# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program # # Copyright (C) 2009 Douglas S. Blank # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # $Id$ # """ Django/Gramps utilities """ #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Gramps/Django Modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import web.grampsdb.models as models from web import libdjango from web.djangodb import DjangoDb from Simple import SimpleTable, SimpleAccess, make_basic_stylesheet import Utils import DbState import DateHandler from gen.lib.date import Date as GDate, Today from gen.plug import BasePluginManager from cli.grampscli import CLIManager from django.template import escape from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Python Modules # #------------------------------------------------------------------------ import locale dji = libdjango.DjangoInterface() _dd = DateHandler.displayer.display _dp = DateHandler.parser.parse def register_plugins(): dbstate = DbState.DbState() climanager = CLIManager(dbstate, False) # don't load db climanager.do_reg_plugins() pmgr = BasePluginManager.get_instance() return pmgr def probably_alive(handle): db = DjangoDb() person = db.get_person_from_handle(handle) return Utils.probably_alive(person, db) def format_number(number, with_grouping=True): # FIXME: should be user's setting locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "en_US.utf8") return locale.format("%d", number, with_grouping) class Table(object): """ >>> table = Table() >>> table.columns("Col1", "Col2", "Col3") >>> table.row("1", "2", "3") >>> table.row("4", "5", "6") >>> table.get_html() """ def __init__(self): self.db = DjangoDb() self.access = SimpleAccess(self.db) self.table = SimpleTable(self.access) class Doc(object): def __init__(self, doc): self.doc = doc # None is paperstyle, which is ignored: self.doc = Doc(HtmlDoc.HtmlDoc(make_basic_stylesheet(Table={"set_width":95}), None)) self.doc.doc._backend = HtmlBackend() # You can set elements id, class, etc: self.doc.doc.htmllist += [Html('div', style="overflow: auto; height:150px; background-color: white;")] def columns(self, *args): self.table.columns(*args) def row(self, *args): self.table.row(*args) def link(self, object_type_name, handle): self.table.set_link_col((object_type_name, handle)) def get_html(self): self.table.write(self.doc) # forces to htmllist return str(self.doc.doc.htmllist[0]) _ = lambda text: text def person_event_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("Description"), _("Type"), _("ID"), _("Date"), _("Place"), _("Role")) if user.is_authenticated(): obj_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(djperson) event_ref_list = models.EventRef.objects.filter( object_id=djperson.id, object_type=obj_type).order_by("order") event_list = [(obj.ref_object, obj) for obj in event_ref_list] for (djevent, event_ref) in event_list: table.row( djevent.description, table.db.get_event_from_handle(djevent.handle), djevent.gramps_id, display_date(djevent), get_title(djevent.place), str(event_ref.role_type)) return table.get_html() def person_name_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("Name"), _("Type"), _("Group As"), _("Source"), _("Note Preview")) if user.is_authenticated(): for name in djperson.name_set.all(): obj_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(name) sourceq = dji.SourceRef.filter(object_type=obj_type, object_id=name.id).count() > 0 note_refs = dji.NoteRef.filter(object_type=obj_type, object_id=name.id) note = "" if note_refs.count() > 0: note = dji.Note.get(id=note_refs[0].object_id).text[:50] table.row(make_name(name, user), str(name.name_type), name.group_as, ["No", "Yes"][sourceq], note) table.link('URL', "/person/%s/name/%s" % (name.person.handle, name.id)) return table.get_html() def person_source_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("ID"), _("Title"), _("Author"), _("Page")) if user.is_authenticated(): obj_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(djperson) source_refs = dji.SourceRef.filter(object_type=obj_type, object_id=djperson.id) for source_ref in source_refs: source = table.db.get_source_from_handle(source_ref.ref_object.handle) table.row(source, source_ref.ref_object.title, source_ref.ref_object.author, source_ref.page, ) return table.get_html() def person_attribute_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("Type"), _("Value"), ) if user.is_authenticated(): obj_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(djperson) attributes = dji.Attribute.filter(object_type=obj_type, object_id=djperson.id) for attribute in attributes: table.row(attribute.attribute_type.name, attribute.value) return table.get_html() def person_address_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("Date"), _("Address"), _("City"), _("State"), _("Country")) if user.is_authenticated(): for address in djperson.address_set.all().order_by("order"): locations = address.location_set.all().order_by("order") for location in locations: table.row(display_date(address), location.street, location.city, location.state, location.country) return table.get_html() def person_note_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns( _("ID"), _("Type"), _("Note")) if user.is_authenticated(): obj_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(djperson) note_refs = dji.NoteRef.filter(object_type=obj_type, object_id=djperson.id) for note_ref in note_refs: note = table.db.get_note_from_handle( note_ref.ref_object.handle) table.row(table.db.get_note_from_handle(note.handle), str(note_ref.ref_object.note_type), note_ref.ref_object.text[:50]) return table.get_html() def person_gallery_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("Name"), _("Type"), ) return table.get_html() def person_internet_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("Type"), _("Path"), _("Description")) if user.is_authenticated(): urls = dji.Url.filter(person=djperson) for url in urls: table.row(str(url.url_type), url.path, url.desc) return table.get_html() def person_association_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("Name"), _("ID"), _("Association")) if user.is_authenticated(): gperson = table.db.get_person_from_handle(djperson.handle) associations = gperson.get_person_ref_list() for association in associations: table.row() return table.get_html() def person_lds_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("Type"), _("Date"), _("Status"), _("Temple"), _("Place")) if user.is_authenticated(): obj_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(djperson) ldss = djperson.lds_set.all().order_by("order") for lds in ldss: table.row(str(lds.lds_type), display_date(lds), str(lds.status), lds.temple, get_title(lds.place)) return table.get_html() def person_reference_table(djperson, user): table = Table() table.columns(_("Type"), _("ID"), _("Name")) if user.is_authenticated(): references = dji.PersonRef.filter(ref_object=djperson) for reference in references: table.row(str(reference.ref_object), reference.ref_object.gramps_id, make_name(reference.ref_object.name_set, user)) return table.get_html() def family_children_table(djfamily, user): table = Table() table.columns( _("#"), _("ID"), _("Name"), _("Gender"), _("Paternal"), _("Maternal"), _("Birth Date"), ) #if user.is_authenticated(): #for djfamily: # table.row("test") return table.get_html() def family_event_table(djfamily, user): table = Table() table.columns( _("Description"), _("Type"), _("ID"), _("Date"), _("Place"), _("Role"), ) table.row("test") return table.get_html() def family_source_table(djfamily, user): table = Table() table.columns( _("ID"), _("Type"), _("Author"), _("Page"), ) table.row("test") return table.get_html() def family_attribute_table(djfamily, user): table = Table() table.columns( _("Type"), _("Value"), ) table.row("test") return table.get_html() def family_note_table(djfamily, user): table = Table() table.columns( _("Type"), _("Preview"), ) table.row("test") return table.get_html() def family_gallery_table(djfamily, user): table = Table() table.columns( _("Column"), ) table.row("test") return table.get_html() def family_lds_table(djfamily, user): table = Table() table.columns( _("Type"), _("Date"), _("Status"), _("Temple"), _("Place"), ) table.row("test") return table.get_html() ## FIXME: these dji function wrappers just use the functions ## written for the import/export. Can be done much more directly. def get_title(place): if place: return place.title else: return "" def person_get_birth_date(person): return person_get_event(person, models.EventType.BIRTH) def person_get_death_date(person): return person_get_event(person, models.EventType.DEATH) def display_date(obj): date_tuple = dji.get_date(obj) if date_tuple: gdate = GDate() gdate.unserialize(date_tuple) return _dd(gdate) else: return "" def person_get_event(person, event_type=None): event_ref_list = dji.get_event_ref_list(person) if event_type: index = libdjango.lookup_role_index(event_type, event_ref_list) if index >= 0: event_handle = event_ref_list[index][3] # (False, [], [], u'b2cfa6cdec87392cf3b', (1, u'Primary')) # WARNING: the same object can be referred to more than once objs = models.EventRef.objects.filter(ref_object__handle=event_handle) if objs.count() > 0: return display_date(objs[0].ref_object) else: return "" else: return "" else: retval = [[obj.ref_object for obj in models.EventRef.objects.filter(ref_object__handle=event_handle[3])] for event_handle in event_ref_list] return [j for i in retval for j in i] def make_name(name, user): if isinstance(name, models.Name): surname = name.surname.strip() if not surname: surname = "[Missing]" if user.is_authenticated(): return "%s, %s" % (surname, name.first_name) else: if probably_alive(name.person.handle): return "%s, %s" % (surname, "[Living]") else: return "%s, %s" % (surname, name.first_name) elif name: # name_set name = name.get(preferred=True) if name: return make_name(name, user) else: return "" else: return "" register_plugins() # works after registering plugins: import HtmlDoc from libhtmlbackend import HtmlBackend from libhtml import Html