# Macedonian translation for Gramps # This file is distributed under the same license as the Gramps package. # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # Maintainer: Vlado Pesov , 2008 # Maintainer: Bojan Seirovski , 2008 # Translator: Aleksandar Silovski , 2008 # Translator: Biljana Bogdanovska , 2008 # Proof-reading: Dejan Vasilevski , 2008 # Jacque Fresco , 2021. # Nick Hall , 2021. # Kristijan Fremen Velkovski , 2022, 2023. # AND , 2023. # "Kristijan \"Fremen\" Velkovski" , 2023. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gramps\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-03-14 21:35+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-04-09 00:48+0000\n" "Last-Translator: \"Kristijan \\\"Fremen\\\" Velkovski\" \n" "Language-Team: Macedonian \n" "Language: mk\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n==1 || n%10==1 ? 0 : 1;\n" "X-Generator: Weblate 4.17-dev\n" #: ../data/holidays.xml:3 msgid "Bulgaria" msgstr "Бугарија" #: ../data/holidays.xml:52 msgid "Canada" msgstr "Канада" #: ../data/holidays.xml:84 msgid "Catalonia" msgstr "Каталонија" #: ../data/holidays.xml:101 msgid "Chile" msgstr "Чиле" #: ../data/holidays.xml:124 msgid "China" msgstr "Кина" #: ../data/holidays.xml:127 msgid "Croatia" msgstr "Хрватска" #: ../data/holidays.xml:143 msgid "Czech Republic" msgstr "Чешка Република" #: ../data/holidays.xml:158 msgid "England" msgstr "Англија" #: ../data/holidays.xml:188 msgid "Finland" msgstr "Финска" #: ../data/holidays.xml:282 msgid "France" msgstr "Франција" #: ../data/holidays.xml:318 msgid "Germany" msgstr "Германија" #: ../data/holidays.xml:335 msgid "Japan" msgstr "Јапонија" #: ../data/holidays.xml:358 msgid "Jewish Holidays" msgstr "Еврејски празници" # основен #: ../data/holidays.xml:359 msgid "Purim" msgstr "Пурим" #: ../data/holidays.xml:360 msgid "Passover" msgstr "Пасха" #: ../data/holidays.xml:361 msgid "2 of Passover" msgstr "Втор ден од Пасха" #: ../data/holidays.xml:362 msgid "3 of Passover" msgstr "Трети ден од Пасха" #: ../data/holidays.xml:363 msgid "4 of Passover" msgstr "Четврти ден од Пасха" #: ../data/holidays.xml:364 msgid "5 of Passover" msgstr "Петти ден од Пасха" #: ../data/holidays.xml:365 msgid "6 of Passover" msgstr "Шести ден од Пасха" #: ../data/holidays.xml:366 msgid "7 of Passover" msgstr "Седми ден од Пасха" #: ../data/holidays.xml:367 msgid "Shavuot" msgstr "Шавуот" #: ../data/holidays.xml:368 msgid "Rosh Ha'Shana" msgstr "Рош Хашана" #: ../data/holidays.xml:369 msgid "Rosh Ha'Shana 2" msgstr "Втор ден од Рош Хашана" #: ../data/holidays.xml:370 msgid "Yom Kippur" msgstr "Јом Кипур" #: ../data/holidays.xml:371 msgid "Sukot" msgstr "Сукот" #: ../data/holidays.xml:372 msgid "2 of Sukot" msgstr "Втор ден од Сукот" #: ../data/holidays.xml:373 msgid "3 of Sukot" msgstr "Трет ден од Сукот" #: ../data/holidays.xml:374 msgid "4 of Sukot" msgstr "Четврти ден од Сукот" #: ../data/holidays.xml:375 msgid "5 of Sukot" msgstr "Петти ден од Сукот" #: ../data/holidays.xml:376 msgid "6 of Sukot" msgstr "Шести ден од Сукот" #: ../data/holidays.xml:377 msgid "7 of Sukot" msgstr "Седми ден од Сукот" #: ../data/holidays.xml:378 msgid "Simhat Tora" msgstr "Симхат Тора" #: ../data/holidays.xml:379 msgid "Hanuka" msgstr "Ханука" #: ../data/holidays.xml:380 msgid "2 of Hanuka" msgstr "Втор ден од Ханука" #: ../data/holidays.xml:381 msgid "3 of Hanuka" msgstr "Трет ден од Ханука" #: ../data/holidays.xml:382 msgid "4 of Hanuka" msgstr "Четврт ден од Ханука" #: ../data/holidays.xml:383 msgid "5 of Hanuka" msgstr "Петти ден од Ханука" #: ../data/holidays.xml:384 msgid "6 of Hanuka" msgstr "Шести ден од Ханука" #: ../data/holidays.xml:385 msgid "7 of Hanuka" msgstr "Седми ден од Ханука" #: ../data/holidays.xml:386 msgid "8 of Hanuka" msgstr "Осми ден од Ханука" #: ../data/holidays.xml:388 msgid "Italy" msgstr "Италија" #: ../data/holidays.xml:402 msgid "New Zealand" msgstr "Нов Зеланд" #: ../data/holidays.xml:418 msgid "Russia" msgstr "Русија" #: ../data/holidays.xml:434 msgid "Serbia" msgstr "Србија" #: ../data/holidays.xml:449 msgid "Serbia (Latin)" msgstr "Србија (латинично)" #: ../data/holidays.xml:464 msgid "Slovakia" msgstr "Словачка" #: ../data/holidays.xml:481 ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:47 msgid "Sweden" msgstr "Шведска" #: ../data/holidays.xml:508 msgid "Turkey" msgstr "Турција" #: ../data/holidays.xml:536 msgid "Ukraine" msgstr "Украина" #: ../data/holidays.xml:563 msgid "United States of America" msgstr "Соединети Американски Држави" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:4 #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.desktop.in:3 msgid "Gramps" msgstr "Грампс (семејно дрво)" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:5 #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.desktop.in:6 msgid "" "Manage genealogical information, perform genealogical research and analysis" msgstr "" "Управувај со родословни информации, изведувај родословни истражувања и " "анализа" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:7 msgid "" "Gramps is a genealogy program that is both intuitive for hobbyists and " "feature-complete for professional genealogists." msgstr "" "Грампс е родословен програм кој е воедно интуитивен за хобисти и со сите " "одлики за професионални родослови." #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:8 msgid "" "It gives you the ability to record the many details of the life of an " "individual as well as the complex relationships between various people, " "places and events." msgstr "" "Овозможува да се запишат многу детаљи од животот на поединците, како и за " "сложените односи меѓу разните луѓе, места и настани." #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:9 msgid "" "All of your research is kept organized, searchable and as precise as you " "need it to be." msgstr "" "Сето твое истражување се чува организирани, пребарливо, и толку прецизно " "колку што ти е потребно да биде." #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.appdata.xml.in:12 msgid "Gramps Development Team" msgstr "Екипа која го развива GRAMPS" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.desktop.in:4 msgid "Genealogy System" msgstr "Родословен систем" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.desktop.in:12 msgid "Genealogy;Family History;Research;Family Tree;GEDCOM;" msgstr "Родословие;Семејна историја;Истражување;Семејно дрво;GEDCOM;" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:6 msgid "Gramps database" msgstr "GRAMPS-ова база на податоци" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:10 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:76 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:54 msgid "GEDCOM" msgstr "GEDCOM" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:20 msgid "Gramps package" msgstr "Gramps пакет" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:24 msgid "Gramps XML database" msgstr "Gramps XML база на податоци" #: ../data/org.gramps_project.Gramps.xml.in:32 msgid "GeneWeb source file" msgstr "GeneWeb изворна датотека" #: ../data/tips.xml:4 msgid "" "Working with Dates
A range of dates can be given by using the " "format \"between January 4, 2000 and March 20, 2003\". You can also indicate " "the level of confidence in a date and even choose between seven different " "calendars. Try the button next to the date field in the Events Editor." msgstr "" "Работа со дати
Може да се одреди опсег на дати преку користење на " "форматот: „меѓу 4-ти Јануари 2000 г. и 20-ти Март 2003 г.“. Можеш исто така " "да го назначиш и нивото на доверба во датата, па дури и да одбереш меѓу " "седум различни календари. Пробај го копчето веднаш до полето за внес на дата " "во Уредникот на настани." #: ../data/tips.xml:6 msgid "" "Editing Objects
In most cases double clicking on a name, source, " "place or media entry will bring up a window to allow you to edit the object. " "Note that the result can be dependent on context. For example, in the Family " "View clicking on a parent or child will bring up the Relationship Editor." msgstr "" "Уредување објекти
Во повеќето случаи со двоен клик на името, " "изворот, местото или медиумот ќе се подигне прозорец што ви дозволува да го " "уредите тој објект. Забележете дека резултатот може да зависи од контекстот. " "На пример, во Семејниот поглед при кликнување на родителот или детето ќе " "подигне прозорец на Уредникот на врски." #: ../data/tips.xml:8 msgid "" "Adding Images
An image can be added to any gallery or the Media " "View by dragging and dropping it from a file manager or a web browser. " "Actually you can add any type of file like this, useful for scans of " "documents and other digital sources." msgstr "" "Додавање слики
Слика може да се додаде на галеријата или " "Медиумскиот поглед со влечење и оставање на сликата од управувачот на " "датотеката или веб-пребарувачот. Во суштина, на овој начин можеш да додадеш " "било кој вид на датотека, што е корисно за сканови од документи и други " "дигитални извори." #: ../data/tips.xml:10 msgid "" "Ordering Children in a Family
The birth order of children in a " "family can be set by using drag and drop. This order is preserved even when " "they do not have birth dates." msgstr "" "Подредување на деца во семејство
Родниот ред на децата во " "семејството може да се нагоди преку влечење и пуштање. Овој ред се зачувува " "дури и кога тие немаат датуми на раѓање." #: ../data/tips.xml:12 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Talk to Relatives Before It Is Too Late
Your oldest relatives can " "be your most important source of information. They usually know things about " "the family that haven't been written down. They might tell you nuggets about " "people that may one day lead to a new avenue of research. At the very least, " "you will get to hear some great stories. Don't forget to record the " "conversations!" msgstr "" "Зборувајте со роднините пред да биде многу доцна: Вашите најстари " "роднини можат да бидат важен извор на информации. Тие обично знаат нешта за " "семејството што не се запишани. Можат да ви кажат ситници за луѓе коишто " "еден ден можеби ќе ве однесат во нов правец на истражување. Во најмала рака, " "ќе чуете некои неверојатни приказани. Не заборавајте да ги снимите " "разговорите!" # избори=presets #: ../data/tips.xml:14 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Filtering People
In the People View, you can 'filter' individuals " "based on many criteria. To define a new filter go to \"Edit > Person " "Filter Editor\". There you can name your filter and add and combine rules " "using the many preset rules. For example, you can define a filter to find " "all adopted people in the family tree. People without a birth date mentioned " "can also be filtered. To get the results save your filter. Then select this " "filter in the Filter field on Sidebar, then click Find button. If the " "Sidebar is not visible, select View > Sidebar." msgstr "" "Филтрирање лица: Во погледот Лица, можете да „филтрирате“ поединци, " "засновано на многу стандарди. Одете до филтерот (веднаш десно до иконата " "Лица) и изберете едно од дузината различни избори. На пример, сите посвоени " "лица во семејното стебло можат да бидат пронајдени. Лица без споменат датум " "на раѓање, исто така, можат да бидат исфилтрирани. За да ги добиете " "резултатите кликнете Примени. Ако наредбите за филтрирање не се видливи, " "овозможете ги со избирање Поглед > Филтер." # inverted!?!? #: ../data/tips.xml:16 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Inverted Filtering
Filters can easily be reversed by using the " "'invert' option \"Return values that do not match the filter rules\". For " "instance, by inverting the 'People with children' filter you can select all " "people without children." msgstr "" "Превртено филтрирање: Филтрите можат лесно да бидат свртени со " "употреба на изборот „превртено“. На пример, со превртување на филтерот „Лица " "со деца“ можете да ги изберете сите лица без деца." #: ../data/tips.xml:18 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Locating People
By default, each surname in the People View is " "listed only once. By clicking on the arrow to the left of a name, the list " "will expand to show all individuals with that last name. To locate any " "Family Name from a long list, select a Family Name (not a person) and start " "typing. The view will jump to the first Family Name matching the letters you " "enter." msgstr "" "Сместување лица: По основа, секое презиме во погледот Лица е запишано " "само еднаш. Со кликање на стрелката лево од името, списокот ќе се прошири за " "да ги прикаже сите поединци со тоа презиме." #: ../data/tips.xml:20 msgid "" "The Family View
The Family View is used to display a typical " "family unit as two parents and their children." msgstr "" "Семеен Поглед
Семеен поглед се употребува за приказ на значајни " "семејни единици---родителите, сопружниците и нивните децата." #: ../data/tips.xml:22 msgid "" "Changing the Active Person
Changing the Active Person in views is " "easy. In the Relationship view just click on anyone. In the Ancestry View " "doubleclick on the person or right click to select any of their spouses, " "siblings, children or parents." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:24 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Who Was Born When?
Under \"Tools > Analysis and exploration " "> Compare Individual Events...\" you can compare the data of individuals " "in your database. This is useful, say, if you wish to list the birth dates " "of everyone in your database. You can use a custom filter to narrow the " "results." msgstr "" "Кој кога беше роден: Алатката „Спореди настани на поединци“ ви " "дозволува да споредите податоци на сите (или на некои) поединци во вашата " "база на податоци. Ова е корисно ако, да речеме, посакате да направите список " "на датумите на раѓање на сите во вашата база." #: ../data/tips.xml:26 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Gramps Tools
Gramps comes with a rich set of tools. These allow " "you to undertake operations such as checking the database for errors and " "consistency. There are research and analysis tools such as event comparison, " "finding duplicate people, interactive descendant browser, and many others. " "All tools can be accessed through the \"Tools\" menu." msgstr "" "GRAMPS доаѓа со богат пакет на алатки. Со овие алатки можете да правите " "операции како што се проверка на базата за грешки и доследност, како и " "истражувачки и расчленувачки алатки како што се споредба на настани, " "пронаоѓање на удвоени лица, интерактивен разгледувач за потомци и друго. До " "сите алатки може да се пристапи преку менито Алатки." #: ../data/tips.xml:28 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Calculating Relationships
To check if two people in the database " "are related (by blood, not marriage) try the tool under \"Tools > " "Utilities > Relationship Calculator...\". The exact relationship as well " "as all common ancestors are reported." msgstr "" "Пресметување врски: Оваа алатка, под Алатки > Услуги > " "Пресметувач на врски ви овозможува да проверите ако некој друг во " "семејството е поврзан (преку крвно сродство, не брак) со вас. Конкретни " "врски, како и заеднички предци се соопштени." #: ../data/tips.xml:30 #, fuzzy msgid "" "SoundEx can help with family research
SoundEx solves a long " "standing problem in genealogy, how to handle spelling variations. The " "SoundEx Gramplet takes a surname and generates a simplified form that is " "equivalent for similar sounding names. Knowing the SoundEx Code for a " "surname is very helpful for researching Census Data files (microfiche) at a " "library or other research facility. To view the SoundEx codes for surnames " "in your database, add the SoundEx Gramplet." msgstr "" "SoundEx може да ви помогне со семејното истражување: SoundEx решава " "долгорочен проблем во генеалогијата---како да постапите со разликите во " "правописот. SoundEx услугата зема презиме и генерира поедноставена форма што " "е еднаква на имиња слични по звук. Познавањето на SoundEx кодот за презиме е " "многу корисно за пребарување на датотеките со Пописни податоци (микрофилм) " "во библиотека или друго истражувачко место. За да ги земете SoundEx кодовите " "за презимиња во вашата база, одете на Алатки > Услуги > Генерирај " "SoundEx кодови." #: ../data/tips.xml:32 msgid "" "Setting Your Preferences
\"Edit > Preferences...\" lets you " "modify a number of settings, such as the path to your media files, and " "allows you to adjust many aspects of the Gramps presentation to your needs. " "Each separate view can also be configured under \"View > Configure View..." "\"." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:34 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Gramps Reports
Gramps offers a wide variety of reports. The " "Graphical Reports and Graphs can present complex relationships easily and " "the Text Reports are particularly useful if you want to send the results of " "your family tree to members of the family via email. If you're ready to make " "a website for your family tree then there's a report for that as well." msgstr "" "GRAMPS Извештаи: GRAMPS нуди многу разновидни извештаи. Текстуалните " "извештаи се особено корисни ако сакате да ги испратите резултатите од вашето " "семејно стебло до членовите од семејството преку е-пошта." #: ../data/tips.xml:36 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Starting a New Family Tree
A good way to start a new family tree " "is to enter all the members of the family into the database using the Person " "View (use \"Edit > Add...\" or click on the Add a new person button from " "the People View). Then go to the Relationship View and create relationships " "between people." msgstr "" "Почнување Ново семејно стебло: Добар начин за да почнете ново семејно " "стебло е да ги внесете сите членови на семејството во базата на податоци " "(употребете Уреди > Додади или кликнете на копчето Додади во " "менито Лица). Потоа, одете во погледот Врска и направете врска помеѓу лицата." #: ../data/tips.xml:38 #, fuzzy msgid "" "What's That For?
Unsure what a button does? Simply hold the mouse " "over a button and a tooltip will appear." msgstr "" "Не сте сигурни што прави некое копче? Едноставно, задржете го глувчето преку " "некое копче и се појавува совет-алатка." #: ../data/tips.xml:40 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Unsure of a Date?
If you're unsure about the date an event " "occurred, Gramps allows you to enter a wide range of date formats based on a " "guess or an estimate. For instance, \"about 1908\" is a valid entry for a " "birth date in Gramps. Click the \"Invoke date editor\" button next to the " "date field. See the Gramps Manual to learn more." msgstr "" "Несигурни за датум? Ако не сте сигурни за датумот на некој настан " "кога се случил (на пример, раѓање или смрт), GRAMPS ви дозволува да внесете " "разновидни форми на датуми засновани на претпоставка или проценка. На " "пример, „околу 1908“ е важечки внес за датум на раѓање во GRAMPS. Погледнете " "го од упатството на GRAMPS за целосен опис на опциите за внесовите " "на датумите." #: ../data/tips.xml:42 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Duplicate Entries
The tool \"Tools > Family Tree Processing " "> Find Possible Duplicate People...\" allows you to locate (and merge) " "entries of the same person entered more than once in the database." msgstr "" "Удвои влезови: Алатки > Обработка на база на податоци > " "Пронајди можни удвојувања лица ви допушта да пронајдете (и споите) " "внесови од истото лице внесено повеќе од еднаш во базата на податоци." #: ../data/tips.xml:44 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Merging Entries
The function \"Edit > Merge...\" allows you to " "combine separately listed people into one. Select the second entry by " "holding the Control key as you click. This is very useful for combining two " "databases with overlapping people, or combining erroneously entered " "differing names for one individual. Merging is available in all list views " "for all primary object types." msgstr "" "Функцијата „соединување“ ви дозволува да спојувате посебно попишани лица во " "еден список. Ова е многу корисно за спојување на две бази на податоци со " "лица коишто се преклопуваат или за комбинирање на погрешно внесени различни " "имиња за исто лице." #: ../data/tips.xml:46 msgid "" "Organising the Views
Many of the views can present your data as " "either a hierarchical tree or as a simple list. Each view can also be " "configured to the way you like it. Have a look to the right of the top " "toolbar or under the \"View\" menu." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:48 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Navigating Back and Forward
Gramps maintains a list of previous " "active objects such as People and Events. You can move forward and backward " "through the list using \"Go > Forward\" and \"Go > Back\" or the arrow " "buttons." msgstr "" "GRAMPS одржува список на претходни Активни лица. Можете да се движите " "нанапред и наназад низ списокот преку Оди > Напред и Оди > " "назад." #: ../data/tips.xml:50 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Keyboard Shortcuts
Tired of having to take your hand off the " "keyboard to use the mouse? Many functions in Gramps have keyboard shortcuts. " "If one exists for a function it is displayed on the right side of the menu." msgstr "" "Се заморивте од постојаното тргање на раката од тастатурата за да го " "користите глувчето? Многу функции во GRAMPS имаат кратенки. Ако има такви, " "тие се прикажани на десната страна од менито." #: ../data/tips.xml:52 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Read the Manual
Don't forget to read the Gramps manual, \"Help " "> User Manual\". The developers have worked hard to make most operations " "intuitive but the manual is full of information that will make your time " "spent on genealogy more productive." msgstr "" "Не заборавајте да го прочитате упатството за употреба на GRAMPS, Помош " "> Корисничко упатство. Развивачите работеа напорно за да ги направат " "поголемиот дел од операциите интуитивни, но упатството е полно со информации " "што ќе ви го направат вашето време поминато на генеалогијата поплодно." #: ../data/tips.xml:54 msgid "" "Adding Children
To add children in Gramps there are two options. " "You can find one of their parents in the Families View and open the family. " "Then choose to create a new person or add an existing person. You can also " "add children (or siblings) from inside the Family Editor." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:56 msgid "" "Editing the Parent-Child Relationship
You can edit the " "relationship of a child to its parents by double clicking the child in the " "Family Editor. Relationships can be any of Adopted, Birth, Foster, None, " "Sponsored, Stepchild and Unknown." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:58 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Show All Checkbutton
When adding an existing person as a spouse, " "the list of people shown is filtered to display only people who could " "realistically fit the role (based on dates in the database). In case Gramps " "is wrong in making this choice, you can override the filter by checking the " "Show All checkbutton." msgstr "" "Прикажи ги сите Изборни копчиња: Кога додавате сопружник или дете, " "прикажаниот список на лица е исфилтриран да прикажува само лица што можат " "вистински да одговараат на улогата (заснована на датумите во базата). Во " "случај ако GRAMPS е погрешен во правењето на овој избор, можете да го " "отфрлите тој филтер со избирање на „Прикажи ги сите“ изборни копчиња." #: ../data/tips.xml:60 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Improving Gramps
Users are encouraged to request enhancements to " "Gramps. Requesting an enhancement can be done either through the gramps-" "users or gramps-devel mailing lists, or by going to https://gramps-project." "org/bugs/ and creating a Feature Request. Filing a Feature Request is " "preferred but it can be good to discuss your ideas on the email lists." msgstr "" "Подобрување на GRAMPS: Корисниците се охрабрени да бараат подобрувања " "на GRAMPS. Побарување на подобрување може да се направи или преку дописната " "листа на gramps-users или gramps-devel или со правење Побарување на " "карактеристика на https://gramps-project.org/bugs/ Пополнување на побарување " "карактеристика е претпочитано." #: ../data/tips.xml:62 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Gramps Mailing Lists
Want answers to your questions about Gramps? " "Check out the gramps-users email list. Many helpful people are on the list, " "so you're likely to get an answer quickly. If you have questions related to " "the development of Gramps, try the gramps-devel list. You can see the lists " "by selecting \"Help > Gramps Mailing Lists\"." msgstr "" "GRAMPS Дописни листи: Сакате одговори на вашите прашања во врска со " "GRAMPS? Проверете го gramps-корисничкиот список. Многу луѓе се на списокот, " "така што вие веројатно ќе добиете одговор бргу. Ако имате прашања во врска " "со развојот на GRAMPS, обидете се со gramps-devel. Информации за двете " "дописни листи можете да најдете на lists.sf.net." #: ../data/tips.xml:64 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Contributing to Gramps
Want to help with Gramps but can't write " "programs? Not a problem! A project as large as Gramps requires people with a " "wide variety of skills. Contributions can be anything from writing " "documentation to testing development versions and helping with the web site. " "Start by subscribing to the Gramps developers mailing list, gramps-devel, " "and introducing yourself. Subscription information can be found at \"Help " "> Gramps Mailing Lists\"." msgstr "" "Придонес кон GRAMPS: Сакате да помогнете со GRAMPS, но не знаете да " "програмирате? Тоа не е проблем. Проект голем каков што е GRAMPS бара луѓе со " "многу разновидни вештини. Придонесите можат да опфаќаат од пишување " "документација преку тестирање верзии во развој, до помагање на веб-" "страницата. Почнете со приклучување кон дописната листа на развивачите, " "gramps-devel и претставете се. Информацијата за претплата можете да ја " "најдете на lists.sf.net." #: ../data/tips.xml:66 #, fuzzy msgid "" "So What's in a Name?
The name Gramps was suggested to the " "original developer, Don Allingham, by his father. It stands for " "Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Program System. It is a " "full-featured genealogy program letting you store, edit, and research " "genealogical data. The Gramps database back end is so robust that some users " "are managing genealogies containing hundreds of thousands of people." msgstr "" "GRAMPS е Генеалошки истражувачки и Анализирачки управувачки програмски " "систем. Тој е генеалошка програма со сите ставки, дозволувајќи ви да ги " "зачувувате, уредувате и истражувате вашите генеалошки податоци. Заднината на " "Gramps базата на податоци е толку огромна така што некои корисници " "управуваат со генеалогии што содржат стотици илјади луѓе." #: ../data/tips.xml:68 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Bookmarking Individuals
The Bookmarks menu is a convenient place " "to store the names of frequently used individuals. Selecting a bookmark will " "make that person the Active Person. To bookmark someone make them the Active " "Person then go to \"Bookmarks > Add Bookmark\" or press Ctrl+D. You can " "also bookmark most of the other objects." msgstr "" "Означување поединци: Менито за Означување на врвот од прозорецот е " "соодветно место за зачувување на имињата на често употребуваните лица. Со " "кликање на означен поединец ќе го направите Активно лице. За да направите " "означувач за некое лице, направете го Активно лице, десен клик на неговото " "име и кликнете на „додади ознака“." #: ../data/tips.xml:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Incorrect Dates
Everyone occasionally enters dates with an " "invalid format. Incorrect date formats will show up in Gramps with a either " "a reddish background or a red dot on the right edge of the field. You can " "fix the date using the Date Selection dialog which can be opened by clicking " "on the date button. The format of the date is set under \"Edit > " "Preferences > Display\"." msgstr "" "Неточни датуми: Секој повремено внесува датуми со неважечка форма. " "Неточените датумски форми ќе се појават со црвено копче веднаш до датумот. " "Зелено значи дека е во ред, килибар значи дека е прифатливо. Дијалогот Избор " "на датум може да биде повикан со кликање на обоеното копче." #: ../data/tips.xml:72 msgid "" "Listing Events
Events are added using the editor opened with " "\"Person > Edit Person > Events\". There is a long list of preset " "event types. You can add your own event types by typing in the text field, " "they will be added to the available events, but not translated." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:74 msgid "" "Managing Names
It is easy to manage people with several names in " "Gramps. In the Person Editor select the Names tab. You can add names of " "different types and set the preferred name by dragging it to the Preferred " "Name section." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:76 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Ancestor View
The Ancestry View displays a traditional pedigree " "chart. Hold the mouse over an individual to see more information about them " "or right click on an individual to access other family members and settings. " "Play with the settings to see the different options." msgstr "" "Погледот Потекло прикажува вообичаена табела на потеклото. Задржете го " "глувчето на едно лице за да видите повеќе информации за него или десен клик " "на лицето за да видите мени за брз пристап кон нивните сопружници, браќа или " "сестри, деца или родители." #: ../data/tips.xml:78 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Managing Sources
The Sources View shows a list of all sources in " "a single window. From here you can edit your sources, merge duplicates and " "see which individuals reference each source. You can use filters to group " "your sources." msgstr "" "Погледот Извори покажува список на сите извори во еден прозорец. Двоен клик " "на секој за да го уредувате, додадете забелешки и да видите на кои поединци " "се однесува изворот." #: ../data/tips.xml:80 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Managing Places
The Places View shows a list of all places in the " "database. The list can be sorted by a number of different criteria, such as " "City, County or State." msgstr "" "Погледот Места покажува список на сите места во базата на податоци. Списокот " "може да биде подреден по различни критериуми, како Град, Земја или Држава." #: ../data/tips.xml:82 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Media View
The Media View shows a list of all media entered in " "the database. These can be graphic images, videos, sound clips, " "spreadsheets, documents, and more." msgstr "" "Погледот Медиум покажува список на сите медиуми внесени во базата на " "податоци. Тие можат да бидат слики, видеа, звучни клипови, табеларни " "пресметки, документи и повеќе." #: ../data/tips.xml:84 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Filters
Filters allow you to limit the people seen in the People " "View. In addition to the many preset filters, Custom Filters can be created " "limited only by your imagination. Custom filters are created from \"Edit " "> Person Filter Editor\"." msgstr "" "Филтрите ви дозволуваат да ограничите кои луѓе да бидат видени во погледот " "Лица. Покрај многуте зададени филтри, можете да создадете Приспособување на " "филтри што ќе ви дозволи да создавате филтри со ограничувања по ваша желба. " "Приспособување на филтрите ќе направите во Уреди > Уредувач на филтер " "на лице." #: ../data/tips.xml:86 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The GEDCOM File Format
Gramps allows you to import from, and " "export to, the GEDCOM format. There is extensive support for the industry " "standard GEDCOM version 5.5, so you can exchange Gramps information to and " "from users of most other genealogy programs. Filters exist that make " "importing and exporting GEDCOM files trivial." msgstr "" "GRAMPS ви дозволува да увезувате од и да извезувате до GEDCOM форматот. " "Индустриската стандардна GEDCOM верзија 5.5 има голема поддршка, така што " "вие можете да разменувате информации со корисниците на други генеалошки " "програми." #: ../data/tips.xml:88 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The Gramps XML Package
You can export your Family Tree as a " "Gramps XML Package. This is a compressed file containing your family tree " "data and all the media files connected to the database (images for example). " "This file is completely portable so is useful for backups or sharing with " "other Gramps users. This format has the key advantage over GEDCOM that no " "information is ever lost when exporting and importing." msgstr "" "Можете да ги преобразите вашите податоци во GRAMPS пакет, којшто е " "копресирана датотека што ги содржи вашите семејни стебла и ги вклучува сите " "други датотеки употребени од базата на податоци, како што се сликите. Оваа " "датотека е целосно пренослива така ште е корисна за заштитни копии или " "споделување со други корисници на GRAMPS. Овој формат има предности над " "GEDCOM така што ниту една информација не може да се изгуби при извезување и " "увезување." #: ../data/tips.xml:90 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Web Family Tree Format
Gramps can export data to the Web Family " "Tree (WFT) format. This format allows a family tree to be displayed online " "using a single file, instead of many html files." msgstr "" "GRAMPS може да извезува податоци до Веб-семејното стебло (WFT) формат. Овој " "формат допушта семејното стебло да биде прикажано на интернет со употреба на " "една датотека, наместо повеќе html датотеки." #: ../data/tips.xml:92 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Making a Genealogy Website
You can easily export your family tree " "to a web page. Select the entire database, family lines or selected " "individuals to a collection of web pages ready for upload to the World Wide " "Web." msgstr "" "Можете лесно да го извезете вашето семејно стебло до веб-страница. Изберете " "ја целата база на податоци, семејни лози или избраните поединци до збирката " "на веб-страници подготвени за качување на интернет." #: ../data/tips.xml:94 msgid "" "Reporting Bugs in Gramps
The best way to report a bug in Gramps " "is to use the Gramps bug tracking system at https://gramps-project.org/bugs/." msgstr "" "Известување за бубачки во Gramps
Најдобриот начин за да известите " "за бубачки во Gramps е да го користите системот на Gramps за следење на " "бубачки на https://gramps-project.org/bugs/." #: ../data/tips.xml:96 msgid "" "The Gramps Homepage
The Gramps homepage is at http://gramps-" "project.org/." msgstr "" "Gramps Домашна страница
Домашната страница на Gramps е на http" "://gramps-project.org/." #: ../data/tips.xml:98 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Privacy in Gramps
Gramps helps you to keep personal information " "secure by allowing you to mark information as private. Data marked as " "private can be excluded from reports and data exports. Look for the padlock " "which toggles records between private and public." msgstr "" "GRAMPS ви помага да ги осигурате личните информации преку означување на " "информацијата како лична. Податоците означени како лични можат да бидат " "исклучени од извештаите и извозот на податоците." #: ../data/tips.xml:100 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Keeping Good Records
Be accurate when recording genealogical " "information. Don't make assumptions while recording primary information; " "write it exactly as you see it. Use bracketed comments to indicate your " "additions, deletions or comments. Use of the Latin 'sic' is recommended to " "confirm the accurate transcription of what appears to be an error in a " "source." msgstr "" "Бидете точни кога ги запишувате генеалошките информации. Не правете " "претпоставки додека запишувате почетна информација; напишете ја точно онака " "како што ја гледате. Употребете коментари во загради за да ги означите " "вашите додавања, бришења или коментари. Употреба на латинскиот збор „sic“ e " "препорачано за потврда на точното препишување од она што се појавува како " "грешка во изворот." #: ../data/tips.xml:102 msgid "" "Extra Reports and Tools
Extra reports and tools can be added to " "Gramps with the \"Addon\" system. See them under \"Help > Extra Reports/" "Tools\". This is the best way for advanced users to experiment and create " "new functionality." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:104 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Book Reports
The Book report under \"Reports > Books...\" " "allows you to collect a variety of reports into a single document. This " "single report is easier to distribute than multiple reports, especially when " "printed." msgstr "" "Извештајот Книга, Извештаи > Книги > Извештај Книга, им " "дозволува на корисниците да собираат различни извештаи во единствен " "документ. Овој единствен документ е полесен за дистрибуирање отколку " "повеќекратните извештаи, а особено за печатење." #: ../data/tips.xml:106 msgid "" "Gramps Announcements
Interested in getting notified when a new " "version of Gramps is released? Join the Gramps-announce mailing list at " "\"Help > Gramps Mailing Lists\"." msgstr "" "Gramps објавувања
Заинтересирани сте да бидете известени за " "објавувањето на нова верзија на Gramps? Приклучете се на мејл листа на " "Gramps-announce на \"Помош > Gramps Мејл листа\"." #: ../data/tips.xml:108 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Record Your Sources
Information collected about your family is " "only as good as the source it came from. Take the time and trouble to record " "all the details of where the information came from. Whenever possible get a " "copy of original documents." msgstr "" "Добар генеалошки совет: Информациите собрани за вашето семејство се " "толку добри, колку и изворот од каде што дошле. Најдете време и обидете се " "да ги забележите сите подробности за тоа од каде дошла некоја информација. " "Каде што е возможно, направете копија од оригиналниот документ." #: ../data/tips.xml:110 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Directing Your Research
Go from what you know to what you do not. " "Always record everything that is known before making conjectures. Often the " "facts at hand suggest plenty of direction for more research. Don't waste " "time looking through thousands of records hoping for a trail when you have " "other unexplored leads." msgstr "" "Одете од тоа што го знаете кон она што не го знаете. Секогаш запишувајте сѐ " "што е познато пред да направите претпоставка. Секогаш фактите што ви се на " "дофат предложуваат многу правци за повеќе истражувања. Не губете време со " "пребарување на илјадници записи, надевајќи се на трага кога имате други " "неистражени патокази." #: ../data/tips.xml:112 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The 'How and Why' of Your Genealogy
Genealogy isn't only about " "dates and names. It is about people. Be descriptive. Include why things " "happened, and how descendants might have been shaped by the events they went " "through. Narratives go a long way in making your family history come alive." msgstr "" "Генеалогијата не е само за датуми и имиња. Таа е за луѓе. Бидете описни. " "Вклучете зошто во како се случиле нештата и како потомците можеби се " "оформиле од настаните низ коишто поминале. Приказните поминуваат долг пат во " "оживувањето на вашата историја." #: ../data/tips.xml:114 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Don't speak English?
Volunteers have translated Gramps into more " "than 40 languages. If Gramps supports your language and it is not being " "displayed, set the default language in your operating system and restart " "Gramps." msgstr "" "GRAMPS е преведен на 15 јазици. Ако GRAMPS го поддржува вашиот јазик, а не е " "прикажан, поставете го основниот јазик на вашата машина и повторно пуштете " "го GRAMPS." #: ../data/tips.xml:116 msgid "" "Gramps Translators
Gramps has been designed so that new " "translations can easily be added with little development effort. If you are " "interested in participating please email gramps-devel@lists.sf.net." msgstr "" "Gramps преведувачи
Gramps е дизајниран така што нови преводи " "можат лесно да бидат додадени со мал напор. Ако сакате да учествувате, ве " "молиме испратете е-мејл на gramps-devel@lists.sf.net." #: ../data/tips.xml:118 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Hello, привет or 喂
Whatever script you use Gramps offers full " "Unicode support. Characters for all languages are properly displayed." msgstr "" "GRAMPS нуди целосна уникод поддршка. Знаците за сите јазици се соодветно " "прикажани." #: ../data/tips.xml:120 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The Home Person
Anyone can be chosen as the Home Person in " "Gramps. Use \"Edit > Set Home Person\" in the Person View. The home " "person is the person who is selected when the database is opened or when the " "home button is pressed." msgstr "" "Секој може да биде избран како „почетно лице“ во GRAMPS. Употребете Уреди " "> Постави Почетно лице. Почетното лице е лице кое е избрано кога е " "отворена базата на податоци или кога е притиснато почетното копче." #: ../data/tips.xml:122 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The Gramps Code
Gramps is written in a computer language called " "Python using the GTK and GNOME libraries for the graphical interface. Gramps " "is supported on any computer system where these programs have been ported. " "Gramps is known to be run on Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows and Mac OS X." msgstr "" "GRAMPS е напишан на сметачки јазик наречен Python, користејќи ги " "библиотеките на ГТК (GTK) и ГНОМЕ (GNOME) за графичкиот интерфејс. GRAMPS е " "поддржан од секој сметач каде што овие програми се пренесени." #: ../data/tips.xml:124 msgid "" "Open Source Software
The Free/Libre and Open Source Software " "(FLOSS) development model means Gramps can be extended by any programmer " "since all of the source code is freely available under its license. So it's " "not just about free beer, it's also about freedom to study and change the " "tool. For more about Open Source software lookup the Free Software " "Foundation and the Open Source Initiative." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:126 msgid "" "The Gramps Software License
You are free to use and share Gramps " "with others. Gramps is freely distributable under the GNU General Public " "License, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/licenses.html#GPL to read about the " "rights and restrictions of this license." msgstr "" #: ../data/tips.xml:128 msgid "" "Gramps for Gnome or KDE?
For Linux users Gramps works with " "whichever desktop environment you prefer. As long as the required GTK " "libraries are installed it will run fine." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:229 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: Family Tree '%s' already exists.\n" "The '-C' option cannot be used." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:241 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: Input Family Tree \"%s\" does not exist.\n" "If GEDCOM, Gramps-xml or grdb, use the -i option to import into a Family " "Tree instead." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:255 #, python-format msgid "Error: Import file %s not found." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:273 #, python-format msgid "Error: Unrecognized type: \"%(format)s\" for import file: %(filename)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:293 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: Output file already exists!\n" "WARNING: It will be overwritten:\n" " %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:296 msgid "OK to overwrite?" msgstr "ОК да се презапише?" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:297 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:429 #, fuzzy msgid "no" msgstr "Ниедно" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:297 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:298 #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:429 #, fuzzy msgid "yes" msgstr "Пре_врти ознаки" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:300 #, python-format msgid "Will overwrite the existing file: %s" msgstr "Ќе препише преку постоечкиот фајл: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:320 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: Unrecognized format for export file %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:386 ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:316 #, python-format msgid "Error: cannot open '%s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:405 msgid "List of known Family Trees in your database path\n" msgstr "Список на познати Семејни Стебла во вашата база на податоци\n" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:413 #, python-format msgid "%(full_DB_path)s with name \"%(f_t_name)s\"" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:431 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:188 msgid "Gramps Family Trees:" msgstr "Gramps семејно стебло:" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:437 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:439 #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:444 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:445 #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:447 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:69 #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:169 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:197 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:925 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1883 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Tree" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #. Translators: used in French+Russian, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:445 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:449 #, python-format msgid "\"%s\"" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:457 #, python-format msgid "Performing action: %s." msgstr "Извршување на акција: %s." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:461 ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:302 #, python-format msgid "Using options string: %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:467 #, python-format msgid "Exporting: file %(filename)s, format %(format)s." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:478 msgid "Cleaning up." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:514 msgid "Created empty Family Tree successfully" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:517 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:543 msgid "Error opening the file." msgstr "Грешка при отварање на фајлот." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:518 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:544 #, fuzzy msgid "Exiting..." msgstr "Изберете..." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:522 #, python-format msgid "Importing: file %(filename)s, format %(format)s." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:541 msgid "Opened successfully!" msgstr "Успешно отварање!" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:555 msgid "Database is locked, cannot open it!" msgstr "Базата на податоци е затворена, не може да се отвори!" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:556 #, python-format msgid " Info: %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:559 msgid "Database needs recovery, cannot open it!" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:562 msgid "Database backend unavailable, cannot open it!" msgstr "Позадинска за базата на податоци не е достапна, не може да се отвори!" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:613 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:662 #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:709 msgid "Ignoring invalid options string." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:637 msgid "Unknown report name." msgstr "Непознато име на извештај." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:639 #, python-format msgid "Report name not given. Please use one of %(donottranslate)s=reportname" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:643 ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:691 #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:725 #, python-format msgid "" "%s\n" " Available names are:" msgstr "" "%s\n" " Достапни имиња се:" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:685 msgid "Unknown tool name." msgstr "Непознато име на алатка." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:687 #, python-format msgid "Tool name not given. Please use one of %(donottranslate)s=toolname." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:719 msgid "Unknown book name." msgstr "Непознато име на книга." #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:721 #, python-format msgid "Book name not given. Please use one of %(donottranslate)s=bookname." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/arghandler.py:730 #, python-format msgid "Unknown action: %s." msgstr "Непозната акција: %s." #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:56 msgid "" "\n" "Usage: gramps [OPTION...]\n" " --load-modules=MODULE1,MODULE2,... Dynamic modules to load\n" "\n" "Help options\n" " -?, --help Show this help message\n" " --usage Display brief usage message\n" "\n" "Application options\n" " -O, --open=FAMILY_TREE Open Family Tree\n" " -U, --username=USERNAME Database username\n" " -P, --password=PASSWORD Database password\n" " -C, --create=FAMILY_TREE Create on open if new Family Tree\n" " -i, --import=FILENAME Import file\n" " -e, --export=FILENAME Export file\n" " -r, --remove=FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN Remove matching Family Tree(s) (use " "regular expressions)\n" " -f, --format=FORMAT Specify Family Tree format\n" " -a, --action=ACTION Specify action\n" " -p, --options=OPTIONS_STRING Specify options\n" " -d, --debug=LOGGER_NAME Enable debug logs\n" " -l [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] List Family Trees\n" " -L [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] List Family Trees in Detail\n" " -t [FAMILY_TREE_PATTERN...] List Family Trees, tab delimited\n" " -u, --force-unlock Force unlock of Family Tree\n" " -s, --show Show config settings\n" " -c, --config=[config.setting[:value]] Set config setting(s) and start " "Gramps\n" " -y, --yes Don't ask to confirm dangerous " "actions (non-GUI mode only)\n" " -q, --quiet Suppress progress indication output " "(non-GUI mode only)\n" " -v, --version Show versions\n" " -S, --safe Start Gramps in 'Safe mode'\n" " (temporarily use default " "settings)\n" " -D, --default=[APXFE] Reset settings to default;\n" " A - addons are cleared\n" " P - Preferences to default\n" " X - Books are cleared, reports and tool settings to " "default\n" " F - filters are cleared\n" " E - Everything is set to default or cleared\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:95 msgid "" "\n" "Example of usage of Gramps command line interface\n" "\n" "1. To import four databases (whose formats can be determined from their " "names)\n" "and then check the resulting database for errors, one may type:\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -i ~/db3.gramps -i file4.wft -a tool -p " "name=check.\n" "\n" "2. To explicitly specify the formats in the above example, append filenames " "with appropriate -f options:\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -f gedcom -i file2.gpkg -f gramps-pkg -i ~/db3.gramps -f " "gramps-xml -i file4.wft -f wft -a tool -p name=check.\n" "\n" "3. To record the database resulting from all imports, supply -e flag\n" "(use -f if the filename does not allow Gramps to guess the format):\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -e ~/new-package -f gramps-pkg\n" "\n" "4. To save any error messages of the above example into files outfile and " "errfile, run:\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.dpkg -e ~/new-package -f gramps-pkg >outfile " "2>errfile\n" "\n" "5. To import three databases and start interactive Gramps session with the " "result:\n" "gramps -i file1.ged -i file2.gpkg -i ~/db3.gramps\n" "\n" "6. To open a database and, based on that data, generate timeline report in " "PDF format\n" "putting the output into the my_timeline.pdf file:\n" "gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p name=timeline,off=pdf,of=my_timeline." "pdf\n" "\n" "7. To generate a summary of a database:\n" "gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p name=summary\n" "\n" "8. Listing report options\n" "Use the name=timeline,show=all to find out about all available options for " "the timeline report.\n" "To find out details of a particular option, use show=option_name , e.g. " "name=timeline,show=off string.\n" "To learn about available report names, use name=show string.\n" "\n" "9. To convert a Family Tree on the fly to a .gramps xml file:\n" "gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -e output.gramps -f gramps-xml\n" "\n" "10. To generate a web site into an other locale (in german):\n" "LANGUAGE=de_DE; LANG=de_DE.UTF-8 gramps -O 'Family Tree 1' -a report -p " "name=navwebpage,target=/../de\n" "\n" "11. Finally, to start normal interactive session type:\n" "gramps\n" "\n" "Note: These examples are for bash shell.\n" "Syntax may be different for other shells and for Windows.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:267 #, python-format msgid "Trying to open: %s ..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:309 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: %(strerr)s (errno=%(errno)s):\n" "WARNING: %(name)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:321 #, python-format msgid "Unknown action: %s. Ignoring." msgstr "Непозната акција: %s. Се игнорира." #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:331 msgid "setup debugging" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:343 #, python-format msgid "Gramps config settings from %s:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:360 #, python-format msgid "Current Gramps config setting: %(name)s:%(value)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:367 msgid "DEFAULT" msgstr "" #. Translators: indent "New" to match "Current" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:374 #, python-format msgid " New Gramps config setting: %(name)s:%(value)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:382 #, python-format msgid "Gramps: no such config setting: '%s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/argparser.py:472 msgid "Error parsing the arguments" msgstr "Грешка при парсирање на аргументите" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:72 ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:166 #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:168 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:188 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:189 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:494 msgid "Unavailable" msgstr "Недостапно" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:83 #, python-format msgid "" "ERROR: %(title)s \n" " %(message)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:170 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/url.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:289 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:670 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:96 msgid "Path" msgstr "Патека" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:171 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Database" msgstr "Целата База на податоци" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:172 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:410 #, fuzzy msgid "Last accessed" msgstr "Последна промена" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:173 msgid "Locked?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:197 #, python-format msgid "Family Tree \"%s\":" msgstr "Семејно стебло \"%s\":" #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #. Translators: for French, else ignore #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:201 ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:159 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:135 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:310 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:685 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1121 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:494 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:187 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:191 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:475 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:505 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:140 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:923 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:963 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1034 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:850 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2591 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2636 #, python-format msgid "%(str1)s: %(str2)s" msgstr "%(str1)s: %(str2)s" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:274 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Starting Import, %s" msgstr "Не може да се увезе %s" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:280 msgid "Import finished..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:366 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:362 #, fuzzy msgid "Importing data..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:425 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove family tree warning" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:426 #, python-format msgid "" "Are you sure you want to remove the family tree named\n" "\"%s\"?" msgstr "" "Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да го избришете семејното стебло со име\n" "\"%s\"?" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:436 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:738 #, fuzzy msgid "Could not delete Family Tree" msgstr "Не може да се увезе датотеката: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:450 #, fuzzy msgid "Could not rename Family Tree" msgstr "Не може да се отвори датотека: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:483 #, python-format msgid "" "\n" "ERROR: Wrong database path in Edit Menu->Preferences.\n" "Open preferences and set correct database path.\n" "\n" "Details: Could not make database directory:\n" " %s\n" "\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:535 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1690 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1849 msgid "Never" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:551 #, python-format msgid "Locked by %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/clidbman.py:553 ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:63 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:73 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:162 ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/grampstype.py:34 ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:73 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:46 ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:73 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:63 ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattrtype.py:43 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:56 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:47 ../gramps/gen/utils/lds.py:80 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/lds.py:86 ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:114 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:115 ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:117 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:121 ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:127 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:132 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:185 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:192 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:178 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:214 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:220 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:222 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:137 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:295 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:429 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:952 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:389 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:905 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1058 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:829 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:839 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:840 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:277 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:294 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:322 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:213 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:297 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:589 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:591 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:598 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:600 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:615 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:672 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:674 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:681 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:683 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:741 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:337 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:435 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:611 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:651 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:653 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:660 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:662 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:690 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:837 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:946 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2472 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2498 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:609 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:358 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:793 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:519 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:680 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:542 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:583 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:595 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1173 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1228 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2124 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2154 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2159 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2166 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2580 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2753 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Непознато" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:81 #, python-format msgid "WARNING: %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:88 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:224 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:102 ../gramps/cli/user.py:200 #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:296 msgid "Low level database corruption detected" msgstr "Забележана грешка во базата на ниско ниво" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:104 ../gramps/cli/user.py:201 #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:297 msgid "" "Gramps has detected a problem in the underlying database. This can sometimes " "be repaired from the Family Tree Manager. Select the database and click on " "the Repair button" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:149 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:161 msgid "Read only database" msgstr "База на податоци само за читање" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:150 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:162 #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:484 msgid "You do not have write access to the selected file." msgstr "Немате дозвола за запишување на избраната датотека." #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:177 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:222 #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:225 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:228 msgid "Cannot open database" msgstr "Не може да се отвори базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:181 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:232 #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:441 #, python-format msgid "Could not open file: %s" msgstr "Не може да се отвори датотека: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:237 msgid "Could not load a recent Family Tree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:238 msgid "Family Tree does not exist, as it has been deleted." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:243 msgid "The database is locked." msgstr "Базата на податоци е заклучена." #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:244 msgid "" "Use the --force-unlock option if you are sure that the database is not in " "use." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:322 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Error encountered: %s" msgstr "Грешка при читање на %s" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:324 ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:332 #, python-format msgid " Details: %s" msgstr " Детали: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/grampscli.py:329 #, python-format msgid "Error encountered in argument parsing: %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:171 msgid "ERROR: Please specify a person" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:196 msgid "ERROR: Please specify a family" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:293 #, fuzzy msgid "=filename" msgstr "Име на датотека" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:294 msgid "Output file name. MANDATORY" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:295 #, fuzzy msgid "=format" msgstr "Форматирано" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:295 msgid "Output file format." msgstr "Излезен формат на фајл." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:296 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:297 #, fuzzy msgid "=name" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:296 msgid "Style name." msgstr "Име на стил." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:297 msgid "Paper size name." msgstr "Име на големина на хартија." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:298 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:299 #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:301 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:303 #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:305 #, fuzzy msgid "=number" msgstr "Повикувачки број" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:298 msgid "Paper orientation number." msgstr "Број за ориентација на хартијата." #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:300 msgid "Left paper margin" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:300 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:302 #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:304 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:306 msgid "Size in cm" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:302 msgid "Right paper margin" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:304 msgid "Top paper margin" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:306 msgid "Bottom paper margin" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:307 #, fuzzy msgid "=css filename" msgstr "Избери име на датотека" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:308 msgid "CSS filename to use, html format only" msgstr "" #. Translators: needed for French, Hebrew and Arabic #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:416 #, python-format msgid "%(id)s:\t%(father)s, %(mother)s" msgstr "%(id)s:\t%(father)s, %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:461 #, python-format msgid "Unknown option: %s" msgstr "Непозната опција: %s" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:462 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:552 msgid " Valid options are:" msgstr "" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:463 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:553 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:358 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:387 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:403 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:238 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:371 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:393 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:441 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:496 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:708 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:280 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:195 msgid ", " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:465 ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:555 #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:635 #, python-format msgid " Use '%(donottranslate)s' to see description and acceptable values" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:527 #, python-format msgid "" "Ignoring '%(notranslate1)s=%(notranslate2)s' and using '%(notranslate1)s=" "%(notranslate3)s'." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:533 #, python-format msgid "Use '%(notranslate)s' to see valid values." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:551 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:299 #, python-format msgid "Ignoring unknown option: %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:624 msgid " Available options:" msgstr " Достапни опции:" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:633 #, fuzzy msgid "(no help available)" msgstr "Недостапно" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:641 msgid " Available values are:" msgstr " Достапни вредности:" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:652 #, python-format msgid "" "option '%(optionname)s' not valid. Use '%(donottranslate)s' to see all valid " "options." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:669 msgid "Failed to write report. " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/plug/__init__.py:818 #, python-format msgid "Failed to make '%s' report." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/cli/user.py:217 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:282 msgid "Error detected in database" msgstr "Забележана е грешка во базата" #: ../gramps/cli/user.py:218 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:283 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Gramps has detected an error in the database. This can usually be resolved " "by running the \"Check and Repair Database\" tool.\n" "\n" "If this problem continues to exist after running this tool, please file a " "bug report at %(gramps_bugtracker_url)s\n" "\n" msgstr "" "GRAMPS забележал грешка во базата. Ова обично може да се реши со активирање " "на алатката „Провери и поправи база“.\n" "\n" "Ако проблемот продолжи да постои по извршувањето на оваа операција, " "пополнете извештај за грешки на https://gramps-project.org/bugs/\n" "\n" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:247 msgid "Imported %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:258 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing Given Name" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:259 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing Record" msgstr "Информација што недостасува" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:260 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing Surname" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:267 ../gramps/gen/config.py:269 msgid "[Living]" msgstr "[Живи]" #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:268 #, fuzzy msgid "Private Record" msgstr "Лично" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/config.py:329 ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:79 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "January" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/const.py:228 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Gramps\n" " (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System)\n" "is a personal genealogy program." msgstr "" "GRAMPS (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System) е " "програма за лична генеалогија." #: ../gramps/gen/const.py:258 #, fuzzy msgctxt "surname" msgid "none" msgstr "Непознат пол" #: ../gramps/gen/const.py:259 #, fuzzy msgctxt "given-name" msgid "none" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gen/const.py:263 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:202 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:368 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:713 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:715 msgid ":" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/__init__.py:88 #, python-format msgid "Date parser for '%s' not available, using default" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/__init__.py:105 #, python-format msgid "Date displayer for '%s' not available, using default" msgstr "" #. Translators: Numeric year, month, day #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:71 msgid "YYYY-MM-DD (ISO)" msgstr "" #. Translators: You may translate this as "Numerical", #. "System preferred", or similar. #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:79 #, fuzzy msgctxt "date format" msgid "Numerical" msgstr "Формат на датум" #. Translators: Full month name, day, year #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:82 msgid "Month Day, Year" msgstr "" #. Translators: Abbreviated month name, day, year #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:85 msgid "MON DAY, YEAR" msgstr "" #. Translators: Day, full month name, year #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:88 msgid "Day Month Year" msgstr "" #. Translators: Day, abbreviated month name, year #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:91 msgid "DAY MON YEAR" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:183 #, python-brace-format msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "from " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:191 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "from" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "to " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:199 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "to" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "between " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:207 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "between" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "and " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:215 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "and" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "before " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:222 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "before" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "after " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:229 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "after" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "about " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:236 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "about" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "estimated " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:243 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "estimated" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "calculated " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{long_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:250 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "calculated" msgid "{long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:255 #, python-brace-format msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "from " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:263 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "from" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "to " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:271 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "to" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "between " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:279 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "between" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "and " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:287 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "and" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "before " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:294 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "before" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "after " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:301 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "after" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "about " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:308 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "about" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "estimated " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:315 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "estimated" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If "calculated " needs a special inflection #. in your language, translate to "{short_month.f[X]} {year}" #. (where X is one of the month-name inflections you defined) #. else leave it untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:322 #, python-brace-format msgctxt "calculated" msgid "{short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "from " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "from" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:432 msgctxt "from-date" msgid "" msgstr "" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "to " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "to" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:437 #, fuzzy msgctxt "to-date" msgid "" msgstr "Датум" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:438 #, python-brace-format msgid "{date_quality}from {date_start} to {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "between " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "between" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:457 msgctxt "between-date" msgid "" msgstr "" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "and " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "and" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:462 #, fuzzy msgctxt "and-date" msgid "" msgstr "Датум" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:463 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "{date_quality}between {date_start} and {date_stop}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" msgstr "" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "before " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "before" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:496 #, fuzzy msgctxt "before-date" msgid "" msgstr "Пред" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "after " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "after" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:501 #, fuzzy msgctxt "after-date" msgid "" msgstr "Датум" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "about " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "about" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:506 #, fuzzy msgctxt "about-date" msgid "" msgstr "Датум" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "estimated " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "estimated" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:511 #, fuzzy msgctxt "estimated-date" msgid "" msgstr "Проценето" #. Translators: If there is no special inflection for #. "calculated " in your language, DON'T translate this. #. Otherwise, translate to "calculated" in ENGLISH!!! ENGLISH!!! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:516 #, fuzzy msgctxt "calculated-date" msgid "" msgstr "Пресметано" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:535 #, python-brace-format msgid "{date_quality}{noncompound_modifier}{date}{nonstd_calendar_and_ny}" msgstr "" #. Translators: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:654 #, python-brace-format msgid "{long_month} {day:d}, {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:680 #, python-brace-format msgid "{short_month} {day:d}, {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:706 #, python-brace-format msgid "{day:d} {long_month} {year}" msgstr "" #. Translators: this month is ALREADY inflected: ignore it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datedisplay.py:732 #, python-brace-format msgid "{day:d} {short_month} {year}" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_dateparser.py:422 msgid "today" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:80 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "February" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:81 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "March" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:82 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "April" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:83 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "May" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:84 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "June" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:85 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "July" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:86 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "August" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:87 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "September" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:88 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "October" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:89 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "November" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:90 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" msgid "December" msgstr "" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:97 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Jan" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:98 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Feb" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:99 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Mar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:100 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Apr" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:101 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "May" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:102 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Jun" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:103 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Jul" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:104 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Aug" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:105 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Sep" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:106 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Oct" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:107 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Nov" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:108 msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections - short month form" msgid "Dec" msgstr "" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to add proper alternatives to be recognized in your localized #. DateParser code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:116 msgctxt "alternative month names for January" msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:117 msgctxt "alternative month names for February" msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:118 #, fuzzy msgctxt "alternative month names for March" msgid "" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:119 #, fuzzy msgctxt "alternative month names for April" msgid "" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:120 #, fuzzy msgctxt "alternative month names for May" msgid "" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:121 #, fuzzy msgctxt "alternative month names for June" msgid "" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:122 #, fuzzy msgctxt "alternative month names for July" msgid "" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:123 #, fuzzy msgctxt "alternative month names for August" msgid "" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:124 #, fuzzy msgctxt "alternative month names for September" msgid "" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:125 #, fuzzy msgctxt "alternative month names for October" msgid "" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:126 msgctxt "alternative month names for November" msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:127 msgctxt "alternative month names for December" msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:131 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:609 #, fuzzy msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Gregorian" msgstr "Грегоријански" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:132 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:610 #, fuzzy msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Julian" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:133 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:611 #, fuzzy msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:134 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:612 #, fuzzy msgctxt "calendar" msgid "French Republican" msgstr "Француски републиканец" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:135 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:613 #, fuzzy msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Persian" msgstr "Персиски" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:136 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:614 #, fuzzy msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Islamic" msgstr "Исламски" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:137 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:615 msgctxt "calendar" msgid "Swedish" msgstr "" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:146 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Tishri" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:147 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Heshvan" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:148 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Kislev" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:149 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Tevet" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:150 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Shevat" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:151 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "AdarI" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:152 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "AdarII" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:153 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Nisan" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:154 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Iyyar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:155 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Sivan" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:156 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Tammuz" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:157 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Av" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:158 msgctxt "Hebrew month lexeme" msgid "Elul" msgstr "" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:167 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Vendémiaire" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:168 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Brumaire" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:169 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Frimaire" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:170 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Nivôse" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:171 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Pluviôse" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:172 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Ventôse" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:173 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Germinal" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:174 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Floréal" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:175 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Prairial" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:176 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Messidor" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:177 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Thermidor" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:178 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Fructidor" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:179 msgctxt "French month lexeme" msgid "Extra" msgstr "" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:188 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Muharram" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:189 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Safar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:190 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Rabi`al-Awwal" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:191 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Rabi`ath-Thani" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:192 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Jumada l-Ula" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:193 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Jumada t-Tania" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:194 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Rajab" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:195 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Sha`ban" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:196 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Ramadan" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:197 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Shawwal" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:198 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Dhu l-Qa`da" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:199 msgctxt "Islamic month lexeme" msgid "Dhu l-Hijja" msgstr "" #. Translators: see #. http://gramps-project.org/wiki/index.php?title=Translating_Gramps#Translating_dates #. to learn how to select proper inflection to be used in your localized #. DateDisplayer code! #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:208 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Farvardin" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:209 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Ordibehesht" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:210 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Khordad" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:211 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Tir" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:212 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Mordad" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:213 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Shahrivar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:214 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Mehr" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:215 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Aban" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:216 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Azar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:217 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Dey" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:218 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Bahman" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:219 msgctxt "Persian month lexeme" msgid "Esfand" msgstr "" #. Translators: if the modifier is after the date #. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:225 msgctxt "date modifier" msgid "before " msgstr "" #. Translators: if the modifier is after the date #. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:228 msgctxt "date modifier" msgid "after " msgstr "" #. Translators: if the modifier is after the date #. put the space ahead of the word instead of after it #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:231 msgctxt "date modifier" msgid "about " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:235 msgctxt "date quality" msgid "estimated " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:236 msgctxt "date quality" msgid "calculated " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:242 msgid "Sunday" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:243 #, fuzzy msgid "Monday" msgstr "Второ лице" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:244 msgid "Tuesday" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:245 msgid "Wednesday" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:246 msgid "Thursday" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:247 msgid "Friday" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:248 msgid "Saturday" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:252 #, fuzzy msgid "Sun" msgstr "_Изврши" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:253 #, fuzzy msgid "Mon" msgstr "Мажи" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:254 msgid "Tue" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:255 #, fuzzy msgid "Wed" msgstr "Женет/Мажена" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:256 msgid "Thu" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:257 #, fuzzy msgid "Fri" msgstr "Персиски" #: ../gramps/gen/datehandler/_datestrings.py:258 #, fuzzy msgid "Sat" msgstr "Држава" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1816 ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2071 msgid "Add child to family" msgstr "Додај дете на семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1830 ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1836 msgid "Remove child from family" msgstr "Отстрани дете од семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1908 ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1912 msgid "Remove Family" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1952 msgid "Remove father from family" msgstr "Отстрани татко од семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/db/base.py:1954 msgid "Remove mother from family" msgstr "Отстрани мајка од семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:91 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "The schema version is not supported by this version of Gramps.\n" "\n" "This Family Tree is schema version %(tree_vers)s, and this version of Gramps " "supports versions %(min_vers)s to %(max_vers)s\n" "\n" "Please upgrade to the corresponding version or use XML for porting data " "between different schema versions." msgstr "" "Оваа верзија на базата на податоци не е поддржана од оваа верзија на " "GRAMPS.\n" "Унапредете ја програмата до соодветна верзија или користете XML за префрлање " "на податоци помеѓу различните верзии на базата." #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:114 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "The Python version is not supported by this version of Gramps.\n" "\n" "This Family Tree is Python version %(tree_vers)s, and this version of Gramps " "supports versions %(min_vers)s to %(max_vers)s\n" "\n" "Please upgrade to the corresponding version or use XML for porting data " "between different Python versions." msgstr "" "Оваа верзија на базата на податоци не е поддржана од оваа верзија на " "GRAMPS.\n" "Унапредете ја програмата до соодветна верзија или користете XML за префрлање " "на податоци помеѓу различните верзии на базата." #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:137 #, python-format msgid "" "The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the schema version " "%(oldschema)s format. This version of Gramps uses schema version " "%(newschema)s. Therefore you cannot load this Family Tree without upgrading " "the schema version of the Family Tree.\n" "\n" "If you upgrade then you won't be able to use the previous version of Gramps, " "even if you subsequently %(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)sbackup%(html_end)s " "or %(wiki_manual_export_html_start)sexport%(html_end)s your upgraded Family " "Tree.\n" "\n" "Upgrading is a difficult task which could irretrievably corrupt your Family " "Tree if it is interrupted or fails.\n" "\n" "If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you should " "start your %(bold_start)sold%(bold_end)s version of Gramps and " "%(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:174 #, python-format msgid "" "Database connection failed.\n" "\n" "%(message)s\n" "Please check your connection settings file:\n" "%(settings_file)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/exceptions.py:191 #, python-format msgid "" "The Family Tree you are trying to load is in the %(dbtype)s database, which " "is no longer supported.\n" "Therefore you cannot load this Family Tree without upgrading.\n" "\n" "If you upgrade then you won't be able to use the previous version of Gramps, " "even if you subsequently %(wiki_manual_backup_html_start)sbackup%(html_end)s " "or %(wiki_manual_export_html_start)sexport%(html_end)s your upgraded Family " "Tree.\n" "\n" "You are strongly advised to backup your Family Tree.\n" "\n" "If you have not already made a backup of your Family Tree, then you should " "start your previous version of Gramps and %(wiki_backup_html_start)smake a " "backup%(html_end)s of your Family Tree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:152 ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:202 #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2024 #, python-format msgid "_Undo %s" msgstr "_Врати %s" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:157 ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:208 #, python-format msgid "_Redo %s" msgstr "_Повтори %s" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2416 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of people" msgstr "Број на лица" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2417 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:133 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:198 msgid "Number of families" msgstr "Број на семејства" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2418 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:161 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:210 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of sources" msgstr "Број на семејства" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2419 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:213 msgid "Number of citations" msgstr "Број на цитати" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2420 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:204 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of events" msgstr "Број на бракови" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2421 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of media" msgstr "Број на семејства" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2422 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:157 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:207 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of places" msgstr "Број на лица" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2423 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:169 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:216 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of repositories" msgstr "Избери репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2424 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of notes" msgstr "Број на бракови" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2425 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of tags" msgstr "Број на бракови" #: ../gramps/gen/db/generic.py:2426 #, fuzzy msgid "Schema version" msgstr "Отстрани родители" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:372 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d People upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:374 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Families upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:376 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Events upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:378 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Media Objects upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:380 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Places upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:382 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Repositories upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:384 #, python-format msgid "" "%(n1)6d Sources upgraded with %(n2)6d citations in %(n3)6d secs\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:724 msgid "Number of new objects upgraded:\n" msgstr "Број на нови надградени објекти:\n" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:733 msgid "" "\n" "\n" "You may want to run\n" "Tools -> Family Tree Processing -> Merge\n" "in order to merge citations that contain similar\n" "information" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/db/upgrade.py:737 #, fuzzy msgid "Upgrade Statistics" msgstr "Увези база на податоци" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:350 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:707 msgid "," msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:353 #, fuzzy msgid "Default format (defined by Gramps preferences)" msgstr "Основен формат (дефиниран со претпочитувањата на GRAMPS)" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:355 #, fuzzy msgid "Surname, Given Suffix" msgstr "Погодување на презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:357 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:55 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:864 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:866 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:871 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:873 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:875 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:876 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:877 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:878 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:880 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:881 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:882 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:883 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:884 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:885 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:166 msgid "Given" msgstr "Име" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:359 #, fuzzy msgid "Given Surname Suffix" msgstr "Дадено име" #. Translators: long string, have a look at Preferences dialog #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:363 msgid "Main Surnames, Given Patronymic Suffix Prefix" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:366 #, fuzzy msgid "Patronymic, Given" msgstr "Патронимско, Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:578 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:678 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Person" msgid "title" msgstr "Наслов" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:580 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:680 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:165 msgid "given" msgstr "име" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:582 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:682 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:162 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:144 #, fuzzy msgid "surname" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:584 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:684 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:379 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:171 msgid "suffix" msgstr "Наставка" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:586 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:686 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Name" msgid "call" msgstr "Име" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:589 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:688 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Name" msgid "common" msgstr "Коментар" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:593 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:691 #, fuzzy msgid "initials" msgstr "Лица" # основен #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:596 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:693 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Name" msgid "primary" msgstr "Главен" # основен #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:599 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:695 #, fuzzy msgid "primary[pre]" msgstr "Главен" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:602 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:697 #, fuzzy msgid "primary[sur]" msgstr "Првобитен извор" # основен #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:605 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:699 #, fuzzy msgid "primary[con]" msgstr "Главен" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:607 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:701 msgid "patronymic" msgstr "татково име" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:609 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:703 #, fuzzy msgid "patronymic[pre]" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:611 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:705 #, fuzzy msgid "patronymic[sur]" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:613 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:707 #, fuzzy msgid "patronymic[con]" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:615 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:709 #, fuzzy msgid "notpatronymic" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:618 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:711 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Remaining names" msgid "rest" msgstr "Презимиња" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:621 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:713 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:400 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:170 #, fuzzy msgid "prefix" msgstr "Претставка" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:624 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:715 #, fuzzy msgid "rawsurnames" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:626 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:717 #, fuzzy msgid "nickname" msgstr "Прекар" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:628 ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:719 #, fuzzy msgid "familynick" msgstr "Семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:1117 #, python-format msgid "Wrong name format string %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/display/name.py:1121 #, fuzzy msgid "ERROR, Edit Name format in Preferences" msgstr "Пребарување на неважечки упатувања на формат на име" #: ../gramps/gen/display/place.py:73 ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:339 #, python-format msgid "Error in '%s' file: cannot load." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/display/place.py:74 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Full" msgstr "Повикај име:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_filterparser.py:119 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: Too many arguments in filter '%s'!\n" "Trying to load with subset of arguments." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_filterparser.py:127 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: Too few arguments in filter '%s'!\n" " Trying to load anyway in the hope this will be upgraded." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_filterparser.py:135 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: filter %s could not be correctly loaded. Edit the filter!" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_genericfilter.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_genericfilter.py:174 #, fuzzy msgid "Applying ..." msgstr "Ставање на филтерот за приватност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_genericfilter.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/_genericfilter.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1121 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:467 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1012 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:416 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1024 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1038 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1052 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1066 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1080 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1094 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1108 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1122 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1136 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:805 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:130 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1068 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1969 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1754 msgid "Filter" msgstr "Филтер" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_changedsincebase.py:56 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_everything.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasattributebase.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgallerybase.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgrampsid.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasldsbase.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotebase.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnoteregexbase.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotesubstrbase.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasreferencecountbase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hastagbase.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_isprivate.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_ispublic.py:39 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matcheseventfilterbase.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:57 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_regexpidbase.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:41 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isbookmarked.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_disconnected.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_everyone.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddresstext.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasalternatename.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:59 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnickname.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassoundexname.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasunknowngender.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_incompletenames.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isbookmarked.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdefaultperson.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isfemale.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismale.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nobirthdate.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nodeathdate.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peopleprivate.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peoplepublic.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:60 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:41 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:53 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:66 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:90 msgid "General filters" msgstr "Општи филтри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_changedsincebase.py:82 msgid "Wrong format of date-time" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_changedsincebase.py:83 #, python-format msgid "" "Only date-times in the iso format of yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, where the time " "part is optional, are accepted. %s does not satisfy." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:228 #, fuzzy msgid "Volume/Page:" msgstr "_Том/Страница:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:585 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:261 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:261 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:294 msgid "Date:" msgstr "Датум:" # !?!?!? #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:294 #, fuzzy msgid "Confidence:" msgstr "_Доверба:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations matching parameters" msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations with particular parameters" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hascitationbase.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcebase.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcecountbase.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourceofbase.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchessourceconfidencebase.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchessourcefilterbase.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation/source filters" msgstr "%s Филтри на настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_haseventbase.py:56 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_familywithincompleteevent.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:55 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_personwithincompleteevent.py:44 msgid "Event filters" msgstr "Филтри на настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgallerybase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasldsbase.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotebase.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcecountbase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:518 msgid "Number must be:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgallerybase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasldsbase.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotebase.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourcecountbase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:513 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of instances:" msgstr "Број на предци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasgrampsid.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:132 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:522 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:245 msgid "ID:" msgstr "ИД:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnoteregexbase.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_regexpidbase.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddresstext.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:42 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:228 #, fuzzy msgid "Text:" msgstr "Текст" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasnotesubstrbase.py:42 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:63 msgid "Substring:" msgstr "Подниза:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasreferencecountbase.py:42 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:516 #, fuzzy msgid "Reference count must be:" msgstr "Упатувањата на мапи се преизградени" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hasreferencecountbase.py:42 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:512 #, fuzzy msgid "Reference count:" msgstr "Држава на истражувач" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_hassourceofbase.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:525 msgid "Source ID:" msgstr "ИД на извор:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:132 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:527 msgid "Filter name:" msgstr "Име на филтер:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:67 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchesfilterbase.py:70 #, python-format msgid "Can't find filter %s in the defined custom filters" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_matchessourcefilterbase.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:537 #, fuzzy msgid "Source filter name:" msgstr "Име на филтер:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:55 msgid "Miscellaneous filters" msgstr "Разновидни филтри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:56 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:950 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:621 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:805 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:532 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:693 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:553 msgid "No description" msgstr "Нема опис" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:94 msgid "The filter definition contains a loop." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/_rule.py:95 msgid "One rule references another which eventually references the first." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_allcitations.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Every citation" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_allcitations.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches every citation in the database" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со сите во базата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Changed after:" msgstr "Промени видови" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "but before:" msgstr "Пред" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations changed after " msgstr "Семејства со совпаѓање на " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "" "Matches citation records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:" "mm:ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_citationprivate.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations marked private" msgstr "Извори означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_citationprivate.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations that are indicated as private" msgstr "Совпаѓа објекти што се назначени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasattribute.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation attribute:" msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasattribute.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:57 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasattribute.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Value:" msgstr "Вредност:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasattribute.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations with the attribute " msgstr "Објекти со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasattribute.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations with the attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа објектите со дадената особина на одредената вредност" # !?!?!? #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hascitation.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchessourceconfidence.py:43 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:582 #, fuzzy msgid "Confidence level:" msgstr "_Доверба:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasgallery.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations with media" msgstr "Семејства со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasgallery.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasidof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation with " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasidof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches a citation with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејство со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnote.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations having notes" msgstr "Семејства со нецелосни настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnote.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Ги согласува настаните со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations having notes containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа семејства чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations having notes containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasnoteregexp.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches citations whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа семејства чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со обичен " "израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 msgid "Citations with a reference count of " msgstr "Цитати со упатувања" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hasreferencecountof.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations with a certain reference count" msgstr "Ги согласува настаните со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:201 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:759 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:775 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:228 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:205 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:220 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:228 msgid "Title:" msgstr "Наслов:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:395 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:792 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:808 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:261 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:190 msgid "Author:" msgstr "Автор:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:825 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:841 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:294 msgid "Abbreviation:" msgstr "Скратеница:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:858 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:874 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:327 msgid "Publication:" msgstr "Издание:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:52 msgid "Sources matching parameters" msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations with a source of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassource.py:55 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourceidof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourcenoteregexp.py:55 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpsourceidof.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Source filters" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер на извори" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourceidof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation with Source " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourceidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches a citation with a source with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејство со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourcenoteregexp.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations having source notes containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hassourcenoteregexp.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches citations whose source notes contain a substring or match a regular " "expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа семејства чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со обичен " "израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hastag.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:578 msgid "Tag:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hastag.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches citations with the particular tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа читација со одредена ознака" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesfilter.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations matching the " msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesfilter.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа настани што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations with Volume/Page containing " msgstr "Настани со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchespagesubstringof.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations whose Volume/Page contains a certain substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа семејства чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:43 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:539 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository filter name:" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер на репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Citations with a source with a repository reference matching the " msgstr "Настани што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches citations with sources with a repository reference that match a " "certain repository filter" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се потомци на секој што е совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations with source matching the " msgstr "Настани што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_matchessourcefilter.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches citations with sources that match the specified source filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpidof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations with Id containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpidof.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches citations whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа настани чијшто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓа со обичниот израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpsourceidof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations with Source Id containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/citation/_regexpsourceidof.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches citations whose source has a Gramps ID that matches the regular " "expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа настани чијшто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓа со обичниот израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_allevents.py:44 msgid "Every event" msgstr "Секој настан" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_allevents.py:45 msgid "Matches every event in the database" msgstr "Го совпаѓа секој настан во базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Events changed after " msgstr "Настани што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches event records changed after a specified date/time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date/time is given." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_eventprivate.py:42 msgid "Events marked private" msgstr "Настани означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_eventprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches events that are indicated as private" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со настани што се означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:552 #, fuzzy msgid "Event attribute:" msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Events with the attribute " msgstr "Објекти со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasattribute.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events with the event attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа објектите со дадената особина на одредената вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Events with the " msgstr "Настан со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hascitation.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со податоци за раѓање од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:545 msgid "Event type:" msgstr "Вид на настан:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:510 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:294 msgid "Place:" msgstr "Место:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:327 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Опис:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Events with " msgstr "Настан со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdata.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events with data of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со податоци за раѓање од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:38 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:587 #, fuzzy msgid "Day of Week:" msgstr "Денови на седмичниот текст." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:39 #, fuzzy msgid "Events occurring on a particular day of the week" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со семеен настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasdayofweek.py:40 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events occurring on a particular day of the week" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со податоци за раѓање од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasgallery.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Events with media" msgstr "Настан со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasgallery.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Event with " msgstr "Настан со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasidof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches an event with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа настан со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnote.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Events having notes" msgstr "Лица со забелешки" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnote.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Ги согласува настаните со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Events having notes containing " msgstr "Настани со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches events whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа настани чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 #, fuzzy msgid "Events having notes containing " msgstr "Настани со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches events whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа настани чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Events with a reference count of " msgstr "Настани со референци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events with a certain reference count" msgstr "Ги согласува настаните со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hassourcecount.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Events with sources" msgstr "Настан со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hassourcecount.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastag.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Events with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches events with the particular tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа настан со одредена ознака" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Events with the particular type" msgstr "Настан со одреден вид" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_hastype.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events with the particular type " msgstr "Совпаѓа настан со одреден вид " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Events matching the " msgstr "Настани што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches events matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа настани што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:574 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Family events:" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:531 #, fuzzy msgid "Person filter name:" msgstr "Име на филтер:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Events of persons matching the " msgstr "Настани што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchespersonfilter.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events of persons matched by the specified person filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа настани што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:541 #, fuzzy msgid "Place filter name:" msgstr "Име на филтер:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Events of places matching the " msgstr "Настани што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchesplacefilter.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches events that occurred at places that match the specified place filter " "name" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 msgid "Events with at least one direct source >= " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourceconfidence.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Events with source matching the " msgstr "Настани што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_matchessourcefilter.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events with sources that match the specified source filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_regexpidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Events with Id containing " msgstr "Објекти со записи што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/event/_regexpidof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches events whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа настани чијшто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓа со обичниот израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_allfamilies.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:377 msgid "Every family" msgstr "Секое семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_allfamilies.py:45 msgid "Matches every family in the database" msgstr "Совпаѓа со секое семејство во базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Families changed after " msgstr "Семејства со совпаѓање на " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches family records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:45 msgid "Person ID:" msgstr "ИД на лице:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Families having child with Id containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families where child has a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа со семејства каде што детето има одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasidof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasnameof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastwins.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpchildname.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchchildname.py:48 msgid "Child filters" msgstr "Филтри за дете" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasnameof.py:45 msgid "Families with child with the " msgstr "Семејства со дете со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_childhasnameof.py:46 msgid "Matches families where child has a specified (partial) name" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства каде што детето има одредено (делумно) име" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_familyprivate.py:42 msgid "Families marked private" msgstr "Семејства означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_familyprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches families that are indicated as private" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства што се назначени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Families having father with Id containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families whose father has a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа со семејства чијшто татко има одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasidof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasnameof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpfathername.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchfathername.py:48 msgid "Father filters" msgstr "Филтри за татко" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasnameof.py:45 msgid "Families with father with the " msgstr "Семејства со татко со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_fatherhasnameof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchfathername.py:46 msgid "Matches families whose father has a specified (partial) name" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства чијшто татко има одредено (делумно) име" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:106 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:550 msgid "Family attribute:" msgstr "Семејна особина:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:45 msgid "Families with the family " msgstr "Семејства со семејството " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Matches families with the family attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со семејната особина на одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with the " msgstr "Семејства со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hascitation.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:546 msgid "Family event:" msgstr "Семеен настан:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:83 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:85 msgid "Main Participants" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:52 msgid "Families with the " msgstr "Семејства со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasevent.py:53 msgid "Matches families with an event of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasgallery.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with media" msgstr "Семејства со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasgallery.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Family with " msgstr "Семејство со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasidof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches a family with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејство со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_haslds.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with LDS events" msgstr "Семејства со нецелосни настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_haslds.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families with a certain number of LDS events" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnote.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Families having notes" msgstr "Семејства со нецелосни настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnote.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families having a certain number notes" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Families having notes containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches families whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа семејства чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 #, fuzzy msgid "Families having notes containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches families whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа семејства чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со обичен " "израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with a reference count of " msgstr "Семејства со татко со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches family objects with a certain reference count" msgstr "Совпаѓа медиумски објекти со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:556 msgid "Relationship type:" msgstr "Вид на врска:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with the relationship type" msgstr "Семејства со видот на врската" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hasreltype.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families with the relationship type of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејство со типот на врската од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourcecount.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with sources" msgstr "Семејства со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourcecount.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with the " msgstr "Семејства со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hassourceof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families who have a particular source" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица кои имаат одреден извор" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastag.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with the " msgstr "Семејства со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches families with the particular tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа фамилии со одредени ознаки" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastwins.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with twins" msgstr "Семејства со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_hastwins.py:46 msgid "Matches families with twins" msgstr "Совпаѓа фамилии со близнаци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:568 msgid "Inclusive:" msgstr "Вклучува сѐ:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Ancestor families of " msgstr "Предци на совпаѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isancestorof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches ancestor families of the specified family" msgstr "Совпаѓа со семејства совпаднати од одредено име на филтер" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isbookmarked.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Bookmarked families" msgstr "Означени лица" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isbookmarked.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches the families on the bookmark list" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со лицата од означениот список" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendant families of " msgstr "Семејства на потомци на %s" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_isdescendantof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches descendant families of the specified family" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со сите потомци за одреденото лице" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Families matching the " msgstr "Семејства со совпаѓање на " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches families matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа со семејства совпаднати од одредено име на филтер" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 msgid "Families with at least one direct source >= " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches families with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Families having mother with Id containing " msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families whose mother has a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа со семејства чијашто мајка има одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasidof.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasnameof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpmothername.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchmothername.py:48 msgid "Mother filters" msgstr "Филтри за мајка" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasnameof.py:45 msgid "Families with mother with the " msgstr "Семејства со мајка со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_motherhasnameof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchmothername.py:46 msgid "Matches families whose mother has a specified (partial) name" msgstr "Совпаѓа со семејства чијашто мајка има одредено (делумно) име" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpchildname.py:45 msgid "Families with child matching the " msgstr "Семејства со дете што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpchildname.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches families where some child has a name that matches a specified " "regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа семејства чиешто дете има име што се совпаѓа со одреден обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpfathername.py:45 msgid "Families with father matching the " msgstr "Семејства со татко што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpfathername.py:46 msgid "" "Matches families whose father has a name matching a specified regular " "expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа семејства чијшто татко има име што се совпаѓа со одреден обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Families with Id containing " msgstr "Семејства со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpidof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches families whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа со семејства чиишто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpmothername.py:45 msgid "Families with mother matching the " msgstr "Семејства со мајка што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_regexpmothername.py:46 msgid "" "Matches families whose mother has a name matching a specified regular " "expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа семејства чијашто мајка има име што се совпаѓа со одреден обичен " "израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchchildname.py:45 msgid "Families with any child matching the " msgstr "Семејства со кое било дете што се совпаѓа со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchchildname.py:46 msgid "Matches families where any child has a specified (partial) name" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства каде што кое било дете има одредено (делумно) име" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchfathername.py:45 msgid "Families with father matching the " msgstr "Семејства со татко што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/family/_searchmothername.py:45 msgid "Families with mother matching the " msgstr "Семејства со мајка што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_allmedia.py:44 msgid "Every media object" msgstr "Секој медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_allmedia.py:45 msgid "Matches every media object in the database" msgstr "Го совпаѓа секој медиумски објект во базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Media objects changed after " msgstr "Медиумски објекти што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_changedsince.py:46 msgid "" "Matches media objects changed after a specified date:time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date:time is given." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:554 #, fuzzy msgid "Media attribute:" msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Media objects with the attribute " msgstr "Објекти со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasattribute.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches media objects with the attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа објектите со дадената особина на одредената вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Media with the " msgstr "Настан со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hascitation.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches media with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Media object with " msgstr "Медиумски објект со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasidof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches a media object with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа медиски објект со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:47 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:521 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:369 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:318 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:228 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:261 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:485 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:502 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:261 msgid "Type:" msgstr "Вид:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:245 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:261 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1657 msgid "Path:" msgstr "Патека:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:51 msgid "Media objects matching parameters" msgstr "Медиумски објекти што се совпаѓаат со параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasmedia.py:52 msgid "Matches media objects with particular parameters" msgstr "Совпаѓа медиумски објекти со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Media objects having notes containing " msgstr "Медиумски објекти со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches media objects whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа медиумски објекти чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со " "подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 #, fuzzy msgid "Media objects having notes containing " msgstr "Медиумски објекти со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "" "Matches media objects whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа медиумски објекти чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со " "обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Media objects with a reference count of " msgstr "Медија објекти со референции" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches media objects with a certain reference count" msgstr "Совпаѓа медиумски објекти со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourcecount.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Media with sources" msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourcecount.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches media with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Media with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hassourceof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches media who have a particular source" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица кои имаат одреден извор" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hastag.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Media objects with the " msgstr "Медиумски објект со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_hastag.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches media objects with the particular tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа медиумски објекти со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Media objects matching the " msgstr "Медиумски објекти што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches media objects matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа медиумски објекти што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Media with a direct source >= " msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches media with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_mediaprivate.py:42 msgid "Media objects marked private" msgstr "Медиумски објекти означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_mediaprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches Media objects that are indicated as private" msgstr "Совпаѓа медиумски објекти што се означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_regexpidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Media objects with Id containing " msgstr "Медиумски објект со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/media/_regexpidof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches media objects whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа медиумски објекти чиишто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_allnotes.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Every note" msgstr "Сите" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_allnotes.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches every note in the database" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со сите во базата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "Notes changed after " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches note records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasidof.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Note with " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasidof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches a note with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа настан со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:45 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:110 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:558 #, fuzzy msgid "Note type:" msgstr "Вид на настан:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Notes matching parameters" msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasnote.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches Notes with particular parameters" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Notes with a reference count of " msgstr "Белешки со референции" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches notes with a certain reference count" msgstr "Ги согласува настаните со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastag.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Notes with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches notes with the particular tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа белешки со одредени ознаки" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Notes with the particular type" msgstr "Настан со одреден вид" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_hastype.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches notes with the particular type " msgstr "Совпаѓа настан со одреден вид " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesfilter.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Notes matching the " msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesfilter.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches notes matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа настани што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Notes containing " msgstr "Лица со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchesregexpof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches notes that contain a substring or match a regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа настани чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Notes containing " msgstr "Лица со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_matchessubstringof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches notes that contain text which matches a substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа настани чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_noteprivate.py:42 #, fuzzy msgid "Notes marked private" msgstr "Извори означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_noteprivate.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches notes that are indicated as private" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со настани што се означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_regexpidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Notes with Id containing " msgstr "Лица со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/note/_regexpidof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches notes whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа настани чијшто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓа со обичниот израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:47 msgid "Persons changed after " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches person records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:133 #, fuzzy msgid "Relationship path between and people matching " msgstr "Патека на врска помеѓу " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:134 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetweenbookmarks.py:52 msgid "Relationship filters" msgstr "Филтри на врски" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:135 msgid "" "Searches over the database starting from a specified person and returns " "everyone between that person and a set of target people specified with a " "filter. This produces a set of relationship paths (including by marriage) " "between the specified person and the target people. Each path is not " "necessarily the shortest path." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:152 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:164 #, fuzzy msgid "Finding relationship paths" msgstr "Уреди врска" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:153 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:69 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:67 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:58 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:60 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:67 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:58 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Retrieving all sub-filter matches" msgstr "Браќа/Сестри на совпаѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_deeprelationshippathbetween.py:165 #, fuzzy msgid "Evaluating people" msgstr "Одбирање луѓе" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_disconnected.py:44 msgid "Disconnected people" msgstr "Лица со прекинати врски" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_disconnected.py:46 msgid "" "Matches people that have no family relationships to any other person in the " "database" msgstr "" "Се совпаѓа со лица кои немаат семејна врска со ниту едно друго лице од " "базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_everyone.py:44 msgid "Everyone" msgstr "Сите" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_everyone.py:46 msgid "Matches everyone in the database" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со сите во базата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_familywithincompleteevent.py:42 msgid "Families with incomplete events" msgstr "Семејства со нецелосни настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_familywithincompleteevent.py:43 msgid "Matches people with missing date or place in an event of the family" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа лица на кои им недостасува датум или место во настанот на семејството" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "People with addresses" msgstr "Лица со целосни записи" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddress.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a certain number of personal addresses" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со означувач на определена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddresstext.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "People with an address containing " msgstr "Лица со записи што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasaddresstext.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a personal address containing the given text" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со личен настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasalternatename.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "People with an alternate name" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasalternatename.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with an alternate name" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чиешто име или презиме недостасува" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "People with associations" msgstr "Лица со заеднички предок со %s" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasassociation.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a certain number of associations" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чиешто име или презиме недостасува" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:44 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:548 msgid "Personal attribute:" msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:45 msgid "People with the personal " msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasattribute.py:46 msgid "Matches people with the personal attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со лична особина од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:49 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasbirth.py:50 msgid "Matches people with birth data of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со податоци за раѓање од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascitation.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со податоци за раѓање од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:46 msgid "People with a common ancestor with " msgstr "Лица со заеднички предок со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:47 msgid "Ancestral filters" msgstr "Филтри за предци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwith.py:48 msgid "Matches people that have a common ancestor with a specified person" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат заеднички предок со одредено лице" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:48 msgid "People with a common ancestor with match" msgstr "Лица со заеднички предок со совпаѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hascommonancestorwithfiltermatch.py:49 msgid "" "Matches people that have a common ancestor with anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа лица кои имаат заеднички предок со секого совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:49 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasdeath.py:50 msgid "Matches people with death data of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со податоци за смртта од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:102 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:545 msgid "Personal event:" msgstr "Личен настан:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Main Participants:" msgstr "По татко" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:53 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:576 #, fuzzy msgid "Primary Role:" msgstr "Првобитен извор" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:54 msgid "People with the personal " msgstr "Лица со личниот " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasevent.py:55 msgid "Matches people with a personal event of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со личен настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:45 msgid "People with the family " msgstr "Лица со семејната " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyattribute.py:46 msgid "Matches people with the family attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со семејната особина од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:52 msgid "People with the family " msgstr "Лица со семејниот " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasfamilyevent.py:53 msgid "Matches people with a family event of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со семеен настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasgallery.py:42 #, fuzzy msgid "People with media" msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasgallery.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasidof.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Person with " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasidof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchidof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches person with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_haslds.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "People with LDS events" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_haslds.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a certain number of LDS events" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица на коишто им недостасува настан со датум или место" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:46 msgid "Given name:" msgstr "Дадено име:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Full Family name:" msgstr "Семејно име:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:48 msgctxt "person" msgid "Title:" msgstr "Наслов:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:49 msgid "Suffix:" msgstr "Наставка:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:50 msgid "Call Name:" msgstr "Повикај име:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Nick Name:" msgstr "Прекар" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:52 msgid "Prefix:" msgstr "Претставка:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Single Surname:" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:54 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:79 #, fuzzy msgid "Connector" msgstr "Збирка" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:55 msgid "Patronymic:" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Nick Name:" msgstr "Семејно име:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:57 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameof.py:58 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:47 msgid "Matches people with a specified (partial) name" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со одредено (делумно) име" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:112 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:562 #, fuzzy msgid "Surname origin type:" msgstr "Погодување на презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnameorigintype.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a surname origin" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чиешто име или презиме недостасува" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:111 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:560 #, fuzzy msgid "Name type:" msgstr "Промени видови" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnametype.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a type of name" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnickname.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "People with a nickname" msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnickname.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a nickname" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnote.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "People having notes" msgstr "Лица со забелешки" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnote.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица што имаат забелешка" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "People having notes containing " msgstr "Лица со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches people whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 #, fuzzy msgid "People having notes containing " msgstr "Лица со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches people whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа лица чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:45 msgid "Number of relationships:" msgstr "Број на врски:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:47 msgid "Number of children:" msgstr "Број на деца:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:48 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:49 msgid "Matches people with a particular relationship" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со лица со одредена врска" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasrelationship.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havealtfamilies.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havechildren.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:49 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_missingparent.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_multiplemarriages.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nevermarried.py:44 msgid "Family filters" msgstr "Семејни филтри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassoundexname.py:41 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:118 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:372 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:200 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:183 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:215 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:222 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:238 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:425 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:442 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/soundgen.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:238 msgid "Name:" msgstr "Име:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassoundexname.py:42 #, fuzzy msgid "Soundex match of People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassoundexname.py:43 msgid "" "Soundex Match of people with a specified name. First name, Surname, Call " "name, and Nickname are searched in primary and alternate names." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourcecount.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "People with sources" msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourcecount.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:46 msgid "People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hassourceof.py:48 msgid "Matches people who have a particular source" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица кои имаат одреден извор" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastag.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "People with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches people with the particular tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа луѓе со одредена ознака" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:570 msgid "Case sensitive:" msgstr "Разликување на мали и големи букви:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:48 msgid "People with records containing " msgstr "Лица со записи што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hastextmatchingsubstringof.py:49 msgid "Matches people whose records contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чиишто записи содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasunknowngender.py:45 msgid "People with unknown gender" msgstr "Лица со непознат пол" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_hasunknowngender.py:47 msgid "Matches all people with unknown gender" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа сите лица со непознат пол" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havealtfamilies.py:43 msgid "Adopted people" msgstr "Посвоени лица" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havealtfamilies.py:44 msgid "Matches people who were adopted" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа сите посвоените лица" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havechildren.py:46 msgid "People with children" msgstr "Лица со деца" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_havechildren.py:47 msgid "Matches people who have children" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа сите лица коишто имаат деца" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_incompletenames.py:44 msgid "People with incomplete names" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_incompletenames.py:45 msgid "Matches people with firstname or lastname missing" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чиешто име или презиме недостасува" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:45 msgid "Ancestors of " msgstr "Предци на " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestorof.py:47 msgid "Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се предци на одредено лице" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Ancestors of match" msgstr "Предци на совпаѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isancestoroffiltermatch.py:49 msgid "Matches people that are ancestors of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се предци на секого што е совпаднат од филтер" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isbookmarked.py:45 msgid "Bookmarked people" msgstr "Означени лица" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isbookmarked.py:47 msgid "Matches the people on the bookmark list" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со лицата од означениот список" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Children of match" msgstr "Деца од совпаѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ischildoffiltermatch.py:49 msgid "Matches children of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со децата од секого совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdefaultperson.py:44 msgid "Home Person" msgstr "Основно лице" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdefaultperson.py:46 msgid "Matches the Home Person" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со основното лице" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:50 msgid "Descendant family members of " msgstr "Потомци на семејство на " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:48 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:47 msgid "Descendant filters" msgstr "Филтри за потомци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyof.py:52 msgid "" "Matches people that are descendants or the spouse of a descendant of a " "specified person" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа лица коишто се потомци или брачен другар на потомок на одредено лице" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendant family members of match" msgstr "Потомци на семејство на " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantfamilyoffiltermatch.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches people that are descendants or the spouse of anybody matched by a " "filter" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се потомци на секој што е совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:46 msgid "Descendants of " msgstr "Потомци на " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantof.py:48 msgid "Matches all descendants for the specified person" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со сите потомци за одреденото лице" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Descendants of match" msgstr "Потомоци на совпаѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isdescendantoffiltermatch.py:49 msgid "Matches people that are descendants of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се потомци на секој што е совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Duplicated ancestors of " msgstr "Предци на " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isduplicatedancestorof.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people that are ancestors twice or more of a specified person" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се предци на одредено лице" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isfemale.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:149 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:425 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:948 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:191 msgid "Females" msgstr "Женски" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isfemale.py:47 msgid "Matches all females" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа сите женски" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:46 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:45 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:520 msgid "Number of generations:" msgstr "Број на генерации:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:46 msgid "Ancestors of not more than generations away" msgstr "Предци на не повеќе од генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorof.py:48 msgid "" "Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person not more than N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа лица коишто се предци на одредено лице не повеќе од Б-генерации " "понатаму" # Б за N? #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:52 msgid "Ancestors of bookmarked people not more than generations away" msgstr "Предци на означените лица не повеќе од генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofbookmarked.py:55 msgid "" "Matches ancestors of the people on the bookmark list not more than N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа предци на лица од означениот список не повеќе од Б-генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:47 msgid "Ancestors of the Home Person not more than generations away" msgstr "Предци на основното лице не повеќе од генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationancestorofdefaultperson.py:50 msgid "Matches ancestors of the Home Person not more than N generations away" msgstr "Совпаѓа предци на основното лице не повеќе од Б генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:46 msgid "Descendants of not more than generations away" msgstr "Потомци на не повеќе од генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_islessthannthgenerationdescendantof.py:49 msgid "" "Matches people that are descendants of a specified person not more than N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа лица коишто се потомци на одредено лице не повеќе од Б-генерации " "понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismale.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:421 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:944 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:124 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:189 msgid "Males" msgstr "Машки" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismale.py:47 msgid "Matches all males" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа сите машки" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:46 msgid "Ancestors of at least generations away" msgstr "Предци на најмалку генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationancestorof.py:48 msgid "" "Matches people that are ancestors of a specified person at least N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа лица коишто се предци на одредено лице најмалку Б-генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:46 msgid "Descendants of at least generations away" msgstr "Потомци на најмалку генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_ismorethannthgenerationdescendantof.py:48 msgid "" "Matches people that are descendants of a specified person at least N " "generations away" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа лица коишто се потомци на одредено лице најмалку Б-генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Parents of match" msgstr "Родители на совпаѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isparentoffiltermatch.py:49 msgid "Matches parents of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Совпаѓа родители на секој што е совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "People related to " msgstr "Лица кои се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isrelatedwith.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people related to a specified person" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се предци на одредено лице" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:46 msgid "Siblings of match" msgstr "Браќа/Сестри на совпаѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_issiblingoffiltermatch.py:48 msgid "Matches siblings of anybody matched by a filter" msgstr "Совпаѓа браќа и сестри на секој што е совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:47 msgid "Spouses of match" msgstr "Брачни другари на совпаѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_isspouseoffiltermatch.py:48 msgid "Matches people married to anybody matching a filter" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица венчани за секој што е совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:45 msgid "Witnesses" msgstr "Сведоци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_iswitness.py:46 msgid "Matches people who are witnesses in any event" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се сведоци во кој било настан" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:51 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:535 #, fuzzy msgid "Event filter name:" msgstr "Филтри на настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Persons with events matching the " msgstr "Настани што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matcheseventfilter.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches persons who have events that match a certain event filter" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се потомци на секој што е совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "People matching the " msgstr "Лица кои се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches people matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 msgid "Persons with at least one direct source >= " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 msgid "" "Matches persons with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_missingparent.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "People missing parents" msgstr "Одберете постоечки родители" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_missingparent.py:44 msgid "" "Matches people that are children in a family with less than two parents or " "are not children in any family." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_multiplemarriages.py:42 msgid "People with multiple marriage records" msgstr "Лица со повеќекратни брачни записи" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_multiplemarriages.py:43 msgid "Matches people who have more than one spouse" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат повеќе од еден брачен другар" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nevermarried.py:42 msgid "People with no marriage records" msgstr "Лица без брачни записи" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nevermarried.py:43 msgid "Matches people who have no spouse" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто немаат брачен другар" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nobirthdate.py:42 msgid "People without a known birth date" msgstr "Лица без познат датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nobirthdate.py:43 msgid "Matches people without a known birthdate" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица без познат датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nodeathdate.py:42 #, fuzzy msgid "People without a known death date" msgstr "Лица без познат датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_nodeathdate.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people without a known deathdate" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица без познат датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peopleprivate.py:42 msgid "People marked private" msgstr "Лица означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peopleprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches people that are indicated as private" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се означени као лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peoplepublic.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "People not marked private" msgstr "Лица означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_peoplepublic.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people that are not indicated as private" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се означени као лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_personwithincompleteevent.py:42 msgid "People with incomplete events" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_personwithincompleteevent.py:43 msgid "Matches people with missing date or place in an event" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица на коишто им недостасува настан со датум или место" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "On date:" msgstr "Во година:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:45 msgid "People probably alive" msgstr "Лица најверојатно сѐ уште живи" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_probablyalive.py:46 msgid "Matches people without indications of death that are not too old" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица без упатство за смрт коишто не се премногу стари" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpidof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "People with Id containing " msgstr "Лица со записи што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чијшто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "People with a name matching " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_regexpname.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches people's names containing a substring or matching a regular " "expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа лица чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:46 msgid "Relationship path between " msgstr "Патека на врска помеѓу " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetween.py:48 msgid "" "Matches the ancestors of two persons back to a common ancestor, producing " "the relationship path between two persons." msgstr "" "Ги совпаѓа предците на две лица назад до заеднички предок, изработувајќи " "патека на врска помеѓу две лица." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetweenbookmarks.py:51 msgid "Relationship path between bookmarked persons" msgstr "Патека на врски помеѓу одбележани лица" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_relationshippathbetweenbookmarks.py:53 msgid "" "Matches the ancestors of bookmarked individuals back to common ancestors, " "producing the relationship path(s) between bookmarked persons." msgstr "" "Совпаѓа предци на одбележани поединци назад до заедничи предци, " "изработувајќи патеки на врски помеѓу одбележани лица." #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/person/_searchname.py:46 msgid "People matching the " msgstr "Лица совпаднати со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_allplaces.py:44 msgid "Every place" msgstr "Секое место" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_allplaces.py:45 msgid "Matches every place in the database" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со сите места во базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Places changed after " msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches place records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Place with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hascitation.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places with a citation of a particular value" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со податоци за раѓање од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:113 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:564 #, fuzzy msgid "Place type:" msgstr "Промени видови" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:50 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:282 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:511 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:545 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:562 msgid "Code:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:58 msgid "Places matching parameters" msgstr "Места што совпаѓаат параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasdata.py:53 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:59 msgid "Matches places with particular parameters" msgstr "Совпаѓа места со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasgallery.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Places with media" msgstr "Место со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasgallery.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Place with " msgstr "Место со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasidof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches a place with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа име со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnolatorlon.py:48 msgid "Places with no latitude or longitude given" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnolatorlon.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places with empty latitude or longitude" msgstr "Совпаѓа места што се означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnolatorlon.py:50 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:56 #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:60 #, fuzzy msgid "Position filters" msgstr "%s Филтри на настани" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnote.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Places having notes" msgstr "Лица со забелешки" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnote.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Совпаѓа места со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Places having notes containing " msgstr "Места со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches places whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "Совпаѓа места чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 #, fuzzy msgid "Places having notes containing " msgstr "Места со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches places whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа места чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Street:" msgstr "У_лица" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:50 msgid "Locality:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:51 msgid "City:" msgstr "Град:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:52 msgid "County:" msgstr "Земја:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:53 msgid "State:" msgstr "Држава:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:54 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Земја:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:55 msgid "ZIP/Postal Code:" msgstr "Поштенски број:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasplace.py:56 msgid "Church Parish:" msgstr "Парохија:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Places with a reference count of " msgstr "Места со референции" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places with a certain reference count" msgstr "Совпаѓа места со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourcecount.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Place with sources" msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourcecount.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places with a certain number of sources connected to it" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Places with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hassourceof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places who have a particular source" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица кои имаат одреден извор" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastag.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Places with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches places with the particular tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа места со одредена ознака" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Places matching a title" msgstr "Места што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_hastitle.py:50 msgid "Matches places with a particular title" msgstr "Совпаѓа место со одреден наслов" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:259 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:236 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:251 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:245 #, fuzzy msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Ш_ирина:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:332 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:267 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:255 #, fuzzy msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "_Должина:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:50 msgid "Rectangle height:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:50 msgid "Rectangle width:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:51 msgid "Places in neighborhood of given position" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_inlatlonneighborhood.py:52 msgid "" "Matches places with latitude or longitude positioned in a rectangle of given " "height and width (in degrees), and with middlepoint the given latitude and " "longitude." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:49 msgid "Places enclosed by another place" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_isenclosedby.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches a place enclosed by a particular place" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица кои имаат одреден извор" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Places of events matching the " msgstr "Места што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matcheseventfilter.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches places where events happened that match the specified event filter " "name" msgstr "Совпаѓа настани што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Places matching the " msgstr "Места што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches places matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа места совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchessourceconfidence.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Place with a direct source >= " msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_matchessourceconfidence.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places with at least one direct source with confidence level(s)" msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства со настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_placeprivate.py:42 msgid "Places marked private" msgstr "Места означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_placeprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches places that are indicated as private" msgstr "Совпаѓа места што се означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_regexpidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Places with Id containing " msgstr "Лица со записи што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_regexpidof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа места чијшто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓа со обичниот израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:591 msgid "Units:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:58 #, fuzzy msgid "Places within an area" msgstr "Место со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches places within a given distance of another place" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со податоци за раѓање од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:83 msgid "Cannot use the filter 'within area'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/place/_withinarea.py:84 msgid "" "The place you selected contains bad coordinates. Please, run the tool 'clean " "input data'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_allrepos.py:44 msgid "Every repository" msgstr "Секој репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_allrepos.py:45 msgid "Matches every repository in the database" msgstr "Го совпаѓа секој репозиториум во базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Repositories changed after " msgstr "Репозиториуми што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches repository records changed after a specified date/time (yyyy-mm-dd " "hh:mm:ss) or in the range, if a second date/time is given." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasattribute.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository attribute:" msgstr "Репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasattribute.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Repositories with the attribute " msgstr "Објекти со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasattribute.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches repositories with the attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа објектите со дадената особина на одредената вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Repository with " msgstr "Репозиториум со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasidof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches a repository with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа репозиториум со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Repositories having notes containing " msgstr "Репозиториуми со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches repositories whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа репозиториуми чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со " "подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 #, fuzzy msgid "Repositories having notes containing " msgstr "Репозиториуми со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "" "Matches repositories whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа репозиториуми чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со " "обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Repositories with a reference count of " msgstr "Складишта со референции" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches repositories with a certain reference count" msgstr "Совпаѓа репозиториуми со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:46 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:228 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergerepository.py:46 #, fuzzy msgctxt "repo" msgid "Name:" msgstr "Име:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:48 msgid "Address:" msgstr "Адреса:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:49 msgid "URL:" msgstr "URL:" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:51 msgid "Repositories matching parameters" msgstr "Репозиториуми што се совпаѓаат со параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hasrepo.py:52 msgid "Matches Repositories with particular parameters" msgstr "Совпаѓа репозиториуми со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hastag.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Repositories with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches repositories with the particular tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа складиште со одредена ознака" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Repositories matching the " msgstr "Репозиториуми што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches repositories matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа репозиториуми совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Repositories with name containing " msgstr "Репозиториуми со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_matchesnamesubstringof.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches repositories whose name contains a certain substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа репозиториуми чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со " "подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_regexpidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Repositories with Id containing " msgstr "Репозиториуми со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_regexpidof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches repositories whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа репозиториуми чиишто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓа со обичниот израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_repoprivate.py:42 msgid "Repositories marked private" msgstr "Репозиториуми означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/repository/_repoprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches repositories that are indicated as private" msgstr "Совпаѓа репозиториуми што се означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_allsources.py:44 msgid "Every source" msgstr "Секој извор" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_allsources.py:45 msgid "Matches every source in the database" msgstr "Го совпаѓа секој извор во базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources changed after " msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_changedsince.py:48 msgid "" "Matches source records changed after a specified date-time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:" "ss) or in the range, if a second date-time is given." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasattribute.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Source attribute:" msgstr "Својства" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasattribute.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources with the attribute " msgstr "Објекти со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasattribute.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches sources with the attribute of a particular value" msgstr "Ги совпаѓа објектите со дадената особина на одредената вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasgallery.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources with media" msgstr "Извор со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasgallery.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches sources with a certain number of items in the gallery" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasidof.py:44 msgid "Source with " msgstr "Извор со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasidof.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches a source with a specified Gramps ID" msgstr "Совпаѓа извор со одреден GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnote.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources having notes" msgstr "Лица со забелешки" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnote.py:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches sources having a certain number of notes" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:42 msgid "Sources having notes containing " msgstr "Извори со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnotematchingsubstringof.py:43 msgid "Matches sources whose notes contain text matching a substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа извори чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnoteregexp.py:41 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources having notes containing " msgstr "Извори со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasnoteregexp.py:42 msgid "Matches sources whose notes contain text matching a regular expression" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа извори чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasreferencecountof.py:42 msgid "Sources with a reference count of " msgstr "Извори со референции" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasreferencecountof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches sources with a certain reference count" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори со одредени параметри" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources with Repository references" msgstr "Извор со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepository.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches sources with a certain number of repository references" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources with repository reference containing in \"Call Number\"" msgstr "Извори со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hasrepositorycallnumberref.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches sources with a repository reference\n" "containing a substring in \"Call Number\"" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа извори чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hastag.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources with the " msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_hastag.py:50 msgid "Matches sources with the particular tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори со одредена ознака" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesfilter.py:44 msgid "Sources matching the " msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesfilter.py:45 msgid "Matches sources matched by the specified filter name" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори што се совпаднати од одреденото име на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources with repository reference matching the " msgstr "Настани што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchesrepositoryfilter.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Matches sources with a repository reference that match a certain\n" "repository filter" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто се потомци на секој што е совпаднат од филтерот" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:43 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources with title containing " msgstr "Извори со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_matchestitlesubstringof.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches sources whose title contains a certain substring" msgstr "" "Совпаѓа извори чиишто забелешки содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_regexpidof.py:47 #, fuzzy msgid "Sources with Id containing " msgstr "Извори со забелешки што содржат " #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_regexpidof.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches sources whose Gramps ID matches the regular expression" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори чиишто GRAMPS ИД се совпаѓаат со обичниот израз" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_sourceprivate.py:42 msgid "Sources marked private" msgstr "Извори означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/filters/rules/source/_sourceprivate.py:43 msgid "Matches sources that are indicated as private" msgstr "Совпаѓа извори што се означени како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:97 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:298 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:607 ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:167 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/repositorydetails.py:138 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5660 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5827 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:348 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:114 msgid "Address" msgstr "Адреса" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:101 ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:240 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:109 ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:133 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:173 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:99 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:190 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:194 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:169 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:90 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:147 ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:128 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:234 ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:102 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:182 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:114 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:110 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:133 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattribute.py:74 ../gramps/gen/lib/url.py:92 #: ../gramps/gen/proxy/private.py:831 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:68 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:137 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:297 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:153 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:180 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:345 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:355 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:149 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:420 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:381 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:332 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:301 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:623 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:155 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:233 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:417 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:158 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:331 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:432 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:195 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:404 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:212 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:295 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:98 ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:87 msgid "Private" msgstr "Лично" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:103 ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:242 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:113 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:155 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:178 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:174 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:156 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:92 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:151 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:222 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:104 ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:800 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:814 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:828 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:842 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:856 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:281 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:810 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:283 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:291 #, fuzzy msgid "Citations" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:107 ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:248 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:117 ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:119 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:159 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:103 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:182 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:178 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:159 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:96 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:155 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:226 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:108 ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:174 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:100 ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:100 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:114 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:674 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:688 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:702 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:716 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:730 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:744 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:758 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:772 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:778 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:786 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:137 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:272 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:489 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:109 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:105 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1381 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2380 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1394 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:148 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Забелешки" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:111 ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:106 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:706 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:146 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:182 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:163 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:157 ../gramps/gen/lib/placename.py:101 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placeref.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:82 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:52 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:62 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:113 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:322 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:332 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:115 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:122 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:324 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:138 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:148 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:378 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:388 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:155 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:165 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:244 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:254 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:582 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:592 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:571 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:581 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:132 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:142 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:66 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/backlinks.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/personresidence.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:239 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:496 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:503 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1145 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:509 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:708 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:588 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:833 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:777 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1024 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1061 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1235 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2585 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:587 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:933 msgid "Date" msgstr "Датум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:113 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:91 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:589 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1236 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2899 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2966 msgid "Street" msgstr "Улица" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:115 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:93 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:70 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:610 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:73 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:55 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:587 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1237 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2900 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2967 #, fuzzy msgid "Locality" msgstr "Локација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:117 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:95 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:68 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:613 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:621 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1238 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2901 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2968 msgid "City" msgstr "Град" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:119 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:97 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:148 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:609 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1240 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2904 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2970 msgid "County" msgstr "Округ" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:121 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:99 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:58 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:147 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:607 msgid "State" msgstr "Држава" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:123 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:101 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:65 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:619 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:76 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:605 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1242 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2909 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2973 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:233 msgid "Country" msgstr "Земја" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:125 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1241 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2907 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2972 #, fuzzy msgid "Postal Code" msgstr "ZIP/Поштенски број" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/address.py:127 ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:625 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:788 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1167 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/repositorydetails.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:4147 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5924 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1243 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Телефон" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:236 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattribute.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:435 ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:135 msgid "Attribute" msgstr "Особина" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attribute.py:251 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattribute.py:77 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttag.py:106 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:922 #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:126 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/attributes.py:57 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:173 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:410 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1130 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1380 msgid "Value" msgstr "Вредност" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:64 ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:74 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:54 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:163 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:51 ../gramps/gen/lib/markertype.py:52 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:74 ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:47 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:74 ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:64 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:53 ../gramps/gen/lib/srcattrtype.py:44 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:57 ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:48 #: ../gramps/gui/autocomp.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:585 msgid "Custom" msgstr "Произволно" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:65 msgid "Caste" msgstr "Каста" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:66 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:148 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:147 ../gramps/gen/lib/url.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:75 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:931 ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:134 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:243 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:620 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1110 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:57 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:77 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:779 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1027 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2455 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3179 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:127 msgid "Description" msgstr "Опис" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:67 msgid "Identification Number" msgstr "Број за идентификација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:68 msgid "National Origin" msgstr "Национално потекло" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:69 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:106 msgid "Number of Children" msgstr "Број на деца" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:70 msgid "Social Security Number" msgstr "Број на социјално осигурување" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:71 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:867 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:869 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:874 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:881 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:435 msgid "Nickname" msgstr "Прекар" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:72 msgid "Cause" msgstr "Причина" # посредништво,застапништво #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:73 msgid "Agency" msgstr "Агенција" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:377 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:54 msgid "Age" msgstr "Возраст" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:75 msgid "Father's Age" msgstr "Таткова возраст" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:76 msgid "Mother's Age" msgstr "Мајчина возраст" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:77 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:61 msgid "Witness" msgstr "Сведок" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Time" msgstr "Наслов" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/attrtype.py:79 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:190 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:85 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:164 msgid "Occupation" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:105 ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:190 msgid "Child Reference" msgstr "Упатување на дете" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childref.py:120 ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:102 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:141 ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:150 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:139 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:103 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:114 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:178 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:112 ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:139 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placeref.py:91 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:91 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:104 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:102 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:120 msgid "Handle" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:67 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:75 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:201 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:175 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:236 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:155 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:257 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:191 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:171 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2526 msgid "None" msgstr "Ниедно" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:68 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Birth" msgctxt "relationship" msgid "Birth" msgstr "Раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:69 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Adopted" msgctxt "relationship" msgid "Adopted" msgstr "Посвоен/а" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:70 msgid "Stepchild" msgstr "Посвоено дете" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:71 msgid "Sponsored" msgstr "Спонзорирано" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/childreftype.py:72 msgid "Foster" msgstr "Старателство" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:97 ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:468 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:664 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:119 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:125 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:100 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:302 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/citationtreemodel.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:209 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:739 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:252 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:936 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:209 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:823 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:247 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:104 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:152 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:141 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:116 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:180 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:141 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:93 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:104 ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:215 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:234 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:246 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:252 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:264 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:276 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2874 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:405 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:564 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1626 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:256 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:268 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps ID" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:295 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2587 msgid "Page" msgstr "Страница" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:261 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2588 msgid "Confidence" msgstr "Доверба" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:115 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:770 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:661 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:136 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:99 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:86 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:298 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/citationtreemodel.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:173 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:52 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:724 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:246 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:883 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:729 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:839 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:811 msgid "Source" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:122 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:162 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:165 ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:168 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:134 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:206 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:166 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:117 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:645 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:299 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:111 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:215 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:207 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:559 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:848 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:82 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1743 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1812 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1931 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1978 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2285 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:389 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:142 msgid "Media" msgstr "Медиуми" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:125 ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:124 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:638 #, fuzzy msgid "Source Attributes" msgstr "Својства" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:127 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:167 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:184 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:161 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:122 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:228 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:176 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:108 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:121 ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:130 #, fuzzy msgid "Last changed" msgstr "Последна промена" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/citation.py:131 ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:171 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:188 ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:167 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:126 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:232 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:180 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:112 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:131 ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:332 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:773 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:396 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:726 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:284 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:683 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:527 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:280 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:551 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:102 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:99 ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2987 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:432 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:368 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:599 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1713 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:276 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:286 #, fuzzy msgid "Tags" msgstr "Слика" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:290 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:325 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:331 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:333 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:350 #, fuzzy msgctxt "age" msgid "about" msgstr "Пребројување на страници" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:427 ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:434 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} year" msgid_plural "{number_of} years" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:443 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} month" msgid_plural "{number_of} months" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:454 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} day" msgid_plural "{number_of} days" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:81 msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:712 #, fuzzy msgid "Modifier" msgstr "Смени настан" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:714 #, fuzzy msgid "Quality" msgstr "К_валитет" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:716 ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:836 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:967 msgid "Values" msgstr "Вредности" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:719 ../gramps/gen/lib/placename.py:99 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtext.py:322 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:54 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:622 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:630 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1430 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:403 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1107 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:512 msgid "Text" msgstr "Текст" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:721 #, fuzzy msgid "Sort value" msgstr "_Подреди како:" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:723 msgid "New year begins" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1856 msgctxt "date-quality" msgid "none" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1857 #, fuzzy msgid "calculated" msgstr "Пресметано" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1857 #, fuzzy msgid "estimated" msgstr "Проценето" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1871 msgctxt "date-modifier" msgid "none" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1872 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3248 #, fuzzy msgid "about" msgstr "За" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1872 ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1841 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3244 #, fuzzy msgid "after" msgstr "По" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1872 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3246 #, fuzzy msgid "before" msgstr "Пред" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1873 #, fuzzy msgid "range" msgstr "Опсег" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1873 #, fuzzy msgid "span" msgstr "Протегање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/date.py:1873 #, fuzzy msgid "textonly" msgstr "Само текст" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:136 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:335 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:670 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:92 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:296 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:138 #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:696 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:247 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:246 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:787 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:776 msgid "Event" msgstr "Настан" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/event.py:151 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:186 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:134 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:355 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:658 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:81 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:55 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:297 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:270 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1355 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/personresidence.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:113 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:249 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:252 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:512 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:711 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:182 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:799 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:778 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1026 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1063 msgid "Place" msgstr "Место" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Event reference" msgstr "Уреди упатување" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventref.py:106 ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:171 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:152 ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:100 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:590 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:604 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:618 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:632 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:646 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:660 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:694 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:525 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1117 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1358 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1363 msgid "Attributes" msgstr "Својства" # основен #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:55 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Role" msgid "Primary" msgstr "Главен" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:56 msgid "Clergy" msgstr "Свештенство" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:57 msgid "Celebrant" msgstr "Свештеник" # аѓутант #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:58 msgid "Aide" msgstr "Помошник" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:59 msgid "Bride" msgstr "Невеста" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:60 msgid "Groom" msgstr "Младоженец" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:62 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Role" msgid "Family" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Informant" msgstr "Новороденче" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventroletype.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Godparent" msgstr "Родители" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:137 #, fuzzy msgid "Life Events" msgstr "Настани" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:139 ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:145 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:188 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:748 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:655 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:52 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:562 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:93 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:295 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:267 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:230 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:682 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1256 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1345 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:245 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:203 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:271 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:774 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1552 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1575 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:211 msgid "Family" msgstr "Семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:142 #, fuzzy msgid "Religious" msgstr "Вероисповед" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:145 #, fuzzy msgid "Vocational" msgstr "Локација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:147 msgid "Academic" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:149 msgid "Travel" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:151 msgid "Legal" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:153 ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:464 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1829 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1832 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3156 msgid "Residence" msgstr "Живеалиште" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:155 ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:523 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:610 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:149 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:200 msgid "Other" msgstr "Друго" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:164 msgid "Adopted" msgstr "Посвоен/а" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:165 ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:93 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2230 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:151 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:63 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1472 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:316 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:524 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:526 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:231 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:142 msgid "Birth" msgstr "Раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:166 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2236 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1491 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:324 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:530 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:532 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:176 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:235 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:146 msgid "Death" msgstr "Смрт" # смешно #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:167 msgid "Adult Christening" msgstr "Возрасно крштевање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:168 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:95 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2231 msgid "Baptism" msgstr "Крштевка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:169 msgid "Bar Mitzvah" msgstr "Бар Мицва" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:170 msgid "Bat Mitzvah" msgstr "Бас Мицва" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:171 msgid "Blessing" msgstr "Благослов" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:172 msgid "Burial" msgstr "Закоп" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:173 msgid "Cause Of Death" msgstr "Причина за смрт" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:174 msgid "Census" msgstr "Попис" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:175 msgid "Christening" msgstr "Крштевање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:176 ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:97 msgid "Confirmation" msgstr "Миропомазание" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:177 msgid "Cremation" msgstr "Кремирање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:178 msgid "Degree" msgstr "Диплома" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:179 msgid "Education" msgstr "Образование" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:180 msgid "Elected" msgstr "Избран" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:181 msgid "Emigration" msgstr "Емиграција" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:182 msgid "First Communion" msgstr "Прва причест" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:183 msgid "Immigration" msgstr "Имиграција" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:184 msgid "Graduation" msgstr "Дипломирање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:185 msgid "Medical Information" msgstr "Медицинска информација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:186 msgid "Military Service" msgstr "Воена служба" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:187 msgid "Naturalization" msgstr "Натурализација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:188 msgid "Nobility Title" msgstr "Благородничка титула" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:105 msgid "Number of Marriages" msgstr "Број на бракови" # ракоположување во црковна служба #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:191 msgid "Ordination" msgstr "Хиротонија" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:192 msgid "Probate" msgstr "Потврда" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:193 msgid "Property" msgstr "Имот" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:166 msgid "Religion" msgstr "Вероисповед" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:196 msgid "Retirement" msgstr "Пензионирање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:197 msgid "Will" msgstr "Тестамент" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:198 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:159 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:97 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2233 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:465 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:138 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:238 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:411 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:602 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:197 msgid "Marriage" msgstr "Брак" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:199 msgid "Marriage Settlement" msgstr "Брачна спогодба" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:200 msgid "Marriage License" msgstr "Брачна дозвола" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:201 msgid "Marriage Contract" msgstr "Брачен договор" # најавување на брак #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:202 msgid "Marriage Banns" msgstr "Брачна најава" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:203 msgid "Engagement" msgstr "Свршувачка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:204 ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2235 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:198 msgid "Divorce" msgstr "Развод" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:205 msgid "Divorce Filing" msgstr "Молба за развод" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:206 msgid "Annulment" msgstr "Поништување" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:207 msgid "Alternate Marriage" msgstr "Поинаков брак" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:211 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:57 #, fuzzy msgctxt "birth abbreviation" msgid "b." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:58 #, fuzzy msgctxt "death abbreviation" msgid "d." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:213 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:59 #, fuzzy msgctxt "marriage abbreviation" msgid "m." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:214 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Unknown abbreviation" msgid "unkn." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:215 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Custom abbreviation" msgid "cust." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:216 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Adopted abbreviation" msgid "adop." msgstr "Кратенка" # смешно #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:217 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Adult Christening abbreviation" msgid "a.chr." msgstr "Возрасно крштевање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:218 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Baptism abbreviation" msgid "bap." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:219 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Bar Mitzvah abbreviation" msgid "bar." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:220 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Bat Mitzvah abbreviation" msgid "bat." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:221 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Blessing abbreviation" msgid "bles." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:222 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Burial abbreviation" msgid "bur." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:223 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Cause Of Death abbreviation" msgid "d.cau." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:224 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Census abbreviation" msgid "cens." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:225 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Christening abbreviation" msgid "chr." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:226 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Confirmation abbreviation" msgid "conf." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:227 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Cremation abbreviation" msgid "crem." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:228 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Degree abbreviation" msgid "deg." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:229 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Education abbreviation" msgid "edu." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:230 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Elected abbreviation" msgid "elec." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:231 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Emigration abbreviation" msgid "em." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:232 #, fuzzy msgctxt "First Communion abbreviation" msgid "f.comm." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:233 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Immigration abbreviation" msgid "im." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:234 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Graduation abbreviation" msgid "grad." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:235 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Medical Information abbreviation" msgid "medinf." msgstr "Медицинска информација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:236 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Military Service abbreviation" msgid "milser." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:237 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Naturalization abbreviation" msgid "nat." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:238 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Nobility Title abbreviation" msgid "nob." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:239 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Number of Marriages abbreviation" msgid "n.o.mar." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:240 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Occupation abbreviation" msgid "occ." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:241 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Ordination abbreviation" msgid "ord." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:242 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Probate abbreviation" msgid "prob." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:243 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Property abbreviation" msgid "prop." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:244 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Religion abbreviation" msgid "rel." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:245 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Residence abbreviation" msgid "res." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:246 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Retirement abbreviation" msgid "ret." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:247 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Will abbreviation" msgid "will." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:248 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Marriage Settlement abbreviation" msgid "m.set." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:249 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Marriage License abbreviation" msgid "m.lic." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:250 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Marriage Contract abbreviation" msgid "m.con." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:251 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Marriage Banns abbreviation" msgid "m.ban." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:252 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Alternate Marriage abbreviation" msgid "alt.mar." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:253 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Engagement abbreviation" msgid "engd." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:254 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Divorce abbreviation" msgid "div." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:255 msgctxt "Divorce Filing abbreviation" msgid "div.f." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/eventtype.py:256 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Annulment abbreviation" msgid "annul." msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:155 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:122 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:192 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:231 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:235 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:300 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:232 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:243 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:331 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:935 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:252 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1066 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1845 msgid "Father" msgstr "Татко" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:158 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:123 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:470 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:234 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:68 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:232 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:297 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:249 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:260 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:340 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:342 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:936 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1067 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1858 msgid "Mother" msgstr "Мајка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:161 ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1951 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:870 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:884 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:642 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:680 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1852 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1593 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:457 msgid "Children" msgstr "Деца" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:165 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:478 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:492 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:275 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:122 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:324 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:121 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:37 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1739 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1809 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1921 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:148 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:380 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1740 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:112 msgid "Events" msgstr "Настани" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/family.py:174 ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:218 #, fuzzy msgid "LDS ordinances" msgstr "LDS-обред" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:47 msgid "Married" msgstr "Женет/Мажена" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:48 msgid "Unmarried" msgstr "Неженет/Немажена" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/familyreltype.py:49 msgid "Civil Union" msgstr "Граѓанска заедница" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/grampstype.py:221 ../gramps/gen/lib/grampstype.py:225 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:184 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:916 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:62 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:51 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:62 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:89 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:102 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:253 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:123 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:239 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1108 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:384 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:388 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:73 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/backlinks.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:243 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:326 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:508 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:707 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:341 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:436 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:582 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:666 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:407 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:55 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:95 ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1060 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1379 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2454 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3113 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:183 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:171 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:264 msgid "Type" msgstr "Вид" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:96 msgid "Endowment" msgstr "Свето посветување" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:98 msgid "Sealed to Parents" msgstr "Сврзување за родители" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:99 msgid "Sealed to Spouse" msgstr "Сврзување за сопружник" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:103 msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:104 msgid "Born in Covenant" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:105 msgid "Canceled" msgstr "Откажано" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:106 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:124 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:250 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:261 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:192 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:229 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1275 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:118 msgid "Child" msgstr "Дете" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:107 msgid "Cleared" msgstr "Исчистено" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:108 msgid "Completed" msgstr "Целосно" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:109 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not seal" msgstr "Не може да се зачува репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:110 msgid "Infant" msgstr "Новороденче" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:111 msgid "Pre-1970" msgstr "Пред 1970" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:112 msgid "Qualified" msgstr "Квалификуван" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:113 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not seal/Cancel" msgstr "Не прашувај повторно" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:114 msgid "Stillborn" msgstr "Мртвородено" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:115 msgid "Submitted" msgstr "Предаден" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:116 msgid "Uncleared" msgstr "Нејасен" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:170 ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:314 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:442 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:501 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:706 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:512 msgid "LDS Ordinance" msgstr "LDS-обред" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:190 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:54 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:511 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1062 msgid "Temple" msgstr "Храм" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/ldsord.py:192 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:394 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/familyldsembedlist.py:53 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:127 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:510 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:709 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1064 msgid "Status" msgstr "Состојба" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:87 ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:86 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:318 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:625 msgid "Location" msgstr "Локација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/location.py:107 ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:619 #, fuzzy msgid "Parish" msgstr "Парохија" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/markertype.py:53 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:700 msgid "Complete" msgstr "Завршено" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/markertype.py:54 ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:103 msgid "ToDo" msgstr "Направи" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:145 msgid "MIME" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/media.py:149 msgid "Checksum" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:86 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:665 #, fuzzy msgid "Media ref" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/mediaref.py:110 ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:613 #, fuzzy msgid "Region" msgstr "Вероисповед" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:143 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:96 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:122 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:571 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:604 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:73 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:125 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:310 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:836 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:991 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:131 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1177 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:130 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1109 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:383 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:281 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:473 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:614 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/backlinks.py:59 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:125 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:242 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:933 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:430 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:660 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:582 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2070 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:138 msgid "Name" msgstr "Име" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:159 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:166 msgid "Given name" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:162 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1737 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1789 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1792 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1913 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:304 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:149 msgid "Surnames" msgstr "Презимиња" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:164 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:864 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:866 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:868 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:870 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:871 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:876 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:878 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:883 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:885 ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:229 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:355 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:171 #, fuzzy msgid "Suffix" msgstr "Наставка:" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:166 ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:143 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:106 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:919 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:105 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:88 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1613 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:140 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:136 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:424 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:576 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:746 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3111 msgid "Title" msgstr "Наслов" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:169 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:225 #, fuzzy msgid "Group as" msgstr "Г_рупирај како:" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:171 #, fuzzy msgid "Sort as" msgstr "_Подреди како:" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:173 #, fuzzy msgid "Display as" msgstr "_Прикажи како:" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:175 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:167 #, fuzzy msgid "Call name" msgstr "Повикај име:" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:177 #, fuzzy msgid "Nick name" msgstr "Прекар" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:179 #, fuzzy msgid "Family nick name" msgstr "Семејно име:" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:461 ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:476 #, python-format msgid "%(surname)s, %(first)s %(suffix)s" msgstr "" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #. make sure it's translated, so it can be used below, in "combine" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:465 ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:480 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:256 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:454 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:487 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1024 #, python-format msgid "%(str1)s, %(str2)s" msgstr "" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gen/lib/name.py:493 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(first)s %(surname)s, %(suffix)s" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:76 msgctxt "Surname" msgid "Inherited" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:77 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Surname" msgid "Given" msgstr "Погодување на презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:78 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Surname" msgid "Taken" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:79 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:65 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Patronymic" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:80 #, fuzzy msgid "Matronymic" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:81 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Surname" msgid "Feudal" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:82 msgid "Pseudonym" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Patrilineal" msgstr "По татко" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nameorigintype.py:84 #, fuzzy msgid "Matrilineal" msgstr "По мајка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:48 msgid "Also Known As" msgstr "Исто така, познат како" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:49 msgid "Birth Name" msgstr "Родено име" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/nametype.py:50 msgid "Married Name" msgstr "Венчано име" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:109 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:262 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:208 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:375 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:676 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:95 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:98 ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:181 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:149 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:301 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:92 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:139 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:113 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:326 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/mediamodel.py:117 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:982 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1707 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:361 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:466 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:174 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:753 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:251 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:276 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:208 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:366 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:428 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:860 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:754 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2407 msgid "Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/note.py:119 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1043 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceformat.py:72 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1447 #, fuzzy msgid "Format" msgstr "Форматирано" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:75 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1670 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:110 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:183 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:601 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:342 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:756 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:671 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:382 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:161 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:665 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:225 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:445 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:406 msgid "General" msgstr "Општо" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:76 #, fuzzy msgid "Research" msgstr "Истражувач" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Transcript" msgstr "Ракопис" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Source text" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:80 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:174 msgid "Report" msgstr "Извештај" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:81 msgid "Html code" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:82 msgctxt "notetype" msgid "To Do" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:83 #, fuzzy msgctxt "notetype" msgid "Link" msgstr "Вид на настан:" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:87 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Note" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:88 #, fuzzy msgid "Name Note" msgstr "Забелешка за семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Attribute Note" msgstr "Особина" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:90 #, fuzzy msgid "Address Note" msgstr "Адреси" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Association Note" msgstr "Поврзување" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "LDS Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:93 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:127 msgid "Family Note" msgstr "Забелешка за семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:94 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Note" msgstr "Вид на настан" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Reference Note" msgstr "Упатување на настан" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:96 #, fuzzy msgid "Source Note" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Source Reference Note" msgstr "Упатување на извор" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Note" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:99 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository Note" msgstr "Репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:100 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository Reference Note" msgstr "Упатување на репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:101 #, fuzzy msgid "Media Note" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:102 #, fuzzy msgid "Media Reference Note" msgstr "Упатување на медиум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/notetype.py:103 #, fuzzy msgid "Child Reference Note" msgstr "Упатување на дете" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:173 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:728 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:652 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:294 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:211 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:667 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1237 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1326 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:34 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:234 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:326 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:339 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:365 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:409 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:202 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:302 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:761 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:187 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1392 msgid "Person" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:184 ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:126 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:133 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:184 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:344 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:172 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:934 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1637 msgid "Gender" msgstr "Пол" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:188 #, fuzzy msgid "Alternate names" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:190 #, fuzzy msgid "Death reference index" msgstr "Упатување на настан" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:192 #, fuzzy msgid "Birth reference index" msgstr "Уреди упатување" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:195 #, fuzzy msgid "Event references" msgstr "Уреди упатување" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:199 ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:300 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:434 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:958 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:273 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:119 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:643 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:235 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:753 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:52 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:348 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:396 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1738 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1797 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1914 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:138 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:105 msgid "Families" msgstr "Семејства" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:203 #, fuzzy msgid "Parent families" msgstr "Преподреди семејства" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:209 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:268 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:422 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1190 msgid "Addresses" msgstr "Адреси" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:215 msgid "Urls" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:237 #, fuzzy msgid "Person references" msgstr "Упатување на лице" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/person.py:537 #, fuzzy msgid "Merged Gramps ID" msgstr "Пререди GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:98 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:685 #, fuzzy msgid "Person ref" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/personref.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:68 msgid "Association" msgstr "Поврзување" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:145 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:136 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2891 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:223 msgid "Longitude" msgstr "Географска должина" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:147 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2883 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:222 msgid "Latitude" msgstr "Географска широчина" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:150 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:277 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:125 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:407 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:229 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1740 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1806 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1922 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:346 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:119 msgid "Places" msgstr "Места" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:154 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:199 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:393 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2936 msgid "Alternate Names" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:157 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:246 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:89 msgid "Code" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:160 ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2960 #, fuzzy msgid "Alternate Locations" msgstr "Помошни локации" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/place.py:163 ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:106 msgid "URLs" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placename.py:95 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:588 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:134 msgid "Place Name" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placename.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1852 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2938 msgid "Language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placeref.py:87 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:552 #, fuzzy msgid "Place ref" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:72 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:611 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2908 #, fuzzy msgid "Province" msgstr "Држава/Покраина" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:74 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:615 #, fuzzy msgid "Department" msgstr "Пензионирање" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:75 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:591 msgid "Neighborhood" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:76 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:617 msgid "District" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:77 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:593 msgid "Borough" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:78 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:625 #, fuzzy msgid "Municipality" msgstr "Локација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:79 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:623 msgid "Town" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:80 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:595 msgid "Village" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:81 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:597 msgid "Hamlet" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:82 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:599 msgid "Farm" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:83 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:601 #, fuzzy msgid "Building" msgstr "Градење податоци" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/placetype.py:84 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:603 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3109 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:169 #, fuzzy msgid "Number" msgstr "Повикувачки број" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repo.py:86 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:790 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:673 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:300 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:114 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:250 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:264 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:835 msgid "Repository" msgstr "Репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:96 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:514 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository ref" msgstr "Репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/reporef.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:68 msgid "Call Number" msgstr "Повикувачки број" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:54 msgid "Library" msgstr "Библиотека" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:55 msgid "Cemetery" msgstr "Гробишта" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:56 msgid "Church" msgstr "Црква" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:57 msgid "Archive" msgstr "Архивирај" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:58 msgid "Album" msgstr "Албум" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:59 msgid "Web site" msgstr "Веб-место" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:60 msgid "Bookstore" msgstr "Книжарница" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:61 msgid "Collection" msgstr "Збирка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/repotype.py:62 msgid "Safe" msgstr "Безбедно" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:81 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:106 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:88 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:752 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:269 msgid "Author" msgstr "Автор" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:110 #, fuzzy msgid "Publication info" msgstr "Информација за објава" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:119 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:89 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:270 msgid "Abbreviation" msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/src.py:127 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:643 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:252 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:260 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1742 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1803 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1924 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3100 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:235 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:133 msgid "Repositories" msgstr "Репозиториуми" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:58 msgid "Audio" msgstr "Аудио" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:59 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:7 msgid "Book" msgstr "Книга" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:60 msgid "Card" msgstr "Картичка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:61 msgid "Electronic" msgstr "Електронска" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:62 msgid "Fiche" msgstr "Микрофилм" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:63 msgid "Film" msgstr "Филм" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:64 msgid "Magazine" msgstr "Списание" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:65 msgid "Manuscript" msgstr "Ракопис" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:66 msgid "Map" msgstr "Мапа" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:67 msgid "Newspaper" msgstr "Весник" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:68 msgid "Photo" msgstr "Слика" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:69 msgid "Tombstone" msgstr "Надгробна плоча" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/srcmediatype.py:70 msgid "Video" msgstr "Видео" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtext.py:318 #, fuzzy msgid "Styled Text" msgstr "Уредувач на стил" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtext.py:325 #, fuzzy msgid "Styled Text Tags" msgstr "Уредувач на стил" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttag.py:101 ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:116 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:110 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:128 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:93 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:140 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:114 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:109 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:92 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:61 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:910 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:914 msgid "Tag" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttag.py:112 #, fuzzy msgid "Ranges" msgstr "Опсег" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Bold" msgstr "_Задебелено" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:62 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Italic" msgstr "_Закосено" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:63 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Underline" msgstr "_Подвлечи" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Fontface" msgstr "Округ" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Fontsize" msgstr "Фонт на семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Fontcolor" msgstr "Избери мајка" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Highlight" msgstr "Висок" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Superscript" msgstr "Ракопис" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/styledtexttagtype.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:171 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtextbuffer.py:565 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtextbuffer.py:605 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Link" msgstr "Локација" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:87 ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:91 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:56 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:605 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:864 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:866 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:868 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:870 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:873 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:874 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:875 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:876 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:89 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1509 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:340 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:163 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:148 msgid "Surname" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:93 ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:470 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:355 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:170 msgid "Prefix" msgstr "Претставка" # основен #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surname.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Primary" msgstr "Главен" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surnamebase.py:187 ../gramps/gen/lib/surnamebase.py:193 #: ../gramps/gen/lib/surnamebase.py:196 #, python-format msgid "%(first)s %(second)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:125 ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:177 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:400 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1449 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1510 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:474 #, fuzzy msgid "Color" msgstr "Полнење со боја" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/tag.py:128 msgid "Priority" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/url.py:88 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:418 msgid "Url" msgstr "Url" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:49 msgid "E-mail" msgstr "Е-пошта" # дома?!?! #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:50 msgid "Web Home" msgstr "Веб-почеток" #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:51 msgid "Web Search" msgstr "Веб-пребарување" # file transfer protocol #: ../gramps/gen/lib/urltype.py:52 msgid "FTP" msgstr "FTP" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/diff.py:106 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Tree Differences" msgstr "Не е возможно да се вчитаат претпочитувањата од %s" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/diff.py:107 #, fuzzy msgid "Searching..." msgstr "Изберете..." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergecitationquery.py:61 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Citation" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergeeventquery.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Event Objects" msgstr "Медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:90 msgid "A parent should be a father or mother." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:103 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:114 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:55 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:2042 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:2066 #: ../gramps/gen/merge/test/merge_ref_test.py:2090 #, fuzzy msgid "" "A parent and child cannot be merged. To merge these people, you must first " "break the relationship between them." msgstr "" "Родител и дете не можат да се обединат. За обединување на овие лица, морате " "претходно да ја раскинете врската помеѓу нив." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergefamilyquery.py:135 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Family" msgstr "Секое семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergemediaquery.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergemedia.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Media Objects" msgstr "Повлечи го медиумскиот објект" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergenotequery.py:58 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Notes" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:51 msgid "" "Spouses cannot be merged. To merge these people, you must first break the " "relationship between them." msgstr "" "Сопружниците не можат да се обединат. За обединување на овие лица, морате " "претходно да ја раскинете врската помеѓу нив." #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergepersonquery.py:121 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Person" msgstr "Обедини лица" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergeplacequery.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeplace.py:78 msgid "Merge Places" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergerepositoryquery.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergerepository.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Repositories" msgstr "Репозиториуми" #: ../gramps/gen/merge/mergesourcequery.py:61 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Source" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gen/mime/_pythonmime.py:50 ../gramps/gen/mime/_pythonmime.py:58 #: ../gramps/gen/mime/_winmime.py:57 ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:517 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:342 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5457 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6776 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:665 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:789 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:456 msgid "unknown" msgstr "непознат" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_gramplet.py:347 #, python-format msgid "Gramplet %s caused an error" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_manager.py:62 msgid "No description was provided" msgstr "Никаков опис не беше даден" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_options.py:386 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:162 #, python-format msgid "" "Option '%(opt_name)s' is present in %(file)s\n" " but is not known to the module. Ignoring..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:59 msgid "Stable" msgstr "Стабилно" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Unstable" msgstr "Стабилно" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:80 msgid "Quickreport" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:81 #, fuzzy msgid "Tool" msgstr "Алатки" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:82 msgid "Importer" msgstr "Увоз" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Exporter" msgstr "Извоз" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:84 msgid "Doc creator" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:85 #, fuzzy msgid "Plugin lib" msgstr "Состојба на додатоци" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:86 #, fuzzy msgid "Map service" msgstr "Воена служба" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:87 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps View" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:88 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:120 msgid "Relationships" msgstr "Врски" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:89 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:434 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:156 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:650 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:228 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:987 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:90 #, fuzzy msgid "Sidebar" msgstr "_Странична линија" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "Rule" msgstr "Додај правило" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:528 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1306 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1981 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:203 #, fuzzy msgid "Miscellaneous" msgstr "Разновидни филтри" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1178 ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1204 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1209 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: Failed reading plugin registration %(filename)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1187 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: Plugin %(plugin_name)s has no translation for any of your " "configured languages, using US English instead" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1224 #, python-format msgctxt "gramps_version" msgid "" "ERROR: Plugin file %(filename)s has a version of \"%(gramps_target_version)s" "\" which is invalid for Gramps \"%(gramps_version)s\"." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1245 #, python-format msgid "ERROR: Wrong python file %(filename)s in register file %(regfile)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/_pluginreg.py:1253 #, python-format msgid "" "ERROR: Python file %(filename)s in register file %(regfile)s does not exist" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:129 #, fuzzy msgid "Close file first" msgstr "Филтри за дете" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:139 msgid "No filename given" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:141 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "File %s already open, close it first." msgstr "Датотеката веќе постои" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:147 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docbackend/docbackend.py:150 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:340 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:342 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:402 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:405 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:425 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:428 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:459 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:462 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:474 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:477 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:496 #: ../gramps/gen/utils/docgen/odstab.py:499 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/asciidoc.py:177 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/cairodoc.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/cairodoc.py:203 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/odfdoc.py:1154 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/odfdoc.py:1157 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/rtfdoc.py:93 ../gramps/plugins/docgen/rtfdoc.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:261 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:265 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportftree.py:136 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1607 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.py:113 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:123 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcalendar.py:127 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcard.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportvcard.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:249 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:259 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlbackend.py:263 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:360 #, python-format msgid "Could not create %s" msgstr "Не може да се создаде %s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:68 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:70 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:76 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:60 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:76 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:90 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:380 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:492 msgid "Default" msgstr "Основно" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:69 #, fuzzy msgid "PostScript / Helvetica" msgstr "Постскрипт / Хелветика" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:70 #, fuzzy msgid "TrueType / FreeSans" msgstr "Трутајп / Фрисанс" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:72 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2142 #, fuzzy msgid "Vertical (↓)" msgstr "По татко" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2143 #, fuzzy msgid "Vertical (↑)" msgstr "По татко" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2144 msgid "Horizontal (→)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2145 msgid "Horizontal (←)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:82 msgid "Bottom, left" msgstr "Доле, лево" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:83 msgid "Bottom, right" msgstr "Доле, десно" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:84 msgid "Top, left" msgstr "Горе, лево" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:85 msgid "Top, Right" msgstr "Горе, десно" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:86 msgid "Right, bottom" msgstr "Десно, доле" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:87 msgid "Right, top" msgstr "Десно, горе" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:88 msgid "Left, bottom" msgstr "Лево, доле" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:89 msgid "Left, top" msgstr "Лево, горе" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Compress to minimal size" msgstr "Минимална големина" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:92 msgid "Fill the given area" msgstr "Пополни ја дадената област" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:93 msgid "Expand uniformly" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:95 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:89 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1359 msgid "Top" msgstr "Горе" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:96 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1374 msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Долу" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Straight" msgstr "исправено" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:99 msgid "Curved" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:100 msgid "Orthogonal" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:145 #, fuzzy msgid "Graphviz Layout" msgstr "GraphViz опции" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:147 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Font family" msgstr "Фонт на семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:150 msgid "" "Choose the font family. If international characters don't show, use FreeSans " "font. FreeSans is available from: http://www.nongnu.org/freefont/" msgstr "" "Одберете фонт за семејството. Ако не се појават меѓународни знаци, " "употребете Фрисанс фонт. Фрисанс е достапен на: http://www.nongnu.org/" "freefont/" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:156 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Font size" msgstr "Фонт на семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:157 msgid "The font size, in points." msgstr "Големината на фонтот, во точки." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:160 #, fuzzy msgid "Graph Direction" msgstr "Насока на графикон" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:163 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether graph goes from top to bottom or left to right." msgstr "Дали генерациите одат одгоре надолу или од лево кон десно." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:167 msgid "Number of Horizontal Pages" msgstr "Број на хоризонтални страници" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:168 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Graphviz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a " "rectangular array of pages. This controls the number pages in the array " "horizontally. Only valid for dot and pdf via Ghostscript." msgstr "" "GraphViz може да создаде многу големи графикони преку ширење на графиконот " "низ правоаголното поле на страници. Ова го управува бројот на страниците во " "полето хоризонтално." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:175 msgid "Number of Vertical Pages" msgstr "Број на вертикални страници" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:176 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Graphviz can create very large graphs by spreading the graph across a " "rectangular array of pages. This controls the number pages in the array " "vertically. Only valid for dot and pdf via Ghostscript." msgstr "" "GraphViz може да создаде многу големи графикони преку ширење на графиконот " "низ правоаголното поле на страници. Ова го управува бројот на страниците во " "полето вертикално." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:183 #, fuzzy msgid "Paging Direction" msgstr "Насока на страница" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:186 msgid "" "The order in which the graph pages are output. This option only applies if " "the horizontal pages or vertical pages are greater than 1." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:191 #, fuzzy msgid "Connecting lines" msgstr "Прередување ИД на семејства" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:194 msgid "How the lines between objects will be drawn." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:197 #, fuzzy msgid "Alternate line attachment" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:198 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether lines attach to nodes differently" msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:214 #, fuzzy msgid "Graphviz Options" msgstr "GraphViz опции" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:217 msgid "Aspect ratio" msgstr "Пропорција на графички приказ" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:221 msgid "" "Affects node spacing and scaling of the graph.\n" "If the graph is smaller than the print area:\n" " Compress will not change the node spacing. \n" " Fill will increase the node spacing to fit the print area in both width " "and height.\n" " Expand will increase the node spacing uniformly to preserve the aspect " "ratio.\n" "If the graph is larger than the print area:\n" " Compress will shrink the graph to achieve tight packing at the expense of " "symmetry.\n" " Fill will shrink the graph to fit the print area after first increasing " "the node spacing.\n" " Expand will shrink the graph uniformly to fit the print area." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:237 msgid "DPI" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:238 msgid "" "Dots per inch. When creating images such as .gif or .png files for the web, " "try numbers such as 100 or 300 DPI. PostScript and PDF files always use 72 " "DPI." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:245 #, fuzzy msgid "Node spacing" msgstr "Нема опис" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:246 msgid "" "The minimum amount of free space, in inches, between individual nodes. For " "vertical graphs, this corresponds to spacing between columns. For " "horizontal graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:253 #, fuzzy msgid "Rank spacing" msgstr "Нема опис" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:254 msgid "" "The minimum amount of free space, in inches, between ranks. For vertical " "graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows. For horizontal graphs, " "this corresponds to spacing between columns." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:265 msgid "Note to add to the graph" msgstr "Забелешка да додадете на графиконот" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:267 msgid "This text will be added to the graph." msgstr "Овој текст ќе биде додаден на графиконот." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:270 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:215 msgid "Note location" msgstr "Положба на забелешка" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:273 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:218 msgid "Whether note will appear on top or bottom of the page." msgstr "Белешката ќе се појави на врвот или дното од страницата." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:277 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:222 #, fuzzy msgid "Note size" msgstr "Забелешки" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:278 msgid "The size of note text, in points." msgstr "Големинате на текстот на забелешката, во точки." # PS?!?!?! #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1069 #, fuzzy msgid "PDF (Ghostscript)" msgstr "Постскрипт" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1075 msgid "PDF (Graphviz)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1081 #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:161 msgid "PostScript" msgstr "Постскрипт" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1087 msgid "Structured Vector Graphics (SVG)" msgstr "Графика на структуриран вектор (SVG)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1093 #, fuzzy msgid "Compressed Structured Vector Graphs (SVGZ)" msgstr "Компресирани графикони на структуриран вектор (SVG)" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1099 msgid "JPEG image" msgstr "PEG-слика" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1105 msgid "GIF image" msgstr "GIF-слика" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1111 msgid "PNG image" msgstr "PNG-слика" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/graphdoc.py:1117 #, fuzzy msgid "Graphviz File" msgstr "GraphViz опции" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/paperstyle.py:78 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paper size" msgid "Letter" msgstr "Патронимско, Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/paperstyle.py:80 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paper size" msgid "Legal" msgstr "Патронимско, Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/paperstyle.py:82 msgid "Custom Size" msgstr "Приспособувачка големина" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:61 msgid "Medium" msgstr "Медиум" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:65 msgid "Short" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Given Nickname Surname" msgstr "Дадено име Семејно име" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Surname Given Nickname" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:71 msgid "Above" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:72 #, fuzzy msgid "Below" msgstr "По_д:" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:73 #, fuzzy msgid "Not shown" msgstr "Не се најдени родители" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:77 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:99 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:166 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2077 #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:599 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Претпочитувања" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:79 msgid "Down (↓)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:80 msgid "Up (↑)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:81 #, fuzzy msgid "Right (→)" msgstr "_Десно" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:82 msgid "Left (←)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:84 msgid "Perpendicular" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:85 #, fuzzy msgid "Rounded" msgstr "_Подвлечи" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:86 msgid "Swing" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:87 msgid "Mesh" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:92 msgid "Tiny" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:93 #, fuzzy msgid "Script" msgstr "Постскрипт" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:94 #, fuzzy msgid "Footnote" msgstr "Подножје" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:95 msgid "Small" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:96 ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:214 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:974 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:488 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Нормално" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:271 msgid "Large" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Very large" msgstr "Секое место" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:99 msgid "Extra large" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:100 msgid "Huge" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:101 msgid "Extra huge" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:144 #, fuzzy msgid "Node Options" msgstr "Опции за текст" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:147 #, fuzzy msgid "Node detail" msgstr "Покажи подробности" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:150 msgid "Detail of information to be shown in a node." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:153 #, fuzzy msgid "Name Format" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:156 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1807 #, fuzzy msgid "Select the format to display names" msgstr "Избирање на име на датотеката" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:162 #, fuzzy msgid "Position of marriage information." msgstr "Вклучи Информација за извор" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:165 #, fuzzy msgid "Node size" msgstr "Забелешки" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:166 msgid "" "One dimension of a node, in mm. If the timeflow is up or down then this is " "the width, otherwise it is the height." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:171 #, fuzzy msgid "Level size" msgstr "Големина на стеблото" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:172 msgid "" "One dimension of a node, in mm. If the timeflow is up or down then this is " "the height, otherwise it is the width." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:180 #, fuzzy msgid "Node color." msgstr "Пол" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:799 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1533 #, fuzzy msgid "Tree Options" msgstr "Опции за текст" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:187 #, fuzzy msgid "Timeflow" msgstr "Наслов" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:190 msgid "Direction that the graph will grow over time." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:193 #, fuzzy msgid "Edge style" msgstr "Стебловиден изглед" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:196 msgid "Style of the edges between nodes." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:199 msgid "Level distance" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:200 msgid "" "The minimum amount of free space, in mm, between levels. For vertical " "graphs, this corresponds to spacing between rows. For horizontal graphs, " "this corresponds to spacing between columns." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:211 #, fuzzy msgid "Note to add to the tree" msgstr "Забелешка да додадете на графиконот" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:212 #, fuzzy msgid "This text will be added to the tree." msgstr "Овој текст ќе биде додаден на графиконот." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:225 #, fuzzy msgid "The size of note text." msgstr "Големинате на текстот на забелешката, во точки." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:709 msgid "PDF" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:715 #, fuzzy msgid "Graph File for genealogytree" msgstr "Генерации" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/docgen/treedoc.py:720 #, fuzzy msgid "LaTeX File" msgstr "LaTeX" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/menu/_enumeratedlist.py:145 #, python-format msgid "Value '%(val)s' not found for option '%(opt)s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/menu/_enumeratedlist.py:147 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:300 msgid "Valid values: " msgstr "Валидни вредности: " #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_book.py:71 ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:86 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:113 msgid "Unsupported" msgstr "Неподдржан" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:45 msgid "Text Reports" msgstr "Текстуални извештаи" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:46 msgid "Graphical Reports" msgstr "Графички извештаи" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:47 msgid "Code Generators" msgstr "Создавачи на кодови" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Web Pages" msgstr "Мрежна страница" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:49 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:91 msgid "Books" msgstr "Книги" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:50 #, fuzzy msgid "Graphs" msgstr "Графика" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Trees" msgstr "Големина на стеблото" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/_constants.py:55 msgid "Graphics" msgstr "Графика" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:376 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:990 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1193 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:326 msgid "The style used for the generation header." msgstr "Стилот употребен за заглавието за генерациите." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes source display." msgstr "Основниот стил употребен за приказ текстот на завршната забелешка." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:76 #, fuzzy msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes notes display." msgstr "Основниот стил употребен за приказ текстот на завршната забелешка." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:84 #, fuzzy msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes reference display." msgstr "Основниот стил употребен за приказ текстот на завршната забелешка." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/endnotes.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "The basic style used for the endnotes reference notes display." msgstr "Основниот стил употребен за приказ текстот на завршната забелешка." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:58 #, fuzzy msgid "Translation" msgstr "Дипломирање" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "The translation to be used for the report." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:80 #, fuzzy msgid "The additional translation to be used for the report." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:89 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1239 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1803 #, fuzzy msgid "Name format" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:122 #, fuzzy msgid "Include data marked private" msgstr "Не вклучувај записи одбележани како лични" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:123 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include private data" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:188 #, fuzzy msgid "Living People" msgstr "Обедини лица" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:190 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Included, and all data" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:194 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Full names, but data removed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:196 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Given names replaced, and data removed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:198 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Complete names replaced, and data removed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:201 msgctxt "'living people'" msgid "Not included" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:203 #, fuzzy msgid "How to handle living people" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:206 msgid "Years from death to consider living" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:209 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to restrict data on recently-dead people" msgstr "_Ограничи ги податоците на живи лица" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:274 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:277 msgid "The format and language for dates, with examples" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:333 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:357 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not include" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:334 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:363 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1716 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:863 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:900 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1085 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:748 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1113 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2376 msgid "Include" msgstr "Вклучи" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:335 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include tags" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:359 #, fuzzy msgid "Share an existing line" msgstr "Сподели постоечки настан" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:360 msgid "On a line of its own" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:361 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether (and where) to include Gramps IDs" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:364 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include Gramps IDs" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:372 #, fuzzy msgid "Place format" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/stdoptions.py:376 #, fuzzy msgid "Select the format to display places" msgstr "Избирање на име на датотеката" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:157 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:925 msgid "File does not exist" msgstr "Датотеката не постои" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:158 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:921 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2085 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2320 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2328 msgid "Could not add photo to page" msgstr "Не може да се додаде слика на страницата" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:288 msgid "PERSON" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:157 msgid "Entire Database" msgstr "Целата База на податоци" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:300 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:460 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:488 #, python-format msgid "Descendants of %s" msgstr "Потомци на %s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:304 #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:381 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:465 #, python-format msgid "Descendant Families of %s" msgstr "Семејства на потомци на %s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:308 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:470 #, python-format msgid "Ancestors of %s" msgstr "Предци на %s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:311 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:474 #, python-format msgid "People with common ancestor with %s" msgstr "Лица со заеднички предок со %s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:353 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:898 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown father" msgstr "Нероден татко" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:359 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:904 #, fuzzy msgid "unknown mother" msgstr "Неродена мајка" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:361 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:906 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(father_name)s and %(mother_name)s (%(family_id)s)" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:368 msgid "FAMILY" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/report/utils.py:385 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Ancestor Families of %s" msgstr "Предци на %s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:249 #, fuzzy msgid "Updated" msgstr "Датум" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:261 #, fuzzy msgctxt "updates" msgid "New" msgstr "Датум" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:291 ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:298 #, python-format msgid "Unable to open '%s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:305 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Error in reading '%s'" msgstr "Грешка при читање на %s" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:320 #, python-format msgid "Error: unknown file type: '%s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:326 #, python-format msgid "Examining '%s'..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:353 #, python-format msgid "'%s' is for this version of Gramps." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:357 #, python-format msgid "'%s' is NOT for this version of Gramps." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:358 #, python-format msgid "It is for version %(v1)d.%(v2)d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:368 #, python-format msgid "Error: missing gramps_target_version in '%s'..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:380 #, python-format msgid "Installing '%s'..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/plug/utils.py:385 #, python-format msgid "Registered '%s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/recentfiles.py:184 #, python-brace-format msgid "Unable to save list of recent DBs file {fname}: {error}" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/recentfiles.py:243 #, python-brace-format msgid "Unable to open list of recent DBs file {fname}: {error}" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/recentfiles.py:247 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Error parsing list of recent DBs from file {fname}: {error}.\n" "This might indicate a damage to your files.\n" "If you're sure there is no problem with other files, delete it, and restart " "Gramps." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1273 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1611 msgid "Relationship loop detected" msgstr "Откриена јамка во врските" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1332 #, python-format msgid "" "Family Tree reaches back more than the maximum %d generations searched.\n" "It is possible that relationships have been missed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1406 #, fuzzy msgid "Relationship loop detected:" msgstr "Откриена јамка во врските" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1407 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Person %(person)s connects to himself via %(relation)s" msgstr "%(person)s е во %(relationship)s на %(active_person)s." #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:1685 #, fuzzy msgid "undefined" msgstr "_Подвлечи" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2174 msgctxt "gender unknown" msgid "spouse" msgstr "сопружник" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2181 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gender unknown" msgid "ex-spouse" msgstr "сопружник" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2184 msgctxt "male,unmarried" msgid "partner" msgstr "сопруг" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2186 msgctxt "female,unmarried" msgid "partner" msgstr "сопруга" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2188 msgctxt "gender unknown,unmarried" msgid "partner" msgstr "сопружник" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2191 #, fuzzy msgctxt "male,unmarried" msgid "ex-partner" msgstr "сопруг" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2193 #, fuzzy msgctxt "female,unmarried" msgid "ex-partner" msgstr "сопруга" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2195 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gender unknown,unmarried" msgid "ex-partner" msgstr "сопружник" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2198 msgctxt "male,civil union" msgid "partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2200 msgctxt "female,civil union" msgid "partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2202 msgctxt "gender unknown,civil union" msgid "partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2205 #, fuzzy msgctxt "male,civil union" msgid "former partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2207 #, fuzzy msgctxt "female,civil union" msgid "former partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2209 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gender unknown,civil union" msgid "former partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2212 msgctxt "male,unknown relation" msgid "partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2214 msgctxt "female,unknown relation" msgid "partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2216 msgctxt "gender unknown,unknown relation" msgid "partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2221 #, fuzzy msgctxt "male,unknown relation" msgid "former partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2223 #, fuzzy msgctxt "female,unknown relation" msgid "former partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2225 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gender unknown,unknown relation" msgid "former partner" msgstr "партнер" #: ../gramps/gen/relationship.py:2318 #, python-format msgid "" "Family relationship translator not available for language '%s'. Using " "'english' instead." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:147 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:205 #, fuzzy msgid "death date" msgstr "Датум на смрт" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:152 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:181 #, fuzzy msgid "birth date" msgstr "Датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:185 #, fuzzy msgid "sibling birth date" msgstr "Лица без датуми на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:197 #, fuzzy msgid "sibling death date" msgstr "Неважечко име на датотека" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:211 msgid "sibling birth-related date" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:222 msgid "sibling death-related date" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:237 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:248 msgid "a spouse's birth-related date, " msgstr "датум на раѓање на брачен другар, " #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:241 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:252 msgid "a spouse's death-related date, " msgstr "датум на смртта на брачен другар, " #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:270 #, fuzzy msgid "event with spouse" msgstr "Настан со " #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:297 #, fuzzy msgid "descendant birth date" msgstr "_Процени ги датумите што недостасуваат" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:306 #, fuzzy msgid "descendant death date" msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:322 #, fuzzy msgid "descendant birth-related date" msgstr "_Процени ги датумите што недостасуваат" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:330 #, fuzzy msgid "descendant death-related date" msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:343 #, python-format msgid "Database error: loop in %s's descendants" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:372 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:418 #, fuzzy msgid "ancestor birth date" msgstr "Датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:382 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:428 #, fuzzy msgid "ancestor death date" msgstr "Датум на смрт" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:393 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:439 msgid "ancestor birth-related date" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:401 ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:447 msgid "ancestor death-related date" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:462 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Database error: loop in %s's ancestors" msgstr "Грешка во базата: %s е дефиниран/а како сопствен предок" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/alive.py:509 #, fuzzy msgid "no evidence" msgstr "Живеалиште" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/cast.py:46 msgid "True" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/cast.py:46 msgid "true" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/configmanager.py:259 #, python-format msgid "" "WARNING: could not parse file:\n" "%(file)s\n" "because %(error)s -- recreating it\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:288 ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:307 #, python-format msgid "%s, ..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/db.py:531 #, python-format msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:71 msgid "Arabic" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:72 #, fuzzy msgid "Bulgarian" msgstr "Јулијански" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:73 #, fuzzy msgid "Breton" msgstr "Кремирање" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:74 msgid "Catalan" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:75 msgid "Czech" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:76 msgid "Danish" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "German" msgstr "Грегоријански" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:78 msgid "German (Austria)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:79 msgid "Greek" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:80 msgid "English (USA)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:81 msgid "English" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:82 #, fuzzy msgid "Esperanto" msgstr "Пропорција на графички приказ" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Spanish" msgstr "Протегање" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:84 msgid "Finnish" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:85 msgid "French" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:86 msgid "Gaelic" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:87 msgid "Hebrew" msgstr "Хебрејски" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:88 #, fuzzy msgid "Croatian" msgstr "Кремирање" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:89 msgid "Hungarian" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:90 msgid "Indonesian" msgstr "" # во wordpad?!? #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Icelandic" msgstr "Исландски стил" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "Italian" msgstr "_Закосено" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:93 msgid "Japanese" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:94 msgid "Lithuanian" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Macedonian" msgstr "Медиуми" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:96 msgid "Norwegian Bokmal" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Dutch" msgstr "Смрт" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:98 msgid "Norwegian Nynorsk" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:99 msgid "Polish" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:100 msgid "Portuguese (Brazil)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:101 msgid "Portuguese (Portugal)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:102 msgid "Romanian" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:103 #, fuzzy msgid "Russian" msgstr "Јулијански" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:104 msgid "Slovak" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:105 msgid "Slovenian" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:106 #, fuzzy msgid "Albanian" msgstr "медиуми" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:107 #, fuzzy msgid "Serbian" msgstr "Персиски" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:108 msgid "Swedish" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:109 #, fuzzy msgid "Tamil" msgstr "Семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:110 msgid "Turkish" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:111 msgid "Ukrainian" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:112 #, fuzzy msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Име на датотека" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:113 msgid "Chinese (Simplified)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:114 msgid "Chinese (Hong Kong)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:115 msgid "Chinese (Traditional)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:900 #, fuzzy msgid "the person" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:902 #, fuzzy msgid "the family" msgstr "Фонт на семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:904 #, fuzzy msgid "the place" msgstr "Место на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:906 #, fuzzy msgid "the event" msgstr "Секој настан" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:908 #, fuzzy msgid "the repository" msgstr "Секој репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:910 #, fuzzy msgid "the note" msgstr "Сите" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:912 #, fuzzy msgid "the media" msgstr "медиуми" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:914 #, fuzzy msgid "the source" msgstr "Презиме за роденден" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:916 #, fuzzy msgid "the filter" msgstr "Филтри за татко" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:918 #, fuzzy msgid "the citation" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/grampslocale.py:920 #, fuzzy msgid "See details" msgstr "Покажи подробности" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/image.py:123 msgid "" "WARNING: PIL module not loaded. Image cropping in report files will be " "impaired." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:54 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Person" msgid "TITLE" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:54 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:446 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Person" msgid "Title" msgstr "Наслов" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:55 msgid "GIVEN" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:56 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:871 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:878 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:880 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:881 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:882 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:883 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:884 msgid "SURNAME" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:57 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Name" msgid "CALL" msgstr "Име" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:57 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Name" msgid "Call" msgstr "Име" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:58 msgctxt "Name" msgid "COMMON" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:58 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:865 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:868 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:870 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:873 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:874 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:879 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:880 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Name" msgid "Common" msgstr "Коментар" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:59 msgid "INITIALS" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Initials" msgstr "Лица" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:60 msgid "SUFFIX" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:61 msgid "PRIMARY" msgstr "" # основен #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:61 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:82 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Name" msgid "Primary" msgstr "Главен" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:62 msgid "PRIMARY[PRE]" msgstr "" # основен #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:62 #, fuzzy msgid "Primary[pre]" msgstr "Главен" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:63 msgid "PRIMARY[SUR]" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Primary[sur]" msgstr "Првобитен извор" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:64 msgid "PRIMARY[CON]" msgstr "" # основен #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Primary[con]" msgstr "Главен" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:65 msgid "PATRONYMIC" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:66 msgid "PATRONYMIC[PRE]" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Patronymic[pre]" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:67 msgid "PATRONYMIC[SUR]" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Patronymic[sur]" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:68 msgid "PATRONYMIC[CON]" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Patronymic[con]" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:69 msgid "RAWSURNAMES" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:69 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:885 #, fuzzy msgid "Rawsurnames" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:70 msgid "NOTPATRONYMIC" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Notpatronymic" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:71 msgid "PREFIX" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:72 msgid "NICKNAME" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:73 msgid "FAMILYNICK" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/keyword.py:73 #, fuzzy msgid "Familynick" msgstr "Семејство" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:49 #, python-format msgid "%(north_latitude)s N" msgstr "%(north_latitude)s С" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:50 #, python-format msgid "%(south_latitude)s S" msgstr "%(south_latitude)s Ј" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:51 #, python-format msgid "%(east_longitude)s E" msgstr "%(east_longitude)s И" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/place.py:52 #, python-format msgid "%(west_longitude)s W" msgstr "%(west_longitude)s З" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:46 ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:341 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:454 msgid "male" msgstr "машки" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:47 ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:340 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:455 msgid "female" msgstr "женски" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:48 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gender" msgid "unknown" msgstr "Непознат пол" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:52 msgid "Invalid" msgstr "Неважечко" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:55 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:216 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:490 msgid "Very High" msgstr "Многу висок" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:56 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:215 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:489 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:62 msgid "High" msgstr "Висок" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:58 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:213 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:487 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:60 msgid "Low" msgstr "Малку" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:59 ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:486 msgid "Very Low" msgstr "Многу малку" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:65 msgid "A legal or common-law relationship between a husband and wife" msgstr "Службена или вонбрачна заедница помеѓу сопруг и сопруга" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:67 msgid "No legal or common-law relationship between man and woman" msgstr "Нема службена или вонбрачна заедница помеѓу маж и жена" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:69 msgid "An established relationship between members of the same sex" msgstr "Воспоставена врска помеѓу припадници на ист пол" # Ове англосиве ај што немаат збор за кур, немаат ни збор за сродства, и мешаат сродство со сватоштина и врски на сексуална основа (што асоцира на силни инцестуозни тенденции како резултат на несовладан Едипов комплекс и мошне изразена кастрациона анксиозност)! На макдеонски "relationskip", меѓу останатотото, го означува и моето сродство со прамајка Ева! Ете зошто дивеат по светот и се курчат со ракети, кога немаат соодветен орган за курчење! # А.Б. #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:71 msgid "Unknown relationship between a man and woman" msgstr "Непозната врска помеѓу маж и жена" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:73 #, fuzzy msgid "An unspecified relationship between a man and woman" msgstr "Неодредена врска помеѓу маж и жена" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/string.py:77 msgid "" "The data can only be recovered by Undo operation or by quitting with " "abandoning changes." msgstr "" "Податоците може да се обноват само со операцијата Врати или со излегување со " "напуштање на промените." #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:944 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:99 msgid "Female" msgstr "Женско" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:942 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:72 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:99 msgid "Male" msgstr "Машко" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:85 msgid "Asexuality, sexless, genderless" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:86 msgid "Lesbianism" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:87 msgid "Male homosexuality" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:88 msgid "Heterosexuality" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:89 msgid "Transgender, hermaphrodite (in entomology)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:90 #, fuzzy msgid "Transgender" msgstr "Пол" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:91 msgid "Neuter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "Illegitimate" msgstr "Проценето" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:94 #, fuzzy msgid "Baptism/Christening" msgstr "Крштевање" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:96 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2232 #, fuzzy msgid "Engaged" msgstr "Свршувачка" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:99 #, fuzzy msgid "Unmarried partnership" msgstr "сопруг" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:101 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2238 #, fuzzy msgid "Buried" msgstr "Закоп" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:102 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2239 msgid "Cremated/Funeral urn" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:104 #, fuzzy msgid "Killed in action" msgstr "Збирка" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:105 msgid "Extinct" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:109 #, fuzzy msgid "Nothing" msgstr "_Со:" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:111 msgid "Skull and crossbones" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:113 msgid "Ankh" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:115 msgid "Orthodox cross" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:117 msgid "Chi rho" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:119 msgid "Cross of Lorraine" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:121 msgid "Cross of Jerusalem" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:123 msgid "Star and crescent" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:125 msgid "West Syriac cross" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:127 #, fuzzy msgid "East Syriac cross" msgstr "Последна промена" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:129 msgid "Heavy Greek cross" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:131 #, fuzzy msgid "Latin cross" msgstr "Локација" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:133 msgid "Shadowed White Latin cross" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:135 #, fuzzy msgid "Maltese cross" msgstr "Машки" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:137 msgid "Star of David" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/symbols.py:139 #, fuzzy msgid "Dead" msgstr "Машка сопруга" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:135 msgid "Unknown, created to replace a missing note object." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:145 #, python-format msgid "Unknown, was missing %(time)s (%(count)d)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gen/utils/unknown.py:164 #, python-format msgid "Objects referenced by this note were missing in a file imported on %s." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:189 #, python-format msgid "" "Your Python version does not meet the requirements. At least Python %(v1)d." "%(v2)d.%(v3)d is needed to start Gramps.\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:445 ../gramps/grampsapp.py:452 #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:505 #, fuzzy msgid "Configuration error:" msgstr "Грешка на конфигурирање" #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:449 #, fuzzy msgid "Could not read configuration" msgstr "Грешка при читање на %s" #: ../gramps/grampsapp.py:453 #, python-format msgid "" "A definition for the media type %s could not be found \n" "\n" " Possibly the installation of Gramps was incomplete. Make sure something to " "handle the media types of Gramps is installed." msgstr "" "Дефиниција за медија тип %s не можеше да се пронајде \n" "\n" " Можно е инсталирањето на Gramps да е нецелосно. Проверете дали се правилно " "инсталирани медија типовите на GRAMPS." #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:97 msgid "" "Much of Gramps' artwork is either from\n" "the Tango Project or derived from the Tango\n" "Project. This artwork is released under the\n" "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5\n" "license." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:111 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps Homepage" msgstr "GRAMPS Почетна страница" #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:117 #, fuzzy msgid "Contributions by" msgstr "Конфигурација" #. Translators: Translate this to your name in your native language #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:120 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:131 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Distribution: %s" msgstr "Опис:" #: ../gramps/gui/aboutdialog.py:142 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "OS: %s" msgstr "b. %s" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:70 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Using_the_Clipboard" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:401 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:126 msgid "Family Event" msgstr "Семеен настан" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:451 msgid "Family Attribute" msgstr "Семејна особина" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:484 #, fuzzy msgctxt "not available" msgid "NA" msgstr "Недостапно" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:493 #, python-format msgid "Volume/Page: %(pag)s -- %(sourcetext)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:533 #, fuzzy msgid "Event ref" msgstr "Вид на настан" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:705 #, fuzzy msgid "Child ref" msgstr "Деца" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:715 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(frel)s %(mrel)s" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1374 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1380 #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1418 ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1463 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:7 #, fuzzy msgid "Clipboard" msgstr "Исчистено" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1510 ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:141 #, fuzzy, python-format msgctxt "the object" msgid "See %s details" msgstr "Покажи подробности" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1519 ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:149 #, python-format msgctxt "the object" msgid "Make %s active" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/clipboard.py:1541 #, python-format msgctxt "the object" msgid "Create Filter from %s selected..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:89 #, python-format msgid "Tree View: first column \"%s\" cannot be changed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:95 msgid "Drag and drop the columns to change the order" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:107 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1973 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1997 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2023 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:130 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1787 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1024 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1387 msgid "_Apply" msgstr "_Примени" #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:916 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1658 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2110 msgid "Display" msgstr "Приказ" #: ../gramps/gui/columnorder.py:132 msgid "Column Name" msgstr "Име на колона" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:86 msgid "Father's surname" msgstr "Татково презиме" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:88 msgid "Combination of mother's and father's surname" msgstr "Комбинација од мајчиното и татковото презиме" # во wordpad?!? #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:89 msgid "Icelandic style" msgstr "Исландски стил" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:114 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:115 #, fuzzy msgid "Display Name Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:116 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:189 #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:262 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:308 #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:334 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:466 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:556 ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:71 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:20 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:141 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/displaystate.glade:23 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:23 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:22 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:24 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:1024 ../gramps/gui/glade/tipofday.glade:117 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:25 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:105 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:691 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:747 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:60 ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:90 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1651 ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:298 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:495 ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:657 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:239 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:117 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:85 #, fuzzy msgid "_Close" msgstr "Затвори прозорец" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:119 msgid "" "The following keywords are replaced with the appropriate name parts:\n" " Given - given name (first name) Surname - surnames " "(with prefix and connectors)\n" " Title - title (Dr., Mrs.) Suffix - suffix " "(Jr., Sr.)\n" " Call - call name Nickname - nick name\n" " Initials- first letters of given Common - nick name, " "call, or first of given\n" " Prefix - all prefixes (von, de)\n" "Surnames:\n" " Rest - non primary surnames Notpatronymic- all " "surnames, except pa/matronymic & primary\n" " Familynick- family nick name Rawsurnames - surnames " "(no prefixes and connectors)\n" " Primary, Primary[pre] or [sur] or [con]- full primary surname, " "prefix, surname only, connector\n" " Patronymic, or [pre] or [sur] or [con] - full pa/matronymic " "surname, prefix, surname only, connector\n" "\n" "UPPERCASE keyword forces uppercase. Extra parentheses, commas are removed. " "Other text appears literally.\n" "\n" "Example: Dr. Edwin Jose von der Smith and Weston Wilson Sr (\"Ed\") - " "Underhills\n" " Edwin Jose: Given, von der: Prefix, Smith and " "Weston: Primary, and: [con], Wilson: Patronymic,\n" " Dr.: Title, Sr: Suffix, Ed: Nickname, " "Underhills: Familynick, Jose: Call.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:148 msgid " Name Editor" msgstr " Уредувач на Имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:242 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:248 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1027 msgid "Invalid or incomplete format definition." msgstr "" #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:386 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:413 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:435 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:451 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:482 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:519 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:541 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:708 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1192 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1239 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1274 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1296 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1310 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1323 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1341 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1360 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1373 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1699 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1717 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1799 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1857 ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:344 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:90 #, python-format msgid "%s: " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:577 ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:118 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:56 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:498 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:21 ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:150 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:54 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:58 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:27 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:53 ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:58 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:60 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:75 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:58 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:54 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:75 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:59 ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:82 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:57 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:54 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:61 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:59 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:58 ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:57 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:77 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:468 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:698 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:53 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:54 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:41 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:351 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:781 #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:175 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:159 #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:82 ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:299 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:496 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:710 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:662 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1749 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:329 msgid "_Help" msgstr "_Помош" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:599 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:638 msgid "Researcher" msgstr "Истражувач" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:616 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "State/County" msgstr "Округ" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:622 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:94 msgid "ZIP/Postal Code" msgstr "ZIP/Поштенски број" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:628 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:623 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:95 msgid "Email" msgstr "Е-пошта" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:633 msgid "" "Enter information about yourself so people can contact you when you " "distribute your Family Tree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:647 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:687 msgid "ID Formats" msgstr "Формати на ИД" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:667 ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:248 msgid "Media Object" msgstr "Медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:680 #, python-format msgid "" "Default Gramps ID formats containing a letter prefix followed by a numerical " "string. \"I%04d\" creates IDs from I0000 to I9999. Large databases may need " "larger IDs. \"I%06d\" creates IDs from I000000 to I999999.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:696 #, fuzzy msgid "Colors used for boxes in the graphical views" msgstr "Пребарување на прекинати семејни врски" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:702 #, fuzzy msgid "Light colors" msgstr "Семејни филтри" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:703 #, fuzzy msgid "Dark colors" msgstr "Семејни филтри" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:708 #, fuzzy msgid "Color scheme" msgstr "Полнење со боја" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:712 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2248 #, fuzzy msgid "Restore to defaults" msgstr "Записот е личен" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:714 msgid "Restore colors for current theme to default." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:720 #, fuzzy msgid "Colors for Male persons" msgstr "Пребарување на удвоени сопружници" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:721 msgid "Colors for Female persons" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:722 #, fuzzy msgid "Colors for Unknown persons" msgstr "Непознат тип:%s" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:723 #, fuzzy msgid "Colors for Family nodes" msgstr "Прикажи ги семејните јазли" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:724 #, fuzzy msgid "Other colors" msgstr "Пол" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:726 #, fuzzy msgid "Background for Alive" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:727 #, fuzzy msgid "Background for Dead" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:728 #, fuzzy msgid "Border for Alive" msgstr "Преподреди семејства" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:729 #, fuzzy msgid "Border for Dead" msgstr "Возраст на умирање" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:749 #, fuzzy msgid "Default background" msgstr "Основно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:750 #, fuzzy msgid "Background for Married" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:751 #, fuzzy msgid "Background for Unmarried" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:753 #, fuzzy msgid "Background for Civil union" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:755 msgid "Background for Unknown" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:756 #, fuzzy msgid "Background for Divorced" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:757 #, fuzzy msgid "Default border" msgstr "Основно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:758 #, fuzzy msgid "Border for Divorced" msgstr "Преподреди семејства" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:761 #, fuzzy msgid "Background for Home Person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:781 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2245 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%s" msgstr "Мажи" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:794 #, fuzzy msgid "Colors" msgstr "Полнење со боја" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:814 msgid "Warnings and Error dialogs" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:820 #, fuzzy msgid "Suppress warning when adding parents to a child" msgstr "Не прикажувај предупредувања при додавање родители на дете" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:824 #, fuzzy msgid "Suppress warning when canceling with changed data" msgstr "Не прикажувај предупредувања при откажување со променети податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:828 msgid "Suppress warning about missing researcher when exporting to GEDCOM" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:833 #, fuzzy msgid "Show plugin status dialog on plugin load error" msgstr "" "Покажи го дијалогот за состојбата на додатокот при грешка на вчитување на " "додаток" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:836 msgid "Warnings" msgstr "Предупредувања" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:872 ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:355 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:168 #, fuzzy msgid "Call" msgstr "Откажи" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:877 #, fuzzy msgid "NotPatronymic" msgstr "Татково име:" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:955 msgid "Enter to save, Esc to cancel editing" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1004 #, fuzzy msgid "This format exists already." msgstr "Под_робности за дефиницијата на форматот" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1053 msgid "Example" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1074 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:147 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:316 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:129 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:122 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:129 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:196 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:665 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:487 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2022 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2064 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1726 #, fuzzy msgid "_Add" msgstr "_Додади" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1077 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:149 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:155 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:317 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:131 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:123 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:130 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:116 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:222 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:639 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:488 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1811 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1761 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1989 msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Уреди" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1081 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:150 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:156 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:132 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:124 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:117 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:199 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:634 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:294 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:489 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Отстрани" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1173 #, fuzzy msgid "Display Options" msgstr "_Прикажи како:" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1189 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1243 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:286 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:594 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:12 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:516 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:463 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1903 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:152 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:207 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:110 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Уреди" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1192 #, fuzzy msgid "Automate Place format" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1195 msgid "Enables automatic place title generation using specified format." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1252 msgid "Custom name display options are unique to each family tree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1260 msgid "Consider single pa/matronymic as surname" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1274 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Date format" msgid "Date format *" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1282 #, fuzzy msgid "Years" msgstr "_Година" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1283 msgid "Years, Months" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1284 msgid "Years, Months, Days" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1297 #, fuzzy msgid "Age display precision *" msgstr "" "Покажи текст на копчињата од страничната линија (за да се покаже, програмата " "треба повторно да се почне)" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1310 #, fuzzy msgid "Calendar on reports" msgstr "v-Календар опции за извоз" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1323 #, fuzzy msgid "Calendar on input" msgstr "v-Календар опции за извоз" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1330 msgid "Active person's name and ID" msgstr "Име и ИД на активното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1331 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:372 msgid "Relationship to home person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1341 msgid "Status bar" msgstr "Статусна линија" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1347 msgid "" "\n" "Input Options" msgstr "" "\n" "Влезни опции" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1360 #, fuzzy msgid "Surname guessing" msgstr "Погодување на презиме" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1373 msgid "Default family relationship" msgstr "Стандардна семејна врска" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1379 msgid "Hide LDS tab in person and family editors" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1384 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1666 msgid "* Requires Restart" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1388 #, fuzzy msgid "Data" msgstr "Податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1405 msgid "Conditional Text Replacements" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1410 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing surname" msgstr "Сопругата го задржува сопственото презиме" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1413 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing given name" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1416 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing record" msgstr "Информација што недостасува" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1419 #, fuzzy msgid "Private surname" msgstr "Татково презиме" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1423 #, fuzzy msgid "Private given name" msgstr "Патронимско, Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1427 #, fuzzy msgid "Private record" msgstr "Лично" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1496 msgid "Change is not immediate" msgstr "Промената не е непосредна" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1497 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Changing the date format will not take effect until the next time Gramps is " "started." msgstr "" "Промената на форматот на датумот нема да се покаже до следното активирање на " "GRAMPS." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1528 #, fuzzy msgid "Calculation limits" msgstr "Пресметано" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1534 #, fuzzy msgid "Date 'about' year range: (date ± #)" msgstr "Доцен брак" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1538 #, fuzzy msgid "Date 'after' year range: (date + #)" msgstr "Доцен брак" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1542 #, fuzzy msgid "Date 'before' year range: (date - #)" msgstr "Смрт пред раѓање" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1546 #, fuzzy msgid "Maximum age probably alive" msgstr "Лица најверојатно сѐ уште живи" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1550 #, fuzzy msgid "Maximum sibling age difference" msgstr "Максимална сопруг-сопруга возрасна _разлика" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1554 #, fuzzy msgid "Minimum years between generations" msgstr "Прекршување на страницата помеѓу генерациите" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1558 #, fuzzy msgid "Average years between generations" msgstr "Прекршување на страницата помеѓу генерациите" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1562 #, fuzzy msgid "Max generations for relationships" msgstr "Број на врски" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1566 msgid "Limits" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1575 #, fuzzy msgid "Environment Settings" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1580 msgid "Display Tip of the Day" msgstr "Прикажи го Советот на денот" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1582 msgid "Show useful information about using Gramps on startup." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1585 #, fuzzy msgid "Remember last Family Tree" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1587 msgid "" "Don't open dialog to choose family tree to load on startup, just load last " "used." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1591 msgid "Remember last view displayed" msgstr "Запомни го последниот прикажан поглед" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1593 #, fuzzy msgid "Remember last view displayed and open it next time." msgstr "Запомни го последниот прикажан поглед" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1596 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Enable spelling checker" msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Овозможи проверка на правопис" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1598 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Enable spelling checker" msgid "Enable the spelling checker for notes." msgstr "Овозможи проверка на правопис" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1607 #, python-format msgid "" "GtkSpell not loaded. Spell checking will not be available.\n" "To build it for Gramps see %(gramps_wiki_build_spell_url)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1615 #, fuzzy msgid "Show text label beside Navigator buttons *" msgstr "" "Покажи текст на копчињата од страничната линија (за да се покаже, програмата " "треба повторно да се почне)" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1617 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Show or hide text beside Navigator buttons (People, Families, Events...).\n" "Requires Gramps restart to apply." msgstr "" "Покажи текст на копчињата од страничната линија (за да се покаже, програмата " "треба повторно да се почне)" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1624 msgid "Show close button in gramplet bar tabs" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1627 msgid "Show close button to simplify removing gramplets from bars." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1633 #, fuzzy msgid "Markup for invalid date format" msgstr "Пребарување на неважечки упатувања на формат на име" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1638 #, python-format msgid "" "Convenience markups are:\n" "<b>Bold</b>\n" "<big>Makes font relatively larger</big>\n" "<i>Italic</i>\n" "<s>Strikethrough</s>\n" "<sub>Subscript</sub>\n" "<sup>Superscript</sup>\n" "<small>Makes font relatively smaller</small>\n" "<tt>Monospace font</tt>\n" "<u>Underline</u>\n" "\n" "For example: <u><b>%s</b></u>\n" "will display Underlined bold date.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1656 #, fuzzy msgid "Multiple surname box height" msgstr "Повеќекратни родители" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1660 msgid "" "Enter height in pixels. When multiple surnames are entered, these names " "display in a box. This setting sets the size of this box." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1680 msgid "" "Configuration settings to have Gramps check for new or updated third party " "Addons and Plugins. The Plugin Manager has the complete list of installed " "Addons and Plugins and their activation status.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1691 #, fuzzy msgid "Once a month" msgstr "Месец на умирање" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1692 msgid "Once a week" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1693 msgid "Once a day" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1694 msgid "Always" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1699 #, fuzzy msgid "Check for addon updates" msgstr "Пребарај Url" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1705 msgid "Updated addons only" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1706 msgid "New addons only" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1707 msgid "New and updated addons" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1717 msgid "What to check" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1722 #, fuzzy msgid "Where to check" msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1727 msgid "Do not ask about previously notified addons" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "Check for updated addons now" msgstr "Пребарај Url" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1738 #, fuzzy msgid "Addons" msgstr "Име на колона" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1744 #, fuzzy msgid "Checking Addons Failed" msgstr "Прибирање податоци..." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1745 msgid "The addon repository appears to be unavailable. Please try again later." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1758 msgid "There are no available addons of this type" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1759 #, python-format msgid "Checked for '%s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1760 #, fuzzy msgid "' and '" msgstr "%s и %s" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1765 msgid "new" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1765 #, fuzzy msgid "update" msgstr "Датум" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1794 #, fuzzy msgid "Database Setting" msgstr "Верзија:" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1799 #, fuzzy msgid "Database backend" msgstr "Базата е отворена" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1806 msgid "" "\n" "Database Location" msgstr "" "\n" "Локација на датабаза" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1812 msgid "Host" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1817 #, fuzzy msgid "Port" msgstr "Портрет" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1825 #, fuzzy msgid "Database path" msgstr "Базата е отворена" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1831 msgid "" "\n" "Backup Management" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1837 msgid "Backup path" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1842 msgid "Backup on exit" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1844 msgid "Backup Your family tree on exit to Backup path specified above." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1850 #, fuzzy msgid "Every 15 minutes" msgstr "Сите" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1851 #, fuzzy msgid "Every 30 minutes" msgstr "Сите" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1852 #, fuzzy msgid "Every hour" msgstr "Секој извор" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1857 #, fuzzy msgid "Autobackup" msgstr "Автозаштитна копија..." #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1863 msgid "" "\n" "Family Tree's Media path" msgstr "" "\n" "Патека за Медија на семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1870 #, fuzzy msgid "Base media path" msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1876 msgid "" "The base relative media path is specific to the active family tree. It is " "not a global setting. Each family tree is able to have a unique relative " "media path that is stored with the database." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1892 #, fuzzy msgid "Tag Records" msgstr "Извештаи" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1912 #, fuzzy msgid "Add tag on import" msgstr "Додади стандарден извор при увоз" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1915 msgid "" "Specified tag will be added to all records on import.\n" "Clear to set default value." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1921 msgid "" "\n" "Source GEDCOM import" msgstr "" "\n" "Изворен GEDCOM увоз" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1926 #, fuzzy msgid "Add default source on GEDCOM import" msgstr "Додади стандарден извор при увоз" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1929 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:380 msgid "Import" msgstr "Увоз" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1968 #, fuzzy msgid "Select media directory" msgstr "Избери медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1971 ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1996 #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2021 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:345 #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:379 ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:119 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:24 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:23 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:417 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:714 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:856 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:42 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:69 ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:39 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:44 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:21 ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:45 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:23 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:39 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:23 ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:25 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:246 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:434 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:666 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:21 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:22 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:316 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:747 ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:86 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1737 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:173 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:81 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1745 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:440 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_fileentry.py:64 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:162 ../gramps/gui/utils.py:180 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1786 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1151 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:349 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:711 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/progressdialog.py:437 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1714 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1023 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1386 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:777 ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/populatesources.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:327 #, fuzzy msgid "_Cancel" msgstr "Откажи" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:1993 #, fuzzy msgid "Select database directory" msgstr "Избери медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2018 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1783 #, fuzzy msgid "Select backup directory" msgstr "Избери медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2088 msgid "" "If checked, use the standard genealogic symbols (death symbol is user " "selectable).\n" "If not checked, you can use the lower panel to customize the symbols " "yourself." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2094 msgid "" "This can be useful if you want to add phonetic in a note to show how to " "pronounce a name or if you mix multiple languages like greek and russian." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2098 msgid "Use symbols" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2108 #, fuzzy msgid "Select default death symbol" msgstr "Избери основно име" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2116 #, fuzzy msgid "Genealogical Symbols" msgstr "GRAMPS генеалошки систем" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2148 ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:144 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:398 msgid "Death:" msgstr "Смрт:" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2234 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2685 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2687 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:239 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:150 msgid "Partner" msgstr "Партнер" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2237 msgid "Killed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2241 msgid "Default genealogy symbols replacement" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/configure.py:2253 msgid "" "You can set any text you want for this field.\n" "You can drag and drop a symbol from the symbol list above.\n" "It will be visible only if your font contains this glyph." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:116 ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:109 msgid "Undo history warning" msgstr "Предупредување за поништување на историјата" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:117 msgid "" "Proceeding with import will erase the undo history for this session. In " "particular, you will not be able to revert the import or any changes made " "prior to it.\n" "\n" "If you think you may want to revert the import, please stop here and backup " "your database." msgstr "" "Ако продолжете со увозот ќе ја избришете целата историја на оваа сесија. Тоа " "значи дека нема да можете да го повратите увозот, како и сите промени " "направени пред него.\n" "\n" "Ако мислите дека ќе треба да се вратите на состојбата пред увозот, запрете " "овде и направите резервна копија на базата на податоци." #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:122 msgid "_Proceed with import" msgstr "_Продолжи со увоз" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:122 ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:116 msgid "_Stop" msgstr "_Запри" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:207 #, fuzzy msgid "Are you sure you want to upgrade this Family Tree?" msgstr "Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да ја избришете историјата за Врати?" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:210 msgid "" "I have made a backup,\n" "please upgrade my Family Tree" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:212 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:701 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:250 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:751 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:629 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Откажи" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:253 msgid "All files" msgstr "Сите датотеки" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:301 msgid "Automatically detected" msgstr "Автоматски пронајдено" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:310 msgid "Select file _type:" msgstr "Одберете _вид на датотека:" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:324 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:346 msgid "Login" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:332 msgid "Username: " msgstr "Корисничко име: " #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:337 msgid "Password: " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:369 #, fuzzy msgid "Import Family Tree" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:387 #, fuzzy #| msgid "All files" msgid "All supported files" msgstr "Сите датотеки" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:442 #, python-format msgid "" "File type \"%s\" is unknown to Gramps.\n" "\n" "Valid types are: Gramps database, Gramps XML, Gramps package, GEDCOM, and " "others." msgstr "" "Видот на фајл \"%s\" е непознат на GRAMPS.\n" "\n" "Валидни видови се: GRAMPS база на податоци, GRAMPS XML, GRAMPS пакет, GEDCOM " "и други." #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:465 ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:472 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:173 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot open file" msgstr "Не може да се отвори базата на податоци." #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:466 msgid "The selected file is a directory, not a file.\n" msgstr "Одбраниот фајл е директориум, а не фајл.\n" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:473 msgid "You do not have read access to the selected file." msgstr "Немате дозвола за читање на избраната датотека." #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:483 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot create file" msgstr "Не може да се создаде база на податоци." #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:506 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Could not import file: %s" msgstr "Не можам да увезам %s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbloader.py:507 msgid "" "This file incorrectly identifies its character set, so it cannot be " "accurately imported. Please fix the encoding, and import again" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:97 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%s_-_Manage_Family_Trees" msgstr "_Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Family_Trees_manager_window" msgstr "Семејно име:" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:112 ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:346 msgid "_Archive" msgstr "_Архива" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:112 #, fuzzy msgid "_Extract" msgstr "_Извоз" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:119 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:140 #, fuzzy msgid "Database Information" msgstr "Системски информации" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:121 ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:120 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:40 ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:482 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:572 ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:39 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:24 ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:36 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:57 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:85 ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:40 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:54 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:40 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:59 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:40 ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:64 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:38 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:36 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:55 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:41 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:40 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:40 ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:262 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:451 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:682 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:36 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:37 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:38 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:333 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:764 ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:103 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1754 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:82 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:166 ../gramps/gui/utils.py:194 #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1653 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:712 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:778 ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:118 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/populatesources.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:328 #, fuzzy msgid "_OK" msgstr "Во ред" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:125 #, fuzzy msgid "Setting" msgstr "Проценување" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:200 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Trees" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:381 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Tree name" msgstr "Семејно име:" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:401 #, fuzzy msgid "Database Type" msgstr "Базата е отворена" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:508 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Break the lock on the '%s' database?" msgstr "Проверка во точка на базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:509 msgid "" "Gramps believes that someone else is actively editing this database. You " "cannot edit this database while it is locked. If no one is editing the " "database you may safely break the lock. However, if someone else is editing " "the database and you break the lock, you may corrupt the database." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:515 msgid "Break lock" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:607 #, fuzzy msgid "Rename failed" msgstr "Преподреди семејства" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:608 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to rename a version failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Обидот за архивирање податоци е неуспешен со следнава порака:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:626 #, fuzzy msgid "Could not rename the Family Tree." msgstr "Не може да се создаде директориумот: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:627 msgid "Family Tree already exists, choose a unique name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:674 msgid "Extracting archive..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:679 #, fuzzy msgid "Importing archive..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:695 #, python-format msgid "Remove the '%s' Family Tree?" msgstr "Отсранете го '%s' семејното стебло?" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:696 msgid "Removing this Family Tree will permanently destroy the data." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:698 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove Family Tree" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:703 #, python-format msgid "Remove the '%(revision)s' version of '%(database)s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:707 msgid "" "Removing this version will prevent you from extracting it in the future." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:709 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove version" msgstr "Отстрани родители" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:764 #, fuzzy msgid "Deletion failed" msgstr "Операцијата е неуспешна" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:765 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to delete a version failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Обид за повторно враќање на податоците е неуспешно со следнава порака:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:783 #, python-format msgid "Convert the '%s' database?" msgstr "Преобразите ја '%s' датабазата?" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:784 #, python-format msgid "" "Do you wish to convert this family tree into a %(database_type)s database?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:786 msgid "Convert" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:796 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Opening the '%s' database" msgstr "Отвори постоечка база" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:797 #, fuzzy msgid "An attempt to convert the database failed. Perhaps it needs updating." msgstr "" "Обидот за архивирање податоци е неуспешен со следнава порака:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:808 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:834 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Converting the '%s' database" msgstr "Проверка во точка на базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:809 msgid "An attempt to export the database failed." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:813 #, fuzzy msgid "Converting data..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:818 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:821 #, python-format msgid "(Converted #%d)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:835 msgid "An attempt to import into the database failed." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:892 #, fuzzy msgid "Repair Family Tree?" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:893 #, python-format msgid "" "If you click %(bold_start)sProceed%(bold_end)s, Gramps will attempt to " "recover your Family Tree from the last good backup. There are several ways " "this can cause unwanted effects, so %(bold_start)sbackup%(bold_end)s the " "Family Tree first.\n" "The Family Tree you have selected is stored in %(dirname)s.\n" "\n" "Before doing a repair, verify that the Family Tree can really no longer be " "opened, as the database back-end can recover from some errors " "automatically.\n" "\n" "%(bold_start)sDetails:%(bold_end)s Repairing a Family Tree actually uses the " "last backup of the Family Tree, which Gramps stored on last use. If you have " "worked for several hours/days without closing Gramps, then all this " "information will be lost! If the repair fails, then the original Family Tree " "will be lost forever, hence a backup is needed. If the repair fails, or too " "much information is lost, you can fix the original Family Tree manually. For " "details, see the webpage\n" "%(gramps_wiki_recover_url)s\n" "Before doing a repair, try to open the Family Tree in the normal manner. " "Several errors that trigger the repair button can be fixed automatically. If " "this is the case, you can disable the repair button by removing the file " "%(recover_file)s in the Family Tree directory." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:924 msgid "Proceed, I have taken a backup" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:925 #, fuzzy msgid "Stop" msgstr "_Запри" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:944 msgid "Rebuilding database from backup files" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:949 msgid "Error restoring backup data" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:988 #, fuzzy msgid "Could not create Family Tree" msgstr "Не може да се создаде %s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1109 #, fuzzy msgid "Retrieve failed" msgstr "Повратување:" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1110 #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to retrieve the data failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Обид за повторно враќање на податоците е неуспешно со следнава порака:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1149 ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1175 #, fuzzy msgid "Archiving failed" msgstr "Зачувувањето е неуспешно" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1150 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to create the archive failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Обид за повторно враќање на податоците е неуспешно со следнава порака:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1155 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating data to be archived..." msgstr "Проверување во точка на базата на податоци..." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1164 #, fuzzy msgid "Saving archive..." msgstr "Зачувување табели..." #: ../gramps/gui/dbman.py:1176 #, python-format msgid "" "An attempt to archive the data failed with the following message:\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" "Обидот за архивирање податоци е неуспешен со следнава порака:\n" "\n" "%s" #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:460 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:560 #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:309 msgid "Attempt to force closing the dialog" msgstr "Обид за присилно затворање на дијалогот" #: ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:461 ../gramps/gui/dialog.py:561 msgid "" "Please do not force closing this important dialog.\n" "Instead select one of the available options" msgstr "" "Немојте присилно да го затворате овој важен дијалог.\n" "Наместо тоа, одберете некоја од расположливите опции" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:282 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot load database" msgstr "Не може да се отвори базата на податоци." #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:400 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:174 msgid "No active person" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:401 #, fuzzy msgid "No active family" msgstr "Не може да се зачува семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:402 #, fuzzy msgid "No active event" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:403 #, fuzzy msgid "No active place" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:404 #, fuzzy msgid "No active source" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:405 #, fuzzy msgid "No active citation" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:406 #, fuzzy msgid "No active repository" msgstr "Не може да се зачува репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:407 #, fuzzy msgid "No active media" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:408 #, fuzzy msgid "No active note" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:675 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:200 #, fuzzy msgid "No active object" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:711 msgid "Danger: This is unstable code!" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:712 #, python-format msgid "This Gramps ('%s') is a development release.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/displaystate.py:714 #, python-format msgid "" "This version is not meant for normal usage. Use at your own risk.\n" "\n" "This version may:\n" "1) Work differently than you expect.\n" "2) Fail to run at all.\n" "3) Crash often.\n" "4) Corrupt your data.\n" "5) Save data in a format that is incompatible with the official release.\n" "\n" "%(bold_start)sBACKUP%(bold_end)s your existing databases before opening them " "with this version, and make sure to export your data to XML every now and " "then." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:70 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_a_media_selector" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:104 msgid "Select a media object" msgstr "Избери медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:148 msgid "Select media object" msgstr "Избери медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:158 #, fuzzy msgid "Import failed" msgstr "Неуспешен извоз" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:159 msgid "The filename supplied could not be found." msgstr "Не може да се најде добиеното име на датотеката." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:169 #, python-format msgid "Cannot import %s" msgstr "Не може да се увезе %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:170 #, python-format msgid "" "Directory specified in preferences: Base path for relative media paths: %s " "does not exist. Change preferences or do not use relative path when importing" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:238 #, python-format msgid "Cannot display %s" msgstr "Не може да се прикаже %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/addmedia.py:239 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Gramps is not able to display the image file. This may be caused by a " "corrupt file." msgstr "" "GRAMPS не може да ја прикаже датотеката со сликата. Ова може да се должи на " "оштетување на датотеката." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:61 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new address" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:62 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing address" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected address" msgstr "Уреди го избраното правило" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected address upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected address downwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Postal" msgstr "ZIP/Поштенски број" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/addrembedlist.py:85 #, fuzzy msgid "_Addresses" msgstr "Адреси" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:52 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new attribute" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:53 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:54 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing attribute" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:54 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:55 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected attribute" msgstr "Уреди го избраното правило" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:55 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected attribute upwards" msgstr "Клонирај го избраниот филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected attribute downwards" msgstr "Клонирај го избраниот филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/attrembedlist.py:76 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/srcattrembedlist.py:76 #, fuzzy msgid "_Attributes" msgstr "Својства" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:86 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:79 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:60 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:124 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:994 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:111 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:121 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:100 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:132 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:107 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:86 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:182 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1178 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1356 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:73 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:68 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:281 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:344 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:127 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:404 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:199 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:56 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:575 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:94 ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:729 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:83 msgid "ID" msgstr "ИД" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "_References" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backreflist.py:107 msgid "Edit reference" msgstr "Уреди упатување" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/backrefmodel.py:50 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(part1)s - %(part2)s" msgstr "%(date)s во %(place)s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:217 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:224 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:494 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:501 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:22 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:361 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:72 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:422 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:429 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1864 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1871 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 msgid "Add" msgstr "Додади" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:248 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:255 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:556 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:563 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:85 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:104 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:111 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:490 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:497 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1928 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1935 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Отстрани" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/embeddedlist.py:148 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:130 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 msgid "Share" msgstr "Сподели" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:73 msgid "Jump To" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:74 msgid "Move Up" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:75 msgid "Move Down" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:76 #, fuzzy msgid "Move Left" msgstr "_Лево" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/buttontab.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Move right" msgstr "Авторски права" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:69 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new citation and new source" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing citation" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:126 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected citation" msgstr "Уреди го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:72 #, fuzzy msgid "Add an existing citation or source" msgstr "Додади постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:73 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected citation upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:74 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected citation downwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:90 #, fuzzy msgid "Publisher" msgstr "Издание" # !?!?!? #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:88 #, fuzzy msgid "Confidence Level" msgstr "_Доверба:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:88 #, fuzzy msgid "Sorted date" msgstr "Втор датум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "_Source Citations" msgstr "Поврзувањa" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:175 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:186 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:260 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:281 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:269 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:589 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:610 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot share this reference" msgstr "Не може да се уредува ова упатување" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/citationembedlist.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:618 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This citation cannot be created at this time. Either the associated Source " "object is already being edited, or another citation associated with the same " "source is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this citation, you need to close the object." msgstr "" "Ова упатување на извор моментно не може да се уредува. Или се уредува " "поврзаниот настан или друго упатување што се врзува на ист извор, како и " "оваа.\n" "\n" "За да го уредите ова упатување на извор, потребно е да го затворите изворот." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a new family event" msgstr "Додади ново семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the selected family event" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected family event or edit person" msgstr "Уреди го одбраното семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:59 msgid "Share an existing event" msgstr "Сподели постоечки настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected event upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:69 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected event downwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:96 msgid "Role" msgstr "Улога" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:99 #, fuzzy msgid "_Events" msgstr "Настани" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:249 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:350 msgid "" "This event reference cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated " "event is already being edited or another event reference that is associated " "with the same event is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this event reference, you need to close the event." msgstr "" "Ова упатување на настан моментно не може да се уредува. Или се уредува " "поврзаниот настан или друго упатување на настан поврзан со истиот се " "уредува.\n" "\n" "За да ја уредите ова упатување, потребно е да го затворите настанот." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:283 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:349 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:355 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1103 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1816 msgid "Cannot edit this reference" msgstr "Не може да се уредува ова упатување" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:326 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot change Person" msgstr "Не може да се зачува лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventembedlist.py:327 msgid "You cannot change Person events in the Family Editor" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/eventrefmodel.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:66 #, python-format msgid "%(groupname)s - %(groupnumber)d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:84 #, fuzzy msgid "_Gallery" msgstr "Галерија" #. Translators: _View means "to look at this" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:142 msgctxt "verb:look at this" msgid "_View" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:147 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 msgid "Open Containing _Folder" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:155 #, fuzzy msgid "_Make Active Media" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:259 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:961 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:604 msgid "Non existing media found in the Gallery" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:309 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This media reference cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated " "media object is already being edited or another media reference that is " "associated with the same media object is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this media reference, you need to close the media object." msgstr "" "Ова упатување на настан моментно не може да се уредува. Или се уредува " "поврзаниот настан или друго упатување на настан поврзан со истиот се " "уредува.\n" "\n" "За да ја уредите ова упатување, потребно е да го затворите настанот." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/gallerytab.py:578 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:194 msgid "Drag Media Object" msgstr "Повлечи го медиумскиот објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new LDS ordinance" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing LDS ordinance" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected LDS ordinance" msgstr "Уреди го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:54 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected LDS ordinance upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:55 msgid "Move the selected LDS ordinance downwards" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/ldsembedlist.py:72 #, fuzzy msgid "_LDS" msgstr "LDS" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/locationembedlist.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Alternate _Locations" msgstr "Помошни локации" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new name" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing name" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected name" msgstr "Уреди го избраното место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected name upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected name downwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/peoplemodel.py:614 #, fuzzy msgid "Group As" msgstr "Г_рупирај како:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:79 #, fuzzy msgid "Notes Preview" msgstr "Преглед" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:90 #, fuzzy msgid "_Names" msgstr "Имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/nameembedlist.py:125 msgid "Set as default name" msgstr "Избери основно име" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1259 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1038 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:561 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:306 msgid "Yes" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1258 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1038 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:562 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:310 #, fuzzy msgid "No" msgstr "Ниедно" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:62 #, fuzzy msgid "Preferred name" msgstr "Претпочитано име" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/namemodel.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Alternative names" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new note" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing note" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:93 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected note" msgstr "Уреди го избраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:69 #, fuzzy msgid "Add an existing note" msgstr "Додади постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected note upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:71 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected note downwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:136 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:188 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:190 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:503 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:78 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Преглед" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/notetab.py:88 #, fuzzy msgid "_Notes" msgstr "Забелешки" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1967 #, fuzzy msgid "Personal" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "Непознато" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a new personal event" msgstr "Додади ново лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the selected personal event" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:58 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected personal event or edit family" msgstr "Уреди го одбраното семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:60 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected event upwards or change family order" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:61 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected event downwards or change family order" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:134 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot change Family" msgstr "Не може да се зачува семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personeventembedlist.py:135 #, fuzzy msgid "You cannot change Family events in the Person Editor" msgstr "Потомци на семејство на " #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new association" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing association" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:58 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected association" msgstr "Уреди го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected association upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:60 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected association downwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "_Associations" msgstr "Поврзувањa" # Ние имаме и кум за венчавка, а на времето имало и кум за прв потстриг #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/personrefembedlist.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1469 msgid "Godfather" msgstr "Кум на крштевање" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new place name" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:54 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing place name" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:55 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected place name" msgstr "Уреди го избраното место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected place name upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected place name downwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placenameembedlist.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/placedetails.py:146 #, fuzzy msgid "Alternative Names" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:111 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1317 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2997 msgid "Enclosed By" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:189 msgid "Place cycle detected" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/placerefembedlist.py:190 msgid "The place you are adding is already enclosed by this place" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:55 msgid "Create and add a new repository" msgstr "Создади и додади нов репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:56 msgid "Remove the existing repository" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:57 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:113 msgid "Edit the selected repository" msgstr "Уреди избран репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:58 msgid "Add an existing repository" msgstr "Додади постоечки репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected repository upwards" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:60 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected repository downwards" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:76 #, fuzzy msgid "_Repositories" msgstr "Репозиториуми" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/repoembedlist.py:169 msgid "" "This repository reference cannot be edited at this time. Either the " "associated repository is already being edited or another repository " "reference that is associated with the same repository is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this repository reference, you need to close the repository." msgstr "" "Ова упатување на репозиториум моментно не може да се уредува. Или се уредува " "поврзаниот репозиториум или друго упатување што се врзува на ист " "репозиториум, како и оваа.\n" "\n" "За да го уредите ова упатување на репозиториум, потребно е да го затворите " "репозиториумот." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new surname" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the selected surname" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:69 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected surname" msgstr "Уреди го избраното место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected surname upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:71 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected surname downwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:714 #, fuzzy msgid "Origin" msgstr "Потекнувачко време" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:85 #, fuzzy msgid "Multiple Surnames" msgstr "Повеќекратни родители" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/surnametab.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Surnames" msgstr "Семејно име:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:54 #, fuzzy msgid "Create and add a new web address" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:55 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove the existing web address" msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected web address" msgstr "Уреди го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected web address upwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:58 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the selected web address downwards" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Jump to the selected web address" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:73 #, fuzzy msgid "_Internet" msgstr "Интернет" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/displaytabs/webembedlist.py:118 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:200 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:350 #, fuzzy msgid "_Jump to" msgstr "Оди на татко" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:65 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Address_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Уредувач на адреси" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:92 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editaddress.py:167 msgid "Address Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на адреси" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:62 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Attribute_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Уредувач на особини" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:137 msgid "Attribute Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на особини" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:130 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:134 msgid "New Attribute" msgstr "Нова особина" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:149 msgid "Cannot save attribute" msgstr "Не може да се зачува особината" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editattribute.py:150 msgid "The attribute type cannot be empty" msgstr "видот на особината не може да биде празен" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:66 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Child_Reference_Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на упатувања на деца" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:99 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editchildref.py:190 msgid "Child Reference Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на упатувања на деца" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:69 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Citation_dialog" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:128 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:134 #, fuzzy msgid "New Citation" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:299 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit Citation" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:307 #, fuzzy msgid "No source selected" msgstr "Ниту едно правило не е избрано" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:308 msgid "" "A source is anything (personal testimony, video recording, photograph, " "newspaper column, gravestone...) from which information can be derived. To " "create a citation, first select the required source, and then record the " "location of the information referenced within the source in the 'Volume/" "Page' field." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:322 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save citation. ID already exists." msgstr "Не може да се зачува лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:323 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:251 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:300 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:846 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:357 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:288 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:189 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:210 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "You have attempted to use the existing Gramps ID with value %(id)s. This " "value is already used by '%(prim_object)s'. Please enter a different ID or " "leave blank to get the next available ID value." msgstr "" "Се обидовте да смените GRAMPS ИД во вредност %(grampsid)s. Оваа вредност " "веќе се користи од %(person)s." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:333 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Add Citation (%s)" msgstr "Избриши место (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editcitation.py:338 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Edit Citation (%s)" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:77 ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:86 msgid "Regular" msgstr "Обично" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:78 msgid "Before" msgstr "Пред" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:79 msgid "After" msgstr "По" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:80 msgid "About" msgstr "За" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:81 msgid "Range" msgstr "Опсег" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:82 msgid "Span" msgstr "Протегање" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:83 msgid "Text only" msgstr "Само текст" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:87 msgid "Estimated" msgstr "Проценето" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:88 msgid "Calculated" msgstr "Пресметано" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:100 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Editing_dates" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:127 ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:283 msgid "Date selection" msgstr "Избор на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editdate.py:274 #, python-brace-format msgid "Correct the date or switch from `{cur_mode}' to `{text_mode}'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:64 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Event_dialog" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:265 #, python-format msgid "Event: %s" msgstr "Настан: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:100 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:267 msgid "New Event" msgstr "Нов настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:230 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:632 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:431 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:815 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:485 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:703 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:503 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:523 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:563 msgid "Edit Event" msgstr "Уреди настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:239 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:263 msgid "Cannot save event" msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:240 msgid "No data exists for this event. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" "Нема податоци за овој настан. Внесете податоци или откажете го настанот." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:250 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:277 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save event. ID already exists." msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:264 msgid "The event type cannot be empty" msgstr "Видот на настанот не може да биде празен" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:270 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Add Event (%s)" msgstr "Додади настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editevent.py:275 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Edit Event (%s)" msgstr "Уреди настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:57 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Event_Reference_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Уредувач на упатувања на настани" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:268 msgid "Event Reference Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на упатувања на настани" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:118 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:134 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:78 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "_General" msgstr "Општо" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:275 msgid "Modify Event" msgstr "Смени настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editeventref.py:280 msgid "Add Event" msgstr "Додади настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:92 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Family_Editor_dialog" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:113 msgid "Create a new person and add the child to the family" msgstr "Создади ново лице и додади дете во семејството" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:114 msgid "Remove the child from the family" msgstr "Отстрани дете од семејството" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:115 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the child reference" msgstr "Уреди упатување" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:116 msgid "Add an existing person as a child of the family" msgstr "Додади постоечко лице како дете во семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:117 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the child up in the children list" msgstr "Стилот употребен за списокот со деца." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:118 #, fuzzy msgid "Move the child down in the children list" msgstr "Стилот употребен за списокот со деца." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:123 msgid "#" msgstr "#" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:127 msgid "Paternal" msgstr "По татко" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:128 msgid "Maternal" msgstr "По мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:129 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:234 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:339 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:409 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:475 msgid "Birth Date" msgstr "Датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:130 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:476 msgid "Death Date" msgstr "Датум на умирање" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:131 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:100 msgid "Birth Place" msgstr "Место на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:132 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:102 msgid "Death Place" msgstr "Место на умирање" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:146 #, fuzzy msgid "Chil_dren" msgstr "Деца" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:195 msgid "Edit child" msgstr "Уреди дете" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:197 #, fuzzy msgid "Add an existing child" msgstr "Детето не постои" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:198 msgid "Edit relationship" msgstr "Уреди врска" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:268 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:283 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1750 msgid "Select Child" msgstr "Одбери дете" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:418 msgid "Adding parents to a person" msgstr "Додавање родители на лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:419 msgid "" "It is possible to accidentally create multiple families with the same " "parents. To help avoid this problem, only the buttons to select parents are " "available when you create a new family. The remaining fields will become " "available after you attempt to select a parent." msgstr "" "Можно е случајно да се создадат повеќекратни семејства со исти родители. За " "да се одбегне овој проблем, кога се создава ново семејство активни се само " "копчињата за избор на родители. Останатите полиња ќе се акттивираат само " "откако ќе се одберат родителите." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:524 #, fuzzy msgid "Family has changed" msgstr "Последна промена" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:525 #, python-format msgid "" "The %(object)s you are editing has changed outside this editor. This can be " "due to a change in one of the main views, for example a source used here is " "deleted in the source view.\n" "To make sure the information shown is still correct, the data shown has been " "updated. Some edits you have made may have been lost." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:530 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:230 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:370 #, fuzzy msgid "family" msgstr "Семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:561 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:564 msgid "New Family" msgstr "Ново семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:568 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1186 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:477 msgid "Edit Family" msgstr "Уреди семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:599 msgid "Select a person as the mother" msgstr "Избери лице како мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:600 msgid "Add a new person as the mother" msgstr "Додади ново лице како мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:601 msgid "Remove the person as the mother" msgstr "Отстрани го лицето како мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:614 msgid "Select a person as the father" msgstr "Избери лице како татко" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:615 msgid "Add a new person as the father" msgstr "Додади ново лице како татко" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:616 msgid "Remove the person as the father" msgstr "Отстрани го лицето како татко" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:886 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:65 msgid "Select Mother" msgstr "Избери мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:931 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:63 msgid "Select Father" msgstr "Избери татко" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:955 msgid "Duplicate Family" msgstr "Удвои семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:956 msgid "" "A family with these parents already exists in the database. If you save, you " "will create a duplicate family. It is recommended that you cancel the " "editing of this window, and select the existing family" msgstr "" "Семејство со овие родители веќе постои во базата. Ако зачувате, ќе направите " "удвоено семејство. Се препорачува да го откажете уредувањето на овој " "прозорец и да изберете постоечко семејство" #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:997 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1004 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:186 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:237 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphreportdialog.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:324 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:377 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:401 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:472 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:623 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:149 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:198 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:931 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:933 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:934 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:935 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:936 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:665 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:729 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:782 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1030 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1065 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1552 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1575 #, python-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1006 #, python-format msgid "Edit %s" msgstr "Уреди %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1115 msgid "A father cannot be his own child" msgstr "Таткото не може да биде дете сам на себе" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1116 #, python-format msgid "%s is listed as both the father and child of the family." msgstr "%s истовремено е наведен како татко и како дете во семејството." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1126 msgid "A mother cannot be her own child" msgstr "Мајката не може да биде дете на самата на себе" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1127 #, python-format msgid "%s is listed as both the mother and child of the family." msgstr "%s истовремено е наведена како мајка и како дете во семејството." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1135 msgid "Cannot save family" msgstr "Не може да се зачува семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1136 msgid "No data exists for this family. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" "Не постојат податоци за ова семејство. Внесете податоци или откажете го " "уредувањето." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1144 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save family. ID already exists." msgstr "Не може да се зачува семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1145 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:328 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:295 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "You have attempted to use the existing Gramps ID with value %(id)s. This " "value is already used. Please enter a different ID or leave blank to get the " "next available ID value." msgstr "" "Се обидовте да смените GRAMPS ИД во вредност %(grampsid)s. Оваа вредност " "веќе се користи од %(person)s." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editfamily.py:1160 msgid "Add Family" msgstr "Додади семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:67 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "LDS_Ordinance_Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на обреди од LDS" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:158 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:315 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:352 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:443 msgid "LDS Ordinance Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на обреди од LDS" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:288 #, python-format msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:294 #, python-format msgid "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]" msgstr "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editldsord.py:299 #, python-format msgid "%(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" msgstr "%(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:49 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Link_Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на локации" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:87 ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:250 #, fuzzy msgid "Link Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на локации" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlink.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Internet Address" msgstr "Уредувач на интернет-адреси" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editlocation.py:48 msgid "Location Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на локации" # медиски?!?!? #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Media_dialog" msgstr "Медиумски управувач" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:99 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:412 #, python-format msgid "Media: %s" msgstr "Медиум: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:101 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:414 msgid "New Media" msgstr "Нов медиум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:241 msgid "Edit Media Object" msgstr "Уреди медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:288 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save media object" msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:289 #, fuzzy msgid "" "No data exists for this media object. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" "Нема податоци за овој настан. Внесете податоци или откажете го настанот." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:299 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:280 msgid "Cannot save media object. ID already exists." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:314 msgid "There is no media matching the current path value!" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:315 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "You have attempted to use the path with value '%(path)s'. This path does not " "exist! Please enter a different path" msgstr "" "Се обидовте да смените GRAMPS ИД во вредност %(grampsid)s. Оваа вредност " "веќе се користи од %(person)s." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:326 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:532 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Add Media Object (%s)" msgstr "Додај медиум-објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmedia.py:332 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:526 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Edit Media Object (%s)" msgstr "Уреди медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:72 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Media_Reference_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Уредувач на медиумски упатувања" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:415 msgid "Media Reference Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на медиумски упатувања" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:100 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editmediaref.py:101 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:133 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:257 msgctxt "Y coordinate" msgid "Y" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:120 ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:314 msgid "Name Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:162 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Name_Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:318 msgid "Call name must be the given name that is normally used." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:313 msgid "New Name" msgstr "Ново име" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:381 msgid "Break global name grouping?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:382 #, python-format msgid "" "All people with the name of %(surname)s will no longer be grouped with the " "name of %(group_name)s." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:386 #, fuzzy msgid "Continue" msgstr "Содржина" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:387 #, fuzzy msgid "Return to Name Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:413 msgid "Group all people with the same name?" msgstr "Дали сакате да ги групирате сите лица со исто име?" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:414 #, python-format msgid "" "You have the choice of grouping all people with the name of %(surname)s with " "the name of %(group_name)s, or just mapping this particular name." msgstr "" "Имате избор да ги групирате сите лица со името %(surname)s со името " "%(group_name)s или само да го пресликате ова конкретно име." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:419 msgid "Group all" msgstr "Групирај сè" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editname.py:420 msgid "Group this name only" msgstr "Групирај го само ова име" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:67 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Editing_information_about_notes" msgstr "Извлечи информација од имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:150 #, python-format msgid "Note: %(id)s - %(context)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:747 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:750 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2400 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2403 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Note: %s" msgstr "Забелешки" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:158 #, python-format msgid "New Note - %(context)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:162 #, fuzzy msgid "New Note" msgstr "Ново име" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:188 #, fuzzy msgid "_Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:294 ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:343 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:437 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit Note" msgstr "Уреди извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:318 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save note" msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:319 #, fuzzy msgid "No data exists for this note. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" "Нема податоци за овој настан. Внесете податоци или откажете го настанот." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:327 msgid "Cannot save note. ID already exists." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editnote.py:338 #, fuzzy msgid "Add Note" msgstr "Додади сопружник" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:157 #, python-format msgid "Person: %(name)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:161 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "New Person: %(name)s" msgstr "Избриши забелешка:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:163 msgid "New Person" msgstr "Ново лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:242 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Editing_information_about_people" msgstr "Извлечи информација од имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:602 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:481 msgid "Edit Person" msgstr "Уреди лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:645 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:385 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 msgid "View" msgstr "Поглед" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:647 msgid "Edit Object Properties" msgstr "Уреди својства на објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:688 #, fuzzy msgid "Make Active Person" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:688 #, fuzzy msgid "Make Home Person" msgstr "Постави По_четно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:808 msgid "Problem changing the gender" msgstr "Проблем при менување на полот" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:809 msgid "" "Changing the gender caused problems with marriage information.\n" "Please check the person's marriages." msgstr "" "Промената на полот предизвикува проблеми со информациите за брак.\n" "Проверете ги браковите на лицето." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:820 msgid "Cannot save person" msgstr "Не може да се зачува лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:821 msgid "No data exists for this person. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" "Нема податоци за ова лице. Внесете податоци или откажете го уредувањето." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:845 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save person. ID already exists." msgstr "Не може да се зачува лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:860 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Add Person (%s)" msgstr "Уреди лице (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:866 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:709 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1222 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1337 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1456 #, python-format msgid "Edit Person (%s)" msgstr "Уреди лице (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1097 msgid "Unknown gender specified" msgstr "Наведен е непознат пол" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1099 msgid "" "The gender of the person is currently unknown. Usually, this is a mistake. " "Please specify the gender." msgstr "" "Полот на ова лице моментно е непознат. Обично ова е грешка. Наведете го " "полот." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1102 #, fuzzy msgid "_Male" msgstr "Машко" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1103 #, fuzzy msgid "_Female" msgstr "Женско" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editperson.py:1104 #, fuzzy msgid "_Unknown" msgstr "Непознато" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:67 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Person_Reference_Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на упатувања на лица" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:93 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:213 msgid "Person Reference Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на упатувања на лица" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:213 msgid "Person Reference" msgstr "Упатување на лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:230 msgid "No person selected" msgstr "Не е одбрано лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editpersonref.py:231 msgid "You must either select a person or Cancel the edit" msgstr "Морате да одберете лице или да го Откажете уредувањето" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:69 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Place_Editor_dialog" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:91 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:357 ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeplace.py:55 #, fuzzy msgctxt "place" msgid "Name:" msgstr "Име на место:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:97 #, python-format msgid "Place: %s" msgstr "Место: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:99 msgid "New Place" msgstr "Ново место" #. Translators: translate the "S" too (and the "or" of course) #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:240 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:208 msgid "" "Invalid latitude\n" "(syntax: 18\\u00b09'48.21\"S, -18.2412 or -18:9:48.21)" msgstr "" #. Translators: translate the "E" too (and the "or" of course) #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:245 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:213 msgid "" "Invalid longitude\n" "(syntax: 18\\u00b09'48.21\"E, -18.2412 or -18:9:48.21)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:256 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:918 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:495 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:520 msgid "Edit Place" msgstr "Уреди место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:346 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:316 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save place. Name not entered." msgstr "Не може да се зачува лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:347 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:317 msgid "You must enter a name before saving." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:356 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save place. ID already exists." msgstr "Датотеката веќе постои" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:368 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Add Place (%s)" msgstr "Уреди место (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplace.py:373 #, python-format msgid "Edit Place (%s)" msgstr "Уреди место (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceformat.py:49 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Format Editor" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер за места" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceformat.py:137 #, fuzzy msgid "New" msgstr "Ново име" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:49 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Place_Name_Editor_dialog" msgstr "Уредувач на имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:101 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:134 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Name Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:125 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid ISO code" msgstr "Неважечко име на датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:138 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save place name" msgstr "Не може да се зачува лице" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplacename.py:139 #, fuzzy msgid "The place name cannot be empty" msgstr "Видот на настанот не може да биде празен" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:59 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:100 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Reference Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на Упатувања на извори." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:325 #, fuzzy msgid "Modify Place" msgstr "Уреди место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editplaceref.py:330 #, fuzzy msgid "Add Place" msgstr "Места" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editprimary.py:244 msgid "Save Changes?" msgstr "Дали сакате да ги зачувате промените?" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editprimary.py:245 msgid "If you close without saving, the changes you have made will be lost" msgstr "Ако затворите без да зачувате, промените ќе се изгубат" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:283 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:188 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save repository. ID already exists." msgstr "Не може да се зачува репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreference.py:286 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save item. ID already exists." msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:61 msgid "Repository Reference Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на Референци на Складишта" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:185 #, python-format msgid "Repository: %s" msgstr "Репозиториум: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:187 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:81 msgid "New Repository" msgstr "Нов репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:188 msgid "Repo Reference Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на Упатувања на репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:195 msgid "Modify Repository" msgstr "Промени репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editreporef.py:200 msgid "Add Repository" msgstr "Додади репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:60 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Repository_dialog" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:92 msgid "Edit Repository" msgstr "Уреди репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:177 msgid "Cannot save repository" msgstr "Не може да се зачува репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:178 msgid "" "No data exists for this repository. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" "Нема податоци за овој репозиториум. Внесете податоци или откажете го " "уредувањето." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:199 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Add Repository (%s)" msgstr "Уреди репозиториум (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editrepository.py:204 #, python-format msgid "Edit Repository (%s)" msgstr "Уреди репозиториум (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:64 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Source_dialog" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:88 msgid "New Source" msgstr "Нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:193 msgid "Edit Source" msgstr "Уреди извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:198 msgid "Cannot save source" msgstr "Не може да се зачува извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:199 msgid "No data exists for this source. Please enter data or cancel the edit." msgstr "" "Нема податоци за овој извор. Внесете податоци или откажете го уредувањето." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:209 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save source. ID already exists." msgstr "Не може да се зачува извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:220 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Add Source (%s)" msgstr "Уреди извор (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editsource.py:225 #, python-format msgid "Edit Source (%s)" msgstr "Уреди извор (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:48 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Tag_selection_dialog" msgstr "Избор на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:70 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/edittaglist.py:127 #, fuzzy msgid "Tag selection" msgstr "Избор на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editurl.py:47 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Internet_Address_Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на интернет-адреси" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/editurl.py:68 ../gramps/gui/editors/editurl.py:103 msgid "Internet Address Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на интернет-адреси" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:84 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Add_Rule_dialog" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:85 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Define_Filter_dialog" msgstr "Општо" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:86 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Custom_Filters" msgstr "Поставување филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:90 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Filters" msgstr "Уредувач на филтерот за лица" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Filters" msgstr "Семејни филтри" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Filters" msgstr "Филтри на настани" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:93 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Filters" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер за места" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:94 #, fuzzy msgid "Source Filters" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер на извори" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Media Filters" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:96 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository Filters" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер на репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Note Filters" msgstr "Филтри за мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation Filters" msgstr "%s Филтри на настани" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:252 msgid "equal to" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:252 msgid "greater than" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:252 msgid "less than" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:290 msgid "Not a valid ID" msgstr "Неважечки ИД" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:319 msgid "Select..." msgstr "Изберете..." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:324 #, python-format msgid "Select %s from a list" msgstr "Изберете %s од список" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:391 msgid "Give or select a source ID, leave empty to find objects with no source." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:533 #, fuzzy msgid "Family filter name:" msgstr "Семејни филтри" # ИД?!?!?! #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:569 #, fuzzy msgid "Include selected Gramps ID" msgstr "Вклучи ИД" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:571 msgid "Use exact case of letters" msgstr "Употреби точно разликување на големи и мали букви" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:572 msgid "Regular-Expression matching:" msgstr "Совпаѓање на редовен-израз:" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:573 msgid "Use regular expression" msgstr "Употреби обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:575 #, fuzzy msgid "Also family events where person is spouse" msgstr "Потомци на семејство на " #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:577 msgid "Only include primary participants" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:593 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/placewithin.py:73 #, fuzzy msgid "degrees" msgstr "Диплома" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:593 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/placewithin.py:73 msgid "kilometers" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:593 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/placewithin.py:73 msgid "miles" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:607 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:76 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:77 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:87 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:65 msgid "Use regular expressions" msgstr "Употреби обични изрази" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:608 msgid "" "Interpret the contents of string fields as regular expressions:\n" ".\tA decimal point will match any character.\n" "?\tA question mark will match zero or one occurences of the previous " "character or group.\n" "*\tAn asterisk will match zero or more occurences.\n" "+\tA plus sign will match one or more occurences.\n" "()\tUse parentheses to group expressions.\n" "|\tSpecify alternatives using a vertical bar.\n" "^\tA caret will match the start of a line.\n" "$\tA dollar sign will match the end of a line." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:637 msgid "Rule Name" msgstr "Име на правило" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:774 #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:778 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:914 msgid "No rule selected" msgstr "Ниту едно правило не е избрано" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:831 msgid "Define filter" msgstr "Определи филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:935 msgid "Add Rule" msgstr "Додај правило" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:947 msgid "Edit Rule" msgstr "Уреди правило" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:982 msgid "Filter Test" msgstr "Проба за филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1121 msgid "Comment" msgstr "Коментар" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1129 msgid "Custom Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на поставување филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1201 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete Filter?" msgstr "_Одбери датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1202 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This filter is currently being used as the base for other filters. Deleting " "this filter will result in removing all other filters that depend on it." msgstr "" "Ова место моментно се употребува. Бришењето ќе го отстрани од базата и од " "сите лица и семејства што се пoврзани со него." #: ../gramps/gui/editors/filtereditor.py:1206 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete Filter" msgstr "_Одбери датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:291 msgid "To select a place, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" msgstr "" "За да изберете место, употребете повлечи-и-спушти или употребете ги копчињата" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:293 msgid "No place given, click button to select one" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:294 msgid "Edit place" msgstr "Уредување на место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:295 msgid "Select an existing place" msgstr "Одберете постоечко место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:103 msgid "Add a new place" msgstr "Додади ново место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:297 msgid "Remove place" msgstr "Отстрани место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:341 #, fuzzy msgid "To select a source, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" msgstr "" "За да изберете место, употребете повлечи-и-спушти или употребете ги копчињата" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:343 msgid "First add a source using the button" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:344 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit source" msgstr "Уреди извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:345 #, fuzzy msgid "Select an existing source" msgstr "Одберете постоечко место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:346 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:124 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:121 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:98 msgid "Add a new source" msgstr "Додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:347 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove source" msgstr "Отстрани родители" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:387 #, fuzzy msgid "To select a media object, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" msgstr "" "За да изберете место, употребете повлечи-и-спушти или употребете ги копчињата" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:389 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1117 msgid "No image given, click button to select one" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:390 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit media object" msgstr "Уреди медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:391 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1095 #, fuzzy msgid "Select an existing media object" msgstr "Избери медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:392 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:111 msgid "Add a new media object" msgstr "Додади нов медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:393 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove media object" msgstr "Отстрани медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:434 #, fuzzy msgid "To select a note, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons" msgstr "" "За да изберете место, употребете повлечи-и-спушти или употребете ги копчињата" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:436 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1015 msgid "No note given, click button to select one" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:438 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:990 #, fuzzy msgid "Select an existing note" msgstr "Одберете постоечко место" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:439 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a new note" msgstr "Додади нов настан" #: ../gramps/gui/editors/objectentries.py:440 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove note" msgstr "Отстрани родители" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:56 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:60 msgid "_Find" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:57 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:54 ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:88 #, fuzzy msgid "_Clear" msgstr "Исчисти" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:107 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%s is" msgstr "%s содржи" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:109 #, python-format msgid "%s contains" msgstr "%s содржи" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:113 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%s is not" msgstr "Клучот %s не е врзан" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:115 #, python-format msgid "%s does not contain" msgstr "%s не содржи" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/_searchbar.py:168 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1279 #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1299 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:200 msgid "Updating display..." msgstr "Ажурирање приказ..." #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:103 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:263 #, fuzzy msgid "Source:" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:108 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:90 msgid "Publication" msgstr "Издание" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:110 msgid "Citation:" msgstr "Ориентација:" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:827 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Volume/Page" msgstr "_Том/Страница:" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:114 msgctxt "Citation: Minimum Confidence" msgid "Min. Conf." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_citationsidebarfilter.py:117 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:111 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:129 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_mediasidebarfilter.py:94 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_notesidebarfilter.py:104 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:141 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:110 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sourcesidebarfilter.py:93 msgid "Custom filter" msgstr "Поставување филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_eventsidebarfilter.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:347 #, fuzzy msgid "Participants" msgstr "По татко" # Што им е Relationship? Брак? Вонбрачна заедница? Сродство? Сватоштина? Одење со женска „за озбиљно“, го направиле во Фиќо пијани од кафана? # Ти ебам народот што нема збор за КУР!! # А.Б. #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_familysidebarfilter.py:125 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:264 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1393 msgid "Relationship" msgstr "Врска" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:94 msgid "any" msgstr "кој било" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:357 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1694 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2071 msgid "Birth date" msgstr "Датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:135 #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:137 #, python-format msgid "example: \"%(msg1)s\" or \"%(msg2)s\"" msgstr "пример: \"%(msg1)s\" или \"%(msg2)s\"" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_personsidebarfilter.py:136 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:359 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1702 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2072 msgid "Death date" msgstr "Датум на смрт" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_placesidebarfilter.py:112 #, fuzzy msgid "Within" msgstr "_Со:" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_reposidebarfilter.py:107 msgid "URL" msgstr "URL" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:62 msgid "This updates the view with the current filter parameters." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:65 msgid "" "This resets the filter parameters to empty state. The 'Find' button should " "be used to actually update the view to its defaults." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/filters/sidebar/_sidebarfilter.py:88 msgid "Reset" msgstr "Ресетирај" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:127 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:292 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:300 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:152 msgid "Image" msgstr "Слика" # наслов?!?! #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:167 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:111 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:409 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:93 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:97 msgid "_Title:" msgstr "_Наслов:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/addmedia.glade:191 msgid "Convert to a relative path" msgstr "Преобрази во релативна патека" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:121 msgid "Show all" msgstr "Покажи се" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/baseselector.glade:141 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/treebasemodel.py:535 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/treebasemodel.py:580 #, fuzzy msgid "Loading items..." msgstr "Вчитување додатоци..." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:51 msgid "Book _name:" msgstr "_Име на книга:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:90 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:636 msgid "Clear the book" msgstr "Исчисти ја книгата" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:112 msgid "Save current set of configured selections" msgstr "Зачувај ја тековната збирка на конфигурирани избори" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:135 msgid "Open previously created book" msgstr "Отвори ја претходно создадената книга" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:157 msgid "Manage previously created books" msgstr "Управувај со претходно создадената книга" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:327 msgid "Add an item to the book" msgstr "Додади ставка на книгата" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:350 msgid "Remove currently selected item from the book" msgstr "Отстрани ја претходно создадената ставка од книгата" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:372 msgid "Move current selection one step up in the book" msgstr "Помести го тековниот избор еден чекор погоре во книгата" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:394 msgid "Move current selection one step down in the book" msgstr "Помести го тековниот избор еден чекор подолу во книгата" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:416 msgid "Configure currently selected item" msgstr "Конфигурирај ја тековно избраната ставка" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/book.glade:540 ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:266 #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:561 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:208 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 #, fuzzy msgid "_Delete" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/clipboard.glade:38 msgid "Clear _All" msgstr "Исчисти _сѐ" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:78 msgid "Format _name:" msgstr "_Име на формат:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:93 msgid "Format _definition:" msgstr "_Дефиниција на формат:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:140 msgid "" "The following conventions are used:\n" " %f - Given Name %F - GIVEN NAME\n" " %l - Surname %L - SURNAME\n" " %t - Title %T - TITLE\n" " %p - Prefix %P - PREFIX\n" " %s - Suffix %S - SUFFIX\n" " %c - Call name %C - CALL NAME\n" " %y - Patronymic %Y - PATRONYMIC" msgstr "" "Следниве одредби се употребуваат:\n" " %f - Дадено име %F - ДАДЕНО ИМЕ\n" " %l - Презиме %L - ПРЕЗИМЕ\n" " %t - Титула %T - ТИТУЛА\n" " %p - Претставка %P - ПРЕТСТАВКА\n" " %s - Наставка %S - НАСТАВКА\n" " %c - Прво име %C - ПРВО ИМЕ\n" " %y - Патронимски %Y - ПАТРОНИМСКИ" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:155 #, fuzzy msgid "Format definition details" msgstr "Под_робности за дефиницијата на форматот" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/configure.glade:169 msgid "Example:" msgstr "Пример:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:7 #, fuzzy msgid "Revision comment - Gramps" msgstr "Проверка на повторен преглед" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:58 #, fuzzy msgid "Version description" msgstr "Опис" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:103 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Trees - Gramps" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:118 #, fuzzy msgid "_Close Window" msgstr "Затвори прозорец" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:134 #, fuzzy msgid "_Load Family Tree" msgstr "_Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:235 ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:208 msgid "_New" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:251 #, fuzzy msgid "_Info" msgstr "Новороденче" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:282 #, fuzzy msgid "_Rename" msgstr "_Отстрани" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:298 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:137 msgid "Close" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:314 msgid "Con_vert" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dbman.glade:330 #, fuzzy msgid "Re_pair" msgstr "Извештај" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:78 msgid "Do not show this dialog again" msgstr "Не прикажувај го овој дијалог повторно" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:254 msgid "_Remove Object" msgstr "_Отстрани објект" # таа-врска #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:259 msgid "Remove object and all references to it from the database" msgstr "Отстрани ги сите објекти и упатувања кон него во базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:270 msgid "_Keep Reference" msgstr "_Задржи упатување" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:275 msgid "Keep reference to the missing file" msgstr "Зачувај упатување за датотеката што недостасува" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:286 msgid "_Select File" msgstr "_Одбери датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:293 msgid "Select replacement for the missing file" msgstr "Одберете замена за датотеката што недостасува" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:366 msgid "_Use this selection for all missing media files" msgstr "_Употребете го овој избор за сите медиумски датотеки што недостасуваат" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:370 #, fuzzy msgid "" "If you check this button, all the missing media files will be automatically " "treated according to the currently selected option. No further dialogs will " "be presented for any missing media files." msgstr "" "Ако го одберете ова копче, сите медиумски датотеки што недостасуваат ќе " "бидат автоматски обработени според моментно избраната опција. Понатамошни " "дијалози нема да бидат покажани за ниту една медиумска датотека што " "недостасува." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:422 msgid "Cancel the rest of the operations" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:433 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:666 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:21 #, fuzzy msgid "_No" msgstr "Ниедно" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:438 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:26 msgid "Do not apply the operation to this item" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:449 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:666 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:37 msgid "_Yes" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:456 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:44 msgid "Apply the operation to this item" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:529 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:117 #, fuzzy msgid "_Use this answer for the rest of the items" msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот на страницата." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:533 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:121 msgid "" "If you check this button, your next answer will apply to the rest of the " "selected items" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:776 ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:793 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:906 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.glade:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.glade:172 msgid "label" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:841 msgid "Close _without saving" msgstr "Затвори _без зачувување" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:873 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:637 #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1152 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:590 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:399 #, fuzzy msgid "_Save" msgstr "Зачувај како" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/dialog.glade:946 msgid "Do not ask again" msgstr "Не прашувај повторно" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/displaystate.glade:7 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps Warnings" msgstr "Предупредувања" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:44 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:47 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:47 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:49 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:64 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:47 ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:70 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:46 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:44 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:50 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:48 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:46 ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:46 msgid "Accept changes and close window" msgstr "Прифати ги промените и затвори го прозорецот" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:93 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:90 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:111 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:238 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:114 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:125 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:546 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:93 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:118 msgid "_Date:" msgstr "_Датум:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:108 #, fuzzy msgid "St_reet:" msgstr "У_лица" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:123 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:93 msgid "C_ity:" msgstr "Г_рад:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:137 #, fuzzy msgid "The town or city of the address" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:151 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:192 #, fuzzy msgid "_State/County:" msgstr "_Град/Земја:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:166 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:248 msgid "_ZIP/Postal code:" msgstr "_ZIP/Поштенски број:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:180 #, fuzzy msgid "Postal code" msgstr "Поштенски број" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:194 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:220 msgid "Cou_ntry:" msgstr "Зем_ја:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:209 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:274 msgid "Phon_e:" msgstr "Тел_ефон:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:222 msgid "Phone number linked to the address." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:236 msgid "" "The state or county of the address in case a mail address must contain this." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:250 #, fuzzy msgid "Country of the address" msgstr "Земја за празници" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:264 msgid "" "Mail address. \n" "\n" "Note: Use Residence Event for genealogical address data." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:290 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:146 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:173 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:338 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:348 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:142 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:413 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:528 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:374 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:325 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:294 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:616 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:148 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:226 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:410 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:151 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:324 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:425 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:188 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:397 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:205 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:288 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:149 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:237 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Тајност" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:313 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:106 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:127 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:369 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:146 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:235 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:573 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:562 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:123 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:486 msgid "Invoke date editor" msgstr "Повикај уредувач за датуми" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:346 msgid "Date at which the address is valid." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:361 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:314 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:358 #, fuzzy msgid "_Locality:" msgstr "Локација" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editaddress.glade:374 #, fuzzy msgid "The locality of the address" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:93 msgid "_Attribute:" msgstr "_Својство:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:108 msgid "_Value:" msgstr "_Вредност:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:122 msgid "The value of the attribute. Eg. 1.8, Sunny, or Blue eyes." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editattribute.glade:167 msgid "" "The name of an attribute you want to use. For example: Height (for a " "person), Weather on this Day (for an event), ... \n" "Use this to store snippets of information you collect and want to correctly " "link to sources. Attributes can be used for people, families, events and " "media.\n" " \n" "Note: several predefined attributes refer to values present in the GEDCOM " "standard." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:97 msgid "Relationship to _Mother:" msgstr "Врска со _Мајка:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:130 msgid "Relationship to _Father:" msgstr "Врска со _Татко:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:195 #, fuzzy msgid "Name Child:" msgstr "Име:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:230 msgid "Open person editor of this child" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editchildref.glade:240 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:279 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:587 ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:456 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1896 #, fuzzy msgid "Edition" msgstr "Образование" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:136 msgid "" "Specific location within the information referenced. For a published work, " "this could include the volume of a multi-volume work and the page number(s). " "For a periodical, it could include volume, issue, and page numbers. For a " "newspaper, it could include a column number and page number. For an " "unpublished source, this could be a sheet number, page number, frame number, " "etc. A census record might have a line number or dwelling and family numbers " "in addition to the page number. " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:152 msgid "_Volume/Page:" msgstr "_Том/Страница:" # !?!?!? #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:167 #, fuzzy msgid "Con_fidence:" msgstr "_Доверба:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:181 msgid "" "The date of the entry in the source you are referencing, e.g. the date a " "house was visited during a census, or the date an entry was made in a birth " "log/registry." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:201 msgid "" "Conveys the submitter's quantitative evaluation of the credibility of a " "piece of information, based upon its supporting evidence. It is not intended " "to eliminate the receiver's need to evaluate the evidence for themselves.\n" "-Very Low =Unreliable evidence or estimated data.\n" "-Low =Questionable reliability of evidence (interviews, census, oral " "genealogies, or potential for bias for example, an autobiography).\n" "-High =Secondary evidence, data officially recorded sometime after event.\n" "-Very High =Direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the " "evidence." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:226 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:312 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:285 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:670 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:96 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:394 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:166 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:617 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:166 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:352 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:165 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:263 msgid "_ID:" msgstr "_ИД:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:240 msgid "A unique ID to identify the citation" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editcitation.glade:360 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:390 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:465 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:400 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:545 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:234 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:229 #, fuzzy msgid "Tags:" msgstr "Слика" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:140 msgid "Calenda_r:" msgstr "Календа_р:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:195 #, fuzzy msgid "Dua_l dated" msgstr "Датум на смрт" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:200 msgid "Old Style/New Style" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:216 msgid "Ne_w year begins: " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:231 msgid "Month-Day of first day of new year (e.g., \"1-1\", \"3-1\", \"3-25\")" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:261 #, fuzzy msgid "Q_uality" msgstr "К_валитет" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:293 #, fuzzy msgid "_Type" msgstr "_Вид" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:338 msgid "_Day" msgstr "_Ден" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:351 msgid "_Month" msgstr "_Месец" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:364 msgid "_Year" msgstr "_Година" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:420 #, fuzzy msgid "Second date" msgstr "Втор датум" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:434 msgid "D_ay" msgstr "Д_ен" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:447 msgid "Mo_nth" msgstr "Ме_сец" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:460 msgid "Y_ear" msgstr "Г_одина" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editdate.glade:562 msgid "Te_xt comment:" msgstr "Коментар на те_кст:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:29 msgid "Close window without changes" msgstr "Затвори прозорец без промени" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:96 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:223 msgid "_Event type:" msgstr "_Вид на настан:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:134 #, fuzzy msgid "Show Date Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:163 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:253 msgid "De_scription:" msgstr "Опи_с:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:177 msgid "" "Description of the event. Leave empty if you want to autogenerate this with " "the tool 'Extract Event Description'." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:194 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:270 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:129 msgid "_Place:" msgstr "_Место:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:260 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:185 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:463 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:257 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:164 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:201 #, fuzzy msgid "Selector" msgstr "Избери" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:292 msgid "What type of event this is. Eg 'Burial', 'Graduation', ... ." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:326 msgid "" "Date of the event. This can be an exact date, a range (from ... to, " "between, ...), or an inexact date (about, ...)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editevent.glade:375 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:451 msgid "A unique ID to identify the event" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:85 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:86 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Reference information" msgstr "Информација за упатување" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:117 msgid "_Role:" msgstr "_Улога:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:538 msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the shared event information will be reflected " "in the event itself, for all participants in the event." msgstr "" "Забелешка: Секоја промена во заедничката информација на настаните ќе " "се одрази на настанот, за сите учесници во настанот." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editeventref.glade:624 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:694 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:460 #, fuzzy msgid "Shared information" msgstr "Заедничка информација" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:29 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:29 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:51 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:30 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:29 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:28 msgid "Abandon changes and close window" msgstr "Напушти ги промените и затвори го прозорецот" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:131 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:385 msgid "Birth:" msgstr "Раѓање:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:160 #, fuzzy msgid "Father/partner1" msgstr "Филтри за татко" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:438 #, fuzzy msgid "Mother/partner2" msgstr "Филтри за мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:519 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:179 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:388 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:196 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:279 msgid "Indicates if the record is private" msgstr "Покажува ако записот е личен" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:653 #, fuzzy msgid "Relationship Information" msgstr "Информација за врска" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:683 msgid "A unique ID for the family" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:698 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:102 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:133 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:727 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:279 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:112 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:126 msgid "_Type:" msgstr "_Вид:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:712 msgid "" "The relationship type, eg 'Married' or 'Unmarried'. Use Events for more " "details." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:733 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:360 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:696 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:248 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:650 #, fuzzy msgid "_Tags:" msgstr "Слика" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editfamily.glade:764 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/monitoredwidgets.py:819 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the tag list" msgstr "Уреди го избраниот филтер" # Пропис: #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:180 msgid "Ordinance:" msgstr "Заповед:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:192 #, fuzzy msgid "LDS _Temple:" msgstr "LDS Замок:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:223 #, fuzzy msgid "_Family:" msgstr "_Семејство:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:248 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:59 msgid "Select Family" msgstr "Избери семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editldsord.glade:282 msgid "_Status:" msgstr "_Состојба:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps item:" msgstr "Стил" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:111 #, fuzzy msgid "Internet Address:" msgstr "Уредувач на интернет-адреси" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlink.glade:126 #, fuzzy msgid "_Link Type:" msgstr "Вид:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:107 msgid "The town or city where the place is." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:121 msgid "S_treet:" msgstr "У_лица:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:136 #, fuzzy msgid "Ch_urch parish:" msgstr "Црковна _парохија" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:150 msgid "" "Lowest clergical division of this place. Typically used for church sources " "that only mention the parish." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:164 msgid "Co_unty:" msgstr "Зе_мја:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:178 msgid "Third level of place division. Eg., in the USA a county." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:192 msgid "_State:" msgstr "_Држава:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:206 msgid "" "Second level of place division, eg., in the USA a state, in Germany a " "Bundesland." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:234 msgid "The country where the place is." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:299 msgid "Lowest level of a place division: eg the street name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editlocation.glade:327 msgid "A district within, or a settlement near to, a town or city." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:139 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:379 #, fuzzy msgid "_Path:" msgstr "Патека:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:177 #, fuzzy msgid "Image preview" msgstr "Слика" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:205 msgid "" "Path of the media object on your computer.\n" "Gramps does not store the media internally, it only stores the path! Set the " "'Relative Path' in the Preferences to avoid retyping the common base " "directory where all your media is stored. The 'Media Manager' tool can help " "managing paths of a collection of media objects." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:219 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:423 #, fuzzy msgid "Descriptive title for this media object." msgstr "Избриши го одбраниот медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:270 msgid "Open File Browser to select a media file on your computer." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:279 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:660 msgid "Folder" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:302 msgid "A unique ID to identify the Media object." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmedia.glade:346 msgid "" "A date associated with the media, eg., for a picture the date it is taken." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:119 msgid "_Corner 2: X" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:146 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:162 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:240 msgid "" "If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to " "reference.\n" "You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these " "spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced " "region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the " "bottom right corner." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:178 msgid "" "Referenced region of the image media object.\n" "Select a region with clicking and holding the mouse button on the top left " "corner of the region you want, dragging the mouse to the bottom right corner " "of the region, and then releasing the mouse button." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:208 msgid "_Corner 1: X" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:221 msgid "" "If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to " "reference.\n" "You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these " "spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced " "region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the " "bottom right corner.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:459 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the shared media object information will be " "reflected in the media object itself." msgstr "" "Забелешка: Секоја промена во заедничката информација на настаните ќе " "се одрази на настанот, за сите учесници во настанот." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:488 msgid "Double click image to view in an external viewer" msgstr "Двоен клик на сликата да ја видите во надворешен поглед" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:533 msgid "Type of media object as indicated by the computer, eg Image, Video, ..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:650 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Изберете датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editmediaref.glade:771 #, fuzzy msgid "Shared Information" msgstr "Заедничка информација" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:118 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:316 msgid "" "An identification of what type of Name this is, eg. Birth Name, Married Name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:192 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:134 msgid "_Given:" msgstr "_Дадено:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:207 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:197 #, fuzzy msgid "T_itle:" msgstr "Наслов:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:221 msgid "Suffi_x:" msgstr "Настав_ка:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:235 #, fuzzy msgid "C_all Name:" msgstr "Повикај име:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:250 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:150 #, fuzzy msgid "The person's given names" msgstr "Даденото име на лицето" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:265 #, fuzzy msgid "_Nick Name:" msgstr "Прекар" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:179 msgid "" "Part of the Given name that is the normally used name. If background is red, " "call name is not part of Given name and will not be printed underlined in " "some reports." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:291 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:211 msgid "A title used to refer to the person, such as 'Dr.' or 'Rev.'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:304 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:225 msgid "An optional suffix to the name, such as \"Jr.\" or \"III\"" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:317 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:259 msgid "" "A descriptive name given in place of or in addition to the official given " "name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:333 #, fuzzy msgid "Given Name(s)" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:384 #, fuzzy msgid "_Family Nick Name:" msgstr "Семејно име:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:398 msgid "" "A non official name given to a family to distinguish them of people with the " "same family name. Often referred to as eg. Farm name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:424 msgid "Family Names " msgstr "Семејни имиња: " #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:462 msgid "G_roup as:" msgstr "Г_рупирај како:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:476 msgid "_Sort as:" msgstr "_Подреди како:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:490 msgid "_Display as:" msgstr "_Прикажи како:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:503 msgid "" "People are displayed according to the name format given in the Preferences " "(the default).\n" "Here you can make sure this person is displayed according to a custom name " "format (extra formats can be set in the Preferences)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:524 msgid "Dat_e:" msgstr "Дат_ум:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:538 msgid "" "People are sorted according to the name format given in the Preferences (the " "default).\n" "Here you can make sure this person is sorted according to a custom name " "format (extra formats can be set in the Preferences)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:601 msgid "" "The Person Tree view groups people under the primary surname. You can " "override this by setting here a group value. \n" "You will be asked if you want to group this person only, or all people with " "this specific primary surname." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:615 #, fuzzy msgid "O_verride" msgstr "О_тфрлање" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editname.glade:641 msgid "" "A Date associated with this name. Eg. for a Married Name, date the name is " "first used or marriage date." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:101 #, fuzzy msgid "Styled Text Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на стил" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:146 msgid "A type to classify the note." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:179 msgid "A unique ID to identify the note." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:190 #, fuzzy msgid "_Preformatted" msgstr "Форматирано" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editnote.glade:198 msgid "" "When active the whitespace in your note will be respected in reports. Use " "this to add formatting layout with spaces, eg a table. \n" "When not checked, notes are automatically cleaned in the reports, which will " "improve the report layout.\n" "Use monospace font to keep preformatting." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:165 #, fuzzy msgid "C_all:" msgstr "Откажи" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:245 msgid "_Nick:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:335 msgid "Click on a table cell to edit." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:355 msgid "" "Use Multiple Surnames\n" "Indicate that the surname consists of different parts. Every surname has its " "own prefix and a possible connector to the next surname. Eg., the surname " "Ramón y Cajal can be stored as Ramón, which is inherited from the father, " "the connector y, and Cajal, which is inherited from the mother." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:399 #, fuzzy msgid "Set person as private data" msgstr "Избери лице како татко" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:450 #, fuzzy msgid "_Surname:" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:466 #, fuzzy msgid "" "An optional prefix for the family that is not used in sorting, such as \"de" "\" or \"van\"." msgstr "" "Изборна преставка за семејното име што не е употребено во подредувањето, " "како „де“ или „ван“" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:485 msgid "" "Part of a person's name indicating the family to which the person belongs" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:511 msgid "Go to Name Editor to add more information about this name" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:536 #, fuzzy msgid "O_rigin:" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:551 msgid "" "The origin of this family name for this family, eg 'Inherited' or " "'Patronymic'." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:585 #, fuzzy msgid "G_ender:" msgstr "Пол:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:633 msgid "A unique ID for the person." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editperson.glade:708 #, fuzzy msgid "Preferred Name" msgstr "Претпочитано име" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:96 msgid "_Person:" msgstr "_Лице:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:111 #, fuzzy msgid "_Association:" msgstr "Поврзување" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:125 msgid "" "Description of the association, eg. Godfather, Friend, ...\n" "\n" "Note: Use Events instead for relations connected to specific time frames or " "occasions. Events can be shared between people, each indicating their role " "in the event." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:176 msgid "" "Use the select button to choose a person that has an association to the " "edited person." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editpersonref.glade:193 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a person that has an association to the edited person." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:108 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:229 msgid "" "Either use the two fields below to enter coordinates (latitude and " "longitude)," msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:122 msgid "L_atitude:" msgstr "Ш_ирина:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:137 msgid "_Longitude:" msgstr "_Должина:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:151 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:446 #, fuzzy msgid "Full title of this place." msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:179 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:460 msgid "" "Latitude (position above the Equator) of the place in decimal or degree " "notation.\n" "Eg, valid values are 12.0154, 50°52′21.92″N, N50°52′21.92″ or 50:52:21.92\n" "You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or " "via a map service in the place view." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:194 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:475 msgid "" "Longitude (position relative to the Prime, or Greenwich, Meridian) of the " "place in decimal or degree notation.\n" "Eg, valid values are -124.3647, 124°52′21.92″E, E124°52′21.92″ or " "124:52:21.92\n" "You can set these values via the Geography View by searching the place, or " "via a map service in the place view." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:215 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:351 msgid "" "or use copy/paste from your favorite map provider (format : latitude," "longitude) in the following field:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:240 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:376 msgid "Field used to paste info from a web page like Google, OpenStreetMap..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:267 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:496 msgid "A unique ID to identify the place" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:295 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:524 msgid "Code associated with this place. Eg Country Code or Postal Code." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:380 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:397 msgid "What type of place this is. Eg 'Country', 'City', ..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:443 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:599 #, fuzzy msgid "The name of this place." msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplace.glade:458 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:618 #, fuzzy msgid "Invoke place name editor." msgstr "Повикај уредувач за датуми" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:124 #, fuzzy msgid "Levels:" msgstr "_Лево" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:136 #, fuzzy msgid "Street format:" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:148 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:108 msgid "Language:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:168 #, fuzzy msgid "Reverse display order" msgstr "Формат на прикажување" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:186 #, fuzzy msgid "Number Street" msgstr "Број на бракови" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceformat.glade:187 #, fuzzy msgid "Street Number" msgstr "Улица" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2934 msgid "Date range in which the name is valid." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:169 #, fuzzy msgid "The name of the place." msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplacename.glade:196 msgid "" "Language in which the name is written. Valid values are two character ISO " "codes. For example: en, fr, de, nl ..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editplaceref.glade:295 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the enclosing place information will be " "reflected in the place itself, for places that it encloses." msgstr "" "Забелешка: Секоја промена во заедничката информација за изворите ќе " "се одрази на изворот, за сите предмети што се однесуваат на изворот." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:127 msgid "_Media Type:" msgstr "_Вид на медиум:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:142 #, fuzzy msgid "Call n_umber:" msgstr "_Повикувачки број:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:156 msgid "On what type of media this source is available in the repository." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:209 #, fuzzy msgid "Id number of the source in the repository." msgstr "Извори во репозиториумот" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:264 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:97 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:656 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:150 msgid "_Name:" msgstr "_Име:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:293 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:126 msgid "Name of the repository (where sources are stored)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:329 msgid "" "Note: Any changes in the shared repository information will be " "reflected in the repository itself, for all items that reference the " "repository." msgstr "" "Забелешка: Секоја промена во заедничката репозиторна информација ќе " "се одрази на репозиториумот, за сите предмети што се однесуваат на " "репозиториумот." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:370 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:179 msgid "A unique ID to identify the repository." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editreporef.glade:424 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editrepository.glade:144 msgid "Type of repository, eg., 'Library', 'Album', ..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:112 msgid "_Author:" msgstr "_Автор:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:127 #, fuzzy msgid "Title of the source." msgstr "Наслов на книгата" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:140 #, fuzzy msgid "Authors of the source." msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:154 msgid "_Pub. info.:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:168 msgid "" "Publication Information, such as city and year of publication, name of " "publisher, ..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:181 msgid "" "Provide a short title used for sorting, filing, and retrieving source " "records." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:194 msgid "A_bbreviation:" msgstr "К_ратенки:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editsource.glade:214 msgid "A unique ID to identify the source" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:96 msgid "_Web address:" msgstr "_Веб-адреса:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:111 msgid "_Description:" msgstr "_Опис:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:170 msgid "Type of internet address, eg. E-mail, Web Page, ..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:189 msgid "" "The internet address as needed to navigate to it, eg. http://gramps-project." "org" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:205 #, fuzzy msgid "Open the web address in the default browser." msgstr "Видете во основниот поглед" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/editurl.glade:217 msgid "A descriptive caption of the Internet location you are storing." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:63 msgid "Drag to move; click to detach" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:71 #, fuzzy msgid "Config" msgstr "Конфигурација" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Detach" msgstr "Покажи подробности" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:96 msgid "Click to expand/collapse" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:129 msgid "Click to delete gramplet from view" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/grampletpane.glade:144 #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:591 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:97 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the citation that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged citation." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:186 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:732 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:186 #, fuzzy msgid "Source 1" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:200 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:747 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:200 #, fuzzy msgid "Source 2" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:327 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:891 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:907 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:344 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:360 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:286 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:302 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:327 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:311 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:327 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:288 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:304 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:298 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:313 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:294 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:344 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:360 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps ID:" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:455 msgid "Notes, media objects and data-items of both citations will be combined." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergecitation.glade:471 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:528 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:474 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:471 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:486 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:425 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:635 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:414 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:528 #, fuzzy msgid "Detailed Selection" msgstr "Избор на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:42 msgid "Merge and _edit" msgstr "Соедини и _уреди" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:60 msgid "_Merge and close" msgstr "_Соедини и затвори" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:173 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:189 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1103 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:401 msgid "Select" msgstr "Избери" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:322 msgid "" "Select the person that will provide the primary data for the merged person." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:564 #, fuzzy msgid "Title selection" msgstr "Избор на филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:576 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:179 msgid "Place 1" msgstr "Место 1" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergedata.glade:593 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:193 msgid "Place 2" msgstr "Место 2" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:97 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the event that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged event." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:186 #, fuzzy msgid "Event 1" msgstr "Настан" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:200 #, fuzzy msgid "Event 2" msgstr "Настан" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeevent.glade:512 msgid "" "Attributes, notes, sources and media objects of both events will be combined." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:98 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the family that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged family." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:187 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:203 #, fuzzy msgid "Father:" msgstr "Татко" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:220 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:236 #, fuzzy msgid "Mother:" msgstr "Мајка" # Што им е Relationship? Брак? Вонбрачна заедница? Сродство? Сватоштина? Одење со женска „за озбиљно“, го направиле во Фиќо пијани од кафана? # Ти ебам народот што нема збор за КУР!! # А.Б. #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:253 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:269 #, fuzzy msgid "Relationship:" msgstr "Врска" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:417 #, fuzzy msgid "Family 1" msgstr "Семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:431 #, fuzzy msgid "Family 2" msgstr "Семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergefamily.glade:458 msgid "" "Events, lds_ord, media objects, attributes, notes, sources and tags of both " "families will be combined." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:97 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the object that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged object." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:186 #, fuzzy msgid "Object 1" msgstr "Избери" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:200 #, fuzzy msgid "Object 2" msgstr "Избери" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergemedia.glade:455 msgid "Attributes, sources, notes and tags of both objects will be combined." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:97 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the note that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged note." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:186 #, fuzzy msgid "Note 1" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:200 #, fuzzy msgid "Note 2" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:278 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergenote.glade:294 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1156 #, fuzzy msgid "Format:" msgstr "Форматирано" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:102 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the person that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged person." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:268 #, fuzzy msgid "Person 1" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:266 #, fuzzy msgid "Person 2" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:255 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:271 #, fuzzy msgid "Gender:" msgstr "Пол:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:409 msgid "" "Events, media objects, addresses, attributes, urls, notes, sources and tags " "of both persons will be combined." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeperson.glade:500 #, fuzzy msgid "Context Information" msgstr "Системски информации" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:94 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the place that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged place." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergeplace.glade:619 msgid "" "Alternative names, sources, urls, media objects and notes of both places " "will be combined." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:97 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the repository that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged repository." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:186 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository 1" msgstr "Репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:200 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository 2" msgstr "Репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergerepository.glade:398 msgid "Addresses, urls and notes of both repositories will be combined." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:97 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Select the source that will provide the\n" "primary data for the merged source." msgstr "Одберете лице коешто ќе обезбеди податоци за соединетото лице." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/mergesource.glade:512 msgid "" "Notes, media objects, data-items and repository references of both sources " "will be combined." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:8 #, fuzzy msgid "Paper Settings" msgstr "Опции на хартија" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:25 #, fuzzy msgid "Paper format" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:46 #, fuzzy msgid "Size:" msgstr "Големина" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:58 #, fuzzy msgid "_Width:" msgstr "Широчина" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:72 #, fuzzy msgid "_Height:" msgstr "Височина" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:86 #, fuzzy msgid "Orientation:" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:111 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:124 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:258 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:271 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:284 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:345 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:618 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:631 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:644 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:740 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:753 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:885 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1314 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1660 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:212 msgid "cm" msgstr "см" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:181 #, fuzzy msgid "Margins" msgstr "Големина на маргини" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:202 #, fuzzy msgid "_Left:" msgstr "_Лево" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:216 #, fuzzy msgid "_Right:" msgstr "_Десно" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:230 #, fuzzy msgid "_Top:" msgstr "_Врв" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:244 #, fuzzy msgid "_Bottom:" msgstr "_Дно" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/papermenu.glade:377 msgid "Metric" msgstr "Метричен" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:44 msgid "Perform selected action" msgstr "Изведи ја избраната опција" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:49 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Run" msgstr "_Изврши" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:139 ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:292 msgid "Select a report from those available on the left." msgstr "Избира извештај од достапните од лево." #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:160 msgid "Status:" msgstr "Состојба:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/plugins.glade:206 msgid "Author's email:" msgstr "Е-пошта на авторот:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:87 #, fuzzy msgid "Parent relationships" msgstr "Родителски врски" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:117 ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:260 msgid "Arrow top" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:124 #, fuzzy msgid "Move parent up" msgstr "Не се најдени родители" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:147 ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:290 msgid "Arrow bottom" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:154 #, fuzzy msgid "Move parent down" msgstr "Не се најдени родители" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:205 #, fuzzy msgid "Family relationships" msgstr "Семејни врски" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:267 #, fuzzy msgid "Move family up" msgstr "Секое семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/reorder.glade:297 #, fuzzy msgid "Move family down" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:122 msgid "Add a new filter" msgstr "Додади нов филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:146 msgid "Edit the selected filter" msgstr "Уреди го избраниот филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:170 msgid "Clone the selected filter" msgstr "Клонирај го избраниот филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:192 msgid "Test the selected filter" msgstr "Испробај го избраниот филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:216 msgid "Delete the selected filter" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:256 #, fuzzy msgid "Note: changes take effect only after this window is closed" msgstr "" "Забелешка: промените се случуваат откако овој прозорец ќе го затворите" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:288 msgid "All rules must apply" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:291 msgid "At least one rule must apply" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:294 msgid "Exactly one rule must apply" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:413 msgid "Add another rule to the filter" msgstr "Додади ново правило на филтерот" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:447 msgid "Edit the selected rule" msgstr "Уреди го избраното правило" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:481 msgid "Delete the selected rule" msgstr "Избриши го избраното правило" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:521 ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:419 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Options" msgstr "Опции за текст" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:536 #, fuzzy msgid "Rule list" msgstr "Список со правила" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:551 #, fuzzy msgid "Definition" msgstr "Опис" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:568 msgid "Co_mment:" msgstr "Ко_ментар:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:603 msgid "Return values that do no_t match the filter rules" msgstr "Врати ги вредностите што н_е се совпаѓаат со правилата на филтрите" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/rule.glade:895 #, fuzzy msgid "Selected Rule" msgstr "Избрано правило" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:174 #, fuzzy msgid "Style sheet n_ame:" msgstr "И_ме на стил:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:193 #, fuzzy msgid "Style name" msgstr "И_ме на стил:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:302 #, fuzzy msgid "Type face" msgstr "Семејство фонтови" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:315 msgid "_Roman (Times, serif)" msgstr "_Роман (Тајмс, сериф)" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:332 msgid "_Swiss (Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif)" msgstr "_Свис (Ариал, Хелветика, санс-сериф)" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:355 #, fuzzy msgid "Size" msgstr "Големина" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:385 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:268 msgctxt "point size" msgid "pt" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:432 msgid "_Bold" msgstr "_Задебелено" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:449 msgid "_Italic" msgstr "_Закосено" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:466 msgid "_Underline" msgstr "_Подвлечи" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:542 #, fuzzy msgid "Font options" msgstr "Избор на фонт" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:567 #, fuzzy msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Порамнување" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:586 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:730 msgid "Background color" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:603 msgid "First li_ne:" msgstr "Прва ли_нија:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:658 msgid "R_ight:" msgstr "Д_есно:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:674 msgid "L_eft:" msgstr "Л_ево:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:692 #, fuzzy msgid "Spacing" msgstr "Проред" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:709 msgid "Abo_ve:" msgstr "Н_ад:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:725 msgid "Belo_w:" msgstr "По_д:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:769 #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1272 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:650 #, fuzzy msgid "Borders" msgstr "_Преподреди" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:856 msgid "_Padding:" msgstr "_Полнење:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:910 #, fuzzy msgid "Indentation" msgstr "Вовлекување" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:940 msgid "_Left" msgstr "_Лево" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:958 msgid "_Right" msgstr "_Десно" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:976 #, fuzzy msgid "J_ustify" msgstr "_Порамни" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:994 #, fuzzy msgid "Cen_ter" msgstr "_Центар" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1024 msgid "Le_ft" msgstr "Ле_во" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1042 #, fuzzy msgid "Righ_t" msgstr "Де_сно" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1059 msgid "_Top" msgstr "_Врв" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1076 msgid "_Bottom" msgstr "_Дно" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1140 #, fuzzy msgid "Paragraph options" msgstr "Опции на параграф" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1162 #, fuzzy msgid "Width" msgstr "Широчина" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1177 #, fuzzy msgid "Column widths" msgstr "Име на колона" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1221 msgid "%" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1247 #, fuzzy msgid "Table options" msgstr "Опции за текст" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1303 #, fuzzy msgid "Padding:" msgstr "_Полнење:" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1328 #, fuzzy msgid "Left" msgstr "_Лево" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1344 #, fuzzy msgid "Right" msgstr "_Десно" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1403 #, fuzzy msgid "Cell options" msgstr "Избор на фонт" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1428 #, fuzzy msgid "Line" msgstr "Филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1468 #, fuzzy msgid "Style:" msgstr "Стил" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1481 #, fuzzy msgid "Width:" msgstr "Широчина" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1494 msgid "Line:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1507 msgid "Fill:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1522 msgid "Shadow" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1598 msgid "pt" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1621 #, fuzzy msgid "Spacing:" msgstr "Проред" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1643 msgid "Draw shadow" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1685 #, fuzzy msgid "Draw options" msgstr "Опции на извештај" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1855 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a new style" msgstr "Додади нов настан" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1887 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected style" msgstr "Уреди го избраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/styleeditor.glade:1919 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete the selected style" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот настан" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/tipofday.glade:25 msgid "_Display on startup" msgstr "_Прикажи на почнување" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/tipofday.glade:102 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:180 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:322 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:237 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:260 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:658 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:196 msgid "_Forward" msgstr "_Нанапред" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:41 #, fuzzy msgid "Install Selected _Addons" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:72 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1083 msgid "Available Gramps Updates for Addons" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:89 msgid "" "Gramps comes with a core set of plugins which provide all of the necessary " "features. However, you can extend this functionality with additional Addons. " "These addons provide reports, listings, views, gramplets, and more. Here you " "can select among the available extra addons, they will be retrieved from the " "internet off of the Gramps website, and installed locally on your computer. " "If you close this dialog now, you can install addons later from the menu " "under Edit -> Preferences." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:105 #, fuzzy msgid "_Select All" msgstr "_Одбери датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/glade/updateaddons.glade:120 #, fuzzy msgid "Select _None" msgstr "Избери мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Books..." msgstr "Книги" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Clip_board" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Configure the active view" msgstr "Конфигурирај ја тековно избраната ставка" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Connect to a recent database" msgstr "Не може да се отвори базата на податоци." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "F_ull Screen" msgstr "цел круг" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps _Home Page" msgstr "GRAMPS _почетна страница" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps _Mailing Lists" msgstr "GRAMPS _дописни листи" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Make Backup..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Manage databases" msgstr "GRAMPS бази на податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Open _Recent" msgstr "Отвори _неодамнешно" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Open the Clipboard dialog" msgstr "Отвора дијалог за извештаи" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Open the reports dialog" msgstr "Отвора дијалог за извештаи" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "Open the tools dialog" msgstr "Го отвора дијалогот за алатки" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:67 #: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:68 ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:121 msgid "Tip of the Day" msgstr "Совет на денот" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:73 msgid "Undo History" msgstr "Историја на враќања" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "_Abandon Changes and Quit" msgstr "_Напушти ги промените и излези" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_About" msgstr "_За" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Bookmarks" msgstr "_Обележувачи" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "_Configure..." msgstr "Неуспешен извоз" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "_Export..." msgstr "_Извоз" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "_Extra Reports/Tools" msgstr "Текстуални извештаи" # често поставени прашања #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_FAQ" msgstr "_ЧПП" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "_Family Trees" msgstr "_Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Go" msgstr "_Оди" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Import..." msgstr "_Увоз..." #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Key Bindings" msgstr "_Кратенки на тастатурата" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "_Manage Family Trees..." msgstr "_Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Navigator" msgstr "" # медиски?!?!? #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "_Plugin Manager" msgstr "Медиумски управувач" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "_Preferences..." msgstr "_Претпочитувања" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Излези" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "_Report a Bug" msgstr "_Пријавете грешка" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Reports" msgstr "_Извештаи" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Toolbar" msgstr "_Алатник" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Tools" msgstr "_Алатки" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_User Manual" msgstr "_Кориснички прирачник" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_View" msgstr "_Поглед" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:56 msgid "_Windows" msgstr "_Прозорци" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:423 msgid "" "Your version of gi (gnome-introspection) seems to be too old. You need a " "version which has the function 'require_version' to start Gramps" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:437 #, python-format msgid "" "Your pygobject version does not meet the requirements.\n" "At least pygobject %(major)d.%(feature)d.%(minor)d is needed to start Gramps " "with a GUI.\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:455 msgid "" "Gdk, Gtk, Pango or PangoCairo typelib not installed.\n" "Install Gnome Introspection, and pygobject version 3.12 or later.\n" "Then install introspection data for Gdk, Gtk, Pango and PangoCairo\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:466 #, python-format msgid "" "Your Gtk version does not meet the requirements.\n" "At least %(major)d.%(minor)d is needed to start Gramps with a GUI.\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:477 msgid "" "\n" "cairo python support not installed. Install cairo for your version of " "python\n" "\n" "Gramps will terminate now." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:497 msgid "Gramps detected an incomplete GTK installation" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:499 #, python-format msgid "" "GTK translations for the current language (%(language)s) are missing.\n" "%(bold_start)sGramps%(bold_end)s will proceed nevertheless.\n" "The GUI will likely be broken as a result, especially for RTL languages!\n" "\n" "See the Gramps README documentation for installation prerequisites,\n" "typically located in /usr/share/doc/gramps.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:613 #, fuzzy msgid "Error parsing arguments" msgstr "Грешка при читање на %s" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:632 msgid "Gramps terminated because of no DISPLAY" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:655 ../gramps/gui/grampsgui.py:729 msgid "" "\n" "Gramps failed to start. Please report a bug about this.\n" "This could be because of an error in a (third party) View on startup.\n" "To use another view, don't load a Family Tree, change view, and then load " "your Family Tree.\n" "You can also change manually the startup view in the gramps.ini file \n" "by changing the last-view parameter.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Error Report Assistant" msgstr "Помошник за извоз" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:259 msgid "Report a bug" msgstr "Пријавете грешка" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:266 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This is the Bug Reporting Assistant. It will help you to make a bug report " "to the Gramps developers that will be as detailed as possible.\n" "\n" "The assistant will ask you a few questions and will gather some information " "about the error that has occurred and the operating environment. At the end " "of the assistant you will be asked to file a bug report on the Gramps bug " "tracking system. The assistant will place the bug report on the clip board " "so that you can paste it into the form on the bug tracking website and " "review exactly what information you want to include." msgstr "" "Ова е Помошникот за пријавување грешки. Тој ќе ви помогне да направите " "извештај за грешки до авторите на Gramps, што ќе биде колку што е можно " "поподробен.\n" "\n" "Помошникот ќе ви постави неколку прашања и ќе собере неколку информации за " "грешката што настанала и работната околина. На крајот, помошникот ќе ве " "замоли да испратите email на поштенската листа за известување за грешка на " "Gramps. Помошникот ќе го стави извештајот за грешка во клипбордот, така што " "ќе можете да го вметнете во вашата email програма и да прегледате кои " "информации ќе ги испратите." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:283 msgid "" "If you can see that there is any personal information included in the error " "please remove it." msgstr "" "Ако видите дека постојат некакви лични информации приложени во оваа грешка, " "ве молиме да ги отстраните." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:328 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:356 msgid "Error Details" msgstr "Подробности за грешка" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:333 msgid "" "This is the detailed Gramps error information, don't worry if you do not " "understand it. You will have the opportunity to add further detail about the " "error in the following pages of the assistant." msgstr "" "Ова се подробни информации за грешката во Gramps и немојте да се грижите ако " "ништо не разбирате. На следните страници од помошникот ќе имате можност да " "додадете понатамошни детали за грешката." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:363 msgid "" "Please check the information below and correct anything that you know to be " "wrong or remove anything that you would rather not have included in the bug " "report." msgstr "" "Проверете ги долунаведените информации и исправете ги сите за кои знаете " "дека се погрешни и отстранете сè што не би сакале да го приложите во " "извештајот за грешката." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:409 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:435 msgid "System Information" msgstr "Системски информации" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:414 msgid "" "This is the information about your system that will help the developers to " "fix the bug." msgstr "" "Ова се информации за вашиот систем што ќе им помогнат на авторите да ја " "поправат грешката." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:442 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Please provide as much information as you can about what you were doing when " "the error occurred." msgstr "" "Наведете што е можно повеќе информации за тоа што сте работеле кога се " "јавила грешката." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:482 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:507 msgid "Further Information" msgstr "Понатамошни информации" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:487 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This is your opportunity to describe what you were doing when the error " "occurred." msgstr "Ова е можност да опишете што сте работеле кога се јавила грешката." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:514 msgid "" "Please check that the information is correct, do not worry if you don't " "understand the detail of the error information. Just make sure that it does " "not contain anything that you do not want to be sent to the developers." msgstr "" "Проверете дали информациите се точни и немојте да се грижите ако не ги " "разбирате сите детали. Само проверете дека не е наведено ништо што не би " "сакале да им го испратите на авторите." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:547 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:574 msgid "Bug Report Summary" msgstr "Резиме за извештај за грешка" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:552 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This is the completed bug report. The next page of the assistant will help " "you to file a bug on the Gramps bug tracking system website." msgstr "" "Ова е заокружен извештај за грешка. Следната страница од помошникот ќе ви " "помогне да пријавите грешка на страницата на Gramps за следење грешки." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:583 msgid "" "Use the two buttons below to first copy the bug report to the clipboard and " "then open a webbrowser to file a bug report at " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:593 msgid "" "Use this button to start a web browser and file a bug report on the Gramps " "bug tracking system." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:616 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Use this button to copy the bug report onto the clipboard. Then go to the " "bug tracking website by using the button below, paste the report and click " "submit report" msgstr "" "Ако вашата email програма не се стартува може да го користите ова копче за " "да го копирате известувањето за грешка во клипбордот. Потоа стартувајте го " "вашиот email клиент, вметнете го известувањето и испратете го на горната " "адреса." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:649 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:676 msgid "Send Bug Report" msgstr "Испрати извештај за грешка" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:654 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This is the final step. Use the buttons on this page to start a web browser " "and file a bug report on the Gramps bug tracking system." msgstr "" "Ова е последниот чекор. Употребете ги копчињата на оваа страница за да го " "префрлите известувањето во вашиот email клиент." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorreportassistant.py:683 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Gramps is an Open Source project. Its success depends on its users. User " "feedback is important. Thank you for taking the time to submit a bug report." msgstr "" "GRAMPS е проект со отворен изворен код (Open Source). Неговиот успех зависи " "од неговите корисници. Повратните информации од корисниците се мошне важни. " "Ви благодариме за времето што го посветивте за поднесување на извештајот за " "грешка." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:46 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Error_Report" msgstr "Извештај за грешка" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:107 msgid "Error Report" msgstr "Извештај за грешка" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:134 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps has experienced an unexpected error" msgstr "GRAMPS претрпел неочекувана грешка" #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:143 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Your data will be safe but it would be advisable to restart Gramps " "immediately. If you would like to report the problem to the Gramps team " "please click Report and the Error Reporting Wizard will help you to make a " "bug report." msgstr "" "Вашите податоци се безбедни, но се препорачува веднаш да го рестартирате " "GRAMPS. Ако сакате да ја пријавите грешката на авторите на GRAMPS, кликнете " "на Извештај, при што Волшебникот за пријавување грешки ќе ви помогне да " "направите извештај за грешка." #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:152 #: ../gramps/gui/logger/_errorview.py:167 msgid "Error Detail" msgstr "Подробности за грешка" #: ../gramps/gui/makefilter.py:41 #, python-format msgid "Filter %s from Clipboard" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/makefilter.py:46 #, python-format msgid "Created on %(year)4d/%(month)02d/%(day)02d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergecitation.py:46 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Citations" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergecitation.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:442 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Citations" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeevent.py:45 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Events" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeevent.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Events" msgstr "Настани за родители" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:46 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Families" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge Families" msgstr "Преподреди семејства" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1156 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3240 #, fuzzy msgid "and" msgstr "кој било" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergefamily.py:227 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:351 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:492 msgid "Cannot merge people" msgstr "Не можат да се обединат лица" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergemedia.py:44 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Media_Objects" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:44 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Notes" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:94 msgid "flowed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergenote.py:94 #, fuzzy msgid "preformatted" msgstr "Форматирано" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:58 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_People" msgstr "Обедини лица" #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:62 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(key)s:\t%(value)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:92 msgid "Merge People" msgstr "Обедини лица" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:224 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1988 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1889 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:665 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1030 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1065 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2052 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:155 msgid "Parents" msgstr "Родители" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:228 #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:245 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:120 msgid "Family ID" msgstr "Семеен ИД" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:236 msgid "No parents found" msgstr "Не се најдени родители" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:238 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1851 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:133 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1776 msgid "Spouses" msgstr "Сопружници" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:249 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:97 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:102 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:566 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1578 msgid "Spouse" msgstr "Сопружник" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:264 msgid "No spouses or children found" msgstr "Не се најдени сопружници или деца" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:341 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:568 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Предупредување" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeperson.py:342 msgid "" "The persons have been merged.\n" "However, the families for this merge were too complex to automatically " "handle. We recommend that you go to Relationships view and see if " "additional manual merging of families is necessary." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergeplace.py:53 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Places" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergerepository.py:44 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Repositories" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergesource.py:45 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_Sources" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/merge/mergesource.py:67 msgid "Merge Sources" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:291 msgid "Report Selection" msgstr "Избор на извештај" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:293 msgid "Generate selected report" msgstr "Го генерира избраниот извештај" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:293 msgid "_Generate" msgstr "_Генерирај" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:322 msgid "Tool Selection" msgstr "Избор на алатка" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:323 msgid "Select a tool from those available on the left." msgstr "Избира алатка од оние што се достапни од лево." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:324 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:144 msgid "_Run" msgstr "_Изврши" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_dialogs.py:325 msgid "Run selected tool" msgstr "Извршува избраната алатка" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:83 ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:166 #, fuzzy msgid "Select surname" msgstr "Избери име на датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:354 #, fuzzy msgid "Count" msgstr "Округ" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:119 #, fuzzy msgid "Finding Surnames" msgstr "Презимиња" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:120 #, fuzzy msgid "Finding surnames" msgstr "Ретки презимиња" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:687 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a different person" msgstr "Избриши го избраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:714 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a person for the report" msgstr "Избери лице како татко" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:797 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a different family" msgstr "Избери семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1254 #, python-format msgid "Also include %s?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1256 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:83 msgid "Select Person" msgstr "Избери лице" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1580 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Select color for %s" msgstr "Избери мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1743 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:452 msgid "Save As" msgstr "Зачувај како" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1746 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:441 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:638 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_fileentry.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "_Open" msgstr "Врска до настан" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_guioptions.py:1823 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:329 msgid "Style Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на стил" # аѓутант #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:90 #, fuzzy msgid "Hidden" msgstr "Помошник" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:92 msgid "Visible" msgstr "" # медиски?!?!? #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Plugin Manager" msgstr "Медиумски управувач" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:144 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:198 #, fuzzy msgid "Info" msgstr "Новороденче" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:147 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:201 msgid "Hide/Unhide" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:155 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:210 #, fuzzy msgid "Load" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:161 msgid "Registered Plugins" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:174 msgid "Loaded" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:431 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1126 msgid "File" msgstr "Датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:188 msgid "Message" msgstr "Порака" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:216 #, fuzzy msgid "Loaded Plugins" msgstr "Вчитување додатоци..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:235 #, fuzzy msgid "Addon Name" msgstr "Име на колона" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:250 msgid "Path to Addon:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:270 msgid "Install Addon" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:273 msgid "Install All Addons" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:276 msgid "Refresh Addon List" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:289 #, fuzzy msgid "Reload" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:316 msgid "Refreshing Addon List" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:318 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:323 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:418 msgid "Reading gramps-project.org..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:341 #, fuzzy msgid "Checking addon..." msgstr "Прибирање податоци..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:349 #, fuzzy msgid "Unknown Help URL" msgstr "Непознато" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:360 #, fuzzy msgid "Unknown URL" msgstr "Непознато" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:396 msgid "Install all Addons" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:396 #, fuzzy msgid "Installing..." msgstr "Пресметано" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:416 msgid "Installing Addon" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:438 msgid "Load Addon" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:188 msgid "Fail" msgstr "Неуспешно" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:513 ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:563 msgid "OK" msgstr "Во ред" # медиски?!?!? #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:619 #, fuzzy msgid "Plugin name" msgstr "Медиумски управувач" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:621 #, fuzzy msgid "Version" msgstr "Верзија:" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:622 #, fuzzy msgid "Authors" msgstr "Автор" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:624 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:472 msgid "Filename" msgstr "Име на датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:627 #, fuzzy msgid "Detailed Info" msgstr "Избор на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:686 msgid "Plugin Error" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:751 msgid "_Execute" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1052 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:221 msgid "Main window" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1180 msgid "Downloading and installing selected addons..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1215 msgid "Installation Errors" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1216 msgid "The following addons had errors: " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1222 ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1230 msgid "Done downloading and installing addons" msgstr "" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1224 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} addon was installed." msgid_plural "{number_of} addons were installed." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1227 msgid "If you have installed a 'Gramps View', you will need to restart Gramps." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/_windows.py:1231 msgid "No addons were installed." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:119 msgid "Export Assistant" msgstr "Помошник за извоз" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:181 msgid "Saving your data" msgstr "Зачувување на вашите податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:227 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose the output format" msgstr "Избирање на формат за зачувување" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:241 #, fuzzy msgid "Export options" msgstr "Опции на извештај" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:313 #, fuzzy msgid "Select save file" msgstr "Изберете датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:359 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:109 msgid "Final confirmation" msgstr "Последна потврда" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:384 msgid "Summary" msgstr "Резиме" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:452 #, python-format msgid "" "The data will be exported as follows:\n" "\n" "Format:\t%s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:455 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:470 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Press Cancel to abort, Back to revisit your options, or Apply to proceed" msgstr "" "Притиснете на Во ред, Откажи за да прекинете или Врати за да повторно да ги " "разгледате вашите избори" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:466 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "The data will be saved as follows:\n" "\n" "Format:\t%(format)s\n" "Name:\t%(name)s\n" "Folder:\t%(folder)s" msgstr "" "Податоците ќе се зачуваат како што следи:\n" "\n" "Формат:\t%s\n" "Име:\t%s\n" "Папка:\t%s\n" "\n" "Кликнете Примени за да продолжите, Назад за да ги смените опциите или Откажи " "за да прекинете" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:468 #, fuzzy msgctxt "name" msgid "format" msgstr "Форматирано" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:475 msgid "" "The selected file and folder to save cannot be created or found.\n" "\n" "Press Back to return and select a valid filename." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:502 msgid "Your data has been saved" msgstr "Вашите податоци се зачувани" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:504 msgid "" "The copy of your data has been successfully saved. You may press Close " "button now to continue.\n" "\n" "Note: the database currently opened in your Gramps window is NOT the file " "you have just saved. Future editing of the currently opened database will " "not alter the copy you have just made. " msgstr "" "Копијата на вашите податоци е успешно зачувана. Сега можете да притиснете на " "копчето Затвори за да продолжите.\n" "\n" "Забелешка: датабазата што ви е моментно отворена во Gramps прозорецот НЕ Е " "фајлот кој штотуку го зачувавте. Понатамошните промени на отворената " "датабаза нема да ја сменат копијата која штотуку ја направивте. " #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:512 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Filename: %s" msgstr "Име на датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:514 msgid "Saving failed" msgstr "Зачувувањето е неуспешно" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:516 msgid "" "There was an error while saving your data. You may try starting the export " "again.\n" "\n" "Note: your currently opened database is safe. It was only a copy of your " "data that failed to save." msgstr "" "Има грешка при зачувувањето на вашите податоци. Вие можете повторно да " "почнете со извозот.\n" "\n" "Забелешка: Вашата моментно отворена база е безбедна. Единствено копијата на " "вашите податоци не е зачувана." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:532 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Under normal circumstances, Gramps does not require you to directly save " "your changes. All changes you make are immediately saved to the database.\n" "\n" "This process will help you save a copy of your data in any of the several " "formats supported by Gramps. This can be used to make a copy of your data, " "backup your data, or convert it to a format that will allow you to transfer " "it to a different program.\n" "\n" "If you change your mind during this process, you can safely press the Cancel " "button at any time and your present database will still be intact." msgstr "" "Обично, GRAMPS не бара директно да ги зачувате вашите промени. Сите промени " "што ги правите веднаш се зачувуваат во базата со податоци.\n" "\n" "Овој процес ќе ви помагне да зачувате копија на вашите податоци во неколку " "формати поддржани од GRAMPS. Ова може да се користи за правење копија на " "податоците, резерва на податоците или за промена во формат што е соодветен " "за пренос во друга програма.\n" "\n" "Ако се премислите за време на процесот, во секое време слободно можете да " "кликнете на Откажи, при што активната база нема да се смени." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:596 #, fuzzy msgid "Error exporting your Family Tree" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:604 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportassistant.py:638 msgid "Please wait while your data is selected and exported" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Selecting Preview Data" msgstr "Избирање операција" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:72 #, fuzzy msgid "Selecting..." msgstr "Изберете..." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:163 #, fuzzy msgid "Unfiltered Family Tree:" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:167 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:274 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:582 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} Person" msgid_plural "{number_of} People" msgstr[0] "{number_of} лице" msgstr[1] "{number_of} лица" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:170 msgid "Click to see preview of unfiltered data" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:182 msgid "_Do not include records marked private" msgstr "_Не вклучувај записи одбележани како лични" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:197 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:394 #, fuzzy msgid "Change order" msgstr "Промени видови" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:202 #, fuzzy msgid "Calculate Previews" msgstr "Пресметано" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:283 #, fuzzy msgid "_Person Filter" msgstr "Уредувач на филтерот за лица" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:297 #, fuzzy msgid "Click to see preview after person filter" msgstr "Уреди го избраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:302 #, fuzzy msgid "_Note Filter" msgstr "_Филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:316 msgid "Click to see preview after note filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:319 #, fuzzy msgid "Privacy Filter" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер за места" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:327 msgid "Click to see preview after privacy filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:330 #, fuzzy msgid "Living Filter" msgstr "Обедини лица" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:339 msgid "Click to see preview after living filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:343 #, fuzzy msgid "Reference Filter" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:351 msgid "Click to see preview after reference filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:401 #, fuzzy msgid "Hide order" msgstr "_Преподреди" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:597 msgid "Filtering private data" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:606 #, fuzzy msgid "Filtering living persons" msgstr "Филтрирај само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:623 #, fuzzy msgid "Applying selected person filter" msgstr "Уреди го избраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:633 #, fuzzy msgid "Applying selected note filter" msgstr "Клонирај го избраниот филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:642 #, fuzzy msgid "Filtering referenced records" msgstr "Филтрирај само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:683 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot edit a system filter" msgstr "Не може да се создаде база на податоци." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:684 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select a different filter to edit" msgstr "Избриши го избраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:714 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:738 #, fuzzy msgid "Include all selected people" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:728 #, fuzzy msgid "Include all selected notes" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:739 #, fuzzy msgid "Replace given names of living people" msgstr "_Ограничи ги податоците на живи лица" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:740 #, fuzzy msgid "Replace complete name of living people" msgstr "_Ограничи ги податоците на живи лица" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:741 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not include living people" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:750 #, fuzzy msgid "Include all selected records" msgstr "Вклучи првобитно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:751 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not include records not linked to a selected person" msgstr "_Не вклучувај записи одбележани како лични" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/export/_exportoptions.py:772 #, fuzzy msgid "Use Compression" msgstr "Употреби обичен израз" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quickreports.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Web Connection" msgstr "Збирка" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quickreports.py:144 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:154 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_textbufdoc.py:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:224 msgid "Quick View" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:113 #, fuzzy msgid "Copy all" msgstr "Групирај сè" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/quick/_quicktable.py:161 #, fuzzy msgid "See data not in Filter" msgstr "Изберете датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "Generate_Book_dialog" msgstr "_Генерирај" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:172 msgid "Available Books" msgstr "Расположливи книги" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:247 #, fuzzy msgid "Discard Unsaved Changes" msgstr "Дали сакате да ги зачувате промените?" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:248 msgid "You have made changes which have not been saved." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:249 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:750 msgid "Proceed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:309 msgid "Name of the book. MANDATORY" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:331 #, fuzzy msgid "Manage Books" msgstr "Расположливи книги" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:372 msgid "New Book" msgstr "Нова книга" # _Расположливи записи? #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:375 msgid "_Available items" msgstr "_Расположливи ставки" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:379 msgid "Current _book" msgstr "Тековна _книга" # Назив на запис? #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:387 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:312 msgid "Item name" msgstr "Име на ставка" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:390 #, fuzzy msgid "Subject" msgstr "Избери" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:404 msgid "Book selection list" msgstr "Список на избор на книги" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:456 msgid "Different database" msgstr "Различна база на податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:457 #, python-format msgid "" "This book was created with the references to database %s.\n" "\n" " This makes references to the central person saved in the book invalid.\n" "\n" "Therefore, the central person for each item is being set to the active " "person of the currently opened database." msgstr "" "Оваа книга е создадена со референци на базата на податоци %s.\n" "\n" "Ова ги прави референците на централното лице што се зачувани во книгата " "неважечки.\n" "\n" "Според тоа, централното лице за секоја ставка е поставено на активното лице " "на базата на податоци што е сегашно отворена." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:563 #, fuzzy msgid "No selected book item" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:564 #, fuzzy msgid "Please select a book item to configure." msgstr "Избриши го избраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:631 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:292 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:485 msgid "_Up" msgstr "" # Превземи?!?!? #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:632 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:293 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:486 #, fuzzy msgid "_Down" msgstr "Симни" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:633 msgid "Setup" msgstr "Воспоставување" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:722 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:733 msgid "No items" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:723 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:734 msgid "This book has no items." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:740 #, fuzzy msgid "No book name" msgstr "_Име на книга:" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:741 msgid "" "You are about to save away a book with no name.\n" "\n" "Please give it a name before saving it away." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:747 #, fuzzy msgid "Book name already exists" msgstr "Датотеката веќе постои" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:748 msgid "You are about to save away a book with a name which already exists." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:938 #, fuzzy msgid "Generate Book" msgstr "_Генерирај" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_bookdialog.py:985 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps Book" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:143 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphreportdialog.py:185 msgid "Paper Options" msgstr "Опции на хартија" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:149 msgid "HTML Options" msgstr "HTML-опции" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:186 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphreportdialog.py:154 msgid "Output Format" msgstr "Излезен формат" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:194 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_graphreportdialog.py:162 #, fuzzy msgid "Open with default viewer" msgstr "Видете во основниот поглед" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_docreportdialog.py:237 #, fuzzy msgid "CSS file" msgstr "Изберете датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:106 msgid "Portrait" msgstr "Портрет" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:107 msgid "Landscape" msgstr "Пејзаж" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_papermenu.py:216 msgctxt "inch" msgid "in." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:143 msgid "Configuration" msgstr "Конфигурација" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:324 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:115 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:270 msgid "Style" msgstr "Стил" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:366 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:843 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:463 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1579 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:710 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1008 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:414 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:121 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:366 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:801 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:472 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:520 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:828 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1003 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:706 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1065 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:202 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:439 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:215 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:370 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:902 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1943 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1739 msgid "Report Options" msgstr "Опции на извештај" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:457 msgid "Document Options" msgstr "Опции на документи" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:503 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:530 msgid "Permission problem" msgstr "Проблем со одобрение" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:504 #, python-format msgid "" "You do not have permission to write under the directory %s\n" "\n" "Please select another directory or correct the permissions." msgstr "" "Вие немате одобрение да пишувате под директориумот %s\n" "\n" "Ве молиме, изберете друг директориум или поправете ги одобренијата." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:513 msgid "File already exists" msgstr "Датотеката веќе постои" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:514 msgid "" "You can choose to either overwrite the file, or change the selected filename." msgstr "" "Можете да изберете или да ја презапишете датотеката или да го смените " "избраното име на датотеката." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:516 msgid "_Overwrite" msgstr "_Презапиши" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:517 msgid "_Change filename" msgstr "_Промени име на датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:531 #, python-format msgid "" "You do not have permission to create %s\n" "\n" "Please select another path or correct the permissions." msgstr "" "Немате одобрение да создадете %s\n" "\n" "Ве молиме, одберете друга патека или поправете ги дозволите." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:538 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:146 #, fuzzy msgid "No directory" msgstr "Не може да се зачува репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:539 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:147 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "There is no directory %s.\n" "\n" "Please select another directory or create it." msgstr "" "Вие немате одобрение да пишувате под директориумот %s\n" "\n" "Ве молиме, изберете друг директориум или поправете ги одобренијата." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:668 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:136 ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:157 msgid "Active person has not been set" msgstr "Активно лице не е поставено" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:669 msgid "You must select an active person for this report to work properly." msgstr "Морате да изберете активно лице за овој извештај да работи соодветно." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:724 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_reportdialog.py:731 msgid "Report could not be created" msgstr "Извештајот не може да биде создаден" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_stylecombobox.py:66 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_stylecombobox.py:85 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:134 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:179 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:192 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:12 msgid "default" msgstr "почетно" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:96 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:125 msgid "Document Styles" msgstr "Стилови на документ" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:108 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Document_Styles_dialog" msgstr "Општо" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:147 #, fuzzy msgid "New Style" msgstr "Стил" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:157 msgid "Error saving stylesheet" msgstr "Грешка при зачувување на стилизирана страница" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:188 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:960 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1161 msgid "Missing information" msgstr "Информација што недостасува" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:174 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:188 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a style" msgstr "Изберете датотека" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:234 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:309 msgid "Style editor" msgstr "Уредувач на стил" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:242 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Style_editor_dialog" msgstr "Уредувач на имиња" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:352 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:380 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:398 #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:431 msgid "No description available" msgstr "Опис не е достапен" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:355 #, python-format msgid "(Embedded style '%s' must be edited separately)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/report/_styleeditor.py:408 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Column %d:" msgstr "Име на колона" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:55 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Отстранување бубачки" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:56 msgid "Analysis and Exploration" msgstr "Анализа и истражување" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Tree Processing" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:58 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Tree Repair" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:59 msgid "Revision Control" msgstr "Проверка на повторен преглед" # предности?!?!?!? #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:60 msgid "Utilities" msgstr "Услуги" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:110 msgid "" "Proceeding with this tool will erase the undo history for this session. In " "particular, you will not be able to revert the changes made by this tool or " "any changes made prior to it.\n" "\n" "If you think you may want to revert running this tool, please stop here and " "backup your database." msgstr "" "Продолжувањето со оваа алатка ќе ја избрише „врати назад“ историјата за оваа " "сесија. Поточно, не ќе можете да ги вратите промените направени со оваа " "алатка или кои било промени направени пред тоа.\n" "\n" "Ако сметате дека ќе посакате да го вратите извршувањето на оваа алатка, ве " "молиме заспрете овде и направете копија на вашата датотека." #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:116 msgid "_Proceed with the tool" msgstr "_Продолжи со алатката" #: ../gramps/gui/plug/tool.py:137 ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:158 msgid "You must select an active person for this tool to work properly." msgstr "Морате да одберете активно лице за оваа алатка да работи соодветно." #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Select Source or Citation" msgstr "Избери извор" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "Source: Title or Citation: Volume/Page" msgstr "Вклучи Информација за извор" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:74 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:72 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:69 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:75 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:80 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:98 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:71 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:68 #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:70 msgid "Last Change" msgstr "Последна промена" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectcitation.py:87 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Source_or_Citation_selector" msgstr "Избери извор" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:59 msgid "Select Event" msgstr "Избери настан" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectevent.py:79 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Event_selector" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectfamily.py:76 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Family_selector" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Select Note" msgstr "Избери мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectnote.py:82 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Note_selector" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:67 msgid "Select Media Object" msgstr "Избери медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectobject.py:108 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Media_Object_selector" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:64 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Father_selector" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:66 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Mother_selector" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:68 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Child_selector" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectperson.py:70 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Person_selector" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:60 msgid "Select Place" msgstr "Избери место" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectplace.py:90 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Place_selector" msgstr "Обедини места" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:59 msgid "Select Repository" msgstr "Избери репозиториум" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectrepository.py:75 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Repository_selector" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:59 msgid "Select Source" msgstr "Избери извор" #: ../gramps/gui/selectors/selectsource.py:77 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Select_Source_selector" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:92 msgid "Off" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:95 msgid "On" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:149 msgid "" "You have no installed dictionaries. Either install one or disable spell " "checking" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/spell.py:153 #, python-format msgid "Spelling checker initialization failed: %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:87 #, fuzzy msgid "Failed to display tip of the day" msgstr "Прикажи го Советот на денот" #: ../gramps/gui/tipofday.py:88 #, python-format msgid "" "Unable to read the tips from external file.\n" "\n" "%s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:84 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1088 msgid "_Undo" msgstr "_Врати" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:86 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1108 msgid "_Redo" msgstr "_Поврати" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:113 msgid "Original time" msgstr "Потекнувачко време" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:116 msgid "Action" msgstr "Акција" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:197 msgid "Delete confirmation" msgstr "Потврда за бришење" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:198 msgid "Are you sure you want to clear the Undo history?" msgstr "Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да ја избришете историјата за Врати?" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:199 ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:80 msgid "Clear" msgstr "Исчисти" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:236 msgid "Database opened" msgstr "Базата е отворена" #: ../gramps/gui/undohistory.py:238 msgid "History cleared" msgstr "Историјата е исчистена" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:230 #, fuzzy msgid "Canceling..." msgstr "Пресметано" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:310 msgid "Please do not force closing this important dialog." msgstr "Ве молиме, немојте присилно да го затворате овој важен дијалог." #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:374 msgid "The external program failed to launch or experienced an error" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:384 msgid "Error from external program" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:107 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "File %s does not exist" msgstr "Датотеката не постои" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:607 msgid "" "Cannot open new citation editor at this time. Either the citation is already " "being edited, or the associated source is already being edited, and opening " "a citation editor (which also allows the source to be edited), would create " "ambiguity by opening two editors on the same source. \n" "\n" "To edit the citation, close the source editor and open an editor for the " "citation alone" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/utils.py:620 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot open new citation editor" msgstr "Не можат да се соединат извори." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:336 ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1065 #, fuzzy msgid "No Family Tree" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:562 #, fuzzy msgid "Registering plugins..." msgstr "Вчитување додатоци..." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:570 msgid "Ready" msgstr "Подготвено" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:625 msgid "Abort changes?" msgstr "Ќе ги напуштите промените?" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:626 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Aborting changes will return the database to the state it was before you " "started this editing session." msgstr "" "Напуштањето на промените ќе ја врати базата во состојба пред да почнете со " "оваа сесија на уредување." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:628 msgid "Abort changes" msgstr "Напушти ги промените" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:639 msgid "Cannot abandon session's changes" msgstr "Не можам да ги отфрлам промените на сесијата" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:640 msgid "" "Changes cannot be completely abandoned because the number of changes made in " "the session exceeded the limit." msgstr "" "Промените не можат сосем да се отфрлат бидејќи бројот на промените во " "сесијата ја надминува границата." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:807 msgid "View failed to load. Check error output." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:956 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:195 #, fuzzy msgid "Import Statistics" msgstr "Увези база на податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1032 msgid "Read Only" msgstr "Само за читање" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1036 msgid "Gramps had a problem the last time it was run." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1037 #, fuzzy msgid "Would you like to run the Check and Repair tool?" msgstr "Активирајте ја алатката Провери и поправи база" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1183 msgid "Autobackup..." msgstr "Автозаштитна копија..." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1188 #, fuzzy msgid "Error saving backup data" msgstr "Зачувување на вашите податоци" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1475 msgid "Failed Loading View" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1476 #, python-format msgid "" "The view %(name)s did not load and reported an error.\n" "\n" "%(error_msg)s\n" "\n" "If you are unable to fix the fault yourself then you can submit a bug at " "%(gramps_bugtracker_url)s or contact the view author " "(%(firstauthoremail)s).\n" "\n" "If you do not want Gramps to try and load this view again, you can hide it " "by using the Plugin Manager on the Help menu." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1568 #, fuzzy msgid "Failed Loading Plugin" msgstr "Вчитување додатоци..." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1569 #, python-format msgid "" "The plugin %(name)s did not load and reported an error.\n" "\n" "%(error_msg)s\n" "\n" "If you are unable to fix the fault yourself then you can submit a bug at " "%(gramps_bugtracker_url)s or contact the plugin author " "(%(firstauthoremail)s).\n" "\n" "If you do not want Gramps to try and load this plugin again, you can hide it " "by using the Plugin Manager on the Help menu." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1649 msgid "Gramps XML Backup" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1678 msgid "File:" msgstr "Датотека:" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1710 #, fuzzy msgid "Media:" msgstr "Медиуми" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1717 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:147 msgctxt "Megabyte" msgid "MB" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1719 #, fuzzy msgid "Exclude" msgstr "Вклучи" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1739 #, fuzzy msgid "Backup file already exists! Overwrite?" msgstr "Датотеката веќе постои" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1740 #, python-format msgid "The file '%s' exists." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1741 msgid "Proceed and overwrite" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1742 msgid "Cancel the backup" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1757 #, fuzzy msgid "Making backup..." msgstr "Автозаштитна копија..." #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1770 #, python-format msgid "Backup saved to '%s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/viewmanager.py:1773 msgid "Backup aborted" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:69 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Bookmarks" msgstr "_Обележувачи" #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:265 ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:275 #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:371 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:203 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:321 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:183 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:107 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:259 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:689 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:433 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:166 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:152 #, fuzzy msgid "Organize Bookmarks" msgstr "Уреди обележани" #: ../gramps/gui/views/bookmarks.py:474 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot bookmark this reference" msgstr "Не може да се уредува ова упатување" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:441 #, fuzzy msgid "Active object not visible" msgstr "Активното лице не е видливо" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:451 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:256 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:231 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:248 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:347 msgid "Could Not Set a Bookmark" msgstr "Не може да се постави ознака за пристап" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:452 msgid "A bookmark could not be set because nothing was selected." msgstr "Не може да се постави ознака за пристап бидејќи ништо не е избрано." #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:578 ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:384 #, python-brace-format msgid "Delete {type} [{gid}]?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:585 ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:661 #, fuzzy msgid "Deleting item will remove it from the database." msgstr "Бришењето на настанот ќе го отстрани од базата на податоци." #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:612 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/recordsgramplet.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Processing..." msgstr "Печати..." #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:625 #, fuzzy msgid "Multiple Selection Delete" msgstr "Избор на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:657 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This item is currently being used. Deleting it will remove it from the " "database and from all other items that reference it." msgstr "" "Овој репозиториум моментно се употребува. Бришењето ќе го отстрани од базата " "и од сите извори што се поврзани со него." #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:665 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:448 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:370 #, python-format msgid "Delete %s?" msgstr "Сакате да го избришете %s?" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:703 #, fuzzy msgid "Column clicked, sorting..." msgstr "_Уредувач на колони" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1148 msgid "Export View as Spreadsheet" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1161 msgid "CSV" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1162 #, fuzzy msgid "OpenDocument Spreadsheet" msgstr "Отвори текстуален документ" #: ../gramps/gui/views/listview.py:1347 #, fuzzy msgid "Columns" msgstr "Име на колона" #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:252 #, python-format msgid "%s has been bookmarked" msgstr "%s е означено за пристап" #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:257 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:232 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:249 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:348 msgid "A bookmark could not be set because no one was selected." msgstr "Не може да се постави ознака за пристап бидејќи ниедна не е избрана." #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:323 #, fuzzy msgid "No Home Person" msgstr "Постави По_четно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:324 msgid "" "You need to set a 'Home Person' to go to. Select the People View, select the " "person you want as 'Home Person', then confirm your choice via the menu Edit " "-> Set Home Person." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:334 #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:338 #, fuzzy msgid "Jump to by Gramps ID" msgstr "Скок според GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gui/views/navigationview.py:362 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Error: %s is not a valid Gramps ID" msgstr "Грешка: %s не е важечки GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:103 #, fuzzy msgid "_Bottombar" msgstr "_Дно" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:103 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Странична линија" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:570 #, python-format msgid "Configure %(cat)s - %(view)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:587 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(cat)s - %(view)s" msgstr "%(date)s во %(place)s" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:607 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Configure %s View" msgstr "Конфигурација" #: ../gramps/gui/views/pageview.py:621 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "View %(name)s: %(msg)s" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:71 #, fuzzy msgid "Tag selected rows" msgstr "Уреди го избраното лице" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:93 msgid "New Tag..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:93 #, fuzzy msgid "Organize Tags..." msgstr "Уреди обележани" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:112 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Organize_Tags_Window" msgstr "Уреди обележани" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:113 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "New_Tag_dialog" msgstr "_Обележувачи" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:250 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Add tag '%s'" msgstr "Уреди место (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:255 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Remove tag '%s'" msgstr "Отстрани татко од семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:313 msgid "Adding Tags" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:318 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:340 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Tag Selection (%s)" msgstr "Избор на алатка" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:335 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:591 msgid "Removing Tags" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:389 ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:397 #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:465 #, fuzzy msgid "Organize Tags" msgstr "Уреди обележани" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:416 msgid "Change Tag Priority" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:558 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Remove tag '%s'?" msgstr "Отстрани татко од семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:559 msgid "" "The tag definition will be removed. The tag will be also removed from all " "objects in the database." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:596 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Delete Tag (%s)" msgstr "Избриши место (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:621 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Tag: %s" msgstr "b. %s" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:623 #, fuzzy msgid "New Tag" msgstr "Ново име" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:670 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot save tag" msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:671 #, fuzzy msgid "The tag name cannot be empty" msgstr "Видот на настанот не може да биде празен" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:676 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Add Tag (%s)" msgstr "Уреди место (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:682 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Edit Tag (%s)" msgstr "Уреди место (%s)" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:697 #, fuzzy msgid "Tag Name:" msgstr "Повикај име:" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:704 #, python-format msgid "%(title)s - Gramps" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/tags.py:704 msgid "Pick a Color" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:145 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:153 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:161 #: ../gramps/gui/views/treemodels/placemodel.py:169 #, fuzzy msgid "Error in format" msgstr "Извештај за грешка" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/buttons.py:159 msgid "Record is private" msgstr "Записот е личен" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/buttons.py:163 msgid "Record is public" msgstr "Записот е јавен" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/expandcollapsearrow.py:86 #, fuzzy msgid "Expand this section" msgstr "Избор на датум" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/expandcollapsearrow.py:90 #, fuzzy msgid "Collapse this section" msgstr "Збирка" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1819 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:979 msgid "Edit family" msgstr "Уреди семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1835 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:980 msgid "Reorder families" msgstr "Преподреди семејства" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1841 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1766 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1994 msgid "_Copy" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:1885 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1810 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1081 msgid "Siblings" msgstr "Браќа и сестри" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2031 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1937 msgid "Related" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2079 #, fuzzy msgid "Add partner to person" msgstr "Додавање родители на лице" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2086 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a person" msgstr "Додади ново лице" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/fanchart.py:2176 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1732 #, fuzzy msgid "Add Child to Family" msgstr "Додај дете на семејство" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:120 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet Bar Menu" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:209 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1195 msgid "Unnamed Gramplet" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:361 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet Bar" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:363 msgid "" "Select the down arrow on the right corner for adding, removing or restoring " "gramplets." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:486 #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1453 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a gramplet" msgstr "Додади родители" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:496 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove a gramplet" msgstr "Записот е личен" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:506 #, fuzzy msgid "Restore default gramplets" msgstr "Записот е личен" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:516 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet Bar Help" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:521 #, fuzzy msgid "About Gramplets" msgstr "Пример" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:560 #, fuzzy msgid "Restore to defaults?" msgstr "Записот е личен" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletbar.py:561 msgid "" "The gramplet bar will be restored to contain its default gramplets. This " "action cannot be undone." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:816 msgid "Drag Properties Button to move and click it for setup" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1017 msgid "Right click to add gramplets" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1060 #, fuzzy msgid "Untitled Gramplet" msgstr "Филтри на настани" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1453 #, fuzzy msgid "Restore a gramplet" msgstr "Записот е личен" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1585 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of Columns" msgstr "Број на деца" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1590 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet Layout" msgstr "GraphViz опции" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1620 msgid "Use maximum height available" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/grampletpane.py:1626 msgid "Height if not maximized" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/labels.py:117 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Click to make this person active\n" "Right click to display the edit menu\n" "Click Edit icon (enable in configuration dialog) to edit" msgstr "" "Кликнете за да го смените активното лице.\n" "Десен клик за прикажување на менито за уредување" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/monitoredwidgets.py:628 msgid "Bad Date" msgstr "Лош датум" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/monitoredwidgets.py:631 msgid "Date more than one year in the future" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/photo.py:56 msgid "" "Double-click on the picture to view it in the default image viewer " "application." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/photo.py:87 #, fuzzy msgid "Make Active Media" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/placewithin.py:63 msgid "" "Matches places within a given distance of the active place. You have no " "active place." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/progressdialog.py:298 #, fuzzy msgid "Progress Information" msgstr "Понатамошни информации" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:63 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Reorder_Relationships_dialog" msgstr "Преподреди врски" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:91 msgid "Reorder Relationships" msgstr "Преподреди врски" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/reorderfam.py:181 #, python-format msgid "Reorder Relationships: %s" msgstr "Преподреди врски: %s" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Background Color" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Clear Markup" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 msgid "Font Color" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Redo" msgstr "_Поврати" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Undo" msgstr "_Врати" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:401 msgid "" "\n" "Command-Click to follow link" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:402 msgid "" "\n" "Ctrl-Click to follow link" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:450 msgid "Spellcheck" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:455 #, fuzzy msgid "Search selection on web" msgstr "Избор на филтер" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:466 msgid "_Send Mail To..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:468 msgid "Copy _E-mail Address" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:471 #, fuzzy msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "Врска до настан" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:473 msgid "Copy _Link Address" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:477 #, fuzzy msgid "_Edit Link" msgstr "Врска до настан" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:699 #, fuzzy msgid "Select font color" msgstr "Избери мајка" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/styledtexteditor.py:703 #, fuzzy msgid "Select background color" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/validatedmaskedentry.py:1144 #, python-format msgid "'%s' is not a valid value for this field" msgstr "'%s' е невалидна вредност за ова поле" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/validatedmaskedentry.py:1183 msgid "This field is mandatory" msgstr "Ова поле е задолжително" #: ../gramps/gui/widgets/validatedmaskedentry.py:1236 #, python-format msgid "'%s' is not a valid date value" msgstr "'%s' е невалидна вредност на датум" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/bsddb/bsddb.gpr.py:26 msgid "BSDDB" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/bsddb/bsddb.gpr.py:27 #, fuzzy msgid "_BSDDB Database" msgstr "Целата База на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/bsddb/bsddb.gpr.py:28 msgid "Berkeley Software Distribution Database Backend" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.gpr.py:26 msgid "SQLite" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.gpr.py:27 #, fuzzy msgid "_SQLite Database" msgstr "Целата База на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.gpr.py:28 #, fuzzy msgid "SQLite Database" msgstr "Целата База на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.py:61 #, fuzzy msgid "Database version" msgstr "Верзија:" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.py:62 #, fuzzy msgid "Database module version" msgstr "Верзија:" #: ../gramps/plugins/db/dbapi/sqlite.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Database module location" msgstr "Системски информации" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/asciidoc.py:469 #, fuzzy msgid "Characters per line" msgstr "Збирка за енкодирање знаци" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/asciidoc.py:470 #, fuzzy msgid "The number of characters per line" msgstr "Максимален број на години _помеѓу деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:34 msgid "Plain Text" msgstr "Обичен текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:35 msgid "Generates documents in plain text format (.txt)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:55 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:90 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:166 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:90 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:134 msgid "Print..." msgstr "Печати..." #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:56 msgid "Generates documents and prints them directly." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:76 msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:77 msgid "Generates documents in HTML format." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:97 msgid "LaTeX" msgstr "LaTeX" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:98 msgid "Generates documents in LaTeX format." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:118 #, fuzzy msgid "OpenDocument Text" msgstr "Отвори текстуален документ" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:119 msgid "Generates documents in OpenDocument Text format (.odt)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:140 #, fuzzy msgid "PDF document" msgstr "RTF-документ" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:141 msgid "Generates documents in PDF format (.pdf)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:162 msgid "Generates documents in PostScript format (.ps)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:182 msgid "RTF document" msgstr "RTF-документ" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:183 msgid "Generates documents in Rich Text format (.rtf)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:203 #, fuzzy msgid "SVG document" msgstr "RTF-документ" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/docgen.gpr.py:204 msgid "Generates documents in Scalable Vector Graphics format (.svg)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:6 msgid "Print Preview" msgstr "Преглед на печатење" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:26 msgid "Closes print preview window" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:41 msgid "Prints the current file" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:66 msgid "Shows the first page" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Shows previous page" msgstr "Покажувај слики" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:100 msgid "Shows the next page" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:117 msgid "Shows the last page" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:195 msgid "Zooms to fit the page width" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:210 msgid "Zooms to fit the whole page" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:225 msgid "Zooms the page in" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.glade:240 msgid "Zooms the page out" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/gtkprint.py:481 #, python-format msgid "of %d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/htmldoc.py:273 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1805 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:274 msgid "Possible destination error" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/htmldoc.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1806 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:275 msgid "" "You appear to have set your target directory to a directory used for data " "storage. This could create problems with file management. It is recommended " "that you consider using a different directory to store your generated web " "pages." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/htmldoc.py:567 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Could not create jpeg version of image %(name)s" msgstr "Не може да се создаде директориумот: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/latexdoc.py:1240 msgid "PIL (Python Imaging Library) not loaded." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/latexdoc.py:1241 msgid "" "Production of jpg images from non-jpg images in LaTeX documents will not be " "available. Use your package manager to install python-imaging or python-" "pillow or python3-pillow" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/odfdoc.py:1182 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Could not open %s" msgstr "Не може да се отвори датотека: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:349 #, fuzzy msgid "SVG background color" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:351 msgid "transparent background" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:352 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:731 msgid "white" msgstr "бела" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:353 msgid "black" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:354 #, fuzzy msgid "red" msgstr "Женет/Мажена" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:355 #, fuzzy msgid "green" msgstr "Диплома" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:356 msgid "blue" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:357 msgid "cyan" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:358 #, fuzzy msgid "magenta" msgstr "Слика" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:359 msgid "yellow" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/docgen/svgdrawdoc.py:360 msgid "The color, if any, of the SVG background" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:115 #, fuzzy msgid "Ancestor Graph" msgstr "Графикон на предци на %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:133 #, python-format msgid "Ancestor Graph for %s" msgstr "Графикон на предци на %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:114 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:695 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:195 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:117 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:453 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:84 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Person %s is not in the Database" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со сите во базата" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:613 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:700 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:53 #, fuzzy msgid "Ancestor Tree" msgstr "График на предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:614 #, fuzzy msgid "Making the Tree..." msgstr "_Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:701 #, fuzzy msgid "Printing the Tree..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:801 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:473 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:712 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:368 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:811 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:522 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:831 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1006 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:272 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:358 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:204 msgid "Center Person" msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:802 #, fuzzy msgid "The center person for the tree" msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:806 #, fuzzy msgid "Include siblings of the center person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:808 msgid "" "Whether to only display the center person or all of his/her siblings too" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:812 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1544 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:716 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:294 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:537 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:840 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1029 msgid "Generations" msgstr "Генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:813 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1545 msgid "The number of generations to include in the tree" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:817 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Display unknown\n" "generations" msgstr "%d генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:819 msgid "The number of generations of empty boxes that will be displayed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:826 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1562 msgid "Compress tree" msgstr "Компресирај дрво" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:828 msgid "" "Whether to remove any extra blank spaces set aside for people that are " "unknown" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:845 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1581 #, fuzzy msgid "Report Title" msgstr "Извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:846 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1582 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1755 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not include a title" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:847 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Report Title" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:848 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1590 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose a title for the report" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:851 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1594 #, fuzzy msgid "Include a border" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:852 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1595 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to make a border around the report." msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:855 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1598 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Page Numbers" msgstr "Вклучи преземена страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:856 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to print page numbers on each page." msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:859 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1602 msgid "Scale tree to fit" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:860 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1603 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not scale tree" msgstr "Не може да се зачува репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:861 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1604 #, fuzzy msgid "Scale tree to fit page width only" msgstr "При_бере за да собере на една страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:862 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1605 #, fuzzy msgid "Scale tree to fit the size of the page" msgstr "При_бере за да собере на една страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:864 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1607 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to scale the tree to fit a specific paper size" msgstr "При_бере за да собере на една страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:870 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1614 msgid "" "Resize Page to Fit Tree size\n" "\n" "Note: Overrides options in the 'Paper Option' tab" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:876 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1620 msgid "" "Whether to resize the page to fit the size \n" "of the tree. Note: the page will have a \n" "non standard size.\n" "\n" "With this option selected, the following will happen:\n" "\n" "With the 'Do not scale tree' option the page\n" " is resized to the height/width of the tree\n" "\n" "With 'Scale tree to fit page width only' the height of\n" " the page is resized to the height of the tree\n" "\n" "With 'Scale tree to fit the size of the page' the page\n" " is resized to remove any gap in either height or width" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:896 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1640 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Blank Pages" msgstr "Вклучи преземена страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:897 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1641 msgid "Whether to include pages that are blank." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:903 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:491 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1645 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:754 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1072 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:435 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:404 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:845 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:310 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:501 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:557 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:856 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1045 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:728 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1094 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:382 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:462 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:243 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1792 #, fuzzy msgid "Report Options (2)" msgstr "Опции на извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:918 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Father\n" "Display Format" msgstr "Формат на прикажување" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:922 msgid "Display format for the fathers box." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:933 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Mother\n" "Display Format" msgstr "Формат на прикажување" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:938 msgid "Display format for the mothers box." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:941 msgid "" "Center person uses\n" "which format" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:943 #, fuzzy msgid "Use Fathers Display format" msgstr "Формат на прикажување" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:944 #, fuzzy msgid "Use Mothers display format" msgstr "Формат на прикажување" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:945 #, fuzzy msgid "The display format for the center person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:948 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1681 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Marriage box" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:950 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1683 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include a separate marital box in the report" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:954 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1687 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Marriage\n" "Display Format" msgstr "Формат на прикажување" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:956 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1689 msgid "Display format for the marital box." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:961 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1694 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:104 #, fuzzy msgid "Advanced" msgstr "Опции на хартија" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:964 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1697 msgid "" "Replace Display Format:\n" "'Replace this'/' with this'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:966 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1699 msgid "" "i.e.\n" "United States of America/U.S.A." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:977 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1702 #, fuzzy msgid "Include a note" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:978 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1703 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include a note on the report." msgstr "Вклучи лица со непозната година на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:983 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1708 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Add a note\n" "\n" "$T inserts today's date" msgstr "Забелешка да додадете на графиконот" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:988 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1713 #, fuzzy msgid "Note Location" msgstr "Положба на забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:991 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1716 #, fuzzy msgid "Where to place the note." msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:995 #, fuzzy msgid "inter-box scale factor" msgstr "Не може да се зачува репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:998 msgid "Make the inter-box spacing bigger or smaller" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1001 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1725 #, fuzzy msgid "box shadow scale factor" msgstr "Не може да се зачува репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1003 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1727 msgid "Make the box shadow bigger or smaller" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1032 msgid "No generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1035 msgid "One Generation of empty boxes for unknown ancestors" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1040 msgid " Generations of empty boxes for unknown ancestors" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1057 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1787 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:795 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:480 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:120 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:386 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1028 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1231 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:317 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:874 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1248 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:424 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:233 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:571 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:335 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:413 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:976 msgid "The basic style used for the text display." msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на текстот." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1067 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1807 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:886 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:994 #, fuzzy msgid "The basic style used for the note display." msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на текстот." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/ancestortree.py:1076 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1778 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:785 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1157 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:363 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:584 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:980 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1183 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:299 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:865 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1216 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:406 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:504 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:308 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:171 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:394 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:102 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:945 msgid "The style used for the title." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:74 #, fuzzy msgid "My Calendar" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Produced with Gramps" msgstr "_Продолжи со увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:199 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:316 #, fuzzy msgid "Calendar Report" msgstr "v-Календар опции за извоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:225 #, fuzzy msgid "Formatting months..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:317 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1337 #, fuzzy msgid "Reading database..." msgstr "Датотека само за читање." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:362 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(person)s, birth" msgstr "%(person)s е во %(relationship)s на %(active_person)s." #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:366 #, python-brace-format msgid "{person}, {age}" msgid_plural "{person}, {age}" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:422 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(spouse)s and\n" " %(person)s, wedding" msgstr "" "%(spouse)s и\n" " %(person)s, %(nyears)d" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:428 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "{spouse} and\n" " {person}, {nyears}" msgid_plural "" "{spouse} and\n" " {person}, {nyears}" msgstr[0] "" "{spouse} и\n" " {person}, {nyears}" msgstr[1] "" "{spouse} и\n" " {person}, {nyears}" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:469 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1756 msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on calendar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:713 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:812 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:523 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:832 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1007 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:273 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:359 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:205 #, fuzzy msgid "The center person for the report" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:478 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:489 #, fuzzy msgid "Text Area 1" msgstr "Текст 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:479 msgid "First line of text at bottom of calendar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:482 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:493 #, fuzzy msgid "Text Area 2" msgstr "Текст 2" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:483 msgid "Second line of text at bottom of calendar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:486 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:497 #, fuzzy msgid "Text Area 3" msgstr "Текст 3" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:487 msgid "Third line of text at bottom of calendar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:502 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:508 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2854 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1812 #, fuzzy msgid "Include only living people" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:503 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2855 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1813 msgid "Include only living people in the calendar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:509 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:524 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:873 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1062 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1893 msgid "Content" msgstr "Содржина" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:513 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:515 msgid "Year of calendar" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:518 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:531 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1849 msgid "Country for holidays" msgstr "Земја за празници" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:529 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:542 msgid "Select the country to see associated holidays" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:532 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2818 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1867 msgid "First day of week" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:540 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2821 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1870 msgid "Select the first day of the week for the calendar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:543 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:545 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2825 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1874 msgid "Birthday surname" msgstr "Презиме за роденден" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:546 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:548 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2826 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1875 #, fuzzy msgid "Wives use husband's surname (from first family listed)" msgstr "Сопругите го користат презимето на мажот" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:549 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:551 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2828 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1877 #, fuzzy msgid "Wives use husband's surname (from last family listed)" msgstr "Сопругите го користат презимето на мажот" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:550 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:552 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2830 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1879 msgid "Wives use their own surname" msgstr "Сопругата го задржува сопственото презиме" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:551 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:553 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2831 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1880 msgid "Select married women's displayed surname" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:554 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:556 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2841 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1958 msgid "Include birthdays" msgstr "Вклучи родендени" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:555 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:557 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include birthdays" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:558 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:560 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2845 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1962 msgid "Include anniversaries" msgstr "Вклучи годишнини" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:559 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:561 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include anniversaries" msgstr "Вклучи адреси" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:628 #, fuzzy msgid "Title text and background color" msgstr "Текст на насловот и заднинска боја." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:632 #, fuzzy msgid "Calendar day numbers" msgstr "Броеви на деновите во календарот." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:635 #, fuzzy msgid "Daily text display" msgstr "Дневен приказ на текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:637 #, fuzzy msgid "Holiday text display" msgstr "Дневен приказ на текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:640 #, fuzzy msgid "Days of the week text" msgstr "Денови на седмичниот текст." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:644 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:650 #, fuzzy msgid "Text at bottom, line 1" msgstr "Текст на дното, линија 1." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:646 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:652 #, fuzzy msgid "Text at bottom, line 2" msgstr "Текст на дното, линија 2." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/calendarreport.py:648 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:654 #, fuzzy msgid "Text at bottom, line 3" msgstr "Текст на дното, линија 3." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:158 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Descendant Chart for %(person)s and %(father1)s, %(mother1)s" msgstr "Извештај за потомството на %(person_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:165 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Descendant Chart for %(person)s, %(father1)s and %(mother1)s" msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:172 #, python-format msgid "" "Descendant Chart for %(father1)s, %(father2)s and %(mother1)s, %(mother2)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:182 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Descendant Chart for %(person)s" msgstr "Табела на потомци за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:184 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Descendant Chart for %(father)s and %(mother)s" msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:213 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendant Graph" msgstr "Табела на потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:332 #, python-format msgid "Family Chart for %(person)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:335 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Family Chart for %(father1)s and %(mother1)s" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:361 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Cousin Chart for %(names)s" msgstr "Табела на потомци за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:764 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Family %s is not in the Database" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со сите во базата" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1536 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1540 #, fuzzy msgid "Report for" msgstr "Извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1537 #, fuzzy msgid "The main person for the report" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1541 #, fuzzy msgid "The main family for the report" msgstr "Преточитан формат за текстуални известувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1548 #, fuzzy msgid "Level of Spouses" msgstr "Сврзување за сопружник" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1549 msgid "0=no Spouses, 1=include Spouses, 2=include Spouses of the spouse, etc" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1554 #, fuzzy msgid "Start with the parent(s) of the selected first" msgstr "Немате дозвола за запишување на избраната датотека." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1557 #, fuzzy msgid "Will show the parents, brother and sisters of the selected person." msgstr "Пребројува број на предци од одбраните лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1563 msgid "Whether to move people up, where possible, resulting in a smaller tree" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1567 msgid "Bold direct descendants" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1569 msgid "" "Whether to bold those people that are direct (not step or half) descendants." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1574 #, fuzzy msgid "Indent Spouses" msgstr "Вклучи сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1575 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to indent the spouses in the tree." msgstr "Вклучи сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1583 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1756 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendant Chart for [selected person(s)]" msgstr "Табела на потомци за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1586 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1760 msgid "Family Chart for [names of chosen family]" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1589 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1764 #, fuzzy msgid "Cousin Chart for [names of children]" msgstr "Табела на потомци за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1599 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include page numbers on each page." msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1660 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Descendant\n" "Display Format" msgstr "Формат на прикажување" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1664 #, fuzzy msgid "Display format for a descendant." msgstr "Не е возможно да се вчитаат претпочитувањата од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1674 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Spousal\n" "Display Format" msgstr "Формат на прикажување" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1678 #, fuzzy msgid "Display format for a spouse." msgstr "Не е возможно да се вчитаат претпочитувањата од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1720 msgid "inter-box Y scale factor" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1722 msgid "Make the inter-box Y bigger or smaller" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1798 #, fuzzy msgid "The bold style used for the text display." msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на текстот." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1823 #, fuzzy msgid "The style for the marriage box." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1830 #, fuzzy msgid "The style for the spouse box." msgstr "Стилот употребен за името на сопружникот." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1838 #, fuzzy msgid "The style for the direct descendant box." msgstr "Стилот употребен за првиот личен запис." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1844 #, fuzzy msgid "The style for the note box." msgstr "Стилот употребен за заглавието за генерациите." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/descendtree.py:1849 #, fuzzy msgid "The style for the connection lines and report border." msgstr "Стилот употребен за заглавието за генерациите." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:37 #, fuzzy msgid "Ancestor Chart" msgstr "График на предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:38 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a graphical ancestral chart" msgstr "Изработува график на стеблото на предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:54 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a graphical ancestral tree" msgstr "Изработува график на стеблото на предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:76 msgid "Produces a graphical calendar" msgstr "Изработува графички календар" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:97 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendant Chart" msgstr "Извештај за потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a graphical descendant chart" msgstr "Изработува графичко стебло на потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:113 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendant Tree" msgstr "Табела на потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:114 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a graphical descendant tree" msgstr "Изработува графичко стебло на потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:135 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Descendant Chart" msgstr "Табела на потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:136 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a graphical descendant chart around a family" msgstr "Изработува графичко стебло на потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:152 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Descendant Tree" msgstr "Табела на потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:153 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a graphical descendant tree around a family" msgstr "Изработува графичко стебло на потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:122 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:143 msgid "Fan Chart" msgstr "Вентилатор-табела" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:176 msgid "Produces fan charts" msgstr "Изработува табели во вид на вентилатори" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:812 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:822 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:856 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:857 msgid "Statistics Charts" msgstr "Табели со статистика" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:198 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces statistical bar and pie charts of the people in the database" msgstr "" "Изработува статистичка линиски и кружни графикони на лицата во базата на " "податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:275 #, fuzzy msgid "Timeline Chart" msgstr "Временски графикон за %" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/drawplugins.gpr.py:222 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a timeline chart." msgstr "Изработува табели во вид на вентилатори" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:274 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(generations)d Generation Fan Chart for %(person)s" msgstr "%d Генерациска вентилатор-табела за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:289 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(generations)d Generation Fan Chart for\n" "%(person)s" msgstr "%d Генерациска вентилатор-табела за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:717 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:538 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:841 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1030 msgid "The number of generations to include in the report" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:721 msgid "Type of graph" msgstr "Вид на графикон" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:722 msgid "full circle" msgstr "цел круг" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:723 msgid "half circle" msgstr "половина круг" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:724 msgid "overhang" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:725 msgid "quarter circle" msgstr "четвртина круг" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:726 msgid "" "The form of the graph: full circle, half circle, half circle with overhang " "or quarter circle." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:732 msgid "generation dependent" msgstr "генерациски зависник" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:733 msgid "Background color is either white or generation dependent" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:737 msgid "Orientation of radial texts" msgstr "Насочување на радијални текстови" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:739 msgid "upright" msgstr "исправено" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:740 msgid "roundabout" msgstr "заоблено" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:741 msgid "Print radial texts upright or roundabout" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:743 msgid "Draw empty boxes" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:744 msgid "Draw the background although there is no information" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:748 msgid "Use one font style for all generations" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:750 msgid "" "You can customize font and color for each generation in the style editor" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/fanchart.py:806 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "The style used for the text display of generation \"%d\"" msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на текстот." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:311 msgid "Item count" msgstr "Вклучи точка" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:315 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:86 msgid "Both" msgstr "Двете" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:316 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:419 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:794 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:645 msgid "Men" msgstr "Мажи" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:317 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:421 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:796 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:525 msgid "Women" msgstr "Жени" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:338 msgctxt "person" msgid "Title" msgstr "Наслов" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:342 msgid "Forename" msgstr "Име" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:346 msgid "Birth year" msgstr "Година на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:348 msgid "Death year" msgstr "Година на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:350 msgid "Birth month" msgstr "Месец на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:352 msgid "Death month" msgstr "Месец на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:357 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:176 msgid "Birth place" msgstr "Место на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:359 msgid "Death place" msgstr "Место на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:358 msgid "Marriage place" msgstr "Место на склопување брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:361 msgid "Number of relationships" msgstr "Број на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:365 msgid "Age when first child born" msgstr "Возраст кога првото дете било родено" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:369 msgid "Age when last child born" msgstr "Возраст кога последното дете било родено" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:371 msgid "Number of children" msgstr "Број на деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:373 msgid "Age at marriage" msgstr "Возраст при склопување на бракот" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:375 msgid "Age at death" msgstr "Возраст на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:379 msgid "Event type" msgstr "Вид на настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:393 msgid "(Preferred) title missing" msgstr "(Претпочитан) наслов недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:402 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:928 msgid "(Preferred) forename missing" msgstr "(Претпочитано) име недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:412 msgid "(Preferred) surname missing" msgstr "(Претпочитано) презиме недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:422 msgid "Gender unknown" msgstr "Непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:431 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:451 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:558 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:929 msgid "Date(s) missing" msgstr "Датум/и недостасува/ат" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:460 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:474 msgid "Place missing" msgstr "Недостасува место" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:482 msgid "Already dead" msgstr "Веќе мртов" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:489 msgid "Still alive" msgstr "Сѐ уште жив" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:497 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:509 msgid "Events missing" msgstr "Недостасуваат настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:517 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:525 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:932 msgid "Children missing" msgstr "Недостасуваат деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:547 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:931 msgid "Birth missing" msgstr "Недостасува датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:648 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:930 msgid "Personal information missing" msgstr "Недостасуваат лични информации" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:789 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:119 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:100 #, python-format msgid "(Living people: %(option_name)s)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:801 #, python-format msgid "%s born" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:803 #, fuzzy msgid "Persons born" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:813 msgid "Collecting data..." msgstr "Прибирање податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:823 msgid "Sorting data..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:858 msgid "Saving charts..." msgstr "Зачувување табели..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:911 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:960 #, python-format msgid "%s (persons):" msgstr "%s (лица):" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1013 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:219 msgid "Determines what people are included in the report." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1018 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:422 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:480 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1074 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:173 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1975 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1760 #, fuzzy msgid "Filter Person" msgstr "Прво лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1019 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:481 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1075 #, fuzzy msgid "The center person for the filter." msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1023 msgid "Sort chart items by" msgstr "Подреди табеларни точки по" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1027 msgid "Select how the statistical data is sorted." msgstr "Одбира како ќе се подредат статистичките податоци." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1030 msgid "Sort in reverse order" msgstr "Подреди по обратен редослед" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1031 msgid "Check to reverse the sorting order." msgstr "Означете за да подредите по обратен редослед." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1035 #, fuzzy msgid "People Born After" msgstr "Лица родени помеѓу" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1037 msgid "Birth year from which to include people." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1040 #, fuzzy msgid "People Born Before" msgstr "Лица родени помеѓу" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1042 msgid "Birth year until which to include people" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1045 msgid "Include people without known birth years" msgstr "Вклучи лица со непозната година на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1047 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include people without known birth years." msgstr "Вклучи лица со непозната година на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1051 msgid "Genders included" msgstr "Полови вклучени" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1055 msgid "Select which genders are included into statistics." msgstr "Избира кои полови се вклучени во статистиката." # точки?!?!?! #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1059 msgid "Max. items for a pie" msgstr "Макс. број на теми вклучени во пита" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1060 msgid "" "With fewer items pie chart and legend will be used instead of a bar chart." msgstr "" "Со помалку ставки пита со легенда ќе биде употребена наместо бар-табела." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1064 #, fuzzy msgid "Include counts of missing information" msgstr "Отпечати полиња за податоците што недостасуваат" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1066 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Whether to include counts of the number of people who lack the given " "information." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1100 #, fuzzy msgid "Charts 3" msgstr "Табели" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1102 #, fuzzy msgid "Charts 2" msgstr "Табели" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1104 #, fuzzy msgid "Charts 1" msgstr "Табели" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1106 #, fuzzy msgid "Include charts with indicated data." msgstr "Означи означни полиња за додавање на карти со укажани податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/statisticschart.py:1148 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:602 msgid "The style used for the items and values." msgstr "Стилот употребен за точките и вредностите." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:66 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sorted by" msgid "Birth Date" msgstr "Датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:67 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sorted by" msgid "Name" msgstr "Подреди по" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:157 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:169 #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:338 #, fuzzy msgid "Timeline" msgstr "Временски графикон за %" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:158 #, fuzzy msgid "Sorting dates..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:169 msgid "Calculating timeline..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:277 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Sorted by %s" msgstr "Подреди по" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:312 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7916 #, fuzzy msgid "No Date Information" msgstr "Системски информации" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:339 #, fuzzy msgid "Finding date range..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:418 msgid "Determines what people are included in the report" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:423 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:174 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1976 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1761 #, fuzzy msgid "The center person for the filter" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:427 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:180 msgid "Sort by" msgstr "Подреди по" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:432 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:185 msgid "Sorting method to use" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/drawreport/timeline.py:489 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1228 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:533 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:327 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:966 #, fuzzy msgid "The style used for the section headers." msgstr "Стилот употребен за заглавието за генерациите." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:34 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:36 msgid "Comma Separated Values Spreadsheet (CSV)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:35 msgid "Comma _Separated Values Spreadsheet (CSV)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:36 msgid "CSV is a common spreadsheet format." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:44 #, fuzzy msgid "CSV spreadsheet options" msgstr "Опции на извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:55 #, fuzzy msgid "Web Family Tree" msgstr "_Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:56 msgid "_Web Family Tree" msgstr "_Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Web Family Tree format" msgstr "Формат на Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Web Family Tree export options" msgstr "Формат на Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:77 msgid "GE_DCOM" msgstr "GE_DCOM" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:55 #, fuzzy msgid "" "GEDCOM is used to transfer data between genealogy programs. Most genealogy " "software will accept a GEDCOM file as input." msgstr "" "GEDCOM се употребува за пренос на податоци помеѓу програмите за генеологија. " "Најголемиот број програми за генеологија прифаќаат како влез GEDCOM датотека." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:87 #, fuzzy msgid "GEDCOM export options" msgstr "Опции на извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:73 msgid "GeneWeb" msgstr "GeneWeb" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:99 #, fuzzy msgid "_GeneWeb" msgstr "GeneWeb" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:100 msgid "GeneWeb is a web based genealogy program." msgstr "ГенеВеб е веб-програма заснована на генеалогија." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:108 #, fuzzy msgid "GeneWeb export options" msgstr "GeneWeb увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:119 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps XML Package (family tree and media)" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:120 #, fuzzy msgid "Gra_mps XML Package (family tree and media)" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:121 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Gramps package is an archived XML family tree together with the media object " "files." msgstr "" "GRAMPS пакетот е архивирана XML-база на податоци заедно со датотеките на " "медиумските објекти." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:130 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps package export options" msgstr "GRAM_PS пакет (пренослив XML)" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps XML (family tree)" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:142 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps _XML (family tree)" msgstr "Отстрани семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:143 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Gramps XML export is a complete archived XML backup of a Gramps family tree " "without the media object files. Suitable for backup purposes." msgstr "" "GRAMPS пакетот е архивирана XML-база на податоци заедно со датотеките на " "медиумските објекти." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:153 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps XML export options" msgstr "GRAMPS XML увоз" # дали може календар? #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:164 #, fuzzy msgid "vCalendar" msgstr "vКалендар" # дали може календар? #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:165 #, fuzzy msgid "vC_alendar" msgstr "vКалендар" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:166 #, fuzzy msgid "vCalendar is used in many calendaring and PIM applications." msgstr "" "v-Календар е употребен во многу апликации за регистрирање и pim апликации." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:174 #, fuzzy msgid "vCalendar export options" msgstr "v-Календар опции за извоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:167 msgid "vCard" msgstr "vКарта" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:186 #, fuzzy msgid "_vCard" msgstr "vКарта" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:187 msgid "vCard is used in many addressbook and pim applications." msgstr "v-Карта е употребена во многу адресарни и пим апликации." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/export.gpr.py:195 #, fuzzy msgid "vCard export options" msgstr "Опции на извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:136 #, fuzzy msgid "Include people" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:137 #, fuzzy msgid "Include marriages" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:138 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:902 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1087 #, fuzzy msgid "Include children" msgstr "Направи список на деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:242 #, fuzzy msgid "Include places" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:140 #, fuzzy msgid "Translate headers" msgstr "Заглавие на HTML-корисник" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:288 msgid "Enclosed_by" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:340 #, python-brace-format msgid "CSV export doesn't support non-primary surnames, {count} dropped" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:357 #, fuzzy msgid "Birth source" msgstr "Презиме за роденден" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:358 #, fuzzy msgid "Baptism date" msgstr "Крштевка" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:358 #, fuzzy msgid "Baptism place" msgstr "Крштевка" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:358 #, fuzzy msgid "Baptism source" msgstr "Презиме за роденден" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:359 #, fuzzy msgid "Death source" msgstr "Место на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:360 #, fuzzy msgid "Burial date" msgstr "Датум на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:360 #, fuzzy msgid "Burial place" msgstr "Место на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:360 #, fuzzy msgid "Burial source" msgstr "Првобитен извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:465 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:236 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2683 msgid "Husband" msgstr "Сопруг" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportcsv.py:465 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:233 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2681 msgid "Wife" msgstr "Сопруга" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:398 #, fuzzy msgid "Writing individuals" msgstr "Создавање на поединечни страница" # често поставени прашања #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:790 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1077 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1169 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:4162 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5936 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7077 #, fuzzy msgid "FAX" msgstr "_ЧПП" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:804 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:669 #, fuzzy msgid "Writing families" msgstr "Пребарување на семејни презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:971 #, fuzzy msgid "Writing sources" msgstr "Создавање на страници со извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1011 #, fuzzy msgid "Writing notes" msgstr "Обедини забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1054 #, fuzzy msgid "Writing repositories" msgstr "Репозиториуми" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1171 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5948 msgid "EMAIL" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1173 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5960 msgid "WWW" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1436 #, fuzzy msgid "Writing media" msgstr "Обедини забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgedcom.py:1610 #, fuzzy msgid "GEDCOM Export failed" msgstr "Неуспешен извоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportgeneweb.py:97 msgid "No families matched by selected filter" msgstr "Нема семејни совпаѓања со избраниот филтер" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportpkg.py:212 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:173 #, python-format msgid "Failure writing %s" msgstr "Неуспешно запишување %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:140 msgid "" "The database cannot be saved because you do not have permission to write to " "the directory. Please make sure you have write access to the directory and " "try again." msgstr "" "Базата не може да се зачува бидејќи немате дозвола да запишувате во " "директориумот. Обезбедете пристап за запишување во директориумот и обидете " "се повторно." #: ../gramps/plugins/export/exportxml.py:156 msgid "" "The database cannot be saved because you do not have permission to write to " "the file. Please make sure you have write access to the file and try again." msgstr "" "Базата не може да се зачува бидејќи немате дозвола да запишувате во " "датотеката. Обезбедете пристап за запишување во датотеката и обидете се " "повторно." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:52 msgid "Enter a date, click Run" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ageondategramplet.py:60 msgid "" "Enter a valid date (like YYYY-MM-DD) in the entry below and click Run. This " "will compute the ages for everyone in your Family Tree on that date. You can " "then sort by the age column, and double-click the row to view or edit." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:101 #, fuzzy msgid "Max age" msgstr "Максимална _возраст" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:102 #, fuzzy msgid "Max age of Mother at birth" msgstr "Ма_ксимална возраст за татко на дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:103 #, fuzzy msgid "Max age of Father at birth" msgstr "Ма_ксимална возраст за татко на дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:155 msgid "Lifespan Age Distribution" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:158 msgid "Father - Child Age Diff Distribution" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:159 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:162 msgid "Diff" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:161 msgid "Mother - Child Age Diff Distribution" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:263 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1752 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1821 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:86 #, fuzzy msgid "Statistics" msgstr "Табели со статистика" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:232 #, fuzzy msgid "Total" msgstr "Алатки" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:233 #, fuzzy msgid "Minimum" msgstr "Медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:234 #, fuzzy msgid "Average" msgstr "_Соедини" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:235 #, fuzzy msgid "Median" msgstr "Медиуми" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:236 #, fuzzy msgid "Maximum" msgstr "Максимална _возраст" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/agestats.py:279 #, python-format msgid "Double-click to see %d people" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:177 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:172 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/descendant.py:180 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(abbr)s %(date)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/ancestor.py:191 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(depth)s. %(name)s" msgstr "%(date)s во %(place)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/attributes.py:52 msgid "" "Double-click on a row to view a quick report showing all people with the " "selected attribute." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/attributes.py:56 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:172 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1128 msgid "Key" msgstr "Клуч" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/calendargramplet.py:48 msgid "Double-click a day for details" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/children.py:188 #, fuzzy msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected child." msgstr "Двоен клик на ред за да видите/уредите податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:82 #, fuzzy msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected source/citation." msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:86 #, fuzzy msgid "Source/Date" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/citations.py:167 #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "_Том/Страница:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Right-click on a row to edit the selected event or the related place." msgstr "Двоен клик на ред за да видите/уредите податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:158 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:246 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:335 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:418 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:500 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:570 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:654 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:740 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:821 msgid "Id" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:142 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the event" msgstr "Секој настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/coordinates.py:147 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the place" msgstr "Уредување на место" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:72 #, fuzzy msgid "Evaluation" msgstr "Образование" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:73 #, fuzzy msgid "Output" msgstr "Излезен формат" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:74 msgid "Error" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/eval.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Apply" msgstr "_Примени" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/events.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/personresidence.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected event." msgstr "Двоен клик на ред за да видите/уредите податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/fanchart2waygramplet.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/fanchartdescgramplet.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/fanchartgramplet.py:68 msgid "" "Click to expand/contract person\n" "Right-click for options\n" "Click and drag in open area to rotate" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:61 #, python-format msgid "" "%(bold_start)s%(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(html_middle)sFrequently Asked " "Questions%(html_end)s%(bold_end)s\n" "(needs a connection to the internet)\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Editing Spouses" msgstr "Уреди извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:71 #, python-format msgid "" " 1. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I change the order of " "spouses?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:77 #, python-format msgid "" " 2. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I add an additional " "spouse?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:83 #, python-format msgid "" " 3. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I remove a spouse?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:87 msgid "Backups and Updates" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:92 #, python-format msgid "" " 4. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do I make backups safely?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:98 #, python-format msgid "" " 5. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sIs it necessary to update " "Gramps every time an update is released?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:103 msgid "Data Entry" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:109 #, python-format msgid "" " 6. %(gramps_manual_html_start)s%(section)sHow should information about " "marriages be entered?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:116 #, python-format msgid "" " 7. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sWhat's the difference between a " "residence and an address?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:120 #, fuzzy msgid "Media Files" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:125 #, python-format msgid "" " 8. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do you add a photo of a " "person/source/event?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:131 #, python-format msgid "" " 9. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow do you find unused media " "objects?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:141 #, python-format msgid "" " 10. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sHow can I make a website with " "Gramps and my tree?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:148 #, python-format msgid " 11. %(web_html_start)sHow do I record one's occupation?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:154 #, python-format msgid "" " 12. %(gramps_FAQ_html_start)s%(faq_section)sWhat do I do if I have found a " "bug?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:159 #, python-format msgid "" " 13. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sIs there a manual for Gramps?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:164 #, python-format msgid "" " 14. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sAre there tutorials available?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:169 #, python-format msgid " 15. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sHow do I ...?%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/faqgramplet.py:174 #, python-format msgid "" " 16. %(gramps_wiki_html_start)s%(section)sHow can I help with Gramps?" "%(html_end)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:53 msgid "Double-click given name for details" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:55 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/recordsgramplet.py:43 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:40 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:52 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:45 #, fuzzy msgid "No Family Tree loaded." msgstr "Формат на Веб-семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:150 msgid "Total unique given names" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:152 msgid "Total given names showing" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/givennamegramplet.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:177 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:113 #, fuzzy msgid "Total people" msgstr "Посвоени лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:46 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:54 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:35 msgid "Age on Date" msgstr "Возраст на Датум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:47 msgid "Gramplet showing ages of living people on a specific date" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:59 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Age Stats" msgstr "Состојба" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:60 msgid "Gramplet showing graphs of various ages" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:76 msgid "Gramplet showing calendar and events on specific dates in history" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendants" msgstr "Потомци на %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:89 msgid "Gramplet showing active person's descendants" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:105 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1320 msgid "Ancestors" msgstr "Предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:201 msgid "Gramplet showing active person's ancestors" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:123 msgid "Gramplet showing active person's direct ancestors as a fanchart" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:76 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendant Fan Chart" msgstr "Извештај за потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:140 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing active person's direct descendants as a fanchart" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:148 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:158 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendant Fan" msgstr "Потомци на %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:156 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:79 #, fuzzy msgid "2-Way Fan Chart" msgstr "Вентилатор-табела" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:157 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Gramplet showing active person's direct ancestors and descendants as a " "fanchart" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:165 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:173 msgid "2-Way Fan" msgstr "" # често поставени прашања #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:173 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:179 #, fuzzy msgid "FAQ" msgstr "_ЧПП" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:174 msgid "Gramplet showing frequently asked questions" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:193 #, fuzzy msgid "Given Name Cloud" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:187 msgid "Gramplet showing all given names as a text cloud" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:206 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:531 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:127 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1500 msgid "Pedigree" msgstr "Потекло" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:218 msgid "Gramplet showing an active item Quick View" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:233 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:239 #, fuzzy msgid "Relatives" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:234 msgid "Gramplet showing active person's relatives" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:249 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:256 #, fuzzy msgid "Session Log" msgstr "Благослов" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:250 msgid "Gramplet showing all activity for this session" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:264 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing summary data of the Family Tree" msgstr "Вкупен број на медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:277 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:284 #, fuzzy msgid "Surname Cloud" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:278 msgid "Gramplet showing all surnames as a text cloud" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1166 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1180 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1194 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1208 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1222 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1236 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1250 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1264 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gramplet" msgid "To Do" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:292 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet for displaying a To Do list" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:312 #, fuzzy msgid "Top Surnames" msgstr "Презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:307 msgid "Gramplet showing most frequent surnames in this tree" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:319 msgid "Welcome" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:320 msgid "Gramplet showing a welcome message" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:326 msgid "Welcome to Gramps!" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:333 msgid "What's Next" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:334 msgid "Gramplet suggesting items to research" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:340 msgid "What's Next?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:350 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Details" msgstr "Возраст при склопување на бракот" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:351 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing details of a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:358 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:372 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:386 #, fuzzy msgid "Details" msgstr "Покажи подробности" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:364 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository Details" msgstr "Записот е личен" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:365 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing details of a repository" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:378 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Details" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:379 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing details of a place" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:392 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:400 #, fuzzy msgid "Media Preview" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:393 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing a preview of a media object" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:420 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:428 msgid "Image Metadata" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:421 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing metadata for a media object" msgstr "Вкупен број на медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:442 msgid "GExiv2 module not loaded." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:443 #, python-format msgid "" "Image metadata functionality will not be available.\n" "To build it for Gramps see %(gramps_wiki_build_gexiv2_url)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:456 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Residence" msgstr "Упатување на лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:457 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing residence events for a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:470 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Events" msgstr "Личен настан:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:471 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1338 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the events for a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:484 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Events" msgstr "Семеен настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:485 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the events for a family" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:498 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Gallery" msgstr "Име на филтер:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:499 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:520 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:534 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:548 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:562 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:576 #, fuzzy msgid "Gallery" msgstr "Галерија" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:512 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Gallery" msgstr "Семејни филтри" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:513 msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a family" msgstr "Gramplet покажува медија објекти за семејстовото" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:526 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Gallery" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:527 msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for an event" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:540 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Gallery" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:541 msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a place" msgstr "Gramplet покажува медија објекти за место" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:554 #, fuzzy msgid "Source Gallery" msgstr "Име на филтер:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:555 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a source" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:568 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation Gallery" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:569 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing media objects for a citation" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:582 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Attributes" msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:583 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:596 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Attributes" msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:597 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of an event" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:610 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Attributes" msgstr "Семејна особина" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:611 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a family" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:624 #, fuzzy msgid "Media Attributes" msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:625 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a media object" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:639 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a source object" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:652 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation Attributes" msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:653 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the attributes of a citation object" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:666 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Notes" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:667 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:680 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Notes" msgstr "Вид на настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:681 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for an event" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:694 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:784 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Notes" msgstr "Забелешка за семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:695 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a family" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:708 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Notes" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:709 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a place" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:722 #, fuzzy msgid "Source Notes" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:723 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a source" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:736 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation Notes" msgstr "Поврзување" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:737 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a citation" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:750 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository Notes" msgstr "Репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:751 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a repository" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:764 #, fuzzy msgid "Media Notes" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:765 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the notes for a media object" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:779 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the selected note" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:792 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Citations" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:793 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:806 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Citations" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:807 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for an event" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:820 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Citations" msgstr "Известување за семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:821 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a family" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:834 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Citations" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:835 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a place" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:848 #, fuzzy msgid "Media Citations" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:849 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the citations for a media object" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:862 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Children" msgstr "Потекло" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:863 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the children of a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:876 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Children" msgstr "Вентилатор-табела" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:877 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the children of a family" msgstr "Отстрани дете од семејството" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:890 #, fuzzy msgid "Person References" msgstr "Упатување на лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:891 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:898 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:912 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:926 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:940 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:954 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:968 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:982 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:996 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1010 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3336 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:919 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/thumbnail.py:168 msgid "References" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:904 #, fuzzy msgid "Event References" msgstr "Упатување на настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:905 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for an event" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:918 #, fuzzy msgid "Family References" msgstr "Не е возможно да се вчитаат претпочитувањата од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:919 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a family" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:932 #, fuzzy msgid "Place References" msgstr "Уредувач на Упатувања на извори." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a place" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:946 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2550 msgid "Source References" msgstr "Упатувања на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:947 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a source" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:960 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation References" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:961 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a citation" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:974 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:251 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository References" msgstr "Упатување на репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:975 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a repository" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:988 #, fuzzy msgid "Media References" msgstr "Упатување на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:989 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a media object" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1002 #, fuzzy msgid "Note References" msgstr "Упатувања на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1003 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the backlink references for a note" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1016 #, fuzzy msgid "Person Filter" msgstr "Уредувач на филтерот за лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1017 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet providing a person filter" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1030 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Filter" msgstr "Семејни филтри" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1031 msgid "Gramplet providing a family filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1044 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Filter" msgstr "Филтри на настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1045 msgid "Gramplet providing an event filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1058 #, fuzzy msgid "Source Filter" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1059 msgid "Gramplet providing a source filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1072 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation Filter" msgstr "Обедини лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1073 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet providing a citation filter" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1086 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Filter" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер за места" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1087 msgid "Gramplet providing a place filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1100 #, fuzzy msgid "Media Filter" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1101 msgid "Gramplet providing a media filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1114 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository Filter" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер на репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1115 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet providing a repository filter" msgstr "Создавање на страници со извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1128 #, fuzzy msgid "Note Filter" msgstr "_Филтер" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1129 msgid "Gramplet providing a note filter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1142 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1153 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:118 #, fuzzy msgid "Records" msgstr "Извештаи" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1143 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:416 msgid "Shows some interesting records about people and families" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1158 #, fuzzy msgid "Person To Do" msgstr "ИД на лице:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1159 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a person" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1172 #, fuzzy msgid "Event To Do" msgstr "Вид на настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1173 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for an event" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1186 #, fuzzy msgid "Family To Do" msgstr "Забелешка за семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1187 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a family" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1200 #, fuzzy msgid "Place To Do" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1201 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a place" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1214 #, fuzzy msgid "Source To Do" msgstr "ИД на извор:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1215 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a source" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1228 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation To Do" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1229 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a citation" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1242 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository To Do" msgstr "Репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1243 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a repository" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1256 #, fuzzy msgid "Media To Do" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1257 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the To Do notes for a media object" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1296 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1304 #, fuzzy msgid "SoundEx" msgstr "SoundEx код:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1297 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet to generate SoundEx codes" msgstr "Генерирај SoundEx кодови" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1309 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Enclosed By" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1310 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the places enclosed by the active place" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1323 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3037 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Encloses" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1324 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the places that the active place encloses" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1331 msgid "Encloses" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1337 msgid "Geography coordinates for Person Events" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1345 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1359 #, fuzzy msgid "Events Coordinates" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1351 msgid "Geography coordinates for Family Events" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/gramplet.gpr.py:1352 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramplet showing the events for all the family" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:99 #, fuzzy msgid "Referrer" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:103 msgid "Uncollected object" msgstr "Несобран објект" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:112 #, fuzzy msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:122 msgid "Press Refresh to see initial results" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:158 #, python-format msgid "Referrers of %d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:181 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%d refers to" msgstr "%d генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:198 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Uncollected Objects: %s" msgstr "Алатка за несоберени објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/leak.py:239 #, fuzzy msgid "Reference Error" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/locations.py:81 #, fuzzy msgid "Double-click on a row to edit the selected place." msgstr "Двоен клик на ред за да видите/уредите податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/notes.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:137 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:151 #, python-format msgid "%(current)d of %(total)d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:51 msgid "Move mouse over links for options" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:280 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:378 #, fuzzy msgid "Max generations" msgstr "%d генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:79 #, fuzzy msgid "Show dates" msgstr "Покажувај слики" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:80 #, fuzzy msgid "Line type" msgstr "Филтер" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:163 msgid "Click to make active\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:164 msgid "Right-click to edit" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:221 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "(b. %(birthdate)s, d. %(deathdate)s)" msgstr "Роден/а: %(birth_date)s, Починал/а: %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:226 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "(b. %s)" msgstr "b. %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:228 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "(d. %s)" msgstr "у. %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:252 msgid "" "\n" "Breakdown by generation:\n" msgstr "" "\n" "Распределба помеѓу генерациите\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:254 msgctxt "percent sign or text string" msgid "%" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:261 #, fuzzy msgid "Generation 1" msgstr "Генерација %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:262 #, fuzzy msgid "Double-click to see people in generation" msgstr "Двоен клик на редот за уредување на лични информации" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:264 #, python-format msgid " has 1 of 1 individual (%(percent)s complete)\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:218 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:228 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:355 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:186 #, python-format msgid "Generation %d" msgstr "Генерација %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:268 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Double-click to see people in generation %d" msgstr "Двоен клик на редот за уредување на лични информации" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:272 #, python-brace-format msgid "" " has {count_person} of {max_count_person} individuals ({percent} complete)\n" msgid_plural "" " has {count_person} of {max_count_person} individuals ({percent} complete)\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:279 #, fuzzy msgid "All generations" msgstr "%d генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:280 msgid "Double-click to see all generations" msgstr "" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/pedigreegramplet.py:283 #, python-brace-format msgid " have {number_of} individual\n" msgid_plural " have {number_of} individuals\n" msgstr[0] " има {number_of} поединец\n" msgstr[1] " има {number_of} поединеци\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:267 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(date)s - %(place)s." msgstr "%(date)s во %(place)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/persondetails.py:270 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(date)s." msgstr "b. %(birth_date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:107 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:144 #, fuzzy msgid "View Type" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:123 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/quickviewgramplet.py:145 msgid "Quick Views" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/recordsgramplet.py:42 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:44 msgid "Double-click name for details" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:41 msgid "Click name to make person active\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:42 msgid "Right-click name to edit person" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:72 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Active person: %s" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:88 #, python-format msgid "%(count)d. %(relation)s: " msgstr "%(count)d. %(relation)s: " #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:94 #, python-format msgid "%d. Partner: Not known" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:109 #, fuzzy msgid "Parents:" msgstr "Родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:121 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:125 #, python-format msgid " %d.a Mother: " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/relativegramplet.py:136 #, python-format msgid " %d.b Father: " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:47 msgid "" "Click name to change active\n" "Double-click name to edit" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:48 msgid "Log for this Session" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:57 msgid "Opened data base -----------\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Added" msgstr "Додади" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Edited" msgstr "Уреди" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/sessionloggramplet.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Selected" msgstr "Избери" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/soundgen.py:67 msgid "SoundEx code:" msgstr "SoundEx код:" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:59 msgid "Double-click item to see matches" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:311 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:108 msgid "less than 1" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:140 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:284 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:119 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1736 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1794 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1912 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:191 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:119 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:185 msgid "Individuals" msgstr "Лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:142 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:122 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:186 msgid "Number of individuals" msgstr "Број на лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:193 #, fuzzy msgid "Individuals with unknown gender" msgstr "Лица со непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:156 #, fuzzy msgid "Incomplete names" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:160 msgid "Individuals missing birth dates" msgstr "Лица без датуми на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:164 msgid "Disconnected individuals" msgstr "Лица со прекинати врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:132 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:197 msgid "Family Information" msgstr "Известување за семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:175 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:135 msgid "Unique surnames" msgstr "Ретки презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:179 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:276 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:299 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:139 msgid "Media Objects" msgstr "Медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:181 msgid "Individuals with media objects" msgstr "Лица со медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:141 msgid "Total number of media object references" msgstr "Вкупен број на упатства на медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:143 msgid "Number of unique media objects" msgstr "Број на ретки медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:145 msgid "Total size of media objects" msgstr "Вкупен број на медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/statsgramplet.py:198 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:329 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:149 msgid "Missing Media Objects" msgstr "Недостасуваат медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:66 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:50 msgid "Double-click surname for details" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:189 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of surnames" msgstr "Број на семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:183 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:190 #, fuzzy msgid "Min font size" msgstr "Фонт на семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:185 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:191 #, fuzzy msgid "Max font size" msgstr "Фонт на семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:174 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/topsurnamesgramplet.py:111 #, fuzzy msgid "Total unique surnames" msgstr "Ретки презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/surnamecloudgramplet.py:176 msgid "Total surnames showing" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:60 msgid "Previous To Do note" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:64 msgid "Next To Do note" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected To Do note" msgstr "Уреди го избраниот настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:72 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:72 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a new To Do note" msgstr "Додади нов настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todo.py:201 msgid "First select the object to which you want to attach a note" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/todogramplet.py:149 msgid "Unattached" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:113 msgid "Intro" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:115 msgid "" "Gramps is a software package designed for genealogical research. Although " "similar to other genealogical programs, Gramps offers some unique and " "powerful features.\n" "\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:118 #, fuzzy msgid "Home Page" msgstr "Обедини забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:120 msgid "Who makes Gramps?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:121 msgid "" "Gramps is created by genealogists for genealogists, organized in the Gramps " "Project. Gramps is an Open Source Software package, which means you are free " "to make copies and distribute it to anyone you like. It's developed and " "maintained by a worldwide team of volunteers whose goal is to make Gramps " "powerful, yet easy to use.\n" "\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:128 msgid "" "There is an active community of users available on the mailing lists and " "Discourse forum to share ideas and techniques.\n" "\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:130 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps online manual" msgstr "GRAMPS Почетна страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:132 msgid "Ask questions on gramps-users mailing list" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:135 msgid "Gramps Discourse Forum" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:137 msgid "Getting Started" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:138 msgid "" "The first time Gramps is started all of the Views are blank. There are very " "few menu options. A Family Tree is needed for any activity to happen.\n" "\n" "To create a new Family Tree (sometimes called 'database') select \"Family " "Trees\" from the menu, pick \"Manage Family Trees\", press \"New\" and name " "your Family Tree. \"Load Family Tree\" to make the tree active and ready to " "accept data by entering your first family, or importing a family tree. For " "more details, please read the information at the links below.\n" "\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:147 msgid "Start with Genealogy and Gramps" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:149 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Every family" msgid "Enter your first Family" msgstr "Секое семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:150 msgid "" "You will now want to start entering your first Family and that starts with " "the first Person.\n" "\n" "Switch to the \"People\" view and from the menu clicking \"Add\" and then " "clicking \"Person\" (or using the [+] icon) will bring up the window to " "enter a person. Entering the basic information and saving the record gives " "you a starting point. Select this Person's record and now switch to the " "\"Relationships\" view.\n" "\n" "With this first person, all of the menu options and icon functions have " "become available. Spend some time moving your mouse over the icons. As your " "cursor passes over an icon, a message will appear telling you the icon's " "function. The same is true for any of the edit windows. Moving the mouse " "cursor over an item will tell you what it will do.\n" "\n" "You can now create families by adding parents, a spouse and children. Once " "started, you will be able to add Events to People and Families. You can " "provide Sources and Citations to provide documentation for your entries.\n" "\n" "As you start using Gramps, you will find that information can be entered " "from all the various Views. There are multiple ways of doing most activities " "in Gramps. The flexibility allows you to choose which fits your work style.\n" "\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:171 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Open an existing database" msgid "Entering and editing data (brief)" msgstr "Отвори постоечка база" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:174 #, fuzzy msgid "Importing a Family Tree" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:175 msgid "" "To import a Family Tree from another program first create a GEDCOM (or other " "data) file from the previous program.\n" "\n" "Once you have created a new Gramps database file, use the \"Import\" option " "under the \"Family Trees\" menu to import the GEDCOM data.\n" "\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:179 msgid "Import from another genealogy program" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:181 #, fuzzy msgid "Dashboard View" msgstr "Вентилатор-табела" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:182 msgid "" "You are currently reading from the \"Dashboard\" view, where you can add " "your own gramplets. You can also add gramplets to any view by adding a " "sidebar and/or bottombar, and right-clicking to the right of the tab.\n" "\n" "You can click the configuration icon in the toolbar to add additional " "columns, while right-click on the background allows to add gramplets. You " "can also drag the Properties button to reposition the gramplet on this page, " "and detach the gramplet to float above Gramps." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:192 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps View Categories" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:199 #, fuzzy msgid "Addons and \"Gramplets\"" msgstr "Додади родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:195 msgid "" "There many Addons or \"Gramplets\" that are available to assist you in data " "entry and visualizing your family tree. Many of these tools are already " "available to you. Many more are available to download and install.\n" "\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:201 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Entire Database" msgid "Example Database" msgstr "Целата База на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:202 msgid "" "Want to see Gramps in use. Create and Import the Example database.\n" "\n" "Create a new Family Tree as described above. Suggest that you name the " "Family Tree “EXAMPLE”.\n" "\n" "Import the Gramps file example.gramps.\n" "\n" "Follow the instructions for the location of the file stored with the Gramps " "program.\n" "\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/welcomegramplet.py:208 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Example" msgid "Example.gramps" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Minimum number of items to display" msgstr "Максимален број на години _помеѓу деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendant generations per ancestor generation" msgstr "Потомци на најмалку генерации понатаму" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:69 msgid "Delay before descendants of an ancestor is processed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:76 msgid "Tag to indicate that a person is complete" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:83 msgid "Tag to indicate that a family is complete" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:89 msgid "Tag to indicate that a person or family should be ignored" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:164 #, fuzzy msgid "No Home Person set." msgstr "Постави По_четно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:346 #, fuzzy msgid "first name unknown" msgstr "Непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:349 #, fuzzy msgid "surname unknown" msgstr "Непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:384 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:411 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:418 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:456 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:463 #, fuzzy msgid "(person with unknown name)" msgstr "Лица со непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:366 #, fuzzy msgid "birth event missing" msgstr "Недостасува датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:370 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:392 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:440 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:473 #, python-format msgid ": %(list)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:388 #, fuzzy msgid "person not complete" msgstr "Активното лице не е видливо" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:407 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:414 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:452 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:459 #, fuzzy msgid "(unknown person)" msgstr "Непознат тип:%s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:420 #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:465 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(name1)s and %(name2)s" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:434 #, fuzzy msgid "marriage event missing" msgstr "Недостасуваат настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:436 #, fuzzy msgid "relation type unknown" msgstr "Непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:469 #, fuzzy msgid "family not complete" msgstr "Завршено" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:484 #, fuzzy msgid "date unknown" msgstr "Непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:486 #, fuzzy msgid "date incomplete" msgstr "Завршено" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:490 #, fuzzy msgid "place unknown" msgstr "непознат" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:502 #, fuzzy msgid "spouse missing" msgstr "Недостасува место" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:506 #, fuzzy msgid "father missing" msgstr "Датум/и недостасува/ат" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:510 #, fuzzy msgid "mother missing" msgstr "Недостасува датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:514 #, fuzzy msgid "parents missing" msgstr "Недостасуваат настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/gramplet/whatsnext.py:521 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid ": %s\n" msgstr ": %s\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:36 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Lines Graph" msgstr "Семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:37 msgid "Produces family line graphs using Graphviz." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:59 msgid "Hourglass Graph" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:60 msgid "Produces an hourglass graph using Graphviz." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:208 msgid "Relationship Graph" msgstr "Графикон на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/graphplugins.gpr.py:82 msgid "Produces relationship graphs using Graphviz." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:74 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:59 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:73 msgid "B&W outline" msgstr "B&W скица" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:74 msgid "Colored outline" msgstr "Скица во боја" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:76 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:75 msgid "Color fill" msgstr "Полнење со боја" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:77 msgid "Descendants <- Ancestors" msgstr "Потомци <- Предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:78 msgid "Descendants -> Ancestors" msgstr "Потомци -> Предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:79 msgid "Descendants <-> Ancestors" msgstr "Потомци <-> Предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:80 msgid "Descendants - Ancestors" msgstr "Потомци - Предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:125 #, fuzzy msgid "Follow parents to determine \"family lines\"" msgstr "Пребарување на прекинати семејни врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:127 msgid "" "Parents and their ancestors will be considered when determining \"family " "lines\"." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:131 msgid "Follow children to determine \"family lines\"" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:133 msgid "Children will be considered when determining \"family lines\"." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:137 msgid "Try to remove extra people and families" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:139 msgid "" "People and families not directly related to people of interest will be " "removed when determining \"family lines\"." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:145 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:382 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:816 msgid "Arrowhead direction" msgstr "Правец на стрелка" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:148 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:385 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:819 msgid "Choose the direction that the arrows point." msgstr "Го одбира правецот што го покажува стрелката." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:151 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:388 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:822 msgid "Graph coloring" msgstr "Боја на графикон" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:154 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Males will be shown with blue, females with red, unless otherwise set above " "for filled. If the sex of an individual is unknown it will be shown with " "gray." msgstr "" "Машките ќе бидат прикажани со сина, женските со црвена. Ако полот е " "непознат, тогаш ќе биде прикажано во сиво." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:160 #, fuzzy msgid "Rounded corners" msgstr "Употреби soundex кодови" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:163 msgid "Use rounded corners e.g. to differentiate between women and men." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:184 msgid "Use subgraphs" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:185 msgid "" "Subgraphs can help Graphviz position spouses together, but with non-trivial " "graphs will result in longer lines and larger graphs." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:192 #, fuzzy msgid "People of Interest" msgstr "Лица родени помеѓу" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:195 #, fuzzy msgid "People of interest" msgstr "Лица родени помеѓу" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:196 msgid "" "People of interest are used as a starting point when determining \"family " "lines\"." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:200 #, fuzzy msgid "Limit the number of ancestors" msgstr "Максимален број на д_еца" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:202 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to limit the number of ancestors." msgstr "Пропушти двојни предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:208 #, fuzzy msgid "The maximum number of ancestors to include." msgstr "Максимален број на години _помеѓу деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:212 #, fuzzy msgid "Limit the number of descendants" msgstr "Максимален број на д_еца" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:215 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to limit the number of descendants." msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:221 #, fuzzy msgid "The maximum number of descendants to include." msgstr "Максимален број на години _помеѓу деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:230 #, fuzzy msgid "Include dates" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:231 msgid "Whether to include dates for people and families." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:236 msgid "Limit dates to years only" msgstr "Ограничи ги датумите само на годините" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:237 msgid "" "Prints just dates' year, neither month or day nor date approximation or " "interval are shown." msgstr "" "Ги отпечатува само годините од датумите, ниту месец ниту ден, ни датумска " "приближност или интервал не се прикажани." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:243 msgid "Whether to include placenames for people and families." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:247 #, fuzzy msgid "Include the number of children" msgstr "Број на деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:249 msgid "" "Whether to include the number of children for families with more than 1 " "child." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:254 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:908 msgid "Include thumbnail images of people" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:257 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include thumbnail images of people." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:262 #, fuzzy msgid "Thumbnail location" msgstr "Издание" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:263 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:915 #, fuzzy msgid "Above the name" msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:264 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:916 #, fuzzy msgid "Beside the name" msgstr "Име на истражувач" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:265 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:918 msgid "Where the thumbnail image should appear relative to the name" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:269 #, fuzzy msgid "Thumbnail size" msgstr "Издание" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:272 msgid "Size of the thumbnail image" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:276 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Colors" msgstr "Семејни филтри" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:279 #, fuzzy msgid "Family colors" msgstr "Семејни филтри" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:280 #, fuzzy msgid "Colors to use for various family lines." msgstr "Пребарување на прекинати семејни врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:422 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:945 #, fuzzy msgid "The color to use to display men." msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на текстот." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:426 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:949 #, fuzzy msgid "The color to use to display women." msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на текстот." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:430 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:954 msgid "The color to use when the gender is unknown." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:435 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:959 #, fuzzy msgid "The color to use to display families." msgstr "Дневен приказ на текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:413 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:676 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:831 msgid "Empty report" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:414 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:677 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:832 msgid "You did not specify anybody" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:473 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of people in database:" msgstr "Број на лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:476 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of people of interest:" msgstr "Лица родени помеѓу" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:479 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of families in database:" msgstr "Број на семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:482 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of families of interest:" msgstr "Број на семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:486 msgid "Additional people removed:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:489 #, fuzzy msgid "Additional families removed:" msgstr "Пребарување на семејни презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:492 #, fuzzy msgid "Initial list of people of interest:" msgstr "Лица родени помеѓу" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:989 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} child" msgid_plural "{number_of} children" msgstr[0] "{number_of} дете" msgstr[1] "{number_of} деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:1064 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "father: %s" msgstr "Татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:1074 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "mother: %s" msgstr "Забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvfamilylines.py:1087 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "child: %s" msgstr "Дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Center -> Others" msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Center <- Others" msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Center <-> Other" msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Center - Other" msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:369 #, fuzzy msgid "The Center person for the graph" msgstr "Отстрани го лицето како татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:372 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:362 #, fuzzy msgid "Max Descendant Generations" msgstr "Потомци - Предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:373 msgid "The number of generations of descendants to include in the graph" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:377 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:366 #, fuzzy msgid "Max Ancestor Generations" msgstr "График на Претходни генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:378 msgid "The number of generations of ancestors to include in the graph" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:391 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:825 msgid "" "Males will be shown with blue, females with red. If the sex of an " "individual is unknown it will be shown with gray." msgstr "" "Машките ќе бидат прикажани со сина, женските со црвена. Ако полот е " "непознат, тогаш ќе биде прикажано во сиво." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:396 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:831 #, fuzzy msgid "Use rounded corners" msgstr "Употреби soundex кодови" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:832 msgid "Use rounded corners to differentiate between women and men." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:418 #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:941 #, fuzzy msgid "Graph Style" msgstr "Стил" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:438 #, fuzzy msgid "Force Ahnentafel order" msgstr "Извештај според Ахнентафел" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:440 msgid "" "Force Sosa / Sosa-Stradonitz / Ahnentafel layout order for all ancestors, so " "that fathers are always on the left branch and mothers are on the right " "branch." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:443 #, fuzzy msgid "Ahnentafel number visible" msgstr "Извештај според Ахнентафел" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvhourglass.py:445 msgid "" "Show Sosa / Sosa-Stradonitz / Ahnentafel number under all others " "informations." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:209 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:836 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:160 #, fuzzy msgid "Generating report" msgstr "Генерација %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:807 msgid "Determines what people are included in the graph" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:837 #, fuzzy msgid "Use hexagons" msgstr "Проценување" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:838 msgid "Use hexagons to differentiate those of unknown gender." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:866 #, fuzzy msgid "Dates and/or Places" msgstr "Место на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:867 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not include any dates or places" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:868 #, fuzzy msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, but no places" msgstr "Вклучи датуми на Раѓање, Брак и Смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:870 #, fuzzy msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places" msgstr "Вклучи датуми на Раѓање, Брак и Смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:872 #, fuzzy msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates, and places if no dates" msgstr "Вклучи датуми на Раѓање, Брак и Смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:874 #, fuzzy msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, but no places" msgstr "Вклучи датуми на Раѓање, Брак и Смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:876 #, fuzzy msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) years, and places" msgstr "Вклучи датуми на Раѓање, Брак и Смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:878 #, fuzzy msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) places, but no dates" msgstr "Вклучи датуми на Раѓање, Брак и Смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:880 #, fuzzy msgid "Include (birth, marriage, death) dates and places on same line" msgstr "Вклучи датуми на Раѓање, Брак и Смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:883 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include dates and/or places" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:886 #, fuzzy msgid "Show all family nodes" msgstr "Прикажи ги семејните јазли" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:887 msgid "" "Show family nodes even if the output contains only one member of the family." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:891 msgid "Include URLs" msgstr "Вклучи URL" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:892 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Include a URL in each graph node so that PDF and imagemap files can be " "generated that contain active links to the files generated by the 'Narrated " "Web Site' report." msgstr "" "Вклучи URL во секој јазол од графиконот, така што PDF и imagemap датотеките " "се генерираат така да можат да содржат активни врски до датотеките " "генерирани од извештајот на „Генерирај мрежна страна“." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:900 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:569 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1156 #, fuzzy msgid "Include relationship to center person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:901 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to show every person's relationship to the center person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:910 msgid "Whether to include thumbnails of people." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:914 #, fuzzy msgid "Thumbnail Location" msgstr "Издание" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:922 #, fuzzy msgid "Include occupation" msgstr "Вклучи сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:923 #, fuzzy msgid "Do not include any occupation" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:924 #, fuzzy msgid "Include description of most recent occupation" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:926 msgid "Include date, description and place of all occupations" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:928 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include the last occupation" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:932 #, fuzzy msgid "Include relationship debugging numbers also" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:935 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Whether to include 'Ga' and 'Gb' also, to debug the relationship calculator" msgstr "Вклучи лица со непозната година на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:963 msgid "Indicate non-birth relationships with dotted lines" msgstr "Означи не-биолошки врски со линии со точки" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:964 msgid "Non-birth relationships will show up as dotted lines in the graph." msgstr "" "Не-биолошките врски во графиконот ќе бидат прикажани со линии со точки." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:968 msgid "Show family nodes" msgstr "Прикажи ги семејните јазли" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:969 msgid "Families will show up as ellipses, linked to parents and children." msgstr "" "Семејствата ќе бидат прикажани како елипси, поврзани со родителите и децата." #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:973 #, fuzzy msgid "Parent grouping" msgstr "Настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:975 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Parent Notes" msgid "Parents together" msgstr "Забелешки за родител" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:976 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Parent Notes" msgid "Parents offset" msgstr "Забелешки за родител" #: ../gramps/plugins/graph/gvrelgraph.py:978 msgid "" "In the 'Normal' setting parents will be located to keep most lines short.\n" "The 'Parents together' setting can help position spouses next to each other, " "but with non-trivial graphs will result in longer lines and larger graphs.\n" "The Parents offset setting will also try to put spouses near each other, " "however they will be offset from each other. This will tend to make graphs " "with many people in a generation more square." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:37 #, fuzzy msgid "Import data from CSV files" msgstr "Увоз од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:74 #, fuzzy msgid "Import data from GeneWeb files" msgstr "GeneWeb датотеки" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps package (portable XML)" msgstr "GRAM_PS пакет (пренослив XML)" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Import data from a Gramps package (an archived XML Family Tree together with " "the media object files)." msgstr "" "GRAMPS пакетот е архивирана XML-база на податоци заедно со датотеките на " "медиумските објекти." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:110 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps XML Family Tree" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:111 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The Gramps XML format is a text version of a Family Tree. It is read-write " "compatible with the present Gramps database format." msgstr "" "GRAMPS XML базата е формат користен од постарите верзии на GRAMPS. Таа е " "компатибилна за читање и запишување со сегашниот формат на GRAMPS базата." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:131 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps 2.x database" msgstr "GRAMPS база на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:132 #, fuzzy msgid "Import data from Gramps 2.x database files" msgstr "Увоз од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:149 #, fuzzy msgid "Pro-Gen" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:150 msgid "Import data from Pro-Gen files" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/import.gpr.py:168 #, fuzzy msgid "Import data from vCard files" msgstr "Увоз од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:125 #, fuzzy msgid "Bad references" msgstr "Претпочитувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:127 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:143 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:159 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:72 #, python-format msgid "%s could not be opened\n" msgstr "%s не може да се отвори\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:162 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:76 msgid "Results" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:129 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:162 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:76 msgid "done" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:165 #, fuzzy msgid "given name" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:168 msgid "call" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:169 #, fuzzy msgid "title" msgstr "Наслов" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:169 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Person or Place" msgid "title" msgstr "Наслов" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:172 #, fuzzy msgid "gender" msgstr "Пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:173 #, fuzzy msgid "source" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:174 #, fuzzy msgid "note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:176 #, fuzzy msgid "birth place" msgstr "Место на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:178 #, fuzzy msgid "birth place id" msgstr "Место на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:183 #, fuzzy msgid "birth source" msgstr "Уреди извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:185 #, fuzzy msgid "baptism place" msgstr "Место на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:187 #, fuzzy msgid "baptism place id" msgstr "Место на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:189 #, fuzzy msgid "baptism date" msgstr "Датум на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:191 #, fuzzy msgid "baptism source" msgstr "Место на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:192 #, fuzzy msgid "burial place" msgstr "Место на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:194 #, fuzzy msgid "burial place id" msgstr "Место на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:196 #, fuzzy msgid "burial date" msgstr "Датум на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:198 #, fuzzy msgid "burial source" msgstr "Првобитен извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:200 #, fuzzy msgid "death place" msgstr "Место на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:202 #, fuzzy msgid "death place id" msgstr "Место на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:207 #, fuzzy msgid "death source" msgstr "Уреди извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:209 #, fuzzy msgid "death cause" msgstr "Датум на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:212 #, fuzzy msgid "person" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:213 #, fuzzy msgid "Occupation description" msgstr "Опис" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:213 #, fuzzy msgid "occupationdescr" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:214 #, fuzzy msgid "Occupation date" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:214 #, fuzzy msgid "occupationdate" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:215 #, fuzzy msgid "Occupation place" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:215 #, fuzzy msgid "occupationplace" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:216 #, fuzzy msgid "Occupation place id" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:216 #, fuzzy msgid "occupationplace_id" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:217 #, fuzzy msgid "Occupation source" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:217 #, fuzzy msgid "occupationsource" msgstr "Занимање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:219 #, fuzzy msgid "residence date" msgstr "Живеалиште" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:219 #, fuzzy msgid "residencedate" msgstr "Живеалиште" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:220 #, fuzzy msgid "residence place" msgstr "Живеалиште" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:220 #, fuzzy msgid "residenceplace" msgstr "Живеалиште" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:221 #, fuzzy msgid "residence place id" msgstr "Место на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:221 #, fuzzy msgid "residenceplace_id" msgstr "Живеалиште" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:222 #, fuzzy msgid "residence source" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:222 #, fuzzy msgid "residencesource" msgstr "Живеалиште" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:224 #, fuzzy msgid "attribute type" msgstr "Особина" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:224 #, fuzzy msgid "attributetype" msgstr "Особина" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:225 #, fuzzy msgid "attribute value" msgstr "Својства" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:225 #, fuzzy msgid "attributevalue" msgstr "Особина" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:226 #, fuzzy msgid "attribute source" msgstr "Особина" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:226 #, fuzzy msgid "attributesource" msgstr "Својства" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:229 #, fuzzy msgid "child" msgstr "Дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:232 #, fuzzy msgid "mother" msgstr "Мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:233 msgid "wife" msgstr "сопруга" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:234 #, fuzzy msgid "parent2" msgstr "Родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:235 #, fuzzy msgid "father" msgstr "Татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:236 msgid "husband" msgstr "сопруг" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:237 #, fuzzy msgid "parent1" msgstr "Родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:238 #, fuzzy msgid "marriage" msgstr "Брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:239 #, fuzzy msgid "date" msgstr "Датум" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:240 #, fuzzy msgid "place" msgstr "Место" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:241 #, fuzzy msgid "place id" msgstr "Место" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:242 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:190 #, fuzzy msgid "name" msgstr "Презиме" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:243 #, fuzzy msgid "type" msgstr "Филтер" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:194 #, fuzzy msgid "latitude" msgstr "Географска широчина" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:245 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:198 #, fuzzy msgid "longitude" msgstr "Географска должина" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:246 msgid "code" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:247 msgid "enclosed by" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:248 msgid "enclosed_by" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:275 #, python-format msgid "format error: line %(line)d: %(zero)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:356 msgid "CSV Import" msgstr "Увоз на CSV" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:358 #, fuzzy msgid "Reading data..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:365 #, fuzzy msgid "CSV import" msgstr "v-Карта увоз" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:374 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:249 #, python-brace-format msgid "Import Complete: {number_of} second" msgid_plural "Import Complete: {number_of} seconds" msgstr[0] "Увозот заврши: {number_of} секунда" msgstr[1] "Увозот заврши: {number_of} секунди" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importcsv.py:395 #, fuzzy msgid "The following IDs were referenced but not found:\n" msgstr "едно лице на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:15 msgid "ANSEL" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:18 msgid "ANSI (ISO-8859-1)" msgstr "ANSI (ISO-8859-1)" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:21 msgid "ASCII" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:24 msgid "UTF8" msgstr "UTF8" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:30 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps - GEDCOM Encoding" msgstr "GRAMPS - GEDCOM Енкодирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:77 #, fuzzy msgid "GEDCOM Encoding" msgstr "GRAMPS - GEDCOM Енкодирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:97 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This GEDCOM file has identified itself as using ANSEL encoding. Sometimes, " "this is in error. If the imported data contains unusual characters, undo the " "import, and override the character set by selecting a different encoding " "below." msgstr "" "Оваа GEDCOM датотека се препозна како користи ANSEL енкодирање. Понекогаш " "ова е грешка. Ако увезените податоци содржат необични знаци, прекинете го " "увозот и отфрлете го поставувањето на знаците со избирање на поинакво " "енкодирање подолу." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.glade:125 msgid "Encoding: " msgstr "Енкодирање: " #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:132 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid GEDCOM file" msgstr "GEDCOM датотеки" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:133 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%s could not be imported" msgstr "%s не може да се отвори" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgedcom.py:150 msgid "Error reading GEDCOM file" msgstr "Грешка при читање на GEDCOM датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:80 #, fuzzy msgid "Accomplishment" msgstr "Порамнување" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:81 #, fuzzy msgid "Acquisition" msgstr "Акција" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:82 #, fuzzy msgid "Adhesion" msgstr "Верзија:" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Award" msgstr "_Нанапред" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Change Name" msgstr "_Промени име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:699 msgid "Circumcision" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:94 msgid "Military Demobilisation" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:100 #, fuzzy msgid "Dotation" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:705 #, fuzzy msgid "Excommunication" msgstr "Образование" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:103 #, fuzzy msgid "LDS Family Link" msgstr "Семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:707 #, fuzzy msgid "Funeral" msgstr "Општо" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:106 #, fuzzy msgid "Hospitalisation" msgstr "Натурализација" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:107 msgid "Illness" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:109 #, fuzzy msgid "List Passenger" msgstr "Наслов на страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:110 #, fuzzy msgid "Military Distinction" msgstr "Воена служба" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:111 msgid "Militaty Mobilisation" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:112 #, fuzzy msgid "Military Promotion" msgstr "Воена служба" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:120 #, fuzzy msgid "LDS Seal to child" msgstr "Одбери дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:123 #, fuzzy msgid "Sold property" msgstr "Имот" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:130 #, fuzzy msgid "No mention" msgstr "Нема опис" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:133 #, fuzzy msgid "Separated" msgstr "Пензионирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:197 msgid "GeneWeb import" msgstr "GeneWeb увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgeneweb.py:912 #, python-brace-format msgid "Invalid date {date} in {gw_snippet}, preserving date as text." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:72 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Could not create media directory %s" msgstr "Не може да се создаде директориумот: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:76 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Media directory %s is not writable" msgstr "Медиумскиот директориум %s не е впишлив" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:81 #, python-format msgid "" "Media directory %s exists. Delete it first, then restart the import process" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:90 #, python-format msgid "Error extracting into %s" msgstr "Грешка при извлекување во %s" # заемни во _безусловни?!?!?! #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:107 #, fuzzy msgid "Base path for relative media set" msgstr "Претвори патеки од релативни во _апсолутни" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:108 #, python-format msgid "" "The base media path of this Family Tree has been set to %s. Consider taking " "a simpler path. You can change this in the Preferences, while moving your " "media files to the new position, and using the media manager tool, option " "'Replace substring in the path' to set correct paths in your media objects." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:117 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot set base media path" msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgpkg.py:118 #, python-format msgid "" "The Family Tree you imported into already has a base media path: " "%(orig_path)s. The imported media objects however are relative from the path " "%(path)s. You can change the media path in the Preferences or you can " "convert the imported files to the existing base media path. You can do that " "by moving your media files to the new position, and using the media manager " "tool, option 'Replace substring in the path' to set correct paths in your " "media objects." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgrdb.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:189 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:435 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:438 #, python-format msgid "%s could not be opened" msgstr "%s не може да се отвори" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importgrdb.py:62 #, python-format msgid "" "The Database version is not supported by this version of Gramps.You should " "use an old copy of Gramps at version 3.0.x and import your database into " "that version. You should then export a copy of your data to Gramps XML " "(Family Tree). Then you should upgrade to the latest version of Gramps (for " "example this version), create a new empty database and import the Gramps XML " "into that version. Please refer to:%(gramps_wiki_migrate_two_to_three_url)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:49 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:70 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Source reference\n" "(out of Settings)" msgstr "Упатување на извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:124 msgid "" "Source reference text\n" "(Text & import Filename)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:325 #, fuzzy msgid "Attribut" msgstr "Особина" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:171 msgid "" "Source attribute text\n" "(Text, import Filename & (System-)Date)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:190 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:207 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation reference." msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:274 msgid "" "Citation confidence level\n" "(Very low - very high)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:308 msgid "" "Citation volume/page text\n" "(Text & (System-)Date)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:341 msgid "" "Citation attribute text\n" "(Text, import Filename & (System-)Date)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:362 msgid "Import Text" msgstr "Увоз на текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:415 msgid "" "Default Tagtext\n" "(out of Settings)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:443 #, fuzzy msgid "Import Filename." msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:492 msgid "Default (System-)Date." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:766 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:781 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:796 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:811 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:826 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:841 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:856 msgid "Combined default text + filename + date." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1111 msgid "" "Copy Default Text\n" "to all Tag Text'." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1130 msgid "" "Copy Default Filename\n" "to all sensitive Tag Text'." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1149 msgid "" "Copy Default Date\n" "to all sensitive Tag Text'." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1164 msgid " Objects" msgstr " Објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1168 msgid "" "Enable/Disable\n" "all object tags." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1198 #, fuzzy msgid "Tag Text" msgstr "Обичен текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1217 #, fuzzy msgid "Import Objects" msgstr "_Отстрани објект" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1241 msgid "" "Enable/Disable\n" "Person import." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1260 msgid "" "Enable/Disable\n" "Family import." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1279 msgid "" "Enable/Disable\n" "Child import." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1330 msgid "" "Use original Person\n" "Identifier as Gramps ID." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1349 msgid "" "Use original Family\n" "Identifier as Gramps ID." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1369 #, fuzzy msgid "Identifier" msgstr "Смени настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1400 #, fuzzy msgid "Name change" msgstr "Последна промена" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1461 #, fuzzy msgid "Event date" msgstr "Вид на настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1476 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Store birth date in\n" "event description." msgstr "Извлечи информација од имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1495 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Store death date in\n" "event description." msgstr "Извлечи информација од имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1515 msgid "Diverse" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1526 msgid "REFN" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1530 msgid "" "Store REFN number\n" "in event description." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1548 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1595 msgid "" "Use death information\n" "as cause of death event." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1598 #, fuzzy msgid "(-cause)" msgstr "Причина" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1610 #, fuzzy msgid "Male surname" msgstr "Избери име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1614 msgid "" "Change name of male\n" "to e.g. wifes name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1629 #, fuzzy msgid "Female surname" msgstr "Избери име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1633 msgid "" "Change name of female\n" "to e.g. husbands name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1692 #, fuzzy msgid "Option" msgstr "Опции за текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.glade:1731 #, fuzzy msgid "_Ok" msgstr "Во ред" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:62 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Import_from_another_genealogy_program" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:121 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Import from Pro-Gen (%s)" msgstr "Увоз од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:492 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:516 msgid "Pro-Gen data error" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:458 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importprogen.py:466 #, fuzzy msgid "Import Pro-Gen" msgstr "Увоз од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:228 #, python-format msgid "Line %(line)5d: %(prob)s\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:243 msgid "vCard import" msgstr "v-Карта увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:254 msgid "VCARD import report: No errors detected" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:256 #, python-format msgid "VCARD import report: %s errors detected\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:321 #, python-format msgid "Token >%(token)s< unknown. line skipped: %(line)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:335 msgid "" "BEGIN property not properly closed by END property, Gramps can't cope with " "nested VCards." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:346 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Import of VCards version %s is not supported by Gramps." msgstr "Верзијата на базата не е поддржана од оваа верзија на GRAMPS." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:366 msgid "" "VCard is malformed missing the compulsory N property, so there is no name; " "skip it." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:371 msgid "" "VCard is malformed missing the compulsory FN property, get name from N alone." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:375 msgid "VCard is malformed wrong number of name components." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:517 #, python-brace-format msgid "Invalid date in BDAY {vcard_snippet}, preserving date as text." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importvcard.py:525 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "Date {vcard_snippet} not in appropriate format yyyy-mm-dd, preserving date " "as text." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:137 #, python-format msgid "%(event_name)s of %(family)s" msgstr "%(event_name)s од %(family)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:105 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:139 #, python-format msgid "%(event_name)s of %(person)s" msgstr "%(event_name)s од %(person)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:159 #, python-format msgid "Error reading %s" msgstr "Грешка при читање на %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:161 #, fuzzy msgid "The file is probably either corrupt or not a valid Gramps database." msgstr "Ова датотека или е оштетена или не е важечка GRAMPS база на податоци." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:255 #, python-brace-format msgid " {id1} - {text} with {id2}" msgstr " {id1} - {text} со {id2}" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:262 #, python-brace-format msgid " {obj} {id1} with {id2}" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:272 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:147 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:205 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:214 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:98 msgid "People" msgstr "Лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:275 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:780 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1065 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1247 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1382 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1741 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1800 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1923 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1395 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:234 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:126 msgid "Sources" msgstr "Извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:283 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of new objects imported:" msgstr "Број на ретки медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:297 #, python-format msgid "" "\n" "The imported file was not self-contained.\n" "To correct for that, %(new)d objects were created and\n" "their typifying attribute was set to 'Unknown'.\n" "The breakdown per category is depicted by the\n" "number in parentheses. Where possible these\n" "'Unknown' objects are referenced by note %(unknown)s." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:307 msgid "" "\n" "Media objects with relative paths have been\n" "imported. These paths are considered relative to\n" "the media directory you can set in the preferences,\n" "or, if not set, relative to the user's directory." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:317 msgid "" "\n" "Objects that are candidates to be merged:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:804 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1284 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1556 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1977 msgid "The Gramps Xml you are trying to import is malformed." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:805 msgid "Attributes that link the data together are missing." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:914 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps XML import" msgstr "GRAMPS XML увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:948 #, fuzzy msgid "Could not change media path" msgstr "Не може да се отвори помош" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:949 #, python-format msgid "" "The opened file has media path %s, which conflicts with the media path of " "the Family Tree you import into. The original media path has been retained. " "Copy the files to a correct directory or change the media path in the " "Preferences." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1008 msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing does not contain information about the " "version of Gramps with, which it was produced.\n" "\n" "The file will not be imported." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1011 msgid "Import file misses Gramps version" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1013 #, python-format msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(newer)s of Gramps, " "while you are running an older version %(older)s. The file will not be " "imported. Please upgrade to the latest version of Gramps and try again." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1021 #, python-format msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(oldgramps)s of " "Gramps, while you are running a more recent version %(newgramps)s.\n" "\n" "The file will not be imported. Please use an older version of Gramps that " "supports version %(xmlversion)s of the xml.\n" "See\n" " %(gramps_wiki_xml_url)s\n" " for more info." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1032 #, fuzzy msgid "The file will not be imported" msgstr "%s не може да се отвори" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1034 #, python-format msgid "" "The .gramps file you are importing was made by version %(oldgramps)s of " "Gramps, while you are running a much more recent version %(newgramps)s.\n" "\n" "Ensure after import everything is imported correctly. In the event of " "problems, please submit a bug and use an older version of Gramps in the " "meantime to import this file, which is version %(xmlversion)s of the xml.\n" "See\n" " %(gramps_wiki_xml_url)s\n" "for more info." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1047 #, fuzzy msgid "Old xml file" msgstr "Сите датотеки" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1202 #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:2700 #, python-format msgid "Witness name: %s" msgstr "Име на сведокот:%s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1285 #, fuzzy msgid "Any event reference must have a 'hlink' attribute." msgstr "Сите упатувања на мапи се преизградени." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1557 #, fuzzy msgid "Any person reference must have a 'hlink' attribute." msgstr "Сите упатувања на мапи се преизградени." #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1746 #, python-format msgid "" "Your Family Tree groups name \"%(key)s\" together with \"%(parent)s\", did " "not change this grouping to \"%(value)s\"." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1749 #, fuzzy msgid "Gramps ignored a name grouping" msgstr "GRAMPS Почетна страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1808 #, fuzzy msgid "Unknown when imported" msgstr "Неродена мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:1978 #, fuzzy msgid "Any note reference must have a 'hlink' attribute." msgstr "Сите упатувања на мапи се преизградени." #. Translators: leave the {date} and {xml} untranslated in the format string, #. but you may re-order them if needed. #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:2518 #, python-brace-format msgid "Invalid date {date} in XML {xml}, preserving XML as text" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:2570 #, python-format msgid "Witness comment: %s" msgstr "Коментар за сведокот: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:3223 #, python-format msgctxt "father" msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' father '%(father)s' does not refer back to the " "family. Reference added." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:3239 #, python-format msgctxt "mother" msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' mother '%(mother)s' does not refer back to the " "family. Reference added." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/importer/importxml.py:3261 #, python-format msgctxt "child" msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' child '%(child)s' does not refer back to the " "family. Reference added." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libcairodoc.py:1398 #, python-format msgid "" "Mismatch between selected extension %(ext)s and actual format.\n" " Writing to %(filename)s in format %(impliedext)s." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:700 #, fuzzy msgid "Common Law Marriage" msgstr "Доцен брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:701 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1956 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1744 #, fuzzy msgid "Destination" msgstr "Опис" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:702 #, fuzzy msgid "DNA" msgstr "DNS" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:703 #, fuzzy msgid "Cause of Death" msgstr "Причина за смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:704 #, fuzzy msgid "Employment" msgstr "Свето посветување" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:706 #, fuzzy msgid "Eye Color" msgstr "Полнење со боја" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:708 #, fuzzy msgid "Height" msgstr "Височина" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:709 msgid "Initiatory (LDS)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:710 #, fuzzy msgid "Military ID" msgstr "Воена служба" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:711 msgid "Mission (LDS)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:712 #, fuzzy msgid "Namesake" msgstr "Имиња" # Пропис: #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:713 #, fuzzy msgid "Ordinance" msgstr "Заповед:" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:715 #, fuzzy msgid "Separation" msgstr "Пензионирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:716 #, fuzzy msgid "Weight" msgstr "_Десно" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:928 msgid "Line ignored " msgstr "Игнорирана линија " #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:1542 #, python-format msgid "Illegal character%s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:1822 msgid "Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. It appears to have been truncated." msgstr "Вашата GEDCOM е оштетена. Изгледа како да е прекратена." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:1906 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Import from GEDCOM (%s)" msgstr "Увоз од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:2744 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3201 msgid "GEDCOM import" msgstr "GEDCOM увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:2772 msgid "GEDCOM import report: No errors detected" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:2774 #, python-format msgid "GEDCOM import report: %s errors detected" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3094 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3119 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3132 #, fuzzy msgid "Line ignored as not understood" msgstr "Кинијата %d не е препознаена и е занемарена." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3121 msgid "Tag recognized but not supported" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3157 msgid "Skipped subordinate line" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3190 msgid "Records not imported into " msgstr "Записите не се увезени во " #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3229 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) not in input GEDCOM. " "Record synthesised" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3238 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: %(msg)s '%(gramps_id)s' (input as @%(xref)s@) not in input GEDCOM. " "Record with typifying attribute 'Unknown' created" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3282 #, python-format msgid "" "Error: family '%(family)s' (input as @%(orig_family)s@) person %(person)s " "(input as %(orig_person)s) is not a member of the referenced family. Family " "reference removed from person" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3360 #, python-format msgid "" "\n" "The imported file was not self-contained.\n" "To correct for that, %(new)d objects were created and\n" "their typifying attribute was set to 'Unknown'.\n" "Where possible these 'Unknown' objects are \n" "referenced by note %(unknown)s.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3434 #, python-format msgid "ADDR element ignored '%s'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3455 msgid "TRLR (trailer)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3484 #, fuzzy msgid "(Submitter):" msgstr "Предаден" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3508 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7333 #, fuzzy msgid "GEDCOM data" msgstr "GEDCOM" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3553 #, fuzzy msgid "Unknown tag" msgstr "Непознато" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3555 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3569 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3573 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3594 #, fuzzy msgid "Top Level" msgstr "_Лево" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3669 #, python-format msgid "INDI (individual) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:3797 msgid "Empty Alias ignored" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5028 #, python-format msgid "FAM (family) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5399 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6766 #, fuzzy msgid "Filename omitted" msgstr "Име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5433 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6819 #, python-format msgid "Could not import %s" msgstr "Не можам да увезам %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5499 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6906 #, fuzzy msgid "Media-Type" msgstr "_Вид на медиум:" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5523 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6808 msgid "Multiple FILE in a single OBJE ignored" msgstr "Неколку ФАЈЛОВИ во еден ОБЈЕКТ игнорирани" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5662 msgid "A second PLAC ignored" msgstr "Втор PLAC игнориран" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5801 #, fuzzy msgid "Detail" msgstr "Покажи подробности" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:5814 msgid "Location already populated; ADDR ignored" msgstr "Локацијата е веќе пополнета; ADDR игнорирана" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6215 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7114 msgid "Warn: ADDR overwritten" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6380 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation Justification" msgstr "Информација за врска" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6418 msgid "REFN ignored" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6517 #, python-format msgid "No title - ID %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6522 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "SOUR (source) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "Пререди GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:6784 #, python-format msgid "OBJE (multi-media object) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7002 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "REPO (repository) Gramps ID %s" msgstr "Пререди GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7063 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:8075 msgid "Only one phone number supported" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7249 #, fuzzy msgid "HEAD (header)" msgstr "Заглавие на HTML-корисник" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7270 msgid "Approved system identification" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7282 #, fuzzy msgid "Generated By" msgstr "_Генерирај" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7298 msgid "Name of software product" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7312 msgid "Version number of software product" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7330 #, python-format msgid "Business that produced the product: %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7352 #, fuzzy msgid "Name of source data" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7369 msgid "Copyright of source data" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7386 #, fuzzy msgid "Publication date of source data" msgstr "Информации за објавување" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7400 #, python-format msgid "Import from %s" msgstr "Увоз од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7439 msgid "Submission record identifier" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7452 msgid "Language of GEDCOM text" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7474 #, python-format msgid "" "Import of GEDCOM file %(filename)s with DEST=%(by)s, could cause errors in " "the resulting database!" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7477 #, fuzzy msgid "Look for nameless events." msgstr "Пребарување на настани со проблеми" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7500 #, fuzzy msgid "Character set" msgstr "Збирка за енкодирање знаци" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7505 #, fuzzy msgid "Character set and version" msgstr "Збирка за енкодирање знаци" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7522 msgid "GEDCOM version not supported" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7526 #, fuzzy msgid "GEDCOM version" msgstr "Опции на извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7535 msgid "GEDCOM FORM should be in uppercase" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7538 #, fuzzy msgid "GEDCOM FORM not supported" msgstr "GEDCOM увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7541 #, fuzzy msgid "GEDCOM form" msgstr "GEDCOM увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7592 msgid "Creation date of GEDCOM" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7597 msgid "Creation date and time of GEDCOM" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7638 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7680 #, fuzzy msgid "Empty note ignored" msgstr "Кинијата %d не е препознаена и е занемарена." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7697 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "NOTE Gramps ID %s" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7748 msgid "Submission: Submitter" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7750 #, fuzzy msgid "Submission: Family file" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7752 msgid "Submission: Temple code" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7754 #, fuzzy msgid "Submission: Generations of ancestors" msgstr "Максимален број на д_еца" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7756 #, fuzzy msgid "Submission: Generations of descendants" msgstr "Максимален број на д_еца" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:7758 msgid "Submission: Ordinance process flag" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:8013 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid temple code" msgstr "Неважечко име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:8109 msgid "" "Your GEDCOM file is corrupted. The file appears to be encoded using the " "UTF16 character set, but is missing the BOM marker." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libgedcom.py:8112 #, fuzzy msgid "Your GEDCOM file is empty." msgstr "GEDCOM датотеки" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Unicode UTF-8 (recommended)" msgstr "Уникод (препорачан)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:107 msgid "Standard copyright" msgstr "Стандардно авторско право" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:111 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution" msgstr "Криејтив Комонс - по својство" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:112 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, No derivations" msgstr "Криејтив Комонс - по својство, без деривати" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:113 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Share-alike" msgstr "Криејтив Комонс - по својство, Сподели на сличен начин" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:114 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial" msgstr "Криејтив Комонс - по својство, некомерционално" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:115 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial, No derivations" msgstr "Криејтив Комонс - по својство, некомерционално, без деривации" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:116 msgid "Creative Commons - By attribution, Non-commercial, Share-alike" msgstr "" "Криејтив Комонс - по својство, некомерционално, Сподели на сличен начин" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libhtmlconst.py:118 msgid "No copyright notice" msgstr "Нема забелешка за авторско право" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid format" msgstr "Новороденче" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:66 #, python-format msgid "%(hr)02d:%(min)02d:%(sec)02d" msgstr "%(hr)02d:%(min)02d:%(sec)02d" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:69 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(date)s %(time)s" msgstr "%(date)s во %(place)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:102 msgid "Camera" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libmetadata.py:103 msgid "GPS" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:88 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е роден/а на %(birth_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:89 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е роден на %(birth_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:90 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е родена на %(birth_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:93 #, python-format msgid "This person was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Лицето е родено на %(birth_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:94 #, python-format msgid "He was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Тој е роден на %(birth_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:95 #, python-format msgid "She was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Таа е родена на%(birth_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:97 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Роден/а: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:102 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е роден/а %(modified_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:103 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е роден %(modified_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:104 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е родена %(modified_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:107 #, python-format msgid "This person was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Ова лице е родено %(modified_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:108 #, python-format msgid "He was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Тој е роден %(modified_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:109 #, python-format msgid "She was born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Таа е родена %(modified_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:111 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Born %(modified_date)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Тој е роден %(modified_date)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:116 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е роден/а на %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:117 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е роден на %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:118 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е родена на %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:121 #, python-format msgid "This person was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "Ова лице е родено на %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:122 #, python-format msgid "He was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "Тој е роден на %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:123 #, python-format msgid "She was born on %(birth_date)s." msgstr "Таа е родена на %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:125 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Born %(birth_date)s." msgstr "Роден/а: %(birth_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:130 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е роден/а %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:131 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е роден %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:132 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е родена %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:135 #, python-format msgid "This person was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "Ова лице е родено %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:136 #, python-format msgid "He was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "Тој е роден %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:137 #, python-format msgid "She was born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "Таа е родена %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:139 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Born %(modified_date)s." msgstr "Тој е роден %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:144 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е роден/а во %(month_year)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:145 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е роден во %(month_year)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:146 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е родена во %(month_year)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:149 #, python-format msgid "This person was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Ова лице е родено во %(month_year)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:150 #, python-format msgid "He was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Тој е роден во %(month_year)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:151 #, python-format msgid "She was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Таа е родена во %(month_year)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:153 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Born %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Тој е роден во %(month_year)s во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:158 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е роден/а во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:159 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е роден во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:160 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е родена во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:163 #, python-format msgid "This person was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Ова лице е родено во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:164 #, python-format msgid "He was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Тој е роден во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:165 #, python-format msgid "She was born in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Таа е родена во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:167 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Born %(month_year)s." msgstr "Тој е роден во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:172 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е роден/а во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:173 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е роден во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:174 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е родена во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:177 #, python-format msgid "This person was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Ова лице е родено во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:178 #, python-format msgid "He was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Тој е роден во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:179 #, python-format msgid "She was born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Таа е родена во %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:181 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Born in %(birth_place)s." msgstr "Роден/а: %(birth_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:191 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:192 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age " "of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на " "возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:195 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:196 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " "%(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:199 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:200 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " "%(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:204 #, python-format msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:205 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " "денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:208 #, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Тој почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:209 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "Тој почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:212 #, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Таа почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:213 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "Таа почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:250 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Починал/а: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:218 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:251 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "" "Тој почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:224 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:225 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст " "од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:228 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:229 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " "денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:232 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:233 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " "%(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:237 #, python-format msgid "This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:238 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " "денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:241 #, python-format msgid "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:242 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "Тој почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:245 #, python-format msgid "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Таа почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:246 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "Таа почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:257 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:258 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d " "денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:261 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина на %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:262 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:265 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина на %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:266 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:270 #, python-format msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина на %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:271 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:274 #, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "Тој почина на %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:275 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Тој почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:278 #, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s." msgstr "Таа почина на %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:279 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Таа почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:283 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:316 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died %(death_date)s." msgstr "Починал/а: %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:284 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:317 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died %(death_date)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:290 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:291 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:294 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:295 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:298 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:299 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:303 #, python-format msgid "This person died %(death_date)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:304 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:307 #, python-format msgid "He died %(death_date)s." msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:308 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:311 #, python-format msgid "She died %(death_date)s." msgstr "Таа почина %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:312 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Таа почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:323 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:324 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age " "of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на " "возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:327 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:328 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " "%(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:331 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:332 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " "%(age)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " "%(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:336 #, python-format msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:337 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " "денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:340 #, python-format msgid "He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:341 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "Тој почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:344 #, python-format msgid "She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Таа почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:345 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "Таа почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:349 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:350 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "" "Тој почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:356 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:357 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d " "денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:360 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:361 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:364 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:365 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:369 #, python-format msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:370 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:373 #, python-format msgid "He died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:374 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:377 #, python-format msgid "She died in %(month_year)s." msgstr "Таа почина во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:378 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Таа почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:382 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s." msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:383 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died %(month_year)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:389 #, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:390 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " "денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:393 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:394 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:397 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:398 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:403 #, python-format msgid "This person died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:404 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:407 #, python-format msgid "He died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Тој почина во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:408 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Тој почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:411 #, python-format msgid "She died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Таа почина во %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:412 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Таа почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:416 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died in %(death_place)s." msgstr "Починал/а: %(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:417 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died in %(death_place)s (%(age)s)." msgstr "Тој почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:424 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:428 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s почина на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:432 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s почина на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:437 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Ова лице почина на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:441 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Тој почина на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:445 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She died at the age of %(age)s." msgstr "Таа почина на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:450 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Died (%(age)s)." msgstr "Тој почина на возраст од %(age)d денови." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:461 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:462 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:465 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:466 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:469 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:470 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person was buried on %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е закопано на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:472 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Buried %(burial_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:477 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопано на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:478 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:481 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:482 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:485 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:486 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was buried on %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е закопано на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:488 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Buried %(burial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:493 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:494 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:497 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:498 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:501 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:502 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person was buried in %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е закопано во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:504 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Buried %(month_year)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:509 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопано во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:510 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:513 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:514 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:517 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е зкопан/а во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:518 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was buried in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е зкопано во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:520 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Buried %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:525 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:526 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:529 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:530 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:533 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:534 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person was buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е закопано %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:536 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Buried %(modified_date)s in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:541 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:542 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:545 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:546 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:549 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:550 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е закопано %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:552 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Buried %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:557 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:558 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:561 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:562 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:565 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:566 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е закопано во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:568 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Buried in %(burial_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:573 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:574 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:577 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:578 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:581 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:582 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е закопано %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:584 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Buried%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:594 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:595 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:598 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:599 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:602 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:603 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person was baptized on %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:605 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Baptized %(baptism_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:610 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопано на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:611 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:614 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:615 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:618 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:619 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was baptized on %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:621 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Baptized %(baptism_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:626 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:627 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:630 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:631 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:634 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:635 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person was baptized in %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е закопано во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:637 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Baptized %(month_year)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:642 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопано во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:643 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:646 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:647 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:650 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е зкопан/а во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:651 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was baptized in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е зкопано во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:653 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Baptized %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:658 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:659 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:662 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:663 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:666 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:667 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person was baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:669 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Baptized %(modified_date)s in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:674 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:675 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:678 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:679 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:682 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:683 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:685 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Baptized %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:690 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:691 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:694 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:695 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:698 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:699 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:701 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Baptized in %(baptism_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:706 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:707 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:710 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:711 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:714 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:715 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:717 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Baptized%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:727 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:728 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:731 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s in " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана на %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:732 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:735 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s in " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(burial_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:736 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person was christened on %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:738 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Christened %(christening_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:743 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопано на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:744 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:747 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:748 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:751 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а на %(burial_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:752 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was christened on %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:754 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Christened %(christening_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:759 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:760 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:763 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:764 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:767 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s in " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:768 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person was christened in %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е закопано во %(month_year)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:770 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Christened %(month_year)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:775 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопано во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:776 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој е закопан во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:779 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:780 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа е закопана во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:783 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е зкопан/а во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:784 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was christened in %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице е зкопано во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:786 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Christened %(month_year)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:791 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(male_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:792 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:795 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(female_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:796 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:799 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s in " "%(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(modified_date)s во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:800 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person was christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:802 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Christened %(modified_date)s in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:807 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е закопан %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:808 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:811 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е закопана %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:812 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:815 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:816 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:818 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Christened %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:823 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s е роден во %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:824 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:827 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s е родена во %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:828 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:831 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а во %(burial_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:832 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:834 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Christened in %(christening_place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:839 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:840 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:843 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:844 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:847 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s е закопан/а %(modified_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:848 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person was christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:850 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Christened%(endnotes)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:861 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е дете на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:862 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s беше дете на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:865 #, python-format msgid "This person is the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Ова лице е дете на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:866 #, python-format msgid "This person was the child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Ова лице беше дете на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:868 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Child of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:872 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е син на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:873 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s беше син на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:876 #, python-format msgid "He is the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Тој е син на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:877 #, python-format msgid "He was the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Тој беше син на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:879 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Son of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:883 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s is the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е ќерка на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:884 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s беше ќерка на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:887 #, python-format msgid "She is the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:888 #, python-format msgid "She was the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Таа беше ќерка на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:890 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s." msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(father)s и %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:897 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the child of %(father)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е дете на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:898 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the child of %(father)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s беше дете на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:901 #, python-format msgid "This person is the child of %(father)s." msgstr "Ова лице е дете на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:902 #, python-format msgid "This person was the child of %(father)s." msgstr "Ова лице беше дете на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:904 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Child of %(father)s." msgstr "Тој е син на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:908 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the son of %(father)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е син на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:909 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the son of %(father)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s беше син на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:912 #, python-format msgid "He is the son of %(father)s." msgstr "Тој е син на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:913 #, python-format msgid "He was the son of %(father)s." msgstr "Тој беше син на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:915 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Son of %(father)s." msgstr "Тој е син на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:919 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s is the daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е ќерка на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:920 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was the daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s беше ќерка на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:923 #, python-format msgid "She is the daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:924 #, python-format msgid "She was the daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "Таа беше ќерка на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:926 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Daughter of %(father)s." msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(father)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:933 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the child of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е дете на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:934 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the child of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s беше дете на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:937 #, python-format msgid "This person is the child of %(mother)s." msgstr "Ова лице е дете на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:938 #, python-format msgid "This person was the child of %(mother)s." msgstr "Ова лице беше дете на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:940 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Child of %(mother)s." msgstr "Таа почина во %(month_year)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:944 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s is the son of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s е син на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:945 #, python-format msgid "%(male_name)s was the son of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(male_name)s беше син на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:948 #, python-format msgid "He is the son of %(mother)s." msgstr "Тој е син на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:949 #, python-format msgid "He was the son of %(mother)s." msgstr "Тој беше син на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:951 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Son of %(mother)s." msgstr "Тој е син на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:955 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s is the daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s е ќерка на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:956 #, python-format msgid "%(female_name)s was the daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "%(female_name)s беше ќерка на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:959 #, python-format msgid "She is the daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:960 #, python-format msgid "She was the daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "Таа беше ќерка на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:962 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Daughter of %(mother)s." msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(mother)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:973 #, python-format msgid "" "This person married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:974 #, python-format msgid "" "This person married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:975 #, python-format msgid "" "This person married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:978 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:979 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:980 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:983 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:984 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:985 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:988 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:989 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:990 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:996 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:997 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:998 #, python-format msgid "" "This person also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1001 #, python-format msgid "" "He also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1002 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1003 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1006 #, python-format msgid "" "She also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1007 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1008 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1011 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1012 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1013 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1019 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1020 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1021 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1024 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1025 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1026 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1029 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1030 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1031 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1034 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1035 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1036 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1042 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1043 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1044 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1047 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1048 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1049 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1052 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1053 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1054 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1057 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1058 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1059 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1064 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1065 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1066 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1067 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1071 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1072 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1073 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1074 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1078 #, python-format msgid "This person married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1079 #, python-format msgid "He married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1080 #, python-format msgid "She married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1081 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1085 #, python-format msgid "This person also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1086 #, python-format msgid "He also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1087 #, python-format msgid "She also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1088 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1098 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in " "%(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1099 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s " "in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1100 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s " "in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1103 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1104 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1105 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1108 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1109 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1110 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1113 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1136 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1114 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1137 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1115 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1138 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1121 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in " "%(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1122 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on " "%(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1123 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s " "%(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1126 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1127 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1128 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1131 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s " "in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1132 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1133 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1144 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1145 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1146 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1149 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1150 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1151 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1154 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1155 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1156 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1159 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1160 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1161 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1167 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in " "%(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1168 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on " "%(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1169 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s " "%(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1172 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1173 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1174 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1177 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1178 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1179 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1182 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Also unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1183 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1184 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Also unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1189 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице имало невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1190 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој имал невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1191 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа имала невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1192 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1199 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1196 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1197 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1198 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1203 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице имало невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1204 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој имал невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1205 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа имала невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1206 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1213 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој имал невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1210 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице имало невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1211 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој имал невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1212 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She also had an unmarried relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа имала невенчана врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1224 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1225 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1226 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1229 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1230 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1231 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1234 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1235 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1236 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1239 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1240 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1241 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1247 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1248 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1249 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in " "%(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1252 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1253 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1254 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1257 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1258 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1259 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1262 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1263 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1264 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s во %(place)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1270 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1271 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1272 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1275 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1276 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1277 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1280 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1281 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1282 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1285 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1286 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1287 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1293 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1294 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1295 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s" "%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1298 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1299 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1300 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1303 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1304 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s on %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1305 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1308 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(partial_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1309 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s на %(full_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1310 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s %(modified_date)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1315 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1316 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1317 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1318 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1322 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "" "Ова лице, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1323 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1324 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1325 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, склопи брак со %(spouse)s во %(place)s%(endnotes)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1329 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице имало врска со %(spouse)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1330 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој имал врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1331 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа имала врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1332 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој имал врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1336 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "This person also had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Ова лице, исто така, имало врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1337 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "He also had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, имал врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1338 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "She also had a relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Таа, исто така, имала врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libnarrate.py:1339 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Also relationship with %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s." msgstr "Тој, исто така, имал врска со %(spouse)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:104 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of Parents" msgstr "Број на бракови" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:107 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of To Do Notes" msgstr "Број на лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:94 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:103 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:84 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:86 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:100 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:83 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:99 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:89 msgid "Last Changed" msgstr "Последна промена" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:122 msgid "Add a new person" msgstr "Додади ново лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:123 msgid "Edit the selected person" msgstr "Уреди го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:124 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete the selected person" msgstr "Избриши го избраното место" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:125 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected persons" msgstr "Избриши го избраното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:271 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:302 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:174 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:133 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:147 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:133 #, fuzzy msgid "Export View..." msgstr "Неуспешен извоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:192 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:310 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:182 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:142 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:172 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:98 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:89 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:98 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:92 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:248 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:141 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:678 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:370 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:422 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:155 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:141 #, fuzzy msgid "_Add Bookmark" msgstr "_Додади обележувач" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:180 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:322 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:237 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:260 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:658 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 msgid "_Back" msgstr "_Назад" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:204 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:68 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:70 ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:69 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:658 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1658 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:370 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 msgid "_Home" msgstr "_На почеток" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:208 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 #, fuzzy msgid "_Add..." msgstr "_Додади" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:208 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:167 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:226 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 #, fuzzy msgid "_Merge..." msgstr "_Соедини" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:243 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:324 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:459 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:213 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:342 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:363 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:526 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:356 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:187 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:328 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:293 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:447 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:315 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:200 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:329 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:315 #, fuzzy msgctxt "action" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "Уредувач на локации" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:690 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 msgid "Person Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на филтерот за лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1668 msgid "Set _Home Person" msgstr "Постави По_четно лице" # Овие се испомешале со home person и home person. Не ми е јасно дали тоа е исто, но ги третирав како исто. Да се провери. # А.Б. # (П.С. 'Home Person' - што ти прави многу броусање!) #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 msgid "Go to the home person" msgstr "Оди на основното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:237 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:196 #, fuzzy msgid "Go to the next object in the history" msgstr "Оди на следното лице во историјата" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:223 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:237 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:197 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:184 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:104 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:196 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:699 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:434 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:196 #, fuzzy msgid "Go to the previous object in the history" msgstr "Оди на претходното лице во историјата" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:364 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:253 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:267 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:227 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:333 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:226 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:240 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:226 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit..." msgstr "Уреди" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:353 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:305 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:278 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:278 #, fuzzy msgid "Forward" msgstr "_Нанапред" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:452 msgid "Deleting the person will remove the person from the database." msgstr "Бришењето ќе го отстрани лицето од базата на податоци." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:459 #, python-format msgid "Delete Person (%s)" msgstr "Избриши лице (%s)" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libpersonview.py:493 msgid "" "Exactly two people must be selected to perform a merge. A second person can " "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "person." msgstr "" "За обединување мораат да се одберат точно две лица. Второто лице може да се " "одбере така што се држи притиснато копчето CTRL на тастатурата кога ќе се " "кликне на саканото лице." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:104 msgid "Edit the selected place" msgstr "Уреди го избраното место" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:105 msgid "Delete the selected place" msgstr "Избриши го избраното место" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:106 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected places" msgstr "Избриши го избраното место" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:231 #, fuzzy msgid "No map service is available." msgstr "Опис не е достапен" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:232 msgid "Check your installation." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:240 #, fuzzy msgid "No place selected." msgstr "Ниту едно правило не е избрано" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:241 msgid "" "You need to select a place to be able to view it on a map. Some Map Services " "might support multiple selections." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:325 msgid "Place Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер за места" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:417 msgid "_Look up with Map Service" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:468 msgid "" "Attempt to see selected locations with a Map Service (OpenstreetMap, Google " "Maps, ...)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:468 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a Map Service" msgstr "Избери извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:510 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot delete place." msgstr "Не може да се соединат местата." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:511 msgid "" "This place is currently referenced by another place. First remove the places " "it contains." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:533 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:541 msgid "Cannot merge places." msgstr "Не може да се соединат местата." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:534 msgid "" "Exactly two places must be selected to perform a merge. A second place can " "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "place." msgstr "" "За обединување мораат да се одберат точно две места. Второто место може да " "се одбере така што се држи притиснато копчето CTRL на тастатурата кога ќе се " "кликне на саканото место." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplaceview.py:542 msgid "Merging these places would create a cycle in the place hierarchy." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:35 msgid "Provides a library for using Cairo to generate documents." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:54 msgid "Provides GEDCOM processing functionality" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:71 msgid "Provides recursive routines for reports" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:88 msgid "Provides common functionality for Gramps XML import/export." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:107 msgid "Provides holiday information for different countries." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:125 msgid "Manages a HTML file implementing DocBackend." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:143 msgid "Common constants for html files." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:161 msgid "Manages an HTML DOM tree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:179 msgid "Provides base functionality for map services." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:196 #, fuzzy msgid "Provides Textual Narration." msgstr "Изработува текстуален извештај за предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:213 msgid "Manages an ODF file implementing DocBackend." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:230 msgid "Provides the Base needed for the List People views." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:247 msgid "Provides common functionality for Pro-Gen import" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:265 msgid "Provides the Base needed for the List Place views." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:282 msgid "Provides variable substitution on display lines." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libplugins.gpr.py:299 msgid "" "Provides the base needed for the ancestor and descendant graphical reports." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:375 #, python-format msgid "Field '%(fldname)s' not found" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:491 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Not a (right) DEF file: %(dname)s" msgstr "Мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:732 #, fuzzy msgid "Import from Pro-Gen" msgstr "Увоз од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:498 #, fuzzy msgid "Initializing." msgstr "Пресметано" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:515 msgid "Not a supported Pro-Gen import file language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:531 #, fuzzy msgid "Pro-Gen import" msgstr "GeneWeb увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:539 #, fuzzy msgid "Saving." msgstr "Изберете..." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:929 #, fuzzy msgid "Pro-Gen Import" msgstr "GeneWeb увоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1138 #, python-format msgid "Date did not match: '%(text)s' (%(msg)s)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1153 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Time: %s" msgstr "Архивирај" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1207 #, fuzzy msgid "Importing persons." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1414 msgid "see address on " msgstr "види адреса на " #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1417 #, fuzzy msgid "see also address" msgstr "_Веб-адреса:" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1517 #, fuzzy msgid "Death cause" msgstr "Датум на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1586 #, fuzzy msgid "Importing families." msgstr "Преподреди семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1691 #, fuzzy msgid "Civil union" msgstr "Граѓанска заедница" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1796 #, fuzzy msgid "Wedding" msgstr "_Полнење:" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1831 msgid "future" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1903 #, fuzzy msgid "Adding children." msgstr "Направи список на деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1929 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot find father for I%(person)s (Father=%(father))" msgstr "Извештај за потомството на %(person_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libprogen.py:1932 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot find mother for I%(person)s (Mother=%(mother))" msgstr "Извештај за потомството на %(person_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:55 #, fuzzy msgid "Youngest living person" msgstr "Лицето не постои" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Oldest living person" msgstr "Лицето не постои" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:57 msgid "Person died at youngest age" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:58 msgid "Person died at oldest age" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:59 msgid "Person married at youngest age" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:60 msgid "Person married at oldest age" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:61 msgid "Person divorced at youngest age" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:62 msgid "Person divorced at oldest age" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Youngest father" msgstr "Млад татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Youngest mother" msgstr "Млада мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Oldest father" msgstr "Стар татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "Oldest mother" msgstr "Стара мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "Father with most children" msgstr "Лица со деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Mother with most children" msgstr "Лица со деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:69 #, fuzzy msgid "Father with most grandchildren" msgstr "Лица со деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Mother with most grandchildren" msgstr "Лица со деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:71 #, fuzzy msgid "Couple with most children" msgstr "Лица со деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:72 msgid "Living couple married most recently" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:73 msgid "Living couple married most long ago" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:74 #, fuzzy msgid "Shortest past marriage" msgstr "Возраст при склопување на бракот" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:75 #, fuzzy msgid "Longest past marriage" msgstr "Возраст при склопување на бракот" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:76 #, fuzzy msgid "Couple with smallest age difference" msgstr "Лица со деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/librecords.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Couple with biggest age difference" msgstr "Максимална сопруг-сопруга возрасна _разлика" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:756 #, fuzzy msgid "Top Left" msgstr "_Лево" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:757 #, fuzzy msgid "Top Right" msgstr "Горе, десно" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:758 #, fuzzy msgid "Bottom Left" msgstr "Доле, лево" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/libtreebase.py:759 #, fuzzy msgid "Bottom Right" msgstr "Доле, десно" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:161 msgid "Tile path" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:162 #, python-format msgid "" "The tile directory doesn't exist anymore:\n" "%s\n" "Trying to create a new one failed.\n" "Configure the view for the tile path and restart gramps." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:396 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove cross hair" msgstr "Отстрани родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:398 msgid "Add cross hair" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:404 msgid "Unlock zoom and position" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:406 msgid "Lock zoom and position" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:412 msgid "Add place" msgstr "Додај место" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:416 msgid "Link place" msgstr "Сврзи место" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:420 msgid "Add place from kml" msgstr "Додади место од KML" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:424 #, fuzzy msgid "Center here" msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:434 #, python-format msgid "Replace '%(map)s' by =>" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:447 #, python-format msgid "Reload all visible tiles for '%(map)s'." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:454 #, python-format msgid "Clear the '%(map)s' tiles cache." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:878 msgid "You can't use the print functionality" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:879 msgid "Your Gtk version is too old." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:922 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:637 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:403 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:435 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:820 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:489 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:708 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:508 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:528 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:567 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:500 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:524 #, fuzzy msgid "Center on this place" msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1020 #, fuzzy msgid "Select a kml file used to add places" msgstr "Одберете постоечко место" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1053 msgid "You will need to edit each place manually to add place type, ...\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1055 #, python-brace-format msgid "You have {places_nb} place to edit." msgid_plural "You have {places_nb} places to edit." msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1059 #, fuzzy msgid "You have more than 5 places in this kml file." msgstr "Немате дозвола за читање на избраната датотека." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1127 #, fuzzy msgid "You have at least two places with the same title." msgstr "Немате дозвола за читање на избраната датотека." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1128 #, python-format msgid "" "The title of the places is:\n" "%(title)s\n" "The following places are similar: %(gid)s\n" "You should eiher rename the places or merge them.\n" "\n" "%(bold_start)sI can't proceed with your request%(bold_end)s.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1282 msgid "Nothing for this view." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1283 #, fuzzy msgid "Specific parameters" msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со параметри" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1301 #, fuzzy msgid "Where to save the tiles for offline mode." msgstr "Означете за да подредите по обратен редослед." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1308 msgid "" "If you have no more space in your file system. You can remove all tiles " "placed in the above path.\n" "Be careful! If you have no internet, you'll get no map." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1313 msgid "Zoom used when centering" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1316 #, fuzzy msgid "The maximum number of places to show" msgstr "Максимален број на _сопружници за едно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1320 msgid "" "Use keypad for shortcuts :\n" "Either we choose the + and - from the keypad if we select this,\n" "or we use the characters from the keyboard." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1328 msgid "" "If you want to use a specific map provider, You can set the following field " "to the provider's url.\n" "i.e:\n" "http://tile.stamen.com/toner/#Z/#X/#Y.png\n" "http://tile.stamen.com/terrain/#Z/#X/#Y.jpg\n" "http://tile.stamen.com/watercolor/#Z/#X/#Y.jpg\n" "http://tile.xn--pnvkarte-m4a.de/tilegen/#Z/#X/#Y.png\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1343 #, fuzzy msgid "Personal map" msgstr "Лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1347 #, fuzzy msgid "The map" msgstr "Храм" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/geography.py:1383 #, fuzzy msgid "Select tile cache directory for offline mode" msgstr "Означете за да подредите по обратен редослед." #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:137 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Can't create tiles cache directory %s" msgstr "Не може да се создаде директориумот: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:141 #, python-format msgid "" "You must verify and change the tiles cache\n" "...\n" "[geography]\n" "...\n" "path='bad/path'\n" "...\n" "in the gramps.ini file :\n" "%s\n" "\n" "Before to change the gramps.ini file, you need to close gramps\n" "\n" "The next errors will be normal" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/osmgps.py:245 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Can't create tiles cache directory for '%s'." msgstr "Не може да се создаде директориумот: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:118 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Selection in a region" msgstr "Избор на филтер" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:119 msgid "" "Choose the radius of the selection.\n" "On the map you should see a circle or an oval depending on the latitude." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:122 msgid "" "\n" "In the following table you may have :\n" " - a green row related to a selected place." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:125 msgid "" "\n" " - a red row related to a geocoding result." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:162 msgid "The green values in the row correspond to the current place values." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:220 msgid "New place with empty fields" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:295 msgid "you have a wrong latitude for:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:297 #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:307 msgid "Please, correct this before linking" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/lib/maps/placeselection.py:305 msgid "you have a wrong longitude for:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:53 msgid "Denmark" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:81 msgid " parish" msgstr " парохија" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:87 msgid " state" msgstr " држава" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:150 msgid "Latitude not within '54.55' to '69.05'\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:151 msgid "Longitude not within '8.05' to '24.15'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:180 #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:186 msgid "Eniro map not available" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:181 msgid "Coordinates needed in Denmark" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/eniroswedenmap.py:187 msgid "" "Latitude and longitude,\n" "or street and city needed" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:33 msgid "EniroMaps" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:34 msgid "Opens on kartor.eniro.se" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "GoogleMaps" msgstr "_Google мапи" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:53 msgid "Open on maps.google.com" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:71 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2434 #, fuzzy msgid "OpenStreetMap" msgstr "Улица" #: ../gramps/plugins/mapservices/mapservice.gpr.py:72 msgid "Open on openstreetmap.org" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:49 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "People and their ages the %s" msgstr "Лица најверојатно сѐ уште живи" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:52 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "People and their ages on %s" msgstr "Лица најверојатно сѐ уште живи" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:67 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Alive: %s" msgstr "Архивирај" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:76 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Deceased: %s" msgstr "Пребарувач на потомци: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/ageondate.py:81 #, python-format msgid "" "\n" "Living matches: %(alive)d, Deceased matches: %(dead)d\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:57 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Sorted events of %s" msgstr "Потомци на %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:125 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Date" msgstr "Вид на настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:110 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:125 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Place" msgstr "Уреди место" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:60 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:124 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:935 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Type" msgstr "Вид на настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:70 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:120 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:50 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:72 #, fuzzy msgid "Not found" msgstr "Не се најдени родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:103 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "Sorted events of family\n" " %(father)s - %(mother)s" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:109 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:124 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Member" msgstr "Мени за семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_events.py:123 #, fuzzy msgid "Personal events of the children" msgstr "Лица со деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Home person not set." msgstr "Активното лице не е видливо" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:79 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:201 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s are the same person." msgstr "%(person)s и %(active_person)s не се поврзани." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:214 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s is the %(relationship)s of %(active_person)s." msgstr "%(person)s е во %(relationship)s на %(active_person)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:102 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s are not directly related." msgstr "%(person)s и %(active_person)s не се поврзани." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:151 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s have following in-law relations:" msgstr "%(person)s и %(active_person)s не се поврзани." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:205 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationships of %(person)s to %(active_person)s" msgstr "Тип на врска: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:266 #, python-format msgid "Detailed path from %(person)s to common ancestor" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:269 #, fuzzy msgid "Name Common ancestor" msgstr "Број на предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:270 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:114 #, fuzzy msgid "Parent" msgstr "Родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:313 #, fuzzy msgid "Partial" msgstr "По татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:333 msgid "Remarks with inlaw family" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:335 #, fuzzy msgid "Remarks" msgstr "Пре_врти ознаки" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/all_relations.py:337 msgid "The following problems were encountered:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:32 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "People who have the '%s' Attribute" msgstr "Лица со лична " #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/attributematch.py:46 #, python-format msgid "There are %d people with a matching attribute name.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:41 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:42 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Person" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:43 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Family" msgstr "Пребарување на семејни презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:44 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Event" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:45 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Place" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:46 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Source" msgstr "Ретки презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:47 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Repository" msgstr "Филтрирај само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:48 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Media" msgstr "Филтрирај само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:49 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "Inverse Note" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:50 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all people" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:51 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all families" msgstr "Пребарување на семејни презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:52 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all events" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:53 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all places" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:54 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all sources" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:55 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all repositories" msgstr "Пребарување на семејни презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:56 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all media" msgstr "Пребарување на семејни презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:57 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "all notes" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:58 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "males" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:59 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "females" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:61 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "people with unknown gender" msgstr "Лица со непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:63 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "incomplete names" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:65 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "people with missing birth dates" msgstr "Лица без познат датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:66 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "disconnected people" msgstr "Лица со прекинати врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:67 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "unique surnames" msgstr "Ретки презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "people with media" msgstr "Лица со слики" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:69 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "media references" msgstr "Упатување на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:70 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "unique media" msgstr "Филтрирај само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:71 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "missing media" msgstr "Медиумски објект што недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:72 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "media by size" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:73 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Filtering_on" msgid "list of people" msgstr "Број на лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:85 #, fuzzy msgid "Summary counts of current selection" msgstr "Зачувај ја тековната збирка на конфигурирани избори" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:87 msgid "Right-click row (or press ENTER) to see selected items." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Count/Total" msgstr "Алатки" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1401 #, fuzzy msgid "Object" msgstr "Избери" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:146 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:148 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Filtering on %s" msgstr "Филтрирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:339 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:409 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:115 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:160 #, fuzzy msgid "Name type" msgstr "Промени видови" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:332 msgid "birth event but no date" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:335 #, fuzzy msgid "missing birth event" msgstr "Лица без датуми на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:365 #, fuzzy msgid "Media count" msgstr "Медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:373 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:45 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:80 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:81 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:70 #, fuzzy msgid "Reference" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:377 msgid "media" msgstr "медиуми" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:381 #, fuzzy msgid "Unique Media" msgstr "Нов медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:388 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing Media" msgstr "Недостасуваат медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:398 msgid "Size in bytes" msgstr "" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/filterbyname.py:420 #, python-brace-format msgid "Filter matched {number_of} record." msgid_plural "Filter matched {number_of} records." msgstr[0] "Филтерот совпадна {number_of} запис." msgstr[1] "Филтерот совпадна {number_of} записи." #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:52 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Father lineage for %s" msgstr "Брак на %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:54 msgid "" "This report shows the father lineage, also called patronymic lineage or Y-" "line. People in this lineage all share the same Y-chromosome." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61 #, fuzzy msgid "Name Father" msgstr "Татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:61 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:183 #, fuzzy msgid "Remark" msgstr "Обично" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:69 msgid "Direct line male descendants" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:83 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Mother lineage for %s" msgstr "Брак на %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:85 msgid "" "This report shows the mother lineage, also called matronymic lineage mtDNA " "lineage. People in this lineage all share the same Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:93 #, fuzzy msgid "Name Mother" msgstr "Мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:101 msgid "Direct line female descendants" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:125 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:221 msgid "ERROR : Too many levels in the tree (perhaps a loop?)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:156 msgid "No birth relation with child" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:160 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/lineage.py:180 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1066 msgid "Unknown gender" msgstr "Непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:43 msgid "Link References for this note" msgstr "Врзани референци за оваа белешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:45 msgid "Link check" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:53 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:114 msgid "Ok" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Failed: missing object" msgstr "Медиумски објект што недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:58 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:119 #, fuzzy msgid "Internet" msgstr "Интернет" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/linkreferences.py:67 #, fuzzy msgid "No link references for this note" msgstr "Не е возможно да се вчитаат претпочитувањата од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:77 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Events of %(date)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:115 msgid "Events on this exact date" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:118 msgid "No events on this exact date" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:124 msgid "Other events on this month/day in history" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:127 #, fuzzy msgid "No other events on this month/day in history" msgstr "Оди на следното лице во историјата" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:133 #, python-format msgid "Other events in %(year)d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/onthisday.py:137 #, python-format msgid "No other events in %(year)d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:36 #, fuzzy msgid "Display people and ages on a particular date" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со означувач на определена вредност" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:55 #, fuzzy msgid "Attribute Match" msgstr "Особина" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:56 #, fuzzy msgid "Display people with same attribute." msgstr "Луѓе со календарски атрибут" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:75 #, fuzzy msgid "All Events" msgstr "Настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:76 msgid "Display a person's events, both personal and family." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:90 #, fuzzy msgid "All Family Events" msgstr "Семеен настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:91 msgid "Display the family and family members events." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:110 #, fuzzy msgid "Relation to Home Person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:111 #, fuzzy msgid "Display all relationships between person and home person." msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:131 #, fuzzy msgid "Display filtered data" msgstr "Прикажи филтер-контроли" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:150 #, fuzzy msgid "Father lineage" msgstr "Таткова возраст" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:151 #, fuzzy msgid "Display father lineage" msgstr "Прикажи го Советот на денот" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:164 #, fuzzy msgid "Mother lineage" msgstr "Мајчина возраст" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:165 #, fuzzy msgid "Display mother lineage" msgstr "Прикажи го Советот на денот" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:184 msgid "On This Day" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:185 #, fuzzy msgid "Display events on a particular day" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со семеен настан од одредена вредност" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:211 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Source or Citation" msgstr "Вклучи Информација за извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:217 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%s References" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:218 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Display references for a %s" msgstr "Не е возможно да се вчитаат претпочитувањата од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:231 #, fuzzy msgid "Link References" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:232 #, fuzzy msgid "Display link references for a note" msgstr "Не е возможно да се вчитаат претпочитувањата од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:252 msgid "" "Display the repository reference for sources related to the active repository" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:272 #, fuzzy msgid "Same Surnames" msgstr "Презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:273 #, fuzzy msgid "Display people with the same surname as a person." msgstr "Дали сакате да ги групирате сите лица со исто име?" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:286 #, fuzzy msgid "Same Given Names" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:301 #, fuzzy msgid "Display people with the same given name as a person." msgstr "Дали сакате да ги групирате сите лица со исто име?" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:300 #, fuzzy msgid "Same Given Names - stand-alone" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/quickview.gpr.py:320 msgid "Display a person's siblings." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:68 #, python-format msgid "References for this %s" msgstr "Референци за овој %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/references.py:80 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "No references for this %s" msgstr "Не е возможно да се вчитаат претпочитувањата од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3115 #, fuzzy msgid "Call number" msgstr "_Повикувачки број:" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/reporef.py:62 #, fuzzy msgid "Type of media" msgstr "Вид на графикон" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:39 #, fuzzy msgid "People with incomplete surnames" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:40 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with lastname missing" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чиешто име или презиме недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "People matching the " msgstr "Лица совпаднати со " #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:52 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with same lastname" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чиешто име или презиме недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "People matching the " msgstr "Лица кои се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:65 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with same given name" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица коишто имаат слики во галеријата" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:88 #, fuzzy msgid "People with incomplete given names" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Matches people with firstname missing" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица чиешто име или презиме недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:113 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "People sharing the surname '%s'" msgstr "Лица со " #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:180 #, python-brace-format msgid "There is {number_of} person with a matching name, or alternate name.\n" msgid_plural "" "There are {number_of} people with a matching name, or alternate name.\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/samesurnames.py:158 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "People with the given name '%s'" msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:46 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Siblings of %s" msgstr "Браќа и сестри" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Sibling" msgstr "Браќа и сестри" #: ../gramps/plugins/quickview/siblings.py:62 msgid "self" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:34 #, fuzzy msgid "Catalan Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:35 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:49 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:62 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:78 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:107 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:122 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:137 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:154 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:168 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:194 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:207 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:241 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:257 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:273 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:289 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:316 #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:346 #, fuzzy msgid "Calculates relationships between people" msgstr "Ја пресметува врската помеѓу две лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:48 #, fuzzy msgid "Czech Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:61 #, fuzzy msgid "Danish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "German Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:92 #, fuzzy msgid "Austrian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:106 #, fuzzy msgid "Spanish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:121 #, fuzzy msgid "Finnish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:136 #, fuzzy msgid "French Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:153 #, fuzzy msgid "Croatian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:167 #, fuzzy msgid "Hungarian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:180 #, fuzzy msgid "Icelandic Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:193 #, fuzzy msgid "Italian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:206 #, fuzzy msgid "Dutch Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:223 #, fuzzy msgid "Norwegian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:240 #, fuzzy msgid "Polish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:256 #, fuzzy msgid "Portuguese Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:272 #, fuzzy msgid "Russian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:288 #, fuzzy msgid "Slovak Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:302 #, fuzzy msgid "Slovenian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:315 #, fuzzy msgid "Swedish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:330 #, fuzzy msgid "Turkish Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:331 #, fuzzy msgid "Calculates relationship between people" msgstr "Ја пресметува врската помеѓу две лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/rel/relplugins.gpr.py:345 #, fuzzy msgid "Ukrainian Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/dropdownsidebar.py:164 msgid "Click to select a view" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:33 #, fuzzy msgid "Category Sidebar" msgstr "_Странична линија" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:34 msgid "A sidebar to allow the selection of view categories" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:42 #, fuzzy msgid "Category" msgstr "_Странична линија" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:48 msgid "Drop-down Sidebar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:49 msgid "Selection of categories and views from drop-down lists" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:57 msgid "Drop-Down" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:63 #, fuzzy msgid "Expander Sidebar" msgstr "_Странична линија" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:64 msgid "Selection of views from lists with expanders" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/sidebar/sidebar.gpr.py:72 msgid "Expander" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:393 msgid "Alphabetical Index" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:69 msgid "Index" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/alphabeticalindex.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:88 #, fuzzy msgid "Entire Book" msgstr "_Генерирај" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:197 #, python-format msgid "Ahnentafel Report for %s" msgstr "Ахнентафел извештај за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:846 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1035 msgid "Page break between generations" msgstr "Прекршување на страницата помеѓу генерациите" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:848 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1037 msgid "Whether to start a new page after each generation." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:306 msgid "Add linebreak after each name" msgstr "Додади прекршување на линија по секое име" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/ancestorreport.py:307 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether a line break should follow the name." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:65 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:224 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:269 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:59 msgid "Birthday and Anniversary Report" msgstr "Извештај за родендени и годишнини" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "My Birthday Report" msgstr "Извештај за родендени и годишнини" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:68 msgid "✝" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:221 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationships shown are to %s" msgstr "Тип на врска: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:334 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "* %(person)s, birth %(relation)s" msgstr "%(person)s е во %(relationship)s на %(active_person)s." #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:339 #, python-brace-format msgid "* {year}{person}{dead}, {age}{relation}" msgid_plural "* {year}{person}{dead}, {age}{relation}" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:403 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "⚭ %(spouse)s and\n" " %(person)s, wedding" msgstr "" "%(spouse)s и\n" " %(person)s, %(nyears)d" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:408 #, python-brace-format msgid "" "⚭ {year}{spouse}{deadtxt2} and\n" " {person}{deadtxt1}, {nyears}" msgid_plural "" "⚭ {year}{spouse}{deadtxt2} and\n" " {person}{deadtxt1}, {nyears}" msgstr[0] "" "⚭ {year}{spouse}{deadtxt2} и\n" " {person}{deadtxt1}, {nyears}" msgstr[1] "" "⚭ {year}{spouse}{deadtxt2} и\n" " {person}{deadtxt1}, {nyears}" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:443 #, python-brace-format msgid "✝ {person}, death {relation}" msgstr "✝ {person}, смрт {relation}" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:445 #, python-brace-format msgid "✝ {year}{person}, {age}{relation}" msgid_plural "✝ {year}{person}, {age}{relation}" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:476 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:712 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1070 #, fuzzy msgid "Select the filter to be applied to the report." msgstr "Избира алатка од оние што се достапни од лево." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:485 msgid "Title text" msgstr "Текст на насловот" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:486 #, fuzzy msgid "Title of report" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:490 msgid "First line of text at bottom of report" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:494 msgid "Second line of text at bottom of report" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:498 msgid "Third line of text at bottom of report" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:509 #, fuzzy msgid "Include only living people in the report" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:512 #, fuzzy msgid "Dead Symbol" msgstr "Почината мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:513 msgid "This will show after name to indicate that person is dead" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:520 #, fuzzy msgid "Show event year" msgstr "_Нов вид на настан:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:521 msgid "Prints the year the event took place in the report" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:526 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:528 #, fuzzy msgid "Year of report" msgstr "v-Календар опции за извоз" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:564 #, fuzzy msgid "Include death anniversaries" msgstr "Вклучи годишнини" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:565 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include anniversaries of death" msgstr "Вклучи адреси" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:571 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1158 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include relationships to the center person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:640 msgid "Title text style" msgstr "Изглед на текстот на насловот" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:643 #, fuzzy msgid "Data text display" msgstr "Дневен приказ на текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:645 msgid "Day text style" msgstr "Изглед на текстот за ден" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/birthdayreport.py:648 msgid "Month text style" msgstr "Изглед на текстот за месец" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:91 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:81 msgid "Custom Text" msgstr "Сопствен текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:134 msgid "Initial Text" msgstr "Почетен текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:164 #, fuzzy msgid "Text to display at the top" msgstr "Дневен приказ на текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:138 msgid "Middle Text" msgstr "Средишен текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:139 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:173 msgid "Text to display in the middle" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:142 msgid "Final Text" msgstr "Краен текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:143 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/custombooktext.py:182 #, fuzzy msgid "Text to display at the bottom" msgstr "Дневен приказ на текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:314 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:322 #, python-format msgid "sp. %(spouse)s" msgstr "sp. %(spouse)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:333 #, python-format msgid "sp. see %(reference)s: %(spouse)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:393 #, python-format msgid "%s sp." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:526 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1011 #, fuzzy msgid "Numbering system" msgstr "Број на предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:528 msgid "Simple numbering" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:529 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1015 msgid "d'Aboville numbering" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:530 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1013 #, fuzzy msgid "Henry numbering" msgstr "Броеви на деновите во календарот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:531 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1014 #, fuzzy msgid "Modified Henry numbering" msgstr "Броеви на деновите во календарот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:532 msgid "de Villiers/Pama numbering" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:533 msgid "Meurgey de Tupigny numbering" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:534 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1018 msgid "The numbering system to be used" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:543 #, fuzzy msgid "Show marriage info" msgstr "Покажувај податоци за бракови" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:545 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to show marriage information in the report." msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:548 #, fuzzy msgid "Show divorce info" msgstr "Покажувај податоци за бракови" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:549 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to show divorce information in the report." msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:552 #, fuzzy msgid "Show duplicate trees" msgstr "Покажувај слики" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:554 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to show duplicate Family Trees in the report." msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:598 #, python-format msgid "The style used for the level %d display." msgstr "Стилот користен за приказно ниво %d." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/descendreport.py:609 #, python-format msgid "The style used for the spouse level %d display." msgstr "Стилот користен за покажување на %d степен на брачно ниво." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:216 #, python-format msgid "Ancestral Report for %s" msgstr "Извештај за потекло за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:279 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:894 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:912 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:923 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:949 #, python-format msgid "More about %(person_name)s:" msgstr "Повеќе за %(person_name)s:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:317 #, python-format msgid "%(name)s is the same person as [%(id_str)s]." msgstr "%(name)s е истото лице како и [%(id_str)s]." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:361 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:881 #, python-format msgid "Notes for %s" msgstr "Забелешки за %s" #. Translators: needed for French, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:379 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:430 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:498 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:521 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:815 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:902 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:958 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(type)s: %(value)s%(endnotes)s" msgstr "%(name_kind)s: %(name)s%(endnotes)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:408 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:936 msgid "Address: " msgstr "Адреса: " #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:417 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:939 #, python-format msgid "%s, " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:479 #, python-format msgid "%(event_role)s at %(event_name)s of %(primary_person)s: %(event_text)s" msgstr "%(event_role)s кај %(event_name)s од %(primary_person)s: %(event_text)s" #. Translators: needed for Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:495 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:415 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:518 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:137 msgid "; " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:604 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:679 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Children of %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s" msgstr "Повеќе за %(mother_name)s и %(father_name)s:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:690 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:788 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:807 #, python-format msgid "More about %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s:" msgstr "Повеќе за %(mother_name)s и %(father_name)s:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:745 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:614 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Spouse: %s" msgstr "Сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:749 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:618 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationship with: %s" msgstr "Тип на врска: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:835 msgid "Sosa-Stradonitz number" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:837 msgid "The Sosa-Stradonitz number of the central person." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:851 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1040 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1083 #, fuzzy msgid "Page break before end notes" msgstr "Прекршување на страницата помеѓу генерациите" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:853 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1042 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1085 msgid "Whether to start a new page before the end notes." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:875 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1064 msgid "Use complete sentences" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:877 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1066 msgid "Whether to use complete sentences or succinct language." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:881 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1070 msgid "Use full dates instead of only the year" msgstr "Употреби целосни датуми наместо само година" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:883 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1072 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to use full dates instead of just year." msgstr "Употреби целосни датуми наместо само година" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:886 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1075 #, fuzzy msgid "Compute death age" msgstr "Пресметај возраст" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:887 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1076 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to compute a person's age at death." msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:890 msgid "Omit duplicate ancestors" msgstr "Пропушти двојни предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:891 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to omit duplicate ancestors." msgstr "Пропушти двојни предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:894 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1079 msgid "Use callname for common name" msgstr "Употреби кратко име наместо сопствено име" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:895 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1080 msgid "Whether to use the call name as the first name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:903 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1088 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to list children." msgstr "Направи список на деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:906 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1091 #, fuzzy msgid "Include spouses of children" msgstr "Број на деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:908 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1093 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to list the spouses of the children." msgstr "Вклучи сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:911 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1105 msgid "Include events" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:912 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1106 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include events." msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:915 #, fuzzy msgid "Include other events" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:916 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include other events people participated in." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:921 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1110 #, fuzzy msgid "Include descendant reference in child list" msgstr "Додади упатство за потомци во списокот на деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:923 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1112 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to add descendant references in child list." msgstr "Додади упатство за потомци во списокот на деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:927 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1116 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1133 msgid "Include Photo/Images from Gallery" msgstr "Вклучи слики од Галерија" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:928 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1117 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1134 msgid "Whether to include images." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:931 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1120 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:778 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1138 #, fuzzy msgid "Include (2)" msgstr "Вклучи" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:933 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1122 msgid "Include notes" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:934 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1123 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include notes." msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:937 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1126 msgid "Include sources" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:938 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1127 msgid "Whether to include source references." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:941 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1130 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1125 #, fuzzy msgid "Include sources notes" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:943 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1132 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1127 msgid "" "Whether to include source notes in the Endnotes section. Only works if " "Include sources is selected." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:947 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1136 #, fuzzy msgid "Include attributes" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:948 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1137 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:769 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1148 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include attributes." msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:951 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1140 msgid "Include addresses" msgstr "Вклучи адреси" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:952 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1141 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include addresses." msgstr "Вклучи адреси" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:955 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1144 msgid "Include alternative names" msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:956 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1145 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include other names." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:962 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1164 msgid "Replace missing places with ______" msgstr "Замени ги местата што недостасуваат со ______" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:963 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1166 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to replace missing Places with blanks." msgstr "Замени ги местата што недостасуваат со ______" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:966 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1169 msgid "Replace missing dates with ______" msgstr "Замени ги датумите што надостасуваат со______" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:967 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1170 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to replace missing Dates with blanks." msgstr "Замени ги датумите што надостасуваат со______" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1000 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1203 msgid "The style used for the children list title." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот на списокот со деца." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1011 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1214 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:896 msgid "The style used for the text related to the children." msgstr "Стилот употребен за текстот поврзан со децата." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1021 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1224 #, fuzzy msgid "The style used for the note header." msgstr "Стилот употребен за заглавието за генерациите." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1035 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1238 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:117 #, fuzzy msgid "The style used for first level headings." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1045 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1248 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:416 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:403 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:123 #, fuzzy msgid "The style used for second level headings." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detancestralreport.py:1055 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1258 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:335 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:545 #, fuzzy msgid "The style used for details." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:342 #, python-format msgid "Descendant Report for %(person_name)s" msgstr "Извештај за потомството на %(person_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:636 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Ref: %(number)s. %(name)s" msgstr "%(name_kind)s: %(name)s%(endnotes)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:765 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Notes for %(mother_name)s and %(father_name)s:" msgstr "Повеќе за %(mother_name)s и %(father_name)s:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1017 msgid "Record (Modified Register) numbering" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1021 #, fuzzy msgid "Report structure" msgstr "Извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1024 #, fuzzy msgid "show people by generations" msgstr "%d генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1025 msgid "show people by lineage" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1026 #, fuzzy msgid "How people are organized in the report" msgstr "Вклучи годишнини" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1096 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:370 msgid "Include spouses" msgstr "Вклучи сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1098 msgid "Whether to include detailed spouse information." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1101 #, fuzzy msgid "Include spouse reference" msgstr "Вклучи сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1102 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include reference to spouse." msgstr "Вклучи сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1149 msgid "Include sign of succession ('+') in child-list" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1150 msgid "" "Whether to include a sign ('+') before the descendant number in the child-" "list to indicate a child has succession." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1155 #, fuzzy msgid "Include path to start-person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/detdescendantreport.py:1156 msgid "" "Whether to include the path of descendancy from the start-person to each " "descendant." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:159 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "End of Line Report for %s" msgstr "Ахнентафел извештај за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:166 #, python-format msgid "All the ancestors of %s who are missing a parent" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/endoflinereport.py:308 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:519 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:318 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:956 msgid "The style used for the subtitle." msgstr "Стилот употребен за поднасловот." # Што им е Relationship? Брак? Вонбрачна заедница? Сродство? Сватоштина? Одење со женска „за озбиљно“, го направиле во Фиќо пијани од кафана? # Ти ебам народот што нема збор за КУР!! # А.Б. #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:403 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Relationship: %s" msgstr "Врска" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:503 msgctxt "acronym for male" msgid "M" msgstr "M" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:505 msgctxt "acronym for female" msgid "F" msgstr "Ж" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:507 #, python-format msgctxt "acronym for unknown" msgid "%dU" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:614 #, python-format msgid "Family Group Report - Generation %d" msgstr "Извештај за семејна група - Генерација %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:616 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:668 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:191 msgid "Family Group Report" msgstr "Извештај за семејна група" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:716 #, fuzzy msgid "Center Family" msgstr "Ново семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:717 #, fuzzy msgid "The center family for the filter" msgstr "Преточитан формат за текстуални известувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:721 #, fuzzy msgid "Recursive (down)" msgstr "Рекурзив" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:722 #, fuzzy msgid "Create reports for all descendants of this family." msgstr "Создади ново лице и додади дете во семејството" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:751 msgid "Parent Marriage" msgstr "Брак на родител" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:753 msgid "Whether to include marriage information for parents." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:756 msgid "Parent Events" msgstr "Настани за родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:757 msgid "Whether to include events for parents." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:760 msgid "Parent Addresses" msgstr "Адреси на родител" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:761 msgid "Whether to include addresses for parents." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:764 msgid "Parent Notes" msgstr "Забелешки за родител" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:765 msgid "Whether to include notes for parents." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:768 #, fuzzy msgid "Parent Attributes" msgstr "Својства" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:772 msgid "Alternate Parent Names" msgstr "Наизменично имиња на родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:774 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include alternate names for parents." msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:785 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include notes for families." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:788 msgid "Dates of Relatives" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:789 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include dates for relatives (father, mother, spouse)." msgstr "Датуми на роднини (татко, мајка, сопружник)?" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:793 msgid "Children Marriages" msgstr "Бракови на деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:795 msgid "Whether to include marriage information for children." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:798 msgid "Generation numbers (recursive only)" msgstr "Генерациски броеви (само рекурзив)" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:800 msgid "Whether to include the generation on each report (recursive only)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:804 msgid "Print fields for missing information" msgstr "Отпечати полиња за податоците што недостасуваат" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:806 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include fields for missing information." msgstr "Отпечати полиња за податоците што недостасуваат" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/familygroup.py:906 msgid "The style used for the parent's name" msgstr "Стилот употребен за текстот за името на родителот" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:193 #, python-format msgid "%(str1)s in %(str2)s. " msgstr "%(str1)s во %(str2)s. " #. Translators: e.g. (a stepfather): John Smith, relationship: Step #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:251 #, python-format msgid "%(parent-name)s, relationship: %(rel-type)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:305 msgid "Alternate Parents" msgstr "Наизменични родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:447 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1378 #, fuzzy msgid "Associations" msgstr "Поврзувањa" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:593 #, fuzzy msgid "Images" msgstr "Слика" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:835 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:861 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:214 msgid "Complete Individual Report" msgstr "Целосен поединечен извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:958 #, fuzzy msgid "(image)" msgstr "Слика" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1079 msgid "List events chronologically" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1080 msgid "Whether to sort events into chronological order." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1088 #, fuzzy msgid "Use name of person as title" msgstr "Отстрани го лицето како мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1089 msgid "" "Whether the title should be the name of the person, or 'Complete Individual " "Report'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1116 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Notes" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1117 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include Person and Family Notes." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1120 msgid "Include Source Information" msgstr "Вклучи Информација за извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1121 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to cite sources." msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1143 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Tags" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1144 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include tags." msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1147 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Attributes" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1151 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Census Events" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1152 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include Census Events." msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1162 #, fuzzy msgid "Sections" msgstr "Акција" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1165 #, fuzzy msgid "Event groups" msgstr "Настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1166 msgid "Check if a separate section is required." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1239 msgid "The style used for the spouse's name." msgstr "Стилот употребен за името на сопружникот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1258 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:217 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:557 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:987 #, fuzzy msgid "The basic style used for table headings." msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на текстот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1268 #, fuzzy msgid "The style used for image notes." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/indivcomplete.py:1278 #, fuzzy msgid "The style used for image descriptions." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:125 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Kinship Report for %s" msgstr "Извештај за потекло за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:363 #, fuzzy msgid "The maximum number of descendant generations" msgstr "Број на генерации:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:367 #, fuzzy msgid "The maximum number of ancestor generations" msgstr "Максимален број на _сопружници за едно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:371 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include spouses" msgstr "Вклучи сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:374 #, fuzzy msgid "Include cousins" msgstr "Вклучи сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:375 msgid "Whether to include cousins" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:378 msgid "Include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/kinshipreport.py:379 msgid "Whether to include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:67 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:102 #, fuzzy msgid "Note Link Check Report" msgstr "Испрати извештај за грешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Note ID" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Link Type" msgstr "Вид:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:89 #, fuzzy msgid "Links To" msgstr "Локација" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/notelinkreport.py:117 #, fuzzy msgid "Failed" msgstr "Неуспешно" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:104 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of Ancestors for %s" msgstr "Број на предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:125 #, python-brace-format msgid "Generation {number} has {count} individual. {percent}" msgid_plural "Generation {number} has {count} individuals. {percent}" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/numberofancestorsreport.py:167 #, python-format msgid "" "Total ancestors in generations %(second_generation)d to %(last_generation)d " "is %(count)d. %(percent)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:128 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:142 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:159 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:303 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Report" msgstr "Извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:129 msgid "Please select at least one place before running this." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:182 #, python-format msgid "Gramps ID: %s " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:199 #, fuzzy, python-format msgctxt "places" msgid "All Names: %s" msgstr "Име на место:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:221 msgid "Events that happened at this place" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:225 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:302 #, fuzzy msgid "Type of Event" msgstr "Смени настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:271 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(persons)s and %(name)s (%(id)s)" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:298 #, fuzzy msgid "People associated with this place" msgstr "Лица со " #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:333 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(father)s (%(father_id)s) and %(mother)s (%(mother_id)s)" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:445 #, fuzzy msgid "Select using filter" msgstr "Изберете датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:446 #, fuzzy msgid "Select places using a filter" msgstr "Одберете замена за датотеката што недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:453 #, fuzzy msgid "Select places individually" msgstr "Разделен поединец" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:454 #, fuzzy msgid "List of places to report on" msgstr "Ограничи ги датумите само на годините" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:457 #, fuzzy msgid "Center on" msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/placereport.py:459 msgid "If report is event or person centered" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:173 #, python-format msgid "%(number)s. " msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:228 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of ranks to display" msgstr "Максимален број на години _помеѓу деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:231 #, fuzzy msgid "Use call name" msgstr "Употреби кратко име наместо сопствено име" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:233 msgid "Don't use call name" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:234 msgid "Replace first names with call name" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:236 msgid "Underline call name in first names / add call name to first name" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:240 #, fuzzy msgid "Footer text" msgstr "Текст на насловот" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/recordsreport.py:345 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:191 msgid "The style used for the footer." msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:136 #, fuzzy msgctxt "book" msgid "Title of the Book" msgstr "Наслов на книгата" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:137 #, fuzzy msgid "Title string for the book." msgstr "Наслов на книгата" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:140 msgid "Subtitle" msgstr "Поднаслов" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:140 msgid "Subtitle of the Book" msgstr "Поднаслов на книгата" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:141 #, fuzzy msgid "Subtitle string for the book." msgstr "Поднаслов на книгата" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:146 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Copyright %(year)d %(name)s" msgstr "Авторско право %d %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:148 msgid "Footer" msgstr "Подножје" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:149 msgid "Footer string for the page." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:154 msgid "Gramps ID of the media object to use as an image." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:157 #, fuzzy msgid "Image Size" msgstr "Слика" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/simplebooktitle.py:158 msgid "" "Size of the image in cm. A value of 0 indicates that the image should be fit " "to the page." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:90 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:348 #, fuzzy msgid "Database Summary Report" msgstr "Резиме на база на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:173 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of individuals: %d" msgstr "Број на лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:177 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Males: %d" msgstr "Машки" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:181 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Females: %d" msgstr "Женски" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:185 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Individuals with unknown gender: %d" msgstr "Лица со непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:190 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Incomplete names: %d" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:194 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Individuals missing birth dates: %d" msgstr "Лица без датуми на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:199 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Disconnected individuals: %d" msgstr "Лица со прекинати врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:204 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Unique surnames: %d" msgstr "Ретки презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:208 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Individuals with media objects: %d" msgstr "Лица со медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:221 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of families: %d" msgstr "Број на семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:230 #, fuzzy msgid "Event Information" msgstr "Системски информации" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:234 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of events: %d" msgstr "Број на бракови" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:243 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Information" msgstr "Формат на датум" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:247 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of places: %d" msgstr "Број на лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:256 #, fuzzy msgid "Source Information" msgstr "Заедничка информација" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:260 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of sources: %d" msgstr "Број на семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:269 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Publication Information" msgid "Citation Information" msgstr "Информации за објавување" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:273 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of citations: %d" msgstr "Број на генерации:" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:282 #, fuzzy msgid "Repository Information" msgstr "Информација за врска" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:286 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of repositories: %d" msgstr "Избери репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:318 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of unique media objects: %d" msgstr "Број на ретки медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:323 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Total size of media objects: %s MB" msgstr "Вкупен број на медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:342 #, fuzzy msgid "Note Information" msgstr "Системски информации" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:346 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Number of notes: %d" msgstr "Број на бракови" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/summary.py:374 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to count private data" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:64 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:371 msgid "Table Of Contents" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "Contents" msgstr "Содржина" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tableofcontents.py:129 #, fuzzy msgid "The style used for third level headings." msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:258 #, fuzzy msgid "Tag Report" msgstr "Извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:107 msgid "You must first create a tag before running this report." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:116 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Tag Report for %s Items" msgstr "Извештај за потекло за %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:672 #, fuzzy msgid "Email Address" msgstr "Адреса" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:758 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:86 msgid "Publication Information" msgstr "Информации за објавување" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/tagreport.py:917 #, fuzzy msgid "The tag to use for the report" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:37 msgid "Ahnentafel Report" msgstr "Извештај според Ахнентафел" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:38 msgid "Produces a textual ancestral report" msgstr "Изработува текстуален извештај за предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:60 msgid "Produces a report of birthdays and anniversaries" msgstr "Изработува извештај за родендени и годишнини" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:82 #, fuzzy msgid "Add custom text to the book report" msgstr "Додади ставка на книгата" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:103 msgid "Descendant Report" msgstr "Извештај за потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:104 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a list of descendants of the active person" msgstr "Изработува список на потомци на активното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:125 msgid "Detailed Ancestral Report" msgstr "Подробен извештај за потеклото" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:126 msgid "Produces a detailed ancestral report" msgstr "Изработува подробен извештај за потеклото" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:147 msgid "Detailed Descendant Report" msgstr "Подробен извештај за потомство" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:148 msgid "Produces a detailed descendant report" msgstr "Изработува подробен извештај за потомството" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:169 #, fuzzy msgid "End of Line Report" msgstr "Испрати извештај за грешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:170 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a textual end of line report" msgstr "Изработува текстуален извештај за предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:192 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Produces a family group report showing information on a set of parents and " "their children." msgstr "" "Изработува извештај за семејна група што покажува податок како пакет на " "родители и нивните деца." #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:215 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a complete report on the selected people" msgstr "Изработува целосен извештај на избраните лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:236 #, fuzzy msgid "Kinship Report" msgstr "Извештај" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:237 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a textual report of kinship for a given person" msgstr "Изработува извештај за родендени и годишнини" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:259 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a list of people with a specified tag" msgstr "Совпаѓа лица со одредено (делумно) име" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:281 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of Ancestors Report" msgstr "Број на предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:282 msgid "Counts number of ancestors of selected person" msgstr "Пребројува број на предци од одбраните лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:304 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a textual place report" msgstr "Изработува текстуален извештај за предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:326 msgid "Title Page" msgstr "Наслов на страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:327 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a title page for book reports." msgstr "Изработува подробен извештај за потеклото" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:349 msgid "Provides a summary of the current database" msgstr "Овозможува резиме на тековната база" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:372 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces a table of contents for book reports." msgstr "Изработува подробен извештај за потеклото" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:394 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces an alphabetical index for book reports." msgstr "Изработува подробен извештај за потеклото" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:415 #, fuzzy msgid "Records Report" msgstr "Записот е личен" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:437 #, fuzzy msgid "Note Link Report" msgstr "Испрати извештај за грешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/textreport/textplugins.gpr.py:438 msgid "Shows status of links in notes" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.glade:34 msgid "" "Below is a list of the family names that \n" "Gramps can convert to correct capitalization. \n" "Select the names you wish Gramps to convert. " msgstr "" "Подолу е список на семејните имиња што \n" "Gramps може да ги преобрази во точeн правопис. \n" "Одберете ги имињата што сакате GRAMPS да ги преобрази. " #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.glade:107 msgid "_Accept changes and close" msgstr "_Прифати ги промените и затвори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:64 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Fix_Capitalization_of_Family_Names" msgstr "Поправи во големи букви семејни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:236 msgid "Capitalization changes" msgstr "Промени на големи/мали букви" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:86 #, fuzzy msgid "Checking Family Names" msgstr "Проверување на семејни презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:87 msgid "Searching family names" msgstr "Пребарување на семејни презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:368 msgid "No modifications made" msgstr "Не се направени промени" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:145 msgid "No capitalization changes were detected." msgstr "Не се откриени промени со големи/мали букви." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:199 msgid "Original Name" msgstr "Првобитно име" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:203 msgid "Capitalization Change" msgstr "Промена на големи/мали букви" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changenames.py:210 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:304 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:424 msgid "Building display" msgstr "Градење приказ" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.glade:91 msgid "" "This tool will rename all events of one type to a different type. Once " "completed, this cannot be undone by the regular Undo function." msgstr "" "Оваа алатка ќе ги преименува сите настани од еден вид во друг. Кога еднаш ќе " "биде завршено, ова не може да се врати со стандардната Врати функција." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.glade:112 #, fuzzy msgid "Original event type:" msgstr "_Првобитен вид на настан:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.glade:124 #, fuzzy msgid "New event type:" msgstr "_Нов вид на настан:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:65 msgid "Change Event Types" msgstr "Промени Вид на настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:118 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:141 msgid "Change types" msgstr "Промени видови" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:121 #, fuzzy msgid "Analyzing Events" msgstr "Анализа на настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:134 msgid "No event record was modified." msgstr "Ниту еден запис за настани не е променет." #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/changetypes.py:137 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} event record was modified." msgid_plural "{number_of} event records were modified." msgstr[0] "{number_of} запис за настани беа променети." msgstr[1] "{number_of} записи за настани беа променети." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:119 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:292 #, fuzzy msgid "Checking Database" msgstr "Проверување на базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:120 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for cross table duplicates" msgstr "Пребарување на удвоени сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:177 msgid "" "Your Family Tree contains cross table duplicate handles.\n" " This is bad and can be fixed by making a backup of your\n" "Family Tree and importing that backup in an empty family\n" "tree. The rest of the checking is skipped, the Check and\n" "Repair tool should be run anew on this new Family Tree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:187 msgid "Check Integrity" msgstr "Провери потполност" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:233 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:77 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:80 msgid "Rebuilding reference maps..." msgstr "Преизградување на упатувања на мапи..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:295 #, python-format msgid "" "Objects referenced by this note were referenced but missing so that is why " "they have been created when you ran Check and Repair on %s." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:317 msgid "Looking for invalid name format references" msgstr "Пребарување на неважечки упатувања на формат на име" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:369 msgid "Looking for duplicate spouses" msgstr "Пребарување на удвоени сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:391 msgid "Looking for character encoding errors" msgstr "Пребарување грешки на енкодирање знаци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:431 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for ctrl characters in notes" msgstr "Пребарување грешки на енкодирање знаци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:458 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for bad alternate place names" msgstr "Пребарување на празни семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:487 msgid "Looking for broken family links" msgstr "Пребарување на прекинати семејни врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:697 msgid "Looking for unused objects" msgstr "Пребарување на некористени објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:775 msgid "Select file" msgstr "Изберете датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:807 msgid "Media object could not be found" msgstr "Медиумскиот објект не може да се најде" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:808 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "The file:\n" "%(file_name)s\n" "is referenced in the database, but no longer exists.\n" "The file may have been deleted or moved to a different location.\n" "You may choose to either remove the reference from the database,\n" "keep the reference to the missing file, or select a new file." msgstr "" "Датотеката:\n" " %(file_name)s\n" "е рефренцирана во базата со податоци, но повеќе не постојат. Датотеката е " "можеби избришана или преместена на друга локација. Можете да изберете да го " "отстраните упатувањето од базата, да ја зачувате за датотеката што " "недостасува или, пак, да одберете нова датотека." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:891 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for empty people records" msgstr "Пребарување на празни семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:898 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for empty family records" msgstr "Пребарување на празни семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:905 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for empty event records" msgstr "Пребарување на настани со проблеми" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:912 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for empty source records" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:919 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for empty citation records" msgstr "Пребарување на празни семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:926 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for empty place records" msgstr "Пребарување на празни семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:933 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for empty media records" msgstr "Пребарување на празни семејства" # најди соодветен збор за repository #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:940 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for empty repository records" msgstr "Пребарување проблеми што упатуваат на репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:947 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for empty note records" msgstr "Пребарување на празни семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:991 msgid "Looking for empty families" msgstr "Пребарување на празни семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1026 msgid "Looking for broken parent relationships" msgstr "Пребарување на прекинати родителски врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1065 msgid "Looking for event problems" msgstr "Пребарување на настани со проблеми" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1237 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1266 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1291 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for backlink reference problems" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на места" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1326 msgid "Looking for person reference problems" msgstr "Пребарување проблеми што упатуваат на лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1359 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for family reference problems" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на места" # најди соодветен збор за repository #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1385 msgid "Looking for repository reference problems" msgstr "Пребарување проблеми што упатуваат на репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1420 msgid "Looking for place reference problems" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на места" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1531 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for citation reference problems" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1649 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for source reference problems" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1691 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for media object reference problems" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на места" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1813 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for note reference problems" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1941 msgid "Updating checksums on media" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:1967 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for tag reference problems" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2112 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for media source reference problems" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2180 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for Duplicated Gramps ID problems" msgstr "Пребарување на удвоени сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2296 #, fuzzy msgid "Checking for bad links in Notes" msgstr "Пребарај Url" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2447 msgid "No errors were found" msgstr "Не се пронајдени грешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2448 msgid "The database has passed internal checks" msgstr "Базата со податоци ги помина внатрешните проверки" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2451 #, fuzzy msgid "No errors were found: the database has passed internal checks." msgstr "Базата со податоци ги помина внатрешните проверки" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2458 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} broken child/family link was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} broken child/family links were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "Поправена е {quantity} расипана врска за дете/семејство\n" msgstr[1] "Поправени се {quantity} расипани врски за дете/семејство\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2466 msgid "Non existing child" msgstr "Детето не постои" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2477 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(person)s was removed from the family of %(family)s\n" msgstr "%s е отстранет од семејството на %s\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2484 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} broken spouse/family link was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} broken spouse/family links were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "една прекината сопружник/семејство врска е поправена\n" msgstr[1] "една прекината сопружник/семејство врска е поправена\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2492 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2520 msgid "Non existing person" msgstr "Лицето не постои" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2503 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2531 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(person)s was restored to the family of %(family)s\n" msgstr "%s е обновена на семејството од %s\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2510 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} duplicate spouse/family link was found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} duplicate spouse/family links were found\n" msgstr[0] "една двојна сопружник/семејство врска е пронајдена\n" msgstr[1] "една двојна сопружник/семејство врска е пронајдена\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2538 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} family with no parents or children found, removed.\n" msgid_plural "" "{quantity} families with no parents or children found, removed.\n" msgstr[0] "едно неважечко упатство на формат на име е отстрането\n" msgstr[1] "едно неважечко упатство на формат на име е отстрането\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2550 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} corrupted family relationship fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} corrupted family relationships fixed\n" msgstr[0] "%d расипана семејна врска е поправена\n" msgstr[1] "%d расипана семејна врска е поправена\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2558 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} place alternate name fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} place alternate names fixed\n" msgstr[0] "еден неважечки настан за смрт е поправен\n" msgstr[1] "еден неважечки настан за смрт е поправен\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2567 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} person was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} persons were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "едно место на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" msgstr[1] "едно место на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2575 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} family was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} families were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "едно лице на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" msgstr[1] "едно лице на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2585 #, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} date was corrected\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} dates were corrected\n" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2594 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} repository was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} repositories were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "еден репозиториум на којшто е упатено не е пронајден\n" msgstr[1] "еден репозиториум на којшто е упатено не е пронајден\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2604 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2691 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} media object was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} media objects were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "еден медиумски објект на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" msgstr[1] "еден медиумски објект на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2615 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "Reference to {quantity} missing media object was kept\n" msgid_plural "References to {quantity} missing media objects were kept\n" msgstr[0] "Упатство на еден медиумски објект што недостасува е зачувано\n" msgstr[1] "Упатство на еден медиумски објект што недостасува е зачувано\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2623 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} missing media object was replaced\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} missing media objects were replaced\n" msgstr[0] "еден медиумски објект што недостасува е заменет\n" msgstr[1] "еден медиумски објект што недостасува е заменет\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2631 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} missing media object was removed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} missing media objects were removed\n" msgstr[0] "еден медиумски објект што недостасува е отстранет\n" msgstr[1] "еден медиумски објект што недостасува е отстранет\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2639 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} event was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} events were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "едно место на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" msgstr[1] "едно место на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2647 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid birth event name was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid birth event names were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "еден неважечки настан за раѓање е поправен\n" msgstr[1] "еден неважечки настан за раѓање е поправен\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2655 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid death event name was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid death event names were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "еден неважечки настан за смрт е поправен\n" msgstr[1] "еден неважечки настан за смрт е поправен\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2663 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} place was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} places were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "едно место на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" msgstr[1] "едно место на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2672 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} citation was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} citations were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "едно место на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" msgstr[1] "едно место на кое е упатено, но не е пронајдено\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2682 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} source was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} sources were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "еден извор на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" msgstr[1] "еден извор на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2700 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} note object was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} note objects were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "еден медиумски објект на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" msgstr[1] "еден медиумски објект на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2710 ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2720 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} tag object was referenced but not found\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} tag objects were referenced, but not found\n" msgstr[0] "еден медиумски објект на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" msgstr[1] "еден медиумски објект на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2730 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid name format reference was removed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid name format references were removed\n" msgstr[0] "едно неважечко упатство на формат на име е отстрането\n" msgstr[1] "едно неважечко упатство на формат на име е отстрането\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2741 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} invalid source citation was fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} invalid source citations were fixed\n" msgstr[0] "еден неважечки настан за раѓање е поправен\n" msgstr[1] "еден неважечки настан за раѓање е поправен\n" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2750 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} Duplicated Gramps ID fixed\n" msgid_plural "{quantity} Duplicated Gramps IDs fixed\n" msgstr[0] "еден неважечки настан за смрт е поправен\n" msgstr[1] "еден неважечки настан за смрт е поправен\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2757 #, python-format msgid "" "%(empty_obj)d empty objects removed:\n" " %(person)d person objects\n" " %(family)d family objects\n" " %(event)d event objects\n" " %(source)d source objects\n" " %(media)d media objects\n" " %(place)d place objects\n" " %(repo)d repository objects\n" " %(note)d note objects\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2779 #, python-format msgid "%d bad backlinks were fixed;\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2781 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:91 msgid "All reference maps have been rebuilt." msgstr "Сите упатувања на мапи се преизградени." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2784 #, python-format msgid "%d bad Note Links were fixed;\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2813 msgid "Integrity Check Results" msgstr "Резултати за проверка на потполност" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/check.py:2819 msgid "Check and Repair" msgstr "Провери и поправи" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:67 msgid "Start date test?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:68 msgid "" "This test will create many persons and events in the current database. Do " "you really want to run this test?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:71 msgid "Run test" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:80 msgid "Running Date Test" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:183 #, fuzzy msgid "Generating dates" msgstr "Генерација %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:181 #, fuzzy msgid "Date Test Plugin" msgstr "Вчитување додатоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dateparserdisplaytest.py:187 msgid "Pass" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:57 #, fuzzy msgid "Gender Statistics tool" msgstr "Секундарните индекси се повторно изградени" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:75 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:97 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/dumpgenderstats.py:100 msgid "Guess" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.glade:225 msgid "_Filter:" msgstr "_Филтер:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.glade:239 msgid "" "The event comparison utility uses the filters defined in the Custom Filter " "Editor." msgstr "" "Услугата за споредба на настани употребува филтри дефинирани во Уредувач за " "приспособување на филтри." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.glade:249 #, fuzzy msgid "Custom filter _editor" msgstr "_Уредувач за приспособување на филтри" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:70 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Compare_Individual_Events" msgstr "Спореди поединечни настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:138 msgid "Event comparison filter selection" msgstr "Избор на филтер за споредба на настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:168 msgid "Event Comparison tool" msgstr "Алатка за Споредба на настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:168 msgid "Filter selection" msgstr "Избор на филтер" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:180 msgid "Comparing events" msgstr "Споредување настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:182 msgid "Selecting people" msgstr "Одбирање луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:194 msgid "No matches were found" msgstr "Не се пронајдени совпаѓања" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:244 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:278 msgid "Event Comparison Results" msgstr "Резултати од споредбата на настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:255 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(event_name)s Date" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:259 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(event_name)s Place" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(place)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:312 #, fuzzy msgid "Comparing Events" msgstr "Споредување настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:313 msgid "Building data" msgstr "Градење податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventcmp.py:395 msgid "Select filename" msgstr "Избери име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:79 #, fuzzy msgid "Event name changes" msgstr "Дадено име Семејно име" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:85 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:131 #, fuzzy msgid "Extract Event Description" msgstr "Извлечи информација од имиња" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:120 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "{quantity} event description has been added" msgid_plural "{quantity} event descriptions have been added" msgstr[0] "Никаков опис не беше даден" msgstr[1] "Никаков опис не беше даден" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:123 #, fuzzy msgid "Modifications made" msgstr "Не се направени промени" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/eventnames.py:127 #, fuzzy msgid "No event description has been added." msgstr "Никаков опис не беше даден" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:117 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:117 #, fuzzy msgid "Match Threshold" msgstr "Совпадни праг" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:144 msgid "Use soundex codes" msgstr "Употреби soundex кодови" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.glade:239 #, fuzzy msgid "Co_mpare" msgstr "_Спореди" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:66 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Find_Possible_Duplicate_People" msgstr "Пронајди можни удвоени лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:126 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:153 #, fuzzy msgid "Find Possible Duplicate People" msgstr "Пронајди можни удвоени лица" # удвојување!?!?!?! #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:143 msgid "Find Duplicates tool" msgstr "Пронајди ја алатката за дупликати" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:143 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:347 msgid "Tool settings" msgstr "Поставувања на алатникот" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:177 msgid "No matches found" msgstr "Не се пронајдени совпаѓања" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:178 msgid "No potential duplicate people were found" msgstr "Не е пронајдено потенцијално удвоено лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:189 #, fuzzy msgid "Find Duplicates" msgstr "Пронајди дупликати" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:190 msgid "Looking for duplicate people" msgstr "Пребарување на удвоени лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:200 msgid "Pass 1: Building preliminary lists" msgstr "Премин 1: Градење на воведни списоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:218 msgid "Pass 2: Calculating potential matches" msgstr "Премин 2: Пресметување на можни совпаѓања" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:556 msgid "Potential Merges" msgstr "Можни соединувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:573 msgid "Rating" msgstr "Проценување" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:574 msgid "First Person" msgstr "Прво лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:575 msgid "Second Person" msgstr "Второ лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:585 msgid "Merge candidates" msgstr "Соедини ги кандидатите" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/finddupes.py:585 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge persons" msgstr "Обедини лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:58 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Find_database_loop" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:73 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:465 #, fuzzy msgid "Find database loop" msgstr "Различна база на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:112 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:257 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:115 #, fuzzy msgid "Starting" msgstr "Проценување" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/findloop.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for possible loop for each person" msgstr "Пребарување на настани со проблеми" # медиски?!?!? #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Media_Manager" msgstr "Управувач на медиуми" # медиски?!?!? #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:118 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:176 msgid "Media Manager" msgstr "Медиумски управувач" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "Help" msgstr "_Помош" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:101 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1733 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1910 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/introduction.py:79 msgid "Introduction" msgstr "Вовед" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:104 #, fuzzy msgid "Selection" msgstr "Акција" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:233 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This tool allows batch operations on media objects stored in Gramps. An " "important distinction must be made between a Gramps media object and its " "file.\n" "\n" "The Gramps media object is a collection of data about the media object file: " "its filename and/or path, its description, its ID, notes, source references, " "etc. These data %(bold_start)sdo not include the file itself%(bold_end)s.\n" "\n" "The files containing image, sound, video, etc, exist separately on your hard " "drive. These files are not managed by Gramps and are not included in the " "Gramps database. The Gramps database only stores the path and file names.\n" "\n" "This tool allows you to only modify the records within your Gramps database. " "If you want to move or rename the files then you need to do it on your own, " "outside of Gramps. Then you can adjust the paths using this tool so that the " "media objects store the correct file locations." msgstr "" "Оваа алатка дозволува пакет на операции на медиумски објекти зачувани во " "GRAMPS. Треба да се направи важна разлика помеѓу GRAMPS медиумски објект и " "нејзините датотеки.\n" "\n" "GRAMPS медиумски објект е збирка на податоци за датотеката на медиумскиот " "објект: неговото име на датотека и/или патека, неговиот опис, ИД, забелешки, " "упатувања на извори итн. Овие податоци не ја вклучуваат датотеката.\n" "\n" "Датотеките што содржат слики, звук, видео итн. постојат самостојно на вашиот " "хард драјв. Овие датотеки не се управувани од GRAMPS и не се вклучени во " "неговата база на податоци. Базата на GRAMPS ги зачувува само патеките и " "имињата на датотеките. \n" "\n" "Оваа алатка ви овозможува само изменување на записите во рамките на GRAMPS " "базата на податоци. Ако сакате да преместите или преименувате датотеки тогаш " "тоа ќе го направите самостојно, надвор од рамките на GRAMPS. Потоа, можете " "да ги приспособите патеките употребувајќи ја оваа алатка, така што " "медиумскиот објект ќе ги зачува точните локации на датотеките." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:344 msgid "Affected path" msgstr "Патека под влијание" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:351 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Press Apply to proceed, Cancel to abort, or Back to revisit your options." msgstr "" "Притиснете на Во ред, Откажи за да прекинете или Врати за да повторно да ги " "разгледате вашите избори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:389 #, fuzzy msgid "Operation successfully finished" msgstr "Операцијата е успешно завршена." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:391 #, fuzzy msgid "" "The operation you requested has finished successfully. You may press Close " "now to continue." msgstr "" "Операцијата што вие ја баравте е успешно завршена. Сега можете да притиснете " "на копчето Во ред за да продолжите." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:394 msgid "Operation failed" msgstr "Операцијата е неуспешна" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:396 msgid "" "There was an error while performing the requested operation. You may try " "starting the tool again." msgstr "" "Се појави грешка во текот на изведувањето на побараната операција. Можете " "повторно да почнете со алатката." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:431 #, python-format msgid "" "The following action is to be performed:\n" "\n" "Operation:\t%s" msgstr "" "Следната постапка ќе биде изведена:\n" "\n" "Операција:\t%s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:488 msgid "Replace _substrings in the path" msgstr "Замени _поднизи во патеката" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:489 msgid "" "This tool allows replacing specified substring in the path of media objects " "with another substring. This can be useful when you move your media files " "from one directory to another" msgstr "" "Оваа алатка го овозможува заменување на назначената подниза во патеката од " "медиумските објекти со друга подниза. Ова може да биде корисно кога ги " "преместувате вашите медиумски датотеки од еден директориум во друг" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:495 msgid "Replace substring settings" msgstr "Замени поставувања на поднизи" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:508 msgid "_Replace:" msgstr "_Замени:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:518 msgid "_With:" msgstr "_Со:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:532 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "The following action is to be performed:\n" "\n" "Operation:\t%(title)s\n" "Replace:\t\t%(src_fname)s\n" "With:\t\t%(dest_fname)s" msgstr "" "Следнава постапка ќе биде изведена:\n" "\n" "Операција:\t%s\n" "Замени:\t\t%s\n" "Со:\t\t%s" # заемни во _безусловни?!?!?! #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:573 msgid "Convert paths from relative to _absolute" msgstr "Претвори патеки од релативни во _апсолутни" # PREPEND #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:574 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This tool allows converting relative media paths to the absolute ones. It " "does this by prepending the base path as given in the Preferences, or if " "that is not set, it prepends user's directory." msgstr "" "Оваа алатка овозможува претворање на релативните медиумски патеки во " "апсолутни. Апсолутната патека допушта да се превпише местоположбата на " "датотеката при преместување на базата на податоци." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:607 msgid "Convert paths from absolute to r_elative" msgstr "Претвори патеки од апсолутни во р_елативни" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:608 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This tool allows converting absolute media paths to a relative path. The " "relative path is relative viz-a-viz the base path as given in the " "Preferences, or if that is not set, user's directory. A relative path allows " "to tie the file location to a base path that can change to your needs." msgstr "" "Оваа алатка овозможува претворање на апсолутните медиумски патеки во " "релативни. Релативната патека допушта врзување на местоположбата на " "датотеката со онаа на базата." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:644 msgid "Add images not included in database" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:645 msgid "Check directories for images not included in database" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mediamanager.py:646 msgid "" "This tool adds images in directories that are referenced by existing images " "in the database." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.glade:144 msgid "Don't merge if citation has notes" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:76 msgid "Match on Page/Volume, Date and Confidence" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:77 msgid "Ignore Date" msgstr "Игнорирај датум" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "Ignore Confidence" msgstr "Доверба" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:79 msgid "Ignore Date and Confidence" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:83 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Merge_citations" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:133 msgid "" "Notes, media objects and data-items of matching citations will be combined." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:164 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge citations tool" msgstr "Соедини ги кандидатите" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:185 #, fuzzy msgid "Checking Sources" msgstr "Обедини извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:187 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for citation fields" msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на места" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:233 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of merges done" msgstr "Број на лица" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/mergecitations.py:235 #, python-brace-format msgid "{number_of} citation merged" msgid_plural "{number_of} citations merged" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.glade:162 msgid "_Tag" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:60 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Not_Related" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:80 #, python-format msgid "Not related to \"%s\"" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:104 #, fuzzy msgid "NotRelated" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:173 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Everyone in the database is related to %s" msgstr "Се совпаѓа со сите во базата" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #. TRANS: no singular form needed, as rows is always > 1 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:262 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "Setting tag for {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Setting tag for {number_of} people" msgstr[0] "Пребарување на настани со проблеми" msgstr[1] "Пребарување на настани со проблеми" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #. TRANS: No singular form is needed. #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:305 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "Finding relationships between {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Finding relationships between {number_of} people" msgstr[0] "Ја пресметува врската помеѓу две лица" msgstr[1] "Ја пресметува врската помеѓу две лица" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:385 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "Looking for {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Looking for {number_of} people" msgstr[0] "Пребарување на настани со проблеми" msgstr[1] "Пребарување на настани со проблеми" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/notrelated.py:413 #, fuzzy, python-brace-format msgid "Looking up the name of {number_of} person" msgid_plural "Looking up the names of {number_of} people" msgstr[0] "Пребарување на удвоени лица" msgstr[1] "Пребарување на удвоени лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:10 msgid "Copy from DB to Preferences" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:23 msgid "Copy from Preferences to DB" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:164 #, fuzzy msgid "_Street:" msgstr "У_лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:178 #, fuzzy msgid "_City:" msgstr "Град:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:206 #, fuzzy msgid "_Country:" msgstr "Земја:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:220 #, fuzzy msgid "_ZIP/Postal Code:" msgstr "Поштенски број:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:234 #, fuzzy msgid "_Phone:" msgstr "Телефон:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:248 #, fuzzy msgid "_Email:" msgstr "Е-пошта:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.glade:383 msgid "Right-click to copy from/to Researcher Preferences" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:56 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Edit_Database_Owner_Information" msgstr "Понатамошни информации" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:102 #, fuzzy msgid "Database Owner Editor" msgstr "Грешка на база на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/ownereditor.py:164 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit database owner information" msgstr "Информација за објава" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.glade:84 msgid "_Accept and close" msgstr "_Прифати и затвори" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.glade:135 msgid "" "Below is a list of the nicknames, titles, prefixes and compound surnames " "that Gramps can extract from the Family Tree.\n" "If you accept the changes, Gramps will modify the entries that have been " "selected.\n" "\n" "Compound surnames are shown as lists of [prefix, surname, connector].\n" "For example, with the defaults, the name \"de Mascarenhas da Silva e " "Lencastre\" shows as:\n" " [de, Mascarenhas]-[da, Silva, e]-[,Lencastre]\n" "\n" "Run this tool several times to correct names that have multiple information " "that can be extracted." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:63 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Extract_Information_from_Names" msgstr "Извлечи информација од имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:105 msgid "Name and title extraction tool" msgstr "Алатка за извлекување име и наслов" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:115 msgid "Default prefix and connector settings" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:121 msgid "Prefixes to search for:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:128 msgid "Connectors splitting surnames:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:135 msgid "Connectors not splitting surnames:" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:173 #, fuzzy msgid "Extracting Information from Names" msgstr "Извлекување информација од имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:175 msgid "Analyzing names" msgstr "Анализирање имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:369 #, fuzzy msgid "No titles, nicknames or prefixes were found" msgstr "Не се пронајдени наслови, ниту прекари" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:413 #, fuzzy msgid "Current Name" msgstr "Име на колона" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:457 #, fuzzy msgid "Prefix in given name" msgstr "Дадено име" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:469 #, fuzzy msgid "Compound surname" msgstr "Ретки презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/patchnames.py:496 msgid "Extract information from names" msgstr "Извлечи информација од имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuild.py:76 #, fuzzy msgid "Rebuilding secondary indexes..." msgstr "Повторно градење на секундарни индекси..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuild.py:82 #, fuzzy msgid "Secondary indexes rebuilt" msgstr "Секундарните индекси се повторно изградени" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuild.py:83 #, fuzzy msgid "All secondary indexes have been rebuilt." msgstr "Сите секундарни индекси се повторно изградени." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildgenderstat.py:82 msgid "Rebuilding gender statistics for name gender guessing..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildgenderstat.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Gender statistics rebuilt" msgstr "Секундарните индекси се повторно изградени" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildgenderstat.py:96 msgid "Gender statistics for name gender guessing have been rebuilt." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/rebuildrefmap.py:87 msgid "Reference maps rebuilt" msgstr "Упатувањата на мапи се преизградени" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.glade:90 msgid "Select a person to determine the relationship" msgstr "Изберете лице за да ја одредите врската" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:67 ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:331 #, fuzzy msgid "Relationship Calculator" msgstr "Пресметувач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:110 #, python-format msgid "Relationship calculator: %(person_name)s" msgstr "Сметач на врска: %(person_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:115 #, python-format msgid "Relationship to %(person_name)s" msgstr "Врска со %(person_name)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:175 msgid "Relationship Calculator tool" msgstr "Алатка за сметач на врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:207 #, python-format msgid "%(person)s and %(active_person)s are not related." msgstr "%(person)s и %(active_person)s не се поврзани." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:226 #, python-format msgid "Their common ancestor is %s." msgstr "Нивен заеднички предок е %s." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:232 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Their common ancestors are %(ancestor1)s and %(ancestor2)s." msgstr "Нивни заеднички предци се %s и %s." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/relcalc.py:238 msgid "Their common ancestors are: " msgstr "Нивни заеднички предци се: " #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:55 msgctxt "manual" msgid "Remove_leading_and_trailing_spaces" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:88 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:489 msgid "Clean input data" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:108 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Search leading and/or trailing spaces for persons and places. Search comma " "or bad sign in coordinates fields.\n" "Double click on a row to edit its content." msgstr "" "Ја пребарува целата база на податоци, барајќи поединечни записи што можат да " "го претставуваат истото лице." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:118 #, fuzzy msgid "Looking for possible fields with leading or trailing spaces" msgstr "Пребарување на настани со проблеми" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:185 msgid "handle" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:140 #, fuzzy msgid "firstname" msgstr "Непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:148 #, fuzzy msgid "alternate name" msgstr "Наизменични имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:152 #, fuzzy msgid "group as" msgstr "Г_рупирај како:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:199 msgid "tooltip" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:275 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:285 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:297 msgid "leading and/or trailing spaces" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:282 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:294 #, fuzzy msgid "invalid format" msgstr "Новороденче" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:300 msgid "comma instead of dot" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removespaces.py:303 msgid "invalid char instead of '-'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:92 msgid "Search for events" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:110 #, fuzzy msgid "Search for sources" msgstr "Секој извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:128 #, fuzzy msgid "Search for citations" msgstr "Вклучи Информација за извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:143 #, fuzzy msgid "Search for places" msgstr "Пребарај Url" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:161 #, fuzzy msgid "Search for media" msgstr "Пребарај Url" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:179 #, fuzzy msgid "Search for repositories" msgstr "Избери репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:197 #, fuzzy msgid "Search for notes" msgstr "Пребарување на семејни презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:287 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:929 msgid "_Mark all" msgstr "_Означи сѐ" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:303 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:945 msgid "_Unmark all" msgstr "_Одозначи сѐ" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:961 msgid "In_vert marks" msgstr "Пре_врти ознаки" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.glade:344 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:904 #, fuzzy msgid "Double-click on a row to view/edit data" msgstr "Двоен клик на ред за да видите/уредите податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:69 #, fuzzy msgid "Unused Objects" msgstr "Медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:188 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:557 msgid "Mark" msgstr "Обележи" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/removeunused.py:303 msgid "Remove unused objects" msgstr "Отстрани неупотребени објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1406 msgid "Enable ID reordering." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1420 msgid "" "List next ID available\n" "(maynot be continuous)." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1424 msgid " Actual" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1436 msgid "Amount of ID in use." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1438 msgid " Quantity" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1452 msgid "Actual / Upcoming ID format." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1465 #, fuzzy msgid "Change" msgstr "Опсег" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1470 msgid "" "Enable ID reordering\n" "with Start / Step sequence." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1483 #, fuzzy msgid "Start" msgstr "Проценување" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1488 #, fuzzy msgid "Reorder ID start number." msgstr "Број за идентификација" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1501 #, fuzzy msgid "Step" msgstr "Посвоено дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1506 msgid "Reorder ID step width." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1518 msgid "Keep" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.glade:1523 msgid "" "Keep IDs with alternate\n" "prefixes untouched." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:64 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Reorder_Gramps_ID" msgstr "Пререди GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:444 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:536 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:626 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:631 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:375 #, fuzzy msgid "Reorder Gramps IDs" msgstr "Пререди GRAMPS ИД" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:547 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:552 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Reorder %s IDs ..." msgstr "Прередување ИД на семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:635 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Do you want to replace %s?" msgstr "Вклучи само живи луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/reorderids.py:694 #, fuzzy msgid "Finding and assigning unused IDs." msgstr "Пронаоѓање и назначување на неупотребени ИД" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:76 #, fuzzy msgid "Sort Events" msgstr "Настани за родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Sort event changes" msgstr "Напушти ги промените" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:113 #, fuzzy msgid "Sorting personal events..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:135 #, fuzzy msgid "Sorting family events..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:166 #, fuzzy msgid "Tool Options" msgstr "Опции за текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:169 #, fuzzy msgid "Select the people to sort" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:188 msgid "Sort descending" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:189 #, fuzzy msgid "Set the sort order" msgstr "Означете за да подредите по обратен редослед." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:192 #, fuzzy msgid "Include family events" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/sortevents.py:193 #, fuzzy msgid "Sort family events of the person" msgstr "Потомци на семејство на " #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:91 msgid "Generate_Testcases_for_Persons_and_Families" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:274 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:280 #, fuzzy msgid "Generate testcases" msgstr "Општи филтри" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:285 msgid "" "Generate low level database errors\n" "Correction needs database reload" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:290 #, fuzzy msgid "Generate database errors" msgstr "Избери медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:294 #, fuzzy msgid "Generate dummy data" msgstr "_Генерирај" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:299 #, fuzzy msgid "Generate long names" msgstr "Генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:304 msgid "Add special characters" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:308 #, fuzzy msgid "Add serial number" msgstr "_Повикувачки број:" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:312 #, fuzzy msgid "Add line break" msgstr "Додади прекршување на линија по секое име" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:317 msgid "" "Number of people to generate\n" "(Number is approximate because families are generated)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:377 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:387 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:393 #, fuzzy msgid "Generating testcases" msgstr "Генерација %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:378 msgid "Generating low level database errors" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:388 #, fuzzy msgid "Generating database errors" msgstr "Генерација %d" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:394 #, fuzzy msgid "Generating families" msgstr "Прередување ИД на семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:470 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:506 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:555 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:572 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:598 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:668 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:703 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:723 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:741 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:760 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:781 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:799 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:817 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:835 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:862 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:888 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:915 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:951 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:962 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:973 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:984 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1000 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1017 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1041 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1057 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1074 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1107 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1554 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1660 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/testcasegenerator.py:1685 #, python-format msgid "Testcase generator step %d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:38 #, fuzzy msgid "Fix Capitalization of Family Names" msgstr "Поправи во големи букви семејни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:39 msgid "" "Searches the entire database and attempts to fix capitalization of the names." msgstr "" "Пребарува по целата база во обид за поправка на големи/мали букви на имињата." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:61 #, fuzzy msgid "Rename Event Types" msgstr "Преименувај видови на настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:62 msgid "Allows all the events of a certain name to be renamed to a new name." msgstr "" "Овозможува сите настани со одредено име да се преименуваат во ново име." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:84 #, fuzzy msgid "Check and Repair Database" msgstr "Провери и поправи база на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:85 msgid "" "Checks the database for integrity problems, fixing the problems that it can" msgstr "" "Провери ја базата на податоци за проблеми на потполност, поправање на оние " "проблеми што можат да се поправат" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:107 #, fuzzy msgid "Compare Individual Events" msgstr "Спореди поединечни настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:108 msgid "" "Aids in the analysis of data by allowing the development of custom filters " "that can be applied to the database to find similar events" msgstr "" "Помага при анализа на податоците со допуштање развој на персонални филтри " "што можат да бидат аплицирани на базата со податоци за да се пронајдат " "слични настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:132 msgid "Extracts event descriptions from the event data" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:154 msgid "" "Searches the entire database, looking for individual entries that may " "represent the same person." msgstr "" "Ја пребарува целата база на податоци, барајќи поединечни записи што можат да " "го претставуваат истото лице." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:177 msgid "Manages batch operations on media files" msgstr "Управува со пакет-операции на медиумски датотеки" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:198 #, fuzzy msgid "Not Related" msgstr "Роднини" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:199 msgid "Find people who are not in any way related to the selected person" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:221 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit Database Owner Information" msgstr "Понатамошни информации" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:222 msgid "Allow editing database owner information." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:243 #, fuzzy msgid "Extract Information from Names" msgstr "Извлечи информација од имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:244 msgid "" "Extract titles, prefixes and compound surnames from given name or family " "name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:265 #, fuzzy msgid "Rebuild Secondary Indexes" msgstr "Преизградување на секундарните индикации" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:266 #, fuzzy msgid "Rebuilds secondary indexes" msgstr "Ги обновува секундарните индекси" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:287 #, fuzzy msgid "Rebuild Reference Maps" msgstr "Преизгради упатувањата на мапи" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:288 msgid "Rebuilds reference maps" msgstr "Ги преизградува упатувањата на мапи" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:309 #, fuzzy msgid "Rebuild Gender Statistics" msgstr "Ги обновува секундарните индекси" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:310 msgid "Rebuilds gender statistics for name gender guessing..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:332 msgid "Calculates the relationship between two people" msgstr "Ја пресметува врската помеѓу две лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:353 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove Unused Objects" msgstr "Отстрани неупотребени објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:354 msgid "Removes unused objects from the database" msgstr "Ги отстранува неупотребените објекти од базата" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:376 #, fuzzy msgid "Reorders the Gramps IDs according to Gramps' default rules." msgstr "Ги прередува ИД на gramps според основните правила на Gramps." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:398 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:399 #, fuzzy msgid "Sort events" msgstr "Споредување настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:420 #, fuzzy msgid "Verify the Data" msgstr "Завери ја базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:421 msgid "Verifies the data against user-defined tests" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:443 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Searches the entire database, looking for citations that have the same " "Volume/Page, Date and Confidence." msgstr "" "Ја пребарува целата база на податоци, барајќи поединечни записи што можат да " "го претставуваат истото лице." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:466 #, fuzzy msgid "Searches the entire database, looking for a possible loop." msgstr "" "Ја пребарува целата база на податоци, барајќи поединечни записи што можат да " "го претставуваат истото лице." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/tools.gpr.py:490 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Searches the entire database, looking for trailing or leading spaces for " "places and people. Search comma in coordinates fields in places." msgstr "" "Ја пребарува целата база на податоци, барајќи поединечни записи што можат да " "го претставуваат истото лице." #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/toolsdebug.gpr.py:64 #, fuzzy msgid "Dump Gender Statistics" msgstr "Ги обновува секундарните индекси" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/toolsdebug.gpr.py:65 msgid "Will dump the statistics for guessing the gender from the first name." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:215 msgid "Maximum _age" msgstr "Максимална _возраст" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:230 msgid "Mi_nimum age to marry" msgstr "Ми_нимална возраст за брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:257 msgid "Ma_ximum age to marry" msgstr "Ма_ксимална возраст за брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:284 msgid "Maximum number of _spouses for a person" msgstr "Максимален број на _сопружници за едно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:323 msgid "Maximum number of consecutive years of _widowhood before next marriage" msgstr "Максимален број на непрекинати години на _вдовство пред следниот брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:338 msgid "Maximum age for an _unmarried person" msgstr "Максимална возраст за _невенчано лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:361 #, fuzzy msgid "_Estimate missing or inexact dates" msgstr "_Процени ги датумите што недостасуваат" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:378 msgid "_Identify invalid dates" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:432 msgid "Mi_nimum age to bear a child" msgstr "Ми_нимална возраст за носење дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:451 msgid "Ma_ximum age to bear a child" msgstr "Ма_ксимална возраст за носење дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:470 #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:590 #, fuzzy msgid "Maximum number of chil_dren" msgstr "Максимален број на д_еца" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:552 msgid "Mi_nimum age to father a child" msgstr "Ми_нимална возраст за татко на дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:571 msgid "Ma_ximum age to father a child" msgstr "Ма_ксимална возраст за татко на дете" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:704 msgid "Maximum husband-wife age _difference" msgstr "Максимална сопруг-сопруга возрасна _разлика" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:719 msgid "Maximum number of years _between children" msgstr "Максимален број на години _помеѓу деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:734 msgid "Maximum _span of years for all children" msgstr "Максимална разлика на години за сите деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.glade:984 ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:670 msgid "_Hide marked" msgstr "_Скриј ги означените" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:83 #, fuzzy msgctxt "manual" msgid "Verify_the_Data" msgstr "Завери ја базата на податоци" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:295 #, fuzzy msgid "Data Verify tool" msgstr "Алатка за проверување на базата на податоци" #. Translators: needed for French+Arabic, ignore otherwise #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:318 #, python-format msgid "%(severity)s: %(msg)s, %(type)s: %(gid)s, %(name)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:502 #, fuzzy msgid "Data Verification Results" msgstr "Резултати од пребарувањето на базата" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:667 msgid "_Show all" msgstr "_Прикажи сѐ" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:949 msgid "Baptism before birth" msgstr "Крштевање пред раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:965 msgid "Death before baptism" msgstr "Смрт пред крштевање" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:981 msgid "Burial before birth" msgstr "Закоп пред раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:997 msgid "Burial before death" msgstr "Закоп пред смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1013 msgid "Death before birth" msgstr "Смрт пред раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1029 msgid "Burial before baptism" msgstr "Закоп пред крштевање" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1052 msgid "Old age at death" msgstr "Смрт на стари години" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1079 msgid "Multiple parents" msgstr "Повеќекратни родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1101 msgid "Married often" msgstr "Често склопување бракови" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1125 msgid "Old and unmarried" msgstr "Стари и неженети/немажени" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1157 msgid "Too many children" msgstr "Многу деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1175 msgid "Same sex marriage" msgstr "Хомосексуален брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1188 msgid "Female husband" msgstr "Женски сопруг" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1201 msgid "Male wife" msgstr "Машка сопруга" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1231 msgid "Husband and wife with the same surname" msgstr "Сопруг и сопруга со исто презиме" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1261 msgid "Large age difference between spouses" msgstr "Голема возрасна разлика меѓу сопружниците" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1297 msgid "Marriage before birth" msgstr "Брак пред раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1333 msgid "Marriage after death" msgstr "Брак по смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1374 msgid "Early marriage" msgstr "Ран брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1413 msgid "Late marriage" msgstr "Доцен брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1462 msgid "Old father" msgstr "Стар татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1466 msgid "Old mother" msgstr "Стара мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1515 msgid "Young father" msgstr "Млад татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1519 msgid "Young mother" msgstr "Млада мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1563 msgid "Unborn father" msgstr "Нероден татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1567 msgid "Unborn mother" msgstr "Неродена мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1618 msgid "Dead father" msgstr "Починат татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1622 msgid "Dead mother" msgstr "Почината мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1648 msgid "Large year span for all children" msgstr "Големо годишно растојание за сите деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1675 msgid "Large age differences between children" msgstr "Големи возрасни разлики помеѓу деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1688 msgid "Disconnected individual" msgstr "Разделен поединец" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1715 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid birth date" msgstr "Лица без датуми на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1742 #, fuzzy msgid "Invalid death date" msgstr "Неважечко име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1762 msgid "Marriage date but not married" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1790 #, fuzzy msgid "Old age but no death" msgstr "Смрт на стари години" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1806 #, fuzzy msgid "Birth equals death" msgstr "Датум на раѓање" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1824 #, fuzzy msgid "Birth equals marriage" msgstr "Возраст при склопување на бракот" #: ../gramps/plugins/tool/verify.py:1842 #, fuzzy msgid "Death equals marriage" msgstr "Доцен брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:104 #, fuzzy msgid "Source: Title" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:105 #, fuzzy msgid "Source: ID" msgstr "ИД на извор:" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:106 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:99 #, fuzzy msgid "Source: Author" msgstr "Извор: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:107 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:100 #, fuzzy msgid "Source: Abbreviation" msgstr "Кратенка" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:101 #, fuzzy msgid "Source: Publication Information" msgstr "Информации за објавување" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:109 #, fuzzy msgid "Source: Private" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:110 #, fuzzy msgid "Source: Last Changed" msgstr "Последна промена" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:123 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:120 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a new citation and a new source" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:125 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:122 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a new citation to an existing source" msgstr "Додади постоечки извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:127 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete the selected citation" msgstr "Избриши го одбраното семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:128 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected citations" msgstr "Избриши го избраното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:142 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation View" msgstr "Ориентација" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:214 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:364 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на поставување филтер" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:388 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This citation cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated citation " "is already being edited or another object that is associated with the same " "citation is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this citation, you need to close the object." msgstr "" "Ова упатување на настан моментно не може да се уредува. Или се уредува " "поврзаниот настан или друго упатување на настан поврзан со истиот се " "уредува.\n" "\n" "За да ја уредите ова упатување, потребно е да го затворите настанот." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:401 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:412 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:641 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:654 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot merge citations." msgstr "Не можат да се соединат извори." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:402 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:642 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Exactly two citations must be selected to perform a merge. A second citation " "can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the " "desired citation." msgstr "" "За обединување мораат да се одберат точно два извори. Вториот извор може да " "се одбере така што се држи притиснато копчето CTRL на тастатурата кога ќе се " "кликне на саканиот извор." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationlistview.py:413 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:655 msgid "" "The two selected citations must have the same source to perform a merge. If " "you want to merge these two citations, then you must merge the sources first." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:123 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the selected citation or source" msgstr "Уреди го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:124 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete the selected citation or source" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:125 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected citations or selected sources" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:143 msgid "Citation Tree View" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #, fuzzy msgid "Add citation..." msgstr "Партнер" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:399 #, fuzzy msgid "Add source..." msgstr "Додади извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/persontreeview.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Collapse all Nodes" msgstr "Собери ги сите јазли" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:474 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/persontreeview.py:87 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Expand all Nodes" msgstr "Рашири ги сите јазли" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:628 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This source cannot be edited at this time. Either the associated Source " "object is already being edited, or another citation associated with the same " "source is being edited.\n" "\n" "To edit this source, you need to close the object." msgstr "" "Ова упатување на извор моментно не може да се уредува. Или се уредува " "поврзаниот настан или друго упатување што се врзува на ист извор, како и " "оваа.\n" "\n" "За да го уредите ова упатување на извор, потребно е да го затворите изворот." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:667 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot perform merge." msgstr "Не можат да се соединат извори." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/citationtreeview.py:668 msgid "" "Both objects must be of the same type, either both must be sources, or both " "must be citations." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/dashboardview.py:51 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/dashboardview.py:83 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:67 ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:75 msgid "Dashboard" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:95 msgid "Add a new event" msgstr "Додади нов настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:96 msgid "Edit the selected event" msgstr "Уреди го избраниот настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:97 msgid "Delete the selected event" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:98 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected events" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:228 msgid "Event Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на филтерот на настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:402 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot merge event objects." msgstr "Не можат да се соединат извори." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/eventview.py:403 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Exactly two events must be selected to perform a merge. A second object can " "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "event." msgstr "" "За обединување мораат да се одберат точно две лица. Второто лице може да се " "одбере така што се држи притиснато копчето CTRL на тастатурата кога ќе се " "кликне на саканото лице." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:83 #, fuzzy msgid "Marriage Date" msgstr "Место на склопување брак" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:97 msgid "Add a new family" msgstr "Додади ново семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:98 msgid "Edit the selected family" msgstr "Уреди го одбраното семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:99 msgid "Delete the selected family" msgstr "Избриши го одбраното семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:100 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected families" msgstr "Избриши го одбраното семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:188 msgid "Family Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на филтерот на колони" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #, fuzzy msgid "Make Father Active Person" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:279 #, fuzzy msgid "Make Mother Active Person" msgstr "Нема активно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:396 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot merge families." msgstr "Не може да се соединат местата." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/familyview.py:397 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Exactly two families must be selected to perform a merge. A second family " "can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the " "desired family." msgstr "" "За обединување мораат да се одберат точно две места. Второто место може да " "се одбере така што се држи притиснато копчето CTRL на тастатурата кога ќе се " "кликне на саканото место." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:280 #, fuzzy msgid "Max ancestor generations" msgstr "График на Претходни генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:283 #, fuzzy msgid "Max descendant generations" msgstr "Потомци - Предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:286 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:283 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:381 #, fuzzy msgid "Text Font" msgstr "Само текст" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:291 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:288 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:386 #, fuzzy msgid "Gender colors" msgstr "Пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:289 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:387 #, fuzzy msgid "Generation based gradient" msgstr "генерациски зависник" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:293 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:290 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:388 msgid "Age (0-100) based gradient" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:294 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:292 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:389 msgid "Single main (filter) color" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:295 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:293 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:390 msgid "Time period based gradient" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:294 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:391 #, fuzzy msgid "White" msgstr "бела" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:297 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:295 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:392 msgid "Color scheme classic report" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:298 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:296 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:393 msgid "Color scheme classic view" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:306 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:304 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:401 #, fuzzy msgid "Background" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:313 msgid "Add global background colored gradient" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:317 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:309 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:406 msgid "Start gradient/Main color" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:311 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:408 msgid "End gradient/2nd color" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:321 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:313 #, fuzzy msgid "Color for duplicates" msgstr "Пребарување на удвоени сопружници" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:324 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:323 msgid "Fan chart distribution" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:327 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:326 msgid "Homogeneous children distribution" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:329 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:328 #, fuzzy msgid "Size proportional to number of descendants" msgstr "Максимален број на д_еца" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:335 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:334 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:418 #, fuzzy msgid "Show names on two lines" msgstr "Прикажи ги семејните јазли" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:339 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:338 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:422 msgid "Flip name on the left of the fan" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:343 msgid "Show the gramps id" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:346 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:345 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:437 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2151 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1878 #, fuzzy msgid "Layout" msgstr "За" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchart2wayview.py:580 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:568 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:666 #, fuzzy msgid "No preview available" msgstr "Опис не е достапен" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:316 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:411 #, fuzzy msgid "Fan chart type" msgstr "Вентилатор-табела" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:318 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:413 #, fuzzy msgid "Full Circle" msgstr "цел круг" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:319 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:413 #, fuzzy msgid "Half Circle" msgstr "половина круг" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:320 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:414 msgid "Quadrant" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartdescview.py:342 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:430 #, fuzzy msgid "Show gramps id" msgstr "Пример" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:227 #, fuzzy msgid "Print or save the Fan Chart View" msgstr "Вентилатор-табела" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/fanchartview.py:426 #, fuzzy msgid "Show children ring" msgstr "Недостасуваат деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #, fuzzy msgid "Select the person which is the reference for life ways" msgstr "Бришењето ќе го отстрани лицето од базата на податоци." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:110 #, fuzzy msgid "reference _Person" msgstr "Претпочитувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:166 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:164 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:131 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:153 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:134 #, fuzzy msgid "Print or save the Map" msgstr "Вентилатор-табела" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:221 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:160 msgid "Have they been able to meet?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:263 msgid "GeoClose" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:319 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Reference : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )" msgstr "Роден/а: %(birth_date)s, Починал/а: %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:325 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "The other : %(name)s ( %(birth)s - %(death)s )" msgstr "Роден/а: %(birth_date)s, Починал/а: %(death_date)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:330 #, fuzzy msgid "The other person is unknown" msgstr "Лица со непознат пол" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:337 msgid "You must choose one reference person." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:338 msgid "" "Go to the person view and select the people you want to compare. Return to " "this view and use the history." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:396 msgid "Select the person which will be our reference." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:500 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:582 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:258 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:370 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:405 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(eventtype)s : %(name)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:653 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose and bookmark the new reference person" msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:676 msgid "" "The meeting zone probability radius.\n" "The colored zone is approximative.\n" "The meeting zone is only shown for the reference person.\n" "The value 9 means about 42 miles or 67 kms.\n" "The value 1 means about 4.6 miles or 7.5 kms.\n" "The value is in tenth of degree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoclose.py:685 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:869 #, fuzzy msgid "The selection parameters" msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со параметри" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:165 #, fuzzy msgid "Events places map" msgstr "Уреди место" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:190 #, fuzzy msgid "GeoEvents" msgstr "Настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:310 msgid "incomplete or unreferenced event ?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:350 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:363 #, fuzzy msgid "Selecting all events" msgstr "Сврзување за родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:374 msgid "" "Right click on the map and select 'show all events' to show all known events " "with coordinates. You can use the history to navigate on the map. You can " "use filtering." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:410 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:441 #, fuzzy msgid "Bookmark this event" msgstr "Споредување настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:454 #, fuzzy msgid "Show all events" msgstr "Настани за родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoevents.py:457 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:547 #, fuzzy msgid "Centering on Place" msgstr "Централно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 msgid "Select the family which is the reference for life ways" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:108 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:152 #, fuzzy msgid "reference _Family" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:220 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:142 msgid "Have these two families been able to meet?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:258 #, fuzzy msgid "GeoFamClose" msgstr "Семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:301 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:343 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(gramps_id)s : %(father)s and %(mother)s" msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:351 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Family reference : %s" msgstr "Не е возможно да се вчитаат претпочитувањата од %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:354 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:357 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "The other family : %s" msgstr "Фонт на семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:364 msgid "You must choose one reference family." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:366 msgid "" "Go to the family view and select the families you want to compare. Return to " "this view and use the history." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:692 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:398 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Father : %(id)s : %(name)s" msgstr "Татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:701 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:407 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Mother : %(id)s : %(name)s" msgstr "Мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:713 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:420 #, python-format msgid "Child : %(id)s - %(index)d : %(name)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:722 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:428 #, python-format msgid "Person : %(id)s %(name)s has no family." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:836 #, fuzzy msgid "Choose and bookmark the new reference family" msgstr "Избриши го одбраното семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamclose.py:859 msgid "" "The meeting zone probability radius.\n" "The colored zone is approximative.\n" "The meeting zone is only shown for the reference family.\n" "The value 9 means about 42 miles or 67 kms.\n" "The value 1 means about 4.6 miles or 7.5 kms.\n" "The value is in tenth of degree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:164 #, fuzzy msgid "Family places map" msgstr "Семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:186 #, fuzzy msgid "GeoFamily" msgstr "Семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geofamily.py:371 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Family places for %s" msgstr "Семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:67 msgid "OsmGpsMap module not loaded." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:68 msgid "" "Geography functionality will not be available.\n" "Try to install:\n" " gir1.2-osmgpsmap-1.0 (debian, ubuntu, ...)\n" " osm-gps-map-gobject-1.0.1 for fedora, ...\n" " typelib-1_0-OsmGpsMap-1_0 for openSuse\n" " ...\n" "To build it for Gramps see the Wiki ()\n" " and search for 'build from source'" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:87 #, fuzzy msgid "All known places for one Person" msgstr "Настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:88 msgid "A view showing the places visited by one person during his life." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:96 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:113 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:134 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:152 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:170 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:186 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:203 #, fuzzy msgid "Geography" msgstr "Графика" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:104 #, fuzzy msgid "All known places for one Family" msgstr "Настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:105 msgid "A view showing the places visited by one family during all their life." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:121 msgid "Every residence or move for a person and any descendants" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:123 msgid "" "A view showing all the places visited by all persons during their life.\n" "This is for a person and any descendant.\n" "You can see the dates corresponding to the period." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:143 msgid "" "A view showing the places visited by all family's members during their life: " "have these two people been able to meet?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:161 msgid "" "A view showing the places visited by two persons during their life: have " "these two people been able to meet?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:178 #, fuzzy msgid "All known Places" msgstr "Места" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:179 #, fuzzy msgid "A view showing all places of the database." msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:194 #, fuzzy msgid "All places related to Events" msgstr "Лица кои се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geography.gpr.py:195 #, fuzzy msgid "A view showing all the event places of the database." msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:210 #, fuzzy msgid "Descendants of the active person." msgstr "Го уредува активното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:240 msgid "GeoMoves" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:573 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "All descendants for %s" msgstr "Потомци на %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:715 #, fuzzy msgid "Bookmark this person" msgstr "Означени лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:747 msgid "The maximum number of generations.\n" msgstr "Максимален број на генерации.\n" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:754 msgid "Time in milliseconds between drawing two generations.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geomoves.py:761 msgid "The parameters for moves" msgstr "" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:212 #, fuzzy msgid "Person places map" msgstr "Записот е личен" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:236 #, fuzzy msgid "GeoPerson" msgstr "Лице" # Слогот? #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:384 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Person places for %s" msgstr "Записот е личен" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:581 #, fuzzy msgid "Animate" msgstr "Проценето" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:604 msgid "Animation speed in milliseconds (big value means slower)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:609 msgid "How many steps between two markers when we are on large move ?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:614 msgid "" "The minimum latitude/longitude to select large move.\n" "The value is in tenth of degree." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoperson.py:619 #, fuzzy msgid "The animation parameters" msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со параметри" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:209 #, fuzzy msgid "Places map" msgstr "Место 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:238 #, fuzzy msgid "GeoPlaces" msgstr "Места" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:410 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:423 #, fuzzy msgid "Selecting all places" msgstr "Одбирање луѓе" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:435 msgid "" "Right click on the map and select 'show all places' to show all known places " "with coordinates. You can change the markers color depending on place type. " "You can use filtering." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:450 msgid "" "Right click on the map and select 'show all places' to show all known places " "with coordinates. You can use the history to navigate on the map. You can " "change the markers color depending on place type. You can use filtering." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:463 msgid "The place name in the status bar is disabled." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:468 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "The maximum number of places is reached (%d)." msgstr "Максимален број на години _помеѓу деца" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:471 #, fuzzy msgid "Some information are missing." msgstr "Недостасуваат лични информации" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:473 msgid "Please, use filtering to reduce this number." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:475 msgid "You can modify this value in the geography option." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:477 msgid "In this case, it may take time to show all markers." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:507 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:530 #, fuzzy msgid "Bookmark this place" msgstr "Крштевка" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:544 #, fuzzy msgid "Show all places" msgstr "Покажувај слики" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:629 #, fuzzy msgid "Custom places name" msgstr "Семејно име:" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/geoplaces.py:637 msgid "The places marker color" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:112 msgid "Edit the selected media object" msgstr "Уреди го одбраниот медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:113 msgid "Delete the selected media object" msgstr "Избриши го одбраниот медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:114 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected media objects" msgstr "Избриши го одбраниот медиумски објект" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:294 msgid "Media Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач на филтерот за објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:385 msgid "View in the default viewer" msgstr "Видете во основниот поглед" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:480 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot merge media objects." msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/mediaview.py:481 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Exactly two media objects must be selected to perform a merge. A second " "object can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the " "desired object." msgstr "" "За обединување мораат да се одберат точно два извори. Вториот извор може да " "се одбере така што се држи притиснато копчето CTRL на тастатурата кога ќе се " "кликне на саканиот извор." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:94 #, fuzzy msgid "Delete the selected note" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:95 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected notes" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот настан" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:187 #, fuzzy msgid "Note Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:351 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot merge notes." msgstr "Не можат да се соединат извори." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/noteview.py:352 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Exactly two notes must be selected to perform a merge. A second note can be " "selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired note." msgstr "" "За обединување мораат да се одберат точно два извори. Вториот извор може да " "се одбере така што се држи притиснато копчето CTRL на тастатурата кога ќе се " "кликне на саканиот извор." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:82 msgctxt "short for born" msgid "b." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:83 msgctxt "short for died" msgid "d." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:84 msgctxt "short for baptized" msgid "bap." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:85 msgctxt "short for christened" msgid "chr." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:86 msgctxt "short for buried" msgid "bur." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:87 msgctxt "short for cremated" msgid "crem." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1216 msgid "Jump to child..." msgstr "Оди на дете..." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1230 msgid "Jump to father" msgstr "Оди на татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1244 msgid "Jump to mother" msgstr "Оди на мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1612 #, fuzzy msgid "A person was found to be his/her own ancestor." msgstr "Грешка во базата: %s е дефиниран/а како сопствен предок" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1656 #, fuzzy msgid "Pre_vious" msgstr "Претходно" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1657 #, fuzzy msgid "_Next" msgstr "Следно" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1686 msgid "Mouse scroll direction" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1690 #, fuzzy msgid "Top <-> Bottom" msgstr "Долу" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1697 msgid "Left <-> Right" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1715 #, fuzzy msgid "About Pedigree View" msgstr "Потекло" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:1926 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 #, fuzzy msgid "Add New Parents..." msgstr "Додади родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2121 msgid "Show images" msgstr "Покажувај слики" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2124 msgid "Show marriage data" msgstr "Покажувај податоци за бракови" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2127 #, fuzzy msgid "Show unknown people" msgstr "Непознат тип:%s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2130 #, fuzzy msgid "Show tags" msgstr "Покажувај слики" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2133 msgid "Tree style" msgstr "Стебловиден изглед" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2135 #, fuzzy msgid "Standard" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2136 #, fuzzy msgid "Compact" msgstr "Контакт" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2137 msgid "Expanded" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2140 #, fuzzy msgid "Tree direction" msgstr "Правец на стрелка" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/pedigreeview.py:2147 msgid "Tree size" msgstr "Големина на стеблото" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/personlistview.py:54 #, fuzzy msgid "Person View" msgstr "Врска до лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/persontreeview.py:66 #, fuzzy msgid "People Tree View" msgstr "Лица означени како лични" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placelistview.py:51 #, fuzzy msgid "Place View" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:55 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Tree View" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Collapse this Entire Group" msgstr "Збирка" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/placetreeview.py:77 #, fuzzy msgid "Expand this Entire Group" msgstr "Избор на датум" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:370 #, fuzzy msgid "Organize Bookmarks..." msgstr "Уреди обележани" # Охохо, групен брак! Или програмата мисли за дизајнирани деца со измешани гени. Ваму стои „сет“, а тоа на македонски значи „множество“. Се држам до преводот, инаку би требало „пар“. # А.Б. #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 #, fuzzy msgid "Add Existing Parents..." msgstr "Додава постоечки пар родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 #, fuzzy msgid "Add Partner..." msgstr "Партнер" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:391 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 msgid "_Reorder" msgstr "_Преподреди" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:977 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a new family with person as parent" msgstr "Додади ново лице како мајка" # Охохо, групен брак! Или програмата мисли за дизајнирани деца со измешани гени. Ваму стои „сет“, а тоа на македонски значи „множество“. Се држам до преводот, инаку би требало „пар“. # А.Б. #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:971 #, fuzzy msgid "Add a new set of parents" msgstr "Додава нов пар родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:972 #, fuzzy msgid "Add person as child to an existing family" msgstr "Додади постоечко лице како дете во семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 msgid "Change order of parents and families" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:477 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit the active person" msgstr "Го уредува активното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:744 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:770 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:787 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:794 #, python-format msgid "%s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:782 #, fuzzy msgid "Alive" msgstr "Архивирај" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:848 ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:875 #, python-format msgid "%(date)s in %(place)s" msgstr "%(date)s во %(place)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:973 msgid "Edit parents" msgstr "Уреди родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:974 #, fuzzy msgid "Reorder parents" msgstr "Отстрани родители" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:975 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove person as child of these parents" msgstr "Отстрани го лицето како татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:981 #, fuzzy msgid "Remove person as parent in this family" msgstr "Отстрани го лицето како татко" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1041 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1096 #, python-brace-format msgid " ({number_of} sibling)" msgid_plural " ({number_of} siblings)" msgstr[0] " ({number_of} брат/сестра)" msgstr[1] " ({number_of} браќа/сестри)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1048 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1103 msgid " (1 brother)" msgstr " (1 брат)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1050 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1105 msgid " (1 sister)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1052 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1107 msgid " (1 sibling)" msgstr " (1 брат/сестра)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1054 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1109 msgid " (only child)" msgstr " (единствено дете)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1122 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1624 #, fuzzy msgid "Add new child to family" msgstr "Додај дете на семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1126 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1628 #, fuzzy msgid "Add existing child to family" msgstr "Додај дете на семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1406 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(birthabbrev)s %(birthdate)s, %(deathabbrev)s %(deathdate)s" msgstr "" "Роден/а: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s, Починал/а: %(death_date)s " "%(death_place)s." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1413 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1415 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(event)s %(date)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1474 #, python-format msgid "Relationship type: %s" msgstr "Тип на врска: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1518 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(event_type)s %(date)s in %(place)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s во %(place)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1522 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(event_type)s %(date)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1526 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(event_type)s %(place)s" msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(place)s" # Дали е растурено како развод и слично, или растурено во базата заради непотполни податоци? #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1537 msgid "Broken family detected" msgstr "Пронајдено е растурено семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1538 msgid "Please run the Check and Repair Database tool" msgstr "Активирајте ја алатката Провери и поправи база" #. Translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1561 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1607 #, python-brace-format msgid " ({number_of} child)" msgid_plural " ({number_of} children)" msgstr[0] " ({number_of} дете)" msgstr[1] " ({number_of} деца)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1565 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1611 msgid " (no children)" msgstr " (нема деца)" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1868 #, fuzzy msgid "Use shading" msgstr "Проценување" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1870 #, fuzzy msgid "Display edit buttons" msgstr "Уредувач на имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1872 msgid "View links as website links" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1888 #, fuzzy msgid "Show Details" msgstr "Покажи подробности" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/relview.py:1890 #, fuzzy msgid "Show Siblings" msgstr "Покажи браќа и сестри" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:88 msgid "Home URL" msgstr "Почетен URL" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:96 msgid "Search URL" msgstr "URL за пребарување" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:112 msgid "Add a new repository" msgstr "Додади нов репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:114 msgid "Delete the selected repository" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:115 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected repositories" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:201 msgid "Repository Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер на репозиториум" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:358 #, fuzzy msgid "Cannot merge repositories." msgstr "Не можат да се соединат извори." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/repoview.py:359 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Exactly two repositories must be selected to perform a merge. A second " "repository can be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on " "the desired repository." msgstr "" "За обединување мораат да се одберат точно два извори. Вториот извор може да " "се одбере така што се држи притиснато копчето CTRL на тастатурата кога ќе се " "кликне на саканиот извор." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:99 msgid "Edit the selected source" msgstr "Уреди го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:100 msgid "Delete the selected source" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:101 #, fuzzy msgid "Merge the selected sources" msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:187 msgid "Source Filter Editor" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер на извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:336 msgid "Cannot merge sources." msgstr "Не можат да се соединат извори." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/sourceview.py:337 msgid "" "Exactly two sources must be selected to perform a merge. A second source can " "be selected by holding down the control key while clicking on the desired " "source." msgstr "" "За обединување мораат да се одберат точно два извори. Вториот извор може да " "се одбере така што се држи притиснато копчето CTRL на тастатурата кога ќе се " "кликне на саканиот извор." #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:38 msgid "The view showing all the events" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:53 msgid "The view showing all families" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:68 #, fuzzy msgid "The view showing Gramplets" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:83 #, fuzzy msgid "The view showing all the media objects" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:98 msgid "The view showing all the notes" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:113 #, fuzzy msgid "The view showing all relationships of the selected person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:128 #, fuzzy msgid "The view showing an ancestor pedigree of the selected person" msgstr "Пребројува број на предци од одбраните лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:135 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:144 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:159 #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:174 #, fuzzy msgid "Charts" msgstr "Табели" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:145 #, fuzzy msgid "A view showing parents through a fanchart" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:160 msgid "Showing descendants through a fanchart" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:175 #, fuzzy msgid "Showing ascendants and descendants through a fanchart" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:188 #, fuzzy msgid "Grouped People" msgstr "Посвоени лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:189 #, fuzzy msgid "The view showing all people in the Family Tree grouped per family name" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:206 #, fuzzy msgid "The view showing all people in the Family Tree in a flat list" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:222 #, fuzzy msgid "The view showing all the places of the Family Tree" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:236 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Tree" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:237 msgid "A view displaying places in a tree format." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:253 msgid "The view showing all the repositories" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:268 msgid "The view showing all the sources" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:284 #, fuzzy msgid "The view showing all the citations" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:298 msgid "Citation Tree" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/view/view.gpr.py:299 msgid "A view displaying citations and sources in a tree format." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbook.py:89 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:82 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1748 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1815 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1940 msgid "Address Book" msgstr "Адресар" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:91 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database, sorted " "by their surname, with one of the following: Address, Residence, or Web " "Links. Selecting the person’s name will take you to their individual " "Address Book page." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите поединци во базата на податоци, " "подредени по нивното презиме. Избирање на името на лицето ќе ве одведе на " "неговата поединечна страница." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:113 #, fuzzy msgid "Full Name" msgstr "Повикај име:" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/addressbooklist.py:116 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2439 #, fuzzy msgid "Web Links" msgstr "Веб-врски" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:446 msgid "Narrative" msgstr "Раскажувачко" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1239 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2905 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2971 #, fuzzy msgid "State/ Province" msgstr "Држава/Покраина" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1423 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Generated by %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s %(version)s" msgstr "" "Генерирано од GRAMPS на %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1433 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Last change was the %(date)s" msgstr "Извори што се совпаѓаат со " #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1436 #, python-format msgid " on %(date)s" msgstr " на %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1461 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1466 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(http_break)sCreated for %(subject_url)s" msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(father)s." #. Translators: Basic Blue style sheet with navigation menus #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1680 #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:65 msgid "Basic-Blue" msgstr "" #. Translators: Visually Impaired style sheet with its navigation menus #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1681 #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:97 msgid "Visually Impaired" msgstr "" # Овие се испомешале со home person и home person. Не ми е јасно дали тоа е исто, но ги третирав како исто. Да се провери. # А.Б. # (П.С. 'Home Person' - што ти прави многу броусање!) #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1696 #, fuzzy msgid "Go to top" msgstr "Оди на основното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1731 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1786 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1963 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Html" msgid "Home" msgstr "На почеток" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1745 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1932 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/thumbnail.py:115 #, fuzzy msgid "Thumbnails" msgstr "Издание" # Превземи?!?!? #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1747 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1939 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:93 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2285 msgid "Download" msgstr "Симни" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1750 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1947 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1984 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/contact.py:79 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Контакт" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1751 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1818 #, fuzzy msgid "Updates" msgstr "Датум" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1753 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1824 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:58 #, fuzzy msgid "Web Calendar" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1883 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:413 msgid "Previous" msgstr "Претходно" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:1885 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:424 msgid "Next" msgstr "Следно" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2489 msgid " [Click to Go]" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2515 #, fuzzy msgid "Latter-Day Saints/ LDS Ordinance" msgstr "Создади и додади нов извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2660 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2661 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:409 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:730 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1066 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Map" msgstr "Мени за семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2902 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2969 msgid "Church Parish" msgstr "Парохија" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:2924 #, fuzzy msgid "Locations" msgstr "Локација" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3239 msgid "between" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3250 msgid "circa" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/basepage.py:3252 #, fuzzy msgid "around" msgstr "Боја на заднина" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:100 msgid "" "This page is for the user/ creator of this Family Tree/ Narrative website to " "share a couple of files with you regarding their family. If there are any " "files listed below, clicking on them will allow you to download them. The " "download page and files have the same copyright as the remainder of these " "web pages." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:126 #, fuzzy msgid "File Name" msgstr "Име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:128 msgid "Last Modified" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:129 msgid "MD5" msgstr "MD5" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/download.py:178 #, fuzzy msgid "No file to download" msgstr "Опис" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:117 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating event pages" msgstr "Создавање на страници со места" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:155 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the events in the database, sorted by " "their type and date (if one is present). Clicking on an event’s Gramps " "ID will open a page for that event." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите места во базата, подредени по нивниот " "наслов. Кликање на насловот на местото ќе ве однесе на страницата на местото." # буква #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:181 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:218 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:230 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:141 msgid "Letter" msgstr "Писмо" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/event.py:258 #, python-format msgid "Event types beginning with letter %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:111 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating family pages..." msgstr "Создавање на медиумски страници" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:148 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the families/ relationships in the " "database, sorted by their family name/ surname. Clicking on a person’s " "name will take you to their family/ relationship’s page." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите места во базата, подредени по нивниот " "наслов. Кликање на насловот на местото ќе ве однесе на страницата на местото." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:239 msgid "Families beginning with letter " msgstr "Семејства што почнуваат на буквата " #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/family.py:464 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Family Map for %s" msgstr "Семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/home.py:79 msgid "Home" msgstr "На почеток" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:120 msgid "Creating media pages" msgstr "Создавање на медиумски страници" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:214 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the media objects in the database, sorted " "by their title. Clicking on the title will take you to that media " "object’s page. If you see media size dimensions above an image, click " "on the image to see the full sized version. " msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите медија објекти во датабазата, подредени " "по нивниот наслов. Кликањето на навниот насловот ќе ве однесе на страницата " "на тој медија објект. Ако видете димензии на медија над сликада, кликнете " "на сликата за да видите полнa големина. " #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:238 msgctxt "Media " msgid " Name" msgstr " Име" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:241 #, fuzzy msgid "Mime Type" msgstr "Вид на медиум" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:253 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating list of media pages" msgstr "Создавање на медиумски страници" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:254 #, fuzzy msgid "Narrated Web Site Report" msgstr "Расказна мрежна страна" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:290 #, fuzzy msgid "Below unused media objects" msgstr "Број на ретки медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:414 #, python-format msgid "" "%(strong1_strt)s%(page_number)d%(strong_end)s of %(strong2_strt)s" "%(total_pages)d%(strong_end)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:427 #, fuzzy msgid "The file has been moved or deleted." msgstr "Датотеката е преместена или избришана" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:575 #, fuzzy msgid "File Type" msgstr "Филтер" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/media.py:702 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing media object:" msgstr "Медиумски објект што недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:312 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Neither %(current)s nor %(parent)s are directories" msgstr "Ниту %s ниту %s не се директориуми" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:321 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:327 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:340 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:346 #, python-format msgid "Could not create the directory: %s" msgstr "Не може да се создаде директориумот: %s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:353 msgid "Invalid file name" msgstr "Неважечко име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:354 msgid "The archive file must be a file, not a directory" msgstr "Архивската датотека мора да биде датотека, а не директориум" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:546 #, python-format msgid "ID=%(grampsid)s, path=%(dir)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:551 #, fuzzy msgid "Missing media objects:" msgstr "Медиумски објект што недостасува" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:587 msgid "Constructing list of other objects..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:844 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Family of %(husband)s and %(spouse)s" msgstr "Забелешка за семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:850 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:854 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Family of %s" msgstr "Забелешка за семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1207 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating GENDEX file" msgstr "Грешка при читање на GEDCOM датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1267 msgid "Creating surname pages" msgstr "Создавање на страници со презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1294 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating thumbnail preview page..." msgstr "Создавање на страници со презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1304 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating statistics page..." msgstr "Создавање на медиумски страници" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1314 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating updates page..." msgstr "Создавање на медиумски страници" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1355 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating address book pages ..." msgstr "Создавање на страници со места" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1831 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Narrative Website Report for the %s language" msgstr "Расказна мрежна страна" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1833 #, fuzzy msgid "Narrative Website Report" msgstr "Расказна мрежна страна" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1946 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Store web pages in .tar.gz archive" msgid "Store website in .tar.gz archive" msgstr "Складирај ги веб-страниците во .tar.gz архивата" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1948 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to store the website in an archive file" msgstr "Складирај ги веб-страниците во .tar.gz архивата" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1959 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1746 msgid "The destination directory for the web files" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1965 msgid "My Family Tree" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1965 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Web site title" msgid "Website title" msgstr "Наслов на веб-локација" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1966 #, fuzzy msgid "The title of the website" msgstr "Стилот употребен за поднасловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1971 #, fuzzy msgid "Select filter to restrict people that appear on the website" msgstr "Избира алатка од оние што се достапни од лево." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1980 #, fuzzy msgid "Show the relationship between the current person and the active person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:1983 #, fuzzy msgid "" "For each person page, show the relationship between this person and the " "active person." msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2003 #, fuzzy msgid "Html options" msgstr "Избор на фонт" # екстензија?!?!?! #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2006 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1767 msgid "File extension" msgstr "Наставка на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2009 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1770 #, fuzzy msgid "The extension to be used for the web files" msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2013 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1773 msgid "Copyright" msgstr "Авторски права" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2016 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1776 #, fuzzy msgid "The copyright to be used for the web files" msgstr "Стилот употребен за ознаките на годините." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2019 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1782 #, fuzzy msgid "StyleSheet" msgstr "Стил на страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2026 #, fuzzy msgid "The default stylesheet to be used for the pages" msgstr "Стилот употребен за ознаките на годините." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2032 msgid "Horizontal -- Default" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2033 msgid "Vertical -- Left Side" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2034 msgid "Fade -- WebKit Browsers Only" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2035 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2049 msgid "Drop-Down -- WebKit Browsers Only" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2037 msgid "Navigation Menu Layout" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2041 msgid "Choose which layout for the Navigation Menus." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2048 msgid "Normal Outline Style" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2052 #, fuzzy msgid "Citation Referents Layout" msgstr "Упатувања" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2056 msgid "" "Determine the default layout for the Source Page's Citation Referents section" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2060 #, fuzzy msgid "Include ancestor's tree" msgstr "Вклучи графикон на предци" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2061 msgid "Whether to include an ancestor graph on each individual page" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2066 #, fuzzy msgid "Add previous/next" msgstr "Додади сопружник" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2067 msgid "Add previous/next to the navigation bar." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2070 msgid "This is a secure site (HTTPS)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2072 msgid "Whether to use http:// or https://" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2075 #, fuzzy msgid "Toggle sections" msgstr "Избор на филтер" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2076 msgid "Check it if you want to open/close a section" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2086 #, fuzzy msgid "Extra pages" msgstr "Место на смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2089 #, fuzzy msgid "Extra page name" msgstr "Патронимско, Дадено име" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2092 msgid "Your extra page name like it is shown in the menubar" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2097 msgid "Your extra page path" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2100 msgid "Your extra page path without extension" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2117 msgid "Do we use multiple translations?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2119 msgid "" "Whether to display the narrative web in multiple languages.\n" "See the translation tab to add new languages to the default one defined in " "the next field." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2133 msgid "Sort all children in birth order" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2135 msgid "Whether to display children in birth order or in entry order." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2139 msgid "Do we display coordinates in the places list?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2141 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to display latitude/longitude in the places list." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2145 msgid "Sort places references either by date or by name" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2147 msgid "Sort the places references by date or by name. Not set means by date." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2151 #, fuzzy msgid "Graph generations" msgstr "Генерации" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2152 msgid "The number of generations to include in the ancestor graph" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2158 msgid "Include narrative notes just after name, gender" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2160 msgid "" "Include narrative notes just after name, gender and age at death (default) " "or include them just before attributes." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2171 msgid "Page Generation" msgstr "Страница на генерација" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2174 #, fuzzy msgid "Home page note" msgstr "Обедини забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2175 #, fuzzy msgid "A note to be used on the home page" msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот на страницата." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2178 #, fuzzy msgid "Home page image" msgstr "Пресметај возраст" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2179 msgid "An image to be used on the home page" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2182 #, fuzzy msgid "Introduction note" msgstr "Вовед" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2183 msgid "A note to be used as the introduction" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2186 #, fuzzy msgid "Introduction image" msgstr "Вовед" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2187 msgid "An image to be used as the introduction" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2190 #, fuzzy msgid "Publisher contact note" msgstr "ID на белешка/контакт издавачот" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2191 msgid "" "A note to be used as the publisher contact.\n" "If no publisher information is given,\n" "no contact page will be created" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2197 #, fuzzy msgid "Publisher contact image" msgstr "ID на белешка/контакт издавачот" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2198 msgid "" "An image to be used as the publisher contact.\n" "If no publisher information is given,\n" "no contact page will be created" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2204 msgid "HTML user header" msgstr "Заглавие на HTML-корисник" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2205 #, fuzzy msgid "A note to be used as the page header or a PHP code to insert." msgstr "Стилот употребен за заглавието за генерациите." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2209 msgid "HTML user footer" msgstr "Подножје на HTML-корисник" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2210 #, fuzzy msgid "A note to be used as the page footer" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2215 msgid "PHP user session" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2216 msgid "" "A note to use for starting the php session.\n" "This option will be available only if the .php file extension is selected." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2227 #, fuzzy msgid "Images Generation" msgstr "Страница на генерација" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2230 msgid "Include images and media objects" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2232 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include a gallery of media objects" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2238 msgid "Create the images index" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2240 msgid "This option allows you to create the images index" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2246 #, fuzzy msgid "Include unused images and media objects" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2247 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include unused or unreferenced media objects" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2252 msgid "Create and only use thumbnail- sized images" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2254 msgid "" "This option allows you to create only thumbnail images instead of the full-" "sized images on the Media Page. This will allow you to have a much smaller " "total upload size to your web hosting site." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2263 #, fuzzy msgid "Create the thumbnail index" msgstr "Создавање на страници со презимиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2265 msgid "This option allows you to create the thumbnail index" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2271 msgid "Max width of initial image" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2273 msgid "" "This allows you to set the maximum width of the image shown on the media " "page." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2288 msgid "Include download page" msgstr "Вклучи преземена страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2290 msgid "Whether to include a database download option" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2294 msgid "How many downloads" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2296 #, fuzzy msgid "The number of download files to include in the download page" msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2305 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Download Filename #%c" msgstr "Неважечко име на датотека" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2308 msgid "File to be used for downloading of database" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2312 #, fuzzy msgid "Description for download" msgstr "Опис" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2313 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Family Tree #%c" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2314 msgid "Give a description for this file." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2326 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1944 #, fuzzy msgid "Advanced Options" msgstr "Опции на хартија" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2329 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1946 msgid "Character set encoding" msgstr "Збирка за енкодирање знаци" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2333 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1950 #, fuzzy msgid "The encoding to be used for the web files" msgstr "Стилот употребен за ознаките на годините." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2337 #, fuzzy msgid "Include link to active person on every page" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2339 msgid "Include a link to the active person (if they have a webpage)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2343 msgid "Include a column for birth dates on the index pages" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2344 msgid "Whether to include a birth column" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2348 msgid "Include a column for death dates on the index pages" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2349 msgid "Whether to include a death column" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2352 msgid "Include a column for partners on the index pages" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2354 msgid "Whether to include a partners column" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2357 msgid "Include a column for parents on the index pages" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2359 msgid "Whether to include a parents column" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2363 msgid "Include half and/or step-siblings on the individual pages" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2366 #, fuzzy msgid "" "Whether to include half and/or step-siblings with the parents and siblings" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2379 #, fuzzy msgid "Include family pages" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2380 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether or not to include family pages." msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2383 #, fuzzy msgid "Include event pages" msgstr "Вклучи настани" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2385 msgid "Add a complete events list and relevant pages or not" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2388 #, fuzzy msgid "Include place pages" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2390 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether or not to include the place pages." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2393 #, fuzzy msgid "Include unused place pages" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2395 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether or not to include the unused place pages." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2398 #, fuzzy msgid "Include source pages" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2400 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether or not to include the source pages." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2403 #, fuzzy msgid "Include repository pages" msgstr "Вклучи извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2405 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether or not to include the repository pages." msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2409 msgid "Include GENDEX file (/gendex.txt)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2410 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include a GENDEX file or not" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2413 #, fuzzy msgid "Include address book pages" msgstr "Вклучи адреси" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2414 msgid "" "Whether or not to add Address Book pages,which can include e-mail and " "website addresses and personal address/ residence events." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2420 #, fuzzy msgid "Include the statistics page" msgstr "Создавање на медиумски страници" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2421 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether or not to add statistics page" msgstr "Лична особина:" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2430 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Map Options" msgstr "Место 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2435 #, fuzzy msgid "Stamen Map" msgstr "Опции на документи" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2436 #, fuzzy msgid "Google" msgstr "_Google мапи" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2437 #, fuzzy msgid "Map Service" msgstr "Воена служба" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2441 msgid "Choose your choice of map service for creating the Place Map Pages." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2447 #, fuzzy msgid "Include Place map on Place Pages" msgstr "Вклучи преземена страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2449 msgid "" "Whether to include a place map on the Place Pages, where Latitude/ Longitude " "are available." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2454 msgid "Include Family Map Pages with all places shown on the map" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2458 msgid "" "Whether or not to add an individual page map showing all the places on this " "page. This will allow you to see how your family traveled around the country." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2466 #, fuzzy msgid "Family Links" msgstr "Семејства" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2467 msgid "Drop" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2468 #, fuzzy msgid "Markers" msgstr "Обележи" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2469 msgid "Google/ FamilyMap Option" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2474 msgid "" "Select which option that you would like to have for the Google Maps family-" "map pages..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2478 #, fuzzy msgid "Google maps API key" msgstr "_Google мапи" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2479 #, fuzzy msgid "The API key used for the Google maps" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2483 msgid "Toner" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2484 msgid "Terrain" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2485 #, fuzzy msgid "WaterColor" msgstr "Полнење со боја" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2486 #, fuzzy msgid "Stamen Option" msgstr "Опции на документи" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2491 msgid "" "Select which option that you would like to have for the Stamen map map-" "pages..." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2503 #, fuzzy msgid "Other inclusion (CMS, web calendar, PHP)" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2507 #, fuzzy msgid "Do we include these pages in a CMS web?" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2512 #, fuzzy msgid "URI" msgstr "URL" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2518 msgid "Where do you place your website? default = /NAVWEB" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2526 #, fuzzy msgid "Include the news and updates page" msgstr "Создавање на медиумски страници" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2528 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to include a page with the last updates" msgstr "Вклучи настани" # точки?!?!?! #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2533 #, fuzzy msgid "Max days for updates" msgstr "Макс. број на теми вклучени во пита" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2534 msgid "You want to see the last updates on how many days?" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2538 #, fuzzy msgid "Max number of updates per object to show" msgstr "Максимален број на _сопружници за едно лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2540 msgid "How many updates do you want to see max" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2553 #, fuzzy msgid "Translations" msgstr "Дипломирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2556 #, fuzzy msgid "second language" msgstr "Втор датум" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2560 msgid "Site name for your second language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2561 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2569 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2577 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2585 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2593 #, fuzzy msgid "This site title" msgstr "Наслов на веб-локација" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2562 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2570 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2578 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2586 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2594 msgid "Enter a title in the respective language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2564 msgid "third language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2568 msgid "Site name for your third language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2572 msgid "fourth language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2576 msgid "Site name for your fourth language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2580 msgid "fifth language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2584 msgid "Site name for your fifth language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2588 msgid "sixth language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2592 msgid "Site name for your sixth language" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2805 #, fuzzy msgid "Calendar Options" msgstr "Опции на хартија" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2812 #, fuzzy msgid "Do we include the web calendar ?" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2813 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Whether to include a calendar for year %s" msgstr "Вклучи слики и медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2835 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1953 #, fuzzy msgid "Create one day event pages for Year At A Glance calendar" msgstr "Создавање на страници со места" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2838 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1955 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to create one day pages or not" msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2842 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1959 #, fuzzy msgid "Include birthdays in the calendar" msgstr "Вклучи родендени" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2846 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1963 #, fuzzy msgid "Include anniversaries in the calendar" msgstr "Вклучи годишнини" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2849 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1966 #, fuzzy msgid "Include death dates" msgstr "Вклучи забелешки" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2850 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1967 #, fuzzy msgid "Include death anniversaries in the calendar" msgstr "Вклучи годишнини" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2859 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1977 msgid "Show data only after year" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/narrativeweb.py:2862 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1980 msgid "" "Show data only after this year. Default is current year - 'maximum age " "probably alive' which is defined in the dates preference tab." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:150 msgid "Creating individual pages" msgstr "Создавање на поединечни страница" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:200 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database, sorted " "by their last names. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that " "person’s individual page." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите поединци во базата на податоци, " "подредени по нивното презиме. Избирање на името на лицето ќе ве одведе на " "неговата поединечна страница." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:263 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:95 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:193 msgid "" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:293 #, fuzzy, python-format msgctxt "letter" msgid "Surnames %(surname)s beginning with letter %(letter)s" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер за места" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:877 #, python-format msgid "Tracking %s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:882 msgid "" "This map page represents that person and any descendants with all of their " "event/places. If you place your mouse over the marker it will display the " "place name. The markers and the Reference list are sorted in date order (if " "any?). Clicking on a place’s name in the Reference section will take " "you to that place’s page." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:934 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Title" msgstr "Име на местото" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1037 msgid "Drop Markers" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1596 #, fuzzy msgid "Call Name" msgstr "Повикај име:" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1614 #, fuzzy msgid "Nick Name" msgstr "Прекар" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1669 #, fuzzy msgid "Age at Death" msgstr "Возраст на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1848 #, fuzzy msgid "Stepfather" msgstr "Татко" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1861 #, fuzzy msgid "Stepmother" msgstr "Мајка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:1886 #, fuzzy msgid "Not siblings" msgstr "Покажи браќа и сестри" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2028 #, fuzzy msgid "Relation to the center person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2069 #, fuzzy msgid "Relation to main person" msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/person.py:2073 msgid "Relation within this family (if not by birth)" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:124 msgid "Creating place pages" msgstr "Создавање на страници со места" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:189 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the places in the database, sorted by " "their title. Clicking on a place’s title will take you to that " "place’s page." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите места во базата, подредени по нивниот " "наслов. Кликање на насловот на местото ќе ве однесе на страницата на местото." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:219 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:231 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Name" msgctxt "Place Name" msgid "Name" msgstr "Име" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:220 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:232 #, fuzzy #| msgid "State/Province:" msgid "State/Province" msgstr "Држава/Покраина:" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:272 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Places beginning with letter %s" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер за места" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/place.py:438 #, fuzzy msgid "Place Map" msgstr "Место 1" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:105 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating repository pages" msgstr "Создавање на страници со извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:155 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the repositories in the database, sorted " "by their title. Clicking on a repositories’s title will take you to " "that repositories’s page." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите извори во базата на податоци, подредени " "по нивниот наслов. Кликање на насловот на изворот ќе ве однесе на страницата " "на тој извор." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/repository.py:173 #, fuzzy #| msgid "Name" msgctxt "Repository" msgid "Name" msgstr "Име" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:105 msgid "Creating source pages" msgstr "Создавање на страници со извори" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:152 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the sources in the database, sorted by " "their title. Clicking on a source’s title will take you to that " "source’s page." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите извори во базата на податоци, подредени " "по нивниот наслов. Кликање на насловот на изворот ќе ве однесе на страницата " "на тој извор." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:171 #, fuzzy msgctxt "Source Name" msgid "Name" msgstr "Извор" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/source.py:272 msgid "Publication information" msgstr "Информација за објава" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:116 #, fuzzy msgid "Database overview" msgstr "Базата е отворена" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/statistics.py:181 #, fuzzy msgid "Narrative web content report for" msgstr "Расказна мрежна страна" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surname.py:121 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the " "surname of %s. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that " "person’s individual page." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите поединци во базата на податоци со " "презимето на %s. Избирање на името на лицето’ ќе ве одведе на " "неговата’ поединечна страница." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:102 msgid "Surnames by person count" msgstr "Презимиња по лична пресметка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:110 msgid "" "This page contains an index of all the surnames in the database. Selecting a " "link will lead to a list of individuals in the database with this same " "surname." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите презимиња во базата на податоци. " "Избирање врска ќе доведе до список на поединци во базата што имаат исто " "презиме." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:156 #, fuzzy msgid "Number of People" msgstr "Број на лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/surnamelist.py:206 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Surnames beginning with letter %s" msgstr "Уредувач за филтер за места" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/thumbnail.py:121 #, fuzzy msgid "" "This page displays a indexed list of all the media objects in this database. " "It is sorted by media title. There is an index of all the media objects in " "this database. Clicking on a thumbnail will take you to that image’s " "page." msgstr "" "Оваа страница содржи индекс на сите места во базата, подредени по нивниот " "наслов. Кликање на насловот на местото ќе ве однесе на страницата на местото." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:78 #, fuzzy msgid "New and updated objects" msgstr "Број на ретки медиумски објекти" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/updates.py:88 #, python-format msgctxt "nb" msgid "" "This page contains the last updated objects in the database in the last " "%(days)d days and for a maximum of %(nb)d objects per object type." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:193 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:649 #, fuzzy msgid "NarrativeWeb Home" msgstr "Расказна мрежна страна" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:336 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1030 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1115 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1336 #, fuzzy msgid "Web Calendar Report" msgstr "Извештај за потомци" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:337 #, python-format msgid "Calculating Holidays for year %04d" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:631 #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:674 #, fuzzy msgid "Full year at a Glance" msgstr "Место на умирање" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1031 #, fuzzy msgid "Formatting months ..." msgstr "Подредување податоци..." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1116 #, fuzzy msgid "Creating Year At A Glance calendar" msgstr "Создавање на страници со места" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1122 #, python-format msgid "%(year)d, At A Glance" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1137 msgid "" "This calendar is meant to give you access to all your data at a glance " "compressed into one page. Clicking on a date will take you to a page that " "shows all the events for that date, if there are any.\n" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1191 msgid "One Day Within A Year" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1543 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "%(spouse)s and %(person)s" msgstr "" "%(spouse)s и\n" " %(person)s, %(nyears)d" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1567 #, python-format msgctxt "the \"WebCal\" will be the potential-email Subject" msgid "%(html_email_author_start)sWebCal%(html_email_author_end)s" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1580 #, fuzzy, python-format msgid "Generated by %(gramps_home_html_start)sGramps%(html_end)s on %(date)s" msgstr "" "Генерирано од GRAMPS на %(date)s" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1750 #, fuzzy msgid "Calendar Title" msgstr "Календар" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1750 #, fuzzy msgid "My Family Calendar" msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1751 #, fuzzy msgid "The title of the calendar" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1785 #, fuzzy msgid "The stylesheet to be used for the web pages" msgstr "Стилот употребен за ознаките на годините." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1823 #, fuzzy msgid "Content Options" msgstr "Опции на документи" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1828 msgid "Create multiple year calendars" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1830 msgid "Whether to create Multiple year calendars or not." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1835 #, fuzzy msgid "Start Year for the Calendar(s)" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1837 msgid "Enter the starting year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1841 #, fuzzy msgid "End Year for the Calendar(s)" msgstr "Година на календарот" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1843 msgid "Enter the ending year for the calendars between 1900 - 3000." msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1862 msgid "Holidays will be included for the selected country" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1887 msgid "Jan - Jun Notes" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1889 #, fuzzy msgid "January Note" msgstr "Забелешки за родител" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1890 msgid "The note for the month of January" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1893 #, fuzzy msgid "February Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1894 msgid "The note for the month of February" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1897 #, fuzzy msgid "March Note" msgstr "Забелешки за родител" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1898 msgid "The note for the month of March" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1901 #, fuzzy msgid "April Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1902 #, fuzzy msgid "The note for the month of April" msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1905 #, fuzzy msgid "May Note" msgstr "Забелешка за семејство" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1906 #, fuzzy msgid "The note for the month of May" msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот на страницата." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1909 #, fuzzy msgid "June Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1910 #, fuzzy msgid "The note for the month of June" msgstr "Стилот употребен за текстот за името на родителот" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1913 msgid "Jul - Dec Notes" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1915 #, fuzzy msgid "July Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1916 msgid "The note for the month of July" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1919 #, fuzzy msgid "August Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1920 msgid "The note for the month of August" msgstr "Белешка за месец Август" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1923 #, fuzzy msgid "September Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1924 #, fuzzy msgid "The note for the month of September" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1927 #, fuzzy msgid "October Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1928 #, fuzzy msgid "The note for the month of October" msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1931 #, fuzzy msgid "November Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1932 msgid "The note for the month of November" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1935 #, fuzzy msgid "December Note" msgstr "Забелешка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1936 msgid "The note for the month of December" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1970 #, fuzzy msgid "Link to Narrated Web Report" msgstr "Расказна мрежна страна" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1971 #, fuzzy msgid "Whether to link data to web report or not" msgstr "Вклучи алтернативни имиња" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1988 #, fuzzy msgid "Link prefix" msgstr "Претставка" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:1989 msgid "A Prefix on the links to take you to Narrated Web Report" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:2195 #, python-format msgid "%s since death" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:2196 #, fuzzy msgid "death" msgstr "Смрт" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webcal.py:2220 #, python-brace-format msgid "{couple}, {years} year anniversary" msgid_plural "{couple}, {years} year anniversary" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:34 #, fuzzy msgid "Narrated Web Site" msgstr "Расказна мрежна страна" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:35 msgid "Produces web (HTML) pages for individuals, or a set of individuals" msgstr "Создава веб (HTML) страници за лица или групи на лица" #: ../gramps/plugins/webreport/webplugins.gpr.py:59 #, fuzzy msgid "Produces web (HTML) calendars." msgstr "Изработува графички календар" #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.gpr.py:36 #, fuzzy msgid "Webstuff" msgstr "Веб-место" #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.gpr.py:37 msgid "Provides a collection of resources for the web" msgstr "" #. Translators: Basic Ash style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:61 msgid "Basic-Ash" msgstr "" #. Translators: Basic Cypress style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:69 msgid "Basic-Cypress" msgstr "" #. Translators: Basic Lilac style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:73 msgid "Basic-Lilac" msgstr "" #. Translators: Basic Peach style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:77 msgid "Basic-Peach" msgstr "" #. Translators: Basic Spruce style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:81 msgid "Basic-Spruce" msgstr "" #. Translators: Mainz style sheet with its images #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:85 #, fuzzy msgid "Mainz" msgstr "Големина на маргини" #. Translators: Nebraska style sheet #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:93 msgid "Nebraska" msgstr "" #: ../gramps/plugins/webstuff/webstuff.py:144 msgid "No style sheet" msgstr "Нема стил на страница" #, fuzzy #~ msgctxt "localized lexeme inflections" #~ msgid "|January" #~ msgstr "Забелешки за родител" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid "" #~ "The data will be exported as follows:\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Format:\t%s\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Press Apply to proceed, Back to revisit your options, or Cancel to abort" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Податоците ќе се зачуваат како што следи:\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Формат:\t%s\n" #~ "Име:\t%s\n" #~ "Папка:\t%s\n" #~ "\n" #~ "Кликнете Примени за да продолжите, Назад за да ги смените опциите или " #~ "Откажи за да прекинете" #, fuzzy #~ msgctxt "locale_suffix" #~ msgid "" #~ msgstr "Наставка:" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Family %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #~ msgstr "Семејства" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Source %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #~ msgstr "Извор: %s" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Event %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #~ msgstr "Настан: %s" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Media Object %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #~ msgstr "Медиумски објекти" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Place %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #~ msgstr "Место: %s" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Repository %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #~ msgstr "Репозиториум: %s" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Note %(id)s with %(id2)s\n" #~ msgstr "b. %(birth_date)s - %(place)s" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " People: %d\n" #~ msgstr "Лица:" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Families: %d\n" #~ msgstr "Семејства:" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Sources: %d\n" #~ msgstr "Извор: %s" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Events: %d\n" #~ msgstr "Настан: %s" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Media Objects: %d\n" #~ msgstr "Медиумски објекти" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Places: %d\n" #~ msgstr "Место: %s" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Repositories: %d\n" #~ msgstr "Репозиториуми" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Tags: %d\n" #~ msgstr "Место: %s" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid " Citations: %d\n" #~ msgstr "Ориентација" #, fuzzy #~ msgctxt "Place Name " #~ msgid " Name" #~ msgstr "Име на местото" #, fuzzy #~ msgctxt "Repository " #~ msgid "Name" #~ msgstr "Репозиториум" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Citation (%s)" #~ msgstr "Избриши место (%s)" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Event (%s)" #~ msgstr "Избриши настан (%s)" #~ msgid "Remove Media Object" #~ msgstr "Отстрани медиумски објект" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Note (%s)" #~ msgstr "Избриши извор (%s)" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Place (%s)" #~ msgstr "Избриши место (%s)" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Repository (%s)" #~ msgstr "Избриши репозиториум (%s)" #, python-format #~ msgid "Delete Source (%s)" #~ msgstr "Избриши извор (%s)" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Delete All" #~ msgstr "_Одбери датотека" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Confirm Each Delete" #~ msgstr "Преобрази во релативна патека" #~ msgid "_Delete Person" #~ msgstr "_Избриши лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Delete Event" #~ msgstr "Избриши настан (%s)" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Delete Family" #~ msgstr "Избери семејство" #, fuzzy, python-format #~ msgid "Family [%s]" #~ msgstr "Забелешка за семејство" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Common" #~ msgstr "Коментар" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Name|Common" #~ msgstr "Коментар" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "locale_suffix|" #~ msgstr "Наставка:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Researcher information" #~ msgstr "Информација за упатување" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramps ID format settings" #~ msgstr "GRAMPS XML увоз" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place format (auto place title)" #~ msgstr "Места што се совпаѓаат со " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Default text used for conditions" #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Dates" #~ msgstr "Датум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Base path for relative media paths" #~ msgstr "Преобрази во релативна патека" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Automatically load last Family Tree" #~ msgstr "Автоматски вчитувај ја последната база" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Every 12 hours" #~ msgstr "Секој извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Every day" #~ msgstr "Секое семејство" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Links" #~ msgstr "Локација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Check Backlink Integrity" #~ msgstr "Провери потполност" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Html|Home" #~ msgstr "На почеток" #~ msgid "Endnotes" #~ msgstr "Завршни забелешки" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "ex-husband" #~ msgstr "сопруг" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "ex-wife" #~ msgstr "сопруга" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Are you sure you want to downgrade this Family Tree?" #~ msgstr "Дали сте сигурни дека сакате да ја избришете историјата за Врати?" #~ msgid "Rebuild reference map" #~ msgstr "Преизгради ја мапата на упатувања" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Source/Citation" #~ msgstr "Ориентација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ msgstr "Ориентација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "\"%(callname)s\" (%(firstname)s)" #~ msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #~ msgctxt "book" #~ msgid "Title" #~ msgstr "книга|Наслов" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Smith Family Tree" #~ msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Johnson Family Tree" #~ msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Created for %(author)s" #~ msgstr "Таа е ќерка на %(father)s." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Year Glance" #~ msgstr "Место на умирање" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Home link" #~ msgstr "Почетен Url" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%s old" #~ msgstr "_Задебелено" #~ msgid "Default person" #~ msgstr "Основно лице" #~ msgid "Matches the default person" #~ msgstr "Се совпаѓа со основното лице" #~ msgid "Ancestors of the default person not more than generations away" #~ msgstr "Предци на основното лице не повеќе од генерации понатаму" #~ msgid "" #~ "Matches ancestors of the default person not more than N generations away" #~ msgstr "Совпаѓа предци на основното лице не повеќе од Б генерации понатаму" # Овие се испомешале со home person и default person. Не ми е јасно дали тоа е исто, но ги третирав како исто. Да се провери. # А.Б. # (П.С. 'Home Person' - што ти прави многу броусање!) #~ msgid "Go to the default person" #~ msgstr "Оди на основното лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Given Name" #~ msgstr "Дадено име" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Male Alive" #~ msgstr "Преподреди семејства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Female Alive" #~ msgstr "Преподреди семејства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Female Dead" #~ msgstr "Женски" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Unknown Alive" #~ msgstr "Непознат пол" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Unknown Dead" #~ msgstr "Непознато" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Node" #~ msgstr "Забелешка за семејство" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Divorced" #~ msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Border Female Dead" #~ msgstr "Возраст на умирање" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Border Unknown Dead" #~ msgstr "Нероден татко" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Border Family" #~ msgstr "Секое семејство" # дома?!?! #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Web Connect" #~ msgstr "Веб-почеток" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "manual|Repositories" #~ msgstr "Обедини извори" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Close the current database" #~ msgstr "Не може да се отвори базата на податоци." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Undo History..." #~ msgstr "Историја на враќања" #~ msgid "Key %s is not bound" #~ msgstr "Клучот %s не е врзан" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Delete Item" #~ msgstr "_Избриши настан" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(genders)s born %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d" #~ msgstr "%(genders)s родени %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d: %(chart_title)s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Persons born %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d" #~ msgstr "Лица родени %(year_from)04d-%(year_to)04d: %(chart_title)s" #~ msgid "Marriage of %s" #~ msgstr "Брак на %s" #~ msgid "Birth of %s" #~ msgstr "Раѓање на %s" #~ msgid "Death of %s" #~ msgstr "Смрт на %s" #~ msgid "Anniversary: %s" #~ msgstr "Годишнина: %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%d. Partner: " #~ msgstr "Партнер" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Loading..." #~ msgstr "Вчитување додатоци..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Print..." #~ msgstr "Печати..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Map Menu" #~ msgstr "Мени за лица" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Suppress Gramps ID" #~ msgstr "Потисни GRAMPS ИД" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Thumbnail Preview" #~ msgstr "Издание" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Data version" #~ msgstr "Отстрани родители" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gender Male Death" #~ msgstr "Возраст на умирање" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gender Unknown Death" #~ msgstr "Непознат пол" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Restrict" #~ msgstr "Метричен" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "manual|xxxx" #~ msgstr "_Обележувачи" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "DB-API version" #~ msgstr "Верзија:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "DB-API Database" #~ msgstr "Целата База на податоци" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "In-_Memory Database" #~ msgstr "Увези база на податоци" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "In-Memory Database" #~ msgstr "Увези база на податоци" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Ancestor" #~ msgstr "Предци" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Descendant" #~ msgstr "Потомци на %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid " %(item)s: %(summary)s" #~ msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Preparing sub-filter" #~ msgstr "Определи филтер" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Relationship" #~ msgstr "Семејни врски" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Primary name" #~ msgstr "Првобитен извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Probably alive" #~ msgstr "Лица најверојатно сѐ уште живи" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Edit Tags" #~ msgstr "Уреди %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(adjective)s: %(addon)s" #~ msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(father)s and %(mother)s (%(id)s)" #~ msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #~ msgid "Book Menu" #~ msgstr "Мени на книги" #~ msgid "Available Items Menu" #~ msgstr "Расположливи ставки на менито" #~ msgid "Loading plugins..." #~ msgstr "Вчитување додатоци..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Building View" #~ msgstr "Градење податоци" #~ msgid "People Menu" #~ msgstr "Мени за лица" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Replace" #~ msgstr "_Замени:" #~ msgid "The basic style used for the title display." #~ msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на насловите." #~ msgid "Text Options" #~ msgstr "Опции за текст" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The basic style used for the default text display." #~ msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на текстот." # Слогот? #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Report Details" #~ msgstr "Записот е личен" #~ msgid "The style used for the title of the page." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот на страницата." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Applying filter..." #~ msgstr "Ставање на филтерот за приватност" #~ msgid "The style used for the person's name." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за името на лицето." #~ msgid "The style used for the year labels." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за ознаките на годините." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Filt_er:" #~ msgstr "_Филтер:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Marriages" #~ msgstr "Брак" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "I_ndividuals" #~ msgstr "Лица" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Translate _Headers" #~ msgstr "Заглавие на HTML-корисник" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Export:" #~ msgstr "Извоз" #~ msgid "Exclude _notes" #~ msgstr "Исклучи _забелешки" #~ msgid "Use _Living as first name" #~ msgstr "Употреби _живи како прво име" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Reference i_mages from path: " #~ msgstr "Упатувања с_лики од патека: " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Descendent Menu" #~ msgstr "Потомци на %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(type)s: %(list)s" #~ msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" # ИД?!?!?! #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Include Gramps ID" #~ msgstr "Вклучи ИД" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person or Place|Title" #~ msgstr "лице|Наслов" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Birth place id" #~ msgstr "Место на раѓање" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Baptism place id" #~ msgstr "Крштевка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Burial place id" #~ msgstr "Место на раѓање" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Death place id" #~ msgstr "Место на смрт" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Parent2" #~ msgstr "Родители" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Parent1" #~ msgstr "Родители" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Warning messages" #~ msgstr "Предупредувачки пораки" #~ msgid "Created by:" #~ msgstr "Создадено од:" #~ msgid "People:" #~ msgstr "Лица:" #~ msgid "Encoding:" #~ msgstr "Енкодирање:" #~ msgid "Version:" #~ msgstr "Верзија:" #~ msgid "Families:" #~ msgstr "Семејства:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Importing individuals" #~ msgstr "Создавање на поединечни страница" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Empty event note ignored" #~ msgstr "Кинијата %d не е препознаена и е занемарена." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Remove the selected person" #~ msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Select the first day of the week for the report" #~ msgstr "Избира алатка од оние што се достапни од лево." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Include birthdays in the report" #~ msgstr "Вклучи родендени" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Include relationships to center person (slower)" #~ msgstr "Врска со почетното лице" #~ msgid "The style used for the first portion of the custom text." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за првиот дел од сопствениот текст." #~ msgid "The style used for the middle portion of the custom text." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за средишниот дел од сопствениот текст." #~ msgid "The style used for the last portion of the custom text." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за крајниот дел од сопствениот текст." #~ msgid "%(name_kind)s: %(name)s%(endnotes)s" #~ msgstr "%(name_kind)s: %(name)s%(endnotes)s" #~ msgid "List children" #~ msgstr "Направи список на деца" #~ msgid "The style used for the children list." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за списокот со деца." #~ msgid "The style used for the More About header." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за заглавието Повеќе за." #~ msgid "The style used for additional detail data." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за дополнителните поединечости на датумите." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The style used for the More About header and for headers of mates." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за заглавието Повеќе за." #, fuzzy #~ msgid " (%(birth_date)s - %(death_date)s)" #~ msgstr "Роден/а: %(birth_date)s, Починал/а: %(death_date)s." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The basic style used for generation headings." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за заглавието за генерациите." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Whether to include Gramps ID next to names." #~ msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #~ msgid "Missing Information" #~ msgstr "Податок што недостасува" #~ msgid "The style used for category labels." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за етикетите на категоријата." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "A style used for image facts." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The basic style used for sub-headings." #~ msgstr "Основен стил употребен за приказ на текстот." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The style used for the title of the report." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот на страницата." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The style used for place title." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The style used for a column title." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The style used for each section." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The style used for event and person details." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за името на лицето." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person Records" #~ msgstr "Упатување на лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Records" #~ msgstr "Семејни филтри" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The style used for headings." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #~ msgid "Please be patient. This may take a while." #~ msgstr "Ве молиме, бидете трпеливи. Ова може да потрае." # медиски?!?!? #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramps Media Manager" #~ msgstr "Медиумски управувач" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Reordering Gramps IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на семејства" #~ msgid "Reordering People IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на лица" #~ msgid "Reordering Family IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на семејства" #~ msgid "Reordering Event IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на настани" #~ msgid "Reordering Media Object IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на медиумски објекти" #~ msgid "Reordering Source IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на извори" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Reordering Citation IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на семејства" #~ msgid "Reordering Place IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на места" #~ msgid "Reordering Repository IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на репозиториуми" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Reordering Note IDs" #~ msgstr "Прередување ИД на лица" #~ msgid "Family Menu" #~ msgstr "Мени за семејство" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramps ID" #~ msgstr "Пример" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Applying Person Filter..." #~ msgstr "Ставање на филтерот за приватност" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "none" #~ msgstr "Ниедно" #~ msgid "BIC" #~ msgstr "BIC" #~ msgid "DNS/CAN" #~ msgstr "DNS/CAN" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(new_DB_name)s (copied %(date_string)s)" #~ msgstr "%(male_name)s почина %(death_date)s." #~ msgid "Include original person" #~ msgstr "Вклучи првобитно лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Obtaining all rows" #~ msgstr "Лица" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Applying filter" #~ msgstr "Ставање на филтерот за приватност" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Add a Family Tree" #~ msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Metadata Viewer" #~ msgstr "Потекло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person Backlinks" #~ msgstr "Личен настан:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Event Backlinks" #~ msgstr "Уреди место" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Backlinks" #~ msgstr "Семејни филтри" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place Backlinks" #~ msgstr "Име на местото" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Source Backlinks" #~ msgstr "Извор: %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Citation Backlinks" #~ msgstr "Ориентација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Repository Backlinks" #~ msgstr "Репозиториум: %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Backlinks" #~ msgstr "Вид на медиум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Note Backlinks" #~ msgstr "Почетен Url" # Слогот? #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Records Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Записот е личен" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "SoundEx Generator" #~ msgstr "Произведувач на SoundEx код" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place Locations" #~ msgstr "Ориентација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramplet showing the locations of a place over time" #~ msgstr "Лица со лична " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(date)s, %(place)s" #~ msgstr "%(date)s во %(place)s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(place)s" #~ msgstr "Места" #~ msgid "Marriage:" #~ msgstr "Брак:" #~ msgid "Marriages/Children" #~ msgstr "Бракови/Деца" #~ msgid "Summary of %s" #~ msgstr "Резиме на %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Street: %s " #~ msgstr "У_лица" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Parish: %s " #~ msgstr "Место: %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Locality: %s " #~ msgstr "Град:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "City: %s " #~ msgstr "Град:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "County: %s " #~ msgstr "Земја:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "State: %s" #~ msgstr "Држава:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Country: %s " #~ msgstr "Земја:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The style used for the report title." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The style used for the report subtitle." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place title" #~ msgstr "Име на местото" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Checking Place Titles" #~ msgstr "Проверување на семејни презимиња" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Looking for place fields" #~ msgstr "Преберување проблеми што упатуваат на места" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Below is a list of Places with the possible data that can be extracted " #~ "from the place title. Select the places you wish Gramps to convert." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Подолу е поместен список од семејни имиња што\n" #~ "GRAMPS може да ги преобрази во точeн правопис.\n" #~ "Одберете ги имињата што сакате GRAMPS да ги преобрази." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "manual|Merge_citations..." #~ msgstr "Обедини места" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Cannot add citation." #~ msgstr "Не може да се зачува настанот" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Create \"Year At A Glance\" Calendar" #~ msgstr "Создавање на страници со места" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "birth" #~ msgstr "Раѓање" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Changing the place format will not take effect until the next time Gramps " #~ "is started." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Промената на форматот на датумот нема да се покаже до следното активирање " #~ "на GRAMPS." #~ msgid "TRANSLATORS: Translate this to your name in your native language" #~ msgstr "Александар Силовски, Биљана Богдановска" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "You have attempted to use the existing Gramps ID with value " #~ "%(gramps_id)s. This value is already used by '%(prim_object)s'. Please " #~ "enter a different ID or leave blank to get the next available ID value." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Се обидовте да смените GRAMPS ИД во вредност %(grampsid)s. Оваа вредност " #~ "веќе се користи од %(person)s." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Cannot save place" #~ msgstr "Не може да се зачува лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "No data exists for this place. Please enter data or cancel the edit." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Нема податоци за ова лице. Внесете податоци или откажете го уредувањето." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Cannot save location. Title not entered." #~ msgstr "Не може да се зачува лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place Name:" #~ msgstr "Име на место:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Top level place" #~ msgstr "Покажувај слики" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Source: Publication" #~ msgstr "Кратенка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Source: Note" #~ msgstr "Извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Citation: ID" #~ msgstr "Ориентација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Citation: Volume/Page" #~ msgstr "_Том/Страница:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Citation: Date" #~ msgstr "Поврзување" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Citation: Note" #~ msgstr "Поврзување" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "ZIP/Postal code" #~ msgstr "ZIP/Поштенски број:" #~ msgid "Church parish" #~ msgstr "Парохија" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "..." #~ msgstr "_Додади" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Add bookmark" #~ msgstr "_Додади обележувач" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Configure" #~ msgstr "Конфигурација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Edit Date" #~ msgstr "Уредување на место" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Font" #~ msgstr "Округ" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Font Background Color" #~ msgstr "Боја на заднина" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Public" #~ msgstr "Издание" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Merge" #~ msgstr "_Соедини" #~ msgid "Add Parents" #~ msgstr "Додади родители" #~ msgid "Reports" #~ msgstr "Извештаи" #~ msgid "Tools" #~ msgstr "Алатки" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Grouped List" #~ msgstr "Г_рупирај како:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "List" #~ msgstr "Список на книги" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Fit Width" #~ msgstr "Широчина" #~ msgid "Export" #~ msgstr "Извоз" # параграф?!?!? #~ msgid "Paragraph" #~ msgstr "Пасус" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Confirm every deletion?" #~ msgstr "Миропомазание" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Python Evaluation" #~ msgstr "Python прозорец за проценка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramplet allowing the evaluation of python code" #~ msgstr "Лица со лична " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Uncollected Objects" #~ msgstr "Нема несобрани објекти\n" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Include private records" #~ msgstr "Вклучи првобитно лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Whether to include names, dates, and families that are marked as private." #~ msgstr "Совпаѓа семејства што се назначени како лични" #~ msgid "" #~ "Include the dates that the individual was born, got married and/or died " #~ "in the graph labels." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ги вклучува датумите кога личноста била родена, склучила брак и/или " #~ "умрела во ознаките на графиконот." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Use place when no date" #~ msgstr "Место/причина кога нема датум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "When no birth, marriage, or death date is available, the correspondent " #~ "place field will be used." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Кога нема датум на раѓање, брак или смрт, соодветното (или поле за " #~ "причина кога има празно место) поле за место ќе се употреби." # ИД?!?!?! #~ msgid "Include IDs" #~ msgstr "Вклучи ИД" #~ msgid "Include individual and family IDs." #~ msgstr "Вклучува поединечни и семејни ИД." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Invalid line %d in GEDCOM file." #~ msgstr "Грешка при читање на GEDCOM датотека" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(name)s [%(gid)s]" #~ msgstr "%(father)s [%(gramps_id)s]" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Include private data" #~ msgstr "Вклучи првобитно лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Html View" #~ msgstr "Поглед" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Web" #~ msgstr "GeneWeb" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "HtmlView" #~ msgstr "Поглед" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Go to the previous page in the history" #~ msgstr "Оди на претходното лице во историјата" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Go to the next page in the history" #~ msgstr "Оди на следното лице во историјата" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Refresh" #~ msgstr "Упатувања" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Generated by Gramps on %(date)s" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Генерирано од GRAMPS на " #~ "%(date)s" #~ msgid "Regular expression:" #~ msgstr "Обичен израз:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Citations having notes containing " #~ msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Citations with matching regular expression" #~ msgstr "Извори со што се совпаѓаат со обичен израз" #~ msgid "Events having notes containing " #~ msgstr "Настани со забелешки што содржат " #~ msgid "Events with matching regular expression" #~ msgstr "Настани со што се совпаѓаат со обичен израз" #~ msgid "Families with child with the " #~ msgstr "Семејства со дете со " #~ msgid "Families with father with the " #~ msgstr "Семејства со татко со " #~ msgid "Families having notes containing " #~ msgstr "Семејства со забелешки што содржат " #~ msgid "Families with mother with the " #~ msgstr "Семејства со мајка со " #~ msgid "Families with matching regular expression" #~ msgstr "Семејства со совпаѓање со обичен израз" #~ msgid "Media objects having notes containing " #~ msgstr "Медиумски објекти со забелешки што содржат " #~ msgid "Media Objects with matching regular expression" #~ msgstr "Медиумски објекти со што се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Notes containing " #~ msgstr "Лица со забелешки што содржат " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Notes with matching regular expression" #~ msgstr "Извори со што се совпаѓаат со обичен израз" #~ msgid "People having notes containing " #~ msgstr "Лица со забелешки што содржат " #~ msgid "People with matching regular expression" #~ msgstr "Лица со што се совпаѓа со обичен израз" #~ msgid "Expression:" #~ msgstr "Израз:" #~ msgid "People matching the " #~ msgstr "Лица кои се совпаѓаат со " #~ msgid "Matches people's names with a specified regular expression" #~ msgstr "Совпаѓа имиња на лица со одреден обичен израз" #~ msgid "Places having notes containing " #~ msgstr "Места со забелешки што содржат " #~ msgid "Places with matching regular expression" #~ msgstr "Места со што се совпаѓаат со обичен израз" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Repositories having notes containing " #~ msgstr "Репозиториуми со забелешки што содржат " #~ msgid "Repositories with matching regular expression" #~ msgstr "Репозиториуми со што се совпаѓаат со обичен израз" #~ msgid "Sources having notes containing " #~ msgstr "Извори со забелешки што содржат " #~ msgid "Sources with matching regular expression" #~ msgstr "Извори со што се совпаѓаат со обичен израз" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%d year" #~ msgid_plural "%d years" #~ msgstr[0] "Во година:" #~ msgstr[1] "Во година:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%d month" #~ msgid_plural "%d months" #~ msgstr[0] "Стара мајка" #~ msgstr[1] "Стара мајка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Unknown father" #~ msgstr "Нероден татко" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Unknown mother" #~ msgstr "Неродена мајка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "death event without date" #~ msgstr "Настан со " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Chinese" #~ msgstr "Сведоци" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Brazil" #~ msgstr "Закоп" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Portugal" #~ msgstr "Портрет" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Create and add a new data entry" #~ msgstr "Создади и додади нов репозиториум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Remove the existing data entry" #~ msgstr "Отстрани постоечки репозиториум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Edit the selected data entry" #~ msgstr "Уреди го избраниот настан" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Move the selected data entry upwards" #~ msgstr "Отстрани го одбраниот настан" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Move the selected data entry downwards" #~ msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Events father" #~ msgstr "Вид на настан" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Events mother" #~ msgstr "Вид на настан" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Personal Events" #~ msgstr "Личен настан:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Location" #~ msgstr "Локација" #~ msgid "Preview" #~ msgstr "Преглед" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "Note: Any changes in the shared citation information will be " #~ "reflected in the citation itself, for all items that reference the " #~ "citation." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Забелешка: Секоја промена во заедничката репозиторна информација " #~ "ќе се одрази на репозиториумот, за сите предмети што се однесуваат на " #~ "репозиториумот." #~ msgid "General" #~ msgstr "Општо" #~ msgid "Shared source information" #~ msgstr "Заедничка информација за извори" #~ msgid "_Type" #~ msgstr "_Вид" #~ msgid "Date" #~ msgstr "Датум" #~ msgid "Father" #~ msgstr "Татко" #~ msgid "Mother" #~ msgstr "Мајка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Referenced Region" #~ msgstr "Информација за упатување" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Names " #~ msgstr "Семејства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Note" #~ msgstr "Мајка" #~ msgid "Image" #~ msgstr "Слика" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Preferred Name " #~ msgstr "Претпочитано име" #~ msgid "Count_ry:" #~ msgstr "Земј_а" #~ msgid "Location" #~ msgstr "Локација" #~ msgid "Source 1" #~ msgstr "Извор 1" #~ msgid "Source 2" #~ msgstr "Извор 2" #~ msgid "Title selection" #~ msgstr "Избор на наслов" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Event 1" #~ msgstr "Мажи" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Event 2" #~ msgstr "Мажи" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family 1" #~ msgstr "Семејства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family 2" #~ msgstr "Семејства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Object 1" #~ msgstr "Извор 1" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Object 2" #~ msgstr "Извор 2" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Note 1" #~ msgstr "Мајка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Note 2" #~ msgstr "Мајка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person 1" #~ msgstr "Мажи" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person 2" #~ msgstr "Мажи" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place 1" #~ msgstr "Извор 1" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place 2" #~ msgstr "Извор 2" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Location:" #~ msgstr "Локација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Repository 1" #~ msgstr "Репозиториум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Repository 2" #~ msgstr "Репозиториум" #~ msgid "Family relationships" #~ msgstr "Семејни врски" #~ msgid "Options" #~ msgstr "Опции" #~ msgid "Definition" #~ msgstr "Дефиниција" #~ msgid "Description" #~ msgstr "Опис" #~ msgid "Values" #~ msgstr "Вредности" #~ msgid "Size" #~ msgstr "Големина" #~ msgid "Color" #~ msgstr "Боја" #~ msgid "Background color" #~ msgstr "Боја на заднина" #~ msgid "Borders" #~ msgstr "Граници" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%d Person" #~ msgid_plural "%d People" #~ msgstr[0] "Лице" #~ msgstr[1] "Лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Spelling checker could not be attached to TextView" #~ msgstr "Не се инсталирани проверувачи на правопис" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Error Opening File" #~ msgstr "Грешка при читање на GEDCOM датотека" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Remove selected items?" #~ msgstr "Отстрани го одбраното лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ msgstr "Земја" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ msgstr "Држава" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ msgstr "Содржина" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ msgstr "Места" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ msgstr "Дадено име" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Active person: %s" #~ msgstr "Активното лице не е видливо" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "No Active Person selected." #~ msgstr "Не е одбрано лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramplet showing active person's attributes" #~ msgstr "Лица со лична " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%d children" #~ msgstr "Направи список на деца" #~ msgid "GEDCOM Encoding" #~ msgstr "GEDCOM енкодирање" #~ msgid "Status" #~ msgstr "Состојба" #~ msgid "Individual Facts" #~ msgstr "Поединечни факти" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%s in %s. " #~ msgstr "%s и %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%d event record was modified." #~ msgid_plural "%d event records were modified." #~ msgstr[0] "еден запис за настан е променет." #~ msgstr[1] "еден запис за настан е променет." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(quantity)d media object was referenced, but not found\n" #~ msgid_plural "%(quantity)d media objects were referenced, but not found\n" #~ msgstr[0] "еден медиумски објект на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" #~ msgstr[1] "еден медиумски објект на којшто е упатено, но не е пронајден\n" #~ msgid "Double-click on the row to edit personal information" #~ msgstr "Двоен клик на редот за уредување на лични информации" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "manual|Interactive_Descendant_Browser..." #~ msgstr "Интерактивен пребарувач на потомци" #~ msgid "Descendant Browser tool" #~ msgstr "Алатка за Пребарувач на потомци" #~ msgid "Evaluation Window" #~ msgstr "Прозорец на проценка" #~ msgid "Output Window" #~ msgstr "Излезен прозорец" #~ msgid "Error Window" #~ msgstr "Прозорец на грешки" #~ msgid "Uncollected Objects" #~ msgstr "Несоберени објекти" #~ msgid "Uncollected Objects Tool" #~ msgstr "Алатка за несоберени објекти" #~ msgid "Close Window" #~ msgstr "Затвори прозорец" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "manual|Generate_SoundEx_codes" #~ msgstr "Генерирај SoundEx кодови" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Interactive Descendant Browser" #~ msgstr "Интерактивен пребарувач на потомци" #~ msgid "Provides a browsable hierarchy based on the active person" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Овозможува хиреархија што може да се пребарува врз основа на активното " #~ "лице" #~ msgid "Generates SoundEx codes for names" #~ msgstr "Генерира SoundEx кодови за имиња" #~ msgid "Women" #~ msgstr "Жени" #~ msgid "Families" #~ msgstr "Семејства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Title or Page" #~ msgstr "Наслов на страница" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Places places map" #~ msgstr "Име на местото" #, fuzzy #~ msgid " (%d sibling)" #~ msgid_plural " (%d siblings)" #~ msgstr[0] "Покажи браќа и сестри" #~ msgstr[1] "Покажи браќа и сестри" #, fuzzy #~ msgid " (%d child)" #~ msgid_plural " (%d children)" #~ msgstr[0] "Уреди дете" #~ msgstr[1] "Уреди дете" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Data Map" #~ msgstr "Податоци" #~ msgid "Telephone" #~ msgstr "Телефон" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family tree" #~ msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Need to upgrade database!" #~ msgstr "Образувај нова база на податоци." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Need to upgrade BSDDB database!" #~ msgstr "Образувај нова база на податоци." #~ msgid "Timeline Graph for %s" #~ msgstr "Хронолошки графикон за %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Father Age" #~ msgstr "Таткова возраст" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Mother Age" #~ msgstr "Мајчина возраст" #, fuzzy #~ msgid " (%(value)s)" #~ msgstr "%(event_type)s: %(date)s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "window2" #~ msgstr "_Прозорци" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "window1" #~ msgstr "_Прозорци" #~ msgid "ZIP/Postal code:" #~ msgstr "ZIP/Поштенски број:" #~ msgid "Phone:" #~ msgstr "Телефон:" #~ msgid "Email:" #~ msgstr "Е-пошта:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Select Save File" #~ msgstr "_Одбери датотека" #~ msgid "Sources in repository" #~ msgstr "Извори во репозиториумот" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "a spouse, " #~ msgstr "Сопружник" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Could not make database directory: " #~ msgstr "Не може да се создаде директориумот: %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Use optimal number of pages" #~ msgstr "Автоматски употреби најповолен број на страници" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Affects greatly how the graph is layed out on the page." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Влијае најмногу како графиконот ќе изгледа на страницата. Повеќекратните " #~ "страници ги преправа поставките на страниците одоздола. " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramps: Import database" #~ msgstr "Увези база на податоци" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Object Filters" #~ msgstr "Медиумски објекти" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%s and %s (%s)" #~ msgstr "%s и %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Colour" #~ msgstr "Полнење со боја" #~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 1 of 5" #~ msgstr "Пријава на грешка: Чекор 1 од 5" #~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 2 of 5" #~ msgstr "Пријава на грешка: Чекор 2 од 5" #~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 3 of 5" #~ msgstr "Пријава на грешка: Чекор 3 од 5" #~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 4 of 5" #~ msgstr "Пријава на грешка: Чекор 4 од 5" #~ msgid "Report a bug: Step 5 of 5" #~ msgstr "Пријава на грешка: Чекор 5 од 5" #~ msgid "Book List" #~ msgstr "Список на книги" #~ msgid "Book Report" #~ msgstr "Извештај за книга" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Produces a book containing several reports." #~ msgstr "Образува книга што содржи неколку извештаи." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Thumbnail" #~ msgstr "Издание" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Select an image to begin..." #~ msgstr "Избери медиумски објект" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Path Update" #~ msgstr "Датум на смрт" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Object Title" #~ msgstr "Медиумски објекти" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "media Title: " #~ msgstr "Календар" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "General Data" #~ msgstr "Општо" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Artist: " #~ msgstr "Автор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Copyright: " #~ msgstr "Авторски права" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Original: " #~ msgstr "Потекнувачко време" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Latitude :" #~ msgstr "Ш_ирина:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Longitude :" #~ msgstr "_Должина:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Altitude :" #~ msgstr "Ш_ирина:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Bad Date/Time" #~ msgstr "Лош датум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Title Update" #~ msgstr "Уредувач на филтерот за објекти" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Object Date Created" #~ msgstr "Медиумски објекти означени како лични" #~ msgid "Individuals with incomplete names" #~ msgstr "Лица со нецелосни имиња" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Enter text" #~ msgstr "Текст на насловот" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramplet View" #~ msgstr "Пример" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Coloured outline" #~ msgstr "Скица во боја" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Colour fill" #~ msgstr "Полнење со боја" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The Database version is not supported by this version of Gramps." #~ msgstr "Верзијата на базата не е поддржана од оваа верзија на GRAMPS." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(quantity)d invalid event reference was removed\n" #~ msgid_plural "%(quantity)d invalid event references were removed\n" #~ msgstr[0] "едно упатство на неважечки настан е отстрането\n" #~ msgstr[1] "едно упатство на неважечки настан е отстрането\n" #~ msgid "Selecting operation" #~ msgstr "Избирање операција" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Ancestry" #~ msgstr "Предци" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%s %s" #~ msgstr "%s и %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Event View" #~ msgstr "Врска до настан" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family View" #~ msgstr "Семејства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media View" #~ msgstr "Вид на медиум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Note View" #~ msgstr "Забелешки" # Што им е Relationship? Брак? Вонбрачна заедница? Сродство? Сватоштина? Одење со женска „за озбиљно“, го направиле во Фиќо пијани од кафана? # Ти ебам народот што нема збор за КУР!! # А.Б. #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Relationship View" #~ msgstr "Врска" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person Tree View" #~ msgstr "лице|Наслов" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Repository View" #~ msgstr "Репозиториуми" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Source View" #~ msgstr "Врска до извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Source Reference: %s" #~ msgstr "Упатување на извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media |Gallery" #~ msgstr "Вид на медиум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media | Gallery" #~ msgstr "Вид на медиум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Partner 1" #~ msgstr "Партнер" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Partner 2" #~ msgstr "Партнер" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person(s)" #~ msgstr "Лице" #, fuzzy #~ msgid " and " #~ msgstr "%s и %s" #~ msgid "Every object" #~ msgstr "Секој објект" #~ msgid "Matches every object in the database" #~ msgstr "Се совпаѓа со секој објект во базата на податоци" #~ msgid "Object with " #~ msgstr "Објекти со " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Matches objects with a specified Gramps ID" #~ msgstr "Ги согласува објектите со назначен GRAMPS ИД" #~ msgid "Matches objects whose records contain text matching a substring" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Совпаѓа објектите чиишто записи содржат текст што се совпаѓа со подниза" #~ msgid "Objects marked private" #~ msgstr "Објекти означени како лични" #~ msgid "Matches objects that are indicated as private" #~ msgstr "Совпаѓа објекти што се назначени како лични" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "- default -" #~ msgstr "почетно" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "phpGedView import" #~ msgstr "Заедничка информација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "phpGedView import" #~ msgstr "GeneWeb увоз" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Source ref" #~ msgstr "Извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Amharic" #~ msgstr "Автоматски" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Belarusian" #~ msgstr "Персиски" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Kashubian" #~ msgstr "сопруг" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Welsh" #~ msgstr "Веб-врски" #~ msgid "Persian" #~ msgstr "Персиски" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Faroese" #~ msgstr "Старателство" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Armenian" #~ msgstr "медиуми" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Interlingua" #~ msgstr "Интернет" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Kurdi" #~ msgstr "Аудио" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Latvian" #~ msgstr "Локација" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Malagasy" #~ msgstr "Машки" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Maori" #~ msgstr "Обележи" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Marathi" #~ msgstr "Раскажувачко" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Malay" #~ msgstr "Машко" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Chichewa" #~ msgstr "Микрофилм" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Sardinian" #~ msgstr "LDS-обред" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Tetum" #~ msgstr "Текст" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramplet %s updated" #~ msgstr "Пример" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Note %(ind)d - Type: %(type)s" #~ msgstr "b. %(birth_date)s - %(place)s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "GeoView" #~ msgstr "Поглед" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Baptism:" #~ msgstr "Крштевка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Burial:" #~ msgstr "Закоп" #~ msgid "Modify Source" #~ msgstr "Промени извор" #~ msgid "Remove the existing source" #~ msgstr "Отстрани постоечки извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Move the selected source upwards" #~ msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Move the selected source downwards" #~ msgstr "Избриши го избраниот извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Sources" #~ msgstr "Извори" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Selection Options" #~ msgstr "Избирање операција" #~ msgid "Go to the next person in the history" #~ msgstr "Оди на следното лице во историјата" #~ msgid "Go to the previous person in the history" #~ msgstr "Оди на претходното лице во историјата" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Building People View" #~ msgstr "Обедини лица" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "" #~ "A parent and child cannot be merged. To merge these people, you must " #~ "first break the relationship between them" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Родител и дете не можат да се обединат. За обединување на овие лица, " #~ "морате претходно да ја раскинете врската помеѓу нив." #~ msgid "Not Applicable" #~ msgstr "Неприменливо" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Print" #~ msgstr "Печати..." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "One page report" #~ msgstr "Извештај" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Whether to scale the size of the page to the size of the report." #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за насловот на страницата." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Include a personal note" #~ msgstr "Вклучи извори" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Add a personal note" #~ msgstr "Додади ново лице" #~ msgid "The range of dates chosen was not valid" #~ msgstr "Избраниот опсег на датуми не е важечки" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place Details Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Возраст при склопување на бракот" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Preview Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Потекло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person Residence Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Потекло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person Attributes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Својства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Event Attributes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Својства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Attributes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Својства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Attributes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Својства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person Notes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Активното лице не е видливо" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Event Notes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Графикон на врски" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Notes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Семејства" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place Notes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Графикон на врски" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Source Notes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Извор" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Repository Notes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Репозиториум" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Notes Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Графикон на врски" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramplet showing the sources for a person" #~ msgstr "Лица со лична " # Слогот? #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Event Sources Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Записот е личен" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramplet showing the sources for an event" #~ msgstr "Лица со лична " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Sources Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Моето семејно стебло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramplet showing the sources for a family" #~ msgstr "Лица со лична " # Слогот? #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place Sources Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Записот е личен" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Sources Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Потекло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gramplet showing the sources for a media object" #~ msgstr "Лица со лична " #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Person Filter Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Име на филтер:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Family Filter Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Семејни филтри" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Source Filter Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Име на филтер:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Place Filter Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Уредувач за филтер за места" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Media Filter Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Уредувач на филтерот за објекти" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Note Filter Gramplet" #~ msgstr "_Филтер" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Age Stats Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Возраст при склопување на бракот" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Calendar Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Календар" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Fan Chart Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Вентилатор-табела" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Pedigree Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Потекло" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Plugin Manager Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Календар" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Relatives Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Графикон на врски" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Statistics Gramplet" #~ msgstr "Табели со статистика" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Keywords" #~ msgstr "Извештаи" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%s - %s." #~ msgstr "%s и %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%(mother)s and %(father)s" #~ msgstr "%(father)s и %(mother)s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The maximum number of children to include." #~ msgstr "Максимален број на д_еца" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Writing family lines" #~ msgstr "Пребарување на семејни презимиња" #, fuzzy #~ msgid " Tag %(name)s\n" #~ msgstr "Место: %s" #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the " #~ "age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на " #~ "возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the " #~ "age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на " #~ "возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ова лице почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "This person died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ова лице почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #~ msgid "" #~ "He died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Таа почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #~ msgid "" #~ "She died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Таа почина на %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d years)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d months)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age " #~ "of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на " #~ "возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age " #~ "of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на " #~ "возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ова лице почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #~ msgid "" #~ "This person died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ова лице почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "He died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Таа почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "She died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Таа почина %(death_date)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "This person died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "He died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Тој почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "He died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Тој почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Таа почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "She died on %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Таа почина на %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died %(death_date)s (age %(age)d years)." #~ msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died %(death_date)s (age %(age)d months)." #~ msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "%(male_name)s почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "%(male_name)s почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "%(female_name)s почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(female_name)s died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "%(female_name)s почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "This person died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "This person died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "He died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Тој почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Таа почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "She died %(death_date)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Таа почина %(death_date)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the " #~ "age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на " #~ "возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the " #~ "age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на " #~ "возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ова лице почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "This person died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of " #~ "%(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ова лице почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од " #~ "%(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #~ msgid "" #~ "He died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Таа почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #~ msgid "" #~ "She died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Таа почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d years)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d months)." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Тој почина во %(month_year)s во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "This person died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "He died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "He died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "She died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Таа почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "She died in %(month_year)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Таа почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died %(month_year)s (age %(age)d years)." #~ msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died %(month_year)s (age %(age)d months)." #~ msgstr "Тој почина во %(month_year)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d " #~ "months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d " #~ "месеци." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(male_name)s почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "" #~ "%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "" #~ "%(female_name)s почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "This person died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "This person died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "He died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Тој почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "He died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Тој почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "She died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Таа почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "She died in %(death_place)s at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Таа почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d years)." #~ msgstr "Тој почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d години." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died in %(death_place)s (age %(age)d months)." #~ msgstr "Тој почина во %(death_place)s на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(unknown_gender_name)s died at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "%(unknown_gender_name)s почина на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "%(male_name)s почина на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(male_name)s died at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "%(male_name)s почина на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "%(female_name)s почина на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "%(female_name)s died at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "%(female_name)s почина на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "This person died at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "This person died at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Ова лице почина на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "He died at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Тој почина на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "He died at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Тој почина на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #~ msgid "She died at the age of %(age)d years." #~ msgstr "Таа почина на возраст од %(age)d години." #~ msgid "She died at the age of %(age)d months." #~ msgstr "Таа почина на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died (age %(age)d years)." #~ msgstr "Тој почина на возраст од %(age)d години." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Died (age %(age)d months)." #~ msgstr "Тој почина на возраст од %(age)d месеци." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Prior page." #~ msgstr "Место на раѓање" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "You can adjust the time period with the two following values." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Обидот за архивирање податоци е неуспешен со следнава порака:\n" #~ "\n" #~ "%s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "The number of years before the first event date" #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Time out for the network connection test" #~ msgstr "Стилот употребен за подножјето." #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Zoom" #~ msgstr "Младоженец" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Link Place" #~ msgstr " Место" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Person" #~ msgstr "_Лице:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Event" #~ msgstr "Настан" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "No location." #~ msgstr "Положба на забелешка" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%s : birth place." #~ msgstr "Место на раѓање" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "birth place." #~ msgstr "Место на раѓање" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "%s : death place." #~ msgstr "Место на смрт" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "death place." #~ msgstr "Место на смрт" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Id : %s" #~ msgstr "у. %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Geographic View" #~ msgstr "GraphViz опции" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Show Person" #~ msgstr "Избриши забелешка:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Show Family" #~ msgstr "Ново семејство" #~ msgid "Matches sources with particular parameters" #~ msgstr "Совпаѓа извори со одредени параметри" #~ msgid "Family:" #~ msgstr "Семејство:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Bottom:" #~ msgstr "Долу" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Left:" #~ msgstr "Л_ево:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Right:" #~ msgstr "Д_есно:" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Top:" #~ msgstr "Горе" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "State/County:" #~ msgstr "Земја:"