# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ Source object for GRAMPS """ from types import InstanceType #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from primaryobj import PrimaryObject from mediabase import MediaBase from notebase import NoteBase from reporef import RepoRef from markertype import MarkerType #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Source class # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Source(MediaBase, NoteBase, PrimaryObject): """A record of a source of information""" def __init__(self): """creates a new Source instance""" PrimaryObject.__init__(self) MediaBase.__init__(self) NoteBase.__init__(self) self.marker = MarkerType() self.title = "" self.author = "" self.pubinfo = "" self.datamap = {} self.abbrev = "" self.reporef_list = [] def serialize(self): """ Converts the object to a serialized tuple of data """ return (self.handle, self.gramps_id, unicode(self.title), unicode(self.author), unicode(self.pubinfo), NoteBase.serialize(self), MediaBase.serialize(self), unicode(self.abbrev), self.change, self.datamap, [rr.serialize() for rr in self.reporef_list], self.marker.serialize(), self.private) def unserialize(self, data): """ Converts the data held in a tuple created by the serialize method back into the data in an Event structure. """ (self.handle, self.gramps_id, self.title, self.author, self.pubinfo, note_list, media_list, self.abbrev, self.change, self.datamap, reporef_list, marker, self.private) = data self.marker = InstanceType(MarkerType) self.marker.unserialize(marker) NoteBase.unserialize(self, note_list) MediaBase.unserialize(self, media_list) self.reporef_list = [InstanceType(RepoRef).unserialize(rr) for rr in reporef_list] def _has_handle_reference(self, classname, handle): """ Returns True if the object has reference to a given handle of given primary object type. @param classname: The name of the primary object class. @type classname: str @param handle: The handle to be checked. @type handle: str @return: Returns whether the object has reference to this handle of this object type. @rtype: bool """ if classname == 'Repository': return handle in [ref.ref for ref in self.reporef_list] return False def _remove_handle_references(self, classname, handle_list): """ Removes all references in this object to object handles in the list. @param classname: The name of the primary object class. @type classname: str @param handle_list: The list of handles to be removed. @type handle_list: str """ if classname == 'Repository': new_list = [ ref for ref in self.reporef_list \ if ref.ref not in handle_list ] self.reporef_list = new_list def _replace_handle_reference(self, classname, old_handle, new_handle): """ Replaces all references to old handle with those to the new handle. @param classname: The name of the primary object class. @type classname: str @param old_handle: The handle to be replaced. @type old_handle: str @param new_handle: The handle to replace the old one with. @type new_handle: str """ if classname == 'Repository': handle_list = [ref.ref for ref in self.reporef_list] while old_handle in handle_list: ix = handle_list.index(old_handle) self.reporef_list[ix].ref = new_handle handle_list[ix] = '' def get_text_data_list(self): """ Returns the list of all textual attributes of the object. @return: Returns the list of all textual attributes of the object. @rtype: list """ return [self.title, self.author, self.pubinfo, self.abbrev, self.gramps_id] + self.datamap.keys() + self.datamap.values() def get_text_data_child_list(self): """ Returns the list of child objects that may carry textual data. @return: Returns the list of child objects that may carry textual data. @rtype: list """ return self.media_list + self.reporef_list def get_sourcref_child_list(self): """ Returns the list of child secondary objects that may refer sources. @return: Returns the list of child secondary child objects that may refer sources. @rtype: list """ return self.media_list def get_note_child_list(self): """ Returns the list of child secondary objects that may refer notes. @return: Returns the list of child secondary child objects that may refer notes. @rtype: list """ return self.media_list + self.reporef_list def get_handle_referents(self): """ Returns the list of child objects which may, directly or through their children, reference primary objects.. @return: Returns the list of objects refereincing primary objects. @rtype: list """ return self.media_list + self.reporef_list def get_referenced_handles(self): """ Returns the list of (classname,handle) tuples for all directly referenced primary objects. @return: List of (classname,handle) tuples for referenced objects. @rtype: list """ return self.get_referenced_note_handles() def has_source_reference(self, src_handle) : """ Returns True if any of the child objects has reference to this source handle. @param src_handle: The source handle to be checked. @type src_handle: str @return: Returns whether any of it's child objects has reference to this source handle. @rtype: bool """ for item in self.get_sourcref_child_list(): if item.has_source_reference(src_handle): return True return False def remove_source_references(self, src_handle_list): """ Removes references to all source handles in the list in all child objects. @param src_handle_list: The list of source handles to be removed. @type src_handle_list: list """ for item in self.get_sourcref_child_list(): item.remove_source_references(src_handle_list) def replace_source_references(self, old_handle, new_handle): """ Replaces references to source handles in the list in this object and all child objects. @param old_handle: The source handle to be replaced. @type old_handle: str @param new_handle: The source handle to replace the old one with. @type new_handle: str """ for item in self.get_sourcref_child_list(): item.replace_source_references(old_handle, new_handle) def get_data_map(self): """Returns the data map of attributes for the source""" return self.datamap def set_data_map(self, datamap): """Sets the data map of attributes for the source""" self.datamap = datamap def set_data_item(self, key, value): """Sets the particular data item in the attribute data map""" self.datamap[key] = value def set_title(self, title): """ Sets the descriptive title of the Source object @param title: descriptive title to assign to the Source @type title: str """ self.title = title def get_title(self): """ Returns the descriptive title of the Place object @returns: Returns the descriptive title of the Place @rtype: str """ return self.title def set_author(self, author): """sets the author of the Source""" self.author = author def get_author(self): """returns the author of the Source""" return self.author def set_publication_info(self, text): """sets the publication information of the Source""" self.pubinfo = text def get_publication_info(self): """returns the publication information of the Source""" return self.pubinfo def set_abbreviation(self, abbrev): """sets the title abbreviation of the Source""" self.abbrev = abbrev def get_abbreviation(self): """returns the title abbreviation of the Source""" return self.abbrev def add_repo_reference(self, repo_ref): """ Adds a L{RepoRef} instance to the Source's reporef list. @param repo_ref: L{RepoRef} instance to be added to the object's reporef list. @type repo_ref: L{RepoRef} """ self.reporef_list.append(repo_ref) def get_reporef_list(self): """ Returns the list of L{RepoRef} instances associated with the Source. @returns: list of L{RepoRef} instances associated with the Source @rtype: list """ return self.reporef_list def set_reporef_list(self, reporef_list): """ Sets the list of L{RepoRef} instances associated with the Source. It replaces the previous list. @param reporef_list: list of L{RepoRef} instances to be assigned to the Source. @type reporef_list: list """ self.reporef_list = reporef_list def has_repo_reference(self, repo_handle): """ Returns True if the Source has reference to this Repository handle. @param repo_handle: The Repository handle to be checked. @type repo_handle: str @return: Returns whether the Source has reference to this Repository handle. @rtype: bool """ return repo_handle in [repo_ref.ref for repo_ref in self.reporef_list] def remove_repo_references(self, repo_handle_list): """ Removes references to all Repository handles in the list. @param repo_handle_list: The list of Repository handles to be removed. @type repo_handle_list: list """ new_reporef_list = [ repo_ref for repo_ref in self.reporef_list \ if repo_ref.ref not in repo_handle_list ] self.reporef_list = new_reporef_list def replace_repo_references(self, old_handle, new_handle): """ Replaces all references to old Repository handle with the new handle. @param old_handle: The Repository handle to be replaced. @type old_handle: str @param new_handle: The Repository handle to replace the old one with. @type new_handle: str """ refs_list = [ repo_ref.ref for repo_ref in self.reporef_list ] n_replace = refs_list.count(old_handle) for ix_replace in xrange(n_replace): ix = refs_list.index(old_handle) self.reporef_list[ix].ref = new_handle refs_list.pop(ix)