Source: gramps
Section: gnome
Priority: optional
Maintainer: James A. Treacy <>
Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>=, python-xml, python-gnome2, python-glade2, scrollkeeper, libglib2.0-dev, build-essential, gnome-doc-utils, intltool, xsltproc, python-central (>= 0.4.17)
Standards-Version: 3.6.2
XS-Python-Version: current

Package: gramps
Architecture: all
Depends: ${python:Depends}, python-gnome2, python-glade2, ${misc:Depends}
Replaces: gramps-manual, gramps-extending-doc
Conflicts: gramps-manual, gramps-extending-doc, gramps-common
Recommends: gramps-help, graphviz, ttf-freefont, python-reportlab, python-gnome2-extras
Description: Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Program
 GRAMPS, the Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming
 System, is an Open Source genealogy program written in Python, using
 the GTK/GNOME interface.
 GRAMPS has the ability to import GEDCOM files that are used in such
 programs as FamilyTree Maker for Windows and can produce reports
 in various formats such as the popular ABIWord and
 formats as well as HTML and PDF.

Package: gramps-help
Architecture: all
Depends: scrollkeeper (>= 0.3.14-9), yelp
Replaces: gramps-manual, gramps-extending-doc
Conflicts: gramps-manual, gramps-extending-doc, gramps-common
Recommends: gramps
Description: User manual for gramps
 GRAMPS, the Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming
 System, is an Open Source genealogy program written in Python, using
 the GTK/GNOME interface.
 This package contains the User Manual on using GRAMPS.