# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Donald N. Allingham # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Date import DateHandler import RelLib from NameDisplay import displayer as _nd import time from gettext import gettext as _ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Convert points to cm and back # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def pt2cm(pt): """ Converts points to centimeters. Fonts are typically specified in points, but the BaseDoc classes use centimeters. @param pt: points @type pt: float or int @returns: equivalent units in centimeters @rtype: float """ return pt/28.3465 def cm2pt(cm): """ Converts centimeters to points. Fonts are typically specified in points, but the BaseDoc classes use centimeters. @param cm: centimeters @type cm: float or int @returns: equivalent units in points @rtype: float """ return cm*182.88 def draw_pie_chart(doc, center_x, center_y, radius, data, start=0): """ Draws a pie chart in the specified document. The data passed is plotted as a pie chart. The data should consist of the actual data. Percentages of each slice are determined by the routine. @param doc: Document to which the pie chart should be added @type doc: BaseDoc derived class @param center_x: x coordinate in centimeters where the center of the pie chart should be. 0 is the left hand edge of the document. @type center_x: float @param center_y: y coordinate in centimeters where the center of the pie chart should be. 0 is the top edge of the document @type center_y: float @param radius: radius of the pie chart. The pie charts width and height will be twice this value. @type radius: float @param data: List of tuples containing the data to be plotted. The values are (graphics_format, value), where graphics_format is a BaseDoc GraphicsStyle, and value is a floating point number. Any other items in the tuple are ignored. This allows you to share the same data list with the L{draw_legend} function. @type data: list @param start: starting point in degrees, where the default of 0 indicates a start point extending from the center to right in a horizontal line. @type start: float """ total = 0.0 for item in data: total += item[1] for item in data: incr = 360.0*(item[1]/total) doc.draw_wedge(item[0], center_x, center_y, radius, start, start + incr) start += incr def draw_legend(doc, start_x, start_y, data): """ Draws a legend for a graph in the specified document. The data passed is used to define the legend. @param doc: Document to which the legend chart should be added @type doc: BaseDoc derived class @param start_x: x coordinate in centimeters where the left hand corner of the legend is placed. 0 is the left hand edge of the document. @type start_x: float @param start_y: y coordinate in centimeters where the top of the legend should be. 0 is the top edge of the document @type start_y: float @param data: List of tuples containing the data to be used to create the legend. In order to be compatible with the graph plots, the first and third values of the tuple used. The format is (graphics_format, value, legend_description). @type data: list """ for (format, size, legend) in data: gstyle = doc.get_draw_style(format) pstyle = gstyle.get_paragraph_style() size = pt2cm(doc.get_style(pstyle).get_font().get_size()) doc.draw_bar(format, start_x, start_y, start_x + (2*size), start_y + size) doc.write_at(pstyle, legend, start_x + (3*size), start_y - (size*0.25)) start_y += size * 1.3 def draw_vertical_bar_graph(doc, format, start_x, start_y, height, width, data): """ Draws a vertical bar chart in the specified document. The data passed should consist of the actual data. The bars are scaled appropriately by the routine. @param doc: Document to which the bar chart should be added @type doc: BaseDoc derived class @param start_x: x coordinate in centimeters where the left hand side of the chart should be. 0 is the left hand edge of the document. @type start_x: float @param start_y: y coordinate in centimeters where the top of the chart should be. 0 is the top edge of the document @type start_y: float @param height: height of the graph in centimeters @type height: float @param width: width of the graph in centimeters @type width: float @param data: List of tuples containing the data to be plotted. The values are (graphics_format, value), where graphics_format is a BaseDoc GraphicsStyle, and value is a floating point number. Any other items in the tuple are ignored. This allows you to share the same data list with the L{draw_legend} function. @type data: list """ doc.draw_line(format,start_x,start_y+height,start_x,start_y) doc.draw_line(format,start_x,start_y+height,start_x+width,start_y+height) largest = 0.0 for item in data: largest = max(item[1],largest) scale = float(height)/float(largest) units = len(data) box_width = (float(width) / (units*3.0+1.0))*2 bottom = float(start_y)+float(height) start = 0.5*box_width + start_x for index in range(units): size = float(data[index][1]) * scale doc.draw_bar(data[index][0],start,bottom-size,start+box_width,bottom) start += box_width * 1.5 _t = time.localtime(time.time()) _TODAY = DateHandler.parser.parse("%04d-%02d-%02d" % (_t[0],_t[1],_t[2])) def estimate_age(db, person, end_handle=None, start_handle=None): """ Estimates the age of a person based off the birth and death dates of the person. A tuple containing the estimated upper and lower bounds of the person's age is returned. If either the birth or death date is missing, a (-1,-1) is returned. @param db: GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs @type db: GrampsDbBase @param person: Person object to calculate the age of @type person: Person @param end_handle: Determines the event handle that determines the upper limit of the age. If None, the death event is used @type end_handle: str @param start_handle: Determines the event handle that determines the lower limit of the event. If None, the birth event is used @type start_handle: str @returns: tuple containing the lower and upper bounds of the person's age, or (-1,-1) if it could not be determined. @rtype: tuple """ if start_handle: bhandle = start_handle else: bhandle = person.get_birth_handle() if end_handle: dhandle = end_handle else: dhandle = person.get_death_handle() # if either of the events is not defined, return an error message if not bhandle: return (-1,-1) bdata = db.get_event_from_handle(bhandle).get_date_object() if dhandle: ddata = db.get_event_from_handle(dhandle).get_date_object() else: ddata = _TODAY # if the date is not valid, return an error message if not bdata.get_valid() or not ddata.get_valid(): return (-1,-1) # if a year is not valid, return an error message if not bdata.get_year_valid() or not ddata.get_year_valid(): return (-1,-1) bstart = bdata.get_start_date() bstop = bdata.get_stop_date() dstart = ddata.get_start_date() dstop = ddata.get_stop_date() def _calc_diff(low,high): if (low[1],low[0]) > (high[1],high[0]): return high[2] - low[2] - 1 else: return high[2] - low[2] if bstop == Date.EMPTY and dstop == Date.EMPTY: lower = _calc_diff(bstart,dstart) age = (lower, lower) elif bstop == Date.EMPTY: lower = _calc_diff(bstart,dstart) upper = _calc_diff(bstart,dstop) age = (lower,upper) elif dstop == Date.EMPTY: lower = _calc_diff(bstop,dstart) upper = _calc_diff(bstart,dstart) age = (lower,upper) else: lower = _calc_diff(bstop,dstart) upper = _calc_diff(bstart,dstop) age = (lower,upper) return age def sanitize_person(db,person): """ Creates a new Person instance based off the passed Person instance. The returned instance has all private records removed from it. @param db: GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs @type db: GrampsDbBase @param person: source Person object that will be copied with privacy records removed @type person: Person @returns: 'cleansed' Person object @rtype: Person """ new_person = RelLib.Person() # copy gender new_person.set_gender(person.get_gender()) new_person.set_gramps_id(person.get_gramps_id()) new_person.set_handle(person.get_handle()) # copy names if not private name = person.get_primary_name() if name.get_privacy() or person.get_privacy(): name = RelLib.Name() name.set_first_name(_('Private')) name.set_surname(_('Private')) else: new_person.set_nick_name(person.get_nick_name()) new_person.set_primary_name(name) # copy Family reference list for handle in person.get_family_handle_list(): new_person.add_family_handle(handle) # copy Family reference list for item in person.get_parent_family_handle_list(): new_person.add_parent_family_handle(item[0],item[1],item[2]) if person.get_privacy(): return new_person for name in person.get_alternate_names(): if not name.get_privacy(): new_person.add_alternate_name(name) # set complete flag new_person.set_complete_flag(person.get_complete_flag()) # copy birth event event_handle = person.get_birth_handle() event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if event and not event.get_privacy(): new_person.set_birth_handle(event_handle) # copy death event event_handle = person.get_death_handle() event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if event and not event.get_privacy(): new_person.set_death_handle(event_handle) # copy event list for event_handle in person.get_event_list(): event = db.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if event and not event.get_privacy(): new_person.add_event_handle(event_handle) # copy address list for address in person.get_address_list(): if not address.get_privacy(): new_person.add_address(RelLib.Address(address)) # copy attribute list for attribute in person.get_attribute_list(): if not attribute.get_privacy(): new_person.add_attribute(RelLib.Attribute(attribute)) # copy URL list for url in person.get_url_list(): if not url.get_privacy(): new_person.add_url(url) # copy Media reference list for obj in person.get_media_list(): new_person.add_media_reference(RelLib.MediaRef(obj)) # LDS ordinances ordinance = person.get_lds_baptism() if ordinance: new_person.set_lds_baptism(ordinance) ordinance = person.get_lds_endowment() if ordinance: new_person.set_lds_endowment(ordinance) ordinance = person.get_lds_sealing() if ordinance: new_person.set_lds_sealing(ordinance) return new_person #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Roman numbers # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def roman(num): """ Integer to Roman numeral converter for 0 < num < 4000 """ if type(num) != int: return "?" if not 0 < num < 4000: return "?" vals = (1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1) nums = ( 'M','CM', 'D','CD', 'C','XC', 'L','XL', 'X','IX', 'V','IV', 'I') retval = "" for i in range(len(vals)): amount = int(num / vals[i]) retval += nums[i] * amount num -= vals[i] * amount return retval #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def place_name(db,place_handle): if place_handle: place = db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle).get_title() else: place = "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Functions commonly used in reports # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def insert_images(database, doc, person, w_cm=4.0, h_cm=4.0): """ Insert pictures of a person into the document. """ photos = person.get_media_list() for photo in photos : object_handle = photo.get_reference_handle() media_object = database.get_object_from_handle(object_handle) if media_object.get_mime_type()[0:5] == "image": filename = media_object.get_path() doc.add_media_object(filename,"row") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Strings commonly used in reports # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def empty_notes(whatever): # Empty stab function for when endnotes are not needed return "" def get_birth_death_strings(database,person,empty_date="",empty_place=""): """ Returns strings for dates and places of birth and death. """ bplace = dplace = empty_place bdate = ddate = empty_date bdate_full = ddate_full = False birth_handle = person.get_birth_handle() if birth_handle: birth = database.get_event_from_handle(birth_handle) bdate = birth.get_date() bplace_handle = birth.get_place_handle() if bplace_handle: bplace = database.get_place_from_handle(bplace_handle).get_title() bdate_obj = birth.get_date_object() bdate_full = bdate_obj and bdate_obj.get_day_valid() death_handle = person.get_death_handle() if death_handle: death = database.get_event_from_handle(death_handle) ddate = death.get_date() dplace_handle = death.get_place_handle() if dplace_handle: dplace = database.get_place_from_handle(dplace_handle).get_title() ddate_obj = death.get_date_object() ddate_full = ddate_obj and ddate_obj.get_day_valid() return (bdate,bplace,bdate_full,ddate,dplace,ddate_full) def born_died_str(database,person,endnotes=None,name_object=None,person_name=None): """ Composes a string describing birth and death of a person. The string is composed in the following form: "Such-and-such was born on-a-date in a-place, and died on-a-date in a-place" Missing information will be omitted without loss of readability. Optional references may be added to birth and death events. Optional Name object may be used to override a person's Name instance. Optional string may be used to override the string representation of a name. @param database GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs @type db: GrampsDbBase @param person: Person instance for which the string has to be composed @type person: Person @param endnotes: Function to use for reference composition. If None then references will not be added @type endnotes: function @param name_object: Name instance for which the phrase is composed. If None then the regular primary name of the person will be used @type name_object: Name @param person_name: String to override the person's name. If None then the regular primary name string will be used @type person_name: unicode @returns: A composed string @rtype: unicode """ if not endnotes: endnotes = empty_notes if not name_object: name_object = person.get_primary_name() if person_name == None: person_name = _nd.display_name(name_object) elif person_name == 0: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: person_name = _('He') else: person_name = _('She') bdate,bplace,bdate_full,ddate,dplace,ddate_full = \ get_birth_death_strings(database,person) birth = database.get_event_from_handle(person.get_birth_handle()) death = database.get_event_from_handle(person.get_death_handle()) if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: if bdate: if bplace: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth) } else: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_date' : ddate, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth) } else: if bplace: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_place' : bplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth) } else: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s " "died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'death_place' : dplace, 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(male_name)s%(endnotes)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object) } else: if bdate: if bplace: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth) } else: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_date' : ddate, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born %(birth_date)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth) } else: if bplace: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s, " "and died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_place' : dplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth), 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "was born in %(birth_place)s%(birth_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'birth_place' : bplace, 'birth_endnotes' : endnotes(birth) } else: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "died %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "died %(death_date)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s " "died in %(death_place)s%(death_endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object), 'death_place' : dplace, 'death_endnotes' : endnotes(death) } else: text = _("%(female_name)s%(endnotes)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(name_object) } if text: text = text + " " return text def married_str(database,person,spouse,event,endnotes=None, empty_date="",empty_place="",is_first=True): """ Composes a string describing marriage of a person. The string is composed in the following form: "He/She married such-and-such on-a-date" or "He/She married such-and-such in a-place", Missing information will be omitted without loss of readability. Optional references may be added to birth and death events. @param database GRAMPS database to which the Person object belongs @type db: GrampsDbBase @param person: Person instance whose marriage is discussed @type person: Person @param spouse: Person instance to use as a spouse @type spouse: Person @param event: Event instance of marriage @type event: Event @param endnotes: Function to use for reference composition. If None then references will not be added @type endnotes: function @returns: A composed string @rtype: unicode """ if not endnotes: endnotes = empty_notes date = empty_date place = empty_place spouse_name = _nd.display(spouse) mdate = event.get_date() if mdate: date = mdate place_handle = event.get_place_handle() if place_handle: place = database.get_place_from_handle(place_handle).get_title() text = "" if is_first: if date and place: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He married %(spouse)s %(date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'date' : date, 'place' : place} else: text = _('She married %(spouse)s %(date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'date' : date, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'place' : place} elif date: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He married %(spouse)s %(date)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'date' : date,} else: text = _('She married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'place' : place,} elif place: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'place' : place} else: text = _('She married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'place' : place} else: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event) } else: text = _('She married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event)} else: if date and place: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He also married %(spouse)s %(date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'date' : date, 'place' : place} else: text = _('She also married %(spouse)s %(date)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'date' : date, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'place' : place} elif date: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He also married %(spouse)s %(date)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'date' : date,} else: text = _('She also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'place' : place,} elif place: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'place' : place} else: text = _('She also married %(spouse)s in %(place)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event), 'place' : place} else: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event) } else: text = _('She also married %(spouse)s%(endnotes)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name, 'endnotes' : endnotes(event)} if text: text = text + " " return text def married_rel_str(database,person,family,is_first=True): spouse_handle = find_spouse(person,family) spouse = database.get_person_from_handle(spouse_handle) spouse_name = _nd.display(spouse) if is_first: if family.get_relationship() == RelLib.Family.MARRIED: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He married %(spouse)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name } else: text = _('She married %(spouse)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name } else: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name } else: text = _('She had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name } else: if family.get_relationship() == RelLib.Family.MARRIED: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He also married %(spouse)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name } else: text = _('She also married %(spouse)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name } else: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: text = _('He also had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name } else: text = _('She also had relationship with %(spouse)s.') % { 'spouse' : spouse_name } if text: text = text + " " return text def child_str(person,person_name=0,father_name="",mother_name="",dead=0): """ Composes a string describing person being a child. The string is composed in the following form: "He/She is/was the son/daughter of father_name and mother_name" Missing information will be omitted without loss of readability. @param person_gender: Person.MALE, Person.FEMALE, or Person.UNKNOWN @type person: Person.MALE, Person.FEMALE, or Person.UNKNOWN~ @param father_name: String to use for father's name @type father_name: unicode @param mother_name: String to use for mother's name @type mother_name: unicode @param dead: Whether the person discussed is dead or not @type dead: bool @returns: A composed string @rtype: unicode """ if person_name == None: person_name = _nd.display_name(person.get_primary_name()) elif person_name == 0: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: person_name = _('He') else: person_name = _('She') text = "" if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: if mother_name and father_name: if dead: text = _("He was the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s.") % { 'father' : father_name, 'mother' : mother_name, } else: text = _("He is the son of %(father)s and %(mother)s.") % { 'father' : father_name, 'mother' : mother_name, } elif mother_name: if dead: text = _("He was the son of %(mother)s.") % { 'mother' : mother_name, } else: text = _("He is the son of %(mother)s.") % { 'mother' : mother_name, } elif father_name: if dead: text = _("He was the son of %(father)s.") % { 'father' : father_name, } else: text = _("He is the son of %(father)s.") % { 'father' : father_name, } else: if mother_name and father_name: if dead: text = _("She was the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s.") % { 'father' : father_name, 'mother' : mother_name, } else: text = _("She is the daughter of %(father)s and %(mother)s.") % { 'father' : father_name, 'mother' : mother_name, } elif mother_name: if dead: text = _("She was the daughter of %(mother)s.") % { 'mother' : mother_name, } else: text = _("She is the daughter of %(mother)s.") % { 'mother' : mother_name, } elif father_name: if dead: text = _("She was the daughter of %(father)s.") % { 'father' : father_name, } else: text = _("She is the daughter of %(father)s.") % { 'father' : father_name, } if text: text = text + " " return text def find_spouse(person,family): if person.get_handle() == family.get_father_handle(): spouse_handle = family.get_mother_handle() else: spouse_handle = family.get_father_handle() return spouse_handle def find_marriage(database,family): for event_handle in family.get_event_list(): event = database.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if event and event.get_name() == "Marriage": return event return None def born_str(database,person,person_name=None,empty_date="",empty_place=""): """ Check birth record. Statement formats name precedes this was born on Date. was born on Date in Place. was born in Month_Year. was born in Month_Year in Place. was born in Place. '' """ if person_name == None: person_name = _nd.display_name(person.get_primary_name()) elif person_name == 0: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: person_name = _('He') else: person_name = _('She') text = "" bdate,bplace,bdate_full,ddate,dplace,ddate_full = \ get_birth_death_strings(database,person,empty_date,empty_place) if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: if bdate and bdate_full: if bplace: #male, date, place text = _("%(male_name)s " "was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #male, date, no place text = _("%(male_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate } elif bdate: if bplace: #male, month_year, place text = _("%(male_name)s " "was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #male, month_year, no place text = _("%(male_name)s was born in %(month_year)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : bdate } else: if bplace: #male, no date, place text = _("%(male_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #male, no date, no place text = person_name else: if bdate and bdate_full: if bplace: #female, date, place text = _("%(female_name)s " "was born on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #female, date, no place text = _("%(female_name)s was born on %(birth_date)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate } elif bdate: if bplace: #female, month_year, place text = _("%(female_name)s " "was born in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #female, month_year, no place text = _("%(female_name)s was born in %(month_year)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : bdate } else: if bplace: #female, no date, place text = _("%(female_name)s was born in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #female, no date, no place text = person_name if text: text = text + " " return text def died_str(database,person,person_name=None,empty_date="",empty_place="", age=None,age_units=0): """ Write obit sentence. FIRSTNAME died on Date FIRSTNAME died on Date at the age of N Years FIRSTNAME died on Date at the age of N Months FIRSTNAME died on Date at the age of N Days FIRSTNAME died on Date in Place FIRSTNAME died on Date in Place at the age of N Years FIRSTNAME died on Date in Place at the age of N Months FIRSTNAME died on Date in Place at the age of N Days FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year at the age of N Years FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year at the age of N Months FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year at the age of N Days FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year in Place FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year in Place at the age of N Years FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year in Place at the age of N Months FIRSTNAME died in Month_Year in Place at the age of N Days FIRSTNAME died in Place FIRSTNAME died in Place at the age of N Years FIRSTNAME died in Place at the age of N Months FIRSTNAME died in Place at the age of N Days FIRSTNAME died FIRSTNAME died at the age of N Years FIRSTNAME died at the age of N Months FIRSTNAME died at the age of N Days """ if person_name == None: person_name = _nd.display_name(person.get_primary_name()) elif person_name == 0: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: person_name = _('He') else: person_name = _('She') text = "" bdate,bplace,bdate_full,ddate,dplace,ddate_full = \ get_birth_death_strings(database,person,empty_date,empty_place) if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: if ddate and ddate_full: if dplace: if not age_units: #male, date, place, no age text = _("%(male_name)s " "died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace } elif age_units == 1: #male, date, place, years text = _("%(male_name)s " "died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #male, date, place, months text = _("%(male_name)s " "died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #male, date, place, days text = _("%(male_name)s " "died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } else: if not age_units: #male, date, no place, no age text = _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate } elif age_units == 1: #male, date, no place, years text = _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s" "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #male, date, no place, months text = _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #male, date, no place, days text = _("%(male_name)s died on %(death_date)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif ddate: if dplace: if not age_units: #male, month_year, place, no age text = _("%(male_name)s " "died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace } elif age_units == 1: #male, month_year, place, years text = _("%(male_name)s " "died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #male, month_year, place, months text = _("%(male_name)s " "died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d mpnths.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #male, month_year, place, days text = _("%(male_name)s " "died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } else: if not age_units: #male, month_year, no place, no age text = _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate } elif age_units == 1: #male, month_year, no place, years text = _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #male, month_year, no place, months text = _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #male, month_year, no place, days text = _("%(male_name)s died in %(month_year)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'age' : age } else: if dplace: if not age_units: #male, no date, place, no age text = _("%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace } elif age_units == 1: #male, no date, place, years text = _("%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #male, no date, place, months text = _("%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #male, no date, place, days text = _("%(male_name)s died in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } else: if not age_units: #male, no date, no place, no age pass #text = _("%(male_name)s died.") % { #'male_name' : person_name } elif age_units == 1: #male, no date, no place, years text = _("%(male_name)s died " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #male, no date, no place, months passtext = _("%(male_name)s died " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #male, no date, no place, days text = _("%(male_name)s died " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'age' : age } else: if ddate and ddate_full: if dplace: if not age_units: #female, date, place, no age text = _("%(female_name)s " "died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace } elif age_units == 1: #female, date, place, years text = _("%(female_name)s " "died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #female, date, place, months text = _("%(female_name)s " "died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #female, date, place, days text = _("%(female_name)s " "died on %(death_date)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } else: if not age_units: #female, date, no place, no age text = _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate } elif age_units == 1: #female, date, no place, years text = _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #female, date, no place, months text = _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #female, date, no place, days text = _("%(female_name)s died on %(death_date)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif ddate: if dplace: if not age_units: #female, month_year, place, no age text = _("%(female_name)s " "died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace } elif age_units == 1: #female, month_year, place, years text = _("%(female_name)s " "died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #female, month_year, place, months text = _("%(female_name)s " "died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d mpnths.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #female, month_year, place, days text = _("%(female_name)s " "died in %(month_year)s in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } else: if not age_units: #female, month_year, no place, no age text = _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate } elif age_units == 1: #female, month_year, no place, years text = _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #female, month_year, no place, months text = _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #female, month_year, no place, days text = _("%(female_name)s died in %(month_year)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : ddate, 'age' : age } else: if dplace: if not age_units: #female, no date, place, no age text = _("%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace } elif age_units == 1: #female, no date, place, years text = _("%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #female, no date, place, months text = _("%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #female, no date, place, days text = _("%(female_name)s died in %(death_place)s " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace, 'age' : age } else: if not age_units: #female, no date, no place, no age pass #text = _("%(female_name)s died.") % { #'female_name' : person_name } elif age_units == 1: #female, no date, no place, years text = _("%(female_name)s died " "at the age of %(age)d years.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 2: #female, no date, no place, months text = _("%(female_name)s died " "at the age of %(age)d months.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'age' : age } elif age_units == 3: #female, no date, no place, days text = _("%(female_name)s died " "at the age of %(age)d days.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'age' : age } if text: text = text + " " return text def buried_str(database,person,person_name=None,empty_date="",empty_place=""): """ Check burial record. Statement formats name precedes this was buried on Date. was buried on Date in Place. was buried in Month_Year. was buried in Month_Year in Place. was buried in Place. '' """ if person_name == None: person_name = _nd.display_name(person.get_primary_name()) elif person_name == 0: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: person_name = _('He') else: person_name = _('She') text = "" bplace = dplace = empty_place bdate = ddate = empty_date bdate_full = False burial = None for event_handle in person.get_event_list(): event = database.get_event_from_handle(event_handle) if event and event.get_name() == "Burial": burial = event break if burial: bdate = burial.get_date() bplace_handle = burial.get_place_handle() if bplace_handle: bplace = database.get_place_from_handle(bplace_handle).get_title() bdate_obj = burial.get_date_object() bdate_full = bdate_obj and bdate_obj.get_day_valid() else: return text if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: if bdate and bdate_full: if bplace: #male, date, place text = _("%(male_name)s " "was buried on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #male, date, no place text = _("%(male_name)s was buried on %(birth_date)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate } elif bdate: if bplace: #male, month_year, place text = _("%(male_name)s " "was buried in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #male, month_year, no place text = _("%(male_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : bdate } else: if bplace: #male, no date, place text = _("%(male_name)s was buried in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #male, no date, no place text = _("%(male_name)s was buried.") % { 'male_name' : person_name } else: if bdate and bdate_full: if bplace: #female, date, place text = _("%(female_name)s " "was buried on %(birth_date)s in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #female, date, no place text = _("%(female_name)s was buried on %(birth_date)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate } elif bdate: if bplace: #female, month_year, place text = _("%(female_name)s " "was buried in %(month_year)s in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #female, month_year, no place text = _("%(female_name)s was buried in %(month_year)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'month_year' : bdate } else: if bplace: #female, no date, place text = _("%(female_name)s was buried in %(birth_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: #female, no date, no place text = _("%(female_name)s was buried.") % { 'female_name' : person_name } if text: text = text + " " return text def list_person_str(database,person,person_name=None,empty_date="",empty_place=""): """ Briefly list person and birth/death events. """ if person_name == None: person_name = _nd.display_name(person.get_primary_name()) elif person_name == 0: if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: person_name = _('He') else: person_name = _('She') bdate,bplace,bdate_full,ddate,dplace,ddate_full = \ get_birth_death_strings(database,person) text = "" if person.get_gender() == RelLib.Person.MALE: if bdate: if bplace: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_date)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate } else: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s Born: %(birth_date)s " "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s Died: %(death_date)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_date' : ddate } else: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s Died: %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(male_name)s Born: %(birth_date)s ") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate } else: if bplace: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_date)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate } else: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Born: %(birth_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(male_name)s " "Died: %(death_date)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate } else: if dplace: text = _("%(male_name)s Died: %(death_place)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(male_name)s.") % { 'male_name' : person_name } else: if bdate: if bplace: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_date)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate } else: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s %(birth_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s Born: %(birth_date)s " "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s Died: %(death_date)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_date' : ddate } else: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_date)s Died: %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate, 'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(female_name)s Born: %(birth_date)s ") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_date' : bdate } else: if bplace: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_date)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_date' : ddate } else: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_place)s " "Died: %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace, 'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Born: %(birth_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'birth_place' : bplace } else: if ddate: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Died: %(death_date)s %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate,'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(female_name)s " "Died: %(death_date)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_date' : ddate } else: if dplace: text = _("%(female_name)s Died: %(death_place)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name, 'death_place' : dplace } else: text = _("%(female_name)s.") % { 'female_name' : person_name } if text: text = "- %s " % text return text _rtype = { RelLib.Family.MARRIED : _("Married"), RelLib.Family.UNMARRIED : _("Unmarried"), RelLib.Family.CIVIL_UNION : _("Civil Union"), RelLib.Family.UNKNOWN : _("Unknown"), RelLib.Family.OTHER : _("Other"), } def relationship_name(rtype): return _rtype.get(rtype) def old_calc_age(database,person): """ Calulate age. Returns a tuple (age,units) where units is an integer representing time units: no age info: 0 years: 1 months: 2 days: 3 """ # This is an old and ugly implementation. # It must be changed to use the new age calculator. age = 0 units = 0 birth_handle = person.get_birth_handle() if birth_handle: birth = database.get_event_from_handle(birth_handle).get_date_object() birth_year_valid = birth.get_year_valid() else: birth_year_valid = None death_handle = person.get_death_handle() if death_handle: death = database.get_event_from_handle(death_handle).get_date_object() death_year_valid = death.get_year_valid() else: death_year_valid = None if birth_year_valid and death_year_valid: age = death.get_year() - birth.get_year() units = 1 # year if birth.get_month_valid() and death.get_month_valid(): if birth.get_month() > death.get_month(): age = age - 1 if birth.get_day_valid() and death.get_day_valid(): if birth.get_month() == death.get_month() and birth.get_day() > death.get_day(): age = age - 1 if age == 0: age = death.get_month() - birth.get_month() # calc age in months if birth.get_day() > death.get_day(): age = age - 1 units = 2 # month if age == 0: age = death.get-day() + 31 - birth.get_day() # calc age in days units = 3 # day return (age,units)