# # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Donald N. Allingham # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # """ Calendar conversion routines for GRAMPS. The original algorithms for this module came from Scott E. Lee's C implementation. The original C source can be found at Scott's web site at http://www.scottlee.com """ __author__ = "Donald N. Allingham" __version__ = "$Revision$" from gettext import gettext as _ import re import Errors #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Constants # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNDEF = -999999 EXACT = 0 ABOUT = 1 BEFORE = 2 AFTER = 3 #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Regular expressions for parsing # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _modifiers = '(' + \ _("abt\.?") + '|' + \ _("about") + '|' + \ _("est\.?") + '|' + \ _("circa") + '|' + \ _("around") + '|' + \ _("before") + '|' + \ _("after") + '|' + \ _("aft\.?") + '|' + \ _("bef\.?") + \ '|abt|aft|after|before|bef)' _start = "^\s*" + _modifiers + "?\s*" fmt1 = re.compile(_start+"(\S+)(\s+\d+\s*,)?\s*([?\d]+)?\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) fmt2 = re.compile(_start+"(\d+)\.?\s+([^\d]+)(\s+\d+)?\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) fmt3 = re.compile(_start+r"([?\d]+)\s*[./-]\s*([?\d]+)\s*[./-]\s*([?\d]+)\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) fmt7 = re.compile(_start+r"([?\d]+)\s*[./-]\s*([?\d]+)\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) fmt4 = re.compile(_start+"(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) fmt5 = re.compile(_start+"(\d+)\s*$", re.IGNORECASE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def set_format_code(code): Calendar.FORMATCODE = code #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- def get_format_code(): return Calendar.FORMATCODE #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Calendar - base calendar # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Calendar: ENTRYCODE = 0 FORMATCODE = 0 MONTHS = [ _("January"), _("February"), _("March"), _("April"), _("May"), _("June"), _("July"), _("August"), _("September"), _("October"), _("November"), _("December")] M2NUM = { (unicode(MONTHS[0])[0:3]).lower(): 1, (unicode(MONTHS[1])[0:3]).lower(): 2, (unicode(MONTHS[2])[0:3]).lower(): 3, (unicode(MONTHS[3])[0:3]).lower(): 4, (unicode(MONTHS[4])[0:3]).lower(): 5, (unicode(MONTHS[5])[0:3]).lower(): 6, (unicode(MONTHS[6])[0:3]).lower(): 7, (unicode(MONTHS[7])[0:3]).lower(): 8, (unicode(MONTHS[8])[0:3]).lower(): 9, (unicode(MONTHS[9])[0:3]).lower(): 10, (unicode(MONTHS[10])[0:3]).lower(): 11, (unicode(MONTHS[11])[0:3]).lower(): 12 } M2V = { _("abt") : ABOUT, _("about") : ABOUT, _("abt.") : ABOUT, _("est") : ABOUT, _("est.") : ABOUT, _("circa") : ABOUT, _("around") : ABOUT, _("before") : BEFORE, _("bef") : BEFORE, _("bef.") : BEFORE, _("after") : AFTER, _("aft.") : AFTER, _("aft") : AFTER, # And the untranslated versions for reading saved data from XML. "abt" : ABOUT, "about" : ABOUT, "bef" : BEFORE, "bef." : BEFORE, "aft." : AFTER, "abt." : ABOUT, "est." : ABOUT, "est" : ABOUT, "after" : AFTER, "before" : BEFORE, "aft" : AFTER, } MODE = { ABOUT : _("about"), BEFORE : _("before"), AFTER : _("after")} EM2NUM ={ "jan" : 1, "feb" : 2, "mar" : 3, "apr" : 4, "may" : 5, "jun" : 6, "jul" : 7, "aug" : 8, "sep" : 9, "oct" :10, "nov" : 11,"dec" : 12 } NAME = "Undefined Calendar" TNAME = _("Undefined Calendar") def mlen(self): return -1 def __init__(self,source=None): if source: self.get_ymd(source.get_sdn()) def month(self,val): try: return unicode(Calendar.MONTHS[val-1]) except: return u'Illegal Month' def check(self,year,month,day): return 1 def quote_display(self,year,month,day,mode): return "%04d-%02d-%02d (%s)" % (year,month,day,Calendar.NAME) def display(self,year,month,day,mode): return _FMT_FUNC[Calendar.FORMATCODE](self,year,month,day,mode) def format_yymmdd(self,year,month,day,mode): if month == UNDEF and day == UNDEF and year == UNDEF : return "" elif day == UNDEF: if month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) elif year == UNDEF: retval = "????-%02d-??" % (month) else: retval = "%04d-%02d" % (year,month) elif month == UNDEF: retval = "%04d-??-%02d" % (year,day) else: if year == UNDEF: retval = "????-%02d-%02d" % (month,day) else: retval = "%04d-%02d-%02d" % (year,month,day) return self.fmt_mode(retval,mode) def format_mon_dd_year(self,year,month,day,mode): """ Formats the date in the form of DD Month Year, such as January 20, 2000 """ if month == UNDEF and day == UNDEF and year == UNDEF: return "" elif day == UNDEF: if month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) elif year == UNDEF: retval = self.month(month) else: retval = "%s %d" % (self.month(month),year) elif month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) else: if year == UNDEF: retval = "%s %d, ????" % (self.month(month),day) else: retval = "%s %d, %d" % (self.month(month),day,year) return self.fmt_mode(retval,mode) def format_MON_dd_year(self,year,month,day,mode): """ Formats the date in the form of DD Month Year, such as January 20, 2000 """ if month == UNDEF and day == UNDEF and year == UNDEF: return "" elif day == UNDEF: if month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) elif year == UNDEF: retval = self.month(month).upper()[0:3] else: retval = "%s %d" % (self.month(month).upper()[0:3],year) elif month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) else: if year == UNDEF: retval = "%s %d, ????" % (self.month(month).upper()[0:3],day) else: retval = "%s %d, %d" % (self.month(month).upper()[0:3],day,year) return self.fmt_mode(retval,mode) def format_dd_mon_year(self,year,month,day,mode): """ Formats the date in the form of DD Month Year, such as 20 January 2000 """ if year==UNDEF: if month == UNDEF: d = "" elif day == UNDEF: d = self.month(month) else: d = "%02d %s" % (day,self.month(month)) elif month == UNDEF: d = str(year) elif day == UNDEF: d = "%s %d" % (self.month(month),year) else: d = "%02d %s %d" % (day,self.month(month),year) return self.fmt_mode(d,mode) def format_dd_MON_year(self,year,month,day,mode): """ Formats the date in the form of DD. Month Year, such as 20. January 2000 """ if month == UNDEF and day == UNDEF and year == UNDEF : return "" elif day == UNDEF: if month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) elif year == UNDEF: retval = self.month(month).upper()[0:3] else: retval = "%s %d" % (self.month(month).upper()[0:3],year) elif month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) else: month_str = self.month(month).upper()[0:3] if year == UNDEF: retval = "%d %s ????" % (day,month_str) else: retval = "%d %s %d" % (day,month_str,year) return self.fmt_mode(retval,mode) def format_dd_dot_MON_year(self,year,month,day,mode): """ Formats the date in the form of DD. Month Year, such as 20. January 2000 """ if month == UNDEF and day == UNDEF and year == UNDEF : return "" elif day == UNDEF: if month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) elif year == UNDEF: retval = self.month(month).upper()[0:3] else: retval = "%s %d" % (self.month(month).upper()[0:3],year) elif month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) else: month_str = self.month(month).upper()[0:3] if year == UNDEF: retval = "%d. %s ????" % (day,month_str) else: retval = "%d. %s %d" % (day,month_str,year) return self.fmt_mode(retval,mode) def format4(self,year,month,day,mode): return self._get_mmddyyyy(year,month,day,mode,"/") def format5(self,year,month,day,mode): return self._get_mmddyyyy(year,month,day,mode,"-") def format6(self,year,month,day,mode): return self._get_ddmmyyyy(year,month,day,mode,"/") def format7(self,year,month,day,mode): return self._get_ddmmyyyy(year,month,day,mode,"-") def format8(self,year,month,day,mode): return self._get_mmddyyyy(year,month,day,mode,".") def format9(self,year,month,day,mode): return self._get_ddmmyyyy(year,month,day,mode,".") def format11(self,year,month,day,mode): return self._get_yyyymmdd(year,month,day,mode,"/") def format12(self,year,month,day,mode): return self._get_yyyymmdd(year,month,day,mode,"-") def format13(self,year,month,day,mode): return self._get_yyyymmdd(year,month,day,mode,".") def _get_mmddyyyy(self,year,month,day,mode,sep): if month == UNDEF and day == UNDEF and year == UNDEF : return "" elif day == UNDEF: if month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) elif year == UNDEF: retval = "%02d%s??%s??" % (month,sep,sep) else: retval = "%02d%s??%s%04d" % (month,sep,sep,year) elif month == UNDEF: retval = "??%s%02d%s%04d" % (sep,day,sep,year) else: if year == UNDEF: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s????" % (month,sep,day,sep) else: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s%04d" % (month,sep,day,sep,year) return self.fmt_mode(retval,mode) def _get_yyyymmdd(self,year,month,day,mode,sep): retval = "" if month == UNDEF and day == UNDEF and year == UNDEF : pass elif day == UNDEF: if month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) elif year == UNDEF: retval = "????%s%02d%s??" % (sep,month,sep) else: retval = "%04d%s%02d" % (year,sep,month) elif month == UNDEF: retval = "%04d%s??%s%02d" % (year,sep,sep,day) else: if year == UNDEF: retval = "????%s%02d%s%02d" % (sep,month,sep,day) else: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s%02d" % (year,sep,month,sep,day) return self.fmt_mode(retval,mode) def _get_ddmmyyyy(self,year,month,day,mode,sep): retval = "" if month == UNDEF and day == UNDEF and year == UNDEF : pass elif day == UNDEF: if month == UNDEF: retval = str(year) elif year == UNDEF: retval = "??%s%02d%s??" % (sep,month,sep) else: retval = "??%s%02d%s%04d" % (sep,month,sep,year) elif month == UNDEF: retval = "%02d%s??%s%04d" % (day,sep,sep,year) else: if year == UNDEF: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s????" % (day,sep,month,sep) else: retval = "%02d%s%02d%s%04d" % (day,sep,month,sep,year) return self.fmt_mode(retval,mode) def fmt_mode(self,val,mode): if Calendar.MODE.has_key(mode): return "%s %s" % (Calendar.MODE[mode],val) else: return val def get_ymd(self,val): return (0,0,0) def get_sdn(self,y,m,d): return 0 def set_mode_value(self,val): if not val: return EXACT else: try: return Calendar.M2V[val.lower()] except KeyError: return EXACT def set_value(self,s): try: return int(s) except: return UNDEF def set_month_string(self,text): val = unicode(text)[0:3] val = val.lower() try: return Calendar.M2NUM[val] except KeyError: if Calendar.EM2NUM.has_key(val): return Calendar.EM2NUM[val] else: return UNDEF def set(self,text): mode = UNDEF year = UNDEF month = UNDEF day = UNDEF match = fmt2.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() mode = self.set_mode_value(matches[0]) month = self.set_month_string(unicode(matches[2])) if month != UNDEF: day = self.set_value(matches[1]) if len(matches) == 4 and matches[3] != None: year = self.set_value(matches[3]) return (year,month,day,mode) match = fmt5.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() mode = self.set_mode_value(matches[0]) year = self.set_value(matches[1]) return (year,month,day,mode) match = fmt7.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() mode = self.set_mode_value(matches[0]) if Calendar.ENTRYCODE == 2: month = self.set_value(matches[2]) year = self.set_value(matches[1]) else: month = self.set_value(matches[1]) year = self.set_value(matches[2]) return (year,month,day,mode) match = fmt3.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() mode = self.set_mode_value(matches[0]) if Calendar.ENTRYCODE == 0: month = self.set_value(matches[1]) day = self.set_value(matches[2]) year = self.set_value(matches[3]) elif Calendar.ENTRYCODE == 1: month = self.set_value(matches[2]) day = self.set_value(matches[1]) year = self.set_value(matches[3]) else: month = self.set_value(matches[2]) day = self.set_value(matches[3]) year = self.set_value(matches[1]) return (year,month,day,mode) match = fmt1.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() mode = self.set_mode_value(matches[0]) month = self.set_month_string(unicode(matches[1])) if month != UNDEF: if matches[2]: val = matches[2].replace(',','') day = self.set_value(val) year = self.set_value(matches[3]) return (year,month,day,mode) match = fmt4.match(text) if match != None: matches = match.groups() mode = self.set_mode_value(matches[0]) month = self.set_month_string(unicode(matches[1])) if month != UNDEF: if len(matches) == 4: year = self.set_value(matches[3]) return (year,month,day,mode) raise Errors.DateError _FMT_FUNC = [ Calendar.format_mon_dd_year, Calendar.format_MON_dd_year, Calendar.format_dd_MON_year, Calendar.format4, Calendar.format5, Calendar.format6, Calendar.format7, Calendar.format8, Calendar.format9, Calendar.format_dd_dot_MON_year, Calendar.format11, Calendar.format12, Calendar.format13, ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Calendar registration # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _calendars = {} def register( class_obj ): _calendars[class_obj.NAME] = class_obj def find_calendar(name): try: return _calendars[name] except: return None def calendar_names(): list = [] for n in _calendars.values(): list.append(n) list.sort() return list