Detailed plugin option reference Reports Common Options style: =name Style name. default pagebbg: =0/1 Page break between generations. off: =format Output file format. print sxw ps pdf svg of: =filename Output file name. MANDATORY Value: /home/shura/whatever_name papero: =num Paper orientation number. 0 Portrait 1 Landscape gen: =num Number of generations to follow. filter: =num Filter number. template: =name Template name (HTML only). Value: /home/shura/whatever_name papers: =name Paper size name. Letter Legal A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B C D E dispf: =str Display format for the outputbox. id: =ID Gramps ID of a central person. MANDATORY Ancestor Chart name: ancestor_chart Ancestor Chart (Wall Chart) name: ancestor_chart2 singlep: =0/1 Whether to scale to fit on a single page. Do not scale to fit Scale to fit compress: =0/1 Whether to compress chart. Do not compress chart Compress chart title: =str Title string for the report Value: Whatever String You Wish Ahnentafel Report name: ancestor_report Comprehensive Ancestors Report name: ancestors_report cites: =0/1 Whether to cite sources. Do not cite sources Cite sources Descendant Graph name: descendant_graph Descendant Report name: descend_report Detailed Ancestral Report name: det_ancestor_report repdate: =0/1 Whether to replace missing Dates with blanks. Do not replace missing Dates Replace missing Dates incsources: =0/1 Whether to include source references. Do not include sources Include sources incphotos: =0/1 Whether to include images. Do not include images Include images desref: =0/1 Whether to add descendant references in child list. Do not add references Add references computeage: =0/1 Whether to compute age. Do not compute age Compute age fulldates: =0/1 Whether to use full dates instead of just year. Do not use full dates Use full dates incnames: =0/1 Whether to include other names. Do not include other names Include other names listc: =0/1 Whether to list children. Do not list children List children incevents: =0/1 Whether to include events. Do not include events Include events usenick: =0/1 Whether to use the nick name as the first name. Do not use nick name Use nick name incnotes: =0/1 Whether to include notes. Do not include notes Include notes omitda: =0/1 Whether to omit duplicate ancestors. Do not omit duplicates Omit duplicates repplace: =0/1 Whether to replace missing Places with blanks. Do not replace missing Places Replace missing Places Detailed Descendant Report name: det_descendant_report repdate: =0/1 Whether to replace missing Dates with blanks. Do not replace missing Dates Replace missing Dates incsources: =0/1 Whether to include source references. Do not include sources Include sources incphotos: =0/1 Whether to include images. Do not include images Include images desref: =0/1 Whether to add descendant references in child list. Do not add references Add references computeage: =0/1 Whether to compute age. Do not compute age Compute age fulldates: =0/1 Whether to use full dates instead of just year. Do not use full dates Use full dates incnames: =0/1 Whether to include other names. Do not include other names Include other names listc: =0/1 Whether to list children. Do not list children List children incevents: =0/1 Whether to include events. Do not include events Include events usenick: =0/1 Whether to use the nick name as the first name. Do not use nick name Use nick name incnotes: =0/1 Whether to include notes. Do not include notes Include notes omitda: =0/1 Whether to omit duplicate ancestors. Do not omit duplicates Omit duplicates repplace: =0/1 Whether to replace missing Places with blanks. Do not replace missing Places Replace missing Places Family Group Report name: family_group spouse_id: =ID Gramps ID of the person's spouse. Value: Use show=id to get ID list. Fan Chart name: fan_chart FTM Style Ancestor Report name: ftm_ancestor_report FTM Style Descendant Report name: ftm_descendant_report Relationship Graph name: rel_graph rankdir: =str Graph direction. LR Horizontal RL Vertical justyears: =0/1 Whether to use years only. Do not use years only Use years only latin: =0/1 Needs to be set if font doesn't support unicode. Supports unicode Supports only Latin1 arrow: =str Arrow styles for heads and tails. d Descendants <- Ancestors a Descendants -> Ancestors da Descendants <-> Ancestors Descendants - Ancestors dashedl: =0/1 Whether to use dotted lines for non-birth relationships. Do not use dotted lines Use dotted lines url: =0/1 Whether to include URLs. Do not include URLs Include URLs pagesh: =num Number of pages in horizontal direction. Value: Integer values placecause: =0/1 Whether to replace missing dates with place/cause. Do not replace blank dates Replace blank dates gvof: =str Output format to convert dot file into. ps Postscript svg Structured Vector Graphics (SVG) svgz Compressed Structured Vector Graphics (SVG) png PNG image jpg JPEG image gif GIF image color: =str Whether and how to colorize graph. outline B&W Outline colored Colored outline filled Color fill incid: =0/1 Whether to include IDs. Do not include IDs Include IDs incdate: =0/1 Whether to include dates. Do not include dates Include dates pagesv: =num Number of pages in vertical direction. Value: Integer values font: =str Font to use in the report. Default Helvetica Postscript / Helvetica FreeSans Truetype / FreeSans margin: =num Margin size. Value: Floating point value, in cm showfamily: =0/1 Whether to show family nodes. Do not show family nodes Show family nodes Relationship Graph name: rel_graph2 rankdir: =str Graph direction. LR Horizontal RL Vertical justyears: =0/1 Whether to use years only. Do not use years only Use years only latin: =0/1 Needs to be set if font doesn't support unicode. Supports unicode Supports only Latin1 arrow: =str Arrow styles for heads and tails. d Descendants <- Ancestors a Descendants -> Ancestors da Descendants <-> Ancestors Descendants - Ancestors dashedl: =0/1 Whether to use dotted lines for non-birth relationships. Do not use dotted lines Use dotted lines url: =0/1 Whether to include URLs. Do not include URLs Include URLs pagesh: =num Number of pages in horizontal direction. Value: Integer values placecause: =0/1 Whether to replace missing dates with place/cause. Do not replace blank dates Replace blank dates gvof: =str Output format to convert dot file into. ps Postscript svg Structured Vector Graphics (SVG) svgz Compressed Structured Vector Graphics (SVG) png PNG image jpg JPEG image gif GIF image color: =str Whether and how to colorize graph. outline B&W Outline colored Colored outline filled Color fill incid: =0/1 Whether to include IDs. Do not include IDs Include IDs incdate: =0/1 Whether to include dates. Do not include dates Include dates pagesv: =num Number of pages in vertical direction. Value: Integer values font: =str Font to use in the report. Default Helvetica Postscript / Helvetica FreeSans Truetype / FreeSans margin: =num Margin size. Value: Floating point value, in cm showfamily: =0/1 Whether to show family nodes. Do not show family nodes Show family nodes Complete Individual Report name: indiv_complete cites: =0/1 Whether to cite sources. Do not cite sources Cite sources Individual Summary name: individual_summary Generate Web Site (deprecated) name: webpage HTMLidurl: =str URL for links from GRAMPS IDs Value: the_url_value HTMLext: =str Extension for generated files Value: Any extension you like: html, htm, php, asp, etc. HTMLimagedir: =str Image subdirectory Value: image_subdir_name HTMLsplita: =0/1 Split alphabetical sections to different pages Do not split sections Split sections HTMLincpriv: =0/1 Inclusion of people marked private Do not include Include HTMLincid: =0/1 Include GRAMPS ID in the report Do not include Include HTMLidxcol: =num Number of columns in the index page Value: Any integer number HTMLcmtxtsi: =0/1 Inclusion of comments and text in source information Do not include Include HTMLlnktoalphabet: =0/1 Include links to alphabetical sections in index page Do not include Include HTMLgendex: =0/1 Create a GENDEX index Do not create Create HTMLtreed: =num Depth of ancestor tree Value: Any integer number HTMLidxt: =str Template name for the index page Value: /full/path/to/the/tpkg HTMLlinktidx: =0/1 Include links to the index page Do not include Include HTMLrestrictinfo: =0/1 Restrict information on living people Do not restrict Restrict HTMLyearso: =0/1 Use only birth year on the index page Use full date Use just year HTMLidxbirth: =0/1 Append birth dates to the names on the index page Do not append Append HTMLshorttree: =0/1 Include short ancestor tree Do not include Include HTMLimg: =num Inclusion of images No images at all No images for living people Images for all people HTMLod: =str Output directory for the web site Value: /full/name/of/the/dir HTMLplaceidx: =0/1 Create an index of all Places Do not create Create Book Report name: book bookname: =name Name of the book. MANDATORY Descendant Wall Chart name: descend_chart2 singlep: =0/1 Whether to scale to fit on a single page. Do not scale to fit Scale to fit title: =str Title string for the report Value: Whatever String You Wish Tools Common Options filter: =num Filter number. id: =ID Gramps ID of a central person. Rename personal event types name: chtype fromtype: =str Type of events to replace Value: Event type string totype: =str New type replacing the old one Value: Event type string Check and repair database name: check Reorder GRAMPS IDs name: reorder_ids Verify the database name: verify lngwdw: =num Maximum number of consecutive years of widowhood Value: Number of years mxchildmom: =num Maximum number of children for a woman Value: Number of children wedder: =num Maximum number of spouses for a person Value: Number of spouses mxchilddad: =num Maximum number of children for a man Value: Number of chidlren estimate_age: =0/1 Whether to estimate missing dates Do not estimate Estimate dates yngmar: =num Minimum age to marry Value: Age in years oldmar: =num Maximum age to marry Value: Age in years cbspan: =num Maximum span of years for all children Value: Span in years oldage: =num Maximum age Value: Age in years olddad: =num Maximum age to father a child Value: Age in years hwdif: =num Maximum husband-wife age difference Value: Age difference in years yngmom: =num Minimum age to bear a child Value: Age in years yngdad: =num Minimum age to father a child Value: Age in years oldmom: =num Maximum age to bear a child Value: Age in years cspace: =num Maximum number of years between children Value: Number of years Generate Testcases for persons and families name: testcasegenerator dates: =0/1 Whether to create test for date handling. Skip test Create date tests person_count: =int Number of dummy persons to generate Value: Number of persons no_trans: =0/1 Wheter to use one transaction or multiple small ones One transaction Multiple transactions long_names: =0/1 Wheter to create short or long names Short names Long names bugs: =0/1 Whether to create invalid database references. Skip test Create invalid Database references persons: =0/1 Whether to create a bunch of dummy persons Dont create persons Create dummy persons add_serial: =0/1 Wheter to add a serial number to every text field No serial Add serial number specialchars: =0/1 Wheter to ass some special characters to every text field No special characters Add special characters Checkpoint the database name: chkpoint crcmd: =str Custom command line for retrieval Value: Custom command string cacmd: =str Custom command line for archiving Value: Custom command string archive: =0/1 Whether to archive or retrieve. Retrieve Archive rcs: =0/1 Whether to use RCS (ignores custom commands). Do not use RCS Use RCS Rebuild secondary indices name: rebuild Dumps gender statistics name: dgenstats Generate Commandline Plugin Reference name: cmdref include: =0/1 Whether to include into the manual Do not include Include target: =str Pathname to the target file Value: Any valid pathname