# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2004 Martin Hawlisch # Copyright (C) 2004-2006, 2008 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # Copyright (C) 2009 Gary Burton # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ "Export to GeneWeb." #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Standard Python Modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import os from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Set up logging # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import logging log = logging.getLogger(".WriteGeneWeb") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gen.lib from Filters import GenericFilter, Rules, build_filter_model #import const import Utils from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog from glade import Glade import config #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GeneWebWriterOptionBox class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GeneWebWriterOptionBox(object): """ Create a VBox with the option widgets and define methods to retrieve the options. """ def __init__(self, person): self.person = person def get_option_box(self): self.restrict = 1 self.topDialog = Glade() self.topDialog.connect_signals({ "on_restrict_toggled": self.on_restrict_toggled }) self.filters = self.topDialog.get_object("filter") self.copy = 0 all = GenericFilter() all.set_name(_("Entire Database")) all.add_rule(Rules.Person.Everyone([])) the_filters = [all] if self.person: des = GenericFilter() des.set_name(_("Descendants of %s") % self.person.get_primary_name().get_name()) des.add_rule(Rules.Person.IsDescendantOf( [self.person.get_gramps_id(),1])) ans = GenericFilter() ans.set_name(_("Ancestors of %s") % self.person.get_primary_name().get_name()) ans.add_rule(Rules.Person.IsAncestorOf( [self.person.get_gramps_id(),1])) com = GenericFilter() com.set_name(_("People with common ancestor with %s") % self.person.get_primary_name().get_name()) com.add_rule(Rules.Person.HasCommonAncestorWith( [self.person.get_gramps_id()])) the_filters += [des, ans, com] from Filters import CustomFilters the_filters.extend(CustomFilters.get_filters('Person')) self.filter_menu = build_filter_model(the_filters) self.filters.set_model(self.filter_menu) self.filters.set_active(0) the_box = self.topDialog.get_object('vbox1') the_parent = self.topDialog.get_object('dialog-vbox1') the_parent.remove(the_box) self.topDialog.toplevel.destroy() return the_box def on_restrict_toggled(self, restrict): active = restrict.get_active () for x in [self.topDialog.get_object("living"), self.topDialog.get_object("notes")]: x.set_sensitive(active) def parse_options(self): self.restrict = self.topDialog.get_object("restrict").get_active() self.living = (self.restrict and self.topDialog.get_object("living").get_active()) self.exclnotes = (self.restrict and self.topDialog.get_object("notes").get_active()) self.cfilter = self.filter_menu[self.filters.get_active()][1] self.images = self.topDialog.get_object ("images").get_active () if self.images: images_path = self.topDialog.get_object ("images_path") self.images_path = unicode(images_path.get_text ()) else: self.images_path = "" class GeneWebWriter(object): def __init__(self, database, filename="", option_box=None, callback=None): self.db = database self.option_box = option_box self.filename = filename self.callback = callback if callable(self.callback): # callback is really callable self.update = self.update_real else: self.update = self.update_empty self.plist = {} self.flist = {} self.persons_details_done = [] self.persons_notes_done = [] self.person_ids = {} if not option_box: self.restrict = 0 self.copy = 0 self.images = 0 else: self.option_box.parse_options() self.restrict = self.option_box.restrict self.living = self.option_box.living self.exclnotes = self.option_box.exclnotes self.copy = self.option_box.copy self.images = self.option_box.images self.images_path = self.option_box.images_path if not option_box.cfilter.is_empty(): self.db = gen.proxy.FilterProxyDb(self.db, option_box.cfilter) for p in self.db.iter_person_handles(): self.plist[p] = 1 self.flist = {} for key in self.plist: p = self.db.get_person_from_handle(key) for family_handle in p.get_family_handle_list(): self.flist[family_handle] = 1 # remove families that dont contain father AND mother # because GeneWeb requires both to be present templist = self.flist self.flist = {} for family_handle in templist: family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) if family: father_handle = family.get_father_handle() mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() if father_handle and mother_handle: self.flist[family_handle] = 1 def update_empty(self): pass def update_real(self): self.count += 1 newval = int(100*self.count/self.total) if newval != self.oldval: self.callback(newval) self.oldval = newval def writeln(self, text): self.g.write(self.iso8859('%s\n' % (text))) def export_data(self): self.dirname = os.path.dirname (self.filename) try: self.g = open(self.filename, "w") except IOError,msg: msg2 = _("Could not create %s") % self.filename ErrorDialog(msg2, str(msg)) return False except: ErrorDialog(_("Could not create %s") % self.filename) return False if len(self.flist) < 1: ErrorDialog(_("No families matched by selected filter")) return False self.count = 0 self.oldval = 0 self.total = len(self.flist) for key in self.flist: self.write_family(key) self.writeln("") self.g.close() return True def write_family(self, family_handle): family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) if family: self.update() father_handle = family.get_father_handle() if father_handle: father = self.db.get_person_from_handle(father_handle) mother_handle = family.get_mother_handle() if mother_handle: mother = self.db.get_person_from_handle(mother_handle) self.writeln("fam %s %s +%s %s %s" % (self.get_ref_name(father), self.get_full_person_info_fam(father), self.get_wedding_data(family), self.get_ref_name(mother), self.get_full_person_info_fam(mother) ) ) self.write_witness( family) self.write_sources( family.get_source_references()) self.write_children( family, father) self.write_notes( family, father, mother) if not (self.restrict and self.exclnotes): notelist = family.get_note_list() note = "" for notehandle in notelist: noteobj = self.db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle) note += noteobj.get() + " " if note and note != "": note = note.replace('\n\r',' ') note = note.replace('\r\n',' ') note = note.replace('\n',' ') note = note.replace('\r',' ') self.writeln("comm %s" % note) def write_witness(self, family): # FIXME: witnesses are not in events anymore return if self.restrict: return event_ref_list = family.get_event_ref_list() for event_ref in event_ref: event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if event.type == gen.lib.EventType.MARRIAGE: w_list = event.get_witness_list() if w_list: for witness in w_list: if witness and witness.type == gen.lib.Event.ID: person = self.db.get_person_from_handle( witness.get_value()) if person: gender = "" if person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: gender = "h" elif person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: gender = "f" self.writeln("wit %s %s %s" % (gender, self.get_ref_name(person), self.get_full_person_info_fam(person) ) ) def write_sources(self,reflist): if self.restrict and self.exclnotes: return if reflist: for sr in reflist: sbase = sr.get_reference_handle() if sbase: source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(sbase) if source: self.writeln( "src %s" % (self.rem_spaces(source.get_title())) ) def write_children(self,family, father): father_lastname = father.get_primary_name().get_surname() child_ref_list = family.get_child_ref_list() if child_ref_list: self.writeln("beg") for child_ref in child_ref_list: child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_ref.ref) if child: gender = "" if child.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: gender = "h" elif child.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: gender = "f" self.writeln("- %s %s %s" % (gender, self.get_child_ref_name(child, father_lastname), self.get_full_person_info_child(child) ) ) self.writeln("end") def write_notes(self,family, father, mother): if self.restrict and self.exclnotes: return self.write_note_of_person(father) self.write_note_of_person(mother) child_ref_list = family.get_child_ref_list() if child_ref_list: for child_ref in child_ref_list: child = self.db.get_person_from_handle(child_ref.ref) if child: self.write_note_of_person(child) # FIXME: witnesses do not exist in events anymore ## event_ref_list = family.get_event_ref_list() ## for event_ref in event_ref_list: ## event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) ## if int(event.get_type()) == gen.lib.EventType.MARRIAGE: ## w_list = event.get_witness_list() ## if w_list: ## for witness in w_list: ## if witness and witness.type == gen.lib.Event.ID: ## person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(witness.get_value()) ## if person: ## self.write_note_of_person(person) def write_note_of_person(self,person): if self.persons_notes_done.count(person.get_handle()) == 0: self.persons_notes_done.append(person.get_handle()) notelist = person.get_note_list() note = "" for notehandle in notelist: noteobj = self.db.get_note_from_handle(notehandle) note += noteobj.get() note += " " if note and note != "": self.writeln("") self.writeln("notes %s" % self.get_ref_name(person)) self.writeln("beg") self.writeln(note) self.writeln("end notes") def get_full_person_info(self, person): if self.restrict: return "0 " retval = "" b_date = "0" b_place = "" birth_ref = person.get_birth_ref() if birth_ref: birth = self.db.get_event_from_handle(birth_ref.ref) if birth: b_date = self.format_date( birth.get_date_object()) place_handle = birth.get_place_handle() if place_handle: place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) b_place = place.get_title() if Utils.probably_alive(person,self.db): d_date = "" else: d_date = "0" d_place = "" death_ref = person.get_death_ref() if death_ref: death = self.db.get_event_from_handle(death_ref.ref) if death: d_date = self.format_date( death.get_date_object()) place_handle = death.get_place_handle() if place_handle: place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) d_place = place.get_title() retval = retval + "%s " % b_date if b_place != "": retval = retval + "#bp %s " % self.rem_spaces(b_place) retval = retval + "%s " % d_date if d_place != "": retval = retval + "#dp %s " % self.rem_spaces(d_place) return retval def get_full_person_info_fam(self, person): """Output full person data of a family member. This is only done if the person is not listed as a child. """ retval = "" if self.persons_details_done.count(person.get_handle()) == 0: is_child = 0 pf_list = person.get_parent_family_handle_list() if pf_list: for family_handle in pf_list: if family_handle in self.flist: is_child = 1 if is_child == 0: self.persons_details_done.append(person.get_handle()) retval = self.get_full_person_info(person) return retval def get_full_person_info_child(self, person): """Output full person data for a child, if not printed somewhere else.""" retval = "" if self.persons_details_done.count(person.get_handle()) == 0: self.persons_details_done.append(person.get_handle()) retval = self.get_full_person_info(person) return retval def rem_spaces(self,str): return str.replace(' ','_') def get_ref_name(self,person): surname = self.rem_spaces( person.get_primary_name().get_surname()) firstname = config.get('preferences.private-given-text') if not (Utils.probably_alive(person,self.db) and \ self.restrict and self.living): firstname = self.rem_spaces( person.get_primary_name().get_first_name()) if person.get_handle() not in self.person_ids: self.person_ids[person.get_handle()] = len(self.person_ids) return "%s %s.%d" % (surname, firstname, self.person_ids[person.get_handle()]) def get_child_ref_name(self,person,father_lastname): surname = self.rem_spaces( person.get_primary_name().get_surname()) firstname = config.get('preferences.private-given-text') if not (Utils.probably_alive(person,self.db) and \ self.restrict and self.living): firstname = self.rem_spaces( person.get_primary_name().get_first_name()) if person.get_handle() not in self.person_ids: self.person_ids[person.get_handle()] = len(self.person_ids) ret = "%s.%d" % (firstname, self.person_ids[person.get_handle()]) if surname != father_lastname: ret += " " + surname return ret def get_wedding_data(self,family): ret = ""; event_ref_list = family.get_event_ref_list() m_date = "" m_place = "" m_source = "" married = 0 eng_date = "" eng_place = "" eng_source = "" engaged = 0 div_date = "" divorced = 0 for event_ref in event_ref_list: event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if event.get_type() == gen.lib.EventType.MARRIAGE: married = 1 m_date = self.format_date( event.get_date_object()) place_handle = event.get_place_handle() if place_handle: place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) m_place = place.get_title() m_source = self.get_primary_source( event.get_source_references()) if event.get_type() == gen.lib.EventType.ENGAGEMENT: engaged = 1 eng_date = self.format_date( event.get_date_object()) place_handle = event.get_place_handle() if place_handle: place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle) eng_place = place.get_title() eng_source = self.get_primary_source( event.get_source_references()) if event.get_type() == gen.lib.EventType.DIVORCE: divorced = 1 div_date = self.format_date( event.get_date_object()) if married == 1: if m_date != "": ret = ret + m_date ret = ret + " " if m_place != "": ret = ret + "#mp %s " % self.rem_spaces( m_place) if m_source != "": ret = ret + "#ms %s " % self.rem_spaces( m_source) elif engaged == 1: """Geneweb only supports either Marriage or engagement""" if eng_date != "": ret = ret + eng_date ret = ret + " " if eng_place != "": ret = ret + "#mp %s " % self.rem_spaces( m_place) if eng_source != "": ret = ret + "#ms %s " % self.rem_spaces( m_source) else: if family.get_relationship() != gen.lib.FamilyRelType.MARRIED: """Not married or engaged""" ret = ret + " #nm " if divorced == 1: if div_date != "": ret = ret + "-%s " %div_date else: ret = ret + "-0 " return ret def get_primary_source(self,reflist): ret = "" if reflist: for sr in reflist: sbase = sr.get_reference_handle() if sbase: source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(sbase) if source: if ret != "": ret = ret + ", " ret = ret + source.get_title() return ret def format_single_date(self, subdate, cal, mode): retval = "" (day, month, year, sl) = subdate cal_type = "" if cal == gen.lib.Date.CAL_HEBREW: cal_type = "H" elif cal == gen.lib.Date.CAL_FRENCH: cal_type = "F" elif cal == gen.lib.Date.CAL_JULIAN: cal_type = "J" mode_prefix = "" if mode == gen.lib.Date.MOD_ABOUT: mode_prefix = "~" elif mode == gen.lib.Date.MOD_BEFORE: mode_prefix = "<" elif mode == gen.lib.Date.MOD_AFTER: mode_prefix = ">" if year > 0: if month > 0: if day > 0: retval = "%s%s/%s/%s%s" % (mode_prefix,day,month,year,cal_type) else: retval = "%s%s/%s%s" % (mode_prefix,month,year,cal_type) else: retval = "%s%s%s" % (mode_prefix,year,cal_type) return retval def format_date(self,date): retval = "" if date.get_modifier() == gen.lib.Date.MOD_TEXTONLY: retval = "0(%s)" % self.rem_spaces(date.get_text()) elif not date.is_empty(): mod = date.get_modifier() cal = cal = date.get_calendar() if mod == gen.lib.Date.MOD_SPAN or mod == gen.lib.Date.MOD_RANGE: retval = "%s..%s" % ( self.format_single_date(date.get_start_date(), cal,mod), self.format_single_date(date.get_stop_date(),cal,mod)) else: retval = self.format_single_date(date.get_start_date(),cal,mod) return retval def iso8859(self,s): return s.encode('iso-8859-1','xmlcharrefreplace') #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def exportData(database, filename, option_box=None, callback=None): gw = GeneWebWriter(database, filename, option_box, callback) return gw.export_data()