# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ import cgi import os import cPickle as pickle from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GTK/Gnome modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gobject import gtk import pango import AutoComp import DateHandler import DateEdit import const import Errors import Config from DdTargets import DdTargets _lock_path = os.path.join(const.image_dir, 'stock_lock.png') _lock_open_path = os.path.join(const.image_dir, 'stock_lock-open.png') hand_cursor = gtk.gdk.Cursor(gtk.gdk.HAND2) def realize_cb(widget): widget.window.set_cursor(hand_cursor) class LinkLabel(gtk.EventBox): def __init__(self, label, func, handle): gtk.EventBox.__init__(self) self.orig_text = cgi.escape(label[0]) self.gender = label[1] self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() text = '%s' % self.orig_text msg = _('Click to make the active person\n' 'Right click to display the edit menu') if not Config.get(Config.RELEDITBTN): msg += "\n" + _('Edit icons can be enabled in the Preferences dialog') self.tooltips.set_tip(self, msg) self.label = gtk.Label(text) self.label.set_use_markup(True) self.label.set_alignment(0, 0.5) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(self.label, False, False, 0) if label[1]: hbox.pack_start(GenderLabel(label[1]), False, False, 4) self.add(hbox) self.connect('button-press-event', func, handle) self.connect('enter-notify-event', self.enter_text, handle) self.connect('leave-notify-event', self.leave_text, handle) self.connect('realize', realize_cb) def set_padding(self, x, y): self.label.set_padding(x, y) def enter_text(self, obj, event, handle): text = '%s' % self.orig_text self.label.set_text(text) self.label.set_use_markup(True) def leave_text(self, obj, event, handle): text = '%s' % self.orig_text self.label.set_text(text) self.label.set_use_markup(True) class IconButton(gtk.Button): def __init__(self, func, handle, icon=gtk.STOCK_EDIT, size=gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU): gtk.Button.__init__(self) image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(icon, size) image.show() self.add(image) self.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) self.show() if func: self.connect('button-press-event', func, handle) class WarnButton(gtk.Button): def __init__(self): gtk.Button.__init__(self) image = gtk.Image() # Some versions of FreeBSD don't seem to have STOCK_INFO try: image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_INFO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) except: image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_INFO, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) image.show() self.add(image) self.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) self.show() self.func = None self.hide() def on_clicked(self, func): self.connect('button-press-event', self._button_press) self.func = func def _button_press(self, obj, event): if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1: self.func(obj) class SimpleButton(gtk.Button): def __init__(self, image, func): gtk.Button.__init__(self) self.set_relief(gtk.RELIEF_NONE) self.add(gtk.image_new_from_stock(image, gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON)) self.connect('clicked', func) self.show() class LinkBox(gtk.HBox): def __init__(self, link, button): gtk.HBox.__init__(self) self.set_spacing(6) self.pack_start(link, False) if button: self.pack_start(button, False) self.show() class EditLabel(gtk.HBox): def __init__(self, text): gtk.HBox.__init__(self) label = BasicLabel(text) self.pack_start(label, False) self.pack_start(gtk.image_new_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_EDIT, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU), False) self.set_spacing(4) self.show_all() class BasicLabel(gtk.Label): def __init__(self, text): gtk.Label.__init__(self, text) self.set_alignment(0, 0.5) self.show() class GenderLabel(gtk.Label): def __init__(self, text): gtk.Label.__init__(self, text) self.set_alignment(0, 0.5) if os.sys.platform == "win32": pangoFont = pango.FontDescription('Arial') self.modify_font(pangoFont) self.show() class MarkupLabel(gtk.Label): def __init__(self, text): gtk.Label.__init__(self, text) self.set_alignment(0, 0.5) self.set_use_markup(True) self.show_all() class DualMarkupLabel(gtk.HBox): def __init__(self, text, alt): gtk.HBox.__init__(self) label = gtk.Label(text) label.set_alignment(0, 0.5) label.set_use_markup(True) self.pack_start(label, False, False, 0) b = GenderLabel(alt) b.set_use_markup(True) self.pack_start(b, False, False, 4) self.show() class IntEdit(gtk.Entry): """An gtk.Edit widget that only allows integers.""" def __init__(self): gtk.Entry.__init__(self) self._signal = self.connect("insert_text", self.insert_cb) def insert_cb(self, widget, text, length, *args): # if you don't do this, garbage comes in with text text = text[:length] pos = widget.get_position() # stop default emission widget.emit_stop_by_name("insert_text") gobject.idle_add(self.insert, widget, text, pos) def insert(self, widget, text, pos): if len(text) > 0 and text.isdigit(): # the next three lines set up the text. this is done because we # can't use insert_text(): it always inserts at position zero. orig_text = widget.get_text() new_text = orig_text[:pos] + text + orig_text[pos:] # avoid recursive calls triggered by set_text widget.handler_block(self._signal) # replace the text with some new text widget.set_text(new_text) widget.handler_unblock(self._signal) # set the correct position in the widget widget.set_position(pos + len(text)) class TypeCellRenderer(gtk.CellRendererCombo): def __init__(self, values): gtk.CellRendererCombo.__init__(self) model = gtk.ListStore(str, int) for key in values: model.append(row=[values[key], key]) self.set_property('editable', True) self.set_property('model', model) self.set_property('text-column', 0) class PrivacyButton: def __init__(self, button, obj, readonly=False): self.button = button self.button.connect('toggled', self._on_toggle) self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() self.obj = obj self.set_active(obj.get_privacy()) self.button.set_sensitive(not readonly) def set_sensitive(self, val): self.button.set_sensitive(val) def set_active(self, val): self.button.set_active(val) self._on_toggle(self.button) def get_active(self): return self.button.get_active() def _on_toggle(self, obj): child = obj.child if child: obj.remove(child) image = gtk.Image() if obj.get_active(): # image.set_from_icon_name('stock_lock', gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) image.set_from_file(_lock_path) self.tooltips.set_tip(obj, _('Record is private')) self.obj.set_privacy(True) else: # image.set_from_icon_name('stock_lock-open', gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) image.set_from_file(_lock_open_path) self.tooltips.set_tip(obj, _('Record is public')) self.obj.set_privacy(False) image.show() obj.add(image) class MonitoredCheckbox: def __init__(self, obj, button, set_val, get_val, on_toggle=None): self.button = button self.button.connect('toggled', self._on_toggle) self.on_toggle = on_toggle self.obj = obj self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val self.obj.set_active(get_val()) def _on_toggle(self, obj): self.set_val(obj.get_active()) if self.on_toggle: self.on_toggle(self.get_val()) class MonitoredEntry: def __init__(self, obj, set_val, get_val, read_only=False, autolist=None, changed=None): self.obj = obj self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val self.changed = changed if get_val(): self.obj.set_text(get_val()) self.obj.connect('changed', self._on_change) self.obj.set_editable(not read_only) if autolist: AutoComp.fill_entry(obj,autolist) def reinit(self, set_val, get_val): self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val self.update() def set_text(self, text): self.obj.set_text(text) def connect(self, signal, callback): self.obj.connect(signal, callback) def _on_change(self, obj): self.set_val(unicode(obj.get_text())) if self.changed: self.changed(obj) def force_value(self, value): self.obj.set_text(value) def get_value(self, value): return unicode(self.obj.get_text()) def enable(self, value): self.obj.set_sensitive(value) self.obj.set_editable(value) def grab_focus(self): self.obj.grab_focus() def update(self): if self.get_val(): self.obj.set_text(self.get_val()) class MonitoredText: def __init__(self, obj, set_val, get_val, read_only=False): self.buf = obj.get_buffer() self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val if get_val(): self.buf.set_text(get_val()) self.buf.connect('changed', self.on_change) obj.set_editable(not read_only) def on_change(self, obj): s, e = self.buf.get_bounds() self.set_val(unicode(self.buf.get_text(s, e, False))) class MonitoredType: def __init__(self, obj, set_val, get_val, mapping, custom, readonly=False, custom_values=None): self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val self.obj = obj val = get_val() if val: default = val[0] else: default = None self.sel = AutoComp.StandardCustomSelector( mapping, obj, custom, default, additional=custom_values) self.set_val(self.sel.get_values()) self.obj.set_sensitive(not readonly) self.obj.connect('changed', self.on_change) def reinit(self, set_val, get_val): self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val self.update() def update(self): if self.get_val(): self.sel.set_values(self.get_val()) def on_change(self, obj): self.set_val(self.sel.get_values()) class MonitoredDataType: def __init__(self, obj, set_val, get_val, readonly=False, custom_values=None): self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val self.obj = obj val = get_val() if val: default = int(val) else: default = None self.sel = AutoComp.StandardCustomSelector( get_val().get_map(), obj, get_val().get_custom(), default, additional=custom_values) self.sel.set_values((int(get_val()),str(get_val()))) self.obj.set_sensitive(not readonly) self.obj.connect('changed', self.on_change) def reinit(self, set_val, get_val): self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val self.update() def fix_value(self, value): if value[0] == self.get_val().get_custom(): return value else: return (value[0],'') def update(self): val = self.get_val() if type(val) == tuple : self.sel.set_values(val) else: self.sel.set_values((int(val),str(val))) def on_change(self, obj): value = self.fix_value(self.sel.get_values()) self.set_val(value) class MonitoredMenu: def __init__(self, obj, set_val, get_val, mapping, readonly=False, changed=None): self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val self.changed = changed self.obj = obj self.change_menu(mapping) self.obj.connect('changed', self.on_change) self.obj.set_sensitive(not readonly) def force(self, value): self.obj.set_active(value) def change_menu(self, mapping): self.data = {} self.model = gtk.ListStore(str, int) index = 0 for t, v in mapping: self.model.append(row=[t, v]) self.data[v] = index index += 1 self.obj.set_model(self.model) self.obj.set_active(self.data.get(self.get_val(),0)) def on_change(self, obj): self.set_val(self.model.get_value(obj.get_active_iter(), 1)) if self.changed: self.changed() class MonitoredStrMenu: def __init__(self, obj, set_val, get_val, mapping, readonly=False): self.set_val = set_val self.get_val = get_val self.obj = obj self.model = gtk.ListStore(str) if len(mapping) > 20: self.obj.set_wrap_width(3) self.model.append(row=['']) index = 0 self.data = [''] default = get_val() active = 0 for t, v in mapping: self.model.append(row=[v]) self.data.append(t) index += 1 if t == default: active = index self.obj.set_model(self.model) self.obj.set_active(active) self.obj.connect('changed', self.on_change) self.obj.set_sensitive(not readonly) def on_change(self, obj): self.set_val(self.data[obj.get_active()]) class MonitoredDate: def __init__(self, field, button, value, uistate, track, readonly=False): self.date = value self.date_check = DateEdit.DateEdit( self.date, field, button, uistate, track) field.set_editable(not readonly) button.set_sensitive(not readonly) field.set_text(DateHandler.displayer.display(self.date)) class PlaceEntry: """ Handles the selection of a existing or new Place. Supports Drag and Drop to select a place. """ def __init__(self, dbstate, uistate, track, obj, set_val, get_val, add_del, share): self.obj = obj self.add_del = add_del self.share = share self.dbstate = dbstate self.db = dbstate.db self.get_val = get_val self.set_val = set_val self.uistate = uistate self.track = track self.tooltips = gtk.Tooltips() self.obj.drag_dest_set(gtk.DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, [DdTargets.PLACE_LINK.target()], gtk.gdk.ACTION_COPY) self.obj.connect('drag_data_received', self.drag_data_received) if get_val(): self.set_button(True) p = self.db.get_place_from_handle(self.get_val()) name = "%s [%s]" % (p.get_title(),p.gramps_id) else: name = u"" self.set_button(False) if self.db.readonly: self.add_del.set_sensitive(False) self.share.set_sensitive(False) else: self.add_del.set_sensitive(True) self.share.set_sensitive(True) self.add_del.connect('clicked', self.add_del_clicked) self.share.connect('clicked', self.share_clicked) if not self.db.readonly and not name: obj.set_text("%s" % _('To select a place, use drag-and-drop or use the buttons')) obj.set_use_markup(True) else: obj.set_text(name) def after_edit(self, place): name = "%s [%s]" % (place.get_title(),place.gramps_id) self.obj.set_text(name) def add_del_clicked(self, obj): if self.get_val(): self.set_val(None) self.obj.set_text(u'') self.set_button(False) else: from RelLib import Place from Editors import EditPlace place = Place() try: EditPlace(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.track, place, self.place_added) except Errors.WindowActiveError: pass def drag_data_received(self, widget, context, x, y, selection, info, time): (drag_type, idval, obj, val) = pickle.loads(selection.data) data = self.db.get_place_from_handle(obj) self.place_added(data) def place_added(self, data): self.set_val(data.handle) self.obj.set_text("%s [%s]" % (data.get_title(),data.gramps_id)) self.set_button(True) def share_clicked(self, obj): if self.get_val(): from Editors import EditPlace place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(self.get_val()) try: EditPlace(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.track, place, self.after_edit) except Errors.WindowActiveError: pass else: from Selectors import selector_factory cls = selector_factory('Place') select = cls(self.dbstate, self.uistate, self.track) place = select.run() if place: self.place_added(place) def set_button(self, use_add): for i in self.add_del.get_children(): self.add_del.remove(i) for i in self.share.get_children(): self.share.remove(i) if use_add: image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_REMOVE,gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) image.show() self.add_del.add(image) image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_EDIT,gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) image.show() self.share.add(image) self.tooltips.set_tip(self.share, _('Edit place')) self.tooltips.set_tip(self.add_del, _('Remove place')) else: image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_ADD,gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) image.show() self.add_del.add(image) image = gtk.Image() image.set_from_stock(gtk.STOCK_INDEX,gtk.ICON_SIZE_BUTTON) image.show() self.share.add(image) self.tooltips.set_tip(self.share, _('Select an existing place')) self.tooltips.set_tip(self.add_del, _('Add a new place')) ##============================================================================## DEFAULT_DELAY = 500 BORDER_WIDTH = 4 class Tooltip(gtk.Window): def __init__(self, widget): gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_POPUP) # from gtktooltips.c:gtk_tooltips_force_window self.set_app_paintable(True) self.set_resizable(False) self.set_name("gtk-tooltips") self.set_border_width(BORDER_WIDTH) self.connect('expose-event', self._on__expose_event) self._label = gtk.Label() self.add(self._label) self._show_timeout_id = -1 # from gtktooltips.c:gtk_tooltips_draw_tips def _calculate_pos(self, widget): screen = widget.get_screen() w, h = self.size_request() x, y = widget.window.get_origin() if widget.flags() & gtk.NO_WINDOW: x += widget.allocation.x y += widget.allocation.y x = screen.get_root_window().get_pointer()[0] x -= (w / 2 + BORDER_WIDTH) pointer_screen, px, py, _ = screen.get_display().get_pointer() if pointer_screen != screen: px = x py = y monitor_num = screen.get_monitor_at_point(px, py) monitor = screen.get_monitor_geometry(monitor_num) if (x + w) > monitor.x + monitor.width: x -= (x + w) - (monitor.x + monitor.width); elif x < monitor.x: x = monitor.x if ((y + h + widget.allocation.height + BORDER_WIDTH) > monitor.y + monitor.height): y = y - h - BORDER_WIDTH else: y = y + widget.allocation.height + BORDER_WIDTH return x, y # from gtktooltips.c:gtk_tooltips_paint_window def _on__expose_event(self, window, event): w, h = window.size_request() window.style.paint_flat_box(window.window, gtk.STATE_NORMAL, gtk.SHADOW_OUT, None, window, "tooltip", 0, 0, w, h) return False def _real_display(self, widget): x, y = self._calculate_pos(widget) self.move(x, y) self.show_all() # Public API def set_text(self, text): self._label.set_text(text) def hide(self): gtk.Window.hide(self) gobject.source_remove(self._show_timeout_id) self._show_timeout_id = -1 def display(self, widget): if not self._label.get_text(): return if self._show_timeout_id != -1: return self._show_timeout_id = gobject.timeout_add(DEFAULT_DELAY, self._real_display, widget) ##============================================================================## ##============================================================================## # This is tricky and contains quite a few hacks: # An entry contains 2 GdkWindows, one for the background and one for # the text area. The normal one, on which the (normally white) background # is drawn can be accessed through entry.window (after realization) # The other window is the one where the cursor and the text is drawn upon, # it's refered to as "text area" inside the GtkEntry code and it is called # the same here. It can only be accessed through window.get_children()[0], # since it's considered private to the entry. # # +-------------------------------------+ # | (1) | (1) parent widget (grey) # |+----------------(2)----------------+| # || |-- /-\ | || (2) entry.window (white) # || |- | | |(4) (3) || # || | \-/ | || (3) text area (transparent) # |+-----------------------------------+| # |-------------------------------------| (4) cursor, black # | | # +-------------------------------------| # # So, now we want to put an icon in the edge: # An earlier approached by Lorzeno drew the icon directly on the text area, # which is not desired since if the text is using the whole width of the # entry the icon will be drawn on top of the text. # Now what we want to do is to resize the text area and create a # new window upon which we can draw the icon. # # +-------------------------------------+ # | | (5) icon window # |+----------------------------++-----+| # || |-- /-\ | || || # || |- | | | || (5) || # || | \-/ | || || # |+----------------------------++-----+| # |-------------------------------------| # | | # +-------------------------------------+ # # When resizing the text area the cursor and text is not moved into the # correct position, it'll still be off by the width of the icon window # To fix this we need to call a private function, gtk_entry_recompute, # a workaround is to call set_visiblity() which calls recompute() # internally. # class IconEntry(object): """ Helper object for rendering an icon in a GtkEntry """ def __init__(self, entry): if not isinstance(entry, gtk.Entry): raise TypeError("entry must be a gtk.Entry") self._constructed = False self._pixbuf = None self._pixw = 1 self._pixh = 1 self._text_area = None self._text_area_pos = (0, 0) self._icon_win = None self._entry = entry self._tooltip = Tooltip(self) entry.connect('enter-notify-event', self._on_entry__enter_notify_event) entry.connect('leave-notify-event', self._on_entry__leave_notify_event) entry.connect('notify::xalign', self._on_entry__notify_xalign) self._update_position() def _on_entry__notify_xalign(self, entry, pspec): self._update_position() def _on_entry__enter_notify_event(self, entry, event): icon_win = self.get_icon_window() if event.window != icon_win: return self._tooltip.display(entry) def _on_entry__leave_notify_event(self, entry, event): if event.window != self.get_icon_window(): return self._tooltip.hide() def set_tooltip(self, text): self._tooltip.set_text(text) def get_icon_window(self): return self._icon_win def set_pixbuf(self, pixbuf): """ @param pixbuf: a gdk.Pixbuf or None """ entry = self._entry if not isinstance(entry.get_toplevel(), gtk.Window): # For widgets in SlaveViews, wait until they're attached # to something visible, then set the pixbuf entry.connect_object('realize', self.set_pixbuf, pixbuf) return if pixbuf: if not isinstance(pixbuf, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf): raise TypeError("pixbuf must be a GdkPixbuf") else: # Turning of the icon should also restore the background entry.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, None) if not self._pixbuf: return self._pixbuf = pixbuf if pixbuf: self._pixw = pixbuf.get_width() self._pixh = pixbuf.get_height() else: self._pixw = self._pixh = 0 win = self._icon_win if not win: self.construct() win = self._icon_win self.resize_windows() # XXX: Why? if win: if not pixbuf: win.hide() else: win.show() # Hack: This triggers a .recompute() which is private entry.set_visibility(entry.get_visibility()) entry.queue_draw() def construct(self): if self._constructed: return entry = self._entry if not entry.flags() & gtk.REALIZED: entry.realize() # Hack: Save a reference to the text area, now when its created self._text_area = entry.window.get_children()[0] self._text_area_pos = self._text_area.get_position() # PyGTK should allow default values for most of the values here. win = gtk.gdk.Window(entry.window, self._pixw, self._pixh, gtk.gdk.WINDOW_CHILD, (gtk.gdk.ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK | gtk.gdk.LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK), gtk.gdk.INPUT_OUTPUT, 'icon window', 0, 0, entry.get_visual(), entry.get_colormap(), gtk.gdk.Cursor(entry.get_display(), gtk.gdk.LEFT_PTR), '', '', True) self._icon_win = win win.set_user_data(entry) win.set_background(entry.style.base[entry.state]) self._constructed = True def deconstruct(self): if self._icon_win: # This is broken on PyGTK 2.6.x try: self._icon_win.set_user_data(None) except: pass # Destroy not needed, called by the GC. self._icon_win = None def update_background(self, color): if not self._icon_win: return self._entry.modify_base(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, color) self.draw_pixbuf() def get_background(self): return self._entry.style.base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] def resize_windows(self): if not self._pixbuf: return icony = iconx = 4 # Make space for the icon, both windows winw = self._entry.window.get_size()[0] textw, texth = self._text_area.get_size() textw = winw - self._pixw - (iconx + icony) if self._pos == gtk.POS_LEFT: textx, texty = self._text_area_pos textx += iconx + self._pixw # FIXME: Why is this needed. Focus padding? # The text jumps without this textw -= 2 self._text_area.move_resize(textx, texty, textw, texth) elif self._pos == gtk.POS_RIGHT: self._text_area.resize(textw, texth) iconx += textw icon_win = self._icon_win # XXX: Why? if not icon_win: return # If the size of the window is large enough, resize and move it # Otherwise just move it to the right side of the entry if icon_win.get_size() != (self._pixw, self._pixh): icon_win.move_resize(iconx, icony, self._pixw, self._pixh) else: icon_win.move(iconx, icony) def draw_pixbuf(self): if not self._pixbuf: return win = self._icon_win # XXX: Why? if not win: return # Draw background first color = self._entry.style.base_gc[self._entry.state] win.draw_rectangle(color, True, 0, 0, self._pixw, self._pixh) # If sensitive draw the icon, regardless of the window emitting the # event since makes it a bit smoother on resize if self._entry.flags() & gtk.SENSITIVE: win.draw_pixbuf(None, self._pixbuf, 0, 0, 0, 0, self._pixw, self._pixh) def _update_position(self): if self._entry.get_property('xalign') > 0.5: self._pos = gtk.POS_LEFT else: self._pos = gtk.POS_RIGHT ##============================================================================## import string HAVE_2_6 = gtk.pygtk_version[:2] == (2, 6) (DIRECTION_LEFT, DIRECTION_RIGHT) = (1, -1) (INPUT_ASCII_LETTER, INPUT_ALPHA, INPUT_ALPHANUMERIC, INPUT_DIGIT) = range(4) INPUT_FORMATS = { '0': INPUT_DIGIT, 'L': INPUT_ASCII_LETTER, 'A': INPUT_ALPHANUMERIC, 'a': INPUT_ALPHANUMERIC, '&': INPUT_ALPHA, } # Todo list: Other usefull Masks # 9 - Digit, optional # ? - Ascii letter, optional # C - Alpha, optional INPUT_CHAR_MAP = { INPUT_ASCII_LETTER: lambda text: text in string.ascii_letters, INPUT_ALPHA: unicode.isalpha, INPUT_ALPHANUMERIC: unicode.isalnum, INPUT_DIGIT: unicode.isdigit, } (ENTRY_MODE_UNKNOWN, ENTRY_MODE_TEXT, ENTRY_MODE_DATA) = range(3) ##def type_register(gtype): ##"""Register the type, but only if it's not already registered ##@param gtype: the class to register ##""" ### copied from gobjectmodule.c:_wrap_type_register ##if (getattr(gtype, '__gtype__', None) != ##getattr(gtype.__base__, '__gtype__', None)): ##return False ##gobject.type_register(gtype) ##return True class MaskedEntry(gtk.Entry): """ """ __gtype_name__ = 'MaskedEntry' def __init__(self): ##self._completion = None gtk.Entry.__init__(self) self.connect('insert-text', self._on_insert_text) self.connect('delete-text', self._on_delete_text) self.connect_after('grab-focus', self._after_grab_focus) self.connect('changed', self._on_changed) self.connect('focus', self._on_focus) self.connect('focus-out-event', self._on_focus_out_event) self.connect('move-cursor', self._on_move_cursor) self.connect('button-press-event', self._on_button_press_event) self.connect('notify::cursor-position', self._on_notify_cursor_position) self._block_changed = False self._current_object = None ##self._mode = ENTRY_MODE_TEXT self._icon = IconEntry(self) # List of validators # str -> static characters # int -> dynamic, according to constants above self._mask_validators = [] self._mask = None # Fields defined by mask # each item is a tuble, containing the begining and the end of the # field in the text self._mask_fields = [] self._current_field = -1 self._pos = 0 self._selecting = False self._block_insert = False self._block_delete = False # Virtual methods # PyGTK 2.6 does not support the virtual method do_size_allocate so # we have to use the signal instead # PyGTK 2.9.0 and later (bug #327715) does not work using the old code, # so we have to make this conditionally if HAVE_2_6: gsignal('size-allocate', 'override') def do_size_allocate(self, allocation): self.chain(allocation) if self.flags() & gtk.REALIZED: self._icon.resize_windows() else: def do_size_allocate(self, allocation): gtk.Entry.do_size_allocate(self, allocation) if self.flags() & gtk.REALIZED: self._icon.resize_windows() def do_expose_event(self, event): gtk.Entry.do_expose_event(self, event) if event.window == self.window: self._icon.draw_pixbuf() def do_realize(self): gtk.Entry.do_realize(self) self._icon.construct() def do_unrealize(self): self._icon.deconstruct() gtk.Entry.do_unrealize(self) # Public API def set_text(self, text): completion = self.get_completion() ##if isinstance(completion, KiwiEntryCompletion): ##self.handler_block(completion.changed_id) gtk.Entry.set_text(self, text) ##if isinstance(completion, KiwiEntryCompletion): ##self.handler_unblock(completion.changed_id) # Mask & Fields def set_mask(self, mask): """ Sets the mask of the Entry. Supported format characters are: - '0' digit - 'L' ascii letter (a-z and A-Z) - '&' alphabet, honors the locale - 'a' alphanumeric, honors the locale - 'A' alphanumeric, honors the locale This is similar to MaskedTextBox: U{http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.maskedtextbox.mask(VS.80).aspx} Example mask for a ISO-8601 date >>> entry.set_mask('0000-00-00') @param mask: the mask to set """ if not mask: self.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("sans")) self._mask = mask return # First, reset self._mask_validators = [] self._mask_fields = [] self._current_field = -1 mask = unicode(mask) input_length = len(mask) lenght = 0 pos = 0 field_begin = 0 field_end = 0 while True: if pos >= input_length: break if mask[pos] in INPUT_FORMATS: self._mask_validators += [INPUT_FORMATS[mask[pos]]] field_end += 1 else: self._mask_validators.append(mask[pos]) if field_begin != field_end: self._mask_fields.append((field_begin, field_end)) field_end += 1 field_begin = field_end pos += 1 self._mask_fields.append((field_begin, field_end)) self.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("monospace")) self._really_delete_text(0, -1) self._insert_mask(0, input_length) self._mask = mask def get_mask(self): """ @returns: the mask """ return self._mask def get_field_text(self, field): assert self._mask text = self.get_text() start, end = self._mask_fields[field] return text[start: end].strip() def get_fields(self): """ Get the fields assosiated with the entry. A field is dynamic content separated by static. For example, the format string 000-000 has two fields separated by a dash. if a field is empty it'll return an empty string otherwise it'll include the content @returns: fields @rtype: list of strings """ assert self._mask fields = [] text = unicode(self.get_text()) for start, end in self._mask_fields: fields.append(text[start:end].strip()) return fields def get_empty_mask(self, start=None, end=None): """ Gets the empty mask between start and end @param start: @param end: @returns: mask @rtype: string """ if start is None: start = 0 if end is None: end = len(self._mask_validators) s = '' for validator in self._mask_validators[start:end]: if isinstance(validator, int): s += ' ' elif isinstance(validator, unicode): s += validator else: raise AssertionError return s def get_field_pos(self, field): """ Get the position at the specified field. """ if field >= len(self._mask_fields): return None start, end = self._mask_fields[field] return start def _get_field_ideal_pos(self, field): start, end = self._mask_fields[field] text = self.get_field_text(field) pos = start+len(text) return pos def get_field(self): if self._current_field >= 0: return self._current_field else: return None def set_field(self, field, select=False): if field >= len(self._mask_fields): return pos = self._get_field_ideal_pos(field) self.set_position(pos) if select: field_text = self.get_field_text(field) start, end = self._mask_fields[field] self.select_region(start, pos) self._current_field = field def get_field_length(self, field): if 0 <= field < len(self._mask_fields): start, end = self._mask_fields[field] return end - start def _shift_text(self, start, end, direction=DIRECTION_LEFT, positions=1): """ Shift the text, to the right or left, n positions. Note that this does not change the entry text. It returns the shifted text. @param start: @param end: @param direction: see L{kiwi.enums.Direction} @param positions: the number of positions to shift. @return: returns the text between start and end, shifted to the direction provided. """ text = self.get_text() new_text = '' validators = self._mask_validators if direction == DIRECTION_LEFT: i = start else: i = end - 1 # When shifting a text, we wanna keep the static chars where they # are, and move the non-static chars to the right position. while start <= i < end: if isinstance(validators[i], int): # Non-static char shoud be here. Get the next one (depending # on the direction, and the number of positions to skip.) # # When shifting left, the next char will be on the right, # so, it will be appended, to the new text. # Otherwise, when shifting right, the char will be # prepended. next_pos = self._get_next_non_static_char_pos(i, direction, positions-1) # If its outside the bounds of the region, ignore it. if not start <= next_pos <= end: next_pos = None if next_pos is not None: if direction == DIRECTION_LEFT: new_text = new_text + text[next_pos] else: new_text = text[next_pos] + new_text else: if direction == DIRECTION_LEFT: new_text = new_text + ' ' else: new_text = ' ' + new_text else: # Keep the static char where it is. if direction == DIRECTION_LEFT: new_text = new_text + text[i] else: new_text = text[i] + new_text i += direction return new_text def _get_next_non_static_char_pos(self, pos, direction=DIRECTION_LEFT, skip=0): """ Get next non-static char position, skiping some chars, if necessary. @param skip: skip first n chars @param direction: direction of the search. """ text = self.get_text() validators = self._mask_validators i = pos+direction+skip while 0 <= i < len(text): if isinstance(validators[i], int): return i i += direction return None def _get_field_at_pos(self, pos, dir=None): """ Return the field index at position pos. """ for p in self._mask_fields: if p[0] <= pos <= p[1]: return self._mask_fields.index(p) return None def is_empty(self): text = self.get_text() if self._mask: empty = self.get_empty_mask() else: empty = '' return text == empty # Private def _really_delete_text(self, start, end): # A variant of delete_text() that never is blocked by us self._block_delete = True self.delete_text(start, end) self._block_delete = False def _really_insert_text(self, text, position): # A variant of insert_text() that never is blocked by us self._block_insert = True self.insert_text(text, position) self._block_insert = False def _insert_mask(self, start, end): text = self.get_empty_mask(start, end) self._really_insert_text(text, position=start) def _confirms_to_mask(self, position, text): validators = self._mask_validators if position < 0 or position >= len(validators): return False validator = validators[position] if isinstance(validator, int): if not INPUT_CHAR_MAP[validator](text): return False if isinstance(validator, unicode): if validator == text: return True return False return True def _appers_later(self, char, start): """ Check if a char appers later on the mask. If it does, return the field it appers at. returns False otherwise. """ validators = self._mask_validators i = start while i < len(validators): if self._mask_validators[i] == char: field = self._get_field_at_pos(i) if field is None: return False return field i += 1 return False def _can_insert_at_pos(self, new, pos): """ Check if a chararcter can be inserted at some position @param new: The char that wants to be inserted. @param pos: The position where it wants to be inserted. @return: Returns None if it can be inserted. If it cannot be, return the next position where it can be successfuly inserted. """ validators = self._mask_validators # Do not let insert if the field is full field = self._get_field_at_pos(pos) if field is not None: text = self.get_field_text(field) length = self.get_field_length(field) if len(text) == length: gtk.gdk.beep() return pos # If the char confirms to the mask, but is a static char, return the # position after that static char. if (self._confirms_to_mask(pos, new) and not isinstance(validators[pos], int)): return pos+1 # If does not confirms to mask: # - Check if the char the user just tried to enter appers later. # - If it does, Jump to the start of the field after that if not self._confirms_to_mask(pos, new): field = self._appers_later(new, pos) if field is not False: pos = self.get_field_pos(field+1) if pos is not None: gobject.idle_add(self.set_position, pos) return pos return None # When inserting new text, supose, the entry, at some time is like this, # ahd the user presses '0', for instance: # -------------------------------- # | ( 1 2 ) 3 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 | # -------------------------------- # ^ ^ ^ # S P E # # S - start of the field (start) # E - end of the field (end) # P - pos - where the new text is being inserted. (pos) # # So, the new text will be: # # the old text, from 0 until P # + the new text # + the old text, from P until the end of the field, shifted to the # right # + the old text, from the end of the field, to the end of the text. # # After inserting, the text will be this: # -------------------------------- # | ( 1 2 ) 3 0 4 5 - 6 7 8 9 | # -------------------------------- # ^ ^ ^ # S P E # def _insert_at_pos(self, text, new, pos): """ Inserts the character at the give position in text. Note that the insertion won't be applied to the entry, but to the text provided. @param text: Text that it will be inserted into. @param new: New text to insert. @param pos: Positon to insert at @return: Returns a tuple, with the position after the insetion and the new text. """ field = self._get_field_at_pos(pos) length = len(new) new_pos = pos start, end = self._mask_fields[field] # Shift Right new_text = (text[:pos] + new + self._shift_text(pos, end, DIRECTION_RIGHT)[1:] + text[end:]) # Overwrite Right # new_text = (text[:pos] + new + # text[pos+length:end]+ # text[end:]) new_pos = pos+1 gobject.idle_add(self.set_position, new_pos) # If the field is full, jump to the next field if len(self.get_field_text(field)) == self.get_field_length(field)-1: gobject.idle_add(self.set_field, field+1, True) self.set_field(field+1) return new_pos, new_text # Callbacks def _on_insert_text(self, editable, new, length, position): if not self._mask or self._block_insert: return new = unicode(new) pos = self.get_position() self.stop_emission('insert-text') text = self.get_text() # Insert one char at a time for c in new: _pos = self._can_insert_at_pos(c, pos) if _pos is None: pos, text = self._insert_at_pos(text, c, pos) else: pos = _pos # Change the text with the new text. self._block_changed = True self._really_delete_text(0, -1) self._block_changed = False self._really_insert_text(text, 0) # When deleting some text, supose, the entry, at some time is like this: # -------------------------------- # | ( 1 2 ) 3 4 5 6 - 7 8 9 0 | # -------------------------------- # ^ ^ ^ ^ # S s e E # # S - start of the field (_start) # E - end of the field (_end) # s - start of the text being deleted (start) # e - end of the text being deleted (end) # # end - start -> the number of characters being deleted. # # So, the new text will be: # # the old text, from 0 until the start of the text being deleted. # + the old text, from the start of where the text is being deleted, until # the end of the field, shifted to the left, end-start positions # + the old text, from the end of the field, to the end of the text. # # So, after the text is deleted, the entry will look like this: # # -------------------------------- # | ( 1 2 ) 3 5 6 - 7 8 9 0 | # -------------------------------- # ^ # P # # P = the position of the cursor after the deletion, witch is equal to # start (s at the previous ilustration) def _on_delete_text(self, editable, start, end): if not self._mask or self._block_delete: return self.stop_emission('delete-text') pos = self.get_position() # Trying to delete an static char. Delete the char before that if (0 < start < len(self._mask_validators) and not isinstance(self._mask_validators[start], int) and pos != start): self._on_delete_text(editable, start-1, start) return field = self._get_field_at_pos(end-1) # Outside a field. Cannot delete. if field is None: self.set_position(end-1) return _start, _end = self._mask_fields[field] # Deleting from outside the bounds of the field. if start < _start or end > _end: _start, _end = start, end # Change the text text = self.get_text() # Shift Left new_text = (text[:start] + self._shift_text(start, _end, DIRECTION_LEFT, end-start) + text[_end:]) # Overwrite Left # empty_mask = self.get_empty_mask() # new_text = (text[:_start] + # text[_start:start] + # empty_mask[start:start+(end-start)] + # text[start+(end-start):_end] + # text[_end:]) new_pos = start self._block_changed = True self._really_delete_text(0, -1) self._block_changed = False self._really_insert_text(new_text, 0) # Position the cursor on the right place. self.set_position(new_pos) if self.is_empty(): pos = self.get_field_pos(0) self.set_position(pos) def _after_grab_focus(self, widget): # The text is selectet in grab-focus, so this needs to be done after # that: if self.is_empty(): if self._mask: self.set_field(0) else: self.set_position(0) def _on_focus(self, widget, direction): if not self._mask: return if (direction == gtk.DIR_TAB_FORWARD or direction == gtk.DIR_DOWN): inc = 1 if (direction == gtk.DIR_TAB_BACKWARD or direction == gtk.DIR_UP): inc = -1 field = self._current_field field += inc # Leaving the entry if field == len(self._mask_fields) or field == -1: self.select_region(0, 0) self._current_field = -1 return False if field < 0: field = len(self._mask_fields)-1 # grab_focus changes the selection, so we need to grab_focus before # making the selection. self.grab_focus() self.set_field(field, select=True) return True def _on_notify_cursor_position(self, widget, pspec): if not self._mask: return if not self.is_focus(): return if self._selecting: return pos = self.get_position() field = self._get_field_at_pos(pos) if pos == 0: self.set_position(self.get_field_pos(0)) return text = self.get_text() field = self._get_field_at_pos(pos) # Humm, the pos is not inside any field. Get the next pos inside # some field, depending on the direction that the cursor is # moving diff = pos - self._pos _field = field while _field is None and (len(text) > pos > 0) and diff: pos += diff _field = self._get_field_at_pos(pos) self._pos = pos if field is None: self.set_position(self._pos) else: self._current_field = field self._pos = pos def _on_changed(self, widget): if self._block_changed: self.stop_emission('changed') def _on_focus_out_event(self, widget, event): if not self._mask: return self._current_field = -1 def _on_move_cursor(self, entry, step, count, extend_selection): self._selecting = extend_selection def _on_button_press_event(self, entry, event ): if event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1: self._selecting = True elif event.type == gtk.gdk.BUTTON_RELEASE and event.button == 1: self._selecting = True # IconEntry def set_tooltip(self, text): self._icon.set_tooltip(text) def set_pixbuf(self, pixbuf): self._icon.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) def set_stock(self, stock_name): pixbuf = self.render_icon(stock_name, gtk.ICON_SIZE_MENU) self._icon.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) def update_background(self, color): self._icon.update_background(color) def get_background(self): return self._icon.get_background() def get_icon_window(self): return self._icon.get_icon_window() #type_register(MaskedEntry) gobject.type_register(MaskedEntry) ##============================================================================## def main(args): win = gtk.Window() win.set_title('gtk.Entry subclass') def cb(window, event): #print 'fields', widget.get_field_text() gtk.main_quit() win.connect('delete-event', cb) widget = MaskedEntry() widget.set_mask('') # pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("images/stock_lock.png") # widget.set_pixbuf(pixbuf) widget.set_stock(gtk.STOCK_NO) widget.set_tooltip("Tooltip example") win.add(widget) win.show_all() widget.select_region(0, 0) gtk.main() if __name__ == '__main__': import sys sys.exit(main(sys.argv))