" msgstr "Henkilöiden sulauttaminen ei onnistu" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergemedia.py:44 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Media_Objects" msgstr "Sulauta_mediat" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:44 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Notes" msgstr "Sulauta_lis.C3.A4tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:94 msgid "flowed" msgstr "siirretty" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:94 msgid "preformatted" msgstr "_Muotoiltu" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:58 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_People" msgstr "Sulauta_henkil.C3.B6t" #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:62 #, python-format msgid "%(key)s:\t%(value)s" msgstr "%(key)s:\t%(value)s" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:92 msgid "Merge People" msgstr "Sulauta henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:224 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1988 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1889 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:665 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1030 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1065 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2052 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:155 msgid "Parents" msgstr "Vanhemmat" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:228 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:245 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:120 msgid "Family ID" msgstr "Perheen ID" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:236 msgid "No parents found" msgstr "Vanhempia ei löytynyt" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:238 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1851 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:133 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1776 msgid "Spouses" msgstr "Puolisot" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:249 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:102 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:566 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1578 msgid "Spouse" msgstr "Puoliso" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:264 msgid "No spouses or children found" msgstr "Puolisoita tai lapsia ei löytynyt" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:341 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:568 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varoitus" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:342 msgid "" "The persons have been merged.\n" "However, the families for this merge were too complex to automatically " "handle. We recommend that you go to Relationships view and see if " "additional manual merging of families is necessary." msgstr "" "Henkilöt on sulautettu.\n" "Perheiden sulauttaminen automaattisesti on kuitenkin liian monimutkaista " "käsitellä. Suosittelemme, että menet suhteet näkymään ja katsot jos " "perheiden sulauttaminen manuaalisesti on välttämätöntä." # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeplace.py:53 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Places" msgstr "Sulauta_paikat" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergerepository.py:44 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Repositories" msgstr "Sulauta_arkistot" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergesource.py:45 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Sources" msgstr "Sulauta_l.C3.A4hteet" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergesource.py:67 msgid "Merge Sources" msgstr "Sulauta lähteet" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:291 msgid "Report Selection" msgstr "Raportin valinta" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:293 msgid "Generate selected report" msgstr "Luo valittu raportti" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:293 msgid "_Generate" msgstr "_Luo" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:322 msgid "Tool Selection" msgstr "Työkalun valinta" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:323 msgid "Select a tool from those available on the left." msgstr "Valitse työkalu vasemmalta." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:324 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:144 msgid "_Run" msgstr "Avaa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:325 msgid "Run selected tool" msgstr "Avaa valittu työkalu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:83 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:166 msgid "Select surname" msgstr "Valitse sukunimi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:354 msgid "Count" msgstr "Lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:119 msgid "Finding Surnames" msgstr "Etsitään sukunimiä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:120 msgid "Finding surnames" msgstr "Etsitään sukunimiä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:687 msgid "Select a different person" msgstr "Valitse toinen henkilö" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:714 msgid "Select a person for the report" msgstr "Valitse henkilö raporttia varten" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:797 msgid "Select a different family" msgstr "Valitse toinen perhe" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1254 #, python-format msgid "Also include %s?" msgstr "Ota mukaan myös %s?" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1256 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:83 msgid "Select Person" msgstr "Valitse henkilö" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1580 #, python-format msgid "Select color for %s" msgstr "Valitse väri %s varten" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1743 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:452 msgid "Save As" msgstr "Tallenna nimellä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1746 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:441 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:638 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_fileentry.py:65 msgid "_Open" msgstr "_Avaa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1823 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:329 msgid "Style Editor" msgstr "Tyylimuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:90 msgid "Hidden" msgstr "Piilotettu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:92 msgid "Visible" msgstr "Näkyvä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:97 msgid "Plugin Manager" msgstr "Laajennusten hallinta" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:144 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:198 msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:147 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:201 msgid "Hide/Unhide" msgstr "Piilotettu/Näkyvä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:155 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:210 msgid "Load" msgstr "Lataa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:161 msgid "Registered Plugins" msgstr "Rekisteröidyt laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:174 msgid "Loaded" msgstr "Ladattu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:431 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1126 msgid "File" msgstr "Tiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:188 msgid "Message" msgstr "Viesti" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:216 msgid "Loaded Plugins" msgstr "Ladatut laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:235 msgid "Addon Name" msgstr "Laajennuksen nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:250 msgid "Path to Addon:" msgstr "Laajennuksen polku:" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:270 msgid "Install Addon" msgstr "Asenna laajennus" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:273 msgid "Install All Addons" msgstr "Asenna kaikki laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:276 msgid "Refresh Addon List" msgstr "Päivitä laajennusluettelo" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:289 msgid "Reload" msgstr "Lataa uudelleen" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:316 msgid "Refreshing Addon List" msgstr "Päivitän laajennusluettelon" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:318 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:323 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:418 msgid "Reading gramps-project.org..." msgstr "Luen Gramps-project.org..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:341 msgid "Checking addon..." msgstr "Tarkastetaan laajennuksia..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:349 msgid "Unknown Help URL" msgstr "Tuntematon HELP nettiosoite" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:360 msgid "Unknown URL" msgstr "Tuntematon nettiosoite" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:396 msgid "Install all Addons" msgstr "Asenna laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:396 msgid "Installing..." msgstr "Asennetaan..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:416 msgid "Installing Addon" msgstr "Asennetaan laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:438 msgid "Load Addon" msgstr "Lataa laajennukset" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:188 msgid "Fail" msgstr "Epäonnistuminen" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:513 ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:563 msgid "OK" msgstr "OK" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:619 msgid "Plugin name" msgstr "Laajennuksen nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:621 msgid "Version" msgstr "Versio" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:622 msgid "Authors" msgstr "Tekijät" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:624 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:472 msgid "Filename" msgstr "Tiedostonimi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:627 msgid "Detailed Info" msgstr "Lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:686 msgid "Plugin Error" msgstr "Virhe laajennuksessa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:751 msgid "_Execute" msgstr "_Suorita" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1052 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:221 msgid "Main window" msgstr "Pääikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1180 msgid "Downloading and installing selected addons..." msgstr "Ladataan ja asennetaan valittuja laajennuksia..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1215 msgid "Installation Errors" msgstr "Asennusvirheet" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1216 msgid "The following addons had errors: " msgstr "Seuraavissa laajennuksissa oli virheitä: " #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1222 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1230 msgid "Done downloading and installing addons" msgstr "Laajennusten lataus ja asennus suoritettu" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1224 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} addon was installed." msgid_plural "{number_of} addons were installed." msgstr[0] "{number_of} laajennus asennettu." msgstr[1] "{number_of} laajennusta asennettu." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1227 msgid "If you have installed a 'Gramps View', you will need to restart Gramps." msgstr "" "Jos olet asentanut \"Gramps-näkymän\", sinun on käynnistettävä Gramps " "uudelleen." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1231 msgid "No addons were installed." msgstr "Laajennuksia ei asennettu." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:119 msgid "Export Assistant" msgstr "Vientiavustaja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:181 msgid "Saving your data" msgstr "Tallennetaan tietoja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:227 msgid "Choose the output format" msgstr "Valitse vientimuoto" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:241 msgid "Export options" msgstr "Viennin valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:313 msgid "Select save file" msgstr "Valitse tiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:359 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:109 msgid "Final confirmation" msgstr "Vahvista tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:384 msgid "Summary" msgstr "Yhteenveto" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:452 #, python-format msgid "" "The data will be exported as follows:\n" "\n" "Format:\t%s\n" "\n" "Press Apply to proceed, Back to revisit your options, or Cancel to abort" msgstr "" "Tiedot tallennetaan seuraavasti:\n" "\n" "Muoto:\t%s\n" "\n" "Paina Toteuta jatkaaksesi, Takaisin muuttaaksesi valintojasi tai Peru " "keskeyttääksesi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:465 #, python-format msgid "" "The data will be saved as follows:\n" "\n" "Format:\t%(format)s\n" "Name:\t%(name)s\n" "Folder:\t%(folder)s\n" "\n" "Press Apply to proceed, Go Back to revisit your options, or Cancel to abort" msgstr "" "Tiedot tallennetaan seuraavasti:\n" "\n" "Muoto:\t%(format)s\n" "Nimi:\t%(name)s\n" "Kansio:\t%(folder)s\n" "\n" "Paina Toteuta jatkaaksesi, Takaisin muuttaaksesi valintojasi tai Peru " "keskeyttääksesi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:475 msgid "" "The selected file and folder to save to cannot be created or found.\n" "\n" "Press Back to return and select a valid filename." msgstr "" "Valittua tiedostoa ja tallennushakemistoa ei löydy tai voida luoda.\n" "\n" "Palaa Takaisin ja valitse oikean tiedostonimi." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:502 msgid "Your data has been saved" msgstr "Tiedot tallennettu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:504 msgid "" "The copy of your data has been successfully saved. You may press Close " "button now to continue.\n" "\n" "Note: the database currently opened in your Gramps window is NOT the file " "you have just saved. Future editing of the currently opened database will " "not alter the copy you have just made. " msgstr "" "Kopio tiedoistasi on tallennettu. Paina Sulje-painiketta jatkaaksesi.\n" "\n" "Huom: nykyisessä Gramps ikkunassasi auki oleva tietokanta EI ole sama kuin " "se, jonka juuri tallensit. Muokkaukset nyt auki olevaan tietokantaan eivät " "muuta juuri tekemääsi kopiota. " #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:512 #, python-format msgid "Filename: %s" msgstr "Tiedostonimi: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:514 msgid "Saving failed" msgstr "Tallennus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:516 msgid "" "There was an error while saving your data. You may try starting the export " "again.\n" "\n" "Note: your currently opened database is safe. It was only a copy of your " "data that failed to save." msgstr "" "Tietojen tallennuksessa oli ongelma. Voit yrittää tehdä viennin uudestaan.\n" "\n" "Huom: tietokanta, joka sinulla on nyt auki, on kunnossa. Vain sen kopion " "tallennus epäonnistui." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:532 msgid "" "Under normal circumstances, Gramps does not require you to directly save " "your changes. All changes you make are immediately saved to the database.\n" "\n" "This process will help you save a copy of your data in any of the several " "formats supported by Gramps. This can be used to make a copy of your data, " "backup your data, or convert it to a format that will allow you to transfer " "it to a different program.\n" "\n" "If you change your mind during this process, you can safely press the Cancel " "button at any time and your present database will still be intact." msgstr "" "Normaalisti sinun ei tarvitse Grampsissä erikseen tallentaa muutoksia. " "Kaikki tekemäsi muutokset tallennetaan välittömästi tietokantaan.\n" "\n" "Tämä prosessi auttaa sinua tallentamaan kopion tiedoistasi johonkin muuhun " "Grampsin tukemaan muotoon. Voit käyttää tätä tietojesi kopiointiin, niiden " "varmuuskopiointiin tai muuttaaksesi ne muotoon, jota jokin toinen ohjelma " "tukee.\n" "\n" "Jos muutat mielesi, voit turvallisesti keskeyttää prosessin milloin tahansa " "sen aikana. Nykyinen tietokantasi säilyy muuttumattomana." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:596 msgid "Error exporting your Family Tree" msgstr "Virhe sukupuusi viennissä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:604 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:638 msgid "Please wait while your data is selected and exported" msgstr "Odota kun tietoja etsitään ja tallennetaan" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:68 msgid "Selecting Preview Data" msgstr "Valitaan \"Tietojen esikatselu\"-toiminto" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:72 msgid "Selecting..." msgstr "Valitse..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:163 msgid "Unfiltered Family Tree:" msgstr "Suodattamaton sukupuu:" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:167 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:274 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:582 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} Person" msgid_plural "{number_of} People" msgstr[0] "{number_of} Henkilö" msgstr[1] "{number_of} Henkilöä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:170 msgid "Click to see preview of unfiltered data" msgstr "Napsauta nähdäksesi suodattamattomat tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:182 msgid "_Do not include records marked private" msgstr "_Älä lisää tietoja, jotka on merkitty yksityisiksi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:197 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:394 msgid "Change order" msgstr "Muuta järjestystä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:202 msgid "Calculate Previews" msgstr "Laske esikatselut" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:283 msgid "_Person Filter" msgstr "_Henkilösuodin" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:297 msgid "Click to see preview after person filter" msgstr "Asetetaan valittu suodin henkilöille" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:302 msgid "_Note Filter" msgstr "_Lisätietosuodin" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:316 msgid "Click to see preview after note filter" msgstr "Napsauta nähdäksesi suodatetut lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:319 msgid "Privacy Filter" msgstr "Yksityissuodin" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:327 msgid "Click to see preview after privacy filter" msgstr "Napsauta nähdäksesi yksityissuodatetut tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:330 msgid "Living Filter" msgstr "Elävät henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:339 msgid "Click to see preview after living filter" msgstr "Napsauta nähdäksesi yksityissuodatetut tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:343 msgid "Reference Filter" msgstr "Viitesuodin" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:351 msgid "Click to see preview after reference filter" msgstr "Napsauta nähdäksesi viitesuodatetut tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:401 msgid "Hide order" msgstr "_Uudelleenjärjestä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:597 msgid "Filtering private data" msgstr "Suodatetaan yksityisiä tietoja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:606 msgid "Filtering living persons" msgstr "Suodatetaan elossa olevia henkilöitä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:623 msgid "Applying selected person filter" msgstr "Käytetään valittua suodinta henkilöille" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:633 msgid "Applying selected note filter" msgstr "Käytetään valittua suodinta lisätiedoille" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:642 msgid "Filtering referenced records" msgstr "Suodatetaan viitatut tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:683 msgid "Cannot edit a system filter" msgstr "Järjestelmäsuotimen päivitys ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:684 msgid "Please select a different filter to edit" msgstr "Valitse toinen suodin päivitettäväksi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:714 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:738 msgid "Include all selected people" msgstr "Ota mukaan kaikki valitut henkilöt" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:728 msgid "Include all selected notes" msgstr "Ota mukaan kaikki valitut lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:739 msgid "Replace given names of living people" msgstr "Korvaa elävien henkilöiden etunimet" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:740 msgid "Replace complete name of living people" msgstr "Korvaa elävien henkilöiden täydellinen nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:741 msgid "Do not include living people" msgstr "Älä ota mukaan eläviä henkilöitä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:750 msgid "Include all selected records" msgstr "Ota mukaan kaikki valitut tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:751 msgid "Do not include records not linked to a selected person" msgstr "Älä ota mukaan tietoja, jotka eivät liity valittuun henkilöön" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:772 msgid "Use Compression" msgstr "Käytä pakkausta" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quickreports.py:98 msgid "Web Connection" msgstr "Nettiyhteys" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quickreports.py:144 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:224 msgid "Quick View" msgstr "Pikanäkymä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:113 msgid "Copy all" msgstr "Kopioi kaikki" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:161 msgid "See data not in Filter" msgstr "Valitse tiedot joihin suodin on kohdistunut" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:92 msgid "Generate_Book_dialog" msgstr "Tuota_kirja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:172 msgid "Available Books" msgstr "Valmiit kirjamallit" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:247 msgid "Discard Unsaved Changes" msgstr "Hylkää tallentamattomat muutokset" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:248 msgid "You have made changes which have not been saved." msgstr "Teit muutoksia joita ei ole talletettu." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:249 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:750 msgid "Proceed" msgstr "Korvaa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:309 msgid "Name of the book. MANDATORY" msgstr "Kirjan nimi. PAKOLLINEN" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:331 msgid "Manage Books" msgstr "Hallinnoi kirjoja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:372 msgid "New Book" msgstr "Uusi kirja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:375 msgid "_Available items" msgstr "_Saatavilla olevat kohteet" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:379 msgid "Current _book" msgstr "Tämänhetkinen kirja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:387 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:312 msgid "Item name" msgstr "Kohteen nimi" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:390 msgid "Subject" msgstr "Kohde" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:404 msgid "Book selection list" msgstr "Kirjanvalintalista" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:456 msgid "Different database" msgstr "Eri tietokanta" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:457 #, python-format msgid "" "This book was created with the references to database %s.\n" "\n" " This makes references to the central person saved in the book invalid.\n" "\n" "Therefore, the central person for each item is being set to the active " "person of the currently opened database." msgstr "" "Tässä kirjassa on viitteitä tietokantaan %s, \n" "\n" "joten keskushenkilöön tallennetut viitteet eivät ole enää voimassa.\n" "\n" "Tästä johtuen nykyisen tietokannan aktiivinen henkilö asetetaan " "keskushenkilön tilalle." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:563 msgid "No selected book item" msgstr "Ei yhtään kirjan kohdetta" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:564 msgid "Please select a book item to configure." msgstr "Valitse kirjan määrittämiseksi kohde." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:631 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:292 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:485 msgid "_Up" msgstr "_Ylös" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:632 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:293 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:486 msgid "_Down" msgstr "_Alas" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:633 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Asetukset" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:722 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:733 msgid "No items" msgstr "Ei kohteita" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:723 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:734 msgid "This book has no items." msgstr "Tässä kirjassa ei ole kohteita." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:740 msgid "No book name" msgstr "Kirjan nimi puuttuu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:741 msgid "" "You are about to save away a book with no name.\n" "\n" "Please give it a name before saving it away." msgstr "" "Olet tallentamassa nimeämätöntä kirjaa.\n" "\n" "Anna nimi ennen tallentamista." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:747 msgid "Book name already exists" msgstr "Tiedosto on jo olemassa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:748 msgid "You are about to save away a book with a name which already exists." msgstr "Olet tallettamassa kirjaa nimellä, joka on jo käytössä." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:938 msgid "Generate Book" msgstr "Tuota kirja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:985 msgid "Gramps Book" msgstr "Gramps-kirja" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:143 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphreportdialog.py:185 msgid "Paper Options" msgstr "Paperivalinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:149 msgid "HTML Options" msgstr "HTML-valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:186 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphreportdialog.py:154 msgid "Output Format" msgstr "Tulostusmuoto" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:194 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphreportdialog.py:162 msgid "Open with default viewer" msgstr "Näytä oletussovelluksella" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:237 msgid "CSS file" msgstr "CSS-muotoilutiedosto" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:106 msgid "Portrait" msgstr "Pysty" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:107 msgid "Landscape" msgstr "Vaaka" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:216 msgctxt "inch" msgid "in." msgstr "in." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:143 msgid "Configuration" msgstr "Asetukset" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:324 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:270 msgid "Style" msgstr "Tyyli" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:366 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:843 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:463 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1579 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1008 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:414 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:121 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:366 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:801 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:472 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:520 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:828 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1003 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:706 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1065 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:202 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:439 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:215 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:370 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:902 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1943 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1739 msgid "Report Options" msgstr "Raportin valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:457 msgid "Document Options" msgstr "Asiakirjan valinnat" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:503 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:530 msgid "Permission problem" msgstr "Käyttövaltuusongelma" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:504 #, python-format msgid "" "You do not have permission to write under the directory %s\n" "\n" "Please select another directory or correct the permissions." msgstr "" "Sinulla ei ole kirjoitusoikeuksia hakemistoon %s\n" "\n" "Valitse toinen hakemisto tai korjaa oikeudet." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:513 msgid "File already exists" msgstr "Tiedosto on jo olemassa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:514 msgid "" "You can choose to either overwrite the file, or change the selected filename." msgstr "Voit joko korvata tiedoston tai muuttaa valitun tiedostonimen." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:516 msgid "_Overwrite" msgstr "_Ylikirjoita" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:517 msgid "_Change filename" msgstr "_Vaihda tiedoston nimeä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:531 #, python-format msgid "" "You do not have permission to create %s\n" "\n" "Please select another path or correct the permissions." msgstr "" "Sinulla ei ole oikeuksia luoda %s\n" "\n" "Valitse toinen hakemisto tai korjaa oikeudet." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:538 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:146 msgid "No directory" msgstr "Ei hakemistoa" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:539 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:147 #, python-format msgid "" "There is no directory %s.\n" "\n" "Please select another directory or create it." msgstr "" "Hakemistoa ei ole %s.\n" "\n" "Valitse toinen hakemisto tai luo se." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:668 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:136 ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:157 msgid "Active person has not been set" msgstr "Aktiivista henkilöä ei ole asetettu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:669 msgid "You must select an active person for this report to work properly." msgstr "Tätä raporttia käyttääksesi sinun pitää valita aktiivinen henkilö." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:724 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:731 msgid "Report could not be created" msgstr "Raportin luonti epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_stylecombobox.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_stylecombobox.py:85 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:134 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:179 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:192 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:12 msgid "default" msgstr "oletus" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:125 msgid "Document Styles" msgstr "Asiakirjatyylit" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:108 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Document_Styles_dialog" msgstr "Asiakirjatyylit" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:147 msgid "New Style" msgstr "Uusi tyyli" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:157 msgid "Error saving stylesheet" msgstr "Tyylitiedoston tallennus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:188 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:960 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1161 msgid "Missing information" msgstr "Puuttuvat tiedot" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:188 msgid "Select a style" msgstr "Valitse tyyli" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:234 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:309 msgid "Style editor" msgstr "Tyylimuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:242 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Style_editor_dialog" msgstr "Tyylimuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:352 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:380 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:398 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:431 msgid "No description available" msgstr "Kuvaus puuttuu" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:355 #, python-format msgid "(Embedded style '%s' must be edited separately)" msgstr "(Embedded tyyli '%s' on muokattava erikseen)" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:408 #, python-format msgid "Column %d:" msgstr "Sarake %d:" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:55 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Vianetsintä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:56 msgid "Analysis and Exploration" msgstr "Analysointi ja tutkimus" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:57 msgid "Family Tree Processing" msgstr "Sukupuun käsittely" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:58 msgid "Family Tree Repair" msgstr "Sukupuun korjaus" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:59 msgid "Revision Control" msgstr "Versionhallinta" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:60 msgid "Utilities" msgstr "Apuvälineet" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:110 msgid "" "Proceeding with this tool will erase the undo history for this session. In " "particular, you will not be able to revert the changes made by this tool or " "any changes made prior to it.\n" "\n" "If you think you may want to revert running this tool, please stop here and " "backup your database." msgstr "" "Tämän työkalun käyttö tyhjää muokkaushistorian. Et pysty perumaan tämän " "työkalun tekemiä muutoksia, etkä mitään muutoksia, jotka on tehty ennen " "tämän työkalun käyttöä.\n" "\n" "Jos et ole varma, että haluat säilyttää tämän työkalun tekemät muutokset, " "lopeta saman tien ja tee ensin tietokannastasi varmuuskopio." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:116 msgid "_Proceed with the tool" msgstr "_Jatka työkalun käyttöä" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:137 ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:158 msgid "You must select an active person for this tool to work properly." msgstr "Sinun pitää valita aktiivinen henkilö käyttääksesi tätä työkalua." #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:64 msgid "Select Source or Citation" msgstr "Valitse lähde tai lainaus" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:92 msgid "Source: Title or Citation: Volume/Page" msgstr "Lähde: Nimike tai Lainaus:Osa/Sivu" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:75 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:68 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:70 msgid "Last Change" msgstr "Viimeisin muutos" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:87 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Source_or_Citation_selector" msgstr "Valitse_l.C3.A4hde_tai_lainaus_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:59 msgid "Select Event" msgstr "Valitse tapahtuma" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:79 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Event_selector" msgstr "Valitse_tapahtuma" # WIKI_HELP_SEC Categories #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:76 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Family_selector" msgstr "Valitse_perhe_valitsin" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:64 msgid "Select Note" msgstr "Valitse lisätieto" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 # Valitse_lisätieto #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:82 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Note_selector" msgstr "Valitse_lis.C3.A4tieto" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:67 msgid "Select Media Object" msgstr "Valitse mediatiedosto" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:108 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Media_Object_selector" msgstr "Valitse_mediatiedosto_ikkuna" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:64 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Father_selector" msgstr "Valitse_is.C3.A4.2Fkumppani" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:66 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Mother_selector" msgstr "Valitse_.C3.A4iti.2Fkumppani" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa1 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:68 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Child_selector" msgstr "Valitse_lapsi_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:70 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Person_selector" msgstr "Valitse_henkil.C3.B6" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:60 msgid "Select Place" msgstr "Valitse paikka" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa2 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:90 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Place_selector" msgstr "Valitse_paikka_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:59 msgid "Select Repository" msgstr "Valitse arkisto" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:75 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Repository_selector" msgstr "Valitse_arkisto" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:59 msgid "Select Source" msgstr "Valitse lähde" # Ohjelinkki Tarkemmin osa 2 älä muuta # 20181128 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:77 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Source_selector" msgstr "Valitse_olemassa_oleva_l.C3.A4hde" #: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:92 msgid "Off" msgstr "Pois päältä" #: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:95 msgid "On" msgstr "Päällä" #: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:149 msgid "" "You have no installed dictionaries. Either install one or disable spell " "checking" msgstr "" "Yhtään sanastoa ei ole asennettu. Asenna sanasto tai kytke pois kielen " "tarkistus" #: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:153 #, python-format msgid "Spelling checker initialization failed: %s" msgstr "Kielen tarkistuksen käynnistys epäonnistui: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:87 msgid "Failed to display tip of the day" msgstr "Päivän vinkin näyttö epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:88 #, python-format msgid "" "Unable to read the tips from external file.\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Vinkkitiedoston luku ei onnistu.\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:84 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1088 msgid "_Undo" msgstr "_Peru" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:86 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1108 msgid "_Redo" msgstr "_Tee uudelleen" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:113 msgid "Original time" msgstr "Alkuperäinen aika" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:116 msgid "Action" msgstr "Toiminto" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:197 msgid "Delete confirmation" msgstr "Poiston varmistus" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:198 msgid "Are you sure you want to clear the Undo history?" msgstr "Haluatko varmasti tyhjentää muokkaushistorian?" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:199 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:80 msgid "Clear" msgstr "Poista" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:236 msgid "Database opened" msgstr "Tietokanta avattu" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:238 msgid "History cleared" msgstr "Historia tyhjennetty" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:230 msgid "Canceling..." msgstr "Peruutetaan..." #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:310 msgid "Please do not force closing this important dialog." msgstr "Älä pakota tätä tärkeää ikkunaa kiinni." #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:374 msgid "The external program failed to launch or experienced an error" msgstr "Ulkoinen sovellus ei käynnistynyt tai kohtasi virheen" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:384 msgid "Error from external program" msgstr "Virhe ulkoisesta ohjelmasta" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:107 #, python-format msgid "File %s does not exist" msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei ole olemassa" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:607 msgid "" "Cannot open new citation editor at this time. Either the citation is already " "being edited, or the associated source is already being edited, and opening " "a citation editor (which also allows the source to be edited), would create " "ambiguity by opening two editors on the same source. \n" "\n" "To edit the citation, close the source editor and open an editor for the " "citation alone" msgstr "" "Lainausmuokkainta ei saada auki. Joko lainausta tai siihen liittyvää " "lähdettä muokataan jo. Lainausmuokkaimen (jolla voi muokata myös lähteitä) " "avaaminen kahdesti aiheuttaisi monitulkintaisen tilanteen saman lähteen " "päivityksessä. \n" "\n" "Lainauksen muokkaamiseksi sulje lähdemuokkain ja avaa pelkästään " "lainausmuokkain" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:620 msgid "Cannot open new citation editor" msgstr "Uuden lainausmuokkaimen avaus ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:336 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1065 msgid "No Family Tree" msgstr "Ei sukupuuta ladattuna" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:562 msgid "Registering plugins..." msgstr "Rekisteröi laajennuksia..." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:570 msgid "Ready" msgstr "Valmis" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:625 msgid "Abort changes?" msgstr "Peru muutokset?" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:626 msgid "" "Aborting changes will return the database to the state it was before you " "started this editing session." msgstr "" "Muutosten peruminen palauttaa tietokannan tilaan, jossa se oli ennen kuin " "aloitit tämän istunnon." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:628 msgid "Abort changes" msgstr "Peru muutokset" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:639 msgid "Cannot abandon session's changes" msgstr "Istunnon muutosten hylkääminen ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:640 msgid "" "Changes cannot be completely abandoned because the number of changes made in " "the session exceeded the limit." msgstr "" "Istunnon muutoksia ei voida kokonaan perua koska niitä oli enemmän kuin " "voidaan perua." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:807 msgid "View failed to load. Check error output." msgstr "Näkymän lataus epäonnistui. Tarkista virheyhteenveto." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:956 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:195 msgid "Import Statistics" msgstr "Tuontitilastot" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1032 msgid "Read Only" msgstr "Kirjoitussuojattu" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1036 msgid "Gramps had a problem the last time it was run." msgstr "Grampsissa oli ongelma viimeksi käytettäessä." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1037 msgid "Would you like to run the Check and Repair tool?" msgstr "Haluatko suorittaa \"Tarkista ja korjaa\"-työkalun?" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1183 msgid "Autobackup..." msgstr "Automaattinen varmuuskopio..." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1188 msgid "Error saving backup data" msgstr "Virhe varmuuskopion tallennuksessa" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1475 msgid "Failed Loading View" msgstr "Näkymän lataus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1476 #, python-format msgid "" "The view %(name)s did not load and reported an error.\n" "\n" "%(error_msg)s\n" "\n" "If you are unable to fix the fault yourself then you can submit a bug at " "%(gramps_bugtracker_url)s or contact the view author " "(%(firstauthoremail)s).\n" "\n" "If you do not want Gramps to try and load this view again, you can hide it " "by using the Plugin Manager on the Help menu." msgstr "" "Näkymä %(name)s ei latautunut ja antoi virheen\n" "\n" "%(error_msg)s\n" "\n" "Jos et pääse virheestä eteenpäin, tee virheestä ilmoitus osoitteessa " "%(gramps_bugtracker_url)s tai ota yhteys laajennuksen kirjoittajaan " "(%(firstauthoremail)s).\n" "\n" "Ohjeet-valikon Laajennuksien hallinta valinnan kautta voit myös ohittaa " "ongelmallisen laajennuksen." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1568 msgid "Failed Loading Plugin" msgstr "Laajennuksen lataus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1569 #, python-format msgid "" "The plugin %(name)s did not load and reported an error.\n" "\n" "%(error_msg)s\n" "\n" "If you are unable to fix the fault yourself then you can submit a bug at " "%(gramps_bugtracker_url)s or contact the plugin author " "(%(firstauthoremail)s).\n" "\n" "If you do not want Gramps to try and load this plugin again, you can hide it " "by using the Plugin Manager on the Help menu." msgstr "" "Laajennus %(name)s ei latautunut mistä tuli virheilmoitus.\n" "\n" "%(error_msg)s\n" "\n" "Jos et pääse virheestä eteenpäin, tee virheestä ilmoitus osoitteessa " "%(gramps_bugtracker_url)s tai ota yhteys laajennuksen kirjoittajaan " "(%(firstauthoremail)s).\n" "\n" "Ohjeet-valikon Laajennuksien hallinta valinnan kautta voit myös ohittaa " "ongelmallisen laajennuksen." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1649 msgid "Gramps XML Backup" msgstr "Grampsin XML-varmuuskopio" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1678 msgid "File:" msgstr "Tiedosto:" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1710 msgid "Media:" msgstr "Media:" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1717 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:147 msgctxt "Megabyte" msgid "MB" msgstr "Mt" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1719 msgid "Exclude" msgstr "Jätä pois" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1739 msgid "Backup file already exists! Overwrite?" msgstr "Varmuustiedosto on jo olemassa. Kirjoitetaanko yli?" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1740 #, python-format msgid "The file '%s' exists." msgstr "Tiedosto '%s' on jo olemassa." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1741 msgid "Proceed and overwrite" msgstr "Jatka ja kirjoita" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1742 msgid "Cancel the backup" msgstr "Peruuta varmuuskopiointi" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1757 msgid "Making backup..." msgstr "Varmuuskopioidaan..." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1770 #, python-format msgid "Backup saved to '%s'" msgstr "Varmuuskopioitu kohteeseen '%s'" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1773 msgid "Backup aborted" msgstr "Varmuuskopiointi keskeytetty" # WIKI_HELP_SEC Navigointi #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:69 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "Kirjanmerkit_ikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:265 ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:275 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:371 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:203 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:321 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:183 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:107 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:259 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:689 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:433 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:166 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:152 msgid "Organize Bookmarks" msgstr "Järjestä kirjanmerkkejä" #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:474 msgid "Cannot bookmark this reference" msgstr "Tätä viitettä ei voi kirjan merkitä" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:441 msgid "Active object not visible" msgstr "Aktiivinen kohde ei ole näkyvissä" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:451 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:256 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:233 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:250 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:347 msgid "Could Not Set a Bookmark" msgstr "Kirjanmerkin asetus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:452 msgid "A bookmark could not be set because nothing was selected." msgstr "Kirjanmerkin asetus epäonnistui, koska mitään ei ollut valittuna." #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:578 ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:384 #, python-brace-format msgid "Delete {type} [{gid}]?" msgstr "Poista {type} [{gid}]?" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:585 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:661 msgid "Deleting item will remove it from the database." msgstr "Tietueen hävittäminen poistaa sen tietokannasta." #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:612 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/recordsgramplet.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:70 msgid "Processing..." msgstr "Käsitellään..." #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:625 msgid "Multiple Selection Delete" msgstr "Poista valitut" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:657 msgid "" "This item is currently being used. Deleting it will remove it from the " "database and from all other items that reference it." msgstr "" "Tämä tietue on käytössä. Sen hävittäminen poistaa tietueen tietokannasta ja " "kaikkialta, mistä siihen on viitattu." #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:665 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:448 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:370 #, python-format msgid "Delete %s?" msgstr "Poista %s?" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:703 msgid "Column clicked, sorting..." msgstr "Sarake valittu, lajitellaan..." #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1148 msgid "Export View as Spreadsheet" msgstr "Vie näkymä taulukkolaskentamuotoon" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1161 msgid "CSV" msgstr "CSV" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1162 msgid "OpenDocument Spreadsheet" msgstr "OpenDocument-laskentataulukko" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1347 msgid "Columns" msgstr "Sarakkeet" #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:252 #, python-format msgid "%s has been bookmarked" msgstr "%s on kirjanmerkitty" #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:257 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:234 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:251 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:348 msgid "A bookmark could not be set because no one was selected." msgstr "Kirjanmerkin asetus epäonnistui, koska mitään ei ollut valittuna." #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:323 msgid "No Home Person" msgstr "Kotihenkilöä ei ole asetettu" #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:324 msgid "" "You need to set a 'Home Person' to go to. Select the People View, select the " "person you want as 'Home Person', then confirm your choice via the menu Edit " "-> Set Home Person." msgstr "" "Sinun täytyy asettaa \"Kotihenkilö\" jatkaaksesi. Valitse Henkilönäkymä, " "valitse haluamasi henkilö kotihenkilöksi ja vahvista valintasi Muokkaa-> " "Aseta kotihenkilö-valinnalla." #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:334 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:338 msgid "Jump to by Gramps ID" msgstr "Siirry Gramps ID -tunnuksella" #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:362 #, python-format msgid "Error: %s is not a valid Gramps ID" msgstr "Virhe: %s ei ole kelvollinen Gramps ID" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:103 msgid "_Bottombar" msgstr "A_lapalkki" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:103 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "Si_vupalkki" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:570 #, python-format msgid "Configure %(cat)s - %(view)s" msgstr "Muokkaa valitun asetuksia %(cat)s - %(view)s" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:587 #, python-format msgid "%(cat)s - %(view)s" msgstr "%(cat)s - %(view)s" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:607 #, python-format msgid "Configure %s View" msgstr "Muokkaa %s näkymän asetuksia" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:621 #, python-format msgid "View %(name)s: %(msg)s" msgstr "Katso %(name)s: %(msg)s" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:71 msgid "Tag selected rows" msgstr "Merkitse tagi valittuihin riveihin" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:93 msgid "New Tag..." msgstr "Uusi tagi..." #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:93 msgid "Organize Tags..." msgstr "Järjestä tageja..." # WIKI_HELP_SEC Filters #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:112 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Organize_Tags_Window" msgstr "J.C3.A4rjest.C3.A4_tagit_ikkuna" # WIKI_HELP_SEC Filters #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:113 msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Tag_dialog" msgstr "Tagin_valintaikkuna" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:250 #, python-format msgid "Add tag '%s'" msgstr "Lisää tagi '%s'" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:255 #, python-format msgid "Remove tag '%s'" msgstr "Poista tagi '%s'" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:313 msgid "Adding Tags" msgstr "Lisätään tageja" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:318 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:340 #, python-format msgid "Tag Selection (%s)" msgstr "Valittu tagi (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:335 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:591 msgid "Removing Tags" msgstr "Poistetaan tageja" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:389 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:397 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:465 msgid "Organize Tags" msgstr "Järjestä tagit" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:416 msgid "Change Tag Priority" msgstr "Muuta tagi etusijaa" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:558 #, python-format msgid "Remove tag '%s'?" msgstr "Poistetaanko tagi '%s'?" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:559 msgid "" "The tag definition will be removed. The tag will be also removed from all " "objects in the database." msgstr "" "Tagin määritys poistetaan. Tagi poistetaan myös kaikkialta tietokannassa." #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:596 #, python-format msgid "Delete Tag (%s)" msgstr "Poista tagi (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:621 #, python-format msgid "Tag: %s" msgstr "Tagi: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:623 msgid "New Tag" msgstr "Uusi tagi" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:670 msgid "Cannot save tag" msgstr "Tagia ei voi tallentaa" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:671 msgid "The tag name cannot be empty" msgstr "Tagin nimi ei voi olla tyhjä" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:676 #, python-format msgid "Add Tag (%s)" msgstr "Lisää tagi (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:682 #, python-format msgid "Edit Tag (%s)" msgstr "Muokkaa tagia (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:697 msgid "Tag Name:" msgstr "Tagin nimi:" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:704 #, python-format msgid "%(title)s - Gramps" msgstr "%(title)s - Gramps" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:704 msgid "Pick a Color" msgstr "Valitse väri" #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:145 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:153 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:161 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:169 msgid "Error in format" msgstr "Muotovirhe" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/buttons.py:159 msgid "Record is private" msgstr "Tiedot ovat yksityisiä" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/buttons.py:163 msgid "Record is public" msgstr "Tiedot ovat julkisia" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/expandcollapsearrow.py:86 msgid "Expand this section" msgstr "Laajenna tätä osaa" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/expandcollapsearrow.py:90 msgid "Collapse this section" msgstr "Supista tätä osaa" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1819 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:979 msgid "Edit family" msgstr "Muokkaa perhettä" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1835 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:980 msgid "Reorder families" msgstr "Järjestä perheet uudelleen" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1841 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1766 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1994 msgid "_Copy" msgstr "_Kopioi" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1885 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1810 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1081 msgid "Siblings" msgstr "Sisarukset" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2031 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1937 msgid "Related" msgstr "Sukua" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2079 msgid "Add partner to person" msgstr "Lisää kumppani henkilölle" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2086 msgid "Add a person" msgstr "Lisää henkilö" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2176 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1732 msgid "Add Child to Family" msgstr "Lisää perheeseen lapsi" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:120 msgid "Gramplet Bar Menu" msgstr "Gramplet-palkkivalikko" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:209 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1195 msgid "Unnamed Gramplet" msgstr "Nimetön gramplet" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:361 msgid "Gramplet Bar" msgstr "Gramplet-palkki" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:363 msgid "" "Select the down arrow on the right corner for adding, removing or restoring " "gramplets." msgstr "" "Valitse alas nuoli oikeassa kulmassa lisätäksesi, poistaaksesi tai " "palauttaaksesi grampletit." #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:486 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1453 msgid "Add a gramplet" msgstr "Lisää gramplet" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:496 msgid "Remove a gramplet" msgstr "Poista gramplet" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:506 msgid "Restore default gramplets" msgstr "Palauta oletusarvoiset grampletit" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:516 msgid "Gramplet Bar Help" msgstr "Gramplet-palkin ohjeet" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:521 msgid "About Gramplets" msgstr "Tietoja grampleteista" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:560 msgid "Restore to defaults?" msgstr "Palautetaanko oletusarvot?" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:561 msgid "" "The gramplet bar will be restored to contain its default gramplets. This " "action cannot be undone." msgstr "" "Gramplet-palkki palautetaan oletustilaan. Toimenpidettä ei voi peruuttaa." #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:816 msgid "Drag Properties Button to move and click it for setup" msgstr "" "Napsauta laajennuskirjaston valintapainiketta asetusten valintaa varten" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1017 msgid "Right click to add gramplets" msgstr "Napsauta kakkospainikkeella lisätäksesi grampletteja" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1060 msgid "Untitled Gramplet" msgstr "Nimetön gramplet" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1453 msgid "Restore a gramplet" msgstr "Palauta gramplet" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1585 msgid "Number of Columns" msgstr "Sarakkeiden lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1590 msgid "Gramplet Layout" msgstr "Grampletin asettelu" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1620 msgid "Use maximum height available" msgstr "Käytä suurinta korkeutta" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1626 msgid "Height if not maximized" msgstr "Korkeus jollei suurimmillaan" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/labels.py:117 msgid "" "Click to make this person active\n" "Right click to display the edit menu\n" "Click Edit icon (enable in configuration dialog) to edit" msgstr "" "Napsauta ja aktivoi tämä henkilö\n" "Näytä kakkospainikkeella päivitys valikko\n" "Napsauta päivitä kuvaketta (jonka aktivoit määritysten asetus valinnoissa ) " "päivittääksesi" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/monitoredwidgets.py:628 msgid "Bad Date" msgstr "Virheellinen päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/monitoredwidgets.py:631 msgid "Date more than one year in the future" msgstr "Päivämäärä yli vuoden päässä tulevaisuudessa" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/photo.py:56 msgid "" "Double-click on the picture to view it in the default image viewer " "application." msgstr "" "Kaksoisnapsauta kuvaa jotta se avautuisi oletuksena olevassa " "katseluohjelmassa." #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/photo.py:87 msgid "Make Active Media" msgstr "Tee aktiiviseksi mediaksi" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/placewithin.py:63 msgid "" "Matches places within a given distance of the active place. You have no " "active place." msgstr "" "Poimii paikat tietyllä etäisyydellä aktiivisesta paikasta. Sinulla ei ole " "aktiivista paikkaa." #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/progressdialog.py:298 msgid "Progress Information" msgstr "Edistymistietoja" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:63 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Reorder_Relationships_dialog" msgstr "Järjestä_suhteet_uudelleen" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:91 msgid "Reorder Relationships" msgstr "Järjestä uudelleen suhteet" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:181 #, python-format msgid "Reorder Relationships: %s" msgstr "Järjestä uudelleen suhteet: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Background Color" msgstr "Taustaväri" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Clear Markup" msgstr "Poista muotoilut" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Font Color" msgstr "Kirjasinväri" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Redo" msgstr "Tee uudelleen" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Undo" msgstr "Peru" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:401 msgid "" "\n" "Command-Click to follow link" msgstr "" "\n" "Command-Click seuraavaan linkkiin" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:402 msgid "" "\n" "Ctrl-Click to follow link" msgstr "" "\n" "Ctrl-Click seuraavaan linkkiin" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:450 msgid "Spellcheck" msgstr "Oikeinkirjoitus" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:455 msgid "Search selection on web" msgstr "Netin hakuvalinta" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:466 msgid "_Send Mail To..." msgstr "Lähetä sähköpostia..." #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:468 msgid "Copy _E-mail Address" msgstr "Kopioi sähköpostiosoite" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:471 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "Avaa linkki" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:473 msgid "Copy _Link Address" msgstr "Kopioi linkin osoite" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:477 msgid "_Edit Link" msgstr "Muokkaa linkkiä" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:699 msgid "Select font color" msgstr "Valitse kirjasinväri" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:703 msgid "Select background color" msgstr "Valitse taustaväri" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/validatedmaskedentry.py:1144 #, python-format msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for this field" msgstr "%s ei kelvollinen arvo tähän kenttään" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/validatedmaskedentry.py:1183 msgid "This field is mandatory" msgstr "Tämä kenttä on pakollinen" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/validatedmaskedentry.py:1236 #, python-format msgid "'%s' is not a valid date value" msgstr "%s ei kelvollinen päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/bsddb/bsddb.gpr.py:26 msgid "BSDDB" msgstr "BSDDB" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/bsddb/bsddb.gpr.py:27 msgid "_BSDDB Database" msgstr "_BSDDB-tietokanta" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/bsddb/bsddb.gpr.py:28 msgid "Berkeley Software Distribution Database Backend" msgstr "Berkeley Software Distribution -tietokantaohjelmisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.gpr.py:26 msgid "SQLite" msgstr "SQLite" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.gpr.py:27 msgid "_SQLite Database" msgstr "_SQLite-tietokanta" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.gpr.py:28 msgid "SQLite Database" msgstr "SQLite-tietokanta" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.py:61 msgid "Database version" msgstr "Tietokannan versio" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.py:62 msgid "Database module version" msgstr "Tietokantamoduulin versio" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.py:63 msgid "Database module location" msgstr "Tietokantamoduulin sijainti" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/asciidoc.py:469 msgid "Characters per line" msgstr "Merkkiä rivillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/asciidoc.py:470 msgid "The number of characters per line" msgstr "Rivin merkkien lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:34 msgid "Plain Text" msgstr "Muotoilematon teksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:35 msgid "Generates documents in plain text format (.txt)." msgstr "Tuottaa dokumentteja muotoilemattomana tekstinä (.txt)." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:55 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:90 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:166 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:90 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:134 msgid "Print..." msgstr "Tulosta..." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:56 msgid "Generates documents and prints them directly." msgstr "Tuottaa dokumentteja ja tulostaa ne saman tien." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:76 msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:77 msgid "Generates documents in HTML format." msgstr "Tuottaa dokumentteja HTML-muodossa." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:97 msgid "LaTeX" msgstr "LaTeX" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:98 msgid "Generates documents in LaTeX format." msgstr "Tuottaa LaTeX-muotoisia dokumentteja." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:118 msgid "OpenDocument Text" msgstr "OpenDocument-teksti (ODF)" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:119 msgid "Generates documents in OpenDocument Text format (.odt)." msgstr "Tuottaa dokumentteja OpenDocument-tekstimuodossa (.odt)." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:140 msgid "PDF document" msgstr "PDF-dokumentti" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:141 msgid "Generates documents in PDF format (.pdf)." msgstr "Tuottaa PDF-muodossa dokumentteja (.pdf)." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:162 msgid "Generates documents in PostScript format (.ps)." msgstr "Tuottaa dokumentteja PostScript-muodossa (.ps)." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:182 msgid "RTF document" msgstr "RTF-dokumentti" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:183 msgid "Generates documents in Rich Text format (.rtf)." msgstr "Tuottaa Rich Text format -dokumentteja (.rtf)." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:203 msgid "SVG document" msgstr "SVG-dokumentti" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:204 msgid "Generates documents in Scalable Vector Graphics format (.svg)." msgstr "Tuottaa Scalable Vector Graphics -muotoisia (.svg) dokumentteja." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:6 msgid "Print Preview" msgstr "Tulostuksen esikatselu" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:26 msgid "Closes print preview window" msgstr "Sulkee tulostuksen esikatseluikkunan" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:41 msgid "Prints the current file" msgstr "Tulostaa nykyisen tiedoston" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:66 msgid "Shows the first page" msgstr "Näyttää ensimmäisen sivun" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:83 msgid "Shows previous page" msgstr "Näyttää edellisen sivun" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:100 msgid "Shows the next page" msgstr "Näyttää seuraavan sivun" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:117 msgid "Shows the last page" msgstr "Näyttää viimeisen sivun" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:195 msgid "Zooms to fit the page width" msgstr "Sivun leveys" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:210 msgid "Zooms to fit the whole page" msgstr "Koko sivu" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:225 msgid "Zooms the page in" msgstr "Suurentaa sivua" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:240 msgid "Zooms the page out" msgstr "Pienentää sivua" # muutos #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.py:481 #, python-format msgid "of %d" msgstr "/ %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/htmldoc.py:273 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1805 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:274 msgid "Possible destination error" msgstr "Mahdollinen kohdevirhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/htmldoc.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1806 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:275 msgid "" "You appear to have set your target directory to a directory used for data " "storage. This could create problems with file management. It is recommended " "that you consider using a different directory to store your generated web " "pages." msgstr "" "Olet asettanut kohdehakemistoksi hakemiston, jota käytetään tietojen " "säilytykseen. Tästä saattaa tulla ongelmia tiedostojenhallinnassa. On " "suositeltavaa, että luot nettisivusi johonkin toiseen hakemistoon." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/htmldoc.py:567 #, python-format msgid "Could not create jpeg version of image %(name)s" msgstr "Kuvan %(name)s jpeg-version luonti epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/latexdoc.py:1240 msgid "PIL (Python Imaging Library) not loaded." msgstr "PIL (Python Imaging Library) ei ole ladattu." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/latexdoc.py:1241 msgid "" "Production of jpg images from non-jpg images in LaTeX documents will not be " "available. Use your package manager to install python-imaging or python-" "pillow or python3-pillow" msgstr "" "Tuotetut jpg kuvat ja ei-jpg kuvat LaTeX asiakirjoissa eivät ole " "käytettävissä. Käytä paketinhallintaa ja asenna python-imaging tai python-" "pillow tai python3-pillow" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/odfdoc.py:1182 #, python-format msgid "Could not open %s" msgstr "Tiedoston %s avaus epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:349 msgid "SVG background color" msgstr "SVG-taustaväri" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:351 msgid "transparent background" msgstr "läpinäkyvä tausta" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:352 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:731 msgid "white" msgstr "valkoinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:353 msgid "black" msgstr "musta" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:354 msgid "red" msgstr "punainen" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:355 msgid "green" msgstr "vihreä" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:356 msgid "blue" msgstr "sininen" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:357 msgid "cyan" msgstr "sinivihreä" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:358 msgid "magenta" msgstr "magenta" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:359 msgid "yellow" msgstr "keltainen" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:360 msgid "The color, if any, of the SVG background" msgstr "Skaalautuvan vektorigrafiikan taustaväri, jos olemassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:115 msgid "Ancestor Graph" msgstr "Esivanhempien kaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:133 #, python-format msgid "Ancestor Graph for %s" msgstr "Esivanhempien kaavio %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:114 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:695 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:117 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:453 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:84 #, python-format msgid "Person %s is not in the Database" msgstr "Henkilöä %s ei ole tietokannassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:613 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:700 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:53 msgid "Ancestor Tree" msgstr "Esivanhempien puu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:614 msgid "Making the Tree..." msgstr "Luon sukupuuta..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:701 msgid "Printing the Tree..." msgstr "Tulostan sukupuuta..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:801 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:473 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:712 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:368 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:811 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:522 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:831 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1006 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:272 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:358 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:204 msgid "Center Person" msgstr "Keskushenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:802 msgid "The center person for the tree" msgstr "Puun keskushenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:806 msgid "Include siblings of the center person" msgstr "Lisää keskushenkilön sisarukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:808 msgid "" "Whether to only display the center person or all of his/her siblings too" msgstr "Haluatko näyttää vain keskushenkilö tai myös hänen sisaruksensa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:812 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1544 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:716 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:294 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:537 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:840 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1029 msgid "Generations" msgstr "Sukupolvet" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:813 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1545 msgid "The number of generations to include in the tree" msgstr "Puuhun mukaan otettavien sukupolvien määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:817 msgid "" "Display unknown\n" "generations" msgstr "" "Tulosta tuntemattomat\n" "sukupolvet" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:819 msgid "The number of generations of empty boxes that will be displayed" msgstr "Enimmäismäärä sukupolvien tyhjille laatikoille, jotka näytetään" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:826 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1562 msgid "Compress tree" msgstr "Tiivistä puu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:828 msgid "" "Whether to remove any extra blank spaces set aside for people that are " "unknown" msgstr "Välilyöntien poistaminen tuntemattomien ihmisten reunoilta" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:845 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1581 msgid "Report Title" msgstr "Raportin otsikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:846 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1582 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1755 msgid "Do not include a title" msgstr "Älä ota raportin otsikkoa mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:847 msgid "Include Report Title" msgstr "Ota raportin otsikko mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:848 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1590 msgid "Choose a title for the report" msgstr "Valitse raportissa käytettävä otsikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:851 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1594 msgid "Include a border" msgstr "Lisää reunaviiva" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:852 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1595 msgid "Whether to make a border around the report." msgstr "Lisätäänkö raporttiin reunaviiva." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:855 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1598 msgid "Include Page Numbers" msgstr "Lisää sivunumerot" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:856 msgid "Whether to print page numbers on each page." msgstr "Tulostetaanko kuhunkin sivuun sivunumero." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:859 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1602 msgid "Scale tree to fit" msgstr "Skaalaa puu sopimaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:860 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1603 msgid "Do not scale tree" msgstr "Älä skaalaa puuta" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:861 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1604 msgid "Scale tree to fit page width only" msgstr "Skaalaa puu sivun levyiseksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:862 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1605 msgid "Scale tree to fit the size of the page" msgstr "Skaalaa puu yhdelle sivulle" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:864 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1607 msgid "Whether to scale the tree to fit a specific paper size" msgstr "Skaalataanko tiettyyn sivukokoon mahtuvaksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:870 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1614 msgid "" "Resize Page to Fit Tree size\n" "\n" "Note: Overrides options in the 'Paper Option' tab" msgstr "" "Muuta sivukoko puun koon mukaan\n" "\n" "Huomaa: Menee paperivalintojen edelle ko. valintaikkunassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:876 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1620 msgid "" "Whether to resize the page to fit the size \n" "of the tree. Note: the page will have a \n" "non standard size.\n" "\n" "With this option selected, the following will happen:\n" "\n" "With the 'Do not scale tree' option the page\n" " is resized to the height/width of the tree\n" "\n" "With 'Scale tree to fit page width only' the height of\n" " the page is resized to the height of the tree\n" "\n" "With 'Scale tree to fit the size of the page' the page\n" " is resized to remove any gap in either height or width" msgstr "" "Muutetaanko paperikoko puun mukaiseksi.\n" " Huomaa: paperikoko \n" "ei ole enää vakiokoko.\n" "\n" "Tällä valinnalla tapahtuu seuraavaa:\n" "\n" "Jos valinta on 'Älä skaalaa puuta', sivu\n" " muutetaan puun mittojen mukaiseksi\n" "\n" "Jos valinta on 'Skaalaa puu vain sivun levyiseksi', sivun korkeus \n" "muutetaan puun korkeuden mukaiseksi\n" "\n" "Jo valinta on 'Skaalaa puu yhdelle sivulle' sivua\n" " muutetaan jottei jää mitään eroa korkeuteen tai leveyteen" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:896 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1640 msgid "Include Blank Pages" msgstr "Ota mukaan tyhjät sivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:897 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1641 msgid "Whether to include pages that are blank." msgstr "Otetaanko mukaan tyhjät sivut." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:903 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:491 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1645 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:754 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1072 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:435 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:404 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:845 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:310 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:501 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:557 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:856 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1045 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:728 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1094 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:382 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:462 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:243 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1792 msgid "Report Options (2)" msgstr "Raportin valinnat (2)" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:918 msgid "" "Father\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" "Isä\n" "näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:922 msgid "Display format for the fathers box." msgstr "Isän laatikon näyttömuoto." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:933 msgid "" "Mother\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" "Äiti\n" "näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:938 msgid "Display format for the mothers box." msgstr "Äidin laatikon näyttömuoto." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:941 msgid "" "Center person uses\n" "which format" msgstr "" "Keskushenkilön\n" "muotoilu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:943 msgid "Use Fathers Display format" msgstr "Isän näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:944 msgid "Use Mothers display format" msgstr "Äidin näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:945 msgid "The display format for the center person" msgstr "Keskushenkilön näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:948 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1681 msgid "Include Marriage box" msgstr "Lisää avioliiton laatikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:950 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1683 msgid "Whether to include a separate marital box in the report" msgstr "Lisätäänkö vanhempien aviotiedot laatikkona raporttiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:954 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1687 msgid "" "Marriage\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" "Avioliitto\n" "näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:956 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1689 msgid "Display format for the marital box." msgstr "Näyttömuoto avion laatikolle." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:961 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1694 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:104 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Edistynyt" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:964 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1697 msgid "" "Replace Display Format:\n" "'Replace this'/' with this'" msgstr "" "Näyttömuodon muutos:\n" "'Korvaa tämä'/'tällä'" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:966 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1699 msgid "" "i.e.\n" "United States of America/U.S.A." msgstr "" "ts.\n" "Pohjois-Amerikan Yhdysvallat/U.S.A." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:977 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1702 msgid "Include a note" msgstr "Ota mukaan lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:978 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1703 msgid "Whether to include a note on the report." msgstr "Otetaanko raporttiin mukaan lisätiedot." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:983 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1708 msgid "" "Add a note\n" "\n" "$T inserts today's date" msgstr "" "Lisää tieto\n" "\n" "$T lisää tämä päivä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:988 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1713 msgid "Note Location" msgstr "Lisätietojen sijainti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:991 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1716 msgid "Where to place the note." msgstr "Lisätietojen sijaintipaikka." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:995 msgid "inter-box scale factor" msgstr "laatikoiden skaalauskerroin" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:998 msgid "Make the inter-box spacing bigger or smaller" msgstr "Kasvata tai pienennä laatikoiden pystyvälikerrointa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1001 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1725 msgid "box shadow scale factor" msgstr "laatikon varjon skaalauskerroin" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1003 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1727 msgid "Make the box shadow bigger or smaller" msgstr "Kasvata tai pienennä laatikon varjoa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1032 msgid "No generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors" msgstr "Tuntemattomille esivanhemmille ei esipolvien tyhjiä laatikoita" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1035 msgid "One Generation of empty boxes for unknown ancestors" msgstr "Tuntemattomille esivanhemmille yksi tyhjä sukupolvilaatikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1040 msgid " Generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors" msgstr " Tuntemattomien esivanhempien tyhjät esipolvilaatikot" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1057 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1787 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:795 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:480 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:120 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:386 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1028 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1231 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:317 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:874 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1248 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:424 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:233 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:571 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:335 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:413 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:976 msgid "The basic style used for the text display." msgstr "Käytettävä näyttöperustyyli tekstille." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1067 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1807 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:886 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:994 msgid "The basic style used for the note display." msgstr "Käytettävä näyttöperustyyli lisätiedoille." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1076 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1778 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:785 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1157 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:363 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:584 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:980 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1183 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:299 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:865 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1216 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:406 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:504 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:308 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:171 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:394 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:102 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:945 msgid "The style used for the title." msgstr "Otsikolle käytettävä tyyli." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:74 msgid "My Calendar" msgstr "Kalenterini" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:67 msgid "Produced with Gramps" msgstr "Tuotettu Gramps-ohjelmalla" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:199 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:316 msgid "Calendar Report" msgstr "Kalenteriraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:225 msgid "Formatting months..." msgstr "Muotoillaan kuukausia..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:317 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1337 msgid "Reading database..." msgstr "Luetaan tietokantaa..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:362 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s, birth" msgstr "%(person)s, syntyi" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:366 #, python-brace-format msgid "{person}, {age}" msgid_plural "{person}, {age}" msgstr[0] "{person}, {age}" msgstr[1] "{person}, {age}" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:422 #, python-format msgid "" "%(spouse)s and\n" " %(person)s, wedding" msgstr "" "%(spouse)s ja\n" " %(person)s, häät" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:428 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "{spouse} and\n" " {person}, {nyears}" msgid_plural "" "{spouse} and\n" " {person}, {nyears}" msgstr[0] "" "{spouse} ja\n" " {person}, {nyears}" msgstr[1] "" "{spouse} ja\n" " {person}, {nyears}" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:469 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1756 msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on calendar" msgstr "Valitse suodin kalenteriin tuleville henkilöille" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:713 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:812 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:523 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:832 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1007 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:273 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:359 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:205 msgid "The center person for the report" msgstr "Raportin keskushenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:478 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:489 msgid "Text Area 1" msgstr "Tekstialue 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:479 msgid "First line of text at bottom of calendar" msgstr "Ensimmäinen tekstirivi kalenterin alla" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:482 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:493 msgid "Text Area 2" msgstr "Tekstialue 2" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:483 msgid "Second line of text at bottom of calendar" msgstr "Toinen tekstirivi kalenterin alla" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:486 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:497 msgid "Text Area 3" msgstr "Tekstialue 3" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:487 msgid "Third line of text at bottom of calendar" msgstr "Kolmas tekstirivi kalenterin alla" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:502 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:508 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2854 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1812 msgid "Include only living people" msgstr "Ota mukaan vain elossa olevat henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:503 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2855 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1813 msgid "Include only living people in the calendar" msgstr "Ota kalenteriin mukaan vain elossa olevat henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:509 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:524 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:873 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1062 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1893 msgid "Content" msgstr "Sisältö" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:513 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:515 msgid "Year of calendar" msgstr "Kalenterivuosi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:518 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:531 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1849 msgid "Country for holidays" msgstr "Juhlapyhien valtio" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:529 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:542 msgid "Select the country to see associated holidays" msgstr "Valitse valtio nähdäksesi sen juhlapyhät" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:532 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2818 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1867 msgid "First day of week" msgstr "Viikon ensimmäinen päivä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:540 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2821 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1870 msgid "Select the first day of the week for the calendar" msgstr "Valitse viikon ensimmäinen päivä kalenteria varten" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:543 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:545 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2825 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1874 msgid "Birthday surname" msgstr "Syntymäpäivä sukunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:546 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:548 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2826 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1875 msgid "Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)" msgstr "" "Vaimoilla on aviomiehensä sukunimi (ensimmäisestä listatusta perheestä)" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:549 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:551 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2828 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1877 msgid "Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)" msgstr "Vaimoilla on aviomiehensä sukunimi (viimeisestä listatusta perheestä)" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:550 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:552 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2830 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1879 msgid "Wives use their own surname" msgstr "Vaimot käyttävät tyttönimeään" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:551 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:553 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2831 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1880 msgid "Select married women's displayed surname" msgstr "Valitse näytettävä sukunimi avioituneille naisille" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:554 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:556 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2841 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1958 msgid "Include birthdays" msgstr "Ota mukaan syntymäpäivät" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:555 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:557 msgid "Whether to include birthdays" msgstr "Lisätäänkö syntymäpäivät" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:558 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:560 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2845 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1962 msgid "Include anniversaries" msgstr "Ota mukaan vuosipäivät" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:559 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:561 msgid "Whether to include anniversaries" msgstr "Lisätäänkö vuosipäivät" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:628 msgid "Title text and background color" msgstr "Otsikkotekstin ja taustan väri" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:632 msgid "Calendar day numbers" msgstr "Kalenterin päivänumerot" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:635 msgid "Daily text display" msgstr "Päivittäinen teksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:637 msgid "Holiday text display" msgstr "Juhlapäivien teksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:640 msgid "Days of the week text" msgstr "Viikonpäivien teksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:644 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:650 msgid "Text at bottom, line 1" msgstr "Alateksti, rivi 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:646 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:652 msgid "Text at bottom, line 2" msgstr "Alateksti, rivi 2" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:648 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:654 msgid "Text at bottom, line 3" msgstr "Alateksti, rivi 3" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:158 #, python-format msgid "Descendant Chart for %(person)s and %(father1)s, %(mother1)s" msgstr "Jälkeläiskaavio henkilöille: %(person)s ja %(father1)s, %(mother1)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:165 #, python-format msgid "Descendant Chart for %(person)s, %(father1)s and %(mother1)s" msgstr "Jälkeläiskaavio henkilöille: %(person)s, %(father1)s ja %(mother1)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:172 #, python-format msgid "" "Descendant Chart for %(father1)s, %(father2)s and %(mother1)s, %(mother2)s" msgstr "" "Jälkeläiskaavio henkilöille: %(father1)s, %(father2)s ja %(mother1)s, " "%(mother2)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:182 #, python-format msgid "Descendant Chart for %(person)s" msgstr "Jälkeläiskaavio henkilölle: %(person)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:184 #, python-format msgid "Descendant Chart for %(father)s and %(mother)s" msgstr "Jälkeläiskaavio henkilöille: %(father)s ja %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:213 msgid "Descendant Graph" msgstr "Jälkeläiskaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:332 #, python-format msgid "Family Chart for %(person)s" msgstr "Perhekaavio henkilölle: %(person)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:335 #, python-format msgid "Family Chart for %(father1)s and %(mother1)s" msgstr "Jälkeläiskaavio henkilöille: %(father1)s ja %(mother1)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:361 #, python-format msgid "Cousin Chart for %(names)s" msgstr "Serkkukaavio henkilölle %(names)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:764 #, python-format msgid "Family %s is not in the Database" msgstr "Perhettä %s ei ole tietokannassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1536 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1540 msgid "Report for" msgstr "Raportti seuraavalle" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1537 msgid "The main person for the report" msgstr "Raportin keskushenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1541 msgid "The main family for the report" msgstr "Raportin keskusperhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1548 msgid "Level of Spouses" msgstr "Puolisoiden taso" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1549 msgid "0=no Spouses, 1=include Spouses, 2=include Spouses of the spouse, etc" msgstr "" "0=ei puolisoita, 1=puolisot mukaan, 2=puolison kaikki puolisot mukaan, jne" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1554 msgid "Start with the parent(s) of the selected first" msgstr "Aloita ensin valittujen vanhemmista" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1557 msgid "Will show the parents, brother and sisters of the selected person." msgstr "Näyttää valitun henkilön vanhemmat ja sisarukset." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1563 msgid "Whether to move people up, where possible, resulting in a smaller tree" msgstr "Siirretäänkö henkilöitä ylöspäin pienemmän puun saamiseksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1567 msgid "Bold direct descendants" msgstr "Vahvenna suorat jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1569 msgid "" "Whether to bold those people that are direct (not step or half) descendants." msgstr "Vahvennetaanko henkilön suorat jälkeläiset (ei puolisisaruksia)." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1574 msgid "Indent Spouses" msgstr "Sisennä puolisot" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1575 msgid "Whether to indent the spouses in the tree." msgstr "Sisennetäänkö puolisot sukupuussa." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1583 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1756 msgid "Descendant Chart for [selected person(s)]" msgstr "Jälkeläiskaavio [valituille henkilö(i)lle]" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1586 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1760 msgid "Family Chart for [names of chosen family]" msgstr "Perhekaavio [valitulle perheelle]" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1589 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1764 msgid "Cousin Chart for [names of children]" msgstr "Serkkukaavio [valitulle lapselle]" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1599 msgid "Whether to include page numbers on each page." msgstr "Lisätäänkö jokaiselle sivulle sivunumero." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1660 msgid "" "Descendant\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" "Jälkeläinen\n" "näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1664 msgid "Display format for a descendant." msgstr "Jälkeläisen näyttömuoto." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1674 msgid "" "Spousal\n" "Display Format" msgstr "" "Puoliso\n" "näyttömuoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1678 msgid "Display format for a spouse." msgstr "Puolison näyttömuoto." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1720 msgid "inter-box Y scale factor" msgstr "laatikoiden Y skaalauskerroin" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1722 msgid "Make the inter-box Y bigger or smaller" msgstr "Kasvata tai pienennä laatikoiden pystyvälikerrointa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1798 msgid "The bold style used for the text display." msgstr "Tekstin näytössä käytettävä vahvennettu tyyli." # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1823 msgid "The style for the marriage box." msgstr "Avioliittolaatikon tyyli." # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1830 msgid "The style for the spouse box." msgstr "Puolisolaatikon tyyli." # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1838 msgid "The style for the direct descendant box." msgstr "Suoran jälkeläisen laatikon tyyli." # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1844 msgid "The style for the note box." msgstr "Lisätietolaatikon tyyli." # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1849 msgid "The style for the connection lines and report border." msgstr "Yhteyslinjojen ja raporttirajojen tyyli." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:37 msgid "Ancestor Chart" msgstr "Esivanhempien kaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:38 msgid "Produces a graphical ancestral chart" msgstr "Tuottaa esivanhempien kaavion" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:54 msgid "Produces a graphical ancestral tree" msgstr "Tuottaa graafisen puun esivanhemmista" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:76 msgid "Produces a graphical calendar" msgstr "Tuottaa graafisen kalenterin" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:97 msgid "Descendant Chart" msgstr "Jälkeläiskaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:98 msgid "Produces a graphical descendant chart" msgstr "Tuottaa graafisen kaavion jälkeläisistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:113 msgid "Descendant Tree" msgstr "Jälkeläispuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:114 msgid "Produces a graphical descendant tree" msgstr "Tuottaa graafisen puun jälkeläisistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:135 msgid "Family Descendant Chart" msgstr "Perheen jälkeläiskaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:136 msgid "Produces a graphical descendant chart around a family" msgstr "Tuottaa graafisen kaavion perheen jälkeläisistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:152 msgid "Family Descendant Tree" msgstr "Perheen jälkeläispuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:153 msgid "Produces a graphical descendant tree around a family" msgstr "Tuottaa graafisen puun perheen jälkeläisistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:122 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:143 msgid "Fan Chart" msgstr "Viuhkakaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:176 msgid "Produces fan charts" msgstr "Tuottaa viuhkakaavioita" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:812 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:822 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:856 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:857 msgid "Statistics Charts" msgstr "Tilastokaaviot" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:198 msgid "Produces statistical bar and pie charts of the people in the database" msgstr "" "Luo tilastollisia palkki- ja piirakkakaavioita tietokannassa olevista " "henkilöistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:275 msgid "Timeline Chart" msgstr "Aikajanakaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:222 msgid "Produces a timeline chart." msgstr "Tuottaa aikajanakaavion." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:274 #, python-format msgid "%(generations)d Generation Fan Chart for %(person)s" msgstr "%(person)s, %(generations)d sukupolven viuhkakaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:289 #, python-format msgid "" "%(generations)d Generation Fan Chart for\n" "%(person)s" msgstr "" "%(generations)d sukupolven viuhkakaavio\n" "henkilölle %(person)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:717 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:538 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:841 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1030 msgid "The number of generations to include in the report" msgstr "Raporttiin mukaan otettavien sukupolvien lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:721 msgid "Type of graph" msgstr "Kaavion tyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:722 msgid "full circle" msgstr "ympyrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:723 msgid "half circle" msgstr "puoliympyrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:724 msgid "overhang" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:725 msgid "quarter circle" msgstr "neljännesympyrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:726 #, fuzzy #| msgid "The form of the graph: full circle, half circle, or quarter circle." msgid "" "The form of the graph: full circle, half circle, half circle with overhang " "or quarter circle." msgstr "Kaavion muoto: ympyrä, puoli- tai neljännesympyrä." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:732 msgid "generation dependent" msgstr "sukupolvesta riippuva" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:733 msgid "Background color is either white or generation dependent" msgstr "Taustaväri on joko valkoinen tai riippuu sukupolvesta" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:737 msgid "Orientation of radial texts" msgstr "Kaaritekstien suunta" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:739 msgid "upright" msgstr "pystysuora" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:740 msgid "roundabout" msgstr "kiertävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:741 msgid "Print radial texts upright or roundabout" msgstr "Tulosta kaaritekstit pystysuoraan tai kiertäen" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:743 msgid "Draw empty boxes" msgstr "Piirrä tyhjät laatikot" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:744 msgid "Draw the background although there is no information" msgstr "Piirrä tausta vaikkei tietoja ole" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:748 msgid "Use one font style for all generations" msgstr "Käytä yhtä kirjaintyyppiä kaikille sukupolville" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:750 msgid "" "You can customize font and color for each generation in the style editor" msgstr "" "Voit määrittää kullekin sukupolvelle kirjaintyypin ja -värin " "tyylimuokkaimessa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:806 #, python-format msgid "The style used for the text display of generation \"%d\"" msgstr "Käytettävä perustyyli sukupolven tekstin näytölle \"%d\"" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:311 msgid "Item count" msgstr "Kohteiden lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:315 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:86 msgid "Both" msgstr "Molemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:316 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:419 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:794 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:645 msgid "Men" msgstr "Miehet" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:317 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:421 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:796 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:525 msgid "Women" msgstr "Naiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:338 msgctxt "person" msgid "Title" msgstr "Titteli" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:342 msgid "Forename" msgstr "Etunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:346 msgid "Birth year" msgstr "Syntymävuosi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:348 msgid "Death year" msgstr "Kuolinvuosi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:350 msgid "Birth month" msgstr "Syntymäkuukausi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:352 msgid "Death month" msgstr "Kuolinkuukausi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:357 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:176 msgid "Birth place" msgstr "Syntymäpaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:359 msgid "Death place" msgstr "Kuolinpaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:358 msgid "Marriage place" msgstr "Vihkipaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:361 msgid "Number of relationships" msgstr "Suhteiden määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:365 msgid "Age when first child born" msgstr "Ikä, jolloin ensimmäinen lapsi syntyi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:369 msgid "Age when last child born" msgstr "Ikä, jolloin viimeinen lapsi syntyi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:371 msgid "Number of children" msgstr "Lasten lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:373 msgid "Age at marriage" msgstr "Avioitumisikä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:375 msgid "Age at death" msgstr "Kuolinikä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:379 msgid "Event type" msgstr "Tapahtumatyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:393 msgid "(Preferred) title missing" msgstr "(Ensisijainen) titteli puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:402 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:928 msgid "(Preferred) forename missing" msgstr "(Ensisijainen) etunimi puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:412 msgid "(Preferred) surname missing" msgstr "(Ensisijainen) sukunimi puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:422 msgid "Gender unknown" msgstr "Sukupuoli tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:431 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:451 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:558 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:929 msgid "Date(s) missing" msgstr "Päivämäär(i)ä puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:460 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:474 msgid "Place missing" msgstr "Paikka puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:482 msgid "Already dead" msgstr "Jo kuollut" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:489 msgid "Still alive" msgstr "Yhä elossa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:497 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:509 msgid "Events missing" msgstr "Tapahtumia puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:517 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:525 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:932 msgid "Children missing" msgstr "Lapset puuttuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:547 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:931 msgid "Birth missing" msgstr "Syntymä puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:648 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:930 msgid "Personal information missing" msgstr "Henkilökohtaiset tiedot puuttuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:789 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:119 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:100 #, python-format msgid "(Living people: %(option_name)s)" msgstr "(Elävät henkilöt: %(option_name)s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:801 #, python-format msgid "%s born" msgstr "%s syntyi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:803 msgid "Persons born" msgstr "Henkilö syntyi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:813 msgid "Collecting data..." msgstr "Kerätään tietoja..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:823 msgid "Sorting data..." msgstr "Järjestetään tietoja..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:858 msgid "Saving charts..." msgstr "Tallennetaan kaavioita..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:911 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:960 #, python-format msgid "%s (persons):" msgstr "%s (henkilöä):" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1013 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:219 msgid "Determines what people are included in the report." msgstr "Määrittää henkilöt, jotka otetaan mukaan raporttiin." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1018 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:422 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:480 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1074 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:173 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1975 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1760 msgid "Filter Person" msgstr "Suodinhenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1019 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:481 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1075 msgid "The center person for the filter." msgstr "Suotimen keskushenkilö." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1023 msgid "Sort chart items by" msgstr "Järjestä kaavion tiedot seuraavan mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1027 msgid "Select how the statistical data is sorted." msgstr "Valitse miten tilastotiedot järjestetään." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1030 msgid "Sort in reverse order" msgstr "Järjestä käänteisessä järjestyksessä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1031 msgid "Check to reverse the sorting order." msgstr "Valitse käyttääksesi käänteistä järjestystä." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1035 msgid "People Born After" msgstr "Ihmiset syntyneet jälkeen" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1037 msgid "Birth year from which to include people." msgstr "Ota mukaan henkilöt, jotka ovat syntyneet annetusta vuodesta alkaen." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1040 msgid "People Born Before" msgstr "Ihmiset syntyneet ennen" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1042 msgid "Birth year until which to include people" msgstr "Syntymävuosi, johon asti ihmiset otetaan mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1045 msgid "Include people without known birth years" msgstr "Ota mukaan ihmiset, joiden syntymävuosi ei ole tiedossa" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1047 msgid "Whether to include people without known birth years." msgstr "Otetanko mukaan ihmiset, joiden syntymävuosi ei ole tiedossa." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1051 msgid "Genders included" msgstr "Mukaan otetut sukupuolet" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1055 msgid "Select which genders are included into statistics." msgstr "Valitse tilastoon mukaan otettavat sukupuolet." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1059 msgid "Max. items for a pie" msgstr "Suurin määrä kohteita piirakkaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1060 msgid "" "With fewer items pie chart and legend will be used instead of a bar chart." msgstr "" "Jos näytettäviä tietoja on vähemmän, piirakkakaaviota käytetään " "pylväskaavion sijaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1064 msgid "Include counts of missing information" msgstr "Lisää puuttuvien tietojen määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1066 msgid "" "Whether to include counts of the number of people who lack the given " "information." msgstr "Lisätäänkö henkilöiden lukumäärä, joilla on puuttuvia tietoja." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1100 msgid "Charts 3" msgstr "Kaavio 3" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1102 msgid "Charts 2" msgstr "Kaaviot 2" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1104 msgid "Charts 1" msgstr "Kaaviot 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1106 msgid "Include charts with indicated data." msgstr "Ota mukaan kaaviot valituilla tiedoilla." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1148 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:602 msgid "The style used for the items and values." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli kohteille ja niiden arvoille." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:66 msgctxt "sorted by" msgid "Birth Date" msgstr "Syntymäaika" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:67 msgctxt "sorted by" msgid "Name" msgstr "Nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:157 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:169 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:338 msgid "Timeline" msgstr "Aikajana" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:158 msgid "Sorting dates..." msgstr "Järjestetään päivämääriä..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:169 msgid "Calculating timeline..." msgstr "Lasketaan aikajanaa..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:277 #, python-format msgid "Sorted by %s" msgstr "Lajitteluperuste %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7901 msgid "No Date Information" msgstr "Päivämäärätietoa ei ole" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:339 msgid "Finding date range..." msgstr "Haetaan aikaväliltä..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:418 msgid "Determines what people are included in the report" msgstr "Määrittää henkilöt, jotka otetaan mukaan raporttiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:423 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:174 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1976 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1761 msgid "The center person for the filter" msgstr "Suotimen keskushenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:427 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:180 msgid "Sort by" msgstr "Järjestä seuraavan mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:432 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:185 msgid "Sorting method to use" msgstr "Käytettävä järjestysmenetelmä" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:489 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1228 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:533 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:327 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:966 msgid "The style used for the section headers." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli osien ylätunnisteille." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:34 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:36 msgid "Comma Separated Values Spreadsheet (CSV)" msgstr "Pilkuilla eroteltu taulukkomuotoinen tekstitiedosto (CSV)" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:35 msgid "Comma _Separated Values Spreadsheet (CSV)" msgstr "Pilkuilla eroteltu taulukkomuotoinen tekstitiedosto (CSV)" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:36 msgid "CSV is a common spreadsheet format." msgstr "CSV on yleinen taulukkomuotoisen tekstin muoto." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:44 msgid "CSV spreadsheet options" msgstr "CSV-taulukkotiedon valinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:55 msgid "Web Family Tree" msgstr "Nettisukupuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:56 msgid "_Web Family Tree" msgstr "_Nettisukupuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:57 msgid "Web Family Tree format" msgstr "Nettisukupuun muoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:65 msgid "Web Family Tree export options" msgstr "Nettisukupuun vientivalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:77 msgid "GE_DCOM" msgstr "GE_DCOM" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:55 msgid "" "GEDCOM is used to transfer data between genealogy programs. Most genealogy " "software will accept a GEDCOM file as input." msgstr "" "GEDCOM-tiedostomuotoa käytetään tiedon siirtämiseen eri " "sukututkimusohjelmien välillä. Useimmat sukututkimusohjelmat pystyvät " "lukemaan GEDCOM-tiedostoja." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:87 msgid "GEDCOM export options" msgstr "GEDCOM-vientivalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:73 msgid "GeneWeb" msgstr "GeneWeb" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:99 msgid "_GeneWeb" msgstr "_GeneWeb" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:100 msgid "GeneWeb is a web based genealogy program." msgstr "GeneWeb on nettipohjainen sukututkimusohjelma." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:108 msgid "GeneWeb export options" msgstr "GeneWeb-vientivalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:119 msgid "Gramps XML Package (family tree and media)" msgstr "Grampsin XML-paketti (sukupuu ja mediatiedostot)" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:120 msgid "Gra_mps XML Package (family tree and media)" msgstr "Gra_mpsin XML-paketti (sukupuu ja mediatiedostot)" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:121 msgid "" "Gramps package is an archived XML family tree together with the media object " "files." msgstr "" "Gramps paketti sisältää arkistoidun sukupuun XML-muodossa ja kaikki siihen " "liittyvät mediatiedostot." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:130 msgid "Gramps package export options" msgstr "Gramps-paketin vientivalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:141 msgid "Gramps XML (family tree)" msgstr "Gramps XML (sukupuu)" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:142 msgid "Gramps _XML (family tree)" msgstr "Gramps _XML (sukupuu)" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:143 msgid "" "Gramps XML export is a complete archived XML backup of a Gramps family tree " "without the media object files. Suitable for backup purposes." msgstr "" "Grampsin XML-vienti on täydellinen arkisto Gramps-sukupuusta XML-tiedostona " "ilman mediatiedostoja. Soveltuu varmuuskopiointiin." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:153 msgid "Gramps XML export options" msgstr "Grampsin XML-vientivalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:164 msgid "vCalendar" msgstr "vCalendar" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:165 msgid "vC_alendar" msgstr "v_Calendar" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:166 msgid "vCalendar is used in many calendaring and PIM applications." msgstr "vCalendar-muotoa käytetään useissa kalenteri- ja PIM-sovelluksissa." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:174 msgid "vCalendar export options" msgstr "vCalendar-vientivalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:167 msgid "vCard" msgstr "vCard" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:186 msgid "_vCard" msgstr "_vCard" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:187 msgid "vCard is used in many addressbook and pim applications." msgstr "vCard-muotoa käytetään monissa osoitekirja- ja PIM-sovelluksissa." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:195 msgid "vCard export options" msgstr "vCard-vientivalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:136 msgid "Include people" msgstr "Henkilöt mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:137 msgid "Include marriages" msgstr "Avioliitot mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:138 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:902 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1087 msgid "Include children" msgstr "Lapset mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:242 msgid "Include places" msgstr "Lisää paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:140 msgid "Translate headers" msgstr "Käännä ylätunnisteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:288 msgid "Enclosed_by" msgstr "Ympärillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:340 #, python-brace-format msgid "CSV export doesn't support non-primary surnames, {count} dropped" msgstr "CSV-vienti ei tue muita kuin ensisijaisia sukunimiä, {count} ohitettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:357 msgid "Birth source" msgstr "Syntymän lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:358 msgid "Baptism date" msgstr "Kastepäivä" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:358 msgid "Baptism place" msgstr "Kastepaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:358 msgid "Baptism source" msgstr "Kasteen lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:359 msgid "Death source" msgstr "Kuoleman lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:360 msgid "Burial date" msgstr "Kuolinpäivä" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:360 msgid "Burial place" msgstr "Kuolinpaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:360 msgid "Burial source" msgstr "Kuolintiedon lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:465 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:236 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2683 msgid "Husband" msgstr "Aviomies" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:465 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:233 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2681 msgid "Wife" msgstr "Vaimo" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:398 msgid "Writing individuals" msgstr "Kirjoitetaan henkilöitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:790 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1072 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1164 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:4158 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5932 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7062 msgid "FAX" msgstr "FAX" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:804 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:669 msgid "Writing families" msgstr "Kirjoitetaan perheitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:971 msgid "Writing sources" msgstr "Kirjoitetaan lähteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1006 msgid "Writing notes" msgstr "Kirjoitetaan lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1049 msgid "Writing repositories" msgstr "Luodaan arkistot" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1166 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5944 msgid "EMAIL" msgstr "EMAIL" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1168 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5956 msgid "WWW" msgstr "WWW" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1426 msgid "Writing media" msgstr "Kirjoitetaan media" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1600 msgid "GEDCOM Export failed" msgstr "GEDCOM-vienti epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.py:97 msgid "No families matched by selected filter" msgstr "Yksikään perhe ei täsmää valittuun suotimeen" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportpkg.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:173 #, python-format msgid "Failure writing %s" msgstr "Kirjoitus epäonnistui %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:140 msgid "" "The database cannot be saved because you do not have permission to write to " "the directory. Please make sure you have write access to the directory and " "try again." msgstr "" "Tietokantaa ei voida tallentaa, koska sinulla ei ole tarvittavaa " "kirjoitusoikeutta valittuun hakemistoon. Varmista, että sinulla on " "kirjoitusoikeus hakemistoon ja yritä uudelleen." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:156 msgid "" "The database cannot be saved because you do not have permission to write to " "the file. Please make sure you have write access to the file and try again." msgstr "" "Tietokantaa ei voida tallentaa, koska sinulla ei ole tarvittavaa " "kirjoitusoikeutta valittuun tiedostoon. Varmista, että sinulla on " "kirjoitusoikeus tiedostoon ja yritä uudelleen." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:52 msgid "Enter a date, click Run" msgstr "Anna päivämäärä, napsauta Suorita" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:60 msgid "" "Enter a valid date (like YYYY-MM-DD) in the entry below and click Run. This " "will compute the ages for everyone in your Family Tree on that date. You can " "then sort by the age column, and double-click the row to view or edit." msgstr "" "Anna päivämäärä (VVVV-KK-PP) alla olevaan kenttään ja napsauta Suorita. Tämä " "laskee iät kaikille Sukupuusi henkilöille tuona päivänä. Voit sitten " "järjestää tiedot ikäsarakkeen perusteella ja kaksoisnapsauttaa riviä " "tarkistaaksesi tai muokataksesi sitä." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:101 msgid "Max age" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen ikä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:102 msgid "Max age of Mother at birth" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen ikä äidiksi tulemiseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:103 msgid "Max age of Father at birth" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen ikä isäksi tulemiseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:155 msgid "Lifespan Age Distribution" msgstr "Elinikien ikäjakauma" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:158 msgid "Father - Child Age Diff Distribution" msgstr "Isän ja lapsen iän välinen ikäjakauma" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:159 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:162 msgid "Diff" msgstr "Ero" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:161 msgid "Mother - Child Age Diff Distribution" msgstr "Äidin ja lapsen iän välinen ikäjakauma" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:263 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1752 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1821 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:86 msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Tilasto" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:232 msgid "Total" msgstr "Yhteensä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:233 msgid "Minimum" msgstr "Pienin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:234 msgid "Average" msgstr "Keskimäärin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:235 msgid "Median" msgstr "Mediaani" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:236 msgid "Maximum" msgstr "Suurin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:279 #, python-format msgid "Double-click to see %d people" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta nähdäksesi henkilöt %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:177 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:172 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:180 #, python-format msgid "%(abbr)s %(date)s" msgstr "%(abbr)s %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:191 #, python-format msgid "%(depth)s. %(name)s" msgstr "%(depth)s. %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/attributes.py:52 msgid "" "Double-click on a row to view a quick report showing all people with the " "selected attribute." msgstr "" "Kaksoisnapsauta riviä saadaksesi pikaraportin henkilöistä, joilla on valittu " "ominaisuus." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/attributes.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:172 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1128 msgid "Key" msgstr "Avain" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/calendargramplet.py:48 msgid "Double-click a day for details" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta päivää nähdäksesi yksityiskohdat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:188 msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected child." msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta riviä muokataksesi tietoja." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:82 msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected source/citation." msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta riviä muokataksesi valittua lähdettä/lainausta." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:86 msgid "Source/Date" msgstr "Lähde/päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:167 msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:83 msgid "Right-click on a row to edit the selected event or the related place." msgstr "" "Napsauta riviä kakkospainikkeella muokataksesi valittua tapahtumaa tai " "paikkaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:158 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:246 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:335 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:418 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:500 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:570 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:654 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:740 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:821 msgid "Id" msgstr "Id" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:142 msgid "Edit the event" msgstr "Muokkaa tapahtumaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:147 msgid "Edit the place" msgstr "Muokkaa paikkaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:72 msgid "Evaluation" msgstr "Arviointi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:73 msgid "Output" msgstr "Tulostus" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:74 msgid "Error" msgstr "Virhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:77 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Käytä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/personresidence.py:56 msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected event." msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta riviä muokataksesi valittua tapahtumaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/fanchart2waygramplet.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/fanchartdescgramplet.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/fanchartgramplet.py:68 msgid "" "Click to expand/contract person\n" "Right-click for options\n" "Click and drag in open area to rotate" msgstr "" "Napsauta laajentaaksesi/pienentääksesi henkilöä\n" "Napsauta kakkospainikkeella nähdäksesi valinnat\n" "Vedä ja pudota pyörittääksesi vapaalla alueella" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:61 #, python-format msgid "" "%(bold_start)s%(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(html_middle)sFrequently Asked " "Questions%(html_end)s%(bold_end)s\n" "(needs a connection to the internet)\n" msgstr "" "%(bold_start)s%(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(html_middle)sUsein Kysytyt " "Kysymykset%(html_end)s%(bold_end)s\n" "(nettiyhteys oltava)\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:66 msgid "Editing Spouses" msgstr "Puolisoita muokataan" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:71 #, python-format msgid "" " 1. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I change the order of " "spouses?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 1. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sMiten voin muuttaa puolisoiden " "järjestystä?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:77 #, python-format msgid "" " 2. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I add an additional " "spouse?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 2. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sMiten lisään muun puolison?" "%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:83 #, python-format msgid "" " 3. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I remove a spouse?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 3. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sMiten poistan puolison?" "%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:87 msgid "Backups and Updates" msgstr "Varmuuskopiot ja päivitykset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:92 #, python-format msgid "" " 4. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I make backups safely?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 4. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sMiten voin tehdä " "varmuuskopioita turvallisesti?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:98 #, python-format msgid "" " 5. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sIs it necessary to update " "Gramps every time an update is released?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 5. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sOnko Grampsin päivittäminen " "tarpeen aina kun päivitys julkaistaan?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:103 msgid "Data Entry" msgstr "Tietojen syöttö" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:109 #, python-format msgid "" " 6. %(gramps_manual_html_start)s%(section)sHow should information about " "marriages be entered?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 6. %(gramps_manual_html_start)s%(section)sMiten avioliittojen tietoa " "talletetaan?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:116 #, python-format msgid "" " 7. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sWhat's the difference between a " "residence and an address?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 7. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sMikä on asuinpaikan ja " "osoitteen ero?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:120 msgid "Media Files" msgstr "Mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:125 #, python-format msgid "" " 8. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do you add a photo of a " "person/source/event?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 8. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sKuinka lisään valokuvan " "henkilöön/lähteeseen/tapahtumaan?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:131 #, python-format msgid "" " 9. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do you find unused media " "objects?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 9. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sMiten löydän käyttämättömät " "mediaobjektit?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:141 #, python-format msgid "" " 10. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow can I make a website with " "Gramps and my tree?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 10. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sMiten voin tehdä Grampsilla " "sukupuustani nettisivuston?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:148 #, python-format msgid " 11. %(web_html_start)sHow do I record one's occupation?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 11. %(web_html_start)sMiten tallennetaan henkilön ammatti?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:154 #, python-format msgid "" " 12. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sWhat do I do if I have found a " "bug?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 12. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sMitä teen, jos olen löytänyt " "virheen?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:159 #, python-format msgid "" " 13. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sIs there a manual for Gramps?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 13. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sOnko Grampsia varten opasta?" "%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:164 #, python-format msgid "" " 14. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sAre there tutorials available?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 14. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sLöytyykö oppaita?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:169 #, python-format msgid " 15. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sHow do I ...?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr " 15. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sMiten ...?%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:174 #, python-format msgid "" " 16. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sHow can I help with Gramps?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" " 16. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sMiten saan apua Grampsiin?" "%(html_end)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:53 msgid "Double-click given name for details" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta etunimeä nähdäksesi yksityiskohdat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:55 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/recordsgramplet.py:43 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:40 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:52 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:45 msgid "No Family Tree loaded." msgstr "Ei sukupuuta ladattuna." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:150 msgid "Total unique given names" msgstr "Yksilöllisiä etunimiä yhteensä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:152 msgid "Total given names showing" msgstr "Etunimiä näkyvillä yhteensä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:177 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:113 msgid "Total people" msgstr "Henkilöitä yhteensä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:35 msgid "Age on Date" msgstr "Ikä määriteltynä päivänä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:47 msgid "Gramplet showing ages of living people on a specific date" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää elävien henkilöiden iät määriteltynä päivänä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:59 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:66 msgid "Age Stats" msgstr "Ikätilasto" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:60 msgid "Gramplet showing graphs of various ages" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää ikäkaavion" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:76 msgid "Gramplet showing calendar and events on specific dates in history" msgstr "" "Grampet näyttää kalenterin ja tapahtumat määritettyinä päivinä historiassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:95 msgid "Descendants" msgstr "Jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:89 msgid "Gramplet showing active person's descendants" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää aktiivisen henkilöt jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:105 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1320 msgid "Ancestors" msgstr "Esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:201 msgid "Gramplet showing active person's ancestors" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää aktiivisen henkilön esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:123 msgid "Gramplet showing active person's direct ancestors as a fanchart" msgstr "" "Gramplet näyttää aktiivisen henkilön suorat esivanhemmat viuhkakaaviona" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:76 msgid "Descendant Fan Chart" msgstr "Jälkeläisviuhkakaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:140 msgid "Gramplet showing active person's direct descendants as a fanchart" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää viuhkakaaviona aktiivisen henkilön jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:148 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:158 msgid "Descendant Fan" msgstr "Jälkeläisviuhka" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:79 msgid "2-Way Fan Chart" msgstr "2-suuntainen viuhkakaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:157 msgid "" "Gramplet showing active person's direct ancestors and descendants as a " "fanchart" msgstr "" "Gramplet näyttää viuhkakaaviona aktiivisen henkilön esivanhemmat ja " "jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:173 msgid "2-Way Fan" msgstr "2-suuntainen viuhkakaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:173 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:179 msgid "FAQ" msgstr "UKK (FAQ)" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:174 msgid "Gramplet showing frequently asked questions" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää usein kysytyt kysymykset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:193 msgid "Given Name Cloud" msgstr "Etunimipilvi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:187 msgid "Gramplet showing all given names as a text cloud" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää kaikki etunimet pilvikaaviona" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:531 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:127 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1500 msgid "Pedigree" msgstr "Sukupuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:218 msgid "Gramplet showing an active item Quick View" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää aktiivisen kohteen pikaraporttina" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:233 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:239 msgid "Relatives" msgstr "Sukulaiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:234 msgid "Gramplet showing active person's relatives" msgstr "Gramplet näyttä aktiivisen henkilön sukulaiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:249 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:256 msgid "Session Log" msgstr "Istuntoloki" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:250 msgid "Gramplet showing all activity for this session" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää tämän istunnon kaikki toimenpiteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:264 msgid "Gramplet showing summary data of the Family Tree" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää sukupuun koostetiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:277 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:284 msgid "Surname Cloud" msgstr "Sukunimipilvi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:278 msgid "Gramplet showing all surnames as a text cloud" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää kaikki sukunimet pilvikaaviona" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1166 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1180 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1194 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1208 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1222 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1236 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1250 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1264 msgctxt "gramplet" msgid "To Do" msgstr "Tehtävät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:292 msgid "Gramplet for displaying a To Do list" msgstr "Tehtävälistan näyttävä gramplet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:312 msgid "Top Surnames" msgstr "Suosituimmat sukunimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:307 msgid "Gramplet showing most frequent surnames in this tree" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää sukupuun yleisimmät sukunimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:319 msgid "Welcome" msgstr "Tervetuloa" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:320 msgid "Gramplet showing a welcome message" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää tervetuloa-viestin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:326 msgid "Welcome to Gramps!" msgstr "Tervetuloa Grampsiin!" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:333 msgid "What's Next" msgstr "Mitä seuraavaksi?" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:334 msgid "Gramplet suggesting items to research" msgstr "Gramplet ehdottaa lisätutkittavaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:340 msgid "What's Next?" msgstr "Mitä seuraavaksi?" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:350 msgid "Person Details" msgstr "Henkilön yksityiskohtaiset tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:351 msgid "Gramplet showing details of a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää henkilöstä yksityiskohtaiset tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:358 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:372 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:386 msgid "Details" msgstr "Yksityiskohdat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:364 msgid "Repository Details" msgstr "Arkiston yksityiskohtaiset tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:365 msgid "Gramplet showing details of a repository" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää arkistosta yksityiskohtaiset tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:378 msgid "Place Details" msgstr "Paikan yksityiskohtaiset tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:379 msgid "Gramplet showing details of a place" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää paikasta yksityiskohtaiset tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:392 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:400 msgid "Media Preview" msgstr "Mediatiedoston esikatselu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:393 msgid "Gramplet showing a preview of a media object" msgstr "Grampletilla esikatsellaan mediatiedostoa" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:420 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:428 msgid "Image Metadata" msgstr "Kuvan metadata" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:421 msgid "Gramplet showing metadata for a media object" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää mediatiedoston metadatan" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:442 msgid "GExiv2 module not loaded." msgstr "GExiv2-moduulia ei ole ladattu." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:443 #, python-format msgid "" "Image metadata functionality will not be available.\n" "To build it for Gramps see %(gramps_wiki_build_gexiv2_url)s" msgstr "" "Kuvan metadata toiminnallisuutta ei ole käytettävänä.\n" "Saadaksesi sen Grampsiin katso %(gramps_wiki_build_gexiv2_url)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:456 msgid "Person Residence" msgstr "Henkilön asuinpaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:457 msgid "Gramplet showing residence events for a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää henkilön asuinpaikkatapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:470 msgid "Person Events" msgstr "Henkilön tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:471 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1338 msgid "Gramplet showing the events for a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää henkilöön liittyvät tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:484 msgid "Family Events" msgstr "Perhetapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:485 msgid "Gramplet showing the events for a family" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää perheeseen liittyvät tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:498 msgid "Person Gallery" msgstr "Henkilögalleria" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:499 msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää henkilön liittyvät mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:520 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:534 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:548 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:562 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:576 msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Galleria" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:512 msgid "Family Gallery" msgstr "Perhegalleria" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:513 msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a family" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää perheen mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:526 msgid "Event Gallery" msgstr "Tapahtumagalleria" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:527 msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for an event" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää tapahtuman mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:540 msgid "Place Gallery" msgstr "Paikkagalleria" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:541 msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a place" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää paikan mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:554 msgid "Source Gallery" msgstr "Lähdegalleria" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:555 msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a source" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lähteen mediaobjektit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:568 msgid "Citation Gallery" msgstr "Lainausgalleria" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:569 msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a citation" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lainauksen mediaobjektit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:582 msgid "Person Attributes" msgstr "Henkilön ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:583 msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää henkilön ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:596 msgid "Event Attributes" msgstr "Tapahtuman ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:597 msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of an event" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää tapahtuman ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:610 msgid "Family Attributes" msgstr "Perheen ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:611 msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a family" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää perheen ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:624 msgid "Media Attributes" msgstr "Mediatiedoston ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:625 msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a media object" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää mediatiedoston ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:639 msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a source object" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lähdetietojen ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:652 msgid "Citation Attributes" msgstr "Lainauksen ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:653 msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a citation object" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lainauksen ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:666 msgid "Person Notes" msgstr "Henkilön lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:667 msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää henkilön lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:680 msgid "Event Notes" msgstr "Tapahtuman lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:681 msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for an event" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää tapahtuman lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:694 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:784 msgid "Family Notes" msgstr "Perheen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:695 msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a family" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää perheen lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:708 msgid "Place Notes" msgstr "Paikan lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:709 msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a place" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää paikan lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:722 msgid "Source Notes" msgstr "Lähteen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:723 msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a source" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lähteen lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:736 msgid "Citation Notes" msgstr "Lainauksen lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:737 msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a citation" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lainauksen lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:750 msgid "Repository Notes" msgstr "Arkiston lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:751 msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a repository" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää arkiston lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:764 msgid "Media Notes" msgstr "Median lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:765 msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a media object" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää mediatiedoston lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:779 msgid "Gramplet showing the selected note" msgstr "Gramplet, joka näyttää valitun lisätiedon" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:792 msgid "Person Citations" msgstr "Henkilöön liittyvät lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:793 msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää henkilöön liittyvät lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:806 msgid "Event Citations" msgstr "Tapahtuman lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:807 msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for an event" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää tapahtuman lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:820 msgid "Family Citations" msgstr "Perheen lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:821 msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a family" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää perheen lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:834 msgid "Place Citations" msgstr "Paikan lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:835 msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a place" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää paikan lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:848 msgid "Media Citations" msgstr "Mediatiedoston lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:849 msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a media object" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää mediatiedoston lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:862 msgid "Person Children" msgstr "Henkilön lapset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:863 msgid "Gramplet showing the children of a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää aktiivisen henkilön lapset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:876 msgid "Family Children" msgstr "Perheen lapset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:877 msgid "Gramplet showing the children of a family" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää perheen lapset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:890 msgid "Person References" msgstr "Henkilöviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:891 msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää henkilöön tulevat linkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:898 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:912 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:926 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:940 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:954 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:968 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:982 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:996 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1010 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3336 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:919 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/thumbnail.py:168 msgid "References" msgstr "Viitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:904 msgid "Event References" msgstr "Tapahtumaviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:905 msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for an event" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää tapahtumaan tulevat linkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:918 msgid "Family References" msgstr "Perheviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:919 msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a family" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää perheeseen tulevat linkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:932 msgid "Place References" msgstr "Paikkaviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:933 msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a place" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää paikkaan tulevat linkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:946 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2550 msgid "Source References" msgstr "Lähdeviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:947 msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a source" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lähteeseen tulevat linkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:960 msgid "Citation References" msgstr "Lainausviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:961 msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a citation" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lainaukseen tulevat linkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:974 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:251 msgid "Repository References" msgstr "Arkistoviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:975 msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a repository" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää arkistoon tulevat linkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:988 msgid "Media References" msgstr "Mediaviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:989 msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a media object" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää mediaan tulevat linkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1002 msgid "Note References" msgstr "Lisätietoviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1003 msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a note" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lisätietoihin tulevat linkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1016 msgid "Person Filter" msgstr "Henkilösuodin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1017 msgid "Gramplet providing a person filter" msgstr "Gramplet tarjoaa henkilösuotimen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1030 msgid "Family Filter" msgstr "Perhesuodin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1031 msgid "Gramplet providing a family filter" msgstr "Gramplet tarjoaa perhesuotimen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1044 msgid "Event Filter" msgstr "Tapahtumasuodin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1045 msgid "Gramplet providing an event filter" msgstr "Gramplet tarjoaa tapahtumasuotimen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1058 msgid "Source Filter" msgstr "Lähdesuodin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1059 msgid "Gramplet providing a source filter" msgstr "Gramplet tarjoaa lähdesuotimen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1072 msgid "Citation Filter" msgstr "Lainaussuodin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1073 msgid "Gramplet providing a citation filter" msgstr "Gramplet tarjoaa lainaussuotimen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1086 msgid "Place Filter" msgstr "Paikkasuodin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1087 msgid "Gramplet providing a place filter" msgstr "Gramplet tarjoaa paikkasuotimen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1100 msgid "Media Filter" msgstr "Mediasuodin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1101 msgid "Gramplet providing a media filter" msgstr "Gramplet tarjoaa mediatiedostojen suotimen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1114 msgid "Repository Filter" msgstr "Arkistosuodin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1115 msgid "Gramplet providing a repository filter" msgstr "Gramplet tarjoaa arkistosuotimen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1128 msgid "Note Filter" msgstr "Lisätietosuodin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1129 msgid "Gramplet providing a note filter" msgstr "Gramplet tarjoaa lisätietojen suotimen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1142 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1153 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:118 msgid "Records" msgstr "Ennätykset" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1143 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:416 msgid "Shows some interesting records about people and families" msgstr "Näyttää joitakin mielenkiintoisia ennätyksiä henkilöistä ja perheistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1158 msgid "Person To Do" msgstr "Henkilötehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1159 msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a person" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää henkilöön liittyvät tehtävät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1172 msgid "Event To Do" msgstr "Tapahtumatehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1173 msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for an event" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää tapahtumaan liittyvät tehtävät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1186 msgid "Family To Do" msgstr "Perhetehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1187 msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a family" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää perheeseen liittyvät tehtävät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1200 msgid "Place To Do" msgstr "Paikkatehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1201 msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a place" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää paikkaan liittyvät tehtävät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1214 msgid "Source To Do" msgstr "Lähdetehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1215 msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a source" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lähteeseen liittyvät tehtävät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1228 msgid "Citation To Do" msgstr "Lainaustehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1229 msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a citation" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää lainaukseen liittyvät tehtävät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1242 msgid "Repository To Do" msgstr "Arkistotehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1243 msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a repository" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää arkistoon liittyvät tehtävät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1256 msgid "Media To Do" msgstr "Mediatehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1257 msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a media object" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää mediaan liittyvät tehtävät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1296 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1304 msgid "SoundEx" msgstr "SoundEx" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1297 msgid "Gramplet to generate SoundEx codes" msgstr "Luo SoundEx-koodeja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1309 msgid "Place Enclosed By" msgstr "Paikan ympärillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1310 msgid "Gramplet showing the places enclosed by the active place" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää aktiivisen paikan ympäröimät paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1323 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3037 msgid "Place Encloses" msgstr "Ympäröi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1324 msgid "Gramplet showing the places that the active place encloses" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää paikat, jotka ovat aktiivisen paikan sisällä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1331 msgid "Encloses" msgstr "Ympäröi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1337 msgid "Geography coordinates for Person Events" msgstr "Maantieteelliset koordinaatit henkilötapahtumiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1345 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1359 msgid "Events Coordinates" msgstr "Tapahtumien koordinaatit" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1351 msgid "Geography coordinates for Family Events" msgstr "Maantieteelliset koordinaatit perhetapahtumiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1352 msgid "Gramplet showing the events for all the family" msgstr "Gramplet näyttää perheeseen liittyvät tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:99 msgid "Referrer" msgstr "Viite" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:103 msgid "Uncollected object" msgstr "Keräämättömät kohteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:112 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Päivitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:122 msgid "Press Refresh to see initial results" msgstr "Näet ensimmäiset tulokset painamalla Päivitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:158 #, python-format msgid "Referrers of %d" msgstr "%d :een viittaajat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:181 #, python-format msgid "%d refers to" msgstr "%d sukupolvi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:198 #, python-format msgid "Uncollected Objects: %s" msgstr "Keräämättömiä kohteita: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:239 msgid "Reference Error" msgstr "Viitevirhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:81 msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected place." msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta riviä muokataksesi valittua paikkaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/notes.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:137 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:151 #, python-format msgid "%(current)d of %(total)d" msgstr "Sivu%(current)d, yht. %(total)d" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:51 msgid "Move mouse over links for options" msgstr "Siirrä hiiren kohdistin valintojen linkkien päälle" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:280 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:378 msgid "Max generations" msgstr "Suurin sukupolvien lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:79 msgid "Show dates" msgstr "Näytä päivämäärät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:80 msgid "Line type" msgstr "Viivatyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:163 msgid "Click to make active\n" msgstr "Napsauta tehdäksesi aktiivisen\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:164 msgid "Right-click to edit" msgstr "Napsauta kakkospainikkeella muokataksesi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:221 #, python-format msgid "(b. %(birthdate)s, d. %(deathdate)s)" msgstr "(s. %(birthdate)s, k. %(deathdate)s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:226 #, python-format msgid "(b. %s)" msgstr "(s. %s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:228 #, python-format msgid "(d. %s)" msgstr "(k. %s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:252 msgid "" "\n" "Breakdown by generation:\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Tiedot sukupolvittain:\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:254 msgctxt "percent sign or text string" msgid "%" msgstr "%" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:261 msgid "Generation 1" msgstr "Sukupolvi 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:262 msgid "Double-click to see people in generation" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta nähdäksesi sukupolven henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:264 #, python-format msgid " has 1 of 1 individual (%(percent)s complete)\n" msgstr " 1 henkilöstä on käsitelty 1 eli (%(percent)s valmis)\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:218 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:228 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:355 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:186 #, python-format msgid "Generation %d" msgstr "Sukupolvi %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:268 #, python-format msgid "Double-click to see people in generation %d" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta nähdäksesi sukupolven %d henkilöt" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:272 #, python-brace-format msgid "" " has {count_person} of {max_count_person} individuals ({percent} complete)\n" msgid_plural "" " has {count_person} of {max_count_person} individuals ({percent} complete)\n" msgstr[0] "" " {max_count_person} henkilöstä on käsitelty {count_person} eli ({percent} " "valmis)\n" msgstr[1] "" " {max_count_person} henkilöistä on käsitelty {count_person} eli ({percent} " "valmis)\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:279 msgid "All generations" msgstr "Kaikissa sukupolvissa" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:280 msgid "Double-click to see all generations" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta nähdäksesi kaikki sukupolvet" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:283 #, python-brace-format msgid " have {number_of} individual\n" msgid_plural " have {number_of} individuals\n" msgstr[0] " on {number_of} henkilö\n" msgstr[1] " on {number_of} henkilöä\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:267 #, python-format msgid "%(date)s - %(place)s." msgstr "%(date)s - %(place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:270 #, python-format msgid "%(date)s." msgstr "%(date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:107 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:144 msgid "View Type" msgstr "Näyttötyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:123 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:145 msgid "Quick Views" msgstr "Pikanäkymät" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/recordsgramplet.py:42 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:44 msgid "Double-click name for details" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta nimeä nähdäksesi yksityiskohdat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:41 msgid "Click name to make person active\n" msgstr "Napsauta nimeä tehdäksesi henkilöstä aktiivisen\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:42 msgid "Right-click name to edit person" msgstr "Napsauta nimeä kakkospainikkeella muokataksesi henkilöä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:72 #, python-format msgid "Active person: %s" msgstr "Aktiivinen henkilö: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:88 #, python-format msgid "%(count)d. %(relation)s: " msgstr "%(count)d. %(relation)s: " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:94 #, python-format msgid "%d. Partner: Not known" msgstr "%d. Kumppani: Tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:109 msgid "Parents:" msgstr "Vanhemmat:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:121 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:125 #, python-format msgid " %d.a Mother: " msgstr " %d.a Äiti: " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:136 #, python-format msgid " %d.b Father: " msgstr " %d.b Isä: " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:47 msgid "" "Click name to change active\n" "Double-click name to edit" msgstr "" "Napsauta tehdäksesi nimestä aktiivisen\n" "Kaksoisnapsauta nimeä muokataksesi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:48 msgid "Log for this Session" msgstr "Tämän istunnon loki" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:57 msgid "Opened data base -----------\n" msgstr "Avattu tietokanta -----------\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:59 msgid "Added" msgstr "Lisätty" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:59 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Poistettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:59 msgid "Edited" msgstr "Muokattu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:59 msgid "Selected" msgstr "Valittu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/soundgen.py:67 msgid "SoundEx code:" msgstr "SoundEX-koodi:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:59 msgid "Double-click item to see matches" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta nähdäksesi löydetyt" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:311 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:108 msgid "less than 1" msgstr "vähemmän kuin 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:140 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:284 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:119 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1736 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1794 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1912 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:191 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:119 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:185 msgid "Individuals" msgstr "Henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:142 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:122 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:186 msgid "Number of individuals" msgstr "Henkilöiden määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:193 msgid "Individuals with unknown gender" msgstr "Henkilöt, joiden sukupuoli on tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:156 msgid "Incomplete names" msgstr "Epätäydelliset nimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:160 msgid "Individuals missing birth dates" msgstr "Henkilöt puutteellisilla syntymäajoilla" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:164 msgid "Disconnected individuals" msgstr "Henkilöitä ilman sukulaisia" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:197 msgid "Family Information" msgstr "Perhetiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:135 msgid "Unique surnames" msgstr "Sukunimiä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:299 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:139 msgid "Media Objects" msgstr "Mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:181 msgid "Individuals with media objects" msgstr "Henkilöitä, joihin liittyy mediatiedostoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:141 msgid "Total number of media object references" msgstr "Mediatiedostojen viitteiden kokonaismäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:143 msgid "Number of unique media objects" msgstr "Mediatiedostoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:145 msgid "Total size of media objects" msgstr "Mediatiedostojen yhteenlaskettu koko" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:198 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:329 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:149 msgid "Missing Media Objects" msgstr "Puuttuvia mediatiedostoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:66 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:50 msgid "Double-click surname for details" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta sukunimeä nähdäksesi yksityiskohdat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:189 msgid "Number of surnames" msgstr "Perheitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:183 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:190 msgid "Min font size" msgstr "Pienin kirjasinkoko" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:191 msgid "Max font size" msgstr "Suurin kirjasinkoko" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:174 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:111 msgid "Total unique surnames" msgstr "Sukunimiä yhteensä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:176 msgid "Total surnames showing" msgstr "Sukunimiä näkyvillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:60 msgid "Previous To Do note" msgstr "Edellinen tehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:64 msgid "Next To Do note" msgstr "Seuraava tehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:68 msgid "Edit the selected To Do note" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua tehtävää" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:72 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:72 msgid "Add a new To Do note" msgstr "Lisää uusi tehtävä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:201 msgid "First select the object to which you want to attach a note" msgstr "Valitse ensin kohde, johon haluat liittää lisätiedon" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:149 msgid "Unattached" msgstr "Ei liitetty" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:102 msgid "Intro" msgstr "Johdanto" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:104 msgid "" "Gramps is a software package designed for genealogical research. Although " "similar to other genealogical programs, Gramps offers some unique and " "powerful features.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Gramps on sukututkimukseen suunniteltu sovelluspaketti. Vaikka siinä on " "muiden sukututkimusohjelmien kaltaiset ominaisuudet, Grampsissa on myös " "eräitä ainutlaatuisia ja tehokkaita omia ominaisuuksiaan.\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:107 msgid "Home Page" msgstr "Gramps-projektin kotisivu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:109 msgid "Who makes Gramps?" msgstr "Keitä on Grampsin takana?" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:110 msgid "" "Gramps is created by genealogists for genealogists, organized in the Gramps " "Project. Gramps is an Open Source Software package, which means you are free " "to make copies and distribute it to anyone you like. It's developed and " "maintained by a worldwide team of volunteers whose goal is to make Gramps " "powerful, yet easy to use.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Gramps on sukututkijoiden toisille sukututkijoille Gramps-projektissa tekemä " "ohjelmisto. Gramps on toteutettu avoimen lähdekoodin mallilla. Voit siksi " "ottaa siitä vapaasti kopioita ja jakaa niitä muille. Grampsia kehittää ja " "ylläpitää kansainvälinen vapaehtoisten joukko, jonka tavoite on tehdä " "Grampsista entistä tehokkaampi mutta samalla helppokäyttöinen.\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:117 msgid "" "There is an active community of users available on the mailing lists and " "Discourse forum to share ideas and techniques.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Postituslistoilla ja keskustelufoorumilla on aktiivinen käyttäjäyhteisö, " "joka jakaa ideoita ja tekniikoita.\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:119 msgid "Gramps online manual" msgstr "Gramps-käyttöohje verkossa" # /fi on ohjaus Wiki Gramps online käyttöohje suomenkieliselle sivulle. #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:121 msgctxt "locale_suffix" msgid "" msgstr "/fi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:122 msgid "Ask questions on gramps-users mailing list" msgstr "Grampsin postituslistalla voit esittää kysymyksiä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:125 msgid "Gramps Discourse Forum" msgstr "Gramps keskustelufoorumi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:127 msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "Käytön aloittaminen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:128 msgid "" "The first time Gramps is started all of the Views are blank. There are very " "few menu options. A Family Tree is needed for any activity to happen.\n" "\n" "To create a new Family Tree (sometimes called 'database') select \"Family " "Trees\" from the menu, pick \"Manage Family Trees\", press \"New\" and name " "your Family Tree. \"Load Family Tree\" to make the tree active and ready to " "accept data by entering your first family, or importing a family tree. For " "more details, please read the information at the links below.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Kun Gramps käynnistetään ensimmäistä kertaa, kaikki näkymät ovat tyhjiä. " "Valikkovaihtoehtoja on hyvin vähän. Sukupuu tarvitaan, jotta mitään " "toimintoja voi tapahtua.\n" "\n" "Luodaksesi uuden Sukupuun (jota joskus kutsutaan 'tietokannaksi') valitse " "valikosta \"Sukupuut\", valitse \"Hallinnoi sukupuita...\", paina \"Uusi\" " "ja anna Sukupuulle nimi. \"Lataa sukupuu\" tekee puusta aktiivisen ja " "valmiin vastaanottamaan tietoja syöttämällä ensimmäisen perheesi tai " "tuomalla sukupuun. Lisätietoja saat alla olevista linkeistä.\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:137 msgid "Start with Genealogy and Gramps" msgstr "Aloita sukututkimus ja Grampsin käyttäminen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:140 msgid "Enter your first Family" msgstr "Syötä ensimmäinen perheesi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:141 msgid "" "You will now want to start entering your first Family and that starts with " "the first Person.\n" "\n" "Switch to the \"People\" view and from the menu clicking \"Add\" and then " "clicking \"Person\" (or using the [+] icon) will bring up the window to " "enter a person. Entering the basic information and saving the record gives " "you a starting point. Select this Person's record and now switch to the " "\"Relationships\" view.\n" "\n" "With this first person, all of the menu options and icon functions have " "become available. Spend some time moving your mouse over the icons. As your " "cursor passes over an icon, a message will appear telling you the icon's " "function. The same is true for any of the edit windows. Moving the mouse " "cursor over an item will tell you what it will do.\n" "\n" "You can now create families by adding parents, a spouse and children. Once " "started, you will be able to add Events to People and Families. You can " "provide Sources and Citations to provide documentation for your entries.\n" "\n" "As you start using Gramps, you will find that information can be entered " "from all the various Views. There are multiple ways of doing most activities " "in Gramps. The flexibility allows you to choose which fits your work style.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Haluat nyt aloittaa ensimmäisen perheesi syöttämisen, ja se alkaa " "ensimmäisestä henkilöstä.\n" "\n" "Siirry \"Henkilöt\"-näkymään ja klikkaa valikosta \"Lisää\" ja sitten " "\"Henkilö\" (tai käytä [+]-kuvaketta), jolloin avautuu ikkuna henkilön " "syöttämistä varten. Perustietojen syöttäminen ja tietueen tallentaminen " "antaa sinulle lähtökohdan. Valitse tämän henkilön tietue ja siirry nyt " "\"Suhteet\"-näkymään.\n" "\n" "Tämän ensimmäisen henkilön kohdalla kaikki valikkovaihtoehdot ja " "kuvaketoiminnot ovat tulleet saataville. Vietä hieman aikaa liikuttelemalla " "hiirtä kuvakkeiden päällä. Kun kursori kulkee kuvakkeen yli, näyttöön " "ilmestyy viesti, joka kertoo kuvakkeen toiminnon. Sama pätee kaikkiin " "muokkausikkunoihin. Kun siirrät hiiren kursorin kohteen päälle, saat tiedon, " "mitä se tekee.\n" "\n" "Voit nyt luoda perheitä lisäämällä vanhemmat, puolison ja lapset. Kun olet " "aloittanut, voit lisätä tapahtumia henkilöihin ja perheisiin. Voit antaa " "lähteitä ja viittauksia dokumentoidaksesi merkintöjäsi.\n" "\n" "Kun alat käyttää Grampsia, huomaat, että tietoja voi syöttää kaikista eri " "näkymistä. Useimmat toiminnot voidaan tehdä Grampsissa monella eri tavalla. " "Joustavuuden ansiosta voit valita, mikä sopii sinun työskentelytyyliisi.\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:162 msgid "Entering and editing data (brief)" msgstr "Tietojen syöttäminen ja muokkaaminen (lyhyesti)" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:165 msgid "Importing a Family Tree" msgstr "Sukupuun tuonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:166 msgid "" "To import a Family Tree from another program first create a GEDCOM (or other " "data) file from the previous program.\n" "\n" "Once you have created a new Gramps database file, use the \"Import\" option " "under the \"Family Trees\" menu to import the GEDCOM data.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Jos haluat tuoda sukupuun toisesta ohjelmasta, luo ensin GEDCOM-tiedosto " "(tai muu data) edellisestä ohjelmasta.\n" "\n" "Kun olet luonut uuden Gramps-tietokantatiedoston, käytä \"Tuonti...\"-" "vaihtoehtoa \"Sukupuut\"-valikon alla tuodaksesi GEDCOM-tiedot.\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:170 msgid "Import from another genealogy program" msgstr "Tuonti toisesta sukuohjelmasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:173 msgid "Dashboard View" msgstr "Työpöytänäkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:174 msgid "" "You are currently reading from the \"Dashboard\" view, where you can add " "your own gramplets. You can also add gramplets to any view by adding a " "sidebar and/or bottombar, and right-clicking to the right of the tab.\n" "\n" "You can click the configuration icon in the toolbar to add additional " "columns, while right-click on the background allows to add gramplets. You " "can also drag the Properties button to reposition the gramplet on this page, " "and detach the gramplet to float above Gramps." msgstr "" "Olet parhaillaan Työpöydällä, jossa voit lisätä omia grampleteja. Lisääminen " "on mahdollista jokaisessa näkymässä lisäämällä siihen ao. sivupalkki tai " "alapalkki ja napsauttamalla niitä hiiren oikealla.\n" "\n" "Työkalupalkissa on asetusten määritysikoni, jota napsauttamalla hiiren " "vasemmalla pääsee lisäämään sarakkeita ja taustaa hiiren oikealla " "napsauttamalla lisäämään grampleteja. Ominaisuudet-painiketta raahaamalla " "voit muuttaa grampletin paikkaa ja jopa vetää sen muualle grampletin " "ikkunaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:184 msgid "Gramps View Categories" msgstr "Gramps-näkymä kategoriat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:187 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:192 msgid "Addons and \"Gramplets\"" msgstr "Laajennukset ja \"Gampletit\"" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:188 msgid "" "There many Addons or \"Gramplets\" that are available to assist you in data " "entry and visualizing your family tree. Many of these tools are already " "available to you. Many more are available to download and install.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Saatavilla on monia lisäosia tai \"Grampletteja\", jotka auttavat sinua " "syöttämään tietoja ja visualisoimaan sukupuusi. Monet näistä työkaluista " "ovat jo käytettävissäsi. Monia muita on ladattavissa ja asennettavissa.\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:194 msgid "Example Database" msgstr "Esimerkkitietokanta" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:195 msgid "" "Want to see Gramps in use. Create and Import the Example database.\n" "\n" "Create a new Family Tree as described above. Suggest that you name the " "Family Tree “EXAMPLE”.\n" "\n" "Import the Gramps file example.gramps.\n" "\n" "Follow the instructions for the location of the file stored with the Gramps " "program.\n" "\n" msgstr "" "Haluatko nähdä Grampsin käytössä. Luo ja tuo esimerkkitietokanta.\n" "\n" "Luo uusi Sukupuu edellä kuvatulla tavalla. Ehdotan, että annat sukupuulle " "nimen \"ESIMERKKI\".\n" "\n" "Tuo Gramps-tiedosto example.gramps.\n" "\n" "Noudata Gramps-ohjelman kanssa tallennetun tiedoston sijaintia koskevia " "ohjeita.\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:201 msgid "Example.gramps" msgstr "Example.gramps" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:57 msgid "Minimum number of items to display" msgstr "Näytettävien kohteiden pienin määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:63 msgid "Descendant generations per ancestor generation" msgstr "Jälkeläissukupolvet esivanhempien sukupolvittain" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:69 msgid "Delay before descendants of an ancestor is processed" msgstr "Viive ennen kuin esivanhemman jälkeläiset on käsitelty" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:76 msgid "Tag to indicate that a person is complete" msgstr "Tagi ilmaisemaan, että henkilön kaikki aviot käsitelty" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:83 msgid "Tag to indicate that a family is complete" msgstr "Tagi ilmaisemaan, että perheen lapset käsitelty" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:89 msgid "Tag to indicate that a person or family should be ignored" msgstr "" "Tagi ilmaisemaan, että henkilö tai perhe ohitetaan listojen lyhentämiseksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:164 msgid "No Home Person set." msgstr "Kotihenkilöä ei ole asetettu." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:346 msgid "first name unknown" msgstr "etunimi tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:349 msgid "surname unknown" msgstr "sukunimi tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:384 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:411 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:418 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:456 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:463 msgid "(person with unknown name)" msgstr "(henkilö jonka nimi tuntematon)" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:366 msgid "birth event missing" msgstr "syntymä puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:370 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:392 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:440 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:473 #, python-format msgid ": %(list)s\n" msgstr ": %(list)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:388 msgid "person not complete" msgstr "henkilöä ei merkitty valmiiksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:407 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:414 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:452 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:459 msgid "(unknown person)" msgstr "(tuntematon henkilö)" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:420 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:465 #, python-format msgid "%(name1)s and %(name2)s" msgstr "%(name1)s ja %(name2)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:434 msgid "marriage event missing" msgstr "avioliittotapahtuma puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:436 msgid "relation type unknown" msgstr "suhde tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:469 msgid "family not complete" msgstr "perhettä ei merkitty valmiiksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:484 msgid "date unknown" msgstr "päivämäärä tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:486 msgid "date incomplete" msgstr "päivämäärä puutteellinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:490 msgid "place unknown" msgstr "paikka tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:502 msgid "spouse missing" msgstr "puoliso puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:506 msgid "father missing" msgstr "isä puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:510 msgid "mother missing" msgstr "äiti puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:514 msgid "parents missing" msgstr "vanhemmat puuttuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:521 #, python-format msgid ": %s\n" msgstr ": %s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:36 msgid "Family Lines Graph" msgstr "Perhelinjakaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:37 msgid "Produces family line graphs using Graphviz." msgstr "Tuottaa perhelinjakaavion käyttäen Graphviz-ohjelmaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:59 msgid "Hourglass Graph" msgstr "Tiimalasi-kaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:60 msgid "Produces an hourglass graph using Graphviz." msgstr "Tuottaa tiimalasikaavion käyttäen Graphviz-ohjelmaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:208 msgid "Relationship Graph" msgstr "Suhdekaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:82 msgid "Produces relationship graphs using Graphviz." msgstr "Tuottaa suhdekaavion käyttäen Graphviz-ohjelmaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:59 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:73 msgid "B&W outline" msgstr "Mustavalkoinen ulkoreuna" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:74 msgid "Colored outline" msgstr "Värillinen ulkoreuna" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:76 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:75 msgid "Color fill" msgstr "Täytetty värillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:77 msgid "Descendants <- Ancestors" msgstr "Jälkeläiset <- Esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:78 msgid "Descendants -> Ancestors" msgstr "Jälkeläiset -> Esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:79 msgid "Descendants <-> Ancestors" msgstr "Jälkeläiset <-> Esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:80 msgid "Descendants - Ancestors" msgstr "Jälkeläiset - Esivanhemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:125 msgid "Follow parents to determine \"family lines\"" msgstr "Seuraa vanhempia määritettäessä \"perhelinjoja\"" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:127 msgid "" "Parents and their ancestors will be considered when determining \"family " "lines\"." msgstr "" "Vanhemmat ja heidän esivanhempansa otetaan huomioon \"perhelinjoja\" " "määritettäessä." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:131 msgid "Follow children to determine \"family lines\"" msgstr "Seuraa lapsia määritettäessä \"perhelinjoja\"" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:133 msgid "Children will be considered when determining \"family lines\"." msgstr "Lapset otetaan huomioon \"perhelinjoja\" määritettäessä." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:137 msgid "Try to remove extra people and families" msgstr "Yritä poistaa ylimääräiset henkilöt ja perheet" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:139 msgid "" "People and families not directly related to people of interest will be " "removed when determining \"family lines\"." msgstr "" "Henkilöt ja perheet, jotka eivät ole kiinnostavien henkilöiden suoria " "sukulaisia poistetaan \"perhelinjoja\" määritettäessä." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:145 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:382 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:816 msgid "Arrowhead direction" msgstr "Nuolenpäiden suunta" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:148 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:385 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:819 msgid "Choose the direction that the arrows point." msgstr "Valitse mihin suuntaan nuolet osoittavat." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:151 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:388 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:822 msgid "Graph coloring" msgstr "Kaavion väritys" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:154 msgid "" "Males will be shown with blue, females with red, unless otherwise set above " "for filled. If the sex of an individual is unknown it will be shown with " "gray." msgstr "" "Miehet näytetään sinisellä, naiset punaisella, jollei muuta ole valittu. " "Henkilöt, joiden sukupuoli on tuntematon, näytetään harmaalla." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:160 msgid "Rounded corners" msgstr "Pyöristetyt kulmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:163 msgid "Use rounded corners e.g. to differentiate between women and men." msgstr "" "Käytä pyöristettyjä kulmia esim. erottamaan toisistaan miehet ja naiset." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:184 msgid "Use subgraphs" msgstr "Käytä alikaavioita" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:185 msgid "" "Subgraphs can help Graphviz position spouses together, but with non-trivial " "graphs will result in longer lines and larger graphs." msgstr "" "Alikaaviot auttavat Graphviz-ohjelmaa sijoittamaan tietyt linkitetyt asiat " "lähemmäksi toisiaan, mutta monimutkaisissa kaavioissa seurauksena on " "pidemmät viivat ja isompi kaavio." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:192 msgid "People of Interest" msgstr "Kiinnostavat henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:195 msgid "People of interest" msgstr "Kiinnostavat henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:196 msgid "" "People of interest are used as a starting point when determining \"family " "lines\"." msgstr "" "Kiinnostavia henkilöitä käytetään aloituspisteinä \"perhelinjojen\" " "määrittelylle." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:200 msgid "Limit the number of ancestors" msgstr "Rajoita esivanhempien määrää" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:202 msgid "Whether to limit the number of ancestors." msgstr "Jätetäänkö toistetut esivanhemmat pois." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:208 msgid "The maximum number of ancestors to include." msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen määrä lisättäviä esivanhempia." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:212 msgid "Limit the number of descendants" msgstr "Rajoita jälkeläisten määrää" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:215 msgid "Whether to limit the number of descendants." msgstr "Rajoitetaanko jälkeläisten määrää." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:221 msgid "The maximum number of descendants to include." msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen määrä lisättäviä jälkeläisiä." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:230 msgid "Include dates" msgstr "Myös päivämäärät" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:231 msgid "Whether to include dates for people and families." msgstr "Lisätäänkö päivämäärät henkilöille ja perheille." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:236 msgid "Limit dates to years only" msgstr "Rajoita päivämäärät vuosilukuun" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:237 msgid "" "Prints just dates' year, neither month or day nor date approximation or " "interval are shown." msgstr "" "Näyttää vain vuosiluvun päivämäärästä. Kuukausia, päiviä, päiväarviota tai -" "väliä ei näytetä." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:243 msgid "Whether to include placenames for people and families." msgstr "Lisätäänkö paikkojen nimet henkilöille ja perheille." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:247 msgid "Include the number of children" msgstr "Lisää lapsien määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:249 msgid "" "Whether to include the number of children for families with more than 1 " "child." msgstr "Lisätäänkö lapsien määrä perheille, joilla on enemmän kuin 1 lapsi." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:254 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:908 msgid "Include thumbnail images of people" msgstr "Lisää henkilöiden pikkukuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:257 msgid "Whether to include thumbnail images of people." msgstr "Lisätäänkö ihmisten pikkukuvat." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:262 msgid "Thumbnail location" msgstr "Pikkukuvan sijainti" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:263 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:915 msgid "Above the name" msgstr "Nimen yläpuolella" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:264 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:916 msgid "Beside the name" msgstr "Nimen vieressä" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:265 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:918 msgid "Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name" msgstr "Minne pikkukuva sijoittuu suhteessa nimeen" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:269 msgid "Thumbnail size" msgstr "Pikkukuvan koko" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:272 msgid "Size of the thumbnail image" msgstr "Pikkukuvan koko" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:276 msgid "Family Colors" msgstr "Perhevärit" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:279 msgid "Family colors" msgstr "Perhevärit" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:280 msgid "Colors to use for various family lines." msgstr "Perhelinjoihin käytettävät värit." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:422 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:945 msgid "The color to use to display men." msgstr "Miehillä käytettävä väri." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:426 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:949 msgid "The color to use to display women." msgstr "Naisilla käytettävä väri." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:430 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:954 msgid "The color to use when the gender is unknown." msgstr "Väri henkilöille, joiden sukupuolta ei tunneta." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:435 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:959 msgid "The color to use to display families." msgstr "Perheillä käytettävä väri." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:413 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:676 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:831 msgid "Empty report" msgstr "Raportti jäi tyhjäksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:414 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:677 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:832 msgid "You did not specify anybody" msgstr "Et valinnut ketään" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:473 msgid "Number of people in database:" msgstr "Henkilömäärä tietokannassa:" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:476 msgid "Number of people of interest:" msgstr "Kiinnostavien henkilöiden määrä:" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:479 msgid "Number of families in database:" msgstr "Perheiden lukumäärä tietokannassa:" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:482 msgid "Number of families of interest:" msgstr "Kiinnostavien perheiden määrä:" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:486 msgid "Additional people removed:" msgstr "Lisähenkilöt poistettu:" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:489 msgid "Additional families removed:" msgstr "Lisäperheet poistettu:" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:492 msgid "Initial list of people of interest:" msgstr "Alustava lista kiinnostavista henkilöistä:" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:989 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} child" msgid_plural "{number_of} children" msgstr[0] "{number_of} lapsi" msgstr[1] "{number_of} lasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:1064 #, python-format msgid "father: %s" msgstr "isä: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:1074 #, python-format msgid "mother: %s" msgstr "äiti: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:1087 #, python-format msgid "child: %s" msgstr "lapsi: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:63 msgid "Center -> Others" msgstr "Keskusta -> Muut" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:64 msgid "Center <- Others" msgstr "Keskusta <- Muut" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:65 msgid "Center <-> Other" msgstr "Keskusta <-> Muut" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:66 msgid "Center - Other" msgstr "Keskusta - Muut" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:369 msgid "The Center person for the graph" msgstr "Kaavion keskushenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:372 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:362 msgid "Max Descendant Generations" msgstr "Jälkeläissukupolvien enimmäismäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:373 msgid "The number of generations of descendants to include in the graph" msgstr "Jälkeläissukupolvien määrä, jotka lisätään kaavioon" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:377 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:366 msgid "Max Ancestor Generations" msgstr "Esivanhempien sukupolvien enimmäismäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:378 msgid "The number of generations of ancestors to include in the graph" msgstr "Enimmäismäärä sukupolvia esivanhemmille, jotka lisätään kaavioon" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:391 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:825 msgid "" "Males will be shown with blue, females with red. If the sex of an " "individual is unknown it will be shown with gray." msgstr "" "Miehet näytetään sinisellä, naiset punaisella. Henkilöt, joiden sukupuoli on " "tuntematon, näytetään harmaalla." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:396 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:831 msgid "Use rounded corners" msgstr "Käytä pyöristettyjä nurkkia" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:832 msgid "Use rounded corners to differentiate between women and men." msgstr "Käytä pyöristettyjä kulmia erilaistamaan naiset miehistä." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:418 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:941 msgid "Graph Style" msgstr "Kaaviotyyli" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:438 msgid "Force Ahnentafel order" msgstr "Pakota Ahnentafel-järjestys" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:440 msgid "" "Force Sosa / Sosa-Stradonitz / Ahnentafel layout order for all ancestors, so " "that fathers are always on the left branch and mothers are on the right " "branch." msgstr "" "Force Sosa / Sosa-Stradonitz / Ahnentafel -järjestys kaikille esi-isille, " "jotta isät ovat aina vasemmalla puolella ja äidit ovat oikeassa haarassa." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:443 msgid "Ahnentafel number visible" msgstr "Ahnentafel-numero näkyvä" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:445 msgid "" "Show Sosa / Sosa-Stradonitz / Ahnentafel number under all others " "informations." msgstr "" "Näytä Sosa / Sosa-Stradonitz / Ahnentafelin numero kaikkien muiden tietojen " "perusteella." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:209 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:836 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:160 msgid "Generating report" msgstr "Tuotetaan raporttia" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:807 msgid "Determines what people are included in the graph" msgstr "Määrittää kaavioon lisättävät ihmiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:837 msgid "Use hexagons" msgstr "Käytä kuusikulmioita" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:838 msgid "Use hexagons to differentiate those of unknown gender." msgstr "Käytä kuusikulmiota erottamaan tuntemattoman sukupuolen." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:866 msgid "Dates and/or Places" msgstr "Päivämäärät ja/tai paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:867 msgid "Do not include any dates or places" msgstr "Ei sisällä päivämääriä tai paikkoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:868 msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, but no places" msgstr "Lisätään (syntymä-, avio- ja kuolinajat), mutta ei paikkoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:870 msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places" msgstr "Lisätään (syntymä-, avio-, kuolinajat) ja paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:872 msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places if no dates" msgstr "Lisätään (syntymä-, avio-, kuolinajat) ja paikat ellei aikaa ole" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:874 msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, but no places" msgstr "Lisätään (syntymä-, avio- ja kuolinajat), mutta ei paikkoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:876 msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, and places" msgstr "Lisätään (syntymä-, avio-, kuolinvuodet) ja paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:878 msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) places, but no dates" msgstr "Lisätään (syntymä-, avio- ja kuolinpaikat), mutta ei aikaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:880 msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates and places on same line" msgstr "" "Lisätään (syntymä, avioliitto, kuolema) päivämäärät ja paikat samalla rivillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:883 msgid "Whether to include dates and/or places" msgstr "Lisätäänkö aikamäärät ja/tai paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:886 msgid "Show all family nodes" msgstr "Näytä kaikki perheen solmut" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:887 msgid "" "Show family nodes even if the output contains only one member of the family." msgstr "Näytä perhesolmut, vaikka tulos sisältää vain yhden perheen jäsenen." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:891 msgid "Include URLs" msgstr "Lisää URL:t (nettiosoitteet)" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:892 msgid "" "Include a URL in each graph node so that PDF and imagemap files can be " "generated that contain active links to the files generated by the 'Narrated " "Web Site' report." msgstr "" "Lisää URL-osoite jokaiseen kaavion solmuun, jotta voidaan luoda PDF- ja " "kuvakarttatiedostoja, jotka sisältävät aktiivisia linkkejä Kertova-" "nettisivusto raportin luomiin tiedostoihin." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:900 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:569 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1156 msgid "Include relationship to center person" msgstr "Lisää suhteet keskushenkilöön" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:901 msgid "Whether to show every person's relationship to the center person" msgstr "Näytetäänkö jokaisen henkilön suhde keskushenkilöön" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:910 msgid "Whether to include thumbnails of people." msgstr "Lisätäänkö ihmisten pikkukuvat." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:914 msgid "Thumbnail Location" msgstr "Pikkukuvan sijainti" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:922 msgid "Include occupation" msgstr "Lisää ammatti" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:923 msgid "Do not include any occupation" msgstr "Ammatteja ei oteta mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:924 msgid "Include description of most recent occupation" msgstr "Mukaan liitetään kuvaus viimeisimmästä ammatissa" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:926 msgid "Include date, description and place of all occupations" msgstr "Sisältää päivämäärän, kuvauksen ja paikan kaikissa ammateissa" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:928 msgid "Whether to include the last occupation" msgstr "Lisätäänkö viimeinen ammatti" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:932 msgid "Include relationship debugging numbers also" msgstr "Lisää myös suhteiden virheenkorjausnumerot" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:935 msgid "" "Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' also, to debug the relationship calculator" msgstr "Otetaanko mukaan myös 'Ga' ja 'Gb', suhdelaskimen debuggaamiseksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:963 msgid "Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines" msgstr "Osoita ei-biologisia suhteita katkoviivalla" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:964 msgid "Non-birth relationships will show up as dotted lines in the graph." msgstr "Ei-biologiset suhteet esitetään kaaviossa katkoviivoilla." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:968 msgid "Show family nodes" msgstr "Näytä perhesolmut" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:969 msgid "Families will show up as ellipses, linked to parents and children." msgstr "Perheet näytetään vanhempiin ja lapsiin linkitettyinä soikioina." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:973 msgid "Parent grouping" msgstr "Vanhempien ryhmittely" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:975 msgid "Parents together" msgstr "Vanhemmat yhdessä" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:976 msgid "Parents offset" msgstr "Vanhemmat kompensoivat" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:978 msgid "" "In the 'Normal' setting parents will be located to keep most lines short.\n" "The 'Parents together' setting can help position spouses next to each other, " "but with non-trivial graphs will result in longer lines and larger graphs.\n" "The Parents offset setting will also try to put spouses near each other, " "however they will be offset from each other. This will tend to make graphs " "with many people in a generation more square." msgstr "" "\"Normaali\"-asetuksella vanhemmat sijoitetaan pitämään useimmat rivit " "lyhyinä.\n" "Vanhemmat yhdessä asetus voi auttaa puolisoiden sijoittamisessa vierekkäin, " "mutta ei-triviaalit kaaviot johtavat pidempiin riveihin ja suurempiin " "kaavioihin.\n" "Vanhempien siirtoasetus yrittää myös asettaa puolisot lähelle toisiaan, " "mutta ne kuitenkin erotetaan toisistaan. Tämä tekee kaavioista, joissa on " "monia sukupolven ihmisiä, neliömäisempiä." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:37 msgid "Import data from CSV files" msgstr "Tuo tiedot CSV-tiedostoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:74 msgid "Import data from GeneWeb files" msgstr "Tuo tiedot GeneWeb-tiedostoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:91 msgid "Gramps package (portable XML)" msgstr "Gramps-paketti (siirrettävä kattava XML)" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:92 msgid "" "Import data from a Gramps package (an archived XML Family Tree together with " "the media object files.)" msgstr "" "Tuo tiedot Gramps-paketista (sisältää tietokannan XML-muodossa ja kaikki " "siihen liittyvät mediatiedostot.)" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:110 msgid "Gramps XML Family Tree" msgstr "Grampsin XML-sukupuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:111 msgid "" "The Gramps XML format is a text version of a Family Tree. It is read-write " "compatible with the present Gramps database format." msgstr "" "Grampsin XML-tietokanta on tekstiversio sukupuusta. Se on täysin " "yhteensopiva Grampsin oletustietokanta muodon kanssa ja säilyttää kaikki sen " "tiedot." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:131 msgid "Gramps 2.x database" msgstr "Gramps 2.x -tietokanta" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:132 msgid "Import data from Gramps 2.x database files" msgstr "Tuo tiedot Gramps 2.x -tietokantatiedostoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:149 msgid "Pro-Gen" msgstr "Pro-Gen" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:150 msgid "Import data from Pro-Gen files" msgstr "Tuo tiedot Pro-Gen-tiedostoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:168 msgid "Import data from vCard files" msgstr "Tuo tiedot vCard-tiedostoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:125 msgid "Bad references" msgstr "Väärät viitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:127 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:143 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:159 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:72 #, python-format msgid "%s could not be opened\n" msgstr "Ei voitu avata %s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:162 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:76 msgid "Results" msgstr "Tulokset" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:162 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:76 msgid "done" msgstr "valmis" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:165 msgid "given name" msgstr "etunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:168 msgid "call" msgstr "kutsumanimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:169 msgid "title" msgstr "titteli" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:169 msgctxt "Person or Place" msgid "title" msgstr "Titteli" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:172 msgid "gender" msgstr "sukupuoli" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:173 msgid "source" msgstr "lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:174 msgid "note" msgstr "lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:176 msgid "birth place" msgstr "syntymäpaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:178 msgid "birth place id" msgstr "syntymäpaikka id" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:183 msgid "birth source" msgstr "syntymän lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:185 msgid "baptism place" msgstr "kastepaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:187 msgid "baptism place id" msgstr "kastepaikka id" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:189 msgid "baptism date" msgstr "kastepäivä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:191 msgid "baptism source" msgstr "kastelähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:192 msgid "burial place" msgstr "hautauspaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:194 msgid "burial place id" msgstr "hautauspaikka id" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:196 msgid "burial date" msgstr "hautauspäivä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:198 msgid "burial source" msgstr "hautauslähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:200 msgid "death place" msgstr "kuolinpaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:202 msgid "death place id" msgstr "kuolinpaikka id" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:207 msgid "death source" msgstr "kuoleman lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:209 msgid "death cause" msgstr "kuolinsyy" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:212 msgid "person" msgstr "henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:213 msgid "Occupation description" msgstr "Ammatin kuvaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:213 msgid "occupationdescr" msgstr "ammatin kuvaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:214 msgid "Occupation date" msgstr "Ammattipäivämäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:214 msgid "occupationdate" msgstr "ammattipäiväys" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:215 msgid "Occupation place" msgstr "Ammattipaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:215 msgid "occupationplace" msgstr "ammattipaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:216 msgid "Occupation place id" msgstr "Ammattipaikan ID" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:216 msgid "occupationplace_id" msgstr "ammattipaikka_ID" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:217 msgid "Occupation source" msgstr "Ammatin lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:217 msgid "occupationsource" msgstr "ammatin lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:219 msgid "residence date" msgstr "Asuinpaikan päiväys" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:219 msgid "residencedate" msgstr "asuinpaikkapäiväys" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:220 msgid "residence place" msgstr "Asuinpaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:220 msgid "residenceplace" msgstr "asuinpaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:221 msgid "residence place id" msgstr "Asuinpaikan ID" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:221 msgid "residenceplace_id" msgstr "asuinpaikka_ID" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:222 msgid "residence source" msgstr "Asuinpaikan lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:222 msgid "residencesource" msgstr "asuinpaikan lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:224 msgid "attribute type" msgstr "ominaisuuden tyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:224 msgid "attributetype" msgstr "ominaisuustyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:225 msgid "attribute value" msgstr "ominaisuuden arvo" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:225 msgid "attributevalue" msgstr "ominaisuustyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:226 msgid "attribute source" msgstr "ominaisuuden lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:226 msgid "attributesource" msgstr "ominaisuuslähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:229 msgid "child" msgstr "lapsi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:232 msgid "mother" msgstr "äiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:233 msgid "wife" msgstr "vaimo" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:234 msgid "parent2" msgstr "vanhempi2" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:235 msgid "father" msgstr "isä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:236 msgid "husband" msgstr "aviomies" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:237 msgid "parent1" msgstr "vanhempi1" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:238 msgid "marriage" msgstr "avioliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:239 msgid "date" msgstr "päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:240 msgid "place" msgstr "paikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:241 msgid "place id" msgstr "paikan id" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:242 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:190 msgid "name" msgstr "nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:243 msgid "type" msgstr "tyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:194 msgid "latitude" msgstr "leveysaste" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:245 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:198 msgid "longitude" msgstr "pituusaste" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:246 msgid "code" msgstr "koodi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:247 msgid "enclosed by" msgstr "ympärillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:248 msgid "enclosed_by" msgstr "ympärillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:275 #, python-format msgid "format error: line %(line)d: %(zero)s" msgstr "muotoiluvirhe: rivi %(line)d: %(zero)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:356 msgid "CSV Import" msgstr "CSV-tuonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:358 msgid "Reading data..." msgstr "Luetaan tietoja..." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:365 msgid "CSV import" msgstr "CSV-tuonti" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:374 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:249 #, python-brace-format msgid "Import Complete: {number_of} second" msgid_plural "Import Complete: {number_of} seconds" msgstr[0] "Tuonti valmis: {number_of} sekunti" msgstr[1] "Tuonti valmis: {number_of} sekuntia" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:395 msgid "The following IDs were referenced but not found:\n" msgstr "Seuraaviin ID-tunnuksiin viitattiin, mutta niitä ei löytynyt:\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:15 msgid "ANSEL" msgstr "ANSEL" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:18 msgid "ANSI (ISO-8859-1)" msgstr "ANSI (ISO-8859-1)" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:21 msgid "ASCII" msgstr "ASCII" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:24 msgid "UTF8" msgstr "UTF-8" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:30 msgid "Gramps - GEDCOM Encoding" msgstr "Gramps - GEDCOM-koodaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:77 msgid "GEDCOM Encoding" msgstr "GEDCOM-koodaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:97 msgid "" "This GEDCOM file has identified itself as using ANSEL encoding. Sometimes, " "this is in error. If the imported data contains unusual characters, undo the " "import, and override the character set by selecting a different encoding " "below." msgstr "" "GEDCOM-tiedosto väittää käyttävänsä ANSEL-koodausta. Toisinaan tämä on " "virhe. Jos tuodut tiedot sisältävät kummallisia kirjaimia, peru tuonti ja " "valitse merkkikoodaukseksi jokin alla olevista." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:125 msgid "Encoding: " msgstr "Koodaus: " #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:132 msgid "Invalid GEDCOM file" msgstr "Kelvoton GEDCOM-tiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:133 #, python-format msgid "%s could not be imported" msgstr "Tiedoston %s tuonti ei onnistunut" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:150 msgid "Error reading GEDCOM file" msgstr "GEDCOM-tiedoston luku epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:80 msgid "Accomplishment" msgstr "Tulos" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:81 msgid "Acquisition" msgstr "Hankinta" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:82 msgid "Adhesion" msgstr "Liittyminen" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:95 msgid "Award" msgstr "Myöntää" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:89 msgid "Change Name" msgstr "Vaihda nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:697 msgid "Circumcision" msgstr "Ympärileikkaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:94 msgid "Military Demobilisation" msgstr "Sotilaallinen kotiuttaminen" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:100 msgid "Dotation" msgstr "Lahjoitus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:703 msgid "Excommunication" msgstr "Kirkosta erottaminen" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:103 msgid "LDS Family Link" msgstr "MAP-perhepalvelut Linkki" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:705 msgid "Funeral" msgstr "Hautajaiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:106 msgid "Hospitalisation" msgstr "Sairaalahoito" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:107 msgid "Illness" msgstr "Sairaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:109 msgid "List Passenger" msgstr "Matkustajaluettelo" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:110 msgid "Military Distinction" msgstr "Sotilaallinen kunnianosoitus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:111 msgid "Militaty Mobilisation" msgstr "Liikekannallepano" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:112 msgid "Military Promotion" msgstr "Sotilaallinen ylennys" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:120 msgid "LDS Seal to child" msgstr "MAP lapsen sinetöinti" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:123 msgid "Sold property" msgstr "Myyty omaisuus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:130 msgid "No mention" msgstr "Ei mainintaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:133 msgid "Separated" msgstr "Ero" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:197 msgid "GeneWeb import" msgstr "GeneWeb-tuonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:912 #, python-brace-format msgid "Invalid date {date} in {gw_snippet}, preserving date as text." msgstr "" "{gw_snippet} : Kelpaamaton päiväys {date}, säilytetään päiväys tekstinä." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:72 #, python-format msgid "Could not create media directory %s" msgstr "Mediahakemiston '%s' luonti epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:76 #, python-format msgid "Media directory %s is not writable" msgstr "Mediahakemisto '%s' ei ole kirjoitettavissa" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:81 #, python-format msgid "" "Media directory %s exists. Delete it first, then restart the import process" msgstr "" "Mediahakemisto '%s' on jo olemassa. Poista se ensin ja aloita sitten tuonti " "uudelleen" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:90 #, python-format msgid "Error extracting into %s" msgstr "Virhe purettaessa paikkaan %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:107 msgid "Base path for relative media set" msgstr "Peruspolku suhteellisille mediatiedostoille" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:108 #, python-format msgid "" "The base media path of this Family Tree has been set to %s. Consider taking " "a simpler path. You can change this in the Preferences, while moving your " "media files to the new position, and using the media manager tool, option " "'Replace substring in the path' to set correct paths in your media objects." msgstr "" "Tämän sukupuun mediatiedostojen peruspoluksi on asetettu %s. Harkitse " "yksinkertaisemman polun käyttöä. Voit muuttaa polkua Asetuksissa " "siirtäessäsi medioita uuteen paikkaan. Medianhallinta-työkalua käyttäessä " "voi 'Korvaa merkkijono polussa' -valinnalla asettaa oikeat mediatiedostojesi " "polut." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:117 msgid "Cannot set base media path" msgstr "Median peruspolun asetus ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:118 #, python-format msgid "" "The Family Tree you imported into already has a base media path: " "%(orig_path)s. The imported media objects however are relative from the path " "%(path)s. You can change the media path in the Preferences or you can " "convert the imported files to the existing base media path. You can do that " "by moving your media files to the new position, and using the media manager " "tool, option 'Replace substring in the path' to set correct paths in your " "media objects." msgstr "" "Sukupuussa, jonne yrität tuoda tietoja, peruspolku mediatiedostoille on: " "%(orig_path)s. Tuotavat mediatiedostot ovat kuitenkin suhteessa " "peruspolkuun: %(path)s. Voit muuttaa mediatiedostojen polun Asetuksista tai " "voit muuttaa tuodut tiedostot käyttämään nykyistä mediatiedostojen " "peruspolkua. Jälkimmäisen saat tehtyä siirtämällä mediatiedostosi oikeaan " "hakemistoon ja käyttämällä Medianhallinta työkalun 'Korvaa merkkijono " "polussa' -toimintoa, jolla asetat mediatiedostoillesi oikean polun." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgrdb.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:440 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:443 #, python-format msgid "%s could not be opened" msgstr "Tiedostoa %s ei voi avata" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgrdb.py:62 #, python-format msgid "" "The Database version is not supported by this version of Gramps.You should " "use an old copy of Gramps at version 3.0.x and import your database into " "that version. You should then export a copy of your data to Gramps XML " "(Family Tree). Then you should upgrade to the latest version of Gramps (for " "example this version), create a new empty database and import the Gramps XML " "into that version. Please refer to:%(gramps_wiki_migrate_two_to_three_url)s" msgstr "" "Tietokannan versiota ei tueta tässä Grampsin versiossa. Sinun pitäisi " "käyttää Grampsin vanhaa 3.0.x versiota ja tuoda tietokantasi siihen ja siitä " "edelleen tuottaa Gramps XML-muotoinen sukupuu. Päivitä sitten Gramps " "uusimpaan versioon, luo sillä tyhjä tietokanta ja tuo Gramps XML. Katso myös " "%(gramps_wiki_migrate_two_to_three_url)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:49 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:70 msgid "" "Source reference\n" "(out of Settings)" msgstr "" "Lähdeviite\n" "(asetusten ulkopuolella)" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:124 msgid "" "Source reference text\n" "(Text & import Filename)." msgstr "" "Lähteen viiteteksti\n" "(Teksti ja tuontitiedoston nimi)." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:325 msgid "Attribut" msgstr "Ominaisuus" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:171 msgid "" "Source attribute text\n" "(Text, import Filename & (System-)Date)." msgstr "" "Lähteen ominaisuusteksti\n" "(Teksti, tuontitiedoston nimi ja (järjestelmä-) päivämäärä)." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:190 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:207 msgid "Citation reference." msgstr "Lainausviite." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:274 msgid "" "Citation confidence level\n" "(Very low - very high)." msgstr "" "Lainauksen luotettavuustaso\n" "(Erittäin matala - erittäin korkea)." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:308 msgid "" "Citation volume/page text\n" "(Text & (System-)Date)." msgstr "" "Lainauksen osa/sivu teksti\n" "(Teksti ja (järjestelmä-) päivämäärä)." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:341 msgid "" "Citation attribute text\n" "(Text, import Filename & (System-)Date)." msgstr "" "Lainauksen ominaisuusteksti\n" "(Teksti, tuontitiedoston nimi ja (järjestelmä-) päivämäärä)." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:362 msgid "Import Text" msgstr "Tuontiteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:415 msgid "" "Default Tagtext\n" "(out of Settings)." msgstr "" "Oletusarvoinen tagiteksti\n" "(asetusten ulkopuolella)." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:443 msgid "Import Filename." msgstr "Tuontitiedoston nimi." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:492 msgid "Default (System-)Date." msgstr "Oletusarvoinen (järjestelmä-) päivämäärä." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:766 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:781 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:796 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:811 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:826 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:841 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:856 msgid "Combined default text + filename + date." msgstr "Yhdistetty oletusteksti + tiedostonimi + päivämäärä." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1111 msgid "" "Copy Default Text\n" "to all Tag Text'." msgstr "" "Kopioi oletusteksti\n" "kaikkiin tagiteksteihin." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1130 msgid "" "Copy Default Filename\n" "to all sensitive Tag Text'." msgstr "" "Kopioi oletustiedostonimi\n" "kaikille arkaluonteisille tagiteksteille." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1149 msgid "" "Copy Default Date\n" "to all sensitive Tag Text'." msgstr "" "Kopioi oletuspäivämäärä\n" "kaikille arkaluonteisille tagi-teksteille." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1164 msgid " Objects" msgstr " kohteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1168 msgid "" "Enable/Disable\n" "all object tags." msgstr "" "Ota käyttöön/poista käytöstä\n" "kaikki tagikohteet." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1198 msgid "Tag Text" msgstr "Tagi-teksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1217 msgid "Import Objects" msgstr "Tuo kohteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1241 msgid "" "Enable/Disable\n" "Person import." msgstr "" "Ota käyttöön/poista käytöstä\n" "henkilöiden tuonti." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1260 msgid "" "Enable/Disable\n" "Family import." msgstr "" "Ota käyttöön/poista käytöstä\n" "perheiden tuonti." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1279 msgid "" "Enable/Disable\n" "Child import." msgstr "" "Ota käyttöön/poista käytöstä\n" "lasten tuonti." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1330 msgid "" "Use original Person\n" "Identifier as Gramps ID." msgstr "" "Käytä alkuperäistä\n" "henkilötunnistetta Gramps ID:nä." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1349 msgid "" "Use original Family\n" "Identifier as Gramps ID." msgstr "" "Käytä alkuperäistä\n" "perhetunnistetta Gramps ID:nä." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1369 msgid "Identifier" msgstr "Tunniste" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1400 msgid "Name change" msgstr "Nimenmuutos" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1461 msgid "Event date" msgstr "Tapahtumapäivä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1476 msgid "" "Store birth date in\n" "event description." msgstr "" "Tallenna syntymäpäivä\n" "tapahtumakuvaukseen." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1495 msgid "" "Store death date in\n" "event description." msgstr "" "Tallenna kuolinpäivä\n" "tapahtumakuvaukseen." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1515 msgid "Diverse" msgstr "Monipuolinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1526 msgid "REFN" msgstr "REFN" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1530 msgid "" "Store REFN number\n" "in event description." msgstr "" "Tallenna REFN-numero\n" "tapahtumakuvaukseen." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1548 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1595 msgid "" "Use death information\n" "as death cause event." msgstr "" "Käytä kuolintietoja\n" "kuolinsyy tapahtumana." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1598 msgid "(-cause)" msgstr "(-syy)" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1610 msgid "Male surname" msgstr "Miehen sukunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1614 msgid "" "Change name of male\n" "to e.g. wifes name." msgstr "" "Vaihda miehen nimi\n" "esim. vaimon nimeen." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1629 msgid "Female surname" msgstr "Naisen sukunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1633 msgid "" "Change name of female\n" "to e.g. husbands name." msgstr "" "Vaihda naisen nimi\n" "esim. aviopuolison nimeen." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1692 msgid "Option" msgstr "Valinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1731 msgid "_Ok" msgstr "_Ok" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:62 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Import_from_another_genealogy_program" msgstr "Tuonti_toisesta_sukuohjelmasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:121 #, python-format msgid "Import from Pro-Gen (%s)" msgstr "Tuo Pro-Gen-ohjelmasta (%s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:492 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:516 msgid "Pro-Gen data error" msgstr "Pro-Gen-tietovirhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:466 msgid "Import Pro-Gen" msgstr "Pro-Gen-tuonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:228 #, python-format msgid "Line %(line)5d: %(prob)s\n" msgstr "Rivi %(line)5d: %(prob)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:243 msgid "vCard import" msgstr "vCard-tuonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:254 msgid "VCARD import report: No errors detected" msgstr "VCARD-tuontiraportti: Ei virheitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:256 #, python-format msgid "VCARD import report: %s errors detected\n" msgstr "VCARD-tuontiraportti: %s virhettä löytynyt\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:321 #, python-format msgid "Token >%(token)s< unknown. line skipped: %(line)s" msgstr "Merkki >%(token)s< tuntematon. rivi ohitetaan: %(line)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:335 msgid "" "BEGIN property not properly closed by END property, Gramps can't cope with " "nested VCards." msgstr "" "END-ominaisuus ei ole kunnolla sulkenut BEGIN-ominaisuutta, Gramps ei " "hyväksy sisäkkäisiä VCardeja." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:346 #, python-format msgid "Import of VCards version %s is not supported by Gramps." msgstr "Gramps ei tue VCardien version %s tuontia." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:366 msgid "" "VCard is malformed missing the compulsory N property, so there is no name; " "skip it." msgstr "" "VCard on virheellinen, puuttuu pakollinen N ominaisuus, jolle ei ole mitään " "nimeä; ohitetaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:371 msgid "" "VCard is malformed missing the compulsory FN property, get name from N alone." msgstr "" "VCard-muoto on virheellinen, puuttuu pakollinen FN-ominaisuus, käytetään " "vain N nimeä." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:375 msgid "VCard is malformed wrong number of name components." msgstr "VCard-muoto on virheellinen, väärä numero nimiosassa." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:517 #, python-brace-format msgid "Invalid date in BDAY {vcard_snippet}, preserving date as text." msgstr "" "BDAY {vcard_snippet} päivämäärä virheellinen, säilytetään päivämäärä " "tekstinä." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:525 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Date {vcard_snippet} not in appropriate format yyyy-mm-dd, preserving date " "as text." msgstr "" "{vcard_snippet} : Päiväys ei soveliaassa yyyy-mm-dd muodossa, säilytetään " "päiväys tekstinä." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:137 #, python-format msgid "%(event_name)s of %(family)s" msgstr "%(family)s %(event_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:105 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:139 #, python-format msgid "%(event_name)s of %(person)s" msgstr "%(event_name)s %(person)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:159 #, python-format msgid "Error reading %s" msgstr "Virhe luettaessa %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:161 msgid "The file is probably either corrupt or not a valid Gramps database." msgstr "Tiedosto ei ole Gramps-tietokanta tai se on korruptoitunut." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:245 #, python-format msgid " %(id)s - %(text)s with %(id2)s\n" msgstr " %(id)s - %(text)s with %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:251 #, python-format msgid " Family %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" msgstr " Perhe %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:254 #, python-format msgid " Source %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" msgstr " Lähde %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:257 #, python-format msgid " Event %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" msgstr " Tapahtuma %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:260 #, python-format msgid " Media Object %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" msgstr " Mediatiedosto %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:263 #, python-format msgid " Place %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" msgstr " Paikka %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:266 #, python-format msgid " Repository %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" msgstr " Arkisto %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:269 #, python-format msgid " Note %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" msgstr " Lisätiedot %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:274 #, python-format msgid " Citation %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" msgstr " Lainaus %(id)s jossa %(id2)s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:282 #, python-format msgid " People: %d\n" msgstr " Henkilöt: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:283 #, python-format msgid " Families: %d\n" msgstr " Perheet: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:284 #, python-format msgid " Sources: %d\n" msgstr " Lähteet: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:285 #, python-format msgid " Events: %d\n" msgstr " Tapahtumat: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:286 #, python-format msgid " Media Objects: %d\n" msgstr " Mediatiedostot: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:287 #, python-format msgid " Places: %d\n" msgstr " Paikat: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:288 #, python-format msgid " Repositories: %d\n" msgstr " Arkistot: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:289 #, python-format msgid " Notes: %d\n" msgstr " Lisätiedot: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:290 #, python-format msgid " Tags: %d\n" msgstr " Tagit: %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:291 #, python-format msgid " Citations: %d\n" msgstr " Lainaukset %d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:293 msgid "Number of new objects imported:\n" msgstr "Tuotujen uusien kohteiden määrä:\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:302 #, python-format msgid "" "\n" "The imported file was not self-contained.\n" "To correct for that, %(new)d objects were created and\n" "their typifying attribute was set to 'Unknown'.\n" "The breakdown per category is depicted by the\n" "number in parentheses. Where possible these\n" "'Unknown' objects are referenced by note %(unknown)s.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Tuotu tiedosto ei sisältänyt kaikkea tarpeellista.\n" "Sen korjaamiseksi luotiin %(new)d kohteet ja niiden ominaisuudeksi \n" "asetettiin \"Tuntematon\"'.\n" "Kategorioiden alajako ilmaistaan suluissa olevalla numerolla\n" "ja jos mahdollista\n" "\"Tuntemattomiin\" on liitetty lisätieto %(unknown)s.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:310 msgid "" "\n" "Media objects with relative paths have been\n" "imported. These paths are considered relative to\n" "the media directory you can set in the preferences,\n" "or, if not set, relative to the user's directory.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Tuotiin mediatiedostoja suhteellisilla poluilla.\n" "Nämä polut oletetaan suhteellisiksi joko mediahakemistoon,\n" "jonka voit määrittää Asetuksista tai jos sitä ei ole annettu,\n" "suhteellisiksi kotihakemistoosi.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:321 msgid "" "\n" "Objects that are candidates to be merged:\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Sulauttamiseen soveltuvat kohteet:\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:809 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1289 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1561 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1982 msgid "The Gramps Xml you are trying to import is malformed." msgstr "Tuotavassa Grampsin XML-tiedostossa on rakennevirhe." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:810 msgid "Attributes that link the data together are missing." msgstr "Tietoja koostavia ominaisuuksia puuttuu." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:919 msgid "Gramps XML import" msgstr "Grampsin XML-tuonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:953 msgid "Could not change media path" msgstr "Mediatiedostopolun vaihdos ei onnistu" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:954 #, python-format msgid "" "The opened file has media path %s, which conflicts with the media path of " "the Family Tree you import into. The original media path has been retained. " "Copy the files to a correct directory or change the media path in the " "Preferences." msgstr "" "Avatussa tiedostossa mediapolku on %s, joka ei vastaa mediapolkua " "sukupuussa, johon sitä tuot. Sukupuun mediapolku on säilytetty. Kopio " "tiedostot oikeaan hakemistoon tai vaihda mediapolkua Asetuksista." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1013 msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing does not contain information about the " "version of Gramps with, which it was produced.\n" "\n" "The file will not be imported." msgstr "" "Tuotavasta Gramps-tiedostosta puuttuu tieto, millä Grampsin versiolla se on " "tuotettu\n" "\n" "Tiedoston tuontia ei jatketa." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1016 msgid "Import file misses Gramps version" msgstr "Tuontitiedostosta puuttuu Grampsin versio" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1018 #, python-format msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(newer)s of Gramps, " "while you are running an older version %(older)s. The file will not be " "imported. Please upgrade to the latest version of Gramps and try again." msgstr "" ".Gramps-tiedosto, jota olet tuomassa on Gramps-versiosta %(newer)s, joka on " "uudempi kuin käyttämäsi versio %(older)s. Tiedoston tuonti on peruttu. " "Päivitä viimeisimpään julkaistuun Gramps-versioon ja yritä uudelleen." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1026 #, python-format msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(oldgramps)s of " "Gramps, while you are running a more recent version %(newgramps)s.\n" "\n" "The file will not be imported. Please use an older version of Gramps that " "supports version %(xmlversion)s of the xml.\n" "See\n" " %(gramps_wiki_xml_url)s\n" " for more info." msgstr "" "Tuotava .gramps-tiedoston on tehty Grampsin versiolla %(oldgramps)s, ja " "käytössäsi on uudempi versio %(newgramps)s.\n" "\n" "Tiedostoa ei tuotu. Käytä vanhempaa Gramps versiota, joka tukee xml-versiota " "%(xmlversion)s .\n" "Katso\n" " %(gramps_wiki_xml_url)s\n" " lisätietojen saamiseksi." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1037 msgid "The file will not be imported" msgstr "Tiedoston tuonti ei onnistunut" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1039 #, python-format msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(oldgramps)s of " "Gramps, while you are running a much more recent version %(newgramps)s.\n" "\n" "Ensure after import everything is imported correctly. In the event of " "problems, please submit a bug and use an older version of Gramps in the " "meantime to import this file, which is version %(xmlversion)s of the xml.\n" "See\n" " %(gramps_wiki_xml_url)s\n" "for more info." msgstr "" "Gramps-tiedosto, jota tuot, oli tehty Grampsin versiolla %(oldgramps)s, kun " "käytät itse uudempaa versiota %(newgramps)s.\n" "\n" "Varmista tuotuasi että kaikki tuotiin oikein. Jos ongelmia tulee, tee " "virheilmoitus ja käytä vanhempaa Grampsin versiota toistaiseksi tämän " "tiedoston tuomiseen, joka on xml-versiota %(xmlversion)s.\n" "Katso\n" " %(gramps_wiki_xml_url)s\n" "lisätietojen saamiseksi." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1052 msgid "Old xml file" msgstr "Vanha xml-tiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1207 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:2705 #, python-format msgid "Witness name: %s" msgstr "Todistajan nimi: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1290 msgid "Any event reference must have a 'hlink' attribute." msgstr "Tapahtumaviitteessä täytyy olla \"hlink\" attribuutti." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1562 msgid "Any person reference must have a 'hlink' attribute." msgstr "Henkilöviitteessä täytyy olla \"hlink\" attribuutti." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1751 #, python-format msgid "" "Your Family Tree groups name \"%(key)s\" together with \"%(parent)s\", did " "not change this grouping to \"%(value)s\"." msgstr "" "Sukupuusi ryhmien nimi \"%(key)s\" liittyen \"%(parent)s\", ei muuttanut " "ryhmittelyä arvoihin \"%(value)s\"." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1754 msgid "Gramps ignored a name grouping" msgstr "Gramps ohitti nimiryhmittelyn" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1813 msgid "Unknown when imported" msgstr "Tuotaessa tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1983 msgid "Any note reference must have a 'hlink' attribute." msgstr "Lisätietojen viitteessä täytyy olla \"hlink\" attribuutti." #. Translators: leave the {date} and {xml} untranslated in the format string, #. but you may re-order them if needed. #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:2523 #, python-brace-format msgid "Invalid date {date} in XML {xml}, preserving XML as text" msgstr "XML {xml} Kelpaamaton päiväys {date}, säilytetään XML tekstinä" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:2575 #, python-format msgid "Witness comment: %s" msgstr "Todistajan-kommentti: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:3228 #, python-format msgctxt "father" msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' father '%(father)s' does not refer back to the " "family. Reference added." msgstr "" "Virhe: perheessä '%(family)s' isä '%(father)s' ei viittaa takaisin " "perheeseen. Viite lisätty." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:3244 #, python-format msgctxt "mother" msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' mother '%(mother)s' does not refer back to the " "family. Reference added." msgstr "" "Virhe: perheessä '%(family)s' äiti '%(mother)s' ei viittaa takaisin " "perheeseen. Viite lisätty." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:3266 #, python-format msgctxt "child" msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' child '%(child)s' does not refer back to the " "family. Reference added." msgstr "" "Virhe: perheessä '%(family)s' lapsi '%(child)s' ei viittaa takaisin " "perheeseen. Viite lisätty." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libcairodoc.py:1398 #, python-format msgid "" "Mismatch between selected extension %(ext)s and actual format.\n" " Writing to %(filename)s in format %(impliedext)s." msgstr "" "Ristiriita valitun tunnisteen %(ext)s ja todellisen tunnisteen välillä.\n" " Kirjoitetaan tiedostoa %(filename)s muodossa %(impliedext)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:698 msgid "Common Law Marriage" msgstr "Avoliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1956 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1744 msgid "Destination" msgstr "Kohde" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:700 msgid "DNA" msgstr "DNA" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:701 msgid "Cause of Death" msgstr "Kuolinsyy" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:702 msgid "Employment" msgstr "Työpaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:704 msgid "Eye Color" msgstr "Silmien väri" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:706 msgid "Height" msgstr "Korkeus" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:707 msgid "Initiatory (LDS)" msgstr "Initiaattori (MAP)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:708 msgid "Military ID" msgstr "Sotilastunnus" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:709 msgid "Mission (LDS)" msgstr "Lähetystyö (MAP)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:710 msgid "Namesake" msgstr "Kaima" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:711 msgid "Ordinance" msgstr "Sakramentti" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:713 msgid "Separation" msgstr "Ero" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:714 msgid "Weight" msgstr "Kirjasinvahvuus" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:926 msgid "Line ignored " msgstr "Rivi ohitetaan " #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:1540 #, python-format msgid "Illegal character%s" msgstr "Virheellinen merkki%s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:1820 msgid "Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. It appears to have been truncated." msgstr "GEDCOM-tiedostosi on vioittunut. Se näyttää olevan typistetty." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:1904 #, python-format msgid "Import from GEDCOM (%s)" msgstr "Tuo GEDCOM-tiedosto (%s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:2740 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3197 msgid "GEDCOM import" msgstr "GEDCOM-tuonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:2768 msgid "GEDCOM import report: No errors detected" msgstr "GEDCOM-tuonnin raportti: Ei virheitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:2770 #, python-format msgid "GEDCOM import report: %s errors detected" msgstr "GEDCOM-tuonnin raportti: %s virhettä löytynyt" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3090 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3115 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3128 msgid "Line ignored as not understood" msgstr "Rivistä ei saatu selvää, joten se jätettiin huomiotta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3117 msgid "Tag recognized but not supported" msgstr "Tagi tunnistettu mutta ei tuettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3153 msgid "Skipped subordinate line" msgstr "Ohitettiin alistettu rivi" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3186 msgid "Records not imported into " msgstr "Tietueita ei tuotu paikkaan " #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3225 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) not in input GEDCOM. " "Record synthesised" msgstr "" "Virhe: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (tuotuna @%(xref)s@) ei ole GEDCOM " "syöttötiedostossa. Tietue syntetisoitu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3234 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) not in input GEDCOM. " "Record with typifying attribute 'Unknown' created" msgstr "" "Virhe: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (syötteenä @%(xref)s@) ei GEDCOM aineistossa. " "Luotu tietue tyyppiominaisuudeltaan 'Tuntematon'" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3278 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' (input as @%(orig_family)s@) person %(person)s " "(input as %(orig_person)s) is not a member of the referenced family. Family " "reference removed from person" msgstr "" "Virhe: perheessä '%(family)s' (tuonnissa @%(orig_family)s@) henkilö " "%(person)s (tuonnissa %(orig_person)s) ei ole viitatun perheen jäsen. " "Henkilöltä poistettu viittaus perheeseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3356 #, python-format msgid "" "\n" "The imported file was not self-contained.\n" "To correct for that, %(new)d objects were created and\n" "their typifying attribute was set to 'Unknown'.\n" "Where possible these 'Unknown' objects are \n" "referenced by note %(unknown)s.\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Tuodussa tiedostossa oli puuttuvia osia.\n" "Tämän korjaamiseksi luotiin %(new)d kohdetta ja\n" "niiden ominaisuudeksi asetettiin \"Tuntematon\".\n" "Silloin kun mahdollista, näihin lisättiin lisätiedot \n" " %(unknown)s.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3430 #, python-format msgid "ADDR element ignored '%s'" msgstr "ADDR-elementti jätetty huomiotta '%s'" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3451 msgid "TRLR (trailer)" msgstr "TRLR (trailer-osio)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3480 msgid "(Submitter):" msgstr "(Luovuttaja):" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3504 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7318 msgid "GEDCOM data" msgstr "GEDCOM-tieto" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3549 msgid "Unknown tag" msgstr "Tuntematon tagi" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3551 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3565 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3569 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3590 msgid "Top Level" msgstr "Ylin taso" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3665 #, python-format msgid "INDI (individual) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "INDI (henkilö) Gramps ID %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3793 msgid "Empty Alias ignored" msgstr "Tyhjä Alias ohitettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5024 #, python-format msgid "FAM (family) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "FAM (perhe) Gramps ID %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5395 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6751 msgid "Filename omitted" msgstr "Tiedostonimi ohitettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5429 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6804 #, python-format msgid "Could not import %s" msgstr "Ei voitu tuoda %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5495 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6891 msgid "Media-Type" msgstr "Media-Tyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5519 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6793 msgid "Multiple FILE in a single OBJE ignored" msgstr "Kerrannais FILE yksittäis OBJE jätetty huomiotta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5658 msgid "A second PLAC ignored" msgstr "Muu kuin 1. PLAC ohitetaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5797 msgid "Detail" msgstr "Tarkennus" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5810 msgid "Location already populated; ADDR ignored" msgstr "Sijainti-tieto on hyödynnetty; ADDR ohitetaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6211 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7099 msgid "Warn: ADDR overwritten" msgstr "Varoitus: ADDR kirjoitettu yli" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6376 msgid "Citation Justification" msgstr "Lainauksen perustelu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6403 msgid "REFN ignored" msgstr "REFN ohitettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6502 #, python-format msgid "No title - ID %s" msgstr "Lähteen nimike puuttuu - ID %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6507 #, python-format msgid "SOUR (source) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "SOUR (lähde) Gramps ID %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6769 #, python-format msgid "OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "OBJE (multimediakohteen) Gramps ID %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6987 #, python-format msgid "REPO (repository) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "REPO (arkisto) Gramps ID %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7048 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:8060 msgid "Only one phone number supported" msgstr "Tukee vain yhtä puhelinnumeroa" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7234 msgid "HEAD (header)" msgstr "Head (ylätunniste)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7255 msgid "Approved system identification" msgstr "Hyväksytty järjestelmän tunnistus" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7267 msgid "Generated By" msgstr "Tuotettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7283 msgid "Name of software product" msgstr "Sovellustuotteen nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7297 msgid "Version number of software product" msgstr "Sovellustuotteen versio" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7315 #, python-format msgid "Business that produced the product: %s" msgstr "Sovellustuotteen valmistaja: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7337 msgid "Name of source data" msgstr "Lähdeaineiston nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7354 msgid "Copyright of source data" msgstr "Lähdeaineiston tekijänoikeus" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7371 msgid "Publication date of source data" msgstr "Lähdeaineiston julkaisupäivä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7385 #, python-format msgid "Import from %s" msgstr "Tuonti paikasta %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7424 msgid "Submission record identifier" msgstr "Luovutuksen tietuetunniste" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7437 msgid "Language of GEDCOM text" msgstr "GEDCOM-tekstin kieli" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7459 #, python-format msgid "" "Import of GEDCOM file %(filename)s with DEST=%(by)s, could cause errors in " "the resulting database!" msgstr "" "GEDCOM-tiedoston %(filename)s, jossa DEST=%(by)s, tuonti saattaisi aiheuttaa " "virheitä syntyvään tietokantaan!" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7462 msgid "Look for nameless events." msgstr "Etsitään nimettömiä tapahtumia." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7485 msgid "Character set" msgstr "Merkistön koodaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7490 msgid "Character set and version" msgstr "Merkistön koodaus ja versio" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7507 msgid "GEDCOM version not supported" msgstr "GEDCOM-versio ei ole tuettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7511 msgid "GEDCOM version" msgstr "GEDCOM-versio" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7520 msgid "GEDCOM FORM should be in uppercase" msgstr "GEDCOM FORM pitäisi olla isoilla kirjaimilla" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7523 msgid "GEDCOM FORM not supported" msgstr "GEDCOM FORM ei ole tuettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7526 msgid "GEDCOM form" msgstr "GEDCOM muoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7577 msgid "Creation date of GEDCOM" msgstr "GEDCOM-luontipäivä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7582 msgid "Creation date and time of GEDCOM" msgstr "GEDCOMin luontipäivä ja kellonaika" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7623 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7665 msgid "Empty note ignored" msgstr "Tyhjä lisätieto jätettiin huomiotta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7682 #, python-format msgid "NOTE Gramps ID %s" msgstr "LISÄTIEDOT Gramps ID %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7733 msgid "Submission: Submitter" msgstr "Luovuttaja" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7735 msgid "Submission: Family file" msgstr "Sukupuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7737 msgid "Submission: Temple code" msgstr "Temppelikoodi" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7739 msgid "Submission: Generations of ancestors" msgstr "Esivanhempien sukupolvet" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7741 msgid "Submission: Generations of descendants" msgstr "Jälkeläisten sukupolvet" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7743 msgid "Submission: Ordinance process flag" msgstr "Sijaistoimituksen tila" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7998 msgid "Invalid temple code" msgstr "Virheellinen temppelikoodi" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:8094 msgid "" "Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. The file appears to be encoded using the " "UTF16 character set, but is missing the BOM marker." msgstr "" "GEDCOM-tiedostosi on viallinen. Tiedosto näyttäisi käyttävän UTF16-" "merkkikoodausta, mutta siitä puuttuu vaadittu BOM-merkintä." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:8097 msgid "Your GEDCOM file is empty." msgstr "GEDCOM-tiedostosi on tyhjä." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:51 msgid "Unicode UTF-8 (recommended)" msgstr "Unicode UTF-8 (suositeltu)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:107 msgid "Standard copyright" msgstr "Normaali tekijänoikeus" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:111 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution" msgstr "Creative Commons - ominaisuudella" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:112 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, No derivations" msgstr "Creative Commons - ominaisuudella, ei johdannaisia" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:113 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Share-alike" msgstr "Creative Commons - ominaisuudella, johdannaiset jaettavissa" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:114 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial" msgstr "Creative Commons - ominaisuudella, ei-kaupallinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:115 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial, No derivations" msgstr "Creative Commons - ominaisuudella, ei-kaupallinen, ei johdannaisia" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:116 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial, Share-alike" msgstr "" "Creative Commons - ominaisuudella, ei-kaupallinen, johdannaiset jaettavissa" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:118 msgid "No copyright notice" msgstr "Ei lisätietoa tekijänoikeudesta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:98 msgid "Invalid format" msgstr "Virheellinen muotoilu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:66 #, python-format msgid "%(hr)02d:%(min)02d:%(sec)02d" msgstr "%(hr)02d:%(min)02d:%(sec)02d" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:69 #, python-format msgid "%(date)s %(time)s" msgstr "%(date)s, %(time)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:102 msgid "Camera" msgstr "Kamera" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:103 msgid "GPS" msgstr "GPS" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:88 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s syntyi %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:89 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s syntyi %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:90 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s syntyi %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:93 #, python-format msgid "This person was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Henkilö syntyi %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:94 #, python-format msgid "He was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:95 #, python-format msgid "She was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:97 #, python-format msgid "Born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Syntyi %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:102 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s syntyi %(modified_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:103 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s syntyi %(modified_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:104 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s syntyi %(modified_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:107 #, python-format msgid "This person was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Henkilö syntyi %(modified_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:108 #, python-format msgid "He was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(modified_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:109 #, python-format msgid "She was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(modified_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:111 #, python-format msgid "Born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Syntyi %(modified_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:116 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s syntyi %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:117 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s syntyi %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:118 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s syntyi %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:121 #, python-format msgid "This person was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "Henkilö syntyi %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:122 #, python-format msgid "He was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:123 #, python-format msgid "She was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:125 #, python-format msgid "Born %(birth_date)s." msgstr "Syntyi %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:130 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s syntyi %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:131 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s syntyi %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:132 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s syntyi %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:135 #, python-format msgid "This person was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "Henkilö syntyi %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:136 #, python-format msgid "He was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:137 #, python-format msgid "She was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:139 #, python-format msgid "Born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "Syntyi %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:144 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s syntyi %(month_year)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:145 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s syntyi %(month_year)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:146 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s syntyi %(month_year)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:149 #, python-format msgid "This person was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Henkilö syntyi %(month_year)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:150 #, python-format msgid "He was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(month_year)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:151 #, python-format msgid "She was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(month_year)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:153 #, python-format msgid "Born %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Syntyi %(month_year)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:158 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s syntyi %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:159 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s syntyi %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:160 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s syntyi %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:163 #, python-format msgid "This person was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Henkilö syntyi %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:164 #, python-format msgid "He was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:165 #, python-format msgid "She was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Hän syntyi %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:167 #, python-format msgid "Born %(month_year)s." msgstr "Syntyi %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:172 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s, syntymäpaikka %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:173 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s, syntymäpaikka %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:174 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s, syntymäpaikka %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:177 #, python-format msgid "This person was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Syntymäpaikka %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:178 #, python-format msgid "He was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Syntymäpaikka %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:179 #, python-format msgid "She was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Syntymäpaikka %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:181 #, python-format msgid "Born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Syntymäpaikka %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:191 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:192 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age " "of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:195 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:196 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:199 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:200 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:204 #, python-format msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:205 #, python-format msgid "" "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s vanhana." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:208 #, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:209 #, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:212 #, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:213 #, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:250 #, python-format msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:218 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:251 #, python-format msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, (ikä %(age)s)." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:224 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:225 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:228 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:229 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:232 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:233 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:237 #, python-format msgid "This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:238 #, python-format msgid "" "This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:241 #, python-format msgid "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:242 #, python-format msgid "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:245 #, python-format msgid "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:246 #, python-format msgid "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:257 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:258 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:261 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:262 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:265 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:266 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:270 #, python-format msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:271 #, python-format msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:274 #, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:275 #, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:278 #, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:279 #, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:283 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:316 #, python-format msgid "Died %(death_date)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:284 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:317 #, python-format msgid "Died %(death_date)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s (ikä %(age)s)." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:290 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:291 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:294 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:295 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:298 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:299 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:303 #, python-format msgid "This person died %(death_date)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:304 #, python-format msgid "This person died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:307 #, python-format msgid "He died %(death_date)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:308 #, python-format msgid "He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:311 #, python-format msgid "She died %(death_date)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:312 #, python-format msgid "She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(death_date)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:323 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:324 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age " "of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:327 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:328 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:331 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:332 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:336 #, python-format msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:337 #, python-format msgid "" "This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:340 #, python-format msgid "He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s, %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:341 #, python-format msgid "He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:344 #, python-format msgid "She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:345 #, python-format msgid "She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:349 #, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:350 #, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s %(death_place)s, (ikä %(age)s)." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:356 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:357 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:360 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:361 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:364 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:365 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuoli %(month_year)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:369 #, python-format msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:370 #, python-format msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:373 #, python-format msgid "He died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:374 #, python-format msgid "He died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:377 #, python-format msgid "She died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:378 #, python-format msgid "She died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:382 #, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:383 #, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "Kuoli %(month_year)s (ikä %(age)s)." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:389 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:390 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:393 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:394 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:397 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:398 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:403 #, python-format msgid "This person died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:404 #, python-format msgid "This person died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Henkilön kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:407 #, python-format msgid "He died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:408 #, python-format msgid "He died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:411 #, python-format msgid "She died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:412 #, python-format msgid "She died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s, ikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:416 #, python-format msgid "Died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Kuolinpaikka %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:417 #, python-format msgid "Died in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "Kuolipaikka %(death_place)s, (ikä %(age)s)." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:424 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kuolinikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:428 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kuolinikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:432 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kuolinikä %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:437 #, python-format msgid "This person died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Hänen kuolinikä on %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:441 #, python-format msgid "He died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Hänen kuolinikä on %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:445 #, python-format msgid "She died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Hänen kuolinikä on %(age)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:450 #, python-format msgid "Died (%(age)s)." msgstr "Kuolinikä (%(age)s)." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:461 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s haudattiin %(burial_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:462 #, python-format msgid "He was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(burial_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:465 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s haudattiin %(burial_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:466 #, python-format msgid "She was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(burial_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:469 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s haudattiin %(burial_date)s %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:470 #, python-format msgid "" "This person was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(burial_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:472 #, python-format msgid "Buried %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(burial_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:477 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s haudattiin %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:478 #, python-format msgid "He was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:481 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s haudattiin %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:482 #, python-format msgid "She was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:485 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s haudattiin %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:486 #, python-format msgid "This person was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:488 #, python-format msgid "Buried %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:493 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s haudattiin %(month_year)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:494 #, python-format msgid "He was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(month_year)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:497 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s haudattiin %(month_year)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:498 #, python-format msgid "She was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(month_year)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:501 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s haudattiin %(month_year)s %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:502 #, python-format msgid "" "This person was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(month_year)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:504 #, python-format msgid "Buried %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(month_year)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:509 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s haudattiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:510 #, python-format msgid "He was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:513 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s haudattiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:514 #, python-format msgid "She was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:517 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s haudattiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:518 #, python-format msgid "This person was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:520 #, python-format msgid "Buried %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:525 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s haudattiin %(modified_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:526 #, python-format msgid "He was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(modified_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:529 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s haudattiin %(modified_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:530 #, python-format msgid "She was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(modified_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:533 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s haudattiin %(modified_date)s %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:534 #, python-format msgid "" "This person was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(modified_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:536 #, python-format msgid "Buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(modified_date)s %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:541 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s haudattiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:542 #, python-format msgid "He was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:545 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s haudattiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:546 #, python-format msgid "She was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:549 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s haudattiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:550 #, python-format msgid "This person was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:552 #, python-format msgid "Buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:557 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s on haudattu paikkaan, %(burial_place)s %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:558 #, python-format msgid "He was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Hänen hautapaikka on %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:561 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s on haudattu paikkaan, %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:562 #, python-format msgid "She was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Hänen hautapaikka on %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:565 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s on haudattu paikkaan, %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:566 #, python-format msgid "This person was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Hänen hautapaikka on %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:568 #, python-format msgid "Buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:573 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s haudattiin%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:574 #, python-format msgid "He was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Hänet haudattiin %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:577 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s haudattiin%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:578 #, python-format msgid "She was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:581 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s haudattiin %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:582 #, python-format msgid "This person was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattiin %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:584 #, python-format msgid "Buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Haudattu%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:594 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s kastettiin %(baptism_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:595 #, python-format msgid "He was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(baptism_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:598 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s kastettiin %(baptism_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:599 #, python-format msgid "She was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(baptism_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:602 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s kastettiin %(baptism_date)s %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:603 #, python-format msgid "" "This person was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(baptism_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:605 #, python-format msgid "Baptized %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(baptism_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:610 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kastettiin %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:611 #, python-format msgid "He was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:614 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kastettiin %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:615 #, python-format msgid "She was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:618 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kastettiin %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:619 #, python-format msgid "This person was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:621 #, python-format msgid "Baptized %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:626 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kastettiin %(month_year)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:627 #, python-format msgid "He was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(month_year)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:630 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s kastettiin %(month_year)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:631 #, python-format msgid "She was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(month_year)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:634 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s kastettiin %(month_year)s %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:635 #, python-format msgid "" "This person was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(month_year)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:637 #, python-format msgid "Baptized %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(month_year)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:642 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kastettiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:643 #, python-format msgid "He was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:646 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kastettiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:647 #, python-format msgid "She was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:650 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kastettiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:651 #, python-format msgid "This person was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:653 #, python-format msgid "Baptized %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:658 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s kastettiin %(modified_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:659 #, python-format msgid "He was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(modified_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:662 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s kastettiin %(modified_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:663 #, python-format msgid "She was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(modified_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:666 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s kastettiin %(modified_date)s %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:667 #, python-format msgid "" "This person was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(modified_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:669 #, python-format msgid "Baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(modified_date)s %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:674 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kastettiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:675 #, python-format msgid "He was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:678 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kastettiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:679 #, python-format msgid "She was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:682 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kastettiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:683 #, python-format msgid "This person was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:685 #, python-format msgid "Baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastettiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:690 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kastettiin %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:691 #, python-format msgid "He was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastepaikka %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:694 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kastettiin %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:695 #, python-format msgid "She was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastepaikka %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:698 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kastettiin %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:699 #, python-format msgid "This person was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastepaikka %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:701 #, python-format msgid "Baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kastepaikka %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:706 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s kastettiin%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:707 #, python-format msgid "He was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kaste %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:710 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s kastettiin%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:711 #, python-format msgid "She was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kaste %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:714 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s kastettiin%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:715 #, python-format msgid "This person was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kaste %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:717 #, python-format msgid "Baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Kaste %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:727 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:728 #, python-format msgid "" "He was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:731 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s in " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:732 #, python-format msgid "" "She was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:735 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s in " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:736 #, python-format msgid "" "This person was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:738 #, python-format msgid "Christened %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:743 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:744 #, python-format msgid "He was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:747 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:748 #, python-format msgid "She was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:751 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:752 #, python-format msgid "This person was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:754 #, python-format msgid "Christened %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:759 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:760 #, python-format msgid "" "He was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:763 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:764 #, python-format msgid "" "She was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:767 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s in " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:768 #, python-format msgid "" "This person was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:770 #, python-format msgid "Christened %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:775 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:776 #, python-format msgid "He was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:779 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:780 #, python-format msgid "She was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:783 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:784 #, python-format msgid "This person was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:786 #, python-format msgid "Christened %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:791 #, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:792 #, python-format msgid "" "He was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:795 #, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:796 #, python-format msgid "" "She was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:799 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s in " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:800 #, python-format msgid "" "This person was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Henkilön ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:802 #, python-format msgid "Christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:807 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:808 #, python-format msgid "He was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:811 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:812 #, python-format msgid "She was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:815 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:816 #, python-format msgid "This person was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:818 #, python-format msgid "Christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:823 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s, ristiäispaikka oli %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:824 #, python-format msgid "He was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäispaikka oli %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:827 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s, ristiäispaikka oli %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:828 #, python-format msgid "She was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäispaikka oli %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:831 #, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s, ristiäispaikka oli %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:832 #, python-format msgid "This person was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Henkilön ristiäispaikka %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:834 #, python-format msgid "Christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäispaikka oli %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:839 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s ristiäiset vietetty %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:840 #, python-format msgid "He was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:843 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:844 #, python-format msgid "She was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset oli %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:847 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s, ristiäiset oli %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:848 #, python-format msgid "This person was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset vietettiin %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:850 #, python-format msgid "Christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ristiäiset vietettiin %(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:861 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s on vanhempien %(father)s ja %(mother)s lapsi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:862 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s oli vanhempien %(father)s ja %(mother)s lapsi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:865 #, python-format msgid "This person is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Vanhemmat: %(father)s ja %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:866 #, python-format msgid "This person was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Vanhemmat: %(father)s ja %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:868 #, python-format msgid "Child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Vanhemmat: %(father)s ja %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:872 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s on vanhempien, %(father)s ja %(mother)s poika." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:873 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s oli vanhempien, %(father)s ja %(mother)s poika." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:876 #, python-format msgid "He is the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Vanhemmat: %(father)s ja %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:877 #, python-format msgid "He was the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Vanhemmat: %(father)s ja %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:879 #, python-format msgid "Son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Vanhemmat: %(father)s ja %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:883 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s is the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s on vanhempien, %(father)s ja %(mother)s tytär." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:884 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s oli vanhenpien, %(father)s ja %(mother)s tytär." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:887 #, python-format msgid "She is the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Vanhemmat: %(father)s ja %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:888 #, python-format msgid "She was the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Vanhemmat: %(father)s ja %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:890 #, python-format msgid "Daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Vanhemmat: %(father)s ja %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:897 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s on isän, %(father)s lapsi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:898 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s oli isän, %(father)s lapsi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:901 #, python-format msgid "This person is the child of %(father)s." msgstr "Henkilön isä on %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:902 #, python-format msgid "This person was the child of %(father)s." msgstr "Henkilön isä oli %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:904 #, python-format msgid "Child of %(father)s." msgstr "Isä on %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:908 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the son of %(father)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s on isän, %(father)s poika." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:909 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the son of %(father)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s oli isän, %(father)s poika." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:912 #, python-format msgid "He is the son of %(father)s." msgstr "Isä on %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:913 #, python-format msgid "He was the son of %(father)s." msgstr "Isä oli %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:915 #, python-format msgid "Son of %(father)s." msgstr "%(father)s on pojan isä." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:919 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s is the daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s on isän, %(father)s tytär." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:920 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was the daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s oli isän %(father)s tytär." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:923 #, python-format msgid "She is the daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "Hänen isä on %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:924 #, python-format msgid "She was the daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "Hänen isä oli %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:926 #, python-format msgid "Daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "Tyttären isä, %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:933 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the child of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s on äidin, %(mother)s lapsi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:934 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the child of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s oli äidin, %(mother)s lapsi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:937 #, python-format msgid "This person is the child of %(mother)s." msgstr "Henkilö on äidin, %(mother)s lapsi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:938 #, python-format msgid "This person was the child of %(mother)s." msgstr "Henkilö oli äidin, %(mother)s lapsi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:940 #, python-format msgid "Child of %(mother)s." msgstr "Lapsen äiti on %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:944 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the son of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s on äidin, %(mother)s poika." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:945 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the son of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s oli äidin, %(mother)s poika." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:948 #, python-format msgid "He is the son of %(mother)s." msgstr "Äiti on %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:949 #, python-format msgid "He was the son of %(mother)s." msgstr "Äiti oli %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:951 #, python-format msgid "Son of %(mother)s." msgstr "Pojan äiti, %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:955 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s is the daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s on äidin, %(mother)s tytär." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:956 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was the daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s oli äidin, %(mother)s tytär." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:959 #, python-format msgid "She is the daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "Äiti on %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:960 #, python-format msgid "She was the daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "Äiti oli %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:962 #, python-format msgid "Daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "Tyttären äiti, %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:973 #, python-format msgid "" "This person married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(partial_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:974 #, python-format msgid "" "This person married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(full_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:975 #, python-format msgid "" "This person married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(modified_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:978 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(partial_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:979 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(full_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:980 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(modified_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:983 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(partial_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:984 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(full_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:985 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(modified_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:988 #, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(partial_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:989 #, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(full_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:990 #, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(modified_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:996 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:997 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:998 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1001 #, python-format msgid "" "He also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1002 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1003 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1006 #, python-format msgid "" "She also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1007 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1008 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1011 #, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1012 #, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1013 #, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1019 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1020 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1021 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1024 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1025 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1026 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1029 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1030 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1031 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1034 #, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1035 #, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1036 #, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1042 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1043 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1044 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1047 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1048 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1049 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1053 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1054 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1057 #, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1058 #, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1059 #, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1064 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihkipaikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1065 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihkipaikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1066 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihkipaikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1067 #, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihkipaikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1071 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen paikassa %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1072 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen paikassa %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1073 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen paikassa %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1074 #, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s, vihitty uudelleen paikassa %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1078 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1079 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1080 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1081 #, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1085 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Uusi aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1086 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Uusi aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1087 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Uusi aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1088 #, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Uusi aviopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1098 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in " "%(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde on alkanut %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1099 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s " "in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1100 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s " "in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1103 #, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1104 #, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1105 #, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1108 #, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1109 #, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1110 #, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1113 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1136 #, python-format msgid "" "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1114 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1137 #, python-format msgid "" "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1115 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1138 #, python-format msgid "" "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1121 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in " "%(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1122 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on " "%(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1123 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s " "%(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1126 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1127 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1128 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1131 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s " "in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1132 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1133 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1144 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1145 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1146 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1149 #, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1150 #, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1151 #, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1154 #, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1155 #, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1156 #, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1159 #, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1160 #, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1161 #, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1167 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in " "%(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1168 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on " "%(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1169 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s " "%(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1172 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1173 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1174 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1177 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1178 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1179 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1182 #, python-format msgid "" "Also unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1183 #, python-format msgid "Also unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1184 #, python-format msgid "" "Also unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde alkoi %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1189 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, suhteen paikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1190 #, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, suhteen paikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1191 #, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, suhteen paikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1192 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1199 #, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, suhteen paikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1196 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uuden suhteen paikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1197 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uuden suhteen paikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1198 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s, uuden suhteen paikka %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1203 #, python-format msgid "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1204 #, python-format msgid "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1205 #, python-format msgid "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1206 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1213 #, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1210 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1211 #, python-format msgid "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1212 #, python-format msgid "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Avopuoliso: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1224 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1225 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1226 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1229 #, python-format msgid "" "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1230 #, python-format msgid "" "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1231 #, python-format msgid "" "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1234 #, python-format msgid "" "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1235 #, python-format msgid "" "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1236 #, python-format msgid "" "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1239 #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1240 #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1241 #, python-format msgid "" "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1247 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1248 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1249 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1252 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1253 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1254 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1257 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1258 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1259 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1262 #, python-format msgid "" "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1263 #, python-format msgid "" "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1264 #, python-format msgid "" "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1270 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1271 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1272 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1275 #, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1276 #, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1277 #, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1280 #, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1281 #, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1282 #, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1285 #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1286 #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1287 #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisterötiin %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1293 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1294 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1295 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1298 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1299 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1300 #, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1303 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1304 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1305 #, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1308 #, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1309 #, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1310 #, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1315 #, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröintiin paikassa %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1316 #, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin paikassa %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1317 #, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin paikassa %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1318 #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, parisuhde rekisteröitiin paikassa %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1322 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin paikassa %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1323 #, python-format msgid "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin paikassa %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1324 #, python-format msgid "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin paikassa %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1325 #, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Puoliso: %(spouse)s, uusi parisuhde rekisteröitiin paikassa %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1329 #, python-format msgid "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Suhde: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1330 #, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Suhde: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1331 #, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Suhde: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1332 #, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Suhde: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1336 #, python-format msgid "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Uusi suhde: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1337 #, python-format msgid "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Uusi suhde: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1338 #, python-format msgid "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Uusi suhde: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1339 #, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Uusi suhde: %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:104 msgid "Number of Parents" msgstr "Vanhempien määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:107 msgid "Number of To Do Notes" msgstr "To Do -lisätietojen määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:83 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:89 msgid "Last Changed" msgstr "Viimeisin muutos" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:122 msgid "Add a new person" msgstr "Lisää uusi henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:123 msgid "Edit the selected person" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua henkilöä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:124 msgid "Delete the selected person" msgstr "Poista valittu henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:125 msgid "Merge the selected persons" msgstr "Sulauta valitut henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:271 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:302 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:174 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:133 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:147 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:133 msgid "Export View..." msgstr "Vie näkymä..." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:192 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:310 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:182 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:142 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:172 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:98 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:89 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:248 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:141 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:678 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:370 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:422 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:141 msgid "_Add Bookmark" msgstr "_Lisää kirjanmerkki" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:180 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:322 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:237 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:260 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:658 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 msgid "_Back" msgstr "_Taaksepäin" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:658 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1658 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:370 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 msgid "_Home" msgstr "_Koti" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:208 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 msgid "_Add..." msgstr "_Lisää..." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:208 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 msgid "_Merge..." msgstr "_Sulauta..." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:243 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:324 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:459 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:213 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:342 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:363 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:526 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:187 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:328 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:293 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:447 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:315 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:329 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:315 msgctxt "action" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "_Muokkaa..." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:690 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 msgid "Person Filter Editor" msgstr "Henkilösuodinmuokkain" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1668 msgid "Set _Home Person" msgstr "_Aseta kotihenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 msgid "Go to the home person" msgstr "Siirry kotihenkilöön" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:237 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:196 msgid "Go to the next object in the history" msgstr "Siirry seuraavaan kohteeseen historiassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:237 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:196 msgid "Go to the previous object in the history" msgstr "Siirry edelliseen kohteeseen historiassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:226 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:226 msgid "Edit..." msgstr "Muokkaa..." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 msgid "Forward" msgstr "Eteenpäin" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:452 msgid "Deleting the person will remove the person from the database." msgstr "Henkilön poistaminen tuhoaa hänet tietokannasta." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:459 #, python-format msgid "Delete Person (%s)" msgstr "Poista henkilö (%s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:493 msgid "" "Exactly two people must be selected to perform a merge. A second person can " "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "person." msgstr "" "Kaksi henkilöä pitää olla valittuna sulautusta varten. Toinen henkilö " "voidaan valita pitämällä napsautettaessa alhaalla Control-näppäintä." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:104 msgid "Edit the selected place" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua paikkaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:105 msgid "Delete the selected place" msgstr "Poista valittu paikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:106 msgid "Merge the selected places" msgstr "Sulauta valitut paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:231 msgid "No map service is available." msgstr "Karttapalvelua ei saatavilla." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:232 msgid "Check your installation." msgstr "Tarkisteta asennuksesi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:240 msgid "No place selected." msgstr "Paikkaa ei ole valittu." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:241 msgid "" "You need to select a place to be able to view it on a map. Some Map Services " "might support multiple selections." msgstr "" "Sinun täytyy valita paikka nähdäksesi sen kartalla. Jotkut karttapalvelut " "tukevat ehkä monivalintaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:325 msgid "Place Filter Editor" msgstr "Paikkasuodinmuokkaaja" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 msgid "_Look up with Map Service" msgstr "_Näytä karttapalvelussa" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:468 msgid "" "Attempt to see selected locations with a Map Service (OpenstreetMap, Google " "Maps, ...)" msgstr "" "Yrittää näyttää valitut paikat karttapalvelussa (OpenStreetMap, Google " "kartat, ...)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:468 msgid "Select a Map Service" msgstr "Valitse karttapalvelu" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:510 msgid "Cannot delete place." msgstr "Paikkaa ei voi poistaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:511 msgid "" "This place is currently referenced by another place. First remove the places " "it contains." msgstr "Toinen paikka viittaa tähän paikkaan. Poista ne ensin." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:533 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:541 msgid "Cannot merge places." msgstr "Paikkojen sulauttaminen ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:534 msgid "" "Exactly two places must be selected to perform a merge. A second place can " "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "place." msgstr "" "Kaksi paikkaa pitää olla valittuna sulautusta varten. Toinen paikka voidaan " "valita pitämällä napsautettaessa alhaalla Control-näppäintä." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:542 msgid "Merging these places would create a cycle in the place hierarchy." msgstr "Näiden paikkojen sulautus loisi silmukan paikka hierarkiassa." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:35 msgid "Provides a library for using Cairo to generate documents." msgstr "Tarjoaa Cairo-kirjaston dokumenttien tuottamiseksi." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:54 msgid "Provides GEDCOM processing functionality" msgstr "Tarjoaa GEDCOM-tiedoston käsittelyn" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:71 msgid "Provides recursive routines for reports" msgstr "Tarjoaa itseään toistavia rutiineja raportteja varten" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:88 msgid "Provides common functionality for Gramps XML import/export." msgstr "Tarjoaa perustoiminnallisuuden Grampsin XML-tuontiin ja -vientiin." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:107 msgid "Provides holiday information for different countries." msgstr "Tarjoaa juhlapyhien tiedot eri maille." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:125 msgid "Manages a HTML file implementing DocBackend." msgstr "Hoitaa HTML-tiedoston DocBackendin implementoiden." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:143 msgid "Common constants for html files." msgstr "Yhteiset vakiot html-tiedostoille." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:161 msgid "Manages an HTML DOM tree." msgstr "Hallitsee HTML DOM -puuta." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:179 msgid "Provides base functionality for map services." msgstr "Tarjoaa perustoiminnallisuuden karttapalveluille." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:196 msgid "Provides Textual Narration." msgstr "Tuottaa tekstimuotoisen kertomuksen." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:213 msgid "Manages an ODF file implementing DocBackend." msgstr "Hoitaa ODF-tiedoston DocBackendin implementoiden." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:230 msgid "Provides the Base needed for the List People views." msgstr "Tarjoaa kehikon henkilölistausten näkymille." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:247 msgid "Provides common functionality for Pro-Gen import" msgstr "Tarjoaa yhteisiä toimintoja Pro-Gen-tuonnille" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:265 msgid "Provides the Base needed for the List Place views." msgstr "Tarjoaa kehikon paikkalistausten näkymille." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:282 msgid "Provides variable substitution on display lines." msgstr "Tarjoaa muuttujien päivityksen näyttöriveillä." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:299 msgid "" "Provides the base needed for the ancestor and descendant graphical reports." msgstr "Tarjoa kehikon esipolvien ja jälkeläisten graafisille raporteille." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:375 #, python-format msgid "Field '%(fldname)s' not found" msgstr "Kenttää '%(fldname)s' ei löydy" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:491 #, python-format msgid "Not a (right) DEF file: %(dname)s" msgstr "Ei (oikea) DEF-tiedosto: %(dname)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:732 msgid "Import from Pro-Gen" msgstr "Tuo Pro-Gen-ohjelmasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:498 msgid "Initializing." msgstr "Alustetaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:515 msgid "Not a supported Pro-Gen import file language" msgstr "Pro-Gen-tuontitiedoston kieltä ei tueta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:531 msgid "Pro-Gen import" msgstr "Pro-Gen-tuonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:539 msgid "Saving." msgstr "Tallennus." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:929 msgid "Pro-Gen Import" msgstr "Pro-Gen-tuonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1138 #, python-format msgid "Date did not match: '%(text)s' (%(msg)s)" msgstr "Päivämäärä ei täsmää: '%(text)s' (%(msg)s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1153 #, python-format msgid "Time: %s" msgstr "Aika: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1207 msgid "Importing persons." msgstr "Henkilöiden tuonti." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1414 msgid "see address on " msgstr "katso osoite " #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1417 msgid "see also address" msgstr "katso myös osoite" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1517 msgid "Death cause" msgstr "Kuolinsyy" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1586 msgid "Importing families." msgstr "Perheiden tuonti." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1691 msgid "Civil union" msgstr "Parisuhteessa" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1796 msgid "Wedding" msgstr "Häät" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1831 msgid "future" msgstr "tulevaisuus" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1903 msgid "Adding children." msgstr "Lisätään lapset." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1929 msgid "Cannot find father for I%(person)s (Father=%(father))" msgstr "Isää ei löydy henkilölle I%(person)s (Father=%(father))" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1932 msgid "Cannot find mother for I%(person)s (Mother=%(mother))" msgstr "Äitiä ei löydy henkilölle I%(person)s (Father=%(father))" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:55 msgid "Youngest living person" msgstr "Nuorin elossa oleva henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:56 msgid "Oldest living person" msgstr "Vanhin elossa oleva henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:57 msgid "Person died at youngest age" msgstr "Nuorin kuollut henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:58 msgid "Person died at oldest age" msgstr "Vanhin kuollut henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:59 msgid "Person married at youngest age" msgstr "Nuorin avioitunut henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:60 msgid "Person married at oldest age" msgstr "Vanhin avioitunut henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:61 msgid "Person divorced at youngest age" msgstr "Nuorin eronnut henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:62 msgid "Person divorced at oldest age" msgstr "Vanhin eronnut henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:63 msgid "Youngest father" msgstr "Nuorin isä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:64 msgid "Youngest mother" msgstr "Nuorin äiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:65 msgid "Oldest father" msgstr "Vanhin isä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:66 msgid "Oldest mother" msgstr "Vanhin äiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:67 msgid "Father with most children" msgstr "Isä jolla on eniten lapsia" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:68 msgid "Mother with most children" msgstr "Äiti jolla on eniten lapsia" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:69 msgid "Father with most grandchildren" msgstr "Isoisä jolla on eniten lapsenlapsia" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:70 msgid "Mother with most grandchildren" msgstr "Isoäiti jolla on eniten lapsenlapsia" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:71 msgid "Couple with most children" msgstr "Pariskunta jolla on eniten lapsia" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:72 msgid "Living couple married most recently" msgstr "Viimeksi avioitunut elossa oleva parikunta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:73 msgid "Living couple married most long ago" msgstr "Varhemmin avioitunut elossa oleva parikunta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:74 msgid "Shortest past marriage" msgstr "Lyhyin päättynyt avioliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:75 msgid "Longest past marriage" msgstr "Pisin päättynyt avioliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:76 msgid "Couple with smallest age difference" msgstr "Pariskunnan pienin ikäero" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:77 msgid "Couple with biggest age difference" msgstr "Pariskunnan suurin ikäero" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:756 msgid "Top Left" msgstr "Vasen yläkulma" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:757 msgid "Top Right" msgstr "Oikea yläkulma" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:758 msgid "Bottom Left" msgstr "Vasen alakulma" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:759 msgid "Bottom Right" msgstr "Oikea alakulma" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:160 msgid "Tile path" msgstr "Laattojen polku" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:161 #, python-format msgid "" "The tile directory doesn't exist anymore:\n" "%s\n" "Trying to create a new one failed.\n" "Configure the view for the tile path and restart gramps." msgstr "" "Laattahakemistoa ei ole enää olemassa:\n" "%s\n" "Yritys luoda uusi epäonnistui.\n" "Määritä näkymä laattapolkua varten ja käynnistä gramps uudelleen." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:398 msgid "Remove cross hair" msgstr "Poista hiusristikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:400 msgid "Add cross hair" msgstr "Lisää hiusristikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:407 msgid "Unlock zoom and position" msgstr "Vapauta zoomaus ja sijainti" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:409 msgid "Lock zoom and position" msgstr "Kiinnitä zoomaus ja sijainti" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:416 msgid "Add place" msgstr "Lisää paikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:421 msgid "Link place" msgstr "Linkitä paikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:426 msgid "Add place from kml" msgstr "Lisää paikka kml-tiedostosta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:431 msgid "Center here" msgstr "Keskitä tänne" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:444 #, python-format msgid "Replace '%(map)s' by =>" msgstr "Korvaa '%(map)s' tällä =>" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:460 #, python-format msgid "Reload all visible tiles for '%(map)s'." msgstr "Päivitä kaikki näkyvä ruudut '%(map)s'." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:469 #, python-format msgid "Clear the '%(map)s' tiles cache." msgstr "Tyhjennä '%(map)s' tiilien välimuisti." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:895 msgid "You can't use the print functionality" msgstr "Et voi käyttää tulostustoimintoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:896 msgid "Your Gtk version is too old." msgstr "GTK-versio on liian vanha." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:939 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:637 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:403 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:435 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:820 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:489 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:708 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:508 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:528 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:567 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:500 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:524 msgid "Center on this place" msgstr "Keskitä tähän paikkaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1037 msgid "Select a kml file used to add places" msgstr "Valitse kml-tiedosto lisätäksesi paikkoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1117 msgid "You have at least two places with the same title." msgstr "Sinulla on ainakin kaksi samannimistä paikkaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1118 #, python-format msgid "" "The title of the places is:\n" "%(title)s\n" "The following places are similar: %(gid)s\n" "You should eiher rename the places or merge them.\n" "\n" "%(bold_start)sI can't proceed with your request%(bold_end)s.\n" msgstr "" "Paikkojen nimi on :\n" "%(title)s\n" "Seuraavat paikat ovat samanlaisia : %(gid)s\n" "Nimeä ne uudelleen tai sulauta ne.\n" "\n" "%(bold_start)sEn voi suorittaa pyyntöäsi loppuun%(bold_end)s.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1272 msgid "Nothing for this view." msgstr "Ei mitään tätä näkymää varten." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1273 msgid "Specific parameters" msgstr "Erityiset parametrit" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1291 msgid "Where to save the tiles for offline mode." msgstr "Tallennetaanko laatat offline-tilaa varten." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1298 msgid "" "If you have no more space in your file system. You can remove all tiles " "placed in the above path.\n" "Be careful! If you have no internet, you'll get no map." msgstr "" "Jos tiedostojärjestelmässäsi ei ole enää tilaa. Voit poistaa kaikki edellä " "mainittuun polkuun sijoitetut laatat.\n" "Ole varovainen! Jos sinulla ei ole internetiä, et saa karttoja." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1303 msgid "Zoom used when centering" msgstr "Zoomia käytetään keskitettäessä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1306 msgid "The maximum number of places to show" msgstr "Enin määrä näytettäviä paikkoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1310 msgid "" "Use keypad for shortcuts :\n" "Either we choose the + and - from the keypad if we select this,\n" "or we use the characters from the keyboard." msgstr "" "Käytä numeronäppäimistöä pikanäppäimin:\n" "Teemme valinnan + ja - näppäimillä, jos tähän päädymme,\n" "tai käytämme merkkejä näppäimistöltä." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1318 msgid "" "If you want to use a specific map provider, You can set the following field " "to the provider's url.\n" "i.e:\n" "http://tile.stamen.com/toner/#Z/#X/#Y.png\n" "http://tile.stamen.com/terrain/#Z/#X/#Y.jpg\n" "http://tile.stamen.com/watercolor/#Z/#X/#Y.jpg\n" "http://tile.xn--pnvkarte-m4a.de/tilegen/#Z/#X/#Y.png\n" msgstr "" "Jos haluat käyttää tiettyä karttatarjoajaa, voit asettaa seuraavan kentän " "palveluntarjoajan URL-osoitteeseen.\n" "i.e:\n" "http://tile.stamen.com/toner/#Z/#X/#Y.png\n" "http://tile.stamen.com/terrain/#Z/#X/#Y.jpg\n" "http://tile.stamen.com/watercolor/#Z/#X/#Y.jpg\n" "http://tile.xn--pnvkarte-m4a.de/tilegen/#Z/#X/#Y.png\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1333 msgid "Personal map" msgstr "Henkilökohtainen kartta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1337 msgid "The map" msgstr "Kartta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1373 msgid "Select tile cache directory for offline mode" msgstr "Valitse tiilille välimuistihakemisto käytettäväksi offline-tilassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:137 #, python-format msgid "Can't create tiles cache directory %s" msgstr "Tiilien välimuistin %s hakemiston luonti epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:141 #, python-format msgid "" "You must verify and change the tiles cache\n" "...\n" "[geography]\n" "...\n" "path='bad/path'\n" "...\n" "in the gramps.ini file :\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Before to change the gramps.ini file, you need to close gramps\n" "\n" "The next errors will be normal" msgstr "" "Sinun on vahvistettava ja vaihdettava ruutujen välimuisti\n" "...\n" "[geography]\n" "...\n" "path='bad/path'\n" "...\n" "gramps.ini tiedostossa :\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Ennen gramps.ini-tiedoston muuttamista sinun on suljettava gramps\n" "\n" "Seuraavat virheet ovat normaalia" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:245 #, python-format msgid "Can't create tiles cache directory for '%s'." msgstr "Tiilien välimuistin hakemiston luonti %s varten epäonnistui." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:118 msgid "Place Selection in a region" msgstr "Paikan valinta alueelta" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:119 msgid "" "Choose the radius of the selection.\n" "On the map you should see a circle or an oval depending on the latitude." msgstr "" "Määritä valinnan säde.\n" "Näet kartalla ympyrän tai soikion riippuen leveysasteesta." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:122 msgid "" "\n" "In the following table you may have :\n" " - a green row related to a selected place." msgstr "" "\n" "Seuraavassa taulukossa voi olla :\n" " - vihreä rivi liittyy valittuun paikkaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:125 msgid "" "\n" " - a red row related to a geocoding result." msgstr "" "\n" "- punainen rivi liittyy geokoodauksen tulokseen." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:162 msgid "The green values in the row correspond to the current place values." msgstr "Vihreät arvot rivissä vastaavat nykyisen paikan arvoja." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:220 msgid "New place with empty fields" msgstr "Uusi paikka ja tyhjät kentät" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:295 msgid "you have a wrong latitude for:" msgstr "leveysaste virheellinen paikassa:" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:297 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:307 msgid "Please, correct this before linking" msgstr "Korjaa tämä ennen linkittämistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:305 msgid "you have a wrong longitude for:" msgstr "pituusaste virheellinen paikassa:" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:53 msgid "Denmark" msgstr "Tanska" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:81 msgid " parish" msgstr " seurakunta" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:87 msgid " state" msgstr " lääni" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:150 msgid "Latitude not within '54.55' to '69.05'\n" msgstr "Leveysaste ei ole '54.55' ja '69.05' välissä\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:151 msgid "Longitude not within '8.05' to '24.15'" msgstr "Pituusaste ei ole '8.05' ja '24.15' välissä" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:180 #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:186 msgid "Eniro map not available" msgstr "Eniron kartta ei saatavilla" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:181 msgid "Coordinates needed in Denmark" msgstr "Tanskassa tarvitaan koordinaatit" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:187 msgid "" "Latitude and longitude,\n" "or street and city needed" msgstr "" "Tarvitaan leveysaste ja pituusaste,\n" "tai katuosoite ja paikkakunta" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:33 msgid "EniroMaps" msgstr "Eniro Kartat" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:34 msgid "Opens on kartor.eniro.se" msgstr "Avaa kartor.eniro.se" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:52 msgid "GoogleMaps" msgstr "Googlen kartat" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:53 msgid "Open on maps.google.com" msgstr "Avaa maps.google.com" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2434 msgid "OpenStreetMap" msgstr "OpenStreetMap-kartat" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:72 msgid "Open on openstreetmap.org" msgstr "Avaa openstreetmap.org" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:49 #, python-format msgid "People and their ages the %s" msgstr "Henkilöt ja heidän ikänsä %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:52 #, python-format msgid "People and their ages on %s" msgstr "Henkilöt ja heidän ikänsä ajankohtana %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:67 #, python-format msgid "Alive: %s" msgstr "Elossa: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:76 #, python-format msgid "Deceased: %s" msgstr "Kuollut: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:81 #, python-format msgid "" "\n" "Living matches: %(alive)d, Deceased matches: %(dead)d\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Eläviä löytyi: %(alive)d, Kuolleita löytyi: %(dead)d\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:57 #, python-format msgid "Sorted events of %s" msgstr "Järjestetyt tapahtumat %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:125 msgid "Event Date" msgstr "Tapahtuman päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:125 msgid "Event Place" msgstr "Tapahtumapaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:124 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:935 msgid "Event Type" msgstr "Tapahtumatyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:120 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:72 msgid "Not found" msgstr "Ei löytynyt" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:103 #, python-format msgid "" "Sorted events of family\n" " %(father)s - %(mother)s" msgstr "" "Järjestettiin tapahtumat perheelle\n" " %(father)s - %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:124 msgid "Family Member" msgstr "Perheen jäsen" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:123 msgid "Personal events of the children" msgstr "Lasten henkilökohtaiset tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:70 msgid "Home person not set." msgstr "Kotihenkilöä ei ole asetettu." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:201 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s are the same person." msgstr "%(person)s ja %(active_person)s ovat sama henkilö." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:214 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s is the %(relationship)s of %(active_person)s." msgstr "%(person)s on henkilölle %(active_person)s %(relationship)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:102 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s are not directly related." msgstr "%(person)s ja %(active_person)s eivät ole suoraan suhteessa." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:151 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s have following in-law relations:" msgstr "" "%(person)s ja %(active_person)s henkilöillä on seuraavat avioliittojen " "kautta saadut suhteet:" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:205 #, python-format msgid "Relationships of %(person)s to %(active_person)s" msgstr "Suhteet henkilön %(person)s ja %(active_person)s välillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:266 #, python-format msgid "Detailed path from %(person)s to common ancestor" msgstr "Yksityiskohtainen polku henkilöistä %(person)s yhteiseen esivanhempaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:269 msgid "Name Common ancestor" msgstr "Yhteisen esivanhemman nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:114 msgid "Parent" msgstr "Vanhempi" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:313 msgid "Partial" msgstr "Osittainen" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:333 msgid "Remarks with inlaw family" msgstr "Huomioita avioliiton kautta tulleesta perheestä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:335 msgid "Remarks" msgstr "Huomioita" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:337 msgid "The following problems were encountered:" msgstr "Havaittiin seuraavat ongelmat:" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:32 #, python-format msgid "People who have the '%s' Attribute" msgstr "Henkilöt joilla on '%s' ominaisuus" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:46 #, python-format msgid "There are %d people with a matching attribute name.\n" msgstr "Löytyi %d henkilöä joilla on annettu ominaisuus.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:41 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all" msgstr "kaikki" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:42 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Person" msgstr "Käänteinen henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:43 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Family" msgstr "Käänteinen perhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:44 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Event" msgstr "Käänteinen tapahtuma" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:45 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Place" msgstr "Käänteinen paikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:46 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Source" msgstr "Käänteinen lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:47 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Repository" msgstr "Käänteinen arkisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:48 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Media" msgstr "Käänteinen mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:49 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Note" msgstr "Käänteinen lisätieto" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:50 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all people" msgstr "kaikki henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:51 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all families" msgstr "kaikki perheet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:52 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all events" msgstr "kaikki tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:53 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all places" msgstr "kaikki paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:54 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all sources" msgstr "kaikki lähteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:55 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all repositories" msgstr "kaikki arkistot" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:56 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all media" msgstr "kaikki mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:57 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all notes" msgstr "kaikki lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:58 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "males" msgstr "miehet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:59 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "females" msgstr "naiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:61 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "people with unknown gender" msgstr "sukupuoleltaan tuntemattomat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:63 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "incomplete names" msgstr "epätäydelliset nimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:65 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "people with missing birth dates" msgstr "syntymäajaltaan puuttuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:66 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "disconnected people" msgstr "suhteettomat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:67 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "unique surnames" msgstr "sukunimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:68 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "people with media" msgstr "henkilöt mediatiedostoilla" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:69 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "media references" msgstr "mediaviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:70 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "unique media" msgstr "mediat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:71 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "missing media" msgstr "puuttuvat mediat" # ok #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:72 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "media by size" msgstr "mediat koon mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:73 msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "list of people" msgstr "henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:85 msgid "Summary counts of current selection" msgstr "Valinnan yhteissummat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:87 msgid "Right-click row (or press ENTER) to see selected items." msgstr "" "Napsauta kakkospainikkeella riviä (tai paina ENTER) nähdäksesi valitut " "kohteet." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:89 msgid "Count/Total" msgstr "Yhteensä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1401 msgid "Object" msgstr "Kohde" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:147 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:214 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:98 msgid "People" msgstr "Henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:275 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:780 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1065 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1247 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1382 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1741 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1800 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1923 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1395 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:234 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:126 msgid "Sources" msgstr "Lähteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:148 #, python-format msgid "Filtering on %s" msgstr "Suodatetaan %s mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:339 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:409 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:160 msgid "Name type" msgstr "Nimityyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:332 msgid "birth event but no date" msgstr "syntymätapahtuma päiväyksettä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:335 msgid "missing birth event" msgstr "puuttuva syntymätapahtuma" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:365 msgid "Media count" msgstr "Mediatiedostojen lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:70 msgid "Reference" msgstr "Viite" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:377 msgid "media" msgstr "media" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:381 msgid "Unique Media" msgstr "Yksilöllinen mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:388 msgid "Missing Media" msgstr "Puuttuva mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:398 msgid "Size in bytes" msgstr "Koko tavuina" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:420 #, python-brace-format msgid "Filter matched {number_of} record." msgid_plural "Filter matched {number_of} records." msgstr[0] "Suodatettu {number_of} tietue." msgstr[1] "Suodatettu {number_of} tietuetta." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:52 #, python-format msgid "Father lineage for %s" msgstr "Henkilön %s isälinja" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:54 msgid "" "This report shows the father lineage, also called patronymic lineage or Y-" "line. People in this lineage all share the same Y-chromosome." msgstr "" "Raportti näyttää isälinjan, eli niin sanotun Y- tai patronyymilinjan. " "Henkilöillä tässä linjassa on sama Y-kromosomi." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61 msgid "Name Father" msgstr "Nimeä isä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:183 msgid "Remark" msgstr "Huomautus" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:69 msgid "Direct line male descendants" msgstr "Suorat miespuoliset jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:83 #, python-format msgid "Mother lineage for %s" msgstr "Henkilön %s äitilinja" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:85 msgid "" "This report shows the mother lineage, also called matronymic lineage mtDNA " "lineage. People in this lineage all share the same Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)." msgstr "" "Raportti näyttää äitilinjan, eli niin sanotun mtDNA-matronyymilinjan. " "Henkilöillä tässä linjassa on sama mitokondrio DNA (mtDNA)." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93 msgid "Name Mother" msgstr "Nimeä äiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:101 msgid "Direct line female descendants" msgstr "Suorat naispuoliset jälkeläiset" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:125 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:221 msgid "ERROR : Too many levels in the tree (perhaps a loop?)." msgstr "VIRHE: Liian monta tasoa puussa (sukulaisuuslenkki?)." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:156 msgid "No birth relation with child" msgstr "Ei syntymäsuhdetta lapseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:180 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1066 msgid "Unknown gender" msgstr "Tuntematon sukupuoli" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:43 msgid "Link References for this note" msgstr "Linkitä viitteet tälle lisätiedolle" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:45 msgid "Link check" msgstr "Linkkitarkistus" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:53 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:114 msgid "Ok" msgstr "Ok" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:56 msgid "Failed: missing object" msgstr "Epäonnistui: Puuttuva mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:119 msgid "Internet" msgstr "Internet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:67 msgid "No link references for this note" msgstr "Tähän lisätietoon ei ole linkkiviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:77 #, python-format msgid "Events of %(date)s" msgstr "%(date)s tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:115 msgid "Events on this exact date" msgstr "Tämän tarkan päivän tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:118 msgid "No events on this exact date" msgstr "Tälle tarkalle päivällä ei ole tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:124 msgid "Other events on this month/day in history" msgstr "Muita tapahtumia historiassa, tässä kuussa/tänä päivänä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:127 msgid "No other events on this month/day in history" msgstr "Ei muita tapahtumia tässä kuussa/tänä päivänä historiassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:133 #, python-format msgid "Other events in %(year)d" msgstr "Muita tapahtumia vuodelle %(year)d" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:137 #, python-format msgid "No other events in %(year)d" msgstr "Ei muita tapahtumia %(year)d" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:36 msgid "Display people and ages on a particular date" msgstr "Näytä henkilöt ja iät kyseisenä päivänä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:55 msgid "Attribute Match" msgstr "Ominaisuushaku" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:56 msgid "Display people with same attribute." msgstr "Näytä henkilöt, joilla on sama ominaisuus." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:75 msgid "All Events" msgstr "Kaikki tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:76 msgid "Display a person's events, both personal and family." msgstr "Näytä henkilön henkilökohtaiset ja perhetapahtumat." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:90 msgid "All Family Events" msgstr "Kaikki perhetapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:91 msgid "Display the family and family members events." msgstr "Näytä perheen ja perheenjäsenten tapahtumat." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:110 msgid "Relation to Home Person" msgstr "Suhde kotihenkilöön" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:111 msgid "Display all relationships between person and home person." msgstr "Näytä kaikki suhteet henkilöstä kotihenkilöön." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:131 msgid "Display filtered data" msgstr "Näytä suodatetut tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:150 msgid "Father lineage" msgstr "Isälinja" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:151 msgid "Display father lineage" msgstr "Näytä isälinja" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:164 msgid "Mother lineage" msgstr "Äitilinja" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:165 msgid "Display mother lineage" msgstr "Näytä äitilinja" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:184 msgid "On This Day" msgstr "Tänä päivänä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:185 msgid "Display events on a particular day" msgstr "Näytä tapahtumat tietylle päivällä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:211 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:91 msgid "Source or Citation" msgstr "Lähde tai lainaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:217 #, python-format msgid "%s References" msgstr "%s viitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:218 #, python-format msgid "Display references for a %s" msgstr "Näytä viitteet kohteena %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:231 msgid "Link References" msgstr "Linkkiviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:232 msgid "Display link references for a note" msgstr "Näytä lisätietojen linkkiviitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:252 msgid "" "Display the repository reference for sources related to the active repository" msgstr "Näytä arkistoviite lähteistä jotka liittyvät aktiiviseen arkistoon" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:272 msgid "Same Surnames" msgstr "Samat sukunimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:273 msgid "Display people with the same surname as a person." msgstr "Näytä henkilöt, joilla on sama sukunimi henkilön kanssa." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:286 msgid "Same Given Names" msgstr "Samat etunimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:301 msgid "Display people with the same given name as a person." msgstr "Näytä henkilöt, joilla on sama etunimi henkilön kanssa." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:300 msgid "Same Given Names - stand-alone" msgstr "Samat etunimet. - stand-alone" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:320 msgid "Display a person's siblings." msgstr "Näytä henkilön sisarukset." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:68 #, python-format msgid "References for this %s" msgstr "Viitteet kohteelle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:80 #, python-format msgid "No references for this %s" msgstr "Ei viitteitä kohteena %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3115 msgid "Call number" msgstr "Arkiston viitenumero" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:62 msgid "Type of media" msgstr "Mediatyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:39 msgid "People with incomplete surnames" msgstr "Henkilöt epätäydellisillä sukunimillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:40 msgid "Matches people with lastname missing" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden sukunimi puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:51 msgid "People matching the " msgstr "Henkilöt joilla on " #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:52 msgid "Matches people with same lastname" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on sama sukunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:64 msgid "People matching the " msgstr "Henkilöt joilla on " #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:65 msgid "Matches people with same given name" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joilla on sama etunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:88 msgid "People with incomplete given names" msgstr "Henkilöt epätäydellisillä etunimillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:89 msgid "Matches people with firstname missing" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden etunimi puuttuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:113 #, python-format msgid "People sharing the surname '%s'" msgstr "Henkilöt joilla on sukunimi '%s'" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:180 #, python-brace-format msgid "There is {number_of} person with a matching name, or alternate name.\n" msgid_plural "" "There are {number_of} people with a matching name, or alternate name.\n" msgstr[0] "" "On {number_of} henkilö, jolla on vastaava nimi tai vaihtoehtoinen nimi.\n" msgstr[1] "" "On {number_of} henkilöä, joilla on vastaava nimi tai vaihtoehtoinen nimi.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:158 #, python-format msgid "People with the given name '%s'" msgstr "Henkilöt joilla on etunimi '%s'" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:46 #, python-format msgid "Siblings of %s" msgstr "Henkilön %s sisarukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48 msgid "Sibling" msgstr "Sisarus" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:62 msgid "self" msgstr "itse" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:34 msgid "Catalan Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Katalaanien suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:35 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:49 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:107 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:122 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:137 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:207 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:241 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:257 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:273 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:289 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:316 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:346 msgid "Calculates relationships between people" msgstr "Laskee henkilöiden väliset suhteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:48 msgid "Czech Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Tsekkien suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:61 msgid "Danish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Tanskalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:77 msgid "German Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Saksalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:92 msgid "Austrian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Itävallan suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:106 msgid "Spanish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Espanjalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:121 msgid "Finnish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Suomalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:136 msgid "French Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Ranskalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:153 msgid "Croatian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Kroaattien suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:167 msgid "Hungarian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Unkarilaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:180 msgid "Icelandic Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Islantilaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:193 msgid "Italian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Italialaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:206 msgid "Dutch Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Hollantilaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:223 msgid "Norwegian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Norjalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:240 msgid "Polish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Puolalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:256 msgid "Portuguese Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Portugalialaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:272 msgid "Russian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Venäläisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:288 msgid "Slovak Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Slovakkien suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:302 msgid "Slovenian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Sloveenien suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:315 msgid "Swedish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Ruotsalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:330 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Danish Relationship Calculator" msgid "Turkish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Tanskalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:331 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Calculates relationships between people" msgid "Calculates relationship between people" msgstr "Laskee henkilöiden väliset suhteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:345 msgid "Ukrainian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Ukrainalaisten suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/dropdownsidebar.py:164 msgid "Click to select a view" msgstr "Napsauta valitaksesi näkymän" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:33 msgid "Category Sidebar" msgstr "Kategorioiden sivupalkki" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:34 msgid "A sidebar to allow the selection of view categories" msgstr "Sivupalkki näkymäkategorian valitsemiseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:42 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategoria" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:48 msgid "Drop-down Sidebar" msgstr "Sivupalkki pudotusvalikoilla" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:49 msgid "Selection of categories and views from drop-down lists" msgstr "Kategorioiden ja näkyminen valinta pudotusvalikoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:57 msgid "Drop-Down" msgstr "Pudotusvalikosta" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:63 msgid "Expander Sidebar" msgstr "Laajentuva sivupalkki" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:64 msgid "Selection of views from lists with expanders" msgstr "Näkymien valinta laajennetuista pudotusvalikoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:72 msgid "Expander" msgstr "Laajennettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:393 msgid "Alphabetical Index" msgstr "Aakkosellinen hakemisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:69 msgid "Index" msgstr "Hakemisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:88 msgid "Entire Book" msgstr "Koko kirja" # Sukupolvinumeroitu esivanhempien lista henkilölle %s #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:197 #, python-format msgid "Ahnentafel Report for %s" msgstr "Sukupolviraportti henkilölle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:846 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1035 msgid "Page break between generations" msgstr "Sivunvaihto sukupolvien välillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:848 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1037 msgid "Whether to start a new page after each generation." msgstr "Aloitetaanko joka sukupolven jälkeen uusi sivu." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:306 msgid "Add linebreak after each name" msgstr "Lisää rivinvaihto joka nimen jälkeen" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:307 msgid "Whether a line break should follow the name." msgstr "Pitääkö rivinvaihdon tulla jokaisen nimen jälkeen." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:269 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:59 msgid "Birthday and Anniversary Report" msgstr "Syntymä- ja vuosipäiväraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:66 msgid "My Birthday Report" msgstr "Syntymäpäiväni raportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:68 msgid "✝" msgstr "✝" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:221 #, python-format msgid "Relationships shown are to %s" msgstr "Näytetyt suhteet ovat henkilöön %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:334 #, python-format msgid "* %(person)s, birth%(relation)s" msgstr "* %(person)s, syntymä%(relation)s" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:339 #, python-brace-format msgid "* {year}{person}{dead}, {age}{relation}" msgid_plural "* {year}{person}{dead}, {age}{relation}" msgstr[0] "* {year}{person}{dead}, {age}{relation}" msgstr[1] "* {year}{person}{dead}, {age}{relation}" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:403 #, python-format msgid "" "⚭ %(spouse)s and\n" " %(person)s, wedding" msgstr "" "%(spouse)s ja\n" " %(person)s, häät" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:408 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "⚭ {year}{spouse}{deadtxt2} and\n" " {person}{deadtxt1}, {nyears}" msgid_plural "" "⚭ {year}{spouse}{deadtxt2} and\n" " {person}{deadtxt1}, {nyears}" msgstr[0] "" "⚭ {year}{spouse}{deadtxt2} ja\n" "{person}{deadtxt1}, {nyears}" msgstr[1] "" "⚭ {year}{spouse}{deadtxt2} ja\n" "{person}{deadtxt1}, {nyears}" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:443 #, python-brace-format msgid "✝ {person}, death {relation}" msgstr "✝ {person}, kuolema {relation}" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:445 #, python-brace-format msgid "✝ {year}{person}, {age}{relation}" msgid_plural "✝ {year}{person}, {age}{relation}" msgstr[0] "✝ {year}{person}, {age}{relation}" msgstr[1] "✝ {year}{person}, {age}{relation}" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:476 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:712 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1070 msgid "Select the filter to be applied to the report." msgstr "Valitse raporttiin käytettävä suodin." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:485 msgid "Title text" msgstr "Otsikkoteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:486 msgid "Title of report" msgstr "Raportin otsikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:490 msgid "First line of text at bottom of report" msgstr "Ensimmäinen tekstirivi raportin alaosassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:494 msgid "Second line of text at bottom of report" msgstr "Toinen tekstirivi raportin alaosassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:498 msgid "Third line of text at bottom of report" msgstr "Kolmas tekstirivi raportin alaosassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:509 msgid "Include only living people in the report" msgstr "Lisää vain elossa olevat henkilöt raporttiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:512 msgid "Dead Symbol" msgstr "Kuollut merkki" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:513 msgid "This will show after name to indicate that person is dead" msgstr "Nimen jälkeen näkyy, että henkilö on kuollut" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:520 msgid "Show event year" msgstr "Näytä tapahtumavuosi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:521 msgid "Prints the year the event took place in the report" msgstr "Tulosta raporttiin vuosi, jolloin tapahtuma tapahtui" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:526 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:528 msgid "Year of report" msgstr "Raportin vuosi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:564 msgid "Include death anniversaries" msgstr "Lisää kuolema mukaan vuosipäiviin" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:565 msgid "Whether to include anniversaries of death" msgstr "Lisätäänkö kuolema vuosipäiviin" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:571 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1158 msgid "Whether to include relationships to the center person" msgstr "Lisätäänkö suhteet keskushenkilöön" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:640 msgid "Title text style" msgstr "Otsikon tekstityyli" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:643 msgid "Data text display" msgstr "Näytettävät tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:645 msgid "Day text style" msgstr "Päivän tekstityyli" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:648 msgid "Month text style" msgstr "Kuukauden tekstityyli" # Mukautettu teksti #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:81 msgid "Custom Text" msgstr "Lukijalle" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:134 msgid "Initial Text" msgstr "Alkuteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:164 msgid "Text to display at the top" msgstr "Ylhäällä näytettävä teksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:138 msgid "Middle Text" msgstr "Keskiteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:173 msgid "Text to display in the middle" msgstr "Keskellä näytettävä teksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:142 msgid "Final Text" msgstr "Lopputeksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:143 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:182 msgid "Text to display at the bottom" msgstr "Alhaalla näytettävä teksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:314 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:322 #, python-format msgid "sp. %(spouse)s" msgstr "p. %(spouse)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:333 #, python-format msgid "sp. see %(reference)s: %(spouse)s" msgstr "p. katso %(reference)s: %(spouse)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:393 #, python-format msgid "%s sp." msgstr "%s p." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:526 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1011 msgid "Numbering system" msgstr "Numerointijärjestelmä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:528 msgid "Simple numbering" msgstr "Yksinkertainen numerointi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:529 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1015 msgid "d'Aboville numbering" msgstr "d'Aboville-numerointi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:530 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1013 msgid "Henry numbering" msgstr "Henry-numerointi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:531 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1014 msgid "Modified Henry numbering" msgstr "Muunnettu Henry-numerointi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:532 msgid "de Villiers/Pama numbering" msgstr "de Villiers/Pama -numerointi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:533 msgid "Meurgey de Tupigny numbering" msgstr "Meurgey de Tupigny -numerointi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:534 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1018 msgid "The numbering system to be used" msgstr "Käytettävä numerointijärjestelmä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:543 msgid "Show marriage info" msgstr "Näytä vihkitiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:545 msgid "Whether to show marriage information in the report." msgstr "Lisätäänkö avioitumistiedot raporttiin." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:548 msgid "Show divorce info" msgstr "Näytä tiedot avioerosta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:549 msgid "Whether to show divorce information in the report." msgstr "Näytetäänkö avioerotiedot raportissa." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:552 msgid "Show duplicate trees" msgstr "Näytä päällekkäiset puut" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:554 msgid "Whether to show duplicate Family Trees in the report." msgstr "Näytetäänkö päällekkäiset sukupuut raportissa." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:598 #, python-format msgid "The style used for the level %d display." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli tason %d näyttämiselle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:609 #, python-format msgid "The style used for the spouse level %d display." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli tason %d puolison näyttämiselle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:216 #, python-format msgid "Ancestral Report for %s" msgstr "Esivanhempien raportti %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:894 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:912 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:923 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:949 #, python-format msgid "More about %(person_name)s:" msgstr "Tapahtumat: %(person_name)s:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:317 #, python-format msgid "%(name)s is the same person as [%(id_str)s]." msgstr "%(name)s on sama henkilö kuin [%(id_str)s]." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:361 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:881 #, python-format msgid "Notes for %s" msgstr "Lisätietoja: %s" #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:379 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:430 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:521 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:815 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:902 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:958 #, python-format msgid "%(type)s: %(value)s%(endnotes)s" msgstr "%(type)s: %(value)s%(endnotes)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:408 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:936 msgid "Address: " msgstr "Osoite: " #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:939 #, python-format msgid "%s, " msgstr "%s, " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:479 #, python-format msgid "%(event_role)s at %(event_name)s of %(primary_person)s: %(event_text)s" msgstr "" "%(event_role)s tapahtumassa %(event_name)s henkilölle %(primary_person)s: " "%(event_text)s" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:495 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:415 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:518 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:137 msgid "; " msgstr "; " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:604 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:679 #, python-format msgid "Children of %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s" msgstr "Lapset: %(mother_name)s ja %(father_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:690 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:788 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:807 #, python-format msgid "More about %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s:" msgstr "Tapahtumat: %(mother_name)s ja %(father_name)s:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:745 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:614 #, python-format msgid "Spouse: %s" msgstr "Puoliso: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:749 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:618 #, python-format msgid "Relationship with: %s" msgstr "Suhde henkilöön: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:835 msgid "Sosa-Stradonitz number" msgstr "Sosa-Stradonitz-numero" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:837 msgid "The Sosa-Stradonitz number of the central person." msgstr "Keskushenkilön Sosa-Stradonitz-numero." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:851 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1040 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1083 msgid "Page break before end notes" msgstr "Sivunvaihto ennen loppuviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:853 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1042 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1085 msgid "Whether to start a new page before the end notes." msgstr "Aloitetaanko uusi sivu ennen loppuviitteitä." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:875 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1064 msgid "Use complete sentences" msgstr "Käytä täysiä lauseita" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:877 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1066 msgid "Whether to use complete sentences or succinct language." msgstr "Käytetäänkö täysiä lauseita vai tiiviimpää kieltä." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:881 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1070 msgid "Use full dates instead of only the year" msgstr "Käytä kokonaispäivämäärää pelkän vuoden sijaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:883 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1072 msgid "Whether to use full dates instead of just year." msgstr "Käytetäänkö kokonaispäivämäärää pelkän vuoden sijaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:886 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1075 msgid "Compute death age" msgstr "Laske kuolinikä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:887 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1076 msgid "Whether to compute a person's age at death." msgstr "Lasketaanko henkilön kuolinikä." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:890 msgid "Omit duplicate ancestors" msgstr "Jätä toistuvat esivanhemmat pois" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:891 msgid "Whether to omit duplicate ancestors." msgstr "Jätetäänkö toistuvat esivanhemmat pois." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:894 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1079 msgid "Use callname for common name" msgstr "Käytä kutsumanimeä yleisnimenä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:895 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1080 msgid "Whether to use the call name as the first name." msgstr "Käytetäänkö kutsumanimeä ensimmäisenä nimenä." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:903 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1088 msgid "Whether to list children." msgstr "Listataanko lapset." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:906 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1091 msgid "Include spouses of children" msgstr "Lisää lasten puolisot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:908 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1093 msgid "Whether to list the spouses of the children." msgstr "Listataanko lasten puolisot." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:911 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1105 msgid "Include events" msgstr "Lisää tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:912 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1106 msgid "Whether to include events." msgstr "Lisätäänkö tapahtumat." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:915 msgid "Include other events" msgstr "Lisää muita tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:916 msgid "Whether to include other events people participated in." msgstr "Lisätäänkö muita tapahtumia osallistuville henkilöille." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:921 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1110 msgid "Include descendant reference in child list" msgstr "Lisää jälkeläisviite lapsilistaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:923 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1112 msgid "Whether to add descendant references in child list." msgstr "Lisätäänkö jälkeläisviitteet lapsilistaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:927 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1116 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1133 msgid "Include Photo/Images from Gallery" msgstr "Lisää valo- ja muut kuvat Galleriasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:928 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1117 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1134 msgid "Whether to include images." msgstr "Lisätäänkö kuvat." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:931 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1120 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:778 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1138 msgid "Include (2)" msgstr "Ota mukaan (2)" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:933 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1122 msgid "Include notes" msgstr "Lisää lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:934 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1123 msgid "Whether to include notes." msgstr "Lisätäänkö myös lisätiedot." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:937 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1126 msgid "Include sources" msgstr "Lisää lähteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:938 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1127 msgid "Whether to include source references." msgstr "Lisätäänkö lähdeviitteet." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:941 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1130 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1125 msgid "Include sources notes" msgstr "Lisää lähteiden lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:943 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1132 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1127 msgid "" "Whether to include source notes in the Endnotes section. Only works if " "Include sources is selected." msgstr "" "Näytetäänkö lähteiden lisätiedot loppuviitteiden osiossa. Toimii vain jos " "'Lisää lähdetiedot' on valittuna." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:947 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1136 msgid "Include attributes" msgstr "Lisää ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:948 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1137 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:769 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1148 msgid "Whether to include attributes." msgstr "Lisätäänkö myös ominaisuudet." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:951 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1140 msgid "Include addresses" msgstr "Lisää osoitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:952 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1141 msgid "Whether to include addresses." msgstr "Lisätäänkö osoitteet." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:955 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1144 msgid "Include alternative names" msgstr "Lisää vaihtoehtoiset nimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:956 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1145 msgid "Whether to include other names." msgstr "Lisätäänkö muut nimet." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:962 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1164 msgid "Replace missing places with ______" msgstr "Korvaa puuttuvat paikat tällä: ______" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:963 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1166 msgid "Whether to replace missing Places with blanks." msgstr "Korvataanko puuttuvat paikat tällä: ______." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:966 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1169 msgid "Replace missing dates with ______" msgstr "Korvaa puuttuvat päivämäärät tällä: ______" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:967 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1170 msgid "Whether to replace missing Dates with blanks." msgstr "Korvataanko puuttuvat päivämäärät tällä: ______." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1000 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1203 msgid "The style used for the children list title." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli lapsilistan otsikolle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1011 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1214 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:896 msgid "The style used for the text related to the children." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli lapsiin liittyvälle tekstille." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1021 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1224 msgid "The style used for the note header." msgstr "Lisätiedon otsikossa käytetty tyyli." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1035 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1238 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:117 msgid "The style used for first level headings." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli otsikolle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1045 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1248 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:416 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:403 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:123 msgid "The style used for second level headings." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli otsikolle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1055 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1258 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:335 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:545 msgid "The style used for details." msgstr "Lisätiedossa käytettävä tyyli." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:342 #, python-format msgid "Descendant Report for %(person_name)s" msgstr "Jälkeläisraportti %(person_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:636 #, python-format msgid "Ref: %(number)s. %(name)s" msgstr "Viite: %(number)s. %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:765 #, python-format msgid "Notes for %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s:" msgstr "Lisätietoja henkilöille %(mother_name)s ja %(father_name)s:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1017 msgid "Record (Modified Register) numbering" msgstr "Muunnettu Record numerointi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1021 msgid "Report structure" msgstr "Raportin rakenne" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1024 msgid "show people by generations" msgstr "näyttää henkilöt sukupolvittain" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1025 msgid "show people by lineage" msgstr "näyttää henkilöt sukuhaaroittain" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1026 msgid "How people are organized in the report" msgstr "Miten raportin henkilöt järjestetään" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1096 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:370 msgid "Include spouses" msgstr "Lisää puolisot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1098 msgid "Whether to include detailed spouse information." msgstr "Lisätäänkö yksityiskohtaisemmat puolisotiedot." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1101 msgid "Include spouse reference" msgstr "Lisää puolisoviite" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1102 msgid "Whether to include reference to spouse." msgstr "Lisätäänkö viite puolisoon." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1149 msgid "Include sign of succession ('+') in child-list" msgstr "Lisää lasten listaan ('+') merkitsemään jälkeläisiä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1150 msgid "" "Whether to include a sign ('+') before the descendant number in the child-" "list to indicate a child has succession." msgstr "" "Lisätäänkö lasten listaan ('+') jälkeläisen numeron eteen merkitsemään " "jälkeläisiä." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1155 msgid "Include path to start-person" msgstr "Lisää suhteet lähtöhenkilöön" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1156 msgid "" "Whether to include the path of descendancy from the start-person to each " "descendant." msgstr "Lisätäänkö periytymispolku lähtöhenkilöstä jokaiseen jälkeläiseen." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:159 #, python-format msgid "End of Line Report for %s" msgstr "Aikajanaraportin loppu henkilölle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:166 #, python-format msgid "All the ancestors of %s who are missing a parent" msgstr "%s esivanhemmat, joilta puuttuu vanhempi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:308 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:519 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:318 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:956 msgid "The style used for the subtitle." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli alanotsikolle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:403 #, python-format msgid "Relationship: %s" msgstr "Suhde: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:503 msgctxt "acronym for male" msgid "M" msgstr "M" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:505 msgctxt "acronym for female" msgid "F" msgstr "N" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:507 #, python-format msgctxt "acronym for unknown" msgid "%dU" msgstr "%dT" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:614 #, python-format msgid "Family Group Report - Generation %d" msgstr "Perheryhmäraportti - sukupolvi %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:616 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:668 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:191 msgid "Family Group Report" msgstr "Perheryhmäraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:716 msgid "Center Family" msgstr "Keskusperhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:717 msgid "The center family for the filter" msgstr "Suotimen keskusperhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:721 msgid "Recursive (down)" msgstr "Rekursiivinen (alas)" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:722 msgid "Create reports for all descendants of this family." msgstr "Luo raportit kaikista perheen jälkeläisistä." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:751 msgid "Parent Marriage" msgstr "Vanhempien avioliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:753 msgid "Whether to include marriage information for parents." msgstr "Lisätäänkö vanhempien aviotiedot." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:756 msgid "Parent Events" msgstr "Vanhempien tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:757 msgid "Whether to include events for parents." msgstr "Lisätäänkö tapahtumat vanhemmille." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:760 msgid "Parent Addresses" msgstr "Vanhempien osoitteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:761 msgid "Whether to include addresses for parents." msgstr "Lisätäänkö osoitteet vanhemmille." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:764 msgid "Parent Notes" msgstr "Lisätietoja vanhemmista" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:765 msgid "Whether to include notes for parents." msgstr "Lisätäänkö lisätiedot vanhemmille." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:768 msgid "Parent Attributes" msgstr "Vanhempien ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:772 msgid "Alternate Parent Names" msgstr "Vaihtoehtoiset vanhempien nimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:774 msgid "Whether to include alternate names for parents." msgstr "Lisätäänkö vaihtoehtoiset vanhempien nimet." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:785 msgid "Whether to include notes for families." msgstr "Lisätäänkö lisätiedot perheille." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:788 msgid "Dates of Relatives" msgstr "Päivämäärät sukulaisille" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:789 msgid "Whether to include dates for relatives (father, mother, spouse)." msgstr "Lisätäänkö sukulaisten päivämäärät (isä, äiti, puoliso)." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:793 msgid "Children Marriages" msgstr "Lasten avioliitot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:795 msgid "Whether to include marriage information for children." msgstr "Lisätäänkö lasten avioliittotiedot." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:798 msgid "Generation numbers (recursive only)" msgstr "Sukupolvinumerot (vain rekursiivinen)" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:800 msgid "Whether to include the generation on each report (recursive only)." msgstr "Lisätäänkö sukupolvi jokaiseen raporttiin (vain rekursiivinen)." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:804 msgid "Print fields for missing information" msgstr "Tulosta kentät puuttuville tiedoille" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:806 msgid "Whether to include fields for missing information." msgstr "Lisätäänkö kentät puuttuville tiedoille." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:906 msgid "The style used for the parent's name" msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli vanhempien nimille" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:193 #, python-format msgid "%(str1)s in %(str2)s. " msgstr "%(str1)s %(str2)s. " #. Translators: e.g. (a stepfather): John Smith, relationship: Step #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:251 #, python-format msgid "%(parent-name)s, relationship: %(rel-type)s" msgstr "%(parent-name)s, suhde: %(rel-type)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:305 msgid "Alternate Parents" msgstr "Vaihtoehtoiset vanhemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:447 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1378 msgid "Associations" msgstr "Liitokset" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:593 msgid "Images" msgstr "Kuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:835 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:861 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:214 msgid "Complete Individual Report" msgstr "Täysi henkilöraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:958 msgid "(image)" msgstr "(kuva)" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1079 msgid "List events chronologically" msgstr "Listaa tapahtumat aikajärjestyksessä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1080 msgid "Whether to sort events into chronological order." msgstr "Lajitellaanko tapahtumat aikajärjestykseen." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1088 msgid "Use name of person as title" msgstr "Käytä henkilön nimeä otsikkona" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1089 msgid "" "Whether the title should be the name of the person, or 'Complete Individual " "Report'" msgstr "" "Onko otsikon oltava henkilön nimi vai 'Täydellinen henkilökohtainen raportti'" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1116 msgid "Include Notes" msgstr "Lisää lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1117 msgid "Whether to include Person and Family Notes." msgstr "Lisätäänkö henkilön ja perheen lisätiedot." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1120 msgid "Include Source Information" msgstr "Lisää lähdetiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1121 msgid "Whether to cite sources." msgstr "Lisätäänkö lähdetiedot." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1143 msgid "Include Tags" msgstr "Lisätään tagit" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1144 msgid "Whether to include tags." msgstr "Lisätäänkö tagit." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1147 msgid "Include Attributes" msgstr "Lisää ominaisuudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1151 msgid "Include Census Events" msgstr "Lisää väestölaskentatapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1152 msgid "Whether to include Census Events." msgstr "Lisätäänkö väestölaskentatapahtumat." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1162 msgid "Sections" msgstr "Osiot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1165 msgid "Event groups" msgstr "Tapahtumaryhmät" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1166 msgid "Check if a separate section is required." msgstr "Tarkista onko erillinen osa tarpeen." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1239 msgid "The style used for the spouse's name." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli puolison nimelle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1258 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:557 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:987 msgid "The basic style used for table headings." msgstr "Käytettävä perustyyli taulukko-otsikoille." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1268 msgid "The style used for image notes." msgstr "Kuvan lisätiedossa käytettävä tyyli." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1278 msgid "The style used for image descriptions." msgstr "Kuvan kuvauksessa käytetty tyyli." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:125 #, python-format msgid "Kinship Report for %s" msgstr "Sukulaisuusraportti henkilölle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:363 msgid "The maximum number of descendant generations" msgstr "Enin määrä jälkeläisten sukupolvia" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:367 msgid "The maximum number of ancestor generations" msgstr "Enin määrä esivanhempien sukupolvia" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:371 msgid "Whether to include spouses" msgstr "Lisätäänkö puolisot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:374 msgid "Include cousins" msgstr "Lisää serkut" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:375 msgid "Whether to include cousins" msgstr "Lisätäänkö serkut" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:378 msgid "Include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces" msgstr "Lisää sisarusten lapset ja vanhempien sisarukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:379 msgid "Whether to include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces" msgstr "Lisätäänkö sisarusten lapset ja vanhempien sisarukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:102 msgid "Note Link Check Report" msgstr "Lisätietolinkkien tarkistusraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:77 msgid "Note ID" msgstr "Lisätieto ID" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:83 msgid "Link Type" msgstr "Linkkityyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:89 msgid "Links To" msgstr "Linkkejä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:117 msgid "Failed" msgstr "Epäonnistunut" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:104 #, python-format msgid "Number of Ancestors for %s" msgstr "Esivanhempien lukumäärä henkilölle: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:125 #, python-brace-format msgid "Generation {number} has {count} individual. {percent}" msgid_plural "Generation {number} has {count} individuals. {percent}" msgstr[0] "Sukupolvessa {count} on {number} henkilö. {percent}" msgstr[1] "Sukupolvessa {count} on {number} henkilöä. {percent}" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:167 #, python-format msgid "" "Total ancestors in generations %(second_generation)d to %(last_generation)d " "is %(count)d. %(percent)s" msgstr "" "Yhteensä esivanhempia sukupolvesta %(second_generation)d sukupolveen " "%(last_generation)d on %(count)d. %(percent)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:142 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:159 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:303 msgid "Place Report" msgstr "Paikkaraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:129 msgid "Please select at least one place before running this." msgstr "Valitse ainakin yksi paikka ennen kuin ajat tämän." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:182 #, python-format msgid "Gramps ID: %s " msgstr "Gramps ID: %s " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:199 #, python-format msgctxt "places" msgid "All Names: %s" msgstr "Kaikki nimet: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:221 msgid "Events that happened at this place" msgstr "Tapahtumat jotka tapahtuivat tässä paikassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:302 msgid "Type of Event" msgstr "Tapahtuman tyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:271 #, python-format msgid "%(persons)s and %(name)s (%(id)s)" msgstr "%(persons)s ja %(name)s (%(id)s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:298 msgid "People associated with this place" msgstr "Henkilöt, jotka liittyvät tähän paikkaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:333 #, python-format msgid "%(father)s (%(father_id)s) and %(mother)s (%(mother_id)s)" msgstr "%(father)s (%(father_id)s) ja %(mother)s (%(mother_id)s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:445 msgid "Select using filter" msgstr "Valitse käyttäen suodinta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:446 msgid "Select places using a filter" msgstr "Valitse paikat käyttäen suodinta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:453 msgid "Select places individually" msgstr "Valitse paikat yksittäin" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:454 msgid "List of places to report on" msgstr "Raporttiin tulevien paikkojen lista" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:457 msgid "Center on" msgstr "Keskuskohde" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:459 msgid "If report is event or person centered" msgstr "Jos raportti on tapahtuma- tai henkilökeskeinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:173 #, python-format msgid "%(number)s. " msgstr "%(number)s. " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:228 msgid "Number of ranks to display" msgstr "Näytettävien asteiden määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:231 msgid "Use call name" msgstr "Käytä kutsumanimeä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:233 msgid "Don't use call name" msgstr "Älä käytä kutsumanimeä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:234 msgid "Replace first names with call name" msgstr "Korvaa etunimet kutsumanimellä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:236 msgid "Underline call name in first names / add call name to first name" msgstr "Alleviivaa kutsumanimi etunimistä / lisää kutsumanimi etunimeen" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:240 msgid "Footer text" msgstr "Alatunnisteen teksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:345 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:191 msgid "The style used for the footer." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli alatunnisteelle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:136 msgctxt "book" msgid "Title of the Book" msgstr "Kirjan nimike" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:137 msgid "Title string for the book." msgstr "Kirjan nimiketeksti." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:140 msgid "Subtitle" msgstr "Alanimike" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:140 msgid "Subtitle of the Book" msgstr "Kirjan alanimike" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:141 msgid "Subtitle string for the book." msgstr "Kirjan alanimikkeen teksti." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:146 #, python-format msgid "Copyright %(year)d %(name)s" msgstr "Copyright %(year)d %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:148 msgid "Footer" msgstr "Alatunniste" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:149 msgid "Footer string for the page." msgstr "Alatunniste sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:154 msgid "Gramps ID of the media object to use as an image." msgstr "Käytettävän kuvan Gramps ID." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:157 msgid "Image Size" msgstr "Kuvan koko" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:158 msgid "" "Size of the image in cm. A value of 0 indicates that the image should be fit " "to the page." msgstr "" "Kuvan koko senttimetreissä. Arvo 0 kertoo että kuva pitäisi sovittaa sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:348 msgid "Database Summary Report" msgstr "Tietokannan yhteenvetoraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:173 #, python-format msgid "Number of individuals: %d" msgstr "Henkilöitä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:177 #, python-format msgid "Males: %d" msgstr "Miehet: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:181 #, python-format msgid "Females: %d" msgstr "Naiset: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:185 #, python-format msgid "Individuals with unknown gender: %d" msgstr "Henkilöitä joiden sukupuoli on tuntematon: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:190 #, python-format msgid "Incomplete names: %d" msgstr "Henkilöitä puutteellisilla nimillä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:194 #, python-format msgid "Individuals missing birth dates: %d" msgstr "Henkilöitä puutteellisilla syntymäajoilla: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:199 #, python-format msgid "Disconnected individuals: %d" msgstr "Henkilöitä ilman sukulaisia: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:204 #, python-format msgid "Unique surnames: %d" msgstr "Sukunimiä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:208 #, python-format msgid "Individuals with media objects: %d" msgstr "Henkilöitä, joihin liittyy mediatiedostoja: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:221 #, python-format msgid "Number of families: %d" msgstr "Perheiden määrä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:230 msgid "Event Information" msgstr "Tapahtuman tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:234 #, python-format msgid "Number of events: %d" msgstr "Tapahtumien määrä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:243 msgid "Place Information" msgstr "Paikan tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:247 #, python-format msgid "Number of places: %d" msgstr "Paikkojen määrä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:256 msgid "Source Information" msgstr "Lähteen tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:260 #, python-format msgid "Number of sources: %d" msgstr "Lähteiden määrä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:269 msgid "Citation Information" msgstr "Lainausten tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:273 #, python-format msgid "Number of citations: %d" msgstr "Lainausten määrä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:282 msgid "Repository Information" msgstr "Arkiston tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:286 #, python-format msgid "Number of repositories: %d" msgstr "Arkistojen määrä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:318 #, python-format msgid "Number of unique media objects: %d" msgstr "Yksittäisiä mediatiedostoja: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:323 #, python-format msgid "Total size of media objects: %s MB" msgstr "Mediatiedostojen yhteenlaskettu koko: %s Mt" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:342 msgid "Note Information" msgstr "Lisätietojen tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:346 #, python-format msgid "Number of notes: %d" msgstr "Lisätietojen määrä: %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:374 msgid "Whether to count private data" msgstr "Lisätäänkö yksityisiksi merkityt tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:371 msgid "Table Of Contents" msgstr "Sisällysluettelo" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:68 msgid "Contents" msgstr "Sisällysluettelo" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:129 msgid "The style used for third level headings." msgstr "Käytettävä tyyli otsikolle." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:258 msgid "Tag Report" msgstr "Tagiraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:107 msgid "You must first create a tag before running this report." msgstr "Luo ensin tagi ennen kuin ajat tämän raportin." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:116 #, python-format msgid "Tag Report for %s Items" msgstr "Tilaraportti tagille %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:672 msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:758 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:86 msgid "Publication Information" msgstr "Julkaisutiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:917 msgid "The tag to use for the report" msgstr "Tässä raportissa käytettävä merkintä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:37 msgid "Ahnentafel Report" msgstr "Sukupolviraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:38 msgid "Produces a textual ancestral report" msgstr "Tuottaa tekstimuotoisen esivanhempien raportin" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:60 msgid "Produces a report of birthdays and anniversaries" msgstr "Tuottaa raportin syntymä- ja vuosipäivistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:82 msgid "Add custom text to the book report" msgstr "Lisää vapaa teksti kirjaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:103 msgid "Descendant Report" msgstr "Jälkeläisraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:104 msgid "Produces a list of descendants of the active person" msgstr "Tuottaa listan aktiivisen henkilön jälkeläisistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:125 msgid "Detailed Ancestral Report" msgstr "Yksityiskohtainen esivanhempien raportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:126 msgid "Produces a detailed ancestral report" msgstr "Tuottaa yksityiskohtaisen esivanhempien raportin" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:147 msgid "Detailed Descendant Report" msgstr "Yksityiskohtainen jälkeläisraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:148 msgid "Produces a detailed descendant report" msgstr "Tuottaa yksityiskohtaisen jälkeläisraportin" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:169 msgid "End of Line Report" msgstr "Suvun pääteraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:170 msgid "Produces a textual end of line report" msgstr "Tuottaa tekstimuotoisen suvun pääteraportin" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:192 msgid "" "Produces a family group report showing information on a set of parents and " "their children." msgstr "" "Luo perheryhmäraportin, joka näyttää tietoja valituista vanhemmista ja " "heidän lapsistaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:215 msgid "Produces a complete report on the selected people" msgstr "Tuottaa täyden raportin valituista henkilöistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:236 msgid "Kinship Report" msgstr "Sukulaisuusraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:237 msgid "Produces a textual report of kinship for a given person" msgstr "Tuottaa tekstimuotoisen raportin annetun henkilön sukulaisista" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:259 msgid "Produces a list of people with a specified tag" msgstr "Poimii henkilöt, joiden tila on merkitty" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:281 msgid "Number of Ancestors Report" msgstr "Esivanhempien lukumääräraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:282 msgid "Counts number of ancestors of selected person" msgstr "Laskee valitun henkilön esivanhempien lukumäärän" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:304 msgid "Produces a textual place report" msgstr "Tuottaa tekstimuotoisen paikkaraportin" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:326 msgid "Title Page" msgstr "Nimiösivu" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:327 msgid "Produces a title page for book reports." msgstr "Tuottaa nimiösivun kirjaraportteihin." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:349 msgid "Provides a summary of the current database" msgstr "Tarjoaa yhteenvedon nykyisestä tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:372 msgid "Produces a table of contents for book reports." msgstr "Tuottaa kansilehden kirjaraporttiin." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:394 msgid "Produces an alphabetical index for book reports." msgstr "Tuottaa aakkosellisen hakemiston kirjaraporttiin." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:415 msgid "Records Report" msgstr "Ennätykset raportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:437 msgid "Note Link Report" msgstr "Lisätietolinkkien raportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:438 msgid "Shows status of links in notes" msgstr "Näyttää linkkien tilan lisätiedoissa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.glade:34 msgid "" "Below is a list of the family names that \n" "Gramps can convert to correct capitalization. \n" "Select the names you wish Gramps to convert. " msgstr "" "Alla on lista sukunimistä, joihin \n" "Gramps voi muuttaa oikean kirjaimen.\n" "Valitse nimet, jotka haluat Grampsin muuttavan. " #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.glade:107 msgid "_Accept changes and close" msgstr "_Hyväksy muutokset ja sulje" # WIKI_HELP_SEC tools #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:64 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Fix_Capitalization_of_Family_Names" msgstr "Korjaa_sukunimien_isot_alkukirjaimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:236 msgid "Capitalization changes" msgstr "Isojen kirjainten muutokset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:86 msgid "Checking Family Names" msgstr "Tarkistetaan sukunimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:87 msgid "Searching family names" msgstr "Haetaan sukunimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:368 msgid "No modifications made" msgstr "Muutoksia ei tehty" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:145 msgid "No capitalization changes were detected." msgstr "Isojen kirjainten muutoksia ei havaittu." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:199 msgid "Original Name" msgstr "Alkuperäinen nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:203 msgid "Capitalization Change" msgstr "Alkukirjaimen muutos" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:304 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:424 msgid "Building display" msgstr "Päivitetään näyttö" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.glade:91 msgid "" "This tool will rename all events of one type to a different type. Once " "completed, this cannot be undone by the regular Undo function." msgstr "" "Tämä työkalu nimeää kaikki tiettyä tyyppiä olevat tapahtumat toisen " "tyyppisiksi. Valmistunutta toimintoa ei voi perua." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.glade:112 msgid "Original event type:" msgstr "Alkuperäinen tapahtuman tyyppi:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.glade:124 msgid "New event type:" msgstr "Uusi tapahtuman tyyppi:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:65 msgid "Change Event Types" msgstr "Muuta tapahtumatyyppejä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:118 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:141 msgid "Change types" msgstr "Muuta tyyppejä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:121 msgid "Analyzing Events" msgstr "Analysoidaan tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:134 msgid "No event record was modified." msgstr "Mitään tapahtumatietuetta ei muutettu." #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:137 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} event record was modified." msgid_plural "{number_of} event records were modified." msgstr[0] "{number_of} tapahtumatietue on muutettu." msgstr[1] "{number_of} tapahtumatietuetta on muutettu." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:119 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:292 msgid "Checking Database" msgstr "Tarkistetaan tietokanta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:120 msgid "Looking for cross table duplicates" msgstr "Etsitään mahdolliset puolisoiden kahdennukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:177 msgid "" "Your Family Tree contains cross table duplicate handles.\n" " This is bad and can be fixed by making a backup of your\n" "Family Tree and importing that backup in an empty family\n" "tree. The rest of the checking is skipped, the Check and\n" "Repair tool should be run anew on this new Family Tree." msgstr "" "Sukupuussasi on ristiviittauksia, mikä ei ole hyvä.\n" "Tee varmuuskopio sukupuustasi ja tuo se tyhjään sukupuuhun\n" "Muut tarkistukset hypätään ylitse.\n" "Suorita, Tarkistus ja korjaus työkalu\n" "tähän uuteen sukupuuhun." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:187 msgid "Check Integrity" msgstr "Tarkista sisäinen eheys" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:233 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:77 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:80 msgid "Rebuilding reference maps..." msgstr "Luodaan uudelleen viitekarttoja..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:295 #, python-format msgid "" "Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why " "they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on %s." msgstr "" "Näiden lisätietojen viittaamia kohteita ei löytynyt, joten ne luotiin kun " "ajoit Tarkista ja korjaa työkalun %s." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:317 msgid "Looking for invalid name format references" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä nimen muotoiluviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:369 msgid "Looking for duplicate spouses" msgstr "Etsitään mahdolliset puolisoiden kahdennukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:391 msgid "Looking for character encoding errors" msgstr "Etsitään merkistövirheitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:431 msgid "Looking for ctrl characters in notes" msgstr "Etsitään ctrl merkkejä lisätiedoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:458 msgid "Looking for bad alternate place names" msgstr "Etsitään virheitä vaihtoehtoisista paikkatiedoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:487 msgid "Looking for broken family links" msgstr "Etsitään rikkinäisiä perhesiteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:697 msgid "Looking for unused objects" msgstr "Etsitään käyttämättömiä objekteja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:775 msgid "Select file" msgstr "Valitse tiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:807 msgid "Media object could not be found" msgstr "Mediatiedostoa ei löydy" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:808 #, python-format msgid "" "The file:\n" "%(file_name)s\n" "is referenced in the database, but no longer exists.\n" "The file may have been deleted or moved to a different location.\n" "You may choose to either remove the reference from the database,\n" "keep the reference to the missing file, or select a new file." msgstr "" "Tiedostoon:\n" "%(file_name)s\n" "viitataan tietokannassa, mutta sitä ei löydy.\n" "Tiedosto on saatettu poistaa tai siirtää toiseen hakemistoon.\n" "Voit valita joko viitteen poiston tietokannasta,\n" "pitää viitteen ennallaan tai viitata uuteen tiedostoon." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:891 msgid "Looking for empty people records" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä henkilötietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:898 msgid "Looking for empty family records" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä perhetietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:905 msgid "Looking for empty event records" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä tapahtumatietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:912 msgid "Looking for empty source records" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä lähdetietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:919 msgid "Looking for empty citation records" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä lainaustietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:926 msgid "Looking for empty place records" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä paikkatietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:933 msgid "Looking for empty media records" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä mediatietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:940 msgid "Looking for empty repository records" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä arkistotietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:947 msgid "Looking for empty note records" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:991 msgid "Looking for empty families" msgstr "Etsitään tyhjiä perhetietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1026 msgid "Looking for broken parent relationships" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä lapsi/vanhempi-suhteita" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1065 msgid "Looking for event problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1237 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1266 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1291 msgid "Looking for backlink reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään paluulinkin viiteongelmia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1326 msgid "Looking for person reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä henkilöviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1359 msgid "Looking for family reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä perheviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1385 msgid "Looking for repository reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä arkistoviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1420 msgid "Looking for place reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä paikkaviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1531 msgid "Looking for citation reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä lainausviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1649 msgid "Looking for source reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä lähdeviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1691 msgid "Looking for media object reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä mediaviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1813 msgid "Looking for note reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä lisätietoviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1941 msgid "Updating checksums on media" msgstr "Päivitän median tarkistussummia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1967 msgid "Looking for tag reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä tagiviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2112 msgid "Looking for media source reference problems" msgstr "Etsitään virheellisiä lähdeviitteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2180 msgid "Looking for Duplicated Gramps ID problems" msgstr "Etsitään mahdolliset Gramps ID -kahdennukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2296 msgid "Checking for bad links in Notes" msgstr "Virheellisten lisätietolinkkien tarkistaminen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2447 msgid "No errors were found" msgstr "Virheitä ei löytynyt" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2448 msgid "The database has passed internal checks" msgstr "Tietokanta on läpäissyt sisäisen tarkastuksen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2451 msgid "No errors were found: the database has passed internal checks." msgstr "Virheitä ei löytynyt: Tietokanta on läpäissyt sisäiset tarkastukset." #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2458 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} broken child/family link was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} broken child/family links were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} rikkoutunut lapsi-perhe linkki on korjattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} rikkoutunutta lapsi-perhe linkkiä on korjattu\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2466 msgid "Non existing child" msgstr "Lasta ei ole olemassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2477 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s was removed from the family of %(family)s\n" msgstr "%(person)s poistettiin perheestä %(family)s\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2484 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} broken spouse/family link was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} broken spouse/family links were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} rikkoutunut puoliso/perhe linkki on korjattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} rikkoutunutta puoliso/perhe linkkiä on korjattu\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2492 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2520 msgid "Non existing person" msgstr "Henkilöä ei ole olemassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2503 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2531 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s was restored to the family of %(family)s\n" msgstr "%(person)s palautettiin perheeseen %(family)s\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2510 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} duplicate spouse/family link was found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} duplicate spouse/family links were found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} tupla puoliso/perhe linkki löydetty\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} tupla puoliso/perhe linkkiä löydetty\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2538 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} family with no parents or children found, removed.\n" msgid_plural "" "{quantity} families with no parents or children found, removed.\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} löydetty perhe ilman vanhempia tai lapsia, poistetaan.\n" msgstr[1] "" "{quantity} löydetty perheitä ilman vanhempia tai lapsia, poistetaan.\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2550 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} corrupted family relationship fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} corrupted family relationships fixed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} vioittunut perhesuhde korjattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} vioittunutta perhesuhdetta korjattu\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2558 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} place alternate name fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} place alternate names fixed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} vaihtoehtoinen paikannimi korjattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} vaihtoehtoiset paikannimet korjattu\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2567 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} person was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} persons were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} henkilöön viitattaus, mutta sitä ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} henkilöön viitattiin, mutta niitä ei löytynyt\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2575 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} family was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} families were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} perheeseen viitattiin, mutta sitä ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} perheeseen viitattiin, mutta niitä ei löytynyt\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2585 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} date was corrected\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} dates were corrected\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} päivämäärä korjattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} päivämäärää korjattu\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2594 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} repository was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} repositories were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} arkistoon viitattiin, mutta sitä ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} arkistoon on viitattu, mutta niitä ei löytynyt\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2604 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2691 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} media object was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} media objects were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} mediaobjektiin viitattiin, mutta sitä ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} mediaobjektiin viitattiin, mutta niitä ei löytynyt\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2615 #, python-brace-format msgid "Reference to {quantity} missing media object was kept\n" msgid_plural "References to {quantity} missing media objects were kept\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} viittaus puuttuvaan mediaan pidetty\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} viittausta puuttuvaan mediaan pidetty\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2623 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} missing media object was replaced\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} missing media objects were replaced\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} puuttuva media korvattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} puuttuvaa mediaa korvattu\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2631 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} missing media object was removed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} missing media objects were removed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} puuttuva media poistettu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} puuttuvaa mediaa poistettu\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2639 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} event was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} events were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} tapahtumaan viitattiin, mutta sitä ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} tapahtumaan viitattiin, mutta niitä ei löytynyt\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2647 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid birth event name was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid birth event names were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} virheellisen syntymätapahtuman nimi korjattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} virheellistä syntymätapahtuman nimeä korjattu\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2655 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid death event name was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid death event names were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} virheellinen kuolintapahtuman nimi korjattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} virheellistä kuolintapahtuman nimeä korjattu\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2663 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} place was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} places were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} paikkaan viitattiin, mutta sitä ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} paikkaan viitattiin, mutta niitä ei löytynyt\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2672 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} citation was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} citations were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} lainaukseen viitattiin, mutta sitä ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} lainaukseen viitattiin, mutta niitä ei löytynyt\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2682 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} source was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} sources were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} lähteeseen viitattiin, mutta sitä ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} lähteeseen viitattiin, mutta niitä ei löytynyt\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2700 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} note object was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} note objects were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} lisätietoon on viitattu, mutta ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} lähteeseen on viitattu, mutta ei löytynyt\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2710 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2720 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} tag object was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} tag objects were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} tagi kohteeseen viitattiin, mutta sitä ei löytynyt\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} tagi kohteeseen viitattiin, mutta niitä ei löytynyt\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2730 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid name format reference was removed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid name format references were removed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} virheellinen nimimuodon viittaus poistettu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} virheellisen nimimuodon viittausta poistettu\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2741 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid source citation was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid source citations were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} virheellinen lähdelainaus korjattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} virheellistä lähdelainausta korjattu\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2750 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} Duplicated Gramps ID fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} Duplicated Gramps IDs fixed\n" msgstr[0] "{quantity} Gramps ID kahdennus korjattu\n" msgstr[1] "{quantity} Gramps ID kahdennukset korjattu\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2757 #, python-format msgid "" "%(empty_obj)d empty objects removed:\n" " %(person)d person objects\n" " %(family)d family objects\n" " %(event)d event objects\n" " %(source)d source objects\n" " %(media)d media objects\n" " %(place)d place objects\n" " %(repo)d repository objects\n" " %(note)d note objects\n" msgstr "" "%(empty_obj)d tyhjää kohdetta poistettu:\n" " %(person)d henkilö\n" " %(family)d perhettä\n" " %(event)d tapahtumaa\n" " %(source)d lähdettä\n" " %(media)d mediaa\n" " %(place)d paikkaa\n" " %(repo)d arkistoa\n" " %(note)d lisätietoa\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2779 #, python-format msgid "%d bad backlinks were fixed;\n" msgstr "%d viallista taustalinkkiä on korjattu;\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2781 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:91 msgid "All reference maps have been rebuilt." msgstr "Kaikki viitekartat on luotu uudelleen." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2784 #, python-format msgid "%d bad Note Links were fixed;\n" msgstr "%d viallista lisätietolinkkiä on korjattu;\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2813 msgid "Integrity Check Results" msgstr "Eheystarkistuksen tulokset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2819 msgid "Check and Repair" msgstr "Tarkista ja korjaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:67 msgid "Start date test?" msgstr "Aloita päivämäärätesti?" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:68 msgid "" "This test will create many persons and events in the current database. Do " "you really want to run this test?" msgstr "" "Tämä testi luo monia henkilöitä ja tapahtumia nykyiseen tietokantaan. " "Haluatko suorittaa tämän testin?" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:71 msgid "Run test" msgstr "Suorita testi" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:80 msgid "Running Date Test" msgstr "Suorittaa päivämäärätestiä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:183 msgid "Generating dates" msgstr "Luodaan päivämääriä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:181 msgid "Date Test Plugin" msgstr "Päivämäärän testauslaajennus" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:187 msgid "Pass" msgstr "Ohita" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:57 msgid "Gender Statistics tool" msgstr "Sukupuolitilastojen työkalu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:100 msgid "Guess" msgstr "Arvaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.glade:225 msgid "_Filter:" msgstr "_Suodin:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.glade:239 msgid "" "The event comparison utility uses the filters defined in the Custom Filter " "Editor." msgstr "" "Tapahtumien vertailutyökalu käyttää Käyttäjän suotimet- muokkaimessa " "määritettyjä suotimia." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.glade:249 msgid "Custom filter _editor" msgstr "Käyttäjän suodinmuokkain" # WIKI_HELP_SEC tools #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:70 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Compare_Individual_Events" msgstr "Vertaa_henkil.C3.B6iden_tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:138 msgid "Event comparison filter selection" msgstr "Tapahtumienvertailusuotimen valinta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:168 msgid "Event Comparison tool" msgstr "Tapahtumien vertailutyökalu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:168 msgid "Filter selection" msgstr "Suotimen valinta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:180 msgid "Comparing events" msgstr "Verrataan tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:182 msgid "Selecting people" msgstr "Valitaan henkilöitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:194 msgid "No matches were found" msgstr "Ei tuloksia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:278 msgid "Event Comparison Results" msgstr "Tapahtumien vertailutulokset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:255 #, python-format msgid "%(event_name)s Date" msgstr "%(event_name)s päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:259 #, python-format msgid "%(event_name)s Place" msgstr "%(event_name)s paikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:312 msgid "Comparing Events" msgstr "Verrataan tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:313 msgid "Building data" msgstr "Rakennetaan tietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:395 msgid "Select filename" msgstr "Valitse tiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:79 msgid "Event name changes" msgstr "Tapahtuman nimen muutokset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:131 msgid "Extract Event Description" msgstr "Etsi tapahtumien kuvauksia tapahtumatiedoista" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:120 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} event description has been added" msgid_plural "{quantity} event descriptions have been added" msgstr[0] "{quantity} tapahtumakuvaus on lisätty" msgstr[1] "{quantity} tapahtumakuvausta on lisätty" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:123 msgid "Modifications made" msgstr "Muutoksia tehty" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:127 msgid "No event description has been added." msgstr "Tapahtuman kuvausta ei ole lisätty." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:117 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:117 msgid "Match Threshold" msgstr "Hakuraja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:144 msgid "Use soundex codes" msgstr "Käytä SoundEx-koodeja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:239 msgid "Co_mpare" msgstr "_Vertaa" # WIKI_HELP_SEC tools #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:66 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Find_Possible_Duplicate_People" msgstr "Etsi_mahdolliset_henkil.C3.B6iden_kahdennukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:153 msgid "Find Possible Duplicate People" msgstr "Etsi mahdolliset henkilöiden kahdennukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:143 msgid "Find Duplicates tool" msgstr "Etsi kahdennukset -työkalu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:143 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:347 msgid "Tool settings" msgstr "Työkaluasetukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:177 msgid "No matches found" msgstr "Ei tuloksia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:178 msgid "No potential duplicate people were found" msgstr "Mahdollisia henkilöiden kahdennuksia ei löytynyt" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:189 msgid "Find Duplicates" msgstr "Etsi kahdennukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:190 msgid "Looking for duplicate people" msgstr "Etsitään mahdolliset henkilöiden kahdennukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:200 msgid "Pass 1: Building preliminary lists" msgstr "Vaihe 1: Alustavien listojen rakentaminen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:218 msgid "Pass 2: Calculating potential matches" msgstr "Vaihe 2: Mahdollisten vastaavuuksien laskenta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:556 msgid "Potential Merges" msgstr "Mahdolliset sulautukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:573 msgid "Rating" msgstr "Arvio" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:574 msgid "First Person" msgstr "Ensimmäinen henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:575 msgid "Second Person" msgstr "Toinen henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:585 msgid "Merge candidates" msgstr "Sulauta ehdokkaat" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:585 msgid "Merge persons" msgstr "Sulauta henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:58 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Find_database_loop" msgstr "Etsi_tietokanta_silmukka" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:465 msgid "Find database loop" msgstr "Etsi tietokannasta silmukka" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:257 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:115 msgid "Starting" msgstr "Aloitetaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:95 msgid "Looking for possible loop for each person" msgstr "Haetaan mahdollinen silmukka jokaiselle henkilölle" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:68 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Media_Manager" msgstr "Median_hallinta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:118 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:176 msgid "Media Manager" msgstr "Medianhallinta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:91 msgid "Help" msgstr "Ohje" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1733 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1910 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/introduction.py:79 msgid "Introduction" msgstr "Johdanto" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:104 msgid "Selection" msgstr "Toiminto" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:233 #, python-format msgid "" "This tool allows batch operations on media objects stored in Gramps. An " "important distinction must be made between a Gramps media object and its " "file.\n" "\n" "The Gramps media object is a collection of data about the media object file: " "its filename and/or path, its description, its ID, notes, source references, " "etc. These data %(bold_start)sdo not include the file itself%(bold_end)s.\n" "\n" "The files containing image, sound, video, etc, exist separately on your hard " "drive. These files are not managed by Gramps and are not included in the " "Gramps database. The Gramps database only stores the path and file names.\n" "\n" "This tool allows you to only modify the records within your Gramps database. " "If you want to move or rename the files then you need to do it on your own, " "outside of Gramps. Then you can adjust the paths using this tool so that the " "media objects store the correct file locations." msgstr "" "Tällä työkalulla voit tehdä operaatioita useammalle Grampsin " "mediatiedostolle samalla kertaa. Huomaa, että Grampsin mediatiedostot eivät " "ole varsinaisia tiedostoja.\n" "\n" "Grampsin \"mediatiedostot\" ovat kokoelma tietoa varsinaisista tiedostoista; " "niiden tiedostopolku/nimi, kuvaus, ID, lisätiedot, lähdeviitteet jne. Ne " "%(bold_start)seivät sisällä itse tiedostoja%(bold_end)s.\n" "\n" "Kuva, ääni, video ja muut tiedostot ovat erikseen kovalevylläsi. Gramps ei " "hallinnoi niitä, eikä sisällytä niitä tietokantaansa. Grampsin tietokanta " "sisältää vain tiedostojen nimet ja polut.\n" "\n" "Tällä työkalulla voit muokata vain Grampsin tietokannan tietoja. " "Varsinaisten tiedostojen siirtäminen tai nimen vaihto tehdään erikseen " "Grampsin ulkopuolella (esim. koneesi tiedostohallinnalla). Voit sitten " "käyttää tätä työkalua muokataksesi tiedostopolkuja, jotta varsinaisten " "tiedostojen sijainnit ovat oikein myös Grampsin mediatiedostoissa." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:344 msgid "Affected path" msgstr "Muokattu polku" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:351 msgid "" "Press Apply to proceed, Cancel to abort, or Back to revisit your options." msgstr "" "Paina Seuraava jatkaaksesi, Peru keskeyttääksesi tai Edellinen muuttaaksesi " "valintojasi." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:389 msgid "Operation successfully finished" msgstr "Toiminto suoritettu onnistuneesti" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:391 msgid "" "The operation you requested has finished successfully. You may press Close " "now to continue." msgstr "" "Pyytämäsi toiminto on suoritettu onnistuneesti. Paina Sulje jatkaaksesi." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:394 msgid "Operation failed" msgstr "Toiminto epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:396 msgid "" "There was an error while performing the requested operation. You may try " "starting the tool again." msgstr "" "Pyytämääsi toimintoa suoritettaessa tapahtui virhe. Voit yrittää käyttää " "työkalua uudelleen." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:431 #, python-format msgid "" "The following action is to be performed:\n" "\n" "Operation:\t%s" msgstr "" "Suoritetaan seuraava toiminto:\n" "\n" "Toiminto:\t%s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:488 msgid "Replace _substrings in the path" msgstr "Korvaa _merkkijonot polussa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:489 msgid "" "This tool allows replacing specified substring in the path of media objects " "with another substring. This can be useful when you move your media files " "from one directory to another" msgstr "" "Tällä työkalulla voit korvata annetun merkkijonon mediatiedoston " "tiedostopolussa toisella merkkijonolla. Voit käyttää sitä kun siirrät " "varsinaisia tiedostoja hakemistosta toiseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:495 msgid "Replace substring settings" msgstr "Merkkijonon korvausasetukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:508 msgid "_Replace:" msgstr "_Korvaa:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:518 msgid "_With:" msgstr "_Tällä:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:532 #, python-format msgid "" "The following action is to be performed:\n" "\n" "Operation:\t%(title)s\n" "Replace:\t\t%(src_fname)s\n" "With:\t\t%(dest_fname)s" msgstr "" "Seuraava toimenpide suoritetaan:\n" "\n" "Toimenpide:\t%(title)s\n" "Korvaa:\t\t%(src_fname)s\n" "tällä:\t\t%(dest_fname)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:573 msgid "Convert paths from relative to _absolute" msgstr "Muuta polut suhteellisista _absoluuttisiksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:574 msgid "" "This tool allows converting relative media paths to the absolute ones. It " "does this by prepending the base path as given in the Preferences, or if " "that is not set, it prepends user's directory." msgstr "" "Tällä työkalulla voit muuttaa suhteelliset mediatiedostojen polut " "absoluuttisiksi. Jos olet antanut Asetuksissa mediatiedostojen peruspolun, " "se lisätään polkujen alkuun, muutoin käytetään kotihakemistosi polkua." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:607 msgid "Convert paths from absolute to r_elative" msgstr "Muuta polut absoluuttisista _suhteellisiksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:608 msgid "" "This tool allows converting absolute media paths to a relative path. The " "relative path is relative viz-a-viz the base path as given in the " "Preferences, or if that is not set, user's directory. A relative path allows " "to tie the file location to a base path that can change to your needs." msgstr "" "Tällä työkalulla voit muuttaa absoluuttiset mediatiedostojen polut " "suhteellisiksi. Suhteelliset polut ovat suhteessa Asetuksissa antamasi " "polkuun, tai jos sitä ei ole annettu, kotihakemistoon. Suhteellisilla " "poluilla tiedostojesi sijainti voidaan sitoa peruspolkuun, jota voit muuttaa " "tarpeidesi mukaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:644 msgid "Add images not included in database" msgstr "Lisää tietokannasta puuttuvat valokuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:645 msgid "Check directories for images not included in database" msgstr "Tarkista polut tietokannasta puuttuneita valokuvia varten" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:646 msgid "" "This tool adds images in directories that are referenced by existing images " "in the database." msgstr "" "Tämä työkalu lisää hakemistoihin ne tietokannasta löytyvät kuvat, joihin on " "viitattu." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:144 msgid "Don't merge if citation has notes" msgstr "Älä sulauta jos lainauksessa on lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:76 msgid "Match on Page/Volume, Date and Confidence" msgstr "Sovita yhteen sivuun/osan, päivämäärän ja luottamustason kanssa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:77 msgid "Ignore Date" msgstr "Ohita päivämäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:78 msgid "Ignore Confidence" msgstr "Ohita luotettavuus" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:79 msgid "Ignore Date and Confidence" msgstr "Ohita päivämäärä ja luottettavuus" # WIKI_HELP_SEC osa3 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:83 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_citations" msgstr "Sulauta_lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:133 msgid "" "Notes, media objects and data-items of matching citations will be combined." msgstr "" "Yhteensopivien lainauksien lisätiedot ja mediatiedostot kootaan yhteen." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:164 msgid "Merge citations tool" msgstr "Sulauta lainaukset -työkalu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:185 msgid "Checking Sources" msgstr "Tarkistetaan lähteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:187 msgid "Looking for citation fields" msgstr "Etsitään paikkatietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:233 msgid "Number of merges done" msgstr "Tehtyjen sulautusten määrä" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:235 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} citation merged" msgid_plural "{number_of} citations merged" msgstr[0] "{number_of} lainaus sulautettu" msgstr[1] "{number_of} lainausta sulautettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.glade:162 msgid "_Tag" msgstr "_Tagi" # WIKI_HELP_SEC tools #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:60 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Not_Related" msgstr "Ei_sukua" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:80 #, python-format msgid "Not related to \"%s\"" msgstr "Ei sukua \"%s\"" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:104 msgid "NotRelated" msgstr "Ei sukua" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:173 #, python-format msgid "Everyone in the database is related to %s" msgstr "Kaikki tietokannassa ovat sukua %s:lle" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #. TRANS: no singular form needed, as rows is always > 1 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:262 #, python-brace-format msgid "Setting tag for {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Setting tag for {number_of} people" msgstr[0] "Asetetaan tagi {number_of} henkilölle" msgstr[1] "Asetetaan tagit {number_of} henkilölle" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #. TRANS: No singular form is needed. #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:305 #, python-brace-format msgid "Finding relationships between {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Finding relationships between {number_of} people" msgstr[0] "Haetaan suhteet {number_of} henkilön välillä" msgstr[1] "Haetaan suhteita {number_of} henkilön välillä" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:385 #, python-brace-format msgid "Looking for {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Looking for {number_of} people" msgstr[0] "Haetaan {number_of} henkilö" msgstr[1] "Haetaan {number_of} henkilöä" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:413 #, python-brace-format msgid "Looking up the name of {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Looking up the names of {number_of} people" msgstr[0] "Haetaan {number_of} henkilön nimi" msgstr[1] "Haetaan {number_of} henkilön nimeä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:10 msgid "Copy from DB to Preferences" msgstr "Kopioi DB asetukset tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:23 msgid "Copy from Preferences to DB" msgstr "Kopioi DB asetukset tietokantaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:164 msgid "_Street:" msgstr "_Katu:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:178 msgid "_City:" msgstr "_Paikkakunta:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:206 msgid "_Country:" msgstr "_Valtio tai liittovaltio:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:220 msgid "_ZIP/Postal Code:" msgstr "Postinumero:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:234 msgid "_Phone:" msgstr "Puhelin:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:248 msgid "_Email:" msgstr "Sähköposti:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:383 msgid "Right-click to copy from/to Researcher Preferences" msgstr "Hiiren kakkospainikkeella kopioidaan / Tutkija asetuksiin" # WIKI_HELP_SEC tools #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:56 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Edit_Database_Owner_Information" msgstr "Muokkaa_tietokannan_yll.C3.A4pit.C3.A4j.C3.A4n_tietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:102 msgid "Database Owner Editor" msgstr "Tietokannan ylläpitäjä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:164 msgid "Edit database owner information" msgstr "Muokkaa_tietokannan_yll.C3.A4pit.C3.A4j.C3.A4n_tietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.glade:84 msgid "_Accept and close" msgstr "_Hyväksy muutokset ja sulje" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.glade:135 msgid "" "Below is a list of the nicknames, titles, prefixes and compound surnames " "that Gramps can extract from the Family Tree.\n" "If you accept the changes, Gramps will modify the entries that have been " "selected.\n" "\n" "Compound surnames are shown as lists of [prefix, surname, connector].\n" "For example, with the defaults, the name \"de Mascarenhas da Silva e " "Lencastre\" shows as:\n" " [de, Mascarenhas]-[da, Silva, e]-[,Lencastre]\n" "\n" "Run this tool several times to correct names that have multiple information " "that can be extracted." msgstr "" "Alla on listattuna lempinimet tittelit, etuliitteet ja yhdistelmänimet, " "jotka Gramps saa esille sukupuustasi.\n" "Jos hyväksyt nämä muutokset, Gramps muuttaa valitsemasi kohteet.\n" "\n" "Yhdistelmänimet näytetään etuliitteiden, sukunimien ja yhdistäjän listoina.\n" "Esimerkiksi, oletusarvoisesti nimi \"de Mascarenhas da Silva e Lencastre\" " "näytetään:\n" " [de, Mascarenhas]-[da, Silva, e]-[,Lencastre]\n" "\n" "Suorita tätä työkalua niin moneen kertaan, että monipuolisimmatkin tiedot on " "löydetty ja käsitelty." # WIKI_HELP_SEC tools #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:63 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Extract_Information_from_Names" msgstr "Etsi_tietoja_nimist.C3.A4" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:105 msgid "Name and title extraction tool" msgstr "Nimen ja tittelin eriytystyökalu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:115 msgid "Default prefix and connector settings" msgstr "Etuliitteiden ja liittäjien oletusasetukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:121 msgid "Prefixes to search for:" msgstr "Etsittävät etuliitteet:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:128 msgid "Connectors splitting surnames:" msgstr "Sukunimiä osittavat yhdistäjät:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:135 msgid "Connectors not splitting surnames:" msgstr "Yhdistäjät jotka eivät osoita sukunimiä:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:173 msgid "Extracting Information from Names" msgstr "Etsitään tietoja nimistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:175 msgid "Analyzing names" msgstr "Analysoidaan nimiä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:369 msgid "No titles, nicknames or prefixes were found" msgstr "Yhtään titteliä, lempinimeä tai etuliitettä ei löydetty" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:413 msgid "Current Name" msgstr "Sarakkeen nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:457 msgid "Prefix in given name" msgstr "Puuttuva etunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:469 msgid "Compound surname" msgstr "Yleisimmät sukunimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:496 msgid "Extract information from names" msgstr "Etsi tietoja nimistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuild.py:76 msgid "Rebuilding secondary indexes..." msgstr "Luo uudelleen toissijaiset tietokantaindeksit..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuild.py:82 msgid "Secondary indexes rebuilt" msgstr "Toissijaiset tietokantaindeksit luotu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuild.py:83 msgid "All secondary indexes have been rebuilt." msgstr "Kaikki toissijaiset tietokantaindeksit luotu." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildgenderstat.py:82 msgid "Rebuilding gender statistics for name gender guessing..." msgstr "Rakennan nimien sukupuolitilastoa arvailemalla nimien sukupuolta..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildgenderstat.py:95 msgid "Gender statistics rebuilt" msgstr "Toissijaiset tietokantaindeksit luotu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildgenderstat.py:96 msgid "Gender statistics for name gender guessing have been rebuilt." msgstr "Rakennettu uusi sukupuolitilasto arvailemalla nimien sukupuoli." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:87 msgid "Reference maps rebuilt" msgstr "Viitekartat luotu uudelleen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.glade:90 msgid "Select a person to determine the relationship" msgstr "Valitse henkilö suhteen määrittämistä varten" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:67 ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:331 msgid "Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Suhdelaskin" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:110 #, python-format msgid "Relationship calculator: %(person_name)s" msgstr "Suhdelaskin: %(person_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:115 #, python-format msgid "Relationship to %(person_name)s" msgstr "Suhde henkilöön %(person_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:175 msgid "Relationship Calculator tool" msgstr "Suhdelaskin-työkalu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:207 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s are not related." msgstr "%(person)s ja %(active_person)s eivät ole sukua keskenään." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:226 #, python-format msgid "Their common ancestor is %s." msgstr "Heidän yhteinen esivanhempansa on %s." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:232 #, python-format msgid "Their common ancestors are %(ancestor1)s and %(ancestor2)s." msgstr "Heidän yhteiset esivanhempansa ovat %(ancestor1)s ja %(ancestor2)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:238 msgid "Their common ancestors are: " msgstr "Heidän yhteiset esivanhempansa ovat: " #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:55 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Remove_leading_and_trailing_spaces" msgstr "Poista_edessä_ja_perässä_olevat_välilyönnit" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:489 msgid "Clean input data" msgstr "Puhdista tuontitiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:108 msgid "" "Search leading and/or trailing spaces for persons and places. Search comma " "or bad sign in coordinates fields.\n" "Double click on a row to edit its content." msgstr "" "Etsi edeltävät ja/tai jäljessä olevat välilyönnit henkilöistä ja paikoista. " "Etsi pilkku koordinaattikentistä.\n" "Kaksoisnapsauta riviä muokataksesi sen sisältöä." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:118 msgid "Looking for possible fields with leading or trailing spaces" msgstr "Etsitään kenttiä, joissa on alussa tai lopussa välilyöntejä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:185 msgid "handle" msgstr "käsitellään" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:140 msgid "firstname" msgstr "etunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:148 msgid "alternate name" msgstr "vaihtoehtoinen nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:152 msgid "group as" msgstr "ryhmässä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:199 msgid "tooltip" msgstr "työkaluvinkki" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:275 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:285 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:297 msgid "leading and/or trailing spaces" msgstr "edeltävät ja/tai jäljessä olevat välilyönnit" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:294 msgid "invalid format" msgstr "virheellinen muotoilu" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:300 msgid "comma instead of dot" msgstr "pilkku pisteen sijasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:303 msgid "invalid char instead of '-'" msgstr "virheellisen merkin sijasta \"-\": n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:92 msgid "Search for events" msgstr "Etsi tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:110 msgid "Search for sources" msgstr "Etsi lähteitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:128 msgid "Search for citations" msgstr "Etsi lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:143 msgid "Search for places" msgstr "Etsi paikkoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:161 msgid "Search for media" msgstr "Etsi medioita" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:179 msgid "Search for repositories" msgstr "Etsi arkistoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:197 msgid "Search for notes" msgstr "Etsi lisätietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:929 msgid "_Mark all" msgstr "_Merkitse kaikki" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:945 msgid "_Unmark all" msgstr "_Poista kaikki merkinnät" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:961 msgid "In_vert marks" msgstr "_Vaihda merkinnät" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:344 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:904 msgid "Double-click on a row to view/edit data" msgstr "Kaksoisnapsauta riviä katsoaksesi tai muokataksesi tietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:69 msgid "Unused Objects" msgstr "Käyttämättömät tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:188 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:557 msgid "Mark" msgstr "Merkki" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:303 msgid "Remove unused objects" msgstr "Poista käyttämättömät tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1406 msgid "Enable ID reordering." msgstr "Käytä ID uudelleenjärjestelyä." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1420 msgid "" "List next ID available\n" "(maynot be continuous)." msgstr "" "Seuraava ID saatavilla\n" "(Ei ole ehkä jatkuva)." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1424 msgid " Actual" msgstr " Nykyinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1436 msgid "Amount of ID in use." msgstr "ID tunnusten määrä." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1438 msgid " Quantity" msgstr " Määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1452 msgid "Actual / Upcoming ID format." msgstr "Nykyinen / tuleva ID tunnusten määrä." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1465 msgid "Change" msgstr "Muutos" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1470 msgid "" "Enable ID reordering\n" "with Start / Step sequence." msgstr "" "Käytä ID uudelleenjärjestelyä\n" "Start/Stop-järjestyksessä." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1483 msgid "Start" msgstr "Aloita" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1488 msgid "Reorder ID start number." msgstr "Muuta ID-aloitusnumeroa." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1501 msgid "Step" msgstr "Jakso" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1506 msgid "Reorder ID step width." msgstr "Järjestä ID-jaksotus uudelleen." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1518 msgid "Keep" msgstr "Pidä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1523 msgid "" "Keep IDs with alternate\n" "prefixes untouched." msgstr "" "Pitää vaihtoehdolla ID tunnuksien\n" "etuliitteet koskematomina." # WIKI nettiosoite tarkistettava #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:64 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Reorder_Gramps_ID" msgstr "J.C3.A4rjest.C3.A4_uudelleen_Gramps_ID:t" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:444 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:536 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:626 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:631 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:375 msgid "Reorder Gramps IDs" msgstr "Järjestä uudelleen Gramps ID:t" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:547 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:552 #, python-format msgid "Reorder %s IDs ..." msgstr "Järjestä uudelleen %s ID:t ..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:635 #, python-format msgid "Do you want to replace %s?" msgstr "Haluatko korvata %s?" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:694 msgid "Finding and assigning unused IDs." msgstr "Löydä ja valitse käyttämättömät ID:t." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:76 msgid "Sort Events" msgstr "Lajittele tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:98 msgid "Sort event changes" msgstr "Lajittele tapahtumien muutokset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:113 msgid "Sorting personal events..." msgstr "Lajitellaan henkilöiden tietoja..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:135 msgid "Sorting family events..." msgstr "Lajitellaan perheiden tietoja..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:166 msgid "Tool Options" msgstr "Työkaluvalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:169 msgid "Select the people to sort" msgstr "Valitse henkilö lajitteluun" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:188 msgid "Sort descending" msgstr "Lajittele laskevasti" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:189 msgid "Set the sort order" msgstr "Aseta lajittelujärjestys" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:192 msgid "Include family events" msgstr "Sisällytä perhetapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:193 msgid "Sort family events of the person" msgstr "Lajittele henkilön perhetapahtumat" # WIKI_HELP_SEC tools #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:91 msgid "Generate_Testcases_for_Persons_and_Families" msgstr "Luo_testitapaukset_henkilöille_ja_perheille" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:280 msgid "Generate testcases" msgstr "Luo testitapauksia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:285 msgid "" "Generate low level database errors\n" "Correction needs database reload" msgstr "" "Luo matalan tason tietokanta virheitä\n" "Korjaus edellyttää tietokannan lataamista uudelleen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:290 msgid "Generate database errors" msgstr "Luo tietokantavirheitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:294 msgid "Generate dummy data" msgstr "Luo malli aineistoa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:299 msgid "Generate long names" msgstr "Luo pitkiä nimiä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:304 msgid "Add special characters" msgstr "Lisää erikoismerkkejä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:308 msgid "Add serial number" msgstr "Lisää sarjanumero" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:312 msgid "Add line break" msgstr "Lisää rivinvaihto" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:317 msgid "" "Number of people to generate\n" "(Number is approximate because families are generated)" msgstr "" "Luotavien henkilöiden määrä\n" "(Lukumäärä on arvio, koska perheitä luodaan)" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:377 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:387 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:393 msgid "Generating testcases" msgstr "Luodaan testitapauksia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:378 msgid "Generating low level database errors" msgstr "Luodaan matalan tason tietokantavirheitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:388 msgid "Generating database errors" msgstr "Luodaan tietokantavirheitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:394 msgid "Generating families" msgstr "Luodaan perheitä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:470 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:555 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:572 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:598 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:668 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:703 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:723 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:741 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:760 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:781 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:799 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:817 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:835 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:862 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:888 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:915 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:951 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:962 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:973 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:984 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1000 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1017 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1041 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1057 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1074 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1107 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1554 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1660 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1685 #, python-format msgid "Testcase generator step %d" msgstr "Testitapausgeneraattorin vaihe %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:38 msgid "Fix Capitalization of Family Names" msgstr "Korjaa sukunimien isot alkukirjaimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:39 msgid "" "Searches the entire database and attempts to fix capitalization of the names." msgstr "" "Etsii koko tietokannan ja yrittää korjata sukunimien isojen alkukirjainten " "käytön." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:61 msgid "Rename Event Types" msgstr "Nimeä uudelleen tapahtumatyyppejä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:62 msgid "Allows all the events of a certain name to be renamed to a new name." msgstr "Sallii tietynnimisten tapahtumien nimeämisen uudelle nimelle." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:84 msgid "Check and Repair Database" msgstr "Tarkista ja korjaa tietokanta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:85 msgid "" "Checks the database for integrity problems, fixing the problems that it can" msgstr "Tarkistaa tietokannan eheyden ja korjaa osaamansa ongelmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:107 msgid "Compare Individual Events" msgstr "Vertaa henkilöiden tapahtumia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:108 msgid "" "Aids in the analysis of data by allowing the development of custom filters " "that can be applied to the database to find similar events" msgstr "" "Auttaa analysoinnissa sallimalla luoda käyttäjän omien suotimet, joita " "voidaan käyttää samankaltaisten tapahtumien etsimiseen tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:132 msgid "Extracts event descriptions from the event data" msgstr "Etsii tapahtumien kuvauksia tapahtumatiedoista" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:154 msgid "" "Searches the entire database, looking for individual entries that may " "represent the same person." msgstr "" "Etsii koko tietokannasta yksilöitä, jotka saattavat olla yksi ja sama " "henkilö." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:177 msgid "Manages batch operations on media files" msgstr "Hallinnoi massatoimintoja mediatiedostoilla" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:198 msgid "Not Related" msgstr "Ei sukua" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:199 msgid "Find people who are not in any way related to the selected person" msgstr "Etsi henkilöt, jotka eivät ole ollenkaan sukua valitulle henkilölle" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:221 msgid "Edit Database Owner Information" msgstr "Muokkaa tietokannan ylläpitäjän tietoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:222 msgid "Allow editing database owner information." msgstr "Salli tietokannan ylläpitäjän tietojen muokkaus." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:243 msgid "Extract Information from Names" msgstr "Etsi tietoja nimistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:244 msgid "" "Extract titles, prefixes and compound surnames from given name or family " "name." msgstr "" "Pura pois tittelit, etuliitteet ja yhdistelmänimet etu- tai sukunimistä." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:265 msgid "Rebuild Secondary Indexes" msgstr "Luo uudelleen toissijaiset tietokantaindeksit" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:266 msgid "Rebuilds secondary indexes" msgstr "Luo uudelleen toissijaiset tietokantaindeksit" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:287 msgid "Rebuild Reference Maps" msgstr "Luo uudelleen viitekartat" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:288 msgid "Rebuilds reference maps" msgstr "Luo uudelleen viitekartat" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:309 msgid "Rebuild Gender Statistics" msgstr "Luo uudelleen sukupuolitilastot" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:310 msgid "Rebuilds gender statistics for name gender guessing..." msgstr "Luo uudelleen sukupuolitilastot käyttäen arvauksia..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:332 msgid "Calculates the relationship between two people" msgstr "Laskee kahden henkilön välisen suhteen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:353 msgid "Remove Unused Objects" msgstr "Poista käyttämättömät tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:354 msgid "Removes unused objects from the database" msgstr "Poistaa käyttämättömiä tietoja tietokannasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:376 msgid "Reorders the Gramps IDs according to Gramps' default rules." msgstr "" "Järjestää uudelleen Gramps ID -tunnukset Grampsin oletussääntöjen mukaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:399 msgid "Sort events" msgstr "Lajittele tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:420 msgid "Verify the Data" msgstr "Tarkista tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:421 msgid "Verifies the data against user-defined tests" msgstr "Tarkistaa tiedot käyttäjän määrittelemillä testeillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:443 msgid "" "Searches the entire database, looking for citations that have the same " "Volume/Page, Date and Confidence." msgstr "" "Etsii koko tietokannasta lainauksia, joissa on sama osa/sivu, päiväys ja " "luotettavuus." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:466 msgid "Searches the entire database, looking for a possible loop." msgstr "Etsii koko tietokannasta, etsii mahdollista silmukkaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:490 msgid "" "Searches the entire database, looking for trailing or leading spaces for " "places and people. Search comma in coordinates fields in places." msgstr "" "Etsii koko tietokannan paikka- ja henkilökenttien alussa ja lopussa olevat " "välilyönnit. Etsii pilkut paikkojen koordinaateista." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/toolsdebug.gpr.py:64 msgid "Dump Gender Statistics" msgstr "Tyhjennä sukupuolitilastot" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/toolsdebug.gpr.py:65 msgid "Will dump the statistics for guessing the gender from the first name." msgstr "Poistaa tilastosta arvaamalla sukupuolen etunimistä." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:215 msgid "Maximum _age" msgstr "Suurin _mahdollinen ikä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:230 msgid "Mi_nimum age to marry" msgstr "Pienin mahdollinen avi_oitumisikä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:257 msgid "Ma_ximum age to marry" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen avioitumi_sikä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:284 msgid "Maximum number of _spouses for a person" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen henkilön _puolisoiden määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:323 msgid "Maximum number of consecutive years of _widowhood before next marriage" msgstr "" "Suurin mahdollinen määrä peräkkäisiä _leskeysvuosia ennen seuraavaa " "avioliittoa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:338 msgid "Maximum age for an _unmarried person" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen ikä _avioitumattomalle henkilölle" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:361 msgid "_Estimate missing or inexact dates" msgstr "_Arvioi puuttuvat päivämäärät" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:378 msgid "_Identify invalid dates" msgstr "_Tunnista virheelliset päivämäärät" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:432 msgid "Mi_nimum age to bear a child" msgstr "Pienin mahdollinen ikä las_ten saantiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:451 msgid "Ma_ximum age to bear a child" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen ikä laste_n saantiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:470 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:590 msgid "Maximum number of chil_dren" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen lapsi_määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:552 msgid "Mi_nimum age to father a child" msgstr "Pienin mahdollinen ikä is_äksi tulemiseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:571 msgid "Ma_ximum age to father a child" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen ikä isäksi t_ulemiseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:704 msgid "Maximum husband-wife age _difference" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen aviomi_ehen ja vaimon ikäero" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:719 msgid "Maximum number of years _between children" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen määrä _vuosia lasten välillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:734 msgid "Maximum _span of years for all children" msgstr "Suurin mahdollinen vuosiväli kaikille lapsille" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:984 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:670 msgid "_Hide marked" msgstr "_Piilota merkityt" # WIKI_HELP_SEC tools #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:83 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Verify_the_Data" msgstr "Tarkista_tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:295 msgid "Data Verify tool" msgstr "Tietokannan tarkistustyökalu" #. Translators: needed for French+Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:318 #, python-format msgid "%(severity)s: %(msg)s, %(type)s: %(gid)s, %(name)s" msgstr "%(severity)s: %(msg)s, %(type)s: %(gid)s, %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:502 msgid "Data Verification Results" msgstr "Tietokannan tarkistustulokset" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:667 msgid "_Show all" msgstr "_Näytä kaikki" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:949 msgid "Baptism before birth" msgstr "Kaste ennen syntymää" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:965 msgid "Death before baptism" msgstr "Kuolema ennen kastetta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:981 msgid "Burial before birth" msgstr "Hautaus ennen syntymää" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:997 msgid "Burial before death" msgstr "Hautaus ennen kuolemaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1013 msgid "Death before birth" msgstr "Kuolema ennen syntymää" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1029 msgid "Burial before baptism" msgstr "Hautaus ennen kastetta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1052 msgid "Old age at death" msgstr "Korkea kuolinikä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1079 msgid "Multiple parents" msgstr "Useita vanhempia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1101 msgid "Married often" msgstr "Avioitunut usein" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1125 msgid "Old and unmarried" msgstr "Vanha ja naimaton" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1157 msgid "Too many children" msgstr "Liian monta lasta" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1175 msgid "Same sex marriage" msgstr "Saman sukupuolen avioliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1188 msgid "Female husband" msgstr "Naispuolinen aviomies" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1201 msgid "Male wife" msgstr "Miespuolinen vaimo" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1231 msgid "Husband and wife with the same surname" msgstr "Aviomiehellä ja vaimolla on sama sukunimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1261 msgid "Large age difference between spouses" msgstr "Suuri ikäero puolisoiden välillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1297 msgid "Marriage before birth" msgstr "Avioliitto ennen syntymää" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1333 msgid "Marriage after death" msgstr "Avioliitto kuoleman jälkeen" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1374 msgid "Early marriage" msgstr "Aikainen avioliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1413 msgid "Late marriage" msgstr "Myöhäinen avioliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1462 msgid "Old father" msgstr "Vanha isä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1466 msgid "Old mother" msgstr "Vanha äiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1515 msgid "Young father" msgstr "Nuori isä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1519 msgid "Young mother" msgstr "Nuori äiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1563 msgid "Unborn father" msgstr "Syntymätön isä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1567 msgid "Unborn mother" msgstr "Syntymätön äiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1618 msgid "Dead father" msgstr "Kuollut isä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1622 msgid "Dead mother" msgstr "Kuollut äiti" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1648 msgid "Large year span for all children" msgstr "Suuri vuosiväli kaikille lapsille" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1675 msgid "Large age differences between children" msgstr "Suuria ikäeroja lasten välillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1688 msgid "Disconnected individual" msgstr "Henkilö ilman sukulaisia" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1715 msgid "Invalid birth date" msgstr "Viallinen syntymäaika" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1742 msgid "Invalid death date" msgstr "Viallinen kuolinaika" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1762 msgid "Marriage date but not married" msgstr "On avioitumispäivä muttei avioliittoa" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1790 msgid "Old age but no death" msgstr "Korkea ikä mutta ei kuollut" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1806 msgid "Birth equals death" msgstr "Syntymä on sama kuin kuolema" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1824 msgid "Birth equals marriage" msgstr "Syntymä on sama kuin avioliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1842 msgid "Death equals marriage" msgstr "Kuolema on sama kuin avioliitto" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:104 msgid "Source: Title" msgstr "Lähde: Nimike" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:105 msgid "Source: ID" msgstr "Lähde: ID" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:99 msgid "Source: Author" msgstr "Lähde: Kirjoittaja" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:107 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:100 msgid "Source: Abbreviation" msgstr "Lähde: Lyhennys" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:101 msgid "Source: Publication Information" msgstr "Julkaisutiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:109 msgid "Source: Private" msgstr "Lähdeteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:110 msgid "Source: Last Changed" msgstr "Viimeisin muutos" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:123 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:120 msgid "Add a new citation and a new source" msgstr "Luo ja lisää uusi lainaus ja lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:125 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:122 msgid "Add a new citation to an existing source" msgstr "Lisää uusi lainaus olemassa olevaan lähteeseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:127 msgid "Delete the selected citation" msgstr "Poista valittu lainaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:128 msgid "Merge the selected citations" msgstr "Sulauta valitut lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:142 msgid "Citation View" msgstr "Lainausnäkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:214 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:364 msgid "Citation Filter Editor" msgstr "Näkymäsuodinmuokkain" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:388 msgid "" "This citation cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated citation " "is already being edited or another object that is associated with the same " "citation is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this citation, you need to close the object." msgstr "" "Tapahtumaa ei voi muokata. Joko viitattua tapahtumaa tai sen jotain muuta " "viitettä muokataan parhaillaan.\n" "\n" "Muokataksesi tapahtumaa, sinun pitää sulkea em. muu kohde." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:412 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:641 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:654 msgid "Cannot merge citations." msgstr "Lainausten sulautus ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:402 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:642 msgid "" "Exactly two citations must be selected to perform a merge. A second citation " "can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the " "desired citation." msgstr "" "Kaksi lainausta pitää olla valittuna sulautettavaksi. Toinen lainaus voidaan " "valita pitämällä Control-näppäintä alhaalla napsautettaessa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:413 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:655 msgid "" "The two selected citations must have the same source to perform a merge. If " "you want to merge these two citations, then you must merge the sources first." msgstr "" "Kahdella lainauksella täytyy olla sama lähde tullakseen sulautetuksi. " "Sulauta siis ensin lähteet ja sitten lainaukset." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:123 msgid "Edit the selected citation or source" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua lainausta tai lähdettä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:124 msgid "Delete the selected citation or source" msgstr "Poista valittu lainaus tai lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:125 msgid "Merge the selected citations or selected sources" msgstr "Sulauta valitut lainaukset tai valitut lähteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:143 msgid "Citation Tree View" msgstr "Lainausten puunäkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 msgid "Add citation..." msgstr "Lisää lainaus..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 msgid "Add source..." msgstr "Lisää lähde..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/persontreeview.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:77 msgid "Collapse all Nodes" msgstr "Kutista kaikki solmut" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/persontreeview.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:77 msgid "Expand all Nodes" msgstr "Laajenna kaikki solmut" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:628 msgid "" "This source cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated Source " "object is already being edited, or another citation associated with the same " "source is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this source, you need to close the object." msgstr "" "Lähdettä ei voi muokata. Joko viitattua lähdettä tai sen jotain muuta samaan " "lähteeseen viittaavaa lainausta muokataan parhaillaan.\n" "\n" "Muokataksesi lähdeviitettä, sinun pitää sulkea em. toinen kohde." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:667 msgid "Cannot perform merge." msgstr "Lähteiden sulautus ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:668 msgid "" "Both objects must be of the same type, either both must be sources, or both " "must be citations." msgstr "" "Molempien kohteiden oltava samaa tyyppiä, joko molempien lähteitä tai " "molempien lainauksia." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/dashboardview.py:51 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/dashboardview.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:67 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:75 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "Työpöytä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:95 msgid "Add a new event" msgstr "Lisää uusi tapahtuma" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:96 msgid "Edit the selected event" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua tapahtumaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:97 msgid "Delete the selected event" msgstr "Poista valittu tapahtuma" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:98 msgid "Merge the selected events" msgstr "Sulauta valitut tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:228 msgid "Event Filter Editor" msgstr "Tapahtumasuotimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:402 msgid "Cannot merge event objects." msgstr "Tapahtumien sulautus ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:403 msgid "" "Exactly two events must be selected to perform a merge. A second object can " "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "event." msgstr "" "Kaksi henkilöä pitää olla valittuna sulautettaviksi. Toinen henkilö voidaan " "valita pitämällä Control-näppäintä alhaalla napsautettaessa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:83 msgid "Marriage Date" msgstr "Vihkipäivämäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:97 msgid "Add a new family" msgstr "Lisää uusi perhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:98 msgid "Edit the selected family" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua perhettä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:99 msgid "Delete the selected family" msgstr "Poista valittu perhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:100 msgid "Merge the selected families" msgstr "Sulauta valitut perheet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:188 msgid "Family Filter Editor" msgstr "Perhesuotimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 msgid "Make Father Active Person" msgstr "Muuta isä aktiiviseksi henkilöksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 msgid "Make Mother Active Person" msgstr "Muuta äiti aktiiviseksi henkilöksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:396 msgid "Cannot merge families." msgstr "Perheiden sulautus ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:397 msgid "" "Exactly two families must be selected to perform a merge. A second family " "can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the " "desired family." msgstr "" "Kaksi perhettä pitää olla valittuna sulautettaviksi. Toinen perhe voidaan " "valita pitämällä Control-näppäintä alhaalla napsautettaessa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:280 msgid "Max ancestor generations" msgstr "Esivanhempien sukupolvien enimmäismäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:283 msgid "Max descendant generations" msgstr "Jälkeläissukupolvien enimmäismäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:283 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:381 msgid "Text Font" msgstr "Vain tekstinä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:386 msgid "Gender colors" msgstr "Sukupuoli" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:289 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:387 msgid "Generation based gradient" msgstr "Sukupolviin perustuva liukuväri" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:293 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:388 msgid "Age (0-100) based gradient" msgstr "Ikäperusteinen liukuväri (0-100)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:294 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:389 msgid "Single main (filter) color" msgstr "Yksivärinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:295 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:293 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:390 msgid "Time period based gradient" msgstr "Ajanjaksoista rakennettu liukukuvaaja" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:294 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:391 msgid "White" msgstr "Valkoinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:297 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:295 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:392 msgid "Color scheme classic report" msgstr "Klassisen raportin värit" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:393 msgid "Color scheme classic view" msgstr "Klassisen näkymän värit" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:304 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:401 msgid "Background" msgstr "Taustaväri" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:313 msgid "Add global background colored gradient" msgstr "Lisää taustalle liukuväritys" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:317 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:309 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:406 msgid "Start gradient/Main color" msgstr "Väriliu'un lähtöväri" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:311 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:408 msgid "End gradient/2nd color" msgstr "Väriliu'un pääteväri" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:321 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:313 msgid "Color for duplicates" msgstr "Henkilökahdennusten väri" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:324 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:323 msgid "Fan chart distribution" msgstr "Elinikä jakauma" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:327 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:326 msgid "Homogeneous children distribution" msgstr "Tasainen lasten jakautuma" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:329 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:328 msgid "Size proportional to number of descendants" msgstr "Koko on verrannollinen jälkeläisten lukumäärään" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:335 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:418 msgid "Show names on two lines" msgstr "Näytä nimet kahdella rivillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:339 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:338 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:422 msgid "Flip name on the left of the fan" msgstr "Käännä nimien suuntaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:343 msgid "Show the gramps id" msgstr "Näytä gramps-ID" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:346 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:345 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:437 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2151 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1878 msgid "Layout" msgstr "Asetelma" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:580 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:568 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:666 msgid "No preview available" msgstr "Esikatselua ei saatavilla" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:316 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:411 msgid "Fan chart type" msgstr "Viuhkakaavio" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:318 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:413 msgid "Full Circle" msgstr "Ympyrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:413 msgid "Half Circle" msgstr "Puoliympyrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:320 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:414 msgid "Quadrant" msgstr "Sektori" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:342 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:430 msgid "Show gramps id" msgstr "Näytä gramps-ID" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:227 msgid "Print or save the Fan Chart View" msgstr "Tulostaa tai tallentaa viuhkakaavionäkymän" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:426 msgid "Show children ring" msgstr "Lapset puuttuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 msgid "Select the person which is the reference for life ways" msgstr "Valitse henkilö johon viitataan elämäkerrassa" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 msgid "reference _Person" msgstr "_viitehenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:166 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:134 msgid "Print or save the Map" msgstr "Tulosta tai talleta kartta" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:160 msgid "Have they been able to meet?" msgstr "Onko heidän ollut mahdollista tavata?" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:263 msgid "GeoClose" msgstr "Henkilöläheisyys" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:319 #, python-format msgid "Reference : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )" msgstr "Viitehenkilö : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:325 #, python-format msgid "The other : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )" msgstr "Vertailuhenkilö : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:330 msgid "The other person is unknown" msgstr "Vertailuhenkilö on tuntematon" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:337 msgid "You must choose one reference person." msgstr "Valitse viitehenkilö." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:338 msgid "" "Go to the person view and select the people you want to compare. Return to " "this view and use the history." msgstr "" "Siirry henkilönäkymään ja valitse vertailtavat henkilöt. Palaa tähän " "näkymään ja käytä historiaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:396 msgid "Select the person which will be our reference." msgstr "Valitse henkilö, joka on viitteemme." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:500 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:582 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:370 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:405 #, python-format msgid "%(eventtype)s : %(name)s" msgstr "%(eventtype)s : %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:655 msgid "Choose and bookmark the new reference person" msgstr "Valitse ja kirjanmerkkaa uusi viitehenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:679 msgid "" "The meeting zone probability radius.\n" "The colored zone is approximative.\n" "The meeting zone is only shown for the reference person.\n" "The value 9 means about 42 miles or 67 kms.\n" "The value 1 means about 4.6 miles or 7.5 kms.\n" "The value is in tenth of degree." msgstr "" "Tapaamisvyöhykkeen todennäköisyyssäde.\n" "Väritetty vyöhyke on likimääräinen.\n" "Tapaamisvyöhyke näytetään vain viitehenkilölle.\n" "Arvo 9 tarkoittaa n. 67 kilometriä (42 mailia).\n" "Arvo 1 tarkoittaa n. 7,5 kilometriä (4,6 mailia).\n" "Arvo on annettu asteen kymmenysosissa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:688 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:872 msgid "The selection parameters" msgstr "Lisätiedot jotka vastaavat annettuja arvoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:165 msgid "Events places map" msgstr "Tapahtumapaikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:190 msgid "GeoEvents" msgstr "Karttatapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:310 msgid "incomplete or unreferenced event ?" msgstr "keskenjäänyt tai viittaamatta oleva tapahtuma ?" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:350 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:363 msgid "Selecting all events" msgstr "Valitaan kaikki tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:374 msgid "" "Right click on the map and select 'show all events' to show all known events " "with coordinates. You can use the history to navigate on the map. You can " "use filtering." msgstr "" "Napsauta kakkospainikkeella karttaa ja valinta \"näytä kaikki paikat\" " "näyttää kaikkien paikkojen tunnetut sijainnit. Voit käyttää historiaa " "navigoidaksesi kartalla. Voit käyttää suodatusta." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:410 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:441 msgid "Bookmark this event" msgstr "Kirjanmerkkaa tämä tapahtuma" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:456 msgid "Show all events" msgstr "Näytä kaikki tapahtumapaikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:460 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:549 msgid "Centering on Place" msgstr "Keskitä paikkaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 msgid "Select the family which is the reference for life ways" msgstr "Valitse perhe johon viitataan elinkaarissa" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:152 msgid "reference _Family" msgstr "viiteperhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:220 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:142 msgid "Have these two families been able to meet?" msgstr "Ovatko nämä perheet voineet tavata?" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:258 msgid "GeoFamClose" msgstr "Perheiden läheisyys" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:343 #, python-format msgid "%(gramps_id)s : %(father)s and %(mother)s" msgstr "%(gramps_id)s : %(father)s ja %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:351 #, python-format msgid "Family reference : %s" msgstr "Viiteperhe : %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:357 #, python-format msgid "The other family : %s" msgstr "Vertailuperhe : %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:364 msgid "You must choose one reference family." msgstr "Valitse ensin viiteperhe, hiiren oikealla." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:366 msgid "" "Go to the family view and select the families you want to compare. Return to " "this view and use the history." msgstr "" "Siirry perhenäkymään ja valitse vertailtavat perheet. Palaa tähän näkymään " "ja käytä historiaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:692 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:398 #, python-format msgid "Father : %(id)s : %(name)s" msgstr "Isä : %(id)s : %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:701 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:407 #, python-format msgid "Mother : %(id)s : %(name)s" msgstr "Äiti : %(id)s : %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:713 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:420 #, python-format msgid "Child : %(id)s - %(index)d : %(name)s" msgstr "Lapsi : %(id)s - %(index)d : %(name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:722 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:428 #, python-format msgid "Person : %(id)s %(name)s has no family." msgstr "Henkilö : %(id)s %(name)s on perheetön." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:838 msgid "Choose and bookmark the new reference family" msgstr "Valitse ja kirjanmerkkaa uusi viiteperhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:862 msgid "" "The meeting zone probability radius.\n" "The colored zone is approximative.\n" "The meeting zone is only shown for the reference family.\n" "The value 9 means about 42 miles or 67 kms.\n" "The value 1 means about 4.6 miles or 7.5 kms.\n" "The value is in tenth of degree." msgstr "" "Tapaamisvyöhykkeen todenäkäisyyssäde.\n" "Väritetty vyöhyke on likimääräinen.\n" "Tapaamisvyöhyke näytetään vain viiteperheelle.\n" "Arvo 9 tarkoittaa n. 67 kilometriä (42 mailia).\n" "Aro 1 tarkoittaa n. 7,5 kilometriä (4,6 mailia).\n" "Arvo on asteen kymmenysosissa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:164 msgid "Family places map" msgstr "Perheen paikkakartta" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:186 msgid "GeoFamily" msgstr "Karttaperhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:371 #, python-format msgid "Family places for %s" msgstr "Paikat perheelle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:67 msgid "OsmGpsMap module not loaded." msgstr "OsmGpsMap-moduulia ei ladattuna." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:68 msgid "" "Geography functionality will not be available.\n" "Try to install:\n" " gir1.2-osmgpsmap-1.0 (debian, ubuntu, ...)\n" " osm-gps-map-gobject-1.0.1 for fedora, ...\n" " typelib-1_0-OsmGpsMap-1_0 for openSuse\n" " ...\n" "To build it for Gramps see the Wiki ()\n" " and search for 'build from source'" msgstr "" "Karttatoiminto ei ole käytettävissä.\n" "Yritä asentaa:\n" " gir1.2-osmgpsmap-1.0 (debian, ubuntu, ...)\n" " osm-gps-map-gobject-1.0.1 for fedora, ...\n" " typelib-1_0-OsmGpsMap-1_0 for openSuse\n" " ...\n" "Käännä/asenna se Grampsille, katso Wiki()\n" "ja etsi \"build from source\"" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:87 msgid "All known places for one Person" msgstr "Yhden henkilön kaikki tunnetut paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:88 msgid "A view showing the places visited by one person during his life." msgstr "Näkymässä ovat henkilön elinaikanaan vierailemat paikat." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:113 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:203 msgid "Geography" msgstr "Kartat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:104 msgid "All known places for one Family" msgstr "Yhden perheen kaikki tunnetut paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:105 msgid "A view showing the places visited by one family during all their life." msgstr "Yrittää näyttää kaikki paikat jotka liittyvät perheen elinkaareen." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:121 msgid "Every residence or move for a person and any descendants" msgstr "Henkilön ja hänen jälkeläistensä kaikki siirtymät" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:123 msgid "" "A view showing all the places visited by all persons during their life.\n" "This is for a person and any descendant.\n" "You can see the dates corresponding to the period." msgstr "" "Näkymässä kaikkien henkilöiden vierailemat paikat elinaikanaan.\n" "Tämä on yhdelle henkilölle jälkeläisineen.\n" "Näet ajanjaksoja vastaavat päivämäärät." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:143 msgid "" "A view showing the places visited by all family's members during their life: " "have these two people been able to meet?" msgstr "" "Näyttää perheenjäsenten elinaikanaan vierailemat paikat ovatko nämä kaksi " "henkilöä voineet tavata?" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:161 msgid "" "A view showing the places visited by two persons during their life: have " "these two people been able to meet?" msgstr "" "Näyttää kahden henkilön elinaikanaan vierailemat paikat ovatko nämä kaksi " "henkilöä voineet tavata?" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:178 msgid "All known Places" msgstr "Kaikki tunnetut paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:179 msgid "A view showing all places of the database." msgstr "Yrittää näyttää kaikki tietokannan paikat." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:194 msgid "All places related to Events" msgstr "Kaikki tapahtumiin liittyvät paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:195 msgid "A view showing all the event places of the database." msgstr "Näyttää kaikki tapahtumapaikat tietokannassa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:210 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Descendance of the active person." msgid "Descendants of the active person." msgstr "Aktiivisen henkilön jälkeläiset." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:240 msgid "GeoMoves" msgstr "Karttaliikkeet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:573 #, fuzzy, python-format #| msgid "All descendance for %s" msgid "All descendants for %s" msgstr "Jälkeläiset henkilölle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:715 msgid "Bookmark this person" msgstr "Kirjanmerkkaa tämä henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:747 msgid "The maximum number of generations.\n" msgstr "Esivanhempien sukupolvien enimmäismäärä.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:754 msgid "Time in milliseconds between drawing two generations.\n" msgstr "Aikaväli millisekunteina kahden sukupolven piirtämisen välillä.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:761 msgid "The parameters for moves" msgstr "Muuttojen parametrit" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:212 msgid "Person places map" msgstr "Henkilön paikat kartalla" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:236 msgid "GeoPerson" msgstr "Karttahenkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:384 #, python-format msgid "Person places for %s" msgstr "Paikat henkilölle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:583 msgid "Animate" msgstr "Animaatio" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:607 msgid "Animation speed in milliseconds (big value means slower)" msgstr "Animaation nopeus millisekunteina (suurempi arvo merkitsee hitaampaa)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:612 msgid "How many steps between two markers when we are on large move ?" msgstr "Askelten lukumäärä kahden markkerin välillä kun muutto on pitkä ?" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:617 msgid "" "The minimum latitude/longitude to select large move.\n" "The value is in tenth of degree." msgstr "" "Pienin leveys/pituusaste valittaessa iso muutto.\n" "Arvo on asteen kymmenyksinä." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:622 msgid "The animation parameters" msgstr "Animaation muuttujat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:209 msgid "Places map" msgstr "Paikat kartalla" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:238 msgid "GeoPlaces" msgstr "Karttapaikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:410 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:423 msgid "Selecting all places" msgstr "Valitaan kaikki paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:435 msgid "" "Right click on the map and select 'show all places' to show all known places " "with coordinates. You can change the markers color depending on place type. " "You can use filtering." msgstr "" "Napsauta kakkospainikkeella karttaa ja valinta \"näytä kaikki paikat\" " "näyttää kaikkien paikkojen tunnetut sijainnit. Voit muuttaa markkerien väriä " "paikkatyypeittäin. Voit käyttää suodatusta." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:450 msgid "" "Right click on the map and select 'show all places' to show all known places " "with coordinates. You can use the history to navigate on the map. You can " "change the markers color depending on place type. You can use filtering." msgstr "" "Napsauta kakkospainikkeella karttaa ja valinta \"näytä kaikki paikat\" " "näyttää kaikkien paikkojen tunnetut sijainnit. Voit käyttää historiaa jos " "haluat navigoida kartalla. Voit muuttaa markkerien väriä paikkatyypeittäin. " "Voit käyttää suodatusta." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:463 msgid "The place name in the status bar is disabled." msgstr "Paikannimi tilapalkissa on poistettu käytöstä." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:468 #, python-format msgid "The maximum number of places is reached (%d)." msgstr "Enin määrä paikkoja saavutettu (%d)." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:471 msgid "Some information are missing." msgstr "Joitakin tietoja puuttuu." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:473 msgid "Please, use filtering to reduce this number." msgstr "Tämän luvun pienentämiseksi käytä suodatusta." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:475 msgid "You can modify this value in the geography option." msgstr "Voit muuttaa tämän arvon karttavalinnoissa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:477 msgid "In this case, it may take time to show all markers." msgstr "Tässä tapauksessa kaikkien markkereiden näyttäminen vie aikaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:507 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:530 msgid "Bookmark this place" msgstr "Kirjanmerkkaa tämä paikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:545 msgid "Show all places" msgstr "Näytä kaikki paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:634 msgid "Custom places name" msgstr "Mukautettujen paikkojen nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:642 msgid "The places marker color" msgstr "Paikkojen merkintävärit" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:112 msgid "Edit the selected media object" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua mediatiedostoa" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:113 msgid "Delete the selected media object" msgstr "Poista valittu mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:114 msgid "Merge the selected media objects" msgstr "Sulauta valitut mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:294 msgid "Media Filter Editor" msgstr "Mediasuotimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:385 msgid "View in the default viewer" msgstr "Näytä oletussovelluksella" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:480 msgid "Cannot merge media objects." msgstr "Mediatiedostoja ei voi sulauttaa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:481 msgid "" "Exactly two media objects must be selected to perform a merge. A second " "object can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the " "desired object." msgstr "" "Kaksi lähdettä pitää olla valittuna sulautettaviksi. Toinen lähde voidaan " "valita pitämällä Control-näppäintä alhaalla napsautettaessa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:94 msgid "Delete the selected note" msgstr "Poista valittu lisätieto" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:95 msgid "Merge the selected notes" msgstr "Sulauta valitut lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:187 msgid "Note Filter Editor" msgstr "Lisätietosuotimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:351 msgid "Cannot merge notes." msgstr "Lisätietojen sulautus ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:352 msgid "" "Exactly two notes must be selected to perform a merge. A second note can be " "selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired note." msgstr "" "Kaksi lähdettä pitää olla valittuna sulautettaviksi. Toinen lähde voidaan " "valita pitämällä Control-näppäintä alhaalla napsautettaessa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:82 msgctxt "short for born" msgid "b." msgstr "s." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:83 msgctxt "short for died" msgid "d." msgstr "k." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:84 msgctxt "short for baptized" msgid "bap." msgstr "kast." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:85 msgctxt "short for christened" msgid "chr." msgstr "kast." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:86 msgctxt "short for buried" msgid "bur." msgstr "haud." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:87 msgctxt "short for cremated" msgid "crem." msgstr "krem." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1216 msgid "Jump to child..." msgstr "Siirry lapseen..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1230 msgid "Jump to father" msgstr "Siirry isään" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1244 msgid "Jump to mother" msgstr "Siirry äitiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1612 msgid "A person was found to be his/her own ancestor." msgstr "Löytyi henkilö, joka on määritelty omaksi esivanhemmakseen." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1656 msgid "Pre_vious" msgstr "_Edellinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1657 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Seuraava" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1686 msgid "Mouse scroll direction" msgstr "Hiiren rullauksen suunta" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1690 msgid "Top <-> Bottom" msgstr "Ylös <-> Alas" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1697 msgid "Left <-> Right" msgstr "Vasen <-> Oikea" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1715 msgid "About Pedigree View" msgstr "Tietoja sukupuusta" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1926 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 msgid "Add New Parents..." msgstr "Lisää vanhemmat..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2121 msgid "Show images" msgstr "Näytä kuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2124 msgid "Show marriage data" msgstr "Näytä vihkitiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2127 msgid "Show unknown people" msgstr "Näytä tuntematon henkilö" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2130 msgid "Show tags" msgstr "Näytä tagit" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2133 msgid "Tree style" msgstr "Puun muoto" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2135 msgid "Standard" msgstr "Vakio" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2136 msgid "Compact" msgstr "Tiivis" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2137 msgid "Expanded" msgstr "Laajennettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2140 msgid "Tree direction" msgstr "Puun suunta" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2147 msgid "Tree size" msgstr "Puun koko" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/personlistview.py:54 msgid "Person View" msgstr "Henkilönäkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/persontreeview.py:66 msgid "People Tree View" msgstr "Henkilöiden puunäkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placelistview.py:51 msgid "Place View" msgstr "Paikkanäkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:55 msgid "Place Tree View" msgstr "Paikkojen puunäkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:77 msgid "Collapse this Entire Group" msgstr "Pienennä tätä osaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:77 msgid "Expand this Entire Group" msgstr "Laajenna tätä osaa" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:370 msgid "Organize Bookmarks..." msgstr "Järjestä kirjanmerkkejä..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 msgid "Add Existing Parents..." msgstr "Lisää olemassa olevat vanhemmat..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 msgid "Add Partner..." msgstr "Lisää kumppani..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 msgid "_Reorder" msgstr "_Uudelleenjärjestely" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:977 msgid "Add a new family with person as parent" msgstr "Lisää uusi perhe, jossa henkilö on vanhempana" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:971 msgid "Add a new set of parents" msgstr "Lisää uudet vanhemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:972 msgid "Add person as child to an existing family" msgstr "Lisää henkilö olemassa olevan perheen lapseksi" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 msgid "Change order of parents and families" msgstr "Muuta vanhempien ja perheiden järjestystä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 msgid "Edit the active person" msgstr "Muokkaa aktiivista henkilöä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:744 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:770 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:787 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:794 #, python-format msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:782 msgid "Alive" msgstr "Elossa" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:848 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:875 #, python-format msgid "%(date)s in %(place)s" msgstr "%(date)s - %(place)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:973 msgid "Edit parents" msgstr "Muokkaa vanhempia" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:974 msgid "Reorder parents" msgstr "Järjestä uudelleen vanhemmat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:975 msgid "Remove person as child of these parents" msgstr "Poista henkilö näiden vanhempien lapsista" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:981 msgid "Remove person as parent in this family" msgstr "Poista henkilö perheen vanhemmista" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1041 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1096 #, python-brace-format msgid " ({number_of} sibling)" msgid_plural " ({number_of} siblings)" msgstr[0] " ({number_of} sisarus)" msgstr[1] " ({number_of} sisarusta)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1048 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1103 msgid " (1 brother)" msgstr " (1 veli)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1050 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1105 msgid " (1 sister)" msgstr " (1 sisko)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1052 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1107 msgid " (1 sibling)" msgstr " (1 sisarus)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1054 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1109 msgid " (only child)" msgstr " (ainoa lapsi)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1122 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1624 msgid "Add new child to family" msgstr "Lisää perheeseen uusi lapsi" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1126 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1628 msgid "Add existing child to family" msgstr "Lisää perheeseen kannassa jo oleva lapsi" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1406 #, python-format msgid "%(birthabbrev)s %(birthdate)s, %(deathabbrev)s %(deathdate)s" msgstr "%(birthabbrev)s %(birthdate)s, %(deathabbrev)s %(deathdate)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1413 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1415 #, python-format msgid "%(event)s %(date)s" msgstr "%(event)s: %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1474 #, python-format msgid "Relationship type: %s" msgstr "Suhdetyyppi: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1518 #, python-format msgid "%(event_type)s %(date)s in %(place)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s %(date)s - %(place)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1522 #, python-format msgid "%(event_type)s %(date)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1526 #, python-format msgid "%(event_type)s %(place)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s %(place)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1537 msgid "Broken family detected" msgstr "Virheellinen perhe tunnistettu" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1538 msgid "Please run the Check and Repair Database tool" msgstr "Suorita \"Tarkista ja korjaa\"-tietokantatyökalu" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1561 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1607 #, python-brace-format msgid " ({number_of} child)" msgid_plural " ({number_of} children)" msgstr[0] " ({number_of} lapsi)" msgstr[1] " ({number_of} lasta)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1565 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1611 msgid " (no children)" msgstr " (ei lapsia)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1868 msgid "Use shading" msgstr "Käytä varjostusta" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1870 msgid "Display edit buttons" msgstr "Näytä muokkauspainikkeet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1872 msgid "View links as website links" msgstr "Katso linkkejä nettisivustojen linkkeinä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1888 msgid "Show Details" msgstr "Näytä lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1890 msgid "Show Siblings" msgstr "Näytä sisarukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:88 msgid "Home URL" msgstr "Koti-URL" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:96 msgid "Search URL" msgstr "Haku-URL" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:112 msgid "Add a new repository" msgstr "Lisää uusi arkisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:114 msgid "Delete the selected repository" msgstr "Poista valittu arkisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:115 msgid "Merge the selected repositories" msgstr "Sulauta valitut arkistot" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:201 msgid "Repository Filter Editor" msgstr "Arkistosuodinten muokkain" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:358 msgid "Cannot merge repositories." msgstr "Arkistojen sulautus ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:359 msgid "" "Exactly two repositories must be selected to perform a merge. A second " "repository can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on " "the desired repository." msgstr "" "Kaksi arkistoa pitää olla valittuna sulautettaviksi. Toinen arkisto voidaan " "valita pitämällä Control-näppäintä alhaalla napsautettaessa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:99 msgid "Edit the selected source" msgstr "Muokkaa valittua lähdettä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:100 msgid "Delete the selected source" msgstr "Poista valittu lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:101 msgid "Merge the selected sources" msgstr "Sulauta valitut lähteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:187 msgid "Source Filter Editor" msgstr "Lähdesuotimen muokkain" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:336 msgid "Cannot merge sources." msgstr "Lähteiden sulautus ei onnistu." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:337 msgid "" "Exactly two sources must be selected to perform a merge. A second source can " "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "source." msgstr "" "Kaksi lähdettä pitää olla valittuna sulautettaviksi. Toinen lähde voidaan " "valita pitämällä Control-näppäintä alhaalla napsautettaessa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:38 msgid "The view showing all the events" msgstr "Näkymässä ovat kaikki tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:53 msgid "The view showing all families" msgstr "Näkymässä ovat kaikki perheet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:68 msgid "The view showing Gramplets" msgstr "Grampletien näkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:83 msgid "The view showing all the media objects" msgstr "Kaikkien medioiden näkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:98 msgid "The view showing all the notes" msgstr "Kaikkien lisätietojen näkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:113 msgid "The view showing all relationships of the selected person" msgstr "Valitun henkilön kaikkien suhteiden näkymä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:128 msgid "The view showing an ancestor pedigree of the selected person" msgstr "Näkymä valitun henkilön esivanhemman sukupuuhun" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:159 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:174 msgid "Charts" msgstr "Kaaviot" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:145 msgid "A view showing parents through a fanchart" msgstr "Vanhemmat viuhkakaaviona" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:160 msgid "Showing descendants through a fanchart" msgstr "Näyttää jälkeläiset viuhkakaaviona" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:175 msgid "Showing ascendants and descendants through a fanchart" msgstr "Näyttää esivanhemmat ja jälkeläiset viuhkakaaviona" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:188 msgid "Grouped People" msgstr "Ryhmitetyt henkilöt" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:189 msgid "The view showing all people in the Family Tree grouped per family name" msgstr "Sukupuun henkilöt näytetään perheen nimen mukaan ryhmitettynä" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:206 msgid "The view showing all people in the Family Tree in a flat list" msgstr "Sukupuun kaikki henkilöt listana" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:222 msgid "The view showing all the places of the Family Tree" msgstr "Sukupuun kaikki paikat listana" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:236 msgid "Place Tree" msgstr "Paikkojen puu" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:237 msgid "A view displaying places in a tree format." msgstr "Paikat ovat näkymässä puumuodossa." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:253 msgid "The view showing all the repositories" msgstr "Näkymässä ovat kaikki arkistot" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:268 msgid "The view showing all the sources" msgstr "Näkymässä ovat kaikki lähteet" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:284 msgid "The view showing all the citations" msgstr "Näkymässä ovat kaikki lainaukset" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:298 msgid "Citation Tree" msgstr "Lainausten puu" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:299 msgid "A view displaying citations and sources in a tree format." msgstr "Näkymässä ovat lainaukset ja lähteet puumuodossa." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbook.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1748 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1815 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1940 msgid "Address Book" msgstr "Osoitekirja" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:91 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database, sorted " "by their surname, with one of the following: Address, Residence, or Web " "Links. Selecting the person’s name will take you to their individual " "Address Book page." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on hakemisto kaikista henkilöistä, sukunimen mukaan " "lajiteltuna, joilla on osoite, asuinpaikka tai nettilinkki tietokannassa. " "Henkilön nimen napauttaminen vie sinut valitun henkilön Osoitekirjasivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:113 msgid "Full Name" msgstr "Koko nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2439 msgid "Web Links" msgstr "Nettilinkit" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:446 msgid "Narrative" msgstr "Kerrottua" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1239 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2905 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2971 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:220 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:232 msgid "State/ Province" msgstr "Lääni, Osavaltio tai Provinssi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1423 #, python-format msgid "Generated by %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s %(version)s" msgstr "Tuotettu %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s %(version)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1433 #, python-format msgid "Last change was the %(date)s" msgstr "Viimeisin muutos %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1436 #, python-format msgid " on %(date)s" msgstr " versiolla %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1461 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1466 #, python-format msgid "%(http_break)sCreated for %(subject_url)s" msgstr "%(http_break)sLinkki kotihenkilöön %(subject_url)s" #. Translators: Basic Blue style sheet with navigation menus #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1680 #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:65 msgid "Basic-Blue" msgstr "Perus -Sininen" #. Translators: Visually Impaired style sheet with its navigation menus #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1681 #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:97 msgid "Visually Impaired" msgstr "Visuaalisesti heikentynyt" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1696 msgid "Go to top" msgstr "Siirry ylös" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1731 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1786 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1963 msgctxt "Html" msgid "Home" msgstr "Koti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1745 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1932 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/thumbnail.py:115 msgid "Thumbnails" msgstr "Pikkukuvat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1747 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1939 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2285 msgid "Download" msgstr "Lataus" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1750 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1947 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1984 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/contact.py:79 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Yhteystieto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1751 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1818 msgid "Updates" msgstr "Päivitykset" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1753 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1824 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:58 msgid "Web Calendar" msgstr "Nettikalenteri" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1883 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:413 msgid "Previous" msgstr "Edellinen" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1885 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:424 msgid "Next" msgstr "Seuraava" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2489 msgid " [Click to Go]" msgstr " [Napsauta siirtyäksesi]" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2515 msgid "Latter-Day Saints/ LDS Ordinance" msgstr "Mormonisakramentti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2660 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2661 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:409 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:730 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1066 msgid "Family Map" msgstr "Perhekartta" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2902 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2969 msgid "Church Parish" msgstr "Seurakunta" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2924 msgid "Locations" msgstr "Sijainnit" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3239 msgid "between" msgstr "välillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3250 msgid "circa" msgstr "noin" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3252 msgid "around" msgstr "suunnilleen" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:100 msgid "" "This page is for the user/ creator of this Family Tree/ Narrative website to " "share a couple of files with you regarding their family. If there are any " "files listed below, clicking on them will allow you to download them. The " "download page and files have the same copyright as the remainder of these " "web pages." msgstr "" "Tämä sivu on tarkoitettu tästä sukupuusta tuotetun nettisivuston käyttäjälle/" "tekijälle, jotta hän voi jakaa pari tiedostoa heidän perheistään riippuen. " "Jos alla on listattu tiedostoja, ne on ladattavissa napsauttamalla. " "Lataussivulla ja tiedostoilla on sama käyttöoikeusrajoitus kuin on muilla " "näillä nettisivuilla." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:126 msgid "File Name" msgstr "Tiedostonimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:128 msgid "Last Modified" msgstr "Viimeisin muutos" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:129 msgid "MD5" msgstr "MD5" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:178 msgid "No file to download" msgstr "Ei ladattavaa tiedostoa" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:117 msgid "Creating event pages" msgstr "Luodaan tapahtumasivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:155 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the events in the database, sorted by " "their type and date (if one is present). Clicking on an event’s Gramps " "ID will open a page for that event." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on hakemisto kaikista tietokannassa olevista tapahtumista " "niiden tyypin ja mahdollisen päivämäärän (jos on) mukaan lajiteltuna. " "Tapahtuman Gramps ID-tunnuksen napsauttaminen avaa valitun tapahtuman sivun." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:218 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:230 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:141 msgid "Letter" msgstr "Kirjain" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:258 #, python-format msgid "Event types beginning with letter %s" msgstr "Tapahtumatyypit jotka alkavat kirjaimella %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:111 msgid "Creating family pages..." msgstr "Luodaan perhesivuja..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:148 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the families/ relationships in the " "database, sorted by their family name/ surname. Clicking on a person’s " "name will take you to their family/ relationship’s page." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on hakemisto kaikista tietokannan perhesuhteista niiden " "perhenimen/sukunimen mukaan aakkostettuna. Henkilön napsauttaminen vie sinut " "valitun suhteen sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:239 msgid "Families beginning with letter " msgstr "Annetulla kirjaimella alkavat perheet " #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:464 #, python-format msgid "Family Map for %s" msgstr "Perhekartta kohteelle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/home.py:79 msgid "Home" msgstr "Koti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:120 msgid "Creating media pages" msgstr "Luodaan mediasivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:214 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the media objects in the database, sorted " "by their title. Clicking on the title will take you to that media " "object’s page. If you see media size dimensions above an image, click " "on the image to see the full sized version. " msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on hakemisto sukupuun kaikista mediatiedostoista lajiteltuna " "niiden nimikkeen mukaan. Nimikkeen napsauttaminen vie sinut valitun " "mediatiedoston sivulle. Jos näet median kokotiedot kuvan yläpuolella, kuvaa " "napsauttamalla näet täysimittaisen version kuvasta. " #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:238 msgctxt "Media " msgid " Name" msgstr " Mediatiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:241 msgid "Mime Type" msgstr "Näyttötyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:253 msgid "Creating list of media pages" msgstr "Luodaan mediasivujen luettelo" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:254 msgid "Narrated Web Site Report" msgstr "Kertova-nettisivusto raportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:290 msgid "Below unused media objects" msgstr "Alla käyttämättömät mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:414 #, python-format msgid "" "%(strong1_strt)s%(page_number)d%(strong_end)s of %(strong2_strt)s" "%(total_pages)d%(strong_end)s" msgstr "" "%(strong1_strt)s%(page_number)d%(strong_end)s / %(strong2_strt)s" "%(total_pages)d%(strong_end)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:427 msgid "The file has been moved or deleted." msgstr "Tiedosto on siirretty tai poistettu." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:575 msgid "File Type" msgstr "Tiedostotyyppi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:702 msgid "Missing media object:" msgstr "Puuttuva mediatiedosto:" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:312 #, python-format msgid "Neither %(current)s nor %(parent)s are directories" msgstr "%(current)s ja %(parent)s eivät ole hakemistoja" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:321 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:327 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:340 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:346 #, python-format msgid "Could not create the directory: %s" msgstr "Hakemiston '%s' luonti epäonnistui" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:353 msgid "Invalid file name" msgstr "Virheellinen tiedoston nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:354 msgid "The archive file must be a file, not a directory" msgstr "Arkistotiedosto ei voi olla hakemisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:546 #, python-format msgid "ID=%(grampsid)s, path=%(dir)s" msgstr "ID=%(grampsid)s, polku=%(dir)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:551 msgid "Missing media objects:" msgstr "Puuttuva mediatiedosto:" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:587 msgid "Constructing list of other objects..." msgstr "Kerätään muiden kohteiden listaa..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:844 #, python-format msgid "Family of %(husband)s and %(spouse)s" msgstr "%(husband)s ja %(spouse)s muodostama perhe" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:850 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:854 #, python-format msgid "Family of %s" msgstr "Perhe %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1207 msgid "Creating GENDEX file" msgstr "GENDEX-tiedostoa luodaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1267 msgid "Creating surname pages" msgstr "Luodaan sukunimisivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1294 msgid "Creating thumbnail preview page..." msgstr "Luodaan pikkukuvalla esikatselusivu..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1304 msgid "Creating statistics page..." msgstr "Luodaan tilastosivu..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1314 msgid "Creating updates page..." msgstr "Luodaan päivityssivua ..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1355 msgid "Creating address book pages ..." msgstr "Luodaan osoitekirjasivuja..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1831 #, python-format msgid "Narrative Website Report for the %s language" msgstr "Kertova-nettisivusto raportti kielelle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1833 msgid "Narrative Website Report" msgstr "Kertova-nettisivusto raportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1946 msgid "Store website in .tar.gz archive" msgstr "Talleta nettisivut .tar.gz-arkistoon" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1948 msgid "Whether to store the website in an archive file" msgstr "Talletetaanko nettisivut .tar.gz-arkistoon" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1959 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1746 msgid "The destination directory for the web files" msgstr "Kohdehakemisto nettitiedostoille" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1965 msgid "My Family Tree" msgstr "Sukupuuni" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1965 msgid "Website title" msgstr "Nettisivuston otsikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1966 msgid "The title of the website" msgstr "Nettisivuston otsikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1971 msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on the website" msgstr "" "Valitse suodin, jos haluat rajoittaa verkkosivustolla esiintyviä ihmisiä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1980 msgid "Show the relationship between the current person and the active person" msgstr "Näytä nykyisen henkilön ja aktiivisen henkilön välinen suhde" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1983 msgid "" "For each person page, show the relationship between this person and the " "active person." msgstr "" "Näytä nykyisen henkilön ja aktiivisen henkilön välinen suhde jokaiselle " "henkilösivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2003 msgid "Html options" msgstr "Html-valinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2006 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1767 msgid "File extension" msgstr "Tiedostotarkennin" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2009 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1770 msgid "The extension to be used for the web files" msgstr "Nettisivujen tiedostotarkennin" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2013 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1773 msgid "Copyright" msgstr "Tekijänoikeudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2016 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1776 msgid "The copyright to be used for the web files" msgstr "Nettisivujen tekijänoikeudet" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2019 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1782 msgid "StyleSheet" msgstr "Tyylitiedosto" # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2026 msgid "The default stylesheet to be used for the pages" msgstr "Sivuille käytettävä oletustyylitiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2032 msgid "Horizontal -- Default" msgstr "Vaakasuoraan -- oletus" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2033 msgid "Vertical -- Left Side" msgstr "Pystysuoraan -- vasen sivu" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2034 msgid "Fade -- WebKit Browsers Only" msgstr "Häivennä -- vain WebKit-selaimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2035 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2049 msgid "Drop-Down -- WebKit Browsers Only" msgstr "Pudota -- vain WebKit moottoria käyttävät selaimet" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2037 msgid "Navigation Menu Layout" msgstr "Navigointivalikon asetelma" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2041 msgid "Choose which layout for the Navigation Menus." msgstr "Valitse navigointi valikon asetelma." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2048 msgid "Normal Outline Style" msgstr "Normaali asetelmatyyli" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2052 msgid "Citation Referents Layout" msgstr "Lainausviitteiden asetelma" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2056 msgid "" "Determine the default layout for the Source Page's Citation Referents section" msgstr "" "Määritä oletusasetelma käytettäväksi lähdesivun lainausviitteet osiossa" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2060 msgid "Include ancestor's tree" msgstr "Lisää esivanhempien sukupuu" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2061 msgid "Whether to include an ancestor graph on each individual page" msgstr "Lisätäänkö kaavio esivanhemmista jokaiselle henkilösivulle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2066 msgid "Add previous/next" msgstr "Lisää edellinen/seuraava" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2067 msgid "Add previous/next to the navigation bar." msgstr "Lisää edellinen/seuraava navigointipalkkiin." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2070 msgid "This is a secure site (HTTPS)" msgstr "Tämä on suojattu sivusto (HTTPS)" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2072 msgid "Whether to use http:// or https://" msgstr "Käytetäänkö http:// vai https://" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2075 msgid "Toggle sections" msgstr "Vaihda osat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2076 msgid "Check it if you want to open/close a section" msgstr "Valitse se, jos haluat avata/sulkea osan" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2086 msgid "Extra pages" msgstr "Lisäsivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2089 msgid "Extra page name" msgstr "Lisäsivun nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2092 msgid "Your extra page name like it is shown in the menubar" msgstr "Lisäsivun nimi näkyy valikkorivillä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2097 msgid "Your extra page path" msgstr "Lisäsivun polku" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2100 msgid "Your extra page path without extension" msgstr "Lisäsivun polku ilman päätettä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2117 msgid "Do we use multiple translations?" msgstr "Käytämmekö useita käännöksiä?" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2119 msgid "" "Whether to display the narrative web in multiple languages.\n" "See the translation tab to add new languages to the default one defined in " "the next field." msgstr "" "Näytetäänkö kertova-nettisivu useilla kielillä.\n" "Käännösvälilehdessä voit lisätä uusia kieliä seuraavassa kentässä " "määritettyihin oletuskieliin." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2133 msgid "Sort all children in birth order" msgstr "Lajittele kaikki lapset syntymäjärjestykseen" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2135 msgid "Whether to display children in birth order or in entry order." msgstr "Näytetäänkö lapset syntymä- tai syöttöjärjestyksessä." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2139 msgid "Do we display coordinates in the places list?" msgstr "Näytetäänkö koordinaatit paikkaluettelossa?" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2141 msgid "Whether to display latitude/longitude in the places list." msgstr "Näytetäänkö leveysaste/pituusaste paikkaluettelossa." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2145 msgid "Sort places references either by date or by name" msgstr "Lajittele viittaukset joko päivämäärän tai nimen mukaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2147 msgid "Sort the places references by date or by name. Not set means by date." msgstr "" "Lajittele paikkaviittaukset päivämäärän tai nimen mukaan. Ei valittu, " "lajitellaan päivämäärän mukaan." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2151 msgid "Graph generations" msgstr "Kaavion sukupolvet" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2152 msgid "The number of generations to include in the ancestor graph" msgstr "Montako sukupolvea tulee esivanhempien kaavioon" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2158 msgid "Include narrative notes just after name, gender" msgstr "Lisää lisätiedot sukunimen ja sukupuolen jälkeen" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2160 msgid "" "Include narrative notes just after name, gender and age at death (default) " "or include them just before attributes." msgstr "" "Lisää lisätiedot sukunimen, sukupuolen ja kuoliniän jälkeen (oletus) tai " "lisää ne ennen ominaisuuksia." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2171 msgid "Page Generation" msgstr "Sivun luonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2174 msgid "Home page note" msgstr "Kotisivun lisätietoteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2175 msgid "A note to be used on the home page" msgstr "Kotisivulla näytettävä lisätietoteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2178 msgid "Home page image" msgstr "Kotisivun kuva" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2179 msgid "An image to be used on the home page" msgstr "Kotisivulla näytettävä kuva" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2182 msgid "Introduction note" msgstr "Johdannon lisätietoteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2183 msgid "A note to be used as the introduction" msgstr "Johdantona käytettävä lisätietoteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2186 msgid "Introduction image" msgstr "Johdannon kuva" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2187 msgid "An image to be used as the introduction" msgstr "Johdannossa käytettävä kuva" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2190 msgid "Publisher contact note" msgstr "Julkaisijan yhteystietojen lisätietoteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2191 msgid "" "A note to be used as the publisher contact.\n" "If no publisher information is given,\n" "no contact page will be created" msgstr "" "Lisätiedot yhteydenottoon julkaisijan kanssa.\n" "Lisätietojen puuttuessa\n" "ei luoda kontaktisivuakaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2197 msgid "Publisher contact image" msgstr "Julkaisijan yhteystietoihin liittyvä kuva" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2198 msgid "" "An image to be used as the publisher contact.\n" "If no publisher information is given,\n" "no contact page will be created" msgstr "" "Kuva käytettäväksi julkaisijan kontaktin kanssa.\n" "Lisätietojen puuttuessa\n" "ei luoda kontaktisivuakaan" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2204 msgid "HTML user header" msgstr "HTML-ylätunniste" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2205 msgid "A note to be used as the page header or a PHP code to insert." msgstr "Huomautus, jota käytetään sivun otsikkona tai lisättävänä PHP-koodina." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2209 msgid "HTML user footer" msgstr "HTML-alatunniste" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2210 msgid "A note to be used as the page footer" msgstr "Sivun alatunnisteena käytettävä lisätietoteksti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2215 msgid "PHP user session" msgstr "PHP-käyttäjäistunto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2216 msgid "" "A note to use for starting the php session.\n" "This option will be available only if the .php file extension is selected." msgstr "" "Huomautus, jota käytetään php-istunnon aloittamiseen.\n" "Tämä vaihtoehto on käytettävissä vain, jos .php-tiedostopääte on valittu." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2227 msgid "Images Generation" msgstr "Kuvien luonti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2230 msgid "Include images and media objects" msgstr "Lisää kuvat ja muut mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2232 msgid "Whether to include a gallery of media objects" msgstr "Lisätäänkö kuvat ja muut mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2238 msgid "Create the images index" msgstr "Luo pikkukuvahakemisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2240 msgid "This option allows you to create the images index" msgstr "Tämän vaihtoehdon avulla voit luoda kuvahakemiston" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2246 msgid "Include unused images and media objects" msgstr "Lisää käyttämättömät kuvat ja mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2247 msgid "Whether to include unused or unreferenced media objects" msgstr "Lisätäänkö käyttämättömät tai viittaamattomat mediatiedostot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2252 msgid "Create and only use thumbnail- sized images" msgstr "Luo ja käytä vain esikatselukuvan kokoisia kuvia" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2254 msgid "" "This option allows you to create only thumbnail images instead of the full-" "sized images on the Media Page. This will allow you to have a much smaller " "total upload size to your web hosting site." msgstr "" "Tämä valinta sallii sinun luoda Mediat sivulle vain esikatselukuvia " "täysimittaisten kuvien sijaan. Näin kuormitat vähemmän " "nettipalveluntarjoajasi palvelinta." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2263 msgid "Create the thumbnail index" msgstr "Luo pikkukuvahakemisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2265 msgid "This option allows you to create the thumbnail index" msgstr "Tämän vaihtoehdon avulla voit luoda pikkukuvahakemiston" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2271 msgid "Max width of initial image" msgstr "Alkuperäisen kuvan suurin leveys" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2273 msgid "" "This allows you to set the maximum width of the image shown on the media " "page." msgstr "Tämän avulla voit asettaa mediasivulla näkyvän kuvan enimmäisleveyden." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2288 msgid "Include download page" msgstr "Lisää lataussivu" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2290 msgid "Whether to include a database download option" msgstr "Lisätäänkö tietokannan latausvalinta" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2294 msgid "How many downloads" msgstr "Kuinka monta latausta" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2296 msgid "The number of download files to include in the download page" msgstr "Lataussivulle sisällytettävien ladattavien tiedostojen lukumäärä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2305 #, python-format msgid "Download Filename #%c" msgstr "Lataa tiedostonimi #%c" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2308 msgid "File to be used for downloading of database" msgstr "Tietokannan imuroinnissa käytettävä tiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2312 msgid "Description for download" msgstr "Latauksen kuvaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2313 #, python-format msgid "Family Tree #%c" msgstr "Sukupuu #%c" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2314 msgid "Give a description for this file." msgstr "Annan tälle tiedostolle kuvaus." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2326 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1944 msgid "Advanced Options" msgstr "Lisävalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2329 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1946 msgid "Character set encoding" msgstr "Merkistön koodaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2333 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1950 msgid "The encoding to be used for the web files" msgstr "Nettisivuilla käytettävä merkistökoodaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2337 msgid "Include link to active person on every page" msgstr "Lisää linkki kotihenkilöön jokaiselle sivulle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2339 msgid "Include a link to the active person (if they have a webpage)" msgstr "" "Lisää linkki kotihenkilöön jokaiselle sivulle (jos heillä on nettisivu)" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2343 msgid "Include a column for birth dates on the index pages" msgstr "Lisää hakemistosivuille sarake syntymäajalle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2344 msgid "Whether to include a birth column" msgstr "Lisätäänkö syntymäsarake" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2348 msgid "Include a column for death dates on the index pages" msgstr "Lisää hakemistosivuille sarake kuolinajalle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2349 msgid "Whether to include a death column" msgstr "Lisätäänkö kuolinsarake" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2352 msgid "Include a column for partners on the index pages" msgstr "Lisää hakemistosivuille sarake kumppaneista" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2354 msgid "Whether to include a partners column" msgstr "Lisätäänkö kumppanisarake" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2357 msgid "Include a column for parents on the index pages" msgstr "Lisää hakemistosivuille sarake vanhemmista" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2359 msgid "Whether to include a parents column" msgstr "Lisätäänkö vanhempien sarake" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2363 msgid "Include half and/or step-siblings on the individual pages" msgstr "Lisää hakemistosivuille sarake sisaruspuolille" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2366 msgid "" "Whether to include half and/or step-siblings with the parents and siblings" msgstr "" "Lisätäänkö hakemistosivuille sarake sisaruspuolille, vanhempineen ja " "sisaruksineen" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2379 msgid "Include family pages" msgstr "Lisää perhesivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2380 msgid "Whether or not to include family pages." msgstr "Lisätäänkö perhesivut." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2383 msgid "Include event pages" msgstr "Lisää tapahtumasivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2385 msgid "Add a complete events list and relevant pages or not" msgstr "Lisätäänkö täydellinen tapahtumalista ja ao. sivut vai ei" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2388 msgid "Include place pages" msgstr "Lisää paikkasivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2390 msgid "Whether or not to include the place pages." msgstr "Lisätäänkö paikkasivut." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2393 msgid "Include unused place pages" msgstr "Lisää käyttämättömät paikkasivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2395 msgid "Whether or not to include the unused place pages." msgstr "Lisätäänkö käyttämättömät paikkasivut vai ei." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2398 msgid "Include source pages" msgstr "Lisää lähdesivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2400 msgid "Whether or not to include the source pages." msgstr "Lisätäänkö lähdesivut." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2403 msgid "Include repository pages" msgstr "Lisää arkistosivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2405 msgid "Whether or not to include the repository pages." msgstr "Lisätäänkö arkistosivut." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2409 msgid "Include GENDEX file (/gendex.txt)" msgstr "Sisällytä GENDEX-tiedosto (/gendex.txt)" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2410 msgid "Whether to include a GENDEX file or not" msgstr "Lisätäänkö GENDEX-tiedosto vai ei" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2413 msgid "Include address book pages" msgstr "Lisää osoitekirjan sivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2414 msgid "" "Whether or not to add Address Book pages,which can include e-mail and " "website addresses and personal address/ residence events." msgstr "" "Otetaanko mukaan osoitekirjan sivut, jotka voivat sisältää sähköposti- ja " "nettiosoitteet sekä henkilökohtaiset osoite/asuinpaikka tapahtumat." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2420 msgid "Include the statistics page" msgstr "Lisää tilastosivu" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2421 msgid "Whether or not to add statistics page" msgstr "Lisätäänkö tilastosivut vai ei lisätä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2430 msgid "Place Map Options" msgstr "Paikkakarttojen valinnat" # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2435 msgid "Stamen Map" msgstr "Stamen Map" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2436 msgid "Google" msgstr "Googlen kartat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2437 msgid "Map Service" msgstr "Karttapalvelu" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2441 msgid "Choose your choice of map service for creating the Place Map Pages." msgstr "" "Valitse karttapalvelu, jota haluat käyttää paikkakarttasivujen luonnissa." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2447 msgid "Include Place map on Place Pages" msgstr "Lisää paikkakartta paikkasivuille" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2449 msgid "" "Whether to include a place map on the Place Pages, where Latitude/ Longitude " "are available." msgstr "" "Lisätäänkö mukaan paikkasivuille paikkakartta, jossa on leveys- ja " "pituuspiiritiedot." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2454 msgid "Include Family Map Pages with all places shown on the map" msgstr "" "Ota mukaan perheen karttasivut, joilla näytetään kartalla kaikki paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2458 msgid "" "Whether or not to add an individual page map showing all the places on this " "page. This will allow you to see how your family traveled around the country." msgstr "" "Lisätäänkö erillinen sivu karttaa varten. Siitä näkisi kuinka sukusi on " "liikkunut maassa ja maailmalla." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2466 msgid "Family Links" msgstr "Perheyhteydet" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2467 msgid "Drop" msgstr "Poista" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2468 msgid "Markers" msgstr "Markkerit" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2469 msgid "Google/ FamilyMap Option" msgstr "Google/Perhekartan valinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2474 msgid "" "Select which option that you would like to have for the Google Maps family-" "map pages..." msgstr "Valitse haluamasi vaihtoehto Google Mapsin perhekarttasivuille ..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2478 msgid "Google maps API key" msgstr "Google-karttojen API-avain" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2479 msgid "The API key used for the Google maps" msgstr "Google-kartoissa käytettävä API-avain" # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2483 msgid "Toner" msgstr "Sävy" # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2484 msgid "Terrain" msgstr "Maasto" # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2485 msgid "WaterColor" msgstr "Vesiväri" # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2486 msgid "Stamen Option" msgstr "Stamen valinnat" # 10 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2491 msgid "" "Select which option that you would like to have for the Stamen map map-" "pages..." msgstr "Valitse haluamasi vaihtoehto Stamen map karttasivuille ..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2503 msgid "Other inclusion (CMS, web calendar, PHP)" msgstr "Muut mukaan otettavat (CMS, verkkokalenteri, Php)" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2507 msgid "Do we include these pages in a CMS web?" msgstr "Lisätäänkö nämä sivut CMS nettiin ?" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2512 msgid "URI" msgstr "URI-tunnus" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2518 msgid "Where do you place your website? default = /NAVWEB" msgstr "Minne haluat tallentaa nettisivusi? oletus = /NAVWEB" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2526 msgid "Include the news and updates page" msgstr "Lisää uudet ja päivitykset sivu" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2528 msgid "Whether to include a page with the last updates" msgstr "Lisätäänkö sivu viimeisistä päivityksistä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2533 msgid "Max days for updates" msgstr "Päivityspäiviä enintään" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2534 msgid "You want to see the last updates on how many days?" msgstr "Kuinka monelta päivältä haluat nähdä viimeiset päivitykset ?" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2538 msgid "Max number of updates per object to show" msgstr "Näytettävien päivitysten enimmäismäärä kohteessa" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2540 msgid "How many updates do you want to see max" msgstr "Kuinka monta päivitystä haluat nähdä enintään" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2553 msgid "Translations" msgstr "Käännökset" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2556 msgid "second language" msgstr "toinen kieli" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2560 msgid "Site name for your second language" msgstr "Sivuston nimi toisella kielellä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2561 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2569 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2577 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2585 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2593 msgid "This site title" msgstr "Sivuston otsikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2562 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2570 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2578 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2586 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2594 msgid "Enter a title in the respective language" msgstr "Anna otsikko oletuskielellä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2564 msgid "third language" msgstr "kolmas kieli" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2568 msgid "Site name for your third language" msgstr "Sivuston nimi kolmannella kielellä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2572 msgid "fourth language" msgstr "neljäs kieli" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2576 msgid "Site name for your fourth language" msgstr "Sivuston nimi neljännellä kielellä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2580 msgid "fifth language" msgstr "viides kieli" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2584 msgid "Site name for your fifth language" msgstr "Sivuston nimi viidennellä kielellä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2588 msgid "sixth language" msgstr "kuudes kieli" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2592 msgid "Site name for your sixth language" msgstr "Sivuston nimi kuudennella kielellä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2805 msgid "Calendar Options" msgstr "Kalenterin valinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2812 msgid "Do we include the web calendar ?" msgstr "Lisätäänkö web-kalenteri?" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2813 #, python-format msgid "Whether to include a calendar for year %s" msgstr "Lisätäänkö kalenteri vuodelle %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2835 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1953 msgid "Create one day event pages for Year At A Glance calendar" msgstr "Luodaan tapahtumapäiväsivut 'Vuosi yhdellä silmäyksellä' kalenteriin" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2838 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1955 msgid "Whether to create one day pages or not" msgstr "Luodaanko päiväsivut vai ei" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2842 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1959 msgid "Include birthdays in the calendar" msgstr "Ota kalenteriin mukaan syntymäpäivät" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2846 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1963 msgid "Include anniversaries in the calendar" msgstr "Ota kalenteriin mukaan vuosipäivät" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2849 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1966 msgid "Include death dates" msgstr "Sisällytä kuolinpäivät" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2850 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1967 msgid "Include death anniversaries in the calendar" msgstr "Sisällytä kuolinpäivät kalenteriin" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2859 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1977 msgid "Show data only after year" msgstr "Näytä valitun vuoden jälkeiset tapahtumat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2862 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1980 msgid "" "Show data only after this year. Default is current year - 'maximum age " "probably alive' which is defined in the dates preference tab." msgstr "" "Näytä tiedot vasta tämän vuoden jälkeen. Oletus on nykyinen vuosi- " "\"Enimmäisikä todennäköisesti elossa\", joka on määritetty " "päivämääränvalinta välilehdessä." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:150 msgid "Creating individual pages" msgstr "Luodaan henkilösivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:200 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database, sorted " "by their last names. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that " "person’s individual page." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on hakemisto kaikista tietokannan henkilöistä sukunimen mukaan " "lajiteltuna. Henkilön nimen napsauttaminen vie sinut valitun henkilön " "sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:263 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:193 msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:293 #, python-format msgctxt "letter" msgid "Surnames %(surname)s beginning with letter %(letter)s" msgstr "Sukunimet %(surname)s alkaen kirjaimella %(letter)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:877 #, python-format msgid "Tracking %s" msgstr "Jäljitetään %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:882 msgid "" "This map page represents that person and any descendants with all of their " "event/places. If you place your mouse over the marker it will display the " "place name. The markers and the Reference list are sorted in date order (if " "any?). Clicking on a place’s name in the Reference section will take " "you to that place’s page." msgstr "" "Tämä karttasivu edustaa kyseistä henkilöä ja hänen jälkeläisiään kaikkine " "tapahtumineen/paikkoineen. Jos viet hiiren merkin päälle, se näyttää paikan " "nimen. Merkit ja viiteluettelo on lajiteltu päiväysjärjestykseen (jos on?). " "Klikkaamalla paikan nimeä viiteosiossa pääset kyseisen paikan sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:934 msgid "Place Title" msgstr "Paikan nimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1037 msgid "Drop Markers" msgstr "Pudota markkerit" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1596 msgid "Call Name" msgstr "Kutsumanimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1614 msgid "Nick Name" msgstr "Lempinimi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1669 msgid "Age at Death" msgstr "Ikä kuollessa" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1848 msgid "Stepfather" msgstr "Isäpuoli" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1861 msgid "Stepmother" msgstr "Äitipuoli" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1886 msgid "Not siblings" msgstr "Ei sisaruksia" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2028 msgid "Relation to the center person" msgstr "Suhde kotihenkilöön" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2069 msgid "Relation to main person" msgstr "Suhde päähenkilöön" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2073 msgid "Relation within this family (if not by birth)" msgstr "Suhde tähän perheeseen (jollei syntymän kautta)" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:124 msgid "Creating place pages" msgstr "Luodaan paikkasivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:189 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the places in the database, sorted by " "their title. Clicking on a place’s title will take you to that " "place’s page." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on hakemisto kaikista tietokannan paikoista, lajiteltuna " "niiden nimien mukaan. Paikan nimen napauttaminen vie sinut valitun paikan " "sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:219 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:231 msgctxt "Place Name " msgid " Name" msgstr " Paikka" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:272 #, python-format msgid "Places beginning with letter %s" msgstr "Kirjaimella %s alkavat paikat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:438 msgid "Place Map" msgstr "Paikkakartta" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:105 msgid "Creating repository pages" msgstr "Luodaan arkistosivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:155 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the repositories in the database, sorted " "by their title. Clicking on a repositories’s title will take you to " "that repositories’s page." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on hakemisto kaikista tietokannan arkistoista lajiteltuna " "niiden nimen mukaan. Nimen napauttaminen vie sinut valitun arkiston sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:173 msgctxt "Repository " msgid "Name" msgstr "Arkisto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:105 msgid "Creating source pages" msgstr "Luodaan lähdesivut" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:152 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the sources in the database, sorted by " "their title. Clicking on a source’s title will take you to that " "source’s page." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on lista kaikista tietokannan lähteistä aakkostettuna niiden " "nimikkeen mukaan. Nimikkeen napsauttaminen vie sinut ko. lähteen sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:171 msgctxt "Source Name" msgid "Name" msgstr "Lähde" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:272 msgid "Publication information" msgstr "Julkaisutiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:116 msgid "Database overview" msgstr "Tietokannan kuvaus" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:181 msgid "Narrative web content report for" msgstr "Kertova-nettisivusto sisältöraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:121 #, python-format msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the " "surname of %s. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that " "person’s individual page." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on hakemisto kaikista tietokannan henkilöistä, joiden sukunimi " "on %s. Henkilön nimen napauttaminen vie sinut valitun henkilön sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:102 msgid "Surnames by person count" msgstr "Sukunimet henkilömäärän mukaisesti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:110 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a " "link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same " "surname." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on hakemisto kaikista tietokannan sukunimistä. Nimen " "napsauttaminen vie luetteloon tietokannan henkilöistä, joilla on tämä sama " "sukunimi." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:156 msgid "Number of People" msgstr "Henkilöiden määrä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:206 #, python-format msgid "Surnames beginning with letter %s" msgstr "Sukunimet alkavat kirjaimella %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/thumbnail.py:121 msgid "" "This page displays a indexed list of all the media objects in this " "database. It is sorted by media title. There is an index of all the media " "objects in this database. Clicking on a thumbnail will take you to that " "image’s page." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on indeksoitu luettelo kaikista tietokannan kuvista. Ne on " "lajiteltu niiden nimikkeiden mukaan. Alla on nimike hakemisto kaikista " "kuvatiedostoista tietokannassa. Kuvakkeen napsauttaminen vie sinut valitun " "median sivulle." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:78 msgid "New and updated objects" msgstr "Uudet ja päivitetyt kohteet" # uusi #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:88 #, python-format msgctxt "nb" msgid "" "This page contains the last updated objects in the database in the last " "%(days)d days and for a maximum of %(nb)d objects per object type." msgstr "" "Tällä sivulla on tietokannan viimeiset päivitetyt kohteet viimeisen %(days)d " "päivän aikana ja kohteita korkeintaan %(nb)d kohdetyyppiä kohden." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:649 msgid "NarrativeWeb Home" msgstr "Kertovan nettisivuston kotisivu" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1030 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1115 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1336 msgid "Web Calendar Report" msgstr "Nettikalenteriraportti" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:337 #, python-format msgid "Calculating Holidays for year %04d" msgstr "Laskee juhlapyhiä vuodeksi %04d" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:631 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:674 msgid "Full year at a Glance" msgstr "Vuosi yhdellä silmäyksellä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1031 msgid "Formatting months ..." msgstr "Muotoillaan kuukausia..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1116 msgid "Creating Year At A Glance calendar" msgstr "Luodaan \"Vuosi yhdellä silmäyksellä\"-kalenteria" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1122 #, python-format msgid "%(year)d, At A Glance" msgstr "%(year)d, yhdellä silmäyksellä" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1137 msgid "" "This calendar is meant to give you access to all your data at a glance " "compressed into one page. Clicking on a date will take you to a page that " "shows all the events for that date, if there are any.\n" msgstr "" "Tähän kalenterisivulle on kerätty kaikki tiedot, näytettäväksi yhdellä " "silmäyksellä. Napsauttamalla päivää näet tapahtumatiedot erillisellä " "sivulla, jos niitä on.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1191 msgid "One Day Within A Year" msgstr "Valitun päivän tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1543 #, python-format msgid "%(spouse)s and %(person)s" msgstr "%(spouse)s ja %(person)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1567 #, python-format msgctxt "the \"WebCal\" will be the potential-email Subject" msgid "%(html_email_author_start)sWebCal%(html_email_author_end)s" msgstr "%(html_email_author_start)sWebCal%(html_email_author_end)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1580 #, python-format msgid "Generated by %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s on %(date)s" msgstr "" "Tuotettu %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s-ohjelmalla %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1750 msgid "Calendar Title" msgstr "Kalenteriotsikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1750 msgid "My Family Calendar" msgstr "Sukukalenterini" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1751 msgid "The title of the calendar" msgstr "Kalenterin otsikko" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1785 msgid "The stylesheet to be used for the web pages" msgstr "Nettisivuilla käytettävä tyylitiedosto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1823 msgid "Content Options" msgstr "Sisältövalinnat" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1828 msgid "Create multiple year calendars" msgstr "Luo kalenteri useammalle vuodelle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1830 msgid "Whether to create Multiple year calendars or not." msgstr "Luodaanko kalenteri useammalle vuodelle vai ei." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1835 msgid "Start Year for the Calendar(s)" msgstr "Kalenterien aloitusvuosi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1837 msgid "Enter the starting year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000" msgstr "Syötä aloitusvuosi kalenteriin väliltä 1900-3000" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1841 msgid "End Year for the Calendar(s)" msgstr "Kalenterien päättymisvuosi" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1843 msgid "Enter the ending year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000." msgstr "Syötä päättymisvuosi kalenteriin väliltä 1900-3000." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1862 msgid "Holidays will be included for the selected country" msgstr "Lisää valitun valtion juhlapyhät" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1887 msgid "Jan - Jun Notes" msgstr "Tammi-kesäkuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1889 msgid "January Note" msgstr "Tammikuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1890 msgid "The note for the month of January" msgstr "Lisätiedot tammikuulle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1893 msgid "February Note" msgstr "Helmikuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1894 msgid "The note for the month of February" msgstr "Lisätiedot helmikuulle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1897 msgid "March Note" msgstr "Maaliskuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1898 msgid "The note for the month of March" msgstr "Lisätiedot maaliskuulle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1901 msgid "April Note" msgstr "Huhtikuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1902 msgid "The note for the month of April" msgstr "Lisätiedot huhtikuulle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1905 msgid "May Note" msgstr "Toukokuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1906 msgid "The note for the month of May" msgstr "Lisätiedot toukokuulle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1909 msgid "June Note" msgstr "Kesäkuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1910 msgid "The note for the month of June" msgstr "Lisätiedot kesäkuulle" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1913 msgid "Jul - Dec Notes" msgstr "Heinä-joulukuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1915 msgid "July Note" msgstr "Heinäkuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1916 msgid "The note for the month of July" msgstr "Heinäkuun lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1919 msgid "August Note" msgstr "Elokuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1920 msgid "The note for the month of August" msgstr "Elokuun lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1923 msgid "September Note" msgstr "Syyskuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1924 msgid "The note for the month of September" msgstr "Syyskuun lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1927 msgid "October Note" msgstr "Lokakuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1928 msgid "The note for the month of October" msgstr "Lokakuun lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1931 msgid "November Note" msgstr "Marraskuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1932 msgid "The note for the month of November" msgstr "Marraskuun lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1935 msgid "December Note" msgstr "Joulukuun tiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1936 msgid "The note for the month of December" msgstr "Joulukuun lisätiedot" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1970 msgid "Link to Narrated Web Report" msgstr "Linkki Kertova-nettisivusto raporttiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1971 msgid "Whether to link data to web report or not" msgstr "Linkittäänkö tiedot Kertova-nettisivusto raporttiin vai ei" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1988 msgid "Link prefix" msgstr "Linkin etuliite" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1989 msgid "A Prefix on the links to take you to Narrated Web Report" msgstr "Etuliite linkeissä joilla siirryt Kertova-nettisivusto raporttiin" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:2195 #, python-format msgid "%s since death" msgstr "%s kuoleman jälkeen" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:2196 msgid "death" msgstr "kuolema" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:2220 #, python-brace-format msgid "{couple}, {years} year anniversary" msgid_plural "{couple}, {years} year anniversary" msgstr[0] "{couple}, {years} vuosipäivä" msgstr[1] "{couple}, {years} vuosipäivät" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:34 msgid "Narrated Web Site" msgstr "Kertova-nettisivusto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:35 msgid "Produces web (HTML) pages for individuals, or a set of individuals" msgstr "Tuottaa nettisivuja (HTML) henkilöistä tai henkilöjoukosta" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:59 msgid "Produces web (HTML) calendars." msgstr "Tuottaa (HTML) nettikalenterit." #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.gpr.py:36 msgid "Webstuff" msgstr "Webstuff-sivusto" #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.gpr.py:37 msgid "Provides a collection of resources for the web" msgstr "Tarjoaa joukon nettiaineistoja" #. Translators: Basic Ash style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:61 msgid "Basic-Ash" msgstr "Perustyyli - Saarni" #. Translators: Basic Cypress style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:69 msgid "Basic-Cypress" msgstr "Perustyyli - Sypressi" #. Translators: Basic Lilac style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:73 msgid "Basic-Lilac" msgstr "Perustyyli - Syreeni" #. Translators: Basic Peach style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:77 msgid "Basic-Peach" msgstr "Perustyyli - Persikka" #. Translators: Basic Spruce style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:81 msgid "Basic-Spruce" msgstr "Perustyyli - Kuusi" #. Translators: Mainz style sheet with its images #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:85 msgid "Mainz" msgstr "Mainz" #. Translators: Nebraska style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:93 msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "Nebraska" #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:144 msgid "No style sheet" msgstr "Ei tyylitiedostoa" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Citation (%s)" #~ msgstr "Poista lainaus (%s)" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Event (%s)" #~ msgstr "Poista tapahtuma (%s)" #~ msgid "Remove Media Object" #~ msgstr "Poista mediatiedosto" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Note (%s)" #~ msgstr "Poista lisätieto (%s)" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Place (%s)" #~ msgstr "Poista paikka (%s)" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Repository (%s)" #~ msgstr "Poista arkisto (%s)" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Source (%s)" #~ msgstr "Poista lähde (%s)" #~ msgid "" #~ "More than one item has been selected for deletion. Select the option " #~ "indicating how to delete the items:" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Enemmän kuin yksi kohde on valittu poistettavaksi. Valitse vaihtoehto, " #~ "miten haluat poistaa kohteita:" #~ msgid "Delete All" #~ msgstr "Poista kaikki" #~ msgid "Confirm Each Delete" #~ msgstr "Vahvista jokainen poisto" #~ msgid "_Delete Person" #~ msgstr "_Poista henkilö" #~ msgid "_Delete Event" #~ msgstr "_Poista tapahtuma" #~ msgid "_Delete Family" #~ msgstr "_Poista perhe" #, python-format #~ msgid "Family [%s]" #~ msgstr "Perhe [%s]" #~ msgid "" #~ "\n" #~ "Usage: gramps.py [OPTION...]\n" #~ " --load-modules=MODULE1,MODULE2,... Dynamic modules to load\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Help options\n" #~ " -?, --help Show this help message\n" #~ " --usage Display brief usage message\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Application options\n" #~ " -O, --open=FAMILY_TREE Open Family Tree\n" #~ " -U, --username=USERNAME Database username\n" #~ " -P, --password=PASSWORD Database password\n" #~ " -C, --create=FAMILY_TREE Create on open if new Family " #~ "Tree\n" #~ " -i, --import=FILENAME Import file\n" #~ " -e, --export=FILENAME Export file\n" #~ " -r, --remove=FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN Remove matching Family Tree(s) " #~ "(use regular expressions)\n" #~ " -f, --format=FORMAT Specify Family Tree format\n" #~ " -a, --action=ACTION Specify action\n" #~ " -p, --options=OPTIONS_STRING Specify options\n" #~ " -d, --debug=LOGGER_NAME Enable debug logs\n" #~ " -l [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] List Family Trees\n" #~ " -L [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] List Family Trees in Detail\n" #~ " -t [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] List Family Trees, tab " #~ "delimited\n" #~ " -u, --force-unlock Force unlock of Family Tree\n" #~ " -s, --show Show config settings\n" #~ " -c, --config=[config.setting[:value]] Set config setting(s) and start " #~ "Gramps\n" #~ " -y, --yes Don't ask to confirm dangerous " #~ "actions (non-GUI mode only)\n" #~ " -q, --quiet Suppress progress indication " #~ "output (non-GUI mode only)\n" #~ " -v, --version Show versions\n" #~ " -S, --safe Start Gramps in 'Safe mode'\n" #~ " (temporarily use default " #~ "settings)\n" #~ " -D, --default=[APXFE] Reset settings to default;\n" #~ " A - addons are cleared\n" #~ " P - Preferences to default\n" #~ " X - Books are cleared, reports and tool settings to " #~ "default\n" #~ " F - filters are cleared\n" #~ " E - Everything is set to default or cleared\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "\n" #~ "Käyttö: gramps.py [OPTION...]\n" #~ " --load-modules=MODULE1,MODULE2,... Dynaamiset moduulit " #~ "ladattavaksi\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Ohjeiden optiot\n" #~ " -?, --help Näytä tämä ohjeilmoitus\n" #~ " --usage Näytä lyhyt käyttöviesti\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Sovelluksen optiot\n" #~ " -O, --open=FAMILY_TREE Avaa sukupuu\n" #~ " -U, --username=USERNAME Tietokannan käyttäjätunnus\n" #~ " -P, --password=PASSWORD Tietokannan salasana\n" #~ " -C, --create=FAMILY_TREE Luo avatessa jos uusi sukupuu\n" #~ " -i, --import=FILENAME Tuo tiedosto\n" #~ " -e, --export=FILENAME Vie tiedosto\n" #~ " -r, --remove=FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN Poista vastaava Sukupuu(t)(käytä " #~ "säännöllisiä lausekkeita)\n" #~ " -f, --format=FORMAT Määritä sukupuun muoto\n" #~ " -a, --action=ACTION Määritä toiminto\n" #~ " -p, --option=OPTIONS_STRING Määritä optiot\n" #~ " -d, --debug=LOGGER_NAME Virheenkorjaus lokit käyttöön\n" #~ " -l [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] Listaa sukupuut\n" #~ " -L [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] Listaa sukupuut tarkemmilla " #~ "tiedoilla\n" #~ " -t [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] Listaa sukupuut, " #~ "sarkainerotettuna\n" #~ " -u, --force-unlock Pakota sukupuu avautumaan\n" #~ " -s, --show Näytä asetukset\n" #~ " -c, --config=[config.setting[:value]] Anna asetukset ja käynnistä " #~ "Gramps\n" #~ " -y, --yes Älä kysy vahvistusta, " #~ "vaarallisia toimia (non-GUI tilassa)\n" #~ " -q, --quiet Jätä pois edistys merkinnän " #~ "lähtö (non-GUI tila)\n" #~ " -v, --version Näytä versiot\n" #~ " -S, --safe Käynnistä Gramps " #~ "'vikasietotilassa'\n" #~ " (käytetään oletusasetuksia " #~ "tilapäisesti)\n" #~ " -D, --default=[APXFE] Palauta oletusasetukset;\n" #~ " A - laajennukset poistetaan\n" #~ " P - Oletusasetukset\n" #~ " X - Kirjat poistetaan, raportit ja työkaluasetukset " #~ "oletusarvoiksi\n" #~ " F - suodattimet poistetaan\n" #~ " E - Kaikki on asetettu oletusarvoon tai tyhjennetty\n" #~ msgid "Researcher information" #~ msgstr "Tutkijan tiedot" #~ msgid "" #~ "Enter information about yourself so people can contact you when you " #~ "distribute your Family Tree" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Anna tietoja itsestäsi, jotta ihmiset voivat ottaa sinuun yhteyttä, kun " #~ "jaat sukupuutasi" #~ msgid "Gramps ID format settings" #~ msgstr "Gramps ID -muodon asetukset" #~ msgid "Common" #~ msgstr "Yleisnimi" #~ msgid "Appearance and format settings" #~ msgstr "Ulkoasu ja muotoiluasetukset" #~ msgid "Place format (auto place title)" #~ msgstr "Paikkamuoto (automaattinen paikan nimi)" #~ msgid "Age display precision (requires restart)" #~ msgstr "Ikänäytön tarkkuus (tulee voimaan uudelleen käynnistettäessä)" #~ msgid "Height multiple surname box (pixels)" #~ msgstr "Monen sukunimen laatikon korkeus (pikseleinä)" #~ msgid "Show text label beside Navigator buttons (requires restart)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Näytä teksti sivupalkin painikkeissa (tulee voimaan uudelleen " #~ "käynnistettäessä)" #~ msgid "Default text used for conditions" #~ msgstr "Oletuksena käytettävä teksti" #~ msgid "Dates settings used for calculation operations" #~ msgstr "Päivämäärän asetukset laskutoimituksissa" #~ msgid "Date about range" #~ msgstr "Noin aikaväli" #~ msgid "Date after range" #~ msgstr "Aikaväli jälkeen" #~ msgid "Date before range" #~ msgstr "Aikaväli ennen" #~ msgid "Dates" #~ msgstr "Päivämäärät" #~ msgid "General Gramps settings" #~ msgstr "Yleiset Gramps-asetukset" #~ msgid "" #~ "Specified tag will be added on import.\n" #~ "Clear to set default value." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Määritetty tunniste lisätään tuonnin yhteydessä.\n" #~ "Tyhjennä asettaaksesi oletusarvon." #~ msgid "Enable spelling checker" #~ msgstr "Aktivoi oikoluku" #~ msgid "Base path for relative media paths" #~ msgstr "Peruspolku suhteellisille mediatiedostojen poluille" #~ msgid "Third party addons management" #~ msgstr "Kolmansien osapuolien laajennusten hallinta" #~ msgid "Family tree database settings and Backup management" #~ msgstr "Sukupuun tietokannan asetukset ja varmuuskopiointi" #~ msgid "Family Tree Database path" #~ msgstr "Sukukannan tietokantapolku" #~ msgid "Automatically load last Family Tree" #~ msgstr "Lataa automaattisesti viimeisin sukupuu" # 20200823 #~ msgid "Every 12 hours" #~ msgstr "12 tunnin välein" # 20200823 #~ msgid "Every day" #~ msgstr "Joka päivä" #~ msgid "" #~ "This tab gives you the possibility to use one font which is able to show " #~ "all genealogical symbols\n" #~ "\n" #~ "If you select the \"use symbols\" checkbox, Gramps will use the selected " #~ "font if it exists." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tämä välilehti antaa sinulle mahdollisuuden käyttää yhtä kirjasinta, joka " #~ "näyttää kaikki sukututkimussymbolit\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jos valitset \"Käytä symboleja\" valintaruudun, Gramps käyttää valittua " #~ "kirjasinta, jos se on olemassa." #~ msgid "" #~ "Be careful, if you click on the \"Try to find\" button, it can take a " #~ "while before you can continue (10 minutes or more). \n" #~ "If you cancel the process, nothing will be changed." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ole varovainen, jos napsautat \"Yritä löytää\" painiketta, se voi kestää " #~ "jonkin aikaa, ennen kuin voit jatkaa (10 minuuttia tai enemmän).\n" #~ "Jos peruutat prosessin, mitään ei muuteta." #~ msgid "" #~ "You have already run the tool to search for genealogy fonts.\n" #~ "Run it again only if you added fonts on your system." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Olet jo suorittanut työkalun etsi sukututkimus kirjasimia.\n" #~ "Suorita se uudelleen vain, jos olet lisännyt fontteja järjestelmään." #~ msgid "Try to find" #~ msgstr "Yrittää löytää" #~ msgid "Choose font" #~ msgstr "Valitse kirjasintyyppi" #~ msgid "Cannot look for genealogical fonts" #~ msgstr "Genealogisia kirjasimia ei voi näyttää" #~ msgid "" #~ "I am not able to select genealogical fonts. Please, install the module " #~ "fontconfig for python 3." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Genealogisia kirjasimia ei voi valita. Asenna moduuli fontconfig python 3:" #~ "lle." #~ msgid "Checking available genealogical fonts" #~ msgstr "Käytettävissä olevien genealogisten kirjasimien tarkistaminen" #~ msgid "Looking for all fonts with genealogical symbols." #~ msgstr "Etsi kaikki kirjasimet, joissa on sukututkimussymboleja." #~ msgid "" #~ "You have no font with genealogical symbols on your system. Gramps will " #~ "not be able to use symbols." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sinulla ei ole kirjasinta, jossa on sukututkimussymboleja. Gramps ei voi " #~ "käyttää symboleja." #~ msgid "What you will see" #~ msgstr "Mitä haluat nähdä" #~ msgid "Links" #~ msgstr "Linkkejä" #~ msgid "" #~ "The first thing you must do is to create a new Family Tree. To create a " #~ "new Family Tree (sometimes called 'database') select \"Family Trees\" " #~ "from the menu, pick \"Manage Family Trees\", press \"New\" and name your " #~ "Family Tree. For more details, please read the information at the links " #~ "above\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Luo aluksi uusi sukupuu (sitä kutsutaan joskus tietokannaksi tai " #~ "sukukannaksi) valitsemalla ensin \"Sukupuut\" ja sitten \"Hallinnoi " #~ "sukupuita\". Napsauta \"Uusi\" ja anna sukupuullesi nimi. Tarkempia " #~ "ohjeita saat yllä olevien linkkien kautta.\n" #~ "\n" #~ msgid "Check Backlink Integrity" #~ msgstr "Tarkista paluulinkin eheys" #~ msgid "Sorts events" #~ msgstr "Lajittelee tapahtumat" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Name|Common" #~ msgstr "Yleisnimi" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "locale_suffix|" #~ msgstr "loppuliite" #, python-format #~ msgid "" #~ "Error parsing the arguments: %s \n" #~ "Type gramps --help for an overview of commands, or read the manual pages." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Virhe kun jäsennettiin argumentteja: %s \n" #~ "Kirjoita Gramps --help saadaksesi komentojen yleiskuvan tai lue " #~ "ohjekirjaa." #, python-format #~ msgid "" #~ "Error parsing the arguments: %s \n" #~ "To use in the command-line mode, supply at least one input file to " #~ "process." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Virhe argumenttien jäsentämisessä: %s \n" #~ "Käyttääksesi komentorivitilaa anna ainakin yksi syöttötiedosto " #~ "käsiteltäväksi." #~ msgid "Chart width" #~ msgstr "Kaavion leveys" #~ msgid "Html|Home" #~ msgstr "Koti" #~ msgid "" #~ "The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the Bsddb version " #~ "%(env_version)s format. This version of Gramps uses Bsddb version " #~ "%(bdb_version)s. So you are trying to load data created in a newer format " #~ "into an older program, and this is bound to fail.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "You should start your %(bold_start)snewer%(bold_end)s version of Gramps " #~ "and %(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family " #~ "Tree. You can then import this backup into this version of Gramps." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sukupuusi jota yrität tuoda, on Bsddb version %(env_version)s muotoa. " #~ "Tämä Gramps käyttää Bsddb versiota %(bdb_version)s. Yrität siis tuoda " #~ "uudemmalla versiolla tehtyä tietoa vanhaan ohjelmaan, mikä epäonnistuu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Sinun pitäisi käynnistää %(bold_start)suudempi%(bold_end)s Gramps versio " #~ "ja %(wiki_backup_html_start)stehdä varmuuskopio%(html_end)s sukupuustasi. " #~ "Voit sitten tuoda tämän varmuuskopion tähän Gramps versioon." #~ msgid "" #~ "The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the Bsddb version " #~ "%(env_version)s format. This version of Gramps uses Bsddb version " #~ "%(bdb_version)s. So you are trying to load data created in a newer format " #~ "into an older program. In this particular case, the difference is very " #~ "small, so it may work.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you " #~ "should start your %(bold_start)snewer%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and " #~ "%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sukupuusi jota yrität tuoda, on Bsddb versio %(env_version)s muotoinen. " #~ "Tämä Gramps käyttää Bsddb versiota %(bdb_version)s. Yrität siis tuoda " #~ "uudemmalla versiolla tehtyä tietoa vanhaan ohjelmaan. Nyt käsillä " #~ "olevassa tapauksessa ero on hyvin pieni, joten tuonti voi toimiakin.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jos et ole jo tehnyt varmuuskopion sukupuustasi, niin kannattaa käynnistää" #~ "%(bold_start)suudempi%(bold_end)s Gramps versio ja " #~ "%(wiki_backup_html_start)s tee varmuuskopio%(html_end)s sukupuustasi." #~ msgid "" #~ "The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the Bsddb version " #~ "%(env_version)s format. This version of Gramps uses Bsddb version " #~ "%(bdb_version)s. Therefore you cannot load this Family Tree without " #~ "upgrading the Bsddb version of the Family Tree.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Opening the Family Tree with this version of Gramps might irretrievably " #~ "corrupt your Family Tree. You are strongly advised to backup your Family " #~ "Tree.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you " #~ "should start your %(bold_start)sold%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and " #~ "%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sukupuu, jota yrität tuoda, on Bsddb %(env_version)s versio. Tämä Gramps " #~ "käyttää Bsddb %(bdb_version)s versiota. Et voi siksi tuoda tätä sukupuuta " #~ "ilman, Bsddb version päivittämistä.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Sukupuun avaaminen tällä Grampsilla saattaa rikkoa peruuttamattomasti " #~ "sukupuusi. Sinua kehotetaan vakavasti varmuuskopioimaan sukupuusi.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jos et ole vielä tehnyt varmuuskopiota, sinun tulisi avata " #~ "%(bold_start)sold%(bold_end)s versio Grampsista ja " #~ "%(wiki_backup_html_start)s tekemään varmuuskopio%(html_end)s sukupuustasi." #~ msgid "" #~ "Gramps has detected a problem in opening the 'environment' of the " #~ "underlying Berkeley database used to store this Family Tree. The most " #~ "likely cause is that the database was created with an old version of the " #~ "Berkeley database program, and you are now using a new version. It is " #~ "quite likely that your database has not been changed by Gramps.\n" #~ "If possible, you should revert to your old version of Gramps and its " #~ "support software; export your database to XML; close the database; then " #~ "upgrade again to this version of Gramps and import the XML file in an " #~ "empty Family Tree. Alternatively, it may be possible to use the Berkeley " #~ "database recovery tools." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gramps on havainnut ongelman avatessaan Berkeley tietokantaympäristöä, " #~ "jossa sukupuusi on tallennettuna. Todennäköisin syy on se, että " #~ "tietokanta on luotu Berkeleyn vanhalla versiolla ja käytät nyt uutta " #~ "versiota. Melko todennäköisesti Gramps ei ole muuttanut tietokantaasi.\n" #~ "Jos mahdollista, palaa käyttämään vanhaa Gramps versiotasi ja sen " #~ "tukiohjelmistoa; Vie (export) tietokantasi XML muotoon; sulje tietokanta; " #~ "päivitä sen jälkeen uudelleen Gramps versiosi ja tuo em. XML tiedosto " #~ "tyhjään sukupuuhun. Vaihtoehtoisesti voit ehkä käyttää Berkeley " #~ "tietokannan palautustyökaluja (recovery tools)." #~ msgid "" #~ "The Family Tree you are trying to load was created with Python version " #~ "%(db_python_version)s. This version of Gramps uses Python version " #~ "%(current_python_version)s. So you are trying to load data created in a " #~ "newer format into an older program, and this is bound to fail.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "You should start your %(bold_start)snewer%(bold_end)s version of Gramps " #~ "and %(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family " #~ "Tree. You can then import this backup into this version of Gramps." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sukupuusi, jota yrität tuoda, on luotu Python versiolla " #~ "%(db_python_version)s. Tämä Gramps käyttää Python versiota " #~ "%(current_python_version)s. Yrität siis tuota uudemmalla muodolla luotua " #~ "tietoa vanhaan ohjelmaan, mikä epäonnistuu.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Sinun pitäisi käynnistää %(bold_start)suudempi%(bold_end)s Gramps versio " #~ "ja %(wiki_backup_html_start)stehdä varmuuskopio%(html_end)s sukupuustasi. " #~ "Sitten voit tuoda tämän varmuuskopion tähän Gramps versioon." #~ msgid "" #~ "The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the Python version " #~ "%(db_python_version)s format. This version of Gramps uses Python version " #~ "%(current_python_version)s. Therefore you cannot load this Family Tree " #~ "without upgrading the Python version of the Family Tree.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "If you upgrade then you won't be able to use the previous version of " #~ "Gramps, even if you subsequently %(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)sbackup" #~ "%(html_end)s or %(wiki_manual_export_html_start)sexport%(html_end)s your " #~ "upgraded Family Tree.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Upgrading is a difficult task which could irretrievably corrupt your " #~ "Family Tree if it is interrupted or fails.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you " #~ "should start your %(bold_start)sold%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and " #~ "%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Sukupuusi, jota yrität tuoda, on luotu Python versiolla " #~ "%(db_python_version)s. Tämä Gramps käyttää Python versiota " #~ "%(current_python_version)s. Siksi et voi tuoda sukupuutasi päivittämätä " #~ "sukupuun Python versiota.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jos päivität Python version, et voi enää käyttää Grampsin aikaisempaa " #~ "versiota, vaikka myöhemmin varmuuskopioisit ja veisit (export) päivitetyn " #~ "sukupuusi. Katso tarkemmin (englanniksi) " #~ "%(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)svarmuuskopio%(html_end)s tai " #~ "%(wiki_manual_export_html_start)svienti%(html_end)s your upgraded Family " #~ "Tree.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Päivittäminen on haastava tehtävä ja jos se jää kesken tai epäonnistuu, " #~ "sukupuusi voi rikkoutua peruuttamattomasti.\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Jollet ole vielä varmuuskopioinut sukupuutasi, sinun pitäisi avata " #~ "%(bold_start)svanha%(bold_end)s Gramps versio ja " #~ "%(wiki_backup_html_start)stehdä varmuuskopio%(html_end)s sukupuustasi." #~ msgid "greater than %s years" #~ msgstr "korkeitaan %s vuotta" #~ msgid "more than" #~ msgstr "enemmän kuin" #~ msgid "less than about" #~ msgstr "vähemmän kuin" #~ msgid "more than about" #~ msgstr "enemmän kuin" #~ msgid "0 days" #~ msgstr "0 päivää" #~ msgid "Endnotes" #~ msgstr "Loppuviitteet" #~ msgid "ex-husband" #~ msgstr "ent. aviomies" #~ msgid "ex-wife" #~ msgstr "ent. vaimo" #~ msgid "Are you sure you want to downgrade this Family Tree?" #~ msgstr "Haluatko varmasti alentaa tämän sukupuun version?" #~ msgid "" #~ "I have made a backup,\n" #~ "please downgrade my Family Tree" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Olen ottanut varmuuskopion,\n" #~ " alenna nyt sukupuuni versio" #~ msgid "" #~ "An attempt is made to save a reference key which is partly bytecode, this " #~ "is not allowed.\n" #~ "Key is %s" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Virhe viiteavaimen talletuksessa (viiteavaimessa tavukoodia).\n" #~ "Avain on %s" #~ msgid "Rebuild reference map" #~ msgstr "Rakenna uudelleen viitekartta" #~ msgid "" #~ "A second transaction is started while there is still a transaction, \"%s" #~ "\", active in the database." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Transaktio on käynnistetty, vaikka toinen transaktio, \"%s\", on vielä " #~ "aktiivinen tietokannassa." #~ msgid "Source/Citation" #~ msgstr "Lähde/Lainaus" #~ msgid "" #~ msgstr "" #~ msgid "\"%(callname)s\" (%(firstname)s)" #~ msgstr "\"%(callname)s\" (%(firstname)s)" #~ msgctxt "book" #~ msgid "Title" #~ msgstr "Nimike" #~ msgid "" #~ "Search leading and/or trailing spaces for persons and places. Search " #~ "comma in coordinates fields.\n" #~ "Double click on a row to edit its content." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Etsi edeltävät ja/tai jäljessä olevat välilyönnit henkilöistä ja " #~ "paikoista. Etsi pilkku koordinaattikentistä. Kaksoisnapsauta riviä " #~ "muokataksesi sen sisältöä." #~ msgid "Max height of initial image" #~ msgstr "Alkuperäisen kuvan suurin korkeus" #~ msgid "" #~ "This allows you to set the maximum height of the image shown on the media " #~ "page. Set to 0 for no limit." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tämä sallii sinun asettavan mediasivulla näytettävän kuvan " #~ "enimmäiskorkeuden. Aseta 0 kun rajoitusta ei ole." #~ msgid "Download Filename" #~ msgstr "Ladattavan tiedoston nimi" #~ msgid "Smith Family Tree" #~ msgstr "Smith Sukupuu" #~ msgid "Johnson Family Tree" #~ msgstr "Johnson Sukupuu" #~ msgid "Where do you place your web site ? default = /WEBCAL" #~ msgstr "Minne haluat tallentaa nettisivusi? oletus = /WEBCAL" #~ msgid "" #~ "the \"WebCal\" will be the potential-email Subject|Created for " #~ "%(html_email_author_start)sWebCal%(html_email_author_end)s" #~ msgstr "Tuottaja %(html_email_author_start)sWebCal%(html_email_author_end)s" #~ msgid "Created for %(author)s" #~ msgstr "Tuottaja %(author)s" #~ msgid "Year Glance" #~ msgstr "Vuosi silmäyksellä" #~ msgid "Home link" #~ msgstr "Kotisivu-linkki" #~ msgid "" #~ "The link to be included to direct the user to the main page of the web " #~ "site" #~ msgstr "Lisätäänkö linkki, joka ohjaa käyttäjän nettisivuston pääsivulle" #~ msgid "%s old" #~ msgstr "%s vanha" #~ msgid "%(couple)s, wedding" #~ msgstr "%(couple)s, häät" #~ msgid "Until" #~ msgstr "Päättyi" #~ msgid "Family map" #~ msgstr "Perhekartta" #~ msgid "Default person" #~ msgstr "Kotihenkilö" #~ msgid "Given Name" #~ msgstr "Etunimi" #~ msgid "%(event_type)s: %(date)s in %(place)s" #~ msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s, %(place)s" #~ msgid "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #~ msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #~ msgid "%(event_type)s: %(place)s" #~ msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(place)s"