# -*- python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ # # Written by Lorenzo Cappelletti , 2003 # Benny Malengier , 2007 # """ Italian-Specific classes for relationships. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gen.lib import Relationship #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Shared constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _level = [ "", "prim%(gen)s", "second%(gen)s", "terz%(gen)s", "quart%(gen)s", "quint%(gen)s", "sest%(gen)s", "settim%(gen)s", "ottav%(gen)s", "non%(gen)s", "decim%(gen)s", "undicesim%(gen)s", "dodicesim%(gen)s", "tredicesim%(gen)s", "quattordicesim%(gen)s", "quindicesim%(gen)s", "sedicesim%(gen)s", "diciasettesim%(gen)s", "diciottesim%(gen)s", "diciannovesim%(gen)s", "ventesim%(gen)s" ] _level_m = [ "", "primo", "secondo", "terzo", "quarto", "quinto", "sesto", "settimo", "ottavo", "nono", "decimo", "undicesimo", "dodicesimo", "tredicesimo", "quattordicesimo", "quindicesimo", "sedicesimo", "diciasettesimo", "diciottesimo", "diciannovesimo", "ventesimo" ] _level_f = [ "", "prima", "seconda", "terza", "quarta", "quinta", "sesta", "settima", "ottava", "nona", "decima", "undicesima", "dodicesima", "tredicesima", "quattordicesima", "quindicesima", "sedicesima", "diciasettesima", "diciottesima", "diciannovesima", "ventesima" ] _father_level = [ "", "il padre%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "il nonno%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "il bisnonno%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "il trisnonno%(step)s%(inlaw)s", ] _mother_level = [ "", "la madre%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "la nonna%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "la bisnonna%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "la trisnonna%(step)s%(inlaw)s", ] _son_level = [ "", "il figlio%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "il nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretto", "il pronipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretto" ] _daughter_level = [ "", "la figlia%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "la nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretta", "la pronipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretta" ] _brother_level = [ "", "il fratello%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "lo zio%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "il prozio%(step)s%(inlaw)s", ] _sister_level = [ "", "la sorella%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "la zia%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "la prozia%(step)s%(inlaw)s", ] _nephew_level = [ "", "il nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "il pronipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s" ] _niece_level = [ "", "la nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s", "la pronipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s" ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RelationshipCalculator(Relationship.RelationshipCalculator): """ RelationshipCalculator Class """ INLAW = ' acquisit%(gen)s' STEP = ' adottiv%(gen)s' def __init__(self): Relationship.RelationshipCalculator.__init__(self) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Specific relationship functions # # To be honest, I doubt that this relationship naming method is widely # spread... If you know of a rigorous, italian naming convention, # please, drop me an email. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __gen_suffix(self, gender): if gender == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return 'o' return 'a' def get_parents (self, level): if level > len(_level)-1: return "remote ancestors" else: return "%si genitori" % _level[level] def get_father (self, level, step='', inlaw=''): gen = "o" if level < len(_father_level): return _father_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_level): return 'il nonno%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % { 'level_f': _level_f[level], 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen} else: return "l'avo%(step)s%(inlaw)s (%(level)d generazioni)" % { 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'level': level} % {'gen': gen} def get_mother (self, level, step='', inlaw=''): gen = "a" if level < len(_father_level): return _mother_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_level): return 'la nonna%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % { 'level_f': _level_f[level], 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen} else: return "l'ava%(step)s%(inlaw)s (%(level)d generazioni)" % { 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'level': level} % {'gen': gen} def get_parent_unknown(self, level, step='', inlaw=''): gen = "o/a" if level == 1: return "uno dei genitori%(step)s%(inlaw)s" % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_father_level): return _mother_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_level): return 'nonno/a%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % { 'level_f': _level_f[level], 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen} else: return "l'ava%(step)s%(inlaw)s (%(level)d generazioni)" % { 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'level': level} % {'gen': gen} def get_son (self, level, step="", inlaw=""): gen = "o" if level < len(_son_level): return _son_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_level): return 'il nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretto della %(level_f)s generazione' % { 'level_f': _level_f[level], 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen} else: return "il discendente%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretto (%(level)d generazioni)" % { 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'level': level} % {'gen': gen} def get_daughter (self, level, step="", inlaw=""): gen = "a" if level < len(_daughter_level): return _daughter_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_level): return 'la nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretta della %(level_f)s generazione' % { 'level_f': _level_f[level], 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen} else: return "la discendente%(step)s%(inlaw)s diretta (%(level)d generazioni)" % { 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'level': level} % {'gen': gen} def get_uncle (self, level, step="", inlaw=""): gen = "o" if level < len(_brother_level): return _brother_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_level): return 'lo zio%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % { 'level_f': _level_f[level], 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen} else: return 'uno zio%(step)s%(inlaw)s lontano (%(level)d generazioni)' % { 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'level': level} % {'gen': gen} def get_aunt (self, level, step="", inlaw=""): gen = "a" if level < len(_brother_level): return _sister_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_level): return 'la zia%(step)s%(inlaw)s della %(level_f)s generazione' % { 'level_f': _level_f[level], 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen} else: return 'una zia%(step)s%(inlaw)s lontana (%(level)d generazioni)' % { 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'level': level} % {'gen': gen} def get_nephew(self, level, step="", inlaw=""): gen = "o" if level < len(_nephew_level): return _nephew_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_level): return 'il nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s ' \ 'della %(level_f)s generazione' % { 'level_f': _level_f[level], 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen} else: return 'un nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s lontano ('\ '%(level)d generazioni)' % { 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'level': level} % {'gen': gen} def get_niece(self, level, step="", inlaw=""): gen = "a" if level < len(_nephew_level): return _niece_level[level] % {'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} \ % {'gen': gen} elif level < len(_level): return 'la nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s ' \ 'della %(level_f)s generazione' % { 'level_f': _level_f[level], 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw} % {'gen': gen} else: return 'una nipote%(step)s%(inlaw)s lontana ('\ '%(level)d generazioni)' % { 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'level': level} % {'gen': gen} def get_male_cousin (self, levelA, levelB, step="", inlaw=""): gen = "o" return "il cugino%(step)s%(inlaw)s di %(level)d° grado"\ "(%(levA)d-%(levB)d)" \ % {'level': levelA+levelB-1, 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'levA': levelA, 'levB': levelB} % {'gen': gen} def get_female_cousin (self, levelA, levelB, step="", inlaw=""): gen = "a" return "la cugina%(step)s%(inlaw)s di %(level)d° grado"\ "(%(levA)d-%(levB)d)" \ % {'level': levelA+levelB-1, 'step': step, 'inlaw': inlaw, 'levA': levelA, 'levB': levelB} % {'gen': gen} #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # get_relationship # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_relationship(self, db, orig_person, other_person): """ returns a string representing the relationshp between the two people, along with a list of common ancestors (typically father, mother) """ if orig_person is None: return ("non definito", []) if orig_person.get_handle() == other_person.get_handle(): return ('', []) is_spouse = self.is_spouse(db, orig_person, other_person) if is_spouse: return (is_spouse, []) #get_relationship_distance changed, first data is relation to #orig person, apperently secondRel in this function (secondRel, firstRel, common) = \ self.get_relationship_distance(db, orig_person, other_person) if isinstance(common, basestring): return (common, []) elif common: person_handle = common[0] else: return ("", []) firstRel = len(firstRel) secondRel = len(secondRel) if firstRel == 0: if secondRel == 0: return ('', common) elif other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return (self.get_father(secondRel), common) else: return (self.get_mother(secondRel), common) elif secondRel == 0: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return (self.get_son(firstRel), common) else: return (self.get_daughter(firstRel), common) elif firstRel == 1: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return (self.get_uncle(secondRel), common) else: return (self.get_aunt(secondRel), common) elif secondRel == 1: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return (self.get_nephew(firstRel-1), common) else: return (self.get_niece(firstRel-1), common) else: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return (self.get_male_cousin(firstRel-1, secondRel-1), common) else: return (self.get_female_cousin(firstRel-1, secondRel-1), common) def get_single_relationship_string(self, Ga, Gb, gender_a, gender_b, reltocommon_a, reltocommon_b, only_birth=True, in_law_a=False, in_law_b=False): """ See Comment in Relationship Class (Relationship.py) """ if only_birth: step = '' else: step = self.STEP if in_law_a or in_law_b : inlaw = self.INLAW else: inlaw = '' if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = "un parente%s%s lontano" % (step, inlaw) % {'gen': 'o'} elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: rel_str = "una parente%s%s lontana" % (step, inlaw) % {'gen': 'a'} else: rel_str = "uno dei parenti%s%s lontani" % (step, inlaw) % {'gen': 'i'} if Gb == 0: if Ga == 0: rel_str = 'la stessa persona' elif Ga == 1 and inlaw and not step: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = 'il suocero' elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: rel_str = 'la suocera' else: rel_str = 'uno dei suoceri' elif Ga == 1 and not inlaw and step: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = 'il patrigno' elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: rel_str = 'la matrigna' else: rel_str = 'uno dei genitori adottivi' elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = self.get_father(Ga, step, inlaw) elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: rel_str = self.get_mother(Ga, step, inlaw) else: rel_str = self.get_parent_unknown(Ga, step, inlaw) elif Ga == 0: if Gb == 1 and inlaw and not step: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = 'il genero' elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: rel_str = 'la nuora' else: rel_str = 'genero/nuora' elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = self.get_son(Gb, step, inlaw) else: rel_str = self.get_daughter(Gb, step, inlaw) elif Gb == 1: if Ga == 1 and inlaw and not step: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = 'il cognato' elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: rel_str = 'la cognata' else: rel_str = 'il cognato/a' if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = self.get_uncle(Ga, step, inlaw) else: rel_str = self.get_aunt(Ga, step, inlaw) elif Ga == 1: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = self.get_nephew(Gb-1, step, inlaw) else: rel_str = self.get_niece(Gb-1, step, inlaw) else: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = self.get_male_cousin(Gb-1, Ga-1, step, inlaw) else: rel_str = self.get_female_cousin(Gb-1, Ga-1, step, inlaw) return rel_str def get_sibling_relationship_string(self, sib_type, gender_a, gender_b, in_law_a=False, in_law_b=False): """ Determine the string giving the relation between two siblings of type sib_type. Eg: b is the brother of a Here 'brother' is the string we need to determine For italian, we need to determine 'the brother' This method gives more details about siblings than get_single_relationship_string can do. """ if in_law_a or in_law_b : inlaw = self.INLAW else: inlaw = '' if sib_type == self.NORM_SIB or sib_type == self.UNKNOWN_SIB: if not inlaw: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = self.get_uncle(1, '', '') else: rel_str = self.get_aunt(1, '', '') else: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = 'il cognato' elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: rel_str = 'la cognata' else: rel_str = 'il cognato/a' elif sib_type == self.HALF_SIB_FATHER \ or sib_type == self.HALF_SIB_MOTHER \ or sib_type == self.STEP_SIB: #Italian has no difference between half and step sibling! if not inlaw: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = 'il fratellastro' elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: rel_str = 'la sorellastra' else: rel_str = 'il fratellastro/sorellastra' else: if gender_b == gen.lib.Person.MALE: rel_str = 'il fratellastro acquisito' elif gender_b == gen.lib.Person.FEMALE: rel_str = 'la sorellastra acquisita' else: rel_str = 'il fratellastro/sorellastra acquisito/a' return rel_str if __name__ == "__main__": # Test function. Call it as follows from the command line (so as to find # imported modules): # export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/gramps/src # python src/plugins/rel/rel_it.py """TRANSLATORS, copy this if statement at the bottom of your rel_xx.py module, and test your work with: python src/plugins/rel/rel_xx.py """ from Relationship import test RC = RelationshipCalculator() test(RC, True)