# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2011 Nick Hall # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ # from gen.plug import Gramplet from gui.widgets import Photo from gen.ggettext import gettext as _ from PlaceUtils import conv_lat_lon import Utils import gtk import pango class PlaceDetails(Gramplet): """ Displays details for a place. """ def init(self): self.gui.WIDGET = self.build_gui() self.gui.get_container_widget().remove(self.gui.textview) self.gui.get_container_widget().add_with_viewport(self.gui.WIDGET) def build_gui(self): """ Build the GUI interface. """ self.top = gtk.HBox() vbox = gtk.VBox() self.photo = Photo(190.0) self.title = gtk.Label() self.title.set_alignment(0, 0) self.title.modify_font(pango.FontDescription('sans bold 12')) vbox.pack_start(self.title, fill=True, expand=False, padding=7) self.table = gtk.Table(1, 2) vbox.pack_start(self.table, fill=True, expand=False) self.top.pack_start(self.photo, fill=True, expand=False, padding=5) self.top.pack_start(vbox, fill=True, expand=False, padding=10) self.top.show_all() return self.top def add_row(self, title, value): """ Add a row to the table. """ label = gtk.Label(title + ':') label.set_alignment(1, 0) label.show() value = gtk.Label(value) value.set_alignment(0, 0) value.show() rows = self.table.get_property('n-rows') rows += 1 self.table.resize(rows, 2) self.table.attach(label, 0, 1, rows, rows + 1, xoptions=gtk.FILL, xpadding=10) self.table.attach(value, 1, 2, rows, rows + 1) def clear_table(self): """ Remove all the rows from the table. """ map(self.table.remove, self.table.get_children()) self.table.resize(1, 2) def db_changed(self): self.dbstate.db.connect('place-update', self.update) self.connect_signal('Place', self.update) self.update() def update_has_data(self): active_handle = self.get_active('Person') active_person = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(active_handle) self.set_has_data(active_person is not None) def main(self): active_handle = self.get_active('Place') place = self.dbstate.db.get_place_from_handle(active_handle) self.top.hide() if place: self.display_place(place) self.set_has_data(True) else: self.display_empty() self.set_has_data(False) self.top.show() def display_place(self, place): """ Display details of the active place. """ self.load_place_image(place) self.title.set_text(place.get_title()) self.clear_table() self.display_location(place.get_main_location()) self.display_separator() lat, lon = conv_lat_lon(place.get_latitude(), place.get_longitude(), format='DEG') if lat: self.add_row(_('Latitude'), lat) if lon: self.add_row(_('Longitude'), lat) def display_location(self, location): """ Display a location. """ lines = [line for line in location.get_text_data_list()[:-1] if line] self.add_row(_('Location'), '\n'.join(lines)) def display_empty(self): """ Display empty details when no repository is selected. """ self.photo.set_image(None) self.title.set_text('') self.clear_table() def display_separator(self): """ Display an empty row to separate groupd of entries. """ label = gtk.Label('') label.modify_font(pango.FontDescription('sans 4')) label.show() rows = self.table.get_property('n-rows') rows += 1 self.table.resize(rows, 2) self.table.attach(label, 0, 1, rows, rows + 1, xoptions=gtk.FILL) def load_place_image(self, place): """ Load the primary image if it exists. """ media_list = place.get_media_list() if media_list: media_ref = media_list[0] object_handle = media_ref.get_reference_handle() obj = self.dbstate.db.get_object_from_handle(object_handle) full_path = Utils.media_path_full(self.dbstate.db, obj.get_path()) mime_type = obj.get_mime_type() if mime_type and mime_type.startswith("image"): self.photo.set_image(full_path, media_ref.get_rectangle()) else: self.photo.set_image(None) else: self.photo.set_image(None)