Alex Roitman,,,Not ProvidedBirthBirth of Anna HansdotterDeathDeath of Anna HansdotterBirthBirth of Keith Lloyd SmithBirthBirth of Hans Peter SmithDeathDeath of Hans Peter SmithBirthBirth of Hanna SmithBirthBirth of Herman Julius NielsenDeathDeath of Herman Julius NielsenBirthBirth of Evelyn MichaelsBirthBirth of Marjorie Lee SmithBirthBirth of Gus SmithDeathDeath of Gus SmithBirthBirth of Jennifer AndersonDeathDeath of Jennifer AndersonBirthBirth of Lillie Harriet JonesDeathDeath of Lillie Harriet JonesBirthBirth of John Hjalmar SmithBirthBirth of Eric Lloyd SmithAdoptedBirthBirth of Amber Marie SmithChristeningChristening of Amber Marie SmithBirthBirth of Carl Emil SmithDeathDeath of Carl Emil SmithBirthBirth of Hjalmar SmithBirthDeathDeath of Hjalmar SmithDeathNobility TitleSir Jimmy SmithBirthBirth of Martin SmithDeathDeath of Martin SmithBaptismBaptism of Martin SmithDATE2007-12-21BirthBirth of Astrid Shermanna Augusta SmithDeathDeath of Astrid Shermanna Augusta SmithBirthBirth of Gustaf Smith, Sr.DeathDeath of Gustaf Smith, Sr.ImmiChristeningChristening of Gustaf Smith, Sr.BirthBirth of Marta EricsdotterBirthBirth of Kirsti Marie SmithDeathDeath of Kirsti Marie SmithBirthBirth of Ingeman SmithBirthBirth of Anna StreiffertDeathDeath of Anna StreiffertBirthBirth of Craig Peter SmithCensusCensus of Craig Peter SmithBirthBirth of Magnes SmithDeathDeath of Magnes SmithBirthBirth of Janice Ann AdamsOccupationRetail ManagerDegreeBusiness ManagementBirthBirth of Marjorie OhmanDeathDeath of Marjorie OhmanBirthBirth of Darcy HorneBirthBirth of Lloyd SmithBirthBirth of Alice Paula PerkinsBirthBirth of Lars Peter SmithAdoptedBirthBirth of Elna JeffersonDeathDeath of Elna JeffersonChristeningChristening of Elna JeffersonBirthBirth of Edwin Michael SmithOccupationSoftware EngineerEducationEducation of Edwin Michael SmithDegreeB.S.E.E.BirthBirth of Kerstina HansdotterDeathDeath of Kerstina HansdotterBirthBirth of Martin SmithDeathDeath of Martin SmithBirthBirth of Ingeman SmithBirthBirth of Marjorie Alice SmithBirthBirth of Janis Elaine GreenBirthBirth of Mason Michael SmithChristeningChristening of Mason Michael SmithBirthBirth of Edwin WillardBirthBirth of Ingar SmithBirthBirth of Hjalmar SmithDeathDeath of Hjalmar SmithBaptismBaptism of Hjalmar SmithImmiBirthBirth of Emil SmithMarriageMarriage of Martin Smith and Elna JeffersonMarriageMarriage of Ingeman Smith and Marta EricsdotterMarriageMarriage of Eric Lloyd Smith and Darcy HorneMarriageMarriage of Magnes Smith and Anna StreiffertMarriage BannsCelebrationMarriageMarriage of John Hjalmar Smith and Alice Paula PerkinsMarriageMarriage of Edwin Michael Smith and Janice Ann AdamsEngagementEngagement of Edwin Michael Smith and Janice Ann AdamsMarriageMarriage of Martin Smith and Kerstina HansdotterMarriageMarriage of Gustaf Smith, Sr. and Anna HansdotterMarriageMarriage of Edwin Willard and Kirsti Marie SmithMarriageMarriage of Herman Julius Nielsen and Astrid Shermanna Augusta SmithMarriageMarriage of Hjalmar Smith and Marjorie OhmanMarriageMarriage of Gus Smith and Evelyn MichaelsMarriageMarriage of Lloyd Smith and Janis Elaine GreenFAnnaHansdotterMKeith LloydSmithMHans PeterSmithFHannaSmithMHerman JuliusNielsenFEvelynMichaelsFMarjorie LeeSmithMGusSmithFJenniferAndersonFLillie HarrietJonesMJohn HjalmarSmithMEric LloydSmithFAmber MarieSmithMCarl EmilSmithMHjalmarSmithJamesSmithJimmy SmithMMartinSmithFAstrid ShermannaAugustaStarAugustaAstrid Shermanna AugustaSmithDr.MGustafSmithSr.FMartaEricsdotterMartaSmithFKirsti MarieSmithMIngemanSmithFAnnaStreiffertMCraig PeterSmithMMagnesSmithFJanice AnnAdamsFMarjorieOhmanFDarcyHorneMLloydSmithFAlice PaulaPerkinsMLars PeterSmithFElnaJeffersonMEdwin MichaelSmithFKerstinaHansdotterMMartinSmithMIngemanSmithFMarjorie AliceSmithFJanis ElaineGreenMMason MichaelSmithMEdwinWillardFIngarSmithMHjalmarSmithMEmilSmith22222Birth RecordsBirth CertificateBirth, Death and Marriage RecordsMarriage CertificaeLöderup, Malmöhus Län, SwedenSparks, Washoe Co., NVSan Francisco, San Francisco Co., CARønne, Bornholm, DenmarkGladsax, Kristianstad Län, SwedenReno, Washoe Co., NVHayward, Alameda Co., CACommunity Presbyterian Church, Danville, CASwedenGrostorp, Kristianstad Län, SwedenCopenhagen, DenmarkSwedenHoya/Jona/Hoia, SwedenSimrishamn, Kristianstad Län, SwedenFremont, Alameda Co., CADenver, Denver Co., COSacramento, Sacramento Co., CASanta Rosa, Sonoma Co., CASan Jose, Santa Clara Co., CAUC BerkeleySmestorp, Kristianstad Län, SwedenTommarp, Kristianstad Län, SwedenRønne Bornholm, DenmarkWoodland, Yolo Co., CASparks, Washoe Co., NVSan Ramon, Conta Costa Co., CANew York Public LibraryLibrary5th Ave at 42 streetNew YorkNew YorkUSA11111Invalid REPO NameLibraryLibraryAunt Martha's AtticLibrary123 Main StSomevilleSTUSAHans daughter? N0000Her eulogy was great! N0001Inline note should get ID N0002'Smith': a very common nameKeith Lloyd Smith inline N0003Hans Peter Smith inline N0004Hanna Smith inline N0005Herman Julius Nielsen N0006Evelyn Michaels N0007BIOGRAPHY
Martin was listed as being a Husman, (owning a house as opposed to a farm) in the house records of Gladsax.A FAMC noteWitness name: John Doe
Witness comment: This is a simple test.Record for Edwin Michael SmithWitness name: No NameBIOGRAPHY
Hjalmar sailed from Copenhagen, Denmark on the OSCAR II, 14 November 1912 arriving in New York 27 November 1912. He was seventeen years old. On the ship passenger list his trade was listed as a Blacksmith. He came to Reno, Nevada and lived with his sister Marie for a time before settling in Sparks. He worked for Southern Pacific Railroad as a car inspector for a time, then went to work for Standard Oil
Company. He enlisted in the army at Sparks 7 December 1917 and served as a Corporal in the Medical Corp until his discharge 12 August 1919 at the Presidio in San Francisco, California. Both he and Marjorie are buried in the Masonic Memorial Gardens Mausoleum in Reno, he the 30th June 1975, and she the 25th of June 1980.Records not imported into FAM (family) Gramps ID F0011:
Could not import Magnes&Anna_smiths_marr_cert.jpg Line 802: 3 OBJE
Could not import Magnes&Anna_smiths_marr_cert.jpg Line 805: 2 OBJERecords not imported into FAM (family) Gramps ID F0012:
Could not import John&Alice_smiths_marr_cert.jpg Line 829: 1 OBJEBut Aunt Martha still keeps the original!Invalid REPO (Name instead of xref)Source text of Birth certInvalid REPO (no name)The repository reference from the source is importantSome note on the repo