# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Donald N. Allingham # Copyright (C) 2008 Brian G. Matherly # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id:rel_cs.py 9912 2008-01-22 09:17:46Z acraphae $ # Czech terms added by Zdeněk Hataš. Based on rel_sk.py by Lubo Vasko """ Czech-specific classes for relationships. """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # GRAMPS modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- import gen.lib import Relationship #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Czech-specific definitions of relationships # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- _level_name = [ "", "prvního", "druhého", "třetího", "čtvrtého", "pátého", "šestého", "sedmého", "osmého", "devátého", "desátého", "jedenáctého", "dvanáctého", "třináctého", "čtrnáctého", "patnáctého", "šestnáctého", "sedemnáctého", "osmnáctého", "devatenáctého", "dvacátého", "dvacátého prvního", "dvacátého druhého", "dvacátého třetího", "dvacátého čtvrtého","dvacátého pátého","dvacátého šestého","dvacátého sedmého", "dvacátého osmého","dvacátého devátého","třicátého" ] _parents_level = [ "", "rodiče", "prarodiče", "praprarodiče", "vzdálení příbuzní", ] _father_level = [ "", "otec", "děd", "praděd", "prapředek", ] _mother_level = [ "", "matka", "babička", "prababička", "prapředek", ] _son_level = [ "", "syn", "vnuk", "pravnuk", ] _daughter_level = [ "", "dcera", "vnučka", "pravnučka", ] _sister_level = [ "", "sestra", "teta", "prateta", "praprateta", ] _brother_level = [ "", "bratr", "strýc", "prastrýc", "praprastrýc", ] _nephew_level = [ "", "synovec", "prasynovec", "praprasynovec", ] _niece_level = [ "", "neteř", "praneteř", "prapraneteř", ] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # #------------------------------------------------------------------------- class RelationshipCalculator(Relationship.RelationshipCalculator): """ RelationshipCalculator Class """ def __init__(self): Relationship.RelationshipCalculator.__init__(self) def get_male_cousin(self, level): if level > len(_level_name)-1: return "vzdálený příbuzný" else: return "bratranec %s stupně" % (_level_name[level]) def get_female_cousin(self, level): if level > len(_level_name)-1: return "vzdálená příbuzná" else: return "sestřenice %s stupně" % (_level_name[level]) def get_parents(self, level): if level > len(_parents_level)-1: return "vzdáleení příbuzní" else: return _parents_level[level] def get_father(self, level): if level > len(_father_level)-1: return "vzdálený příbuzný" else: return _father_level[level] def get_son(self, level): if level > len(_son_level)-1: return "vzdálený potomek" else: return _son_level[level] def get_mother(self, level): if level > len(_mother_level)-1: return "vzdálený předek" else: return _mother_level[level] def get_daughter(self, level): if level > len(_daughter_level)-1: return "vzdálený potomek" else: return _daughter_level[level] def get_aunt(self, level): if level > len(_sister_level)-1: return "vzdálený předek" else: return _sister_level[level] def get_uncle(self, level): if level > len(_brother_level)-1: return "vzdálený předek" else: return _brother_level[level] def get_nephew(self, level): if level > len(_nephew_level)-1: return "vzdálený potomek" else: return _nephew_level[level] def get_niece(self, level): if level > len(_niece_level)-1: return "vzdálený potomek" else: return _niece_level[level] def get_relationship(self, db, orig_person, other_person): """ Return a string representing the relationshp between the two people, along with a list of common ancestors (typically father,mother) Special cases: relation strings "", "undefined" and "spouse". """ if orig_person is None: return ("undefined", []) if orig_person.get_handle() == other_person.get_handle(): return ('', []) is_spouse = self.is_spouse(db, orig_person, other_person) if is_spouse: return (is_spouse, []) #get_relationship_distance changed, first data is relation to #orig person, apperently secondRel in this function (secondRel, firstRel, common) = \ self.get_relationship_distance(db, orig_person, other_person) if isinstance(common, basestring): return (common, []) elif common: person_handle = common[0] else: return ("", []) firstRel = len(firstRel) secondRel = len(secondRel) if firstRel == 0: if secondRel == 0: return ('', common) elif other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return (self.get_father(secondRel), common) else: return (self.get_mother(secondRel), common) elif secondRel == 0: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return (self.get_son(firstRel), common) else: return (self.get_daughter(firstRel), common) elif firstRel == 1: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return (self.get_uncle(secondRel), common) else: return (self.get_aunt(secondRel), common) elif secondRel == 1: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return (self.get_nephew(firstRel-1), common) else: return (self.get_niece(firstRel-1), common) elif firstRel == secondRel == 2: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return ('vlastní bratranec', common) else: return ('vlastní sestřenice', common) elif firstRel == 3 and secondRel == 2: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return ('bratranec druhého stupně', common) else: return ('sestřenice druhého stupně', common) elif firstRel == 2 and secondRel == 3: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: return ('bratranec druhého stupně', common) else: return ('sestřenice druhého stupně', common) else: if other_person.get_gender() == gen.lib.Person.MALE: if firstRel+secondRel > len(_level_name)-1: return (self.get_male_cousin(firstRel+secondRel), common) else: return ('vzdálený bratranec', common) else: if firstRel+secondRel > len(_level_name)-1: return (self.get_female_cousin(firstRel+secondRel), common) else: return ('vzdálená sestřenice', common)