# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2003 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import os import string import cStringIO #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # gramps modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Report import TextDoc import RelLib import Errors from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog from intl import gettext as _ import gtk import gnome import gnome.ui #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # SimpleBookTitle # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class SimpleBookTitle(Report.Report): def __init__(self,database,person,title_string,copyright_string,doc,output,newpage=0): self.map = {} self.database = database self.start = person self.title_string = title_string self.copyright_string = copyright_string self.doc = doc self.newpage = newpage if output: self.standalone = 1 self.doc.open(output) else: self.standalone = 0 self.sref_map = {} self.sref_index = 1 def setup(self): pass def write_report(self): if self.newpage: self.doc.page_break() self.doc.start_paragraph('SBT-Title') self.doc.write_text(self.title_string) self.doc.end_paragraph() self.doc.start_paragraph('SBT-Subtitle') self.doc.write_text(self.copyright_string) self.doc.end_paragraph() if self.standalone: self.doc.close() def _make_default_style(default_style): """Make the default output style for the Simple Boot Title report.""" font = TextDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=TextDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=16,bold=1,italic=1) para = TextDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_header_level(1) para.set_alignment(TextDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) para.set(pad=0.5) para.set_description(_('The style used for the title of the page.')) default_style.add_style("SBT-Title",para) font = TextDoc.FontStyle() font.set(face=TextDoc.FONT_SANS_SERIF,size=14,italic=1) para = TextDoc.ParagraphStyle() para.set_font(font) para.set_header_level(2) para.set(pad=0.5) para.set_alignment(TextDoc.PARA_ALIGN_CENTER) para.set_description(_('The style used for the subtitle.')) default_style.add_style("SBT-Subtitle",para) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up sane defaults for the book_item # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ _style_file = "simple_book_title.xml" _style_name = "default" _person_id = "" _title_string = "" _copyright_string = "" _options = ( _person_id, _title_string, _copyright_string ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Book Item Options dialog # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class SimpleBookTitleDialog(Report.BareReportDialog): def __init__(self,database,person,opt,stl): self.options = opt self.db = database if self.options[0]: self.person = self.db.getPerson(self.options[0]) else: self.person = person self.style_name = stl Report.BareReportDialog.__init__(self,database,self.person) if self.options[1]: self.title_string = self.options[1] else: self.title_string = _('Title of the Book') if self.options[2]: self.copyright_string = self.options[2] else: import time dateinfo = time.localtime(time.time()) name = self.db.getResearcher().getName() self.copyright_string = _('Copyright %d %s') % (dateinfo[0], name) self.title_entry.set_text(self.title_string) self.copyright_entry.set_text(self.copyright_string) self.new_person = None self.window.run() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Customization hooks # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def make_default_style(self): _make_default_style(self.default_style) def get_title(self): """The window title for this dialog""" return "%s - GRAMPS Book" % (_("Simple Book Title")) def get_header(self, name): """The header line at the top of the dialog contents""" return _("Title Page for GRAMPS Book") def get_stylesheet_savefile(self): """Where to save styles for this report.""" return _style_file def setup_center_person(self): pass def setup_report_options_frame(self): self.notebook = gtk.Notebook() self.notebook.set_border_width(6) self.window.vbox.add(self.notebook) def add_user_options(self): self.title_entry = gtk.Entry() self.copyright_entry = gtk.Entry() self.add_frame_option(_('Contents'),_('Title String'),self.title_entry) self.add_frame_option(_('Contents'),_('Copyright String'),self.copyright_entry) def parse_report_options_frame(self): """Parse the report options frame of the dialog. Save the user selected choices for later use.""" # call the parent task to handle normal options Report.BareReportDialog.parse_report_options_frame(self) # get values from the widgets self.title_string = self.title_entry.get_text() self.copyright_string = self.copyright_entry.get_text() def on_cancel(self, obj): pass def on_ok_clicked(self, obj): """The user is satisfied with the dialog choices. Parse all options and close the window.""" # Preparation self.parse_style_frame() self.parse_report_options_frame() if self.new_person: self.person = self.new_person self.options = ( self.person.getId() , self.title_string, self.copyright_string ) self.style_name = self.selected_style.get_name() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Function to write Book Item # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def write_book_item(database,person,doc,options,newpage=0): """Write the Title Page using options set. All user dialog has already been handled and the output file opened.""" try: if options[0]: person = database.getPerson(options[0]) if options[1]: title_string = options[1] else: title_string = _('Title of the Book') if options[2]: copyright_string = options[2] else: import time dateinfo = time.localtime(time.time()) name = database.getResearcher().getName() copyright_string = _('Copyright %d %s') % (dateinfo[0], name) return SimpleBookTitle(database, person, title_string, copyright_string, doc, None, newpage ) except Errors.ReportError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except Errors.FilterError, msg: (m1,m2) = msg.messages() ErrorDialog(m1,m2) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def get_xpm_image(): return [ "48 48 33 1", " c None", ". c #1A1A1A", "+ c #847B6E", "@ c #B7AC9C", "# c #D1D1D0", "$ c #EEE2D0", "% c #6A655C", "& c #868686", "* c #F1EADF", "= c #5C5854", "- c #B89C73", "; c #E2C8A1", "> c #55524C", ", c #F5EEE6", "' c #4F4E4C", ") c #A19C95", "! c #B3966E", "~ c #CDC8BF", "{ c #F6F2ED", "] c #A6A5A4", "^ c #413F3F", "/ c #D8D1C5", "( c #968977", "_ c #BAB9B6", ": c #FAFAF9", "< c #BEA27B", "[ c #E9DAC2", "} c #9D9385", "| c #E4E3E3", "1 c #7A7062", "2 c #E6D3B4", "3 c #BAA488", "4 c #322E2B", " ", " ", " (+(+++++111%1%%%%===%1 ", " +______________@_@)&==1 ", " +_::::::::::::::*|#_&&}> ", " &_:::::::::::::::{|#]1~}^ ", " +_::::::::::::::::{|#=|~&4 ", " +_::::]]]]]]]]:::::|{':|~&4 ", " +_::::::::::::::::::{'::|~&4 ", " +_:::::::::::::::::::'*::|~&^ ", " +_:::::::::::::::::::'|*::|~}> ", " 1_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]:::'~|{::|_}% ", " 1_:::::::::::::::::::'..4^'=1+%1 ", " +_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]:::|__])&+%=^% ", " 1_::::::::::::::::::::|#__)&&+'^ ", " 1_::::]]]]]]]]]::::::::|#~_])&%^ ", " 1_::::::::::::::::::::{||#~_])14 ", " 1_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]&}#~_]+4 ", " 1_::::::::::::::::::{{{{||#~~@&4 ", " %_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])))}(~~~&4 ", " %_:::::::::::::::::{{{{{*|#/~_(4 ", " %_::::]]]]]]]]]]]]]]])))))}2;/}4 ", " %_:::::::::::::::{{{{{***||[#~}4 ", " %_::::]]]]]]]]]])]))))))))}2/;)4 ", " %_::::::::::::::{{{{{**|$$[/2~!4 ", " %_::::]]]]]]]]){{{{******$$[2/}4 ", " %_::::::::::::{{{{****$$$$$[2/!4 ", " =_::::]]]]]]])]))))))))})}}[2/!4 ", " %_:::::::::{{{{{{**|$$$$$$[[2;)4 ", " =_::::]]]])]]))))))))))}}}}[22!4 ", " %_::::::::{{{{{|**|$$[$[[[[[22}4 ", " =_::::]]])])))))))))}}}}}}}222-4 ", " =_:::::{{{{{|{*|$$$$$[[[[22222!4 ", " =_::::)]])))))))))}}}}}}(}(2;2-4 ", " =_:::{{{{{{***|$$$$$[[[[22222;-4 ", " =_:::{])))))))))}}}}}}}(}((2;;<4 ", " >_:{{{{{{**|$$$$$[[[[22222;2;;-4 ", " >_{{{{)))))))}}}}}}}(!(((((;;;-4 ", " >_{{{{|**|*$$$$$[[[[22222;;;;;!4 ", " '_{{{{****$$$$$2[[222222;2;;;;-4 ", " '@{{****$$$$$[[[2[222;;2;;;;;;!4 ", " >]{******$$$[$[2[[2222;;;;;;;;!4 ", " '_****$$$$[$[[[[2222;2;;;;;;;;!4 ", " '@__@@@@@@@33<3<<<<<<-<-!!!!!!!4 ", " 44444444444444444444444444444444 ", " ", " ", " "] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ from Plugins import register_book_item # (name,category,options_dialog,write_book_item,options,style_name,style_file,make_default_style) register_book_item( _("Simple Book Title"), _("Title"), SimpleBookTitleDialog, write_book_item, _options, _style_name, _style_file, _make_default_style )