600 450 dialog False True 8 True 6 vertical 6 True True True 12 4 5 12 6 True 0 Corner 2: X 1 2 3 4 GTK_FILL True 0 Y coordinate|Y 3 4 3 4 GTK_FILL True 0 <b>Referenced Region</b> True 5 1 2 GTK_FILL True True If media is an image, select a region of the image that is referenced. Point (0,0) is the top left corner. Do this by giving two corners on a diagonal of the rectangular region you want to use. If media is an image, select a region of the image that is referenced. Point (0,0) is the top left corner. Do this by giving two corners on a diagonal of the rectangular region you want to use. adjustment4 1 True 4 5 3 4 True True If media is an image, select a region of the image that is referenced. Point (0,0) is the top left corner. Do this by giving two corners on a diagonal of the rectangular region you want to use. If media is an image, select a region of the image that is referenced. Point (0,0) is the top left corner. Do this by giving two corners on a diagonal of the rectangular region you want to use. adjustment3 1 True 2 3 3 4 True 0 True 100 100 True True <b>Preview</b> True 2 4 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True 0 Corner 1: X 1 2 2 3 GTK_FILL True True If media is an image, select a region of the image that is referenced. Point (0,0) is the top left corner. Do this by giving two corners on a diagonal of the rectangular region you want to use. If media is an image, select a region of the image that is referenced. Point (0,0) is the top left corner. Do this by giving two corners on a diagonal of the rectangular region you want to use. adjustment2 1 True 2 3 2 3 True True If media is an image, select a region of the image that is referenced. Point (0,0) is the top left corner. Do this by giving two corners on a diagonal of the rectangular region you want to use. If media is an image, select a region of the image that is referenced. Point (0,0) is the top left corner. Do this by giving two corners on a diagonal of the rectangular region you want to use. adjustment1 1 True 4 5 2 3 True 0 Y coordinate|Y 3 4 2 3 GTK_FILL True True True True gtk-dialog-authentication 1 5 True General False 10 0 True True True True True True 12 5 3 12 6 True 0 _Path: True center path 1 2 2 3 GTK_FILL True 0 _ID: True center gid 1 2 GTK_FILL True 0 _Title: True center description 1 2 1 2 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True True 2 3 1 2 True True 2 3 2 3 6 12 True gtk-dialog-warning 6 0 True 0 3 <b>Note:</b> Any changes in the shared media object information will be reflected in the media object itself. True True True False False 1 3 4 5 GTK_FILL True 0 True True Double click image to view in an external viewer Double click image to view in an external viewer 100 100 True True <b>Preview</b> True 4 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True 0 _Type: True type 1 2 3 4 GTK_FILL True 0 2 3 3 4 GTK_FILL True 12 True True 0 True True True True gtk-dialog-authentication 1 False False 1 2 3 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True <b>General</b> True False True <b>Shared Information</b> True 1 1 True end gtk-cancel True True True True True False False 0 gtk-ok True True True True True True False False 1 gtk-help True True True True True False False 2 False end 0 button84 button82 button104 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10