# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2009 Benny Malengier # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ """ This module provides the flat treemodel that is used for all flat treeviews. For performance, GRAMPS does not use gtk.TreeStore, as that would mean keeping the entire database table of an object in memory. Instead, it suffices to keep in memory the sortkey and the matching handle, as well as a map of sortkey,handle to treeview path, and vice versa. For a flat view, the index of sortkey,handle will be the path, so it suffices to keep in memory a map that given a sortkey,handle returns the path. As we need to be able to insert/delete/update objects, and for that the handle is all we know initially, and as sortkey,handle is uniquely determined by handle, instead of keeping a map of sortkey,handle to path, we keep a map of handle to path As a user selects another column to sort, the sortkey must be rebuild, and the map remade. The class FlatNodeMap keeps a sortkeyhandle list with (sortkey, handle) entries, and a handle2path dictionary. As the Map is flat, the index in sortkeyhandle corresponds to the path. The class FlatBaseModel, is the base class for all flat treeview models. It keeps a FlatNodeMap, and obtains data from database as needed """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # python modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import with_statement import locale import logging import bisect import time _LOG = logging.getLogger(".gui.basetreemodel") #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GNOME/GTK modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Filters import SearchFilter import Config from Utils import conv_unicode_tosrtkey_ongtk #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # FlatNodeMap # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FlatNodeMap(object): """ A NodeMap for a flat treeview. In such a TreeView, the paths possible are 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1, where n is the number of items to show. For the model it is needed to keep the Path to Iter mappings of the TreeView in memory The order of what is shown is based on the unique key: (sortkey, handle) Naming: * srtkey : key on which to sort * hndl : handle of the object, makes it possible to retrieve the object from the database. As handle is unique, it is used as the iter for the TreeView * index : the index in the internal lists. When a view is in reverse, this is not kept physically, but instead via an offset * path : integer path in the TreeView. This will be index if view is ascending, but will begin at back of list if view shows the entries in reverse. * index2hndl : list of (srtkey, hndl) tuples. The index gives the (srtkey, hndl) it belongs to. This normally is only a part of all possible data * hndl2index : dictionary of *hndl: index* values The implementation provides a list of (srtkey, hndl) of which the index is the path, and a dictionary mapping hndl to index. To obtain index given a path, method real_index() is available ..Note: If a string sortkey is used, apply locale.strxfrm on it , so as to have localized sort """ def __init__(self): """ Create a new instance. """ self._index2hndl = [] self._fullhndl = self._index2hndl self._identical = True self._hndl2index = {} self._reverse = False self.__corr = (0, 1) def set_path_map(self, index2hndllist, fullhndllist, identical=True, reverse=False): """ This is the core method to set up the FlatNodeMap Input is a list of (srtkey, handle), of which the index is the path Calling this method sets the index2hndllist, and creates the hndl2index map. fullhndllist is the entire list of (srtkey, handle) that is possible, normally index2hndllist is only part of this list as determined by filtering. To avoid memory, if both lists are the same, pass only one list twice and set identical to True. Reverse sets up how the path is determined from the index. If True the first index is the last path :param index2hndllist: the ascending sorted (sortkey, handle) values as they will appear in the flat treeview. This often is a subset of all possible data :type index2hndllist: a list of (sortkey, handle) tuples :param fullhndllist: the list of all possilbe ascending sorted (sortkey, handle) values as they will appear in the flat treeview if all data is shown. :type fullhndllist: a list of (sortkey, handle) tuples :param identical: identify if index2hndllist and fullhndllist are the same list, so only one is kept in memory. :type identical: bool """ self._index2hndl = index2hndllist self._hndl2index = {} self._identical = identical if identical: self._fullhndl = self._index2hndl else: self._fullhndl = fullhndllist self._reverse = reverse self.reverse_order() def full_srtkey_hndl_map(self): """ The list of all possible (sortkey, handle) tuples. This is stored in FlatNodeMap so that it would not be needed to reiterate over the database to obtain all posibilities. """ return self._fullhndl def reverse_order(self): """ This method keeps the index2hndl map, but sets it up the index in reverse order. If the hndl2index map does not exist yet, it is created in the acending order as given in index2hndl The result is always a hndl2index map wich is correct, so or ascending order, or reverse order. """ if self._hndl2index: #if hndl2index is build already, invert order, otherwise keep # requested order self._reverse = not self._reverse if self._reverse: self.__corr = (len(self._index2hndl) - 1, -1) else: self.__corr = (0, 1) if not self._hndl2index: for index, key in enumerate(self._index2hndl): #the handle is key[1] self._hndl2index[key[1]] = index def real_path(self, index): """ Given the index in the maps, return the real path. If reverse = False, then index is path, otherwise however, the path must be calculated so that the last index is the first path """ return self.__corr[0] + self.__corr[1] * index def real_index(self, path): """ Given the path in the view, return the real index. If reverse = False, then path is index, otherwise however, the index must be calculated so that the last index is the first path """ return self.__corr[0] + self.__corr[1] * path def clear_map(self): """ Clears out the index2hndl and the hndl2index """ self._index2hndl = [] self._hndl2index = {} self._fullhndl = self._index2hndl self._identical = True def get_path(self, handle): """ Return the path from the passed handle. :param handle: the key of the object for which the path in the treeview is needed :param type: an object handle :Returns: the path, or None if handle does not link to a path """ index = self._hndl2index.get(handle) if index is None: return None else: return self.real_path(index) def get_handle(self, path): """ Return the handle from the path. The path is assumed to be an integer. This is accomplished by indexing into the index2hndl Will raise IndexError if the maps are not filled yet, or if it is empty. Caller should take care of this if it allows calling with invalid path :param path: path as it appears in the treeview :type path: integer """ return self._index2hndl[self.real_index(path)][1] def find_next_handle(self, handle): """ Finds the next handle based off the passed handle. This is accomplished by finding the index associated with the handle, adding or substracting one to find the next index, then finding the handle associated with that. :param handle: the key of the object for which the next handle shown in the treeview is needed :param type: an object handle """ index = self._hndl2index.get(handle) if self._reverse : index -= 1 if index < 0: # -1 does not raise IndexError, as -1 is last element. Catch. return None else: index += 1 try: return self._index2hndl[index][1] except IndexError: return None def get_first_handle(self): """ Return the first handle that must be shown (corresponding to path 0) Will raise IndexError if the maps are not filled yet, or if it is empty. Caller should take care of this if it allows calling with invalid path """ return self._index2hndl[self.real_index(0)][1] def __len__(self): """ Return the number of entries in the map. """ return len(self._index2hndl) def max_rows(self): """ Return maximum number of entries that might be present in the map """ return len(self._fullhndl) def insert(self, srtkey_hndl, allkeyonly=False): """ Insert a node. Given is a tuple (sortkey, handle), and this is added in the correct place, while the hndl2index map is updated. Returns the path of the inserted row :param srtkey_hndl: the (sortkey, handle) tuple that must be inserted :Returns: path of the row inserted in the treeview :Returns type: integer or None """ if not self._identical: bisect.insort_left(self._fullhndl, srtkey_hndl) if allkeyonly: #key is not part of the view return None insert_pos = bisect.bisect_left(self._index2hndl, srtkey_hndl) self._index2hndl.insert(insert_pos, srtkey_hndl) #make sure the index map is updated for hndl, index in self._hndl2index.iteritems(): if index >= insert_pos: self._hndl2index[hndl] += 1 self._hndl2index[srtkey_hndl[1]] = insert_pos #update self.__corr so it remains correct if self._reverse: self.__corr = (len(self._index2hndl) - 1, -1) return self.real_path(insert_pos) def delete(self, srtkey_hndl): """ Delete the row with the given (sortkey, handle). This then rebuilds the hndl2index, subtracting one from each item greater than the deleted index. path of deleted row is returned If handle is not present, None is returned :param srtkey_hndl: the (sortkey, handle) tuple that must be inserted :Returns: path of the row deleted from the treeview :Returns type: integer or None """ #remove it from the full list first if not self._identical: del_pos = bisect.bisect_left(self._fullhndl, srtkey_hndl) #check that indeed this is correct: if not self._fullhndl[del_pos][1] == srtkey_hndl[1]: raise KeyError, 'Handle %s not in list of all handles' % \ srtkey_hndl[1] del self._fullhndl[del_pos] #now remove it from the index maps handle = srtkey_hndl[1] try: index = self._hndl2index[handle] except KeyError: # key not present in the treeview return None del self._index2hndl[index] del self._hndl2index[handle] #update self.__corr so it remains correct delpath = self.real_path(index) if self._reverse: self.__corr = (len(self._index2hndl) - 1, -1) #update the handle2path map so it remains correct for key, val in self._hndl2index.iteritems(): if val > index: self._hndl2index[key] -= 1 return delpath #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # FlatBaseModel # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class FlatBaseModel(gtk.GenericTreeModel): """ The base class for all flat treeview models. It keeps a FlatNodeMap, and obtains data from database as needed """ def __init__(self, db, scol=0, order=gtk.SORT_ASCENDING, tooltip_column=None, search=None, skip=set(), sort_map=None): cput = time.clock() gtk.GenericTreeModel.__init__(self) self.prev_handle = None self.prev_data = None self.set_property("leak_references", False) self.db = db #normally sort on first column, so scol=0 if sort_map: #sort_map is the stored order of the columns and if they are #enabled or not. We need to store on scol of that map self.sort_map = [ f for f in sort_map if f[0]] #we need the model col, that corresponds with scol col = self.sort_map[scol][1] self.sort_func = self.smap[col] else: self.sort_func = self.smap[scol] self.sort_col = scol self.skip = skip self.node_map = FlatNodeMap() self.set_search(search) self._reverse = (order == gtk.SORT_DESCENDING) self.tooltip_column = tooltip_column Config.client.notify_add("/apps/gramps/preferences/todo-color", self.__update_todo) Config.client.notify_add("/apps/gramps/preferences/custom-marker-color", self.__update_custom) Config.client.notify_add("/apps/gramps/preferences/complete-color", self.__update_complete) self.complete_color = Config.get(Config.COMPLETE_COLOR) self.todo_color = Config.get(Config.TODO_COLOR) self.custom_color = Config.get(Config.CUSTOM_MARKER_COLOR) self.rebuild_data() _LOG.debug(self.__class__.__name__ + ' __init__ ' + str(time.clock() - cput) + ' sec') def set_search(self, search): """ Change the search function that filters the data in the model. When this method is called, make sure: # you call self.rebuild_data() to recalculate what should be seen in the model # you reattach the model to the treeview so that the treeview updates with the new entries """ if search: if search[0]: #following is None if no data given in filter sidebar self.search = search[1] self.rebuild_data = self._rebuild_filter else: if search[1]: # we have search[1] = (index, text_unicode, inversion) col = search[1][0] text = search[1][1] inv = search[1][2] func = lambda x: self.on_get_value(x, col) or u"" self.search = SearchFilter(func, text, inv) else: self.search = None self.rebuild_data = self._rebuild_search else: self.search = None self.rebuild_data = self._rebuild_search def __update_todo(self, client, cnxn_id, entry, data): """ Callback if preferences todo color changes """ self.todo_color = Config.get(Config.TODO_COLOR) def __update_custom(self, client, cnxn_id, entry, data): """ Callback if preferences todo color changes """ self.custom_color = Config.get(Config.CUSTOM_MARKER_COLOR) def __update_complete(self, client, cnxn_id, entry, data): """ Callback if preferences todo color changes """ self.complete_color = Config.get(Config.COMPLETE_COLOR) def total(self): """ Total number of items that maximally can be shown """ return self.node_map.max_rows() def displayed(self): """ Number of items that are currently displayed """ return len(self.node_map) def reverse_order(self): """ reverse the sort order of the sort column """ self._reverse = not self._reverse self.node_map.reverse_order() def sort_keys(self): """ Return the (sort_key, handle) list of all data that can maximally be shown. This list is sorted ascending, via localized string sort. strxfrm is used, which is apparently broken in Win ?? --> they should fix base lib, we need strxfrm """ # use cursor as a context manager with self.gen_cursor() as cursor: #loop over database and store the sort field, and the handle return sorted( (conv_unicode_tosrtkey_ongtk(self.sort_func(data)), key) for key, data in cursor ) def _rebuild_search(self, ignore=None): """ function called when view must be build, given a search text in the top search bar """ if self.db.is_open(): allkeys = self.node_map.full_srtkey_hndl_map() if not allkeys: allkeys = self.sort_keys() if self.search and self.search.text: dlist = [h for h in allkeys \ if self.search.match(h[1], self.db) and \ h[1] not in self.skip and h[1] != ignore] ident = False elif ignore is None and not self.skip: #nothing to remove from the keys present ident = True dlist = allkeys else: ident = False dlist = [h for h in allkeys \ if h[1] not in self.skip and h[1] != ignore] self.node_map.set_path_map(dlist, allkeys, identical=ident, reverse=self._reverse) else: self.node_map.clear_map() def _rebuild_filter(self, ignore=None): """ function called when view must be build, given filter options in the filter sidebar """ if self.db.is_open(): allkeys = self.node_map.full_srtkey_hndl_map() if not allkeys: allkeys = self.sort_keys() if self.search: ident = False if ignore is None: dlist = self.search.apply(self.db, allkeys, tupleind=1) else: dlist = self.search.apply(self.db, [ k for k in allkeys if k[1] != ignore], tupleind=1) elif ignore is None : ident = True dlist = allkeys else: ident = False dlist = [ k for k in allkeys if k[1] != ignore ] self.node_map.set_path_map(dlist, allkeys, identical=ident, reverse=self._reverse) else: self.node_map.clear_map() def add_row_by_handle(self, handle): """ Add a row. This is called after object with handle is created. Row is only added if search/filter data is such that it must be shown """ data = self.map(handle) insert_val = (locale.strxfrm(self.sort_func(data)), handle) if not self.search or \ (self.search and self.search.match(handle, self.db)): #row needs to be added to the model insert_path = self.node_map.insert(insert_val) if insert_path is not None: node = self.get_iter(insert_path) self.row_inserted(insert_path, node) else: self.node_map.insert(insert_val, allkeyonly=True) def delete_row_by_handle(self, handle): """ Delete a row, called after the object with handle is deleted """ data = self.map(handle) delete_val = (locale.strxfrm(self.sort_func(data)), handle) delete_path = self.node_map.delete(delete_val) #delete_path is an integer from 0 to n-1 if delete_path is not None: self.row_deleted(delete_path) def update_row_by_handle(self, handle): """ Update a row, called after the object with handle is changed """ ## TODO: if sort key changes, this is not updated correctly .... path = self.node_map.get_path(handle) if path is not None: node = self.get_iter(path) self.row_changed(path, node) def on_get_flags(self): """ Returns the GtkTreeModelFlags for this particular type of model See gtk.TreeModel """ return gtk.TREE_MODEL_LIST_ONLY | gtk.TREE_MODEL_ITERS_PERSIST def on_get_n_columns(self): """ Return the number of columns. Must be implemented in the child objects See gtk.TreeModel """ raise NotImplementedError def on_get_path(self, handle): """ Return the tree path (a tuple of indices at the various levels) for a particular iter. We use handles for unique key iters See gtk.TreeModel """ return self.node_map.get_path(handle) def on_get_column_type(self, index): """ See gtk.TreeModel """ if index == self.tooltip_column: return object return str def on_get_iter(self, path): """ See gtk.TreeModel """ try: return self.node_map.get_handle(path[0]) except IndexError: return None def on_get_value(self, handle, col): """ See gtk.TreeModel. col is the model column that is needed, not the visible column! """ try: if handle != self.prev_handle: self.prev_data = self.map(str(handle)) self.prev_handle = handle return self.fmap[col](self.prev_data) except: return u'' def on_iter_next(self, handle): """ Returns the next node at this level of the tree See gtk.TreeModel """ return self.node_map.find_next_handle(handle) def on_iter_children(self, handle): """ Return the first child of the node See gtk.TreeModel """ if handle is None and len(self.node_map): return self.node_map.get_first_handle() return None def on_iter_has_child(self, handle): """ Returns true if this node has children See gtk.TreeModel """ if handle is None: return len(self.node_map) > 0 return False def on_iter_n_children(self, handle): """ See gtk.TreeModel """ if handle is None: return len(self.node_map) return 0 def on_iter_nth_child(self, handle, nth): """ See gtk.TreeModel """ if handle is None: return self.node_map.get_handle(nth) return None def on_iter_parent(self, handle): """ Returns the parent of this node See gtk.TreeModel """ return None