# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # """ Contains the interface to allow a database to get written using GRAMPS' XML file format. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # load standard python libraries # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import string import time import shutil import os import codecs #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # load GRAMPS libraries # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import const import GrampsCfg import Calendar import Gregorian import RelLib from intl import gettext as _ from QuestionDialog import ErrorDialog #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Attempt to load the GZIP library. Some version of python do not seem # to be compiled with this available. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- try: import gzip _gzip_ok = 1 except: _gzip_ok = 0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def exportData(database, filename, callback): if os.path.isfile(filename): shutil.copyfile(filename, filename + ".bak") try: shutil.copystat(filename, filename + ".bak") except: pass compress = GrampsCfg.uncompress == 0 and _gzip_ok == 1 try: g = XmlWriter(database,callback,0,compress) g.write(filename) except: import DisplayTrace DisplayTrace.DisplayTrace() ErrorDialog(_("Failure writing %s") % filename, _("An attempt is being made to recover the original file")) shutil.copyfile(filename + ".bak", filename) try: shutil.copystat(filename + ".bak", filename) except: pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def quick_write(database, filename,callback=None): g = XmlWriter(database,callback,0,1) g.write(filename) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XmlWriter: """ Writes a database to the XML file. """ def __init__(self,db,callback,strip_photos,compress=1): """ Initializes, but does not write, an XML file. db - database to write callback - function to provide progress indication strip_photos - remove full paths off of media object paths compress - attempt to compress the database """ self.compress = compress self.db = db self.callback = callback self.strip_photos = strip_photos def write(self,filename): """ Write the database to the specified file. """ self.fileroot = os.path.dirname(filename) if self.compress: try: g = gzip.open(filename,"wb") except: g = open(filename,"w") else: g = open(filename,"w") self.g = codecs.getwriter("utf8")(g) self.write_xml_data() g.close() def write_handle(self,handle): """ Write the database to the specified file handle. """ if self.compress: try: g = gzip.GzipFile(mode="wb",fileobj=handle) except: g = handle else: g = handle self.g = codecs.getwriter("utf8")(g) self.write_xml_data() g.close() def write_xml_data(self): date = string.split(time.ctime(time.time())) owner = self.db.getResearcher() familyMap = self.db.getFamilyMap() familyList = familyMap.keys () person_len = len(self.db.getPersonKeys()) family_len = len(familyList) source_len = len(self.db.getSourceKeys()) place_len = len(self.db.getPlaceKeys()) objMap = self.db.getObjectMap() objList = objMap.keys () total = person_len + family_len + place_len + source_len self.g.write('\n') self.g.write('\n') self.g.write("\n") self.g.write("
\n") self.g.write(" \n" % place_len) self.g.write(" \n") self.write_line("resname",owner.getName(),3) self.write_line("resaddr",owner.getAddress(),3) self.write_line("rescity",owner.getCity(),3) self.write_line("resstate",owner.getState(),3) self.write_line("rescountry",owner.getCountry(),3) self.write_line("respostal",owner.getPostalCode(),3) self.write_line("resphone",owner.getPhone(),3) self.write_line("resemail",owner.getEmail(),3) self.g.write(" \n") self.g.write("
\n") count = 0 delta = max(int(total/50),1) if person_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") keys = self.db.getPersonKeys() keys.sort () for key in keys: person = self.db.getPerson(key) if self.callback and count % delta == 0: self.callback(float(count)/float(total)) count = count + 1 self.write_id("person",person,2) if person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.male: self.write_line("gender","M",3) elif person.getGender() == RelLib.Person.female: self.write_line("gender","F",3) else: self.write_line("gender","U",3) self.dump_name("name",person.getPrimaryName(),3) for name in person.getAlternateNames(): self.dump_name("aka",name,3) self.write_line("uid",person.getPafUid(),3) self.write_line("nick",person.getNickName(),3) pos = person.getPosition() if pos != None: self.g.write(' \n'% pos) self.dump_my_event("Birth",person.getBirth(),3) self.dump_my_event("Death",person.getDeath(),3) for event in person.getEventList(): self.dump_event(event,3) self.dump_ordinance("baptism",person.getLdsBaptism(),3) self.dump_ordinance("endowment",person.getLdsEndowment(),3) self.dump_ordinance("sealed_to_parents",person.getLdsSeal(),3) self.write_photo_list(person.getPhotoList()) if len(person.getAddressList()) > 0: for address in person.getAddressList(): self.g.write(' \n' % conf_priv(address)) self.write_date(address.getDateObj(),4) self.write_line("street",address.getStreet(),4) self.write_line("city",address.getCity(),4) self.write_line("state",address.getState(),4) self.write_line("country",address.getCountry(),4) self.write_line("postal",address.getPostal(),4) if address.getNote() != "": self.write_note("note",address.getNote(),4) for s in address.getSourceRefList(): self.dump_source_ref(s,4) self.g.write(' \n') self.write_attribute_list(person.getAttributeList()) self.write_url_list(person.getUrlList()) for alt in person.getParentList(): if alt[1] != "Birth": mrel=' mrel="%s"' % alt[1] else: mrel='' if alt[2] != "Birth": frel=' frel="%s"' % alt[2] else: frel='' self.g.write(" \n" % \ (alt[0].getId(), mrel, frel)) for family in person.getFamilyList(): self.write_ref("parentin",family,3) self.write_note("note",person.getNote(),3) self.g.write(" \n") self.g.write(" \n") if family_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") familyList.sort () for key in familyList: family = familyMap[key] if self.callback and count % delta == 0: self.callback(float(count)/float(total)) count = count + 1 self.write_family_id(family,2) self.write_ref("father",family.getFather(),3) self.write_ref("mother",family.getMother(),3) pos = family.getPosition() if pos != None: self.g.write(' \n'% pos) for event in family.getEventList(): self.dump_event(event,3) self.dump_ordinance("sealed_to_spouse",family.getLdsSeal(),3) self.write_photo_list(family.getPhotoList()) if len(family.getChildList()) > 0: for person in family.getChildList(): self.write_ref("child",person,3) self.write_attribute_list(family.getAttributeList()) self.write_note("note",family.getNote(),3) self.g.write(" \n") self.g.write(" \n") if source_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") keys = self.db.getSourceKeys () keys.sort () for key in keys: source = self.db.getSource(key) if self.callback and count % delta == 0: self.callback(float(count)/float(total)) count = count + 1 self.g.write(" \n") self.write_force_line("stitle",source.getTitle(),3) self.write_line("sauthor",source.getAuthor(),3) self.write_line("spubinfo",source.getPubInfo(),3) self.write_line("scallno",source.getCallNumber(),3) if source.getNote() != "": self.write_note("note",source.getNote(),3) self.write_photo_list(source.getPhotoList()) self.g.write(" \n") self.g.write(" \n") if place_len > 0: self.g.write(" \n") keys = self.db.getPlaceKeys() keys.sort () for key in keys: try: place = self.db.getPlace(key) if self.callback and count % delta == 0: self.callback(float(count)/float(total)) self.write_place_obj(place) except: print "Could not find place %s" % key count = count + 1 self.g.write(" \n") if len(objList) > 0: self.g.write(" \n") objList.sort () for key in objList: object = objMap[key] self.write_object(object) self.g.write(" \n") if len(self.db.getBookmarks()) > 0: self.g.write(" \n") for person in self.db.getBookmarks(): self.g.write(' \n' % person.getId()) self.g.write(" \n") self.g.write("
\n") def fix(self,line): l = string.strip(line) l = string.replace(l,'&','&') l = string.replace(l,'>','>') l = string.replace(l,'<','<') return string.replace(l,'"','"') def write_note(self,val,note,indent=0): if not note: return if indent != 0: self.g.write(" " * indent) self.g.write("<%s>" % val) self.g.write(self.fix(string.rstrip(note))) self.g.write("\n" % val) def dump_event(self,event,index=1): if event: self.dump_my_event(event.getName(),event,index) def write_witness(self,witness_list,index): if not witness_list: return for w in witness_list: sp = " "*index com = self.fix(w.get_comment()) if w.get_type() == RelLib.Event.ID: self.g.write('%s%s\n' % (sp,w.get_value(),com)) else: self.g.write('%s%s\n' % (sp,w.get_value(),com)) def dump_my_event(self,name,event,index=1): if not event or event.is_empty(): return sp = " " * index self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp,self.fix(name),conf_priv(event))) self.write_date(event.getDateObj(),index+1) self.write_witness(event.get_witness_list(),index+1) self.write_ref("place",event.getPlace(),index+1) self.write_line("cause",event.getCause(),index+1) self.write_line("description",event.getDescription(),index+1) if event.getNote(): self.write_note("note",event.getNote(),index+1) for s in event.getSourceRefList(): self.dump_source_ref(s,index+1) self.g.write("%s\n" % sp) def dump_ordinance(self,name,ord,index=1): if not ord: return sp = " " * index sp2 = " " * (index+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp,self.fix(name))) dateobj = ord.getDateObj() if dateobj != None and not dateobj.isEmpty(): self.write_date(dateobj,index+1) if ord.getTemple(): self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp2,self.fix(ord.getTemple()))) self.write_ref("place",ord.getPlace(),index+1) if ord.getStatus() != 0: self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp2,ord.getStatus())) if ord.getFamily(): self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp2,self.fix(ord.getFamily().getId()))) if ord.getNote() != "": self.write_note("note",ord.getNote(),index+1) for s in ord.getSourceRefList(): self.dump_source_ref(s,index+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def dump_source_ref(self,source_ref,index=1): source = source_ref.getBase() if source: p = source_ref.getPage() c = source_ref.getComments() t = source_ref.getText() d = source_ref.getDate() q = source_ref.getConfidence() self.g.write(" " * index) if p == "" and c == "" and t == "" and d.isEmpty() and q == 2: self.g.write('\n' % source.getId()) else: if q == 2: self.g.write('\n' % source.getId()) else: self.g.write('\n' % (source.getId(),q)) self.write_line("spage",p,index+1) self.write_note("scomments",c,index+1) self.write_note("stext",t,index+1) self.write_date(d,index+1) self.g.write("%s\n" % (" " * index)) def write_ref(self,label,person,index=1): if person: self.g.write('%s<%s ref="%s"/>\n' % (" "*index,label,person.getId())) def write_id(self,label,person,index=1): if person: self.g.write('%s<%s id="%s">\n' % (" "*index,label,person.getId())) def write_family_id(self,family,index=1): if family: rel = family.getRelationship() sp = " " * index self.g.write('%s\n' % rel) else: self.g.write('>\n') def write_last(self,name,indent=1): p = name.Prefix n = name.Surname if p: self.g.write('%s%s\n' % (' '*indent,p,self.fix(n))) else: self.g.write('%s%s\n' % (' '*indent,self.fix(n))) def write_line(self,label,value,indent=1): if value: self.g.write('%s<%s>%s\n' % (' '*indent,label,self.fix(value),label)) def write_date(self,date,indent=1): sp = ' '*indent if date.isEmpty(): return name = date.get_calendar().NAME if name != Gregorian.Gregorian.NAME: calstr = ' cformat="%s"' % name else: calstr = '' if date.isRange(): d1 = date.get_start_date().getIsoDate() d2 = date.get_stop_date().getIsoDate() self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp,d1,d2,calstr)) elif date.isValid(): d1 = date.get_start_date() mode = d1.getModeVal() dstr = d1.getIsoDate() if mode == Calendar.BEFORE: pref = ' type="before"' elif mode == Calendar.AFTER: pref = ' type="after"' elif mode == Calendar.ABOUT: pref = ' type="about"' else: pref = "" self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp,dstr,pref,calstr)) else: self.g.write('%s\n' %(sp,self.fix(date.getText()))) def write_force_line(self,label,value,indent=1): if value != None: self.g.write('%s<%s>%s\n' % (' '*indent,label,self.fix(value),label)) def dump_name(self,label,name,index=1): sp = " "*index type = name.getType() if type: self.g.write('%s<%s type="%s"%s>\n' % (sp,label,type,conf_priv(name))) else: self.g.write('%s<%s%s>\n' % (sp,label,conf_priv(name))) self.write_line("first",name.getFirstName(),index+1) self.write_last(name,index+1) self.write_line("suffix",name.getSuffix(),index+1) self.write_line("title",name.getTitle(),index+1) if name.getNote() != "": self.write_note("note",name.getNote(),index+1) for s in name.getSourceRefList(): self.dump_source_ref(s,index+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % (sp,label)) def append_value(self,orig,val): if orig: return "%s, %s" % (orig,val) else: return val def build_place_title(self,loc): "Builds a title from a location" city = self.fix(loc.get_city()) parish = self.fix(loc.get_parish()) state = self.fix(loc.get_state()) country = self.fix(loc.get_country()) county = self.fix(loc.get_county()) value = "" if city: value = city if parish: value = self.append_value(value,parish) if county: value = self.append_value(value,county) if state: value = self.append_value(value,state) if country: value = self.append_value(value,country) return value def dump_location(self,loc): "Writes the location information to the output file" city = self.fix(loc.get_city()) parish = self.fix(loc.get_parish()) state = self.fix(loc.get_state()) country = self.fix(loc.get_country()) county = self.fix(loc.get_county()) if not city and not state and not parish and not county and not country: return self.g.write(' \n') def write_attribute_list(self, list, indent=3): sp = ' ' * indent for attr in list: self.g.write('%s\n') else: self.g.write('>\n') for s in attr.getSourceRefList(): self.dump_source_ref(s,indent+1) self.write_note("note",attr.getNote(),4) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def write_photo_list(self,list,indent=3): sp = ' '*indent for photo in list: mobj = photo.getReference() self.g.write('%s\n") else: self.g.write(">\n") self.write_attribute_list(proplist,indent+1) self.write_note("note",photo.getNote(),indent+1) self.g.write('%s\n' % sp) def write_url_list(self,list): for url in list: self.g.write(' \n') def write_place_obj(self,place): title = self.fix(place.get_title()) long = self.fix(place.get_longitude()) lat = self.fix(place.get_latitude()) id = place.getId() main_loc = place.get_main_location() llen = len(place.get_alternate_locations()) + len(place.getUrlList()) + \ len(place.getPhotoList()) + len(place.getSourceRefList()) ml_empty = main_loc.is_empty() note = place.getNote() if title == "": title = self.fix(self.build_place_title(place.get_main_location())) self.g.write(' 0 or note: self.g.write('>\n') else: self.g.write('/>\n') return if long or lat: self.g.write(' \n' % (long,lat)) self.dump_location(main_loc) for loc in place.get_alternate_locations(): self.dump_location(loc) self.write_photo_list(place.getPhotoList()) self.write_url_list(place.getUrlList()) if note != "": self.write_note("note",note,3) for s in place.getSourceRefList(): self.dump_source_ref(s,3) self.g.write(" \n") def write_object(self,object): id = object.getId() type = object.getMimeType() path = object.getPath() if self.strip_photos: path = os.path.basename(path) else: l = len(self.fileroot) if len(path) >= l: if self.fileroot == path[0:l]: path = path[l+1:] self.g.write(' \n') else: self.g.write('>\n') self.write_attribute_list(alist) if note != "": self.write_note("note",note,3) for s in slist: self.dump_source_ref(s,3) self.g.write(" \n") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def sortById(first,second): fid = first.getId() sid = second.getId() if fid < sid: return -1 else: return fid != sid #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def conf_priv(obj): if obj.getPrivacy() != 0: return ' priv="%d"' % obj.getPrivacy() else: return ''