600 450 dialog False True 8 True 6 6 True True True 12 5 5 12 6 True 0 Corner 2: X 1 2 3 4 True 0 Y coordinate|Y 3 4 3 4 True 0 <b>Referenced Region</b> True 5 1 2 GTK_FILL True True If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to reference. You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the bottom right corner. adjustment4 1 True 4 5 3 4 True True If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to reference. You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the bottom right corner. adjustment3 1 True 2 3 3 4 True Referenced region of the image media object. Select a region with clicking and holding the mouse button on the top left corner of the region you want, dragging the mouse to the bottom right corner of the region, and then releasing the mouse button. 0 True 100 100 True 0 True <b>Preview</b> True 2 5 True 0 Corner 1: X 1 2 2 3 True True If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to reference. You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the bottom right corner. adjustment2 1 True 2 3 2 3 True True If media is an image, select the specific part of the image you want to reference. You can use the mouse on the picture to select a region, or use these spinbuttons to set the top left, and bottom right corner of the referenced region. Point (0,0) is the top left corner of the picture, and (100,100) the bottom right corner. adjustment1 1 True 4 5 2 3 True 0 Y coordinate|Y 3 4 2 3 True 2 3 4 5 True True True True none True gtk-dialog-authentication 1 False False end 0 4 5 GTK_FILL GTK_EXPAND True General False 10 0 True True True True True True 12 5 3 12 6 True 0 _Path: True center 1 2 2 3 GTK_FILL True 0 _ID: True center gid 1 2 GTK_FILL True 0 _Title: True center description 1 2 1 2 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True True Descriptive title for this media object. 2 3 1 2 6 12 True gtk-dialog-warning 6 False False 0 400 True 0 3 <b>Note:</b> Any changes in the shared media object information will be reflected in the media object itself. True True True False False 1 3 4 5 GTK_FILL True 0 True True Double click image to view in an external viewer Double click image to view in an external viewer 100 100 True True <b>Preview</b> True 4 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True 0 _Type: True type 1 2 3 4 GTK_FILL True Type of media object as indicated by the computer, eg Image, Video, ... 0 2 3 3 4 GTK_FILL True 12 True True A unique ID to identify the Media object. 0 True True True none True gtk-dialog-authentication 1 False False 1 2 3 GTK_FILL GTK_FILL True 12 True True 0 True True True none True gtk-open 1 False False 1 2 3 2 3 True <b>General</b> True False True <b>Shared Information</b> True 1 1 True end gtk-cancel True True True True True False False 0 gtk-ok True True True True True True False False 1 gtk-help True True True True True False False 2 False end 0 button84 button82 button104 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10