/* * jHtmlArea 0.7.0 - WYSIWYG Html Editor jQuery Plugin * Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Pietschmann * http://jhtmlarea.codeplex.com * Licensed under the Microsoft Reciprocal License (Ms-RL) * http://jhtmlarea.codeplex.com/license */ (function($) { $.fn.htmlarea = function(opts) { if (opts && typeof (opts) === "string") { var args = []; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } var htmlarea = jHtmlArea(this[0]); var f = htmlarea[opts]; if (f) { return f.apply(htmlarea, args); } } return this.each(function() { jHtmlArea(this, opts); }); }; var jHtmlArea = window.jHtmlArea = function(elem, options) { if (elem.jquery) { return jHtmlArea(elem[0]); } if (elem.jhtmlareaObject) { return elem.jhtmlareaObject; } else { return new jHtmlArea.fn.init(elem, options); } }; jHtmlArea.fn = jHtmlArea.prototype = { // The current version of jHtmlArea being used jhtmlarea: "0.7.0", init: function(elem, options) { if (elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "textarea") { var opts = $.extend({}, jHtmlArea.defaultOptions, options); elem.jhtmlareaObject = this; var textarea = this.textarea = $(elem); var container = this.container = $("<div/>").addClass("jHtmlArea").width(textarea.width()).insertAfter(textarea); var toolbar = this.toolbar = $("<div/>").addClass("ToolBar").appendTo(container); priv.initToolBar.call(this, opts); var iframe = this.iframe = $("<iframe/>").height(textarea.height()); iframe.width(textarea.width() - ($.browser.msie ? 0 : 4)); var htmlarea = this.htmlarea = $("<div/>").append(iframe); container.append(htmlarea).append(textarea.hide()); priv.initEditor.call(this, opts); priv.attachEditorEvents.call(this); // Fix total height to match TextArea iframe.height(iframe.height() - toolbar.height()); toolbar.width(textarea.width() - 2); if (opts.loaded) { opts.loaded.call(this); } } }, dispose: function() { this.textarea.show().insertAfter(this.container); this.container.remove(); this.textarea[0].jhtmlareaObject = null; }, execCommand: function(a, b, c) { this.iframe[0].contentWindow.focus(); this.editor.execCommand(a, b || false, c || null); this.updateTextArea(); }, ec: function(a, b, c) { this.execCommand(a, b, c); }, queryCommandValue: function(a) { this.iframe[0].contentWindow.focus(); return this.editor.queryCommandValue(a); }, qc: function(a) { return this.queryCommandValue(a); }, getSelectedHTML: function() { if ($.browser.msie) { return this.getRange().htmlText; } else { var elem = this.getRange().cloneContents(); return $("<p/>").append($(elem)).html(); } }, getSelection: function() { if ($.browser.msie) { //return (this.editor.parentWindow.getSelection) ? this.editor.parentWindow.getSelection() : this.editor.selection; return this.editor.selection; } else { return this.iframe[0].contentDocument.defaultView.getSelection(); } }, getRange: function() { var s = this.getSelection(); if (!s) { return null; } //return (s.rangeCount > 0) ? s.getRangeAt(0) : s.createRange(); return (s.getRangeAt) ? s.getRangeAt(0) : s.createRange(); }, html: function(v) { if (v) { this.pastHTML(v); } else { return toHtmlString(); } }, pasteHTML: function(html) { this.iframe[0].contentWindow.focus(); var r = this.getRange(); if ($.browser.msie) { r.pasteHTML(html); } else if ($.browser.mozilla) { r.deleteContents(); r.insertNode($((html.indexOf("<") != 0) ? $("<span/>").append(html) : html)[0]); } else { // Safari r.deleteContents(); r.insertNode($(this.iframe[0].contentWindow.document.createElement("span")).append($((html.indexOf("<") != 0) ? "<span>" + html + "</span>" : html))[0]); } r.collapse(false); r.select(); }, cut: function() { this.ec("cut"); }, copy: function() { this.ec("copy"); }, paste: function() { this.ec("paste"); }, bold: function() { this.ec("bold"); }, italic: function() { this.ec("italic"); }, underline: function() { this.ec("underline"); }, strikeThrough: function() { this.ec("strikethrough"); }, image: function(url) { if ($.browser.msie && !url) { this.ec("insertImage", true); } else { this.ec("insertImage", false, (url || prompt("Image URL:", "http://"))); } }, removeFormat: function() { this.ec("removeFormat", false, []); this.unlink(); }, link: function() { if ($.browser.msie) { this.ec("createLink", true); } else { this.ec("createLink", false, prompt("Link URL:", "http://")); } }, unlink: function() { this.ec("unlink", false, []); }, orderedList: function() { this.ec("insertorderedlist"); }, unorderedList: function() { this.ec("insertunorderedlist"); }, superscript: function() { this.ec("superscript"); }, subscript: function() { this.ec("subscript"); }, p: function() { this.formatBlock("<p>"); }, h1: function() { this.heading(1); }, h2: function() { this.heading(2); }, h3: function() { this.heading(3); }, h4: function() { this.heading(4); }, h5: function() { this.heading(5); }, h6: function() { this.heading(6); }, heading: function(h) { this.formatBlock($.browser.msie ? "Heading " + h : "h" + h); }, indent: function() { this.ec("indent"); }, outdent: function() { this.ec("outdent"); }, insertHorizontalRule: function() { this.ec("insertHorizontalRule", false, "ht"); }, justifyLeft: function() { this.ec("justifyLeft"); }, justifyCenter: function() { this.ec("justifyCenter"); }, justifyRight: function() { this.ec("justifyRight"); }, increaseFontSize: function() { if ($.browser.msie) { this.ec("fontSize", false, this.qc("fontSize") + 1); } else if ($.browser.safari) { this.getRange().surroundContents($(this.iframe[0].contentWindow.document.createElement("span")).css("font-size", "larger")[0]); } else { this.ec("increaseFontSize", false, "big"); } }, decreaseFontSize: function() { if ($.browser.msie) { this.ec("fontSize", false, this.qc("fontSize") - 1); } else if ($.browser.safari) { this.getRange().surroundContents($(this.iframe[0].contentWindow.document.createElement("span")).css("font-size", "smaller")[0]); } else { this.ec("decreaseFontSize", false, "small"); } }, forecolor: function(c) { this.ec("foreColor", false, c || prompt("Enter HTML Color:", "#")); }, formatBlock: function(v) { this.ec("formatblock", false, v || null); }, showHTMLView: function() { this.updateTextArea(); this.textarea.show(); this.htmlarea.hide(); $("ul li:not(li:has(a.html))", this.toolbar).hide(); $("ul:not(:has(:visible))", this.toolbar).hide(); $("ul li a.html", this.toolbar).addClass("highlighted"); }, hideHTMLView: function() { this.updateHtmlArea(); this.textarea.hide(); this.htmlarea.show(); $("ul", this.toolbar).show(); $("ul li", this.toolbar).show().find("a.html").removeClass("highlighted"); }, toggleHTMLView: function() { (this.textarea.is(":hidden")) ? this.showHTMLView() : this.hideHTMLView(); }, toHtmlString: function() { return this.editor.body.innerHTML; }, toString: function() { return this.editor.body.innerText; }, updateTextArea: function() { this.textarea.val(this.toHtmlString()); }, updateHtmlArea: function() { this.editor.body.innerHTML = this.textarea.val(); } }; jHtmlArea.fn.init.prototype = jHtmlArea.fn; jHtmlArea.defaultOptions = { toolbar: [ ["html"], ["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "|", "subscript", "superscript"], ["increasefontsize", "decreasefontsize"], ["orderedlist", "unorderedlist"], ["indent", "outdent"], ["justifyleft", "justifycenter", "justifyright"], ["link", "unlink", "image", "horizontalrule"], ["p", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"], ["cut", "copy", "paste"] ], css: null, toolbarText: { bold: "Bold", italic: "Italic", underline: "Underline", strikethrough: "Strike-Through", cut: "Cut", copy: "Copy", paste: "Paste", h1: "Heading 1", h2: "Heading 2", h3: "Heading 3", h4: "Heading 4", h5: "Heading 5", h6: "Heading 6", p: "Paragraph", indent: "Indent", outdent: "Outdent", horizontalrule: "Insert Horizontal Rule", justifyleft: "Left Justify", justifycenter: "Center Justify", justifyright: "Right Justify", increasefontsize: "Increase Font Size", decreasefontsize: "Decrease Font Size", forecolor: "Text Color", link: "Insert Link", unlink: "Remove Link", image: "Insert Image", orderedlist: "Insert Ordered List", unorderedlist: "Insert Unordered List", subscript: "Subscript", superscript: "Superscript", html: "Show/Hide HTML Source View" } }; var priv = { toolbarButtons: { strikethrough: "strikeThrough", orderedlist: "orderedList", unorderedlist: "unorderedList", horizontalrule: "insertHorizontalRule", justifyleft: "justifyLeft", justifycenter: "justifyCenter", justifyright: "justifyRight", increasefontsize: "increaseFontSize", decreasefontsize: "decreaseFontSize", html: function(btn) { this.toggleHTMLView(); } }, initEditor: function(options) { var edit = this.editor = this.iframe[0].contentWindow.document; edit.designMode = 'on'; edit.open(); edit.write(this.textarea.val()); edit.close(); if (options.css) { var e = edit.createElement('link'); e.rel = 'stylesheet'; e.type = 'text/css'; e.href = options.css; edit.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(e); } }, initToolBar: function(options) { var that = this; var menuItem = function(className, altText, action) { return $("<li/>").append($("<a href='javascript:void(0);'/>").addClass(className).attr("title", altText).click(function() { action.call(that, $(this)); })); }; function addButtons(arr) { var ul = $("<ul/>").appendTo(that.toolbar); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var e = arr[i]; if ((typeof (e)).toLowerCase() === "string") { if (e === "|") { ul.append($('<li class="separator"/>')); } else { var f = (function(e) { // If button name exists in priv.toolbarButtons then call the "method" defined there, otherwise call the method with the same name var m = priv.toolbarButtons[e] || e; if ((typeof (m)).toLowerCase() === "function") { return function(btn) { m.call(this, btn); }; } else { return function() { this[m](); this.editor.body.focus(); }; } })(e.toLowerCase()); var t = options.toolbarText[e.toLowerCase()]; ul.append(menuItem(e.toLowerCase(), t || e, f)); } } else { ul.append(menuItem(e.css, e.text, e.action)); } } }; if (options.toolbar.length !== 0 && priv.isArray(options.toolbar[0])) { for (var i = 0; i < options.toolbar.length; i++) { addButtons(options.toolbar[i]); } } else { addButtons(options.toolbar); } }, attachEditorEvents: function() { var t = this; var fnHA = function() { t.updateHtmlArea(); }; this.textarea.click(fnHA). keyup(fnHA). keydown(fnHA). mousedown(fnHA). blur(fnHA); var fnTA = function() { t.updateTextArea(); }; $(this.editor.body).click(fnTA). keyup(fnTA). keydown(fnTA). mousedown(fnTA). blur(fnTA); $('form').submit(function() { t.toggleHTMLView(); t.toggleHTMLView(); }); //$(this.textarea[0].form).submit(function() { //this.textarea.closest("form").submit(function() { // Fix for ASP.NET Postback Model if (window.__doPostBack) { var old__doPostBack = __doPostBack; window.__doPostBack = function() { if (t) { if (t.toggleHTMLView) { t.toggleHTMLView(); t.toggleHTMLView(); } } return old__doPostBack.apply(window, arguments); }; } }, isArray: function(v) { return v && typeof v === 'object' && typeof v.length === 'number' && typeof v.splice === 'function' && !(v.propertyIsEnumerable('length')); } }; })(jQuery);